Repairs Design Furniture

How the garden is treated with diesel. Protection of trees from pests and sunburns in autumn. Solar burns - harm and protection

Spring processing of a garden from pests and diseases

With the onset of spring, our eyes stretch to awaken from a long sleep. It seems to us that everything around plays the amazing violence of paints, rich and the charming palette. And so I want to faster to prepare the garden to this long-awaited period of fruiting.

To do this, you need to carefully inspect the fruit garden to determine the degree of damage after the protracted cold, and then do the removal of damaged branches, direct processing trees and shrubs. But why need to spend the spring processing of the garden? What stages include this process and what funds will be most effective in the fight against pests and diseases?

For what and when it is best to spend the spring processing of the garden

To combat them it is necessary to apply the chemical and organic processing of the spring garden. The skills and degree of professionality of gardeners depends directly: can the leaving causing to preserve and increase the crop of garden fruit. Only these actions are advisable regularly and timely. It is necessary to start immediately after the deputies of cold weather and continue during flowering and fruit crushes.

Stages of garden processing in spring from and pests and diseases

  • in early spring;
  • before the blooming of the kidneys on the trees and bushes;
  • before and after the flowering process;
  • during the appearance of barriers to the fruit.

Spraying the garden early spring

As a rule, the whirlwind of tree trunks is performed before the onset of cold weather, that is, in the fall. It will help to avoid the attacks of rodents and will retain the bark of whole, without giving her to crack the frosty wind. In the spring it is only checked after wintering and recover, if necessary. However, if earlier you did not know about the need for processing, the beginning of the care of trees and shrubs begins even early in the spring, before the kidneys began to bloom. When snow melts, gardeners begin to remove the surroundings cottage plot, Give insulation from the baked strabs, remove dead branches. Then proceed to the spring processing from annoying insects.

First of all, the trunks of trees from all sorts of fungi, then handle the bark lime solid. It is prepared in this way:

  • 2 kg of lime or lime paste is divorced in 10 liters of water;
  • add to the resulting liquid 1 kg of clay and 300-350 g of copper sulfate (this will significantly increase the protective effect);
  • carefully smear;
  • the resulting solution is treated with trunks and bases of branches.

Conduct this procedure to burn eggs and insect larvae, which remained on the crust and in the cracks of the stammer after winter.

There are also modern, slightly more expensive, but also possessing much greater effective tools that are much easier and faster to whitewash the tree to protect it from the attacks of insects and rodents. In addition, their composition includes fungicides that will protect against most diseases. These tasks cope with:

  • acrylic blots, such as Green Square;
  • acrylic paints, for example, Concord OST;
  • lime pasta with copper sulfate, such as a gardener.

Another one effective tool In the fight against pests, the diesel fuel is considered (diesel fuel, to buy which you can at any refueling). Equally spraying the plantings, you will create a protective oily film and thereby get rid of all seed and bone plants from annoying insects. Their larvae and eggs suffocate under the ball of diesel fuel (within 2-3 hours) and will not harm the non-painted flowers and blooming leaves.

Spring processing of a garden from pests and diseases to the dissolution of the kidneys

The second stage in the struggle for the garden is the processing of trees and bushes before the renal awakening. These events are held to protect them from hatched larvae insects and pathogens of various diseases.

Using them, it is advisable to carefully examine instructions for use, because individual trees and shrubs are recommended to spray certain means. For greater efficiency It is possible to use a solution of insecticides (anabazine, trichlorol, DDT) and fungicides (strides, chorus, teldor) of contact action (preparations for prophylactic treatment from all kinds of diseases).

Or you can prepare an insecticidal agent yourself from herbs, tobacco and peel orange. It is preparing like this:

  • in the 3-liter jar, 2 stagmagnas glasses of crushed tobacco are falling asleep;
  • add to handful of shells of garlic and onions, needles and pegs of orange;
  • all components are flooded with water with a temperature of approximately 70 degrees;
  • the glass container is tightly closed with a lid and placed in a warm place for a week;
  • after this drain, the leaky tincture is bred with warm water to 10 liters;
  • stirred, gradually bringing 100 g of chopped tar soap;
  • a ready-made means spray the whole garden, repeating the procedure 10-12 days before flowering.

Garden processing in spring from diseases and pests before and during the flowering process

Prior to the start of the growing process, the buds and shrubs buds are processed to protect them from the invasion of caterpillars of apple fruit, as well as from the development of pasta and spottedness. You can use "Carboofox", making 10% of the drug with a calculation of 70 g per 10 liters of water room temperature. During flowering, experienced gardeners do not recommend carrying out any action.

When the flowering period is completed, the garden treatment is carried out for prevention, in order to increase immunity from the disease.

The breaking period of inflorescences coincides with the release of ticks from wintering. To resist them, you need to handle the culture of colloidal gray (80 g of 70% paste dissolve in 10 liters of soapy water). If you lose this moment and do not protect the mites in time, the ticks will cause a tangible damage to all plantations.

Spring garden treatment during the appearance of fruit

Fourth Stage spring treatment It is carried out to protect future fruits from putrefactive diseases and the remaining pests. Before proceeding with active actions, it is desirable to inspect all trees and shrubs for the presence of visible opponents, since the chemical impact of potent means can only harm the uncess.

Spraying can be carried out with copper oxychloride, borobo liquid, urea or other combined preparations with a wide range of actions. But at the same time it is necessary to ensure that the humidity of the air does not exceed the permissible norm, otherwise the leaves may suffer from burns.

Insect pests garden and garden. Garlic extract - a reliable way to get rid

To protect the garden from Tsley, Medica, rust, it is worth sprinkling their tincture of garlic. She is pretty simple:

  • polkylogram of garlic is crushed, bred in 3-5 liters of water;
  • focusing and pressing thick;
  • once again soaked in water;
  • the resulting solutions are passed through a sieve;
  • mixed and fastened to 10 liters.

This strong smelling garlic extract will tease pests. There are also other tinctures, grass decoctions, with which you can try to protect your garden. But the guarantees that they will be more efficient than chemicals are not.

There is no specific spring processing technology, but there is whole line Rules, the observance of which will help to cope with this time consuming and scrupulous work.

Spraying order

Processing trees and bushes need from "head to feet." That is, first spray crowns, then the branches, and the last turn barrel and the ground around it.

Time and conditions of work

Optimal time for holding garden work This species is considered early morning. Best suits dry, windless weather without explicit signs Enhance air humidity. Then the solution instantly absorbed, quickly works and does not cause damage to leaves and inflorescences.

Calculation of the amount of solution

In order for drugs to act effectively, but did not harm landings, you need to correctly calculate their consumption. Of course, the instructions indicate how to breed them, and a similar calculation will only help determine which amount needed to purchase.

So: on one young tree approximately 1.5 liters of solution is consumed, and for adults - 5.5 liters; The bushes comes from 0.6 to 1.5 liters of fluid depending on the dimensions of the crown.

Garden Treatment Spring - Bone Trees

In order to prevent contamination of bone crops in the garden with slurryosospieriosis, moniliosis, mildew, they should be treated before and after flowering copper oxychloride (40 g 90% of the substance on 10 liters of water).

And in order to protect the fruit plantings from the curlness of the leaves, fungicide "Sump" can be used, it is safe and small-toxic. It is necessary to use it only after flowering, the mixture is prepared with a calculation of 3 g per 10 liters of liquid. The fight against the pests of the garden in the spring will preserve and multiply the crop of fruits.

Care for seeds

Very often, this group of plants suffers from diseases that are caused by pathogenic microorganisms (past, rot). In order for their disputes not to spread throughout the garden, an early spring for preventing the trunks and base of branches of 7% urea solution.

Garden processing equipment, caring for it and safety rules during spring work

For ease of treatment, planting uses:

  • Sprayer. It is very effective method Hold fast and economical processing of the garden. The market presents a variety of sprayers (proton OB-14, SADKO GSP-3325, SOLO 451-02). Their choice depends on the tank capacity, power and fluid consumption per minute;
  • Picker brush. It can be used both for whitewashing trunks and to describe. Only one should consider that the consumption of the solution will be far from economical;
  • Electric pumps. Time-consuming, but reliable, proven method. Al-Ko Jet 3000 Classic, 3000/4 Gardena brand are now popular and available;
  • Plastic sprayer. It can be made independently from conventional bottle, screwing to the necklace slave (buy in a flower shop). Such a mini-unit is convenient to take care of low-voltage plants.

All of the above, the listed inventory after the end of this or that processing stage should be thoroughly washed, succeeded and ventilated. It is important not to forget about the correct storage of the instrument and its processing for the winter.

Security Rules for garden processing from pests and diseases

To protect the skin and internal organs from unwanted hitting chemicals Or their evaporation, should very accurately follow all safety rules.

  1. Carefully study the inscriptions on packaging of drugs in which manufacturers clearly indicate which group this agent includes and what precautions must be observed when working with it.
  2. Close the respiratory tract with a respirator or a marry bandage, and the eyes hide under the glasses. With these actions, you will certainly protect the respiratory organs from harmful evaporation and allergic reactions.
  3. Be sure to wear a protective suit and gloves. This will protect the body from chemical burns.


The garden treatment in spring from pests and diseases is a troublesome, time consuming and costly, but it is worth it. If you correctly spend all the steps, it is clearly followed by all instructions, to comply with all the rules - the result will not make yourself wait long. All your works will soon be rewarded with high-quality harvest.

All fruit trees in the fall required to prepare for winter. It is necessary to protect them from diseases and pests.

In the fall, they advise spray trees to prepare them for winter. This is done in late October or early November, when all the leaves have already faltered.

Pruning branches and collection of leaves

Processing of plants begins with trimming of dry branches, collecting all fallen leaves and burning them.

Cleaning trees from the old bark, outlook, lichens

Next, the treatment of trunks is made, they are purified from the old bark, lichens, mosses, growths. Make it with a metal brush. It should be cleaned carefully and carefully, because it is necessary not to damage live fabrics.

Cleaning is made due to the fact that the old dead bark begins to make sure, and pests appear on lichens.

If you saw the cracks on the crust, then tempt them on your own cooked water. For the preparation of the composition, mix the korlard, clay, copper sulfate, straw pipes. Gostota Garden Vary must be a consistency of sour cream.


So that the hares and other rodents do not damage the apple tree and pears in the winter, bind skeletal branches and stamps of burlap or chores. This material is associated with branches of young hazor or stockings. To protect young seedlings from frost, they are wrapped by agricultural or cloth.


After the blasts are plain, it not only disinfects the trees, but also protects them from severe frosts. Also, the whitewasters saves a tree from negative impact rays of the sun. The whitewashed tree trunks do not hesitate and will be protected from ultraviolet. That is, the trees will not be able to overheat from the sun, and at night they will not be frozen. Teaches destroys the harmful microorganisms that were under the crust.

The most frequent treatment of trees is made with a solution of hated lime. In the water bucket, 2 kg of hawed or 1.3 kg of negated lime and 300 g of copper sulphate are suited. If you do not have lime, then use clay and liquid manure. The solution is done, the trunks of trees and branches are deceived. Due to snow in the winter, the composition is washed off, so at the beginning of spring, the barrel is re-white.

You can still bother emulsion paint, it contains antibacterial components, they protect fruit trees from any insects - pests. But do not advise young trees emulsion paint.

Requires the land several times. At the soil resistance in September, we should get rid of weeds and plant residueswhich can hide pests in winter.


The greatest harm is made by fruit trees:
  • sucking juices insects: it's a wave, median, leafoblishes and ticks;
  • the pests that shrug the leaves are a bear, whitening, and also cocoon peephrints, rapids.
  • fungal diseases, it is mainly a pass and phytophtor;
  • pests, damaging kidneys: weevils and tubes.
When processing is carried out, it is required to follow security measures, make procedures, dressed in a protective suit, putting on gloves, mask. In addition, spraying in dry and mad weather should be performed.

Solutions for spraying


They spray apple trees, peach and cherry trees, plums. After spraying the plant, many useful elements and iron are obtained. The solution has very high acidity, if it falls on the leaves, it will cause burns, which is why plants spray at a time when all the leaves are already faltered. Iron vigor struggles with mushroom infections:
  • false torment dew;
  • anthracnose;
  • kokkkomikosis;
  • clusteroporiosis;
  • with gray rot;
  • slows down the development of real mild growing.
It does not penetrate the plant cells and is quickly flushed with water. Iron vitrel helps to cope with a pair, mkhami, lichens, cytospose, black cancer, fights pests.
For the preparation of the solution, 1 kg of dry iron mood powder and one and a half bucket of water are mixed. It is necessary to use the whole solution on the day of its breeding.

Copper Kuner

Treatment of trees is done with the help of copper sulfate. This drug is struggling with pulse dew, ascent and spotted. In the autumn they are advised to spray apple trees, pears, plums or other fruit trees.

Copper vigor struggles with moniliosis, coccquoms, slurry-position and curlyness on plums. It protects apple trees and pears from pasta, moniiosis, philostotosis.

On one young tree under 6 years old are used 2 liters of solution. If the plant is older, then use up to 10 liters.
Copper and iron vigor spray the garden with early in the morning or late in the evening. The air temperature must be + 5-30 degrees.
To obtain the maximum effect of a copper or iron municipality into the solution, a household soap is added.


They advise the trees in the garden to spray carbamide. Before mid-October, trees are treated with carbamide, it is an excellent remedy for fungal diseases, including pasta and spottedness. In addition, the carbamide burns the eggs of pests, and the larvae ruffles.

Urea is used when all the leaves fall, the solution is made of 0.5-0.7 liters and water buckets. Spray them trunks, branches and soil.


Treatment fruit trees The diesel fancy destroys the larvae, since the solution on the branches and the trunk forms an oily film that does not allow larvae to breathe.

Usually, the diesel fuel is bred:

  • A bucket of water (10 l) is poured into the barrel, after 1 l of iron mood, then 10 liters of 10% of lime milk and only at the end of 20 liters of diesel fuel. The resulting solution has a concentration of 50%, it is advised to apply after the leaves complete.
  • Can be 9 liters of water to mix 1 l solution economic Soap and 10 liters of diesel.
  • The main thing should be remembered that the excess of the concentration of the diesel fuel can destroy the trees, so it is better to add less solarica than to overdo it.

Preparation 30.

Treatment with preparation 30 is quite safe, since the composition is not phytotoxic. This drug destroys the water and air balance of pests. They spray plants in the fall after complete late leaves, it is required that the air temperature is not lower than + 4 ° C. Spray trees carefully and abundantly, so that there are no dry places.

The main part of the work in the Garden is to maintain the optimal state of decorative green plantings and cultural plants. Fighting pests, prevention of diseases, increasing fruit and other measures for tanned flora are mandatory economic work Location on. Trees and shrubs are perhaps the least demanding of care, nevertheless regular spraying - prerequisite For their development and beautiful flowering. BUT fruit-berry varieties Provide a dacket and natural delicacies, but again, subject to the competently prepared spring spraying.

Time and Conditions

Many gardeners and dacms are engaged in caring for trees along with other work on the site. In other words, when time will allow. But to get the highest effect should not be focused on the personal schedule. Experienced farmers recommend spending a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs after snow cover completely comes down and warm weather will restore. At the time of processing, the temperature should be at least +5 ° C. In time, you can note two periods - the beginning of March and mid-April. Spraying at the very beginning of spring is aimed at the destruction of microorganisms, when the kidneys are just starting their height. In April, drugs will ensure the protection of apple trees, apricots, pears and other trees from insects, bugs and fungal diseases. Perhaps the May spraying, after flowering.

Technical means

The traditions of domestic management of the country farm involve the use homemade devices and spraying devices. Re-equipment canes, cans and buckets are eliminated from the cost of special devices. But this path is doubtful in terms of efficiency and safety. Since spraying of fruit trees, shrubs, as well as cultivated plants, requires accuracy and sometimes point processing, it is more expedient to use specialized aggregates. First, they are more convenient, and secondly, they do not represent dangers for the user. The main thing is to relate the requirements for chemical processing Specific garden and vegetation with the parameters of the device.

Rechargeable, gasoline, manual and automatic models make it possible to effectively produce a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs to a poisonous substance, eliminating the risk of burning burns or poisoning. Some devices are also supplied with extension cords and other additions opening access to hard-to-reach zones.

What to spray?

Despite the development chemical industry Processing preparations garden vegetation It is fundamentally not changing decades. However, some modifications based on traditional drugs make modern spraying of trees and shrubs in spring more efficiently and safer.

The most common tools include the following:

  • copper sulphate;
  • lime milk;
  • insectoacaricide (the so-called preparation 30B);
  • soap-ash mix (urea).

The selection of a specific spraying agent is made on the basis of the effect that is required to obtain: destruction of pests, disease prevention, raising fruitiness, etc. Also, should also be taken into account how safely the drug is regarding the application to a certain type of tree or shrub.

Spraying copper vitriol

This is one of the most famous compositions that professionals are also called despite the popularity of the fund, few know how to spray the trees with copper vitrios so that the effect is maximum.

The vigor should be used before the kidneys blossomed, that is, early in the spring. The three-percent solution has the following formulation: 10 liters of water 300 g directly of the vigor and 400 g of the limit base. Regarding use in processing, pears and apple trees marks the effectiveness of the fight against a pair. In cases of plums and cherries, it is not bad manifest itself against the slurryososporiosis and kokkomicosis. Shrubs are also protected by this tool, for example, blackberry and raspberries can be delivered from spot.

Spraying with limestone milk

This solution will help preserve health, fruitiness and in the conditions of late frosts. Properly prepared spraying of trees and shrubs in the spring of lime milk for a week detaining flowering, but the kidneys will save from death. In the course of processing on the branches, a thin lime layer is formed, which does not grow and develop the remaining eggs, dolls and pest larvae. The solution is prepared from water and fresh lime. Optimal combination: 10 l 1.5 kg of active mixture.

Spraying urea

It is fairly common in the farms of experienced summer houses and urea, which is a soap-ash mix. It is prepared in this way: on 10 liters of water 1 kg of sifted wood ash. The mixture is boiling, after which it must be cooled, strain and give to settle. But before spraying fruit trees in the spring soap-ash mixture, you must add to it green soap (20 g) and immediately urea (30 g).

Insecticacaricide in spraying

This is a relatively new remedy in Russia, which was allowed for use in private farms in 2013. Dachniks and gardeners know it as a drug 30B. Among his advantages, environmental purity and versatility in the fight against various garden pests. In addition, the strong effect of the insectoacaricide allows you to cope with biological problems in old gardens, where the insect nesting has been subjected for the years.

With this means, it is possible not only spring spraying of fruit-berry trees, but also processing decorative shrubs. The procedure is performed once in the season, as a rule, to the dissolution of the kidneys. It is important to take into account the temperature mode: as indicated in the instructions, the thermometer should not show less than +4 ° C.

Spraying with diesel and iron vigor

Also, in some cases, the diesel fuel is used and due to the specificity of the action they received less distribution, but in the same launched gardens can protect the flora from unwanted livestock. The benefits of the diesel fuel refers to a potent effect - covering the film of the branch and crown, it eliminates any damage to insects and kills the larvae left under the crust. But it is important to know how to spray fruit trees and shrubs in spring with this means.

The fact is that the diesel fuel is a petroleum product, so the concentration must be as gentle as possible. In addition, for some particularly capricious decorative varieties Its application is not recommended, since the film closes the pores of the plant.

Iron vitrios, in turn, in addition to a protective function, supplies plants with useful trace elements. When a spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs is carried out, it is worth treating a vitriol and the soil - iron entering the ground, acts as feeding and contributes to the production of chlorophyll.

How is spraying?

Since the event involves working with chemically hazardous solutions and drugs, a respirator or multilayer glasses and gloves should be prepared (better rubber). Despite special protective fundsIn the course of work, direct contact with the composition used should be avoided.

Before starting the spring spraying of fruit trees and shrubs, you need to explore branches and trunks. They should not remain lichens and moss - the removal is made by a metal brush. Next, it is necessary to estimate the condition and readiness of the sprayer. It should be planned to plan the work of work in advance, comparing accessibility to highly growing branches with the capabilities of the device. If everything is ready for processing, you can pour chemical composition In the appropriate compartment.

Spraying should be evenly the surface of the pillar, branches and foliage. As noted, soil processing may be required, but this is last. In order for the cleaning of irrigation to be uniform and the solution is not allocated too thick, it is necessary to observe the optimal distance, as a rule, 80 cm. When the work is completed, all elements of the sprayer are thoroughly clean. The face and hands should also be rinsed with soap with an antibacterial effect, and mouth rinse.

All dacms and gardeners who have their own sections at the end of the season want to get as much harvest as possible. But it does not always succeed, since pests and diseases of green landings can strongly affect not only the amount and quality of fruits, but also on the plants themselves, often leading to their death.

So that such problems do not occur, it is necessary to periodically process the site with special means. The first of them is precisely the spring, about the methods of which will be discussed in this article.

Garden processing in the spring allows you to quietly admire blossom

The question "Why to carry out the processing of early spring, if all these bugs and sores are not even visible?" Interested, probably, only newcomers in gardens, whereas each experienced gardener understands the need for these procedures. Here are a few reasons why still it is worth paying attention to the processing of the section in the spring:

  1. first, the prevention of the appearance of diseases (even if they were not in the previous season) will never harm. It is better to prevent the disease of the plant than it is then treated with all possible ways;
  2. secondly, even if high-quality treatment from pests and diseases was carried out, there is no guarantee that part of these comrades was not destroyed and did not experience the winter safely;
  3. thirdly, even if no traces of pest are not yet visible, it does not mean that they are not. They just did not get out of their shelters. And when they appear and will be visually visible, now the real war will begin for the harvest.

Therefore, based on such simple things, it is possible to understand why gardeners are so many forces spend the spring to prepare their plot to the summer season, spraying, lubricating, processing planting.

At the plus temperature you can already begin processing

Spring treatment of the area from pests and diseases is carried out in several stages associated with the development of plants, and not tied to specific dates, as in different areas of the country, the awakening of trees begins at different times:

Some gardeners handle landings also during the appearance of fruit barriers, but it is quite risky and undesirable, so this moment will not be considered in this article.

Now you can go to the means widely used in the fight against pests and diseases and known to each experienced gardener. Immediately, it can be noted the advantages of these funds - they are already tested by many, effective, and most importantly are safe, unlike modern chemicals, which can also be purchased in horticultural stores. Below will be presented these treatments.

Effective means

In general, this tool is used for processing. wooden structuresBut in garden sites it has become simply indispensable for spraying trees and shrubs at an early stage of spring processing.

Copper vigoros is an excellent prevention and treatment of fungal diseases. It is solid blue crystals intended for dissolving in water.

The prepared solution is not stored, so it is recommended to use it immediately after dilution. For early processing, a 3% solution of copper sulfate is prepared, i.e. For every 10 liters of water, it is necessary to give 300 g.

Immediately I would like to note that you can not use metal dishes, Therefore, the plastic bucket should be selected.

Prepared solution very easy:

you just need to pour into a bucket of vitrios, pour warm water, stir well, and then add required amount Water to 10 liters and mix again.

The mixture is better to strain before overflowing into the sprayer. The consumption of the solution depends on the age of the tree and its thickening and usually varies from two liters to the bucket per instance.

In addition to spraying in early spring, you can fix the autumn whitewash on the trees. It can be bought in dry or in already liquid form, but can be prepared independently.

To do this, you need to mix 2 kg of hazed lime, 250 g of copper sulfate, 1 kg of clay and a couple of shovel cow manure, but this is optional. Mix everything well and apply trees on trunks.

Bordeaux fluid is used by gardeners for the prevention of pests and diseases, and it is prepared on the basis of copper sulfate. Before the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to determine its concentration:

  • it can be 3% (used only at an early stage of spring treatments)
  • and 1% (effective during the season).

Bordeaux liquid compared to a copper mating solution in the lambs of the growing season of plants is safer, since there is a smaller probability of burning plant leaves. You can cook it yourself according to the following recipe:

  1. For the preparation of the Bordeaux fluid, two buckets will be needed. In the first pour 100 g of copper sulfate and dilute in a small amount of warm water.
  2. Add to the first bucket of water to a volume of 5 liters.
  3. To the second bucket to make 100 g of fresh lime and dilute in 5 liters of water.
  4. Then you need two of these composition to combine: a solution of copper pipple pour a thin flowing into lime, but not vice versa, and mix. The result is a blue liquid.
  5. At the end you can spend a little check by putting any metal object On the bottom of the bucket with a finished mixture: if he acquired a reddish flare, it was added too much a mood, and it only hurt the plant. But there is a way out - you just need to add lime.

If you do not want to bother with accurate measurements of the number of ingredients, you can simply buy a Bordeaux liquid in a dry form: it is a bag with a vitrios and a bag with a harek. That's just to breed will have to be all the same by the above instructions in two buckets.

Now in the horticultural stores a novelty has appeared - the Bordeaux mixture is absolutely ready for use in a liquid form in the form of a concentrate, but the price, of course, is several times higher than that dry.

According to its action, iron vitrios looks like copper, that is, they both struggle against fungal diseases.

However, along with this, the iron vigor is very effective in the fight against lichens and msum on the trunks of trees, and also saturates the plants so necessary for good fruiting and iron development.

Therefore, it is used not only as protection against diseases, but also as a kind of fertilizer.

The spraying of the trees is usually produced in early spring and autumn, only twice for the season. For spring treatment, the concentration of the solution of the iron sulphate should be 5%, so it is necessary in plastic dishes Dilute 500 g of preparation in 10 liters of water. Such a concentration will help to kill the pest trees overlooking in the crust.

Of course, it is implied not a clean diesel car, but its solution, which is prepared as follows:

In connection with the lack of air, they die. Also, solar stains are scared and other pests that would like to settle in the tree: butterflies and cores.

Above were presented general characteristics means to combat pests and diseases of early spring on garden plot. It is clear that the treatment of each individual culture has its own characteristics. Therefore, it makes sense to consider protection against pests and diseases in spring for the most popular garden crops separately.

Views spring Spraying: video

Apple and pears

As in the case of other fruit trees, the spring processing apple trees and pears from pests and diseases should be started with the inspection of the trunk and skeletal branches. They need to be cleaned of dead crust and correct the autumn whitewash.

Need to clean everything problem placesand then spray apple trees with a solution of copper mood.

If the wounds are large enough, they need to be covered with a thin layer of garden preparation to prevent the responding disease.

After it is possible to propagate the tree of the bordeaux liquid and preparations from the fruit in prophylactic purposes.


Currant at this time should already be processed - the kidneys began to bloom

Until the swelling of the kidney on the bush, it is necessary to quench the currant. This operation does not harm this operation, but kill the pests overwhelmed in it.

As preventive treatment from diseases also processed bordeaux mixture.

The main thing is to have time to handle the currant bush before its flowering, therefore, for the prevention of appearing on it, the Tly, which really loves this culture, it is necessary to spray a bush with a solution of a special preparation.

It is desirable that he helps in the fight against the complex of pests. Examples of such funds can serve as "intavir" or "phytodeterm".


The earliest processing of grapes from pests and diseases is carried out by spraying the landings with a solution of iron vitriol in 3 ... 5% concentration. After that, the prevention of fungal diseases with the drug "Topaz", and also spray "Fufanon" against ticks.

Before flowering, grapes are treated with the preparation of "Ordan" or any other to prevent the appearance of Mildew. If you spend all these treatments in early spring, then healthy grape harvest is guaranteed.


The processing of this culture has its own characteristics, as it starts in terms of all the others.

To properly correct the moment and start conducting protective measures to combat pests and diseases, it is necessary to wait for a steady temperature on the street, slightly exceeding 5 0 C.


The early spring of the raspberry bushes is usually sprayed with a Bordeaux mixture to swelling. The following processing is carried out by comprehensive means of pests ("Fufanon", "PhyTenerm") and diseases: for example, from the appearance muced dew Suitable "Topaz".

A feature of the treatment of raspberries in early spring from pests is that not only the bush is processed, but also a piece of land around it.

Previously, the Earth needs to be moved so that all pests overwhelming and their larvae came out.

  1. 10 l buckets, preferably plastic.
  2. Sprayer (manual or mechanical). His litter is chosen by a horticultural, depending on which gravity of his back is ready to wear during processing.
  3. Personal protection means. Since all the substances given in this article are still not safe, then at the time of the spraying it is recommended to stock gloves, ottopuda Hooded, glasses and even respirator.

Finally, you can bring some tips for processing the site for beginner gardeners:

  1. Spraying is always carried out in the morning or in the evening, when the sun is not so scorching, otherwise the tree burns are not avoided.
  2. Spraying is not recommended to be carried out in rainy weather, since the number of treatments will have to increase.
  3. During the spraying of plants, it is not necessary to regret the solution, and wet all the places carefully and abundantly.
  4. It should be breeding a solution of one or another drug only according to the instruction, and not from the principle "the more, the better."

Spraying trees in the spring protection of cherries and plums from monilial burn, apple trees from the paste: video

Thus, the spring processing of the area from pests and diseases is a fairly troublesome and time consuming, however, necessary to obtain a rich harvest and preserving the number of landings in the garden.