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How to plant a radish in the open. How to get a good harvest of radish outdoors. Soil preparation and fertilization

Growing radish in autumn has some peculiarities. And in order to get large, juicy roots of this culture, you need to know when to plant a radish in the fall, how to care for it, what varieties to use it.

When and what kind of radish is planted in the fall in a greenhouse and open ground

It is necessary to plant radishes in open ground in early September (late August). In greenhouses, planting is carried out no later than September 20. With such a sowing time, root crops will ripen in the fall. The best predecessors of radish on the bed will be:

  • cucumbers;
  • tomatoes;
  • pepper;
  • potato;
  • legumes.

Radishes can be planted on the ridge after the pepper has grown on it.

Do not plant radish after radish, daikon, cabbage, and other cruciferous plants. He is united with these cultures by the same diseases.

Radishes should not be grown in one place for more than 3 years, otherwise it will lead to depletion of the soil.

The last wave of autumn planting of radishes can be done in late autumn, after November 15, during the period of persistent cold weather (before winter). The crop from this planting will be ready in spring, but it will ripen 2-3 weeks earlier than with spring sowing of any kind of radish.

For autumn plantings, predominantly early ripening varieties with elongated root crops are chosen:

  • 18 days. The root crop is not very large, pink in color, with a white tip.
  • French breakfast. Resistant to flowers.
  • Duet. The fruits are pink with a white tip.

Photo gallery: early maturing radish varieties

Duo is an excellent variety for planting in the fall Radishes French breakfast is good for growing in autumn Radishes 18 days grown for autumn consumption

The ripening period for these varieties is from 18 to 25 days. Such root vegetables are not stored, but eaten. For storage, the varieties Red Giant, Autumn Giant are suitable.

The red giant is a late variety with cylindrical large pink roots weighing about 120 grams. The time interval between the emergence of radish shoots and harvesting is 50 days. Root crops are stored for up to 4 months at a temperature of about zero.

The Red Giant variety is planted in a greenhouse to receive a harvest for storage

The autumn giant is also stored for a long time (up to 2 months). Its growing season is one month. Rounded flattened fruits have a white skin.

The Autumn Giant's harvest ripens in a month

In order for these varieties to fully mature, it will be safer to plant them in a greenhouse in the fall.

Video: correct agricultural technology for autumn radish in a greenhouse

For the last plantings, before winter, it is worth choosing the varieties Zarya (18‒25 days) and Zhara (15‒18 days)... The main criterion for their choice is resistance to the formation of arrows, frost, lack of light.

Radish Heat is chosen for sowing in late autumn.

These varieties are also suitable for sowing for autumn consumption.

Video: varieties Zhara and Zarya - September harvest

Sowing instructions

When planting radishes in September, fertilizers are applied on ridges freed from plant residues at the rate of 1 m 2 of land:

  • 2-3 kg of humus,
  • 1 st. l. potassium sulfate and superphosphate (these fertilizers can be replaced with a glass of wood ash),
  • 1 tsp urea.

They dig up the soil with fertilizers or loosen it well.

In autumn, when planting, radish seeds are placed in the ground less often than in spring.... It must be taken into account that the plants have enough room to grow, and they have good sunlight during short daylight hours.

The rate (standard) of autumn sowing of radish seeds is 1g / 1m2 (about 125 pieces).

Landing is carried out as follows:

  1. Furrows are made in the garden bed 15‒20 cm apart.
  2. Water them with water, you can from the dispenser.
  3. Seeds are scattered into grooves, keeping the distance between seeds 5 - 7 cm.The depth of planting seeds is 1.5 - 2 cm.
  4. Top covered with earth.

Care features

To get a good harvest in the fall, you need to properly care for radishes:

  • In 4–5 days after sprouting, when two true leaves appear in the sprouts, the extra sprouts are removed and 8–10 cm are left between the plants.
  • Every 4-5 days, weeds are removed from the ridge.
  • To maintain moderate humidity, the ridge is watered twice a week. If the weather is hot, the plantings are irrigated every 2 days.
  • During the growth period, when the size of the root crop reaches the size of a match head (cherry pits), the radishes are fed by sprinkling ammonium nitrate (1 tbsp. / 10 m 2) over the bed, and the ridge is well watered.
  • To prevent the earth from crusting, it is loosened after watering or rain.

The radish is harvested before the onset of autumn frosts, preferably in the morning.

Video: planting radishes in the fall

Radish is a popular root vegetable, as it grows quickly and I have harvested more than one crop per season. To harvest a rich radish harvest, some cultivation features are taken into account - such as a well-lit area, light loose soil, and others. And so I will share my experience of when and how to plant radishes in the open ground in spring and summer and properly care for it: watering, weeding, feeding. And following my recommendations, you can reap a rich harvest and surprise all your neighbors.

I will name two main reasons: even a beginner can handle planting, and sowing is possible already from mid-April. Seeds develop at a soil temperature of -1 to -2 C, they can withstand frosts up to -4 C without loss. Optimum air temperature for radish: 15-18 C. I do not recommend planting at higher rates: it will go into the tops, and the root crop will be small and bitter.

All varieties are divided into three types, the choice of a particular one depends on the planting season:

  1. Late ripening: Dungan, Red giant, Carmina.
  2. Mid-season: Ice Icicle, Saksa, Ilka.
  3. Early ripe: Rhodes, Poker, Champion, Heat, Jolie, White Breakfest.

A radish planted in open ground will be comfortable after all the plants, except for their "relatives" - crucifers. These are white daikon, watercress, mustard, cabbage. They suffer from the same pests that can be inherited from their predecessors.

The culture feels great in mixed beds next to greens (onions, parsley or spinach), carrots, onions, cucumbers, cabbage, garden strawberries, beans, peas, corn. Excellent neighbors - head and lettuce. They scare off the cruciferous flea that destroys radishes. Bush beans not only protect against insect pests, but even improve the taste of the root vegetable.

Radish varieties

I will present popular varieties:

  1. 1 to 8 days. The title contains the ripening period promised by the breeders. This is not just a precocious, but an ultra-early variety. The fruit is of a regular cylindrical shape, pink with a white tip, weighing 15-17 g. The flesh is white, slightly sharp on the palate.
  2. French breakfast. Another early ripening type - the fruit ripens in 20-23 days. Intense crimson-lilac color, round. The pulp is medium-sharp, tender, white.
  3. Carmen. The red root vegetable is poured, on average, in 20 days. The fruit is round, the taste of the pulp is also medium-sharp.
  4. Heat. An early ripe representative, the fruits are ready 18-20 days from planting - round, bright crimson. The pulp is tender, juicy, with a pleasant edge.
  5. Cardinal. Mid-early hybrid variety, resistant to the appearance of peduncles. The root vegetable is red, round, ripens in about 25 days.
  6. Octave. Mid-season radish with roundish white fruits. The pulp is oily, no voids are formed in it.
  7. Red giant. The main advantage is long-term storage. Mid-season radish with a rich red hue ripens in 30-40 days. The mass of one root vegetable can be 150 g. White-pink pulp with a sharp edge, tender, juicy, pleasant to the taste.
  8. Red giant. Late-ripening radish, also intended for long-term storage. Fruits are cylindrical, pink-red, very large - up to 300 g. The flesh is white, juicy, sweetish with a pleasant speck.
radish seeds for planting in open ground

From my own experience, I will say that not all promises on seed packs are realized in the conditions of a regular plot. So, for a variety of 18 days, it is necessary to create a certain temperature regime, plant it only in warm spring. Otherwise, the root crop will be poured for 20-24 days.

Based on many years of observation, I notice that all white-tipped radishes do not need to be overexposed, waiting for a larger size. This leads to hollowness and loss of edge.

Rules for planting radishes in open ground

To reap a rich harvest of delicious radishes, consider the following:

  1. Observe planting dates.
  2. Choose the right piece of land based on your culture.
  3. Plant the seeds correctly, respecting the recommended spacing.
  4. Water regularly, but do not waterlogged the soil.
  5. Protect plantings from pests.

Do not forget to harvest on time - overripe radish loses its unique tart taste.

Site preparation

Choose a moderately lit area for planting radishes. It is optimal if the sun's rays warm it up from early morning until lunchtime or all afternoon. Protect the garden from the drying wind - radishes prefer a moderately damp substrate.

The soil for the root crop is light, loose. The acidity level is neutral, slightly acidic. The best option is to prepare the ground in the fall. But it is not too late to do this in April. Root crops prefer organic fertilizers: add humus or last year's compost (about a bucket per 1 m2), dig into one shovel (25-30 cm). But you don't need to add fresh mullein. Dilute clay soil with sand.

For gardeners who prefer mineral fertilizers, I will leave the instructions before digging the soil:

  1. Superphosphate: autumn dressing, 30-40 g of fertilizer per 1 m2.
  2. Ammonium nitrate: spring feeding 1, 10-15 g per 1 m2.
  3. Sulphurous potassium: autumn dressing, 20-30 g per m2.

After such processing in the spring for one to two weeks before planting the radishes in the ground, the ground is carefully loosened by half a shovel (10-15 cm). Before sowing seeds, it must be further leveled. If it's still fresh outside, I advise you to warm up the earth by covering it with thick plastic.

Seed selection

Early ripening varieties are suitable for a spring harvest. Instead of round, I advise you to try elongated seeds - no need to waste time planting each one by one. For summer planting, on the contrary, varieties with late ripening are needed.
To increase the percentage of germination, be sure to prepare the seeds for planting. Calibrate: remove all small, damaged, deformed specimens. I usually also check their viability:

  1. I am preparing a saline solution (10 g of salt per 200 ml of water).
  2. I put the seeds in the liquid and let stand for a couple of minutes, gently stirring them with a spoon.
  3. I delete those that come up.
  4. I wash the seeds that remained at the bottom under a stream of warm water and dry them.

In order to prevent the defeat of young seedlings by fungi, disinfect with a solution of potassium permanganate:

  1. I dilute a saturated solution.
  2. I put the seeds in cheesecloth, wrap them, lowering the bundle in liquid for 20-30 minutes.
  3. I rinse thoroughly.
  4. I dry it so that the seeds become free-flowing again.

Fitosporin will be effective (use according to the instructions for the product). You can stimulate the growth of future seedlings by soaking the seeds in special stimulating solutions - "Zircon", "Epine". They will ensure the full development, strong immunity of plants. Do not forget to dry thoroughly after processing.


I usually sprout radish seeds in a napkin - wrap them in paper, put them in a bowl of water. You can take cotton swabs, toilet paper. If desired, you can use a growth stimulant solution, you can use ordinary water.

If you plan to plant at the end of March, I recommend turning to seed hardening. They will become more resistant to cold weather, frost. Hardening is done as follows:

  1. Wrap the seeds in a gauze envelope, leave it in the room for a day.
  2. Transfer the seed package to the refrigerator for 24 hours.
  3. The next day, return the envelope to the room and repeat for another 3-4 days.

I will warn you that after hardening, the seeds need to be planted faster in an open bed, since the development processes have begun in them.

When to plant radishes outdoors

The first crops are planted in early spring, in the last weeks of April. For fresh radishes to be around the summer, do not forget to repeat planting every 10-14 days. The most problem-free are spring ones, because this is a cold-resistant culture of short daylight hours. In summer, radish develops faster, but often goes into the tops. In June-July, the plant is often affected by the cruciferous flea beetle.

cruciferous flea in the garden

If you will only grow spring radishes outdoors, I advise you not to set aside a separate garden bed for it. After the root crops have ripened, the plot can be used for the same tomatoes. You can plant radishes after the snow melts, as soon as the soil warms up a little.

For different climatic regions of Russia, the timing is different:

  • North-West, Ural, Siberia: last week of May - early June;
  • middle band: second half of April;
  • south of the country: from the second week of March.

To harvest multiple crops of spring radish, remember to renew your plantings every two weeks from late March to mid-May (depending on the region).

Lunar landing

For gardeners who follow the lunar calendar, I will list favorable dates for planting radishes in 2020.

If it is not possible, it is not scary to land on the indicated dates. The main thing is not to plant seeds during unfavorable periods. I will present the numbers of the full moon and new moon for 2020.

It is also important to pay attention to the weather: it is better to plant seeds when it is partly cloudy or on a cloudy day without strong wind.

Landing in open ground

Remember that radish seeds are planted to a maximum depth of 1-2 cm. I do not recommend increasing it: there is a high risk that the root crop will not set. Be sure to make the spaces between the rows - radishes do not like dense planting.

I call the 2x10 ratio the ideal plan for planting radishes in open ground. Two centimeters between seeds in one line and ten - between rows. After the sprouts appear, they must be thinned out. The optimal distance between large shoots in a row is 5 cm. It is important not to skip this stage, otherwise, with frequent planting, the plants will skip the stage of root crop formation and immediately start up flower stalks.

For easy sowing, horticultural centers offer a ton of handy tools. But they are not inferior to the usual hoe. Another option is the Fokin flat cutter, which can also be used for hilling seedlings.

Planting methods

I will tell you about several methods known to gardeners. The most popular is planting in grooves in the same rows:

  1. The soil is leveled, uniform grooves are made with a depth of 1-2 cm (be guided by the recommendations for the radish variety).
  2. A space of 10-15 cm is left between the rows (if the area of ​​the site allows, then 20 cm is better).
  3. The grooves are watered abundantly, waiting for the water to completely go into the soil.
  4. If you have prepared in advance, hardened the seeds, lay them 4-5 cm apart. Otherwise - 1-2 cm for safety net, but then the seedlings will have to be thinned out.
  5. The seeds are covered with a substrate and compact the soil. I observed such an interesting way: they put a sheet of thick plywood on top and walked on it.

If it's not too warm outside, place open containers of water between the rows. Cover the bed itself with a thick film or covering material. Bowls of water will act as heat accumulators.

Do not forget to cover the garden bed in the case when radishes were planted in windy dry weather, so that a dense earthen crust does not form.

Owners of small garden plots turn to the second method. The entire garden bed is sown with radishes. To make the distances between shoots equal, store containers for eggs are used - they push their indentations into the ground so that a hole is formed. If there is no such device, use a regular stick.

I advise you to process the bed from weeds before planting solid - in the future, planting will interfere with this.

The instruction is simple:

  1. Level the ground thoroughly.
  2. Water liberally, wait until the water is completely absorbed.
  3. If using egg containers, press them down as tightly as possible so that holes of equal depth come out.
  4. Place one prepared hardened seed in each cell.
  5. Fill, compact the earth.

You can, as I said, lay out sheets of plywood and walk on them for better contact of the seeds with the soil.

Emergence of seedlings

The timing of seed germination depends on the ambient temperature:

  1. Within 0-10 C. The first shoots appear in a week or two. At low temperatures, plant development slows down.
  2. From 10 to 15 C. Seeds germinate in 4-7 days.
  3. The range is 15-20 C. The most optimal temperature for radishes - seedlings will appear in 3-4 days.

I do not recommend planting radishes at higher temperatures. It will quickly go into the tops, begin to bloom to the detriment of the formation of the fruit. If you want an early harvest, then you can't do without a greenhouse.

Outdoor plant care

Depending on the climate and weather, seedlings appear on days 4-14. Only the sprouts will get stronger, you can remove the covering material. In the event of a threat of frost, for safety reasons, the film continues to be left overnight. All care is simple - it comes down to weeding, watering, hilling and thinning.

If the seedlings are too frequent, they must be thinned out when the first true leaves form. Leave the strongest, most developed plants. The minimum space between them is 5 cm. Less will affect the size of the root crops. The sprouts can be carefully piled up with a square or Fokin flat cutter.

I consider watering the most important in caring for radishes, because it is a moisture-loving culture. For full-fledged formation, it needs a moderately moist soil at all stages of plant development. It is the golden mean that is important: waterlogging of the soil will entail rotting of the fruits, and dry land - the formation of small and tasteless radishes. A sharp transition between excessive dryness of the substrate and abundant watering is fraught with cracked root crops.

For a tasty and rich harvest, remember to water the radishes constantly. This is especially important during the period of active development, when root crops are formed.

Already matured radishes need to be loosened from time to time to ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots. Do not forget about the aisles - they are processed after each watering. Loosening prevents the formation of a crust on the soil.

Don't forget about weeding: weeds shade radishes and steal water and nutrients from the soil. If the bed is overgrown, only a small and bitter crop can be harvested from it.

The vegetative phase of radish development is relatively short, so there is enough fertilizer for it that you applied to the soil when preparing the garden bed. If you forgot, it's okay. In the first week after the emergence of sprouts, feed the plantings with nitrogen fertilizer. But it is important not to overdo it with it, so that the plant does not go into greenery.

Not bad and organic - chicken manure or a solution of cow dung. Another alternative is mineral products: 15-20 g of ammonium nitrate per 10 liter bucket.

When the roots begin to pour in, prepare an infusion of wood ash: 100 g per 10 liters of water. The solution is infused for a day. Ash is prized for its potassium content and a small amount of phosphorus.

Difficulty planting and growing

I recommend radishes to both beginners and seasoned gardeners alike, as it is a very undemanding crop. There are no difficulties when planting in open ground: make grooves, water, place seeds in holes, fill up, compact the soil. If desired, protect with a covering material. In windy weather, planting is not worth planning - light seeds will scatter.

In summer, with a long daylight hours, the radish begins to shoot. To avoid this, artificially shorten its duration with the simplest sun canopy. Expose the opaque barrier daily from 7 pm to 7 am.

You will have to use the canopy until mid-August, when the duration of daylight hours will naturally decrease. If the obstacle does not interfere with shooting, then perhaps its reason is different: insufficient watering or excessively frequent planting.

Pest and disease control

I already wrote that the most important summer enemy of radishes and its relatives is the cruciferous flea. She eats the leaves of seedlings, which is fraught with their deformation, slowing down the development of the plant. I advise you to resist the pest like this:

  1. Keep the soil slightly moist.
  2. Process the soil periodically with ash and tobacco in a 1: 1 ratio. Start processing from the very first shoots.
  3. Cover young crops with plastic material so that the flea cannot get under it.

The pest is most active in calm warm summer weather. Therefore, it is necessary to plant radishes in open beds in the spring. And special attention should be paid to summer plantings.

Harvesting and storage

I do not collect radishes in the whole garden, but selectively: the root crops do not ripen equally. Pulling out the already formed ones, I give their neighbors the opportunity to develop more actively. The harvest itself takes place in several stages: focus on the size of the root crop. First, the largest radish, and a week later - the rest.

To make it easier for yourself, water the garden bed about a couple of hours before harvesting - this will make it much easier to pull out the radishes. Be sure to clean the root crop from the ground: first with cloth gloves, and then under running water. Cut the tops at the tip - so the root crop does not start to wither prematurely.

Store the radishes in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. It is best to harvest in tight plastic bags. Store only clean, free from tops of root crops. Damaged ones, damaged during collection, deteriorate faster.

Radishes are not meant to be stored for a long time - it is preferable to eat them within a few days after harvest. The only exception is special varieties intended for these purposes.

An easy way to grow cucumbers on a windowsill or balcony

O planting radishes in open ground in spring today we'll talk in our article, about rules of cultivation and care, because radish is a favorite culture of gardeners, and for good reason. Possessing excellent taste, it is extremely unpretentious in cultivation - it grows best at +18 degrees and is not afraid of frosts up to -2 degrees C. In this article we will consider various ways and methods of growing radishes in the open field, with which it is easy to get a high yield ...

Features of growing radish

Radish is a distant relative of cabbage; biologists refer this vegetable to its family. The mustard oil contained in the root vegetable gives a well-known bitter aftertaste, which is a distinctive feature of its other brother, the radish.

Most often, an annual type of radish grows in our beds, however, there is also a two-year-old, which gives seeds only the next year after planting.

Watch the video! The best varieties of radish for open ground and greenhouses

According to the rate of maturation, several categories of plants are distinguished:

  • ultra early varieties(21 day);
  • early varieties(25-30 days);
  • mid-season(31-35 days);
  • late maturing(35-45 days).

Due to such a variety of varieties, and the fact that the root crop is cold-resistant, the cultivation of radishes is possible from early spring to frost.

Important! Radish is a culture of active daylight hours, at 12-13 hours a day it actively grows a root, and already at 14-15 hours a day it begins to bloom and becomes unusable, becomes bitter. Therefore, when re-sowing, late-ripening varieties should be chosen in summer.

It can also be cultivated at home, for example, it is widely practiced to grow radishes on a windowsill in seedling boxes or in cassettes.

A healthy root crop should have an even shape - from cylindrical to round (depending on the variety), a smooth skin without spots and flaws, a tail (spindle) up to 10 centimeters. A ripe, healthy root vegetable that is crispy, slightly bitter or pungent in taste, with a juicy flesh without coarse fibers. The skin color changes from bright red to yellow or even purple.

For an early harvest, choose early ripening varieties.

Watch the video! How to sow early radish correctly

When to sow radishes outdoors: optimal sowing dates in spring and summer

The end of April is the period when seeds can be sown directly into open ground.

As already mentioned, radish is a cold-resistant culture, it can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.

If you plant radishes at a temperature of 0-10 degrees, the seeds will germinate slowly over a period of 14 days. At temperatures from +10 to +15 degrees - for a week.

Important! The optimum temperature for full-fledged growth for radishes is +15 degrees. Above +20 - the root crop begins to shoot (flowering) to the detriment of the taste and pouring of the root.

Growing radish in a garden without a break for a whole month is possible - you need to pick up seeds of varieties that are easily tolerated for long hot days, do not throw out a flower and do not lose taste.

Planting dates in spring

This way you can start planting your radishes early as soon as the snow melts.

  • On South- from the second half of March.
  • In the middle lane and the Moscow region- from the second half of April.
  • In the Urals, Siberia and the Northwest- from the beginning of May.

By planting a root crop in waves, with a difference of 12 days, it is easy to provide yourself with it for all warm seasons, daily replenishing your diet with calcium and magnesium, which radish contains in abundance.

Planting dates in summer

You can sow radishes all summer, provided that the beds in the afternoon are covered with covering material so that bright sunlight does not fall and do not provoke the shooting process.

The only exception in growing time is June - July, its long warm days are not suitable for fruit ripening, which only needs 10 light hours a day. If daylight hours exceed this threshold and the temperature is + 25-30, the plant begins to shoot - the vegetable becomes tough and bitter, such a fruit can no longer be eaten.

But in August, you can plant radishes.

Watch the video! All-season radish. How to get delicious root vegetables in the summer

According to the lunar calendar 2019

Auspicious days according to the lunar calendar in 2019 for planting radishes in open ground:

  • March - 10-12, 15-17, 23-25, 27-30;
  • April - 2-9, 11-15, 24-27, 29, 30;
  • May - 1-4, 12-14, 21-23;
  • June - 9-11, 18-20;
  • July - 25-31.

Unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar in 2019 year for sowing radishes:

  • March - 6, 7, 21;
  • April - 5, 19;
  • May - 5, 19;
  • June - 3, 4, 17;
  • July - 2, 3, 17.

Radish Variety Selection - Top 8 Radish Varieties

There are varieties that are suitable for consistently high yields.

  1. Red giant- late variety, suitable for long-term storage. Reddish-pink elongated fruits reach incredible sizes and weight up to 300 grams! The pulp is white, juicy, has a sweetish taste.

Important to know! Fruits with a white tip, when overexposed in the ground, become hollow, they must be removed at a strictly specified time.

How to properly plant radishes in open ground

Before laying the seeds in the ground, it is important to prepare the loosened moist soil - to dig the bed onto the bayonet of a shovel, removing clods and debris from the ground. It is recommended to apply fertilizers in advance, best of all - in the fall, adding about one bucket of rotted manure to one garden bed, mixing it well with the ground.

Choosing a place for planting and preparing the beds

For a garden bed with radishes, it is better to choose a place illuminated in the morning or in the evening.

Radish prefers light and loose soils with a neutral acidity index.

The root crop responds well to organic matter, therefore, before planting, add a bucket of compost or humus per 1 sq. m.

Important! Fresh manure must not be applied!

Mineral fertilizers can be applied to the soil per 1 sq. m:

  • superphosphate 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • potassium sulfide 20-30 g;
  • ammonium nitrate 1 tbsp. spoon.

Dig up everything well.

To make the ground warm up faster, you can cover the bed with a film.

Crop rotation rules and crop proximity

Radish can be planted after almost all vegetables, with the exception of cruciferous cabbage, radish, watercress, daikon, mustard radish.
Radishes are often grown in joint beds with spinach, corn, parsley, lettuce, carrots, onions, garlic, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries, beans, and peas.

Ideal neighbors: leafy and rocked lettuce, they will scare off the cruciferous flea.

Presowing preparation and seed treatment

  • To check the suitability of seeds for planting, they are dipped into a saline solution in a glass of water of 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt. Those seeds that have surfaced are unsuitable for planting.
  • The rest must be rinsed and disinfected in a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • Place the seeds in a gauze bag and lower it for 30 minutes in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate. Then rinse with clean water.
  • You can use either growth stimulants and for faster germination of seeds.

Watch the video!

Option one

Prepared beds, according to the growing conditions of radishes, need to be watered abundantly - seeds germinate best in moist soil. Covering radish seeds to a depth of no more than one centimeter, the soil is compacted from above, achieving maximum contact of the seed with the ground.

In order for the root crop to have an even shape and reach its mass, the seeds must be planted at a distance of 5 cm, and there must be at least 10 cm between the beds. The first shoots can be seen already on the third or fourth day.

Advice! In order that the first wave of sowing does not die from night frosts, it is best to cover the beds with a film or non-woven covering material from five in the evening until the very morning.

Option two

If there is no room in the garden for several beds of radish, but you really want to grow it, you can resort to using a special board with markings. On a large board, markings are applied according to the 5 * 5 cm scheme, and teeth are made one centimeter high. This is necessary for the best seed placement depth. The board is placed on a flat surface of the garden bed, which is previously loosened and leveled. Pressing on the surface of the board, they make identical holes in the soil, into which radish seeds are then placed and watered abundantly.

Watch the video! Tips for growing radishes

Such a planting scheme makes it possible to get from one square. meters to five kilograms of harvest, because the holes from the cloves on such a bed will be about 400 pieces.

Option three (sub-winter)

This option is suitable for planting seeds in the winter. A site with a slope to the south and light loose (preferably sandy) soil is selected.

An important feature of the choice of such a place is its flooding by spring waters - for the winter cultivation of radishes, the land in the spring should be dry, low-lying and wet places are not suitable for such a scheme. Starting from the second half of October, the beds are prepared, and only with the arrival of the first frost are dry seeds sown. From above, the sowing is covered with humus or a peat mixture.

Advice! The optimal time for this option is the first half of November.

Option four (winter)

In order to enjoy the fruits of the radish two weeks earlier than usual, you need to sow it in the frozen soil between December and February. The method of such sowing is simple - snow is removed from the beds prepared in October, and the seeds are placed in furrows 4 centimeters deep made in the fall. The sown material is covered with compost or peat mixture, to a height of no more than two centimeters and so left until spring.

How to grow radishes in a greenhouse

A greenhouse is a great place for impatient gardeners, and for those planning to grow radishes for sale, it is easy to get root crops here earlier than usual without much effort. A stationary greenhouse (it is best to use polycarbonate options) is equipped with a drip irrigation system, which will ensure uninterrupted supply of moisture to root crops and relieve unnecessary headaches from the gardener.

Growing radishes in a greenhouse takes place in the same way as in the open field - in rows with a distance of 8 centimeters or in a continuous way (under a marker), described above.

When growing radishes in a greenhouse, you need to constantly monitor soil moisture (whether the irrigation system is working), lighting, find and exterminate pests in time.

The greenhouse is ideal for obtaining a high yield of radish from seeds - at the very beginning of its growing season, the air temperature should be from 2 to 16 degrees Celsius, after the emergence of the first shoots, the temperature is set at 6 degrees Celsius and only four days later it is gradually increased to the initial values ...

Watering a plant in a greenhouse should be moderate, but constant - the ideal option in this case would be an automated drip irrigation system that supplies moisture to the root of the plant, preventing it from drying out.

Seedling care

To get a high yield, you need to follow three main points of plant care:

  • water on time;
  • do aeration of the soil;
  • protect seedlings from pests.


Radish loves moist soil - it is because of it that the pulp of the root crop becomes juicy and dense. It is best to water the vegetable beds in the evening, little by little, but every day - only in this case, he will not feel thirsty and form the right tubers. Even short-term drying out of the soil leads to a deterioration in the quality of the product, so watering the radish should not be skipped.

Until the appearance of the second true leaf, the soil is watered to a depth of at least 8 centimeters, and then the volumes of moisture are increased, "spilling" it by 15 centimeters.

On the other hand, excessive waterlogging leads to the appearance of cracks on the tuber and a "watery" taste, which also reduces the quality of the fruit.

The main rule for regulating irrigation is the air temperature and weather phenomena - in dry, calm weather, it is watered every evening, and when a cold snap sets in, watering is arranged no more than 2 times a week.


Loosening of the soil is an important condition for the proper development of plant roots. The oxygen supplied to them allows the leaves and tuber to form correctly.

Loosening the soil between the rows of radishes is always worth it, preventing the appearance of a hard crust, or add a mulching top layer of peat, which will keep the soil moisture.

Protection of seedlings from pests

The main pest that prevents radish from fully developing is the cruciferous flea, which eats the first succulent leaves of the plant, thereby stopping its growth and development. There are several ways to protect yourself from this pest:

    1. Shelter with agrofibre. Immediately after the first shoots appear, the entire garden bed is covered with thin agrofibre, which easily transmits light and moisture, but prevents insects from entering.
    2. Tansy powder. The flowers of tansy or celandine prepared in advance are ground into powder and showered with such a powder on the shoots of radish. The strong smell prevents the flea from eating the first green leaves, with which the tuber is formed.
    3. Sticky flags. A sticky mixture is applied to a flag made of dense material, with which it is necessary to "mark" the first shoots of radish. Thus, the flea gets onto the sticky surface without damaging the seedlings.

Watch the video! Radish care and cultivation in a greenhouse

Radish is the earliest vegetable and is grown everywhere from spring to autumn. It is he who, due to its cold resistance and early maturity, first appears after the long winter months in our diet. The vegetable has a characteristic pungent taste due to the presence of mustard oils in the composition. It also contains a whole range of vitamins and minerals.

How radishes grow

This culture is most often cultivated in the open field. Radish perfectly tolerates low positive temperatures, although indicators of about + 15 ... + 18 ° C are considered optimal for its growth. In care, it is undemanding, and therefore any novice gardener can successfully cope with its cultivation.

Due to its short growing season, this vegetable can be harvested several times per season, from very early spring to late autumn. Early varieties reach nutritional maturity within 3-4 weeks after planting. Many gardeners practice sowing radishes at intervals of 7-10 days for a continuous harvest.

Radishes are most often grown outdoors.

Planting radishes in open ground

Early spring sowing is carried out after the snow melts and the soil warms up. When the air temperature is above + 1 ... + 2 ° C, the seeds are already capable of germinating. However, the following should be considered:

  • at values ​​less than + 10 ° C, the seed germinates for a long time, sometimes up to 2-3 weeks;
  • at temperatures from +10 to + 15 ° C, seeds are capable of germinating in 7–8 days;
  • if the average temperature fluctuates between +18 and + 23 ° C, then the seedlings will appear on the 4th day.

Usually sowing occurs in mid-April, although in the southern regions, radishes can be sown as early as mid or late March.

Soil preparation

The garden bed is set up in a well-lit area, sheltered from the winds. You should not grow radishes in the place where representatives of the Cruciferous family, to which she herself belongs, previously grew: turnip, radish, cabbage, mustard, daikon. For best yields, it is recommended to alternate the planting site with plants from other families.

Radish is an excellent precursor for other vegetable crops such as tomatoes. He will prepare the soil and have time to harvest before the tomato seedlings are planted.

A plot for radish needs to be prepared in the fall. Soft and loose soil with weak or neutral acidity is best suited for planting it. Heavy and poor soils will need to be fertilized with humus (2-3 kg per 1 m²). Clay soil can be dug up with the introduction of coarse sand and peat. The addition of various mineral complex fertilizers (superphosphate, potassium salt, etc.) will have a very good effect. They are added at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 m². If the soil is acidic, then it must be deoxidized using lime (fluff) or wood ash.

Before planting, the plot for radish needs to be dug up and leveled with a rake.

Radish loves soft soil, so the garden should be dug up and carefully leveled

Seed preparation

The seed must first be sorted out (calibrated) manually or through a sieve, taking samples of at least 2-3 mm in diameter. This will ensure better germination and a bountiful harvest.

For sowing, you need to select large seeds

Selected seeds should be soaked to "wake up".

  1. Wrap the seeds in a wet cloth and put on a saucer.
  2. Put in a warm place, best of all - on a radiator, so that there is constant heating. The temperature should be around 30 ° C.
  3. Moisten the fabric as it dries.
  4. Unwrap the seeds once a day and rinse them with warm water.

Awakened seeds sprout much earlier.


After selecting and awakening seeds, you can sow them in the ground. The planting procedure takes place in a few simple steps.

  1. Furrows are made on the bed, about 2–3 cm deep and 15–20 cm apart.
  2. The grooves are well spilled with water.
  3. Then planting material is laid out in them with intervals between seeds of 2-3 cm.
  4. The grooves are covered with earth and slightly compacted.
  5. Mulch with a layer of peat or humus (about 2 cm).
  6. The bed is covered with a film or any covering material until shoots appear. After it is removed.

Seeds are planted at a shallow depth

When planting seeds, the structure of the soil must be taken into account. In heavier clayey soils, they must be planted at a shallower depth.

Video: sowing radish in open ground

Outdoor care for radishes

The emergence time of seedlings directly depends on the weather conditions. If they are favorable, then the first leaves may appear as early as 4–5 days. Further care of the seedlings consists in regular watering, loosening and thinning the plantings.

Under favorable conditions, radishes germinate in 4-5 days

The key to a good radish harvest is proper watering. This crop prefers soil moisture of at least 75–80%. The lack of moisture affects the taste of root vegetables - they become too bitter. In addition, in conditions of excessive dryness, the plant builds up its green mass and shoots without forming root crops. Excessive moisture, especially before ripening, threatens the fruits with cracking or rotting, and also spoils their structure - they become watery.

Radishes are very fond of good watering

Radishes require daily watering in the evening or morning hours. In dry periods, it is necessary to moisten the planting twice a day. Especially carefully you need to monitor soil moisture immediately after the appearance of the first pair of leaves. The ground should be constantly slightly damp and in no case dry out.

Thinning of seedlings

After the appearance of the first two leaves, the seedlings must be thinned out, otherwise the fruits will not be able to fully form. The distance between the plants should be at least 3-5 cm. If a large-fruited variety is grown, then about 8-10 cm should be left. The smallest and weakest shoots should be removed, leaving the strongest ones.

It is necessary to thin the radish to obtain larger root crops

Weeding and loosening

It is required to periodically weed the beds, pulling out the weeds, as they take away nutrients and interfere with the growth of root crops.

Regular weeding promotes good root crop growth

Loosening is done after each watering. This should be done very gently and shallowly so as not to damage the growing vegetable.

Provided that the soil is well prepared for early radish, only one top dressing will be required during the growing season. For poor soils, at least two procedures are required to compensate for the deficiency of nutrients. You can use the infusion of compost or manure, which is added to the water for irrigation.

Poor soils need to be fertilized at least twice

The outward appearance of the plants shows what exactly they lack. If there is too much foliage and at the same time the roots are very small, then potash-phosphorus fertilizers will be required (according to the instructions). It is very useful to feed the radish with sulfur: 20 g of potassium sulfate, 100 g of ash and 40 g of superphosphate are dissolved in a bucket of warm water. The beds are watered with this composition after moistening.

A weak and pale aboveground part signals a nitrogen deficiency. You need 1 tsp. dissolve urea in a bucket of water. After watering with this solution, the plants will immediately grow. However, it is very important not to exceed the dosage, otherwise the tops will be too large and the roots are small.

Radish does not like the introduction of fresh manure.

Treatment against diseases and pests

Radishes are rarely affected by pests and diseases, since they have a very short growing season - they simply do not have time to harm the plant enough. But sometimes the following diseases occur:

  1. Bacteriosis Root crops become covered with mucus and acquire a characteristic putrid odor. Spraying with a 1% solution of Bordeaux liquid will help to cope with it.
  2. Keela. The foliage turns yellow and withers, swellings and seals form on the fruits. In this case, the land around the plants is treated with milk of lime, which is prepared from 250 g of fluffy lime and 10 liters of water (for 1 plant, 1 liter of composition).
  3. Blackleg. Shoots are affected - the stem turns black and curls. Treat with onion infusion (1 liter of water and 20 g of onion husks) or 1% copper sulfate with laundry soap (1 liter of solution per 10 m²).

Photo gallery: the most common radish diseases

The black leg affects seedlings, preventing the formation of root crops Bacteriosis leads to rotting of the root crop Keela is characterized by the formation of growths on fruits and roots

The main pest threatening radishes is the cruciferous flea. It is especially dangerous for young seedlings. It is already unable to harm the grown plants much. In the fight against it, the following measures are effective:

  • Prepare a solution of two glasses of wood ash, 40-50 g of laundry soap and 1 bucket of water. Spraying is carried out 1 time in 7-10 days.
  • You can simply sprinkle the crushed ash between the rows.
  • The plantings are treated with tobacco dust. For the solution, 2 tbsp is taken. ash and 50 g of laundry soap per 10 liters of water.

The cruciferous flea is especially dangerous for seedlings.

The most effective way will be the treatment with chemicals (Bankol, Karate, Inta-Vir). But this should be done as a last resort, since radish root crops very easily accumulate harmful substances.

Radishes can be affected by the nematode (wireworm). To combat it, Fitoverm, harmless to humans, is effective. The solution of the drug is prepared in accordance with the instructions.

Winter planting of radish

You can sow radishes before winter. In this case, the harvest can be obtained in the spring a couple of weeks earlier. The most cold-resistant varieties (Mayak, Mercado, etc.) are suitable for this. Sowing is carried out with the onset of frost, usually in mid-November.

  1. The seeds are planted in dry soil.
  2. The beds are well mulched with humus or peat.
  3. Then the land in the garden must be compacted and covered with spruce branches.
  4. What to do if the radish goes into color

    When the air temperature is above + 25 ° C and the duration of daylight hours is more than 12 hours, it becomes problematic to grow radishes, as it grows, and the fruits become woody and bitter. For this reason, the vegetable is grown in spring or autumn, when the daylight hours lasts no more than 12 hours and the temperature is about + 20 ° C.

    Early varieties are planted in spring, March or April. They have time to ripen, in contrast to the late ones, in which the growing season is 45-60 days. Late and mid-late varieties are best sown in the fall, at the end of summer (August).

    Radish blooms with long daylight hours and hot weather

    However, any gardener would love to have fresh radishes on the table throughout the season. Therefore, if necessary, she (like other long-day plants) can artificially create a short daylight hours. This will improve the quality of the roots without letting the plants go into bloom.

    It is quite simple to do this:

    1. Build a frame along the width of the bed and 20-30 cm high.
    2. Cover it with any opaque material.
    3. At 7 o'clock in the evening, the bed must be covered with a frame, and at 7 o'clock in the morning, it must be removed.

    With the help of a frame shelter, you can adjust the daylight hours for radishes

    Thus, the radish will have 12-hour daylight hours, which will not allow the plants to discard the flower stalks.

    In the open field, radishes can be grown throughout the summer season. If you follow a number of very simple requirements, then it will delight you with tasty and healthy fruits from early spring to late autumn.

- the most long-awaited vitamin products on our table after a long winter. It is these crops that we try to plant first.

The first vegetables after a long winter

We start growing radishes in the open field in early spring, when the ground thaws a couple of centimeters.

The plot of land where you want to plant a radish is covered with a film, left to warm up for several days. Radish tolerates low temperatures well, the seeds begin to germinate, even if there is only 3-4 degrees of heat at night. And an adult plant can withstand frosts down to -4 degrees.

But the heat can ruin everything, the seedlings will bloom, and the roots will be flabby, too spicy, not tasty.

What radishes are really picky about is light. Long daylight hours with bright sunshine are essential for an early harvest. Therefore, spring is the best time to plant early varieties of radish (read more about varieties).

Preparing the soil for planting

How to grow radishes in the open field in the country to get an early harvest?
For this, the beds should be prepared in the fall. The earth is carefully dug up, organic fertilizers and ash are applied.

The garden bed can be covered with a dark film before winter, then it will be warmed up in the spring much faster.

Planting radish seeds in open ground

  • To plant the seeds, grooves are made at a distance of 10 cm and a depth of 3-4 cm.
    Seeds are sown 2-3 cm apart, sprinkled with humus or peat with a layer of 1.5-2 cm.
  • You can use a marker. This is a board to which small pins are nailed with a distance of 6x6 cm. Holes are made with a marker 2 cm deep, then the seeds are laid out, sprinkling them with fine peat.
  • Some gardeners have adapted a plastic egg container instead of a marker, which is also convenient for making holes for planting.

The garden bed is thoroughly watered, covered with scraps of material or foil. The first shoots are afraid of low temperatures, when they get a little stronger, the film can be removed.

Care and watering

  • Seedlings must be thinned out, too dense planting leads to shooting, the roots will be small. The strongest shoots are left at a distance of 6-10 cm from each other, the rest must be removed.
  • When growing radishes, you need to remove all weeds in time, they drain the land, shade the plantings, which can greatly reduce the yield.
  • Watering is necessary frequently, approximately every 2-3 days, and in hot weather every day. If there is a lack of moisture, the roots will grow flabby and too spicy. Excess moisture is also harmful, in addition to the threat of disease development, it can lead to cracking of the fruit.


Collect root crops as they ripen, selectively. The ripening period is usually indicated on the seed bag.

Mid-season varieties, as a rule, are much larger than early ones, have a better taste, more varied in shape, color, and better taste.

Pests and diseases

Autumn radish

There is very little information on how to grow radishes outdoors in the fall. It is believed that there are many different vegetables in the fall; there is no need to grow this crop.

However, late varieties of radish have a number of advantages over early maturing ones:

  • large size up to 15-20 cm
  • the taste is much better due to the long aging period of 45-70 days
  • long shelf life.

Late varieties of radish are planted from late July to August. First, the beds are prepared with the introduction of organic fertilizers and ash.

After that, grooves are made at a distance of 10 cm from each other.
Sow seeds at a distance of 6-8 cm, sprinkle them with peat or humus.

Water the seedlings regularly so that the ground does not dry out and is not too dense.
Ripe root crops are harvested towards the end of September to mid-October.

As you can see, growing radishes outdoors is not at all difficult, you just need to carefully study the article and a good harvest is guaranteed.