Repairs Design Furniture

Thematic days in the day stay camp. Games in the summer camp

In the country battle, 2 teams with any number of players are involved. Answers to all tasks are recorded by the captain and passed the jury. (For each correct answer, the team receives 1 point.)

The event is relevant for students in grades 2-4.

Leading. Cottage is the place of recreation where bathing, fishing, mushrooms are waiting for us, and the place of tireless work on the cultivation of the land. Country season Lowings from early spring to late autumn. And everyone will be able to find a lesson in the country!

And today we will spend the country's dution and find out which team is more competent in the country's issues.

Open the battle of two teams to the tasks about the cottage. I read every task once. Be careful. (After joint discussion and decisions, the captain transmits the answer in writing the jury.)


♦ Uncle Vasya landed 20 cabbage to bed. 3 cabbage flooded neighbor turkey. 5 Kapustin broke the son of uncle Vasi soccer ball. 4 - ate pests. The remaining cabbage has grown. How many cabbage kochanov has grown? (eight)

♦ One side of the Uncle Vasi plot is 18 meters long adjoins the zoo where a very curious giraffe lives. One giraffe step is 3 meters. How many steps does he do when coming from one edge of the site to another? (6)

♦ Giraffe from the previous task pulls from the site everything that grows there. Uncle Vasya put the fence from the zoo, inserted through every 3 meters on the post and stretching the grid on them. How many pillars needed uncle Vasya? (7)

Leading. Dachini use various agricultural tools in their sites. Riddles about them I will now offer teams. (Strictly by numbers, the captain records the deposits and transfers the jury.)


Wood eats eats,

One hundred teeth in one row. (Saw)

Where did the comb,

Copenka has grown. (Rake)

In front of him oaks, and maples,

And birch beat bows. (Ax)

Bent into the arc

In the summer in the meadow.

And in winter on the hook. (Spit)

The handle is, not a rake,

The earth is root, not a plow. (Shovel)

Nose leaky at the well -

And from there the rain pours. (Watering can)

The old grandmother in the courtyard

Clean keeps. (Broom)

Leading. What just does not grow in the country! Trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, berries ... And what plants can you find on my dacha? The answer will work if in each given word to replace just one letter.

Teams get cards.


Glory - ..., river - ..., Mag - ..., sin - ..., car - ..., plus - ..., beam - ..., line - ..., powder

Answers: Plum, turnip, poppy, nut, raspberries, ivy, onions, lily, peas.

Leading. Tarry delicacy are berries. The next building is called "the word crumbled." "Collect" words and get the name of the berries.

Teams get cards.


Ilmaan, Mrnsdiyoa, Iiarzhvnkk, Lbikanuk, Hyanvsh, Loeiabpch.

Answers: Raspberry, currant, gooseberry, strawberry, cherry, sea buckthorn.

Leading.Of course, no dacha is unthinkable without vegetables and fruits. What usually grown dackets on their land plots? The answer lies in the riddles. But in each riddle, one line is missing. You need to find this line in the set of cards that I will give up each team, and enter it into the riddle.

Teams get cards with text of mysteries and sets of cards with missed lines.

Cards with riddles

♦ Close a close house

For two halves,


Bead crushers.

♦ The bush is tied to the peg.

On bush - balls.


Blush from the heat.

♦ ……………….

And she will come on the table,

Will be the fun guys:

"Well, crumbly, tasty!"

♦ I am a ruddy nest


Wait until the doll

Wires herself in the grass.

♦ Breakfall praises:


And just a bone

Yes Red blouse.

♦ ……………….

Dressed in noisy silk.

We prepare it for her

And large salts.

Cards with missing lines

♦ and fell into the palm

♦ Boca substituting the sun,

♦ Necazist, stitch,

♦ From girlfriends I am not a tip.

♦ - Is I not beautiful?

♦ Rusted lady on the garden,

Leading. The following task is called "Country Assorted". A word is recorded on the card. According to a certain principle, they should be divided into three groups.


Cucumber, raspberry, strawberries, apricot, pear, pumpkin, strawberry, radishes, apple.


1. Cucumber, pumpkin, radishes - vegetables.

2. Raspberry, strawberries, strawberries - berries.

3. Apricot, pear, apple - fruit.

Leading. The country season coincides with mushroom. Many daches enjoy the opportunity to make edible mushrooms in the nearest furniture. In front of you, the crossword, in which for three minutes you need to enter as much as possible you know the names of edible mushrooms (in the singular).

Answers. 1. Maslenok. 2. Syroezhka. 3. Grup. 4. Support. 5. Borovik. 6. Warehouse (Pork). 7. Ryzhik. 8. Raincoat.

Leading. The word jury to summarize the final results.

In this edition, the author is a teacher who has extensive experience in summer wellness camps - reveals the specifics of classes with children on a country rest. How to make leisure guys a variety, and rest - full? How can you cooperate fruitful with children, their parents, as well as the staff of the recreation camp? How to learn to quickly take reliable solutions? You can find out by opening our book. It is interesting not only to the counselo, but also to all teachers working with children, as well as parents, since it contains a large number of There are various games, competitions and draws that will help make leisure children interesting and fascinating.

Chapter 3. First day in the camp

We know your lambs - let the threesome, and the wolf will eat.

R. Rolland. "Cola Brynon"

As a rule, the first day in the camp sets the tone to the entire further shift. This happens not only because you seem to be the opportunity to get acquainted with your wards, but also because the wards, in turn, make up a certain opinion about you and begin to see about it, what style of behavior to choose.

What style of behavior to choose a counselo

Before talking about the styles of the behavior of the prize, probably, it should be discussed very important moment. Namely, the fact that the leader should not act alone. In various camps there are their own rules relating to the number of counselors for one detachment. However, in any case, the detachment will be at least two and not more than five people. In short, you will have to share your authority anyway with someone else. And in order to create a completely degradial atmosphere in the detachment, the counselors should feel and, accordingly, to act as one team, the efforts of which are aimed at achieving a completely definite purpose.

The loyalty of this observation has not yet been confirmed by me in practice. Often I came across that the counselors of one squad could not establish relationships with each other. As a result, the mass of time they went to find out the relationship and the transfer of mutual offensive. The detachment at this time remained almost inconsolable. He either simply existed in itself, or shared two camps and was involved in therapy straws. Of course, this is better not allowed.

Unfortunately, I, too, did not pass this bowl, however, we tried to do without loud disassembly. One of the shifts in our detachment was changed by the counselor. Everything would be fine, if it were not for one circumstance - she allocated several people in the detachment and paid them all their time and attention, the other children at best ignored. In a word, as you already, probably guessed, we had a problem of pets in the detachment. I was very tight of such injustice, because I adhere to the opinion that the children from the very beginning should be in an equal position. Only so you can create a normal team, where the respect of peers and adults is earned by quite real actions.

With a new one tried to calmly talk to other counselors and me. However, nothing has changed. Therefore, we left her alone and doubled the attention to the care of children. As a result, she herself punished herself. We suddenly began to notice that pet pets are increasingly and more often leave it alone and join the rest of the detachment. Subsequently, it turned out that the children were simply tired of her constant complaints about other counselors, i.e. on us. In addition, games and entertainment in big company Much more interesting to cross the bones in a row.

In other words, even if in the detachment and there are any disagreements between the councils, I advise you to directly and general interests still put a little higher than personal, and at least for the time of shifts to postpone your claims to each other. Only interruption and excerpt will allow you to get out of various complex situations with honor, which are so often in a health camp.

Even before the arrival of children, you should agree on three things with partners:

- First, all your requirements for children should be one. In other words, the wards should clearly realize that if one of the leaders does not allow something to do, for example, to go beyond the territory of the camp without accompanying adults, then his others will surely support it. If one of the counselors will prohibit anything, and the other is the same to resolve any discipline in the detachment can not go and speech;

- Secondly, if one of the counterators punishes any of the wards, he must also be punished. Simply put, the counselors should also be in a detachment at an equal position so that they are not among them the main and subordinates. This will allow the children to avoid dividing the counselors on the "evil" and "good";

- Third, the counselors never have to find out the relationship in their eyes in children, moreover, complain of the last on other counselors or guidance. In the latter case, children are simply deliberately drawn into therapy spot. It is very much undermining the authority, and first of all the most unlucky educator. That is why try to postpone your disputes for a while after a penalty or renovation.

In the process of work, avoid thoughts that you are constantly driving, and your partner is only resting. This insult is not only corrosive from the inside, but also completely disorganizes. Do not forget that not everyone can fit into the rapid rhythm of the camp life. Everyone must perform their work as far as possible. Especially since children themselves will definitely revise the most active and interesting warfare with their sincere trust, as well as appreciation and friendship. It is very nice when the children almost bring flowers every day, if they, of course, not from the local flower beds, give their drawings and crafts or even dedicate poems.

Sometimes on what style of behavior will choose the counselor towards his children, it also depends on how fun and fruitful the interaction of children and adult will flow. Many managed in the process of working with their wards are often confused by two concepts: "rigor" and "thirantism". Of course, this is typical for adherents of an authoritarian style of behavior. Sometimes we, adults, underestimate children, considering them weak and stupid. Nothing like that, the guys are an accurate reflection of adults. Among them are smart and not very, strong and weak, confident and shy.

If you want to find with children mutual languageFirst of all, try to get rid of the feeling that you are something higher than your wards. In my practice it was often happening that in the event of extreme situations, the only correct decision was suggested by the guys. Here, of course, the fact that children in most cases are still deprived of all installations and lessons learned from past sad experience, compared with adults. Therefore, it is much easier for them to look at one or another situation, assessing it for its part, and find the original and unexpected resolution of the whole problem. So let's give them this opportunity. Moreover, in this case, you yourself will not be at Vclada, because you can see the world in a different light, children's eyes.

The authoritarian style of behavior, like the rest, has its pros and cons. So, at the leaders who are accustomed to give orders, problems with discipline will be significantly less than that of other representatives of the same specialty. With a clear schedule and requirements that do not allow and minimal objections from the wards, by the end of the shift, the child gets used to act clearly on the team. He does not discuss the orders of the counselors of the heads (it is the bosses, not friends), the punishment is afraid. As a rule, those detachments, which uses a similar style of campaigning with wards, always arrive on various camp activities, actively participate in all sorts of competitions and are deprived of problems related to discipline. Everything seems to be perfect, however, and here the councils lie down their difficulties.

First of all, you may face the resistance of the children, and it will be especially stubborn if it is a teenage age. And it is quite justified. Few who will like it, including the guys, to fulfill other people's orders who do not have a proper justification, explaining the goals and objectives of a particular requirement. Your reluctance to meet the wards can lead to real military actions. So, children will all make you in advance, trying to prove their personal right to accept certain decisions.

If you, as a result of the accumulated experience and personal energy, still have enough strength to suppress open source of perturbations and discontent, you still have a threatening whisper, you will hear the entire shift. Of course, no informal relationship with children in this case cannot be speech. All the time you will be forced to be in a military situation. It should be mentioned that many today's children are raised in relative freedom, so they will fight with you to the last.

If you are a supporter of an authoritarian behavior style, then prepare a certain distance will always be maintained between you and children, or rather, a wall of some alienation. In other words, you will unwittingly be able to be with children on the different side of the barricades. The kids hardly in this case will trust you and open your souls. That is why it is quite possible that everyone internal processesWhat is happening in the detachment, you will be learned later, unless, of course, you will not have your sishadata. However, we will talk about the latter later.

Believe me, such a state of affairs only interferes with the work of the charge. It deprives both adults and children of joyful and fruitful communication, desire to understand and help each other. In addition, it creates closure and distrust, on the one hand, and formal attitude to the case, on the other.

Choosing an authoritarian style of communication with the wards, do not be surprised that all the shift you will not have a dream, no rest. This is primarily due to the fact that all scenes, contests and rooms for participation in the detachment and general agents you will also have to come up with yourself. The guys will not offer you anything, fear not to please and get into disfavor. In addition, human management, even if it is only children built on a command-order tone, can hardly cause enthusiasm and the desire to make their own business. Therefore, do not expect from your wards of Altruism and the maximum college. In a word, no matter how hard you tried or punished children, they will all do wrong, as they could. It will affect and cleaning the territory, and duty, and performances on the scene.

The following, what we will talk about is the liberal style of the behavior of the charge when it interacts with children. Among the advantages of this style, it is possible to allocate that all the efforts of the counselors will be directed primarily to ensuring the children of a normal rest in accordance with the desires of the latter. In other words, you will not focus more about any medical and pedagogical recommendations, but on the opinion of the wards. You will do everything so that the kids are satisfied, even if it goes against the general-steerome requirements. Of course, a similar approach to business can give certain positive results. Children will stop feeling under the press of all sorts of requirements and pressure from adults. Although, probably, you follow you and warn, because often unlimited freedom can give serious overcast towards anarchist sentiment.

A similar style of behavior in relation to children is capable of withdrawing only strong, completely confident and creatively gifted personality. If you trust yourself one hundred percent and know that you can purchase unshakable authority from your wards, and you also have an excerpt, forces and patience to carry the guys, then you have nothing to worry about. You can always be unnoticed, and sometimes it is unconsciously influenced by where personal exampleand where and one look only.

Unfortunately, among therapy composition, people who have all the qualities of this leader are often found. As soon as the Children feel the Lubbickle in the leader and will also see the opportunity to avoid doing anyone and interesting, but complex orders, they will certainly try to use it. And this is characteristic not only for children. A man is usually arranged in such a way that he always seeks to live with the maximum savings of his vital energy. If the children, to all of the time, are not burdened with a developed sense of responsibility and they are not conscientious for their knowingly incorrect actions before any authoritative person, they will probably create anarchist party in the detachment, rather than will become their mistakes.

Council of Lead

Never demand from the guys what you can not do or do not want. Otherwise, you can blame you in hypocrisy or exceeding the authority, which will undoubtedly impose an unfavorable imprint of not only your relationship with children, but also with their parents.

With a similar style of communication with children, you must take into account that in most cases they still need a certain control of adults. The lack of the latter is greatly relaxing by the guys, and the quality of tasks makes meaningless. Why try, because anyway, no one will check. Unfortunately, such a trait is also characteristic of adults, and this is only once again confirming the fact that the guys are full of our reflection.

I am personal experience made sure to explain, for example, a ten-year boy that wet cleaning The rooms are needed primarily by himself and his neighbors, it is completely meaningless. At the end of the conversation, he will surely ask: "Do you check?" With the affirmative answer, you can not doubt that it will break out of the strength - if only everything sparkled. In addition, showing the results of his work, he will be deservedly expect praise.

If you, relying on his conscience, say that you will not check it, but after some time you go to see how work is moving, then you will probably find that the latter and did not start. At all your claims, the boobs will make surprised eyes and will declare: "You said that you will not check?" Of course, in the older detachments, the people are different and greater responsibility.

Often, the Liberal counselors completely shift preparations for any detachment or general agents. Very often, everything ends with the fact that such a detachment either breaks one or another competition in view of what is not ready for him, or in most cases acts as a loser. The thing is that children in preparing for a particular event still need advice and adult tips. No, not in pressure and not in the categorical "do exactly as I said," namely in the recommendations.

Democratic style of managing children, probably, is most appropriate for the charge. In this case, the squad is often selected as an asset that helps adults to organize all others. Any child can disagreeably refer to the guilty for help, no misunderstanding. In such detachments, a friendly atmosphere of cooperation reigns. The counselors are not shy to ask the advice from the kids and are always ready to support them.

From my practice of working with children in health camps, I was convinced that the counsel must be a very flexible person. He needs to be able to quickly rebuild and adapt to new conditions. It must be delivered from various kinds of clichés and negative installations. This circumstance will allow him to make true solutions depending on the situation using elements. different styles Communication with wards. So, for example, in one day you can speak in a detachment in completely different roles: a fair judge, sacrificing a quarrel of any of the wards, removed when it is not so difficult to take your participation, Tirana, when we are talking About diving in a prohibited place, etc. Correct solution You will be prompted only good relations To the guys, intuition and your personal pedagogical experience.

First detachment collection

Good start The first detachment meeting can serve as a tour of the priestly camp. This is especially necessary if most of your detachment is here for the first time. Be sure to show the wards, where there are shower, toilet, a medical center, dining room, i.e. what they can come in handy immediately after arrival. On the way, look at the library, gaming room And the room where various circles and sections are located.

Try the excursion to be interesting to the kids. Therefore, you will not prevent you from remembering any funny cases from your work practices leading. In addition, you can negotiate with the heads of the circles operating in the camp, so that they also told a little about what boys and girls will be able to learn to shift. Be sure to show the guys to the venue of various general-speaking events, such as the stadium, the assembly hall, the dance pad. In terms of time, explain to them why their presence behind the camp territory is undesirable.

At the General Meeting, you can familiarize the guys with a routine of the day, unless, of course, have not yet done this earlier, to talk about the specifics and appointment of mandatory events held in the camp. For example, if your camp is considered not just wellness, but therapeutic-prophylactic, then probably in the day the time is given to various medical procedures, which, according to the appointments, should visit everyone who rests in the camp. Try to convince the wards that a certain routine of the day is drawn up to ensure the most exciting and good rest It is them that the early rise and the back is invented not to inhibit their interests in any way, but for their own health and well-being.

The first detachment meeting is a wonderful opportunity to get acquainted closer with all the wards. Ask them in which schools and classes they learn what they like most, and what does not like in school. Ask, how would they like to spend their holidays, what would like to do in the camp that they are interested in what to do so that the change has passed interesting and exciting. Perhaps one of the wards will offer to organize any contest or entertainment, and you are successfully implementing them in the detachment.

It is on the first detachment meeting that a chart of duty on the room should be developed, to familiarize themselves with the basic rules of staying on the territory of the recreation camp, explain to the guys why the presence of various perishable products in their bedside tables is undesirable.

After organizational issues, you can spend a number of games. Once again, play the names, which will help you, and the children are harder to learn, whom is the name. To set the children to a friendly way to each other, try to play in one interesting game - "Compliments". We begin to treat each other completely differently when we see any attractive dashes in the other. From the first day, start learning your wards to notice in the surrounding only good.

For the game you need to send guys around. Give one of the participants a ball or some small soft toywhich is not difficult to quit and easily catch. The player throws a ball to one of the guys and tells him some compliment on his appearance, intellectual or spiritual development, the ability to do something.

Warn guys that compliments must be sincere. A participant who received the ball, in turn, throws him to someone from the players and makes him a compliment. Watch all the players get their compliments. For this, you need to take part in the game yourself and in the case when someone from the players are all bypass, make him a well-deserved praise. I think this game should be repeated several times during the shift. Often she removes the tension in the squad, makes it look at one or another person completely on the other side.

Finish the detachment meeting can be wishes for children more exciting and more interesting to spend the following 3-4 weeks. Give them the time that they laid their belongings in the detachments, they met their neighbors around the room a little closer. Further act in accordance with the day and previously compiled by the schedule.

Evening acquaintance

This celebration refers to general-step events, however, I think it should be paid particularly, especially since he is often combined with the opening of the camp. This is the first solemn event, if you do not count arrival, which baby falls in the camp. Therefore, it is precisely it gives the ward very bright memories of staying in a health camp. The evening of dating sets the tone of the whole future shift. If the holiday flows fun and ignorly, it is highly likely that the entire change will be permeated by the same atmosphere. In addition, children get the opportunity to continue their acquaintance with the staff of the camp.

To this day, as a rule, the counselors of each detachment are prepared at one concert number. It was this evening that they will be able to show the wards as much as they are artistic, witty and unique. Simply put, it is desirable in advance with other councils to come up with and rehearse some number. It can be a song, dance, scene or pantomime. I always helped me in these moments, where I wrote down the most interesting scenes during the year, pieces or texts when watching the speeches of KVN teams, "Anshlag", "Town" and other humorous programs, which can be seen in the big abundance on various TV channels. Based on the jokes expressed, you can create magnificent concert numbers, on topics close to rest in the camp.

Sometimes even the usual Russian folk song in the processing of leaders may look pretty comical. So, on one of these celebrations I saw the following picture.

Four countertime-boys came to the scene, disguised with Russian beauties: in long dresses, with shocks on heads and catchy makeup on the face. They perfectly beat their sitting on the chairs, especially since the latter was only three. It is not necessary, probably telling what labor did them cost to maintain a concentrated expression of persons during a small scuffle, while the whole camp just moaned from laughter.

Finally, chinno having dial, these "beauties", a little battered in the struggle for the place, tightened the song with thin voices. The composition was performed as follows. The verse sang one of the participants in turn, and the chorus picked up all four "singers". If you want to repeat this number, you can choose any suitable Russian folk song. Here everything depends rather not from words, but from execution, on how much you are artistic and are relaxed. At that time, the participants took the basis of the famous song "I told me my mother ...". I will remind you of her first verse and chorus:

I told mom about love fraudulent,

Yes, in vain spent words.

I did not listen to her, I stuck my ears.

Ah, Mom, mommy, how were you right.

Chorus: ah, mommy, I did not ride on the Santochki.

Oh, why I sat down with my knee behind the soul

Oh, mommy, why?

You can also perfectly draw some kindergarten. So, once, and we have quite successfully beat the poem "as an old man in the cow market" in Mikhalkov. What is characteristic, but the hardest thing turned out to play a cow. First we wanted to come up with some cow costume and make a mask, but at the last moment they decided that the cow we should have human person. So we were much easier to show, what feelings are experiencing an animal at a time when it is sold.

At first, our "cow" stood with a doomed species, periodically tediously mule on the words of the old man. When a guy is taken for trade, everything changes dramatically, the cow is transformed in front of his eyes. As the voluntary assistant praises her, the cow acquires a predetermined posture, throws his head, and her "MU" now sounds much more confident than before. No less striking and changes occurring in the old man. First, he gives the impression of a loser, the owner of anyone who is not necessary and semi-bodied animal. At the end of the work of the old man suddenly feels like the owner of the real treasure in the face of his cow. You can put this poem with children, but it will require you of any patience and rehearsals. I will give you the text of the poem itself:

In the market a cow old man sold,

Although many there were a cowhenka needed

But, it can be seen, she did not like people.

- Host, will you sell your cow?

- Sell. I'm standing in the market in the morning!

- Don't you ask you a lot, for her?

- But where to stay! Return your!

- It hurts your cowweight loud!

- sick, damned. Right trouble!

- Yes, we didn't see milk yet ...

All day in the bazaar, the old man traded,

Nobody gives prices for cow.

One guy regretted the old man:

- Dad, your hand is not easy!

I'm near the cow of your stand,

Maybe we will sell your cattle.

There is a buyer with a tougy wallet,

And now he is traded with the boy:

- Cow sell?

- Buy, Kohl is rich.

Cow, looked, not a cow, and treasure!

- so so! It looks hurt too much!

- Not very fat, but good fishing.

- And a lot of cow gives milk?

"You can't go out for a day" hand tired. "

The old man looked at his cow:

- Why am I, Burenka, sell you?

Cow not selling anyone -

Such a cattle is needed!

In addition to the speech of the councils, at this evening the time must be allotted for familiarizing children with the rest of the camp staff. So, in the poetic form, you can present to children those with whom they will not have encounter and interact during the shift. Unusual and funny ideas in the form of converted popular pop songs. Next, I present you several fragments that sounded in one of the shifts on the evening of dating in the health camp "Forest":

Presentation of cooks

Here someone came down from the pork,

Probably, our cook goes.

On it a bathrobe and caps white,

She's crazy everything crazy.

You could not, dear,

More serving giving?

Not from neighboring gardens

Potatoes will steal.

Presentation of Fizrukov

Real athlete

It is necessary to get up early in the morning,

To charging the camp to drive out

And the teams to run.

If I did not have time to wake up

Then they will go away with fizruks,

Lead you quickly in feeling

If it got up not from that foot.

Oh, the water is warm and slightly green,

Ten detachments are strongly contaminated.

Oh, the tanning is rivet, white panamakes,

Walk-roam the pool

Our Valera with Vanechka.

Presentation of militiamen

To the edge of the earth the Sun edge will touch,

And the windows of the raspberry will flare up fire.

And cops come out with a gun to hunt,

In the ambush one pretending to be a member.

Fist focate and itches

I used to be in battle.

And waiting for leaders to start their game.

Forward with a clone clone

Cops, they need to sleep,

But here the counselor chases

How to catch it?

Presentation of DJs

Oh, Dima, Lech,

Without you, we are very bad.

And at least the equipment

Doesn't want to serve you

Let the microphones whistle

And pull all the masfons.

And yet we guys

Without you can't live.

Presentation of the methodologist

Julia Yuryevna, Blushchik,

Everything is not sitting in place.

On the glider goes early

At night children's Son. Stores.

If necessary, he dresses

Or the song will surprise

Well, if not okay,

I'm angry with angrily.

There, there ...

When the name of the person's represented person does not sound, it is necessary to call it before execution or after the execution of the song. And anyway, this does not guarantee that children will remember all names. It is very difficult for them to immediately perceive so many new people. That is why, returning to the squad, be sure to repeat someone and what is called. In addition, it is very useful in a detachment to hang a list of recreation camp staff. Then your wards will be able to contact any adult without constraint, and you do not confuse the name, for example, the camp chief with the name of the carpenter.

As you already guessed, only from your creative potential and fantasy depends on how interesting and fascinating. Feel free to offer anything, perhaps it is from this that all the success of this holiday will depend. Moreover, by showing the wards, as you freely hold on to the stage, as far as you are witty and inventive, you will only significantly simplify the task of acquiring the guys of authority, because everything starts with the sympathy of the wards to you.

During the competitions, the level of knowledge of medicinal plants, mushrooms, fruits, berries, vegetables, mushrooms, mushrooms, to determine the name of the tree along the contour of its sheet, as well as portrayed using a pantomime, illustrating summer work using a pantomime.

The winner becomes the owner of the title "Summer Summer" and the crown.

Leading. Dear viewers! Competitive program Summer Summer We are starting with dating with participants who will be invited to the hall in turn and answer our questions. At the same time, the jury will evaluate the ability of girls to present themselves, ease, resourcefulness, originality of the answers.

The presenter presents each participant, asks her questions, then suggests the audience to ask his questions.

Approximate questions of the lead

♦ Why do you like summer?

♦ With the word "summer" what associations do you have?

♦ The most beautiful, in your opinion, the summer flower?

♦ Is there anything that do not like you in the summer?

♦ If you were asked to draw a summer emblem, what would you depict on it first?

♦ You would like the summer to continue all year round?

Spectators ask their questions. The jury appreciates the competition.

Leading. The next competition is called "Forest pharmacy".

The forest is our wealth, this is a kind of pharmacy that gives us free medicines, with the help of which various diseases are preventing and cured.

Check how well our participants know medicinal plants. I will read a riddle, and girls strictly record on the leaflets of the raid.

1. Cold herself, and people burn. (Nettle)

2. All in dust, at least a little forces,

At the road he sticks out.

His legs bent

It is not impressed. (Plantain)

3. We smell freshness of forest

Brings late spring

Flower fragrant, gentle

From the brush of snow-white. (Lily of the valley)

4. White basket, golden dona;

It lies Rosink and sparkles the sun. (Chamomile)

5. Someone touches

Behind that clings.

Causing and striking,

Circle sticks the needles. (Ray)

6. "Fabric of the grass" -

Patient amendment

Fur in the first-aid kit,

To help the heart. (Valerian)

7. Green bushes,

Scarlet flowers;


Eat flower. (Rosehip)

The jury assesses the results of the competition. At this time, the audience responds to questions on the topic "Forest Pharmacy".

What plant reduces warts? (Celandine)

Flower of bright blue, which can be found in rye. (Cornflower)

What tree has a spectacular, "boyars" view, where did his name come from? (Hawthorn)

The grass from 99 diseases with golden yellow flowers collected in the pancake, which not only treats, but also cripples, however, mostly animals. (St. John's wort)

Yellow I. orange flowerswhose name has something in common with the calendar. (Calendula)

Tree S. fragrant flowerswhose name is sometimes used in the meaning of the "fake", "fake". (Linden)

In the title of this plant, a native and non-rigid mother is mentioned. (Mother and stepmother)

Silver-green twigs are rolling with orange berries: they are sitting, clinging tight towards each other. (Sea buckthorn)

Leading. Now let's see if the contenders are well for the title of "Summer Summer" know trees growing in our area. Competition "Trees". Their task is to name a tree along the contour of the sheet. (See Attachment)

Girls on paper sheets under the appropriate number write the name of the tree.

Answers: 1. Oak. 2. Alder. 3. Birch. 4. Maple. 5. Rowan.

While the jury appreciates the work of the participants, the audience perform the task of the lead: "In this word, replace only one letter to another to get the name of the tree."

SL butvA - SL andva - andva touB - d.uB, CL andn - CL e.n, L. butpA - L. andpub sk - B. w.k, B. aboutz - B. is G.alina - toalina, Ked. s - Ked. r, P. n.tA - P. h.that.

Leading. The next competition is called "Mushroom Body".

Along the path in full spirit

Rushing from the rooster forest.

He shouts: - ka-ka-re-ku!

Honor and glory Mushroomnik!

I filled my body

And runs to come home!

From under the Christmas tree snorted his hedgehog:

- All mushrooms you close!

Hedgehog Rights: Rooster

In the body one pipe.

♦ Ka - RO - Mac - Le - Sy - Hedgehog - Vic,

♦ NOC - under-axis - Vic - Ry - ka - fat,

♦ Ka - Sich - if - Ryu - Be - but, but,

♦ Nosh - IR - ka - in - Poy - Mok - Ov - O.

The task: Make up the syllables data as many words that indicate the names of mushrooms. (Each participant receives a set of cards with syllables.)

Answers: Maslenok, Boostyl, Wave, Syroezhka, Podberezovik, Ryzhik, Open, chanterelle.

While the jury summarizes the lead, leads with the audience a game: paints mushrooms in the floor and suits the competition between the two players - who will have more "fungi" to collect in the body, provided that it is necessary to collect "mushrooms" one by one.

Leading. And now - the competition called "Lee in the garden, in the garden." Participants in order will call everything that grows in the garden and in the garden: vegetables, fruits, berries. The participant whose silence will last more than three seconds, dropping out of the competition. Accordingly, wins the remaining game. Begin!

The jury summarizes the competition.

Leading. To find out how well the contenders for the title of "Summer Summer" are familiar with different species Summer works, we will conduct a competition called "Hostess". With the help of gestures and facial expressions, participants need to show actions that are recorded on cards. The task of the audience is to know and call these actions.

thread a fairy tale or story, sing on a new motive known song, to dance, prepare the performance of the brass orchestra and others. The main requirement for the task is to be a sacrificent, interesting and caused the creative activity of participants. When he holds, the detachment makes sense, too, to divide into small creative groups of five to seven people who will choose two to three small tasks for their microcollection and for 15 to 25 minutes will prepare its presentation.

When conducting any chosen case, it is important to remember that it should be relaxed, cheerful visibility, fantasy, humor and creativity of the participants. At the same time, these improvised competition games should help the teacher in solving the main tasks of the day. When summarizing, it is important to say good word About each and in no case does not impose an assessment with points, points and all that can disrupt the process of forming friendly relations, cause a disadvantage and a quarrel in the first hours of stay in the camp.

The most important on the first day is a dating collection that allows the leader to more closely acquaint children with each other and councils, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe lifestyle of the camp and its traditions, to establish a warm friendly atmosphere in the detachment.

In addition, it is desirable that on the first assembly leads together with pupils identified the laws of the detachment of the detachment. They should not be much. The main thing - they should target the guys for mutual respect, care for each other, mutual assistance. For example:

- Law of Goodness: Be kind to neighbor, and good will come back to you;

- The Law of Care: Show your care for people around them, remember their interests, needs

and needs;

mercy Law:next to you may have people who need help

and support, do not forget about them;

- Law of respect: Do you want to respect you, respect human dignity

"Law of truth: the truth is needed not only to you, but also the people around you, be truthful.

You can offer pupils to develop our own wording of laws. To ensure the social and psychological well-being of pupils, activities are needed - interesting, informed and useful. In order to organize such activities, a person needs a certain information about


1. Surname, child name.

2. Number, month, year of birth.

3. What class, what school did you switched?

4. What public order performed at school?

5. What can do?

6. What does not like to do?

7. What circles do the sections do?

8. Did the role of lead Any event?

9. What does it want to learn in the camp?

10. What events are ready to take part?

These questions are best prepared in the form of a questionnaire. If the pupils responded not to all the questions you suggested - do not be upset. This part of the information can be obtained gradually through the observation of children and personal communication.

The leader is best to take part in all matters with pupils, it is necessary to communicate with them, you need to answer all their questions, even if they

I. Yu. Isaev. "Leisure pedagogy: Tutorial"

repeat, interested in the success of children. The aesthetics and correctness in communicating with children and with adults, a leader must be patient, unobtrusive, to serve as an example in fulfilling all rules and requirements. It is necessary to pay attention to the behavior of therapy: it is important to smile to smile to children, we must be emotional, there are always benevolent intonations in the voice.

In this way, the main task Therapy at this stage is to help pupils painlessly and quickly enter the new life for them, closer to know each other, to organize their life and regime, help adapt in the camp atmosphere.

With "co-projects" and the love of their counselor often originates in the evening candles.

What is an evening candle

Rules for lighting

Candle in the camp is carried out by defined rulesCompliance with which will ensure the solution of all the tasks. These rules are as follows:

  • the counselo must prepare children to the upcoming candle;
  • all participants are located at one level and at the same distance from the candle or subject, replacing it;
  • you can not interrupt the speaking;
  • discussion of a particular person is not allowed, only bad deeds are allowed;
  • you can not eat and drink during a light;
  • talks should be kept calmly, elevated tones should be avoided;
  • through the center of the circle, it is strictly prohibited;
  • everything that said should remain between the participants of the candle;
  • the collection on the candle should always be informal, without coercion;
  • the subject of the event should be relevant to its participants.

These are only the basic laws of holding a candle in the camp. Each detachment can follow and its own traditions.

Candles of Org.

According to the temporary development of the candle change, the candles are divided on the lights of the Ordsion, the main and final.

The goal of the candles of the organizer is in acquaintance, adaptation and motive the guys to communicate and joint activities.

What to say on the candle in the camp? The counselor must carefully prepare for the first light. He should tell about the history of the camp, describe the terrain in which it is located, to introduce children with local legends. The story should not be too overloaded various information, it should be "diluted" with funny jokes, stories, personal memories.

The lights aimed at acquaintance can be held in the following formats ::

  • Story-relay. The object is transmitted in a circle (you can come up with a squad symbol and transmit it). Everyone, in whose hands he was, talks about himself.
  • Envelope of revelations. The leading is prepared by an envelope with unusual issues. Each party of the candle pulls the question and answers it.
  • Casket with favorite things. Every member of the detachment says not about himself, but about his beloved toy, talisman or subject it characterizes. You can demonstrate this thing on the light.
  • Horoscope. All participants in the light are distributed in groups - zodiac signs. The counseling represents the characteristics of each of the signs presented and offers each group to make her "portrait" from the facts about its participant, confirming the truthfulness of the horoscope.
  • Member day. Each child tells about the brightest day of his life.

Ordside lights may differ low activity and chlorosity of children. The counselo must make every effort to make the situation of friendly and relaxed, encouraging children to frank and emotional conversation.

Lights of the main period

In the midst of the change of shifts, the main goal of lights is the analysis and assessment of the joint activities of the detachment and each of its member.

The topics for candles in the camp in the middle of the shift depend on the tasks that leads the counselor.

To smooth conflict in the process of conducting a light, the topic may be as follows:

  • A letter to a friend. Participants write a "letter" to relatives or close people in which they share their experiences. Then all the guys read their messages.
  • I want to understand. This light allows the possibility of unsystematic location of the participants. Each child can go to another and ask a question starting with "I want to understand ...."
  • Conversation with a fellow traveler. Each participant of the light tells the "fellowship" about camp events.
  • Circle silence. All participants are located back to the center of the circle. Deployed only speaking. All the guys are gradually expressed, drawn to the discussion of the problematic issue.

Thematic candles in the camp can be carried out during the shift depending on events and logic.

Examples of thematic lights can be:

  • ogonok about friendship and love;
  • candle dedicated to a memorable date;
  • song candle;
  • spark on ecological topics, etc.

You can add light to the songs under the guitar suitable in meaning to his topic.

Outcome periods

The task of lights of the final period is to summarize the shift. Each child should analyze its own changes for the period of stay in the camp and see and evaluate changes in others.

The format of lights may be like this:

  • Chain. The first participant says several phrases reflecting his impression of a shift, his neighbor continues the conversation and transmits the word on the chain further.
  • The role of the squad. Each of the guys loud thinks out in turn above the question "What did the detachment become for me for a shift?".
  • Stories about each other. The guys in turn express opinions and impressions of communication with one of the members of the detachment. Thus, everyone receives a collective opinion about himself.

Each of the candles in the camp should be soulful and accompanied by joint actions, for example, completed with a sedentary song or a joint candle quenching. Each of the participants should feel a full-fledged member of the team, whose opinion is valued and respected.