Repairs Design Furniture

Kuznetsov furnace with a sudden water heating order. Kuznetsov furnaces: species, advantages, order and laying technology with their own hands. Autonomous regimes of the heating and cooking furnace

Despite the modern abundance of a variety of heating devices and systems, brick furnaces are in no hurry to "take positions". Many owners of country houses under construction, planning the heating system, provide for the place for this traditional heating structure, which, with any scenario, can and heat and help with cooking.

Moreover, in this area there is continuous development, the search for interesting decisions, the development of new models that differ in increased operational performance. A bright example of this is the so-called cap oven. And the most popular from the caps are the structures of the Russian engineer I.V. Kuznetsova. From the distant 1962, he has been improving the existing designs and developing new options. As a result, about 150 models appeared, which have different dimensions and are designed for heating various areas.

Kuznetsov ovens are widely popular. Therefore, to meet the requests of interested readers, the topic of this publication will be the cap oven with their own hands - video instruction + order. One of the multifunctional variants of such furnaces will be presented, which is quite accessible to self-erection design.

Kuznetsov's cap ovens

General principles of cap oven

Furnaces developed by I.V. Kuznetsov, distinguished by high efficiency of their work. And besides, they are inherent in a very aesthetic appearance, which is able to add and harmoniously fit into the interior design performed in any style.

In the spacious design of this engineer is often called "Caps" or "Kuznetsovka". Their well-deserved popularity is explained by the fact that they are profitably different from other furnaces with their economy and increased heat transfer. Almost all Kuznetsov furnaces have an efficiency, approaching 80 ÷ 85%, while this indicator of the traditional Russian furnace does not exceed 60%, despite its larger mass and impressive linear dimensions.

Such high performance has been achieved thanks to successfully. located furnace channelsThrough which the movement of heated gas flows is carried out. Almost all previously used furnaces of furnaces have a channel tank of heated gases, which, in principle, is a long labyrinth. Hot air, moving along this labyrinth, gives warm brick and quickly cools. Without well-organized thrust in such structures, the outflow of combustion products from the heat chamber stops or stops, so smoke often begins to enter the room (for example, with strong wind on the street).

In the designs of Kuznetsov, the principles of free movement of gases are valid, so heat exchange in them is carried out in another way. The caps are the arches that are equipped inside the furnace, step-down heat the heat from hot flows. The cooled gases do not go immediately into the pipe, and slowly fall down the cap and only from there rushed into the chimney pipe, and their place in the top of the cap is occupied by new hot air flows. This is happening until the heat in the furnace is there.

This process can be traced clearly by conducting an experiment with a hot smoke, launched into an inverted glass - it first rises upRegarding the bottom of the container, heats it, and then, distributed through the walls, falls into its lower part, therefore, covering the heat all the glass of glass.

Of course, Kuznetsov furnaces have a more complex design, but the main thing is that the processes of movement of gases occur naturally. Due to this, it is possible to achieve high heat transfer and serious solid fuel economy.

Separately, you need to say about the thrust created in a similar furnace. It is formed not only due to the chimney, but for the reason that the high temperature of the gases that rise under the hood of the cap contributes to the creation of air cutting. In connection with such phenomena, the thrust in the housing furnaces is also formed in a natural way, without requiring the construction of a high chimney pipe, without which, for example, it is not necessary to do with the construction and.

Prices for the furnace

cap oven

It should be noted that the cap furnaces are divided into various types in its functionality, as well as conventional channels. So, they are divided into the following "classes":

  • Heating. Designed only for the heating of premises. This option, by the way, is selected less frequently, since the owners of private houses are usually preferred by multifunctional structures, because they are more practical.
  • having a single or two-component cooking hob. Such a design will work both for heating and for heating water, preparation or heating of food. In short, she will help the owners of the house in any situation.
  • , the purpose of which is clear from the name.
  • Multifunctional structures that include not only the cooking plate, but also a brass cabinet, a drying chamber, a water-heating tank or contour, as well as heated bed.

And if you select a stove with a wide input to the furnace and install a glazed door in it, the furnace can be used in the role of the fireplace

As you can see, the assortment of cap ovens is quite large. There is an opportunity to choose the option that is ideal for both functionality, and on its size, and in thermal power indicators for a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

Explicit advantages of cap oven

The advantages of the cap designs of furnaces include the following points:

  • During the construction of cap facilities, much less bricks is required and, as a result, the solution for its masonry. Yes, and the masonry itself is much simpler, since it does not have to withdraw long labyrinths for moving gas flows.
  • Due to the smaller amount of material used, the furnace is easier, and this, in turn, means that the foundation for it may not be so massive as under the channel furnace.
  • The burning in this design occurs more intensively, therefore, solid particles remain in combustion products. As a positive consequence, the plaque on the chimney walls will be much smaller, and therefore it can be cleaned less often.
  • As mentioned above, part of the chimney, towering over the roof, can be less than that of channel structures, where the pipe should have a height of at least five meters.
  • Unpretentiousness of the cap design in service. The presence of narrow channels in channel furnaces requires their frequent cleaners, as they quickly overgrow soot. Their narrowing significantly reduces the craving, which can lead to the opposite course of combustion products that begin to enter the premises.
  • In the cap of this design, a sufficient space is formed to install water heat exchangers. Heated water can be used for household needs or allowed into the heating circuit, which will bring heat to other rooms at home.
  • There is a quick heating of the design, which means that heated premises.
  • For such furnaces, the uniform warming of all walls and their high heat transfer are characteristic.

Construction and principle of functioning of the cap oven

Kuznetsov furnaces can be single or two-skate. The second option is more common, since its effectiveness is significantly higher. The simplest scheme of such an oven is presented in the pattern scheme.

  • The furnace is located in the front of the furnace. The diagram shows the output of the heated air - smooth red arrow aimed up.
  • Next, the heated air from the furnace enters the lower cap separated from the fifthnik with a non-firm partition. Entering the bottom cap, hot air rises to its ceiling. Then, cooling, gradually drops to its bottom, where below, in the rear wall of the cap, there is a hole leading to the channel connecting the bottom cap with the top.
  • Passing through the connecting channel, still warm air rises again to the ceiling, but already the top cap. There, hot gases are cooled and begin to fall to the overlap separating the lower and top cap. Running down and passing along the floor, hot air falls into the hole, the guide has already been very strongly cooled gases into the chimney.
  • In the upper front of the fuel chamber, a valve is installed, called "Winter-Summer". It is designed to direct hot air from the furnace directly into the chimney pipe - it is necessary in the summer when only the cooktop should work. If this, and also located above (overlapping chimney), the valves are in open state, combustion products, finding an easy way out, will not go into the pipe through the caps, and it will go directly into it. In the winter period, the lower valve closes, and the upper opens halfway, and the hot air, passing the entire design of the furnace, heats its walls and, already cooled, who has gone to heat, goes into the pipe.

If it is planned to be installed in the cap design, it is best to install it in the top of the bottom cap. This placement place will not affect the combustion regime, as well as the thermal equilibrium of the furnace.

Calculation of the cap

For the furnace justified hopes imposed on it, its parameters must comply with the actors (or several rooms) to be heated. For the proper selection of the furnace design, the first thing to be done is to determine the size of the room that is planned to be missed, as well as calculate possible heat loss. The calculation of the walls of the furnace participating in direct heat exchange are also taken into account, and taking into account a number of important nuances.

These calculations are quite cumbersome, and require to carry out some experiences and some knowledge. Therefore, it is often based on the common "constants": for a well warmed house, with a conventional firebox, it is possible to proceed from the 0.5 kW per square meter of the room. But in case of severe frosts, it is better to lay and the operational reserve - to navigate the value of 0.76 kW / m².

If there is no experience in such calculations, it is recommended to take advantage of the finished projects in which the developers already indicate the power of the device and the area to which this furnace is calculated. Moreover, today there is a large number of models having different linear dimensions and intended for heating any reasonable areas.

And for the inquisitive readers who still wish to conduct an independent calculation of the necessary furnace, a special article will be published on our portal with a detailed presentation of the calculation algorithm and the necessary reference and table data.

Erecting the Cap Furnace

Preparatory work before masonry furnace

In the list of preparatory work, you can include all the actions that will be listed and described in this section.

Selection of the model and place to install the furnace in the house

Before choosing the design and size of the furnace, you need to determine the place of its installation in the house and the approximate area that can be highlighted below it.

At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the location of the chimney pipe, as it should pass through the attic overlap between its beams, at a distance from them, at least 150 mm. It is taken into account, of course, the location of the roofs of the roof - there are the same requirements.

Prices for bricks

Foundation for installation of the furnace

Further, to build a furnace, you will need to prepare a reliable foundation. If the furnace is built together with the house, then it must be remembered that the foundation of the building should be separated from the base of the furnace structure. Otherwise, due to a possible shrinkage, overcast of one foundation can pull the other design.

In the event that the furnace is decided to build in the already built house with a wooden floor, a part of the boarding coating will have to be dismantled. The foundation should be wider and longer than the base of the furnace by 50 ÷ 80 mm in each of the parties. If the house is built on a plane concrete foundation, and the design of the furnace is relatively small, it can be installed on the general basis of the house. But this is usually stipulated by the developers of the heating structure.

To improve the foundation, it will be necessary to dug the pit, whose depth will depend from distance from Paul before the soil. In total, the height of the foundation (taking into account all the layer of construction) should be 500 ÷ 700 mm. If the floor is high above the soil, then the height of this distance needs to be constructed, as the foundation should go to the height of clean floor.

On the walls of the formwork, it will be necessary to fix the waterproofing material, since it will be fully filled with concrete solution. The layer layer presented above is suitable for the foundation completely, except for the upper concrete layer located in the ground, which will serve as a natural formwork.

If the foundation is almost completely recessed into the ground, then after installing the waterproofing along its walls, a sand pillow 150 mm is falling asleep to the bottom of the bottom, which needs to be well sealing. From above of sand, a broken brick is stacked, a large crushed stone and stones - they need them, too, as far as possible to catch. This layer should be 150 ÷ \u200b\u200b200 mm.

Prices for rubble

On top of the stone, the crushed stone of the middle faction falls asleep. After that, a formwork for filling into it the concrete layer, which is recommended to reinforce, putting a metal grid with cells with 50 × 50 mm into a solution. Dynamic loads are not assumed, so it is possible to completely apply concrete with the varying strength of M 200 (exemplary proportions of the components: Cement PC 400 - 1 part, construction sand - 1.9 parts, gravel or fine crushed stone - 3.6 parts).

To determine the exact number of ingredients required to prepare the desired amount of concrete under the filling of the furnace foundation, you can use the calculator below.


People who are engaged in their work professionally believe that the heating furnaces of Kuznetsov's drawings of which we will consider in this article, deservedly received recognition. Their creator of I. V. Kuznetsov all their work activities, which began in 1962, dedicated to his beloved occupation, namely the design of new designs and their improvement.

Fame came to the designer as a result of numerous positive feedback customers and customers. Now Kuznetsov has a team of like-minded people and its own Internet site, which presents various options for structural solutions developed by him personally on special technology.

Kuznetsov furnace can be installed in modern residential buildings. Its structural solutions allow not only to warm up the premises, but also to their appearance to give the interior feature and uniqueness, which you can make sure, looking at the photo provided.

Developing new heat units, Kuznetsov sought to improve the main performance of their performance - effective heating. Depending on the design of the structures, certain indicators improved for them. In some models, the furnace was upgraded, the heat resistant was increased, and the equipment was added in the third, as evidenced by Kuznetsov's ovens.

Proof of high quality structures is the fame of heat units, their demand and long-term operation.

Such work can be done with your own hands, but provided that the owner of the house will use and use only the recommended quality materials.

Features of Kuznetsov furnace

Since the main purpose of the developments of Kuznetsov was effectiveness and productivity (it worked on an increase in the efficiency of the efficiency), for this, a fundamentally new and perfect approach was required.
If you look at the kuznetsov furnace drawings, each professional sees that the system of the internal movement of gases is most competently thought out. As a result, thanks to the structural solution, hot air is delayed in the unit for a longer time and maintains heat, and the cooled air masses quickly fly into the chimney at a special deepening.

Such furnaces were called "Caps". Inside, they are combined with the hearth and the lower part, creating a cape. Its functional purpose is to divide gases into cold and hot. The last of them climb the cap and, staying in it, concentrate heat. The combustion temperature in such aggregates is highest, and their efficiency is 95%. How effective is the functioning of the Kuznetsov developed structures, indicates that the traditional Russian furnace is 25-40%. See also: "".

From the above, it follows the conclusion: the system of free movement of gases created by this master is more natural, it optimizes the operation of the device and uniform heating. In addition, minimizes the formation of soot.

In addition to these advantages, other positive moments have other positive moments:

  • the burning occurs without soot and smoke;
  • warming is characterized greater uniformity;
  • best heat recovery;
  • the need for cleaning is less than dozens of times;
  • efficiency;
  • there is more space to accommodate the steel heating element;
  • low heat loss;
  • fracture resistance;
  • ability to change the form and design of the design.

Kuznetsov furnaces: drawings and their diversity

For no one decade, Kuznetsov has developed a lot of projects of overseas of the most detailed destination. Build some of them can be independently. This will require drawings and coaches of Kuznetsov furnaces.

Household furnaces, depending on the main purpose, are divided into:
  • cooking cooking designs;
  • heating units for heating residential premises;
  • ban devices (read also: "");
  • street complexes and simple barbecue;
  • bread furnaces that are often combined with cooking structures -;
  • fireplaces performing more aesthetic function.
It is possible to create mixed stove models that perform several assignments. As an example, the popular heating and cooking structures among consumers can be brought (more details: ").

Construction of Kuznetsov furnace with their own hands

Before making one of the heating devices, it is necessary to determine its purpose. Kuznetsov was created more than 150 drawings of household aggregates (read also: ""). Make a choice among the variety of models will not be difficult. When Kuznetsov furnaces are created - the order is necessary. In this case, the simple version of the heat unit is given as an example.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. First study the plan of the room, where the installation of the heating device is planned. In the event that the house is not erected, it is necessary to ensure uniform heating of all rooms. In the finished building, embed the heat unit is undesirable, but if necessary. But at the same time, the location of the supporting structures and beams should take into account when the chimney arrange.
  2. Then prepare the foundation for the heating device. It is created from concrete, while the width should be 10 centimeters to exceed the size of the device. It is advisable to design the foundation for the oven at the planning stage of the house.

Basic rules for creating a heating furnace

  1. To make the Kuznetsov furnaces of the coaches (laying scheme) should be printed in advance.
  2. The refractory shell is located inside the furnace should be free from all sides, because during heating the brick expands.
  3. Inner refractory laying in the case of using chamotte bricks is always performed on the edge. If bricks are made of clay, on the inner walls and on the columns, they are placed on the discretion of the liver.
  4. To enhance the ligament every two brick rows lay the wire.
  5. When Kuznetsova oven is created - it provides that various elements (for example, doors) are set in such a way that the expansion place remains. Between the brick and metal element placed a special gasket.
  6. After completing the construction of the construction of the brick, it should be treated with refractory composition.
  7. The first extracts begin with minimal temperature and in the future it is gradually increased.

Furnace coach Kuznetsov

To lay out the heating structure yourself, the task is completely solved, but the co-cooker of the Kuznetsov bounte or other type of heat unit will be required. The principle of operation of the heating device is not so complicated that it cannot be understood (read also: "").

To create a high-quality heat unit, regardless of the dependence of the cap or oven Kuznetsov for a bath. The order is required, as well as a general drawing. What is a friend? This is a set of drawings on which step-by-step schematically depicted, in detail for each row of bricks. No changes should be made in them.

Materials for the construction of a brick oven

  1. Chamotte brick For internal masonry. Calculate its quantity according to the coach. For a simple design it will be necessary a bit.
  2. Clay brick For outdoor masonry, when they are created, including Kuznetsov's cap furnaces - the order will help learn its quantity. It is advisable to buy products M150 products.
  3. Clay In the amount of 100-150 kilograms. It is necessary that it is good quality. Otherwise, with the first firing of the finished design, the solution cracks.
  4. Purified sand. It will be required 2 times more than clay. There are ready-made grinding mixtures available. They need 500 bricks about 0.2 m³.
  5. Metal fittings - Gear, cooler and confusion, 2 steel corners, 5 meters of wire.

Samples of orders

This article discusses the Cousnets Kuznetsov coaching furnace, and more specifically one of its options. Each row should be laid out in numbered order in full accordance with the images. This furnace is distinguished by uncomplicated execution and is a universal solution for domestic use.

Similarly, when there is a Kuznetsov furnace for a bath. Order - the laying can be performed independently (read also: ""). After the work was first completed on creating a heating unit, each performer becomes clear that it is easy and quite fulfilled.

The next time it will be possible to make a more complex design. It may even be a two-skate furnace Kuznetsov - a friend of one of the options for which the site is available on the site. Perhaps, in the future there will be a desire to embody one of the many projects of the Great Master into reality.

Video of phased construction Kuznetsov furnace according to drawings:

© When using the materials of the site (quote, images), the source indication is required.

Kuznetsov furnaces are well known not only to the burning - they heat the many houses in Russia and beyond. I. V. Kuznetsov works on improving stoves since 1962 and gathered a strong team of like-minded people around him. In the assets of the team - more than one and a half hundred developments, covering hardly the entire range of household furnaces, see Fig.

Many would like to fold some of the Kuznetsov stoves with their own hands, and this article is to help them. But we are not going to reveal some hidden secrets of "Kuznetsovok" - they simply do not. On the website Igor Viktorovich will find a huge array of furnace information wishing for free: from information on the design and construction of furnaces to detailed drawings and recommendations for installing a furnace in the house and device of the scene around the building with furnace heating. We also do not intend to criticize something in this home-furnace encyclopedia or correct: we are up to I. V. Kuznetsov on a chimney, to put it mildly, is far away.

The purpose of this article is to give a sort of influence in the information of Kuznetsov, allowing you to freely navigate in the source material. Let us explain on the example why it is necessary.

Suppose I am an auto mechanic-wagon with extensive experience and I want to transfer it to another interested. The car is a complicated thing. If I start to be distracted in the course, explaining in detail that it is not quite teapots in detail that the readers are not completely ketties, now everyone) affect the controllability and track stability of the machine, and the timing of gas distribution - to fuel consumption depending on the road Conditions, etc. In the same spirit, I eventually confuse to the fact that I myself stop understanding how the car works, on which I drive. I will have to express the material to I will have to expand the material and "on your fingers", but in a professional run.

However, it will be hard to read it even the same as me, specialists, and at the amateur at all the head of the head will go. Therefore, I need to help someone who can be called "receipt". In fact, he is not at all the kettle, can adjust itself and the suspension, and set the valve pushers. But in this case, its task is to describe how the whole filling of the car is going to one whole, manageable according to the principle: "steering wheel steering, gas gas, brake brake."

In the automotive industry of the USSR, this situation originated in the late 50s - early 60s, when the industry began production of cars for a wide sale of the population. Then the superbstseller of that time was published - "how the car works." Edited by no one else, as the most important designer of the legendary "victory" A. A. Lipgart.

The information "from the receipt" will not allow to proceed to work: it does not give deep knowledge that will allow at least intuitively attaching the necessary values \u200b\u200bof numerical parameters along the way. But she is essentially its fundamental: Hovering it, the professional text is already read with understanding and faster. And, if somewhere something in it is still not clear, it no longer causes losing and throwing, but just a mark in mind: this is necessary to find out more about it.

About the furnaces and oven heating the government has not yet taken any epochal decrees. But their role in household heat power engineering during the time of energy deficiency is undoubted: already the heating furnace with the efficiency of 70% with mass use will be saved fuel in the scale of the state, since The projects of new heat centers are laid through the loss of heat in highways in 35%, and there is no possibility to reduce them yet. So with the popularization of furnace knowledge, you have to get outself, without being neither liparmit, nor Kuznetsov. Well, let's try.

Why - Kuznetsovka?

But is it worth stopping the Kuznetsov especially in the furnaces? Worth it because they are worth it. Igor Viktorovich, from the very beginning, considered not as a protected relica of the past or expensive the subject of luxury, but as an indispensable attribute of the economical energy of the future, which is now present. The rest have aptive, which is called when the roasted rooster peaked.

As a result - Kuznetsovka on 4 kW heats house of 100 square meters. m. Just as branded "from there" firebox by 12 kW. As, by the way, he says not about the invention of the eternal engine, but about the fact that branded advertisers are creating their avenues, perhaps the distance "path of happiness". In any case, the fact that Kuznetsov is constantly coming orders from the USA, Canada, Sweden, Finland, which in front of the furnaces themselves are not in the tail weave. Specifically, the advantages of Kuznetsovkov are as follows:

  • High efficiency - 80% for Kuznetsov furnaces is not evidence.
  • High temperature combustion of fuel without the use of technologies and materials requiring industrial production.
  • As the first consequence of the previous one - okay. In Kuznetsov, any fuel is burning to ash, and the deposition of soot is minimal.
  • The second consequence is a simple care: because Bore and soot, Kuznetsov furnaces can be not cleaned years.
  • Less material consumption in combination with uniform heat transfer between the fireboxes: In the urban apartment with central heating, the temperature during the day hesitates more than in a house heated by Kuznetsovka at 2-furnaces per day.
  • Extensive possibilities for embedding a water circuit without deteriorating the technical parameters of the furnace.
  • Good thrust with a short chimney, which reduces the cost and simplifies construction and installation work when it is built.
  • The plasticity of the structure and appearance as a consequence of the two-collocked scheme (see below): not a degraded furnace, it can be constructed by almost any room and design requirements.
  • Automatic redistribution of thrust through the channels during the transition from the protood to the cooling, which guarantees from the Ugon: the view almost never needs to be closed, it is provided more for non-standard operation modes.

Note: invented by I. V. Kuznetsov, the method of redistribution of thrust in the root differs from the well-known gas type. On it, the flow created by the burden is passed by the heated parts of the body of the furnace with special lower channels, and when the flame burns in the firebox, convection from it pulls the air flow on itself. As a result, a separate system of ventilation system is not required. In addition, the gas title can blow the reverse burden when staining into the pipe, or, on the contrary, stretch with strong wind, and in Kuznetsovka any air flow will pass by everything that he could do.

Fundamental basis

Most of the advantages of Kuznetsov furnaces gives the principle of free passage of gases. Let us explain again on the example.

Imagine a furnace with a complex smoke system: uttermarks, four-five revisible. In this close maze, severe swirls will inevitably occur. Pershed as the furnace buzzed? This is only a minor manifestation of a raging vortex energy. And to take it is nowhere, except from the fuel bookmark. If the channels are sufficiently long and narrow, then at first glance there is nothing terrible here: vortices, while you get to the pipe, they will dispel, cooling, and still give our energy to the body of the furnace, and it is in the room. But in fact, the nuances appear, which will be told further in the text. Because of them, the efficiency of the channel furnace over 60% is exceptional rarity.

In the channel oven, while it is token, a huge stream of energy is rushing, and you can, without breaking it, you can take only a small part of it. Such a furnace is similar to a nuclear reactor. Do not be afraid only by synergetics, i.e. In paths of circulation of energy in it. A nuclear reactor has to lay fuel to dozens of times more than necessary to ensure project energy purposes. Otherwise, neutrons simply will fly out, not having time to meet their finished to take uranium atoms. In the channel oven - hot vortices, not having time to cool, fly out into the pipe or, on the contrary, cool immediately, gives smoke and soot.

But Kuznetsovka (about the details below) on synergetics is closer to the thermonuclear reactors of the future. The "Thermoad" sounds terrible, but it is only on the association with a hydrogen bomb. In fact, thermal reactors are quite safe.

Why? Because the energy is produced in exactly as much as the consumer should go out, and the technological reserve for power for a rarefied plasma is needed member. If suddenly the camera of the tokamak or stellarator suddenly completely collapses, the plasma will be completely high (there is no heavy atoms) and cools it, before it comes to the walls of the room. Repairmen cut out - whether it is to sharpen in duty in the duty room - but after 5 minutes. Will be fed to eliminate without protective funds.

So what is common in the ovens of Kuznetsov with thermonuclear reactors? The fact that the energy of flue gases is not scrolled through the principle of a free passage many times in the stream until it hops into the body of the furnace, but heaves it immediately. And there is nowhere to go from there, except in the room and / or a water-heating register.

First: Cap on the cap

The principle of building a furnace, allowing to realize the benefits of free gas stroke, known for a long time. This is a two-skate furnace, the scheme of the device of which is shown in Fig. Let's start the analysis with the left of his pos.

The outer air goes through pissed 1 in the furnace 2. The furnace can be equipped with a tapering nozzle - Hylom - in which a gas view is formed in a single-roll furnace: the light heated gases under the cap are not allowed to be "on blowing" heavy outer cold air as water in the tilted glass. But in two-collaborate furnaces, a gas master due to traction from the second cap often turns out to be unstable. Therefore, the two-skate furnaces were rare to Kuznetsov.

Immediately after the extracts, when the lighter and energetic fuels fractions are burning, burning occurs in mode close to the most effective pyrolysis. In Kuznetsov furnaces - in pyrolysis mode, they are specifically constructed. Pyrolysis gases are tramored under the arch of the 4 first cap 3. The subroaching space of the first cap is similar to the thinker.

Pyrolysis burning under the cap is obtained self-regulating: if the fuel flashed very much, the "pillow" of the burning gases expands down; Up does not give a hitch of the cap. Because of this, the outflow of flue gases is hampered, he goes down. Accordingly, weakens and thrust, burning slightly subsides. If the burning weakens, everything happens on the contrary.

When moving the combustion into lowactive mode or coal, both caps are already working simply as heat transitions of channel stoves, which makes residual heat of fuel. But in the Dutch and it mostly "wals" into the pipe: According to the well-known hydrodynamic law of Bernoulli, in the narrow channel, the flow rate will be larger. And under the caps, the residual gases will slowly obverse until their heat leaves in the brick.

Note: In channels, with a strong wind, outside often have to screak out of the furnaces still smoldering coals and close the view, otherwise everything heat will "enjoy" while the fuel is fruit to ash. In the caps of this harmful effect there is no - a sharp expansion from the chimney in the cap does not allow the wind to get roaring into the furnace, and it is possible to quietly wait until the fuel will not give its energy supply to the last calorie.

An ideal two-collap oven is a round in terms of. Then her body 5 is simultaneously the second cap. It also has an invisible zone of thermochemical reactions 6 under the arch. It is neutralized by the remnants of carbon monoxide (carbon monoxide) and nitrogen oxides formed in the furnace due to a much higher than in a fiery furnace, the combustion temperature. In chimney 7, only carbon dioxide and water pair leave.

Although it is possible to fold the round conventional type, but if it is a two-skate, to arrange the cleft doors in it difficult, but to clean it (once, it will have to) difficult. Therefore, in practice, two-kip furnaces are performed if attracting an analogy with electronics, not in parallel, but according to a cascade sequential scheme: the second cap is irrigated to the first and combine the caps with each other with chimns (or one solid wide slit) from the stove rear, the right pos. In fig. The KPD of the brick furnace falls at all by 1-2 percentage points.

Note: in order to in the round two-star gas, the gas title was stable, in addition to hurricane winds, the Ring gap L2 between the first and second caps should be wider the same L1 between the furnace and the first cap.

In the other case, in the second cap, it is possible without any concerns to embed a hot water register of any type. The main heat in the body of the furnace is transmitted under the arch of the first cap. This, by the way, is also one of the reasons why there were no two-killers before: with cheap fuel, a small increase in the efficiency did not pay off the complexity of the work, but to wash in the kitchen in the trough was then the usual thing.

And at the same time, the gases under the second cap are suitable, on the one hand, quite cooled and reacted that the heat exchanger can be performed from conventional structural materials, without fear of its exaggeration and deposition of soot on it. On the other hand, the temperature in the second cap with the KPD of the furnace in 80% will be within 200-400 degrees, which gives just a sufficient temperature gradient to effectively transmit heat water.

About multicolpacks

In principle, it is possible to perform a round cap of a multi-discount; Each cascade is 2 caps, with a hole in the arch and deaf on top, as shown in Fig. With three cascades (6 of the caps), the design that can be consecrated to the furnace with a free gas stroke (left poster. In fig.) It is possible to make self-tracking under any fuel, from fuel oil to Kizyak, with efficiency up to 97-98% in any firebox mode . However, it is not amenable to accurate analytical calculation, and computer simulation requires a fairly powerful hardware and software platform.

The furnace with even (with a hole in the edge) caps brought to it (right poster. In fig.), In principle, to show the efficiency of 85-90%, depending on the combustion mode and type of fuel. But the one and the other, firstly, it is very difficult to clean. Secondly, the first cap is very small, and the temperature under it will be quite pyrolysis, about 1,500 degrees. No metal will endure it, except for platinum. Tungsten and he burns like a filament light bulb with a broken flask. Will it be kept on the weight of the lining for pyrolysis furnaces, on the experience, no one defined.

Note: Black dotted lines in drawings - not metal structures. These are forming (parabolas and straight) corresponding dimensions: the diameters of the flue openings and the distance of the lower cuts of the caps from the feed.

Video: Example of a draft two-star heating and cooking furnace

Second: thermal load

On bare principles, nothing works. To a theoretically absolutely correct stove warm, dried and cooked, it is also necessary to correctly perform in the material. With reference to the hubbackets (and especially - to two-collis), this means that the thermal load on the material should be high. Make a hood oven massive, with thick walls - it's like burning a fire in a cave. To feel warm, you need to sit at the fire itself, and soot will be ...

Take a look at fig. On it - drawings and deaches of some Kuznetsov furnaces:, two-kinning water boiler and improved Russian with a bed. Without being an experienced cook, it can be seen that the material per unit of power released (500 W * sq. M of the outer surface) in the Kuznetsov furnace is one and a half or two times less than in traditional. In general, any cab "empty" inside equal to channel power.

On the one hand, this is good, the brick is worth the money. But on the other, it requires careful development and compliance with the construction technology (see below). The heat load, from which the booby boost will not be pest, the thin brick wall will destroy already during acceleration furnace.

Construction mechanics are important for Kuznetsov furnaces. The strength of the wall on the clay solution with a decrease in its thickness drops much faster than on cement-sand. Therefore, the foundation for these ovens needs to be performed especially carefully in exact accordance with the recommendations of the author. It is also necessary to steadily follow when building.

Note: I. V. Kuznetsov allows you to freely copy your materials for yourself, for the construction, but objects to the reissue. However, pictures in Fig. Small. The amateur will not build anything on them, and the master knows where you can take full-fledged drawings. Therefore, we hope that Igor Viktorovich will forgive us this little borrowing for the benefit of the case.

Third: Step right, Step Left ...

High loads on the material in Kuznetsov furnaces require not just careful design design, but also compliance with some of the fundamental already design principles. The main one is a floating furnace from a chamotte brand SB-8 or W-5. The body of the furnace is laid out of the ceramic bricks of the brand not lower than M150.

What does floating firebox mean? First, around it entirely, or in precisely calculated by the author, there should be a dry seam. It is not so easy to make it: on the layout of the last row of the chamot (unless otherwise specified in the specification on the furnace) the clay solution from the seams between chammatory and ordinary brick is fluttered, and the gaskets from mineral cardboard - basalt, kaolin, and the like are inserted instead of it. .

Secondly, it is necessary to strictly observe the principle of incompleteness of modules. What it is, shows Fig. No protrusions shamot should be in the grooves of ordinary brick, and vice versa, even with damping seams. The TCR and the heat capacity of the chamomot differ significantly from the "brick", and the furnace associated with the body of the furnace, tears the masonry during the extract. The furnace "Kuznetsovka" must be a compact module installed in the nest from ordinary brick. How to arrange it to go into the chimney, the author explains in detail on the site.

It is also strictly necessary to follow its recommendations regarding the choice and preparation of materials. "Kuznetsovka", though brick, but high-tech, and suffer a replacement for Erzats and negligence no more than a rocket or submarine - replacing titanium and tin composites. The consequences, however, will not be so catastrophic, but also to see them will have to be at home, and not subtract in the news. And pay from your pocket.

In general, technology: Kuznetsov furnace can build a diligent, careful and neat beginner. But really an experienced cook, with a semi-man, but thoughtlessly laid out really a very good plate or a dutch, the Kuznetsov furnace is defined.

About followers

Nevertheless, "Kuznetsovka" is not a certain miracle of the unraded to. There were already quite a few lovers and masters-pro, not only repeating the original designs of Igor Viktorovich, but also creating their own. In fig. Right - drawing, and in fig. In the section - order of one of them.

She has two features. The first - damping moves on the 21st row. They are quite similar to the idle air moves of Kuznetsov, but are included in the work during the crossing, accelerating and facilitating it. On the flame or drainage, their bandwidth does not allow to ensure the output of gases, and these tubes are drunk by gas corks.

The second - sawn along, and even at an angle, bricks in the 17th, 28th and some other rows. Actually, the cookies, and just builders know that the bricks are not sawing along. But this conviction has developed during the times, when the concepts of "angular drill", she was also Bulgarian, was not. On the diamond instrument, then only heard that, they say, it is used somewhere in the secret workshops of military factories.

But to cut the brick along the baccoon on the weight is still impossible, its strength will fall below the maximum due to the tool beats in the hands. There are two options, the first: set the tool in the bed with the lever walking in the vertical plane to get a cutting machine. Such can be done yourself, there are also ready for sale.

Another way is suitable if there is a circular on the economy at least 1500 obmin, and better - by 2500-3000. Then the diamond circle on the stone is refueling into it instead of a regular saw blade. This option is preferable: the reference board with corner focus provides a reside much cleaner and accurate. And if necessary, you can finish on the other side, without risking to get a high step on a spear.

Video: Furnace Masonry 3 x 3.5 Brick

More about round

Round furnaces theoretically generally have a lot of advantages, only in the house is not very comfortable. However, there is a lot of demand for compact mobile furnaces, and here the extremely high efficiency of round multi-volpocks can be a decisive factor, because with a decrease in the size of the furnace, its efficiency drops sharply because of the Cuba law.

Such furnaces, of course, would have to do. It solves the problem of cleaning, the stove can be collapsible. But the choice of metals suitable in the ratio of heat and thermal conductivity is extremely limited. From inexpensive - only cast iron, but he is hard and fragile.

However, there is a metal material easier and rejuvenient with similar properties. This is the production of powder metallurgy. With regard to the scissor knives, the "powder rubbish" is quite justified, but for a furnace, in which nothing works for a shift, powder parts may be a find.

The second problem, which has already been said - the heat-resistant lining on the first cap. If it is possible to solve it, then, perhaps, the works and efforts of Igor Viktorovich Kuznetsova will give fruit more extensive and weighty than now it seems.

Fold a good brick oven is a hard work, and skill and art. And art is, and traditions, and the principles were transmitted from generation to generation. I.V. The Kuznetsov not only follows the traditions, but develops them and is looking for new ways to solve the old task, which is very relevant today: as using a minimum of fuel to get the maximum furnace performance.

Operating principle

Kuznetsov offered a new principle of building brick stoves. In all models invented / constructed models, hot gases move through the channels. Passing along them, they heat the brick, they themselves are cooled. Movement is possible only if there are traction. With such a compulsory principle of operation, the heating of the body is uneven, and it leads to the formation of cracks. A large number of bricks occupies almost all the space, and the heat exchanger, if necessary, to put nowhere. Just place it in the furnace where it will contact with the flame, because of what the service life is very limited. In addition, the heat exchanger located in the burning zone takes a significant part of the thermal energy, worsening the conditions of combustion of fuel, which reduces the KPD of the furnace and increases the amount of soot.

Kuznetsov uses another, the principle of movement of gases in the furnace is free. The furnace consists of caps - the bottom of the vessels inverted up (with a hole at the top or without - differently in different models). The caps can be located above each other or one after another, but necessarily communicate with the help of dry seams - spaces in 2-3 cm, unfilled by a solution or a heat insulator through which the gases from one cap are transmitted to another.

The first cap and the furnace are combined into a single space. With such a device, this is what. The hottest gases rise. For a while they are at the top and remain, where they transmit part of the thermal energy to the walls, cooled themselves. As they cool down, they are lowered down, and more hot ones are rising. With this construction, the movement of the air masses is only due to natural physical processes.

You can clearly demonstrate the process if the glass is turned upside down with a stream of smoke. It rises up, reaches the top, then the cooled part of the smoke along the walls falls down. Nicely the same processes, only much more complex, passing in the furnace.

In the figure, the red arrows shows a hot-air movement diagram in caps. The blue arrows shows the movement of cold air in the oven. Obviously, it will not raise it up, because it weighs more, but it will take poison and will not affect the total temperature in the cap, which is demonstrated in the figure on the right.

But one cap for effective heat selection is not enough, because most furnaces have two or three vaults depending on the power. Almost the same processes occur in them as in the first: more hot gases are at the top, heating the masonry, the cold pass to lower and go into the chimney. In the upper zone of the second arch and places a heat exchanger or any other device necessary for any purpose. No open fire, only hot gases and very efficient heat supply: the high temperature air flows constantly flow. Moreover, no effect on the processes of burning heating of the coolant, stones or water in the tank does not: from the furnace they are separated by a brick wall.

The design of furnace configuration furnaces and destination is different, but they are "consumed" they are a little fuel and remain hot. About this tells reviews of owners. For example, such a furnace is composed in a bar. At -25 o with stamped in the morning and in the evening of 5 Hollows (just a day it turns out about 18 kg of firewood). In the house +25 about with and in the morning is not cold. At the temperature of "overboard" to -10 о с от отоков. So there is no questions about the effectiveness of the issues. If there are questions, then for the choice of the artist. After all, the parameters of its work depends on how correctly the furnace is folded. And you will not make it quickly: medium sized and without frills is 2-3 weeks of work. In general, with reviews about Kuznetsov furnaces, everything is simple: people are satisfied. The pleasure of course is not cheap, but definitely it is worth it. This argue all owners of such furnaces. No difficulties in operation, economical and not capricious, for a very long time is warm, but they warm quickly.

Advantages of dome furnaces

This principle is used in a variety of ovens of various purposes. The caps may be several, they can have a symmetrical or asymmetrical structure, located near (horizontally) or one over the other (often use this option to save space). This feature makes it possible to design furnaces of any kind and configuration, for any premises and conditions. In this case, the characteristics remain high: efficiency above 80% for Kuznetsov dome furnaces is almost normal.

In the second cap, you can install any devices: a cooking surface, a heat exchanger, a heater, a hot water tank, a grain furnace, etc. Modifications a lot and everything combines one: high efficiency, efficiency, uniform heating. Moreover, with the vertical arrangement of the caps, the bottom is heated more intensively than the top. So indoors with such a furnace is comfortable.

It should be noted that bricks are required for the construction of such a furnace much less: more empty space inside. Therefore, the furnace warms up faster. But what is characteristic, it does not cool faster. It all happens up to the "on the contrary": Kuznetsov dome furnaces give much smaller daily temperature fluctuations than more massive analogues with a large number of channels. And all because the hottest part of the gases remains in the cap, and it is cautious and the coldest is cold. Cooling the furnace is thus slower.

Due to the fact that there are no narrow channels, the cap oven has a smaller airflow resistance, so the chimneys have a smaller length. Therefore, it is easier to build it, and the foundation is not needed such a massive, although it is necessary.

After the extract and access to the operating mode, adjust the operation of the furnace with the free movement of gases is not needed. The process is obtained self-regulating. If the fuel flashes very much, the amount of hot gas rolling increases and squeezes colder into the second cap. And the colder is, including the air coming out of thought. With a lack of air, the flame is hurt, hot gases are smaller, they rise above and below the larger air. The burning is activated again. Therefore, the valves in the twinkling furnaces of Kuznetsova, although there are, but they are used extremely rare, mainly for non-standard modes.

Automatic regulation of the combustion process leads to almost complete combustion of any fuel. That is, such a furnace is omnivorous and not particularly demanding to the condies of fuel. When using wet fuel, it goes longer to normal mode, but then the process stabilizes and the resulting soot fade. This, by the way, another plus of dome furnaces: they need to clean very rarely, since ash remains little, and the soot burns.

Types of Kuznetsov furnaces

As mentioned above, the cap can be located differently, therefore, there are a lot of options. The possibility of installation in the second dome of any heat exchange device without prejudice to the combustion process also contributes to the presence of many different thermal units. In this case, devices can be designed for this principle with any type of combustion: upper, lower, pyrolysis, layers, etc. All of them have some specifics, but can be implemented. The site of Kuznetsov laid out projects of various purposes with a friend. They can be downloaded for personal use freely, but they are not welcome the republishing.

There are kuznetsov furnaces for two-storey houses, and they are heated both levels. And there are such aggregates and leggings. Heating can be convection type (only from the walls of the stove) or the water heating heat exchanger can be inserted inside. Then such an aggregate is called the boiler and denote the kick. Four prepared hot water brick boilements with a capacity of 16 kW, 17 kW, 34 kW, 64 kW were published in free access on the official website of Kuznetsov. They can be built into water heating tank for household needs. The boiler must be tied with metal corners, if necessary, you can warm up, to put the reinforcing grid and plastering.

Options for convection furnaces are much larger. In the section Heating-cooking furnaces without using chamotte brick, Ovik has 25 different projects. There are three options of the heating and cooking furnace with a fireplace. Place the fireplace can be on the side (right or left). These options are labeled by the BC (side fireplace), there is an option with a laying and a fireplace Ovik BC 13l. With the fireplace located behind the marking of the Ovik ZK (rear fireplace).

Pure heating thermal units are marked with yoke. The coaches in which there is a layman, in the title there are letters "LEG" or "L", if there is an oven, the letter "D" is added. In heating furnaces there are also options with fireplaces. They are marked with OIC K. There are furnaces caloriephomic paik1x. Separately, the categories are allocated furnaces for greenhouses and bread.

Heating furnace Kuznetsov OIC. Impressive

The Russian kuznetsov furnaces are labeled by a ring, a friend of 10 models are laid out, two of whom with layers. They have the usual configuration of the cooking chamber, which must have a hermetic damper. With not the tightness of the camera, the oven will not work normally.

In the section of the furnaces for Bathhouse, Kuznetsov offers an option to plan the room planning with the dimensions of the dimensions and is shown to "enter" the suitable models there. After all, the room baths are usually small and if the metal stove is placed in it easily, then the overall brick is already problematic. And it takes to consider many factors: where it will be driving where the outlet of the steam and the hottest part of the furnace. And here are offered ready-made options. Very convenient and worth saying the author Many thanks! The furnaces themselves are put in a separate category and the bicks are marked.

In this video, a furnace design is proposed, designed by the proposed Kuznetsov principle of construction of furnaces. In the first half, it is told about the movement of gases and how it works, on the principles of managing the work of a specific model. The second commented on the masonry process. Very useful and informative video.

For laying case and chimney, it is recommended to use the usual clay full-length brick. M150 brand and above, size 250 * 120 * 65 mm. Calculate the amount of bricks for Kuznetsov furnaces is easy: you need the number of rows of your selected model to multiply by 0.8. This quantity is enough to lay the case (taking into account the battle and rejection). For chimney, it is necessary to be considered separately. The calculation scheme is a little different: you know how many bricks on one row, multiplied by the number of rows (each different, depending on the size of the furnace and the height of the building), add 10% to battle and get a sought number.

For a chamotte nucleus (if any) is recommended W-5 (230 * 114 * 40 mm) or SB-8 (250 * 123 * 65 mm). Its number is considered by the scheme of the piece. The kernel in the furnaces of Kuznetsov is incoherent with the case, that is, there are no common points of contact between them. Between two parallel walls, housing and chamotte nucleus, there should be a slit of 5-6 mm. To make it easier to withstand, you can finish the kernel (usually put it first) wrap the appropriate thickness of the appropriate packaging cardboard. Instead, the heat insulator, basalt cardboard, for example, can be laid for better heat insulation of the furnace.

In the height of the row of masonry from ceramic bricks do not coincide with the height of the chamot series. They do not need to customize one under the other. It is important to withstand verticality and horizontality, track the angle, as well as the recommended width of the seam. And then everything will be as needed. In realities, the dimensions of ceramic bricks differ from the standard 250 * 120 * 65 mm. If non-critical deviations, you can adjust them with a seam. Therefore, when calculating furnaces and their heights take the height of bricks with a seam. It must be 70 mm. But more than 7 mm should not make seams, so look for a brick of suitable quality and size.

From above, in places where the chamomot laying ends, there are compensation gaps that take into account different coefficients of expansion of materials. It is necessary to observe them: the expansion of chamotte bricks is greater than that of ceramic and if there is no such a gap, the kernel will break the laying from above due to the fact that it expands stronger.

The magnitude of the gap must be calculated from the marks to the order. The drawings cause a label of the height of the last row of the chamot. Thinking the wall of the wall from ceramic bricks: the number of rows multiplies to the height of a series with a seam (70mm) and get a desired value. It should be greater than the height of the chamomation by 10-15 mm. This gap is compensatory and it must be present. The emptiness formed is laying a stone basalt car (not glassic, but that which has a use temperature above 1200 o C).

If there are columns and inner walls (thickness usually in a quarter), the brick in them can be placed on the edge or on the edge. No difference, do it more comfortable. There are places in the drawings, where in one row there is a brick supplied by plastics and on the edge. In this case, it needs to be driving under the size (saw).

There are also nuances in the installation places. In the drawings over the door of the furnace, due to the features of the program, a ceramic brick is depicted, but shape it is necessary on the edge. When the heights drop, empties are filled with cut plates from the chamot. A gap of 5 mm remains between metal parts and masonry - again because of various temperature extensions. This gap is placed by a suitable thermal insulator (with an operation temperature from 1200 ° C).

Now about the solution: a clay or clay-sandy solution is used for laying the housing (from ceramic brick). For masonry of a refractory chamot uses purchased compositions (refractory mastics). Kuznetsov before masonry watered brick does not recommend. If you need to do it only with secondary raw materials. Immediately after completion, the furnace must be dried, even if it is not possible to put it into operation. If this is not done, the smell of ugara will be present at several first furnaces.


The subtleties and nuances in the construction of brick ovens a lot and the matter is quite difficult. Nevertheless, make the oven Kuznetsov with their own hands possible: apartments and schemes are provided by the author in free use. With the corresponding explanations and if you have desire, you can do everything.