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What plants and how to apply cow manure as a fertilizer? Fresh manure and its use. Main types of manuza

What is compost? This is great organic fertilizerobtained as a result of the decomposition of various organic substances under the influence of microorganisms, fungi and soil microflora.

What can be used to get an compost in the country? Almost all vegetable and food waste: weeds, bevered lawn grass (Beach of modern summer residents!), branches, straw, vegetables, spoiled fruits, peat, manure animals, bird litter, human life products (urine and excrement), paper, newspapers and magazines, feathers, sawdust, bark, chips, cut and Water moistened with water cardboard, all food waste (except meat and fish, to avoid the appearance of flies and rodents). Simply put, as soon as you have a box for the production of compost, the number of garbage you exported will decrease at times and it will be (garbage) consist only of metal, plastic and glass.

How to make? The material for its construction can be anything: metal or plastic mesh, unnecessary pallets ( wooden pallets), slate, boards, plastic. There is a large number of ready-made plastic containers Under compost, for every taste and wallet.

The volume of the composter should be at least 1 cubic meters., In a smaller mass, the decomposition processes will occur very badly.

The main rules of bookmarking the organications in the composter are:

1. The compost container is always installed directly on the ground so that the excess moisture can be inserted deep into, and microorganisms, worms that help quickly recycle the substrate penetrate from the ground.
2. At the bottom of the composter, at first, pretty large branches, coarse stems of corn, sunflower, cabbage stems with roots are preserved. This is done in order to provide ventilation and air flow into a bunch of below, which will also accelerate its maturation.
3. Layers to compost must be laid not very high, 10-15 cm each species.
4. Layer of juicy organic mass (beveled and running grass, fruits, rotten vegetables, wet manure) should always be filled down (better mix) with a layer of dry and coarse organic organics (newspapers, thin branches, peat, soil from a plot, straw). Otherwise, inside the reservoir will rot with education unpleasant odor and mold.
5. If possible, once a month you need or turn the layers of compost, or enhance the inflow of the air in another way, - with the force of a sticking forks deep into and swaying them throughout the composter area.
6. To accelerate composting, it is advisable to shed a bunch special meanspurchased in garden centers.
7. You can prepare such a "compostor" yourself.
In the 200-liter capacity (barrel) placed:
- shovel of wood or herbal ash;
- half anclation of manure or litter;
- bucket of rotten straw or opad leaves;
- shovel by humus, compost or just garden land;
- liter of dairy serum or sources;
- 3 liters of brush friction.
Brozh Zodvaska is preparing like this: 5 tbsp on a 3 liter of non-chlorinated water. Sugar spoons and chopping yeast. Walks 2-3 days, then added to the common tank. Before using the brand, it is necessary in the refrigerator - it is valuable until it zakis. IN total tank All the bodia is insisted during the week. Sometimes it should be mixed. When using infusion is diluted at least twice.
Such a "accelerator" shed a bunch 1-2 times a week for 1-2 buckets.
8. The composter must necessarily hide from the top of the Sun (dries) and rain (wash away nutrients, rotes the substrate) shields or film.
9. Very strongly accelerates the maturation of the compost of the landing right on the top composted Kuchi. Pumpkin. The selection of the roots of these cultures helps to decompose the organic matter, and the mass of the leaves shads a bunch, creating optimal microclimate. During the growth of plants, the mass laying continues in the composter. The layers are placed right under the foliage, between the stems of the zucchini.

If you comply with these rules, then by the autumn you can get a large amount of remarkably matured compost, loose, dark, with a pleasant smell of a forest bedding and use it on, in and in the garden.

Manure as fertilizer is widely and universally used both in agricultural enterprises and private dumart sites. It contains a huge amount of organic substances that stimulate the growth of plants, improve the structure soil mixture and enriched with it with carbon, carbon dioxide and nitrogen. We invite you to find out how to make compost from manure and how to fertilize their plants on the beds.

Compost from manure

Compost from manure is the only possible form of its use in the cultivation of crops. The newcomer in the garden may think that the manure in any form is useful to plants, and that right together with fresh manure can plant plants. There were even those who sowed vegetables on a burta stored manure. Plants, when contacting the fresh manure, is experiencing severe oppression, and shoots are dying. In such cases, they say "Manure Fire." What "burns" plants? Essential substances of raw manure, organic acids. Raw manure should lie in the soil at least 1 -2 months before they are destroyed. Then "aggression" of manure is considerably mitigally softened, and some cultures are capable not only to take it out, but also to grow rapidly (such cultures include, for example, cucumbers, pumpkin, white cabbage, corn). Most plants prefer more unfolded manure.

How to fertilize

Based on these properties and have long been taken in crop production how to fertilize the manure land plot. It is made from the fall under the people on the preparing beds, it is composed to complete sampling and transformation into humus, finally, sometimes it is laid out in the raw form in surgeless circles Apple trees in the form of mulch and slowly acting fertilizer, based on the fact that caustic substances will not reach the roots immediately. Before properly relieving manure, it is necessary to consider the composition of the existing soil mixture and calculate required amount additional mineral elements.

Organic manure fertilizer

Regarding the storage of fresh manure in the form of a heap can be given the following tips. Choose a place away from trees or bushes, which he can damage his caustic sodes: the bourge will be high, something is inevitable from rain from it in the soil. Go to protect fruit trees And shrubs, as well as many decorative, starting with coniferous.

For warehousing, where the organic fertilizer of manure will be stored, it is better to choose a place where you then plant something: Earth will be made good from under him. It's a shame to look like a manure stored somewhere behind the fence on a draw earth or near some maple, which then rather throws the incredible length of shoots. (Maple is not an apple tree: it will die near the manure heap, and maple or birch will flourish.)

When storing the manure, thump over the layer of Earth at 15-20 cm, and then cover with any film to prevent drying.


Korovik - fertilizer, which is used for thousands of years. It still does not have an accurate formulation and is in the center of the discussion of opponents and supporters of fertilizer. Let's try to collect the most reliable information on the preparation and use of this feeding.

What gives the use of manure?

Such feeding, despite the advanced technologies, still remains the basis of high productivity in the cultivation of crops. But the cow manure was not always used only as. In India, which has the Millennium of its history, so far this material is used even in the pharmaceutical industry. It serves as the basis of the tablets in contrast to the chalk used in european countries. The binding ability allows you to use it and in the manufacture of the Samana, the building material.

Corobyan is the most affordable organic fertilizer. It costs at times cheaper of various chemical analogues. Plants that focused by the organic matter have the best organoleptic indicators. Cow manure is not only a valuable fertilizer, it is a good protection of plants from garden pests and some diseases. To truly assess its benefit of both ambulance for vegetables, consider its chemical composition.

The content of nitrogen, potassium and calcium in cow dung above in comparison with other excrement of animals. It contains a significant amount of phosphorus. Also, cow manure contains up to 21% of useful compounds. Great water content (up to 78%) maintains the desired level of humidity in the soil. The presence of valuable trace elements in the cowboy is caused by the composition of the feed used for large cattleas well as from the type of bed used.

The organic extensive improves the structure of the soil enriching it with humus, the upper fertile layer. When using a cowboy, sandy and sampling soils begin to become more connected, due to which the humidity is held. Clay soilsOn the contrary, become more loyal. Through the use of cow's manure in such soils, their aeration is improved, air access to plant roots opens. When making fertilizer in different kinds The soil should be borne in mind that the full decomposition of the organic depends on the structure of the soil. In the sandy and sampling, the full period of disintegration of the manure occurs in 3-4 years. IN clay soils And manure lines decomposes up to 7 years.

Stages of readiness of manure and its use

The quality of organic fertilizers depends on the storage time, during which the loss of nitrogen and the decay of organic substances occurs. In any feeding of this type there is a litter (sawdust, peat, straw). In the content of the cows, the straw is most often used as a litter, according to which it is possible to distinguish the degree of readiness of manure to use.

In terms of storage (degree of decomposition), manure is divided into species. The first - fresh and weakly decomposed korovyan is distinguished by non-changing straw, preserving its strength. The second is a semi-surge organic, which contains a straw of dark brown color with poor breaking strength. In the third form, overwhelming, straw has a black color and easily scattered during rubbing. The last stage of decomposition is humorous, which is a homogeneous mass, similar toes with the chernozem. Although it significantly decreases the content of nitrogen, its use is still useful for increasing the fertility of the soil and life of microorganisms.

Introducing organic fertilizers in the soil, it is important to comply with some rules. Optimal option Non-dung bait - autumn plowing. In this case, it is necessary to make a semi-proverse korovyan, which until spring will have time to prohibit finally and the Earth will be ready for planting plants. In the regions with a harsh winter and late onset of spring, fresh durations are made in late autumn under the snow cover to the first frost. This allows you to preserve the soil from deep friction and in the spring a little earlier to start the fallout seedlings. Saving young seedlings from spring frosts can also be used using mulching in a row dry manure.

In already planted beds, it is not recommended to throw fresh manure. It highlights a large amount of ammonia nitrogen, which gradually causes the root of the root system of plants. In addition, it lives a large number of not very friendly microorganisms, due to which various diseases of crops may develop. Also in the litter may contain seeds of weeds, which, occupying in the soil, occupy a plot.

Fresh manure is better to leave for storage, but if there is a need to use fertilizer, then from such a faction, the cowboy is better to prepare a liquid solution for watering. In this case, the substance is bred by water in the ratio of 1:20.

When making manure to the soil, mandatory deep steps are necessary. The norm of manure is 4 kg / m 2. It is also necessary to take into account the structure of the soil: for light soils, the depth of plowing is 20-25 cm, and for heavy - 10-15 cm. Combined feeders can also be used. When using cow's manure, it is often added, given that their content in the source product is relatively low. The korovyak is used at the spring resistance, but it is better to take a rewind, it can be made immediately before planting plants. In the summer, manure is used in a dry form for mulching the soil.

Qualitatively improves the composition of any soil humus - manure, which has passed the full cycle of the biochemical reaction. Its use has a beneficial effect on all types of plants. In addition to potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen it contains magnesium, sulfur, copper and zinc. Humus is suitable for any cultures. Despite the great benefit of organic fertilizers, it is important not to overdo it in this matter. Excessive use leads to increased maintenance of nitrates in the fruits. It is believed that cow manure must be made in the soil at no more than three years. But if, for example, on the site Ros Sunflower, which, as is known, heavily depletes the soil, then the application of fertilizer after its cultivation is necessary.

Secrets of the correct manure blank

The cowing solution is used for watering plants, which significantly improves the yield and the quality of the fruit themselves. The feeder is carried out during the formation of the strings and during fruiting. The fertilizer solution is prepared in the proportion of ¼: 1 - cow manure, 4 - water. It is kneaded in a special capacity and insist at least 10 days. Two or three times a day the solution must be mixed so that it is enriched with oxygen and the fermentation process began, as a result of which is neutralized uric acidAfter all, its excess adversely acts on the roots of plants.

Raid solution increases the rate of formation of microbiological reactions in the soil, which affects the increase in yield. All trace elements contained in fertilizers begin to be absorbed by plants only after completely recycled with soil microorganisms. In the process of making a solution, the container must be kept tightly covered. In the concentrate prepared in this way, 10 parts of water are added. For feeding uses 5 l / m 2. As it is impossible to store the finished fertilizer because it loses its beneficial featuresIt is better to calculate the volume in advance and cook a korlard at a time. To eliminate the unpleasant odor in the process of kneading and use in solution, you can add silica (powder).

In order to get high-quality fertilizer, and not the usual and low-oily biomass, the manure is placed in the pits (boots) layers, necessarily tamping each layer. From above, the recess is covered with leaves or straw. This method of workpiece in 5 months gives a semi-proverse fertilizer with a large content of nitrogen. With loose storage (without the coupling), a significant part of organic nitrogen evaporates. Sometimes, harvesting manure, each layer is pecking with phosphoric flour in order to increase the content of this element in organic fertilizer. In addition, the superphosphate binds nitrogen, without giving it to disappear. A nitrogen protects fertilizer from freezing.

Sheet humus is most often used for agricultural fertilizer. But it is possible to do this nutritional fertilizer not only from leaves. It is also important to store it correctly so that it does not lose the nutrients.

Humus - what is it? Inexperienced summer residents often ask such questions. Pour the fertilizer organic. With it, you can saturate the poor soil all necessary for the growth and development of plants, microelements. It is easy to do with your own hands. All the ingredients needed for this can be found in any subsidiary farm.

What does it consist of?

Before at home, prepare humus, it is necessary to find out what is included in its composition. The composition of humus, as a rule, includes such components:

  • Leaves.
  • Dung Cres.
  • Bird litter.
  • Straw.
  • Hay.
  • Weeds from the site.
  • Ash.
  • Remains of fruits and vegetables.
  • Bark.
  • Wood sawdust.
  • Special additives to accelerate plant growth.
  • Branches of trees and shrubs.

It can be said that all parts of plants that have grown on the plot, as well as the manure of cattle can enter the composition. This is especially convenient for those dacities who are also engaged in agriculture.

How to do yourself?

Grass and leaves are the basis for fertilizer. But one will not be enough. Also not do without bird litter And manure cattle. Otherwise, instead of nutritional fertilizer, it is possible to obtain a silo or rotten grass, which does not carry any use for plants.

What can not be used for processing in humus:

  • Chemical agent.
  • Infected parts of plants.
  • Food of animal origin.
  • Seeds from weeds.

If manual livestock is used, then animals must be healthy. Not all waste, which are intended for disposal, can be used to prepare humus at home.

How to get humus?

In order to get a quality humus, cooked at home, you need to know exactly what sequence is layers.

  • Plants. The first layer is the remains of plants. It should be no more than 15 cm. If this layer succeeds more, then the process of rotting will be slower. From the grass, you can use all parts except seed. Otherwise, they can germinate and then will have to fight weeds. The first layer of grass must be sprinkled with earth mixed with lime.
  • Straw and hay. Due to straw, deciduous and all other layers are saturated with oxygen. Straw creates a porous structure and binds moisture in humus. Before laying out hay or straw, it needs to be thoroughly crushed. Mulching by humus with the addition of hay to provide access to oxygen to plant roots.
  • Leaves. Leaves need to be dried before cooking humus with their own hands. If this is not done, they will betray lumps. Mix leaves with others vegetable residues And lay out a thin layer.
  • Sawdust. To prepare humus in the country, you can use wood sawdust. But they are poorly decomposed, so before laying them are mixed with grass and bone flour.
  • Wooden bark. IN wood Core It contains a large amount of nitrogen. But to increase its concentration in the compost, it is necessary to mix the bark with chicken litter, manure of cattle or urea.

How to make humus?

At home, it is possible to obtain the humus from the following components:

  • Food waste. Preparation of humus does not do without food waste. They contain many nutrients. But to prevent their decomposition, waste is mixed with solid materialTo ensure oxygen access.
  • Manure and litter. From the manure it turns out the most nutritious for plants humus. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, which contributes to the acceleration of agricultural growth. It is desirable to sprinkle it from above.
  • Paper. Before laying the paper when cooking the manure with your own hands, it is necessary to cut it large and moisten in herbs flaws. Herbal decoction Can be prepared from nettle. In nettle of nutrients, a lot, and the paper in the process of soaking absorbs them into itself. Mix the wet paper is needed with another solid material. Otherwise, it crumbles.

How to cook humus from manure?

Many dacifics are interested in the question of Gumus and about where to take it. You can cook it at home with your own hands. The most common type of humus is based on the manure of cattle. Suitable manure of sheep, cows or horses.

Preparing humus as follows:

  • Dung for humus must be bought fresh. It contains more nutrients.
  • To lean the box and put on the bottom of the chopped grass. Then you can lay out the straw. So humus will be saturated with oxygen.
  • Then lay out the manure (you can use chicken litter).
  • In order to speed up the decomposition, biodestructors can be added to humus. It may be Baikal or shine. They include bacteria that accelerate the process of rotting.
  • Regular humus should be water (but not to fill). It is important to not allow it to dry.

You can use the humus when it is impossible to consider individual parts. The mixture should be homogeneous consistency. The smell of the finished humus should be like a wet earth. And the color is brown or closer to black.

How to quickly make humus from leaves?

The leaf from the leaves is also prepared with the addition of manure. You can use straw, paper and other plant residues.

Sheet humus is preparing like this:

  • You can use any leaflets of deciduous trees. If shrubs or fruit trees grow on the site, the fallen leaves are used.
  • Since the leaves are poor with nutritional trace elements, they need to be mixed with food waste or sawdust.
  • Lay a bird litter on the layer of foliage.
  • Periodically humus to water. If a large amount of midges appeared above the box with humus, then this explicit sign high humidity. In order to get rid of them on a sunny day, the humus should be left open. When he gets up a little, to cover it back.
  • If the overseas does not change the color and does not acquire the smell of wet land, then it means it is reheated. You can correct the situation by adding water, potato cleaning or fresh grass.

Mulch them plants for the winter so that the roots do not froze and the bushes did not died. The fertilizers made in this way can be stored in bags.

Where to store it?

How to store humus, cooked with your own hands so that it does not lose beneficial properties? Optimal way Storage is a box. How to make a box for humoring?

Gumus Storage Box:

  • You can lend such a box from any unnecessary boards. On the bottom you can pour sawdust or leave the box without the bottom, and immediately add humus into it.
  • On top of the tank can be slate or a greenhouse film. The moisture that falls on the humus together with the rain should not accumulate in one place, but should flush into the ground.
  • It is also worth not to forget that one of the walls of the box should be advanced. So it will be easier to pick up the humus to the ground.
  • In the bags of humus can also be stored, but only you need to keep track of solar rays to it.

How to store?

What are the features of the storage of humus? First of all, the capacity with humus should not be located under the open sunny rays. So fertilizer will begin to decompose and in it will begin to multiply the pathogenic microbes.

In the box it is important to maintain a constant temperature and humidity. The earth and the humus itself should not be too wet, but should not disappear.

It is not desirable to have a container with fertilizers next to the trees. Very soon, trees can direct their height in the direction of the composks. And then all nutrients will go to their height.

At the present time, agricultural specialists have invented many ways to help recycle organic matter and increase their useful properties. Most of them are simple and do not require the use of special devices. The most popular methods for changing the structure of a cowboy include composting, vermicomposting, adding humate and insisting.


To make a compost, it is not enough just to put it in a large container and wait for the overbinding. In this case, it turns out that the usual humus. This method often stored this substance. Compost is a more complex fertilizer containing a set of beneficial substances.

To obtain a full-fledged compost, you need to add a substrate from last year. It will saturate the compost with useful bacteria that will decompose it. From above they give a layer consisting of various waste of organic origin, and fall asleep with its cow. Such layers need to be done until the height of the heap is 1-1.5 meters. Then it is watered with enough water and leave for a while. Usually, overheating is carried out after 5-6 months, but to guarantee the receipt of high-quality fertilizer, it is better for him to stand the year.

Composting using worms

This method can obtain not only useful organic fertilizer, but also a constant soil power source. This is due to the presence of worms in its composition, which continue to live and multiply in the soil, thereby processing it.

For composite, specialists recommend using a red Californian worm hybrid with Kuban. Before recycling a cowbar, the substrate needs to add haired lime, ash or bone flour to increase acidity. The optimal pH value will be 7.5-8. In a more alkaline environment, worms will not be able to exist and die.

Processing with the help of humate

Humaths are special substances that are used to accelerate the recycling of the base of the cowboy when composting. This method of obtaining fertilizer allows to reduce its flow rate 2-3 times, without decreasing efficiency. This is a very profitable method from an economic point of view.

Method of use of humate: 2-3 months before the soil fertilizer with a cow, it is watered with a solution containing humate. For 10 kg of cowboy, approximately 10 g of humate. After watering, a bunch must be thoroughly mixed to speed up the processes of decomposition.


It is very fast way receipt. At the same time, harmful bacteria and microorganisms die. Ammonia content in such fertilizer is minimal.
The method of obtaining: a borologist is poured with water in a ratio of 1: 1, covered and leave for 1-2 weeks. The resulting mixture is bred by water again, in the ratio of 1:10 and water the plants in the evenings. Liquid korovyan does not recommend pouring under the root. At a short distance from the plant, small grooves dig up and the solution is poured into them.

Using fresh korovyaka

In some cases, fresh manure is used despite its disadvantages. This is justified if there is no time to wait until compost is revised.

In the warm season, a liquid solution is made of it. On the 1st part of the cowboy give 4 parts of the water. Such a solution watered plants in the evenings. On 1. square meter 1.5 l blends are poured.
In the autumn, manure is used during the soil resistance. For 1 square meter, 10 liters of a cowboy are made and drunk at a depth of 30-40 cm.

With winter fertilizer, the korlard is scattered through the snow. A 1 square meter makes 15 liters of cowboat. In winter, the cowboy must be made to a third more than usual. This is due to evaporation large number Nitrogen when interacting with air.

In the spring, the korlard is used as biofuels for beds.

And a little about the secrets of the author

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