Repairs Design Furniture

Design projects Hosts. The hallway in a private house is the original design ideas and modern design options (115 photos). Bright colors in the interior of the hallway

A narrow corridor in apartments is found quite often. And so much uncomfortable planning is inherent in not only close crischev, but also quite modern buildings. Delight such a corridor usually does not cause: it is difficult for him to choose the right furniture., not to mention a beautiful design. But if you approach this issue, such an entrance hall may well become the pride of the owners - a comfortable and stylish room in the house.

Expand the space

The main rule when making a narrow corridor - visually expand its area, as much as possible. To do this, you can "reduce" the ceiling - for example, to paint it into dark tones or molded. And so from the narrow "gorge" the corridor will turn into a cozy room, becoming a symbol that modern residents familiar with the secrets of the right design live in this apartment.

Photo: Narrow entrance hall in bright colors

Paul can also be denoted by dark color by placing it with a laminate or linoleum "under the tree". Or laying out ceramic tiles in the form of a colors of a chessboard. Black and white or beige-brown squares will visually increase the area, and also give it the originality.

White cabinet with closing cabinets and shelves

But for walls usually recommended light tones - White, beige, grayish, pale olive, peach, soft coffee or bluish. It is desirable that they relate to cold shades - it will also give the corridor for additional square centimeters.

Cozy entrance hall

The walls can not be made in monophonic, and try to "play" with flowers or trim - they will look good in a narrow corridor of the panel or moldings. And from what should be refused, it is from the strips - both both vertical and horizontal, they are "permitted" only for spacious premises.

Right put furniture

There is a rule - not to make space cluttered: In a narrow corridor, you should not install too many furniture items. It is better to restrict ourselves to the wardrobe, a pair of shelves (if necessary) and an open table for shoes.

Minimalistic parishion

All furniture is better installed only on one side.. A small nuance - its width should not exceed the half-meter so that in the corridor it was convenient to move, dress and not feel in a closed space. And in some cases will have to be limited to and generally width of 30 centimeters.

Built-in wardrobe in a narrow hallway

Such furniture is usually made individually - standard cabinets for narrow corridors are not suitable. If the choice between the functionality of the furniture and the size of it occupied area, it is better to give preference to the latter. Let it be better in the closet one smokes less jackets and boots than it will make a close already narrow corridor.

A narrow corridor ends with a wardrobe

And in the corridor will be a relevant ottoman - Compact and functional. It can be placed under mounted shelves or hanger. In modern models, a niche is usually present in which it is convenient to add all the smallers - brushes for shoes, a small umbrella, shoelaces.

Bright entrance hall in classic style

If there is no place for the Purification at all, it can be done at all and use only when rebuilding. You can attach such a seating to both the wall and the end part of the cabinet.

Order a wardrobe

In addition to strictly rules about the width of 50 centimeters, there are no other templates for a wardrobe - its design depends only on the imagination of households. But design is worth thinking carefully so that the cabinet is as functional as possible.

There must be hangers for outerwear (they will be placed not sideways, as in a conventional closet, and in parallel to the doors), shelves for shoes (better - retractable), boxes for gloves, scarves, scarves and headdress branches.

Little corridor design in the apartment

If you need to store other things in the closet (the means for care of shoes, umbrellas or bags), it is better to consider compartments for them in advance, without trying to "shove" somewhere.

Large mirror doors - visually increase space

It is quite acceptable to make a wardrobe without doors - such a solution looks very stylish and modern, but will require a constant order on all shelves. As well as the use of all kinds of fashionable clothing boxes and baskets, so as not to demonstrate all guests all Skarb. Such a design today is very in demand, his only minus is to enter the things of dust.

Sliding wardrobe in a long narrow corridor

If the choice is still made on the traditional door, one of its parts can be made with a non-smear pattern, as well as a mirror and even transparent. The mirror will visually exceed the room, but the transparent door will add to him sophistication and individuality.

The mirror door of the cabinet can be decorate with small point lamps in the rapid part or on the sides. It will not be just comfortable and beautiful, but also a little magical.

Choose a wardrobe system

It can be replaced by a wardrobe. Such furniture is less spacious, but no less effective, and is suitable for very small corridors. The system can consist of a chest of chest and a foam, a small locker and several open shelves, stylish hangers and couch. It all depends on how many piece of furniture "will allow" the area of \u200b\u200bthe corridor. As in the case of a wardrobe, it should not be done too wide.

The wardrobe system is also worth thinking carefully, providing it with only the "necessary" compartments - under certain things or shoes. A good solution will be the choice of light shade of furniture - He will give the corridor of lightness and additional space.

But with white color it is better to be careful - it always requires the "ideal" design, which is unable to professionals. But you can safely choose the furniture color of light walnut or cocoa - with their help the corridor will look very comfortable and warm.

If the room at the entrance door is completely narrow, you will have to abandon the wardrobe system. And limit only with a hanger for seasonal clothes, as well as a narrow sofa shelf along the wall with a niche for shoes. Or generally a few hooks for clothes on the wall. But the other things will have to be stored in indoor cabinets.

And one more subtlety. In a narrow corridor, any decor element will visually reduce the space, so the handles for furniture should be as simple as possible. It is better if they are generally absent, and the locker doors will be opened by pressing.

Decorate a narrow corridor

Although the decor elements do not need a lot, they still have to be present, otherwise the room will be too boring. You can hang beautiful watches on the wall, a bright favorite photo or a small picture. And also one or two beautiful stylish sconces - they will decorate the room, and will clarify it well.

And further in the corridor, there must be a mirror. If it is not only narrow, but also long, the mirror is better to hang at the end of the corridor. But if the length is standard, then they can be decorated with a wardrobe door. And in the case of a wardrobe system - hang the mirror on the opposite wall from it. Or several small mirrors immediately - it will be less convenient, but it is very attractive and unusual.

Do not forget about tricks

There are several simple secrets of a successful design of a narrow corridor. It should be as light as possible (chandelier on the ceiling must be combined with scaves or backlit on the cabinet). Must be very cozy (it can give him small bright floor mats - for example, in the form of leaves or flowers). And the most functional - there should be no empty space in the furniture.

One of the tricks of design is zoning a narrow corridor space. This can be achieved at the expense of different finishing of walls or different flooring. This room always looks very impressive and helps to create an individual style. And if you do not neglect these subtleties, even from the not too successful project of architects (and a narrow corridor - it is this) that can create a real designer candy.

And at the end, we suggest familiar with the photo by a selection of hallways, which are perfect for a narrow corridor.

The hallway is a place that people who have come to the house first see. The first impression of the apartment begins to be created after the first step. Unfortunately, many corridors have a small size. For inexperienced people, make the design of the hallway in the apartment seems an unbearable task.

Functional purpose

Usually, the hallway is designed to store things. People are changed from home clothes in a street. Depending on the weather from the wardrobe, the caps, umbrellas and other things. Based on the number of things, the cabinet is selected and its size is set.

Rules for creating interior

It is not necessary to equip the interior design of the hallway. The main error in the independent interior creation is the presence of a plurality of things.

It is not worth clogging a corridor with many furniture and shelves, everything should be moderately compact, so that the feeling of disorder does not make up.

Unlike private houses, in the apartments of the corridors are small, and I want to make them visually more. To increase the space, bright shades of walls, gender, furniture are used.

An important factors are the presence of mirrors and well-made lighting.

Even from the smallest hallway to really create a spacious room. Designers advise the doors leading from the corridor to the room, replace the arches.

Walls and floor

The main stage Creating an interior of the hallway begins with the floor, and ends with the walls. Thanks to light tones, you can increase the room. When using dark shades, the lighting should be increased.

All owners know that dirt from the street constantly accumulates in the hallway. Flooring should be perfectly laundered and have resistance to moisture. For the floor, the tile coating is perfect.

The use of laminate in the hallway gives it a special style. Laminate is not moisture-resistant and will have to certainly remove street dirt in order to avoid raving laminate.


With good lighting, the corridor will seem more voluminous. Daylight lamps can be removed, so their use is not recommended in the hallway.

For example, a girl who will be painted in the corridor, before leaving will see unnatural makeup colors, so it is recommended to do natural lighting.

Choice of furniture

Many do not like clothes being constantly in sight. Buying a wardrobe is the optimal option. The wardrobes are made individually for the client, taking into account the size and wishes of the customer, therefore are the best option.

On the closet, you can put the doors with mirrors, which will undoubtedly play a role on expanding space. In the closet it is necessary to provide a separate shelf for shoes, divide the place for everyday clothes and the one that is worn by special cases.

For convenience, you can install a chair for removing the shoes, or put the emblem. There must be a shelf for accessories (keys, scarves, caps) near the entrance door.

How to make a corridor spacious

The hallway must be divided into 2 parts: the hall and the hallway. In part of the hallway, you can restrict ourselves to the wardrobe. In the lobby, you can set the tremor, the emblem, hanger and shelf for accessories.

Do not buy a lot of furniture, as it will create a sense of discomfort. You can use pictures on the walls - it distracts attention from focusing on the small size of the room.

Use of flowers

It is worth remembering that the hallway is a "business card" of the host of the house, and on this "card" there is a first impression of the apartment as a whole. The main role of the design is played by the color scheme.

It is best to think through the interior design in advance, focusing on previously created. They can always be found on the Internet or consult with specialists.

It happens that in the corridor of the apartment immediately felt emptiness, or overcrowding of objects. Specially prepared professionals in the field of design will always help find the Gold Mid.

Pastel shades

Pastel tones are well combined with wardrobes, they are also combined with plants and various interior items.

For a narrow corridor, there are pictures on the walls and other works of art. Pictures not only adorn the interior, but also point to the tastes of the host of the house.

In the corner of the room you can put a flooring or a large vase, which will certainly give a refined style.

Dark tones

But if the owners are firmly convinced that light shades will not fit, then it is permissible to add a bit dark. Usually dark make the floor covering so that the dirt is not too noticeable.

When using dark tiles, there will be no problems with washing floors. Designers recommend using dark variants of furniture and wallpaper from below, and at the top there are bright shades.

When choosing wallpaper, you can focus on the same drawings with different colors to perform a smooth transition from dark to light.

Due to the use of dark shades in the room, less light becomes, so it is necessary to increase the number of lamps. Do not forget that the switch for convenience must be placed at the exit.

In many corridors, install wardrobes, but few knows what their advantages.

Let's deal with the dignity of the wardrobe:

  1. Availability of multiple niches and shelves.
  2. The ability to install mirror doors.
  3. Hiding things unnecessary for review.

Thanks to a set of shelves, all accessories, minor things, as well as outerwear can fit in the closet. Also, they often set a separate place for shoes.

In the closets you can hide switches, Wi-Fi routers and other electronics that I would not want to leave.

Mirror doors will help to increase the visual review of the room and correct the upper clothes before going out.

Everyone wants his apartment to be different and stand out among others. It is always nice to hear when you remember the remarkable things in your apartment.

Designers made a list of memorable things that can be put in the corridor:

  • the use of decorative elements (staining of walls in bright colors or installation of original lamps);
  • installation of antique items (armchair, dresser, flooring);
  • oval mirror installed opposite the front door;
  • patterns on the doors;
  • wall mural, on which the forest is depicted, desert, space;
  • original ringtone call.

What is worth paying attention to first

We are often in a hurry with arrangement and completely forget about the most important things, noting the inconvenience after repair. Usually, after a major repairs, such flaws seem to be trifle, so their solution is postponed for later.

And, as you know, it is postponed for later, it will never be done, so it is necessary to initially take into account all possible factors of inconvenience so that you can think about them in advance.

  1. It is necessary to approximately calculate your own wardrobe and decide whether to install the mezzanine and hooks.
  2. Perhaps you need to make hooks at a low level for children.
  3. Do not store all things, it is likely that it's time to get rid of some.
  4. Pay attention to lighting.
  5. Think out where shoes will be stored.
  6. Make sure that there is where to sit down in the corridor.
  7. It is quite reasonable to install the storage hanger of umbrellas.

When creating the design of your apartment, not everyone can contact highly qualified specialists for various reasons.

But everyone can create his own unique design of the corridor, using other people skills, learning on their mistakes and looking at the results.

To anyone to decorate their own apartment in a modern style, creating comfort and comfort in his home.

Hallway is a place where you get, returning home, and where you meet guests before they go to the hall. Therefore, it is believed that the hallway is exactly the premises for which the first impression of the house and its owners is. Therefore, many people seek to make the hallmarks more cozy and beautiful, even if it has a small area.

This room should combine a beautiful interior and functionality, so it is important to pay great attention to his finishing and setting in it. Each little entrance hall is able to place small furniture, so it is important to take into account some rules in the arrangement of this room.


In many shrushchev apartment halls of very small sizes. It is the size that is the main feature that needs to be taken into account when creating a room interior project. When planning, the principles of minimalist style should be observed. There should be no small details in it. Try not to clutter your small entrance hall with different elements, especially this rule concerns the arrangement of one-room apartment.

If you add a lot of decorative details here, such as photo frames, paintings, vases, flowers, as well as other subjects, it will look untidy and a little ridiculous.

Also, the feature of the arrangement of such a hallway is that all storage systems must be predominantly closed. Open hangers create a feeling of clutter and make interior tasteless. All clothes and shoes are better spaced in closed compact lockers and drawers.

The hallway for a small corridor must be more compact. Furniture in it should visually expand the space, and not to narrow it. Therefore, it is better to give preference to cabinets with front-mounted hangers and a shallow cabinet.

The main feature of the arrangement of such a hallway is The principle of maximum liberation of space. When arrangement, small cabinets are usually used as furniture to store things, which will not even fit all the outerwear.

Thus, storage systems in such premises must be minimal. They can be presented in the form of a compact wardrobe. Such a wardrobe is an excellent solution for installing in this room, since it does not require a free space for door break and is very narrow, so it takes quite a bit of space. Another important feature of the placement of furniture and the arrangement of a small hallway is that you need to try the most functional enter all the corners of this room.So you can compactly compactly arrange the necessary things and take a bit of place.

If you decide to put large furniture in such an entrance hall, it should be very functional and to accommodate all objects at once, including clothing.

It is better if the cabinet inside will have a large number of shelves, boxes, as well as hangers for outerwear and accessories.

Some features are traced to consider and with the arrangement of corner mini-vehicles. Such small rooms are more difficult to furnish everything. But the big advantage of this room is that you do not have to break your head over how to arrange furniture along the corridor. In this case, the main functional filling of this room is placed in the corner. As a rule, there is a large-sized spacious wardrobe. From other storage systems in such an entrance hall, it is better to refuse.

When arranging a small-sized hallway, some principles must be taken into account. So, the whole furniture located in this room should be uniform. Try to accommodate in one storage system all major interior items, including cabinets for outerwear, drawers for hats, gloves and umbrellas, and shoe boxes. Neither in order should not disconnect all these modules, since placing them together, you will take a much less place.

It is better to position the entire storage system in the corner or along the walls adjacent to it. During the arrangement of small hallways, it should also be considered an important rule of alleviation of the corners. It will save every square centimeter of the room and make it spacious. It is better if the furniture is smoothly located along the entire functional angle and its design will also exclude sharp corners. Smooth lines and compact design- The key to the convenient interior of a small-sized hallway.

The smallest hallways that occur most often in Khrushchev, designers even advise to remake. This refers to those rooms whose area is two square meters. Also, the feature of the arrangement of this hallway is the absence of different high height cabinets, as they clutter the room. It is better to give preference to narrow chest and shelves.

In no case do not leave shoes in such an entrance hall. It is better to install the shelf or a comfortable locker for her. The passage should be released and in the case when a small hallway leads to a narrow corridor.


When you settle in an apartment with a very small hallway, you have to search for solutions with which you can make it visually wider and more spacious. In this case, you can change the situation using the correct finish. Initially, you will need to abandon finishing materials that are able to narrow the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and clutch it.

Therefore, refuse natural decorative stone, panels, relief wallpapers and other volumetric elements. They brand the area of \u200b\u200bthis room and make it narrower. It is best to give preference to the thinnest wall coatings. Classic wallpaper or ordinary paint fit perfectly.

Pay attention is also on the color of the coating. It should not add gloom to this room. If you preferred as finishing materials for walls with wallpaper, they must be monophonic.

Try not to acquire bright wallpaper with large patterns.

It's better to pick up in a small hallway stretch or mounted ceiling. Moreover, it is better if it is light and glossy, because it will allow the emphasis in a minimalist room decorated. In addition, the glossy ceiling allows you to play with the light and fill it all the room. Stretch ceilings are suitable only if the height of the room is allowed.

Glossy ceilings will also make the room higher and spacious. Such a ceiling is able to level the walls and give this small room a more correct appearance. In addition, such a coating is suitable for an entrance hall, because it is easy to care for it. Hinged ceiling will also create an individual lighting system, arrange light accents in the hallway and fill it with light and ease.

When finishing, also try to buy only high-quality and durable materials, which for a long time retain your original appearance and will serve you for a very long time. Otherwise, this will lead to a change in the interior and a violation of harmony in such a minimalist design. As for the flooring, it is better to put a tile in such a hallway. It is better if it is made of ceramics or artificial stone. This is the perfect solution for the hallway, which emphasizes the accuracy and severity of its interior.

Ceramics and stone are not susceptible to the effects of moisture and temperature differences, they are very durable. For such coatings, it is also easy to care for. It will create an ideal ensemble together with glossy mounted ceiling and will make the hallway visually more spacious.

Laminate is perfectly suitable for an outdoor covering in such a room. Better, if it is not dark, brighter with a natural woody tint. He will look very strictly and weathered. Such a coating will have a rather long service life.


If you want to somehow decorate the hallway, then try to give preference to small and not catchy items. It can be a picture with an abstract pattern or a lack of image. As decor elements, it is better to use one or two accent elements of not large size. The smaller in such a hallway there will be various decorative elements, the more spacious it will seem

A small entrance hall must have some decorative elements - this is the main rule during arrangement.


Everyone knows that in the hallways, and especially in small standard, there are no natural light sources in the form of windows. That is why it is necessary to equip artificial lighting right. If possible, then light streams are better sent by scattered light on different walls.So you can visually expand the space. A hallway may have a primary light source - a chandelier with a bright scattered light, and may have point additional lamps.

Some lighting devices are located on the cabinets. It is better to fill this room with a large amount of light rays, while applying both lamps and lamps or sconces. If the hallway is a wardrobe, then inside it is also better to set the backlight. Additional lighting will never be superfluous in the interior of such a room.

An excellent solution is to buy sconce with the possibility of adjusting the brightness of light. So you can, depending on the time of day, change the brightness of the paints in the room and thus influence the interior of the hallway. It is better if the sconium will be located on the walls above human growth. If the mirror hangs in the hallway, the bar must be hung around him. So it is interesting to put the light accents and play with lighting.

Try to illuminate the most favorable elements of the hallway and darken the least attractive. When choosing light bulbs, it is better to give preference to LED with natural daylight lighting.

They are very durable and create a light needed to illuminate this dark room.

Actual styles

Many want to issue an entrance hall in various styles:

  • Most often, the hallway with a small area is design minimalism style. In this case, it has a minimum of furniture and decorative elements. All that is located in this room is designed to directly perform your functions and is not used as an ornament. For the arrangement of the hallway, this style uses predominantly light shades and monophonic coatings. Bright patterns are not welcome. Such a minimalism room is complemented by bright light and pale paints.

  • To create an interior high-tech style It is necessary to use more mirror and glass elements and flowers such as white, gray, silver and other inconspicuous shades.

  • When designing a room loft style It is better to use a light metal finish. Such an entrance hall may have a bit rough interior items, such as shoe cabinets with untreated facades. Bricks or decorative stone under the brick, as well as visualization of nonosworthy coatings, are perfectly suitable as material for wall decorations.

  • When making a hallway in classic style It is necessary to consider the rule of compliance with strict and correct forms and the absence of unnecessary decorative elements. All lines must be chinful and strict. In this case, the coatings with light colors and furniture with trim and gilding are perfectly suitable. You can hang a large mirror with a beautiful bronze design. The classic allows you to make such a hallmark more strictly and in this case, so it is also able to fill this room by space.

  • If you want to issue a hallway in the style of ProvenceThis will be an excellent solution for a small room. This is due to the fact that the style of Provence is characterized by the use of pastel color gamma. In this case, only light coatings are purchased as materials for finishing. Write elements can be used as a decor. So you can revive a small hallway and at the same time fill it with light. The Provence style is also characterized by the presence of a large number of light sources. They allow you to create a feeling of freedom.

Furniture options

As a rule, a small entrance hall has a form of a rectangle or square. That is why, when choosing furniture, many designers recommend considering the form of an entrance hall, preferred to the right furniture objects. Therefore, the furniture is better to place in such a way that it allowed to bring the formation of the hallway to the form of the right square.

That is, if you have a rectangular entrance hall, then the furniture should be placed on one wall so that the free space formed the square.

Furniture that you plan to install in the room should be mostly modular. Such a decision will make it possible to make a permutation at any time and facilitate the interior of the hallway. The best solution for arranging a small hallway is a wardrobe. It takes quite a bit of the place and does not require free space for the door break.

You can also give preference to the built-in wardrobe. It is the most economical in terms of space, but it is necessary to make redevelopment for its installation. The advantage of the wardrobes is that mirrors instead of the door canvases are installed in many of them. So you can fill the space with light and make it wider.

The wardrobe must be quite high. This is necessary in order to occupy less square and maximize the height of the room. It should be located all the necessary elements, such as shelves for shoes, drawers, shelves for accessories, hangers for outerwear and some accessories. By installing such a wardrobe, you can find a free space for installing a chair, a punch, mini-chest or other furniture. With the arrangement of this room, pay attention to the angular furniture, because it also takes quite a bit of space.


When choosing materials, try to give preference to high-quality wear-resistant coatings and facades. This requirement must be observed because the hallway is a room for which sharp temperature differences are characteristic. Better if the surfaces are smooth and easy to care. Also pay attention to the moisture resistant materials.

When choosing furniture, try to give preference to lightweight products, which are made using glass or mirror surfaces, as they are able to fill fill the room by space.

Color solutions

A small entrance hall should be bright, as such shades are capable of making it visually wider. It is better to use when designing white, beige, light gray, yellow, light blue, dairy shades. Pay attention to light furniture with natural wood facades of dairy shades.

The first impression of the apartment among the guests is precisely with the hallway.

But to equip such a room, showing your taste preferences and accommodate the necessary things not easy, because not every entrance hall boasts a large area

Approaching the design of the hallway seriously, you can make a real stylish and functional room on several square meters.

What to do with a small hallway?

Few people boast a spacious hallway. Moreover, there was little attention to such a trifle in the USSR.

It was calculated that in such a room there should be a maximum hanger and shelf for shoes. But even the design of a small hallway can be beautifully beat and accommodate all the necessary things.

First, furnishings and walls in such a room are required to be bright.

Secondly, it is necessary when choosing furniture to the smallest detail to take into account space. There may be a wardrobe, when he is very cumbersome, then you should stop the choice on the corner cabinet or just a chest of drawers and shelves for shoes and things.

Thirdly, you should not forget about the lighting so that the light is not too bright and did not cut the eyes, but at the same time, the twilight will be inappropriate.

Arrangement of a narrow hallway

The design of a narrow hallway is especially problematic to place furniture. However, with such a difficult task you can cope.

For example, when the room is long, it must be divided into zones: for shoes, outerwear and lounge itself.

Multi-level ceilings will cope with this, as well as experiment with different wallpapers and even flooring.

For visual increase in the hallway, you can use mirrors, photo wallpaper or just a small increasing drawing on the wallpaper.

Angle parishion

The angular entrance hall is probably the easiest in the design. Here are straight to ask the angular cabinet with mirror panels.

Moreover, such a decision will make even a large cabinet barely invisible in the interior.

So the tightly can fit not only the shoes and wear, and the vacuum cleaner and even the stroller, especially since the ideas of the hallway design do not end.

Staircase in the hallway

In private lows or in two-storey apartments there will be a ladder.

Do not rush to sew everything under the staircase plasterboard, or lay bricks.

This space can be safely used under the closet, where there will be all sorts of trivia, outerwear.

And if the staircase is combined with the hallway, then under it you can make a small soft corner and put the flooring. It will be an ideal place for reading and privacy.

Hall in Khrushchev

The hallway in Khrushchev is difficult to arrange due to its small dimensions and uncomfortable panicing.

Most often it is a long and narrow room, which crosses any furniture or a small tambour in bulk with the hall. In this case, it is possible to make the design of the hallway in the apartment in several ways.

Redevelopment, remove the doors to the hall and in the kitchen or visually expand the space game space and the minimum selection of furniture. Several advice on the arrangement of the hallway in Khrushchev:

  • choose correctly color enough bright, but not white, and then the whole dirt will be visible immediately. On the network laid out successful photos of the hallway, from which an example can be taken;
  • you can use glossy elements: mirrors ,;

  • if the space does not allow any furniture, you can use hooks, small shelves;
  • but if the hallway is very long, then closer to the wall (narrow) make a wardrobe;
  • at the bottom of the mezzanine to mount point lamps.

How to be with an entrance hall in a private house?

Private houses are often constructed by projects to order, and the usual factory furniture may not come up, we need a modern hallway design. It is also necessary to take into account whether heating is in the hallway or not.

So if the structure of the structure does not allow the ability to install metal doors, lily supplement them with internal wooden, then it will be wet and at least cool here.

Therefore, it is better not to make room with materials and furniture that moisture (drywall, chipboard, etc.).

In such cases, there will be an excellent option for wrought massive furniture, and the walls are covered with plastic.

The perfect kit for the hallway in the house will be:

  • hanger for outerwear, locker;
  • a few chairs;
  • shelves for shoes and chest;
  • mirror.

As you can see even a small area, it is possible to make a cozy and functional hallway.

Photo of the hallway

Closer to the door it is better to arrange a place to rebuild, dryer for shoes and a hanger for outerwear. A little further can be put a wardrobe.

Idea number 2: Install a narrow wardrobe

You can buy a multifunctional modular wardrobe that combines a place for clothes, a tumb for shoes, a chest of drawers with drawers and even a sedentary place to shift.

Idea number 3: Fasten wall hangers

You can completely refuse the closet and choose wall hangers. Designer options look no worse, and clothes after the rain will dry them faster. And generally offer.

Idea number 4: Decorate the ceiling with lamps

The design of the hallway should be minimalistic so that it does not seem close and gross. But from the decor, it is not necessary to completely refuse. The more lamps, sconce and small lanterns, the better. After all, it always seems comfortable and more spacious!

Idea number 5: Install the mirror

In the hallway it is not without a mirror. You can choose one large or more small. In addition to direct functionality, all mirror surfaces have another supercoperation - to increase the space. There are several rules,

Idea number 6: Walk light wallpapers

Designers - white, beige, light gray, pastel green. They visually make the room spacious. Dark shades add closeness and gloominess of the hallway, which is most often devoid of windows.

It is important to choose materials that are easy to clean. For example, or stick washable wallpaper. Another modern material, ideal for an entrance hall, is the wall panels. They are very durable and easily clean with household cleaners.

Idea number 7: Buy finishing materials in striped

If the corridor is long and narrow, choose finishing materials and interior elements with transverse stripes. Checked:! In this case, the vertical strips visually add low ceilings heights.

Idea number 8: bed Light flooring

According to designers, the outdoor tile is perfect for the corridor - it is beautiful and practical. Today we produce different types of tiles - from ceramics, marble and other natural and artificial materials. Budget options - linoleum and laminate. They are well cleaned from dirt.

Idea number 9: Do not forget about the carpet

Do not do in the hallway and without a welcoming rug. Tiny will even emphasize the placing closeness. Better to add comfort and comfort in the hallway will help the floor with heating - you can save space for drying shoes.