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How to rule the melons of watermelons. How to grow watermelons and melons in a film gamble. Eat: from sowing before moving to open ground

Watermelons and melons in the open ground in our country are grown in regions with a faster climate. In July-August, residents of the middle strip are racking juicy fruits brought from the Krasnodar Territory and the Astrakhan region. It is in these districts of Bakhchyeva ripen best, because there are created for them optimal conditions: Hot climate and long day.

Watermelons and melons in the open ground in our country are grown in regions with a faster climate

Many gardeners try to grow exotic cultures and in middle lane. However, this experience is not always successful. Since the heat period is rather short, gentle cultures simply do not have time to ripen in the open soil. Therefore, if you want to get an unusual harvest, grow seedlings in advance.

Seed seeds for the seedlings of the Bakhchyev is necessary at the end of March or in early April. Saplings grow pretty quickly. From the moment of planting seeds, no more than a month passes before the formation of full seedlings. So that in the future seedlings brought a good harvest, it is necessary to take care of the right care and pay due attention to cultivation.

It is necessary to take into account the following:

  1. It is especially important to competently choose seed material. It is better if it is zoned for those regions in which watermelons and melons will grow in the future. Buy seeds with hands from unverified manufacturers is not recommended. Much more reliable to purchase them in specialized stores.
  2. Soil for planting seeds is better prepared independently. To do this, it is necessary to mix 1 part of the fertile land with 3 parts by humus. So that Bakhchyeva grew up healthy and strong, you can add complex fertilizers to the soil. It is desirable that they contain potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus. If you do not want to spend time, in a specialized store can already be purchased ready sad For Bakhchyev.
  3. Seedling exotic crops is very fragile and gentle, so it is not recommended to dive it. It is better to immediately plant watermelon seeds into individual peat pots. If you neglect this recommendation and place several seedlings in one large container, they will interfere with each other during active growth. In the event that the containers are suitable for planting not at hand, it is possible to use cropped plastic bottles.
  4. Watermelons and melons are very warm-loving, so it is important to choose the right place for their content. It is better to make seedlings on the windowsill on the south side. It is desirable that young plants can have the opportunity to not sleep in the sun's rays throughout the light day. It is necessary to take care of the room in the room where the bulbs grow, it was warm. Otherwise, grow strong and healthy seedlings will not work.
  5. No need to forget about the regular moistening of the soil. Watering is required as dries upper layer Soil. It is important not to overdo it, because cultures are not big fans high humidity. Several times during the habitat on the windowsill, it is necessary to pour a solution of a cow.

Seed seeds for the seedlings of the Bakhchyev is necessary at the end of March or in early April. Saplings grow pretty quickly

Seedling is considered to be grew in the event that it has at least 5 real leaves. Plant tender cultures in open sad You can only after the threat of night frosts disappear. As a rule, the optimal time is the end of May or the beginning of June.

Watermelons in the suburbs in the open soil (video)

Before starting the cultivation of watermelons in the open soil, you need to decide on the landing site. The most comfortable exotic cultures will feel on the plot, which is illuminated by the bright sun throughout the light day. At the same time, it is necessary to take care that the open soil in this place is reliably protected from strong gusts of wind and drafts.

The soil for Bakhchyev should be fertile and sufficiently easy. At the same time, it is desirable that she keeps the moisture well. Optimal option - Sand or sandy soil. If the cultivation of watermelons and melon will occur on such an earth, the fruits will be more juicy. Acidness should range from 6.5 to 7.0 pp.

Plant seedlings to open soil is recommended for a square-nesting method. If you have not heard about him, we recommend watching the appropriate video. The distance between the two seedlings should be about 0.5 m. The most suitable width of the parties is not less than 0.7 m.

Looking out gentle cultures in open ground can only after the threat of night frosts disappear

Melon in the open soil at first need to cover plastic bottles With cut bottom. This will create a mini-greenhouse effect and speed up acclimatization. In addition, the fence will help in the event of an unforeseen decrease in temperature. A week later, when the plant goes to the acting growth phase, mini-greenhouses can be removed.

Bakchev's care

How to plant pick-up cultures, understandable. Now you should talk about how to care for them in the future. In fact, it is quite simple. Just follow a few simple rules.

Like vegetables, melons and watermelons in the open soil experience the need for regular emphasis, soil looser and canopy. It should be remembered that the gentle meshs do not like weeds.

Special attention should be paid to watering. With the moisture of the Earth, it is necessary to be very neat so that the liquid does not fall on the leaflets. In a hot, dry weather, watering melons need not more often than once a week. In this case, moisturizing should be abundant. In the period when the formation of flowers occurs, the need of plants in water increases. But during the aging fruit, the need for watering, on the contrary, disappears.

Several times per season, the messengers fertile following the following scheme:

  1. The first feeder is carried out shortly after the landing and plants have taken place. The fertilizers are used, which includes nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.
  2. Repeated feeder is carried out during the period of active growth of the weeping. This time organic fertilizers are used. Optimally fit manure and chicken litter. You can add potash salts.
  3. For the final time, the melon and watermelon indulge in fertilizers during the formation of the wound. The preparation for feeding can be prepared independently. To do this, in 1 bucket of water you need to dissolve 1 tsp. Superphosphate, 1 tbsp. l. ammonium fertilizer and 1.5 tbsp. l. Potash salt. The composition is thoroughly stirred and poured under each bush in a volume of 1.5-2 liters. Preferably - at a distance of 16-18 cm from the stems.

Special attention should be paid to watering. With moisturizing the Earth, it is necessary to be very neat so that the liquid does not fall on the leaflets

If you decide to grow watermelons, do not forget to carefully care for growing weavers. They need to evenly distribute in the garden to prevent the interim and damage. Weak and fruitless shoots should be regularly deleted. And the fruits of melons and watermelons need from time to time to turn the ripening to occur evenly.

As can be seen, landing and care in the open ground is quite simple. The main thing is that the result costly spent effort.

Melon in open soil in Siberia (video)

Growing Bakhcheva Seeds

Residents of the South of Russia are much earlier to enjoy warm days than the inhabitants of other areas. Therefore, there are mesh, you can plant in open soil immediately by seeds. Grow watermelons in this case is extremely simple.

  1. Choose a place for landing melons and watermelons is necessary in compliance with the same conditions as when searching for a section for seedlings. The main requirement is abundant lighting throughout the day.
  2. Before planting seeds, they are recommended for several hours to soak in warm water. To grow watermelons it was even easier, you can add a growth stimulator to the liquid.

Landing and care in the open soil when using seeds practically do not differ from such actions when applying already grown bushes. In most cases landing seed material Made into small wells. In each hole, you can put 2 seed at once. As soon as germs appear, it is necessary to carefully distribute them into different directions. So the Bakhchyeva will not interfere with each other during active growth.

How to understand that melons and watermelons sucked

If the planting of watermelons and melons in open ground was correct, already in August, the messengers ripen. About the ripeness of watermelons say:

  • drying bracther;
  • glossy brilliance I. bright color peel;
  • the lack of hairs on the fruozca;
  • sound sound when tapping on the surface of the berry.

To properly determine what melon matured, it is necessary to inspect her sheets and lets. At ripe fetus, they fade and yellow. Also about the fact that melon can be disrupted, there are several signs.

Watermelons and melons are very thermal-loving plants, but now their growing does not require hot climate. Creation of favorable conditions for their crop will help the usual greenhouse or a greenhouse. Nevertheless, the taste of grown in their vegetable yokes is better than imported into our locality for the sale of delicacies. In addition, these fruits will be free from unknown harmful substances and additives. For this you only need to know how to grow watermelons. It is better to make it your efforts and do it yourself. About how to grow watermelons properly, we will be taught further.

Step One: Seed Preparation

Initially, it is necessary to choose the variety of watermelon variable or melon. To do this, you can buy seeds in stores. You can also grow in her garden to taste Watermelon. In this case, the use of seeds of an eaten fruit is possible. But remember that with this method of preparation of seeds, the plant will pass acclimatization within a year after the landing, and this is due to the long expectation of fruits. Therefore, all the same the best option How to grow watermelons will be a way using purchased grains.

Step Two: Seed Landing

Since our climate does not allow landing directly into open soil, you need to follow other rules how to grow watermelons and melons. The rule is simple - in the middle of the spring it is necessary to prepare seedlings. This is as follows. In any capacity filled with boiling water, the Aloe sheet should be wondered, and then lower the seeds in the same time. Then the land should be prepared. Best for landing watermelons and melons suited primer With a humus or a compost. It must be slightly warm in the oven. Now I will proceed directly to the seedlings. For this, you will need conventional glasses: one on two seeds. First you need to fill the bottom of each tank drainage. From above, it is supposed to pour the land. Then you need to add superphosphate to each of the glasses and pour everything with real water. After that, the grains of watermelon or melon should be pressed into the ground and coat them with a soil of 2 cm. Capacity should be tightly covered, for example, glass. Already after 3-4 days, the sprouts should seem. If both grains immediately rose, then weaker them must be cut. After the sprouts appeared, the glass from the glasses should be removed, and put the containers themselves in the sun.

Step Three: landland on the garden

The next stage of how to grow watermelons is disembarking sprouts at the beginning of summer in open ground, and be sure to sunk. At this time, leaves should already appear at seedlings. Planting bushes is needed on a big distance from each other, as they will subsequently empty long processes. Each sprout should be covered with a plastic can with a cut bottom.

Step Fifth: harvesting

If you caught the essence of how to grow watermelons, then at the end of the summer seedlings should please you with its fruits. Store mature fruits best in a dry dark place. Enjoy the taste of home fruit.

On the ground with the most severe climate, the cultivation of watermelons and melons are carried out inside the greenhouses, because in the conditions of open soil culture will die. The northern fruits have slightly smaller sizes, but retain excellent flavoring characteristics.

Features of growing fruits

The feature of the watermelon landing and the melon lies in the fact that cultures are extremely hard to transfer a transplant from one place to another. It is important not to destroy the sprouts, in connection with which the open ground is transplanted only when a large leaf appears.

Watermelons and melons have numerous varieties. The variety is chosen taking into account the climatic belt of the area in which watermelons and melons are planted, and the personal wishes of summer houses. The purpose of the mudfoot is not only consumption in freshly collected form. Watermelons and melons are used for the preparation of pickles and jam.

Selection of varieties

To grow watermelons and melons, you need to choose high-quality seeds. They are better to acquire from sellers with a good reputation. Acquisition of seeds from hands is fraught with the purchase of low-quality plants that can not give the long-awaited harvest.

Melon and watermelon seeds, depending on the ripening period, can belong to:

  • late;
  • media impact;
  • secondary;
  • early.

The fruction of the late variety of melons and watermelons falls on autumn, and early - on the second week of June. In the search for the best melon seeds, it is desirable to give preference to varieties characteristic of your region.

In total, cultures are represented by several dozens of varieties. IN southern cities They grow large, have a juicy and sweet pulp and have a mass of 7 to 20 kg. In the northern regions, permissible landing large varieties. Growing watermelons in these regions is difficult.

In the process of growing watermelons in unfavorable conditions for them, it is possible to collect berries weighing up to 5 kg. They will be juicy and acquired a pleasant taste. The color of therapy watermelon is red, scarlet or yellowish. Among the varieties of melon intended for landing in the open soil are most common:

  • Honey;
  • Collective farmer;
  • Iroquois.

In the southern parts of the country, any variety gives an excellent harvest, and in the cold areas in greenhouses and open ground, only individual varieties of melons can be grown.

Siberian and Ural daches prefer the early grades, for example, Barnaulke and Altayke. The weight of the fruit of such a melon will not exceed 3 kg. Their pulp will be sweet and juicy, like a watermelon. The color of the pulp can vary from white to yellow.

The rules for growing Bakhchyev in the open soil are elementary

Formation Grois

To grow melons and watermelons in the open soil, it is advisable to do the preparation of the Earth at the autumn time. Seeds choose sunny areas that have good defense From strong wind streams. The territory fertilize abundantly. The land for growing watermelons is hammered and mixed with a portion of humus or peat. Before starting winter, the soil becomes more fruit.

If you feel the ground for melons and watermelons with the onset of autumn failed, do not despair. In compliance with further recommendations, you still get a great harvest.

10-15 days before the beginning of the landing of the culture of the ridges are drunk and a small amount is introduced organic fertilizers. To obtain large fruits in the conditions of open soil, you should refuse to work with clay soil. Before starting sowing, the ridge fertilize.

After already starting the preparation of seeds. Melon seeds are kept in the special solution for 10-12 hours. The solution is already in prepared form or diluted on their own. To do this, you will need to add to the water. boric acid and sulphate zinc. Seeds for growing watermelons throughout the day contain in heated water with the addition of a small amount of salt. If possible, wait for the appearance of the first sprout. Seeds do not need to cut, although it would speed up the process.

For the cultivation of watermelons and melons necessarily use seedlings. Its use allows you to get the first harvest as quickly as possible.

The use of seedlings makes it possible to prepare plants to further existence in open soil. Many gardeners grow watermelons and melons in the open soil and by vaccinate the plants. Only in the warmest regions allow seeds to seed directly in the garden. For the cultivation of seedlings, small pots are required with a diameter of about 10 cm. The soil must 1/3 of the soil and 2/3 of the mixture of sand, peat and wood ash. In each pot, sowing from one to three seeds. Shoots will begin to appear a week later. As soon as they can grow a little, you need to choose the strongest plant and leave it, and the rest of the plants will have to be removed.

Experienced daches regularly loose seedlings and watered it under the root. It is very important not to fill the seedlings, because it does not really like moisture. Plants are able to develop if the temperature ambient It does not fall below the mark of 15 degrees Celsius.

Formation Grois

In the regions with a mild climate, the transplantation of cultures in the ridge is carried out in early May. As for the Central and Northern Region, it is better to start growing cultures in Bakhc in the second decade of June. In Siberia and in early June, at night, freezing can be observed, which will lead to the death of cultures, including in the greenhouse.

For crop transplants, small wells pre-create in Bakhc. If a we are talking About growing melons, then between adjacent wells withstand the distance from 70 to 90 cm. From the pot neatly get the root of the plant, without cleaning it from the ground. The seedlings are placed in a hole, not instant it completely. First, leave 0.5 cm of the height of the well not filled with soil. By irrigating future fruits, over the hole is observed for three days. During this time, it will be possible to understand, seeds arrived or not. As for small crops, they are recommended for the night to cover with a plastic film. Similarly come with rainy weather.

To grow watermelon seeds, between adjacent wells you need to withstand a distance of 1-1.5 meters. Fruits will appear only on the Bakhche, where the neighboring rows are removed from each other by 50 cm or more. Before planting watermelon crops, the wells are in a checker order. The sprouts of watermelon cultures must be laid below the total level of soil on the Bahce. For growing juicy fruits, watering each well is carried out by two liters of water. In order for developing fruits to not rot on Bakhch, each well surrounds sand.

To grow a rich harvest of crops, in the process of growing seeds regularly carry them out, weeping, dip, loosening, pulling. Watering is carried out in such a way that the moisture does not affect the surface of sensitive leaves and stems. To grow watermelons, organize watering with warm water. It is enough to carry out the procedure once every week. For Melor, the enhanced watering lead during their flowering and growth of fruits.


In order for the planting of watermelons and Melon was crowned with success in the form of large and fragrant fruits, you need to follow the rules of agrotechnology when growing seedlings and provide competent care to plants.

It is very important to prepare a greenhouse where you will grow melons and watermelons. The main condition of choice is its height. Some gardeners for the landing of the Bakhchev choose low greenhouses, but for this culture such structures are not suitable. It is best if the greenhouse is not lower than 1.7 meters in length. And all because as the sprouts are developing, these crops begin to marvel on the trellis - the small height of their "house" these plants may simply not be enough.

Despite the fact that watermelons with melons can calmly grow together with such plants like peppers and cucumbers, it is better to choose a separate greenhouse to land.

Greenhouse with watermelons and melons

Thanks to this, you can create conditions for watermelons inside it: small air humidity, high temperature (approximately +25 ° C). Such conditions will be suitable far from all other cultures, especially since the level of humidity should be no more than 50%.

To prepare the greenhouses are embarked in the fall. First of all, you need to study the state of the greenhouse. If there are any breakdowns or cracks, they must be neglected - melons with watermelons are very afraid of cold, and the slightest drafts can kill seedlings. You also need to take care of the soil. First, the soil is reappearing, remove all the weed plants and the remains of the previous crops, then add a slightly bevelled grass there, overwhelming the manure and leave so spring. You can improve the soil differently:

  • with deep steepness of the soil, enter each square meter soil 20 liters of overworked manure, adding a spoon of superphosphate and 3 spoons of nitroposki;
  • prepare a special soil from low-peat, sawdust, manure and mineral fertilizers in proportions 4: 3: 3: 3.

The most important - right choice Suitable variety. In Russian conditions, such varieties are best growing like Ogonekrequiring minimal care as well Cinderella, Sugar kid or Siberian. In general, it is better to choose varieties from your region, which has adapted to the climate. The protrusion period of fruits should be small, which will also serve as an additional guarantee of a good result. Alas, our summer does not boast too long period, because plants with a long ripening time may simply do not have time to grow - giant melons and watermelons are grown only in southern countries.

Another important condition is the selection of seeds. Bad sowing material will reduce any effort to not. First of all, you can buy seeds only from proven suppliers who work for many years on the market and won the confidence of their customers. When choosing seeds, it is better to stop at Bakhcheva varieties with small fruits, which will be a guarantee of a good result. Also worth taking fresh seeds - the chances will increase so that they will germinate.

Do not be late for sowing. It is best to plant seeds in mid-April. To do this, you can use peat pots that can save root system from damage during transplantation. For seed landing, a container is suitable with a diameter of about 10-12 cm. If you take a bitmade more size, the seedlings can be ruined with an abrasiveness of moisture when watering. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked, leaving for a couple of hours in warm water with the addition of an immunostimulator. Such processing will allow you to make seedlings stronger, and the sowing material will be hung much faster.

Washing seeds in warm water with an immunostimulator

Remember that a lot depends on the quality of the soil. If you do it yourself with your own hands, you need to mix the ground with a humus in a ratio of 1: 2, add a boat of nitrogen fertilizer and three spoons of phosphoric fertilizers. If there is no fertilizer under hand, add some wood ash or potassium sulfate into the ground. Squeeze the seeds of sideways, which will allow the seedy leafs to break through the shell faster. Deliver the sowing material into the ground for a couple of centimeters and cover the earth. Optimal temperature For germination - about +23 ° C. And be sure to cover the pots of the film by creating the necessary seedlings microclimate.

So that the seeds not only sprout, but also developed, you need to observe several important rules. For example, spans need to ensure complete freedom. Try to allocate more places for Bakhchev, so that the pots with seedlings do not come into contact with each other. The second condition - right feeding. Before landing melons and watermelons to the greenhouse of culture should be picked by any mineral fertilizers, Investing them in water. The first time work is carried out two weeks after the seed landing. The second is necessary, for example, if watermelons do not develop as fast as I would like. It is not necessary to carry out work before - it threatens serious peepages.

Also Bakhchyeva require good lightingTherefore, be sure to put the pot with a culture on the windowsill. If the light is not enough, highlight the plants with the help of lamps both from above and from the sides. If the lighting is not enough, the seedling of watermelons will begin to stretch and weaken.

Wanting to grow a good harvest, be sure to follow the dates for planting seedlings into a greenhouse. The weather should be warm, without frosts at night. If you have a heated greenhouse, then work can be carried out already in May, in other cases it is necessary to wait until the daily temperature reaches approximately +23 ° C, the night should not be lower than +12 ° C.

Bakchyeva planting to greenhouse

But, unfortunately, to control the weather until anyone managed. Because the night frosts are expected, the seedlings need to be bought by observing material: it can be a soft paper, pieces of old rags, clothes. You should also take care of the soil in advance. Remove the top layer, pour in the resulting depressions hay with humus, sprinkle with nitric fertilizers and water with warm water. Then cover the filled soil layer and cover the bed with a black film, so that the soil warms up.

The scheme of seating is simple: just fall out the seedlings into the branded soil and at a distance of about 50 cm from each other. At the same time, the plants do not need to deepen if you do not want to damage the root system. Be sure to cover the bed with a thin film with watermelons, which can be removed after the plants are slightly fixed.

Watermelons with melons planted in greenhouse require minimal care. However, some events are considered mandatory. So, remember about the right temperature mode. Despite the fact that watermelons are considered heat-loving plants, The temperature above +30 ° C can lead them to death. Therefore, during the heat, always leave the vents open to give the influx of fresh air.

For watering it is better to use warm water, and it is necessary to water the root of water - droplets of water that fell on the foliage can lead to rotting. Watering the plant needed to be dosed, trying not too much to zealous, since excessive moisture in the ground can lead to serious fungal diseases.Just be careful, causing plants - if the leaves began to fade, it means it was time to go beyond watering. Once a week during watering it is worth adding nitrogen fertilizers Together with Ammonia Selutyra. To make watermelons are sweeter, you can add some wood ash. At the same time, feeding, especially chemicals, It is possible to carry out the ripening of fruits to avoid nitrates from entering them.

Watering watermelons with fertilizer

After the ovary will become the size of the plum, tele the strongest, and do the rest, do, even if there are flowers on them. As a result, each vacuum will be one fruit. Also on the main shoots you need to trim the point of growth, and under each fruit put a thick cardboard or a bunch, so that the watermelon does not touch the earth and did not rot.

Also need to remember the importance of pollination. So, try to leave the vents open to the greenhouse bees flying. If these insects for any reason do not want to visit your site, pollinate plants will have to be independently. Find the largest male flowers. Take them, remove the leaves and attach them to the stilts of female flowers. Make it at least 2 times. At the same time, work is desirable to carry out in the morning. And remember that after breakdown, male flowers live just a few hours, and without pollination there will be no fruit. To attract bees, you can simply make plants with water with adding honey. Now it remains to just water the plants and wait until the fruits mature.

The ripeness of the melon check simply: small cracks will appear at the tails, the fruit itself will smell sweetly. But with watermelons a little more difficult. Pay attention to the brightness of the pattern, also ripe fruits when climbing publishing a deaf sound. After that, you can collect them. To extend the shelf life of fruits, they should be carefully witch. BUT harvest It is necessary to put in cardboard boxes, shifting with paper or cloth. If necessary, watermelon or.

The main pest of seedlings - which very much resembles the ordinary ladybug. This pest is powered by leaves of seedlings. In order to protect the plants from this pest, in the spring, be sure to reharden the beds, removing the remnants of other plants and weeds. The radical option is spraying seedlings using insecticides. True, it is necessary to carry out work no later than a month before the collection of fruits.

The pest of the Bakhchye Tlla

Another dangerous pest is a wiretop or a nutcracker beetle that lives in the ground and damages the root system of plants. Most favorable conditions To appear this pest - moisturized dense soil. So if you do not provide a plant correct careThe risk of pests will rise several times. To get rid of the wedge, more often loose the soil and remove the weed grass. Also useful before landing seedlings Half soil weak mortar Manganese or add ammonium sulfate to it.

Terrible for seedlings Disease - puffy dewwhich when the appearance begins to quickly spread on plants, characterized by the formation of White I hope on stems, leaves or fruits. To avoid this disease, treat seedlings with the help of a Bordeaux fluid or copper streaming, and the affected areas of the Bakhchev need to be removed and burned so that other cultures do not suffer from this disease, for example, grapes.

In the old years, my mother has always planted in a greenhouse two melon seeds varieties of collective farmers. On our table by the end of the summer, five yellow fragrant miles with a dessert plate appeared on the end of the summer. They were not so sweet as imported southern, but they are completely environmentally friendly.

Later, when many varieties of melons and watermelons appeared in stores "Ultraraney", "rape", "Northern", It was a lot of money spent on these treasures.

Alas, at best, the analogues of our Melon of the collective farmer grow, and the watermelon is a sugar kid, or on the English manner of Shuga Baby, in general turned out to be a domestic light.

Numerous experiments with seeds ended in that one grade was selected early sweet melon of medium size and one variety of watermelon, too small.

Large though gave good harvestBut the pulp clearly lacked sucaras.

It is noteworthy that none nor another variety corresponded to the descriptions that were given on the packages. So farmers and melons are growing unnamed.

How I grow my melons and watermelons

  • Seeds we collect only from the first ripe fruit and dry.
  • Before sowing, be sure to rinse in a pink solution of mangartee-sour potassium.
  • The seeds are then wrapped in a linen napkin and watering the aloe juice solution (5 drops on 1 tbsp. Water spoon) so that only moisten the fabric. I hold in a warm place, regularly sprinkling aloe juice with a solution until the seeds are crushed. It is advisable to do it on April 18-25.
  • Every crumpled seed sits in plastic container 9x9x9 cm with fertile loose soil, watering, covering the film and put on the southern, well lit window
  • With the advent of a sprout, I remove the film and follow the plant to be pulled out, I exhibit in warm weather on a glazed loggia.

After May 9, I plant seedlings on a warm bed, covering plastic bells from five-liter water bottles, then I close two layers polyethylene film on arcs.

IN last years Summer has become noticeably warmer, so and melons with watermelons are not growing in a greenhouse, but in a small film tunnel along with peppers. And they grow under the film only in May-early June.

Then remove the film and return it to the arcs only in the second half of August.

To bahch culture Peppers did not interfere, we plant two copies of melons and watermelons at the end walls. In the tunnel every 3 m I put a declined bucket with water: during the day the water heats up and gives warmth at night. Humidity in the tunnel rises at the same time.

Growing watermelons and melons - The process is fascinating, children are good for him: even the kids are happy to pull the weeds on our "Bakhsha", watermelons watered.

Therefore, every year I buy new seeds on trial, because you want to finally get a variety or hybrid for taste quality.

A new product is in a greenhouse, where we clog the shoots, and put the fractures in the mesh.

If before the children it was impossible to drain into a greenhouse, then with the advent of the first bandages on a watermelon or melon, they check "GAVES" every morning and already know when they need plants to pour or spray on the sheet, open or close the windows in the greenhouse.

Watermelons and melons regularly irrigate 1 time in 2 weeks in the presentation of manure or nettle, 1 time per month in the infusion of wood ash. I stop watering 2 weeks after the fruits will be boring.

Growing watermelons and melons - landing and care: tips and reviews

What is better - pumpkin, melon or watermelon?

Pumpkin is unpretentious, useful, yield, is well kept, it is also suitable for a person and on the feed cattle.

But watermelons and melons are tastier! That's just the warmth love. However, you can choose varieties that are successfully growing in our climate.

Two years on their plot we grown and tested two varieties of watermelon, melon and mini-melon in the open ground.

Weather 2017 did not indulge our Bakhcheva - summer was cool and rainy. Only August and September pleased with the sun and warmth. Alas, but neither melon, nor watermelons harvest in the open soil did not please: watermelons grew not more than 1.5 kg and gain color and taste for one warm month could not.

The following year, the same varieties of watermelon were again planted - a lacquer and a sweet diamond, and a honey gourmet melon, as well as a species Vietnamese mini melon Pineapple.

What do seed manufacturers promise? Both watermelons - early, come into fruiting after 65-75 days from the date of the appearance of germs. The fruits at the tallers are rounded, dark green color, without stripes, with very thin, up to 1 cm, bark, medium weight 2 kg (up to 4 kg) and stored without losing taste up to a month after harvesting. The flesh is sweet, juicy, dessert taste.

It has a rounded fruit, weighing 3-5 kg, with clear green-white lines. The flesh is dark red, sweet, excellent taste.

Melon Honey Landca - Middle-ripe variety, fruits after 80-90 days from shoots. The plant gives the vacuum with a length of 1.5 m with fruits weighing 1.5-2 kg. High sugarty pulp as it persists even in adverse conditions.

Mini Melon Vietnamese, she is a pineapple, - an early and unpretentious, with small, slightly larger goose egg, but with numerous fruits weighing about 100 g. Seeds sowed in 200 gram plastic cups in the middle of April. Seedlings grew and developed before disembodied in the soil in a conventional unheated greenhouse. During this time, it was fed twice - in the Nasty of Manure and Azophos. By the time of landing in the ground in the beginning of June, Melon and Arbuzov reached 30-40 cm, the first flowers appeared. In our region, it is usually freezing in early June, but in 2018 it was unusually roasting and arid weather. Therefore, planted seedlings were covered with nonwoven material - but not from frosts, but from the heat. By straight sunny rays Plants could just weld.

The soil under Bakhchu was removed rather fertile - under the culture of the pre-venicon (potatoes) was made by humus and peat.

Before August, the Bakhcheva watered abundantly once a week, as it was almost no rain. Both varieties of watermelon actively grew, by mid-July their vacipeds reached the length of 1.5 m. We did not form them, but each bush formed two oscillations with a diameter of 7-10 cm, and they were noticeably added in volume. Melon Lacca, occupying an extensive territory, abundantly bloomed, but only at the end of July the first marks appeared.

By mid-August, round watermelon balls were well noticeable against the background of green tops. Each plant formed two fetus, and there were from 5 to 7 honey farm on the melon on each bush. As a result, with 10 plants melons, we collected more than 50 fruits with a medium weighing about 1 kg. Watermelons turned out different, a lacking piece weighed from 2 kg to 4 kg, and a sweet diamond - more than 5 kg.

Vietnamese melon grew from us separately, and by the end of August the fruits began to ripe it (they should become orange with stripes and are well separated from the fruits). You can not disturb them on a bush - become tasteless. We were completely cropped in the middle of September, so we tried the first melons and watermelons in August, and the last - in late November.

The most delicious, fragrant and juicy -t, what they ripen on the garden and just torn. Watermelon was a lacquer with a very thin skin, with a sparkling, red and tasty flesh. The variety of a diamond is not so called: the peel is solid, in which the knife is with difficulty, but then he himself crashed, so it turned out juicy and ripe.

Melon - and Gourmet, and Vietnamese - are good just with beds. But in the storage they showed themselves bad. Vietnamese lies no more than a week, Landca is longer, but the taste of them deteriorates. And do not keep them next to the born products: all these flavors they "draw" in themselves. Watermelons flew almost until the beginning of December. Taste qualities, of course, did not better become better, but still it is watermelon, and at the beginning of winter and from their garden.