Repairs Design Furniture

Watering timer: the main advantages and the main tasks of the application of the device (105 photos). Advantages of using a timer for watering in the garden The principle of operation of timers and a multiclap device

The possibility of using automatic irrigation systems for watering significantly saves time to summer houses. Even more convenient optionWhen the inclusion of the system is made by a watering timer installed for self-either systems or barrels. There are two types of timers: electronic and mechanical. Let's look at their features more.

Pros application of timer

Automation allows you to free time and facilitate the work of the farmer. Drip watering, sprinkle - beautiful assistants, freeing from the need to regularly watering the beds from the hose.

However, for a long time to leave a garden or a greenhouse still can't work - the system needs to be turned on and disconnected every few hours. The use of the timer (controller) of automatic irrigation solves this question. Programming the device, you will free yourself from the continuous presence and control of the system throughout the season.

The photo timer is allowed to have a prescript of its device. Modern timers can be controlled through mobile phone or the Internet. The device works from two ordinary finger batteries.

Advantages of applying the device:

  • practically no failures in work;
  • quickly and easily installed;
  • economical water consumption;
  • you can program watering individually for any landing;
  • plants get regular watering at the same time, which contributes to their optimal development.

What tasks do the timer?

Solving whether there is a need to acquire a timer for your landing, you need to understand exactly how it functions.

Timer for drip watering It starts and stopping the water, controlling the system, even a few lines for watering simultaneously.

Its inclusion and shutdown may occur independently - a special sensor sets the level of soil moisture. This allows the device to automatically turn off, say, during the rain.

Making a timer assembly with your own hands is very simple - it is connected to a pipe or an ordinary garden hose with the help of fitting.

Mechanical timer

This type of controller is most simple as applied. Turning on occurs manually, and it is turned off on your own - after the time specified by the owner.

The minimum duration of the work is equal to the minute, the upper limit is 120 minutes. The controller functions on batteries. The cost of the mechanical timer is low, while it has long term Services.

Electronic timer

Electronic controllers have a more complex device in comparison with the mechanical and the cost of these devices above. The process of watering will be fully automated. Turning on and off occurs automatically, the device works from batteries, as well as mechanical.

Planning the work owner can for a long time, watering duration - from minute to two hours. At first, the date and time is set, after that you can choose the optimal watering program for the landing.

Principle of operation and configuration

All types of timers are functioning based on ball crane either solino-shaped valve. The ball timer of watering works from a barrel or in samotane systems (at low pressure indicators). It can be used for irrigation through medical droppers.

Valve controllers operate from central water supply (pressure of about 0.2 atmospheres). The multiclap device allows you to organize several lines of simultaneous irrigation. It works from the power grid.

Installing the timer for a certain period of time, remember one small, but important detail. Watering the hose by hand, the dacket sees perfectly when the earth moisturized completely.

With drip watering upper layer The soil remains dry, and the moisture concentrates deeper, in the roots. Without seeing this, I want to produce watering more often, because the soil seems still dry.

To avoid the bay of plants, I dug the soil shovel, you need to make sure that the pricing zone of the moisture plants is missing and irrigated really needed. If the earth is too wet, then the timer must be configured with a decrease in watering time.

Often in the country villages during the day due to the active watering, water pressure is reduced. Installing an automatic timer will provide an opportunity to organize watering in the evening and night hours.

The timer will help automate watering on any area, whether it is a few hectares, a greenhouse, or even one plant, freeing the owner from the mandatory presence in the site and non-primary control. You can safely absent on the cottage for several days or weeks, knowing that everything is in full order with plants.

Photo Timer Poliva

One of the conditions for the full growth and development of plants is timely watering. But not always due to the employment of the owners and the remoteness of the site from the city there is an opportunity to ensure it. Solve the problem of creation optimal conditions With the compliance with the humidity mode will help the timer installation. This device will not only simplify the care of green "pets", but also beneficial on the quality of the harvest. The device you need can be purchased in the horticultural store, or make the timer of watering with your own hands. About how to choose optimal option Models or make an easy device independently consider in the article.

The watering timer is a single or multichannel locking mechanism that controls the water pump. It opens with a certain periodicity, allowing water to flow into the watering system.

Drip irrigation systems provide an opportunity for several days and even weeks not to appear on the plot, without worrying at the same time for their seedlings.

The timer of automatic watering in one woman solves the mass of tasks:

  • Provides watering with a given intensity and frequency;
  • Prevents the mooring of the soil and reinforce the roots due to the measured and slow water supply;
  • Feeding water under roots gardening crops, decides the issue sun burns leaves and minimizes the risk of their disease;
  • Providing local irrigation, helps to solve the issue with weeds.

For ease of maintenance, water supply timers are placed along with other equipment in plastic boxes installed under the ground.

To be able to quickly access devices, such boxes are equipped with a removable hatch or a tightly closing lid.

According to the principle of counting, timers are divided into a single-acting device (with a single response) and multiple (when with predetermined excerpts, it works several times).

Depending on the type of mechanism used, the timer happens:

  • Electronic - The device control unit includes an electronic snap, which determines the response time and opening electromagnetic valve. The indisputable advantage of this type of device is a wide range of response time, which can vary in the range, ranging from 30 seconds to one week. Watering mode can be corrected both in place and remotely.
  • Mechanical - is a control unit equipped with a spiral spring and a mechanical valve. Works on the principle of mechanical clock. One cycle plant spring bloc It is capable of providing uninterrupted operation of the mechanism up to 24 hours, opening the valve for a user-defined response period. Watering mode is adjusted only manually.

Both devices are multichannel designs. The mechanical timer of irrigation is distinguished by the simplicity of the design and the lack of supplying electrical conductors in it. This significantly reduces the cost of the device.

The mechanical timer in comparison with the electronic analogue has a more limited duration of the specified cycle

In the mechanical timer, it is enough to specify the cyclicality of watering by choosing the interval. The electronic model is somewhat more complicated: you must first set the date and time, and after that, to choose the program optimal for grown culture.

Many have noticed that plumbing systems Country villages in the daytime due to intense water intake reduced pressure. By installing an automatic watering timer, you can assign irrigation for evening hours and night time.

Depending on the modification of the device, timers may have an internal or external "ordinary" pipe threadAlso equipped with fast-mode hose connections or quick connection connections with watering system.

Self dear models have additional functions, for example, determining humidity, depending on the indicator of which watering is automatically reduced or extended

Water timer manufacturing options

Planning to equip the automatic irrigation system on the site, water timers are conveniently used to control cranes. With their help, the water supply system can be made absolutely non-volatile, avoiding the use of any electronics.

Timer with Fitle dropper

Fiber wick, drinking moisture, raise it up to a certain height, not allowing water to quickly evaporate. If the wick is transferred overboard capacitance, then the water will start just dripping from the free end.

The basis of this method is the physical laws that create a capillary effect. It occurs when the tissue wick is lowered into water tank

The throughput capacity of moisture can be adjusted by adjusting the thickness of the wick, the density of twisting the threads and transfers their wire loop.

To arrange a timer to a container with low sides, the height of which does not exceed 5-8 cm, set five or decider plastic bottle. One of the key conditions of the system is to maintain the level of fluid in the container at a constant height. The optimal ratio of containers is the easiest to determine the experimental way.

The determining factor in its work is a water pole. Therefore, the height of the bottle and the depth of the wide capacity - interrelated things

In the bottom of the bottle make a small hole for water flowing. The bottle is filled with water, while sticking the drain hole, and is sealed with a lid. The filled bottle is installed in the brush. Looking through the donyshko water will gradually flow, stopping at the level when the hole does not hide under the thickness. As water flows, the water flowing out of the bottle will fill the loss.

The wick itself is easiest to do from the rope of a suitable thickness or harness twisted from the cutting of the tissue. It is placed in the tank, correctly distributing the ends

The main advantage of such a timer is that due to the same water level in a wide capacity in the event of the rain, the replenishment of moisture losses from the bottle will be suspended.

The craftsmen who have already tested such a device in practice, argue that the five-liter bottle with the intensity of the supply of 1 drop / 2 seconds is enough for 20 hours of uninterrupted operation. Semit optimal size The bottles performing the function of the water column, and adjusting the intensity of the drop, you can achieve the effect of multi-consuming delays.

Chair crane adjusting device

In a water timer, the response time is carried out under the action of drops. Flowing out of the container that performs the function of the ballast, water reduces the weight of the structure. At a certain point, the weight of the tank is already missing to hold the knob of the shut-off crane, and the water supply is started.

To improve the water timer, it will be necessary:

  • Barrel for water;
  • Sharovy crane;
  • Two plywood or metal circles;
  • Canisters or 5-liter plastic bottles;
  • Building glue;
  • The coil of sewing threads.

For uninterrupted system functioning ball crane It is advisable to finalize, attaching a small pulley knob to fixed by means of a screw - a rocker. This will allow the crane from the closed state in opened way Change the angle of inclination of the handle.

The pulley is constructed from two identical plywood circles, gluing them with planes with each other with construction glue, or metal, connecting them through bolts. A durable cord is screwed into the pulley, for reliability, making several revolutions around it. Construction lever, cutting cord firmly fixed in its edges. The freight cord from the opposite sides is tied by carlast and compensating weight tank with water. The weight of the cargo should be such that under its weight the crane came to the state of the lever.

As a cargo ballast and compensating its weight capacity with water conveniently use five-liter plastic bottles

Adjust the weight of the tanks is the easiest way by slugging the sand into one of them and depulsion of water to another. The role of the weighting agent can also perform a metal crumb or lead fraction.

Water container and will perform a timer function. To do this, a tiny hole is done in her snone with a thin needle, through which a drop of a drop and water will be seamless. The leakage time will depend on the volume of the bottle and size of the hole. It can be from several hours to three or four days.

To bring the device to action, the watering capacity is set to smooth surface And fill with water. Bottles suspended during the ends of the cord to the pulley, also fill: one sand, other water. With an equal weight of filled bottles, the crane is closed.

As water reappears, the container loses weight. At a certain point, the load-ballast, overweighting a partially devastated bottle, turns the crane to the "open" position, thereby launching

There are situations when it is necessary to obtain a complete opening of the crane, bypassing the intermediate positions - the so-called effect of the toggleter. In these cases, a small trick will help: in the closed position, the edge of the thread is primed to the loader, which will perform the fuse function, and its free end is fixed to the crane. With the closed position of the mechanism, the thread will not experience any load. As the water capacity is empty, the load will turn over, but the safety thread will take over if the ballast will not allow the ballast to translate the crane to the "open" position. Thread breaks Only with a significant cargo translate, instantly switched the tap and ensuring the free passage of water.

To bring the system to an initial state, it is enough just to remove the cargo or fix it in a suspended state, eliminating the tension of the cord.

The system is ready for operation, it remains only before leaving to fill watering barrel And the timer with water and hang ballast by improving it with a thin thread. Such a device is easy to manufacture and convenient to maintain. The only disadvantage can be considered a trigger singleness.

Other ideas for the creation of mechanical timers can be learned on thematic forms. For example, as a working body of the timer, some craftsmen use a cylindrical plunger with polyethylene granules in oil. The device is adjusted so that when the temperature drops at night, the displacer retractped, and the relaxed spring opened the crane. To limit water consumption, use a diaphragm. In daytime sunny rays Polyethylene granules increase in size, pushing the plunger to its original position and thereby overlapping the water supply.

Electronic timer

Crafts who own basic knowledge of electronics can construct simple model electronic timer. The manual for the manufacture of the device is presented in a video clip:

One of the conditions for the full growth and development of plants is timely watering. But not always due to the employment of the owners and the remoteness of the site from the city there is an opportunity to ensure it. The problem of creating optimal conditions with observance of the humidity mode will help the installation of the timer will help. This device will not only simplify the care of green "pets", but also beneficial on the quality of the harvest. The device you need can be purchased in the horticultural store, or make the timer of watering with your own hands. How to choose the optimal version of the model or make an easy device independently consider in the article.

The watering timer is a single or multichannel locking mechanism that controls the water pump. It opens with a certain periodicity, allowing water to flow into the watering system.

Drip irrigation systems provide an opportunity for several days and even weeks not to appear on the plot, without worrying at the same time for their seedlings.

The timer of automatic watering in one woman solves the mass of tasks:

  • Provides watering with a given intensity and frequency;
  • Prevents the mooring of the soil and reinforce the roots due to the measured and slow water supply;
  • Feeding water under roots of garden crops, solves the question of the sunglasses of the leaves and minimizes the risk of their disease;
  • Providing local irrigation, helps to solve the issue with weeds.

For ease of maintenance, water supply timers are placed along with other equipment in plastic boxes installed under the ground.

To be able to quickly access devices, such boxes are equipped with a removable hatch or a tightly closing lid.

According to the principle of counting, timers are divided into a single-acting device (with a single response) and multiple (when with predetermined excerpts, it works several times).

Depending on the type of mechanism used, the timer happens:

  • Electronic - The device control unit includes an electronic snap, which determines the response time and opening the solenoid valve. The indisputable advantage of this type of device is a wide range of response time, which can vary in the range, ranging from 30 seconds to one week. Watering mode can be corrected both in place and remotely.
  • Mechanical - is a control unit equipped with a spiral spring and a mechanical valve. Works on the principle of mechanical clock. One cycle of the spring block plant is able to provide uninterrupted operation of the mechanism to 24 hours, opening the valve on a user-defined response period. Watering mode is adjusted only manually.

Both devices are multichannel designs. The mechanical timer of irrigation is distinguished by the simplicity of the design and the lack of supplying electrical conductors in it. This significantly reduces the cost of the device.

The mechanical timer in comparison with the electronic analogue has a more limited duration of the specified cycle

In the mechanical timer, it is enough to specify the cyclicality of watering by choosing the interval. The electronic model is somewhat more complicated: you must first set the date and time, and after that, to choose the program optimal for grown culture.

Many have noticed that in the water supply systems of country villages during the daytime due to intense water intake, pressure is reduced. By installing an automatic watering timer, you can assign irrigation for evening hours and night time.

Depending on the modification of the device, timers may have an internal or outer "ordinary" pipe thread, and are also equipped with quick-insulated hose connector or quick connection connections with watering system.

The most expensive models have additional functions, for example, determining moisture, depending on the indicator of which watering is automatically reduced or extended

Water timer manufacturing options

Planning to equip the automatic irrigation system on the site, water timers are conveniently used to control cranes. With their help, the water supply system can be made absolutely non-volatile, avoiding the use of any electronics.

Design # 1 - Timer with Fitle dropper

Fiber wick, drinking moisture, raise it up to a certain height, not allowing water to quickly evaporate. If the wick is transferred overboard capacitance, then the water will start just dripping from the free end.

The basis of this method is the physical laws that create a capillary effect. It occurs when the tissue wick is lowered into water tank

The throughput capacity of moisture can be adjusted by adjusting the thickness of the wick, the density of twisting the threads and transfers their wire loop.

To arrange a timer into a container with low sides, the height of which does not exceed 5-8 cm, set five or ten-tier plastic bottle. One of the key conditions of the system is to maintain the level of fluid in the container at a constant height. The optimal ratio of containers is the easiest to determine the experimental way.

The determining factor in its work is a water pole. Therefore, the height of the bottle and the depth of the wide capacity - interrelated things

In the bottom of the bottle make a small hole for water flowing. The bottle is filled with water, while sticking the drain hole, and is sealed with a lid. The filled bottle is installed in the brush. Looking through the donyshko water will gradually flow, stopping at the level when the hole does not hide under the thickness. As water flows, the water flowing out of the bottle will fill the loss.

The wick itself is easiest to do from the rope of a suitable thickness or harness twisted from the cutting of the tissue. It is placed in the tank, correctly distributing the ends

The main advantage of such a timer is that due to the same water level in a wide capacity in the event of the rain, the replenishment of moisture losses from the bottle will be suspended.

The craftsmen who have already tested such a device in practice, argue that the five-liter bottle with the intensity of the supply of 1 drop / 2 seconds is enough for 20 hours of uninterrupted operation. After selecting the optimal size of the bottle that performs the function of the water column, and adjusting the intensity of the drop, the effect of multi-sustaining delays can be achieved.

Design # 2 - device adjusting ball valve

In a water timer, the response time is carried out under the action of drops. Flowing out of the container that performs the function of the ballast, water reduces the weight of the structure. At a certain point, the weight of the tank is already missing to hold the knob of the shut-off crane, and the water supply is started.

To improve the water timer, it will be necessary:

  • Barrel for water;
  • Sharovy crane;
  • Two plywood or metal circles;
  • Canisters or 5-liter plastic bottles;
  • Building glue;
  • The coil of sewing threads.

For the uninterrupted functioning of the system, the ball valve is desirable to refine, attaching a small pulley knob to fixed by means of a screw. This will allow the crane from the closed state into open by changing the handle inclination angle.

The pulley is constructed from two identical plywood circles, gluing them with planes with each other with construction glue, or metal, connecting them through bolts. A durable cord is screwed into the pulley, for reliability, making several revolutions around it. Construction lever, cutting cord firmly fixed in its edges. The freight cord from the opposite sides is tied by carlast and compensating weight tank with water. The weight of the cargo should be such that under its weight the crane came to the state of the lever.

As a cargo ballast and compensating its weight capacity with water conveniently use five-liter plastic bottles

Adjust the weight of the tanks is the easiest way by slugging the sand into one of them and depulsion of water to another. The role of the weighting agent can also perform a metal crumb or lead fraction.

Water container and will perform a timer function. To do this, a tiny hole is done in her snone with a thin needle, through which a drop of a drop and water will be seamless. The leakage time will depend on the volume of the bottle and size of the hole. It can be from several hours to three or four days.

To bring the device to action, the watering container is installed on a flat surface and refill with water. Bottles suspended during the ends of the cord to the pulley, also fill: one sand, other water. With an equal weight of filled bottles, the crane is closed.

As water reappears, the container loses weight. At a certain point, the load-ballast, overweighting a partially devastated bottle, turns the crane to the "open" position, thereby launching

There are situations when it is necessary to obtain a complete opening of the crane, bypassing the intermediate positions - the so-called effect of the toggleter. In these cases, a small trick will help: in the closed position, the edge of the thread is primed to the loader, which will perform the fuse function, and its free end is fixed to the crane. With the closed position of the mechanism, the thread will not experience any load. As the water capacity is empty, the load will turn over, but the safety thread will take over if the ballast will not allow the ballast to translate the crane to the "open" position. The thread breaks only with a significant cargo translate, instantly switched the crane and ensuring the free passage of water.

To bring the system to an initial state, it is enough just to remove the cargo or fix it in a suspended state, eliminating the tension of the cord.

The system is ready for operation, it remains only before leaving to fill the watering barrel and timer with water and suspend the ballast, insulating it with a thin thread. Such a device is easy to manufacture and convenient to maintain. The only disadvantage can be considered a trigger singleness.

Other ideas for the creation of mechanical timers can be learned on thematic forms. For example, as a working body of the timer, some craftsmen use a cylindrical plunger with polyethylene granules in oil. The device is adjusted so that when the temperature drops at night, the displacer retractped, and the relaxed spring opened the crane. To limit water consumption, use a diaphragm. In daytime clock, polyethylene granules heated with solar rays are increased in size, pushing the plunger to its original position and thereby overlapping the water supply.

Design # 3 - electronic timer

The craftsmen owned by the basic knowledge of electronics can build a simple model of the electronic timer. The manual for the manufacture of the device is presented in a video clip:

Watering is one of the most important conditions for growing and fruiting gardening crops. This is especially brightly expressed in the conditions of a minor winter and subsequent arid summer, because many people have no permanent opportunity to monitor the process of watering their pricework. An excellent solution will be an electronic irrigation controller, which, following the program embedded in it and relying on external factors, will independently perform the process of irrigation.

Currently, there are several classifications of the watering controller, all of them, as well as types of timers, are listed below.

Classification of control facilities

  • Auto. A similar type of controller allows watering according to a given program. Also, with the help of it, you can adjust the amount of water during drip irrigation. A similar controller is most practical for greenhouses. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of programming on the optimal watering mode. Bright example Watering controller is popular in our country S538. No less popular ball GA 322;

  • Hand timer. In it, to supply water and control over its distribution, it is necessary to look after. That is why such timers gradually go into the past, giving way to an automatic controller.

Classification of controllers at the place of use

There are timers for watering the following sites of the estate:

  1. Garden. For the garden are designed different kinds controllers. Here you can use: electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other types. Such controllers can be used in water fence from both the water supply system and from the barrel. An excellent model for the garden is the GA 322 or Ga 319 ball controller.
  2. Garden. For the irrigation of the soil on the garden, it is customary to use a mechanical or electronic timer. An excellent solution will be the model Palisad 66191, which has more than 15 watering programs. This allows you to exhibit the necessary conditions Water supply for beds with different cultures.
  3. Greenhouse. As a rule, plants landed in greenhouse require drip irrigation. For these purposes, the Palisad 66191 mentioned above is also perfect. In its functions there is also a drip irrigation program.

Classification of water supply

There are several types of controllers that are classified according to the type of water supply.

  1. Timer of drip irrigation. At the moment are perhaps the most popular among their fellows. The drip irrigation controller eliminates the possibility of overpowering water and excess soil moisturizing. Irrigation occurs in accordance with a predetermined water supply scheme. The advantage of drip irrigation is slow water supply. With this irrigation, the plants grow more versal. Also, in addition to moisture, you can supply various additives that are necessary plants. An example of such watering controllers are not essential to us Palisad 66191, Ga 322, Ga 319, as well as Raco of various modifications. On controllers of irrigation systems of this type there is a humidity sensor that is capable of capturing the state of the soil and the presence of precipitation. If the soil is without that wet or rain, it is determined by the humidity sensor and the water supply is not performed.
  2. Ball controller irrigation. Two types are available: mechanical and electronic.

Ball controller

The advantage of the mechanical timer is the ease of operation. Before it starts, it is necessary to set the time frame of the soil irrigation and the water supply duration.

The electronic must be programmed to the date, time, as well as to install the necessary program that is most suitable for a specific culture. Water supply occurs with a pressure that creates a pump. The pump can take water from both the crane and from the reservoir or barrel. A vivid example of such a controller is Palisad 66191.

The most popular irrigation controllers

GA 319.

Electronic on batteries. Designed to control automatic systems Water supply and watering. The setup circuit is very simple and flexible, has a wide range of values.

Characteristics GA 319:

  1. GA 319 control unit is completely waterproof.
  2. It is possible to establish a watering cycle ranging from two minutes and ending with 48 hours.
  3. The watering duration of GA 319 is set from half a minute to three hours.
  4. Power is carried out from two batteries with a capacity of 1.5 V.
  5. Ga 319 is compatible exclusively with a single watering system.
  6. The price is approximately equal to two thousand rubles.
  7. Water fence The watering system can be carried out both from the container and from the water supply. Feed adjustment is carried out using a pump.

S 538 (GA 322)

Also is a popular controller. It has 16 watering programs.

Characteristics GA 322:

  1. The memory of this controller is able to memorize up to 16 programs.
  2. Power is carried out due to two batteries 1.5 V.
  3. Fully waterproof, provided that the front panel is closed with a translucent lid with a gasket.
  4. Great for sampling systems of irrigation.
  5. The price varies within 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Palisad 66191.

It makes it possible to establish the start and end time of watering systems, as well as their frequency and duration. 16 different programs make it possible to pick up necessary scheme Watering for a certain culture.

Characteristics of Palisad 66191:

  1. This controller is made of plastic.
  2. It is capable of working with pressure values \u200b\u200bup to 10 bar.
  3. The maximum allowable water temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.
  4. Power supply is carried out using two batteries of 1.5 V. Their resource is enough for 1300-1600 launches and soil irrigation stops.
  5. It is capable of supporting both alone and in two lines of watering.
  6. Due to the 16 diverse programs, intended for watering soil with various cultures.
  7. Suitable for samotane irrigation systems.
  8. The approximate cost of the unit is 2200-2500 rubles.
  9. Water fence is carried out using a pump that the sensor sends the command.


There is a whole range of Raco timers: ranging from mechanical RACO 4275-55 / 731D and ending with electronic Raco 4275-55 / 738.

Characteristics of Raco irrigation controllers:

  1. The watering duration of the RACO controller is set from 1 minute to 2 hours.
  2. Upon completion of watering, it automatically overlaps the water supply lines.
  3. Raco has simple design, Therefore, very easy to use.
  4. The location of the connection is a crane or any pipe with a thread 0.75 or 1.
  5. Cost varies from 800 to 3000 rubles. 800 rubles is a mechanical watering controller, 3000 rubles, respectively, electronic.

Additional Timer Functions

In addition to its main purpose, the following additional features:

  1. Rain sensor. A similar device is installed when installing soil irrigation systems in open areas. It captures the presence of precipitation in an amount of from 3 and to 30 millimeters. Watering scheme, respectively, changes, that is, the mini sensor will not make moisturizing during natural precipitation. Also on a similar sensor there is a delay timer that is installed in manual mode. Water supply faucet will be blocked after the rain at the time you will specify.
  2. Membrane pump. This device Mounted along with the timer or separately. It monitors the amount of water accumulated in the container, and when the critical mark is reached, turns off the feed.
  3. Soil humidity sensor. Such devices are installed in several places in the garden. They measure soil moisture indicators. When a certain level is reached, the sensors send a signal to the controller, which in turn opens the crane. The humidity sensor is an indispensable device for irrigation systems in the event that there are no constant observation by man. The humidity controller allows you to maximize the cost of water, because the water supply system crane opens only in those moments when it really needs. When installing such a device, the irrigation scheme must be changed, as a rule, in watering controllers, the sixteenth program is designed to work with humidity sensors.
  4. Filter. It serves to further purify water, if water for watering is taken from natural reservoirs or septic systems.

Everything additional devices You can purchase with a watering controller or individually. It will be much cheaper with the purchase of all equipment for mounting irrigation systems.

Design controller with your own hands

If for any reason you do not want to purchase in the store, you can make it with your own hands. There are many methods of assembling timer with their own hands, the most popular of them are listed below.

The simplest controller watering

The simplest watering controller is easy to make it yourself. For this you will not need any other knowledge. All that is needed is fiber like that that is used in kerosene lamps, And the tank with the height of 5-10 centimeters. The scheme of work is very simple. The fiber is one end falls on the bottom of the tank. After it is completely soaked, water will be dripped from the other end. It must be placed on a plant that needs watering. Thus, the level of humidity will be maintained. If a more abundant irrigation is needed, you need to take a thicker fiber.

Also, the device of drip irrigation can be built with their own hands from an ordinary medical dropper, the principle of which is known to each person.

Device adjusting ball valve

For manufacture with your own hands you will need the following materials And products:

  • water tank;
  • crane;
  • plywood circle - 2 pieces;
  • five-liter bottle;
  • mounting glue;
  • sewing threads.

To mount the watering controller, the crane must be modified a little. Instead of the handle of closing and opening the crane, you must install the pulley.

  1. The pulley is made of two plywood circles. They glue with glue. A sewing thread is wound on the pulley so that the design is reliable, it is necessary to make several revolutions.
  2. To the second end of the cord, it is necessary to bind the balance and compensator of its weight, that is, the water container. The weight of the cargo must be chosen so that it is enough for the crane becomes a lever.
  3. Adjust the weight of the cargo is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to add the necessary components into a bottle with water and sand to a bottle with water and sand.
  4. Severity compensator, i.e. water bottle. To do this, in her day it is necessary to do a small hole. When the mass of the compensator decreases, the cargo starts to drag the pulley rocker on itself, thanks to this, the crane will open.

It can be connected both to a tank with water with a tap equipped on it and to the water supply system. In the case of a capacity, its level should exceed the surface of the Earth with planted plants requiring watering.

In the case of a water supply, everything is a bit simpler. Nevertheless, the location of the water supply line should be higher than the level of land at least 1.5-2 meters. Otherwise, the ballast and the timer container will not be able to function due to lack of space for maneuver.

Arrangement of electric timer

In order to make an electric timer with their own hands, you need to have initial knowledge in the field of electricians.

All that we need is: an electric motor, pulley and photocells.

  • Instead of the handle of the crane, it is necessary to install the pulley;
  • Through the belt it must be combined with the plot of an electric motor installed in close proximity;


  • The inclusion of the motor will occur depending on the movement of the Sun, it is for this that you need photocells that should be adjusted for the movement of the Sun or any other factor. You can also install a timer on the circuit breaker, which will run it at a certain time to open the water supply. And to another - for closing, that is, the reverse engine operation will be performed.
  • In no case cannot use a powerful motor that is powered by the power line. An excellent solution will be the motor of the screwdriver, and in some cases, even from toy typewriter. It all depends on how tight the crane opens and closes.

The latter option is the most optimal in all indicators, because it is possible to adjust the water supply for the watering line in the desired volumes and for a fairly long time, in contrast to the second option.

Watering is one of the most important conditions for growing and fruiting gardening crops. This is especially brightly expressed in the conditions of a minor snowy winter and the subsequent arid summer, since many people have no permanent opportunity to monitor the process of irrigation of their household plot. An excellent solution will be an electronic irrigation controller, which, following the program embedded in it and relying on external factors, will independently perform the process of irrigation.

The easiest way to get a beautiful lawn in front of the house

You, of course, saw the perfect lawn in the cinema, on the Alley, and perhaps on the neighboring lawn. Those who at least once tried to grow a green platform in their own area, without doubt they will say that this is a huge work. Lawn requires careful landing, care, fertilizer, watering. However, only inexperienced gardeners think so, professionals have long known about the innovative agent - liquid lawn Aquagrazz.

Currently, there are several classifications of the watering controller, all of them, as well as types of timers, are listed below.

Classification of control facilities

  • Auto. A similar type of controller allows watering according to a given program. Also, with the help of it, you can adjust the amount of water during drip irrigation. A similar controller is most practical for greenhouses. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of programming on the optimal watering mode. A striking example of watering controller is the S538 popular in our country. No less popular ball GA 322;

  • Hand timer. In it, to supply water and control over its distribution, it is necessary to look after. That is why such timers gradually go into the past, giving way to an automatic controller.

Classification of controllers at the place of use

There are timers for watering the following sites of the estate:

  1. Garden. For the garden, various types of controllers are designed. Here you can use: electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other types. Such controllers can be used in water fence from both the water supply system and from the barrel. An excellent model for the garden is the GA 322 or Ga 319 ball controller.
  2. Garden. For the irrigation of the soil on the garden, it is customary to use a mechanical or electronic timer. An excellent solution will be the model Palisad 66191, which has more than 15 watering programs. This allows you to set the necessary conditions for supplying water to beds with different cultures.
  3. Greenhouse. As a rule, plants landed in greenhouse require drip irrigation. For these purposes, the Palisad 66191 mentioned above is also perfect. In its functions there is also a drip irrigation program.

Classification of water supply

There are several types of controllers that are classified according to the type of water supply.

  1. Timer of drip irrigation. At the moment are perhaps the most popular among their fellows. The drip irrigation controller eliminates the possibility of overpowering water and excess soil moisturizing. Irrigation occurs in accordance with a predetermined water supply scheme. The advantage of drip irrigation is slow water supply. With this irrigation, the plants grow more versal. Also, in addition to moisture, you can supply various additives that are necessary plants. An example of such watering controllers are not essential to us Palisad 66191, Ga 322, Ga 319, as well as Raco of various modifications. On controllers of irrigation systems of this type there is a humidity sensor that is capable of capturing the state of the soil and the presence of precipitation. If the soil is without that wet or rain, it is determined by the humidity sensor and the water supply is not performed.
  2. Ball controller irrigation. Two types are available: mechanical and electronic.

The advantage of the mechanical timer is the ease of operation. Before it starts, it is necessary to set the time frame of the soil irrigation and the water supply duration.

The electronic must be programmed to the date, time, as well as to install the necessary program that is most suitable for a specific culture. Water supply occurs with a pressure that creates a pump. The pump can take water from both the crane and from the reservoir or barrel. A vivid example of such a controller is Palisad 66191.

The most popular irrigation controllers

GA 319.

Electronic on batteries. Designed to control automatic water supply systems and watering. The setup circuit is very simple and flexible, has a wide range of values.

Characteristics GA 319:

  1. GA 319 control unit is completely waterproof.
  2. It is possible to establish a watering cycle ranging from two minutes and ending with 48 hours.
  3. The watering duration of GA 319 is set from half a minute to three hours.
  4. Power is carried out from two batteries with a capacity of 1.5 V.
  5. Ga 319 is compatible exclusively with a single watering system.
  6. The price is approximately equal to two thousand rubles.
  7. Water fence The watering system can be carried out both from the container and from the water supply. Feed adjustment is carried out using a pump.

S 538 (GA 322)

Also is a popular controller. It has 16 watering programs.

Characteristics GA 322:

  1. The memory of this controller is able to memorize up to 16 programs.
  2. Power is carried out due to two batteries 1.5 V.
  3. Fully waterproof, provided that the front panel is closed with a translucent lid with a gasket.
  4. Great for sampling systems of irrigation.
  5. The price varies within 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Palisad 66191.

It makes it possible to establish the start and end time of watering systems, as well as their frequency and duration. 16 different programs make it possible to choose the necessary watering scheme for a certain culture.

Characteristics of Palisad 66191:

  1. This controller is made of plastic.
  2. It is capable of working with pressure values \u200b\u200bup to 10 bar.
  3. The maximum allowable water temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.
  4. Power supply is carried out using two batteries of 1.5 V. Their resource is enough for 1300-1600 launches and soil irrigation stops.
  5. It is capable of supporting both alone and in two lines of watering.
  6. Due to the 16 diverse programs, intended for watering soil with various cultures.
  7. Suitable for samotane irrigation systems.
  8. The approximate cost of the unit is 2200-2500 rubles.
  9. Water fence is carried out using a pump that the sensor sends the command.


There is a whole range of Raco timers: ranging from mechanical RACO 4275-55 / 731D and ending with electronic Raco 4275-55 / 738.

Characteristics of Raco irrigation controllers:

  1. The watering duration of the RACO controller is set from 1 minute to 2 hours.
  2. Upon completion of watering, it automatically overlaps the water supply lines.
  3. Raco has a simple design, so very easy to use.
  4. The location of the connection is a crane or any pipe with a thread 0.75 or 1.
  5. Cost varies from 800 to 3000 rubles. 800 rubles is a mechanical watering controller, 3000 rubles, respectively, electronic.

Additional Timer Functions

In addition to its main purpose, the following additional features:

  1. Rain sensor. A similar device is installed when installing soil irrigation systems in open areas. It captures the presence of precipitation in an amount of from 3 and to 30 millimeters. Watering scheme, respectively, changes, that is, the mini sensor will not make moisturizing during natural precipitation. Also on a similar sensor there is a delay timer that is installed in manual mode. Water supply faucet will be blocked after the rain at the time you will specify.
  2. Membrane pump. This device is mounted along with the timer or separately. It monitors the amount of water accumulated in the container, and when the critical mark is reached, turns off the feed.
  3. Soil humidity sensor. Such devices are installed in several places in the garden. They measure soil moisture indicators. When a certain level is reached, the sensors send a signal to the controller, which in turn opens the crane. The humidity sensor is an indispensable device for irrigation systems in the event that there are no constant observation by man. The humidity controller allows you to maximize the cost of water, because the water supply system crane opens only in those moments when it really needs. When installing such a device, the irrigation scheme must be changed, as a rule, in watering controllers, the sixteenth program is designed to work with humidity sensors.
  4. Filter. It serves to further purify water, if water for watering is taken from natural reservoirs or septic systems.

All additional devices can be purchased complete with irrigation controller or separately. It will be much cheaper with the purchase of all equipment for mounting irrigation systems.

Design controller with your own hands

If for any reason you do not want to purchase in the store, you can make it with your own hands. There are many methods of assembling timer with their own hands, the most popular of them are listed below.

The simplest controller watering

The simplest watering controller is easy to make it yourself. For this you will not need any other knowledge. All that is needed is a fiber like that used in kerosene lamps, and a container with a height of 5-10 centimeters. The scheme of work is very simple. The fiber is one end falls on the bottom of the tank. After it is completely soaked, water will be dripped from the other end. It must be placed on a plant that needs watering. Thus, the level of humidity will be maintained. If a more abundant irrigation is needed, you need to take a thicker fiber.

Also, the device of drip irrigation can be built with their own hands from an ordinary medical dropper, the principle of which is known to each person.

Device adjusting ball valve

For making with your own hands, the following materials and products will be required:

  • water tank;
  • crane;
  • plywood circle - 2 pieces;
  • five-liter bottle;
  • mounting glue;
  • sewing threads.

To mount the watering controller, the crane must be modified a little. Instead of the handle of closing and opening the crane, you must install the pulley.

  1. The pulley is made of two plywood circles. They glue with glue. A sewing thread is wound on the pulley so that the design is reliable, it is necessary to make several revolutions.
  2. To the second end of the cord, it is necessary to bind the balance and compensator of its weight, that is, the water container. The weight of the cargo must be chosen so that it is enough for the crane becomes a lever.
  3. Adjust the weight of the cargo is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to add the necessary components into a bottle with water and sand to a bottle with water and sand.
  4. Severity compensator, i.e. water bottle. To do this, in her day it is necessary to do a small hole. When the mass of the compensator decreases, the cargo starts to drag the pulley rocker on itself, thanks to this, the crane will open.

It can be connected both to a tank with water with a tap equipped on it and to the water supply system. In the case of a capacity, its level should exceed the surface of the Earth with planted plants requiring watering.

In the case of a water supply, everything is a bit simpler. Nevertheless, the location of the water supply line should be higher than the level of land at least 1.5-2 meters. Otherwise, the ballast and the timer container will not be able to function due to lack of space for maneuver.

Arrangement of electric timer

In order to make an electric timer with their own hands, you need to have initial knowledge in the field of electricians.

All that we need is: an electric motor, pulley and photocells.

  • Instead of the handle of the crane, it is necessary to install the pulley;
  • Through the belt it must be combined with the plot of an electric motor installed in close proximity;

  • The inclusion of the motor will occur depending on the movement of the Sun, it is for this that you need photocells that should be adjusted for the movement of the Sun or any other factor. You can also install a timer on the circuit breaker, which will run it at a certain time to open the water supply. And to another - for closing, that is, the reverse engine operation will be performed.
  • In no case cannot use a powerful motor that is powered by the power line. An excellent solution will be the motor of the screwdriver, and in some cases even from the toy typewriter. It all depends on how tight the crane opens and closes.

The latter option is the most optimal in all indicators, because it is possible to adjust the water supply for the watering line in the desired volumes and for a fairly long time, in contrast to the second option.