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Which means the increased acidity of the stomach. What is the increased acidity of the stomach: causes, symptoms and treatment. Treatment of increased acidity of the stomach of folk remedies

The increased acidity of the stomach has a negative effect on the digestive processes and the state of the gastrointestinal tract organs, it becomes the cause of uncomfortable sensations. It accompans with some diseases of the digestive system, including gastritis and ulcerative disease.

The acidity of the stomach, i.e. pH of the gastric juice, is determined by the concentration of hydrochloric acid contained in it produced by parietal cells. Salonic acid is necessary for the normal digestion process. Its main functions:

  • gives antibacterial properties with gastric juice;
  • activates the effect of digestive enzymes of the gastric juice;
  • denatures proteins, and also contributes to their swelling;
  • excite the secretory activity of the pancreas;
  • adjusts the evacuation function of the stomach.

The reasons

The alimentary factor is most often the cause of increasing the acidity of the stomach, that is, incorrect, irrational nutrition. Acute, salty, fatty dishes, alcoholic beverages have an irritating effect on the gastric mucous membrane, resulting in parietal cells begin more than required, the amount of secreted hydrochloric acid. The alimentary factor includes too fast absorption of food. In this case, the stomach falls poorly fastened food lumps, insufficiently moistened with saliva, containing too large particles. It requires a larger amount of gastric juice, which means and hydrochloric acid, which leads to enhanced acid production, therefore, to an increase in the acidity of the gastric juice.

Increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is able to cause damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.

Other reasons for the increased acidity of the stomach can be:

  1. Long use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents and / or corticosteroidsSince they have an irritant effect on the gastric mucous membrane.
  2. Chronic stress. By itself, it does not have a negative impact on the state of the organs of the digestive system, however, being in an depressed state, a person stops eating properly, often smokes, uses alcoholic beverages, which negatively affects the gastric mucous membrane.
  3. Smoking. Nicotine has a stimulating effect on parietal cells, resulting in an increase in the acidity of the stomach.
  4. Infection with Bacteria Helicobacter Pylori. This is a unique microorganism capable of surviving in an acidic environment. Once in the stomach, the bacteria produce uraza, which has an irritating effect on its walls. In an effort to destroy these bacteria, the stomach cells are strongly synthesized with hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

Symptoms of increased gastric acidity

The main symptoms of the increased acidity of the stomach are pain in the field of epigastria and heartburn. The pain wears pulling, but stupid character, in most cases arises 1.5-2 hours after meals. Heartburn is developing as a result of getting into the esophagus of the gastric juice. Often, its appearance is provoked by the use of food products that contribute to the increase in the acidity of the stomach:

  • orange or tomato juice;
  • acute and / or fatty food;
  • smoked;
  • some types of mineral water.

Other symptoms of elevated stomach acidity are:

  • nausea, and in some cases and vomiting that occurs 15-20 minutes after meals;
  • open with sour;
  • often emerging intestinal colic;
  • the appearance in the language of a white-gray laid.


To determine the acidity of gastric juice in clinical practice, the following methods are used:

  1. Outdoor pH-metry. Using a special device, the acidity of the stomach in its various departments is determined. The method allows both short-term and daily pH-metry.
  2. Stomach fractional sounding. The procedure is performed on an empty stomach. A fatty probe is injected into the patient through the mouth, and then the gastric contents at certain intervals are sucking with a syringe. This technique allows you to estimate the features of the secretory function of the stomach, as well as to produce a laboratory study of the gastric juice with the definition of its pH. However, fractional sensing cannot provide accurate results, since the gastric juice is stirred from different zones, and in addition, the probe itself annoys the mucous membrane of the stomach. Normally, the content of hydrochloric acid in the gastric juice should be 0.4-0.5%.
  3. Gastrotest, or acidotest. Before studying the study, the patient completely empties the bladder, after which it takes into special drugs. Through a certain period of time, the patient urins again and the acidity of gastric juice is estimated according to the degree of urine dyeing. The method is imperfect, so it is rare currently applied.

It is possible to identify the increase in the acidity of the gastric juice at home. For this, an empty stomach drink a glass of freshly squeezed apple juice that does not contain any additives. If after some time there will be a burning distance behind the sternum, the feeling of gravity or pain in the epigastria region, then with a high probability of acidity is increased.

The increased acidity of the stomach accompanies certain diseases of the organs of the digestive system, including gastritis and ulcerative disease.

Treatment of increased stomach acidity

Medicase treatment of increased acidity of the stomach is carried out by drugs of the following pharmacological groups:

  • proton pump inhibitors (omeprazole, pantoprozole, nolpaza) - reduce the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the stomach parietal cells due to the blocking H + / K + -ATFase;
  • blocators H 2 -Gistamine receptors (Ranitidine, Cimetidine) - block the histamine receptors, due to which the secretion of hydrochloric acid and pepsin is reduced;
  • antacids (phosphhalugel, Almagl, Renny, Gastal) - neutralize hydrochloric acid of gastric juice, due to which they eliminate heartburn, pain and discomfort;
  • blocators M 1 -Holinoreceptors that have a predominant effect on the gastric receptors (gastrocepin) - inhibit the secretion of pepsin and hydrochloric acid, render a gastroprotective effect;
  • antibacterial drugs - Helicobacteriosis therapy.
To prevent recurrences, it is extremely important to adhere to the right nutrition for a long time, and even better - for life.

With pronounced pain syndrome, antispasmodics are prescribed (papaverine, but-shpa), as well as local anesthetics inside (novocaine solution, anesthetic tablets).

Some patients to eliminate the symptoms of increased acidity of the stomach are taken inside with a solution of drinking soda. The soda enters into the neutralization reaction with hydrochloric acid, the pain and region of the abdomen and heartburn quickly disappear. But such treatment of increased acidity of the stomach leads to an even greater secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells. As a result of a chemical reaction between the food soda and hydrochloric acid, a cooking salt and coal acid is formed, which is a non-stroke chemical compound, easily disintegrating water and carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide irritates the mucous membrane of the stomach, thereby provoking the strengthening of the secretion of hydrochloric acid. As a result, an even greater increase in the acidity of the stomach occurs. This phenomenon in medicine got the name of the "acid ricochet".

Diet with increased gastric acidity

Modern pharmacological treatment of increased acidity of the stomach allows you to quickly eliminate the complaint with the patient, improve its condition. However, in most cases, after a while, patients again begin to suffer from pain in the epigastria and heartburn. To prevent recurrences, it is extremely important to adhere to the right nutrition for a long time, and even better - for life. The main rules of the diet at elevated acidity of the stomach are:

  • food reception 5-6 times a day in small portions (t. n. fractional food);
  • ensuring mechanical and chemical gestures of the stomach;
  • the diet fully balanced on the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and trace elements.

For patients suffering from diseases accompanied by increased acidity of the gastric juice, a diet No. 1 was developed according to the pessner, which corresponds to the principles listed. During the period of a sharp exacerbation of the disease, patients for 6-8 days are prescribed diet No. 1: dishes are prepared only by extinguishing or cooking, they are wiping and fed in warm form, products that can irritate the gastric mucous membrane and strengthen the secretion of hydrochloric acid:

  • raw vegetables, berries and fruits;
  • alcohol, carbonated drinks, strong tea, cocoa, coffee;
  • chocolate;
  • spices, spices, sauces;
  • fermented milk products (including cheese);
  • bakery products.
Acute, salty, fatty dishes, alcoholic beverages are on the mucous membrane of the stomach irritating effect, as a result of which the increased acidity of the stomach may occur.

During the period of unreasonable exacerbation, as well as with a decrease in the intensity of clinical manifestations of exacerbation, diet No. 1 is recommended. With it, dishes are prepared by extinguishing, cooking, cooking for a pair and baking in the oven (without a crust form). Well coarse meat or fish can be served by a portion piece, all other dishes should have a cascidious consistency. The diet is limited to the products that have a stimulating effect on the gastric mucous membrane, for example, broths. Completely excluded:

  • spices and spices;
  • chocolate, ice cream;
  • sour and unhealthy berries, fruits;
  • cabbage, onions, turnips, trouser, cucumbers, radishes, sorrel, spinach;
  • mushrooms;
  • legumes;
  • marinades and pickles;
  • corn, pearl, bone, millet cereals;
  • fried or cooked screwed eggs;
  • acute and salted cheeses;
  • fatty varieties of fish;
  • fatty grade meat;
  • fresh and / or rye bread.

Treatment of increased acidity of the stomach of folk methods

As with any other pathology, the treatment of increased acidity of the stomach must appoint a doctor. In coordination with it, the treatment regimen can be complemented by some folk remedies, for example:

  • carrot juice;
  • freshly squeezed juice from red potato tubers;
  • water infusion chaga (birch mushroom);
  • water infuses and champs of medicinal herbs (daisies of pharmacy, peppermint, Hypericum, gold baler).


Prevention of the development of increased acidity of the stomach should be built, first of all, on the organization of the right, rational nutrition:

  • eating small portions;
  • careful chewing of food;
  • inclusion in the diet of products rich in vegetable fibers, vitamins, microelements, protein;
  • restriction of oily and acute food;
  • refusal to eat fast food, snacks, so-called garbage food;
  • refusal of alcoholic beverages and smoking.

Important importance in the prevention of increased acidity of the stomach plays the correct lifestyle:

  • avoiding stressful situations;
  • regular sports;
  • compliance with the optimal regime of labor and recreation.

It is also necessary to inhibit infectious diseases in a timely manner, since they can lead to a violation of the secretory activity of the cells of the stomach mucosa.

Possible consequences and complications

Excessive content of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is dangerous by the development of heavy, with difficulty therapy of complications. The hitting of aggressive gastric contents in the lumen of the esophagus is not just accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of heartburn, but also causes damage to its mucous membrane. A long-flowing gastroofing reflux is the main cause of the formation of the ulcers of the esophagus, and in the subsequent and possible rebirth of it in a malignant tumor.

Increased concentration of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice is able to cause damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. Initially, similar damage is superficial and called erosions. In the future, the defect is propagated by increasing, which leads to the formation of the stomach and duodenal ulcers. This is a serious disease that requires long-term systematic treatment. In the absence of therapy, it can lead to severe complications:

  • malignation of ulcers;
  • internal bleeding;
  • stenosis of the gastric and / or duodenal gatekeeper with a violation of passability;

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The inflammatory process with an increase in the acidity level of the stomach is such a state with which almost half of the entire population periodically faces. The increased acidity of the stomach, the symptoms of this state and its treatment - everything is described in this article in detail in this article.

Salonic acid in gastric juice participates in the following processes:

  • splits the molecules of protein and other origin to facilitate their suction by the small intestine;
  • participates in the exchange and suction of iron;
  • creates a protective barrier from entering the body of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • adjusts the acid-alkaline balance.

The hydrochloric acid in the stomach produces the festive glands with parity (shell) cells. The acid-forming cells are mainly in the upper and central regions of the organ (at the bottom and in the body of the stomach).

Normally, the acidic gastric juice environment is maintained at the required level with two interrelated processes:

  1. acid formation. Salonic acid falls into the gastric juice, when a person looks at food, feels its smell, and during food;
  2. neutralization of hydrochloric acidwhich is contained in the mucous meter of the stomach walls.

The constant synthesis of acid supports the normal acid medium in the stomach. It depends on the pH level, which is one of the health indicators of the digestive organs. In various stomach departments, the acidity level is different. It is considered the norm when the mucous membrane facing the lumen of the stomach pH 1.2 is 1.6, and on the mucous membrane adjacent to the epithelium - 7.0 pH (neutral).

However, when diagnosed, the average pH level indicators are not taken into account. As a rule, the overall acidity of the stomach and the change in the normal size of the acidity (pH) in the gastric juice during the day in different parts of the organ is investigated.

Hypersection of hydrochloric acid leads to an increase in the acidity of gastric juice, which causes discomfort, pathological changes in the organ and impaired functions of the entire digestive tract.

The activity of hydrochloric acid production and an increase in acidity stimulate the following factors:

  1. the predominance of rough and irritating food in the diet;
  2. state of activity of the nervous system;
  3. the activity of the stomach functions (the delay in the gastric juice or the storage of food causes an elevated level of acidity);
  4. pH level in the cavity of the stomach;
  5. the impact of hormones and peptides in the stomach and intestines, which produces the mucous membrane and pancreas.

Causes of increased acidity

The reasons that cause increased secretion of hydrochloric acid may be external and internal. External factors increasing the acidity of the stomach:

  • nervous shock, neurosis;
  • lack of sleep;
  • unhealthy and unbalanced nutrition;
  • alcohol abuse, smoking;
  • consumption of drinks containing soda;
  • prolonged reception of medicines negatively affecting the gastric mucosa tissue.


The condition that occurs at elevated acidity of the stomach is manifested by symptoms that doctors are combined into hyperacid syndrome. Typical signs of this condition:

  • feeling of discomfort and light pain in the upper body of the abdomen under the ribs;
  • burning in the lower section of the chest. Heartburn can be periodic or constant;
  • reflux - Pumping the contents of the 12-Personal intestine along with bile back into the stomach (bile, produced by the liver and entering the gallbladder);
  • gastric cough;
  • dyspepsic disorders - sulfur bumping, gravity in the stomach, strong nausea with vomiting in the morning;
  • constant feeling of hunger;
  • frequent heartbeat;
  • the language of red, is formed white raids in the center;
  • intestinal disorders (colic, meteorism, constipation or diarrhea);
  • increased body temperature in the acute period of the disease. Reduce the temperature of the antipyretic means before the arrival of the doctor is not recommended. You can bring down the temperature, putting a cold towel on the head of the patient.

The main cause of the increased acidity of the stomach in women during pregnancy is a changed hormonal background. In addition, the violation of the acid-alkaline balance is promoted by the uterus, which, increasing in size, gradually displays internal organs.


For the diagnosis of the disease, which is accompanied by the increased acidity of the stomach, turn to the gastroenterologist. An integrated examination is appointed:

  • studying complaints and collecting detailed history of the life of the patient and illness;
  • visual inspection (the presence of a tongue on the language, bloating);
  • palpation of epigastria;
  • common urine and blood tests;
  • blood test for biochemistry and sugar;
  • FGDS (fibroezophageastrodenoscopy) is a study that allows to determine the state of mucous tissues and take a sample for analysis to histology;
  • tests for determining the presence or absence in the stomach bacteria Helicobacter pylori;
  • Ultrasound busty bodies;
  • histological examination and biopsy of samples of mucous tissues.


The main task of treating gastritis with increased acidity is to neutralize the acid and restore the functions of the digestive system.

  1. medical diet;
  2. medication treatment with drugs normalizing acidity;
  3. phytotherapy;
  4. treatment with mineral water.

Medical therapy

To reduce acidity levels, a complex treatment of drugs, normalizing the extraction and a high concentration of acid, and help restore damaged tissues of the mucous membrane layer. The gastroenterologist determines which drugs will be used in each case to improve the patient's condition with increased stomach acidity.

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Complex treatment of an excess acid in gastric juice includes the use of groups of drugs that contribute to the restoration of the mucous layer:

  • antacids (Gevisson, Renny) - have a rapidly medicinal action. Gasy the acid in, effectively help to remove periodic bouts of heartburn;
  • funds with enveloping and antacid action (Maaloks, Phosfaleugel, Almaty, Gastal) - Neutralize acid, and create a film that protects inflamed mucous membranes from irritant factors;
  • medications of enveloping and antacid, having a bismuth in the composition (Vicalin, de Nol, Gastronormors) - are prescribed to reduce the level of acidity, which is accompanied by ulcers on the gastric mucous and 12-rosys and the presence of Helicobacter Pylori bacteria;
  • selective histamine receptor blockers (quamatel, ranitidine) are preparations that reduce the overall secretion of gastric juice and reduce not only manifestations of heartburn, but also eliminating the reasons for its appearance. Have a pathogenetic and symptomatic effect;
  • preparations of cholinolics (gastrocepin) - tablets are used to reduce increased acidity in severe cases of hyperacid state;
  • proton pump blockers (omeprazole, proxium) are considered to be the best means blocking the secretory function of glands producing acid. There are one drawback in such drugs: it is impossible to use in pediatrics for the treatment of a child;
  • preparations containing enzymes (mesim, caon, festal) are prescribed to normalize digestive processes that reduce increased acidity and eliminate meteorism, nausea, heartburn, gravity in the stomach;
  • combined tools (clotor, pythobact) - in the composition of these drugs combined blockers of proton pumps with antibacterial agents. Used to reduce increased acidity in gastric juice, which is combined with ulcers from helicobacter infection.

Funds of traditional medicine

Folk remedies are widely used to normalize the acidity of the stomach at home. Pick them individually on the recommendation of the attending physician.

Several prescriptions based on medicinal herbs, helping to struggle with high acidity:

  • take the leaves of mint, linden flowers, fennel seeds and flax in equal amounts. Pour 1 tbsp. Spoon of a mixture of herbs 250 liters. Boiling water and insist half an hour. Take the infusion of a quarter of a cup 2 times a day;
  • it takes mint, calendula flowers, hunter and immortelle in equal parts. Collection brewing like tea;
  • a very effective collection to normalize acidity (increased acidity lowers, reduced - increases). Collection composition:, dried drying, Crimean rose, field and calendula - 10 grams; Halfweed therapeutic "God's tree", a spike ordinary - 20 grams; Rosehip fruits, dill seeds - 30 grams; Plantain, St. John's wort - 40 grams; Yarrow - 70 grams.
  • 1-2 Art. Spoons of a mixture of herbs brew in a thermos glass boiling water and insist 8-10 hours. Drink on a half package 30 minutes before receiving the food three times a day. The duration of treatment 20 days, then a break of 7-8 days. After that, if necessary, repeat the course.

Several tips of folk treatment:

  • with increased acidity of gastric juice, green sweet apples are very useful. It is necessary to eat on an empty stomach of 2 apples per day (swore on a large coat without peel);
  • lowering the acidity of the gastric medium contributes to fresh potato juice. You need to drink half a cup of on an empty stomach;
  • also very useful than the fresh white cabbage juice (it is impossible to use with exacerbation);
  • excess acid in gastric juice helps porridge porridge helps;
  • it is useful to introduce fresh and boiled beets in the diet (beet juice, salads);
  • dissolve 50 grams of honey in a glass of warm water. Consumption for two hours before eating 2 months;
  • rinse the egg shell thoroughly, dry and crowded into the powder. Take 2 teaspoons a day after meals.

Treatment of mineral water

With increased acidity of the stomach, alkaline medical and dining or table fresh mineral water is used.

Therapeutic effect of mineral water:

  1. Binds hydrochloric acid, thereby reduces its amount in gastric juice.
  2. Improves metabolism, satures blood with useful trace elements. It helps to raise immunity and promotes rapid recovery.
  3. Normalizes the functions of the gastric glands, reduces the production of hydrochloric acid and stimulates the separation of mucos that protects the mucous membrane.
  4. Promotion of food from the stomach in the intestines is accelerated, which prevents congestive phenomena. In addition, a heartburn is passed, a feeling of gravity in the stomach and belching.

For the most efficient use of mineral water with increased gastric acidity, several rules should be performed:

  • mineral water should be drunk 1.5-2 hours before meals;
  • it is advisable to get rid of carbon dioxide in water, as it is annoying the gastric mucosa. For this, the water is slightly heated. At the same time, it is important not to steamed water, from the heat of the salt, falls into the precipitate;
  • the duration of consumption of mineral water for the best effect should be 2-3 weeks. It is better to start drinking mineralo to exacerbation and increasing acidity (the beginning of spring and autumn);
  • you can buy mineral water in a pharmacy and in the store. Therapeutic effect is achieved with the use of natural mineral water.


You need to follow both during the exacerbation and during remission. The main principles of therapeutic nutrition:

  • strict diet in the acute period and gradual expansion of the diet in the improvement of the condition;
  • use in food products neutralizing acid in gastric juice;
  • small portions of food 5-6 times a day;
  • regular nutrition at the same time;
  • exclude mechanical, physical and chemical food stimuli.

Table of basic food products that are allowed or prohibited at elevated acidity:

Permitted productsForbidden products
Crackers or dried bread with branFresh baking from a dough
Lebid Meat (Chicken, Rabbit, Turkey, Beef) and Sea FishConfectionery, chocolate
Low fat dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese, rippy, Prostokvash)Fat meat, mushrooms, sausage
Nonxal fruits and berriesMilk, cream, sour cream, fat yogurt
Compote, Kissel, Mineral water without gas, weak teaCitrus and acidic drinks, concentrated juices
Porridge from buckwheat, oatmeal, mankeyAlcohol, any carbonated drinks, coffee
Boiled potatoes, eggs sick or steam omeletSharp seasonings, marinades, pickles, onions, garlic

Complications and consequences

In cases where the hyperacid state lasts for a long time, structural and functional restructuring of the gastrointestinal organs appear and severe disorders of the digestion system may occur. The following diseases may appear:

  • gastritis (inflammation of the mucous stomach), duodenitis (duodenum), esophagitis (esophagus);
  • decline in appetite, violation of the functions of the gastrointestinal organs;
  • the appearance of erosions on the mucous tissues of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum;
  • ulcer of the stomach (more often than the pyloric department) and the duodenum;
  • gastroesophageal reflux, scar stenosis of the esophagus;
  • the formation of stones in the kidneys.

The increased acidity of the stomach (an increase in the concentration of acid in the digestive juice, which is synthesized by the cells of the organ) is a serious pathological basis. When the level of acidity in the stomach significantly exceeds the norm, various problems appear in the functioning of the entire digestive tract. In addition, if this pathology is noticed and not treated, the risk of developing and erosive inflammation of the esophagus increases significantly.

Causes of pathology

The acidity of the stomach is supported on the level of interrelated processes necessary for normal digestion:

  • Acid formation which occurs in special cells of the gastric wall. Salonic acid is thrown into the gastric juice and then when a person only sees food or feels the smell, and when he eats it.
  • Neutralization of hydrochloric acid by alkaline substances , which are also synthesized by the cells of the gastric mucosa, but already others. Alkali in large quantities are contained in a protective layer of mucus on the surface of the gastric wall.

For regulation of acid formation, hormones are responded, highlifted by endocrine glands of the stomach:

  • Gastrin and histamine - Stimulants of hydrochloric acid products. These substances are synthesized in response to cerebral pulses and stretching the stomach of food.
  • Somatostatin - Bashes acid formation by blocking gastrin.

Thus, the stomach is a rather complex system in which protective, and aggressive factors are also present. If the second begin to prevail, the acidity of gastric content rises. Cause the imbalance between acid formation and neutralization of acid can the following reasons:

  • Violation of the neurohumoral regulation of the stomachwhich arises due to diseases of the central and vegetative departments of the nervous system, endocrine failures.
  • Organic stomach mucosa changes -, damage caused by drug intake. With these pathologies, cells are killed responsible for the production of alkaline substances.
  • which simultaneously contributes to the hyperproduction of hydrochloric acid and the destruction of protective alkaline mucus on the inner surface of the stomach.
  • Error in nutrition. Overeating, swallowing normally not overburden food, abuse of sharp and greasy dishes.
  • and. And alcohol, and tobacco smoke components actually act on the gastric mucosa, causing an inflammatory process and hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid.

In addition, the increased acidity of the stomach may be due to genetic factors. Of course, this does not mean that every generation without exception will suffer from the pathology under consideration and its consequences. On parents to children are transferred only to the predisposition to the hyperceneration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. If other provoking factors are added to this predisposition, the disease necessarily occurs.

Symptoms of increased gastric acidity

People with high acidity usually complain about:

Many people having the high acidity of the stomach are disturbed. The reason for this is the night heartburn. As a result, patients quickly get tired, they cannot fully work fully, begin to treat everything with Apatia.

How to check the acidity of the stomach

According to the patient's complaints, the doctor cannot establish with great accuracy that the acidity of the stomach is really improved. To do this, it is necessary to conduct a special instrumental examination - intraventricularpH-Money. The essence of this method consists in measuring the acidity in different parts of the digestive tube.

In addition, an endoscopic stomach survey may be needed to determine the cause of acid formation. In the course of this procedure, the material is also taken to verify the infection of the gastrointestinal tract. The identification of this microorganism requires special eradication therapy.

Treatment of increased stomach acidity

Therapeutic measures at elevated acidity of the stomach include several directions:

  • Diet.
  • Normalization of psycho-emotional state, rationalization of the patient's work and rest mode.
  • Medical treatment.

It is necessary to act in this order, since the first two points in most cases allow stabilizing gastric acid without drugs. However, if a patient has a helicobacter infection, without medication treatment cannot do.

We recommend reading:

Diet with elevated acidity involves the following:

  • The patient should not use products that stimulate gastric secretion and damaging mucous membrane.
  • It is necessary to eat in small portions so that the stomach is not very stretched, and often at least 5-6 times a day, so that the surplus of acids have used, and did not eat the mucous membrane.
  • It is impossible to eat in a hurry, badly chewing food.
  • From alcohol, cigarettes, strong coffee and tea need to be abandoned.
  • Preferred methods of cooking food - Harvesting, ferry processing, baking.

To normalize the psycho-emotional state, the patients are recommended to rest more, get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air, to engage in favorite thing, be physically active. In the presence of testimony, the doctor may prescribe sedatives on a vegetable basis.

The following means apply for drug correction of high acidity:


There is no uniform diagram of medical treatment of increased acidity. Each patient needs an individual selection of medicines, taking into account the causes of the occurrence of pathology, the state of the mucous membrane of the stomach and the severity of acid equilibrium disorders.

Diet with increased gastric acidity

Lower the acidity of the stomach and thereby normalize the digestive processes of patients helps a diet. It was above its principles, but the products that can be used in the hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach should pay special attention.

The products allowed at elevated acidity include:

In general, patients can eat absolutely fully, without bothering the purchase of special products and the preparation of some special dietary dishes. But, making up a daily menu, it is necessary to remember that some products are preferably eliminated from the diet:

  • Broths welded on a large amount of fatty meat or fish.
  • Fresh bread and sdobu.
  • Bean.
  • Fat meat, fat and fish.
  • Smoked smoked
  • Sour apples, citrus, raspberry, currant, gooseberry, grapes.
  • Radish, spinach, sorrel, conventional cabbage.
  • Sharp and salted cheeses.
  • Too sour milk products.
  • Hard boiled eggs.
  • Sour juices, kvass.
  • Marinated vegetables, canned food.
  • Ketchup, mustard, mayonnaise.
  • Roasted sweet drinks.

Folk remedies that can help lower acidity:

In addition, it is necessary to consult with their gastroenterologist at the expense of mineral waters that effectively reduce the acidity of the stomach. They are recommended to use in warm form several times a day long courses.

The acidity of the gastric juice depends on the content of hydrochloric acid in it (HCl). This substance is necessary for normal digestion, it is produced by special cells of the mucous membrane. Sometimes, the shell cells release excessive acid, which often leads to gastritis, peptic ulcer and other diseases.
The symptoms of the increased acidity of the stomach may even occur among completely healthy people, but sometimes they sign about serious health problems.

Causes of increased gastric acidity

The reasons for excess production of hydrochloric acid can be the following factors:

Most often, increased acidity is developing due to errors in nutrition. Irregular meals, food "dry", the abuse of spices, spices, carbonated drinks can lead to excessive function of the acid-forming stomach cells. This pathology is also found in people whose diet contains an increased amount of protein (especially animal origin).
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, glucocorticoid hormones, nicotine and alcohol almost do not increase the amount of acid isolated. But they negatively act on the acid-neutralizing system, so the overall acidity of the stomach increases.
A certain impact on digestive functions has a nervous system. Stresses, complex operations increase the tone of the wandering nerve, which has a stimulating effect on the secretory function of the gastrointestinal tract. A similar situation is observed with awesome-vascular dystonia. More clearly about the relationship of the diseases of the stomach with an increased tone of a wandering nerve is described in the video at the end of the article.

Often, at elevated acidity, the reason is the Helicobacter infection. H. pylori bacteria, multiplying the gastric mucosa, cause it hypertrophy, resulting in an acid generation. The infection is transmitted through saliva, that is, it is possible to get infected even when using a common dishes with an infected person.

And finally, excess acid formation may be a consequence of gastrices. This second occurrence of the pancreas tumor produces, providing the synthesis of HCl by shepherd cells.

Gastric causes hypersection of hydrochloric acid, resulting in peptic ulcers

Signs of excess acidity of the stomach

Among the signs of increased acidity in the stomach, most often found:

  • heartburn,
  • abdominal pain,
  • nausea and vomiting.

Below is a brief description of the specified symptoms.

Heartburn arises as a result of the ingress of acidic content of the stomach in the esophagus

Great is called a subjective feeling of burning in the epigastria and beast. Often this symptom occurs after taking meat, eggs, fatty, acidic products and carbonated drinks. Heartburn also occurs when using mint candy or chewing gum.

The feeling of burning is enhanced in the lying position, but decreases or disappears after taking the solution of soda, milk or warm water, as they reduce acidity.

Pain syndrome

The following sign of increased acidity is abdominal pain. It usually occurs after 1.5-2 hours after meals and is stupid character. Typical localization of pain - left hypochondrium. Sometimes patients are disturbed by pain according to the type of intestinal colic, due to spasm and constipation. They weaken or disappear after the intestinal emptying.

Vomiting and nausea

Nausea with excessive production of hydrochloric acid also occurs after a while after receiving hard-fought food. Vomiting slightly facilitates painful sensations, since excess of sour content is removed. With pronounced pain syndrome, the patient can specially empty the stomach.

IMPORTANT: If you have a nausea or vomiting after meals, it can mean the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Other manifestations

Less often symptoms of increased acidity of the stomach become:

  • constipation as a result of spastic phenomena in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • sour belching after meal;
  • white or grayish white raid on the middle of the language.
Appetite for hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid usually does not suffer or can be somewhat elevated, but with pronounced pains deteriorates. As a result, the body weight decreases, sometimes pronounced thinness is observed. From the parasympathetic system, bradycardia is possible (heart rate demolition below 50 per minute), general weakness, fast fatigue, sleep disorders and irritability.

Acid hypersecretion in the stomach during pregnancy

The increased acidity of the stomach during pregnancy can occur not only at the reasons indicated above, but also be an option for the norm.
A pregnant woman has more to eat to provide energy and nutrients not only itself, but also a future child. Gradually, the stomach adapts to the increased function and begins to more actively produce hydrochloric acid. Therefore, during pregnancy, women are often disturbed by heartburn, nausea, etc.
In addition, the growing uterus changes the position of the internal organs and squeezes them. As a result, the symptoms inherent in the excess acidity of the gastric juice occur even with normal acid generation.

Important: If the stomach is worried about you during pregnancy, you should report this to a doctor. Perhaps these are signs of aggravation of gastritis or ulcerative diseases that have not been diagnosed earlier.

Increased acidity in childhood

Increased acidity in a child is not uncommon. In most cases, it is due to improper nutrition, stressing due to troubles on studies or at home or helicobacter infection.

Excess acidity in children is most often due to improper nutrition

It was noted that disorders in the digestive system are more common in children who were on artificial feeding. Also, hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach can develop as a result of hereditary predisposition.
With increased acidity in children, the symptoms are almost the same as in adults. If pathology occurs in a breast child, then frequent constipation, exterior of air or with a drink with a sour smell, are possible. With any suspicious symptoms, you need to show a child a gastroenterologist or pediatrician.

Now you know, because of what arises and how the increased acidity of the stomach is manifested. And how to deal with this pathology, we told in the article -

Increased acidity is called the XXI century disease. This is a common human disease. Stressful lifestyle, indiscriminate diets and irregular nutrition contribute to the increased acidity of the stomach. The increased acidity of the stomach is unconditionally, a serious human disease for which the proper treatment needs. Below will look at the causes of the appearance of acidity, features accompanying it and treatment methods.

Stresses can affect the increase in the acidity level of the stomach.

Causes of increased acidity

We find out what implies the normal acidity of a person and why it can break. When you eat, food is split to absorb nutrients in the body, which contributes to the digestive process. The digestion is the process of digesting food in the acidic and alkaline medium of the intestinal and gastric path. The activity of the digestion process depends primarily on the level of acidity in it. The stomach secretes the hydrochloric acid necessary to digest food. It acts as a catalyst, stimulating, such as pepsin and trypsin.

When food enters the digestive tract, the smooth muscles of the stomach are reduced, not allowing acid that can be secreted to get into the esophagus. In disruption of effective muscle contraction, sour gastric juice falls into the esophagus, turning the process of digestion of food into aggressive. So manifests the hypersecretion of the stomach. That is why the heartburn appears, burning, sore stomach, an unpleasant taste.

There is such a definition as a reduced, reduced secretory insufficiency of the stomach. When the stomach, on the contrary, produces an insufficient amount of gastric juice necessary for digestion, occurrence occurrence of a secretory (reduced, reduced) stomach deficiency. The reduced acidity is dangerous for the body, since the reduced level of gastric juice does not provide the process of digestion.

Hypersection of the stomach can be caused by a number of reasons. As a rule, the causes of the increased acidity of the stomach are divided into two categories. External factors, among them:

  • constant stress;
  • consumption of fast food, oily heavy food, irregular nutrition;
  • overeating and snacks;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • the side effect of the reception of some drugs is manifested. Some nonsteroid and hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs ("Analgin", "Ibuprofen") cause excessive secretion of the gastric juice and destroy its mucous membrane;
  • consequences diet.

Internal, such as:

  • chronic stomach disease: with ulcers, gastritis, cancer;
  • metabolic disease;
  • often can manifest in pregnant women.

Diseases with increasing the acidity of the stomach

The increase in the acidity of the stomach can be accompanying the symptom to the following diseases:

  • stomach ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • syndrome (cardiac fum);
  • diabetes;
  • inflammation of the anthral stomach (upper part);
  • obesity;
  • stones in the kidneys;


PH of the stomach If the acidity of the stomach of the symptom has the following:

  • nausea and vomiting arising after meals;
  • dyspnea;
  • non-flow, long heartburn (especially sharply felt during pregnancy and in children);
  • pain in the chest;
  • bloating;
  • joint pain;
  • dizziness;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • sometimes it is an impassive feeling of hunger (sense of unsaturation);
  • the occurrence of metabolic disorders;
  • pain in the stomach after meals;
  • hormonal background failures;
  • high excitability;
  • nerve syndromes;
  • it happens in the stomach;
  • reduced vital activity;
  • acosite belching having a taste of just eaten food;
  • stool violations;
  • the smelling feeling of burning under the spoon.


For diagnosis of the disease, a special outpatient PH-metry of the esophagus is carried out. PH-Metry is a test for determining the amount of acid in the esophagus. At a normal level of acidity, the rate of pH-metry of the stomach is from 7.2 to 8.0. In addition to PH-Metria for diagnostics, it is sometimes necessary to make a radiograph of the esophagus, a pressure gauge of the digestive system, endoscopy and biopsy.

To treat the syndrome and normalization of the digestion process, a set of measures are taken, which are necessary for neutralization and decrease in the concentration of gastric juice, including the reception of medical drugs, tablets, special food, a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes, if the disease progresses and improvements is not observed, reinforced therapy is required. If you have found signs of high acidity, do not ignore them and, in order to cure them, consult a doctor immediately!


For reinforced therapy of the syndrome, antacid drug treatment and proton pump blades are used, including magnesium, calcium and aluminum. These medicines are designed to neutralize a large amount of secretion of hydrochloric acid in the esophagus and cure the concomitant symptoms.

Be careful with medication treatment. Not every medicine can be taken during pregnancy (especially tablet).

To reduce the level of secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach and bring the digestive function to normal, the following drugs are prescribed:

  • Famotidin;
  • "Omeprazole" (omens);
  • "Converse";
  • "Pantoprazole";
  • "Ranitidine".

Although these drugs have neutralizing actions, are intended to fight acidity, but these drugs are contraindicated to long-term use, since they negatively act on hormones. And the more efficiently treats the drug that reduces acidity, the stronger the side effects. In addition, not all means can be taken to pregnant women and children (especially if it comes to tablets).

With inflammation of the stomach and in order to protect the flow and normalize the amount of secretion of hydrochloric acid, such drugs and tablets are prescribed:

  • "Almagel";
  • "Phosfalugel";
  • "Gastal";
  • "Maaloks".

In order to bring the direction of the gastric juice and treat the pain in the stomach, which causes pathology, these drugs are used:

  • "Motilium";
  • "Domidon".

Proper nutrition

The basis for the treatment of high acidity of the body is definitely a healthy lifestyle and, including proper nutrition, the result of which will be the normalization of the digestion process:

  • do not eat acute food with a large content of spices;
  • eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. They remove toxins and neutralize mineral salts and reduce their number;
  • power must be fractional and, of course, regular with increased acidity of the stomach;
  • the last meal must be a few hours before sleep.


Excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid requires the following power rules:

  • fit regularly, small portions 5-6 times a day with inflammation of the stomach;
  • do not eat later than 4 hours before sleep;
  • do not use seriously digestible food at elevated stomach acidity;
  • fiercely chew food;
  • do not go to bed on a full stomach. If you lie right away after eating, it can force the gastric juice to move back up the path instead of going down. This as a result only contributes to the stimulation of acidity growth.


The nutrition used in the gastric acid is based on food gesturing for the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. During such a diet, it is eliminated by oily and acute food, sausages, pickles, marinades, carbonated drinks, fast foods. The base of the ration is made up products that reduce the level of acidity. This can significantly improve the situation:

  • Dishes that contain a lot of calcium brings immediate relief from the acidity and accompanying her pain;
  • Drink cold milk in small quantities after meals - can help reduce acidity and overcome heartburn. Hydrochloric acid will be excreted from the body when used milk;
  • A pinch of food soda, added to a glass of water, gives immediate relief and will give stimulation to deal with heartburn and acidity;
  • It should be removed from the diet of acidic seasonings, sauces, vinegar, marinades;
  • Fully eliminate fast foods, oily and heavy food. They can enhance and acidity;
  • Use a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits at the increased acidity of the stomach and accompanying her pain, ulcers, in order to get rid of heartburn, you can make mashed potatoes and salads;
  • Avoid vegetables and fruits that enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid; Onions, radishes, tomatoes, pepper, citrus. Because of them, as a rule, an increase in acidity occurs;

  • Useful use of mint. It effectively helps to cope with the high secretion of acidity and heartburn. It is especially useful for pregnant and children;
  • Perfect cereals based on croup, performing an enveloping function: rice, barley, corn, oatmeal;
  • We will not use honey. It stimulates the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, leads it to normal and, moreover, honey helps to get rid of irritation of the stomach mucosa. It stimulates the activity of reducing acids;
  • Bananas contain a large number of potassium. Using them daily, you can alleviate the symptoms of the increased acidity of the stomach, signs of the disease and even completely get rid of them;
  • Ginger is useful in treating the problems associated with digestion. However, it is not recommended to use ginger under the stomach ulcer;
  • It is necessary to remove alcohol from the diet, tobacco, carbonated drinks and caffeine. They irritate the walls of the stomach and contribute to the fact that the concentration of gastric juice increases and ulcer even appears;
  • The food must be reduced temperature (not hot) when the pH of the body is reduced;
  • It is necessary to remove chocolate and duple confectionery from use;
  • Are good overwhelmed soups and puree, non-culbble and delicate for the gastrointestinal tract;
  • A little resolved (up to 2 tbsp. L) vegetable (better - olive) oil;
  • Stop the selection at low fat meat varieties to reduce the pH level;

  • Milk products. Dairy products, such as oil, fused cheese, and ice cream are acidic in nature and promotable acidity stimulation. Replace butter on olive, eliminate cheese products, and replace ice cream with pudding;
  • Bean. Beans are sour in nature. Lentils and olives contribute to the increase in the acidity in the stomach. Especially they are useful in pregnancy and children;
  • Fruits. Most berries, plums, prunes, currants are acidic in nature, and they should be avoided if you suffer from increased acidity of the stomach and accompanying pain;
  • Use a lot of fish and seafood. They are able to normalize the process and function of digestion;
  • And finally, you need to drink mineral water with increased acidity of the stomach of a person and accompanying her pain. It is necessary to drink mineral water from about 8-10 glasses per day (the daily rate of water for an adult is about two liters). The benefits of mineral water is invaluable. The usual mineral water contributes to stimulating the struggle of the body with pathologies and infections. Take mineral water to work with yourself and drink it instead of coffee. Mineral water is capable of removing toxins and neutralizes mineral salts in the body, has normalizing actions. However, do not drink it while eating or immediately after eating. In this case, mineral water will dilute gastric juice, prevent the normal activity of digestion and eradicate pain in the stomach.