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What to feed the pepper in the greenhouse. Guidelines for the cultivation of pepper in a greenhouse from polycarbonate: from landing and care to harvest. Manure or bird litter

In the cold northern climate, it is almost impossible to get a good crop of sweet peppers, no them, not feeding them, because this plant is very sensitive to the composition of the soil. If it is not fertile enough, the plant will not be well fruit in it. Fertilizers exist great many, and figure out what substances are needed by your sweet Bulgarian pepper and when it needs to be fertilized, it is quite difficult. In this article we will try to figure it out in detail.

Preparation of greenhouse soil

In the greenhouse from polycarbonate the soil must be prepared before planking. For one meter square in the soil you need to make:

  • 1 tablespoon of superphosphate;
  • 1 cup of ash;
  • 1 teaspoon of potassium sulfate;
  • polvedra Horing.

You can also add a comprehensive fertilizer if it contains too much chlorine. It needs to be made 1-2 tablespoons per square meter of land. After preparing the soil fertilizers, it needs to thoroughly braid and pour warm water, and then close with a clear transparent film. After leaving the soil under the film for a couple of days before disembarking bushes.

Pepper feeding in greenhouse

Feeding depending on growth

  • In the period of growth and flowering

2 weeks after landing, young peppers are in dire need of potassium, calcium, phosphorus and nitrogen. If you like it more to use the organica, then take a chicken litter (dilute 1: 5 with water), wood ash (200 g per bucket of water), manure (1 kg per 10 liters of water), and from mineral - nitroamophosku or azophosk, use them According to the instructions.

  • During flowering

At this time, it is necessary to fertilize the solar potassium, for example, dry potassium or carbamide 1 teaspoon on the water bucket. If you are an adherent of the organicists, you can easily eat the soil with nettle.

  • During fruiting

For the enhanced growth of large and healthy sweet fruits, fertilize the plants with superphosphate and potash salt (2 ppm on 10 liters of water). In addition, it is recommended to use manure or chicken litter - in proportion 1: 2 stir with cold water.

Fade in greenhouse spring

In the spring, adopt your peppers with mineral fertilizers. Wood ash is well suitable, and in order to avoid the disease "black legs", plants can be treated with black tea (1 cup on 3 liters of water).

Urea feeding

Urea is a nitrogen table. It is white granules, quickly dissolved in water. It is important that it is necessary to store it solely in a dry place. You can process bushes when there are no direct sunlight. Urea can be mixed with other fertilizers only in dry form.

For feeding sweet peppers after disembarking (10 days later) used urea (10 g) and superphosphate (5 g) per 10 liters of water. For each bush, you need to spend in a liter of the solution, while not processing the leaves. The second feeder is made before the appearance of flowers. For her, you need: carbamide: 1 bl.;

  • potash salt: 1 tsp;
  • superphosphate: 2 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 10 liters.

During flowering, adopt your peppers with the following fertilizers:

  • urea - 20 g;
  • superphosphate - 30 g;
  • potassium chloride - 10 g;
  • water - 10 liters.

  • urea - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • corobyan - 1 l;
  • chicken litter - 0.25 liters.

Folk remedies


It has long been known that iodine is a source of vitamin C in vegetables, it affects the yield, weight, color and taste of sweet peppers. Iodine can be used at all stages of pepper growth: you can easily dispel, adult plants, and also use as a means of protection.

To treat seeds, it is necessary to prepare a solution of 1 drop of iodine and liter of water, and then soak seeds in this mixture for 6 hours. Young seedlings can be poured with a solution of 1 iodine to 3 liters of water. For adult pepper feeding, mix 3 drops of iodine with 10 liters of water and sprinkle peppers, not hurt leaves and stalks. To protect sweet peppers from diseases, use the following solution: 10 liters of water liter of dairy serum, 20 drops of iodine and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Spray plants with such a solution very carefully, paying attention and rear surface of the leaves.

However, be careful: Carefully observe the dosage described above, because even 3 grams of iodine in the fruit of sweet pepper can be dangerous for a person.

Undercotter Korovyak

Cow dung exceeds the excrement of other animals in content of such useful substances in it as nitrogen, calcium and potassium. To prepare a cowboy you will need to mix cow manure with water in a 1: 5 ratio. Insist this solution for 14 days.

For the first time, the ground fertilizes the ground right before planting sweet peppers in the amount of 1 liter on the well. 15 days after disembarkation, you can once again help the plants in the same solution. The second time you should help the plant after flowering, diluing a solution of 1:10 and making a little mineral fertilizer. The third feeding should be carried out if the fruits of sweet peppers are poorly ripen.

Technical conduct of subcortex

When to feed

The diagram of feeding depends on how the soil has been fertilized. If the autumn of the soil was coated with a compost or humus, and in the spring - mineral fertilizers, then you can feed your peppers much less often. Plants in small greenhouses can be fertilized every 15-20 days.

First subordinate

The first feeding of sweet peppers is usually made 15 days after disembodied in the soil. During this time, it will be ready for receiving fertilizers. For feeding can use the above-described recipe with urea: 5 g of superphosphate and 10 g of urea on the water bucket.

Second subcord

It is held during the ripening of sweet pepper flower buds. At this time, the plant needs potassium, so we use the following composition: 1 tsp. Potassium, 1 tsp. Carbamide, 2 tbsp. Superphosphate on the water bucket.

Extra cornering subcortex

This species has a number of incomparable advantages: it is substantially thickening the stem of sweet peppers and increases the mass of the leaves, the floral buds are formed abundant.

It is necessary to observe some conditions for the extra-root feed:

  • it is better to do it in cloudy weather;
  • air temperature is not more than 22 degrees of heat;
  • at the leaves of the plant are open.

For extractive feeding, make such a mixture:

  • sulfate potassium (solution 1%);
  • superphosphate (2% solution). This substance is poorly dissolved in water, so it takes a day to insist or stir in boiling water for 15 minutes;
  • urea (solution 2%).

Favorites of organicians can also use the famous folk remedy - infusion of weeds or nettle. It is important to pay attention to the inner surface of the leaves, there is more porous structure and trace elements are absorbed better.

Mode Podcord

Mode each garden chooses itself on the basis of how well his sweet peppers feel. The first feeder makes 15 days after disembarking seedlings in the ground, then - through every week.

Pepper is a representative of the Polenic family. This plant requires regular and high-quality substrate feeding with mineral elements, vitamins, as well as trace elements. Therefore, many gardeners sooner or later become before the question, what should be the feeding of peppers in the greenhouse and how different it differs from the peculiarities of the fertilizer and folk agents in open soil?

Spring Preparing Earth in Teplice

Before deciding how to feed peppers in a greenhouse, it is necessary to carefully prepare for the landing of vegetable plants with the soil. To do this, it is desirable to make several types of fertilizers in the ground:

It is not necessary to feed the greenhouse pepper with such means. The specialized mixtures that can be purchased in flower shops will be a good option. Nevertheless, not all shopping nutrient solutions for substrates are suitable for peppers. Carefully examine the composition of the mixture before purchasing it: if it includes chlorine in large quantities, it is not worth purchased, since the pen is problematic tolerates this substance.

Video "When, how and what to feed the pepper in the greenhouse"

From the video you will learn how and when to feed the pepper in the greenhouse.

Basic Rules of Peppers

If pepper is bad to help, a generous harvest to expect you hardly. Therefore, it is very important not only to choose quality mixtures, but also to do all these procedures competently. What rules are recommended to observe, first of all:

Remember, nitrogen-type fertilizers can not be overwhelmed. If the substrate is excessively saturated with them, the greens will begin to develop too actively, but the wound on the stalks of plants will not be formed on time.

Organization of feeding during the season

If the pepper grows poorly, it means that he lacks fertilizers. Therefore, experts recommend farmers to bring nutritious mixtures from the moment of planting plants in the soil and before harvesting. However, this question includes a number of nuances. Much depends on when and in which volume you have already fueled the substrate with mineral fertilizers.

For example, if in the autumn you were distributed over the garden of humus or compost, and in the spring it all overlapped, adding more and shop fertilizers, then the pen will develop quite actively, and you will have to do not so often feed it additionally and not in such large quantities.

When to feed?

If the regularity of the substrate feeding in the garden depends on how carefully and qualitatively you fed it into the autumn period, then everything is somewhat different with greenhouse peppers. Regularity is very important here, but also the excessively frequent stages of fertilizers can significantly harm plants. Therefore, as for the cultivation of pepper in the greenhouse, the fertilizers are recommended to be made no more than once every two or three weeks.

First subordinate

As a rule, two weeks after planting pepper and preferably for the first time to make fertilizers in the greenhouse. At this time, the plants are already throwing away the color, so it is simply necessary to strengthen the intensity of the development of a vegetable plant.

The optimal option will be watering the soil with a solution of bird litter. Alternatively, organic types of fertilizers can be used superphosphate and ammonium nitrate, as well as potassium: all these substances are dissolved in water.

Second subcord

How to grow peppers in a greenhouse than to feed, each farmer faces with these questions. If for the first time you sat down the soil with mineral components, then the second feeding of pepper in the greenhouse should contain nitrogen substances.

If suddenly the stalks and leaves of plants are too active, it is necessary to somehow compensate for the presence of nitrogen in the soil. Potassium sulfate and superphosphate must be dissolved in water, and to pour the soil obtained by the mixture.

Extra-green subcords

Soil feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers is required for each flower. However, in addition, experts also recommend spraying fertilous plants from time to time.

To prepare a solution, you need to dissolve urea in water, and then with the help of a sprayer to spray the remedy for the vegetative system of the punch. Do not forget to polish the prepared vitamin mixture.

Thus, you can slightly reduce the concentration of auxiliary substances in the stems of vegetable culture.

Video "First feeding of peppers after disembarking"

From the video you will learn how to form and feed pepper.

Bulgarian pepper belongs to the Polenic family and is a thermo-loving plant, depending on the climate of the region, it can grow in soil, greenhouses or greenhouses. This vegetable is required to potassium and nitrogen, so the question often arises: how to feed the pepper in the greenhouse? When making feeding, varieties should be taken into account.

In the initial stages of plants simply need phosphoric fertilizers, as they stimulate the development of the roots, and for stimulating the formation of fruits, preparations containing calcium and nitrogen should be used. The soil substrate in a greenhouse or a greenhouse for peppers should also have sufficient fertility, if the soil is scarce, peppers can dwell and do not give such desired fruits.

Pepper is a very thermal-loving plant, namely, all optimal conditions of humidity and temperature are created in the greenhouse, as a result of which Bulgarian sweet pepper from the greenhouse will delight you with species and taste.

    Preparation of greenhouse soil

    Technique of undercaming

    First introduction

    Second contribution

    Mode Podcord


Preparation of greenhouse soil

Growth processes directly depend on the composition of the soil, into which pepper seedlings plant, so before landing seedlings it is necessary to prepare greenhouse soil.

To do this, measures should be carried out, disinfecting soil, for this, use a weak-pink solution of potassium permanganate (0.5 liters of solution per square meter). The following solutions contribute before landing:

  • the solution of overwhelmed manure, for its preparation, use one liter of a cowboat, a spoon of copper municipal per 10 liters of fluid. This solution is made at a dose of five liters per meter approximately 5-6 days before planting pepper seedlings;
  • a mixture of 20 grams of superphosphate, potassium sulfate and azophoski;
  • to prevent the appearance of excessive dampness, the soil should be sprinkled with ash or dolomite flour, these substances can avoid increasing acidity;
  • the introduction of sawdust, rewinding the manure and peat into the soil makes it possible to improve its structure, sometimes the chopped egg shell is used for these purposes.

In some cases, greenhouses are prepared in the autumn period of time, and 5 kilograms of fertilizer per meter can be used as nitrogen fertilizer, and the superphosphate can be made at a dose of 50 gr per meter.

After autumn feeding, in spring the soil is enough to overcoil with turnover of the formation.

In the varieties of pepper grown in the greenhouses there must be a long time of vegetation. Famous varieties of pepper for greenhouses are:

  • "Amik F1" is an exotic type of peppers with cream-colored fruits;
  • "Golden Pheasant";
  • "Sun";
  • "Orange Miracle";
  • red fruits have - "Veronica", "Anastasia", "Kolobok", "Shorokshara".

Technique of undercaming

To cultivate pepper in the greenhouse, it is very important not to abuse fertilizers, so it is enough to make useful elements with periodicity every two weeks.

Previously, peppers should be hid abundantly and only then make fertilizer.

Then the looping is carried out if the soil surface is not needed to rot. The organic and minerals need to be correctly alternating during the entire growing season.

For the correct feeding, you must follow the following deadlines and proportions.

First introduction

At the initial stage, feeding the peppers in the greenhouse is held 10-15 days after the placement of pepper bushes at a permanent place.

Often, the seedlings are planted at the stage of achieving a height of 20 cm. At the moments of formation of obscenities, bird litter should be made, observing the dosage 1 part of the litter and 10 parts of water.

Important! Experienced vegetables are recommended to consume both micro and macroelements - the collection of herbs. In this case, various herbs (nettle, wet, osry) are finely crushed, two choping of wood ash and a bucket of overwhelmed manure are added, put all this into a capacity of 100 liters and add water.

At the same time, herbal cleric should be about 8 kilograms. Such a solution is insist for 10 days, then watered, approximately 1.5 liters per bush.

Second contribution

For the second time, peppers feed in 15 days, it is during this period that an alternation should be considered, that is, if at the beginning, you carried out with mineral fertilizers, it means that the next time it is carried out by organ-containing elements.

As a feeding, the following useful substances are used: a glass of urea, half a bucket of aviation bucket of overwhelmed manure, all components fall asleep into a container or capacity of 100 liters and add water.

Then they give it to stand for 8 days, after which the watering is carried out, at the rate of 5 liters of the meter solution.

The rich-green color of the leaves and stems, signals that in the soil there is an excessive nitrogen content, in these cases should be prepared such a mixture: 10 liters of water are made for h. A spoon of potassium sulfate and superphosphate.

Spraying or extractive feeders solve several problems:

  • for stimulation of growth processes, peppers spray with a solution: one teaspoon of urea for 10 liters of water;
  • if the pepper drops the leaves and the fruits, the fruits should be carried out with a solution: a teaspoon of boric acid and 10 liters of water;
  • if the fruits are uneven, then it is necessary to spray with a mixture of one tea lodge of superphosphate and 5 liters of water.

To protect plants in a greenhouse from pests, spraying with an aqueous solution of ash.

Important! The pepper negatively refers to surpluses of nitrogen-containing fertilizers, such an oversupply leads to the formation of a saturated green ground mass, but slows down the formation of uncens and fruits.

Mode Podcord

Develop the feeding mode during the growing season should be based on what fertilizers were made to the soil in autumn and spring time.

Peppers that grow in small greenhouses should be checked about once every two weeks 3 times per season.

Phosphoric fertilizers should be made during the entire period, one can say from seed to the fruit formation period.

Phosphorus has a beneficial effect on the development of the root system and accelerates the ripening of fruits.

Almost the same effect has magnesium and calcium, so the timely and regular introduction of such fertilizers will help to obtain excellent crops of fragrant peppers.

Organic fertilizers need peppers throughout the entire period, the main requirement for such fertilizers is the introduction of drugs in small doses.

Important! To save bushes, fresh manure should not be used as organic fertilizer, as it can cause damage and bushes will simply burn.

Effective fertilizer is a solution containing:

  1. Ammonia Selitra - 20 grams.
  2. Potassium sulfate - 30 grams.
  3. Superphosphate - 40 gr.
  4. 10 liters of water.

Conduct regular bushes inspections, and if you find the following undesirable signs:

  1. Twisting of focusing plates is noticed about the lack of potassium.
  2. If on the back of the leaves, the pepper appeared a darkened color (purple) - this indicates a lack of phosphoric elements.
  3. Gray color stalks and leaves signals a lack of nitrogen.

In such cases, it will help you with the help of spraying, a huge plus of extra-root feeding is that nutrients with this method quickly penetrate the leaves and stems and have a positive effect.

In rare cases, additional feeders are carried out, which have a targeted action, for example:

  • strengthening growth processes;
  • acceleration of ripening effects;
  • stimulation of the formation of uncess.


Of the above information, it is easy to understand that for obtaining a good crop peppers, three important actions should be done:

  • the right choice of varieties;
  • well prepare soil;
  • develop a competent scheme for feeding and knowing exactly what to bite peppers in the greenhouse.

Observing all the stages, be sure you will delight your loved ones and relatives sweet and fragrant fruits of the Bulgarian pepper. Good luck!

Not every garden manages to get a good pepper seedlings. Well, about an adult, developed plant, giving large, delicious crops, many are just dreaming. The reason is that the pepper needs special conditions for growth and care, which is a mandatory part of the feeding. If it is not fertilized, it begins to slow down growth, stretch, and not grow beautiful bush, root, reduce yield or the quality of fruits. What to feed the pepper and how to do it right, you can read below in the article.

How often feather peppers?

Pepper Californian miracle

Before you feed the pepper, one or another fertilizer you need to figure out how often you need to do it. Many factors (grades, climate, place of cultivation, quantity and variety of peppers) affect the intensity of making feeders, but mainly to pay attention to the quality of the soil. Pepper loves the nutritional land, and in the empty soil does not develop at all. Therefore, it is necessary to plant seeds or already finished seedlings only in a fertilous land and as the culture grows, but, that is, the consumption of nutrients from the soil, to feed it.

If we talk about a normal primer, then peppers needed for the entire period of development of approximately 5 feeding. The first is carried out after picking seedlings into separate cups (2-3 sheets). During the day before landing seedlings at a permanent place in an open or closed soil, you also need to hold a feeder to reinforce the seedlings. When seedlings come down in a new place (2 weeks after landing) you can easily feel them. The next fertilizer is added during the flowering period, and then during the start of fruiting (fruit formation). After the fruits begin to grow, poured with color, feeders are carried out only as a last resort, for example, if the plant cares, poorly develops. Do not forget that any feeding at this time can negatively affect the quality, taste and even crop color.


Determine whether the pepper was correctly carried out correctly. If the plant has new, green leaves - then everything is done without errors, but if the development has not changed, the leaves are not growing, the color dulls, then, most likely something was done wrong.

What to feed the pepper for growth?

Types of feeding for pepper

If pepper is poorly growing or does not develop properly, you need to make appropriate fertilizers. The sluggish leaflets, dim color, thin stem, weakness of the twigs indicate the lack of calcium, nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, iron, zinc, manganese, copper, and some other elements. What to feed peppers to restore its appearance and speed up growth?

  • The eggshell is most often laid in the ground when planting a plant, but can be made of infusion. For this, the crushed shell of 2-3 eggs is taken, it is poured with 3 liters of water and insisted in a dark place for 3-4 days. Then it is used for watering young and already adult bushes. This is especially proven to be a means of growing seedlings.
  • An abundance of a variety of elements contains an abundance of various elements. It will be useful for the growth and development of the plant, as well as significantly increase the yield. To prepare the drug, it is necessary to crush the leaves of the plantain, coltsfoot, dandelion, nettle, wets and pour water in a 1: 5 ratio. It is a remedy for a week, and then used by liter for each bush.


Pretty peppers spend usually in the morning or in the evening, when the sun does not shine too bright, it's not hot on the street, there is no rain.

  • So that young seedlings develop quickly, you need to go to each well when landing at a permanent place, add a handful of ashes.
  • The yeast contributes to the growth of root and green mass, increase yield, so it is not necessary to neglect such fertilizer, especially since it is natural and harmless. 1 kg of wet yeast insisted in 5 liters of water all day (preferably in a dark, warm place). Then, 2-3 spoons of ashes are added to the solution and used for irrigation.

Yeast fertilizer is useful, but it is used only in combination with ash, as the yeast by themselves wash out the potassium.

Mineral fertilizers can be used for active plant growth. With the first subcorter, it is worth providing a abundance of potassium and nitrogen by the plant, applicable, for example, "Kemira-suite", "Crystallon" or "Gum Kuznetsova" according to the instructions. If there is a desire, you can make fertilizer and yourself. 3 tablespoons of superphosphate are taken on the water bucket, 3 teaspoons of potassium sulfate, 2 teaspoons of ammonium nitrate. During the second feeding, the same means are used, but the concentration increases by 2 times.

What to feed the pepper for a good crop?

Vintage pepper

A large crop of pepper can be obtained only when making timely, good feeding. You can do them yourself or use purchased. So what to feed the peppers? Many gardeners prefer to use folk methods. They include green infusions, decoctions, as well as fertilizers made on the basis of organic "garbage", like banana peel, cleaning vegetables, egg shells, ashes and similar components.

  • Peel 2-3 banana is crushed and insisted in water 3 days. After that, the infusions are filtered and peppers watered. The banana peel contains a lot of potassium, so it is extremely necessary in the spring, during the growth of the plant and during fruiting so that the pepper is beautiful, smooth, saturated color.
  • At the time of flowering, it will not hurt to feed the peppers against bird litter or humus. But to use them in pure form is dangerous, therefore a solution is prepared. Chicken litter interfere with water in proportion 1:10, and humid 1: 5 and then used for irrigation. But at once it is possible to use either humus, or litter, it is not recommended to combine them.


Pepper loves ash very much. This is not only affordable, but also a very useful fertilizer, which has a positive effect on the plant throughout the entire period of its growing season. But fresh manure can hurt peppers.

  • The wonderful taste of fruits and their abundance will provide the gardener feeding ash in the period of fruiting pepper. 2 liters of hot water takes on a tablespoon of pure wood ash. After the mixture was blinking, it is well shaken and used for irrigation.
  • Increase the yield and taste of pepper by iodine fertilizer. The liter of water takes no more than 2 drops of iodine and 100 ml of serum. After thorough mixing, you can use a solution for purpose.

If there is no desire to do natural fertilizers, you can apply like fertilizer and minerals. To increase yields, the drugs "Agrikola", "Uniflor-growth", "Gomel", "Nitroammofoska" and the like are used. All of them are bred according to the instructions.

How to choose feeding?

Podcock pepper

If the gardener has no time to prepare fertilizers, their breeding, measurement and compliance with the correct proportions, it simply acquires complex fertilizers for pepper: "ideal", "Kemira-suite", "Akvadon-micro", "Orton-Fe". They provide a plant at least or maximum useful substances (depending on the type and concentration), and fully justify their use. Pepper grows well, gives a crop, becomes more resistant to diseases, cultivation conditions.

Acquire complex fertilizers, minerals or other finished fertilizers, even if it is an organic agent, you only need to have proven sellers or in specialized stores.

The choice of mineral drug should be based on the features of planting pepper (greenhouse, open ground), cultural problems (no harvest, weak shoots, loss of color, etc.) and other similar moments. Therefore, the composition before buying and before you feed the pepper, you need to study well so that it does not turn out that the substance does not contain the elements necessary for the plant.

With organic fertilizers, it can be made of herbs, products stored in the refrigerator. That up to the humor, compost, litter, and even wood ash, then buy them preferably on large farms with a good reputation. After all, poor manure, like other fertilizers, can be infected with pests, diseases, or have low quality.

Girling pepper

Even the feeding during the cultivation of peppers do not always give good results if they are incorrect. Than to feed the pepper, it was described above, and now it is worth understanding the specifics of the procedure.

  1. Extra-corner feeders for pepper never apply! All fertilizers are poured right under the bush. And when dropping drops on the leaves, it is necessary to rinse them with clean water. Since it is very harmful to the plant.
  2. It is necessary to plant sprouts to a permanent place only to a nutritious, fertilized land, otherwise even a good seedlings will start quickly.
  3. Solutions and infusions are made always when using warm, not cold water. Sometimes you need a hot water, but only in certain recipes.
  4. If the sun is small, peppers provide additional feeders with the abundance of potassium (ash, banana peel). In particular, it concerns greenhouse varieties.

Finally, I would like to note that when growing peppers, you need to be very attentive. The plant reacts very sharply on the lack of elements: worsens the appearance, reduces the yield, dull or changes the color of the leaves. And if such signs appeared to postpone with feeding it is impossible. It is worth remembering that the timely making of fertilizers under the bushes can not only increase the yield or improve the taste of fruits, but also to save the life of the plant that will die in a matter of days with a lack of vital elements.