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The name of the largest cabbage seeds. Best grade white cabbage with photo and title. The most unpretentious seeds of Chinese cabbage for the lazy

For the fleet and long-term storage until the spring is most suitable for winter (or late) Cabbage varieties. It is them that they prefer to grow dackets to prepare enough of this useful vegetable for the winter to power the whole family.

Late varieties were selected by many. They differ mainly by the duration of ripening. If the early grades to fully mature, enough from the shoots three months, the secondary varieties may need four months, then some varieties of late cabbage ripen completely only six months after the start of growth from seeds.

This long expectation is rewarded:

  • equally long storage;
  • high variety yields;
  • excellent transportability of kochanov;
  • readiness to maintain all valuables, taste and texture properties when singing, marinating and sauming.

By the way! A varieties intended for long-term storage improve over time their taste. In addition, in the cabbage, unlike the rest of vegetables and root, for time, until it is stored, nitrates do not accumulate.

The second difference between different types of ripening species of cabbage is an agrotechnology. In general, it is similar to all cabbage, but also for many cruciferous. But the dates of sowing, germination, disembarkation and some growth conditions differ in detail at the late cabbage from its middle-easier and early "relatives".

By the way! Some varieties of late cabbage can be destroyed by appropriate conditions to the new crop.

Features of cultivation

In different regions, depending on the climate, landing seeds of late cabbage varieties occurs in different times. But always, in all climatic zones, this is a seaside method of cultivation. For late varieties, seedlings are grown at home (as a last resort, in a heated greenhouse or greenhouse). In the southern regions it is possible to extinguish seeds on a special seaside bed to a film shelter.

Stimulation and disinfection of seeds

Before sowing seeds late cabbage, they need to be disinfected. For disinfection, it is enough soaking in hot water. Temperature must be no higher than + 45 ° C. Keep cabbage seeds in water need a quarter of an hour by placing them before in a rag bag.

How to hold the desired time in the capacitance?

  1. Place with water to put on the heating device (checking the temperature of its heating for half an hour).
  2. Capacity put into another container, pouring into it water, hot for ten degrees (a peculiar water bath, just not on fire).
  3. Disinfect seeds in a slow cooker on yogurt mode.

Important! The warming procedure will not only destroy the microbes that can be inside the seed, but will contribute to the speedy germination by activating the growth point of the embryo.

After disinfection with warming up, the seeds need to quickly cool down, lowered one minute under cold flow water.

Even more accelerate the germination and make shortcomings with homogeneous will help soaking seeds in the fertilizer solution. It can be any mineral complex. It is best to take the usual nitroposka. The proportions for the preparation of the solution - 5 g of granules on 500 ml of water. Water room temperature. Carefully dissolve. Seeds hold 12 hours.

Preparation of seed capacities and soil

Cabbage is well pepped, so it is possible to grow it initially in any convenient or existing containers. If there are pots, use pots. There are drawers, squeeze in boxes.

It is more convenient to plant a cabbage from individual pots with a greenhouse of a cabbage from individual pots with a diameter of about 8 cm. By the time of moving to the garden of seedlings should have four adult sheets.

Soil for sowing cabbage is needed not heavy. Traditionally used peat. If there is an opportunity, the part of the humus is mixed with a part of the turf, the sand can not be added. And peat, and a mixed substrate must be spoiled wood ash. The liter of the substrate is used near the tablespoon. The ash is sieved before that. Then it is thoroughly mixed with soil.


You can sow seeds late cabbage at the end of February. Before disembarking, seedlings in the garden can pass to 60 days. The latest deadlines for sowing later varieties - mid-March. Later, it is inappropriate to sow in the middle lane, the heads will not have time to grow.

Tip! If you are late with sowing late varieties, lay the middle-easier. Some secondary varieties, for example, a "gift", are stored for up to four months, have good data for canning and can be used in fresh form.

Passing in shallow grooves, about 2 cm deep. The distance between the crops in the box is 5 cm. When two full-fledged sheets appear, shoots will have to switches in such a way that a distance of at least 5 cm remains between seedlings. If you sew in the pot, decompose 3-4 seeds on the corners of the imaginary square, over the soil. Push up on top of a two-chamber peat layer. Sevings are poured and covered with film.

After germs that will appear on 5-7 days, the film is removed immediately and is no longer used.

Late varieties need a lot of sunlight, heat and moisture, so that the cochanists can fully increase. Only finally overwhelmed kocheans can be stored all winter until summer. Therefore, the landing place is selected open. Soil fertilizes organichea from autumn. Cabbage adores organic fertilizers - this is the best option of feeding for this plant. Especially in the fertilizer soil needed cabbage late. 1 m² is used to 7 kg of overworked organic matter. You can fertilize vegetable compost. But an organic animal in addition, in the form of a solution, should be used for preset feeding and for periodic, which are carried out at least three during the growing season.


At the end of April, wells are digging well in the number of seedlings. Seedling moves into wet soil, with a moistened room, not plundered. Watering is needed abundant. The first feeding is held for the twentieth day after disembarking.

The hole is maintained clean from weeds. Soil frills. After the start of the formation of the outer knockers, the plant must be emphasized.

Best Landsef Cabbage

Cabbage varieties, unlike other garden vegetables, is not so much withdrawn. Against the many hundreds of varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, pepper - just a few dozen early, medium and late cabbage varieties. Some of them, besides, have been bred in the USSR from numerous hybrids, so they can not be called the best. The most popular, most often and successfully grown are the following late varieties.


Aggressor - Popular Hybrid Variety

Marking "F1" is a hybrid in the first generation. Growing is subject to any region. Its characteristic signs - slow motion in stage after planting seedlings; Unpretentiousness and ease of plant care.

By the way! This variety grows almost without care. In any case, so carefully, as you do not need to care for him. You can "forget" to pour, get down (withstands the lack of nitrogen and drought).

Color - greens with blue. There is a wax flare. The structure of the Kochan - high density. Solid, shot down fruit reaches five kilograms. Grown for four months. After 120 days from shoots reaches full ripeness. Cracking almost does not occur, it is possible to prolonged cleaning to almost the first frosts.

Sustainable grade to a black leg is not amazed by fusariasis, trips, not subject to phytoofluorosis. One of the best for chairs is stored in the Cochanic for five months.

Video - Cabbage "F1 Agressor"


One of the most popular varieties of the Belarusian selection. Vegetation time is long - up to 165 days. Heads of medium mass - 4 kg. But the taste is exceptional. It is used for the entire head, heads, stored with fresh about eight months, before the beginning of May. Differs in high yield.

White cabbage. Grade "Mara"

A bluish wax on thick outdoor leaves is pronounced. The grade is graft resistance to rot.


Cabbage Belococcal "Moskovskaya" late

This is a giant grade. Heads can reach ten kilograms. Ripens, nevertheless, in just 130 days. It is considered one of the most productive varieties. Surface color green-gray. The inside in the section is white with yellow. The taste is not just good - excellent. Many sugars, ascorbic acid, minerals.

By the way! It is capable of increasing temperatures to -6 ° C ... 8 ° C. Therefore, the timing of landing and cleaning can be shifted to an earlier (spring) and later (autumn) time.

With dense consistency is characterized by juit. Resistant to cracking and most diseases of cruciferous. The processing needs only from slugs and tweces.

Stored at a temperature of + 5 ° C 9 months or more.

The variety is ideal for the chairs and production of any billets. Heads are small - up to five kilograms. Increased density. Coloring green-sisaya with a bloom. Inside white. Sustainability is to root rot and mushroom infections.

By the way! This is a cold-resistant grade, but he does not tolerate heat and reacts negatively to drought. Therefore, it needs additional irrigation.

Vegetation varieties lasts 160 days. The term of storing average duration - up to six months. Therefore, this variety is better to use to create winter stocks of pickles. It is perfectly transported, not subject to damage, it does not crack, cleaning can be done mechanically.


Cabbage "Megaton F1"

The most rare among late hybrids, after the leader of the "aggressor". The growing period is laid within a four-month term. Kochan grows tight, weighing up to 5 kg. This is a Dutch hybrid, and breeders made as much as possible about the "brainchild", providing him with immunity not only to diseases, but also to insect damage.

Excellent transportation abilities. Pretty high taste options. It is stored for a short time - five months. Used for calving. It needs rapid watering and an increased norm of mineral feeding.

"Snow White"

Cabbage "Snow White" (late)

Late variety is considered universal because it is suitable for storage for eight months and for all types of salting and canning, as well as for fresh use.

By the way! The high healing properties of this cabbage variety and its elevated food qualities are noted. It is considered useful for children, since it supplies many substances needed by a growing body.

Forks are completely mature reaches 4 kg. Vegetation deadlines - 160 days. Beautiful turquoise leaves, white dense inside. It is not damaged when the harvest and transportation is delayed.

Very popular ugorodnery medium strip grade. Domestic hybrid. Ripens long - up to 180 days. The weight characteristics of the Kochana do not exceed 4 kg. 8 months stored. But with all these "ordinary" qualities, Valentina is distinguished by the outstanding qualities of taste. It characterizes high sugar, crust performance, plug density. Use is possible in all cabbage "IPOSTS". But best, except for perfect storage, cabbage tolerates chairs.

Cabbage Belococcal "Valentine"

Also a popular hybrid with perfectly rounded five-kilogram cochanists that ripen for 150 days. Vividly expressed wax raid. Middle white. Very dense kochan. 7 months stored. Can be used for chance. This variety, with such "lan", one in one cochanists, is distinguished by high marketability, simultaneous maturation and ease of harvest. Does not require specific care. It is susceptible to sickness of cabbage and pests.

"Sugar head"

Cabbage grade "Sugar head"

The speaking name of this late grade indicates its high sugar. It is at all no bitterness, therefore it is used primarily in the latest form. Not only organic sugars are contained in large quantities, but also many mineral substances, and a number of vitamins, led by ascorbic acid.

Giant cabbage "Sugar head"

By the way! Resistance to fusarium, bacterial diseases, keel and eight-month-old storage period contributes to the popularity of the variety.

After 160 days from the beginning of the vegetation, the kochens are gaining a mass of 3.5 kg. This is quite a bit, given that some varieties grow three times harder. But nutritional value is taken into account when choosing a grade for cultivation, so the "sugar head" is not in the last place among the popular late varieties of cabbage garden white.

This hybrid, named eloquently by its properties (high blood pressure), nevertheless, very small weight, and respectively, sizes, kochanov. The maximum to which the forks grows - 3 kg. Ripens 155 days. It has taste quality above average immediately after collecting. Then, during the storage, they increase significantly. The variety can be stored until June, full nine months. Moreover, it is not even enough to preserve it immediately after the collection, but in the middle of the storage period. At this time, somewhere by February, the kochevy reaches the highest sugar.

Extremely late satuned hybrid, maturing 175 days. The mass of the Kochana does not exceed 4 kg. Recommended by summer houses for growing prolonged and good fierce. Storage is possible up to 8 months. All varieties of canning tolerates perfectly, keeping unchanged vitamin composition. High juice content. Above average coach density. Not subject to fusarious fading. The yield is strong.

This "pirate" variety is a middle-variable hybrid. It is preferred for a relatively short ripening time, which is 130 days. Casuals of a small weight - 3.5 kg. The fantasticity to late varieties does not reach the shelf life - no longer than 5 months. But canned but canned immediately after cleaning. Taste characteristics are equally high both in fresh and canned products.

Table. Terms and duration of the main stages of growing popular lateral cabbage varieties

VarietyThe duration of the seedier (in the days)Ripening time (in days)Shelf life (in months)
"Aggressor"50 120 5
"Mara"60 165 8
"Moscow"55 130 9
60 160 6
Megaton55 130 5
60 180 8
55 150 7
"Sugar head"60 160 8
60 155 9
60 175 8
50 130 5

Video - Late late cabbage

To grow in a garden of a large harvest of cabbage, only the best varieties should be used. You can learn about the most used varieties from this article.

Cabbage is considered one of the residents of Russia consumed by residents. It is rich in vitamins and nutrients. The plant is almost daily used in the preparation of various dishes, as well as in the raw form. It is necessary to choose the cabbage seeds correctly, the best varieties for the open soil will be able to give the highest yield indicators.

Head of cabbage

Various climatic conditions and the composition of the soil can affect the yield and the quality of the grown cabbage. For example, in the suburban region, climatic conditions differ significantly from the weather of the northern and southern regions of the country, and therefore the technology of growing cabbage will be different.

Also when choosing varieties should be focused on growing goals. Early cabbage is used exclusively in raw form and can not be stored for a long time. Late varieties are not such tender, as early, but they are the timing of storage of such varieties much higher.

Early cabbage

The grade of the early cabbage does not differ in high levels of the height, and the amount of crop is not too high. The advantage of these varieties is high ripening speed. The time of maturation of such varieties is about 60-80 days from the date of the transplant of seedlings into the soil.

Sort Junskaya

Cabbage of the early ripening cabbage is usually small and rather loose. For processing and continuous storage, such cabbage does not apply. Such cabbage is growing for use in raw form.

Best grade of early cabbage:

  • June.
  • Zora.
  • Cossack F1.
  • Yaroslavna.
  • Athlete F1.

For the Siberian region, it is recommended to choose separate cabbage seeds, the best varieties for open soil for Siberia are zoned and hybrid varieties. They are able to withstand low temperatures without losing their taste.

Grade Cossack F1

Early grades are also highly popular in the Siberian region due to early harvest. In short summer, this quality is indispensable.

Medium types of cabbage

This cabbage category can be called an intermediate option. Kochny cabbage is more dense than in early varieties and not so tender. It can be used, both in the raw form and for the manufacture of culinary dishes and processing.

Variety gift

Ripening such cabbage is a longer - 80-120 days from the date of planting seedlings into the soil.

  • Present.
  • Glory 1305.
  • Hinova F1.
  • Belarusian 455.
  • CowTer F1.

Cowter F1

Late windows of cabbage

Late varieties are considered the most crop. They are ideal for long-term storage, processing, use in raw form, preparation of culinary dishes. Simply put, for any purpose.

Late varieties are distinguished by the longest maturation date - more than 130 days from the date of planting seedlings in open ground. It is believed that the kochens of such sorts of cabbage are less than others accumulate nitrates, and therefore are more useful for human health.

AMAGER grade 611

  • Amaager 611.
  • Saratog F1.
  • Kolobok F1.
  • Sugar head.
  • Snow White.

The peculiarity of such varieties is that with long-term storage there is an increase in the sugar content in the cabbage. Watching a large variety of cabbage seeds in horticultural stores, the best varieties for open-air storage should be chosen only from late varieties.

Regional species of cabbage

With all the diversity of species, the quality of the crop may depend on the soil composition on which the cabbage is grown. Experienced gardeners recommend choosing only the zoned cabbage varieties.

Sugar head

They are specifically designed for specific regions, take into account the climate and the composition of the soil. Thus, the yield of the zoned varieties will be significantly higher.

Cabbage as agricultural culture does not require care at the stage of maturation. But experience is proved: such delusions harm cultivation. A widespread cabbage springs is an open primer, and the choice of varieties for him is complex. The characteristics of the varieties will help determine the best views of how to properly care what kind of garden to choose, and for what purposes you can use cabbage after ripening.

Growing cabbage in the garden - profitable and easy

What are the rules of growing vegetable on the open soil?

In the preface it was mentioned that cabbage requires care against the usual opinion among gardeners. On the open ground, the fruit is waiting for many dangers than in a greenhouse. You can classify threats by basic categories, they look like this:

  • Diseases.
  • Pests.
  • Animals.
  • Inappropriate soil.
  • External conditions.

Cabbage seeds are best bought in proven firms

Each factor adversely affects the development and cauldron's growth, and it is not recommended to close the eyes at these points.

Best Sorts for Open Soil


This cabbage variety is a discovery for gilders who grow culture on the open soil. Mribovsky-147 refer to the early view: a distinctive feature - the kochens of medium density. The weight of each of them varies within 1-3 kg. Casuals and leaves with a pale shade of green. Mribovsky-147 variety refers to those for whom the friendly formation is characteristic. Sowing cabbage is better to produce in mid-April, landing - in mid-May. The landing on the ground square is 40 by 60 centimeters.

Mushroom Grade 147 Great for a private farming

  • It is necessary to grow in the open ground cabbage of this variety carefully, attention should be paid to the acidity of soil and shadow.
  • It is important and secure the plant from pests and insects, for which it is recommended to stock preparations.
  • Dangerous for fungi culture and frost, planting late. Maturation of this variety occurs, depending on the conditions for 90-120 days.

Growing through seedlings accelerates crop maturation

For one square meter of the soil, you can get a harvest to 7 kilograms of Kochanov. Mribovsky-147 for culinary masterpieces is indispensable.

№1 Polar K-206 (early species)

Midhranny sorts of cabbage "No. 1 Polar K-206" - common and successful variety for open soil. Experienced gardens prefer early varieties of K-206. Distinctive characteristics of this variety: Compact socket (polymeter diagonal), half-raised leaves and rounded Kochan correct shape. Leaves with a grayish tint, although this variety by nature is deprived of them.

Sort No. 1 Polar K-206 is derived for industrial cultivation in the northern regions

The diameter of Kochan varies within 15-25 centimeters, and the mass of up to 2.2 kilograms. It is important to note the yield. The minimum value is 6 kg, a maximum of 11 kg. The advantage of the K-206 resistance to the appearance of cracks in the kochene. Flowering this variety is minimal. The cooking is better suitable for consuming in raw form, salads and quay.

From varieties suitable for open soil, this contains the maximum number of vitamins C and K.


This variety of smaller sizes, although compensates for it by rapid growth and yield. This type, growing and outdoor, is distinguished by a mass of Kochan in 1.5 kilograms. Silver resistance at the Transfer variety is also high. The color is light green, and inside - white.

Agronomas class grade as the one that gives a harvest in a rapid time. Hybrid. Freezing "Transfer" also withstands positively.

Cabbage transfer can not be picked, and sow in separate containers

Grow grade for consumption in raw form. But it will be consolidated for cooking, borscht, casualties and other dishes. The field of seating falls for April. Seeds are seeded through peat pots - "transfer" badly tolerates a transplant. The variety is susceptible to the red-colored flesh, so requires spraying with the corresponding drugs to protect against pest. Speakers "Transfer" quickly, for 50 days - a record among varieties, which are suitable for growing on the open soil.

F Sprint

The positive features of the "transfer" borrowed another hybrid - F sprint. Among similarities, the rapid ripening of the variety is noted - this process takes 55 days on the open soil. Kochan cabbage of this variety round, leaves - with a weakly distinguishable wax chain. The f sprint density is different, which is better affected by weight. The mass of a separate instance starts from 900 grams and reaches 1.8 kg. It is resistant to the appearance of cracks, the cabbage seeds can be raised early - already in early April. Friendly maturation is another characteristic feature of the variety. The yield reaches 10 kilograms per square meter of open soil. In June - July, the first plants are obtained for eating.

Sprint variety - very harvest and perfectly stored until spring

Best of all f sprint shows itself as the ingredient of salads. The yield of commercial products is 92% - a record indicator for cabbage.

Best features:

  • Early grade.
  • High yield.
  • Maximum output percentage.
  • Resistance to freezers.
  • High density of kochanov.

F Rinda

The variety F Rinda is the full antipode of the twinth of F Sprint, surpasses in the dimensions and weight of a separate Kochan one. One plant weighs 4-6 kilograms. The density of the variety is average, and the leaves are located compactly - using the standard mesh for disembarking, you get the reception of the crops. Freezing F Rinda resists well, but in conditions of lack of moisture lives long - gardeners lose their crop due to the fact that they did not bother better follow the state of the soil.

Rinda cabbage - new for farms

Among the deficiencies of the variety, there is an increased demand for the level of lighting - the fee for the large sizes of kochanov and high yield.

Rinda cabbage is juicy and soft, which makes it the best ingredient for salads and other dishes of national cuisine. A distinctive feature of the variety is the possibility of long-term storage. It is also possible to transport it over long distances - the strength of the Kochannes is higher than the average.

This variety is shown for open soil, but in contrast to the other above, the middle-friendly presented is its ripening period of several more cabbage species presented. This period is at least 100 days, and with a lack of heat - 150 days. The weight of the kochanov varies from one and a half and to three kilograms, in warm climatic belts can exceed this indicator. Golden hectare is better with the freezing and transported over long distances. The planting in the ground is better to produce 60 centimeters scheme.

Cabbage Golden hectare tested by time

The yield is at least 5 kilograms per square meter. With proper care and absence of diseases, out to 9 kilograms, which is higher than the average for medium-old varieties.

Golden hectare is better suitable for consuming in fresh, as well as cooking, borscht and cabbage rolls.

Cabbage collection Golden hectare

Characteristic and best features:

  • Long maturation.
  • Resistance to disease.
  • Early landing.
  • Neutility for care and climate.


Talking about cabbage varieties that are suitable for landing in open ground, it is important to note the late varieties. A popular representative serves a bun. Similar types of plants are kept winter. Maturation period of at least 130, and sometimes - and 150 days. Casuals with a minimal mass of 3 kg, although they are able to achieve and marks in 5 kg. 50-day seedlings at the beginning of summer landed in the soil, and the seeds are pre-treated with heat for pests stability.

Variety Kolobok is great for sale in the market

Cleaning Kochanov begins in October, which is convenient for many rural farms and gardeners: the load on them is less than in other months of the year.

Casuals with density above average. Cabbage varieties "Kolobok" is better suitable for salads and chairs. It can be stored before the beginning of the summer of next year. Advantages and best qualities:

  • Undemanding for climatic conditions.
  • High resistance to frost.
  • Storage.

What diseases are the sort of cabbage on the open soil?

A common factor depriving gorgeous harvest is called diseases - they are damaged. Cabbage disease on the open soil agronomists are called alternariasis. Another naming of this disease is black spot. Symptoms Recognize Easy: The plant is abundantly covered by necrotic formations in the form of brown spots of the wrong shape: more often - ellipses, less often - round.

Rotten cabbage - insidious diseases that can destroy the harvest

In the development of the disease, the nature of the concentric and cover the surface of the plant is acquired. A black flare is noticeable around them - disputes of fungi, which becomes the dispensers of the disease.

To prevent seeds heated at a temperature of 50 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Wank on the cabbage sucks juices from plants

White rot is no less common. Drops are possible from Kochan and outside. In 80% of cases, the first symptom is raided on the bottom of the leaves, which is on the touch and visually similar to a web. Infection occurs on the outdoor ground, due to increased acidity. Other common diseases: BEL, PENOSPOROS, False mildew and vascular bacteriosis carry a much smaller danger to this agricultural culture.

One of the favorite and common crops in our country is a white cabbage. To date, there are a large variety of varieties of this vegetable, they differ in the timing of crop ripening, choosing a variety, it is worth considering its purpose. In order to quickly enjoy the taste of fresh salad, it is necessary to pick up early, and if you need to be kept for a long period (winter), it is worth putting a variety with late crop maturation.

Overrandy varieties

Duma F1.

Ultrahed high-yielding hybrid, a period of hacking kochanov lasts only 50-55 days after planting seedlings into the ground. The heads have a round shape and a small weight of only 1-1.5 kg, the color of the surface sheet plate light-salad, sometimes with blue, in the context - white. The hybrid is highly valued for the ability of good fruiting even in adverse conditions (shadensing, thickening, drought), it is not intended for long-term storage.


The variety belongs to the ultra-splady sickness of the seedlings before cleaning the heads goes around 55-58 days. Casuals of the rounded shape weigh only about 2 kg, the color of the sheet plate is dark green. The variety is usually used to prepare various dishes or preservations, since it contains a large amount of calcium, iron, vitamins A, C and nutrients. It has resistance to cracking.

Zose F1

The ripening period of cabbage after germs lasts 50-60 days, so this hybrid can be safely attributed to ultra-space. Kochanov's density is good, their form is rounded, and the color of the surface sheets is light green, in the context - white, weight ranges in the range of 3-4.2 kg. Culture can be grown in open ground and greenhouses or greenhouses, it is resistant to most cauldronized diseases, not cracking and does not bloom.


The rapid yield variety of white cabbage, enjoy fresh vegetables it will be 45-55 days after seeding. Cocheans are rounded, the color of the surface leaf plates is light green, and in the context of a whiteish yellow shade. The mass of the mature head varies from 0.8 to 1.5 kg. The grade almost painlessly tolerate temperature decreases, does not bloom and is not cracking.

Nosomy F1.

The hybrid is extraracted, harvesting can be performed only 45-55 days after planting seedlings into open ground. Sharp shape shape, flat plates are smooth, green, the weight of the mature head does not exceed 2 kg, they are well saved on the root. The hybrid can give a rich harvest even when the soil is converged, immune to alternariasis and a black leg.

Early varieties


High-threshold early grade, in 80-95 days after planting seedlings, you can massively remove the harvest with beds. The shape of the mature heads round-flat color of the leafy plates green, the weight of the Kochan can reach from 4 to 8 kg. The grade is immune to fusarious fading and black rot, recommended that in the fresh form and processing, can maintain properties within 4 months.

Granddaughter F1.

The heads are fully formed after 85-100 days after the seedlings shoot. Cocheans have a smooth round-flat form, the diameter of the leaf plate is 45-50 cm, the density is average, the mass does not exceed 2 kg. The hybrid is valued for the intensive formation of heads and excellent commodity and taste, resistant to cracking. Mainly used for processing.

Golden hectare

Refers to early varieties, although cabbage heads are fully formed by 95-110 days after the first germination. The weight varies from 1.5 to 3.5 kg, the form rounded, dense structure, the upper sheet plates have a white-green color. Under the optimal cultivation conditions, the harvest is well transported for long distances, resistant to flossibility and cracking.

Losinoostrovskaya 8.

Crop ripening lasts 80-100 days after planting seedlings. The heads round-flat medium size and density (2.5-3.5 kg), the sheet plates are medium-sized to be low-raced pigmentation along the edges and wax rolling through the entire sheet, their color is gray-green. The variety is great for chairs and processing. It has increased resistance to keel.

Kraft F1

The raven hybrid is characterized by the formation of heads for 105-110 days after the seed shoot. Casuals are ordinary, rounded, their color is green, and in the context - white, the mass of ripe heads is about 2 kg, the density is average. Under the optimal conditions of growth, the hybrid gives a harvest together, does not crack, immune to the phomose, white and gray rot.

Middle varieties

The most damned middle varieties include the following:

Glory 1305.

Refers to the best varieties of white cabbage with an average crop maturation (100-120 days) for operating ground conditions, widespread in the suburbs. Casuals often have a rounded shape, less often - round-flat, their mass varies within 3.5-5 kg, the density of sheets is average. The variety is more than other average limb steadworking, is well transported and can maintain its qualities for three months.

Marshmallow F1

The representative of the middle-timeline hybrids of white cabbage, the heads to use will be ready in 95-115 days after the seedlings. Rounded Kochan has a slightly corrugated leaves, weighs up to 2 kg, the color of the outer sheet plates is light green, and in the cut white. Ripe mature heads can be maintained up to 30 days and are not cracking. The hybrid is immune to the fusarium and flowerness.


Harvesting varieties with the average timing of Socialized Kochanov, the formation period lasts from 110 to 130 days. The heads are formed quite dense rounded-flat, leaf plates of dark green color, weigh up to 4 kg. The variety is appreciated for the stable feed rate, cracking resistance and most diseases of the white cabbage, tolerates transport well.


The dates of the ripening of the harvest is medium, from the appearance of germs to harvesting kochanov from the beds will be held from 115 to 130 days. Cocheans are formed with a dense structure, their form rounded surface color is greenish-white, and the weight varies within 2.5-5 kg. Heads under optimal conditions can be stored for 5 months, they do not crack and are not infected with the main diseases of the cabbage. The variety is suitable for savings and consumption in the form.

Mother-in-law F1

The formation of kochanov is completed by 125-130 days after the seedlings. The shape of the heads are typical for white cabbage - rounded, the density is average, in the context of the whitish shade, the surface leaf plates have a gray-green color, the weight of the mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. Casuals perfectly carry out transportation for long distances, their properties can save within 4 months.

Late varieties

Belorussian 455.

It is a representative of varieties with late crop maturation, since the ready-to-eat kochens can be collected after 130-140 days after the appearance of germs. The shape of the heads rounded, the leaf plates have a dark green color, their diameter is 45-50 cm, the mass of mature vegetable can reach 3.5-4 kg. Cocheans are designed for long-term storage, well tolerate transportation and resistant to cracking.

Stone head

High-threshold lateral sort of cabbage, to technical ripeness of kochanov takes 140-160 days, suitable for regions with a dry hot summer period. Heads are formed dense, large (3-6 kg), have a rounded form, in the context of white sheets. The variety is used for processing and long-term storage, resistant to cracking.

Katyusha F1.

The harvest ripens for 150-160 days after the appearance of the first germs is designed for growing in the open soil. The shape of the Kochanov is a flat-core, the color of the surface sheets is gray-green, in the context - whiteish. The mass of the mature head usually does not exceed 3.5 kg. The hybrid is suitable for saving and long-term storage, resistant to bacteriosis.

Sugar head

The head formation period lasts 150-160 days after seedlings. Casuals of medium size weigh up to 3 kg, the density is good, their form is often rounded, the color of the surface sheets is gray-green, in the context they have a white color. It is better to plant a culture in an open ground in areas where cucumbers or legumes grew.

Kolobok F1.

This protein cabbage hybrid refers to late, because it will be possible to remove the harvest with beds 125-130 days after planting seedlings. Flood heads have a very dense structure, the mass of mature can reach 5 kg, the outdoor sheet color is green, in the context of the white color. The hybrid is designed for transportation for long distances and storage in winter.

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What cabbage is better

Belococcal: Be sure to glory 231, a gift is excellent. What an early one must be necessary (at least transfer). Kratman in all respects is excellent, but where is the guarantee that they sell it.

Tip:. Babus sowed on the seedlings in the snow, shelted with a polyethylene film. I melted. I discovered, I covered the night. There was a normal seedlings.

The indisputable advantage of medium grades is the possibility of use for subsequent processing: quay, canning, and so on. To the number

Other cabbage

It is important! During the seed of seed, the soil temperature should be 18 ... 24 OS, moisture mode - 70 - 80%. Soil cut, low (less than 4-6 ° C) and high (more than 25 ° C) Temperature can cause stress. As a result, the cabbage formed small heads and rapid flowering.

Cherry land - 1 part.

As good as it gets

For prophylaxis against the slugs, aphids and snails of the plant and the soil around them are powered by wood ash, consuming a glass on sq.m.

The grown seedlings of early grades of white cabbage is planted from April 25 to May 5, later - from 10 to 20 May, the secondary-season - from May 20 to 31, the last period of landing - June 1. The width of the rivers for early varieties is 40-50 cm, the distance between plants in a row is 25 cm, for medium and late varieties, respectively, 60 cm and 35 cm.

The cabbage is better to take the middle or late, Cochanic tight, absolutely high-quality, without the slightest rotting or blaracing. Chopping cabbage and hand over it with salt. Next, the remaining components are added as ready and stirred carefully.

Top to hide with a washed large cabbage leaves, which were removed from the top of the Kochan, on them - a wooden circle and on it - a pitch (for example, a large jar with water).

Cabbage for storage in winter and dump

White cabbage of middle and late varieties. Fresh kocheans, formed, without cracks, dense, not loose, whole, healthy, clean. Weight every kochan no less seven grams. It is forbidden to quarreling frozen cabbage. Recommended varieties: Glory, Belarusian, Mushroom, Kashirskaya, Baby and others.

Cabbage has always been considered the most chassis in Russia, the cold winters even imagine hard without a boasting, solyan and pies. Unpretentious this culture, but most of all amazes a variety: Cabbage varieties for chairs there are absolutely all periods of maturation. No wonder the record broke the Kochan, grown on Alaska, - thirty-four kilograms of crisp weight! No need cabbage special fertilizers and heat, she loves moisture and coolness.

- I'm sazing Belarusian, Kolobok, Nadezhda-Late, Shuttle, June-Early, Movir, Snowball

But to plant seeds to a permanent place. Excellent. It will be well developed a rod root and cabbage less will need watering.

  • Most popular middle cabbage varieties
  • When cauliflower sewn appears, the plants will need to be periodically making fertilizers. Typically spend 3 feeders. The first - after the appearance of the 2nd ... of the 3rd real leaf. Subsequent feeders make an interval of 10 days. The following are used as feeding:
  • Please note that the soil for seedlings of this type of cabbage should be easier in their mechanical composition. Therefore, it is desirable to add to the prepared soil of overworked sawdust and river large sand with equal parts - in the amount of one liter can.
  • A worthy reward to each owner of the cottage is the good harvest of vegetables grown by the work of his own hands. Now we describe the harvest process grown by us.
  • Planting seedlings are recommended on cloudy days or closer to the evening. Two hours before landing it is well watered with water
  • Carrots clean and grasp the Korean (grater or combine), mix with cabbage. Sweet pepper clean, cut into straw thinly, add to cabbage. Celery and Khrena roots are better to chop blender. Celery is normal on the grater, and it is possible to simply shook themselves and fought for a rest.
  • Three days in warmth during fermentation product will highlight foam, it needs to be removed. Then the berthes can be removed, pierce the cabbage to the bottom to leave the gases, and then put it on the cold. You can try almost immediately, but it will get the right taste in two weeks.
  • Fresh dining room carrot: Healthy roots, fresh, homogeneous in color, solid, not damaged pests, the size of at least three centimeters to the largest diameter. Recommended varieties with a bright orange flesh and core.

Cabbage, sauna in Bohemian

European (especially at the Germans) sauerkraut is preparing exactly the same as the Russians, but usually served hot - to grilled meat, sausages and sausages. This is very correctly done: it is the sauerkraut that helps to digest oily and fried, accelerates metabolism.

-Babliness: SB3, mother-in-law, Ulyana, gift, hope, rhines, Rinda.

- The cabbage is always soy for storage, Rinda really likes, Belarusian and glory will never undermine the June South in obligatory. (Thank you crackled, you need a new variety, name with numbers - L)

Below: a gift, glory 1305, Metropolitan, Belarusian 455, Braunshwaitskaya. Among the hybrids, Megaton, Menza, Rinda, Ganiballe, Hermes and others can be distinguished.

Raisin in Sweat

The infusion of wood ash at the rate of 200 gram cup on a 10 liter bucket;

To disinfect the soil in which the seedl of cauliflower planted from seeds will grow, it is necessary enough for a long time - 1-2 months pre-turn (on the balcony, outdoors in the yard). After that, grounding of the soil is possible, but such disinfection is not always effective, because In parallel with diseases, you can kill and useful microflora. Usually additionally thermal processing is performed if there is a threat that keel is present in the ground.

Harvest cabbages of early grades are cleaned in July - August, selectively, as Cochanic maturity formations; The secondary-season - from the end of September, late - from mid-October. Cabbage for serving can be removed at the end of October (it can withstand freezing up to -10 degrees). Cochanic cut off with a sharp knife. The cabbage intended for long-term storage is necessarily leaving a long numor with 2-3 loosely adjacent leaves. The collected crop is stored at a temperature of 0-5 degrees and air humidity 80-85%.

. During the landing in the hole, 0.5 - 1 liter of water is poured, the seedlings are plugged to the level of the first real leaves and pressed the soil. The first 2 - 3 days landed seedlings shadow. After 4 - 5 days after the landing in the place of the dead plants, new ones are planted.

With green tea

In a big bowl, mix the vegetable mixture with spices. To cover with a wooden circle or just a plate, put on top of the nork. After two or three days at room temperature, fermentation reaches apogee. It is necessary to pierce the cabbage, release gases, remove the foam.

An interesting recipe for people inhibit about their health. Ten kilograms of cabbage need half a kilogram of carrots, two heads of garlic, a pack of stagmaging bike green tea and ten canteens, with a slide filled, spoons of a good salt.

Apples are fresh: not lower than the first grade, mature, clean, not damaged pests. Recommended varieties: Antonovka, Anis, Flasky, Babushkino and others.

Cabbage varieties for the digestion are absolutely all, but traditionally they are waiting for the average breath and late. Since it is chopped in the middle of autumn - in October to keep in a natural cold.

With cranberries

- Beijing Like Sort Nick

- Cabbage main for storage I have Landegeker, but the Dutch and domestic seeds are the sky and the earth, you need to get Dutch.

Late varieties are the most frost. In addition, they have excellent taste and less than the others, prone to the accumulation of nitrates, and therefore most secure for our health. They are suitable for both fresh use and processing.

Infusion of cowboy in a ratio of 1:10 with the addition of a tablespoon of superphosphate;

It is important! Soil for sowing for cauliflower seedlings should be a light and enriched organic. The prepared substrate should be neutral, and not acidified. For the deoxidation of 1 liters of land, the oven ash - 20 g or flour Dolomites - 15

Before gentle the seeds of cauliflower, first of all, it is necessary to calibrate and check for germination. It is done simple enough:

The happy owners of cottages and garden sites located in the southern regions of the country practicing seeds landing immediately at a permanent place in open ground and at the same time have time to get a good crop of white cabbage on their own dacha.

With hell

The next day, you can catch it in banks, pour the brine (you do not need to boil, the hell disinfects everything). It is not necessary to close hermetically needed, enough polyethylene covers. Store in the basement or cellar. You can in the refrigerator.

Cabbage to chop (can and large), pull it out with salt before the appearance of abundant juice, the carrot wipe through the Korean cooker or vegetable cutter and mix with the cabbage, pouring there and tea. All this is thoroughly mixed and tamper in enameled dishes so that the juice covered cabbage completely.

Cranberries fresh: whole bright berries without twigs, leaves, garbage.

During the summer, the early sorts of cabbage can also be harvested, but most often the workpiece goes on the table immediately - the diversity of the recipes of the label. Over time, most of the traditional salting has been enriched with salads and marinades of grown cabbage.

- This year, Sitschal Kolobok, really liked (Nizhny Novgorod region), the whole cabbage was sazing so-on the bayonet shovels take out the land, the hole on 1/2 fill with fresh grass, top compost, ash, earth and not extinguished lime on the floor of a teaspoon on the well , Mix everything and plant cabbage seedlings. It has been supported once in early August with the insistency of herbs and dipped, there are no big, tougy, now I will always put so much

Growing a good crop of white cabbage in the country

- For the storage of "Kolobok" is good. We eat it to the new crop "June". Casuals solid-hard

Distinguishing with increased bums, lateral cabbage with proper storage calmly remains fresh until the next season. True, it ripens long enough: from landing its seedlings to the ground before harvesting is held more than 130 days. Most popular among

It is important! When distilling and developing cauliflower seedlings do not need to abuse nitric fertilizers, because They increase the soil acidity that for these plants is destructive.

To have an early cauliflower harvest in June, seeding seeds are made only in pots; peat or bulk. Seed seeds can be in peat cubes, cassettes or cardboard trays from eggs.

Growing seedlings cabbage

Seeds inspect and select large, healthy;

For sowing seeds of white cabbage to the ground, select the largest seeds (with a diameter of at least 1.5 - 2 mm).

How to grow cabbage on your own country? The white cabbage is a cold-resistant plant, demanding of humidity of soil and air, the intensive growth of plants is possible only with sufficient water supply. Friendly shoots gives at a temperature of 18-20 degrees. The temperature above 25 degrees acts on it oppressingly, and in hot weather (over 30-35 degrees) is not formed by Kochan.

Now cover the cabbage a plate of smaller diameter than a saucepan, and put the neut. Leave at room temperature. After three days, remove gases, punctures to the bottom of the cabbage in several places.

Lingonberry Fresh: mature, whole, clean berries, without garbage.

Rechazzle seedlings in the ground

White still leader, but it is tested by others - red, Savoy, Broccoli, Brussels, Kohlrabi, of course - cauliflower, Peking. In almost everything goes in the workpiece, although they will not replace the real sauer-protein. Is that Gako and Calibos red-free varieties can stand nearby.

I read somewhere like a woman shared "I remember my mother's words - wrapping the cabbage the tip of the root" - when planting seedlings of each plant, pinch the central root, so that it was better to get better! It feels with your fingers, the others are thorough. - And I instead of the early cabbage by the June Solo Solo, a little less, but never crackLand-timed varieties of cabbage

Water cauliflower, planted with seeds, best sprinkling. This method allows to increase moisture and reduces soil and air temperature. The water water temperature should be higher for several degrees than the temperature of the soil.

Sowing seeds in open ground

Such an agrotechnology allows you to raise seedlings without diving with a further transplant in open soil. Picking this type of cabbage is not shown, because A short rod root can be broken. In addition, cauliflower grown in an individual container, less susceptible to such a damage as keel. Then the seeds are allowed into the container with warm water (47 ... 50 OS;

Seed seeds are exposed to heat treatment to disinfect them from pathogens of mushroom diseases. To do this, we produce seed exposure of 20 minutes in hot water at a temperature of 50 degrees, then quickly cool, placing 2 to 3 minutes in cold water. Processed seeds scatter thin layer to a bulk state. Seeds are ready for sowing.

Types of cabbage: 1. Wild annual. 2. Kochnaya. 3. Color. 4. Kohlrabi. 5. Brussels. 6. Savoy.

A day later, you can move it to banks (to rub as tight as possible) or leave in the same dish, but send to the cold - to the basement or cellar. Some store sauer cabbage in balconies, and nothing terrible happens. She does not lose their wonderful properties, even if it will take off.

Caring for white cabbage

Cumin: seeds without extraneous impurities and without a sharp smell.Extras for lovers and inquisitive are recommended Cauliflower varieties Movir 74, athletes and mushroom 1305, Brussels grade Hercules, Savoy - Golden Early and Jubilee Grade, Magnificent Kolabi Cabbage - Vienna White and Giant. All this is greatly growing both in Siberia and in the middle lane of Russia, including in the Moscow region.

- And I am for the second year in the cabbage bronko. Kachan is not very big, but so tight! In the spring already twisted weighed 4.5 kg. Well kept, juicy and tasty.

- Cabbage "Belorusskaya". As you started to sit, I forgot about softness when sickling. Moscow constantly let me down in this, and she is not enough for storage.

: Kamenka, turquoise plus, caliph, sugar head, snow white; Among the hybrids: Aros, Atry, Bartolo, Extra, Lennox.

In a greenhouse, cauliflower seedlings are needed favorable conditions. If it is hot, the greenhouse is ventilated, excluding drafts that are categorically contraindicated with cauliflower. On the warm days of the frame of the greenhouse can be opened. And before planting seedlings in the ground within a few days in the greenhouse, they support the temperature close to the temperature on the street.

When using wooden boxes for sowing cabbage seeds, they need to be disinfected. This can be done in one of two ways:


After 20 minutes The seeds dropped to the bottom are removed and treated with cold water for 1 min;

Proper landing of cauliflower to seedlings, secrets of experienced summer residents

Preparation of seeds for pasting seedlings

  • To obtain a good crop of white cabbage on its household plot or dacha, first of all, it is necessary to seriously approach the selection of landing sites. It should be an open and sunny smooth plot, at least with a small southern or southeast slope. The site is prepared from the autumn, freeing it from plant residues, and in two weeks they are drunk to a depth of 25-30 cm. Since the cabbage is a white-born responsive to the introduction of mineral or organic fertilizers, we introduce 3-4 kg of manure or 4-5 kg \u200b\u200bof compost sq.m. On rich organic soils, there is enough spring introduction of mineral fertilizers (20-30 g of superphosphate, 20-35 g of potassium chloride and 15-30 g of ammonium nitrates per square meter). In the spring before planting the soil, they are drunk or loosened to a depth of 15-20 cm.
  • Such a sauer cabbage is more like a vitamin salad. Here are the proportions on a small amount of product. You can safely multiply everything for ten!
  • Bay leaf: leaves without twigs, without outstanding odor.
  • The best varieties of cabbage for chairs - and still white-baked! - Early cabbage duma variety, medium-stage - gift, fame and aggressor, Late - Valentine, Krumon F1, AMEGER, Sugar head.

- Cabbage Late Cedack - Valentina, and Semko - Lennox pleased already in bed

- Cabbage Sour only Dutch Krateman, Megaton for Tip. Parel-Early. All the little knocker. For storage Lennox.

Preparation of soil for seedlings

Whatever cabbage varieties you are in the end: late, early or secondary, - try to always give preference to zoned. The thing is that in each region and even the regions of weather conditions are different, and those grades that grow well, for example, in the Tver region, will be less productive in Vologda, and vice versa. Thanks to the landing of the zoned varieties, you are guaranteed to get the maximum harvest of high-quality cabbage kochens, because these varieties are derived taking into account the conditions of particular terrain.

  • Sowing in full swing, and the dachas of deeds are a pavement. All windowsill are forced to be a variety of seedlings, which waits for its o'clock. For seedlings of cabbage at home, not many gardeners can find the place. How to be? You can sow cabbage in a greenhouse, you can - right into the ground, but the most popular solution is to purchase a finished seedlings.
  • Treat a dark solution of manganese;
  • Seeds floating on the surface, rejected.
  • Before planting the seed, it is well treated with the soil, breaking the lumps and breaking it to a depth of 15 - 20 cm. Seeds are sown in the studded grooves. The distance between the rows and nests in a row is similar to the distance when disembarking seedlings. In each nest sulfing 3 - 5 seeds, sprinkling them with a mixture of peat and humus. When forming on plants, the second-third real leaves of the crops thin, leaving two in the nests, and then one most viable plant. Next, take care of sowing, as well as in the case of growing seedlings.

It will correctly grow a white cabbage in one place for no more than 2-3 years in a row. You can not use the same area for planting cabbage earlier than 4 -5 years. The best predecessors for planting cabbage - onions, cucumber, potatoes, root, legumes and grain crops. Cabbage whitewashed as a seedliness, and sowing seeds in the ground.

On a kilogram of white cabbage late varieties, one big carrot, two apples, cranberries to taste - on average glass, tablespoon with a big slide salt. You can add spices! Easy and black pepper, red pepper, very good - bay leaf, perfectly - carnation to apples, perfectly give the aroma of Tsmin, Anis, Coriander. Mustard seeds will get rid of the product from bad bacteria, good mustard does not hurt! Everything to taste.

Salt cooking food, grinding No. 1, not lower than the first grade.

Preparation of Tara for Sowing Seeds

In cold regions, it turns out to grow a variety of cabbage varieties for chairs: Early - Mushroom, Polar K-206, June; Many mediterranean varieties - Belarus, hope, Siberian, Slavs 1265, Megaton, Stakhanovka; From the Late - Amaager, winter mushroom, blizzard, Kharkov Winter and others.

- The neighbor 2 years sits the cabbage crown, the cabbage is awesome!

- Cabbage several varieties of Siberian, sugar head, (it is also well kept) Hope.

  • And how do you choose the sort of cabbage you? And what varieties give preference?
  • We have already discussed how to choose and buy seedlings; Calculated 12 secrets of growing cabbage seedlings, and in the cabbage article, the whole head not only considered all the important features of this popular culture, but also talked about how to grow cabbage with a reckless way, seeding her seeds right into the ground or in a greenhouse. But we missed one equally essential question: how to choose a white cabbage variety than they differ from each other and what to pay attention to when choosing. I propose this omission to fix.

Planting cauliflower seeds to seedlings

Processing boiling water all the surface of the boxes.

Next, calibrated cabbage seeds are soaked at 8 o'clock in the weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese). For the best part of the prepared material, special preparations that stimulate the growth of seeds with a disinfecting effect can be used (for example, epin). After disinfection, the seeds are washed in running water and stacked for a day on the lower shelf of the refrigerator.

  • In areas with soft in winter, if there is a greenhouse in the country, a winter method of growing white-baked cabbage is used. In this case, landing seeds, to obtain seedlings, spend in September, and seedlings in the ground - in November. The crop is cleaned in mid-May, while the cabbage can be eaten before the formation of Kochan, which is especially valuable in the spring.
  • The seeds of cabbage of white early grades are sown from March 5 to March 10, seeds of late varieties - from March 15 to March 30, the middle-air seeds - April 15-20. The soil mixture is prepared by seedlings, mixing in equal amounts of turf, peat and sand. Purprising land is better taken from the places of growth of perennial plants. On the bucket of the soil mixture add 1 tbsp. A spoonful of superphosphate, 2 tbsp. Spoons of wood ash and 1 tbsp. A spoonful of chalk or lime - fluffs. The finished soil mixture fill the boxes for seedlings, carefully smoke and watered with a solution of potassium mangartage. In the ground they make grooves for seeds 1 cm depth at a distance of 3 cm one from another. Seeds are seeded in these grooves after 1 cm from each other and fall asleep with the same soil mixture. Water through a siter with a small amount of warm water.
  • Remove the upper damaged leaves from the cabbage, several whole leaves put separately - you will need. Quarter Kochan, cut down the knockerel and chopping thinly, long straw. Purified carrot grazing in Korean. Grate apples on a large grater, you can with skin.

From the appetizers on the table Queen - sauerkraut. Methods of workpiece can be different, but it always reigns. In this recipe, the proportions tested by our grandmothers are observed.

And the best cabbage varieties for chairs are argued by other people, - the mid-air anniversary F1, a gift, Menza, Belarusian, Volodya, and from the Late - of course, AMEGER, here the opinions came together. And also - Geneva F1 and Turkis.

Cabbage Care Care

- Cabbage Kharkiv Winter, Kolobok, Snow White, Turquoise, Yaroslavna, but last year I tried the aggressor - I liked much more. After all, the seeds are sitting immediately in the garden in the hole, in the summer we will clean and clean in the fall.

  • - And the bun is good, it does not crack and stored fine
  • From the late sorts last year, the Sugar Head grade was planted ... I liked it very much))
Before choosing the sort of cabbage, it is necessary to decide what exactly you need it: for early use in the latest form, for salting and preservation or for long-term storage.

Seeding cauliflower seeds to seedlings are made in sowing boxes or individual cups. Traditionally in every pot, in each hole boxes are lay 2 seeds. They are plunged into 2 centimeters, after which the soil is sprinkled and murdered with dry, stealied river sand. Then the packaging is covered with glass or film and put into a warm dark place. At a temperature of 20 ° C, shoots appear on the 2nd ... 4th day after landing. At this point, it is very important from two sprouts to leave one - the strongest.

Interestingly: For cauliflower seed disinfection before sowing, garlic juice can be used, which divorces water in a ratio of 1: 3.

How to choose a white cabbage variety

Care includes watering, weeding weeds and processing of rods, feeding, the fight against pests and diseases.

Boxes with seedlings are placed on the windowsill, through the day the soil is sprayed with water. At a temperature of 18-20 degrees, shoots appear on 5-7 days. After the appearance of germs, it will correctly be a box with a sediment to the room, the temperature of which does not exceed 7-8 degrees. If this is not done, the seedlings will quickly stretch and will then die.

What varieties are and what they differ

Cabbage, apples and carrots mix with salt. Take a big enamelted saucepan, screaming it with boiling water, to be sealing a bottom of half harvested upper cabbage leaves. On the leaves, lay out some of the cabbage mass, shift the cranberry, then add the next part. Put the cranberry again. Etc. The last layer must be cabbage.

Early varieties

Seven kilograms of cabbage need to be cleaned by a kilogram of carrots, half a row. It will take a hundred grams of salt and a bay leaf with black pepper peppers on the bottom of the dishes.

Our grandmothers are confident that only winter cabbage varieties are well suited. In fact, it is not. The main thing is that the Kochan is dense, the leaves are juicy, the hands are skillful, the rest will apply. - I really liked Kiloton's cabbage, Megaton-large juicy tasty, is good in bed, it is stored good, so far as new -. Not bad I like grades with mustard, so I refused the grade of "gift", growing glory and the Moscow late, they are juicy and without bitterness, both varieties are suitable for chairs, but we have a flaw - she is inclined to cracking, so it does not take it until late autumn But in fresh salads it is good. Assorted, which are designed for long-term storage, you need to use a few months after the collection, during the storage, they accumulate sugars and become tastier (Kolobok, Amaager, etc.).

Middle varieties

And I like the Sugar Head grade, and Extra.

Early grades cabbage is not particularly productivity and is suitable only for eating fresh form. Its cochanists grow with small and enough loose, and dissolve, they usually crack. But although this cabbage is not suitable for processing and long-term storage, it is impossible to replace it - it matures only 60-80 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground. In order for seedling of cauliflower, it is not pulled out, immediately after punishing for 5 days it creates favorable Conditions: Having determined the time when we plant cauliflower seedlings and preparing the seed material correctly, you can move directly to its crop. But before this take care of the nutritional soil in which the seedlings will be grown. It can be purchased or prepared as follows:

Late varieties

The first two weeks of the plant thoroughly watered every 2 - 3 days at the rate of 8 - 10 liters per square meter, then watering spend once a week (12-15 liters per square meter). It will be the right time watering to transfer to the morning or evening. The water temperature for watering is not lower than 18-20 degrees. The most intense watering must be carried out during the formation of kochanov. It is necessary to ensure that the cabbage leaves do not fade against the lack of moisture in the soil, which leads to the excinment in the plant of thin roots.

To cover the cabbage prepared for the remaining top cabbage leaves, cover a plate of smaller than a pan, diameter, on it - neut. Leave it in this position for a day right at room temperature. Machine cabbage with thin lace (experiment, turning a piece of Kochan, so that it is a lace) and pull it with salt. Carrot rubbing or large grater, semiring thinly cut onions. Stir, peat again, onions and carrots with cabbage. At the bottom of each can, put a bay leaf and pepper, tackle from above cabbage. She must some time be under the couch. Juice will be highlighted and flow through the edge, so the bank is better to put in a plate.

Zoned varieties are always better

Varieties and features are not much different from the above. It should only be noted that it makes no sense to leave early or secondary varieties. Especially good for the storage of hybrids, they surpassed their foundation.

- B / K-Valentine cabbage, Langsedyker, Kilaton, Double, for salting Gloria.

Natasha, Russia

- I liked the cabbage "Cooker"


And from the earliest I like Express and June, and from the late - blizzard (if quite accurately, he belongs to the middle-aid) and the stone head. By the way, it was the last year last year turned out to be the only one who suffered without losses a sharp transition from the summer drought to the autumn rainfasts - the cochanists did not crack. This year I still sowed a gift (medium-s) and the Kharkov winter (late grade) - see ...

Marina, Nekrasovskoye

However, seed now the seeds of early cabbage even in the ground is already late - it is better to buy a finished seedlings.


Daily temperature regime - +10 ° C;

Tatyana, Kaliningrad (Koenigsberg)

Humid or compost - 2 parts;

After about 10 days, the seedlings are picking. Before picking, the plant is watered with a solution of potassium mangartage. Seedlings are picked in a pot or cups with a size of 6x6 cm filled with the same soil mixture. Each seedman during dive is deepened into the soil until the seedy leaves. The potted seedlings contain at 17-18 degrees at temperatures. When seedlings come together, after 4-5 days the temperature is reduced during the day to 12-14 degrees, at night - up to 10-12 degrees. Water seedlings as the soil drying, the water temperature for watering is 18-20 degrees. The room is regularly ventilated.
After a day, remove the foam appeared on the surface with a spoon or noise. Purify cabbage to the bottom in several places with wooden rasch. Return the groove. And let it wandering on.

How to build a punch? The easiest way to put the bottom to the jar of the glass, and put something heavy on it. Or spend right in the pelvis by the jacket of a cooked cabbage - technology, tips, recipes can be different, you can choose to taste. Three days later, they pierce the wooden wand to the nose in several places. Let gas come out. For the next day you can clean the cabbage in the cold. In winter, it is possible to close sterile banks hermetic: to add a cabbage (will have to add from one bank to others), the pressed brine to bring to a boil, pour and even then roll.

The bitter kochens of Cymon and Kolobok varieties in a few months acquire a truly sweet taste. The very mild grade - wintering 1474, can be enjoyed in fresh cabbage even six months. It does not crack, does not rot even after eight months of storage.

- Cabbage in a sazing variety Megaton, Atry, Lyon and Rinda.

- A blond cabbage should be seen 3 varieties. The time of ripening. The manner of the June type, but it is not a lot. The combine, such as the Belarusian and storage, such as AMEGER, Kolobka, and I liked Valentina. In the fall of the tasteless, and at the end of winter and In the spring as soon as the beds. And this year, the first time I tried the Savoy cabbage, well, I really liked it.

This year, I also decided to plant a stone head, very praise her all.) And the Kharkiv winter Sadila 2 years ago, purchased by a seedler, also a very good variety with dense very and juicy cochanists - I liked it.

The most popular early varieties

Night temperature regime - +6 ° C;

Peat - 7 parts;

The first inter-row processing is carried out on a depth of 5 cm about 10 days after landing, later loose as necessary after irrigation or rain, preferably every week. The first dips is carried out approximately 20 days after landing, re-after 10 days. Plugging must be carried out with wet land, which activates the formation of additional roots and increase resistance to the lodging.

During the first two weeks, the seedlings grow extremely slowly, gradually their growth will become more intense. Before landing for a permanent place, the plant should have 5-6 real leaves. For 15-20 days before the seedling seedlings in the open ground begin to harde the low temperatures and the action of light, making the seedlings in the afternoon or airing the room. The first incorrect feeding is carried out when two real leaves are formed in the plants. To do this, in 1 liter of water bodied by travelers of the trace element. The second feeder is carried out at the beginning of the seedlings hardened (in the water bucket are divorced by 1 tbsp. A spoon of potassium sulfate and urea). Steerly spend, watering the leaves of a small deck.

After four to five days, the cabbage should be placed in a cold place. Decisid on banks or leave in a saucepan - it is not so important, but she needs a cellar, a basement or a balcony. Or refrigerator.

There are any, not necessarily the best varieties of cabbage. Late and early, for chairs and storage - absolutely any. In addition to five kilograms of the main product, you will need a kilogram of carrots, two glass of washed raisins and five tablespoons of salt.

Cabbage varieties for chairs coincide with those that are successfully reserved in the winter. It is best to keep kochans in the cellar or basement, coated in paper and in a limful condition. In the same place, where the sauerkraut is always stored.
- Cauliflower Gudman.

-Basp - Megaton, and Rinda, and Krumon

Good afternoon, I decided to plant the Savoy Cabbage this year, I had never grown before, they say that very tasty, the leaves are tender. Tell me when it is planted from seedlings to open soil and how to care for her. Thank you

: Golden hectare, Zora, Rosava, Yaroslavna, Nakhodka, and among hybrids: Alladin, Vestri, Delphi, Transfer, Pharaoh, Express.

Bright lighting (backlit).
Redempted korovyat - 1 part;

For the entire growing season, 3 - 4 feeders are carried out. The first is carried out to enhance the growth of leaves, for which the complete organic fertilizer is used. To do this, 0.5 liters of casczyce cowboy are divorced in the water bucket. Consume 0.5 liters for each plant. After 10 days, they give a second feeding, where 0.5 liters of cowboat or chicken litter and 0.5 microelement tablets are separated on the water bucket. Consumption of 1 liter for each plant. The third feeder is carried out in June, only for late varieties, in order to strengthen the growth of Kochan. The solution is prepared, ranging in 10 liters of water 0.5 liters of cowboy or chicken litter with the addition of Art. Spoons of superphosphate and one microelement tablet. Consumption - 6 - 8 liters per sq.m. If necessary, in order to get a more significant harvest, such feeding can be repeated in August.

The scheme of the right depth of cabbage: A-deep, b-normal, in-finely.

Very beautiful can be woven, it's nice to open in winter. And delicious! Two kilograms of cabbage need about half aologram of carrots and Bulgarian peppers (better than multicolored), along the small root celery and horseradish, pepper is a sharp pod and fragrant peas, bay leaf, dill seeds. Two tablespoons with a big slide to put a large neural salt.

Cabbage chopped large, carrots crushed vegetable cutter or on a grater. Throw first cabbage and carrots with salt, then mix the mixture with raisins. In enameled - without chips! - Large dishes tightly tamper.

This product is subjected to lactic fermentation. Raw materials that exclusively meet the requirements of guests and the WTU.

- For the Bolshevas, the best Savoy. Calculate a little. Yes, and for salads it is excellent, gentle.

The third year plant an early bundle bang. I like it very much - really early and very tasty. From the later liked the Belorusskaya variety - kochans are smooth, dense and stand before frosts, and stored until March, until everyone was eaten. Most of the broken range - very good grade. Experimenting from Broccoli - looking for a variety that is better suited for our region. Maybe someone will share a secret to the cultivation of broccoli?

Mid-medium cabbage varieties that are conventionally divided into medium, middle-friendly and medium-sample are something average between cabbage early and late varieties. In comparison with the first, they are more dense, they have a more dense kochan, but not so gentle and ripen much longer: from landing seedlings to the ground up to cleaning takes 85-120 days. Late varieties are inferior in yield and duration of storage.

After 5 days, the temperature gradually increases to 18 OS during the daytime, and up to 10 OS at night. On cloudy days, the ambient temperature should not be higher than 14 ° C.