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Ideas what to do in the summer with a friend. As a teenager having fun to spend summer vacation

Anna Base

All seasons are beautiful: and golden autumn, and romantic winter, and blooming spring, and, of course, a fun wonderful summer. Let's talk about naughty colorful summer. Because time flies quickly, try not to miss the time, and each moment use to make useful cases. So, what to do in summer, what interesting things?

Desirable Summer List

Enjoy nature, contact with it, often go outdoors and inhale the aroma of a wonderful summer. Arrange a picnic. At the cottage, make a hammock and relax in it. Relax and dream of positive.
Get up early in the morning. In the summer it is worth waking up early, so as not to miss the fresh air of the early morning, the singing of birds and enjoy nature.
Break on the balcony. There is nothing pleasant than waking up summer in the morning, and when still sleeping, enjoy the wonderful singing of birds on the balcony with a cup of green tea, coffee or cocoa with delicious cake.

For several days, do not turn on the computer and do not go to the Internet. I advise you to relax and from the TV and the phone.
With tents, go to nature and enjoy the summer air and scenery. Run a bonfire, sing songs, play the guitar, make kebabs and tell interesting stories. I assure it will remember for a long time. Gift in the sun, but do not forget to take the hat so that the sun's rays do not cause discomfort, and delivered a complete pleasure.
Go to the park, in the forest with friends, have fun, rude on merry carousels.
Rent a bike and ride on it. You will see that cycling will make a lot of positive, useful, entertaining and successful in your life.
Get yourself a dog, take care of her and be surprised how this faithful animal will serve you.
Give relax hair and allow them to dry in air. For a while, give up the hair dryer, bad, iron.
Extreme lovers recommend jumping with parachute ,.

Together with friends, you can visit the water park of your city and roll from the slide. It will be interesting and fun.
Combining useful with pleasant, and breathing clean air, run in the park or in the forest and enjoy the fresh air.
Meet the dawn from the highest observation deck of the city. From the height, he is very beautiful. Watch out for the evening sky, look at the sunset. At night, romantic will be looking behind the stars. Feel happy, free and joyful. Dream and relax.
Make, swim, go to fitness classes, in the gym.
Arrange a unloading day, and you will catch the figure. Kefirs and apples will help you.
Change the lifestyle and learn what I always wanted, but it did not have time: knit, learn languages, make sites or make creative activities.
Fill the shelf with books that have so long wanted to read. Let them be in sight of you. Then, reading at least several pages before bedtime, you will get satisfaction.

On the sheet, write a list of desires. Cut out of the magazines what I like, then hang it so that it is clearly visible. Visualize and implement the desired one.
Balcony Decorate summer beautiful colors. At the entrance to plant a tree or flowerbed.
Eat berries, fruits, greens. Their daily use will fill with the body with vitamins.
In the summer, attractive open-air cinemas, where you can see interesting paintings.
At the first opportunity to go to the sea and sunbathe. From there, come back tanned, fresh, full of any optimism.
In the hometown, there will be such a corner where you were not. Find it, wander around the corners and streets and see a lot of entertaining and interesting things.
On a hot summer day to refresh and plunge into the intellectual world. Go to the museum, look at many amazing things and enjoy the creations of artists, sculptors and other masters of various eras.
Collect a bouquet of field fragrant colors and give mom, girlfriend, grandmother. Room decorate with flowers and inhale fresh summer flower aroma.

Choose summer bright, but not necessarily expensive outfits.
Do you want to become a useful society or develop your knowledge? Then sign in volunteers.
Be sure to take the summer vacation. It is necessary because it is impossible to work all year round and do not rest. Rest will give you more energy for mental and physical work.
Take summer flowers, dry them and make the scenery of various things. Make floral teas and drink on health.
Type mushrooms and weld the soup from them. Inhaling the smell of land, needles and herbs, collect mushrooms, and then return, clean them and weld the delicious mushroom soup.
Want to fill energy for all day? Then, in the country, you wake up a little earlier and at the first rays of the Sun, as soon as it prigested, pass the barefoot for the barely cool grained grass.
In the summer, try to use natural products as cosmetics, which rose on country beds. Make a puree from strawberry or other berries and apply this. This will be powered and skin moisturizing.
Summer Schedule a trip to St. Petersburg. Why there? Yes, because there are beautiful white nights are observed from June to mid-July. It is convicted.

Go to the soothing and at the same time gambling. Prepare from the caught fish ear and smoke. Great, not true, is it?
Run in the rain. In this excellent temper, have fun at summer rain, getting blown and run through the puddles will be very romantic. Then go home, and drink delicious herbal tea. I hope you get great pleasure.
Walk to horse riding. After such an extraordinary and pleasant walk, you want to do horse riding lessons.
Take your vacation and travel to travel. These can be various hiking with familiarization of local historical monuments, mini - travel, cruises. Attractions, life, culture of different nations in your memory will leave unforgettable impressions.

What needs to be done in the summer with a child?

More to draw. Because summer colors are bright and funny, then you need to engage in visual art and draw. At night, in summer, it is a little sad to draw a child, so while walking, have colored chalms for drawing on the asphalt.

Play moving games. Active games in summer on the street for a child are simply necessary. So, playing the ball, in badminton, tennis and jumping through the rope, the child will get a tremendous pleasure. Children dream learn to ride on the rollers. In the summer you can turn their dreams in reality. If it is very hot outside, try to arrange a fight from aquatic pistols. Physical exercises will be useful for the development of a children's body in nature. They will well influence its development.
Play with sand. All the guys like sand games. This material has unique properties. It is very plastic. Thanks to these properties, you can build everything you want. It is necessary to give the will of his fantasy. Sand develops imagination, relieves nerve stresses. Show your choices how you can build a castle from sand. The result will be stunning.
To be launched by soap bubbles. Yes, yes, you did not hear, because they love not only children, but also adults. Everyone will be delighted, and children's eyes will be filled with happiness and delight.
Examine nature. Acquish children to study nature. They will listen to interesting stories about vegetables, fruits, berries with great interest and pleasure. After that, they themselves will be interested in growing carrots in bed and find blackberry in the forest.

Raw herbal teas with a child and tell about their wellness properties. We have a wreath with him from field beautiful flowers. Berry fillings make delicious pies and cakes. Tell them about an amazing rainbow, as it appears after the rain and why thunder thunder. In August, with the help of a children's telescope, observe behind the starry sky. Listen to the children of the nightingale trill. It is charming.
Take pictures with children. Arrange an unusual photo session among summer colors and trees. Bright summer pictures you will be reviewed all the time.
Let the air snake. Since the air serpent is from childhood, everyone should make it and run this amazing design into the sky.
Learn new interesting things. In order for this summer forever I remember, help children learn something new. Someone will swim, and someone ride on the rollers or bike. Excellent occupation will be embroidery or training in foreign languages.
Make herbarium. In sunny weather, collect plants for herbarium. They must be without dew.

So, write on a sheet of paper what you should have time to do in the summer. Write everything to not forget. Get ready for bright summer with a cheerful mood.

March 15, 2014.

1. See a rainbow.
2. Go to a small journey to the nearest city. Let it be small, but you will find a lot of new and interesting for yourself. You can travel not only to another continent.
3. Sleep the ice cream kilogram.
4. Tanning.
5. Run the air snake
6. Visit the cinema.

7. Read 20 interesting books. Summer is a great time for self-development and self-education
8. Arrange a battle on aquatic pistols. Two teams, several aquatic pistols and heat of 30 degrees - here and so clear what to do!
9. Play ping pong outdoors
10. Breakfast on the balcony or roof. Morning cool breeze, a cup of fragrant coffee or tea, and you are ready for new achievements.
11. Collect Malina / Strawberry in the forest. It is always always the berries in grandmothers or in stores you can go on weekends in the fishing line and try to find this yummy there.
12. Food is sweet wool.
13. Find a four-leaf clover and make a desire
14. Make home lemonade
15. Ride on the river tram on the river .. You can admire the city from the water, and then go out on any pier and go for a walk on.
16. Go to the park on a picnic.
17. Retreat on the largest ferris wheel in the city.
18. Eat as many exotic fruits as possible. And even better try something new: Musmula, Mangoustin, Lychee, Maracuy ...
19. To visit the planetarium.
20. Plot giant soap bubbles
21. Build Shalash
22. Start lunch with dessert
23. Feed Belok
24. Ride on the map. Karting - entertainment that both children and adults will appeal. Arrange family races!
25. look at the clouds and invent what they look like
26. To coach your name on the grass.
27. Make beads from currant
28. Catch the butterflies with a sacc
29. Sunny bunnies
30. Draw shale on asphalt
31. Swim
32. Buy bright sunglasses
33. Go to the Botanical Garden. These will enjoy both children and mothers, and dads.
34. Ride a bike all day
35. Bake cake with berries
36. For a week not to enter the Internet
37. See the falling star and make a desire. The biggest stars in August!
38. Collect a basket of mushrooms.
39. To lie down in a hammock
40. Decorate the house bouquets of wildflowers
41. To arrange a photo progle. Take with you funny accessories and join your favorite places in the city or, on the contrary, go there, where never happened
42. Finger Marshmallow Marshmallow on a fire
43. Look at the world through colored glass
44. Pump on the trampoline
45. Go fishing
46. \u200b\u200bTake a picture in the photobudka: Widow to think and get a strip of fun frames for memory
47. Build sand castle
48. Play hide and children with children
49. Listen to the music on vinyl records
50. Learn the lunar gait
51. Eat juicy, crisp watermelon
52. Ride on new ferries in the park
52. Essay wreaths from dandelions and make solar photos
53. Cook compote
54. Meet Dawn.
55. Enjoy the singing of birds
56. Going on the grass barefoot
57. Visit Zoo Park
58. To do scrapbooking
59. To admire the sunset on the sea
60. Arrange a campaign on the wild beach
61. Build a raft from plastic bottles and twist on it by some reservoir (do not forget life jackets
62. Collect puzzle from a thousand pieces
63. Go to the whole family on the morning jogging in the park. Clean air will give you a sea of \u200b\u200benergy and will give great well-being
64. Ride skating on the covered rink. The contrast of temperatures is pleasantly tones)
65. To learn something to do with your own hands: Sculpt from clay, make crafts from a tree,
Fold complex, beautiful figures from origami ...
66. Write a story or a short poem
67. Sit from a large slide on scooter, rollers or skate
68. Plant and grow a flower or another plant. This can be done, for example, in the country
69. To start the boats on the river
70. See Salyut
71. Send on the River Message in the bottle, as they did in pirate novels
72. Ride a boat or catamaran
73. Learn to collect Cube Rubik
74. Play a large company in Mafia or another desktop game
75. Try to master some unusual musical instrument, for example,
African drums, Vagan or Didgerid
76. Sleep 12 hours in a row. When still get enough sleep, how not in the summer?
77. Update the wardrobe, you can even buy anything: Make shorts from old jeans, paint the special marker of sneakers, paint the T-shirt in the style of Dip-Dye ... you have a huge scope for creativity!
78. Combine cherries
79. Fix the best moments of summer on video and mounted a small film to review it with the whole family.
80. Detect God's cow and let go into herbs
81. Play the legs from the ground
82. Make home cleaning and throw away all trash
83. Come up with your salad, fruit, vegetable or both at once.
84. Send to someone from loved ones or friends from other cities and countries. Paper letter or postcard
85. Learn to sit on the twine. Do stretching every morning after sleep and gradual you will succeed.
86. More often to praise the child and celebrate its positive parties.
87. Ride top
88. Make a kaleidoscope
89. Get under the pouring rain
90. Print the best photos, arrange in the frame and cheat around the apartment
91. Go together to a concert
92. Build a house for a cat
93. Try ice cream with an unusual taste (beets with sea salt, butt, blue cheese)
94. Leave each other Flying Plate
95. Wash windows in the apartment so that the house has more sun
96. Find a grandmother and grandfather
97. Change hairstyles
98. Meet Street Orchestra
99. Make funny photos with tourist attractions of the city
100. Inflate a lot of multicolored balls and release them into the sky, say goodbye since in the summer

Summer is the warmest, bright and positive time of the year. Most schoolchildren and students are looking forward to the onset of summer holidays from the new year. With summer sometimes connected many plans and hopes. We offer your attention a proven way how to make your holidays as bright as possible and saturated. Make an in advance of your own list "100 things you need to do in the summer", and then you will definitely spend time and brightly!

Activate summer mode!

1. Create a new routine of the day.

Summer holidays are a reason to relax from the alarm. Get up a few hours later than usual or wake up at dawn during this period - only your personal business. Do not forget that you should sleep at least 7-8 hours a day.

2. Meet the dawn.

Even if you plan to sleep in the summer to lunch, at least 1-2 times try to get up at dawn. Sunrise is equally pleasant in the city, and in nature.

3. Walk every day.

The most important position in any list "100 things you need to make a summer teenager" - Walking. Do not be lazy to go out on fresh air, even if you don't walk with anyone or cloudy weather. You can walk in the coolest and rainy days on your own balcony or near the opened window.

4. Eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is not necessary to refuse ice cream and pizza, but the basis of the summer diet should be fresh fruits and vegetables.

5. Move order in the closet.

Warm weather is a reason to remove down the down jackets and jackets, as well as revise your summer wardrobe!

6. Get rid of all too much.

Sort clothes that you no longer want to wear. Move your order to educational supplies. Start of summer - this is a reason to sell last year's textbooks and release a place in the closet for new outfits.

7. Plan your summer.

Considerable with parents and friends their plans for the summer. Perhaps you are waiting for a trip to the sea or in a summer camp?

8. Make a list of summer purchases.

Perhaps you have long wanted to buy an air snake, a new bike or accessories for sports outdoors? Do not forget to stock and various trifles like soap bubbles and water pistols.

9. Decorate the room.

Create summer mood is completely easy. Stop furniture in the room, hang a bright picture in the frame and add a multicolored decor to the interior.

10. Make up your own "card card".

Remember everything that has long been dreamed of. Hold your free time to make a personal "Vish list", or stick pictures depicting the whole desired on a large sheet of paper.

Caring for beauty and health

11. Make a drawing of a henna or temporary tattoo.

Summer time is the perfect time for experiments with your own appearance. Try to make a fashionable transferable tattoo or draw something interesting henna on your own body.

12. Shopping.

Buy bright T-shirts, fashionable ribbon jeans and comfortable sneakers. Or any other clothes that you like.

13. Change the hairstyle.

Among the 100 things you need to make a summer girl must be the item - "make a new haircut". However, to update the hairstyle will be worth it and guy. Summer is a time to change, you can try even temporary hair coloring with colored ink or special shallow.

14. Make shorts from old trousers.

Try to remake something from old clothes. And you knew that from an unnecessary pair of denim pants it is easy to make original shorts?

15. Top up your cosmetics.

This clause of the summer list is addressed exclusively to girls. Although guys can also be purchased perfume and hair styling agents.

16. Take care of your own appearance.

For three year old months you can have a lot. Perhaps you would like to improve your shape or get rid of skin imperfections? Stop dreaming - start acting!

17. Buy clothes for the beach.

Be sure to acquire at least two new bathing suits.

18. Remember the taste of natural food.

Do not be lazy to find and purchase farm dairy products, forest berries and rustic vegetables.

19. We instill useful habits.

Scientists have proven that any new habit is formed in 21 days. In the summer, it's time to teach yourself to systematically play sports, hardening or just become more responsible and punctual.

20. Buy new sunglasses.

In addition to the fashion accessory, you can also acquire the means to protect the skin from ultraviolet.

Unforgettable vacation in the city

21. Draw pictures on asphalt.

Remember the childhood and image a simple sun or try to create a real masterpiece.

22. Ride on the attractions.

Hold one day to visit the moon park.

23. Let soap bubbles.

Believe me, it's as fun as in childhood!

24. Take pictures of the attractions of the native city.

Charge the camera and go for a walk.

25. Code Picnic.

The list of "100 things you need to make in the summer necessarily" is simply necessary to make an item - "organize a picnic in the fresh air."

26. Read interesting books.

Make up your own list of literature for the summer.

27. Do not forget to sow on the grass!

Even if most of the holidays have to spend in the city, be sure to find the time to strike into the park, where it is not prohibited to walk on lawns.

28. Every day you eat watermelon and ice cream.

Try to put down the most delicious summer treats.

29. Go to museums, cinema and exhibitions.

Do not be lazy to find out something new and expand your horizons.

30. Try to find seasonal work.

During the summer holidays, you can solidically replenish your own piggy bank, if you find part-time performance and forces.


31. Swim by boat.

Be sure to conquer this summer river, lake or pond.

32. Run the air serpent.

This is entertainment without age restrictions!

33. Ride a bike.

If possible, give up completely from transport on transport in favor of a two-wheeled horse.

34. Skateboard or roller skates.

Do you make your list of "100 chums things you need to do in the summer"? Be sure to try to learn how to ride roller skates or skateboard.

35. Climb on a high tree.

Another great way to remember childhood is to reiterate trees.

36. Run in the park.

Regular jogging is a sport accessible to everyone.

37. Train every day.

In the summer, it is especially nice to play sports, start doing morning exercises or daily repeat some set of exercises.

38. Play Commons Sports.

Football, basketball and volleyball are excellent versions of summer leisure with friends.

39. Collect mushrooms and berries.

In the warm season, it is very nice to go for a walk to the forest. A pleasant bonus can be collected mushrooms and berries.

40. Jump through the fire.

For example, on the holiday of Ivan Klapala. The main thing is not to forget about caution and security.

Rest in the village.

41. Go fishing.

And catch the biggest fish.

42. Go to the campaign.

If you can, organize overnight stay in the tent. But the one-day hiking campaign will deliver no less positive emotions.

43. Cakes in the fire potatoes.

The culinary talent will not need, just well jump tubers in glowing coals.

44. Skewer fear or barbecue.

In addition to meat, on an open fire you can make delicious vegetables and fish.

45. Live a week without the Internet.

Relax from virtual space, just do not turn on the computer for 7 days.

46. \u200b\u200bWork on the garden.

During the rest in the village, do not be lazy to help water, alone and collect harvest.

47. Make Herbarium.

Collect beautiful wild plants and carefully dried them between the pages of the book.

48. Go barefoot in Morning Dew.

Clean the fact that under your feet there is no garbage and sharp branches - and go ahead!

49. Ride on the horse.

Walking riding give a lot of positive emotions.

50. Take pictures of nature.

Arming the camera and fix the flowering of meadow herbs, flying butterflies, rainbow, beauty of the forest and local reservoirs.

Rest in water

51. Batch how much I want.

There is nothing more pleasant to the beach in the summer heat!

52. Sign up to bronze color.

Do not forget to smear protective cream!

53. Build the castle from the sand.

Or try to build another interesting shape.

54. Find a shell or pebbles for memory.

Be sure to take your trophy from the beach!

55. Swim in the fountain.

Sometimes it is the most effective way to cool on a hot day.

56. Skip in the sand.

Ask friends to bury you so that one head is visible.

57. Dive during swimming.

Learn to swim under water, dive with bridges and tips on the beach.

58. Visive aquapark.

And ride from the highest hill.

59. Learn to swim.

Do not forget to take with you an inflatable circle for the first lessons.

60. Go to the cruise or on a river walk.

If possible, be sure to swim on the boat or boat.

Try something new!

61. Invent what clouds look like.

One of the 100 things to be done in the summer is more likely to look at the sky.

62. Do not hide from the rain.

If you unexpectedly found a warm rain, try not to disclose an umbrella.

63. Eat an exotic fruit.

Be sure to choose the one that never tried earlier.

64. Discover the kitchen of other countries.

To visit the national restaurant of another state or try to prepare something yourself on an unknown earlier recipe.

65. Record to courses.

Find the subject of the soul: needlework, programming or vocational training.

66. learn a foreign language.

If you remember about 10 foreign words daily, in six months you can communicate on the household level with native speakers.

67. Take a self-education.

Try every day to find out some new facts, read the encyclopedia and see the documentaries.

68. Find new places in your hometown.

Sometimes interesting sights are located on the next street.

69. Learn the traditions of the countries of the world.

Acquaintance with the culture of other nations - the occupation is incredibly fascinating.

70. Give sports.

Perhaps you have long wanted to sign up for a sports section?

Vacation with friends

71. Device Water Battle!

Prepare bottles and water pistols in advance.

72. Play badminton.

Everything that will need for this game is a couple of rackets, a waist and a reliable partner.

73. Suit out on the street.

In the warm season, you can arrange a real tightening tournament or pressing outdoors.

74. Go to a concert or urban holiday.

A visit to such events will be an excellent version of leisure.

75. Write real letters.

Candle friends from using modern new products and share paper letters.

76. Sing the songs under the guitar.

In any company there is a person who knows how to play the guitar.

77. Become volunteers.

The list of "100 things you want to make in the summer" I want to make something useful. Why not try yourself as volunteers? Volunteers need today for animals and a wide variety of social organizations.

78. Communicate personally.

In the summer, much more pleasant to meet with friends personally, rather than communicating in social networks and by phone.

79. Mark new holidays for yourself.

Very fun you can spend time if you remember about such dates as the holiday of Ivan Kupala, Neptune Day or International Anniversary Day. Make a personal holiday calendar.

80. Welcome wreaths from flowers.

Having learned the art of weaving wreaths, it is interesting to spend time and make bright photos.

Summer with family

81. Go to visit to relatives who have not seen for a long time.

You can write a letter to those who live in other cities.

82. Commit the family weekend.

Do not feel free to call parents, brothers and sisters take a walk together or go to nature.

83. Dari Mom Flowers.

In the summer, please the most native person at all.

84. Help parents.

Do not refuse home affairs and offer your help with each convenient case.

85. Travel to the village.

Be sure to manage relatives living in the village or neighboring city for the summer.

86. Take pictures with parents.

One of the most important 100 things to be done in the summer is to take pictures with your parents. If you wish, you can even make a whole photo session.

87. Spend a day with a brother or sister.

If you have a younger sister or brother, do not be lazy to spend the whole day with it.

88. Help to equip the cottage.

Offer parents to buy or make it yourself something interesting for the summer house.

89. Learn from parents.

We often make sure to ask for parents about helping or consulting with them. Put in our top 100 things to be done in the summer, item "Learn something interesting from your own parents."

90. Cook breakfast for parents.

Surprise mom and dad on a weekend, standing early and making tasty pancakes or omelet.

Do not forget to get ready for autumn

91. Collect natural material for crafts.

Pouring with twigs, moss, shells and cones, of which real masterpieces can be created with rainy autumn evenings.

92. Do at least one photo daily.

Bright pictures can be reviewed and raising their mood.

93. Make a collage of the best photos.

Collect all the brightest summer pictures, put them in one frame and decoke the interior of your own room.

94. Visit Seasonal Sale.

The list of "100 things you want to make in the summer with friends" must necessarily include shopping trip. At the beginning of the warm season, you can cheap things for the winter, and at the end pay attention to the elimination of summer collections.

95. Observing in the computer.

Sore all unnecessary documents and ordering folders on the desktop.

96. Plant plant.

Try to grow something from seeds and enjoy the view of fresh greenery all year round.

97. Potion Spicy herbs and medicinal plants.

Mint and Melissa are excellent tea additives, and basil can be used in cooking meat dishes.

98. Recording the preparatory courses.

Usually the fall is not easy to join the learning process. It is useful to include in the number of 100 things you need to make a teenager in the summer, the need to sign up in August to the preparatory courses or to a private tutor.

99. Prepare for study.

Before the start of the school year, you need to purchase stationery and teaching aids, start doing this in advance.

100. Make a list of cases for autumn.

Summer ends, and it is very sad. But do not forget that you can arrange yourself no less bright and rich autumn events!

"It is better to make and regret what not to do and then regret it all my life." - Simple truth, but it happened that I did not always follow it.

Now I am 25 years old and I understand that in this world there are a bunch of things that I have never tried it, or did it not enough to be consciously. Somewhere I was led by my modesty, in some cases there was no possibility, sometimes there was a sorry for money and time, and sometimes it was simply missing mood. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy actions or pleasant hobbies that my friends were fond. And one day, when the everyday life once again began to whisper in my ear, that you need to change something, I decided to correct.

I made a list of 100 things to bring them in the near future.

The idea is not new. The list is the main component of my favorite comedy series "My name is Earl." A few years ago, I came across the Blog of Leo Babauta - he tried to leave the comfort zone every month and abandon his usual things. In "Living Interesting!" Also was about lists and their miraculous property. Well, recently, I saw Yutub-Channel ProjectoneLife. Where a young guy records all sorts of crazy things that decide to realize. The most cool, in my opinion, is repetition of dance from the film "Napoleon Dynamite" :)

Inspiration is the mother of movement, so at the beginning of the summer I created my own list. By the end of August 2015, I plan to make 100 things:

  1. Throw boots on wires
  2. Ride the roof of the vehicle
  3. Make present tattoos
  4. Learn to jump on skate
  5. Play casino
  6. List in advertising
  7. Three days not to talk
  8. View "Star Wars"
  9. Take some game
  10. Look at the house in which he spent childhood
  11. Come up with a song on ukulele
  12. Learn to ride a bike without hands
  13. Take part in sports competitions
  14. Take part in the development of the application
  15. Ride motorcycle
  16. Walk down the street with boombox
  17. Ride snowboard
  18. Master the music program and write a bit
  19. Learn to knit
  20. Not shave the beard six months
  21. Pass 50 km in one day
  22. Master photoshop / indirent or other professional program
  23. Go to striptease
  24. Go to the ballet
  25. Read "War and Peace"
  26. Sound a series
  27. Learn to juggle
  28. Ride
  29. Ride hitchhiking
  30. Take part in creating graffiti
  31. Listen to all discography Bitles
  32. To be donor
  33. Drive 75 km on Velik
  34. Learn to cook something like
  35. Wake up in shoes, jacket and trousers for a whole week
  36. Visit a large Open Eir
  37. Live a week without internet
  38. Come up with a project with foreigners who meet
  39. Go to your university
  40. Learn to drive a car
  41. Banji Jumping
  42. Spend the night in the open sky
  43. Write a letter Kumir
  44. Take part in the tea ceremony
  45. Go to a concert of classical music
  46. Have a party
  47. Learn meditation
  48. Ride horses
  49. Ride at sephers
  50. Visit the place of birth or the grave of the cult person
  51. Travel with a backpack a few weeks for unfamiliar places and cities
  52. Take leave
  53. Read the book on the topic that never interested
  54. Run an air serpent
  55. Try raw food
  56. Visit Vegan
  57. Learn origami
  58. Tell a five acquaintance about the list and ask to make the same
  59. Travel first class
  60. Explore the language of gestures
  61. Participate in a costume party
  62. Wake up at five in the morning
  63. Stand up under the waterfall
  64. Write a note, shove in a bottle and release to the open sea
  65. Go to an unfamiliar city for the whole day
  66. Visit a football match at the giant stadium
  67. Ride a camel or elephant
  68. Read in the original "Harry Potter"
  69. Read Bible
  70. Go to massage
  71. Run on jollfjampers
  72. Swim in clothes
  73. Ride sigwee
  74. View "Twin Pix"
  75. Go to the Bazhov Museum
  76. Try working standing
  77. Listen to the style of music that never liked
  78. Draw a painting paint
  79. View "Cross Father"
  80. Stroke a cow
  81. Make a bid
  82. Go to a concert musician who never loved
  83. Donate some of their things for poor or needy
  84. Find an old photo with your friends, gather them again in the same place and make the same
  85. Live a day without electricity at all
  86. Month do not drink alcohol
  87. Shoot from firearms
  88. Learn to knock on shock popular song
  89. Swim in boat
  90. Learn to play bowling
  91. Try to shoot
  92. Learn to play poker
  93. Learn focus
  94. Learn to make a cocktail
  95. Try three exotic fruits
  96. Playing a lottery
  97. Collect Rubik Cube
  98. Start the airplane with a high height
  99. Order an artist my portrait
  100. Write a book.

To date, I have already completed 17 points from my list, you can look at them in my blog. In the same place I will report on all subsequent paragraphs in the mode "I wrote." And for readers "Live interesting!" I will prepare monthly digests in which I will tend the results of the "reporting period" carefully and in detail. To new meetings, friends!

P. S. I hope you drew attention to paragraph number 58. I'm waiting for your actions :)

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    Class! Some of the listed items for me have become Life-Turning Points. Many have changed perception and become big discoveries.

    PS Do you have an case in LJ Blog broadcast? Or can email subscriptions? I would love to read, but it is difficult for stand-alone blogs to keep track without notifications.

    Lord, what is happening in your head

    We all are going on in the head. And, fortunately, only by us to judge what, of course, and what not.

    NDA? Well, here those who intend to judge only himself - does not post it out. And vice versa. If I decided that you need to post - it means allowed to judge others.

    reminded the game "HoozynessPositive". Good luck in the implementation of desires!

    Hmm, thanks for the idea of \u200b\u200ba list of stamped actions. Under such an aid about the list "100 of my desires, I didn't think. Start making your list
    Pyss. You have a week without an Internet and a month without electricity. And how to watch the internet for three weeks without elicity? :)

    You have strange comments for this site.
    A person told about an interesting tool, as an example he brought his own case.
    By and large, in living, most of the materials are built on this principle - people share their experience.
    And here, in my opinion, there is no correct or incorrect.
    There is "interesting" or "not interesting"

    Oops. It was confused month without alcohol on the day without electricity.
    Although the month without electricity - it would be cool

    you have strange comments for this site :)
    the man told about interesting - he is well done! (without sarcasm)
    man wrote a list - well done! (without sarcasm and seriously)
    i read the list (well, probably also well done)
    i have my opinion on the list - I said it. And pay attention to:
    you expressed in the way that the list is good! - And you are also well done!
    and I expressed that there is no - and me strange comments?

    Of course, it was curious that most of it was incarnated in life. The reason was the internal "logical apparatus" that asked "why do you need it?" - In the end, I just squatted the evening behind the monitor a strange choice in favor of the best act, isn't it?

    It also came to the conclusion that the fulfillment of my list of 100 desires, it would be enough for two months (weekends). But as you wrote correctly at the beginning:

    "Somewhere I was led by my modesty, in some cases there was no possibility, sometimes there was a sorry for money and time, and sometimes it was simply absent. In general, I always found an excuse to avoid some crazy actions or pleasant hobbies ... "

    I found them an unmeared number, as a result of a hundred points implemented only 15 for the year.

    Another interesting thing - I found that most points that were compiled a year ago, after a couple of months later, they lost their relevance due to the lack of interest. Although when the list was - he was

    Sergey, hello

    If you have not yet fulfilled item 19, then we (I personally and the charity project "Cozy") can teach you to knit. We knit plaids and different other products for charity, and it turns out very beautiful. We have a cheerful team, and there have already begun to fill men, which knit, they are engaged in decoupage, they draw with us. A man who can knit or embroider or sew is cool (I have met the units for all my life), which is cooler than standing on the head or ride on the roof of the vehicle. Especially when you can help people in such a way. Join and you will have a dozen ideas that still try. We are still a strokes and make festivals, draw fish and owls, etc. etc.

    it seems, paragraph 83 we can also help you, and we can submit an idea about item 48

We have long made lists of important affairs, tasks and instructions. Now it's time for the steady list of the year - summer! After all, each of us wants his summer to be unforgettable, saturated, bright, cheerful. And this list will help not miss the most "summer" cases and make warm days special!

1. Arrange a picnic. Summer is the perfect time to live in nature, and especially for picnics. Collect friends, a few rolls, food and drinks, do not forget to music and go to a cozy place. Be sure to prepare anything in nature. Grilled vegetables, baked potatoes - all this is just the dishes you need.

9. Walking on water transport. It may be a boat, catamaran Il boat, no matter. The main thing is to enjoy the beautiful view of the waves.

10. Arrange a festive breakfast. Festive dinners arrange often, but breakfasts - no. You can make it for yourself and family, or invite friends. Do everything in the best traditions: high-quality coffee, croissants, jam and fruit, toasts and different additions to it. And let him be delayed before dinner!

11. Feed only fruit all day. When the fruit season came - to acquire them and arrange a one-day "fruit diet" will not be difficult, but your body will feel the summer ease.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

12. Make a candle dinner. For family, friends or second half - choose yourself. Arrange a festive table in the courtyard at home, decorate all the garlands and candles, prepare something on the grill and turn on a soft music. The fact that such a dinner in nature will be right near the house - will allow everyone to unfold in summer, but beautiful outfits. Such a vacation will appeal to houses, and party lovers.

13. Find a new passion. Summer - time when days are getting longer, and we have more energy. Just a time to find a new hobby! Something that will take the cold winter evenings and take stress after the most difficult days.

14. Dance - Mandatory point for this summer! Preferably, during the execution of paragraph number 7!

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

15. Try a new cocktail. Or even a few. And even better - come up with your own. Better - non-alcoholic.

16. Froy Marshmello on the bore. Well, really, it is very tasty.

17. Try new ice cream tastes. And if you like to cook, you can try to cook it yourself, come up with your personal combination of flavors. To begin with, you can make a light sorbet.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

18. "Prepare Sani since the summer." The saying knows everything, but no one should! And in winter, when they see prices for seasonal things, think that it was necessary to buy them in the summer. Do not postpone this time and go to shopping! Buy the winter things you need at not seasonal prices. Your budget will tell you thanks.

19. Clean order. It's time not only for shopping, but also to get rid of all too much. Roll out unnecessary things, repair everything that broke in the house, tinted, decorate and see - in the house will be much fresh, spacious and more comfortable.

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

21. Collect friends per party. Let the company be huge, more than ever, visit the best club, dance before you fall, play games, send songs under the guitar - the main thing is that everyone is having fun on glory and then, after time, they spoke with nostalgia: "And remember how ...".

22. Try meditate. Learn about how to do it right and try this relaxing practice.

23. Swim in nature. Well, it is not even discussed: the sea and oceans, rivers and lakes, waterfalls and mountain sources - all this is waiting for you!

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

24. Watch the stars. This is especially true in August when there is a "meteoric rain", really a fabulous phenomenon.

25. Buy a summer thing. Swimsuit, cap, sandals - something new for this summer, which most wanted.

26. Make shorts from pants - The real tradition of summer, which well, just can not be changed!

27. Sight up to the night of conversations in the kitchen - One of those moments that remain invisible for the rest, but they will definitely remember.

28. Fall in love. If you still do not have a second half or a person who settled in the heart, then summer is the best time to afford to fall in love!

Photo: (CC0 Creative Commons)

29. Write a verse. Or a small story. It will especially happen well if you execute the previous item. As soon as inspiration comes - do not ignore it and write down your thoughts.

30. Collect fruits. To tear the cherries in the garden or other berries in the forest - all this is also small rituals that are associated with this time of the year.

And what are your plans for the summer?

Victoria Deedyuk