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Why do dracaena leaves hang. Why did the dracaena drop the leaves? The use of fungicides for fungal diseases

In late summer and autumn, various types of mushrooms appear in the forests, and all mushroom pickers rush to their favorite "quiet hunt". Such representatives of the mushroom kingdom as boletus, white, mushrooms and others are put in the basket. It is considered special chic to find a clearing of strong white milk mushrooms. It is these mushrooms that are considered one of the best for preparing preparations in the form of pickles for the winter. Learn how to salt white milk mushrooms at home in two main ways: hot and cold.

Before you start to salt the milk mushrooms, you must collect them and prepare them correctly. At the same time, they should be collected only in those forest belts that are at some distance from industrial sites and highways. The fact is that any fruiting bodies of mushrooms are a kind of sponge for toxins, absorbing various toxic substances.

You can salt any kind of milk mushrooms - excellent blanks are obtained from black, dry, oak, aspen, real white mushrooms. The main thing is to choose among them not rotten and not wormy. It is best to use small mushrooms, but large ones will do if they are not old.

Preparing mushrooms for salting

No matter how clean and beautiful the mushrooms collected in the forest would be, it will be possible to pickle milk mushrooms only after their careful preparation. It is best to carry out all procedures immediately after collection. All leaves and needles are removed from the mushrooms, earthen debris is removed, after which they are thoroughly washed with clean water. You can use a soft brush or sponge, a knife - this will speed up the cleaning process. Rotten or wormy areas are cut off. The lamellar part is washed under the pressure of running water.

Please note that it is not always necessary to soak milk mushrooms before salting (especially white ones), but only if this process occurs without first boiling the fruit bodies. But you can soak mushrooms in order to rid them of dried specks.

How much to soak depends directly on the purpose for which this procedure is carried out. For example, to remove garbage, just a few hours are enough, but preparation for salting white milk mushrooms at home without cooking involves a long process of keeping them in water, which in the process must be constantly replaced with fresh water. After that, they must be rinsed.

Also, before salting, white milk mushrooms are sorted: small ones are salted whole, large ones are cut into several parts. The legs of the fruiting bodies are usually cut off, leaving only a centimeter.

Preparing dishes

It is possible to salt milk mushrooms for the winter only in certain dishes. It should be either a glass container or enamel, but it must be without chips of enamel. Also, in the old fashioned way, some continue to use wooden tubs. Most often, mushrooms are harvested for the winter in banks.

Do not use pottery - it will deteriorate when exposed to the saline solution. The coating of such dishes may contain lead, which, as a result of the action of an aggressive environment, dissolves in the brine and penetrates into the mushrooms. Also, do not use galvanized tin dishes.

Any dishes should be carefully prepared: it is customary to soak a wooden container so that it swells and stops leaking. New tubs made of oak are kept in water for at least 10-12 days with periodic replacement of the liquid - this is necessary so that tannins are removed from the tree. Otherwise, the mushrooms, and the brine in which they swim, will turn black.

After that, each tub is rinsed with water and cleaned with a brush, and then steamed with a boiling solution of caustic soda (the solution is prepared at the rate of 50 g per 10 liters of water). It is customary to fumigate the container processed in this way with a smoke sulfur bomb - this will ensure that there are no pathogens and substances left in the tree that can spoil all the workpieces.

Glass containers or enameled containers are washed well with soap, after which they are dried in the oven - sterilization is carried out. Clean dishes should be odorless.

Cold salting method

Most often, mushroom pickers use this particular method of preparing the workpiece. Cold pickling of mushrooms is made without the cooking process and provides the resulting product with a unique taste. However, the duration of cooking mushrooms according to this recipe is long, about 30-40 days.

First, the fruit bodies must be soaked. To do this, white milk mushrooms, prepared and cleaned of litter, are poured into a large enameled basin or bucket, after which they are filled with water. A large glass dish is placed on top, on top of which a small weight is placed. It is necessary that all the fruiting bodies are submerged in water, but it is not worth pressing them down too much at this stage.

In this state, the mushrooms are kept for about 3-5 days, while at least 2 times a day, a complete replacement of water is required.

Please note that sour mushrooms cannot be used for salting - they become hazardous to health.

Spices, currant leaves and horseradish are placed on the bottom in a prepared container, sprinkled with salt on top, then soaked mushrooms are stacked in layers with their caps down (some are laid with plates down). Each layer of milk mushrooms is sprinkled with salt, peas, chopped garlic, dill umbrellas, currant leaves. In this case, the salt consumption is as follows: for 1 kg of mushrooms - 35-40 g. The very last layer of white mushrooms is also covered with currant and horseradish leaves.

On top of all the mushrooms, a plate is placed in size slightly smaller than the diameter of the selected container (if a wooden circle is used, then it is wrapped in clean gauze), oppression is placed on top of it - something heavy, usually a stone (bricks, dolomite, lime stones, metal products) or you can put a glass jar of water. In this state, the mushrooms remain for 30-40 days in a well-ventilated room, where the air temperature is not higher than 6 ° C, but not lower than 0 ° C. From above, it is advisable to cover the entire structure with a cloth to protect the mushrooms from dust

Freshly picked white milk mushrooms can also be added to the container as the old ones settle.

It is possible to salt milk mushrooms in a cold way in a slightly different way. That is, they are soaked in the same way, kept under oppression, but this time not for long. Literally after 3 days, white milk mushrooms begin to be very tightly laid out in sterilized jars and filled with the resulting brine. A sheet of currant or horseradish is placed on the surface, and a little vegetable oil is poured on top, after which the jar is buried with a plastic lid.

The taste of salty milk mushrooms can be seriously affected by the set of seasonings used to prepare the workpiece. In general, black peppercorns, dill, horseradish (leaves and roots), cloves, black currant or cherry leaves, garlic, and cumin are used. But remember that too much spice can drown out the true taste and aroma of white milk mushrooms. The taste is most natural when only salt is used.

Hot salting method

There is a recipe for pickling milk mushrooms and pre-boiling mushrooms. Many people prefer to use it, since it is faster (the mushrooms will be ready to eat in 15 days), and it is more likely that all the toxins accumulated from the air during growth will be released from the fruit bodies.

Hot salting of mushrooms looks like this: mushrooms prepared and soaked for 6-12 hours are placed in a pan (enameled), filled with water, to which 3 laurel leaves are added and brought to a boil, then cooked for 15-20 minutes over low heat. In this case, the foam is removed with a slotted spoon.

Boiled mushrooms, after cooling in their own broth, are transferred to a colander. Then white milk mushrooms are placed in a prepared container in layers, which are sprinkled with salt. Salt consumption - 30-40 g / kg. A layer of spices, blanched currant and horseradish leaves, dill inflorescences are placed on the bottom of the container and on top of the mushrooms. After that, oppression is placed on top (a plate of a smaller container diameter and a glass jar with liquid).

The amount of salt often depends on the plans - how much white milk mushrooms will be stored. For example, if you plan to eat them in the near future, then you can add a smaller one. For longer periods, white milk mushrooms are aged in a more concentrated environment. The brine will appear in a couple of hours, and after 3-6 days, the workpiece can be laid out in jars and closed with nylon lids.

At the same time, putting mushrooms in jars is also important correctly. The container must be sterilized. Mushrooms are placed in a jar with their caps down and filled with brine so that it completely covers them. Currant or horseradish leaves are placed on top and only after that they are closed with boiled nylon lids.

Salting milk mushrooms hot is quite simple and even more familiar to many than cold. In addition, this option for preparing blanks allows you to get a fragrant and tasty delicacy as quickly as possible and very soon will save your house from the presence of large containers with salted white milk mushrooms.

It is noteworthy that before use, it is recommended to rinse white milk mushrooms with cold water to wash off the salt. This is especially true for fruit bodies harvested in brine with a high salt concentration. In general, white milk mushrooms, cooked in this way, are stored for about 6 months at a temperature of 5-6 degrees. It is best to put the jars in the refrigerator or cellar. By the way, white milk mushrooms should always be in the brine - if it evaporates, then boiled water is poured into the container.

What recipe to pickle white milk mushrooms is up to you. Try both methods and choose the most optimal and suitable option for you.

In this article, we will talk about how to properly prepare and pickle white milk mushrooms in several basic ways.

Juicy, fleshy and appetizing milk mushrooms have long reigned in the Russian forests, attracting mushroom pickers who flocked to him like bees to honey. The mushroom "rating" of these mushrooms went off scale, and every self-respecting housewife knew how to pickle milk mushrooms so that they were white, crispy and fragrant. The main thing is to properly salt the white milk mushrooms at home, so that for the winter you have delicious treats with mushrooms.

The milk mushrooms make an excellent appetizer for alcoholic beverages, they are added to salads, pies and okroshka; and the amount of protein contained in them is enough to saturate the body with this nutrient.


White milk mushrooms are capricious mushrooms, so you will have to tinker a little with their preparation. Before cooking (for hot salting), the milk mushrooms are soaked for 1-3 hours in cold, slightly salted water. Mushrooms that will be salted in a cold way must be soaked for three days, changing the water at least every 12 hours.

After soaking, rinse the mushrooms well under running water using a clean brush. Now you can start salting.

For hot salting, milk mushrooms are soaked for 1-3 hours, for cold - 3 days, for "dry" they are not soaked at all


Milk mushrooms are traditionally salted in two ways: hot and cold. But the third is also widespread - "dry". Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages: for example, if you salt the milk mushrooms hot, it will not take much time, but the mushrooms will remain hard even after heat treatment, and the cold method will provide you with tasty and elastic mushrooms, but soaking them will take several days. Which method is better - choose for yourself. Photo and video recipes will help you with this.

Hot way

Hot salting of white milk mushrooms in jars is the simplest recipe that does not require much time, special effort and expensive ingredients. With this salting, mushrooms quickly get rid of unpleasant bitterness and retain their elastic texture.

Servings / Volume: 7-8 l


  • white milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • rock salt (1.5-2 tbsp. l. per 1 liter of water);
  • black peppercorns - 1-2 tbsp. l .;
  • allspice peas - 10 pcs.;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • dry cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • dill - to taste;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • black currant leaf - 4 pcs.
The cooking time of mushrooms depends not only on the variety, but also on the size and even the conditions in which the mushrooms grew. For mushrooms this is an average of 20 minutes, but it is better to determine readiness not by time, but by the moment when the mushrooms begin to settle to the bottom of the pan (if they "sink", then they are ready).


  1. Dip the pre-soaked milk mushrooms in a large pot of water, where they should float freely (there should be at least twice as much water in the pan as the mushrooms). It is advisable to boil a large number of milk mushrooms in portions, in several passes (after each portion, pour out the water). Pour 1.5-2 tbsp into a saucepan. l. salt in 1 liter of water and leave to simmer over medium heat for 15-30 minutes so that the salt dissolves and salted the mushrooms well. Stir gently from time to time.
  2. Make a pickle. Take another pot. For 1 liter of water, pour 2 tbsp. l. salt, add black and allspice, bay leaves, cloves and dill. Place the brine over low heat.
  3. It took 15-30 minutes, all the milk mushrooms "drowned". Drain the boiled mushrooms through a colander, then transfer them to a saucepan with brine and boil for 30 minutes.
  4. Peel the garlic. Large teeth can be cut in half.
  5. At the end of half an hour, remove the pan with brine and milk mushrooms from the stove, add the garlic, stir.
  6. Place the washed currant leaves on top of the mushrooms, cover the pan with a small lid and press it down with not too heavy pressure so that the mushrooms are completely immersed in the brine. Place the makeshift tub in a cool, dark place. You can eat ready-made milk mushrooms in a week.

Bon Appetit!

Cold way

Cold salting does not require heat treatment of mushrooms, but it will take a long time to wait for the finished delicacy. But the result in the form of cool and elastic milk mushrooms, crunching pleasantly on the teeth, compensates for all expectations!

Servings / Volume: 7-8 l


  • white milk mushrooms - 5 kg;
  • rock salt - 250 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • bay leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • black currant leaf - 5 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 1 tbsp. l .;
  • horseradish, root - 1-2 pcs.;
  • sugar - 1 tsp


  1. Peel and rinse the milk mushrooms, then soak for 3 days, making sure to change the water twice a day.
  2. At the end of the period, rinse thoroughly and salt the mushrooms again by sprinkling salt on the bottom of a clean enamel container. Put a layer of soaked milk mushrooms on top of the salt, cover them with a layer of salt and repeat until the mushrooms run out. In the middle of the process, add a little sugar between the layers of mushrooms to stimulate the formation of lactic acid bacteria.
  3. Cover the mushrooms with an inverted plate and lightly press down on it with a load (for example, a three-liter jar of water), leave the container in this form for a day. After that, the milk mushrooms will release a large amount of juice and will be ready for the next stage of salting.
  4. Cut the garlic and horseradish into thin slices. Arrange the prepared mushrooms in the jars in moderately dense layers, sandwiching them with pepper, horseradish, garlic, as well as bay and currant leaves.
  5. Close the jars with lids - not hermetically so that the milk mushrooms are well salted and fermented. Put them in the refrigerator or cellar for a month. The temperature of the room in which the salted mushrooms are stored should not exceed +5 ℃ - otherwise the mushrooms will sour. If the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will freeze and lose a significant part of their excellent taste. The upper milk mushrooms should not come into contact with air - watch this and constantly add brine to them, otherwise they will quickly become covered with mold. If all the salting rules are followed, in a month you will have very tasty white milk mushrooms, which you can use both as an addition to dishes and as an independent snack.

Bon Appetit!

Do not be lazy and carry out additional "insurance" against botulism infection - pasteurization of filled cans (carried out immediately before their hermetic sealing).

Dry method

The third method of pickling milk mushrooms is "dry". Mushrooms are not only not soaked, but not even washed. Simply cleared of forest debris and earth and wiped with a clean cloth.

Then they act as in cold salting: they are placed in a container in layers, sprinkled with coarse salt (not iodized), oppression is set and kept in a cool place for 25-30 days. At the same time, the milk mushrooms secrete juice and settle. If it happens in the place where you can still pick up mushrooms, they can be added to the container (enamel pan) in portions, again sprinkling with salt. And then put the mushrooms in jars and refrigerate.

Prepared "dry" milk mushrooms are very tasty, albeit spicy, "for an amateur". Before eating, these mushrooms are washed, cut into slices, mixed with chopped onions and garlic and seasoned with vegetable oil.

Store salted or pickled milk mushrooms for no longer than a year.


We offer for viewing a video, which tells about another recipe for how to salt white milk mushrooms:

Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. He loves to be closer to nature, to eat deliciously and to philosophize about the eternal. For so long she has been writing articles on a variety of topics that she is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. Loves forests, flowering gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. He does not like to stand at the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who will always serve delicious food and share cool recipes. Pathologically optimistic.

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Do you know that:

It is necessary to collect medicinal flowers and inflorescences at the very beginning of the flowering period, when the content of nutrients in them is as high as possible. Flowers are supposed to be picked with hands, breaking off rough pedicels. The collected flowers and herbs are dried, scattered in a thin layer, in a cool room at a natural temperature without access to direct sunlight.

One of the most convenient methods to prepare a grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries is freezing. Some people believe that freezing leads to a loss of the nutritional and beneficial properties of plant foods. As a result of the research, scientists have found that there is practically no decrease in nutritional value when frozen.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stalk celery, all varieties of cabbage, peppers, apples) have a "negative calorie content", that is, digesting more calories than they contain. In fact, the digestive process uses only 10-20% of the calories from food.

The homeland of pepper is America, but the main breeding work on the development of sweet varieties was carried out, in particular, by Ferenc Horvat (Hungary) in the 20s. XX century in Europe, mainly in the Balkans. Pepper came to Russia from Bulgaria, therefore it got its usual name - "Bulgarian".

Convenient Android applications have been developed to help gardeners and gardeners. First of all, these are sowing (lunar, flower, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, a selection of useful tips. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for planting each type of plant, determine the timing of their ripening and harvest on time.

In small Denmark, any piece of land is a very expensive pleasure. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to growing fresh vegetables in buckets, large bags, foam boxes filled with a special earthen mixture. Such agrotechnical methods allow you to get a harvest even at home.

Natural toxins are found in many plants; those that are grown in gardens and orchards are no exception. So, in the seeds of apples, apricots, peaches there is hydrocyanic (hydrocyanic) acid, and in the tops and peels of unripe nightshades (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - solanine. But do not be afraid: their number is too small.

Compost - rotted organic residues of various origins. How to do it? Everything is stacked in a heap, a hole or a large box: kitchen leftovers, tops of garden crops, weeds mown before flowering, thin twigs. All this is interlayered with phosphate rock, sometimes with straw, earth or peat. (Some summer residents add special composting accelerators.) Cover with foil. In the process of reheating, the pile is periodically ted up or pierced for the flow of fresh air. Usually compost “matures” for 2 years, but with modern additives it can be ready in one summer season.

24.07.2019 06:47

Even in the days of Ancient Russia, people knew recipes for salting various types of milk mushrooms. They were collected not in baskets, but in whole carts and salted in bulky wooden barrels, so that later they could enjoy this exquisite taste during feasts and feasts. If you have ever done such culinary experiments on your own, you probably know that the process of pickling and salting such forest mushrooms takes a very long time. Fortunately, modern chefs know how to quickly pickle milk mushrooms, and are happy to share their recipes.


  • milk mushrooms - 1 kg.;
  • salt - 0.05 kg.;
  • black pepper - 10 or 12 peas;
  • water - 2 l.;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • dried dill;
  • fresh horseradish leaves;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking process:

  1. If you want to quickly, you should know that without a thorough three-day soak, these foods are not entirely safe to eat. In any case, fresh mushrooms must be very carefully peeled and soaked in cold water, which must be changed from time to time.
  2. After soaking, rinse the food, put it in a deep saucepan, fill it with water and be sure to salt it. In this liquid, the mushrooms should be boiled in order to finally boil the bitterness and small particles of debris. The brine itself is prepared separately, according to the proportions that were indicated in the list of ingredients. To do this, boil water with salt, bay leaves and black pepper.
  3. When the brine is ready, the pre-boiled mushrooms should be dipped into it and cooked for about 10 minutes. Only then can you add peeled garlic and dry dill seeds to the pan. Stir the mixture thoroughly with the mushrooms, cover with a lid or flat plate, and then wait for the brine to cool completely at room temperature.
  4. In this form, the pan with milk mushrooms should be stored in a cold place for several days, but not more than a week. Then they can be packaged in sterilized jars, poured with marinade, add a little vegetable oil for taste to each jar and send the pickles to the refrigerator. Such a quick salting of milk mushrooms will not take you much time and practically will not cause trouble. They will be completely ready for use in three or four weeks, but in 10-15 days such milk mushrooms are already very tasty.

Fast cold salting


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg.;
  • rock salt - 0.4 kg.;
  • garlic - 5 heads;
  • dried dill - several stalks;
  • leaves of currant and horseradish.

Cooking process:

  1. Quickly and simply, milk mushrooms are salted in wooden barrels. First, you will need to wash them thoroughly under running water, paying special attention to this procedure. Then the cleaned mushrooms are put into a deep soaking dish. This can be a bucket, an enamel pot, or even a barrel. Cold water should completely cover each lump. They will stay in this form for about three days, the water must be changed every 3-5 hours, otherwise the products will sour and deteriorate.
  2. The soaked milk mushrooms can be rinsed a little, dried and laid in layers on the bottom of the barrel for salting. Place the mushrooms with their caps down, very tightly to each other and sprinkle each layer with salt along with herbs and spices. The topmost layer should be covered with horseradish leaves, and a thick layer of clean gauze should be placed on top, which should become a support for a wooden circle with oppression. Under pressure, the mushrooms will release juice. You need it to completely cover the food.
  3. The marinade level in the barrel should be monitored for 3 or 4 weeks. This is how much time the products need for complete salting and acquiring an excellent taste. Mold may appear on the surface of the pickles, it must be removed in time.

Accelerated version of salting from boiled mushrooms


  • milk mushrooms - 10 kg.;
  • Dill seeds;
  • cabbage leaves;
  • rock salt;
  • garlic.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort out the freshly harvested mushrooms, throw away spoiled products and free the mushrooms from grass, debris and dirt. After that, they need to be folded into a deep bucket or bowl and filled with cold water, which will completely cover the milk mushrooms. The mushrooms need to be allowed to stand for about 2-3 hours.
  2. Then each mushroom will need to be rinsed under running water, rubbed with a brush, removed from the legs and sent to a deep, clean bowl. Many mushroom pickers believe that you can get rid of the bitterness of milk mushrooms without prolonged soaking. Instead, the mushrooms are put on fire in a saucepan of cold salted water, brought to a boil, and cooked for about half an hour. The cooking procedure should be repeated once more with a new portion of water. It is due to this that a really fast ambassador of milk mushrooms is obtained.
  3. Remove the boiled mushrooms from the pan using a slotted spoon and cool. It is better to drain the broth, but some housewives leave it in the refrigerator for making soups and sauces.
  4. Salting milk mushrooms quickly is best in a bucket. Sprinkle the bottom of the dish generously with rock salt, fresh garlic petals and dried dill seeds. Only then can you begin to lay the mushrooms with their caps down. Each new layer is sprinkled with salt. Finally, place a flat plate with a weight on the food to help the mushroom marinade release as quickly as possible. If your own mushroom juice is not enough, you can add a little broth from the refrigerator.

In this form, the mushrooms are salted for several days. Then they need to be laid out in jars, and covered with cabbage leaves on top. Cover pickles with nylon lids and send to the refrigerator. After a week, they can be served with fried potatoes or as an independent snack. This is the fastest way to pickle milk mushrooms.