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Processing currant and gooseberry bushes. Spring treatment of currant bushes and gooseberry from pests: methods and preparations. Terms and technology of processing currant and gooseberry

In the spring, not only garden crops are awakened, but also representing a threat to them various pests. That is why it is necessary to treat currants and gooseberries in early spring, adhering to the established technology and observing the timing of agrotechnical events in early spring.

The need for spring processing

An early spring is activated by the pathogenic microflora, pathogens of various diseases and winter pests, so the processing of bushes becomes very relevant. During this period, it is necessary not only to open shrub plantings, but also to carry out their primary processing by refrigerated boiling water from the watering. This is a simple, but an effective event contributes to the destruction of pests and improves the growing bodies of berry bushes.

In the future, processing plants follows several stages using the most effective means of prevention and protection.

A drug Time of processing Technology application
"Phytosporin-M" Spraying plants at the stage of active vegetation. Processing before and after flowering, with a two-week interval Dilute 3 g of powder in 10 liters of water. Working solution consumption - 1 l on the plant
"Alin-b" Three-hand treatment of plants before and after flowering, as well as at the Berry Education Stage Dilute 10 tablets in 10 liters of water. Working solution consumption - 1 l on the plant
"Topaz" Spraying plants during the growing season Dilute concentrated emulsion according to the attached instruction. Working solution consumption - 2-3 liters per plant
"Titanium" Processing of the plant at the stage of mass damage to mildew Spraying of the aboveground part 0.15 percent working solution
"Tiovit Jet" Spraying of the above-ground part of the plant during the growing season Dilute 5 g of preparation in 10 liters of water

Prevention of other diseases and pests

A drug Purpose The flow rate of 10 liters of water Consumption of the working solution when spraying
"Akarin" Protection against leaflers, spiders, peelers and ticks 3 ml 1.5-2 liters on a bush
"Aktara" Destruction of Tli. 2 ml 1.5 l on the bush
"Aktellik" Complex defense 15 ml 1.5-2 liters per 10 sq. M. M.
"BitonSibacillin" Destruction of leaflerting, gooseberry fire, spiders, sawmaker, gallicle leaf 80-100 g 0.5-2 liters on the plant
"Iskra-M" 10 ml 1-1.5 liters on a plant
"Kemifos" Protection against tli, budding moths, gallians, leafpers, media, peeling, shield and falsist 10 ml 1-1.5 liters on a plant
"Preventive" Against the winter phases of leptimers, phones, shields, flashers and ticks 500 ml 1-1.5 liters per berry bush
"PhyTenderm" Protection against plain and leaflet 3 ml No more than 1 l on the plant

Types of fertilizers and a diagram of feeding

Spring feeding is very important to maintain the productivity of berry shrubs. In the process of landing, the correct refueling of the soil with nutritional components will allow for the first year to do without fertilizer.

A very good result gives mulching by an organic. Most often in the early spring period, feeding is carried out by compost, humus or manure. Also should not be neglecting mineral feeders: they have a positive effect on currant yield indicators and gooseberry.

During slow growth and the development of berry bushes, you should make feeding more efficient and nutritious. To this end experienced gardeners recommend using a nutrient solution from water bucket and 15-17 g of ammonium nitrate. Approximately ½ bucket of the solution should be spent on each bush. Special attention is paid to the berries in a productive age. To obtain the highest possible harvest, it is necessary to refuel the soil in the organic and phosphoric compositions every year, as well as potash and phosphate compositions.

Currant: boiling water treatment (video)

At its summer cottages, gardeners are grown by many berry shrubs, including various types of currant, gooseberry, raspberries, and an important condition for obtaining rich and high-quality fruit harvest is the fight against unkind guests. The processing of currant bushes and the gooseberry with special solutions allows not only to get rid of landings from diseases and pests, but also to prevent their appearance.

Processing currant and gooseberries from pests and diseases

Every year, getting healthy quality currant berries and gooseberries is becoming more complicated, since the pests attack these berry bushes with a double strength. It is necessary to constantly improve the methods and techniques to combat them, as well as develop new means for processing currant and gooseberry bushes. After all, many insects perfectly carry winter conditions, and the offensive of spring gives them a signal to reproduction, thereby increasing the danger of fruit bushes. Currant processing and gooseberry should be carried out using various bravera and info, and only in the case of a complete lack of a positive result should be resorted to the use of chemical protection measures. In order to significantly reduce the number of pests in the country garden, it is recommended to carry out a set of procedures for the care of currant and gooseberry during the year, in compliance with the agricultural machinery of their cultivation. It should be carried out in compliance with safety equipment, otherwise, destroying harmful insects and diseases, and the entire harvest can be destroyed.

With the onset of spring, the fruit bushes should be carefully examined for the presence of patients, dry and damaged branches. It is necessary to free the plant from them, and it is also recommended to cut the tops of the freshest shoots to healthy kidneys. It is known that the main place of wintering pests of the garden is the foliage, which they leave with the offensive of spring and begin the active process of their livelihoods. That is why all fallen leaves should be collected in heaps and burn, the same should be done with cropped branches.

For many insects, the place of winter is soil, in the depths of which they hid from frosts. With the onset of heat should be scattered around the shrubs of the ash and slightly step up the land between them, which will allow the breaks of the nests of many pests, as well as destroy their larvae. An important condition for obtaining a good harvest is the spring treatment of currant and gooseberry bushes from different insects.

How to save currants from the budding tick

With the arrival of spring with a thorough examination of currant shrubs, you can detect many dried brown kidneys, from which many gardeners try to free the plant. Many of them naively believe that in this way, along with dry kidney, they destroy the ticks in them. However, this opinion is erroneous, since young blooming kidneys prefers for its growth and development of the tick. The habitat of this pest inside healthy kidneys gradually leads to their deformation and breaking, and inside them you can detect the remnants of causing leaves. Of course, in the future, such a kidney cannot grow well and develop, it takes place, which, in the end, will affect the crop.

In one kidney, a huge number of ticks can accumulate, so as they grow, it becomes closely, and they begin to settle through the rest of the kidneys. As a result of such a resettlement, even such an unpleasant viral disease may develop as a terrain, for which the formation of thin needles instead of fruits.

Several methods of combating these insects can be distinguished, which successfully apply dackets - gardeners in early spring:

  • with a minor number of affected kidneys, you just need to cut them and burn them. If everything is amused on the bush, or more kidneys, then such a plant is best cut completely and also burn;
  • after removal from the currant patients of the kidneys, you can handle a shrub with a special solution, cooked from 300 grams of rubbish garlic, 200 grams of a lowful husk, 10 gr. Mustard powder and 20 grams of birch tar. All ingredients mix together in a large capacity, pour the water bucket, followed by insisting during the day. Prepared by infusion is filtering and use for processing currant bushes;
  • another simple and affordable means of combating ticks - plant treatment with boiling water before the start of the swelling of the kidneys on the shrub, without any harm to the latter;
  • before the start of the flowering period, the berry can be treated with a suspension of colloid sulfur, diluating 75 grams of the drug in water bucket;
  • from the available chemicals, it is possible to use a solution of fuffanone or karate, processing the plants to swelling the kidneys and the appearance of flowers.

Methods of getting rid of the currant and gooseberry from the shoot

Another unpleasant guest of the summer garden is the shooting fault, striking shoots and leaves of currant and gooseberry. As a result of its livelihood, the growth and appearance of young shoots is disturbed, their curvature occurs, the leaves are also started to curb. The main place of localization of these pests is the inner side of the sheet, and on the upper side it is the formation of a bloody or bright red. To combat TLI, gardeners use the following techniques and means:

  • if you detect damaged young shoots and leaves, they should be cropped and burning, which will save the shrub itself from the further reproduction of this harmful insect;
  • the trouble categorically does not tolerate Gerana, so in order to prevent the potential of the pot with this plant near the gooseberry bushes and currant;
  • an early spring can be processed by fruit crops with a 3% nitrafen solution, which will allow the wintering eggs to destroy;
  • from chemical preparations for treating gooseberry bushes and currant, we necessarily use a solution of chlorophos prepared from 20 grams of the preparation and 10 liters of water. Enhances the effect of the chlorofos solution adding 30 grams of carbofos to it;
  • a good effect gives scalding of branches of boiling water, and processing fufanon before the renal on the currant and gooseberry;
  • trying to the processing of damaged tips of shrubs. Dandelion, tobacco or ash with soap. The infusion of dandelions: poured by 10 liters of hot water about 400 grams of crushed leaves and roots of the plant, we retain it for 3 - 4 hours, after which we carry out spraying.
    Infusion of ash: 200 - 300 grams of ash pour boiling water and insist during the day. After that, the finished solution is filled with, add 40 to 50 grams of crushed soap and process shrubs.
    For the preparation of a solution from the economic soap, approximately 100 grams of soap should be harvested and diluted with a small amount of hot water. An 8-10 liters of water should be added to the resulting mixture and process the currant and gooseberry.

How to protect shrubs from glass

Often during the spring inspection of currant, you can detect branches within which there is a snow-white caterpillar with a brown head. This is a glass launcher with a unique ability to destroy up to half of the whole harvest. In his turns that did it, butterflies are actively developing, in their appearance resembling OS with lilac wings. They begin to actively leave their holes at the end of the flowering period and the formation of fruits, while laying eggs on various damaged bark. From these eggs, approximately 2 weeks, caterpillars will appear, which, like their predecessors, eaten the core of the branches, heading further to the base of the currant or gooseberry bushes.

In addition to removing and circumcision damaged by the branches damaged by caterpillars, it is necessary to carry out currant and gooseberry with such biological preparations as lepyocide, phytodeter or batchibacillin. From the chemical means of struggle, a good effect gives such means as fufanon, Kemifos, kinmix, processing that should be carried out after the end of the flowering period. It is quite difficult to get rid of this pest, since it is localized inside the branches of shrubs. That is why it is particularly carefully to choose the seating of the currant or gooseberry, carefully examining each branch.

Fighting with shield

The main harm that is applied to the flap of fruit shrubs is to suck the juice from plants and isolating the sticky fluid, which leads to a drying of the branches and death of young landings. The main means for combating this pest is to process the currant and gooseberry in conventional soap solutions, which also add kerosene to many gardeners. For the preparation of this tool on 1 liter of water, we use the economic soap - grams 70 and kerosene - a complete spoon. The resulting solution should be treated by the branches of the currant branches and the gooseberry. This tool is efficient and to get rid of other types of harmful insects, since many of them react negatively to the smell of kerosene.

Processing of currant and gooseberry for various diseases

The most common disease of the plants, in which small spots of brown on the leaves appear, is an anthraznosis. With this disease, the leaves of the gooseberry and currant acquire a brown color, they begin to dry out and fall out soon. The main place of the localization of anthrand is the lower side of the leaves, as well as the closest part of the shrub.

The main means for combating this disease serves a burglar liquid, the processing of which is best to carry out before the appearance of young leaves. When the anthraznosis is found at a fairly late period, currant shrubs and gooseberry are cultivated by phytoosporin, acrobat, prejection and other fungicides.

A good effect gives the treatment of fruit shrubs with 1% burgundy liquid, as well as 3% copper sulfate solution, to obtain a 1000 grams of the drug in 10 liters of water. Processing with these means it is advisable to spend in the evening.

Another unpleasant phenomenon for dacnishes - gardeners is the defeat of currant shrubs and a roasted dew gooseberry. Leaves of plants affected by this disease are covered with a white tap, resembling a scattered flour. The causative agent of mildew is a mushroom, the disputes of which are very quickly spread by the wind and, falling into a fruit shrub, immediately germinate. We are struggling with this disease, by removing infected shoots and leaves, as well as carrying out the handlers of currant shrubs and gooseberry with special means:

  • a solution of soda and soap, for the preparation of which 50 grams of each ingredient are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water;
  • processing of plants with 15% colloid sulfur solution after flowering;
  • the use of the infusion of dunglazhi, which is prepared from manure and water in a ratio of 1 to 3. Mixing them between themselves, the solution insist for 3 days, after which, adding more 3 parts of the water, fix and process shrubs;
  • indispensable foundation, 15 ml of which dissolve in 10 liters of water, and copper sulphate.

A good effect gives processing not only fruit shrubs, but also the soil around them. This is explained by the fact that the soil is home and a refuge for many harmful insects. It should be carefully treated with chemicals with chemicals, since the damage is applied not only to the pests and diseases of the garden, but also useful microorganisms.

Compliance with the agricultural machinery growing currant and gooseberry, as well as the adoption of timely measures to combat pests and garden diseases will forever forget about these unpleasant guests and enjoy the taste and aroma of berries in the fresh form, in jam, compote (here a recipe without sterilization), Jem. The gooseberry and currant are considered a very nutritious product, so the invested works will pay off the utility of grown berries.

Spring processing of currant and gooseberry from pests is a mandatory element of care. If you do this procedure incorrectly, there is a risk of getting a bad harvest or even losing bushes. All that you should know about the spring processing of currant and gooseberry, read further.

Treatment time

The struggle for the harvest should begin early in the spring. Usually, gardeners begin to splash the bushes before the blooming of the kidneys. However, these actions can be performed at the stage of dissolving the kidneys. Here there is only one requirement - processing must be performed until the kidneys is completely dissolved. At the same time, work is carried out in good weather.

Optimal time to carry out these actions, the period is considered when the temperature indicator reaches the mark + 15 ... + 18 ° C. If the weather is not suitable (for example, the winter period was delayed), then spraying is postponed. It is also worth noting that in the fall of berry cultures are necessarily sprayed to destroy pests and causative agents of diseases that struck plants at the end of the season.

Processing against disease

In the spring, when the snow begins to melting and the air temperature increases, suitable conditions are created for infection with pathogenic microflora. The disease can come both from the soil and develop from the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe branch. Fungal, viral or bacterial disease can be prevented by performing timely care of plants, spraying them in the spring with special means.


When spring came, you need to process your gooseberry from diseases. Spraying will allow both to destroy the pathogenic microflora and prevent its appearance over the spring months. The processing of the spring gooseberry is carried out before the kidney flashes and the first leaves will appear. It is worth noting that today there are special germ agrochemicals that can be applied even when the bush flows or is at the stage of formation of obscenities.

Pour plants need after trimming branches. Delete follows dried, freezing or broken shoots. They may be causative agents of diseases. It is worth noting that many bacteria, fungi and viruses can winter in the ground. Therefore, the procedure is complete, the land of the gooseberry should be fulfilled.

To protect garden plants from diseases, various drugs are used. The main thing is to apply the desired solution in the correct concentration. This rule applies to chemicals. In this case, incorrectly selected concentration can provoke a chemical burn.


Currant, just like the gooseberry, needs in spring in spraying. The procedure itself and the requirements for its execution will be exactly the same as for the gooseberry. Moreover, both berry cultures should be treated by those means that are considered universal and are able to withstand the most dangerous agers. For currant, however, as for the gooseberry (to one degree or another), often occurring diseases are:

  • puffy dew;
  • anthracnose;
  • terryness.

Typically, the spraying of the currant is performed in several stages. There should be a certain time interval between processing, which is often 1-2 weeks. The duration of recreation of plants between spraying depends on how the gardener decided to treat currants. The more aggressive remedy was used, the more time the bush will need rest after it is applied.

Processing from pests

Currant, like the gooseberry, you can pour boiling water. In this case, the water temperature can be + 80-90 ° C. To enhance the effect of processing into water, you can add manganese and salt. On each bush should pour 3-4 liters of such a solution.

Than process

It is important to know than to treat currants and gooseberries from pests and pathogenic microflora. Today, the protection of garden crops is carried out by chemical and folk remedies.


Chemicals (fungicides, insecticides) are most effective. Their list is expanding annually with new drugs. But they have a significant drawback - with the accumulation of these substances in the fruits, berries become harmful. Moreover, they can be poisoned by such kernels in the process of spraying, if you do not comply with the protection measures.

Folk Methods

Folk remedies for the protection of berry crops are less effective than chemicals.

But they are safer and are excellent prophylactic agent. A soap solution is often used to protect plantings. For its preparation, the usual economic soap is suitable. You can spray a bush and a solution of soda calcined. You can also use various tinctures made from a variety of plants (tomato tops, tobacco, garlic, velvets). Excellent proven himself infusion on the onion husk.

In addition to the funds described above, various biological preparations can be used (for example, "BitoxyBaxicillin", "PhytoPorin", etc.). As we see, the processing of currant and gooseberry bushes has its own nuances. They need to know that the procedure is successful and turned out to be the most efficient.

Video "Spring processing of currant and gooseberry"

From this video you will learn how to properly process the currants and the gooseberry in the spring.

Gardening is complex science, therefore expert advice - valuable information. We will find out right now, what needs to be done in the garden to get rich yields!

Vladimir Ivanovich Kosov, a specialist of the Rostov Reference Center Rosselkhoznadzor, is a reputable expert in terms of growing fruit and berry crops. Today, he is divided with our readers the secrets of skill.

On the benefits of gooseberry and currant, you can talk as much as you like. In a small berry of the gooseberry, there are many micro and macroelements, tanning substances, organic acids and pectin, vitamins. The fruits of black currant contains a huge amount of vitamin C, 15-20 times greater than in apples and 7-8 times than in lemons.

The beneficial properties of these crops are such that they have a choleretic, diuretic effect, they are recommended for avitaminosis, small-class, hypertension and obesity, skin diseases, they liberate the human body from toxins, radionuclides and heavy metals, strengthen and clean the vessels.

Unfortunately, when growing these cultures, there are small difficulties that we will talk now.

The gooseberry is very badly damaged by American torment, when all parts of the plant and fruit are covered with a felt white bloom, which then draws. It is also damaged by rust, waves, gooseberry fire and sawmaker. To reduce the influence of these diseases and pests, it is primarily necessary pruning.

The bush should not be shaded and thickened. The krona of the bush needs to be switched, removal primarily broken, patients, old branches, leaving 2-3 escapes of different ages up to 5 years of age inclusive. A total of 10-15 shoots should be. At the bottom of the shoots, remove lateral branches, because they concern the Earth and are primarily carriers of infection. The crop on the gooseberry grows on bakery branches, they are also needed to break.

The old roasters of the gooseberry quickly stop the growth, so they need a rejuvenating trimming of 2-3 years of wood. The remaining shoots are desirable to tie to the stoles or on the sleeper. The height of the bushes should be 1-1.5 meters. A bush from the bush is not closer than 1.5 m. After trimming, collect all the shoots and last year's leaves, which are carriers of infections.

Currant (red and black), like the gooseberry, does not like shading and thickening.

It fertures mainly on bilts of perennial shoots. Only the productive duration of their life is a little more -8-9 years. Therefore, they leave on average 2 escapes of different ages. During the thickening of the bush and attenuation, the growth strength of shoots also carry out a rejuvenating trimming and partial removal of biscuits. Currant is damaged by American tormentous dew, rust, anthracnose, but Bichch is the king tick.

On the gooseberry and currants, you can conduct the same processing, because they have similar pests and diseases. 2-3 days before flowering, it is necessary to treat plants with topaz (2 ml. L.V.V.) from diseases, also here can be added preparations from pests: Cemifos-10 ml. l water, kinmix-3 ml. L of water or actara 2 g water. Conduct the second processing 10-15 days after flowering. It can be said that after that the crop will be saved. If some signs of damage appear, it is possible to carry out additional processing by the allowed drugs. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the period of the drug, because The crop matures quickly.

On fruit crops, processing against California shields and flapping of the drug No. 30 (0.5-1 l. L of water) is effective. The mechanism of action of all drugs from the shield is that the plants bark together with pests are covered with a thin layer of mineral oil and pests are choking, therefore it dies. Therefore, instead of the drug No. 30, it is possible to use the cheapest diesel fuel mixed with clay, the required amount of which is poured with 4 parts of warm water, are thoroughly mixed, the next day is filled to separate the garbage that will score the sprayer in the sprayer. Next, 0.5 liters of the clay suspension, it is necessary to add 0.5 -1 liters of diesel fuel, a glass of the cheapest washing powder without a bleach, 300 g of iron or copper sulfate.

All this thoroughly mix until complete dissolution and mixing. Then add 9 liters of warm water and mix again. Trees should be abundantly sprayed, only then there will be an effect. Such a solution will destroy the contagious beginning of diseases, mosses, lichen and many pests, including California shields.

At the beginning of the dissolution of the kidneys (phase of the green cone), treatment against mildewed dew to the preparation of topaz (4 ml of water) or highness (2 ml of water) is necessary. It will be desirable to add here any allowed drug from weevils, aphid and ticks. From personal experience I want to say that if in this period not to destroy the contagious beginning of the torment, then it will be almost impossible to do this in the following phases of this season. Apparel leaves and stems will already be infected with the conidias of this disease.

Grape vines after their discovery, but before the start of the blown of the kidneys, it is abundantly treated with a 1% solution of iron vigor, this will destroy the contagious beginning of many diseases and pests of grapes.

Preparations based on humate to the end of the flowering phase of any cultures are undesirable, because in this period only the nutrition of the fungal infection of wood will improve. Carefully look at how many fruit bodies of mushrooms on the trunks of fruiting trees, it is from incorrect unsystematic treatments with chemicals based on growth stimulants.

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Chemical preparations are difficult to name harmless, so many gardeners prefer to fight against the ailments of plants by folk methods with the help of natural funds. We will tell than you can treat currants and gooseberries from diseases and pests.

Infusions and decoctions to combat various plant misfortunes can be prepared in different ways. In the article we present the most popular and effective recipes for these folk remedies. Of course, they will not cope with viral diseases, but fungal diseases and many pests will be under power.

Infusion of tobacco for spraying plants from pests

400 g of dry tobacco leaves or Machorka fill 10 l hot water and insist for two days. After this time, resolve infusion through gauze or byproof tissue and gently press. Deliver the resulting liquid with water (in proportion 1: 1) and add 50 g of soap for each 10 liter of the solution.

The infusion of tobacco is not stored - it must be applied immediately after cooking. This folk remedy is effectively against the kidding tick, toli, sawmills, gooseberry fire.

Also before flowering and after harvesting, it is useful to perform tobacco dust shrubs. For 10 sq.m. 30-50 g of powder is consumed.

Infusion of garlic for handling shrubs

To destroy the kidding tick and twi, the currant currency and the gooseberry are sprayed with garlic infusion, which is prepared from 400 g of freshly ground garlic heads and 10 liters of water. Components are well stirred, filtered and the resulting fluid immediately apply, that is, garlic does not need to insist for a long time. When spraying berry shrubs by 10 sq.m. Spend 1 liters of garlic.

You can prepare an infusion and of 100-150 g of chopped dry leaves and scales of garlic. Fill them 10 liters of water and insist within 24 hours. After that, immediately use this tool.

Infusion of Celebre for Spraying Plants

This weed has powerful bactericidal and insecticidal properties. 3.5-4 kg of fresh shredded shoots (or 1 kg of dried raw materials) Fill 10 liters of water, cover the capacitance with a lid and leave in a warm place for 1.5 days. Then, in the infusion, strain and use for spraying the currant and gooseberry.

The dried closures of Cellity can be chopped into powder and apply for dumpling shrubs.

Pest of Mustard

Infusion of dry mustard well helps against glass, fire, peelers and other pests. 200 g powder fill 10 liters of water and insist for two days. Then the resulting liquid dilute with water in the ratio of 1: 5 and use to handle bushes.

In order for the tool better on the leaves of plants, it is recommended to add soap to the mustard infusion (40 g per 10 liters of the finished solution).

Infusion of wood ash

The ash helps to fight with fire and sawers, but most effective against pulse dew. For this you need 300 g of ash pour 10 liters of water and insist two days. Before spraying plants, you can add 40 g of household soap to the rally infusion for better sticking to the leaves.

Infusion of onion husk

This natural insecticide is effective against Tly. 200g Luke Husk Fill 10 L Warm Water and insist 12-15 hours. After that, in the infusion, strain and spray infected plants. The tool must be used on the day of preparation. The bushes are better handled in the evening.

Broth of tomatoes from pests

All parts of the plant are suitable for cooking, stems, steps, leaves in dried or cheese. Take 3 kg of fresh crushed tops, fill 10 liters of water, let it brew 3-4 hours, then boil on slow heat for 30 minutes. After this time, the decoction will cool down and strain. Before applying, dreamed by water in a 1: 4 ratio.

Dry tops will need less: 1 kg per 10 liters of water. Insist 4-5 hours, then boil on low heat for 2 hours. After that cool and strain. Dilute the decoction with water in the ratio of 1: 3.

Buckle tops are better to use immediately, but if necessary, it can be stored until six months in tightly clogged glass bottles in a cool place.