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What pump to pump water from the barrel. We choose a pump for watering country beds from a barrel. Consumer Review About Purval Pump Karcher - Video

the most necessary hydraulic device on a country cottage plot, where there is no water supply from the central water supply channel. If you are also relevant to the automated watering of the beds and the flower, below you will learn everything about how to choose pumps for watering the garden from the barrel.

The description of the pump for watering and its variety

The main feature of barrel pumps for watering the garden from the barrel is that they are able to independently create pressure and pump water from the bar, feeding it along the hose in the right place. Perhaps this is due to the fact that during the launch of such an aggregate within it, a vacuum is created, in which water is delayed. Since the vacuum is created continuously, all new portions of water are injected into the nanos, and the originally falling into it is discharged outward.

There are special pumps designed directly to work with barrels. They differ in very compact sizes, as well as the presence of a hose for water supply (in some embodiments, even with a convenient sprayer and feed regulator) and a water pressure regulator. Filters are installed on many pumps of this type, so it is necessary to choose clean water. During operation, such a pump simply clings to the edge of the barrels and starts either from the outlet or from the battery. In addition to compactness and simplicity in the installation, such devices allow you to add water and fertilizer when carrying out watering. The most common barrel pumps are the aggregates produced by the German company Kärcher.

However, not only special barrel devices can be used to organize a vegetable garden of a barrel, but also other types of pumps that can be likely to stand in your storage room.

Did you know? The big advantage of irrigation of the barrel is economy, since the pumps are suitable for this method are very affordable in price. Their cost varies from 400 to 1500 thousand UAH, and the service life is not limited.


The submersible pump for a barrel for watering the beds is characterized by the fact that it is lowered directly into the water container, which it will later pump out. Such pumps are designed to supply water from wells and wells, so they often differ in very high power. When choosing a submersible pump in a barrel for watering it is better to stop at the simplest and weak option, as you are unlikely to have a barrel in the site, a capacity of more than 500 liters.

When buying such a pump, it is worth remembering about these features:

  1. Unlike a barrel, the submersible pump can be used not only in the barrel.
  2. The submersible pump is capable of lifting water from any depth, which he himself will be omitted.
  3. In winter, the exploitation of submersible pumps in the barrel is not possible, although in the non-freezing well they can be operated even in tall frosts.
  4. It is the most silent device for watering, as it works under water.


The drainage pump for watering from the barrel and in general watering the beds is practically not used, since its main purpose is the pumping of liquid from flooded premises or feces from the toilet. However, if such a pump already has in the farm, it can be easily adjusted for the needs of the garden. For watering, you can use the smallest drainage pump. At the same time, he will be able to serve water not only from the barrel, but even from the pond, if such is available on your site.


The surface garden pump for irrigation from the barrel has the following principle of operation: the device itself is installed on a solid surface, and the water hose from it is thrown into the barrel. On the other hand, the main pipe is connected to the pump, in which water from the barrel will be supplied, and from which you can irrigate.

Important! If you decide to use a surface pump for water supply from a well, then note that it is not capable of lifting fluid from a depth of more than 9 meters. However, in the case of barrels, it will work perfectly.

Advantages of using a pump watering from a barrel

To pour a garden on a plot where, besides an old well or pond, there are no more water sources, summer houses have to go all evening or wearing heavy buckets and cans. But if the garden is really big - it is worth thinking about facilitating the problem of irrigation, with which the usual pump of water for the barrel will help to cope.

The advantages of its use should include:

  • a significant reduction in watering time;
  • the possibility of feeding the rainwater to the garden, assembled in a barrel from the sewer;
  • the ability to water from falling in the central water unit;
  • the ability to transfer and reinstate the device for watering, each time taking water from the barrels installed in different parts of the site;
  • the ability to add mineral fertilizers to water for irrigation and at the same time with irrigation to feed plants on the garden.

Did you know? Depending on the method of pumping water, these devices are divided into centrifugal, vortex and vibration. For watering the garden, it is better to stop your choice on vibration, as they are able to pump even contaminated water and will not fail if air intake.

Features of irrigation pumps: how to choose the optimal option

Pick up the optimal version of the pump for your country area is not simple, because in each case there will be a need for different power and performance of devices.

It is equally important to initially decide on such issues:

  1. Will the pump be used only to supply water from the barrel, or is there a need for its use to roll out water from the basement or water supply from the well?
  2. At what distance from the barrel is a garden and flowerbeds (including this distance will not only get out of the power of the pump, but also the length of the hoses for water supply)?
  3. Is there a height of the height difference, what is their focus and magnitude?
  4. How frequent and long willing the pump will be?
  5. How much is the area of \u200b\u200bthe garden (how much moisture will have to be downloaded on it daily)?
  6. What type of irrigation is required by plants - drip, rain or under root?

Based on all these indicators, proceed to the calculations of the necessary pump performance, which is how many liters of water pump can be downloaded for 1 minute. It is clear that, if we are talking about watering garden plants, an overly intense water supply can damage them. Therefore, the pump capacity for a 200 l pump for watering should be about 5-10 liters per minute. Considering that the average need for garden plants in water is 5 liters per 1 square meter. m, in 1 minute you can pour about 2 square meters. M of his garden, making moisture as much as possible.

Important! If the garden area is very large - about 300 square meters. m, then the pump must be chosen with great performance, otherwise by watering you will spend a lot of time. To pour such an area for 30-50 minutes, a pump with a capacity of 30-50 l / min will be required.

But the feed rate also depends on the pressure, which can provide a pump, and from the height with which the unit has to lift water, and the height to which water must be downloaded. It is also worth understanding that if the difference between the height of water intake and the height of the drain will be large, the pressure will be small.
To select a pump with the desired set, it is important to make some calculus. Suppose a barrel with water in your depth of 1.5 meters, and the garden that needs irrigation, has a length of 35 m (35x0.1 \u003d 3.5). Immediately calculate the 20% pion loss due to connections and turns. Next, we summarize the height of water lifting, the length of the bed and the number of pressure loss: 1,5+3,5+7=12. The resulting value of the pressure of the pressure is recommended to add a stock in the amount of 10-15 units, which will require the purchase of a pump with the value of the pressure force in 25-30 units (this indicator will be specified in the technical passport to the pump "H").

As for the power of the pump, it will directly depend on the type of watering, which is required specifically for your garden. The power of the pump for drip irrigation from the bar may be minimal. If you have a need for abundant irrigation of garden trees, then you need to take a pump that can withstand a big pressure.

How to organize a barrel watering

Each watering pump has its own features of the functioning, which it is important to know when connecting each of them to the bench with water. Below will consider this question in more detail.

The submersible pump for water supply from the container is quite difficult, so it is often necessary to install a professional assistance. It is worth understanding that the device will function in water, so even one incorrectly swirling nut can cause a pump breakdown or slow coating of corrosion of its separate parts.

When organizing watering the immersion pump, you can also often transfer the unit, so only one barrel can be used for watering. Another feature - the pump will not be able to pump out absolutely all the water from the barrel, so the remnants will always be left at the bottom, which can overreve the time. In connection with this, the barrel will have to be very thoroughly flush periodically. Another lack of use of submersible pumps is the impossibility of dissolving fertilizers in water for watering, since they can damage the unit itself.

How to organize watering drainage pump

The drainage pump for the barrel is best to connect the container into the ground, which will reduce the loss of pressure when pumping water to the garden. It is best that type of pumps is suitable for watering the garden, as they are capable of a very large amount of water with a small pressure at the same time. With this irrigation, the output hose can be simply quitting in the aisle of trees or in the middle of two beds and follow a non-well pumping water.

Watering the garden and garden surface pump

Pump garden for surface type watering is often characterized by high power and the presence of strong vibrations during its operation. Therefore, the pump itself is important to install on a solid surface, undermining a rubberized rug under it (it will neutralize vibrations and make the pump more quiet). Connect such a pump is the easiest way, while it can be transferred within the garden and install at any convenient point. However, after each watering, such a pump is important to cover or hide into the room.

Features of pumping pumps in the country: how to extend the life of the device

Electric boom pump for water is used only in the spring and summer period. At this time, he can stay around the clock outside, the main thing is to build shelter from rain for him.

But as soon as the temperature begins to fall, the pummage pumps for irrigation will be recommended to turn off from the hoses and the barrel itself, from which they served water, thoroughly dry, clean from the puffed dirt and transfer to the warm dry room. If the pump has a protective device - install it. It is very important to prevent idle launch of the pump without water, as this can output its sensors. This storage method will allow to exploit the same pump infinite number of seasons.

For millions of years, nature has managed to create sustainable plant types, but they do not satisfy human in many indicators. Why? Almost in different criteria occurs the selection of their qualities by humans and nature. If the main task for nature was to create a persistent and viable organism capable of giving offspring or seeds in any, even the most unfavorable, conditions, then a person demanded high yield or beauty plants. Such results are pretty successful such results, but the stability of plants to diseases and adverse climatic conditions is significantly reduced. For example, in nature, wild wheat is considered a malicious weed, which is very difficult to destroy. And the cultural varieties for normal development require large additional efforts: special agricultural engineering and various nutrients, herbicides and pesticides to protect against various pests, etc.

Watering with cold water - a strong stress for all aluminous plants, to take cold water to irrpendently recommended. Water heating to air temperature can be done in barrels, you can also collect rainwater - the perfect option. But a rather time-consuming occupation with a watering occupation, not everyone has a desire or the opportunity to engage in such work. Currently, there are quite a few different variants of water supply devices from barrels, consider in detail their differences and advantages.

Watering from the barrel has its own characteristics, pumps must meet individual requirements.

  1. Small weight and dimensions. A pump should not take a lot of space, a small weight should allow without problems to move it from one container to another. The fact is that the volume of barrels rarely exceeds 200 liters, this water may not be enough for a single watering, you have to use additional. In addition, during the rains it is desirable to collect the maximum amount of water, and this will require not one barrel.
  2. Easy use. It should be installed simply and quickly, require the minimum number of fittings and connecting elements. The on / off system is the most accessible, work with equipment should not require special learning.
  3. Reliability and safety. To protect against dirt ingress, the suction device must have special filters. Moreover, they should easily be removed for technical regulatory care, to be repeated use, restore their properties after washing and effectively delay the dirt. It is extremely desirable that the pump has a special sensor to turn off the electric motor in the event of a critical reduction of the water level, such equipment warns the operation of the component parts of the pump dry, which significantly increases the period of operation. According to the degree of protection against lesion, the pump must be responsible to the most stringent standards.

The most famous manufacturers of pumps

Let's start with the most famous and reliable and finish domestic. Forced to have acquaintance with the goods in this order for objective reasons: besides a very small difference in the cost of domestic pumps of other advantages do not have. The price is not much different, and at the expense of a small period of guaranteed operation, this virtual savings turn into real losses. We will only compare submersible pumps for watering from the barrel.

Karcher pumps

Like all goods made by Germany are characterized by the highest quality and great reliability. Care of flower beds and flower beds, universal use, have a wide range of electric motors, performance and water pressure indicators in hoses. The most modern electric motor saves up to 30% of energy per unit of water supplied in comparison with traditional solutions.

During operation, the noise level is minimal even at maximum power, does not create inconvenience for others. Flowers can be watered in the early morning and do not worry that the dream of relatives and loved ones will break.

High output performance allows you to simultaneously connect multiple main lines, and separate layouts are connected to them. To control the level of water in the container, there is an intelligent switch - the pump operation in the "dry" mode completely eliminates, the life of the equipment is significantly increased.

It is implemented complete with chapel elements, all hoses, fittings and sealing gaskets are made of high quality plastics and artificial rubber. Do not fear hard ultraviolet rays - hoses and sprinkle can not be hiding in the shadow. The material can resist significant dynamic and static efforts. It is implemented fully prepared for use, no complex commissioning works are required. The length of the hose is at least 20 meters, the length of the power cable is at least 25 meters.

Gardena pumps

Have two-stage working wheels - the performance of pumps is significantly increased while simultaneously decreasing the consumption of electrical energy. Pressure at least 2 bar, it is possible to connect spinuses, sprayers or drip irrigation. A special float switch is installed, protecting the pump without water.

In the lower part there is an effective filter of cleaning from solids - eliminating the suction department, the engine does not overheat, water pressure does not fall. For ease of use, there is a telescopic rod mounted on the housing. There is no need to connect the hoses to the lower outlet, the rod allows you to adapt to the actual height of the barrel.

The tightness of the IP X8 class case, which completely eliminates the water from entering the pump details - the risks of the short circuit and the lesion of the current are securely prevented. Engine increased economy.

Bison pumps

Submersible barrel pumps, have built-in bimetallic contact to protect against critical winding heating. The hull of impact-resistant plastic, reduced noise of work, is the possibility of accurate adjustment of water pressure.

Telescopic water supply rod, bent the side of the barrel side. The housing has a built-in filter for pre-purification of water. The dimensions of the outlet nozzles are adapted to domestic standards. Unfortunately, the manufacturer does not complete the pump with challenges, to connect the buyer must independently select the missing items. Before use, you must perform installation and assembly work.

How to independently make devices for watering from barrel

If you have an ordinary low-power household submersible or surface pumps, they can be adjusted for watering from the barrel. It will make it possible to save money, and water jet indicators will allow watering quickly and efficiently.

How to redo submersible pumps

During the alteration, you need to solve two problems: closer the engine switch to the barrel and ensure cleaning the supplied water. Let's start in order.

Step 1. Installing the Switch

There are two ways to install a switch: with mounting on the wall or on the wire. The first option is more time-consuming, and it does not always want to do additional holes in the wall. We recommend installing the switch immediately on the wire.

Very important. The switch always needs to be connected to the gap of the phase wire. But this is possible only if during the installation of electrical networks in the house was taken into account the modern requirements of the PUE, the wiring is threefold with grounding. Single sockets and plugs, during inclusion, you can never change the phase wire with zero, there is so-called "protection".

If the wiring on the dacha is duct, then you need to buy a special switch that shuts down at the same time two wires. In whatever position you do not stick to the socket, the plug, the phase will always be interrupted by the switch. As for the technical indicators of the switch, it is enough to purchase at 6 A. Most of the household submersible pumps has a power of less than 1 kW, and such a switch can withstand 6 A × 220 V \u003d 1.3 kW, it is quite enough for reliable operation.

Step 2. Installing the filter

Not all submersible pumps for wells have a pre-purification filter. Instead, you can simply wrap the lower suction part of the pump with a small mesh cloth in several layers. The fabric should be made of synthetic materials.

If everything is prepared, then you can lower the pump in the barrel, it is allowed to put it on the bottom, the performance does not change in the lying position. There is a desire - suspend the pump to the edge of the barrel with a wire, a cable or a synthetic rope.

How to remake surface pumps

By and large, it is necessary to redo the pumps, but water tanks. The fact is that this type of pumps have a fence hose or plastic tube should always be in horizontal or sowed down position, one cannot move through the top of the barrels. If the hose has an upper knee, it will never be able to fill it with water before starting the pump, and the air presence eliminates its launch to the operating mode.

You need to make an output in a barrel, you can install it at an extreme bottom point or a bit above the bottom. Be sure to install a locking valve. If desired, it is possible to combine several tanks in such a way that several tanks can be significantly increased.

Very important. Surface pumps are afraid of moisture. After watering, they need to be turned off to hide indoors. If there is an opportunity, it is better to do a small canopy over the pump to protect against natural precipitation.

We cannot give unequivocal tips for all occasions, the final decision must be taken on your own. But there are several general recommendations to which you need to listen to when choosing a particular pump.

Board pump for watering of the garden - the choice rules

  1. Before purchasing pumps, you need to know the distance from the barrel to the end of the garden or flower beds, the height difference on the site, the irrigation rate and the approximate amount of water used at a time, watering method. These data have solving influence on the choice of a particular pump brand.
  2. Find the following data in a technical passport: Maximum lift and feed height, total length and diameter of hoses, engine power and performance, maximum water jet pressure.

It is recommended that the technical data of the pump exceed the required indicators, taking into account the characteristics of the area and regimes of irrigation at least 30%. The pump should never work at maximum power, it significantly reduces the operation time even the most reliable technology. The fact is that with such modes of work, the windings are quite hot. Although their heating does not cause instant short circuit, the material used to isolate the windings, begins to lose its initial factory dielectric characteristics, which will eventually cause the complete output of the pump.

Passport for Patriot submersible pumps. File for download

Submersible pump Belamos TF. File for download

Submersible pump "Aquarius", manufacturer "Prometrole". File for download

As for manufacturers. We only listed the most famous models, in stores you can find a large number of other companies. Professional and experienced daches strongly recommend paying a higher price once and for many years to use the pump without any problems than regularly access the repair workshops to troubleshoot or acquire new pumps. Buy only tested by time and numerous consumers products. Especially since this is directly connected not only with costs, but also with safety.

Water tanks are better to use plastic, less garbage accumulates in them.

During irrigation, it is necessary to closely monitor the condition of the filter, it is desirable to periodically make a visual inspection and, if necessary, washing or replacing. If the filter began to be clogged, remove water from the barrel and thoroughly clean the internal surfaces from the accumulated dirt. To reduce the number of dust and leaves of the dust and leaves, the barrel is recommended to be covered, and for rainwater, make the receiving hole exactly along the diameter of the drainage.

Video - Watering from barrel

To pour plantings from the container to spend energy to move water. A pump for irrigation from the barrel will be used, or the water is carried by veins - for plants anyway. To eliminate heavy manual work, it is properly picking up the device can each garden. We will not consider ways to supply water from the well, watering plants with cold water harmful. We will select the devices for barrels and open reservoirs.

Watering Water Requirement

A rare summer house connects the hose to the water supply and directly under the pressure submits to beds. Cold liquid will lead to root rot, plant diseases. Therefore, initially produce injection into the container, and after heating the water in the barrels, it is distributed in beds. And in order for the heating to go faster, the barrel is painted in black.

You can take watering water from an artificial reservoir on the site. But then the pool is not brushing with the addition of chemistry. Pump for watering from barrel or pool is chosen according to the characteristics. This takes into account the degree of pollution and the place of installation of the apparatus.

How to choose the pump

Depending on the kind of source, you will need to choose the pump by parameters. There are pumps running under water, they are installed under the bay and are called submersible. You can pull off with them clean water, it is better to take a drainage apparatus for pumping out of the outdoor pool. If the pump is installed in the outdoors and takes the fluid with a hose, it is called superficial.

To properly select water pumps for watering the garden, you need to calculate:

  • performance;
  • head.

We proceed from the time spent on watering the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe site. It is usually necessary to irrigate the sprinkling method at the rate of 5 liters per square meter. In one hour you need to roll on the beds of 0.5 m 3 per hundred. The performance of the pump is indicated by the letter Q and is available in the passport. For a household appliance, 1.5 - 2.0 cubic meters per hour.

Performance and pressure indicators are interrelated. The pressure folds:

  • height of water lifting;
  • diffade between the pump setting the pump and the highest point of the garden;
  • distance to the longest water water point;
  • watering a drip, pressure, or a free expiration of the root.

The height of the water lift from the tank is the ability to suck water with a mechanism, a passport value that does not exceed 6 meters. Each 10 meters of the hose length correspond to a loss of 1 meter of pressure. Therefore, the pump pressure is distributed on the rise of water along the height of heights in the garden, height, lifting the free end of the hose and its length. At the same time, each turn of the water supply brings additional pressure losses.

For giving it is enough to have a garden pump for watering with a pressure of 30 meters. In this case, the feed can be adjusted for drip or pressure irrigation.

Varieties of pumps for watering

Submersible pumps work only in water and are divided into centrifugal and vibration. Crop with rainwater collected from the drainage should mechanisms that can pump the muddy liquid. It is better to use centrifugal pumps, but also for them it will be easier to install a filter on the intake hole. The vibration pump shakes only clean water without suspension, but it costs a model cheaper than a centrifugal unit.

To swinging artificial ponds, it is better to use a drainage pump that is not terrible bottom sediments. But the pressure does not create such a device and is suitable only for root irrigation lawn or trees.

Pumps for watering of vegetable barrels installed in the containers, work with low noise, do not overheat. When installing the device, you need to make sure that the connector is sealed, good electrical cable insulation. Applied to water lifting from the wells "River" and "Rodnichok" are used for irrigation of open water bodies. But the devices are working when immersed at least 50 cm, they cannot be used in shallow water. They serve water from open reservoirs to a distance of up to 400 meters.

The Karcher pump for watering from the barrel is used more often than other devices. The German manufacturer provided all the features of watering heated water from the tank. Float pump with lower water fence is more suitable for watering systems. The design of the barrel has a filter on the intake hole. The kit includes a hose in a sequence of half a long, a length of 20 m. The device is equipped with a valve that allows you to adjust the pressure and spray gun. The pump is transferred to the handle, stored in the container. The power of the device is 400 W., Productivity is 3.8 m 3 / h with pressure of 11 m.

When operating the Karcher does not make noise, and the float is associated with the locking "dry run", the device will turn off if the container is empty. The pump for watering from the barrel can pump the fertilizer solutions.

Pump Gardena 4000/2 Comfort is no less popular with farmers. Easy start and good functionality make the device in demand for watering large areas. The pump creates a pressure of 20 meters and a 4 m 3 / hour capacity with a consumption of only 500 watts of energy. But in rural conditions, German technique should work through voltage stabilizers.

Submersible pumps in the barrel should be provided with an additional filter. For this take tulle and make wrapping for the pump to protect against suspension.

Surface pumps for watering always work noisy. But only the surface centrifugal machine can work for a long time without overheating in the drip irrigation system. Such a pump can pump turbid rainwater, but the suspension will quickly lead the imperative impeller.

For drip irrigation, it is necessary to calculate the performance and pressure of the pump, based on the length of the ribbon of watering, the number of capillaries. It is customary, the normal hole in the ribbon should pass 1 liter of water per hour. Knowing the number of holes on the ribbon pore meter, it is not difficult to calculate the total consumption and choose the centrifugal bokeh pump for watering the garden.

Choose a pump for irrigation landings is not difficult, knowing varieties of devices and features of the country area.

Consumer Review About Purval Pump Karcher - Video

Each gardener has a vegetable watering equipment - these are cans and hose systems, automatic watering and sprinkles, barrels and old baths to accumulate water.

In the country, we very often use barrels for collecting water, even if there is a water supply or well. Clean well water is not as useful for plants, as a warm, arranged in barrel, with biologically active particles and microalgae. To the same water useful water belongs to rain, river or just flowering water.

Also in barrels you can breed herbal and organic infusions for feeding plants. Infusions can be breeded in buckets, but it is easier to immediately do it in a large container and a plot of barrel pump. Barrel pumps are compact, they can be immersed in the container And get rid of yourself from dragging buckets with water for watering and feeding.

E that pump is attached to any barrel or other capacity with water and you can water the site immediately. Usually, a watertic hose is complete, the water pressure regulator and filter filter filtering to protect the pump from dirt. The size of the dirt particles that can be tightened without risk of breakage - 1 mm, so when using it for info, it is necessary to provide additional filtering. Its main purpose is to water the garden.

From manufacturers, you can see the Gardena, there is a pump for irrigation from barrel and not rechargeable Gardena 4000/2 Comfort. Of the advantages:

  • any nozzle with overlapping (for example, a gun), the pump automatically turns off, it is not necessary to run to it,
  • it works very quietly
  • plastic looks very reliable,
  • really comfortably hang on the barrel,
  • it turns off automatically when water ends.

Of the minuses:

  • using the pump garden for watering from the barrel, it is necessary to follow the water filtration so that large dirt or grass particles do not lead to breakage.

From reviews:

"Easy to manage, fully automatic. Lower in the barrel, connect through the connectors, the watering hose and the watering gun, turn on the outlet and can be watered. If the water is over, the baking pump for irrigation will turn off independently. If you turn off the gun - the pump will turn off. Turn on the trigger of the watering gun - the pump immediately gives pressure. It is very convenient with the native watering rod pistol, as it develops good pressure and allows the "shower" nozzle to water up to 4 meters in a radius. It is easy to endure from a barrel in a barrel. "

Another famous manufacturer of barrels - Karcher (Kärcher). Most recently released a paddle pump for watering, which includes:

  • sBP 3800 barrel pump,
  • watering hose 20 meters long (at the output 1.2 "),
  • Universal connectors for connecting parts of the kit among themselves,
  • watering pistol Sprayer, where smooth adjustment of water pressure is provided.

It is also attached to the wall of the barrel and easy to use. Immersion depth of 8 meters, it can also be used as a drainage. Of the minuses - he has no float in the water that controls the level of water - it is necessary to periodically check the level of the remaining water, but thereby saves electrode, so that it may be a plus for someone!

Boom pumps for watering can be used to watering plants herbal tinctures, or liquid feeders, which are bred in the container. However, the container that will be used for herbal infusion is better to first paint the umbilical or use the plastic tank so that there is no herbs reaction with the metal.

Garden, garden, flowerbeds, lawns - everything needs regular watering. Regular pumps for water supply with this task are not always coped - there are its own characteristics in watering, because the pump for watering the garden, garden, flower garden and lawn are selected separately using a completely different approach.

Water source and watering pump category

  • well;
  • well;
  • river, pond, swimming pool;
  • capacities and barrels.

In the case of a well and well, specifications will be technically characteristic - it is necessary that water with due pressure be delivered to the watering place. Models - in principle any. Choose your taste.

If we are talking about a river of a pond or pool, then the requirements of water pollution are added to the specifications. If in the pool water can still be considered conditionally clean, then in the river or pond, pollution will be enough, so that the usual equipment will not fit. Ordinary models in this case do not fit, as they are intended for clean water. Polluted water can download drainage and garden pumps. Here are among these categories and it is worth looking for a pump for watering the garden in this case.

When watering from tanks and barrels, the task becomes even more interesting. Water in this case is also not clean, so the drainage pumps are suitable, but not any, but the most low-power. It's all about the volume of water, which may be contained in the barrel. With a large productivity of 200 liters of water, the average power pump pumps in 1-3 minutes. You will have time to pour at this time quite a bit, but there are no more water. Therefore, the best in this case is the most low-power (they are part-time and the cheapest). Only when buying, pay attention to the pump to walk with a float water level sensor. If water remains very small, this sensor will turn off the power.

Some firms produce special pumps for barrels. They are just distinguished by small productivity and the ability to swing polluted water, have small dimensions and weight, but at a price more than similar drainters. But the barrel pump for watering the garden is compact and light.

By the way, to solve the problem with quickly ending water in a barrel simply. On the site they are usually several. Just above the bottom level, you can boil the fitting with the cranes and connect all the barrels of pipes. So it is possible to swing water from all the barrels without shifting the hose.

Types of pumps, their advantages and disadvantages when used for watering

Choosing a pump for watering the garden is not easy - it is necessary to determine many parameters, take into account the features of pumps and water sources. It is necessary to choose such a "pair" so that you can be comfortable to water, and the equipment worked in a normal, not an emergency mode.


Submersible pumps can be used to pump water from any source of sufficient volume - well, wells. To swing out of the pond and river, even with sufficient amount of water, it is problematic - water is not clean, and ordinary models are only with her and feel fine. With a very big desire, you can make a camera-filter in which the pump itself is placed. But this is also a controversial version - the walls of the chamber can break or score.

In wells or wells, you can use both vibration and centrifugal submersible pumps. The difference is that the centrifugal can "deliver" water over long distances and raise from large depths. Vibration has more modest characteristics, less resource, more demanding on water purity, but the price of them is significantly lower. This explains their popularity.

Submersible pumps There are different types (vortex and vibration), it can work with different water - clean, dirty and very dirty

As for the river and the pond, there were already tanks. In the barrel or eurocub, the centrifugal unit will not shove at all - it rolls it out in a few seconds. The vibration will create a very strong roar, even "pull" the water will be for several minutes. But the roar is worth such that the neighbors can come. So, too, not very suitable for such working conditions.

So, for the submersible pump for watering the vegetable garden, if the water source is a well or a well without sand.


Drainage pumps are mostly represented by submersible type. What distinguishes them - the ability to work with muddy and polluted water. In this regard, drainage pumps are used just for watering the garden from open sources of water - river, ponds, etc.

But only remember that dirty water is not a row and tina, but water contained solid particles with dimensions of no more than 5 mm. But some manufacturers determine other frames for their equipment - often the particle size should not exceed 3 mm. Therefore, if the reservoir is polluted strongly, the same camera with walls from the grid, which will be delayed large contaminants. If you are reluctant to join you, and the water is really dirty, you can use a drainage pump for irrigation, but. He can even download Il. There are models, with a shredder that falling large objects in a second.

So, the drainage pump for watering the garden is good if water has a significant amount of impurities, but they are all not more than 3-5 mm. For large contaminants, it is more expedient to apply a fecal unit.


Another type of submersible pumps designed specifically for watering from small tanks - barrel (pocket) pumps. They have a small performance, low power and dimensions, low noise. With a decrease in the water level in the tank, they gradually raise the pressure so that the pressure at the outlet remains stable. In general, such a pump for watering the garden is a good acquisition, but ... if the price arranges you.

The inlet of the barrel pump is closed by a mesh - a filter from large contaminants. But this is not always enough. If there is a lot of dirt in the barrel, make an additional filter. You can even lower a piece of gauze or other mesh fabric (old tulle, for example), consolidate it so that it does not take a little to the bottom. In this cloth you can lower the unit. In this case, it will work longer without maintenance (it is necessary to periodically clean from the dirt that accumulates inside). The fabric inside during operation will not tighten - there is a grid, so the option is quite capable.


For watering of the garden from the river or pond, external pumps are more suitable. Only the hose is lowered into the source, and the unit itself remains on the surface. Just keep in mind that the hose must be reinforced - the usual simply flattens the negative pressure created during operation.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment include their weight - they are usually quite severe, which creates difficulties in carrying. Their corps are made of steel or cast iron, and it is clearly not easy. To eliminate this disadvantage, special garden pumps were invented. Their corps are made of plastic, which makes them much easier - even a woman can cope with the carrying. In addition, garden pumps are better adapted for pumping not quite clean water. So for watering the garden from the river it is a good choice.

All are good outdoor pumps, but to fill them before starting the work - not the most interesting occupation

In working with outdoor suction pumps there is one nuance: in order to launch them, the pump itself and the hose itself will be filled with water. The outer pump for watering the garden by a method of work can be, then "refuel" need a little - only the capacity in the pump, and this is a few hundred milliliters. If the model is normally suction, you need to fill in the entire hose and the capacity of the unit, and this may be not one tens of liters. Since watering is periodic, each time it is tedious to refill such a system. Therefore, for watering of the garden, self-priming outdoor pumps are used or is looking for something else.

There are external vortex pumps (centrifugal), but they are suitable for clean water. That is, this is another option for a well or well, but with a small depth. Their plus is that they do not need to pour them, although by weight - heavy to carry from places in place is problematic.

Pumping stations for watering of vegetable

If desired, it can be used for watering the garden not a pump, but a pumping station. This, in principle, the perfect option is a stable pressure, and it can be adjusted in fairly wide limits, the motor in this is working in normal mode - turns on and disabled. But without flaws. Typically complement pumping stations with surface pumps for clean water. They will have to pour before starting, these are two. They are heavy - these are three. And the price is far from always pleases - these are four.

Pumping station for watering the garden - convenient, but not suichene

True, if desired, you can assemble the station yourself, and on the basis of any pump (drainage for example). It will take, a pressure gauge and a posterior fitting or a set of flexible eyeliner with nuts of suitable diameters. You can also collect the entire system on polypropylene or plastic, who is used. This is not difficult, so it's realistic.


Choosing a pump for watering, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of these devices. It is still significantly different from the working conditions of the usual, which are used for water supply at home.


You can water the garden with a unit of any type, but there is one nuance: the power must be chosen so that when using nozzles (irrigated gun, sprinkler, etc.) did not break the hose. Moreover, it is not the most pleasant moment that, with a simple pricing watering, less productivity is required - a strong jet is simply wooing the soil. When using raincoats or irrigated pistols, the pressure should be more - to capture a large area.

The only acceptable output is at the output of a decent power pump to put a tee. To connect the hose for irrigation to one exit, to the second hose through the valve, which will take part of the water back to the source. With such a connection, adjusting the amount of water returned by the valve, it turns out to change the treatment of watering, and in a wide range.

Surface pumps for watering the garden in plastic cases are garden models that were developed just for these purposes.

This system is very useful when watering from barrels. When using even ordinary drinkers, barrels roll out very quickly. Such a focus with the return of water allows you to stretch the feed and pour a large area.

If you look for a pump for watering a small capacity, you will find that the units of good brands with low power find it difficult. If they are, then at a high price. But there are a lot of cheap Chinese minor pumps, which are also designed to pump dirty water. This is exactly the option that is needed for watering from barrel, pond or river. True, the percentage of marriage is high - 20-30%.

Decisions in this case are two - to buy a cheap pump, if necessary, buy a new one. The second output is to reduce the performance of a normal unit. You can do this by installing a smaller diameter hose. But for the pump it is bad - it will work, but the rate of wear will increase significantly. To improve the working conditions, you can lead to the point of watering the standard size hose, and only then install the adapter. It is not that the situation will radically improve, but the water consumption will be less, and the pressure will be strong - you can use sprinklers and other nozzles.

Protection against overheating and dry stroke

Since the pump is working for irrigation of the garden for a long time, and even often not at the best for it mode, the situation is quite possible when the motor will overheat. Therefore, it is very desirable to protect against overheating (thermoster). A very useful option - when the threshold temperature is reached, the power supply is simply turned off.

In any source of water, there may be little. Even from a well or well, it can be downloaded. If the pump will work for some time without water, it will be overgrown - water serves simultaneously for cooling the case. Therefore put. The most popular, simple, reliable and cheap way - float. This is a water level sensor, which, with its insufficient amount, simply breaks down the power supply. There are pumps for watering the garden, which immediately go with such a device, and if not, it can be installed independently - connecting the wires from the sensor into the gap of one of the feed wires.

Definition of parameters

As for performance, it was already determined - it is needed small - about 3-5 cubic meters per hour (it is 3000-5000 liters per hour), which is more than enough for watering the garden and the garden.

What should be considered - this is the pressure of the pump. This is the value that water can be pumped. It consists of two components - vertical and horizontal. Vertical is the depth from which water will have to raise. Here as it is, it is - every meter of depth is equal to one meter of pressure. Only in the technical characteristics to pumps there is such a line as "maximum suction depth". So, it should be more than the depth of at least 20-25%. You can take both directions, but only brand equipment, as Chinese indicators are usually overestimated.

The horizontal component of the pump pressure is the distance that the water raised to transport to the watering place (when calculating, take the long-distance point). When using an inch pipeline or hose, it is believed that 1 meter of lifting is required by 10 meters of horizontal pipeline. With a decrease in the diameter, the figure becomes less - for example, in 3/4 inches, 7 meters of pipe / hose per 1 meter of lifting are considered.

It will also have to take into account the resistance of pipes (hoses). To do this, add about 20% to the settlement value.

An example of calculating the pressure. The water mirror is located at a distance of 6 meters from the surface, they will swing from the depth of 8 m, it will be necessary to transmit from the point of the fence to 50 m. The pipe goes inch, because we consider the horizontal pressure by 10 m.

So: the overall pressure is 8 m + 50m / 10 \u003d 13 m. We add a stock on the losses on the joints (20% of 13 m is 2.6 m), we get 15.6 m, after rounding - 16 m. When choosing a pump for irrigation We look so that its maximum pressure is at least this figure.