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Yellowing orchid phalaenopsis what to do. Why yellow leaves from orchid. Orchid phalaenopsis yellow leaves due to sunlight

Orchids Typical representatives of the tropics. And although they adapt well to the conditions room growingIt belongs to them as the rest of the room plants is unreasonable. This understands almost all novice flowerflowers. But, alas and ah, one understanding is not enough. Efforts must also be made, sometimes considerable so that the orchid in the home facilitates herself with the greatest comfort. Otherwise, it is not what will not bloom, but can not survive at all.

Most often inexperienced orchid lovers face the problem that the orchids are yellowing leaves. This phenomenon delivers a lot of unpleasant minutes to its owner, especially if it takes a massive character. In itself, the dying of old leaves phenomenon is normal, they simply are replaced by new foliage, and that's it. But if more than one sheet begins, it is necessary to take action urgently.

First of all, you should reveal the reason why the orchids are yellowing the leaves, and after deciding what to do. In the absolute majority of cases, the basis of this unpleasant phenomenon is errors and miscalculations when careing for orchid.

Today, the most popular orchid is considered. In his example and consider - why the orchids are yellowing the leaves and what to do.

The main reasons are somewhat:

  • Wrong watering
  • Incorrectly selected place for orchid
  • Damaged point of growth

Consider these reasons for more details.

Wrong watering orchid

Excess moisture

The most often problems arise from excessive convergence of the substrate, rather than on its peas. Phalaenopsis plants Epiphytic and bark trees, which is the basis of a substrate for orchid, serves as more for support and fixation of the plant, rather than for their nutrition and providing vital activity. Therefore, if the substrate is constantly wet, the arrival of the air necessary for them will be difficult to root. The root rotation will begin. The first symptom of this is the yellowing of the leaves. At the same time, they lose the tour, becoming sluggish and subsequently die. If the process is started, the rotting of the stem and phalaenopsis begins inevitably dies.

It is possible to determine which phalaenopsis is overly possible, thanks to the transparent pot. About the constant excess of moisture indicate:

  • constantly wet, dark bark in a pot;
  • dark green roots, some can be with signs of rotting;
  • on the walls, the pot is constantly present condensate, water droplets;
  • pot with a plant is constantly heavy.

What to do

If the process of yellowing the leaves has just begun and a sign of the conjunction has been found, it is necessary to stop watering immediately and subsequently conduct them less often.

If the damage to phalaenopsis is significant, if most leaves are wishes, black specks appeared on them, appeared a large number of Roots with signs of rotting, then phalaenopsis must be removed immediately from the substrate, remove all damaged roots and leaves. After that, depending on the degree of damage, proceed to salvation. If damage is minimal, then it is easy and to significantly limit watering. During the resuscitation period, you can only be limited to spraying the top layer of the substrate.

With significant damage, more radical measures should be taken. The patient orchid is not planted in a pot. In this case, it is necessary to choose a reliable, stable support (for example, a piece of wood trunk), fasten the plant with coconut fiber on it, placed under a glass or film cap and put this construction in place with scattered light. In the process of resuscitation, only the support is moistened, and the leaves are periodically wiping with a wet tampon.

Lack of moisture

But not only an extra moisture can be the reason that the orchids yellow leaves. The reason for this may be the opposite - insufficient watering. One of the main signs of lacking moisture by Phalaenopsis is the white roots of the plant. Most often it happens from irregular irrigation techniques. With usual irrigation plants from above, the substrate, which contains orchid, is not wetting enough and uneven. As a result, yellowing and dying of the lower tier of the leaves occurs.

What to do

In this case, it is necessary to water the phalaenopsis only by immersion in water. If you do so do it, then painting watering.

Poor-quality water for watering

Many novice orchid lovers do not give this aspect due value. But the hard, with a high content of salts water, is able to cause significant harm to the plant and cause the calf leaves in orchids. A sign that in water a lot of salts serve salt sediments, whitish blooming on the walls of pot and substrate.

What to do

If this period does not bloom in this period, then you can only be limited to a transplant. During the flowering period of phalaenopsis salts, you can try to wash out of the substrate, repeatedly immersing a pot in warm soft water or a mixture of soft and distilled water.

Note! Excess salts can cause and improper use of fertilizers. These are either their excess, or incorrectly selected fertilizer for orchids.

Incorrectly selected

The reason for phalaenopsis yellowing leaves can be both excess lighting and its disadvantage.

Lack of light

Along with the yellowing and falling leaves, the lack of illumination for orchids is characterized by an excessive stretching of shoots. The lack of light can cause even sharp falling of the leaves.

What to do

If possible, move orchid to a more illuminated place. Provide artificial highlighting.

Excess light

In particular, for phalaenopsis, the yellowing of the leaves is more characteristic when too bright, sunny lighting. This orchid is more shaded than its relatives. When direct sunlight falls on orchid leaves, it is inevitable to obtain burns of varying degrees of gravity - from the appearance of a yellow border on the sheet, to large stains of burns throughout the sheet plate.

What to do

If the burn received one - two sheets, then it is enough to remove them and move the phalaenopsis to the place where it will be isolated from the burning sun rays. In case of serious damage to most of the leaves, but with a healthy stem and roots, the plant should be moved to the shaded place and stop watering, increasing the humidity of the air. If the stem and roots are damaged together with the leaves, then the plant is unlikely to reanimate.

Orchid growth point is damaged

Such damage is characteristic of a monopodial group of orchids with one barrel. Phalenopsis growth point is located on the top of the stem and may be damaged as mechanical methodand as a result of starting rotting. As a result, the leaves of Phalaenopsis begin to shrust and rotate from the top tier. Gradually, rotting applies to the entire stem and roots. Most often, this is a consequence of moisture to the growth point during watering and negligent spraying.

What to do

Immediately remove damaged parts of the plant, cut the watering, reduce air humidity.

Other reasons

It is also the reason that the orchids yellow leaves can be different fungal diseaseswhich are caused by overgrowth. This may be the impact of pests, among which the most likely - root and cobbled pincers. When disease and pests are detected, the plant should be immediately treated with the appropriate drug.

A sharp change of content conditions also can cause the yellowing of the leaves. In particular, this is characteristic of recently purchased orchids.

When an adult phalaenopsis appears a roasting babe, the plant all efforts sends to its development. As a result, the old plant can weaken significantly, and the leaves will begin to turn it out.

Natural reason. Falienopsis is the oldest leaf. If he began to turn gradually and dying, then nothing terrible - his time came.

Why yellow leaves orchid - video

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Room orchids are predominantly indigenous inhabitants of the tropical and subtropical regions of the planet, requiring attentive and even a reverent relationship. Answer to the question: "Why do orchids yellow leaves?" In most cases, there are errors in the care or flower entering uncomfortable conditions.

Of course, plants are not eternal, and their foliage is inevitably inferior to a new place. But when the leaves change the color and fade the massively, it deserves attention and anxiety of lover of indoor orchids.

What are the reasons for the leaves from orchids yellow, and how to cope with such a serious problem? On the appearance of the plant, almost all flower errors are reflected. But most often the fault of the flower unhealthy becomes:

  • wrong watering;
  • invalidly chosen place for a pot with orchid;
  • lack of nutrition or imbalance in supposed feeders;
  • or pest attack.

Orchid leaves yellow due to illiterate irrigation

When the plant is externally healthy, there are no signs of rotting, wet stain or drying, and the lower leaves in orchids are yellowing, in the overwhelming majority of cases we are talking About the lack of moisture. Many flowerflowers, watering orchids, like ordinary room crops, do not miss the entire volume of the substrate. Having lost moisture, the plant tries to cut spending and sacrifices the lower tier of the leaves.

What if the orchid yellow leaves? The solution to the problem will be an increase in the volume of water incoming to roots. If, before the appearance of the yellowness, the flower was practiced by watering with the help of an ordinary watering can, it makes sense to try to moisturize the soil with immersion or under the jet of running water, giving stepping to all the excessions of moisture.

Not less than artificial orchid drought harms the bay of the root system. In this case, the leaves will not dry, but more often see, become sluggish and acquired a brownish yellow unhealthy color. If we examine the roots, signs of rotting are often detected. Such a plant requires emergency In the form of removal of affected areas and transplants in a fresh substrate.

The reason for the yellowed leaves is a flaw or excess of the Sun

Sign of lack sunlight Not only pulling out shoots, but changing the color of the leaves with saturated green to yellow. Moreover, the flower reaction is both gradual and sharp, up to the dejunction of the lower sheet plates. To prevent the situation when orchids are yellowing the leaves, you need to find a suitable place for a flower, and in the winter to provide artificial illumination.

Most types of orchids require a long daylight, but not under the right sunlight. With an excess of bright lighting in orchid, the leaves are yellowing, covering burns with burning stains.

Orchid leaves yellow due to rigid water and excess fertilizers

The excessive content of salts in irrigation water has a negative impact on the whole plant, but the leaves are the first to sign the change in the conditions of content and poor well-being. Sometimes it is difficult to determine the reason why the orchids yellow leaves. A peculiar prompt can be the appearance of the substrate and pot. If they are visible traces of salt deposits in the form of blessed divorces and plaque, the explanation of the yellowness is found.

Hard water provokes chlorosis development. Orchid leaves are yellow, only accommodation remains green. Then the shoots are taken away, and the plant can perish.

You can save the flower using a transplant and competently spent extra -orn subordinateFor which only specialized formulations are used.

It is not worth a flowering orchid to replant, but to carry out a multiple flushing of the substrate with a mixture of distilled and conventional stretching water will be very useful. By the same way, the washing is treated orchid affected by excess fertilizers or use to feed an inappropriate, unbalanced composition.

What other reasons cause shifts of foliage? Why do orchid yellow leaves? Factors pushing the plant to such behavior, really a lot. This may be a natural reaction to the decline shift, for example, after purchase or as a result of seasonal changes, unnoticed by the owner.

Yellow leaves from orchid if the pot in which the flower is located, long to him for a long time. In this case, the plant is neatly transferred to the capacity of greater volume.

Infections pests orchid

Regular convergence of the substrate is doubly dangerous for orchids, since it is fraught with the development of not only rotary, but also fungal infections. The weakened plant attracts ticks and insect pests.

With timely detection of the problem when the orchid leaves are yellow and wither, but the root system is still viable, after sanitary processing And Fungicide irrigation flower transplanted into a new soil. Unfortunately, the infection is rapidly distributed and can quickly lead to the death of an adult blooming instance.

In dry air on house orchids attacks the web and root tick. Pests are striking shoots, rhizomes and leafy plates, caused why the orchids are yellowing the leaves, and the plant itself is seriously weakening due to lack of food.

If the flower does not carry out the processing of acaricidal drugs in time, and the growth of the new is slowed down. If there are soil pests, it is not necessary to be limited to spraying, it is much more effective to combine this procedure with a transflection.

Video about the reasons for yellowing orchid leaves

Even so unpretentious in the care of orchid, like phalaenopsis, can hurt at home. This flower is rarely subjected to fungal and bacterial diseases. In most cases, Phalaenopsis turn yellow and wither the leaves. This is the result of improper care. Why does this happen and what to do when the orchid phalaenopsis turn yellow and wither the leaves? Explains the cause of the disease and will offer their effective treatment only experienced flowerflowers. Their experience of struggle with the ailments of orchid is proposed below.

Why yellow and fed leaves from phalaenopsis? Causes, treatment

If, with a careful inspection on the plant, pests were found, but its leaves are yellow and wither, experts indicate the wrong care. Falenopsis suffers from him most. So, why and what to do if the orchid phalaenopsis turn yellow and faded leaves - explanations of specialists with photos.

Why is the leaves of the orchid phalaenopsis:

  • frostbite;
  • periodic falling on the plant flow of cold air;
  • problems with root system - Incorrect transplantation, Publishing or overvolving, root rot;
  • the damage to the fungal infection, which leads to the blockage of the honestore vessels of the sheet.

Why does phalaenopsis yellow leaves:

  • natural flower aging process. The norm, if yellow is 1 sheet 1 time per year. Abnormally, if in a short period of time yellow 2 or more sheet plates;
  • oversupply of sunlight;
  • oversupply fertilizer;
  • a variety of rot and illness;
  • lack of moisture.

The signs of each ailment and how to eliminate them are shown below.

Faleenopsis slugged leaves They talk about their frostbite. In this case, the sheet plate loses the tour without any, visible mechanical lesions and painful spots. For orchids, transportation without protection in the cold air or content near the window, where the air temperature often falls below + 15 degrees. Frupbed leaves lose elasticity, become dark green and watery. Treatment: The affected parts of the plant are to be removed to a healthy fabric. Dead fabrics are a favorable medium for breeding a variety of rot. Slices to make a sharp blade. Sections of sections sprinkle with a crowded, activated carbon.

In addition, you need to carefully examine the flower, whether there is no stem or other parts of black spots. The frozen plant is not transplanted. This is an additional injury that can lead to death.

Falenopsis has sluggish leaves can talk about the wrong transplant, as a result of which the root system has occurred. Many newbies are in a hurry to transplant the purchased plant, forgetting his adaptation. The transplant is an additional stress. The plant on it can react by fading the leaves. If, after the transplantation, the flower fade the leaves, you need to do the following: take it out of the soil and carefully examine the roots. Next roots are immersed in water. Healthy roots, regardless of their original coloring (green, whiten) and states (sluggish, wrinkled), be sure to "go" water and become elastic. If the roots even remain dry and wrinkled in water, they are subject to removal.

Crop the roots with a sharp blade before a healthy fabric. In some cases, the dead roots of phalaenopsis amazes rot. It can be black or gray spots. They do not have to be wet and slippery. Plyopsychia often sick dry, gray rot. If such stains are on the roots, they are necessarily removed. The stem, affected by fungus, is also cut to a healthy fabric. In some cases, it is completely cut bottom part Flower. There are only leaves. This is not trouble. With the right further care, Between healthy leaves, the plant will release roots.

After Phalaenopsis has removed strite and sick roots, the sluggish leaves, the affected areas of the stem (if there are), phalaenopsis is placed in greenhouse. At the same time, the roots of the plant are descended into a transparent vessel without water. The roots do not need to immerse the liquid more. The flower is covered with a film. Thus make greenhouses. Inside it is supported high level humidity. Greenhouses are ventilated 1 time per day for 15 minutes. Sections of sections on the stem are treated with activated carbon. On the 2 day, the plant sprinkle with dry cycon. Waiting for the emergence of new roots and carefully follow the condition of the flower. Does it have black and gray spots on it.

As soon as Falenopsis releases air roots, it is planted in a transparent vessel with a large bark. The formed roots are sprinkled with a crust. The layer should not have a thickness of more than 2 cm.

What to do if the leaves have a healthy orchid phalaenopsis? In this case, the transplant was not carried out. The plant is contained at a temperature in the range of +18 ... + 22 degrees, there are no cold air threads. Possible reasons: Move the substrate, which causes the rotation of the root system. As a result, the plant can hit black rot. Signs of its appearance: black spots on the roots and base of the stem, the sluggish leaves from the orchid phalaenopsis. On the leaves may appear black dots.

If Phalaenopsis was overwhelmed, black spots appeared on his trunk, they come as follows: the plant is taken out of the pot, inspect the roots. Patients (which do not absorb moisture when immersing in water and with black dots) are to be removed as described above. Leaves are also removed. The plant is placed in greenhouse.

In the extreme case, the overvaluity and, as a result, black rot, lead to the crowding of the flower stem. If this happens, the orchid is no longer saved. It is thrown out.

Phalaenopsis has intensively yellow the lower leaves, although the plant blooms plentiful. Most roots are healthy and green, although there are air roots. They are wrinkled. Some of them appeared black spots and tugs. Over time, the plant shines stem. Possible disease Flower: black, dry rot, which is caused by fungus. Cause: Movement of the soil, lack of light. If the plant is intensely color, this is not an indicator of its good health. Phalaenopsis throws out the flower, after experienced stress, sometimes, in case of illness, as the last hope for reproduction.

Mass yellowing of leaves from orchid is abnormal. This state of affairs should alert. In particularly severe cases, the lower leaves are yellow if Phalaenopsis affects the rot. It looks like dry black spots. On the stem and leaves there will be no wet spots characteristic of rot on other types of plants. Orchids wet rot do not hurt. They are characterized by dry rot. It affects the fabric, prevents the movement of the juice, from which the leaves begin to yellow.

To verify the presence of a disease, a sheet neatly sharp blade is cut off. From separated from the stem. Next, the stem is inspected. If there are black specks - this is a black rot. In this case, the bottom of the plant is cut to a healthy tissue. To completely remove the disease from the flower, make cut to a healthy fabric. How to find out how healthy fabric or not? Very simple. The slice must be clean, without any inclusions. Very often after surgical intervention, the flower remains without roots. It is not scary. The main thing is to remain not affected and the green point of growth or upper kidney.

Next, the flower is placed in greenhouse. It can be a transparent container or cocoon built from polyethylene film. Inside the acet support a high level of humidity. But the flower in no case put in water. Phalaenopsis is rotting. It is necessary to continue observation of the flower. If black spots continue to appear on it, they are cut with a sharp blade. Sections of sections are migrated with green or poured, activated carbon. The greenhouse is carried out 1 time in 1-2 days. The plant is removed from the greenhouse when healthy roots appear on his stem between healthy leaves.

Discuss the diseases of the orchid phalaenopsis and get advice from a specialist in their treatment.

Why yellow leaves from orchid phalaenopsis, if there are no diseases and black dots on it, like explicit sign Dry, black rot?
Cause: Wrong watering. In some cases, the excess moisture accumulates in the ground as a result of its heterogeneity. So, phalaenopsis grows in a large cortex of the same fraction. The presence in the core of the peat, moss or even different peat in size leads to the fact that the mixture in the pot does not make it equally equally. Another irrigation leads to the oveurgement of peat. As a result, the roots or stem flower begin to heat.

The second case is when irrigated by plants without immersing the pot into the water after a complete bark graze for 15 minutes, and the upper, the ending watering. Thus, inexperienced flowers are trying to compensate for dry air in the room where the flower is located. The upper irrigation is not suitable for phalaenopsis, only the immersion method. Otherwise, the stem begins to rot. As a result, yellow leaves from the orchid phalaenopsis.

To understand whether the leaves are yellowing from a flower because of the rotting of the stem and the roots, the plant is removed from the pot, its roots are fully cleaned from the crust and inspect. Rotten stem will have a decayful view with a possible mold (as shown in the photo). Even if on such a stem is healthy in the form of the roots and the root of new roots, they are still subject to complete removal. Stem is removed to a healthy fabric. A healthy stem must be elastic and on a slice white without any inclusions.

After the location of the sections are processed with activated carbon and dry. After that, the phalaenopsis with healthy leaves is either stacked on a wet bark, while the bottom of the stem bark cannot be covered, or is placed in a transcendent capacity with water so that the bottom of the stem does not touch the liquid. All this is covered with polyethylene so that there is a greenhouse. The plant spray, the greenhouse is ventilated. You can 1 times a week the bottom of the stem to be treated with dry clook. It is necessary to monitor the condition of the stem, if it continues to be installed, it is cut it again. Healthy roots in the flower should appear between the leaves.

Healthy orchid has bright green and elastic leaves. Color change indicates a deterioration in the health of the plant and the occurrence of the problem. Orchids are foreigners in the Middle Eastern climate, they are adapted to other temperature and light habitat modes. If the content in the apartment does not reproduce the conditions of the natural environment, the plant is ill. To eliminate the reason for the yellowing of the leaves, it should be accurately diagnosed, which particularly important mode is broken, and only then start treating the victim orchid.

Possible reasons

It should accurately determine the cause, due to the orchids, the leaves leaves:

Treatment of flower

Depending on the diagnosis and revealed reason, the necessary measures are taken:

  • With the natural change of leaves, you do not need to do anything. In this case, resuscitation is not required. Orchid itself on the spot of chopped leaves will increase new healthy.
  • If the lack of lighting is observed in the summer, it is necessary to place the plant under the scattered light, and in winter Highlight phytolampa. If you are freeing up by conventional lamps, you need to observe the distance between the pot and the source of the light, try not to heat the flower. To avoid such problems, it should be clarified when buying in a flower shop, to which type of orchids are the one that is acquired by: light-affiliate or imaging. It is necessary to provide colors optimal conditions for life.
  • With an excess of the Sun, the pot with orchid should be rearranged in a less illuminated place or pronounce.
  • When the plant suffered from sun burn, it is rearranged in a tripled place. It is not necessary to remove the sheet, since a healthy fabric is fully involved in photosynthesis and nourishes orchid. When the orchid itself dries a damaged sheet, it will be possible to cut it up to the base or cut.
  • If the cause of the yellowing of the leaves is dry substrate, then the orchid should not be created by the shock situation, pouring it with water. After a moderate irrigation, it is recommended to watch the flower for about a week, if after some time the improvement does not follow, attention should be paid to root system. If cases of drying and irrigated repeated repeatedly, the roots were already injured. Then it is necessary to remove orchid from the substrate and check its root system. The following steps in the treatment of the plant depend on the inspection result.
  • Stagnation moisture in the pot contributes to the yellowing of the leaves. To make sure that you need to inspect the transparent walls of the pot for the presence of condensate. The roots will be visible through the walls of the vase: healthy gray-green color affected by rot - brown and black. Dropping the roots due to the mooring prevents the water to climb the roots to the leaves, because of this they turn yellow and die.

If the suspicion was confirmed, and the roots began to rot, urgently should be removed the plant, devoured from the substrate and sharp knife Cut the rotten roots to a healthy place, sprinkled by cuts wood coal. Pereavating orchid to another substrate, for some time they recommend watching her. Watering must be immersed in purified water, the exemplary method is not suitable on top.

Outbupping fertilizers harms orchid. If this happened unintently at home, you should rinse the substrate large quantity Water, give her a drain.

When purchased orchid was damaged by a large number of fertilizers made in the store, only a transplantation in a fresh substrate problem cannot be eliminated. Especially since it does not manifest immediately after the purchase, but after some time. With excess nitrogen first the upper and most dark leaves Currently growing well, then they appear a corrugated edge with a yellow tint, which ends with cracking of the pseudobulb and leaves. It is necessary to wash the roots before landing in a new substrate. The plant is placed in a warm moderately illuminated place, feeding can be made only in a few weeks.

With a lack of potassium, the leaves react with a change in color, because it is redistributed from old leaflets into new, and old yellow and die away. Treatment is to feed with potassium content to restore older leaves.

The most difficult thing is to combat viral diseases of orchids, bacterial, fungal and pests-insects. This is explained by the fact that some diseases can accurately determine only in laboratories.

Pests sucking plant juice, with careful examination, see easier. In the presence of insects, it is necessary to process the plant insecticide in accordance with the instructions.

Exotic flowers give a special charm to any room. The atmosphere of a tropical corner is created by orchids. Popular homework: Dendrobium, Cattleya, Pafiopedulum and phalaenopsis. Peculiarities in care of a capricious flower a lot. The article is devoted to only one common problem, why orchids yellow leaves are yellowing than you can help the beauty to cope with this trouble as quickly as possible.

The Orchid acquired in the flower shop is usually in a state of active flowering. Happy winners of bright wonders, wanting to save buds as long as possible, inexperienced a number of errors: early transplanted, put on straight sun rays, they feel overly.

Anyone indoor plant When changing the habitat enters stress and needs a period of adaptation. The so-called quarantine is recommended to withstand at least 14 days. The flower is contained separately from other plants and are watching it. Only after quarantine, if the roots were in Sfagnum, the orchid transplant. Plant planted in soil can not be disturbed for two more years.

The main indicator of health is the type and quality of the leaves, they always react first, as a rule, in the first five days.

The elimination of the lower leaves in the orchid of any kind is the natural process of aging. It is significant that the most common hybrids can fall out one or two sheets from below, and the orchid of Nobile's orchid will lose all the foliage immediately. And this is normal.

The fading leaves do not need to hurry to delete, traumating the plant, it will dry and disappear, after which it can be removed. The usual aging process occurs annually during flowering and rest.

Thus, in the newly acquired orchid, the leaves are yellow at the moment of adaptation. In the future, it develops, and yellow leaves dry out due to natural aging.

Wrong plant care

For other reasons, the foliage of the foliage is added signs of unhealthy: no flowering, stop in growth, stains and growths. It is necessary to reconsider all the points of the tropical flower. We will analyze the most common mistakes in the care of orchids.

Violation of the regimen of watering

Orchids are sensitive to any changes in watering mode. This is one of the main reasons for fading the plant. Both drought and overvaluing breaks the balance of substances, changing the color of foliage.

Overflow. Beginner gardeners do not rarely give orchid more water than need for growth. As a result, the earth com obtains dense, the air does not pass, the roots are pressure, the lower leaves will signal yellow color. It also creates a favorable environment for rotary bacteria. On all the leaves and roots, black spots may appear, the structure of them becomes soft.

It is necessary to take into account the humidity of not only the surface layer, but also the middle of the substrate. Good for orchids Transparent pots, it is convenient to track humidity visually. In an opaque pot, experienced flower flowers use wooden stick.. Having placed it in the land at the edge, you can diagnose moisture or dry earth coma in a few minutes. The highest pilotat is determining the degree of moisture content by weight, lifting the tank with orchid.

Lack of moisture. It is relatively less likely, but it happens that an externally, a healthy flower with a normalized watering produces the yellowness of foliage. Possible cause There may be a watering method and too deep drainage. Water simply quickly leaves, the roots do not have time to have a drink to get the necessary substances.

Young shoots start picking up the forces in old shoots, the latter in turn quickly turn yellow and die away. Solving this problem in changing the watering method. Fourteen days we treat orchid from drought by immersing the pot into the water so that the entire substrate is impregnated with moisture. It will quickly return to the original healthy development.

Water quality. If the orchid watering mode is balanced, and the leaves continue to turn yellow, look at the water quality. Hardwater with impurities sues land. Make water softer helps the elementary setting over three days or filtration. You can use taula water. The ground will have to change completely as soon as the orchid finishes blossom.

Disadvantage or oversupply

About orchids It is impossible to say that they are light-minded or speakers. Among them are representatives who prefer various degrees of illumination, so the flower is considered a capricious. Although for competent care, you just need to know the exact name.

Orchids are placed on the southern window sills, which love bright light without direct sunlight. As a rule, the temperature of about 30 degrees is also comfortable. Such light-loving species include dendrobium, Cattley, Wanda, Lelleia, Oncidium.

The Western and Oriental window sills put pots with orchids who prefer less bright light, they are sufficient in the morning or in the evening. Such representatives include Cambrid, Cymbidium, Miltonia, Odontoglosum.

On the northern windowsill, stands outside the window calmly grow orchids, which need a moderate amount of light. Such orchids and temperatures are essential from 18 to 25 degrees. This group includes: Venerine Shoe, phalaenopsis.

Lack of lighting in the winter is well complemented by daylight lamps. They are recommended to include for several hours so that holiday orchids do not overheat. The violation of the light mode faces not only the yellowing, but the loss of all leaves.

Burn Orchid from sun rays

Orchids on the leaves addressed to the sun were formed yellow stains. The sign definitely speaks of the resulting burn.

Hybrids of orchids, which are purchased in stores, do not tolerate long-term sun rays. Burns are easier to warn than then to "treat." The place around the burn is dry up with time, as a result, the leaf orchid loses.

As soon as yellowed was noticed, orchids need to change the habitat. You can close the paper window, put it for other broad-sized plants or organize shading in another way. You do not need a damaged sheet, healthy orchid is capable of restoring a small plot.

Orchid fertilizer errors

Lighting mode and watering should be balanced with orchid nutrition throughout the year. Possible mistakes: Pubsa and lack of nutrient elements.

Important moments when fertilizing orchids:

  • for each form of orchids, there are fertilizers and their own dosage;
  • during the adaptation period after the purchase, orchid does not feed about a month;
  • power orchid and if any pests, it is impossible to fertilize;
  • the young orchid feed is given through watering, pre-moisturizing the ground;
  • before breeding container with fertilizer shake, substances will be distributed evenly;
  • in winter and summer periods, feeding it is better to suspend;
  • home orchids do not need growth stimulants;
  • one feeding take half of the dose, which is indicated in the instructions;
  • the fertilizer must be: potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Oversupply of substances. The reconnected orchid will live no more than two years, then her leaves will yellow, and she will die. Yellow leaf tips talk about calcium surplus, the entire substrate is better replaced with a new one.

Lack of substances. Potassium deficiency is reflected in yellow on the top of the orchid sheet. At the next stage, the damage is visible from the subject of the inside of the sheet. Young processes and leaves take the mineral from the older neighbors. Next, the orchid loses the leaves completely, if not take action. In this case, the substrate should also be swapped.

Common sores cling to orchids in violation temperature mode, watering and lighting or from infected plants. Infections are fungal, viral or bacterial lead to dark-yellow spots or to grouse mushrooms. Asian species orchids often suffer from fungal infections. The virus flower can pick up at the moment of stress when transporting and changing the regime in the caring, which is manifested by dark rings on the leaves.

Pests dangerous for orchid leaves:

  • a web tick under a sheet and on shoots organizes its thin web;
  • the TLL loves the inner side of the leaf plate, making it a sticky to the touch;
  • the growths speak about the presence of a shield that can be seen with a magnifying glass;
  • translucent winged trips will fall on an orchid with reduced air humidity, they leave a silver layer on the leaves, shoots and substrate;
  • the deformation of the sheet and the level stop indicate the defeat of the orchid by nematods;
  • mocrica attacks orchids in conditions of outdoor content.

Wishes leaves from orchid - how to treat?

Ill orchid or induced pest needs a rapid treatment. Proper diagnostics on yellow leaves will allow you to choose a faithful recipe for the flower rescue.

When the infection is detected, it is categorically impossible to open the tubercles. This is a mushroom with disputes, which is treated with fungicide. Large lesions are treated with the removal of a sheet of a sheet with subsequent processing of cut-off with iodine.

With a diagnosed virus, orchid spray with an antibiotic and fungicide.

The spider tick is washed off with warm water and covered with a package for three days. As a radical tool, the drugs "Neon" and "Tiofos" are suitable.

If there is a thunder, a warm soap solution is used. It is useful to spray orchid "phytodeterm" or an infusion from citrus skins. For infusion take 100 grams of skins per liter of water. During the week spray orchid every five hours.

Shielding does not tolerate olive oil, diluted in water (1 tablespoon per 500 grams of water). The solution is applied to the amazed leaves three times after 7 days. You can then spray "phytodeterm" or "accomplish".

Trucks from the leaves and from the substrate are washed with warm water, the affected areas are cut off. The three-time spraying of the "accutelic" every 10 days is useful.

Nematodes - Microporvi die at a temperature of 40 degrees, but her orchid will not survive it either. The most secure variant for the flower is watering soluble pills "levamizala" or "Decaris".

Mocrices will pop up if you dunk the pot in another greater container size. You can then rinse the roots and transplant orchid into a healthy environment.