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How beautiful to take pictures in a long dress. How beautiful to take a picture of myself: the best poses

Women's successful postures for photo shoots on the street - this is the topic of our today's article. Surely, she will interest you, because every girl seeks to have as many beautiful pictures as possible. Knowledge that you get during the study of the following sections will certainly use you, because you, our dear readers, love to be photographed.

Magic process

High-quality work of the photographer is the key to the good mood of fashionista. She helps every lady to feel like a real model, despite the fact that the forms are far from ideal, and in their own face you see a lot of flaws. Shooting on the street is, in general, huge joy, because on the background of natural landscapes and urban streets there is a huge number of opportunities to make really beautiful pictures. But here, as in any other case, it is important to take into account a number of factors, otherwise the result will not be so rainbow and positive. But you, our cute readers, do not react to this with negligence and coldness? That's right, everything must be approached with the mind!

So, let's start our conversation with the description of the most successful positions of the body and limbs. We will not describe each specific case, because it all depends on what way you want to appear in front of the camera lens. Below we gave only a few recommendations.

  • Taking a picture of full growth, try not to strain the muscles of the body. Sleep the cams, feel the relaxation of all parts of the body, with the exception of the spine and neck.
  • Try to keep a beautiful posture, the slope has not yet decorated a single woman and did not make it a real queen of beauty!

  • You can slightly bend one leg, deploy your shoulder to the photographer and put one hand on the waist.
  • If you want to capture yourself in the sitting position, position the housing for three quarters relative to the camera lens and slightly pull the lower limbs. In no case do not take a frontal pose. This is permissible only for photographing to different documents.
  • While creating a portrait, relax as far as possible. The smile should be natural and natural, so you can recall some pleasant moment at this moment. And one more rule: do not strain the muscles of the face, it is very important!
  • Holders of a wide person should turn him away a bit toward and down.

It seems the basis of the basics we told you, but now let's go from this theory to some interesting moments. So, for example, before a photo session, you should open your cabinet and thoroughly go through all things. Think up your image down to the smallest detail, try out several ensembles, see which combination is optimal. Think over each detail from the color of the socks that will be hidden from prying eyes to the color of precious stones, inlaid into small earrings-cloves or a pendant.

When choosing a suitable place for filming, focus on your own character and mood. So, the familiar characters with an eccentric character can be posed on a crowded street. They simply do not damn the views of passersby and compliments passing by men. But the modest from nature women is better to retire and hide from prying views of curious people and zooak.

Another important moment: for the time of the case, it is not a sin to visit the beauty salon. There you will make perfect styling and makeup. It would be nice to think about your favorite handles - your nails will not prevent a spectacular decoration.

What is static and "with what they eat"?

Photographer possessing not only extensive experience, but also to the artist's deposits, can tell a lot about how the details are important. Here you need and the right angle to find and make the girl look in the right direction. If you do not trust a specialist, you can scroll through fashion magazines and draw a lot of ideas and successful solutions from there. In general, all postures are conventionally divided into two groups - static and dynamic. About the first we just will talk now.

This method allows you to make very beautiful and bright shots. When a girl is for a while in the same position, the photographer can pick up the most profitable view. For example, a chair or suitcase can be in the professional studio of the main figure. They are deployed sideways to the lens, while it is quite necessary for you to sit on them. Very effectively, the posture will look at, in which the woman is only slightly clouded for furniture, puts one knee on it or turns the profile. On the street, such art objects can serve as benches in the park, the porch of the house, wall, wood, concrete slab, etc.

Attention!If you want to take a pose lying or half a walk, remember that the limbs that are closest to the lens will seem longer.

Dynamics - this is life!

Have you ever thought that photographers at the wedding are rarely suitable for guests and ask for a few seconds with a stretched smile on her face? The answer is simple: they want to capture the sincere moments of happiness and joy for the marriage, when a person does not pay attention to the camera and does not notice it, but completely given to his own emotions and gust.

Street photo session can also pass in the permanent movement of the girl. Here everything is based on the flight of fantasy and your desires. Here are just a few examples:

  • Collect fallen leaves from the ground and throw them on yourself. The photographer will definitely press the button at the right moment and caught the mood you want to convey.

  • The owners of long and thick hair can be turned their head so that the wind plays your curls and tremble them in different directions.

  • Close and descend on the steps, and the frame will be filled with energy and positive emotions.
  • You can bone up with all my might to demonstrate in front of the camera all the advantages of your tightened figure. Looking at this picture, you will have a feeling of air and weightlessness.

  • Use the opened umbrella. Constantly look out from under him, to figure out whether the rain ended.

Interesting! During the game on the camera, try not to be distracted by it. Let anything distract you from the game of the game in the ball or walk through the park. If you are constantly looking into the lens, the staff will look unnatural.


In fact, the art of creating the right posts cannot be mastered within five minutes or an hour. The more you work, the faster you will understand which postures will be the most profitable and correct for you. We just have several advice and recommendations that professional photographers often use.

  • A look from the shoulder is considered one of the most successful angles. He can hide some disadvantages of appearance, including overweight and skin problems. The main thing is to be able to correctly put the body and bend the neck so that it looks elegant.
  • Actively gesticulate with your hands. Apply them to face, as if you think about something or something concerned.
  • You can lie on the ground and turn a slightly head towards the camera.

  • Extraright socks, back and protrude your chest. Just do not cease, otherwise you will be like a peacock trying to demonstrate to everyone around all their charms.

Attention! If you take an event at the sea and your body is practically naked, pick up a swimsuit that can win all the flaws of the figure. Having accepted the next posture, look around, because any folds on the stomach, even the most minor, can spoil the impression of you.

And a little more about the angles and not only

Street photo shoots are considered the most popular, because on the background of nature, a woman can reveal all its potential. Therefore, at the end of the article, we will talk again about which postures will look out on the street beautifully and relaxed:

  • In the crowd you can feel yourself as a queen and an object of universal attention. To do this, it is enough to get up smoothly and lift one knee, and the hands will spread to heaven or to the sides. Professionals often refer to this body position with a sonorous word "triumphant".
  • To turn into a real supermodel for some time, move the entire weight of your body to one thigh and put your hand on it.
  • To make the image of the size and at the same time exquisite, stand right and cross the lower limbs.
  • During shooting, you can climb on different items - the effect will be simply amazing!

We advise you not only to take advantage of the recommendations described above, but also generate our own ideas and actively embody them into reality. And try to capture all the verge of your person in the pictures. It may be modesty and licentiousness, cunning and simpleness, kindness and gloating, amazement and apathy. We are experiencing a whole range of feelings every day, which can be demonstrated before the camera.

Here are some major poses for posing and major errors that most of us do.

"Hands in Boki" is an aggressive pose. In addition, you are hiding your hand brushes. Show your nails, and remove the elbows back. Turn your head a little - and you have an intriguing posture, and not aggressive.

Do not squeeze the waist, it gives folds on clothes that spoil your appearance.

Watch out for the position of the hands - avoid stressful or unnatural direct hands, as well as elbows put to the photographer. Remember that your wrists must be free and flexible.

Easy touch to face with finger tips and a rodded mouth can make you more attractive if you do not get involved. Do not press the face to not get the "dental effect"

Yes, your hands should be free, but do not have to hang up, you are not a guerrilla on the execution. Put one hand on the waist and slightly (slightly!) Turn or tilt your head to emphasize the beauty of the face.

Do not let the eyes, it looks too deliberate and unnatural. Turn the head slightly, slightly open your lips, and you can touch the face - it will be so feminine.

Do not chop your eyes, you are not mole. Your natural shape of the eyes is the most beautiful.

Do not hide your face. Look, what's the difference.

Beautiful poses for a photo shoot

Properly use accents with your hands. Where your hands are hand, there is a viewer's attention. Instead of hands on the stomach, it is better to emphasize the beauty of the waist. And the shoulders and chest show well a more open gesture.

View of improber makes lips too large. Better try different angles turning heads. And do not forget to look into the camera.

If you are not a wife of the leader from the African tribe and you do not have a rings on the neck, do not keep up the chin.

Hands should always be relaxed. Just compare these two photos, and you will understand why.

When shooting, there is no sense to artificially disrupt the natural vertical line. Any posture in which you have to strain to keep the balance, be it squatting, or an easy tilt to the side - will make a broken doll from you.

How to photograph? Here is a little secret posew for successful growth pictures: the bending of your body must remind the letter "s": Become a face to the photographer and move the body weight to one leg, and set the other forward. Remember that hands should be relaxed, the pose is comfortable, and the chin slightly raised.

Good photos!

How to pose on a photo shoot - the question you have never asked for years to forty. Photographed not often, sometimes it turned out well, sometimes monstrously. But I managed to perceive successful photos as a gift of fate, and unsuccessful ... just not to perceive. And never think, but what am I doing wrong On these unsuccessful photos.

Now, when I lead a fashionable blog and take pictures of a lot and often, I had to be inserted into the photo process much deeper. It turned out (that is, theoretically knew it before, but I felt all the skin only now) that the lighting is critical for a good photo. With the right light, the most common woman may look like a fabulous nymph. And a bad light, even from beauty will make Babu Yagu on vacation.

Of course, the quality of the camera is also important and the skill is even more important to keep the chamber in his hands. But! If you are standing in front of a brilliant photographer in a pregnant pose pose, the best thing that he can do is to lower the camera and not shoot.

How to make a photo successful - should know, first of all, model

Lower the body correctly, take a winning pose, "hide" flaws of figures and show advantages - these tasks are solved on this side of the camera, not according to that. Professional models are taught, us, ordinary mortals, no one teaches. And for us it can, perhaps, even more relevant, because we have something to hide, and for us, not any pose will be winning.

For two years of filming for your blog, I ran in so many cones, which is enough for everyone. Spoiled hundreds of frames - it's good that now they are digital, otherwise it would be kilometers of film, wasted wasted. But now I know for sure how to pose it is not necessary)))

It would seem that the network is full of materials on the topic "How to make a successful photo" and "how to positive"

But there are nuances that are very important for an adult woman of weighty advantages, and which I did not come across in any of these articles, before them had to come in. You will save a bunch of time and nerves, if you just use my experience and remember the ten simple rules of the successful photo. Believe me, the quality of your photos will change critically!

All photos below are made at the same light, with the same camera settings, almost simultaneously. One photographer, one model, one and the same clothing. Often it is just two adjacent frames. And the result ... judge for yourself.

Rule number 1. Pose of insertion

You automatically look at the size less if you are not face to the chamber, but in the trip, a little rejoice at one thigh back, and turning the chest and face to turn into the lens. Plus, if there is a hint of the tummy, then in the pose of the face, the falling light makes from this fly of an elephant. And half a turn - everything is not so critical.

If the light falls on the side, then unscrew the thigh that is lit less. Then the thigh and the stomach will go to the shadow and the whole silhouette will seem already.

Rule number 2. When positive in the profile, carry the weight back

Picture in the incenturn or almost in the profile they advise everything, it is one of the most popular posts for a photo. But no one says that the weight must necessarily be located on the leg that is further from the camera. And the leg, which is ahead, must be free, without weight.

Left weight on the leg that is ahead. And on the right leg ahead is free

If you rely on that leg, which is ahead, the thigh seems for two sizes more, and the ass is just immense. Enroll on that leg that is from behind, and take the back of the back - it will immediately make you a minimum of size.

Rule number 3. Do not protrude then the thigh that closer to the camera and to the light

As already mentioned above, if you take one hip back in the "Dark Side" - the whole silhouette seems less. But if you move the weight of the thigh, which is lit and is closer to the camera, it automatically seems more than it really is.

Here the light falls on the left and therefore a very good difference is visible.

Determine where the light falls from, maybe a photographer who removes you. But you should have it all the time in mind!

Rule number 4. Pop back !!!

Always! Although on the podiums and in glossy magazines that year we see a fashion trend - walk and pose for a photo with a leaning belly. Even mannequins in shop windows are in this pose.

But models and mannequins, no matter how much they fought - they just have nothing to stick, they have no belly. And a woman with forms such a posture does not fit categorically!

On the left of the stomach just went forward. And on the right everything is in place

Regardless of whether you are posing, you are posing an Afas or in a trip, always try to straighten the chest, straighten your back and take the back of the back - it will pull back and the belly. And, of course, do not forget about the press 😉

Rule number 5. Do not slouch!

In the continuation of the previous paragraph. Do not slouch, straighten your shoulders - it is so obvious, without this, a successful photo will never work. But how often we forget about it! Meanwhile, the sutween back, twisted the shoulders, is a guaranteed killing of a good frame. The sutween back not only makes you less thanks, it still reset the neck, stealing the waist, lowers the chest, automatically leads forward the belly - shorter, does everything that does not do it categorically!

Crushed back - frame on smart!

When you take pictures, repeat about yourself all the time: "Spin smooth! More than back! " No matter how it is already even, there is no limit to perfection.

Rule number 6. Do not hide the waist!

The waistline, the most narrow place of your body - must be visible in the photo. Therefore, the models often put hands on the hips, raise them up or somehow remove them from the torso. If you pressed your hands to the body, the sleeves merged visually with the torso - body line died, nobody sees them.

There is no shape on the left at all. Right - another thing!

Always follow that between the waist and elbow there is at least a minimal lumen.

Rule number 8. Do not hide neck!

Especially if your neck is not very long. In attempts to create a "relaxed", "live" pose We often omit our head to the shoulder - and some memories remain from the neck.

As to the right - too, it is not necessary, this extended example

Keep your head higher - and the second chin on the photo will not appear, from which it will fall, and the neck will be longer.

Rule number 9. Remove your hands!

Not really, of course)) Cunning posture "Instancy" is that in the foreground, the forearm and hand are closer to the camera. And the fact that closer to the camera seems more, this is the optics property. Do not forget to remove your hands a little back - both hands and shoulders look more elegant.

In the photo on the right forearm looks smaller and the whole silhouette is easier

Plus, reducing the hand a little back, you provide the necessary clearance between the waist and elbow.

Rule number 9. Naked hands remove all the more!

All that is said in paragraph 8 is even more relevant if you take pictures in the summer and with bare hands. Everything that closer to the camera seems more, and if it is something else and light - it looks wider than once a half. Nude hands may seem like sausages without peel, if you do not take them away from the camera.

Hands are the same. View of the other

Rule number 10. Raise the chin

On the rules of shooting portraits, you can write a separate article and even a book, there is a sea of \u200b\u200byour nuances. I will say only one general rule: in other things being equal, head, slightly raised up, looks better than the head lowered down. As mentioned above, dropping head, you create a second chin, even if you do not have it.

And here also works the general principle: that closer to the camera, it seems more. When you tilted your head forward - the forehead seems more. When you slightly threw your head back - more seems lips 😉

You say: maybe if a living person can remember all this from the first time?

And I will answer you: Of course, no! But if you systematically do not like your photos, then maybe it's time to do something with it? The phone with the camera today is in the pocket of everyone. Practice in front of the mirror, ask a girlfriend to take pictures of you. Peep my crib, try different poses - and you will see what works for you.

A little workout, and you will learn how to automatically take a good position and will get on the photo at least, no worse than you are. And maybe a little better)) Still, the photo is not only a technique, but also a little magic 😉

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Selection of options for shooting at home should be repelled from your wishes and from the ability of the interior. If the external decor allows you to embody one or another themed genre of the photo, then it is only welcome, but when, say, the interior of the apartment or house is made in the style of "High-Tech", and you decided to realize the idea in the Renaissance style, then it will be Watch punish. Before choosing the subject of future shooting, try to prepare the scenery yourself, because the result will depend on them.

Options Pos.

To make a photo session at home interesting, pay special attention to attributes and accents. Remember that the composition can be built and so that it does not necessarily have to attend the situation of the whole room.

You can equip one corner or place at the window for this purpose. It is enough to drag the chair or a rocking chair there, a table, a desktop lamp and it will already be a great basis for a variety of personnel. You can add comfort to the setting using a soft warm blanket, books on the bedside table, a cat on your knees or your feet when you are standing. And you can beat the option where you are standing behind or side from the chair, and your fluffy friend is sitting in it.

Beautiful postures include variations that are transmitted by the feeling of home comfort, heat. Such posing should be the most natural possible. Just remember how you like to sit with a book on the sofa, or how are you standing when you boil your coffee, so you must repeat it all and in the frame. It is not worth it to wise, because your task is to transfer the mood of home comfort.

To emphasize this mood in the photo session, choose clothes, which would be comfortable, comfort. So, if you spend a photo session in the cold season, then knitted things, in particular cardigans, sweaters, socks, will look especially for the place. If it is spring or summer, free-cut home clothing is suitable, a favorite pajamas, an elegant robe in a tandem with a night shirt, a men's shirt and so on will look good.

Such clothes will give your way of foulness, romance. To convey all this in a beautiful posing, try to combine the following variations for a photo shoot of this character.

Ideas for sitting sitting

When you sit opposite the photographer, your posture should not be with the archarge of the military. Never allow the knees "watched" right in front of them, better bend the legs in some side, slightly arrange or put the leg on foot. As part of the photo session, the house is very beautiful will be the variation when you pick up the legs under yourself or sit down in the lotus position. In this case, you can read the book, drink tea / coffee, knit and so on. A great idea will be the production, if one leg is hard to throw on the other, you can also put both legs on the table in front of you or on the windowsill. At the same time, do not think where to do your hands, take their business. As already mentioned above, you can knit, sew, and the leaf of the album is suitable, drawing. You can hand and throw over the head.

As a variant of this category - the posture when you semi. To do this, you need to sit on the photographer to sit on the edge of the table, stools, bedside tables, windowsill - on your choice, and turn to the photographer or only a face or a shoulder belt, but not more. If you turn around the case, then slightly.

For position lying

This type of poses for the photo shoot of this kind should also transmit a special mood of home comfort. You can lie on your stomach near the fireplace, swollen legs, and read the book. In the frame, it will be worn very beautifully and touching. You can get half into the plaid and take a posture for the position lying on the sofa or on the windowsill, if it is wide, it will give a photo of a romantic mood. It is not worthwhile in the plaid completely, so you will be "flat" as if without legs and hands, let them be seen partially.

So, beautiful pose in a position lying for a photo session of the house can be called a pose on the side and semi-cullecent postures. It is enough to rely on the elbow or on the mountain of soft pillows to take the desired position.

In the standing position

The correct such posture will become only when you won't be replayed in the posing itself. Therefore, let the photographer remove you during a photo shoot, when you do anything, for example, dress up the Christmas tree, prepare tea or cake. When you will be busy, your postures themselves will become natural and in the frame will not be seen that you are playing, behave nigino, on the contrary, you will give yourself, what you are.

Do not forget about posing from a semolutement when the model turns to the photographer only by the case. Also, it will not be further remembered about the pose, which will bring the romance to the frame in the frame, when the model sludge slightly, slightly tilts his head, as if reflecting on something, and at the same time he drives his shoulders into the shoulders. During the workplace of this posture in the photo shoot in the hands, you can hold a cup with fragrant and smoking coffee, a soft toy or a book. And you can just join the plaid, knitted cardigan, shawl.

So, the posing in the lying position looks beautifully, if you take it slightly from the height, and the postures in the standing position are good both when shooting on the same level with the face of the model and below or from above.

Thematic posing

Home furnishings can become a bridgehead for many styles, but everything will depend on the interior.

You can only rejoice at good home locations. Moreover, the interior is not obliged to be in some historical style, it can just be a beautiful modern design.

Before you need to choose a place to shoot and test it: what is the lighting on it on the frame, how you yourself fit into this place, which elements of the situation are extra, what your accessories cost to remove or add, etc.

After you can choose the postures that will depend on your image. But, whatever style you do not prefer, do not allow the tension of the muscles of the neck and the shoulder belt.

For a non-ideal figure, poses are suitable with a seaside.

Also, disadvantages can be smoothed by inclined pies, where the model should be a little ahead towards the lens or slightly wilts from the lens.

Simple interior

Positioning in this version is limited and favorable posture. Pay attention to portrait postures that can be removed in the defocus mode of the rear background, which will smooth out the interior.

Carefully approach the selection of poses in the profile. With poor lighting, which, as a rule, is directed in the usual premises from above, unnecessary light-accents are possible on the face.

For example: too mounted forehead and nose, dark areas under the eyes, shadow from the nose, etc.


This genre has gained great popularity in the connected chairs in the 50s.

It can be used partially: copy recognizable PIN-AP poses and recognizable facial expressions, as well as characteristic images of the image: housewife, maid, etc.

In its pure form, this genre is quite erotic. You can save the hint of erotic, choosing the appropriate outfit style and give up it.

Posing in this genre is playfully and is well suited even for the most ordinary interior.

Position rules

Taking a picture of the house, forget about Paphos in pamping. Do not use poses of such a fashion style like Fesh. Glamor style is appropriate, but only in the appropriate setting, let's say, in a beautiful bedroom or in a large and bright wardrobe.

Take care of the possessing of thematic styles: Gothic, Nude, Dark, Punk, etc. All of them will be appropriate only against the background of the appropriate thematic interior.

Prefer natural postures in the standing position and in the sitting position. Posses in the lying position is better not to use. They are appropriate in a beautiful bedroom, near the fireplace on top of a darous carpet, under the New Year tree.

The main condition of home filming is good lighting.

A professional photographer for such a shooting always uses additional light sources: small portable spotlights. They do not replace them very much, but you can use desk lamps of daylight. The lamps must be installed so that the light be hit on you at the level of the person or neck. Distance from you to the lamp should be at least one and a half meters.

If you have only one lamp, exhibit it so that the light be hit on you in the half-trip film or right in the face.

You can try to shoot with candles, but there must be a lot of them. So, for portrait photo, the candles should be not only from the bottom of the frame, but on top. The light should evenly fall on the face.

For a non-portrait photo, for example, lying on the floor, the candles must be placed on the front perimeter of the body, in front of you, and, if there is an opportunity, above you.

In the shooting with candles and with the usual light you will need an ordinary Watman. Use it as a light reflector or to adjust the direction of light. So, for example, in portrait shooting, Watman must be deployed and put on his knees, and a little lift the side, which is closer to the torso, as if a slightly lenked from the camera. White sheet cross light on poorly lit face.

1. Secrets of a successful photo session at the bar rack

Never pick up the legs under it: two plump suckers are twice as shorter than in reality. The second error is to clamp the neck or close it with your hands. The head is not growing right from the collar! Finally, keep your back: what are you sitting in the straight - the harder you look!

2. Growth portrait in the interior

How to photograph? She wished on one thigh - got the legs of the o-shaped form, as if born in the saddle. Effectively lower one thigh - the science that the photo models are mastering for months! So straighten and sliding the feet, you're beauty! The second lifehak is a hand on the waist. If this is your favorite posture, we need to turn around the rules of photographing to the camera: it will eat the stomach and make you a waist.

3. Poses for photography sitting in a chair

No matter how much you want to create the effect of relaxed poses, do not clamp on your back and do not learn back. It will make the legs thick, and the body will turn into an ugly rectangle. Remember your hands: in the frame there should be no "hardware". Do you have fingers? Well, show them!

4. Successful postures for photos for girls on the sofa

Arrangeing hands, you add 10 kilograms of weight, eat 10 centimeters of growth and give the whole figure an angular ridiculous look. Legging your feet into English manner, slightly moving the foot from the edge of the sofa and - yes, right! - Rafting back.

5. Portrait in the interior

Only very slender girls can sign their cheeks with their hands. If you have at least a hint of cheeks, forget about bringing hands to face. "Lunolic" is not the best compliment. And most likely, in general, Martushenka will remind someone. Not the most successful posture for a photo photo shoot.

6. As if for Vogue

And I go so all - and in a passive-aggressive pose I got up, as if on the cover! Nea. You look a curve, with a short neck, without a waist, and your legs seem curves. Pull the shoulders back, put one hand, put the legs on the width of a small step - and the effect will be completely different!

7. How to photograph to girls on the street

If no one is trying to drive you from the bench, do not stick in her hands. And even more so do not exacerbate the position of the head of the head forward. What are you grouping, how before jumping? You are countess for a walk! Relax your legs, reach them so that both feet are visible (or both beautiful shoes), a little inclination of the head of the Welcome - another thing!

8. Who from above

The general and unshakable rule of a successful photo shoot: the photographer is from below, you are top. Just compare the size of the head and the length of the legs on both pictures. Everything is understandable, right?

We thank the photographer