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Phased care of cucumbers in the country greenhouse. The greenhouse for planting cucumbers should be properly prepared. Wrong watering, insufficient or frequent

The cucumber is rightfully considered the king of summer vegetables at any dacha. In the greenhouse, he appears before everyone and immediately falls on the table - from cucumbers make excellent salads. And on the autumn, cucumbers are solid and marinate, preparing wonderful crispy snacks for the winter. That is why this culture grows every self-respecting gardener. Growing in a greencarbonate of cucumbers - it's a simple thing even for a beginner, if you carefully follow the recommendations given in our article.

Before proceeding with this responsible case - the cultivation of cucumbers, it is necessary to determine what purpose you are going to cultivate them. The fact is that from the correctly selected variety will depend on whether your expectations from the crop will be justified and do you achieve the desired results.

So, what are the varieties of cucumbers? Yes, of course, the selection has long done his own business, and on the shelves of the horticultural shops you can see hundreds, if not thousands of bags with cucumber seeds. How not to get confused and not to think about what, maybe not to contact this culture or, on the contrary, buy a lot of seed species without parsing? Neither the first nor the second approach is good for us. But also to navigate among all this diversity is extremely difficult to begin in the horticultural world.

However, not everything is so sad - there are certain tips on each sachet with seeds, which will help choose the right and suitable variety for your case. First, pay attention to the duration of the ripening of fruits.

Cucumber varieties are:

On a note! Remember that when incorrect temperature conditions Any cucumbers will ripen very bad and give fruit late. Yes, even early grades will refuse to give you a harvest.

Also think about what cucumbers you need to pollinate. From this point of view, they are also different. Distinguish the following types.

It is recommended to acquire either cucumbers-parthenokarpika, or. For newbies independent process Pollination may be too difficult, but without it there will be a risk that no fruits will appear at all. And in the greenhouse, as you know, bees appear extremely rarely. Except that .

Also, cucumbers are divided into fruit use and there are salad, salting and universal. Everything is clear from the names. Beginner dachensons are best to buy and grow universal varieties.

Another important aspect that needs to be taken into account when choosing a variety - hybrids or varieties do you need? The fact is that hybrids are the first generation seeds, which were obtained by crossing two different varieties. Hybrids tend to inherit from their parents best quality, become more resistant to diseases, are not afraid of climatic tests and have high yields.

On a note! The hybrids are always designated F1 marking. If this is not on the package with seeds, then you are in front of the ordinary cucumber varieties.

But the hybrids do not inherit their positive qualities, so collecting seeds from them to grow cucumbers from their own, meaningless.

It is worth noting that the grades and hybrids of cucumbers are also divided into size (from tiny peaks to gigantic two-meter), by type and color of spikes, according to the process of growing (open or closed) and in many other parameters. But, fortunately, to deal with these names and notation, it is not even nourishing vegetable.

We grow seedlings

After you have decided on the variety and acquired the seeds you need, you can start growing seedlings. This is perhaps the most responsible stage life cycle Cucumber. It is from how good and high-quality seedlings will be able to grow, and will depend on the success of the entire enterprise to obtain a crop.

Step 1. To grow seedlings of cucumbers, you will need soil and boxes for her. It is best to prepare the soil for seeds yourself. It is simple: Mix peat, humus, sawdust in a 2: 2 ratio: 1 or compost, leaf and turf In the ratio of 1: 1: 1 - and the soil for seedlings of cucumbers is ready.

Step 2. As a fertilizer, add to the resulting soil 3 tbsp. Spoons of ordinary ash and a spoon of any fertilizer complex.

Step 3. Before you land the seeds of cucumbers in the ground, it should be displaced - even if you are sure of the cleanliness of the soil for one hundred percent, just in case we will break it with boiling water or passpar. This will remove causative agents of plant diseases or disputes of mold.

On a note! Cakes for seedlings of cucumbers should not be small - you should not put these cultures in the tank less than 10 cm deep. At the same time, always remember that the box is a temporary "refinement", and after some time the seedlings will have to dive. And the cucumbers do not like excessive transplants. Probably, that is why many dackets immediately plant seedlings into separate cups, but the latter are quite a lot of space in the house. You can grow seedlings and in boxes, but you should not sow seeds thick.

Step 5. Fill the finished ground clean boxes and span it so that it is slightly donkey.

Step 6. Prepare seeds to landfill. Pulk them for 10-15 minutes into a weak manganese solution for disinfection, then decompose on a gauze folded several times and water. Leave so about a day. After the seeds proceed, plant them in the boxes.

Step 7. Seed seeds in small (about 1.5 cm) pits in a moistened soil, slightly sprinkled each hole of the earth. Seed landing for seedlings of cucumbers is made approximately in April (better at the end of the month). Usually sowing scheme is as follows: 10 * 10 cm or 8 * 8 cm.

Step 8. Box with seedlings cover with a film and put in warm room On the illuminated windowsill. The first shoots can be seen after 4-5 days. Then the film can be removed.

Step 9. Water or spray seedlings and soil every day so that the soil is wet.

Step 10. Cucumbers seedlings grow quickly, because you will soon need a dive. Seedlings are neatly retrieved together with a lump of land and planted into separate cups.

Landing seedlings to greenhouse

As cucumbers in warm conditions (that is, at home on the windowsill) grow quickly, it is possible to plant seedlings to the greenhouse in May, after 10-20 days after seeding. As a rule, the crossing of young plants occurs when they appear 4-5 real leaves.

Attention! Do not forget to harden seedlings before disembarking. For this B. warm days Expand the tanks on the balcony, the veranda, the loggia, and at night put back.

After the garden is removed, the harvest is mastered, and the pickles and jams dense rows lined up on the pantry shelves, I want to enjoy the fruits of our works. However, it is still early to relax, because you need.

In the spring period, about a week before the seedlings falling out once again or explode the soil in the greenhouse, form a bed of about 80-90 cm wide and about 35 cm high. The passage between them should be at least 60 cm. Make fertilizers: not bad if the soil is soaked with an aqueous solution with such ingredients such as urea, potassium sulfate, superphosphate and wood resin. You can also shed the soil dissolved in the water with a cow. After that, the soil is closed with a film (best of all black) so that the soil warms well - the cucumbers can not be planted in a cold ground.

On the day of the planning of seedlings in the greenhouse, dig up the wells - their depth should correspond to the height of the pot in which the plant is located. Makes in two rows about a distance of about 80 cm apart. At the same time, in one row, the plants can land with 50 cm increments. Each wells must be swolled with warmed water.

Gently taking out the earthen rocket with the roots of cucumber from the pot, put in the prepared hole and sprinkle the earth. It is most convenient to remove the seedlings, several times putting a pot on the container from the sides and gently turning over to the palm, while the fingers should seek stem cucumber. The ground around the stem can be slightly transformed with peat and sawdust to save moisture and heat.

Care for cucumbers

So that the cucumbers are good fruit, it is important to provide them with the right departure, which lies in such important points:

  • watering;
  • temperature regime and ventilation;
  • the formation of the bush;
  • podrel.

Proper watering is perhaps one of the main aspects of plant care. The optimal humidity in should be maintained at about 75-90% in the air and about 60% in the soil. Water cucumbers like this: for each square meter The ridges consume about 5 liters of warm water. It is best to water the bushes in the interval from 11:00 to 15:00, on a hot day in a day, in cloudy weather - every 3-4 days. As soon as the first ovary will appear, watering should become more abundant - up to 8 l per 1 m 2.

On a note! Under the very root, cucumbers do not watered - it is best to do several grooves next to the stems on Earth and water around them.

Cucumbers are important and good room temperature. In the greenhouse, it must always be the same, without sharp changes. The optimal air temperature is about +28 degrees, and the soil should not cool below +13, otherwise the plants will not be able to absorb water.

To strengthen aeration, it is important to loosen the land around the bushes. But it is necessary to do it without negotiating excessively.

In the greenhouse, it should be done for cucumbers and support - it can be stretched to the roof of the rope. Plants will "climb" on them and stretch up. In order for such supports to be, over the rows of plants at an altitude of about 1.5-2 m stretching the so-called sleeper - wire, to which the twine is tied in such a way as to take to the top of the cucumber bushes.

On a note! Any support for cucumbers should be well fixed. Otherwise, there is a risk that under the weight of the bush it will turn around, and with it and the plant, a fragile stem that can break.

To the ropes of the plants are pronounced when they have 6-8 sheets.

Garter of cucumbers

On a note! All the first side shoots are important to pinch so that they do not grow up on the parties. Then the cucumber bushes will be beautiful and will stretch up. The following 4-5 nodes per sheet and one fruit are also added.

As soon as the cucumber bush shoots up to the sun, his top pinchs, otherwise it will grow further. Paging is carried out about the second-third sheet growing after extreme fruit from above.


Another important aspect of cucumbers' care is feeding. Without her, hardly the crop will be rich and please you. At the same time, it is important to feed the plants correctly, and not to pour out what chemistry will have. Especially relevant for nutritious additives during flowering and fruit formation.

Before the start of flowering, young cucumbers are fed by nitric and phosphoric fertilizers, and during fruiting, a nitrogen-potassium feeder is carried out.

On a note! It is best to produce the process of feeding cucumbers in the evening, and after making fertilizers, the bushes are preferably shed clean water.

The following is always a good organic fertilizer for cucumbers and remain the following: a cowboat solution, alternating or littering of birds. The korovyak is bred like this: they stir the liter of this "treats" in the bucket of water and, adding 20 g of urea, watered the bushes at the rate of 0.5 liters per plant. But after the start of flowering, the solution is added some more - about 40 g - superphosphate.

The optimal mineral dressing for these crops will be a saltter solution (5 g), superphosphate (10 g) and a potassium salt (5 g), divorced in a 10-liter water bucket. The consumption of such mineral feeding - 0.5 liters per bush.

Cucumbers in the greenhouse got sick - what to do?

Table. Diseases, pests of cucumbers and getting rid of them.

Disease or pestDescription of harm and method of treatment

The first sign of the development of this disease is gray spots of various shades on stems, as well as in leafy sinuses. The main reason is insufficient ventilation of the room, watering too cold water, cool air in a greenhouse or excessively dense fitting of bushes. Conduct the disease is easy - it suffices to change the conditions of cultivation of cultures to suitable it. You can also handle the affected places by sprinkling them with powders - ash and vitriol copper.

This bat can cause tangible harm to any Flora representatives. The fact is that the whitebird is powered by juice of live green leaves. Thus, it dries plants. You can cope with it by using chemistry, adhesive traps. Prevention is important against whiteflies - thoroughly clean the greenhouse from weed vegetation.

The main sign of the disease is a white shade raid, resembling flour (hence the name - milder), which occurs on the green part of the plant. Rosa spreads pretty quickly, and bushes begin to stick and dry. The result is the death of plants. The easiest way to cope with the disease is a spraying of cucumber bushes with a solution of a cow and urea (in the bucket of water is divorced a liter of the first and 1 tsp. L. Of the second substance). Spray plants better in the morning clock.

Disease develops due to low temperatures of soil or irrigation icewater. The first signs are withering the leaves, the yellowing of the stem and the appearance of cracks on it in the root area. You can save the cucumbers only by changing the temperature regime and slightly harassing the stem with a special drug: in a semoligrous can of water, dissolve 1 tsp. copper mood, 3 tbsp. l. Chalk or puffs-lime, mix thoroughly. Apply the drug on the root part of the stem with a brush, removing a little ground around.

Appears at too high humidity and low temperatures At night. Characteristic sign - Reddish spots-wrecks on the fruits. By the way, the cucumbers affected by this disease cannot eat. To get rid of the disease, stop watering the plants at least 4-6 days, well ventilate the greenhouse in the heat or heat into cool weather. Additionally, treat bushes by bordrian liquid.
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    Almost all the territory of Russia, gardens manage to shoot excellent harvest precisely from polycarbonate greenhouses. The peculiarity of this structure is that inside you can maintain ideal conditions for the growth and development of culture, as well as the greenhouse perfectly protects cucumbers from the detrimental different impacts of nature and direct sun ray. If we consider the advantages of the greenhouse, then it: reliably holds heat, has excellent light-permeability, allows you to create a comfortable microclimate and provides an opportunity to carry out that is important for many cultures.

    Polycarbonate greenhouses are quite possible to make with their own hands, and they can be the usual format or mini. The placement of structures is better carried out on flat areas or with a slight bias in the south. Features of cucumbers are that they are more susceptible to the effects of pests and diseases, and therefore before the disembarkation is carried out, the soil is replaced inside the room, and the walls themselves must be carefully disinfected by a chlorine-based solution.

    Soil for seedlings and subsequent cultivation should be selected:

    • Fertile;
    • With excellent bandwidth and absorbability;
    • Close to neutral reaction.

    The optimal option is considered to combine fresh humid and turf soil. If you choose a substrate, then the mixture is best suited, in which there is peat, humid and field soil with mandatory adding sawdust coniferous rocks trees. The ratio is taken 1/1.

    Before boarding, the soil is carried out and disinfect with a copper-based solution.

    It is advisable to enrich the soil by superphosphate, as well as add an ammonium salter and potassium sulfate. Like any other plants, cucumbers need careful care, for which you can get a rich and tasty harvest. There are a number of important agrotechnical actions that will help grow cucumbers capable of fully justifying all expectations. It is necessary to carry out: regular and sufficient watering, weeding and loosening, ventilating greenhouse structures, proper formation of bush and garter, pollination, feeding.

    Cucumbers Greenhouse from polycarbonate: landing and care

    It is best to grow with a repentance, having previously exhausted seeds at home. As a rule, if you plant seeds immediately in open ground, then the probability of receipt big harvest It is significantly reduced and besides, almost 80% of landings will not bring any result.

    If you land seeds on seedlings, you can get cucumbers:

    • In great numbers;
    • Crispy;
    • Quality.

    Seedlings are grown in pots, and the term is at least 25 days. Before boarding open, the seedlings are hardened. It is necessary to plant plants into the soil open when a certain time has been achieved, and at that time, when there is a minimum of 5 real leaves on a bush. If in the greenhouse warm beds, then the disembarkation is carried out in April, and if the calculation is only on heat of sunlight, it is better to wait until May.

    The main thing is to put low bushes correctly and for this you need to make a double ribbon bed. Optimal distance will be considered 50-60 cm between each nearby, and between the bushes enough 20 cm. Grow good harvest It is possible from the seeds, and do not forget about organic fertilizers that mix with water and stacked into each well. When landing a bush, you need to not remove it from the pot and set the entire shape of the cup, without a shell in the well. Thus, it is possible to preserve the integrity of the roots and do not apply the stress plant.

    We choose cucumbers for greenhouse greenhouses: Best varieties

    What varieties are the best in the greenhouse and greenhouse? Each gardener has its own opinion on this matter, however, there are some recommendations for which you can decide on newcomers or learn something new for yourself.

    It is important to remember that cucumbers are two varieties.:

    • Ordinary;
    • Hybrid.

    Between them there is a significant difference, since ordinary varieties can be grown from the seeds of their ancestors, and they will be able to adopt all its hereditary features, both positive and negative. The cost of varietal seeds is significantly lower than hybrid and there is a completely logical explanation. Those who prefer to produce seeds should pay attention to the varietal types of cucumbers.

    Hybrid seeds are noted by a special F1 icon, and if they can give offspring, then, as a rule, it has no similarity with the progenitor and will not be so successful in quality and quantity. Hybrid plants have a number of advantages and this: resistance to the effects of adverse weather conditions, disease resistance, excellent fertility, high speed Maturation.

    How to suspend cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate

    Care for cucumbers includes many events, as it is required: it is necessary to water, for which there is a special scheme, high-quality feeding, competently tie the early small sprouts. The garter is not less important than watering, and therefore it is necessary to carefully investigate the ways to form bushes so that they do not break down not spoil and could give an excellent harvest.

    Specialists have 3 main ways:

    1. For the vertical version of the garter you need two trellis, one of which is installed at the beginning of the garden, and the second at the end. Next, the wire is tensioning, a kapron cord or just a plank at an altitude of 2 meters. To the established level you need to tie a twine, in such quantities by segments, how many bushes planted on the garden. That is what will be individual support of plants.
    2. There is a horizontal version of the garter. To do this, you also need to install two supports on the garden. They must be metallic and have a height of 2 meters. They are mounted a few of the firmly stretched ropes horizontally. They will climb the scurr's holidays.
    3. There is a hybrid method of garter, and for this you need to take the cucumbers in a circle, driven pegs, and mainly from the metal. With their help, a peculiar pyramid will be formed. Next, stretching the twine.

    It is permissible to use the mesh instead of twine, which makes it possible to seed it yourself to cling to its cells and climb up.

    Watering cucumbers in the greenhouse from polycarbonate

    The cucumbers grow in winter if growing agricultural equipment is observed. How many degrees should be the temperature? What conditions do you need? How to create an optimal microclimate? Initially, it is worth paying attention to the quality watering, because the cucumbers are moisturely biable, and if there is no abundant irrigation, they will be curves, ugly and bitter. Including with lack of irrigation may occur diseases.

    Each gardener knows that the correct watering affects:

    • Yield;
    • Ripening speed;
    • The aesthetics of fruits.

    It is important that watering should be without moisture in the soil, and therefore it is better to choose the soil from peat and sand. Permanent loosening of the soil is carried out so that oxygen flows into it. It is best to loose soil after each irrigation, which will allow you to carry out the competent distribution of moisture in the soil and it will make meals uniform, high-quality and most optimal.

    The most important thing is to avoid peel on the surface of the soil, as it will significantly slow down the growth and development of culture.

    If seedling just planted, then moderate humidity is needed. It is impossible to irrigate the root, and the advantage remains behind spraying from the sprayer. As soon as the sprouts began to grow up, then watering is carried out once a week, and moderately. Compliance with this mode is required before and after disembarking sprouts to the greenhouse. It is desirable to comply with moderate watering before the bloom starts. Sometimes a little moisture deficit is useful to actively begin to grow cucumbers, otherwise the bush will spend all nutritional properties on the growth of tops. For supporting optimal humidity In the greenhouse, you can spray the floor, walls and ceiling. As soon as bloom begins, irrigation is required, and to be more accurate, then hold it every 3 days. Again, it is strictly forbidden to pour water under the root.

    Garter of cucumbers in the greenhouse from polycarbonate (video)

    The cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse will make it possible to get a maximum of crop from this culture. The cucumbers are perfectly fruit even in open soil, in a greenhouse or greenhouse, their yield increases at times. This is explained by the fact that in the greenhouse you can create an optimal microclimate, protect the landing from climatic deficiencies, control the amount of moisture and heat. If at the same time to plant them, and not seeds, it is properly to water and carry out steaming, then the cucumbers will respond with gratitude to such a departure, which will significantly increase the profitability of their cultivation.

    Place for greenhouse

    From the right choice of place for the greenhouse, as well as its size, the result of its use directly depends. Beginner gardeners do not always give proper importance to these factors, and in vain. To put a greenhouse on the site - it is half an end, to put it correctly - this is how the skill.

    Before choosing a place, it is necessary to determine how the site is located relative to the sides of the light. The future greenhouse should be reliably protected from the North and Northeast Wind. If there are no fences and obstacles from a leeward side, they must be erected. It is enough to install an elevation or a decorative woven.

    The site itself under the greenhouse should be smooth. If there is a slight bias in the south - not scary. If the slope looks in the northern direction, it is better to align it or install a greenhouse at the highest possible elevation. It should be remembered that plants, in addition to heat, requires a sufficient amount of the sun.

    As for the size of the greenhouse, this question is also not idle. It depends on its area, the number of landings, from the volume - maintaining the microclimate, first of all optimal temperature. The best ratio in this case is the volume, twice the area. In other words, if the greenhouse has an area of \u200b\u200b6 m 2, then its volume should be approximately 12 m 3.

    Preparation of soil

    If planting cucumbers in a greenhouse or a greenhouse is performed for the first time, then the soil passes the primary training. It is made in autumn and is to enrich the soil with lime, organic fertilizers and minerals. They need to be distributed over the surface of the soil, after which it is thoroughly move it. Nitrogen fertilizers can not be added, since they are made only during the period of soil preparation in the spring.

    With the onset of spring, it is necessary to start making nitrogen fertilizers and careful dumping of the soil. During this period, it is important to maximize the soil with oxygen. If there is no preparation from the fall, you can make manure. Only in this case will have to use thermally disinfect.

    For better moisture conservation in the ground, wood sawdust should be mixed in it - this will allow moisture better to be held, and the plants will not need to wipe too often.

    If you have to put the cucumbers to the greenhouse, where any culture was grown before that, it is necessary to take additional measures to prepare the soil. In this case, from the fall, it is necessary not only to remove all the remaining parts of the plants, but also to remove from the top layer of soil about 5 cm of soil to prevent the cucumbers to preserve the bacteria and various pathogens in it. After that, fill the missing volume with new fertile soil.

    The formation of a bed is carried out before planting cucumbers. Their size, the amount and direction depends on the size of the greenhouse. Balance must be observed between such concepts as profitability and convenience. The distance between the rows should remain sufficient to provide plants care.

    Planting cucumbers in greenhouse

    It should be noted that the greenhouse from polycarbonate can be an excellent means of cultivating vegetables round year, giving a rich permanent harvest. This result will not give the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouse or unheated film greenhouse. The use of polycarbonate as a material for greenhouses made it possible to provide vegetables comfortable conditions all year, and not only in a temperate climate, but also in the Urals, and in Siberia.

    First of all, you need to choose a grade suitable for cultivation in a protected ground. Among them, such varieties can be distinguished as Hermann, Zozulu, Shchedrian, Cartoon, and others. Shchedrich is early and suitable for landing at any time of the year, Herman refers to the root type and has small, but very tasty fruits. Zozulu is a hybrid, characterized early terms Maturation. Good care Behind the cucumbers of these varieties allows you to get a rich harvest.

    To acquire the seeds of the most likely, you need to grow seedlings. For this, the seeds germinate as usual. Care of seedlings can be made at home and immediately in the greenhouse, if the conditions allow. 25 days after the appearance of shoots, seedlings can be planted into the ground. It should be noted that the time in which the cucumbers can be planted depends on the type of greenhouse.

    Planting cucumbers to the greenhouse immediately seeds are undesirable, as it will slow down the maturation time.

    An important role is played by both the distance from each other, cucumbers are planted. Landing technology requires compliance with a certain interval. To some extent, it depends on the variety, and on the size of the bush - it is necessary to take into account all the features of each.

    When landing, tapes usually comply with such averaged norms:

    • the distance between the copies is 20 cm;
    • the distance between the rows is 50 cm;
    • distance between ribbons - 80 cm.

    Such is the approximate scheme of planting cucumbers in the greenhouse, including polycarbonate. Such a technology is optimal because it does not interfere with the plant care and does not reduce profitability. The interval between the ribbons should be comfortable for the gardener so that it can water the beds, make feeding, loosen and process the soil, and between the rows and from each bush - sufficient for full lighting.

    For planting cucumbers in the ground, small wells must be made in bed, observing the interval between them. In the well, the water is first poured, then the roots of the plant are lowered into it. From above, everything falls asleep with soil. Water at this moment is no longer necessary. The final stage is the soil mulch.

    Landing care

    Care traditionally lies in the fact that the feeding is made in a timely manner, if necessary, means from one or another disease. In addition, it is necessary to conduct steaming, and, of course, loose and water the beds. In addition, it is necessary to periodically form each bush periodically, remove sick leaves, especially with a sign of the disease of fungal nature.

    Care for cucumbers in the greenhouse is not much different from the same process when growing in the open ground. Keeping copies also need a support. In polycarbonate greenhouses, usually stretch on maximum height Along the ribbon rope or reinforce Rey. From this river to each plant stretch the twine, one end of which is freely attached for the stem. As the plant increases, the plant is spinning around the support.

    It is necessary to ensure that the cucumber can be formed by one stem, the branching must be quenched, regularly conduct steaming. All this increases the amount of crop. Pasking is the removal of extra shoots. If you care for cucumbers correctly, it is required to protect the strength of the plant sufficient to support the stem and necessary leavesand the rest spend on the harvest. It is for this that packing is carried out.

    When growing cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, they should be regularly watering, because the precipitates in this case do not play any role. The feeding is made in the same way as on unprotected soil. Diseases and the same, therefore, the features of the struggle are identical. The secrets of growing vegetables in the greenhouses made of polycarbonate are mainly that the rules of ventilation and watering are observed, and the feeding will be made through the required period of time.

    Some features

    Moreover, the agricultural engineering of the cultivation of cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate is not much different from agrotechnics in all other cases, some secrets are still there. For example, the feeding is made according to the fact that the microclimate in the greenhouse is created artificially. Therefore, the balance of the composition of the soil depends only on the gardener. A shortage or excess of any element can be determined by appearance Plants, defining what fertilizer to make, and what kind of feeding is not needed yet.

    Care may differ in some cases depending on the grade of cucumbers, since each of them has a different stalk and shape of the bush in height. Some variety is more often steaming, some kind of more active feeding is required. The requirements of the Herman varieties, for example, are somewhat different from the preferences of Zozul's variety. In addition, Zozulu is a complex hybrid, he has his own nuances.

    The cultivation of cucumbers in winter in the greenhouse adds to the list of care measures. Additional items, primarily compliance with the temperature regime. In winter, feeding is usually made more often, since the plant needs to spend more forces. But it is not so intense to water it, because the evaporation of moisture through often open flaps does not occur, respectively, it can be stated, provoking various diseases.

    Despite some troubles, polycarbonate is very profitable. If you alternate one grade with another, combine different cultures, every couple of months you can collect a new crop. For example, such varieties of cucumbers like Zozulia and Herman are very productive, especially when growing in a protected ground. If vegetables water to water, conduct steaming, the profitability of such a classes will not cause doubts. This is one of the most profitable activities.

    Cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate: landing and care, the formation of a bush Consider in detail in this material. It is no secret that proper care should be provided to each vegetable is planting, watering and processing, pest protection, compliance with humidity indicators, air temperature.

    It happens that everything is done with the cucumbers right, but from year to year it will not be possible to collect enough quantity from each bustle. Perhaps the problem is that the garden is engaged in improper molding of bushes growing in a greenhouse from polycarbonate. Meanwhile, it was the formation of cucumber bushes that is the most important stage of growing this culture and care.

    Rules for the formation of cucumbers in the greenhouse

    The plant should grow correctly and develop to have the strength to delight harvest. The formation of the bush is that it is to make the right direction of growth for cucumber, to carry out a garter and trimming of the plants on time. It is extremely important to know where it is a bush to rechride that he has new shoots, in which, in turn, will be formed by Zagazi.

    On the video for the care and formation of cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate, you can see that you need to pinch yet young shoots. It is significantly increased yield, because the lateral extracts can be both male and female. To activate the appearance of new bandages, form a bush must be necessary. If this is not done, then the plant will not give enough fruits during the season.

    Some general advice It is extremely difficult to give here, the garden must follow the growth of plants. If six real leaves have already appeared - it's the time to push off the top. If the bush has already overcome a height of 20 cm, it means that the plant is fruitful to the width will definitely not be, it will not be tized on new sprouts. Therefore, when forming a bush, follow its length.

    Features of the formation in the greenhouse

    Cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate: landing and care, the formation of the bush is when growing in closed soil It has its own features. When the cucumbers are planted, then a few days later, it is necessary to bind the sprouts to the wire, which is tightened throughout the greenhouse in the place where the cucumbers grow.

    Great I. convenient option - formation of bushes in zones. The stem that retired to the level of the strained wire is already ready for it to fit. As a rule, it is 4-6 leaves during this period. Leafs need to wrap around the support so that the stem fastened at once from both sides. Next on the bush will begin to appear lateral shoots that should remain at the ground level, that is, their growth stops there precisely 50 cm from each other. If the gardener did everything right, such a bush will give the fruit for a long time and it will be high-quality strong vegetables.

    Several important advice on the formation of cucumbers:

    * When cucumbers are tied up, then you should trace the root to remain in the ground. The procedure is carried out with a young sprout, so, by chance, its root can break out of the ground and hang on the wire, a clear thing, it will lead to the death of the whole bush.
    * In the formation of the formation is important. That is, once a week, and if possible, twice a week, you need to wrap the bush again and again around the twine clockwise. The top must always be wrapped.
    * Men's flowers on the plants are removed, as well as damaged fruits or mustaches. If the mustache is not deleted, then this part of the bush will take a lot of mail nutrients and energy, that is, the fruits will grow small.
    * As for the integrity of the stem, it, of course, should not be violated. The stem from the cucumber is fragile, he can crack or get into the wrong handling of it.
    * During the growing season, dry leaves, yellow leaves and sprouts that are damaged are actively removed.

    New varieties of cucumbers in the process of forming a bush can be laid independently. On the main stem, men's flowers are always the first to appear, and then women appear on side shoots. But some modern grades of cucumbers can mean another flower distribution scheme. How to do.

    How to distribute levels

    From the sprouts, it will be completely necessary to save the bottom of the stem, this is somewhere 20 cm from the ground. This will allow the plant all the forces of growth to send to its upper part, and bottom part Stem, due to what will be without leaves, protect against the development of rot or fungal disease. When the side sprouts do not break down, the cucumber begins to grow into width, but not fruits.

    The second zone, which you need to remember when forming is the level of 80 cm from the ground. Here it will be necessary to leave only two escapes and one cucumber into several leaves. In the third zone at the level of 130 cm, two cucumbers are left and two leaves, and the fourth zone, on the top of the tip, three cucumbers and three sheets.

    When the stem freshes to the wire, it will need to wrap and leave three sheets and two cucumbers. So form the whole bush. From the sinuses of the leaves will appear new shoots that are cut into two directions immediately - this will make it possible to correctly distribute the bush in width.

    Cucumbers in a greenhouse from polycarbonate: landing and care, the formation of a bush needs to be known to get a good harvest. And the main important stage is precisely the correct formation of the bush in the process of its growth. Tricks and tips outlined in this material will help get the maximum harvest.

    Many gardeners in the cultivation of cucumbers in the greenhouses ask themselves questions: what greenhouse is preferred - purchased, or make it yourself, what is better - a film, glass or polycarbonate, how is it rational to use all the advantages of the greenhouse when planting vegetables? For proper care Under the middle strip, a good harvest can be raised at any time of the year.

    Benefits of greenhouse growing vegetables

    Cucumbers are undoubtedly one of the most common and beloved vegetables at the gardeners. Along with the cultivation of this culture in the open soil, the use of greenhouses is becoming increasingly distribution. And it is not surprising. Compliance with the correct agricultural equipment gives a large plus a greenhouse variant of growing cucumbers in front of the outdoor ground.

    Dignity greenhouse growing:

    • yield with the same area several times higher;
    • the possibility of obtaining an early harvest;
    • extension of growing this vegetable in middle lane before October;
    • the use of varieties of cucumbers zoned for southern regions.

    Applying the right grade cucumbers and the cultivation technology in the greenhouse, special technical means To maintain the optimal temperature and humidity, on the territory of the middle strip it is possible to grow this vegetable all year round.

    If desired, growing cucumbers in the greenhouse, gardeners can receive a harvest and for personal consumption, and make a fairly profitable home business.

    Preparation of greenhouse

    Before planing seedlings of cucumbers or seeds, it is necessary to carry out work on the preparation of the greenhouse itself. They can be divided into autumn and spring periods.

    Fall after harvest

    In the fall, when the crop of cucumbers is assembled, the framework is inspected and repaired, change damaged areas of the coating. The state of film or glazed coating controls the whole winter season. Wooden parts are treated with a three-percent solution with copper vigor (70 g per 10 liters of water). Metal parts frame painted. The glass is sprayed with formalin (2 g per 1 liter of water) 1 l per m 2. If exploitation is provided for winter, Check and establish electrical engineering and technical means for heating.

    From the ground remove the garbage, the remains of old plants, and change upper layer (4-6 cm) soil, because it is here that pests and sources of disease are accumulated. Then the earth is disinfected with a solution of copper mosquito from the calculation of 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water. Consumption during processing - 10 l for 20-25 m 2 Teplitsa area. Also, a mixture of manganese and lime can be used for the disinfection of the soil: 6 g of mangartee on 15 liters of water and 20 g of lime on 6 liters of water. If it is impossible to prepare the greenhouse in the fall, disinfection is carried out in spring - dissolve 1 intra-virus tablet and 2 oxychom tablets in 10 liters of water. This amount is sufficient to 15-20 m 2.

    Organic and mineral fertilizers are made: 20-25 kg of fresh manure, 30-40 g of phosphate and potash fertilizers for each square. m. in case increased acidity Soil, add 200-500 g of lime to 1 m 2. Then the ground is drunk to a depth of 30-35 cm.

    Spring before landing

    In the spring, when the earth warms up enough, an additional layer of film is stretching to the film greenhouse to avoid damage to the cucumber planting low night temperatures.

    Forming a bed with a width of at least 1 m and 25-30 cm high, leaving a place for the passage between them 60-70 cm. In the absence of heating the greenhouse before sowing seeds, the beds are folded fresh manure, on it - a layer of fertile loose land of about 25 cm. After all this, the ridges are abundant and seeds seed. You can, instead of manure on the bed, pour out the finished compost (sawdust, decomposed peat, rewinding straw and grass, etc.). Then the seeds are not sowing, but planted already finished seedlings. If the formation of high groes is not envisaged, and the plants will be grown directly in the ground, then in this case a simple - 80 g or double - 40 g of superphosphate per square meter. m.

    The prerequisite is the presence of horizontal height of a rigid wire, located at an altitude of 2 meters above the beds, to which the capers of the cucumbers. This prevents overheating bushes and the development of fungal diseases.

    Planting cucumbers in greenhouse

    The cucumbers are planting in a greenhouse with a seaside or seed seeds directly on the bed. From the selected method, the dates of landing and the technology of soil preparation in the greenhouse are dependent. At the time of landing, a greenhouse cover material is significantly affected: film, glass or polycarbonate coating. It is also necessary to take into account the methods of heating a greenhouse - biofuels or convector. In the latter case, the cucumbers can be grown throughout the year.

    General rules

    Planting cucumbers to a greenhouse, you need to be guided by the following:

    • when landing, seeds must be tested for quality and germed;
    • eat method Preferably planting seeds in the ground. An exception is a greenboratory greenhouse;
    • seedlings must be 25 days and have 3-4 real sheets;
    • per quarter. m. not more than four plants sit down;
    • the planned seedlings are formed vertically, taking it into a hatcher;
    • an earthen car seedling should be higher than a 1-2 cm bed level;
    • for better pollination, the cucumbers of different varieties are spinning.

    Landing seeds

    For sowing, large, full seeds are taken and check their quality - immersed at 20-30 minutes in a 5% salt solution. The pop-ups are empty, they are removed. Before sowing, seeds are soaked or germinated. Before soaking seeds, they are suspended in a tissue bag preferably above the battery for a day. They are soaked for about 10-12 hours immediately before landing. Seed seeds, wrapped them into a wet fabric and placing for 20-25 hours in a warm place, while the low-quality sowing material is additionally rejected.

    Seeds are planted in prepared wells for 3-3 seeds. The depth of the seal depends on the composition of the soil: on the loose - about 3 cm, on heavy less - 1-2 cm.

    Eat fit

    Applying a seaside process of cultivation, you can speed up the entry of cucumbers into fruction per one and a half - two weeks than when planting seeds.

    Plant seeds for seedlings is best in cups of soft paper or in peat pots. In this case, when disembarking in the ground, there will be no damage to the roots of plants. The land for seedlings can be purchased ready in the store or make homemade - from a mixture of 1 part of the garden land and 0.5 parts of wood sawdust and humus. Before boarding seeds, the ground in pots should shed weak mortar Manganese. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-2 cm and are covered with glass or polyethylene to create a microclimate. The temperature in the room during germination of seeds must be maintained within 22-28 o C, and after 5-7 days, when shoots appear, reduce up to 18-20 degrees. In order to prevent pulling, it is necessary to establish additional highlighting seedlings.

    When planting seedlings in a greenhouse, the temperature of the soil must be at least 16-18, and air - 20-22 degrees. If the growing plants plant are planted, they are obliquely located in the landing. IMPORTANT: In the first days after disembarking, the seedlings are abundantly poured and shared from the sun.

    Dates of landing

    Cucumbers in maturation time divide on early, middle-air and late varieties. Therefore, you can give the following general recommendations In terms of seed seed seedlings.

    • Early varieties - from March 15 to April 20. They have the highest ripening speed.
    • Associate varieties - from the beginning to mid-May.
    • Late varieties - from the end of August. Sit down hybrid varieties Cucumbers. The period of their ripening is 60 days, so the crop can be collected until November.

    With the cultivation of cucumbers with a reckless way, the landing time is determined as the soil ripening and the steady air temperature. Earth should warm up to 16 degrees, and air - up to 20 o C.

    Plant landing schemes

    On the successful cultivation and obtaining sustainable yields, except soil and care, affects right choice Planting schemes. The condition and development of cucumbers depends on it. In the greenhouses, one and double and twin and chess landings scheme should be applied.

    One line (row) plant the most damned and large-scale varieties of cucumbers. Groats make long and narrow. The disadvantage of this method is that there is no economy in the field of growing plants due to extensive passes between the rows.

    With a double-line circuit, the cucumbers are placed in two rows, one bush is opposite the other. This scheme is suitable for plants with small leaves.

    In order to improve illumination, plants can be planted in a checker order, the parameters of the beds are similar to a two-line scheme. A bush, planted in the second row "replete" planted in the first half of the distance between the plants in the row. This scheme involves growing cucumbers with large leaves and long fruits.

    Table: Intervals when planting cucumbers

    Planting scheme Distance, see
    Width Grokeok. Between bushes in row Between rows Width of the tracks between the ridges
    Single-line40–50 25–30 - 25–35
    Two-hundred80–100 35–40 45–60 40–50
    Chess80–90 35–40 45–55 from 40.

    Features of planting and care of cucumbers in polycarbonate greenhouses: how to grow rich harvest

    Applying greenhouses cellular polycarbonateAlready in March you can start growing cucumbers. The weight loss in them is less than in greenhouses from the film and it is easier to create additional heating. The advantage is that the seeds can be soiled in polycarbonate greenhouses directly on the beds with biofuels - it reduces the costs of preparation of seedlings. And the plants themselves will be delivered from the temperature adaptation - in the process of growth they are getting used to low temperatures. Using seeds early grades, planting seeds in the soil starts in the first numbers of March. After 21 days, the sprouted sprouts dive and sear permanent place Growing.

    Video: Highlights of planting cucumbers to greenhouse


    Cucumbers are a very moisture culture. It is necessary to properly organize the process of watering plants in the greenhouse. Watering, it is important not to overdo it - excessive irrigation leads to diseases (loading) of plants.

    After planting the plants before the start of flowering, the cucumbers watered moderately - per 1 square meter. m poured 4-5 liters of water. Such a irrigation rate will prevent increasing the leaf mass of plants and contribute to the active formation of obscenities.

    During the formation of obscenities, during the entire active fruiting and after removing the crop, the cucumbers require the greatest irrigation. Therefore, since the beginning of flowering and before the end of the vegetation, the irrigation rate increases to 9-12 liters per 1 m 2.

    The frequency of watering depends on the ambient air temperature. With hot weather, it is watered daily, with a moderate heat or on cloudy days there are enough 1-2 irons per week. During abundant fruiting watered every other day.

    Watering, follows the following rules:

    • it is necessary to control the state of the soil under the bushes: it must be moderately wet, but not overcooked;
    • when leafing the leaves, the plant should urgently pour;
    • at the beginning of the fruiting, you can apply the soil drying in order to accelerate the development of the barriers;
    • it is impossible to allow drops of soil moisture levels;
    • watering should be water not lower than 18-20 o C;
    • the most favorable time of watering - in the evening, after sunset;
    • after irrigation, it is necessary to brag the land.

    The advantages of drip irrigation in greenhouses

    For watering, various inventory is used: watering cans, buckets, hoses, etc. There are also existed automatic systems glaze:

    The drip irrigation system is the most convenient and rational for irrigation of cucumbers in the greenhouse. Consider the advantages of this method:

    • water comes directly under the root of each plant;
    • automation of the process, which allows gardeners less often to visit our garden and summer cottages;
    • there is no danger of soil erosion;
    • accurate dosage of feed, and therefore saving water;
    • simultaneously with watering, it is possible to feed the plants;
    • simplicity in service;
    • reduction of physical costs;
    • ultimately - increase in yield.

    The main minus of drip irrigation is the high price of standard equipment for watering offered by manufacturers. But the gardeners invented a lot homemade devices For drip irrigation. And anyone who knows how to keep the instrument in hand, will be able to build such a system in the greenhouse.


    During the entire growing season, cucumbers need to give feeding. In different cultivation cycles apply different kinds and norms of organic and mineral fertilizers. Over the season, the plants feed at least four times.

    Table: feeding cucumbers during the season

    The fertilizer standards specified in the table are made from the calculation of 0.5 liters per plant.

    Wood ash is a very valuable feeder for cucumbers. It is bred in a ratio of 100 g on 10 liters of water and used at any time cultivation of plants with a break in 10 days.

    Video: how to proper cucumbers

    The formation of cucumber bushes

    The formation of cucumbers is an essential agrotechnic admission with their cultivation. This contributes to improving the quality of fruits, an increase in yield, and to care for plants is much easier - there will be no continuous thickets in the greenhouse. In addition, plants are less subjected to diseases and invasion of harmful insects. The formation of bushes consists of the following events:

    • selection of the growth of the bush;
    • garters to the trellis;
    • pruning plants.

    It follows to one stem, as the fruits are tied on the central stem. For this, the following works are carried out:

    • 3-5 days after the seedling landing, the rabid cord is tied to a stretched horizontally wire;
    • when the bush is reached, 6 sheets, he is plugged with the top;
    • from the bottom remove all the leaves and shoot up to 5 sheets. It protects the plant from diseases and ventilate the soil well;
    • checking: on one zerosy, they leave in each sinus and pinch it after the third sheet;
    • on the next shoot, they leave 2 launches, and cut after 4 sheets;
    • when the main escape reaches the wire, it is also pinched.

    Important: To increase yields, it is necessary to systematically remove male flowers on the plant.

    For proper fulfillment These actions, the cucumber bush will be fruit for a long time.

    Video: how to form a cucumber bush

    Problems with plants

    Growing cucumbers, many gardeners face different troubles: falling flowers, leaves and wound yellow, the growth of the plant is stopped. This may be caused by many factors.

    1. Non-qualitative seeds. It should always be checked by seeds in a 5% salt solution - emerging seeds are unsuitable for sowing, they must be thrown out. You can also check the seeds for the germination, wrapped them into a wet fabric - if more than 60% do not sprout - sowing material is married.
    2. Lack of nutrition. In this case, the leaves are yellow and dry out, and the wounds disappear or not grow. The growth of the plant ceases. It is necessary to make full mineral fertilizers to stimulate growth.
    3. Soil moistening. The growth of plants slows down, they look rachistic, low-spirited, oxygen does not come to the roots. It is necessary to give air to the root system, i.e. "to dry" the soil: produce loosening and mulching - to plunge dry ground, peat.
    4. Low night air temperatures. Symptoms are the same as with excessive soil moisture. It is necessary to control and maintain optimal (22-26 ° C) air temperature in the greenhouse.
    5. Plants are not pollinated. In the absence of insect pollinators, the recovery is carried out manually. One male flower pollinates no more than 5 female.
    6. Plant disease or pest damage. The leaves are dry and folded, bright or yellow spot appears on their surface, the fruits acquire an ugly shape. Regular measures to protect plants from pests and diseases should be carried out.

    Fighting pests and diseases

    Although in greenhouses, compared with growing outdoor areas, cucumbers are more protected, diseases and insumsion of pests, preventive actions It should be carried out. And in case of diseases or damage to plants, pests take the necessary measures to save plants.

    Table: Fighting diseases and pests

    Root rot Cucumbers - dried stems and roots anthracnose cucumbers - Brown spots on the leaves of whitefly greenhouse leaves sugar traces on the leaves of a mudflower in cucumbers a cucumber bush, hit by a spider tick

    Features of growing cucumbers in the regions

    Using greenhouses, especially glazed and polycarbonate, cucumbers can be grown in all corners of Russia. The difference will be in the time interval of plants growth periods. If the harvest is harvested in the south, then in the middle lane, the cucumbers only appear, and in the northern regions and eastern Siberia only flowering ends. It goes without saying that when cultivating cucumbers, you need to choose a zoned variety: those that plant in Kuban will not grow in Yakutia. Extlamble varieties will not give a harvest, where there are no insects of pollinators - it is necessary to plant hybrids and parthenocarpic varieties of cucumbers.

    More gardeners come to solve the growing cucumbers in the greenhouses. Currently there modern species coatings for greenhouses, many auxiliary equipmentHelping growing vegetable crops. Applying an advanced agricultural engineering cucumbers in greenhouses, gardeners can always count on a good harvest.

    Diseases and pests of cucumbersSigns of damagePrevention and measures of struggle
    Puffy dew.White row on the leaves.Prevention:
    • the destruction of weeds;
    • replacing the soil when preparing the greenhouse for the season.
    • treatment of leaf with a cow (1/10 l of water);
    • in 12 L. hot water Dissolve 250 g of onion husks and 2 g of manganese, insist a year and a half, filter and process the leaves;
    • 50 g of soap and soda on 10 liters of water.
    Root rotStems in the roots become brown and dry. The leaves also become spotted and fall on the soil. Growth is delayed and the bush may perish.Prevention:
    • do not water cold water;
    • in the cold nights to cover the plants;

    Treatment: Disinfection of the roots of stems and soil with a solution - 3 h. copper mood and 6 tbsp. l. Ash dilute in 1 liter of water.

    AnthracnoseYellowish brown formations on leaves and fruits.
    • Processing with 1% mortar of the Bordeaux liquid;
    • wetting damaged sections with 0.5% copper sulfate and powder wood coal or lime.
    Cobbled tick.Sasses juice from the leaves - falls out flowers and wounds, the plant can perish.
    Fighting tick: plant treatment with water with the addition of garlic.
    White white white.Sasses juice from plants - white sugar traces remain.Prevention:
    • the destruction of weeds;
    • Glue traps: plywood sheets are painted in light color And lubricate with sticky makeup so that the insect could not fly.

    Treatment: Washing with water of the bottom of the damaged sheet.

    Bahch wave.Warming and twisting of leaves, flowers are affected.Prevention: the destruction of weeds.
    Treatment: insist during the day 30 g of red pepper and 200 g tobacco
    dust in 10 liters of water (60 o C). Add soaps and 3 tablespoons of ashes.
    Spray a week of 1-2 l per 1 m 2.