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How to make cellular polycarbonate. Use of glue compounds for gluing polycarbonate. Verification of the strength and stability of the structure

Plates made of polymeric materials are not always used in the form in which they were released. To create the desired structures, glue for polycarbonate is used, allowing you to connect parts of one sheet or glue several thermoplastic plates among them. Fastening elements are sometimes not responding to the tasks, changing the appearance of the goods manufactured. Gluing with a suitable composition does not add structural elements, while providing the strength of the product, its ability to withstand environmental exposure.

View of monolithic polycarbonate (click to enlarge)

The main components used to glue polymers

To choose than to glue polycarbonate, it is necessary to approximately represent how those or another components of the adhesive affect the characteristics of the connective mixture. Adhesive compositions differ from each other by a number of basic parameters:

  • simplicity;
  • the viscosity of the adhesive composition;
  • strength and speed of compounds;
  • transparency of adhesive mass;
  • the ability to withstand temperature fluctuations;
  • waterproof;
  • resistance to physical exposure.

You can use single or two-component compounds (click to enlarge)

Special adhesive compositions used only to work with polycarbonate are not produced. The construction uses glue, intended for plastic and other polymeric materials and, when choosing the desired composition, it is important to make sure that the connection will last long and will not spoil the appearance of the finished product.

To glue polycarbonate, single-component and multicomponent compositions based on:

  • polyamides;
  • polyurethane;
  • ethylenevinyl acetate;
  • silicone.

A number of adhesives used for other materials are not suitable for use in relation to a layered (cellular) or monolithic polycarbonate. Despite the resistance to physical and temperature effects, polymeric materials are sensitive to contact with certain chemical compounds. It is not recommended to glue polycarbonate with the compositions containing alkali and various solvents.

Check the video to learn more:

Aggressive chemical reactions are capable of damaging the glued surfaces, disrupt the structure, change color and shape, without ensuring the desired strength of the compound obtained.

Unwanted is the presence of dichloroethane adhesive. This compound has high toxicity and flavors, which significantly limits the possibilities of application.

Features of adhesive compositions

Depending on those materials that need to be glued together, certain adhesive compositions are used. When choosing to glue polycarbonate, you should familiarize yourself with the main features of the main components of the glue.

To connect elements of structures and parts from polycarbonate, the best result demonstrates the polyamide glue of hot screwdock. It uses a special thermopystole to apply. The gluing formed when the synthetic compound is heated quite durable and is able to withstand significant physical effects.

Among all adhesives - polyamide is best suited (click to enlarge)

Silicone bonding compositions meet most of the requirements for glue quality. High molecular compounds are characterized by high strength, resistant to changes in meteorological conditions. The only drawback of silicone is that it is not transparent, and at best, muddy white. Mostly produced silicone glue gray, black or white shades. Filling tubes are used to apply the connecting lineup.

Polyurethane-based adhesive compositions have the greatest transparency. The disadvantages include relative difficulty in application. Special mechanical or pneumatic devices are used to apply polyurethane adhesive.

Ethylenevinyl acetate refers to high molecular weight polymer compounds with elasticity and waterproof. Special thermopystoles are applied for application. Matte and translucent rods of various colors are used as consumable material. The disadvantage is the lower strength of the compound than other compositions.

Polycarbonate sheets are conveniently attached to smooth surfaces with double-sided acrylic adhesive tape. Dispersed acrylic can be transparent or color and perfectly glued to plastic and other materials, due to high adhesive (adhesive) qualities.

Polycarbonate products gluing

To ensure the strength of the future connection, glued surfaces should be cleaned of contamination and degrease. An isopropyl alcohol is used as a means for degreasing. Polycarbonate glue is applied using special pistols, casting tubes, syringes or containers with an applicator.

Depending on the intended load, it is defined how to glue the design, jack and brace. If you need to ensure high reliability and strength of the connection, only the cleaner is recommended to glue. The jack gluing is less durable, therefore it is used at a relatively small load, in places where the appearance of the finished design is of particular importance.

Learn more information from the video:

Polycarbonate is distinguished by physical resistance, so fasteners can be applied to the connection: screws and screws. The glue for working with polycarbonate can be used as a sealing composition, especially when installing parts from porous (cellular) polycarbonate. With the help of glue, places of connection with the fastening element to exclude moisture and dirt.

Polycarbonate gluing products:

In some cases, it may be necessary to seal the edges of the parts from polycarbonate, especially if we are talking about a layered material. If you do not proceed open to the outside cavity, the details will fall different garbage and the product will quickly contaminate from the inside, will lose aesthetic appeal.

The adhesive composition should ensure reliability and durability of the compound, without damaging the appearance of the design. Adhesive on the basis of chemical compounds that are not alkali or solvents, with proper use, it is possible for a long time to ensure the strength and aesthetic attractiveness of the finished product.

Roofs of canopies, visors, greenhouses and other polycarbonate designs may have a complex view that requires a connection of several parts. If you need to connect two polycarbonate sheet, it is better to use special profiles, and gluing is suitable for attaching small items. How to choose the right glue for monolithic polycarbonate, what specifications consider to achieve a good result and what to pay attention to when buying?

  • appointment;
  • principle of action;
  • composition;
  • complexity of the process of use;
  • degree of transparency;
  • the time of frozen;
  • viscosity.

For the correct choice, it is necessary to take into account many parameters to ensure the reliability of the connection, give the product a flawless appearance.

Modern types of glue of domestic and foreign production, presented in the Russian market, have a different basis. Substances are widely used:

  • polyurethane;
  • acrylate, methyl methacrylate, cyanoacrylate;
  • Si - acetic acid;
  • ethylenevinyl acetate;
  • polyamide.

The chemical composition largely determines the properties of the glue, its purpose, the features of application.

Two-component glue requires a connection

For simple structures that do not experience significant mechanical loads and strong atmospheric influences during operation, it is easy to use single-component glue, for complex cases you have to choose a two-component composition.

The heat melting glue requires melting before use, some species require special surface treatment before gluing. However, there are compositions, which are not recommended to be used for polycarbonate.

What adhesive compositions cannot be used

Glue based on solvents and alkalis is very active, when gluing plastic partially destroys its structure. Consequences of application - Material darkening, cracks, bubbles that may appear through time after gluing. Some adhesive substances contain solvents, so their use can be harmful to cast plastic, causing its cracking during operation.

Alkaline formulations cannot be used

The homemade composition from the solvent mixture and polycarbonate will close the surface, but the mechanical loads of rough seam may not withstand. For widespread use, glue with solvent dichloroethane is prohibited - this substance is extremely harmful to human health, has carcinogenic properties, such a composition is used exclusively for production purposes.

Building not loaded light designs

Bonding the details of light designs - elements of finishing in the room, stands for the demonstration of goods in the shopping centers, which do not provide special requirements for operation, is usually carried out by one-component glue. It is used for this or thermopystoles with special rods of adhesive substance, or ready-made compositions with various bases.

Connection of parts by glue hot harvesting

To quickly connect the sheets of monolithic polycarbonate, it is convenient to use a thermal terminal with adhesive rods. The process comes down to melting the rods and dosage applying hot liquid glue. Such glue reliably attaches the monolithic polycarbonate to metal, rubber, glass and other materials.

Pistols have a wide price range - Chinese models are most accessible, the devices of famous brands are much more expensive, differ in high quality. So, for example, the Bosch GKP 200 CE pistol has two heating elements, electronic temperature stabilization, high performance. Professional modern models are equipped with glue sprayer, which allows you to quickly and economically glue large surfaces of materials.

Consumables for the thermopystole operation - special rods purchased to a specific model. For household pistols, rods with a diameter of 7 and 11 mm are manufactured, thicker rods are used for industrial purposes - up to 43 mm. Complete with a gun sell short rods, 5 cm long, separately you can buy rods calculated for longer use - 20 cm long and more.

The ethylenevinyl acetate rods are used more often, designated as EVA, the material is a translucent, elastic, non-hygroscopic. Manufacturers produce painted in various colors of rods and unpainted - matte and translucent. All compounds glove almost any materials with their preliminary cleaning and degreasing, good results are also obtained for cast polycarbonate.

The best reliability of the seam gives polyamide, its designation of the Republic of Armenia, such adhesive for monolithic polycarbonate is characterized by greater rigidity, durability and melting point than ethylenevinyl acetate.

Polyamide is used only in pistols that have a "hot mode" - the melting point of 150 ° C is almost twice as high as ethylene-bird acetate. The lack of polyamide is a gradual decrease in strength in high humidity.

Working with Cold Calculation glue

Small designs can be gluited without a special tool with glue that does not require warming before applying. Modern single-component compositions are able to ensure the strength of the seams to different impacts, while maintaining the elegant type of product. The most popular and qualitative, according to specialists, are the products of German companies Weiss (COSMO series) and RÖHMGMBH (Acrifix series).

Cosmofen products were distributed thanks to traditional German quality. A wide range of model range allows you to select glue for monolithic polycarbonate with the desired parameters - White or transparent composition, instant and long-term curing, with different degrees of viscosity. All types of products have common properties:

  • provide high reliability of the seam;
  • withstand a wide temperature interval;
  • do not miss moisture;
  • keep quality under the action of ultraviolet.

A single-component composition based on methyl methacrylate Acrifix 192, which does not contain solvent. Such glue does not contain dichloroethane, provides high performance. Acrifix 116,11,17,118 adhesive also does not contain dichloroethane, but is made on the basis of the solvent. The tensile strength of such a composition is less than that of the polymerizing, its use can have negative consequences for the properties of polycarbonate.

Than glue polycarbonate with other materials and polycarbonate

If it is necessary to connect flat surfaces of polycarbonate with other materials, it is recommended to use a bilateral adhesive tape. A sample type 4830 produced by the company "3M" gives excellent adhesion due to acrylic foamed glue. Careful cleaning of materials and degreasing surfaces before gluing the tape is necessary.

The question is how to glue polycarbonate with polycarbonate, for small products from monolithic plastic, it is not worth it separately - one can use one-component glue. The best result when working with the thermopyard gives glue based on polyamide, a guarantee of a reliable connection and an impeccable type of gluing composition of cold curing is the reputation of world-famous manufacturers.

Bonding of structures with high operational load

To glue details of structures, from which high strength is required during operation, the silicone glue or composition with a polyurethane base is used. To use two-component polyurethane glue requires special equipment - a gun with interchangeable cartridges. Such glue for monolithic polycarbonate should be purchased in cases where it is necessary to ensure not only the stability resistance, but also the optical transparency of the seams.

Silicone glue is very effective, tightly holds the compounds of sheets and parts from the monolithic polycarbonate even with significant loads. The sales leader in the segment of the compositions on Silicone is the Glue Q3-7098 of DowcorningLtd (England), good results gives the product of Chinese production SilliconeMastic. Bonding does not require pre-primer, lack of glue is weak light transmission.

Among transparent compositions are most popular:

  • one-component polyurethane glue KOSMOPUR K1;
  • two-component Acrifix 190 and Cosmoplast 460 adhesives;
  • compositions are not 17017, not 1908 Chinese manufacturer EngineeringChamicAllTd.

Effective adhesive compositions provide transparency of connecting seams, chemical and shock stability, excellent clutch.

There are especially reliable under significant adhesives, very complex to use. For example, Acrifix 5R 0194 glue is a five-component, polymer viscous adhesive is made on the basis of methyl methacrylate. This can be glued to thick polycarbonate sheets with each other, the seams are obtained transparent and practically imperceptible.

Connecting profile Reliable glue

For gluing large-scale structures, special tools are also required, with which the compound can be made high quality - thoroughly, beautifully, economically. If you are not sure in your ability to perform work competently and do not want to work out with the choice of materials - trust your problems with professionals who know what glue for polycarbonate to buy taking into account the tasks and features of the construction.

One of the most popular materials in construction is polycarbonate, as it perfectly combines excellent performance and functionality. In this case, such plastic has an affordable cost and a wide range of applications. It has a high level of strength, sufficiently lightweight, has a neat appearance.

Thanks to the transparency of this material, it will be an excellent solution for the construction of the greenhouse. Depending on the selected type of polycarbonate, some characteristics and installation methods may differ, which must be taken into account to obtain the desired result for a long time.

To date, two main types of material are distinguished: monolithic and cellular. At the same time, each of them has its advantages and features. How to glue it, you can look at the video, as well as take into account the various features and nuances of the installation process.

Features of gluing monolithic polycarbonate

When choosing polycarbonate, it is necessary to take into account the features and nature of its application. For small designs, the monolithic material will be an excellent solution. It differs from other products with high levels of strength and reliability. Depending on the design can be glued with:

  • hot hole glue;
  • silicone glue;
  • polyurethane glue.

Small products or individual elements of the greenhouse can be glued with special pistols that use hot hole glue. Experts recommend to give preference in the process of selecting polyamide bases, as they provide an excellent result.

If you plan to create a loaded design, which should have a high level of confrontation with mechanical and atmospheric influence, it is better to choose silicone glue that can be used without preliminary preparation and primer surface. In this case, it is enough to degrease it, by treating alcohol. For more convenience, it is better to use a special casting capacity.

In the installation process, the greenhouse polycarbonate can be combined with other construction materials, such as glass, metal, plastic. If it is necessary to achieve the maximum strength of the connected monolithic elements from the impact of chemical means, it is better to choose two-component polyurethane glue. In this case, the greenhouse design will not only be functional, but also reliable.

Methods for gluing cellular material

The use of this type of polycarbonate during the installation of the greenhouse has such advantages as:

  • reliability and stability;

  • long service life;
  • availability.

To achieve a neat appearance of the greenhouse, it is necessary to use the gluing technology of individual cellular elements in one design. For this, experts recommend using special glue and panels. The gluing process does not require additional tools or special skills, it suffices to apply the selected mass on the surface of the polycarbonate and press the sheets with each other to frozen. For greater amenities, you can use the gun, which will make the process of applying the adhesive substance easier.

It should be borne in mind that the frost occurs very quickly. Cellular sheets can be combined into one design using a solvent based on ethyl chloride or methylene chloride. The greenhouse created by this way will have aesthetic appearance and at the same time a high level of strength.

Preparation for the gluing process

To obtain a good result, which is preserved initially for a long operational period, it is important to reconsidate the preparation. Experts recommend pre-processing polycarbonate so that in the gluing process is not distracted. It is also desirable to take care of the presence of all necessary tools. For glue, it is better to use a special pistol, with which the installation process will be much easier, and the result is most accurate as possible. It will also make it possible to achieve a higher quality created design, which is important during operation.

Criteria for the choice of polycarbonate for greenhouses

The appearance of polycarbonate sheets is almost the same, but in the process of selecting the material, it is necessary to make sure of its quality. It must be as strong as possible, while quite transparent, solar light and heat penetrate into the greenhouse. It is also worth checking the quality of the protective layer, since the service life of polycarbonate depends on this. With a competent and responsible selection, you can ensure excellent quality and reliability of the greenhouse, regardless of weather conditions for many years.

Polycarbonate is often used in the construction of canopies, greenhouses, visors and other structures. For large-scale projects, all sorts of fastening details are used, but in small buildings it is easier to do with gluing. From this article you will learn how to choose glue for polycarbonate.


Industry produces several types of glue suitable for construction. Different adhesive mixtures differ from each other with a number of features:

  • easy use;
Polycarbonate fastening glue is most often distinguished by ease of use.
  • viscosity;
  • operating principle;
  • speed \u200b\u200bspeed and gluing fortress;
  • resistance to temperature fluctuations;
  • waterproof.

Do not produce specific glue used exclusively for polycarbonate. Builders use formulations fastening plastic and other polymers. Such formulations contain:

  • polyamide;
  • polyurethane;
  • acrylate and its varieties;
  • acetic acid;
  • ethylenevinyl acetate;
  • silicone.

Silicone glue is considered the most popular among its analogues.

The glue can be one or more components. Single-component are used in the erection of light structures that will not experience serious mechanical loads. In more complex situations, multicomponent are applied.

Not all adhesive substances are suitable for working with polycarbonate. For example, the compositions should be avoided, based on dichloroethane, alkali and other solvents - aggressive "chemistry" harms with bonded polymer surfaces, changing the structure, color, or simply does not provide the desired connection strength.

Let us give a brief description of the most popular compositions:

Step-by-step instructions for gluing

To obtain a solid and reliable hitch of materials, both connected surfaces are purified from dirt and degreased with isopropyl alcohol.

To apply glue, thermopystoles and other devices are used - tubes, syringes, etc. Before starting work, it is necessary to decide how it is better to bore the design.

There are two options:

  1. Vangest. Used if high reliability and durability is required.
  2. Job. It is used for structures that will not experience large loads, as well as in situations when the appearance of the construction is important.

Polycarbonate with polycarbonate glue, using any one-component composition. But if you need to connect polycarbonate with a different material, for example, metal, a tape that has two adhesive parties is applied, each of which is applied its composition.

A two-way acrylic tape can carry a transparent and color composition. With it, it is possible to fasten polycarbonate with plastic, wood, glass or metal.

Double-sided acrylic ribbon will help bage polycarbonate with various materials

Features of hot solidification

When gluing polycarbonate elements, the polyamide adhesive of hot screwdock showed itself well. To work, you have to use a thermopystole with adhesive rods that differ for different models of pistols.

The process is as follows:

  • rods are heated and start melting;
  • the molten mass in the necessary doses is applied to the treated surface (pure and low-fat).

The result is a durable gluing, withstanding strong physical exertion. Polyamide requires heating at 150 ° C. The disadvantage - in conditions of high humidity, the strength in time deteriorates.

The gluing of polycarbonate sheets with the help of a thermopystole will make the construction of very strong

Pros and cons of cold solidification glue

Glue that does not need to warm up before work, fasten light designs. Such a gluing has a neat look, seam has high strength. Industry produces different options for glue for cellular and monolithic polycarbonates. You can choose both transparent composition and white. The main lack of use is the complexity of applying the composition, for which you have to use various devices.

If the future design will experience an increased operational load, during installation of polycarbonate sheets, more serious mechanical fasteners are used: self-tapping screws and thermoshabs. But in such situations, glue also there is a place. It is used as a composition for sealing joints, it is especially in demand when working with porous cellular polycarbonate. Close up of connecting plots, it is possible to reduce the risk of moisture and dirt penetration.

Polycarbonate is a unique construction and finishing material with high traffic ability.

These light panels withstand strong wind and snow loads, so they are indispensable when building greenhouses, visors, canopies, fences and other designs.

Another advantage of cellular and leaf polycarbonate is the convenience of processing and ease of installation. However, in the manufacture of canopies of complex forms and other elements, it is often necessary to connect several parts from polycarbonate.

The easiest solution in this case will be the use of special connecting profiles, however, for more reliable fastening of sheets, it is better to use gluing technology.

On the choice of glue for polycarbonate and the rules of its application, we will describe in this review.

Cell and monolithic polycarbonate glue - Best options

When gluing polycarbonate sheets, it is important not only to achieve the strength and elasticity of the adhesive seam, but also to maintain the transparency of the material. In this regard, adhesives based on solvents are not suitable.

The aggressive impact of such compositions will reduce transparency at the junction site and will make it more fragile.

The optimal solution in this case will become polyurethane based compositions, which have visco-elastic properties.

If high compound strength is required, as well as the preservation of shock, chemical resistance and high material transparency, polycarbonate manufacturers recommend using professional polyurethane adhesives of Engineering Chemical Ltd - not 17017 or not 1908.

This is the perfect two-component transparent glue for gluing sheets of monolithic and cellular polycarbonate, which guarantees the perfect result. The only drawback of such adhesive is a high price, and to find it in a free sale in our country is very problematic.

  • A good alternative will be more affordable Cosmoplast MS 460 from Weiss - single-component adhesive sealant based on a special MS polymer.

The glue has a good binding force, provides a durable and at the same time an elastic connection after curing. The composition is resistant to UV rays and adverse weather conditions.

  • Cosmofen PMMA is a convenient to use single-component adhesive composition based on methyl methacrylate. Its main purpose is to glue products from acrylic and plexiglas, however, it is suitable for working with polycarbonate.
  • Another worthy option - Acrifix 190 (acrycix 190) - Modern two-component reaction glue based on polyurethane. Acts after mixing the components of A and B in equal shares. Ready glue is obtained viscoelastic and transparent.
  • If the preservation of the perfect transparency of the adhesive seam is not fundamentally, you can use silicone glue for cellular polycarbonate Q3-7098 English firm Dow Corning Ltd.

How to glue polycarbonate

Consider the process of gluing polycarbonate sheets among themselves using the example of using Cosmofen PMMA glue.

All work is carried out in several consecutive stages:

  1. Preparation of surfaces. Before starting work, clean the bonded surfaces from fat, dirt, dust, moisture and other pollutants should be cleaned. Cleaning is recommended to be carried out with lint-free napkins and a special Cosmofen 20 cleaner. Isopropyl alcohol is also suitable for cleaning and degreasing.
  2. Applying glue. Cosmofen PMMA It is recommended to apply a snake on one of the glued surfaces directly from the tube.
  3. Bonding sheets. Immediately after applying, cellular polycarbonate should be glued together (the maximum open exposure time is 60 seconds). Bled elements, if necessary, can be additionally fixed by cargo. Understand the loads of glue seams can after 16 hours.

Frequent question - how to make cracks and punctures in cellular polycarbonate?

To do this, you can use transparent silicone sealant.

At the same time, before the start of work from the cavities of polycarbonate, it is removed (blow out the compressor) water and dust, process edges so that there are no scams and burrs, after which the silicone sealant is neatly introduced into each hole using the mounting gun.

For sealing small damage, you can also use a special sealing tape.


How to remove excess glue from polycarbonate?

The removal of acrylic or polyurethane glue from the surface of the polycarbonate can be carried out by rolling the adhesive film immediately after detecting the sublishes.