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Winnie the Pooh all chapters read. Book Winnie Pooh and all-all read online. Tale of life

in which we get acquainted with Winnie down and several bees

Well, in front of you v? Nni fluff.

As you can see, he descends on the stairs after his friend Cree? Starter Ro? Binin, head down, recalculating the steps with its own backbone: boom boom boom. Of the other way to go from the staircase, he does not yet know. Sometimes he, however, it seems that it would be possible to find some other way if he only could stop the time for a moment and how to focus. But alas - to focus on him and once.
Be that as it may, now he has come down and is ready to meet you.
- Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!
You probably surprise you why it is so strange name, and if you know English, then you will be surprised even more.
This unusual name presented him Christopher Robin. Need to tell you that when Christopher Robin was known? M with one swan on the pond, whom he called in Pup. For the swan, it was a very suitable name, because if you call the swan loud: "Pu Wow! Pu Wow! " - And he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot; And if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew themselves on your nose. The swan then went somewhere, and the name remained, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear, so that it was not gone in vain.
And Winnie - so called the best, the most kind of bear in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin loved very much. And she loved him very very much. She was called Winnie in honor of the fluff, or the fluff called in her honor - now no one knows, even Pope Christopher Robin. When he knew, and now forgot.
In short, now the bear is called Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.
Sometimes Winnie the Pooh loves to play anything in the evening, and sometimes, especially when the dad is at home, he loves to sneak quietly at the fire and listen to some interesting fairy tale.
This evening…

Dad, how about fairy tales? Kristopher Robin asked.
- What about fairy tales? - asked dad.
- You could not tell Winnie the flush fairy tale? He really wants!
"Maybe I could," said Dad. - And what does he want to talk about?
- Interesting, and about him, of course. After all, we have such a bear!
- Understand. Said Dad.
- So please, daddy, tell me!
"I'll try," said Dad.
And he tried.

A long time ago - it seems, last Friday - Winnie the Pooh lived in the forest alone, under the name SA? Nerce.

What does "lived under the name" mean? Christopher Robin asked immediately.
"This means that on a plank above the door was gold letters written" Mr. Sanders ", and he lived under it.
"He probably didn't understand this himself," Christopher Robin said.
"But now I understand," someone grumbled.
"Then I will continue," said Dad.

So one day, walking through the forest, the Pooh came out on the clearing. On the clearing, there was a highly extremely oak, and at the very top of this oak, someone loudly buzzed: Zhzhzhzhzh ...
Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under the tree, grabbed his head with his paws and began to think.
At first he thought like this: "This is Zhzhzhzhzhzhzh - No South! In vain, no one will buzz. The tree itself can not buzz. So, here someone buzzes. Why do you want to buzz if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so! "
Then he thought even thought and said to himself: "Why in the light of the bees? In order to make honey! In my opinion, so! "
Here he rose and said:
- Why in the light of Honey? In order for me to eat it! In my opinion, so, not otherwise!
And with these words, he climbed onto a tree.

Winnie the Pooh Audio Clamp of Alan Milna. A fairy tale can listen online or download. Audiobook "Winnie Pooh" is presented in MP3 format.

Vinny Pooh audio stack, content:

Audio stack Winnie the Pooh - a cheerful story about the adventures of a fun bear and his friends. The story that can be started to listen online right now, leads its beginning from the very moment, as a fluff, coming down, heard a loud buzz in the tree trunk.

He rightly suggested that there is honey and climbed to test this pleasant guess. The guessed was confirmed, but the bear fell and decided to ask for help from his friend's heel. He gave him an air ball, on which the Puhu managed to take off to the tip of the tree. The angry bees attacked Winnie, and the bear was asked to shoot a pig in a bowl.

Soon Winnie, together with a pen, went to visit the rabbit, where the fluff from the soul was caught by treating. He was so smalleling that he could not even get out of the rabbit hole and was forced to wait until he would lose. True, he sneezed faster than lost weight and bullet flew to the street!

In this friendly forest, there was still a sad donkey, who was always not lucky, especially on Friday. This time I had a birthday, but nobody brought him a single gift.

And he lost his tail and was in great sorrow. Winnie decided to raise his friend's mood and present the pot on which smart owl wrote a congratulation.

Piglet gave a bunting ball, and Owl solemnly handed the donkey his personal tail! Birthday in the online audioskazka managed !!!


Exactly forty years ago - as stated in one old book, "in the middle of the life road" (then it was just forty years, and now, as you can easily count, twice as much more), - I met with Winnie Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh was not yet called Winnie Pooh. His name was "Winni Tze-Pu." And he did not know a word in Russian - after all, he and his friends lived all his life in the enchanted forest in England. Writer A.A. Milnes, who wrote the whole two books about their lives and adventures, also knew only in English.

I read these books and immediately loved the fluff and everyone else that I wanted terribly to acquaint them with them and guys.

But since they all (you guessed?) Spelled only in English, and this is a very, very difficult language - especially for those who do not know him - I had to do something.

I had to first learn Winnie Puha and his friends to explain in Russian, I had to give them - Winnie Puhu and all-all-all - new names; I had to help the Puhu to compose Skuski, puffles, screaming and even a cripper and you never know what else ...

I assure you, to do it all was not so easy, although very nice! But I really wanted you, guys, fell in love with a fluff and all-all, like relatives.

Well, now I can say - without any exaggeration! - That my hopes were justified. With Winnie Pooh (and by all-all-all) over the years, millions and millions of guys (and adults, especially those who are inxistent) be friends in our country. And Winnie Pooh himself became a completely-quite Russian bear, and some even believe that he speaks Russian better than in English. I'm not to judge.

Want to believe, you want no - one time he even taught our guys on Radio Russian! There was such a transfer. Maybe your elders remember her.

And how peace and we cried over these years - to say in a fairy tale, to describe it!

The fact is that the Pooh (and all-all-all, it is clear!) We loved you that they had to be filmed in the cinema, and play the stage, and play on scenes of theaters - and simple and puppet - in different plays And even singing in Opera - in the Moscow Music Theater for children.

And our hardworking bear came again and again to compose Skuski, because the stories were new, and therefore, the songs needed new ones.

Must admit that here (as you probably guess yourself) did not cost without my participation. I had to write for films - scenarios, for theaters - plays and even a libretto for the opera "Winnie Pooh". And of course, all new sculptures, puffles and the fluff fluff composed under my leadership. In a word, we did not part with him all these years, and, in the end, I began to consider the bear's bear with my admotic son, and he was his second father ...

Books about Winnie Pohy for these many years published many or many times. They were read by your grandparents, dads and moms, senior brothers and sisters. But such a publication, what you keep in your hands has not yet been.

First, there are all twenty-authentic stories (and not eighteen, as it was before).

Secondly, the fluff with friends is located in the whole two books, and not in one. Now they truly spaciously - enough space for many different things. Take a look into applications - and make sure that there is not only all-all-all, but all-all-all!

Finally, I am sure that the drawings will please you. Especially those who have seen real Cartoons about the down - After all, the poch and his friends drew the same wonderful artist - E.V. Nazarov.

(Why am I talking about present cartoons? Unfortunately, in our time we divorced a lot of fakes. Fake and wine pooo. On television often show such a fluff, which otherwise you will not call for fake. Thank God, it is easy to distinguish from the present: he is quite unlike, and most importantly, does not compose and does not sing any sculp. What is it Winnie Pooh?!)

Well, perhaps, you can finish on this - I seem to say everything, everything that was going, and even more!

Leave you with Winnie Pretty and his friends.

Your old comrade

Boris Nodoka

Dear parents, it is very helpful to read the fairy tale "Winnie Pooh and everything is all. Chapter 1" Miln A. A. Kids before bedtime, so that the good ending of the fairy tale please and calm down and they fell asleep. Faced with such strong, volitional and good qualities of the hero, involuntarily feel desire and transform himself for the better. After reading such creations in the evening, the paintings of what is happening become more alive and rich, filling with a new range of paints and sounds. A small number of details of the surrounding world makes the image of the world more rich and plausible. As charmingly and penetrated, a description of the nature, mythical beings and life of the people from generation to generation was transmitted. Milo and gratifying to plunge into the world, in which the top of love, nobility, morality and selflessness, which the reader is asked is always obsessed. The worldview of a person is being formed gradually, and this kind of work is extremely important and asked for our young readers. Fairy Tale "Winnie Pooh and All All All. Chapter 1" Miln A. A. Read free online will be fun and kids and their parents, the kids will be happy to end, and moms and dads are happy for the kids!

Lava 1. In which we get acquainted with Winnie Pooh and a few bees

Well, in front of you Winnie Pooh.

As you can see, he descends on the stairs after his friend Christopher Robin, head down, recalculating the steps with his own backstage: boom-boom boom. Of the other way to go from the staircase, he does not yet know. Sometimes he, however, it seems that it would be possible to find some other way if he only could stop the boom for a minute and how to focus. But alas - to focus on him and once.

Be that as it may, now he has come down and is ready to meet you.

Winnie the Pooh. Very nice!

You probably surprise you why it is so strange name, and if you know English, then you will be surprised even more.

This unusual name presented him Christopher Robin. You must tell you that once Christopher Robin was familiar with one swan on the pond, whom he called in Pup. For the swan, it was a very suitable name, because if you call the swan loud: "Pooh! Pooh! " - And he does not respond, then you can always pretend that you just shot; And if you called him quietly, then everyone will think that you just blew themselves on the nose. The swan then went somewhere, and the name was left, and Christopher Robin decided to give it to his bear, so that it was not gone in vain.

And Winnie - so called the best, the most good naughty in the zoological garden, which Christopher Robin was very, very, very much. And she really loved him very much. She was called Winnie in honor of the fluff, or the fluff called in her honor - now no one knows, even Pope Christopher Robin. Once he knew, and now forgot.

In short, now the bear is called Winnie the Pooh, and you know why.

Sometimes Winnie Pooh loves to play anything in the evening, and sometimes, especially when the dad is at home, he loves to sit quietly at the fire and listen to some interesting fairy tale.

This evening…

Dad, how about fairy tales? Kristopher Robin asked.

What about fairy tales? - asked dad.

You could not tell Winnie the Puhow fairy tale? He really wants!

Maybe I could, "said Dad. - And what does he want to talk about?

Interesting, and about him, of course. After all, we have such a bear!

Understand. Said Dad.

So please, daddy, tell me!

I'll try, "said Dad.

And he tried.

Long ago - it seems, last Friday - Winnie the Pooh lived in the forest of one-dinner, under the name of Sanders.

What does "lived under the name" mean? Christopher Robin asked immediately.

This means that on a table over the door was gold letters written "Mr. Sanders", and he lived under it.

He probably did not understand this himself, "said Christopher Robin.

But now I realized, - grunted someone bass.

Then I will continue, "said Dad.

So one day, walking through the forest, the Pooh came out on the clearing. On the clearing, the high-deficuous oak grew, and at the very top of this oak, someone looked loudly: Zhzhzhzhzh ...

Winnie the Pooh sat on the grass under the tree, grabbed his head with his paws and began to think.

At first he thought like this: "This is Zhzhzhzh - No South! In vain, no one will buzz. The tree itself can not buzz. So, someone is buzzing here. Why do you want to buzz if you are not a bee? In my opinion, so! "

Then he still thought, thought and said to himself: "Why in the light of the bee? In order to do honey! In my opinion, so! "

Here he rose and said:

And why in the light of honey? In order for me to eat it! In my opinion, so, puddle and not otherwise!

And with these words, he climbed onto the tree.

He lez, and climb, and all climb, and on the road he sang a song that he immediately composed. This is what:

Bear loves honey!

Why? Who will understand?

In fact, why

Honey so like him?

Here he got a little more higher ... and a little more ... and even quite a bit higher ... And then the other song-pylla came to mind:

If the bears were bees,

Then they wouldn't

Never thought

So high build a house;

And then (of course, if

These were bears!)

We would be a bear, there was no need

Lajize such tower!

In truth, the fluff is already tired, so the pyllas turned out such a complaint. But he left to climb already completely-completely a little bit. But it is worth only to get on this twig - and ...

Mum! - shouted the fluff, flying good three meters down and slightly bored with a nose of a thick branch.

Eh, and why am I only ... - he murmured, flew by five more meters.

Why, I did not want to do anything too ... - he tried to explain, knocking on the next branch and overturning upside down.

And all because of that, he finally admitted when it was overwhelmed three times, wished all the best to the lower branches and smoothly landed into a spiny-prezytny ternary bush, - all because I love my honey too much! Mum!…

The fluff scattered out of the thorns bush, pulled out the spines from the nose and wondered again. And the very first thing he thought about Christopher Robin.

About me? - aspiring Christopher Robin's voice trembling from excitement, not daring to believe such happiness.

Christopher Robin said nothing, but his eyes became more and more, and the cheeks were walked and povel.

So, Winnie Pooh went to his friend Christopher Robin, who lived in the same forest, in the house with a green door.

Good morning, Christopher Robin! - Pooh said.

Good morning, Winnie Pooh! Said the boy.

I wonder if you have a chance of a balloon?


Yes, I just walked and thought: "Does the Christopher Robin have a chance of a balloon?" I was just wondering.

Why did you need a balloon?

Winnie the Pooh looked around and, making sure that no one erupts, pressed the paw to her lips and told a scary whisper:

Honey! - repeated the fluff.

Who is it walking behind honey with balloons?

I go! - Pooh said.

Well, and just on the eve Christopher Robin was in the evening with his friend's pen, and there all guests were given balloons. Christopher Robin got a great green ball, and one of his relatives and familiar rabbits prepared a big-pre-established blue ball, but this relative and acquaintance did not take him, because he himself was still so small that he was not taken to visit him, so Christofera Robin had to So be, to capture both balls with you - both green and blue.

What do you like more? Kristopher Robin asked.

Pooh grabbed his head with his paws and thought deeply deeply.

That's what story, he said. - If you want to get honey - the main thing is that the bees do not notice you. And so, it means that if the ball will be green, they might think that it is a leaf, and do not notice you, and if the ball will be blue, they might think that this is just a piece of sky, and they will not notice you too. The whole question - what will they turn soon?

Do you think they won't notice under the ball?

Then you better take the blue ball, "Christopher Robin said.

And the question was resolved.

Friends took a blue ball with them, Christopher Robin, as always (just just in case), captured his gun, and both went on campaign.

Winnie the Pooh first walked over to one familiar puddle and it should be strained in the mud to become completely black as a real tuch. Then they began to inflate the ball, holding it together for the rope. And when the ball swelled so that it seemed to be - here it was bursting, Christopher Robin suddenly let go of the rope, and Winnie the Pooh blended into the sky and stopped there, just opposite the top of the bee tree, just a little away.

URAAAA! - shouted Christopher Robin.

What is great? - shouted to him from the Winnie Pooh. - Well, who am I like?

On the bear who flies in a balloon!

And doesn't it look like on a small black tucca? - anxiously asked the fluff.

Not really.

Well, well, maybe from here more like. And then, do you know what the bees come to the head!

Unfortunately, the wind was not, and the fluff was completely motionless. He could breathe honey, he could see honey, but to get honey he, alas, could not.

After some time, he spoke again.

Christopher Robin! He shouted with a whisper.

In my opinion, the bees suspect something!

What exactly?

I do not know. But only, in my opinion, they are suspicious!

Maybe they think that you want to draw honey from them?

Maybe so. Do you know that the bees will come to mind!

The short silence has come again. And again the voice of the fluff was heard:

Christopher Robin!

Do you have an umbrella at home?

It seems to be.

Then I ask you: bring him here and go here with him back and forth, and I myself see all the time on me and sentence me: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going!" I think, then the bees will turn better.

Well, Christopher Robin, of course, laughed to himself and thought: "Oh, you, a silly bear!" - But aloud he did not say that, because he loved the fluff very much.

And he went home for an umbrella.

At last! - shouted Winnie Pooh as soon as Christopher Robin returned. - And I have already started worrying. I noticed that bees behave at all suspiciously!

Open an umbrella or not?

Open, but just wait a minute. It is necessary to act for sure. The most important thing is to deceive the bees of the queen. Can you be seen from there?

Sorry, sorry. Well, then you go with an umbrella and say: "TC-TC-TC, it seems that the rain is going to", and I will sing a special Tuchkin song - this, which, probably sing all the torques in heaven ... Come on!

Christopher Robin began to paze back and forth under the tree and say that it seems to rain going, and Winnie Pooh got such a song:

I am Tuchka, Tuchka, Tuchka,

And not a bear at all,

Oh, how nice tuchke

Go to the sky!

Ah, in the blue-blue sky

Order and comfort

Therefore, all Tuchchi

So fun sing!

But the bees, oddly enough, buzzally suspectedly and suspicious. Many of them even flew out of the nest and began to fly around the tucca when she fell by a second verse song. And one bee suddenly sat down on the nose of Tuchka and immediately soared.

Christopher - Ai! - Robin! - shouted Tuchka.

I thought I thought and finally understood everything. These are wrong bees!

Completely wrong! And they probably make the wrong honey, right?

Yes. So I will most likely go down better.

But as? Kristopher Robin asked.

About this Winnie Pooh just did not think. If he will release a rope from the paw, it will fall and again boom. He did not like this thought. Then he still thought and then said:

Christopher Robin, you must knock down the ball from the gun. Do you have a rifle?

Clear, with me, - said Christopher Robin. - But if I shot a ball, it will deteriorate!

And if you do not shoot, then I'm frightened, - Pooh said.

Of course, here Christopher Robin immediately understood how to do. He aimed very carefully in the ball and fired.

Oh oh oh! - cried down the fluff.

Didn't I get? Kristopher Robin asked.

Not that I did not get at all, "Pooh said," but just didn't get into the ball!

Sorry, please, - Christopher Robin said and shot again.

This time he did not miss. The air began to slowly leave the ball, and Winnie the Pooh smoothly sank to the ground.

True, his legs have completely worn, because he had to hang so much time, holding a rope. For a whole week after this incident, he could not move them, and they stuck up. If a flies sat on his nose, he had to blow her down: "Pooh! Pooh! "

And maybe - although I'm not sure about this, it may be, it was then that he was called Puph.

Fairy Tale End? Kristopher Robin asked.

The end of this fairy tale. And there are others.

About the fluff and about me?

And about the rabbit, about the patch, and about everyone else. Don't you not remember?

I remember remember, but when I want to remember, I forget ...

Well, for example, one day the Pooh and Piglet decided to catch rallyopotama ...

And they caught him?

Where are they! After all, the fluff is quite silly. And I caught him?

Well, you hear - you know.

Christopher Robin nodded.

You see, dad, I remember everything, but I forgot the fluff, and he is very, very interesting to listen again. After all, it will be a real fairy tale, and not just so ... remembrance.

So I think so.

Christopher Robin took a deep breath, took a bear guard for the back paw and shoved to the door, dragging him behind him. At the threshold, he turned around and said:

You will come to see how I bathe?


The fairy tale of Winnie Pooh and all-all-all about the boy Christopher Robin and his beloved Bear Winnie Poose. Its popularity is so great that she became a bestseller for the smallest readers. She, through the joy of communication with amazing characters, leads kids to life truths. That is why an amazing children's story is an excellent option for family reading. Be sure to read the online fairy tale and discuss it with the child.

Fairy tale Winnie Pooh and all-all read

Teddy bear, whose head was packed with sawdust, was a beloved toy crystal boy. Every day, Dad tells the Son about the adventures of the restless Winnie and his friends. With the help of the air ball, Winnie is trying to get to the honey. It turns out that "incorrect" bees "wrong" honey. Christopher had to shoot a ball to save a friend. The next day, the Pooh visiting rabbit moved sweets, so stuck in the exit of the hole. The fat man from the rabbit hole was only seven days later, when he lost a bit. The fluff constantly compiles the funny-crocheas and mourned them themselves. Best Friends Bear - Donkey IA and Piglet Piglet. Responsive Winnie helps the donkey to bring the tail, which served as the owl with a cord for a call. Friends are trying to catch the mysterious animal - oscillations. The bait for a stranger is a pot with honey. The sweet tooth of Winnie could not resist the temptation to enjoy honey. He head stuck in a pot. Piglet received a friend with a pot on the head for the sorrow and was very frightened. Funny moments in the story alternate with sad. Christopher matured. He will no longer be able to play with friends in the enchanted forest. But the boy promises the fluff that will always remember him. You can read a fairy tale on our website.

Analysis of the fairy tale Winnie Pooh and all-all-all

The work of Milna is a fabulous story, consisting of exciting stories about the bear and his friends. Each chapter can exist as a separate funny and instructive story. What does the tale of Winnie Pooh and all-all-all? A lot of educational moments are contained in a good children's fairy tale. Unobtrusively the author teaches the kids to the rules of etiquette, the ability to be friends and take care of loved ones, rejoice and empathize, to show tact and tolerance to others, find a way out of a difficult situation.