Repairs Design Furniture

Induction cooking bar icon. Induction plate icon. We understand in the marking of plastic dishes

In order for the hostess every time, buying a new dishes, to delve into the characteristics of the material and memorize its properties, manufacturers have developed a whole "alphabet" from the pictograms understandable at the visual level. These small icons on the dishes perform an important task - inform the consumer about the operating conditions of the kitchen utensils.

If the picture on the icon permits any action (allows any conditions), the same icon, but crossed, prohibited them.

Marking of cooking methods

Gas and electric, induction and glass-ceramic plates, brass cabinets, "microwaves" - what is just not in the modern kitchen! The labeling of the dishes will tell, for what type of plate are pans, pots and saucers are designed.

Terms of use of dishes

In addition to the icons regulating the heat treatment conditions, the manufacturers of dishes place pictograms explaining how to wash and store containers, bowls, salad bowls, plates. In addition, information on additional product properties is presented in the table decoding of icons on the dishes.

Features of plastic labeling

Always pay attention to the labeling of plastic dishes. For the alone, all types of plastic "on one person", and meanwhile, not any material is suitable for contact with food, not everyone transfers heating or temperature differences and certainly not all safe for health.

Arrogors forming a triangle indicate: The material can be used for recycling. Inside the triangle there are numbers, each of which denotes a specific type of material.

Plastics are included in the range from 1 to 19, but we will look at the first seven types that are used for the manufacture of food containers:

  • PET (PETE) - make bottles for vegetable oil, beer, filtered or mineral water, soda. Tara is intended for disposable.
  • HDPE (high-density polyethylene low pressure) is most often used for packaging of fermented dairy products. Reception is not recommended, since the material allocates formaldehyde.
  • PVC (polyvinyl chloride) is known as packaging material for bottles, packages, films. It is not suitable for fatty and hot food, is dangerous to the release of vinyl chloride.
  • LDPE (High Pressure Polyethylene) - can be used to store cooled products. Stripping, but does not stand too low (for example, during freezing) and high, more than 100 ° C, temperatures.
  • PP (polypropylene) - has thermal resistance, even withstanding boiling. Polypropylene utensils "tolerate" hot food and heating in the microwave, but it highlights formaldehyde under the influence of fats and alcohol.
  • PS (Polystyrene) is suitable for cold drinks or products that do not require warming. Typically, disposable trays are made from this fragile plastic.
  • The Other group includes other types of plastics. For the dishes, it is most often a polycarbonate, which is distinguished by strength, resistant to high and low temperatures. With long-term use, carcinogenic substances can be separated.

Legend on dishes.

Use the dishes in the oven, plate and microwave.

Permissible use in the electric oven.

In this dish, you can cook in the oven.

In this dish, it is impossible to cook in the oven.

Permissible use in the gas oven.

Tableware with this pictogram is suitable for use in the oven.

The dishes with this pictogram are suitable for use in the oven only to a certain temperature.

Available to use on a gas stove.

Suitable for use on gas stoves.

Available to use in the microwave oven.

Cannot be used in microwave ovens.

Available to use on the electric stove.

Suitable for use on electric stoves.

Available to use on a glass-ceramic plate.

Suitable for use on glass ceramic plates.

Available to use on the induction plate.

Suitable for use on induction plates.

Not suitable for use on induction plates.

Available to use on a halogen plate.

Suitable for use on halogen plates.

Other features:

Ryumka-fork icon - the most important marker. It testifies to the suitability of plastic dishes for contact with food. If such an icon is crossed or absent, plastic products are not intended for food.

It is permissible to wash in the dishwasher.

You can not wash in the dishwasher.

Withstand the temperature differences.

Permissible storage in the refrigerator.

Permissible storage in the freezer.

Designation of product conformity with appropriate instructions (pressure cooker, electronics).

Compact storage, lightweight material.

On the inner walls of the dishes there is a measuring scale.

Thermal sensor.

Energy saving system.

Increased stroke resistance. Damage and cracks are impossible. Resistance to shocks is 2 times higher and resistance to scratches from cutlery is 3 times higher compared to faience, porcelain and ceramics. Reliable bidding in transportation - the lack of risk of a bits of dishes.

Control coating Teflon.

Natural, not harm to health material. 100% hygiene material due to lack of pores. Odorless Growth and reproduction of bacteria are impossible. Material 100% natural and to be recycled.

Legend for dining rooms:

Shockproof glasses, cups, glasses.

Shockproof plates, dishes, bowls.

You can use in microwave ovens.

Not afraid of temperature drop.

Materials of disposable tableware:

The triangle of 3 arrows is a sign of recycling of raw materials, symbolizing a closed cycle: creating → Application → Disposal. In other words, the dishes or packaging, labeled three arroders suitable for subsequent processing.
The numbers inside the triangle talk about the type of recycled material:
1-19 - Plastic, 20-39 - Paper and Cardboard, 40-49 - Metal, 50-59 - Wood, 60-69 - Fabrics and Textiles, 70-79 - Glass.

PET or PETE - polyethylene terephthalate. Used for the manufacture of packages (bottles, boxes, cans, etc.) for bottling soft drinks, juices, water. Also, this material can be found in packages for various kinds of powders, bulk food, etc.

HDPE (PND) - high low pressure polyethylene. Used to make products in contact with food products, for making toys. Are considered safe for food.

PVC or PVC - polyvinyl chloride. It is used for pipes, tubes, garden furniture, in floor coatings, for window profiles, blinds, bottles of detergents and loaf. The material is potentially dangerous for food, because it may contain dioxins, bisphenol A, mercury, cadmium.

LDPE (PVD) - low high pressure polyethylene. It is used in the production of polyethylene packages, bent plastic packaging and for the manufacture of products made for packaging and capping medicines.

PP - polypropylene. Used in the automotive industry (equipment, bumpers), in the manufacture of toys, as well as in the food industry, mainly in the manufacture of packages. Polypropylene is withstanding high temperatures, so you can use the dishes for hot meals and drinks. Contact with alcohol is possible, but undesirable.

PS - Polystyrene (Polystyrene). Used in the manufacture of plates of thermal insulation of buildings, food packages, cutlery and cups, CD boxes and other packages (food film and foam), toys, dishes, handles, and so on.
Polystyrene dishes are suitable exclusively for cold food and refreshments. Because when heated or contact with hot, styrene highlights a high-tech substance. Polystyrene utensils in no case should be used for hot food, hot drinks, to heat meals in the microwave, as well as as containers for alcoholic beverages.

Other or O - Others. This group includes any other plastic that cannot be included in previous groups. Polycarbonate is not toxic to the environment.


conditional designations on dishes, icons on dishes, icons on dishes, dishes Icons, dishes pictures, dishes pictograms, on the dining room, conditional notation on plastic dishes, on plastic dishes, pictograms on plastic dishes, pictures on plastic dishes, icons on plastic dishes , on the dining room, at the dishes

Disposable dishes: benefit and harm

Disposable tableware is very comfortable!

To date, many have come to this conclusion, first of all, due to the properties that it possesses. Disposable dishes (paper and plastic dishes) do not be afraid, has a small weight, and it takes not much space for its storage, it is cheaper than glass.

Due to the fact that plastic dishes are not beating and easily clean, sometimes it is used as reusable dishes, but few people thought about the dangers, which comes from disposable dishes.

Authoritative researchers concluded that the reusable use of disposable dishes can lead to the appearance of malignant tumors, total fatigue and headaches. Allergies may appear, attacks of bronchial asthma, even mutagenic changes in the body.

Consumer properties

The consumer properties of disposable dishes are those characteristics of disposable dishes, which most often draws consumer attention when choosing dishes and which are the most important for its use.

  • Safety of disposable dishes for products and beverages (i.e. it is important that it meets hygienic and medical requirements).
  • Aesthetic component: Disposable utensils should have an attractive appearance: a variety of colors, the possible presence of drawings, the absence of a different kind of deformation and the presence of foreign materials, etc.
  • Characteristics of heat resistance (saving the temperature and resistance of properties, when contact with hot drinks and food).
  • Availability of use and for cold and hot dishes and drinks.
  • The presence of an opportunity to use disposable dishes and for storing food in the refrigerator and for heating or cooking in a microwave furnace, etc.
  • The presence of such a property as frost resistance (for individual categories of disposable dishes).
  • Resistance to such chemicals, such as liquor, acids and fats.
  • The presence of such a property as thermostatic (the ability to keep dishes with hot food or drink in your hands and do not burn hands at the same time).

  • Strength, resistance to deformation.
  • Elasticity.
  • For such objects as knives and plugs, the presence of their paramount properties - cut and pungent without deformation of these cutlery.
  • Stability.
  • The presence of a variety of forms and sizes.
  • Disposable utensils should have sufficient capacity, and at the same time be compact and easy by weight.
  • Ecology and simplicity of disposal.

From such plates do not eat twice

Specialists argue: plates, forks, spoons and glasses from polymeric materials can not be used more than once.

This applies even to plastic water bottles. It is strictly forbidden to pour milk or alcoholic beverages there - it turns out a poisonous mixture.

The main rule when choosing one-time dishes - carefully read the labeling. On each brand product should stand a sign showing what packaging is made. If the marking is absent, it is better to care health and purchase a product in a glass container.

PVC icon (PVC polyvinyl chloride) or digit 3 in a triangle at the bottom of the bottle or plastic packaging warn the buyer about her poisonousness.

In addition to harmless glass container, there is harmless food plastic, which is marked with letters:

  • RE (PE)- polyethylene,
  • PETF (PET) or RET (PET) - polyethylene terephthalate,
  • PR (PP) - polypropylene.
  • PS (PS) - means polystyrene (its code - digit 6).
  • In addition, security confirm image of plates and forks, numbers 05 and 1.

Marking on one-time dishes - what does it mean?
Not all buyers know what marking and how to use such dishes.

This marking indicates that the dishes made from Polystyrene. It can only be used for cold products. You can never warm on them in microwaves. In this case, harmful toxins fall into food. In addition, in dishes with such marking, you should not pour alcoholic beverages, since toxic substances also are distinguished. The secreted styrene is accumulated in the kidneys and the liver and leads to various diseases.

Plastic with such marking make from polypropylene. Dishes with such labeling can be used for hot drinks and products. Such dishes can withstand up to + 100 ° C. From polypropylene glasses you can drink hot tea and coffee, and warm up in the plates in the microwave food.

You can not pour alcohol. The contact of alcohol and polypropylene is distinguished toxins - formaldehyde and phenol. From these toxins, the kidneys and the liver suffer from these, but there is also a chance to go blind

Triangle on a package consisting of three arrows,it says that the dishes are made of the material of the recycling of raw materials. Inside the triangle, as a rule, are numbers.

They tell about the type of processing. So if you see

  • 1-19 is plastic,
  • 20-39 - paper and cardboard,
  • 40-49 - Metal,
  • 50-59 - wood,
  • 60-69 - fabric and textiles,
  • 70-79 - Glass.
Drawn on the package Sign "Glass - Fork" This means that the dishes are suitable for any dishes, including the first (hot). If the icon is applied to packing in this form, then products can be even stored in such a dishes
And here if this icon is emphasized Plastic products are not intended for contact with food.

Dangerous plastic

We often underestimate the danger that he can represent for our health. It turns out that there is relatively safe and dangerous plastic. Since we still do not exit, it is worth taking care of the choice of smaller evil. Some types of plastic are really dangerous.

Information on the material used in the manufacture of the package is located at its bottom in the form of a graphic symbol consisting of three arrows forming a triangle. In the middle of the triangle there are numbers from 1 to 7, indicating the type of material from which the package is performed.

What are these numbers?

1 - PET (PET)

Such plastic is used mainly in the production of disposable containers for drinks. Typical PET packaging are bottles of mineral water. Such packaging even after thorough cleaning can be released toxic chemicals during reuse. Never use this type of material.


Low pressure polyethylene (high density) is used for the production of semi-rider containers, it is one of the safest plastics, can be reused.

3 - PCV (PVC)

Polyvinyl chloride is very often used, for example, in the production of packaging film for food. PVC is dangerous to health and can be distinguished toxins. When combustion, polyvinyl chloride produces very dangerous chemical compounds known as dioxins, which are often more dangerous than potassium cyanos.

4 - LDPE (Pand)

High pressure polyethylene (low density) used for the production of many types of packaging (for example, polyethylene packets) is considered acceptable for reuse and more secure than many other plastics, but not as safe as plastics 2 and 5.

5 - PP (PP)

Polypropylene reusable is often found as a material for food containers. It belongs to the group of safest plastics along with the material 2 (HDPE).

6 - PS (PS)

Polystyrene is well known in the form of foam. PS allocates toxins and should not be used as a food packaging. It is also rarely used for this purpose due to lower chemical resistance to polyethylene, but is present, for example, in lids for disposable coffee cups.

7 - Other (Others)

Never use re-plastic products marked with a number 7. This group includes many types of harmful chemicals, including also very toxic bisphenol A (BPA), which can contribute to the occurrence of schizophrenia, depression or alzheimer's disease. In addition, the use of products that come into contact with BPA can lead to disorder of nervous and endocrine systems, and even to cancerous diseases. In no case do not use such products in microwave furnaces, which contribute to the deeper penetration of bisphenol and in food.

Most often, he meets in:

In order to avoid poisoning from the packaged, the simple nuances should be taken into account.

First of all, it should be remembered that one-time dishes - disposable

Currently, plastic is an integral part of our life, and quickly in the kitchen will not get rid of it. But you can try to minimize the harmful effects of plastic on our health. For this:

1. For storage of products, use only plastics marked with numbers 2 (HDPE) and 5 (PP).

2. Plastic other categories do not use products for storing products, but give it to recycling. Do not use again PET bottles and do not warm up the meal in the microwave in the food trays in which you bought it (if the package does not specify that they are suitable for this purpose).

2. Do not warm up food in a microwave furnace in packs containing bisphenol (group 7), do not pour hot liquids in them, and do not wash in the dishwasher.

3. All plastic packaging are used in accordance with the instructions on them (recommendations for temperature, use of the dishwasher, etc.).

4. Do not purchase mineral water in plastic packaging stood in the sun, and best buy drinks (including such as milk, kefir, yogurt) in glass containers.

Disposable packaging and dishes are created to be used once. Leave them about the reserve for storing other products is not worth it.
After use, a thin protective layer on plastic is destroyed, and it is impossible to reuse this dishes.

Always pay attention to the appearance of the packaging, its integrity, clarity of the inscription, the shelf life.

Principle 1. Disposable dishes can be used strictly by appointment.
On each form of one-time dishes there is an indication, for which it is intended: for cold, for hot, for cold drinks, for alcohol, etc. If a glass, designed for cold, pour hot drink, plastic begins to release toxic substances.

Principle 2. Never leave the product in an open bank even in the refrigerator. Or buy a smaller packaging, or close tightly.

Principle 3. It is impossible to store any products in one-time dishes, the more used.
After using one-time dishes, the protective layer is destroyed, and when stored in it products, for example, sugar, toxic substances are moving to the product.

Principle 4. Meat and cheese is better not to take in the package

Principle 5. Plastic dishes are not intended for ethanol-containing substances - alcohol.
Ethanol is an aggressive solvent. Toxic substances in plastic begin to dissolve and fall into the drink.

Principle 6. The best option of one-time dishes - paper.

Principle 7. Often the plastic dishes include melamine, which is especially much in me rich multicolored objects of dishesintended for children. In the usual state, it is not dangerous, but if you put something hot on the plate, the medant begins to distinguish toxins that fall into the human body.
Paper is cellulose. Even if the particles fall into the body, nothing terrible will happen.

Plastic bottles worsen potency

If one-time cups are usually emitted, then comfortable plastic bottles often remain in use.

In them in no case cannot pour milksince fats in it are capable of dissolving some polymers, alcoholic beverages, kvass, compote. The polymers have the "age" property under the influence of ultraviolet, high temperatures, so over time they begin to allocate substances harmful to humans.

Scientists of the HSPH epidemiology departments and Harvard Medical School came to the conclusion that plastic bottles are not so harmless to health, as is customary.

The constant consumption of drinks from plastic bottles by more than two-thirds increases the content in the body of the chemical bisphenol A, affecting the sex hormones, approves the associate professor Karin H. Michels.

This substance itself resembles a female hormone estrogen, is used in the production of packages and jackets for products and drinks, as well as children's bottles. The study showed that the content of bisphenol and in the urine of the subjects, during the week firing all drinks from plastic bottles, increased by 69.

Heating plastic bottles, which parents make when they want to warm up milk for their children, leads to a chemical penetration into liquid content in hazardous quantities. "This is concerned, since children can be particularly susceptible to bisphenol A, which is able to lead to a violation of the work of the hormonal glands," Michels notes. Previous studies have shown that a high level of bisphenol consumption A leads to congenital defects, to growing problems and to raising the risk of heart disease and diabetes, is noted in the article.

Induction plates have become very popular, they are not so expensive lately and therefore appear in many houses. If you have an induction plate in the kitchen What to choose to her dishes? Such devices require a special type of dishes. What pans for induction slabs will work better.

Special dishes for induction slabs will make cooking faster by 30 percent.

If someone plans to exchange the gas stove on the induction cooking panel, it should take into account the need to acquire ferromagnetic dishes. Fortunately, the robberies for the sets that existed earlier when these panels entered the market remained only in memory. Now the dishes for the induction panel became much more affordable.

The main feature of the dishes, which is suitable for induction cooking, is that it is made of ferromagnetic metal, that is, this that attracts a magnet. This means that on such a panel you should not use stainless steel products, glass, bronze, copper or aluminum.

The easiest way to find out whether a saucepan is suitable for an induction plate - it is to bring a magnet to it and check whether the magnet is attracted. If the magnet is attracted, it means that it will work on this cooking panel. If not attracted - the purchase does not make sense. Ideally, the magnet will also stick to its walls, but it is not mandatory.

Nevertheless, when buying dishes for such a cooking panel there are no problems with the definition of the one that is suitable for this purpose.

As a rule, manufacturers leave no doubt that their product is suitable for cooking on induction cooking panels. This is told about the marking of packaging or engraving at the bottom with a special symbol resembling a spring consisting of several loops.

In addition to the material from which the pans are made, it is important that it is appropriate. Basically, because part of the cooking panels is made in such a way that the bottom of the pan must strictly observe the size of the surface of the burner (or be less than the burner). If the bottom is more, the panel does not start. Of course, this problem is eliminated if the panel has sensors throughout its surface. Then, no matter where to put a saucepan, the panel is "will feel".

What else to pay attention to the purchase of dishes for induction plates?

Almost every serious company that produces dishes, has in its proposal kitchen sets suitable for this type of equipment. What should pay attention to when buying?

It is worth paying attention to the saucepan or frying pan have good non-heating handles. The same applies to the lid, which should be equipped with a small hole for the release of the steam and the unheated handle. The lid itself must "enter" in the sceners of the pan accurately, and not go beyond the diameter of its walls, thereby avoiding the dripping of the condensed steam and contamination of the surface.

When buying, it is also worth remembering whether we prefer the covers of glass, with which you can see preparing products, or we like the stainless steel lids (since there is no risk to break them).

The thickness of the bottom is also important. The thicker the bottom, the better. The bottom must be perfectly even so that it in contact with the panel.

An interesting solution is the pans, the bottom of which has a smaller diameter than the top.

This form makes them more economical: for heating their contents you need less energy, as the induction works only on the surface adjacent to it. Many of these models (you should pay attention to product designations) are suitable for cooking on induction, and this is definitely a very interesting offer.

When buying dishes, it is worth paying attention to:

  • Quality bottom. For induction, this parameter is extremely important. The lower part of the pan or frying pan should be smooth and can have grooves as little as possible. Manufacturers can put their logos, stamps and addresses at the bottom. The smaller there will be letters and irregularities, the more evenly it will warm up the bottom, thereby losing less energy.
  • The number of occupied area. Especially if our kitchen is small, the pots do not have to take too much space.
  • Compartments inside a pan. This is useful if you do not want to paint other products during cooking.
  • Price and brand. Some of us are accustomed to certain brands, trust them and do not want change. Someone chooses only Tefal, Berghoff, Lidl and others. Tescoma and tesco, pans and IKEA pans and others are also popular.

Each chef has its favorite pans or pots, with whom he cannot part. But, unfortunately, not all the older generation dishes is adapted to modern induction cooking panels. A special adapter solves this problem.

This device on the stove is quickly heated and accumulates heat that transfers the dishes.

What if induction pots "do not work"?

There are three reasons why the dishes do not work when we put it on the stove:

  1. The electromagnetic field does not work (not included in the stove). Not everyone knows that the field must first turn on, and then put a pan on it so that it starts to heat. After use, turn off the field.
  2. The electromagnetic sensor does not work. The sensor does not detect your saucepan, so the burner does not turn on.
  3. The dishes are not ferromagnetic, that is, it is not suitable for this type of heating.

Thus, modern technologies bring us more and more interesting and very practical solutions that are largely able to facilitate work on cooking, make the interior design more attractive. Using modern panels, we can save time on cleaning the working area of \u200b\u200bthe kitchen, because it is very easy to wipe the smooth surface. Such designs will decorate any kitchen, make its interior very modern, they are particularly suitable for design in the style of minimalism and high-tech. Significantly reduced, in comparison in traditional electric surfaces, the consumption of electricity, since it does not heat the working area.

With new plates of induction heating, newcomers may reasonably happen misunderstanding, and it happens quite often. It buzzes when cooking, it highlights an error for an error in the panel, and after all, the main problem lies in the dishes, which the icon of the induction plate will help correctly help.

Surely everyone who decides to buy such a gadget is already aware of the fact that not every utensil is capable of working on an induction plate.

But it is the dishes that is one of the main elements of the slab itself. How is it possible? Yes, everything is simple. The bottom of the induction dishes acts as a conductor, that is, it is on the bottom of the pan, frying pan, a bucket or teapot magnetic coil transfers the vortex currents, as a result of which the bottom of the tank begins to heat up, bypassing the burner. Yes, the coating of the plate at all in any role, except for aesthetic and protective, does not play in her work and always remains cold.

You can learn about the principles of the induction plates in more detail in these articles.

As for the dishes itself for such plates, they put forward a rather wide list of requirements. To be more accurate, these requirements are distributed by and large at the bottom of the dishes, which is involved in heating.

Earlier, we have already told detailed about all the subtleties of choosing the right utensils for the induction plate and made brief reviews for some firms.

Yes, for most people who have medium wealth, the replacement of all the dishes when buying a new slab sometimes remains unbearable. Over time, gradually, of course, frying pan saucepans will change.

But how to be now when there is a stove, and the dishes do not fit? For such cases, manufacturers began to produce adapters for induction plates. In essence, they play the role of electric burner and with them you can use any dishes, even ceramic. However, then the entire meaning of the induction slab is lost, it becomes exactly the same in its characteristics as a simple electric stove. But as a temporary measure, adapters still have a place to be.

We talked about induction disks in more detail in this article:

Induction plate icon

And now you finally gathered for the purchase of new dishes for your modern kitchen assistant. Come to the store, and the eyes from the range of diverse utensils simply scatter. How to find suitable dishes in this diversity?

For this, you, of course, can use a magnet, applying it to all in a row to saucepans and frying pan. However, the ferromagnetic quality utensils are not at all talking about what it will work with your stove. The size of the bottom is also important, and its thickness, and even evenness. Well, you will have to choose the dishes to rely on the conscience consultant in the store or on the induction plate icon.

All over the world, a single symbol of the designation of induction dishes is used - these are five connected turns, under which Latin letters are written "Induction".

But it is worth noting that not all brands use this sign, but the popular firms do not change it yet.

There are simplified embodiments of an induction icon:

  • Shikka without inscription "induction".

  • More or less than five turns may also be found, which, in general, still promises compatibility of dishes with induction stove. Most often you can see 3, 4 and 6 vitel badges.

  • Russian induction designations can be spelled out by Cyrillic.
  • Also at the bottom of the dishes you can sign a sign of intertwined orbits of electrons, more similar to the atom icon, which in itself is strange, but it happens.

  • Despite the fact that the marking depicting the coil is usually used to designate the dishes intended for use on halogen plates, nevertheless induction utensils can be played in the same way, but with an appropriate signature.

Sometimes manufacturers are not at all dealing with a schematic label, but simply write on the package to the dishes or at the bottom of "induction" without any turns.

Sometimes manufacturers do not forget to mention and prohibit the use of inappropriate utensils in working with induction plates. In this case, you can see the crossed out of the induction sign. Here, in principle, everything and so understandable, once they crossed out, it means that it is impossible to take. However, this is rare.

In any case, going to the store for new saucepans, seek help to consultants or grab a magnet with you, which will help you check if the icon of the induction plate on the bottom of the frying like.