Repairs Design Furniture

How to connect propylene pipes. Methods for connecting plastic water pipes depending on the manufacturing material. Soldering wires without a soldering iron with a soldering tape

To perform independently installing water pipes from plastic pipes, you do not need a lot of knowledge and experience, since this process does not differ in difficulty. However, to improve the quality of work carried out, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with technology and some nuances of the connection of pipe elements of this type. It is also important to assimilate several lessons describing methods for connecting different types of plastic pipes and the main points of this process.

Methods for connecting pipes from plastic

First, it is worth noting that the plastic pipes include products from the following materials:

Each material is inherent in certain properties, therefore, the connection of the products is performed in different ways, including the soldering of polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron (read also: "How to connect polypropylene tubes - overview of proven docking methods"). For greater awareness, it is worth learn how to connect water pipes from these materials.

Polypropylene products

The polypropylene tube is the most popular material for the water supply. This is explained by the presence of some prefigible points: acceptable price, high strength and long-term operation. Therefore, the study of methods for connecting all types of plastic pipe should be started from this species.

Polypropylene pipes are connected by welding with mandatory use of couplings, corners, tees and other fitting elements. When connecting polypropylene pipes for water supply, it is necessary to purchase pipes and fittings of one manufacturer. Otherwise, even strict adherence to welding technology cannot guarantee complete tightness and quality.

To connect the plumbing polypropylene pipes with your own hands, you need to have the following tools at hand:

  • Special soldering iron. So simply called a welding device with a set of special nozzles that allow connecting pipes of various sections. At the same time, the nozzle is selected individually to each pipe according to its cross section.
  • Stripping. This tool is cut off the reinforcing layer at the ends of the pipes. The stripping is used only for multilayer reinforced pipe products.
  • Truborez. By name, you can determine that the device helps cut polypropylene tubes.
  • Roulette, pencil or marker can also be needed in the process of compounds of polypropylene tube products.

Installation of the water supply system from polypropylene pipes is performed as follows:

  1. Include and warm the welding machine. The device must pass three phases: heating to a certain temperature, shutdown, repeated heating. The mode of operation can be traced on the light indicator (read also: "Types of welding PVC pipes, advantages and disadvantages of methods").
  2. During the heating of the soldering iron, stretch the reinforcing layer in the place where fitting welding will be performed.
  3. From the surface of the connected elements, dust and dirt are cleared and wipes are wipe well. It should be remembered that not the execution of these actions can cause a fragile compound.
  4. The end of one pipe and the connecting element are inserted into the nozzle for heating and withstand a certain period of time. The heating time should be strictly controlled, since long retention leads to the deformation of the elements, and with insufficient heating, the strength of the compound of plastic water pipes is reduced. Therefore, each welding machine is accompanied by a special table, in which the heating time of parts having a certain diameter is indicated.
  5. Preheated elements are pulled out of the nozzles and quickly connect. The connection strength also depends on the speed of action at this stage, so the process must be performed quickly, but neatly. The pipe is inserted into the fitting until it stops, but it should not be deformed. The connected parts should be kept to the complete cooling of the plastic.
  6. A similar method is compounded by all elements of the water supply. To avoid damage to the material, you need to perform actions on unnecessary pipe cutting. The process of welding polypropylene pipes is quite complicated, but after several trial actions can be processed to independent operation.

Docking pipes from metalplastic

The connection of metal-plastic pipe products can also be performed with their own hands using one of three ways:

  1. Connection using compression fittings implies the following actions: the end of the pipe is put on the collet, fasten with a compression ring and squeezed by a clamping nut.
  2. The compression of the fittings of the crimp type involves compressing the rings at the end of the fitting by means of a special press.
  3. Docking Push-fittings is a new connection method, which does not require any tools. This method can be a response to the question of how to connect plastic pipes without soldering.

Regardless of the selected methods of connecting metal-plastic pipes, the tools are still worth cooking. In particular, it will take a pipeline, which can be replaced by the usual mounting knife, and the calibrator, which can act as any cylindrical subject of a certain diameter.

The combination of metal-plastic pipes using compression fittings is most popular, which implies the following actions:

  • First, the pipes are cut with a knife or pipe cut, providing a straight corner of the cut line.
  • Cropped ends are treated before connecting pipes, that is, they can calibrate the diameter and remove the champper using the calibrator in both cases.
  • The nut is removed from the fitting and puts on the end of the pipe, there is a compression ring behind it.
  • Now the collet is inserted into the end of the pipe, pre-checking the presence of rubber sealing rings.
  • The clamping ring is thrown onto the collation and tighten the nut on the fitting. At the same time, it is not necessary to allow a strong tightening of the nut, as this leads to damage to rubber seals (read also: "What and how to connect PVC pipes - optimal methods of compounds").

Similarly, the connection of all elements of the water supply system. Such installation is characterized by one dignity: the minimum set of tools for working that happens at any owner. In addition, this is the only option that allows you to get a detachable connection required in some situations.

Crimp fittings for water pipes

The connection using crimp fittings is performed in the same order, only the compression ring and the nut is replaced with a crimp ring. It uses a manual or electrical press for its squeezing.

Push fittings make it possible to obtain a combination of metal-plastic pipes much faster than previous ways. To perform work, it is enough to insert the prepared end of the pipe into the connecting part, and all the actions are performed without much effort.

When the water is applied to the collected system, the clip of the fitting is pushed, which water is prevented. This method does not require special tools or keys, and the installation itself is performed several times faster. Read also: "How to install plastic pipes - basic installation rules."

Push fittings can be used to connect pipes from metal plastic and stitched polyethylene.

A connection to any of the listed methods is sealed and reliable, so you need to choose depending on the existing tools and financial capabilities.

Polyethylene pipe connection

Polyethylene pipes can be connected using one of the following options:

  • With the help of compression fittings.
  • Welding through electrical facility.

Compression fittings compression is performed by analogy with metal-plastic pipes, but in a certain sequence:

  • The pipe is cut and remove the chamfer.
  • The clamping nut is put on the pipe.
  • It follows Tsang.
  • Next, in turn it is worn by a stubborn and sealing ring.
  • The pipe is inserted into the fitting housing, shifted on the edge all the details and tighten the nut.

This method is most often used when assembling household irrigation systems in country houses or in the country area.

The combination of metal-plastic pipes in domestic water supply systems is performed using an electric welding. Consequently, to perform work, you need to have a special welding device and an electromotive, having a diameter in accordance with the cross section of the connected elements.

The welding procedure implies the following actions:

  • Preparation of the surface of the connected elements. To do this, a special scraper remove the top layer of pipe products and degrease the purified place.
  • The ends of the connected elements are inserted into the electrical unit, while the junction should be located exactly in its middle.
  • The electrospate joins the welding machine and the helix inside it begin to heat up. As a result, polyethylene begins to melt and weld the edges of the pipe elements.

The device for this type of welding has a very high price, so if its further use is not supposed, it is better to rent a device for a few days than spending a large amount for its disposable use.

How to connect pipes from polyvinyl chloride

Polyvinyl chloride pipe products are connected using a special adhesive composition. However, it is very difficult to call it glue, since when processing this substance of the connected surfaces, plastic melts occurs, and the edges are welded, and not glued. In other words, soldering pipes without a soldering iron.

The process of connecting pipes of their polyvinyl chloride is as follows:

  • Initially, the edges of the connected pipes are cleaned from dust and dirt and dry well.
  • Then from the ends with a chamfer. This action must be performed necessarily that the adhesive composition does not slip off when connecting the elements.
  • next, one end of the pipe is inserted into the fitting to measure its depth. On the tube with a pencil or marker make the appropriate mark.
  • The end of the pipe is treated with adhesive makeup to the mark using a brush. It should not be forgotten that it is impossible to leave glue on the surface for more than 25 seconds.
  • The elements are connected and turn slightly, which is evenly distributed the composition over the entire surface. The glue must dry naturally without any external influences. During the drying of the adhesive composition, air temperature and other factors may affect.

Based on all the above, we can conclude that in most cases the connection of plastic pipes can be performed with their own hands, without having special devices under the arms and do not own special knowledge and skills. The main condition is strictly compliance with technology. It is also important to listen to the advice of professionals. This will help to install the water supply without excess material costs.

Connection of plastic water pipes: how to combine soldering, without soldering and soldering iron, options

Connection of plastic water pipes: how to combine soldering, without soldering and soldering iron, options

Connection of plastic pipes without using a soldering machine

When the device of communication systems, you have to join the individual elements, however, this process can be performed in completely different ways. Separate attention deserves the connection of plastic pipes without soldering, because in this case it is possible to do without the use of a special apparatus, the price of which is quite high.

The photo shows plastic products for communications systems.

Docking with fittings

With this option, a set of shaped parts is used, allowing you to combine not only two, but also more elements. To learn how to connect plastic pipes in this way, wants each developer who does not have a soldering machine at its disposal.

Advantages of the method

  • The low cost of fittings makes it possible to reduce the costs of summing up communications.
  • The simplicity of installation makes it possible to dock even unprofessionals.
  • The possibility of using parts in pressure pressure systems is expanding the scope of application.

So look fittings for connecting.

Note! It should be borne in mind that this method is applicable to elements with a small diameter, and in other situations, it is more often used that docking with thermal effects.

Conducting work

It's time to understand how plastic pipes are connected directly by crimp fittings. From the tools you will need: a sharp knife for circumcision of elements, a calibrator, as well as manual or automatic ticks for the implementation of the clamping operation.

First of all, it is filled with composite parts of the communication system, if required in a particular case. The incision must be made strictly perpendicular to the uniforms and other flaws. After that, with the help of the calibrator, ovality is eliminated.

A special coupling is thrown out, and the fitting itself is inserted into the pipe with sealing rings. From above, crimping cooked tongs is carried out. Thus, it is possible to docile plastic elements.

A clear example of installation of crimp fitting.

However, in some cases it is required to know how to combine the plastic pipe with the cast iron. For this, a special adapter is used, the diameter of the sides of which corresponds to the size of the pipes used. In the process of docking, it is necessary to remember that the coefficients of linear expansion of plastic and cast iron differ significantly.

Bonding individual elements

In addition to the above-mentioned version, there are other methods for connecting plastic pipes. One of these is the gluing process when the ends of the components are joined using a special chemical composition. During the work, it is possible to provide sufficient tightness.

Principle of action of the composition

The glue, intended for plastic products, typically has a polyvinyl chloride, soluble in methyl ethyl ketone, tetrahydrofuran and cyclohesanone. Special additives that improve adhesion are also added to the two-component compounds.

Widely used composition.

Advantages of adhesive method

  • High-quality clutch Chemical agents with surfaces of elements allows you to get high tightness.
  • Availability The main material makes it possible to apply it to a wide circle of consumers.
  • Uniability of junction It has a positive effect on the aesthetic perception of the components of the communication system.

Attention! The glue must be stored at a sufficient distance from an open flame, as it lights easily. In addition, when working it is necessary to protect the skin from the ingress of substances.


You can make gluing with your own hands. Works should be carried out at a temperature of +5 to +35 degrees. You need to prepare a brush with natural bristles in advance. In most cases, it comes directly with adhesive composition.

Before starting the basic actions, it is advisable to assemble the design without the use of a chemical tool to perform a pre-fitting. Before applying the substance, the surface degreasing is mandatory using solvents.

The process of applying glue is demonstrated.

A thin layer of glue is applied to the prepared surfaces. The product made of plastic is inserted into the hole until it stops, while you need to avoid rotation or other manipulations. For 15-20 seconds, the component parts are holding, so that the adhesive substance can dry.

Podle in Poll.

The presented method is applicable mainly for sewage systems, as pressure is not created in them. At the ends of the elements used, there are special compounds for plastic pipes - rasters. With their help, fixation itself is performed.

Positive parties technology

  • The relatively high assembly rate guarantees the installation to the maximum deadlines.
  • The absence of the need to purchase additional components allows to reduce costs.
  • The possibility of self-assembly allows you to abandon professional assistance.

Principle of docking: 1 - Fool, 2 - seal.

Important! For non-pressure systems, this option can be considered quite sealed, because the rubber gasket is inserted into the installation, which at the same time makes it possible to compensate for the mismatch of the connected parts.

Description of the assembly process

Making sure the installation that the rubber ring there is a rubber ring, you need to clean it from various contaminants, then it will be possible to achieve good adhesion. On the smooth edge of the pipe, you must apply lubricant to improve sealing. After that, the docking is carried out.

To do this, the smooth end of the element will start inside the termination until the stop. The place of contact with the edge is marker to be easier to determine with the distance of the docking. Next, the product is pulled back by about 10 mm directly from the line.

The clearance is needed to compensate for linear expansion, which usually occurs at temperature fluctuations. In this regard, it will be possible to avoid the appearance of internal stresses in the communications network.

Highlights with a fuse-free connection.

Cutting system components is carried out strictly perpendicular to eliminate the possibility of pipeline bending. After cutting from the end, the chamfer is removed using an ordinary file. This reduces the likelihood of damage to the sealing gasket.

Final part

After consideration of this topic, almost every newcomer should qualitatively combine plastic pipes without assistance. Additionally, a visual instruction is attached, which will help to figure out the complex moments related to the conduct of installation work.

Connection of plastic pipes without soldering: video instructions for installation with their own hands, how to connect with cast iron, methods, photo and price

Connection of plastic pipes without soldering: video instructions for installation with their own hands, how to connect with cast iron, methods, photo and price

How to combine polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron?

It is necessary to remake the plumbing in the new building a little, add a piece of pipe - to lengthen. In stock All materials besides the soldering iron, is it possible to perform a high quality connection for example on the glue? Or such pipes can be connected only by a soldering iron?

Polypropylene pipes for high-quality bonding is desirable to make only a special soldering iron. But if it is not, not everyone has it, then the pipes are connected to each other with other materials and tools, for example, a gas burner. This method is suitable for spike pipes of large diameter. Measure and cut off the required pipe cut, be sure to add

2-2.5 centimeters. Heat the burner at the same time the pipe and fitting. Connect them and hold them a bit, wait when they are cool.

Polypropylene is difficult to bondable material and to connect polypropylene tubes to choose very high-quality glue, designed for this material.

Prepare cut pipe and fitting to it. To securely glue polypropylene pipes, it is necessary to clean and degrease the surface. Then apply glue with a thin uniform layer on the pipes and connect the details of the fitting, to withstand the time according to the instructions at least 2-3 minutes. Pipes do not use several hours, until complete setting.

Pipes intended for a soldering iron Qualitatively (I would like to emphasize the word "qualitatively"), it will not work.

But in general it is possible to glue.

Need to purchase such glue

For money, this will be at times more expensive than to take a soldering iron for rental, or pay the master for lengthening the pipe you write about (the master will come with his soldering iron).

Sheer clean the pipe (work out somewhere on a piece of pipes, adjust the shader knife to remove not a large layer).

The pipe is cleaned forced, because the pipe diameter is larger than the diameter of the fittings (with general diameter and pipes and fittings).

After reading, we work out the stripping of small emery paper.

We try to start the pipe in the fitting, the occasion should be dense.

Now we remove dust, degrease, drying.

We insert the pipe into the fitting and keep for some time (seconds 30-b).

Excess glue we remove immediately.

At the end I would like to give advice:

After we did not correctly connected the pipes under the heated by a soldering iron, glue, be sure to attach the sticker with the inscription "overlapping the root cranes" over the eye of the front door.

And overlap every time leaving the house.

How to combine polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron?

Polypropylene pipes for high-quality bonding is desirable to make only a special soldering iron. But if it is not, not everyone has it, then the pipes are combined with each other with other materials and ...

Connection of plastic pipes without soldering. Fittings and cold welding

Polymer parts can be connected not only with the help of heating elements. But how to combine polypropylene pipes without soldering? Soldering of polypropylene pipes for their connection is not always applied. The presence of other types of compounds besides soldering is one of their characteristic features. No need to acquire in one way or another welding equipment makes this type of welding even more popular and affordable, as few know how to solder or how to cook pipes. Also a distinctive feature is the ability to connect plastic pipes with their own hands without special equipment. How to connect plastic pipes without soldering?

There are two ways to combine polypropylene, polyethylene and other polymeric materials without the use of special welding equipment: welding plastic pipes using compression fittings and cold welding.

The only thing you need in addition to compression fittings for the first type of welding is a special crimp key. Usually they are sold together. For cold welding, only special glue is needed. The last type of connection without soldering is more often applicable only for cold water supply. The minus connecting parts without soldering is that it takes more time. Further, each of the species will be considered in more detail and outlined answers to questions how to combine polypropylene pipes without soldering and how to solder polypropylene tubes on their own.

Compound with compression fittings

You can solder plastic parts using compression fittings. They apply not only for the corresponding type of pipes. As a rule, it is impossible to use fittings from a material other than the material of the connected elements. However, the feature of such fittings is their versatility, as it is possible to connect different pipes: aluminum with copper, from low-pressure polyethylene with PVC and so on. Therefore, not every part corresponds to a certain type of fitting. Another advantage of this type of connection is that the design can be both collected and disassembled. If you fed two details, disconnect them as it was no longer possible.

The fitting design consists of the following elements: those that are installed on the end of the pipe (for example, plugs) and those that combine the connectable elements into a single integer.

The modern market has many fittings. Here are the main of them:

Compression fitting is a housing that is not affected by the ultraviolet. Inside this body contains a pressing sleeve and cover. In the case material contains a sealing ring, which contributes to hermetic compound, a clamping and thrust ring (sometimes these two rings are combined in one). In the case of disassembly / assembly of parts, the sealing ring is replaced by a new one. These fittings are used for low-pressure polyethylene products (PE 100, PE 80, PE 40), and low density polyethylene. Crimping fittings In addition to resistance to ultraviolet, are also characterized by resistant to chemicals of aggressive impact. The sphere of applying compounds using compression fittings is characteristic of low-rise buildings, in street water supply systems of the villages and towns, greenhouses. In this regard, it should be re-noted the peculiarity of this type of compound, namely the possibility of paving the pipeline in one place in order to transfer it to a new location.

When working with fittings, it will be necessary to first read with the instructions and follow its positions, as well as the rules set forth on the text. Before working, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the quality of pipes, their size and their correspondence to fittings. There are the maximum permissible limits of deviations from the norm when connected: the diameter cannot be deflected from the nominal value greater than 1%, and the oval section cannot be more than 2%. If these limits are violated, then the pipeline is better to lay in a horizontal position. Manually join the pipeline, if the diameter is less than 50 mm, if more - then a special key is needed. The connection of plastic pipes without soldering should be carried out in compliance with the requirements for careful cleaning parts from contaminants and burrs, stripping so that the edges were smooth, without defects. Special scissors are used for trimming. Notes the necessary length of insertion on the product using a marker.

Connection speed is quite fast. The nut is planted on one end of the pipe, install the clamping ring, after which the pipe is inserted into the fitting. The ring should achieve the stop. In conclusion, depending on the diameter of the pipeline, turn the nut with a manual way or using the key.

As a result, we obtain the finished connection of plastic pipes without soldering.

The main advantages of crimp fittings:

  • Structural construction
  • Durability design
  • Easy and speed assembly
  • Lack of corrosion
  • Universality
  • The possibility of connecting plastic pipes with their own hands without welding equipment

How to solder polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron with cold welding or adhesive connections

Cold welding of plastic pipes is the process of connecting parts without heating them. It is possible to discharge plastic elements by applying a special glue that quickly solidifies. The composition of the adhesive substance usually consists of epoxy resin and hardener. Cold welding has black or white colors. It is usually used for cold water supply. But some adhesives are used for hot. It must be specified separately on the package.

What happens glue weight:

  • Current mixtures (in the package there should be two tubes: one with a hardener, the second - with an elastic substance; for example: if you are going to eliminate the hole in the polymer product, then the contents of the tube must be connected immediately before starting work (peculiar repair); be sure to use the mixture For no more than 20 minutes, otherwise it will become solid).
  • Plastic mass (represents a bar consisting of two layers: a hardener on top, and inside - plastic component; reminds of plasticine).

Most professionals advise the use of cold welding method for a specific list of materials, which is provided for by the instructions.

Also on the package indicates the maximum allowable temperature value for a particular mixture (usually about 260 degrees). If you clearly comply with the rules of operation, then the seam will be durable, durable and sealed. There is adhesive for high water temperatures (about 1300 degrees).

Thus, the soldering of polypropylene pipes is not the only way to compound polymers. It is possible to connect plastic pipes with their own hands without the use of the welding machine. Polypropylene tubes can be combined with cold welding or using compression fittings. The connection of polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron with the help of fittings has features, among which the most important is the possibility of assembling and disassembling structures.

How to connect plastic pipes without soldering: fittings and cold welding

How to carry out a pipe connection using compression fittings; How to combine plastic pipes using cold welding, without soldering.

Polymer parts can be connected not only with the help of heating elements. But how without soldering? It is not always applied to their connection. The presence of other types of compounds besides soldering is one of their characteristic features. No need to acquire in one way or another welding equipment makes this type of welding even more popular and affordable, as few know how to solder or how to cook pipes. Also a distinctive feature is the ability to connect plastic pipes with their own hands without special equipment. How to connect plastic pipes without soldering?

There are two ways to combine polypropylene, polyethylene and other polymeric materials without the use of special welding equipment: welding plastic pipes using compression fittings and cold welding.

The only thing you need in addition to compression fittings for the first type of welding is a special crimp key. Usually they are sold together. For cold welding, only special glue is needed. The last type of connection without soldering is more often applicable only for cold water supply. The minus connecting parts without soldering is that it takes more time. Further, each of the species will be considered in more detail and outlined answers to questions how to combine polypropylene pipes without soldering and how to solder polypropylene tubes on their own.

Compound with compression fittings

You can solder plastic parts using compression fittings. They apply not only for the corresponding type of pipes. As a rule, it is impossible to use fittings from a material other than the material of the connected elements. However, a feature of such fittings is their versatility, as it is possible to connect different pipes: aluminum with copper, from PVC and so on. Therefore, not every part corresponds to a certain type of fitting. Another advantage of this type of connection is that the design can be both collected and disassembled. If you fed two details, disconnect them as it was no longer possible.

The fitting design consists of the following elements: those that are installed on the end of the pipe (for example, plugs) and those that combine the connectable elements into a single integer.

The modern market has many fittings. Here are the main of them:

  • Crimp (they are compression)
  • Flange
  • Welded
  • Threaded

Compression fitting is a housing that is not affected by the ultraviolet. Inside this body contains a pressing sleeve and cover. In the case material contains a sealing ring, which contributes to hermetic compound, a clamping and thrust ring (sometimes these two rings are combined in one). In the case of disassembly / assembly of parts, the sealing ring is replaced by a new one. These fittings are used for low-pressure polyethylene products (PE 100, PE 80, PE 40), and low density polyethylene. Crimping fittings In addition to resistance to ultraviolet, are also characterized by resistant to chemicals of aggressive impact. The sphere of applying compounds using compression fittings is characteristic of low-rise buildings, in street water supply systems of the villages and towns, greenhouses. In this regard, it should be re-noted the peculiarity of this type of compound, namely the possibility of paving the pipeline in one place in order to transfer it to a new location.

When working with fittings, it will be necessary to first read with the instructions and follow its positions, as well as the rules set forth on the text. Before working, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the quality of pipes, their size and their correspondence to fittings. There are the maximum permissible limits of deviations from the norm when connected: the diameter cannot be deflected from the nominal value greater than 1%, and the oval section cannot be more than 2%. If these limits are violated, then the pipeline is better to lay in a horizontal position. Manually join the pipeline, if the diameter is less than 50 mm, if more - then a special key is needed. The connection of plastic pipes without soldering should be carried out in compliance with the requirements for careful cleaning parts from contaminants and burrs, stripping so that the edges were smooth, without defects. Special scissors are used for trimming. Notes the necessary length of insertion on the product using a marker.

Connection speed is quite fast. The nut is planted on one end of the pipe, install the clamping ring, after which the pipe is inserted into the fitting. The ring should achieve the stop. In conclusion, depending on the diameter of the pipeline, turn the nut with a manual way or using the key.

As a result, we obtain the finished connection of plastic pipes without soldering.

The main advantages of crimp fittings:

  • Structural construction
  • Durability design
  • Easy and speed assembly
  • Lack of corrosion
  • Universality
  • The possibility of connecting plastic pipes with their own hands without welding equipment

How to solder polypropylene pipes without a soldering iron with cold welding or adhesive connections

Cold welding of plastic pipes is the process of connecting parts without heating them. It is possible to discharge plastic elements by applying a special glue that quickly solidifies. The composition of the adhesive substance usually consists of epoxy resin and hardener. Cold welding has black or white colors. It is usually used for cold water supply. But some adhesives are used for hot. It must be specified separately on the package.

What happens glue weight:

  • Current mixtures (in the package there should be two tubes: one with a hardener, the second - with an elastic substance; for example: if you are going to eliminate the hole in the polymer product, then the contents of the tube must be connected immediately before starting work (peculiar repair); be sure to use the mixture For no more than 20 minutes, otherwise it will become solid).
  • Plastic mass (represents a bar consisting of two layers: a hardener on top, and inside - plastic component; reminds of plasticine).

Most professionals advise the use of cold welding method for a specific list of materials, which is provided for by the instructions.

Polypropylene tubes in the cold water supply system will serve 50 years, and in hot water pipelines - at least 25 years. How to combine polypropylene tubes with each other or with a metal pipeline? The answer to these questions you will find in our article. Do not forget that it is intended to replace the water pipes of hot or cold supply yourself yourself, it is necessary not only to choose the docking method, but stocking the necessary tool.

Methods of compounds

  1. Shock welding.
  2. Sneaker connection.
  3. Using fittings.

When choosing a connection method, you need to remember that welded pipelines are not subject to dismantling.

Shock welding

To connect pipes with a diameter of more than 50 mm, the method of welding is used. In this case, a professional welding machine is applied.

How to combine polypropylene pipes with a diameter of less than 50 mm? Used tool - soldering iron for connecting pipes from plastic (the so-called "iron").

Technological process for "Ironing":

  • Pipe preparation - cutting "in size", sweeping of the ends, dive depth marker with a marker.
  • Heating of the soldering iron to the temperature of the soldering - 260-270 o C.
  • Pipes and connecting parts dress up on the soldering iron nozzles perpendicularly.
  • Time tool for melt.

Warming parts on a soldering iron

  • Elements and pipes are removed from the nozzles and are connected to each other with easy squeezing, without scrolling. It must be borne in mind that the amount of squeezing depends on the force of squeezing. When soldering pipes of a small diameter, it is important that the suture tubercle does not block the inner passage of the pipe. Excessive heating should also be avoided, which significantly worsens the quality of the seam.

To "catch" the exposure time and the power of squeezing, it is necessary to practice on trimming pipes, this will avoid marriage when conducting basic work.

  • Time shutter speed.

Popular connection

For the docking of the pipes with a diameter of less than 40 mm, the fracture soldering is used. The compound use the welding machine with special nozzles and a centering device.

Stages of work:

  • trimming pipes using special scissors;
  • sweeping of the ends;
  • heating the device to the desired temperature;
  • welding (operation needs to be made quickly to avoid deformation);
  • fixation of elements, eliminating mechanical loads.

The quality of each connection must be checked immediately after shutter speed for cooling.

The pipe compound can be carried out with a cold way with glue. At the same time, the connection must be preliminary "fitting" - checking how the pipe is included in the fitting. With too free entering, the compound will not be sealed, and when it is too tight, the pipe is shifted by a layer of glue. With a preliminary fit, it is necessary to march the connected parts by a single feature.

Work execution:

  • cutting;
  • stripping;
  • degreasing by a cleaner;
  • applying adhesive (on the outer part of the pipe is abundant, on the inside of the connecting element with a thin layer);
  • compound (the pipe in the insertion in the fitting is rotated for uniform glue distribution);
  • removal of excess glue;
  • exposure to frozen glue.

With fittings

Another "cold" way of docking - with the use of fittings. The tool is a crimp key that comes in a set with fittings.

Docking plastic and metal pipes

Connect polypropylene pipes with metal using fittings. This type of connection allows you to connect the heating devices, water treatment equipment, switch to pipes of other diameters or from other materials.


  • press fittings;
  • crimp;
  • push fittings.

When working with pipes, the diameter of which is more than 40 mm, the threaded connection is placed on the metal part of the pipeline.

The compound of polypropylene pipes with metal with special adapters is greatly simplified by work.

Connect the metal-plastic tube with polypropylene compression fitting.

After working on the connection of pipes and fittings, it is necessary to check the pipeline for tightness. Water serves water and check each connection to flow. If there is a need, then the joints are sealing or tighten the threaded connections. In the case of hot water, check the system, feeding hot water.

A properly performed compound of polypropylene pipes guarantees receipt of durable and very reliable communications that do not rust and have a number of other advantages.

Pipe products that interest us, which are characterized by a small mass, ease of mechanical processing and installation, as well as relatively low cost, are connected by the detachable and inepent way. Under the latter, we understand the welding performed on one of two technologies: jack or on a coupling (flarified) technique.

Butter welding is ideal for polypropylene products with a cross section of more than 6.3 cm. In this case, the thickness of their walls should be at least 4 mm. The procedure is carried out by a stationary welding unit, providing a very accurate installation with different geometric parameters. Their ends before starting the operation are torn in order to obtain completely parallel surfaces. The apparatus for welding jack has a special disk - it performs the function of heating device.

Butter welding of polypropylene products

Also, when conducting such a procedure, in most cases it is required to use centering elements. They are attached by polypropylene products the necessary allegations. Skin welding is recommended for pipes with a cross section of less than 6.3 cm. This type of compound provides for the mandatory use of couplings and fittings. Without them, the procedure is not performed. Fittings that have special detachments are the formation of various docking nodes (including threaded). A coupling is installed between two welded pipes.

For coupling welding of pipes, the cross section of up to 4 cm is allowed to apply a manual unit. It is equipped with nozzles (elements for heating), which are performed in the form of Dorn (it is necessary for refining the inner part of the termination) and the sleeve (melting of the outer part).

Heating elements are usually covered with teflon. This antiprigar composition perfectly protects nozzles from failure during operation. After performing each individual welding operation, clean nozzles should be cleaned. To do this, scrapers are used from wood or coarse vehicle (for example, tarpaulin).After the nozzles are completely cooled, it is impossible to remove the layer of molten polypropylene from them. You will simply spoil the expensive Teflon layer.

Let's see how it is necessary to connect the pipelines under consideration using a welding machine. Scheme of work (it is approximately the same for welding online and for the procedure using couplings) Next:

  1. On the welding device mounted the required nozzles and put the device on a flat surface.
  2. Test on a welded temperature to welding polypropylene products (it is equal to 260 ° C) and wait for about a quarter of an hour (during this time, the nozzles are heated to a specified level).
  3. Truboresis or scissors perform pruning a polypropylene product at a right angle, clean the pipes from dirt and dust, remove fat spots from them (soapy water or ordinary alcohol).
  4. Apply a label to the pipe (it shows the depth of the termination, in addition, you need to add another 2 mm to this value).
  5. Insert the pipe into a smooth sleeve (focusing on an earlier label), and on Dorn stretch the fool.
  6. We are waiting for the design (the heating time is specified in the instructions for welding), dismantle the heated elements from the welder and comprise them (it is very important to ensure the cooality of the clutch and the pipe product).
  7. We are waiting for the cooling of the design. During this period, it is prohibited to deform (bending, rotating) pipes.

Welding machine for connecting pipe products

The operation is completed. You have received a reliable and durable welded connection. If there is a need to arrange a wiring from the main pipeline, you need to use special welded saddles. Mounted them like this:

  1. For 30 seconds, warm the surface (external) of the main pipe and the seat for welding (operations are produced simultaneously).
  2. Critting (without turning) saddle to the pipe, withstand the load of about half a minute.
  3. Leave the connection for 10 minutes.

Then drill a spiral drill the wall of the polypropylene tube and the bottom of the saddle to bring the required branch. It is advisable to use a special washer at this stage (it is called the installation) to accurately hold the depth of drilling.

The methods for the combination of products from polypropylene require the use of welding machines and plates for heating. Not every home master has such devices. And buy a welder and nozzle for it for the installation of one pipeline there is no point.

In such situations, you can perform detachable connections of pipes without welding. The operation is performed on two methods: compression type fittings or cold welding composition. The second technology is suitable solely for which cold water is served. Cold welding is applied to the connected products, they strongly press them to each other for 5-10 seconds. It is possible to compound an additional tightness with the help of the joint of the joint with a silicone seal or by means of its winding the Teflon ribbon.

Connecting pipe connection without welding

If you decide to create a polypropylene pipeline, connecting it to fittings, you need a crimp key. It is easy to purchase in any construction store. But most often such a key is included in the fitting set. You do not even have to buy it separately. To perform work on such a methodology, you will need further specified details:

  • crosses, tees;
  • ball Valves;
  • couplings;
  • adapters;
  • saddles for branches;
  • plugs;
  • gallands with nuts (cape).

Working with fittings is simply setting the desired item and make it crimping with the key. But at the same time, be prepared for the conjunction of pipe connections, you will take a very long time. It is necessary to carefully compress each element of the structure, check the quality of the compound obtained, to further seal it. It is for this reason that the system from polypropylene products is usually collected by welding.

True, in some cases it is impossible to do without fittings. For example, if you need to connect products from metal and polypropylene. In such situations, special pins will be required - transitional. On the one hand, there is a carving for the input of the steel pipe, on the other - the baked coupling (it is placed in it from propylene).

You can also assemble the metal and polypropylene tube with: fitting with a special nut type nut; Couplings and American people (in this case, a cape nut is also used). Choose a suitable way to connect to you!

Modern technologies allow using polypropylene pipes to create reliable and durable communications. They are not subject to corrosion. Therefore, widely used. But in this case, an important point is the connection of polypropylene pipes with their own hands. You can do it with a soldering or applying the method without welding. Therefore, it is not necessary to use a specialist. We will understand each more detailed.

And for this process, a welding machine will be required, which experts are often referred to as "Iron". This device is a simple device operating from the power supply. Included, it often has nozzles of different diameters with instructions.

The compound of such products occurs when the high temperature is exposed to their ends. But there is one subtlety. The pipes are heated outside, and the elements of the connection - from the inside. Only so you can get durable nodes.

The phase of process:

  1. First, the soldering iron is turned on, it must be heated to 270 degrees. Products are cut to the necessary pieces and are cleaned. You can make comfortable marks to understand what depth to immerse them into the device for heating.
  2. Exactly insert pipes and connection items on the device nozzle. It is also important for high-quality soldering.
  3. After melting the element and pipes, they are removed from the device and are connected to each other. Lovely soldering is also important here. You need to slightly press, but do not scroll around the axis. Pressure also affects the quality of the soldering.
  4. After docking the elements, they need to hold for several minutes in a fixed state.

Performing manipulations, you should pay attention to another important nuance. The inner surface of the seams should not lose the permeability. After all, when melting, a small tubercle appears, which is dangerous if products of small diameter.

Strong influx of material caused by excessive heating should be avoided. To test the pipes of the pipe, it can be produced and put water on it.

You need to recommend if you do not have a soldering experience, it is possible to start strain before starting the main manipulation. And therefore it is recommended to acquire materials with a margin, because in addition to training, for sure, marriage can occur during the main work. And to run or go back to the store in the process of execution of the soldering extremely undesirable. To get more information regarding soldering with your own hands, you can also watch the video on the topic.

As for the apparatus itself, it is not necessary to buy it. The device can be taken from someone for rent.

However, this method without welding has one significant disadvantage. The procedure execution time is significantly more, in comparison with welding. And this should be considered when choosing a pipe connection method.

To content


In a word, in the combination of polypropylene pipes, there is nothing terrible or very difficult. As in most technologies, a clear and correct implementation of established technological standards is required. To do this, you can additionally get acquainted with the video materials. Then the process will be performed not only quickly, but also qualitatively. And this is the key to the durability and reliability of the obtained water supply system or heating.

It is not necessary to use welding. After all, you can do and alternatively. However, the disadvantage of such a solution will be an increase in the time of all works. Therefore, choose the way it is necessary, given this moment. Then everything will pass smoothly, and the erected system will ensure the required strength and reliability.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene pipes are much more convenient and practical than their metal fellows. Their main advantages:

  1. easy installation;
  2. not a big weight;
  3. not subject to corrosion;
  4. not expensive.

Thanks to its advantages, they are becoming increasingly popular.

Another important advantage of this material is that it doesn't need anyone to install anyone, you can do it yourself. Therefore, if you need to replace the old flowing water supply can be safely started. You can connect polypropylene using a spike or applying a cold method.

1 way - digest

This method implies the presence of a special welding machine, which specialists are called "Iron". Iron is a kind of soldering iron from electricity. Included with it are nozzles of different diameters.

If you are not going to professionally engage in the installation of the water supply, such a device is not necessary. It can be hired, usually all sellers provide such a service. The process of soldering polypropylene pipes is not complicated.

Video: How to solder pipes with your own hands

Technology soldering

Polypropylene products are connected under the influence of high temperature. The pipe itself should heat up from the outside, and all the connecting elements with the inner. Thus, a solid connection is obtained.

Steps soldering

  • Turn on the soldering iron, it should warm up to 270 grams C. While heating occurs, you can cut the desired billets and clean it. For convenience, you can make marks that will show which depth to immerse them into the welding machine. Cut them with a special pipe cutter or ordinary hacksaw for metal. If the cutting is made with a hacksaw, you should pay attention to the sovereigns and if they remain, they must be cut off with a knife.
  • After the soldering iron was heated to the required temperature, insert the pipe and connecting elements on its nozzles. For high-quality spike, all elements must be inserted smoothly. Movements should be fast and confident. Details that are exposed to heating can not be shifted and twisted.
  • When all the elements were well heated, they are removed from the soldering iron and produce a connection with each other. It is also done by rapid and confident movements. Details are connected to a slight pressure (without rotation) and fixation of 10-15 seconds.
  • After this procedure, you can move to the soldering of the next node and so to the victorious end, when the water supply will be completely connected.

See also: Condensate on pipes

Heated polypropylene quickly cools, while a solid and reliable connection is formed. Just an hour later, water can be supplied to the system.

2 way - without soldering

This is a connection method for which the presence of soldering equipment is required. In this method there are two options: compression fittings and so-called "cold welding".

For a variant with compression fittings, only a special crimp key will need. This key is usually sold complete with fittings.

If you stop at the option - "Cold welding", then you will need a special "aggressive" glue. It is applied to the details, after which they connect them and press, fixing in this position for a few seconds.

The compound of polypropylene pipes with glue is suitable only for water pipes with cold water. The connection of polypropylene pipes without spike has a large drawback, namely, compared to the soldering, time to install the pipeline is required significantly more.

In conclusion, I would like to say that there is nothing difficult in the independent connection of polypropylene tubes. As in most other construction work, you will need a conscientious and clear implementation of all technological standards.

Then the process of connecting polypropylene pipes will be performed quickly and most importantly. And the quality of the work performed is the key to the durable and reliable operation of water supply and heating systems.

Check out the video: how to solder polypropylene pipes with your own hands

How to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering?

Owners of private houses and apartments are often faced with the problem of restoring the pipeline. Many of them decide to replace old products with polypropylene tubes. Even a person without special skills can mock such a water supply. However, first you need to figure out how to connect polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Cold compound of polypropylene pipes


During the construction of private houses, polypropylene water pipes began to assemble. The popularity of such products is justified by their small cost, long-term operational period, simplicity of installation and lack of rust. They are used in creating water supply and heating systems. Three types of products are available from polypropylene:

  • copolymer;
  • block copolymer;
  • homopolymer.

The above products can be connected in various ways. Many use the connection of polypropylene pipes without soldering.

Advantages and disadvantages of the connection without soldering

This method has several serious advantages, due to which some refuse to solder pipeline elements. These include:

  • Small financial expenses. During the spike, you have to use expensive equipment that is not available to everyone.
  • Easy installation. Mount the elements of the pipeline without soldering is much simpler, since it does not have to use the soldering device and monitor the parameters as pressure and the temperature of the soldering of polypropylene pipes.
  • The speed of restoration of the water supply. If the products were soldered among themselves and there was a serious breakthrough, the recovery can be strongly delayed. It will take time to wait for a specialist with the necessary equipment. This problem will disappear if you make connections in other ways.

However, the connection of plastic pipes without soldering has one serious disadvantage - the installation of the pipeline can last much longer.

Connection methods

The insertion into the polypropylene tube without soldering is carried out by different methods. The choice of method directly depends on the purpose of the pipeline, size and type of elements used. The most common compound methods include:

  • Use flanges. This type of compound is quite reliable. The products are connected by bolts that screw into the special holes of the flanges.
  • Using fittings. These products are made of cast iron or steel. They are used while working with small diameter pipes. The advantage of fittings is that they allow you to make transitions between parts of the pipeline and connect them at different angles.
  • Using couplings. For their use on pipes, a carving is made and packed up to make the connection more sealed.
  • Gluing. This method cannot be used for hot water water supply. During installation, glue, which is applied to the details.


If the technology of soldering polypropylene tubes is not used, they are connected using fittings. They are connecting elements that are most often installed on the turning and branching of the pipeline. Fittings consist of a housing, covers, sleeves and a clamping ring located in a special nest. They also have a folded ring, with which a polypropylene tube is fixed.

When installing the water supply, it is necessary to use pipes that match all regulations. "

Allocations of the secting of products should be within 1% -1.5% of the diameter. If fittings with a diameter of less than 50 mm are used during operation, the installation is carried out manually.

Before combining plastic pipes without soldering fittings, you need to adhere to step-by-step instructions:

  1. Trimming pipes. They must be cut at right angles.
  2. Removal of sowing. The surface of the products that will be placed in fittings should be perfectly smooth.
  3. Installing nut. It is removed from the fitting and is installed on the pipe, after which the clamping ring is put on it.
  4. Installing the pipe. It enters the fitting to the stop and fixed with the help of the nut and the clamping ring.


Flanges are used if you need to make the connection of plastic pipes without soldering. Such a connection is very reliable, as it can withstand temperatures up to 650 degrees Celsius and copes with a pressure of up to 20-30 MPa. The diameter of the flanges reaches 3000 millimeters. During the choice of the optimal size, the pipeline pressure is taken into account and the material of products from which it will consist.

Flange connection of PP pipes

Flanges are made of cast iron or steel. They can be:

  • Lithuania. Are part of the fitting or pipe design.
  • Welded. It is made in the form of washers, which will have to attach to the design yourself.

During their use, it is necessary to comply with such recommendations:

  • In place where the elements of the pipeline will be connected, you need to make a special cut. At the same time, it needs to be done so that there are no burstles.
  • A gasket is installed on the section, which should perform 15 cm.
  • The flange is attached to the gasket and connects to the flange, which is installed on the second pipe.

Also during such work it is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  • it is impossible to install two and more gaskets for one flange, since due to this compound will become less sealed;
  • during the installation of the water supply, it is recommended to use strips of rag cardboard;
  • bolts should not be strongly performed over nuts;
  • gaskets need to be installed in such a way that their external section does not concern bolts.


They are used during the creation of a pressure and non-pressure pipeline. The connection of plastic pipes without soldering with the help of the couplings with their own hands is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to adhere to such rules:

  • the edges of the combined elements are trimmed in such a way that the slice is perfectly smooth;
  • place where the coupling will be installed is marker;
  • the coupling is covered with special lubrication;
  • with the applied marker, the clutch label is put on the pipe.

Connection of PP pipes coupling


The connection of plastic pipes without soldering fittings can be carried out using glue. Before this, the surface of the products must be prepared. To begin with, it is necessary to trim the product with special scissors and cleaned with sowing of sandpaper. All locations of fittings and gluing are marker. After that, you can proceed to gluing, which consists of these steps:

  1. Degreasing. Before using glue, you must use the cleaner and degrease all the sections where it will be applied.
  2. Applying glue. The glue should be applied with a thin layer on the places where fittings will be installed.
  3. Installing the pipe. They are installed until it stops in fittings. It is necessary to do it very carefully that the details are not strongly swayed.
  4. Drying. The glue will completely dry for 15-20 minutes. However, it is necessary to fill the pipeline only earlier than a day.

Gluing PP pipe PVC


Polypropylene pipes are connected in various ways. Having understood how to combine polypropylene tubes with each other and with metal pipes, you can independently mount the pipeline.

How to connect polypropylene pipes

Polypropylene tubes are used when installing the water supply, for the device of irrigation systems and during heating. The popularity of the material and various areas of use are due to its characteristics: durability, durability, simplicity of the connection. An important argument in favor of polypropylene pipes was their price, which is significantly lower than that of metal-plastic or metal analogues.

The service life of a plastic pipeline with cold water is 50 years old, such an impressive figure forces the replacement of obsolete lines precisely on such a type of highways. The tightness of the joints is the most important factor for any pipeline, therefore the viability of the system depends on the quality of installation. In the article we will talk about how to combine polypropylene tubes with metal, polyethylene, steel, and consider various welding options.

Materials and tools

Soldering iron for welding

If you decide to save on installation services and fulfill it yourself, then you need to buy or rent a special soldering iron with nozzles. Besides him you will need:

  • roulette and marker for marking;
  • scissors for cutting plastic pipes;
  • pipe cleaning.

There are several types of polypropylene pipes that differ in the area of \u200b\u200buse:

  1. PN 10, 16 - are used to launch water pipes with cold water;
  2. PN 20 - Universal pipes with thick walls, they are able to withstand hot water to a temperature of up to 80ºC, so suitable for mounting heating;
  3. PN 25 is a composite pipe with a metal or caprochy layer, which is wondering when spike. It is used for heating systems, the finishing temperature of heating is 95 ° C.

Polypropylene Pipes and Fittings

The distinctive characteristic of the compound of polypropylene pipes is the lack of joints directly between the pipes. If their diameter is less than 50 mm, all parts can be connected to fittings for various purposes:

  • couplings - connect the sections of one diameter;
  • cross - are used to create branches;
  • plugs - seal the end of the pipe;
  • adapters - serve to connect pipes of various diameters;
  • effillage fittings - perform a connection with flexible hoses.

How to work with a welding machine

Polypropylene welding

The principle of connecting the pipeline consists in heating the elements and the rapid compound. Household apparatuses for welding pipes have a power up to 1 kW. It is enough to heat the material quickly and efficiently, but more powerful and expensive devices are used for industrial purposes. Complete with a soldering iron, there are nozzles corresponding to the diameter of various pipes. The heating of the pipe occurs outside, and the fitting from the inside.

The work of the soldering iron begins with inclusion in the network and setting the desired heating temperature, depending on the diameter of the welded plastic pipes. The average value is 250-270 ° C. Such a high temperature requires caution, touching the hot part will cause burns, for safety purposes it is worth putting on gloves.

Digging process

To cut pipes, a hacksaw or sharp scissors are used that do not deform plastic. The incision is carried out at right angles. If burstles appear on the end, they are thoroughly believed. After cutting, the labeling depth is made. You need to measure the pipe of the pipe that will enter the tee or coupling, and put the marker to the mark. The value of this portion depends on the diameter of the pipes than it is greater, the more substantially the immersion in the connecting element.

Tools for stripping pipes

If you have to work with reinforced pipes, the algorithm of action changes. Before soldering, it is necessary to clean the top layer of the pipe consisting of aluminum foil, basalt or kapron fiber. A special tool is arranged so as to remove the desired size of the layer.

The thoroughness of the removal of foil is very important, a small residue of the material on the pipe, spoil the tightness of the soldering.

Reinforced trumpet

A soldering iron with nozzles, selected on the diameter of pipes, is installed on a flat and durable surface. On both sides to the heated nozzle at the same time, the pipe and fitting, deepen to the intended line. The heating time of the plastic depends on the size of the pipes: for 20 mm enough for 6 seconds, and for 32 mm - it will take 8 seconds. Withstand the set time interval, the elements are removed and firmly fixed into each other, and it is impossible to perform swivel movements. For durable junction clutch, it will be required from 4 to 10 seconds, during this time the polypropylene will freeze and forms a delicate connection.

Temperature and heating time

Failure to comply with the recommended heating time leads to the formation of leaks - with insufficient heating or seating in the inner space - with unnecessary overheating. The emerging empty should not try to remove immediately, the melted plastic is stronger than deforming. It is necessary to wait until the cooling and cut off the extra.

Try to solder less

Not having experience in order to understand how to make the pipes, you can spend several training connections. It is convenient to work with short connections, putting a welding machine on the table, in this position you can perform all possible work, and the connection to the partially padded highway happens more difficult. The soldering iron nozzle is put on a fixed polypropylene tube, and the tee is inserted into the second part, the device is inserted on weight. After performing the highway, you need to follow the order of the compounds performed. Try to avoid docking in hard-to-reach places where it will be difficult to use the soldering iron.

It is important to monitor the cleanliness and dryness of the material, because dirt and moisture reduce the quality of the pipe connection. Even a small amount of moisture during heating deform the material. The chemical composition of the pipes from different manufacturers may not coincide, it will lead to a leakage docking. It is necessary to buy all the material - pipes and fittings - from one manufacturer.

The room temperature where the installation of polypropylene is performed should not be descended below + 5 ° C.

Crimping method of compound

Connection diagram with a collet fitting

The docking of the pipeline by the spike method is reliable and durable, it is impossible to disassemble it, and sometimes it is precisely necessary for repair. In addition, it is not always possible to acquire or lend a welding machine, in such cases use the method of connecting polypropylene pipes without soldering. To do this, fittings are used with a thread and clamping ring. They are called collet or crimping, such a compound can withstand the pressure of sixteen atmospheres.

For a mechanical connection, it is necessary to purchase several additional parts: Calves intended for docking various diameters, tee, swelling clutches and combined, having an outer and inner thread, plugs, an external thread adapters, carbon and tees with a slope, ball valves, various fittings with factory carvings.

The structure of the clamping fitting

To ensure tightness, docking sites and seals are abundantly lubricated with silicone.

The work requires a crimp key that can be bought simultaneously with fittings. Cutting off the desired part of the pipe, firmly insert it into the fitting, wrap the thread of the thread element for sealing and pull the crimp ring and the nut, the total tightening occurs. This method of compound takes significantly more time than welding, but it is convenient for them to connect polypropylene pipes to radiators.

Compression fittings

Docking steel pipe with polypropylene

When installing heating or water supply, areas are found on which the metal and plastic dock is required. The compound of the polypropylene tube and metallic occurs when using special adapters. This fitting has a smooth hole for plastic on one side, and on the other - a metal insert with carvings. The polypropylene tube is connected by welding, and the metal is screwed by the key. The resulting junction does not have the strength of the weld, but will serve a long term.

Metal pipe connection

After complete installation of the system, it is necessary to test the water to test the water to check the tightness of all pipe connection points and other elements. If the threaded connections proceed, they must be pulled.

An independent installation of a water supply system or heating from polypropylene pipes is quite an executable task. To implement it, it is necessary to strictly comply with the instructions for using the welding machine for plastic and the installation technology. To better understand all the nuances of the process, it is worth watching a video in which experienced installers share experiences.

How to connect a polyethylene tube with polypropylene

To connect such pipes, you need to use special fittings. Such a connection is necessary in cases where the entry into the house of water was carried out by PND pipes, and the further wiring of water inside the house is carried out by polypropylene tubes. So, you can select 2 types of connections:

  1. In the first case, the PND is attaching a threaded clutch, where on the one hand will be a clamping compound, and a polypropylene, respectively, similar coupling. That's just on one side there will be a batch, and on the other - the threaded. In both cases, the thread is used fum-tape or pack for docking and in order to avoid leaks.
  2. In another case, a flange connection is applied. A rubber seal is installed between the flanges. Between themselves the flanges are tightened by bolts.