Repairs Design Furniture

Room orchid: where the birthplace of the plant. The origin of the Rainbow Flower: Where does the Orchid and the Features of the care of her orchid of the birthplace of origin

Today, few of the beginner gardeners know, orchids from where they originated. After all, to render this creepy flower worthy care, it is recommended to ensure the conditions of detention, similar to the natural ones. Therefore, if you decide to start a similar plant in your flower bed, then you will definitely examine the entire history of its occurrence and competent development. So, what is this favorite of many owners?

Orchids are perennial graise type plants that are separated into two groups, namely ground and epiphytic growing in other living organisms. They came to our country from wet tropics of South and North America, and immediately won the hearts of millions of gardeners. Also, this flower is well evolving in the hot rainforests of Southeast Asia. If you do not know the whole history of orchids where it came from and what is necessary for her development, then you will definitely study all the nuances. After all, if this is not done, it is possible to grow a healthy "beauty" will not work.

Today there are more than thirty thousand varieties of this plant, but Botany continue to bring new, more unique, interesting, charming varieties. They develop around the world, with the exception of the northern countries, as well as the deserted terrain, since in these natural terms, no type cannot be survived. With a large variety of this type of plant, all individuals are endowed with an absolutely identical structure. Each copy has simple abanese-type leaves, and the flowers are characterized by three outer and inner petals. One of them in the people nicknamed lip, it differs from the fellow by his shape, the size, color. It does not matter orchid coming from where, this petal is absolutely in all kinds. The lip may have a bizarre form, it is it that attracts the attention of insects.

Varieties of orchids

This type of flower is characterized by its beauty, it is considered the most attractive among all existing plants. The main distinguishing feature is a rich variety of forms, odors, colors. A similar plant also has a long period of flowering, from one month to six months. Gems often come from a millimeter to a whole meter, it all depends on the variety and habitat conditions. Some species resemble stars, other animals, and the third at all opened palms or eyes. No matter how much orchids come from, since the same instance can grow completely equally in different countries.

Also, this wonderful, by all the favorite type of flower can fascinate with its modesty, such as, for example, often found in the wild forests "Night violet" or a biblical luban. Its gems can have a different shape, they look like marble or crystal. Regarding the color, then there is just a sea of \u200b\u200bdifferent colors, from bright yellow to the tiger, as well as pastelly pink.

In the tropical forests there is a special appearance of this beautiful flower, it is called "precious orchid". It is characterized by a plant with unspecified gems, but at the slightest movement of the wind, when the orchid move, its petals emit a bright overflow of a unique color. This kind of truly fascinates. It doesn't matter what are the orchids from where they come from, because every copy is wonderful and attractive in its own way.

The most beautiful and expensive flower on the ground - orchid. She was born in the place of the planet, where nature would not be bought on the beauty and wealth of the world. The birthplace of orchid, bedroom beauty, so loved many - tropics. In these wet and rich forests, more than 90% of all the well-known types of orchids are found their birth. Orchids are found everywhere, they managed to take root in the most unusual corners of the Earth and will adapt to different conditions and climate. The varieties of this delightful flower have a huge amount - about 25,000. All of them are different, some shook the eyes with the generosity of their bright decoration, while others are modest and unobtrusive.

They began to appear in our homes relatively recently. Orchids - creating fragile, wounded and demand a careful relationship. But how to properly care for a flower, which grew up in such an unusual climate? The homeland of orchid room is a subtropical and tropical zone, and this is wet and air saturated with air. In it, the thick crown of high trees reliably saved the gentle flowers from the burning sun and winds, the air was always warm, and the light day lasted at least 12 hours.

Tropics in your home

If you decide to acquire such a wonderful flower at home, it is worth taking care of creating akin to it. The birthplace of orchid is rich in warm, light and humidity. The air temperature should be within 20-25 degrees. If the air temperature decreases, the plant may not bloide or even get sick in time. Orchids are gentle plants, and flowering takes away a lot of strength. If the plant is weakened, and the blooming is already thrown, it is better to cut it.

The flower is light-chap, but the straight rays of the sun will be destructive for him. In winter, it is better to place a plant on the south side of the apartment, and with the onset of the summer to transfer to the eastern or western zone. When the day is reduced, it will be necessary to provide a flower with an additional light source. For these purposes, you can use a luminescent lamp. Position it at some distance from the plant, the luminous day of orchid is at least 11 hours a day.

Mustional moisture

Wet forests - the birthplace of orchids. The indoor favorite in your house humidity will not be enough. To organize her optimal conditions for life, place it near the aquarium or simply put a tire with water. As water evaporates, the flower will receive a lifeless moisture from the air. The plant needs to be moistened with water from the sprayer, but so as not to wet flowers. Water should be used distilled or boiled, it should be soft, warm and tough. Water plays an important role in the life of an orchid, it is not only a meal, but also a temperature controller.

Moderate watering

Watering the plant in the summer you need every 3-7 days, in the winter - no more than once a week. The land should not be wet constantly. In between irrigation, it should dry out. The homeland of houseplants orchid sometimes replaces the torrential rains on the drought. It is during periods of stagnation insects fly to pollinate flowers, and orchid is preparing for this in advance. If we water watering less often, the plant will start planning flowering.

Watering can be combined with feeding, 1-2 times a month is quite enough. For fertilizer, special complexes are used for orchids. During irrigation, make sure that the water does not get into the sinuses in the leaves and the point of growth. If this happened - remove the water with a cotton wand.

When watering, it is necessary to moisturize the substrate in which your orchid is growing. TOOL WATER WATER in a circle, excessive water must fully drain into the pallet under the pot. We drain it from the pallet and repeat watering again.


Falenopsis is the most undemanding orchid. It was she who allowed to take a decisive step forward by professional flowes, and in dignity took one of the most prestigious positions in many oranges. The birthplace of Falenopsis Orchid - Northeast Australia, Philippines and Southeast Asia.

Plants have huge flowers similar to the moths. Their color can be the most different, and the flower is made from wax. Phalaenopsis does not require much humidity and temperature drops. He is hardy, blooms twice a year, and its flowers do not fade several months. Phalaenopsis have another unusual feature. They can form processes - kids in the sinuses of the flowers. When such an progestoits roots, it can be separated and transplanted into a separate substrate.

Soil for orchid

The birthplace of houseplants orchid is very unusual, and it sometimes has to adapt even to the colors. Almost all orchids are epiphytes, they grow not on earth, but in the air in the trees. They do not need soil at all. Their roots mastered photosynthesis, therefore they are better grown in transparent pots.

A mixture for cultivation of orchids can be easily prepared independently. This will require dry pine bark and dried moss sphagnum. Cour will need to boil, dry, and after a few days, repeat the boiling procedure. After drying, the bark is crushed into small pieces and mix with moss. "Earth" for orchid is ready. With a special desire, it is possible to use the Earth. In this case, in equal parts mix soil, sphagnum and pine bark. This is such a comprehensive unusual orchid. The birthplace of the plant is the composition of the soil and he invented very extraordinary for her.

Other species

We stayed today on the most extensive types of orchids and how to create conditions for comfortable stay in your home. But when buying a flower, it is important to consider that there are still remaining 10% of colors that are not natives of the tropics. Such plants approach should be different. The birthplace of the orchid flower may turn out to be completely different, therefore care will need to provide the appropriate. What is good for one species may be destructive for another. Because, find out the seller all the subtleties and nuances of care of this amazing plant before buying.

soil for phalaenopsis composition

Soil for orchid Faleenopsis What is needed?

Each hostess dreams of making your home not only cozy, but also beautiful. To do this, it is sometimes enough to put a pair of flowering plants. Very interesting in the room looks orchid phalaenopsis. However, do not everyone know how to care for it. The main error in choosing the soil. But it is precisely from him how the flower will grow. Ordinary land from the garden is not suitable for these plants. So, what should be the soil for orchid phalaenopsis?

Conditions created by nature

To understand what kind of soil is needed for Falenopsis orchids, it is necessary to determine in what conditions these plants exist. First of all, these flowers are one of the varieties of epiphytes. The roots of orchids are usually called "air". Thanks to them, the plant is attached either to rock, or to the tree. All the necessary components, including minerals, orchid receives from its "donor", as well as from the air. Water flower rain. Here in such natural terms and this appearance.

However, hybrids were replaced, which were created specifically for cultivation at home. Phalaenopsis is the most unpretentious orchids. However, they require certain conditions. This is especially touched by the soil.

Choose a soil for Falenopsis orchids

The composition in this case is of particular importance. The soil for this type of plants is called a substrate. Of course, the easiest to buy it is ready. If there is an opportunity, then you should prepare it yourself. When choosing the soil, the climatic features, flowering periods, plant size and volume of dishes should be taken into account.

With mixtures you can experiment. The main thing in this business is compliance with the proportions. If the orchid blooms abundantly, then the ground liked the plant.

What should be present in the composition of the soil? It:

  • Sheet land.
  • Pine cones.
  • Mountain breed perlite.
  • Vermikulitis - Mineral.
  • Peat swamp moss sphagnum.
  • Polystyrene.
  • Fern roots.
  • Horse or nine peat.
  • Coir.
  • Ceramzit.
  • Charcoal.
  • Bark of the pine or deciduous tree.
  • More details

    So, you first purchased orchid and the desired beauty already at your home. But what are these amazing roots shine through the transparent container? And some strange soil? Let's try to figure it out in order. Especially since such a flower requires a special approach. Normal, garden land for orchid is not suitable.

    Natural conditions

    This plant is from the kind of epiphytes. His roots are called "air". They flower is attached to the tree, or to rock. All minerals needed by an excellent growth of the substance, it gets directly from the donor plant, from the air, but watering the rain. These are natural conditions where this type of plant lives.

    There are already hybrids specially derived for home. The most unpretentious of them is phalaenopsis. But if you wish, something more exotic, for example, such a kind as Wanda, must be learned by the right care. This is especially true of the soil selection.

    Soil for orchids: how to choose?

    The soil for orchids is called a substrate. The easiest way to buy ready. Do this specialized stores. But if you are pleased to create everything with your own hands, we will help you to make it right.

    Initially, you take into account all the details: the volume of dishes, the type of flower, its size, flowering periods, climatic features. So, adult orchids need smaller moisture, young - more. In addition, there are species that love weighty and wet soil. For example, cymbidium.

    What is the soil for orchids?

    Do not be afraid to experiment with the mixtures. The main thing is to comply with the optimal proportions. The criterion for what you did everything right, serves abundant, healthy blossom of your favorite.

    Components for substrate:

  • bark of deciduous or pine tree;
  • charcoal wood;
  • fiber coconut;
  • peat (low, horse);
  • fernic roots;
  • polystyrene;
  • sFAGNUM (peat marsh moss);
  • perlite (rock formation);
  • vermiculite (mineral);
  • pine cones;
  • humus (earth leaf).
  • More details

    soil for phalaenopsis

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    The composition of the soil for orchids

    Times the high cost of orchids passed. But the flowering plant is still expensive to this day, because it is necessary to grow such plants up to ten years. Before you buy such a flower will not hurt to get acquainted with the conditions of its cultivation. It is very important to know the composition of the soil for orchids, what light is needed, how to water the flower.

    Flower tried to use a varied soil for planting orchids, even straw. The problem during the selection of soil is that the flower should always be in a vertical position, while the roots lie almost on the surface of the pot.

    There is a huge number of orchid varieties and the choice of soil for each individual. Basically, today the choice stopped on a mixture of sand, moss, clay, bark residues mixed with garden earth. Such a soil passes the air between the roots and retains moisture between watering. For example, a very small orchid can be planted only in moss, it will feel great. But often lovers of orchids do not stop in a difficult version, but buy a soil in the shop where the flowers sell.

    More details

    soil for phalaenopsis do it yourself

    Soil for phalaenopsis. Good afternoon. I still decided to transplant 1 Falik, because noticed inside a lot of empty roots, and he squeezed suspiciously

    i bought for an ohh, which blew the soil, and there in the composition there is a factory, sphagnum, bark and needles pine, charcoal you bought a soil for phalaenopsis, he needs only a coniferous bark.

    Tell me that for pests settled in me in Phalenopsis pot? Pretty shrinking, movable "bugs". In case of anxiety, leaves are hiding on their irons. In general, orchid feels good. Processed the leaves by accleretic, spilled the bark of a taper. Week passed, pests are not visible.
    Sometimes on the surface of the substrate, more often near the stem or protruding on the surface of the roots, it is possible to notice tiny brilliant dark "balls", which sometimes quite wickedly move from place to place. These are heating ticks - Oribatids (Oribatidae), relating to the largest group of all soil arthropods.

    Falenopsis Orchid Transplantation - Photo Engine with step-by-step photo phistics At this stage, we transplant phalaenopsis stewart.

    These spooform feed on the dying parts of plants, moss and algae living on wet soil, and are not pests of plants. However, it is noticed that with a lack of food, they can damage young leaves of some orchids, most often phalaenopsis. This is most likely due to the special addiction to this kind of orchids, and with the conditions of detention - phalaenopsis, especially seedlings, does not require periodic drying of the substrate, which these ticks are not transferred.

    At the request of the composition of the soil orchids are divided into two large groups, these are terrestrial now we will prepare soil for orchids. For this we need the following components

    What kind of soil is needed for orchid

    How to cook soil for orchid

    To choose correctly or cook the soil for orchids at home, you need to know the conditions for its habitat in the wild and many other nuances. This will be discussed below.

    Natural conditions

    Orchid is epipheit. It forms "air" roots, which are attached to the rock or the bark of trees. As a result, the flower is powered by a donor plant or gets the necessary substances with rains and from the air.

    Naturally, such conditions are not characteristic of room colors. For cultivating at home, certain hybrids were derived. The most popular of them is phalaenopsis, as he is unpretentious in terms of care. The Land for Falenopsis orchid is a certain extent differs from the soil used for other flower species.

    How to choose a soil for orchids

    Soil for orchids: how to choose
    Today, the soil for orchid is sold in any flower shop. But it can be prepared independently. Choosing the Earth, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • the volume of the collar pot;
  • grade plants;
  • his dimensions;
  • weather conditions of cultivation;
  • flowering period.
  • Depending on this, the phalaenopsis requires a soil or for another species, and the soil is selected.

    What is the soil for orchids

    Beginners Flowers often ask the question "What land is needed for phalaenopsis". After all, if you put orchid in the wrong primer, she will die very quickly. You need to know which soil is needed for each variety.

    To date, there are various recipes for cooking soils for such indoor colors. Here the main thing is to properly comply with the optimal proportions of all components. If the land is chosen correctly, the plant will actively grow and bloom.

    Components for substrate

    The land for any orchid at home may include the following components:

  • coal. Here you need charcoal;
  • cora taken at coniferous / hardwood. It is better to take a bark taken by pine;
  • coconut fiber;
  • ceramzit;
  • low or riding peat;
  • underground part of the fern;
  • sFAGNUM (moss with swamps);
  • mountain breed (perlite);
  • mineral (vermiculitis);
  • cones (for example, pine);
  • humus;
  • As you can see, the Earth for orchids may include some exotic components. It should be prepared specifically for a particular type.

    What are some substances

    It is necessary to plant orchid into a special soil, which consists of the above components taken in a certain proportion. If there is no problem with searching for deciduous / pine bark or humidiation, then some substances are found independently problematic. Problems may occur, for example, with a search for coal or coconut fiber.

    The most important component here will be the bark. It must be taken only from healthy plants. It should be easily flawed from the trunk. It is best to shoot it from the fallen (but not drowned!) Trees.

    In addition to the bark in the forest we find the roots of fern and moss (takes on the swamp). Ceramzite can be purchased in a construction store. We need clayzit in the form of rubble. In the construction department we buy polystyrene.

    The presence of vermiculite in the soil mixture will give it looseness. The mineral is good protection against mold and fungal pathogens, as well as to dry.

    Perlite is a volcanic breed. It does not contain useful substances in its composition, but performs the same functions as vermiculite.

    Options of the composition of the orchids

    Now that the components of the soil are known, you can choose the option of which will be the soil mixture for room orchid.

    No need to use all the components indicated above at the same time. You can do what you managed to get, because the composition of the soil for orchid may be different.

    Embodiment number 1. Here used charcoal and bark (ratio of 1: 5). Such a composition will have reduced moisture intensity and good air circulation.

    Option number 2. The chopped sphagnum is taken, the woody of coal and sinters from the pine. Components are used in a 2: 1: 5 ratio.

    Embodiment number 3. In this case, peat, coal, humus and bark are used in proportion 1: 1: 3: 1, respectively.

    How to cook soil for orchids

    To properly prepare soil for indoor orchids, you should follow the following rules:

    • the lower in the room the humidity, the more moisture, the earth should turn out;
    • the soil mixture is optimal for orchids must dry out completely in 3-4 days;
    • it is not recommended to ram the substrate.
    • The cooked components of the substrate need to disappear and dry. In the selected container put the drainage layer. To create it, it is best to use fine crushed stone, broken brick or foam. Before the middle, the soil mixture falls asleep. Now again lays drainage. Then the soil is added again. Then flower sits into the ground. Now it remains to choose a good place to accommodate a flower.

      What should be a pot for orchid

      When you were determined what kind of soil will be used, you need to choose a container. For an apartment or house, plastic or clay pots are suitable. In which of the two options, the pot plant a flower, each flower decides on their own. The selected pot must have in the bottom of the hole.

      Plastic pot

      It is believed that the best when the flower is planted in a plastic pot with transparent sides. Through the transparent walls, it is easy to monitor the state of the root and determine the degree of humidity of the soil. Such a pot misses light. The lack of containers is an unattractive appearance.

      Clay pot

      The clay pot, being made of natural material, is well skipped with moisture and air. It is chosen to grow varieties that loving a cool climate. The clay tank is heavy, so the plant will not fall from the windowsill.

      The main disadvantage of such a container is roughness. Also to the walls, the pot can grow roots, which will lead to their injury during the transplantation. It is worth noting, in the clay dishes of the soil will rehabilitate faster.

      The diameter of the container is selected in accordance with the dimensions of the root system available at the flower.

      To breed an orchid in an apartment, it is necessary to choose a primer and a pot for it. You need to transplant orchid only in the correctly chosen soil and the container!

      Video "Billet and Cooking Substrate"

      From this video you will learn about how to prepare components and prepare a substrate for orchids.

      Components that are part of the soil for orchid transplantation

      The soil for orchids, the composition of which is not at all similar to the universal soil for the rest of the room colors, can be bought in the store, but can be prepared independently. To do this, carefully examine the proportions and correctly choose all the necessary components.

      The composition of the soil

      Those orchids that grow in our homes are, as a rule, cymbidiums or phalaenopsis. In nature, they grow not on Earth, but on the trees of subtropical or rainforest, tightly fatted bark with their roots and pulling out as close as possible to the sunlight. That is why the roots in orchids have a spiral shape, thanks to her, the flower worst branches and trunks and gets from them the moisture and nutrients needed for vital activity.

      In the process of growth, especially during flowering, orchid consumes a sufficiently large number of trace elements from the substrate. Over time, the soil loses nutrients, and after this, the ability to create favorable growth conditions for a flower. The soil has to fertilize with special mixtures, or completely change.

      The transplant work is better to perform in the fall or spring, in the cool, but not frosty time of the year.

      It is necessary to take into account the fact that orchids are transplanted into a new soil only when their flowering period is over and no more than 1 time in 2-3 years.

      The substrate can be prepared independently. For this, you will need the following devices:

    • Little garden blade
    • Gardening scissors
    • Acute knife
    • Several paper or polyethylene packages
    • The main components that are part of the soil for orchids are wood bark, charcoal, fern roots and moss. Thanks to this component, plants in nature receive all the necessary elements for growth.

      At home, the composition of the soil for transplant must be as follows:

    • Wooden bark. You need to choose the trees of spruce or pine breeds, with a low content of resinous substance. The optimal option is a newly fired tree.
    • Peat. This component is selected so that the number of salts in its composition is minimal. The crushed peat is not recommended.
    • Charcoal. Used in a substrate to adjust the water balance. It has one substantial minus for the plant - over time accumulates salt. Add to the ground you need extremely careful.
    • Moss. At home, it is practically not used because it is difficult to collect it. The small content of this component is part of some manufacturers already prepared by the purchased mixtures.
    • Each component is prepared in advance. Soil before orchids is not pre-mixed.

      Wood bark

      Orchids in Wood Core

      The chemical composition of this component, like no other, is ideal for the growth of many exotic plants, including orchids. Cooking can be harvested in a pine forest. You can separate the bark from the tree only when it is removed without effort. In any other cases, you can collect it directly from the ground.

      This component is easy to assemble in places that are often visited by tourists and vacationers.

      The remains of the fires are a great place to collect charcoal.

      In addition to adding to the mixture to transfers orchids, it is successfully used for other purposes:

    • Drainage for kashpo and flower vases.
    • Disinfection. In the trimming of branches or roots of the plant, fresh sections are rotated with a powder of charcoal.
    • Fertilizer. Coal is crushed to a powder state that the upper layers of the soil are sprinkled.
    • Balance of soil. In the soil is introduced large coal particles.
    • Charcoal does not have the shelf life, because it can be prepared in the future. It is necessary to store it in a dark and dry place.

      Minor components

      Secondary components are added to the soil for the orchid transplantation - these are "scales" from fallen pine cones, earth from the thick cover of fallen needles, moss. All this is assembled in coniferous or mixed forests. All listed components before adding to the substrate undergo the necessary processing:

      Orchid in open soil

      Pine cones. Added to the ground with the bark or instead of it. Brought home cones should be divided into flakes and placed in a capacity with clean cool water by 15-20 minutes, after - dried.

      Land. It is going to soil only in those places where it is eliminated with firing fir or pine needles. Home The substrate is cleaned of unnecessary branches and garbage, while the needles themselves can be left.

      SFAGNUM is ideal for soil as a component absorbing and keeping moisture, is also used as a natural soil fertilizer. This kind of moha can be found in the forest in the depths of the pits. Collect the component must be extremely careful, because in the powerful thickets of my man under its own weight may fall into a depth of 15-20 cm.

      Fern root. In the preparation of the orchid transplant mixture, only the root is used, so if you have found this plant in the forest, do not make it possible to carry yourself a long stem and leaves - do trust unnecessary sharp knife. The root is a unique component that has in its composition almost all the necessary trace elements and nutrients for normal growth of orchid.

      All that is collected in the forest and brought home must necessarily undergo sanitary processing and the necessary training before adding them to the substrate.

      Preparation and mixing of soil

      Scales with pine cones and charcoal found in the forest are hampered by boiling water and soaked in cold water. This is done in order to save materials from pests, as well as increase their ability to absorb, hold and skip moisture.

      As soon as the bark is driving, it must be cut into small square pieces. Coal is crushed depending on the purpose: to break the soil - small grains, for disinfection of cropped roots and stems - into powder.

      If you managed to find moss, then it is necessary to use it in the current transplant. If you are going to leave to prepare it, it is better to dry, keeping in a cool, but dry place.

      Flowering orchids in well-chosen soil

      Mixing must be carried out immediately before the orchid transplantation, since the proportions of the components that are part of the soil depend on the root system of the plant and in which floral vase it will be placed.

      A wide popularity has recently been obtained grid designs of pots for orchids. They are good because the roots of the flower are in the open access. Replanting the plant into such a container, all the ingredients, pre-prepared for the soil, need to be mixed in equal proportions, and put drainage on the bottom of the thin layer.

      If a standard transparent pot for orchids is selected for transplant, put on the bottom of the sphagnum, and add 1/4 of the wood bark on top. The rest of the bark mix with charcoal and dried moss.

      When placing orchids in fresh soil, not only the balanced composition of the new substrate is of great importance, but also the full adherence to all transplant rules:

    • Preparation for work. Before starting work, prepare everything you need for this: a new flower pot, all the components of the substrate, garden scissors, a blade, alcohol, drainage.
    • Extract flower. Before removing orchid from the old Vase - Pour the plant. This will allow faster and painlessly free the roots from the old soil.
    • Cleaning. For placing the plant in a new soil, its roots must be completely cleaned from the old one. Place the root system into spacious tank and oven with warm running water.
    • Trimming. The old flower dried roots must be cut off with scissors pre-treated with alcohol. Scroll through wood coal powder. Just do it with old, yellowed leaves.

    Perform all work in the spacious room, preferably on the table, pre-shined paper or polyethylene.

    While watching the video you will learn more about the soil for orchids.

    Preparation of the new soil and orchid transplantation is an easy thing. Knowing the structure of the substrate, all the rules and possible transplant nuances can be transplanting the plant alone. However, if you doubt our own forces - consult an experienced flower or buy a ready-made soil for orchids in the store.

    How to choose the composition of the soil for orchids and make it with their own hands

    What kind of soil is needed orchids

    Orchid care rules require a mandatory transplant every two years, with a complete substrate substrate, which contains their roots. The soil for orchids cannot be called the nutrient soil in the full sense of the word, its main tasks are to maintain a plant, giving it stability, and absorb the optimal amount of moisture, without interfering with the evaporation of its surplus. For example, the soil for Phalaenopsis must sleep for 3-4 days if the moisture remains longer, the substrate constructs, will prevent the root of air, can provoke rotting or development of fungal diseases.

    To create comfortable conditions to tropical beauties, you need to know which soil it will be needed, that is, what conditions are in their homeland. The substrate for orchids Phalaenopsis, who live in trees, should have the maximum throughput for moisture and air, and for a cymbidium that grows on Earth, a substantial additives must be included in the substrate. It is advisable to know how to prepare a soil for orchids with your own hands to be able to experiment with purchased mixtures, seeking maximum convenience for its plants.

    The composition of the soil

    Shops sell the finished primer for orchids, it is possible to change the composition with your own hands according to the needs of plants, but for this you need to know which ingredients are included in it. Substrates are made up of such elements: bark of trees, charcoal, ferny root, sfagnum root, coconut fibers, peat, perlite, vermiculitis, crumples or minor pebbles, husks of different nuts, fallen leaves of trees, humid or leaf land.

  • Corre use oak, with larch, pine. It is better to take it from the tree that fell or was cut down a year ago, the bark should be easily separated from the trunk, be dry, but not rotten. The bark of living trees contains too much resin.
  • Charcoal takes from the burned birch bark, oak, beech. It is advisable to burn the tree yourself to know exactly what no polymers or poisonous substances were burning with him.
  • Fern root can be dug in the summer, choosing a raw plant. Then it is cleaned from the ground, wash, cut into small pieces, dried.
  • Moss Safagnum and peat can be independently scored on a swamp or buy in the store, like coconut fibers or chips. They are well delayed moisture, and the peat slots all the soil slightly, so it is necessarily combined with coal.
  • Skirts of forest, walnut, cedar nuts or husks of sunflower seeds are an excellent baking powder of organic origin.
  • Perlite and vermiculite have a mineral origin, they do not supply plants, but protect them from mold, the development of fungal diseases. In addition, they are excellent baking powders, restrain the inevitable stroke of the soil, leveled the temperature with its sharp changes in the external environment.
  • Ceramzite has excellent drainage qualities, polystyrene polystyrene is used with the similar function.
  • But the leaves are not used for all orchid, only for those that grow on Earth and are able to receive nutrients from it.
  • Selection of substrate

    The substrate prepared for all rules must comply with the requirements of a variety, the only indicator confirming the optimality of the choice of ingredients - lush flowering of orchid. For different types and varieties, different components may need, does not significantly mean that all components listed above can meet in one pot.

    If the substrate bought in the store does not suit the plant, you need to experiment - add or remove some parts of it, then look at the flower condition. If the air is too dry, it means you need to add more moisture reducing components. At large daily temperature drops, it is better to increase the amount of perlit and vermiculite.

    Sanitary treatment

    Most elements collected independently can not be used without special training and sanitary treatment. All components need to be washed, then process thermally, crushed to the desired size, dry. In this form, they can be folded into linen packages for long-term storage. Parts of the substrate can be collected gradually, to store for a long time, use as needed.

    Corra recommended to take from the tree, which fell a year ago, if it is not visible in the traces of rot. The suitable bark itself is easily lagging behind the trunk, it is not required to cut. The resulting pieces need to boil in water for several minutes, cut into pieces with a diameter to 2 cm, dry and after a few days it is booing again. Some flower products bake it 10-20 minutes in a brass closet at a temperature of 200 degrees.

    Moss first poured with water for several hours to get rid of insects, then dried. After that, dry moss is poured with boiling water for 10 minutes, dried again. Some experts advise to handle its insecticides.

    Peat and walnut shells dried and crushed. Experienced flowers recommend all the components, including inorganic, first simply wash, then treat boiling water or heat in the oven, dry and cool. Only after that they can be used to land orchids.


    For orchids, phalaenopsis and dendrobium take 3 parts of the pine bark and 1 pieces of charcoal, moss, coconut fibers. Miltonia, Dracul, Wanda need a more wet substrate. Moss, sand, peat, perlite with small pieces of pine crust and cones are mixed for them.

    For premises with normal humidity, such a substrate is suitable: 5 parts of the cortex, 2 parts of the moss, 1 part of coal. If the humidity is increased in the room, then they take 4 parts of the pine bark, 3 parts of the cork of cork tree, 2 pieces of foam pieces, 1 part of the peat.

    Video "Preparation and cooking substrate for Ohridi"

    From this video you will learn how to prepare a substrate for the cultivation of orchids at home.

    Tell about the soil for orchids. Is it possible to cook with your own hands and which bark is it better to use?

    At the very beginning of its appearance in Europe, the majority of orchids died at home died, as they were planted in ordinary soil, like all other indoor plants.

    The uniqueness of the roots of this flower is that they are in favor of moisture, and then gradually give it to the plant.

    • Constratus components
    • Soil for orchids
    • Landing in block
    • Pine bark for orchids
    • Thanks to the coating from Velen, they long hold it in themselves. By its structure, this layer (velamen) is a sponge, so it can not long in the wet soil. In order for the roots quickly sink after irrigation, they need good air access. That is why for planting these plants, a special substrate is needed.

      To the question of what kind of soil (soil) is needed for orchids, as well as how to make a substrate for orchids, we will try to answer this article in this article.

      Orchids can grow on various soils with large breathability. Their composition can be diverse, they can be multicomponential, and may simply contain wood bark. It depends on the concomitant plant growing conditions: the frequency of irrigation, the quality of feeding, the degree of illumination, humidity and air temperature.

      Constratus components

      As is known, the Bark is added to the Earth for orchid at home. Consider more, which bark is needed for orchids.

      To compile a substrate as the main component (basics) well suits the pine and oak bark for orchids.

      Also suitable for the orchids of the bark of ate, birch and larch. A pine bark for orchids can be purchased in a specialized store, as well as to prepare independently, finding a fallen suica pine in the forest.

      But, what bark is it better to use for orchids? For example, in an oak bore, a larger amount of nutrients are contained compared to pine, which reduces the number of feeding.

      The substrate for orchids is better to compile using the following additional organic and inorganic components:

    • Ceramzit. This component is essentially a building material representing the balls of various sizes. Due to its high hygroscopicity, it is well suited for both creation of a drainage layer and as a baking powder;
    • Sand. For the substrate, you can use only white river or quartz sand of a large fraction. If there is no possibility, you can take ordinary yellow sand. From it you need to wash all clay particles, and then boil within ten minutes. Sand is an excellent chemically neutral and steady baking powder, besides, it is not formed blue-green algae;
    • Other substrate bass. It can be a shell of walnuts or cedar nuts, hazelnuts, wood chips, grain husk, cropped pine or fir bumps;

    • Fallen leaves. This is a natural power source for plants. If there is an opportunity, then you need to collect oak leaves or beech, which create a useful microflora and protect orchids from the development of many infections. You can also use birch and aspen foliage. Adding apple or peach leaves to the substrate will prevent the appearance of mold and various fungal diseases;
    • Peat. This component is a product generated during the decomposition of MCH. With an independent workpiece you need to take pieces of the rod. The high acidity of the peat can be neutralized by adding a small amount of dolomite flour to a substrate;
    • Charcoal. This is a natural antiseptic and absorbent. It can be purchased in specialized flower shops, and you can prepare yourself. To do this, take birch lamps and burn them. It is necessary to ensure that foreign impurities (paper, polyethylene bags, etc.) do not fall into the fire. For the substrate uses pieces of coal no more than two centimeters with a diameter;
    • Moss sphagnum for orchids. This is the most common type of moss when compiling various substrates. It can be found not only in the swamp, but also in various highly moistened places. It is used both in dry and alive. It can also be prepared independently, collecting the green top of the plant.

      What is the substrate for orchids, learn from the video material:

      Let us know more about how to use moss sphagnum for orchids.

      Prepared MOCs should be dried and tapped in water for twelve hours, and then trees with a solution of insecticide and dried in the sun.

      If there is no such possibility to pour dry material with boiling water for ten minutes, and then dry well. If a live moss is used, then after collecting it is kept half an hour in water (45 degrees), then packaged in a plastic bag and placed on storage in a cool room.

      In this form, moss is stored for about four months. It is possible to freeze it to increase its storage time, which does not hurt its qualities. Moss is a moisture drive, gives the plant its nutrients and collects unnecessary salts. It can be used as a drain layer and substrate. In addition to Sfagnum, you can use the forest moss (cuckoo lin). It can be found in the forest on old stumps. Also for compiling substrate and laying a drainage layer can be taken a yagel (gray moss);

    • Styrofoam. This is a very light and chemically inert component. Granulated form is used as a substrate baking powder, and larger elements can be used to create a drainage layer. In addition, the plate of foam can be used as a block for planting young orchids;
    • As a baking powder you can also use such moisture materials such as vermiculite, perlite and foam rubber.
    • The easiest composition of the soil for orchids includes the following components:

    • pine bark (oak) - 5 parts;
    • moss - 2 parts;
    • dry foliage - 0.5 parts;
    • How to apply moss for orchid Look at the video:

      Soil for orchids

      In order for orchid to please you for a long time, you need to know the answer to one of the important issues: "In what kind of soil to plant orchid?

      For landing ground orchids, a substrate is suitable for epiphyts with high moisture intensity.

      But what kind of soil for orchids is better?
      To improve their nutrition, you can prepare a special earthy mixture. To do this, add the following components to the Earth for Orchids:

    • cherry land - 3 parts;
    • peat - 3 parts;
    • sand - 1 part;
    • perlite - 0.5 parts;
    • charcoal - 0.5 parts.
    • Pay attention to which land (soil) to plant orchid: before planting the plant you need to make a small amount of organic fertilizer in the resulting soil.

      Soil for orchids, how to cook at home. Look at the video:

      Is it possible to plant orchid into ordinary land?

      The soil for orchid at home is required special: the usual land is completely not suitable for planting orchids. It cannot provide the level of breathability and moisture absorption that it is required. The roots of the plant are needed that the soil survived very quickly, otherwise their posting will begin, and the orchid will die quickly.

      So, what land is needed for orchids?

      Landing in block

      In addition to planting in mesh containers and pots with a large number of drainage holes, there is another common way - extract of epiphytic orchids on blocks.

      The material for creating blocks to which the plant is attached can serve: a piece of wood or pine (oak) bark, grape vine, a root of a forest fern. This is done in the following order:

    • After selecting the appropriate material, it is given the desired form.
    • In the prepared block, a hole is done in which the strong wire or wire is inserted, which will serve as a fastening when hanging orchid.
    • The plants attachment are placed, it is desirable that his foliage be lit down, in order to avoid cluster of water in the core.
    • The plant is attached to the support with the use of wire or fishing line, the moss is laid under the root to ensure sufficient moisture. If there is too dry air in the room, then the roots need to be covered with bark, sphagnum or fiber coconut.
    • Some types of orchids are recommended to plant on the block using the substrate. In this case, a small amount of soil is attached to the block of a small metal grid and the roots of the plant are placed.
    • For planting young orchids, it is recommended to use foam blocks.
    • See the landing of the orchids in the block of the cortex on the video:

      How to make a substrate with your own hands?

      In order to make the composition with your own hands, first of all you need to find out which substrate is required for a specific type of orchid and determine how it will be grown.

    • Mesh containers and blocks. Most epiphyts are suitable for the composition, which includes: the bark of pine (oak), sphagnum and charcoal in equal proportions.
    • Pots with drainage holes and bark containers. As the basis for them is suitable for the bark, mixed with charcoal. Top of landing need to lay moss.
    • Consider in more detail how to cook soil for orchids with your own hands.
      Depending on whether the substrate with which moisture capacity is required by one or another type of plants, additional moisture-intensive components can be added to these compositions.

      For example, to make a soil for orchid with your own hands, you can use the following components:

    • epiphytic species: pine bark (oak) - 3 parts; Cork bark - 3 parts, peat - 1 part, moss - 1 part, clay - 1 part;
    • ground species: pine (oak) bark, peat - 1 part, moss - 1 part, ceramzit - 1 part, charcoal - 1 part.
    • How to make a substrate for orchid with your own hands, look at the video:

      Pine bark for orchids

      With an independent billet, pine crust you need to find a fallen dry tree or a dry tree in the forest.

      The bark should be lagging behind the trunk, but not to rotate. You can not take a bark in alive pines, as it contains in a large number of resinous substances. It is not necessary to collect too old trees to collect, as the bark on them turns almost in humus.

      The optimal option for the workpiece can serve pines that spill no more than about a year ago. After collecting the bark should be properly prepared for the compilation of the substrate.

      Consider in more detail how to prepare a pine bark for orchids:

    1. Material needs to be cleaned of garbage and resin residues, too large pieces break.
    2. Couric need to boil for twenty minutes, drain the water. After three days, the procedure must be repeated.
    3. Immediately after the second boiling, the cooled wet bark is cut by the secator on the squares of the desired size. For young orchids - 1 centimeter, for adult copies - 2 centimeters.
    4. The finished material is thoroughly dry. Such a bark, packed in paper or fabric bags, is stored for a very long time.
    5. Instead of boiling, it is possible to use ferry or calcining in the oven (about 70 degrees) for fifteen minutes.
    6. Before drawing up the substrate, the dry bark should be painted in water within three hours, because the dry bark will not perceive moisture. There is nothing terrible if the mold was formed during storage on the material. This natural process and bark remains suitable for use.

      Orchid is not a very ordinary plant for room breeding. Therefore, the soil for orchid at home must be able to correctly pick up so that it comfortably felt in your home and pleased with its exotic flowers.

      We hope in our article we answered questions about how to make the soil for orchids with their own hands, as well as which bodies can be used for orchids. Good luck!

      Pine bark for orchid, how to use Look at the video:

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    What country is the birthplace orchid? And got the best answer

    Answer from Elena [Guru]
    Most of the majority of Bromeliev - American jungle, where they grow among orchids on trees or on a forest litter. Until recently, this type of plants were considered relatively young. But the new find in Australia has denied this opinion. It is a bee frozen in a piece of amber, on his back, which found the pollen of the ancient orchid subgroup Goodyerinae. Interestingly, most modern orchids leave their pollen on the head of their pollinating insects, and very few - on the back. Scientists have identified the age of found pollen - 15-20 million years. They also composed an evolutionary tree for a family of orchid and with its help calculated the age of the ancestral type of orchids - about 80 million years. It was a late chalk period, when there were still dinosaurs. Apparently, some of them could completely raise among the flowering orchids.

    Answer from Lana ********[guru]
    The birthday of orchids are the countries of Southeast Asia. Orchid attaches magnificence, favor and luxury. In Chinese symbolism, this is a perfect person, harmony, sophistication, love, beauty, female charm, scientist gate.
    Orchid is also a Chinese fertility symbol and talisman against powerlessness, as well as the emblem of beauty, scholarships, sophistication, friendship. In Chinese orchid paintings in a vase symbolize consent.
    The sets of legends and legends are associated with orchids. In China, this beautiful flower was very loved, and in many Latin America countries, for example, in Costa Rica, Venezuela, Guatemala and Orchid Panama became a national flower and emblem.
    The beautiful legend of the origin of orchids was at the New Zealand tribe Maori. They were confident in the divine origin of these colors. Long ago, long before the emergence of people, the only visible parts of the Earth were the snow-covered peaks of high mountains. From time to time the sun fell snow, thus the water with a rapid flow to descend from the mountains, forming delicious waterfalls. Those, in turn, cloudy foam rushed towards the seas and oceans, after which, evaporated, formed curly clouds. These clouds eventually completely departed from the sun.
    Once the Sun wanted to pierce this impenetrable cover. Went a strong tropical rain. After him, a huge rainbow was formed, hugging all the sky.
    The immortal spirits admired by unprecedented spectacle - the only inhabitants of the Earth - began to fly to the rainbow from all the most remote edges. Each wanted to grab the place on the multicolored bridge. They pushed and bored. But then everyone sat down on the rainbow and drank together. Little little rainbow was bombed under their severity, until finally collapsed to the ground, scattered at the wrong amount of small multicolored sparks.
    Immortal perfume, who did not see anything like anything like that, hopping his breath was watched for a fantastic colorful rain. Each particle of land with gratitude accepted the fragments of the heavenly bridge. Those of them who were caught by trees turned into orchids.
    From this, the triumphal procession of orchids on the ground began. Multicolored lanterns became more and more, and no one flower dared to challenge the right of orchids to be called the queen of the flower kingdom.

    Answer from Ivan.[guru]

    Answer from DICK[guru]
    Most of them in Indonesia. In Russia, its own orchid grows - Venus Bashman.
    And there are many legends, and in each country they are different.

    Answer from Vladimir T.[guru]
    Orchids - (family orchid, lat. Orchidaceae) - the largest among monocotional family, numbering about 750 genera and from 20,000 to 25,000 species, according to some data - up to 800 genera and 35,000 species, are almost 10% of all plants in the world. Nowadays, orchids are found on all continents besides Antarctica. Distributed in almost all areas suitable for the habitats of plants. Most focused in tropical latitudes. The name of the orchid occurred from the Greek word Orchis, which means the testicle. In 1731, the English botany was able to grow from the dried plant, which he received from Bermud. This flower is the first registered tropical orchid, which bloomed in England. And already in 1818, William Cattle brought now the famous genus of Cattleya orchids. The most famous orchid plant is Vanilla Planifolia from which you make vanilla. Most of the famous orchids are epiphytes. Orchids may be the size of moss, and can reach a height of 2 meters.

    Video: Visiting Vladimir Zhirinovsky

    Temperature for orchid phalaenopsis
    Temperature mode
    One of the reasons why Falenopsis Orchid is considered orchid for beginners is that its temperature regime well corresponds to the temperature in our apartments during the entire year. You will need only at least effort and a little attention.
    Orchid phalaenopsis does not have a pronounced rest period and requires only a slight decrease in temperature in winter. In the summer, the temperature of the day is approximately 25-30, and in the winter of 20 - 25 degrees.

    Video: Olga Motherland Demo Roller

    It is very important for the future flowering of orchid Falenopsis Delta between day and night temperatures by 6 - 7 degrees, since it is thanks to this drop in a flower flower kidney laid.
    If your flowers stand on the windowsill, do not forget that there the temperature in winter is much lower, in this regard, it is recommended to put a thermometer on the window sill in order to react to a decrease in the flower temperature in a timely manner.
    If for a day or two night temperatures to lower up to 10-15 degrees, the orchid phalaenopsis can easily take place. But if the temperature decrease is kept within a few days, then this can lead to a serious illness and in the further death of the plant.

    With a decrease in temperature for a long time, the roots of the orchid phalaenopsis cease to absorb water, and the leaves lose their elasticity and the so-called wrinkles appear on them, which represent the first signs of the flower freezing. In this case, the orchid lives and eats only at the expense of moisture and nutrients accumulated in the flower leaves.
    A beginner flower can think that Falponsis orchids lack water and increase the volume of irrigation, but this will only aggravate the situation, as it will lead to rotting roots and other diseases.
    The main methods of preventing the freezing of orchid phalaenopsis are the sealing of all the gaps in the window frames, the placement of flowers as high as possible on the windowsill and so that the pot and the leaves of orchids do not touch the cold glasses.

    The orchid room is an incredibly beautiful plant, which, thanks to its attractive appearance, decorate the window sills of residential buildings and offices. The flower is rather demanding to his person, because it was brought to us from abroad. Where is the hometown of the house, and what is the nuances of a plant care?

    Homeland orchid room

    For the first time, the remains of the orchid were indicated in the works of the outstanding philosopher of the theofora in the fifth century to our era. The plant was found in Verona, therefore, the native flower house is Italy. Theophratist described the plant in a systematic treatise, where indicated that the orchid had two tubercas at the base, which very much resemble human ovaries.

    However, it should be reached to the eleventh century, to China.

    The Chinese praised the room orchid, as they believed that she was able to cast out of the house of evil spirits. They "tamed" and for the first time began to plant a plant in the sudine. Orchid flowering was associated with the onset of spring holidays.

    Today, orchids are so popularized that it is possible to find them in any corner of the world. Despite all its pretty, the flower boasts the volumetric suction roots. Thanks to the roots, the plant can "clutch" for any surface, be it a stone, wood or earth ground. It is noteworthy that orchid does not dry out in air, so there is no vital in the soil.

    • There are more than 20,000 thousand orchid species.
    • The plant has a symmetry of a flower, similar to the symmetry of a person's face.
    • Orchid - Vanilla source.
    • Some types of plants can live up to 100 years.
    • This type of plant serves as the main ingredient for the preparation of the Eastern Drink - Salepa

    Over the past few years, the plant has gained wide popularity in modern flowerflowers. And all through a variety of plants color and long blossom. Most believe that orchid feels bad in our climatic conditions, but it is worth saying that with proper care, you will come to delight from the unpretentiousness of this plant.

    How to care for the "queen" of indoor flowers?

    Room orchid reaches a height of 60-90 centimeters, and 15-20 centimeters widths. Color bright and long. The home flower refers to evergreen plants, the leaves are distinguished by a rich-green color. Correct care consists of:

    1. Compliance and create proper humidity. In the summer, there are no problems with humidity in residential buildings. In winter, you will come to help the moisturizer. You can occasionally spray the plant with warm water, it will help moisten the leaves, and remove such unwanted dust.
    2. Regular. The orchid room needs abundant irrigation, but it is worth remembering the feeling of measure. The next watering should be made only when the soil dried. It is better to enable the flower to fasten with water yourself, through the root system.
    3. Change and feeding plants. You need to transplant the bedroom orchid every year, in the spring. Soil's updates and a pot allows the root system to "breathe" and be saturated with mineral substances. Better feeder is better to carry out with the help of ready-made mineral additives. But not "overlapping" the plant, otherwise it has a chance to burn roots.
    4. Compliance with temperature regime. In principle, room orchid, the plant is thermal-loving. In the summer, you can put a pot on the window sill, but it will take care that the sun's rays cannot be contacted directly with leaves - otherwise it will face a burn. Winter should beware of drafts and frosts.

    With severe frost, the flower needs to be protected from staying on the windowsill. If it is strictly adhered to these simple rules, then the care of room orchid will not be too complex and limited, and the hostess will be able to enjoy long blossoms of the plant.

    Difficulties in the cultivation of orchid

    Any plant needs special. This is due to the anatomical features of the room flower. What difficulties can face a flower engine, when growing an orchid room?

    Difficulties in the cultivation of orchids:

    1. Brown spots on leaves. Most often indicate a sunburn. The hostess must take care of the darkening of the place where the plant is worth.
    2. The plant grows under the tilt. Most likely he lacks light. In case there are no problems with lighting, the reason can be wounded in poor watering.
    3. Flip and fungus on leaves. For the most part, the appearance of these problems is associated with dampness and cold indoors.

    If the plant does not bloom in the plant, or blooms, but very poorly - look for the reason in insufficient feeding with mineral fertilizers or scant care. Caring for room orchids can be reduced to observing humidity, regular watering, and competent. With proper care, the plant must answer you beautiful and long blossoms.

    Video about orchids in homely sleeping: