Repairs Design Furniture

Drip watering how to install with the timer correctly. Timer for drip irrigation: appointment, types and features of manufacturing with their own hands. Electronic controllers with mechanical control

Everyone knows that it is almost impossible to constantly in the country, we are all busy with various matters. And often arises difficulty with irrigation surgery. What to do in such a situation? Decide this problem You can collect the system of automatic watering with your own hands, which without your presence in the garden organizes watering plants in the greenhouse and garden plot.

To do this, it is necessary that in the garden there was a water supply and electric valve or water tank plus the electric pump. Control over the automatic process of irrigation occurs in two directions: a timer and soil moisture sensor.

That is, when the signal is received from the moisture detector, an electric valve or electric pump is turned on and plants irrigated in automatic mode greenhouse or garden plotuntil the humidity becomes sufficient or yet time will passinstalled in the timer. It eliminates the garden owner from constant watering plants with their own hands.

Watering automatic watering circuit

The timer is assembled on DD1 - DD3 chips. In fact, this is a daily automatic timer. For example, by clicking on the start button, the automatic makes watering and exactly a day it will repeat this operation again.

On logical elements, a generator of rectangular timer pulses is collected, following with a frequency of 97 Hz. These impulses come to the Counters DD2 and DD3 divisors. At the output of the 1 counter DD3 times a day, a logical unit appears. Now on both inputs of the element DD1.3 log.1 and when entering the log.0 on any of these inputs at the output of this element, there will be a switch from logical 0 to 1.

This will create a pulse through the elements C6 and R5, resetting the DD4 counter. Zero at the output of the DD4 counter launches a multivibrator that determines the duration of the automatic watering.

Setting the time is performed by changing the resistance of the variable resistor R6. For specified values This period can be changed from 1 min. up to 20 min. If you need to increase this interval even more, then in this case you should increase the capacitor capacitor C7.

The humidity sensor is built on the DD5.3 element. For large moisture At its output, a logical unit is formed, and with low humidity zero, indicating that it is necessary to produce plants located in greenhouse or garden plot. The sensitivity threshold is set by the variable resistor R7. As soon as the DD5.4 inputs appear on both inputs. automatic watering plants.

Humidity sensor electrodes can be made with their own hands. They are a couple of stainless pins stuck in the ground not far from each other. Such sensors may be several to be placed in different places Near plants garden plot Or in the greenhouse. They should be connected in parallel with the mounting wire.

Details of plants watering machine

The CD4001 counter can be changed on the domestic K561L5, and CD4040 on K561Y16, K561I20. KD522 diodes can be replaced by, KD103, KD521, KD102. As a relay, you can apply the automotive relay to 12V type BSV1M1240. Stabilirt of any to stabilization stabilization 9 ... 10v.

Watering is one of the most important conditions for growing and fruiting gardening crops. This is especially brightly expressed in the conditions of a minor winter and subsequent arid summer, because many people have no permanent opportunity to monitor the process of watering their pricework. An excellent solution will be an electronic irrigation controller, which, following the program embedded in it and relying on external factors, will independently perform the process of irrigation.

Currently, there are several classifications of the watering controller, all of them, as well as types of timers, are listed below.

Classification of control facilities

  • Auto. A similar type of controller allows watering according to a given program. Also with it you can adjust the amount of water during drip watering. A similar controller is most practical for greenhouses. The undoubted advantage is the possibility of programming on the optimal watering mode. Bright example Watering controller is popular in our country S538. No less popular ball GA 322;

  • Hand timer. In it, to supply water and control over its distribution, it is necessary to look after. That is why such timers gradually go into the past, giving way to an automatic controller.

Classification of controllers at the place of use

There are timers for watering the following sites of the estate:

  1. Garden. For the garden are designed different kinds controllers. Here you can use: electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other types. Such controllers can be used in water fence from both the water supply system and from the barrel. An excellent model for the garden is the GA 322 or Ga 319 ball controller.
  2. Garden. For the irrigation of the soil on the garden, it is customary to use a mechanical or electronic timer. An excellent solution will be the model Palisad 66191, which has more than 15 watering programs. This allows you to exhibit the necessary conditions Water supply for beds with different cultures.
  3. Greenhouse. As a rule, plants landed in greenhouse require drip irrigation. For these purposes, the Palisad 66191 mentioned above is also perfect. In its functions there is also a drip irrigation program.

Classification of water supply

There are several types of controllers that are classified according to the type of water supply.

  1. Timer of drip irrigation. At the moment are perhaps the most popular among their fellows. The drip irrigation controller eliminates the possibility of overpowering water and excess soil moisturizing. Irrigation occurs in accordance with a predetermined water supply scheme. The advantage of drip irrigation is slow water supply. With this irrigation, the plants grow more versal. Also, in addition to moisture, you can supply various additives that are necessary plants. An example of such watering controllers are not essential to us Palisad 66191, Ga 322, Ga 319, as well as Raco of various modifications. On controllers of irrigation systems of this type there is a humidity sensor that is capable of capturing the state of the soil and the presence of precipitation. If the soil is without that wet or rain, it is determined by the humidity sensor and the water supply is not performed.
  2. Ball controller irrigation. Two types are available: mechanical and electronic.

Ball controller

The advantage of the mechanical timer is the ease of operation. Before it starts, it is necessary to set the time frame of the soil irrigation and the water supply duration.

The electronic must be programmed to the date, time, as well as to install the necessary program that is most suitable for a specific culture. Water supply occurs with a pressure that creates a pump. The pump can take water from both the crane and from the reservoir or barrel. A vivid example of such a controller is Palisad 66191.

The most popular irrigation controllers

GA 319.

Electronic on batteries. Designed to control automatic water supply systems and watering. The setup circuit is very simple and flexible, has a wide range of values.

Characteristics GA 319:

  1. GA 319 control unit is completely waterproof.
  2. It is possible to establish a watering cycle ranging from two minutes and ending with 48 hours.
  3. The watering duration of GA 319 is set from half a minute to three hours.
  4. Power is carried out from two batteries with a capacity of 1.5 V.
  5. Ga 319 is compatible exclusively with a single watering system.
  6. The price is approximately equal to two thousand rubles.
  7. Water fence The watering system can be carried out both from the container and from the water supply. Feed adjustment is carried out using a pump.

S 538 (GA 322)

Also is a popular controller. It has 16 watering programs.

Characteristics GA 322:

  1. The memory of this controller is able to memorize up to 16 programs.
  2. Power is carried out due to two batteries 1.5 V.
  3. Fully waterproof, provided that the front panel is closed with a translucent lid with a gasket.
  4. Great for sampling systems of irrigation.
  5. The price varies within 2-2.5 thousand rubles.

Palisad 66191.

It makes it possible to establish the start and end time of watering systems, as well as their frequency and duration. 16 different programs make it possible to pick up necessary scheme Watering for a certain culture.

Characteristics of Palisad 66191:

  1. This controller is made of plastic.
  2. It is capable of working with pressure values \u200b\u200bup to 10 bar.
  3. The maximum allowable water temperature is 40 degrees Celsius.
  4. Power supply is carried out using two batteries of 1.5 V. Their resource is enough for 1300-1600 launches and soil irrigation stops.
  5. It is capable of supporting both alone and in two lines of watering.
  6. Due to the 16 diverse programs, intended for watering soil with various cultures.
  7. Suitable for samotane irrigation systems.
  8. The approximate cost of the unit is 2200-2500 rubles.
  9. Water fence is carried out using a pump that the sensor sends the command.


There is a whole range of Raco timers: ranging from mechanical RACO 4275-55 / 731D and ending with electronic Raco 4275-55 / 738.

Characteristics of Raco irrigation controllers:

  1. The watering duration of the RACO controller is set from 1 minute to 2 hours.
  2. Upon completion of watering, it automatically overlaps the water supply lines.
  3. Raco has simple design, Therefore, very easy to use.
  4. The location of the connection is a crane or any pipe with a thread 0.75 or 1.
  5. Cost varies from 800 to 3000 rubles. 800 rubles is a mechanical watering controller, 3000 rubles, respectively, electronic.

Additional Timer Functions

In addition to its main purpose, the following additional features:

  1. Rain sensor. A similar device is installed when installing soil irrigation systems in open areas. It captures the presence of precipitation in an amount of from 3 and to 30 millimeters. Watering scheme, respectively, changes, that is, the mini sensor will not make moisturizing during natural precipitation. Also on a similar sensor there is a delay timer that is installed in manual mode. Water supply faucet will be blocked after the rain at the time you will specify.
  2. Membrane pump. This device Mounted along with the timer or separately. It monitors the amount of water accumulated in the container, and when the critical mark is reached, turns off the feed.
  3. Soil humidity sensor. Such devices are installed in several places in the garden. They measure soil moisture indicators. When a certain level is reached, the sensors send a signal to the controller, which in turn opens the crane. The humidity sensor is an indispensable device for irrigation systems in the event that there are no constant observation by man. The humidity controller allows you to maximize the cost of water, because the water supply system crane opens only in those moments when it really needs. When installing such a device, the irrigation scheme must be changed, as a rule, in watering controllers, the sixteenth program is designed to work with humidity sensors.
  4. Filter. It serves to further purify water, if water for watering is taken from natural reservoirs or septic systems.

Everything additional devices You can purchase with a watering controller or individually. It will be much cheaper with the purchase of all equipment for mounting irrigation systems.

Design controller with your own hands

If for any reason you do not want to purchase in the store, you can make it with your own hands. There are many methods of assembling timer with their own hands, the most popular of them are listed below.

The simplest controller watering

The simplest watering controller is easy to make it yourself. For this you will not need any other knowledge. All that is needed is fiber like that that is used in kerosene lamps, And the tank with the height of 5-10 centimeters. The scheme of work is very simple. The fiber is one end falls on the bottom of the tank. After it is completely soaked, water will be dripped from the other end. It must be placed on a plant that needs watering. Thus, the level of humidity will be maintained. If a more abundant irrigation is needed, you need to take a thicker fiber.

Also, the device of drip irrigation can be built with their own hands from an ordinary medical dropper, the principle of which is known to each person.

Device adjusting ball valve

For manufacture with your own hands you will need the following materials And products:

  • water tank;
  • crane;
  • plywood circle - 2 pieces;
  • five-liter bottle;
  • mounting glue;
  • sewing threads.

To mount the watering controller, the crane must be modified a little. Instead of the handle of closing and opening the crane, you must install the pulley.

  1. The pulley is made of two plywood circles. They glue with glue. A sewing thread is wound on the pulley so that the design is reliable, it is necessary to make several revolutions.
  2. To the second end of the cord, it is necessary to bind the balance and compensator of its weight, that is, the water container. The weight of the cargo must be chosen so that it is enough for the crane becomes a lever.
  3. Adjust the weight of the cargo is very simple. To do this, it is necessary to add the necessary components into a bottle with water and sand to a bottle with water and sand.
  4. Severity compensator, i.e. water bottle. To do this, in her day it is necessary to do a small hole. When the mass of the compensator decreases, the cargo starts to drag the pulley rocker on itself, thanks to this, the crane will open.

It can be connected both to a tank with water with a tap equipped on it and to the water supply system. In the case of a capacity, its level should exceed the surface of the Earth with planted plants requiring watering.

In the case of a water supply, everything is a bit simpler. Nevertheless, the location of the water supply line should be higher than the level of land at least 1.5-2 meters. Otherwise, the ballast and the timer container will not be able to function due to lack of space for maneuver.

Arrangement of electric timer

In order to make an electric timer with their own hands, you need to have initial knowledge in the field of electricians.

All that we need is: an electric motor, pulley and photocells.

  • Instead of the handle of the crane, it is necessary to install the pulley;
  • Through the belt it must be combined with the plot of an electric motor installed in close proximity;


  • The inclusion of the motor will occur depending on the movement of the Sun, it is for this that you need photocells that should be adjusted for the movement of the Sun or any other factor. You can also install a timer on the circuit breaker, which will run it at a certain time to open the water supply. And to another - for closing, that is, the reverse engine operation will be performed.
  • In no case cannot use a powerful motor that is powered by the power line. An excellent solution will be the motor of the screwdriver, and in some cases, even from toy typewriter. It all depends on how tight the crane opens and closes.

The latter option is the most optimal in all indicators, because it is possible to adjust the water supply for the watering line in the desired volumes and for a fairly long time, in contrast to the second option.

Last spring, planning to automate irrigated lawns near the house, hit Ali express, and found this timer. I had experience using such timers only purchased in Poland. This one, in contrast to Polish, has as many as sixteen programs. (Polish is only two of them). That is, you can put your watering 16 times a day !!! ... This is, of course, the option, because, in practice, mostly needed only twice.
I personally use only two programs - that is, I insist the timer so that watering happened 2 times a day - at 0.30 and in 5.30. At this time, "rain" does not interfere with anyone. In addition, plants at this time "cooled" and do not receive temperature shock.
The manufacturer is provided at the output of the hose connection, for this in the kit there is a quick-release connector.

But I, for example, set a timer into a pipe break, which comes from hydrofra to sprayers.
It feeds the timer from the two elements of AAA. If you put "Dosel", grabs for the whole season. No wires do not have to pull it.
I used it one season, and in the winter I bought two more such - for the automation of drip watering greenhouses and beds.

Cost: ~ 1007

More on Aliexpress

Today, plants are used to invest various systems Watering, they make it possible to control the amount of water for each type of plants, apply drip watering or sprinklers. Water saves, for plants are created the most favorable conditions development. The only drawback of such systems is the need for constant control, the inclusion / shutdown is performed manually. This is a rather unpleasant activity, the duration of watering, depending on the type of plants, climatic conditions and a particular system can reach two hours. In order to solve this problem, the watering timer should be installed for samotane systems.

Initially, it is necessary to explain the concept of "samotane systems", and then in some sources you can find funny explanations of the principles of their action and complete misunderstanding of hydrodynamics.

Automatic Watering Systems System - Scheme

There are experts that argue that the timers of watering for self-e-systems are so good that they can work at water pressure from 0 to 6 atmospheres. They will work with zero pressure, only nothing will be water. Samotek - not physical concept, but a pure household. And it means not the lack of pressure, but the lack of permanent water pumps. In samotane systems, the pump serves water only in the drive, which is at some distance from the ground. Due to the height of the height between the upper water level and the place of its release creates pressure, it is it forces the water flow to move.

Why are timers used in most cases for self-intended systems? Because they cannot work at high pressures, they have too fragile closing valves and the weak mechanism of their drive. For most devices, the maximum water pressure cannot exceed 0.5 atm., For such a pressure, water container should be at a distance of five meters from the ground surface. In the absolute majority of watering systems, the accumulative containers are located significantly lower.

Tymera types

Currently, you can purchase three types of timers:

  • mechanical. The simplest, belong to semi-automatic management systems. The switching on is done manually, turned off automatically after a specified period of time (up to 120 minutes). Do not require power sources, the closing valve is activated at the expense of the spring. Advantages - low cost and high reliability. Disadvantages - without the presence of people during the inclusion, do not do;

  • electronic with mechanical control. Watering modes are fully automated, watering schedule can be adjusted for a seven-day period, watering duration up to 120 minutes. Advantages - relatively low cost, ease of creation of programs and management. Disadvantages - the impossibility of connecting additional equipment;

  • electronic software control. The most modern devices, have the ability to install up to 16 special functions. Disadvantages - high cost. In addition, unprepared users are difficult to install programs.

Mechanical timers are rarely used, most often the watering system is controlled by one of the types of electronic devices. Water supply is adjustable using a solenoid (electromagnetic) valve or ball crane.

Timer for watering for 2 lines, mechanical "EXPERT GARDEN"

  1. Solenoid valve. At a certain time, power is supplied to the electromagnetic coil, under the action of the electromagnetic field, the core is drawn into the solenoid and overlaps the aqueous stream. If the power is stopped, the spring core is pushed up and the lumen of the pipe opens. In the timers, the principle of operation can be inverse - without voltage, the spring valve is broken, and when a strong magnetic field occurs, it opens. Due to such a principle of operation, the battery charge is saved. You can distinguish the operation of the solenoid valve via a characteristic click during opening / closing.
  2. Ball valve. Opening / closing performs a gearbox, which is driven by an electric motor. To save the charge is also constantly in the closed position, it opens only for the period of inclusion of the system for watering. During timer triggering with a ball valve, a short noise of work is heard electric engine and gearbox.

Important. As soon as the risks of frost appearance arise, the timer must be disconnected. Why? During the start-up in the windings of the stator, there are large values \u200b\u200bof currents as soon as the rotor starts to rotate, the current is dropped to operating modes. During freezing, the ball valve can trust a little, the power of the electric motor is not enough for its separation. This means that launchers will be for a long time Behind the windings, which will inevitably lead to their overheating and short circuit. Yes, and the gear itself is not designed for considerable efforts, can fail the drive gear. Such malfunctions require comprehensive repair or full replacement Devices.

Electronic timers with mechanical control (toggle type)

Very simple in management, reliable and durable devices. To select the operation mode of the irrigation system, you must perform the following steps:

  • unscrew the top transparent plastic lid. It is necessary to work carefully, not losing the sealing gasket, it can fall out;
  • the left toggle switch to set the frequency of inclusion of the system, the maximum period is 72 hours;
  • the right toggle switch to specify the specific duration of watering, a maximum of 120 minutes.

Important. The initial reference time of the electronic device begins with the time of turning on the timer to work. This means that if, for example, you wish it to turn on periodically at five in the morning, then the first timer setting should be done at the same time. In the future, the time of inclusion of the system irrigation will not be changed.

Manufacturers complete with a timer implement a complete set of fittings for connecting plastic pipes or flexible hoses of different diameters. Timer meals from two aaa type batteries 1.5 V.

Watering timer - Photo

Electronic software control timers

More modern deviceshave significantly advanced features. Supply includes adapters for connecting pipelines and flexible hoses. various diameters. Software management setup It is followed as follows:

  • remove the plastic lid. It is spinning quite tightly at the factory, you will have to make considerable efforts;
  • press the TIME on button, the program installation parameters will appear on the electronic scoreboard. Set the current time and day of the week, the action must be confirmed by pressing the SET button;
  • take turns go to each day of the week, choose the time and duration of the electronic timer. These parameters will be maintained by the entire period of use;
  • if you wish, you can configure up to 16 different programs on the instrument. To do this, click the Prog button and then configure the desired number of programs. All entered data must be confirmed by pressing the SET button.

Inside the device installed a fairly capacitor. It is designed to serve a signal about the critical discharge of batteries and the timer transition to autonomous power mode. When the battery charge decreases, a warning will appear on the display. With the time of its appearance, the battery can still work 2-3 days depending on the frequency and duration of the power supply system.

In full offline mode The capacitor can ensure the functioning of the timer 3-4 days. If during this time the batteries do not replace, then the timer will turn off. After that, all previously installed irrigation modes from memory will be erased, you will have to repeat the installation actions from the very beginning.

In standby mode, the timer consumes no more than 1.2 mA, while the current consumption increases to 350 mA. These are very small values \u200b\u200bthat allow the device to work from alone batteries at least the season. Manufacturers specially emerge from this time, during the annual regulatory inspection of the irrigation system before launching, it is recommended to establish new batteries.

There are models of timers designed to work on large and complex irrigation systems. They have several valves, which allows you to control the regimens of a multiple separate zones, for each of them their parameters are installed. Localled devices can be connected to voltage 220 V or have up to eight AAA batteries 1.5 V.

What data should be taken into account while setting up sensors

From the correct configuration of the timer program, the conditions of growing plants are largely dependent. What should be taken into account?

Cracking the area of \u200b\u200birrigation into individual zones, taking into account the species of cultures. Each of them has its own requirements, in some cases there will have to buy multiclapped timers.

Hydraulic calculation for maximum water consumption. The work of the timers should take into account the overall capacity of the drives. If there is no automatic swap, then you need to independently control the availability of water and, if necessary, fill the container.

Analysis of the trace laying systems of watering. The large difference in the height of individual irrigation lines can have a significant impact on their performance. During the setting, it should be borne in mind not only watering time, but also the amount of water, which during this time is supplied by plants.

After the timer is completed, it is recommended to check the system performance. To do this, the minimum transition periods are set, the valve actuator actuas is checked. If the timer works in normal mode, you can begin specific programming and translate the system to the automatic mode of operation.

The process of installing the timer program will be much simplified if included with it to purchase additional sensors.

Additional features of timers

Electronic timers for watering using sensors can perform several additional featuresthat further simplifies the process of growing cultures in greenhouses or on the open soil.

  1. Rain sensor. Such equipment is used during watering installation on open areas. The rain sensor will give a signal to an electronic device about the presence of natural precipitation. The timer reacts to these signals and passes one watering, which coincides with the rain period. The sensor is adjusted in the range of precipitation from 3 mm to 25 mm. Such a wide range allows you to more accurately regulate irrigation rates based on weather conditions. The presence of an accelerated review function allows you to stop watering in the minimum time after the start of the rain, the devices do not require additional maintenance. Depending on the adjustments of the ventilation ring, a delay is set to the standby return. Return time to its original position has a direct dependence on humidity and ambient temperature. This allows you to achieve significant water savings.
  2. Membrane pump. It can be mounted in a joint with a timer or a separate building, monitors water level in accumulative tanks. With a decrease in the amount of water below the critical level, the pump automatically turns on to replenish stocks. After filling the tanks, the pump is turned off.
  3. Radio channel soil moisture sensor. Most modern device, greatly facilitates the care of plants. Installed in several places on the beds, blocks the timer command to watering in the case high humidity Soil. The most modern devices increase the yield of agricultural crops at least 10%.
  4. Water purification filter. Performs high-quality water purification, significantly increases the time of operation of the timer.

Additional control and control devices can be purchased with a watering timer or separately.

Video - Watering Timers for Self-Systems

Irrigation events are one of the main conditions for obtaining high yieldAnd it is the timer for drip irrigation that allows you to improve the system, as well as make it the most convenient in operation and highly efficient.

Timer for drip irrigation: appointment, types and principles of work

There are several classifications that allow you to subdivide devices into several types.

Depending on the type of control, the watering timer can be presented:

  • automatic control system. This timer is designed to perform irrigation in accordance with a predefined program. Through such a device, regulation of the amount of water consumed during drip irrigation is allowed. This option belongs to the category most practical devices For greenhouse structures. Undoubted advantage is the ability to program the most optimal and efficient irrigation mode;
  • manual or mechanical timer With the advent of automatic devices, it became less popular. Such low demand manual equipment Conducts the need to control the device.

Depending on the site of use, controllers can apply:

  • on the territory of garden plantings. Electronic, mechanical, automatic, ball and other varieties of devices can be used here. Are used to carry out a fluid intake from a centralized water supply system or a special capacity;
  • in garden ridges, it is best to use a ball water controller, but not worse than the mechanical or electronic timers of type Ralisad, which allows you to exhibit optimal conditions Water feed for a variety of different cultures;
  • in greenhouse structures, the use of a drip irrigation system is required, which is equipped with an autocontroller.

Timer watering with manual control (video)

Today is used several varieties of controllers classified by water supply:

  • drip irrigation with a timer. The most popular and demanded option, fully eliminating the possibility of encountering water overrun and excessive moistener of the soil. Irrigation events are carried out according to the well-planned water supply scheme. The advantage of such a design is the slow flow of fluid and the ability to feed with liquid fertilizers. Controllers of the system of such a design are characterized by the presence of a sensor to humidity, which allows you to catch the condition of the soil;
  • watering ball controllers can be both mechanical and electronic. The main advantage of the mechanical timer is the simplicity of maintenance and operation. Immediately before the launch, you need to establish the optimal time frame of irrigation measures and the duration of watering. Electronic devices Programming the date, time, as well as the choice of the necessary program, which most corresponds to the botanical characteristics of the cultural culture. Irrigation is carried out by means of pressure generated by the pump.

The choice should be carried out depending on factors such as soil-climatic conditions, irrigation area and the species of grown plants.

Advantages and features of the crane operation with a timer for watering

The timer allows you to solve the following tasks:

  • providing watering with a given intensity and optimal frequency;
  • preventing the mooring of the soil and reinforce the root system due to the measured and slow supply of water;
  • preventing education on foliage sun burns;
  • ensuring local irrigation, which reduces the risk of rapid growth of weighing plants.

With all this it is necessary to take into account some minuses of application:

  • the use of a classic irrigation system connected to centralized water supply and fan sprayers causes simultaneous inclusion and a noticeable pressure drop when applying one standard timer;
  • used water water It is quite cold, which often causes the supercooling of the root system of too thermo-loving gardening and flowing plants.

It is required to comply with the connection methodology and use only high-quality and reliable connecting fittings that can withstand high pressure water. Otherwise, an uncontrolled fluid spill can be observed, which can cause flooding of plants and strong water overrun.

How to make a drip watering with an automatic timer (video)

Making a mechanical water timer for watering with your own hands

Run a simple device can be easily easily and with minimal cost Time and cash with your own hands. At the same time, correctly performed homemade versionIn most cases, it is not very different from functionality from ready-made, factory products. Water timer response time is determined by the action of dropsAnd the container performs the functions of the ballast. Summary from the tank, the liquid reduces the mass of the structure and the water supply is launched.

The arrangement of the water timer is performed using a barrel under water, a ball crane, a pair of sheet steel sheets or plywood, cans, construction glue and coils of ordinary sewing threads. The uninterrupted functioning of the system will require some refinement of the ball crane in the form of fixing a small pulley rocker to the handle. Thus, it is possible to open the crane of the knob tilt.

The pulley must be built out of the pair of the same plywood circles glued together with the help of construction glue. If metal circles are used, their connection is performed by bolts. The pulley requires to turn a few turns of the durable cord. When building a lever, the segments of the cord must be firmly fixed on the edges of the structure. On the free ends of the cord, you need to attach a bay ballast, which allows the lever in the working state.

Regulation of tank mass can be submitted sand and water intake. Also as a weighting agent, you can use the metal crumb or lead fraction. Capacity filled with water, perform a timer function. In the bottom of such a container, you need to do a very small hole, through which water seeps. The device is driven by means of water tanks for watering to smooth surface. Balance bottles filled with sand and water are suspended using a cord on pulley.

Overview of automatic watering timer manufacturers

To date, there is a huge number of controller timers that are installed on various irrigation systems, but the following models have proven themselves best:

  • electronic model GA-319working on batteries and designed to control work automatic systems Water supply and irrigation. It has a simple and flexible setting, a wide range of values \u200b\u200band compatibility with single irrigation systems. The fluid fence can be carried out from a container or water supply, and pressure is adjusted by pump;
  • model S-538 Customized for sixteen irrigation programs and working through a pair of batteries. The device is optimal for installation in sampling systems of watering;
  • Ralisad-66191 With the ability to set a time frame to the beginning and end of work, as well as the frequency and duration of moisturizing. The installation involves the use of sixteen programs that are suitable for different cultures. Optimal option for the arrangement of samotane irrigation systems;
  • manufacturer Rosco. Releases a whole line of timers, including mechanical and electronic models, which automatically overlap the line of water supply. Such devices have a simple design and ease of operation.

Electronic watering timer (video)

Irrigation timers are very widely used as dackets and small farmers in order to ensure proper and timely dosing of water supply for any plants. In addition to the convenience of operation, such devices help significantly save strength, time and means.