Repairs Design Furniture

Flowers rose cuttings landing and care. Landing and care for garden roses: memo beginner gardeners. Varieties with the largest flowers

  • View: Rose Color
  • Flowering period: june July August September
  • Height: 30-300cm
  • Color: white, Cream, Yellow, Pink, Orange, Red, Burgundy
  • Perennial
  • Winter
  • Sunconius
  • Moistlated

If the lion is the king of animals, then Rosa is the unconditional Queen of the garden. This plant since ancient was considered an object of admiration and worship. Not in vain, it was her chosen into the symbols of love. The first references to rose can be found in the legends of the ancient Hindus. The legends about the beautiful flower are found in the chronicles of ancient Iran. According to a legend, a charming white rose with very sharp spikes created Allah himself. She had to become a lady of flowers instead of a magnificent, but very lazy lotus. Today, this plant can become a real decoration and your gardens, but for this you need to know how to choose and plant a seedling, what is the correct rose care.

Landing and caring for roses are not as complicated, as it seems. It is important to follow simple rules, and your garden will be filled with great fragrant bushes.

Choose and save seedlings

In order to initially secure success in growing roses, you need to buy high-quality planting material. It is better to choose plants whose root system will be closed. When disembarking such a seedling, the land around the root needs to be saved.

Saplings of roses are best to choose with a closed root system: they are easier to take root on the site of landing and are sick less

Often in modern supermarkets you can see import roses with a closed root system that are implemented in advance. Several seedlings can be saved in the refrigerator on the lower shelf at temperatures from 0 to + 5 ° C. In the process of storage, you will have to regularly monitor the state of the substrate around the rhizome. It should not completely dry, but too strong moisturizing for him is also harmful.

Tip! The corneum or heteroacexin solution contributes to the growth of the roots, so you can pour them a seedlings several times.

When should I put roses?

Most of the roses recommended autumn landing. The preferred period of work begins in mid-September and ends in mid-October. More than the time of disembarking is undesirable due to the fact that the rose can give fresh shoots in warmth that will not have time to grow and frozen in winter. Late landing is also dangerous, because before frosts, the plant should be rooted.

Most roses are planting in autumn. It is also convenient for the fact that when buying planting material on the market, you can see the flower itself

Planting flowers in May. Useful tips for gardeners and the May landing calendar:

We define a place to land

The place to plant roses should be sunny. In the shade of roses, they can bother, they stop blossoming, dark spots appear on the leaves of plants, blind shoots are formed. The plant can hit the powdery dew. Choose the plot that is ventilated, but has protection against strong northern winds.

Roses decorate the garden, regardless of the location of their location, but the plants themselves for successful growth and flowering are needed

There are no particular preferences in terms of soil. They are not so capricious as it may seem. They are suitable for any soil, except for heavy clay and lungs of sulaes. A landing place should not be where the groundwater is close to the surface of the earth.

The process of planting roses

Landing pits need to dig such a depth and width to roots the plants were spacious. If the soil is fertile, then half the depth and the same width will be sufficient. For clay soil, with the same width of the pits in the depth, it is necessary to proceed 60-70 cm.

It is necessary to prepare a nutritional mixture for filling in the pit. In its composition humid or compost, overwhelmed manure and soil. Fertilizers should not be contacted with plant roots, so we sprinkle their soil layer.

That soil or substrate, which closed the roots of the plant, must be saved: Rose is faster to adapt to new living conditions

In the pit before planting a seedling, you need to pour water so that it absorbs. If the root system of roses is closed, it is not necessary to free the root from the ground. If the root is free, it needs to be trimmed by a third of the length and soak in simple water or a stimulator of the root growth of an hour for two.

Soothes should also be trimmed:

  • polyanth and tea-hybrid roses so that 2-3 kidneys remain left on each of the shoots;
  • in Roses Floribunda, leave 3-4 kidneys;
  • in park roses, the shoots are shortened by 10-15 cm;
  • u only cut roots (updated, and not shorten).

The seedling must be raised by the land so that the place of the vaccination is approximately 5cm underground. From the place of the Blooming should be removed the wax if it is. Earth should be tamped and pouring again. In this way, the air is removed, which could stay around the roots, and the most close contact of the plant and soil is achieved. It is possible to glue the seedling about 10-15 cm. The formed slide must be removed by weeks in two - time for which the seedlock must take care.

Reproduction of the Queen Garden

Methods of reproduction roses are not so much. But the desire to have on the site as much of these undoubtedly beautiful and varied plants is so great that gardeners tend to master them all and to the maximum extent. Here is a list of ways to propagate a rose:

  • Budding. On the bore of the plant, the plant is close to the level of soil make the T-shaped section, into which the kidney of the cultural variety is inserted, after which it is fixed with the film. The branch can use the developed root system of the stock. Such an operation is not relieved, but requires a certain experience.
  • Seeds. This method is extremely rare due to the fact that the result has to wait long, and there is no confidence that it will be positive. Yes, and the germination of rose seed leaves much to be desired.
  • Digging. Shrub and plenty roses breed exactly the case, because they have long and strong stems. The escape of the plant in the lower part is cut through 8cm, the slice or match is inserted into the cut. The cut part of the escape is placed in the ground and fixed, and its free tip is tied to a peg. The rooted escape is cut off from a parent's bush.
  • Shining. The method is good because the roses rooted this way will not give wild shoots. Stornok - part of a strong escape. It is cut next to the sheet kidney, and germinate using root formation stimulants. After the appearance of the root, the rose can be planted in the ground.

The method of the tank is well used only for reproduction of plants with long stems, which are used to create a new pink bush

Garden Rose Care Rules

In order for Rosa and pleased their owners for many years, attention should be paid to her, do not forget to feed it and fencing from viral diseases. Do not be afraid of difficulties:, growing in the garden is not as folded, as it seems.

Undercalinking plants

Manure - Fertilizer Natural and preference should be given, of course, to him. The best is the horse manual having no less than half a year ago. Chicken and pork manure, especially in a fresh form, can seriously harm the plant: it is sour and young shoots can simply burn. Badly influence fresh manure and on the soil, because it blocks nitrogen.

Manure - fertilizer is natural, therefore the most acceptable. Preference when choosing feeding should be given to a recoverable horse manure or a cow

During the formation of buds, it is necessary to feed the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate at the rate of 1st.l. 10l water. At the time of active growth and development of the plant, it follows it once every 10-15 days to water herbal infusion, solution of mineral fertilizers, chicken litter or infused cowboat. For feeding is better perceived by the plant, the same mineral fertilizers are better in dissolved and after another watering. When the first half of the summer is behind, that is, in the second part of July, the feeding of roses stops. The plant begins to prepare for winter.

Plants are also able to worry stress. It is in this state that they are in the period of severe heat, cold or protracted rains. To make roses easier to overcome difficult times in your life, you need to make them zircon, epinoma, ecosle or sodium humate. Perented roses give abundant greens, but very scarce flower.

The order of watering plants

Roses need to water no more than once a week. If the summer is roast, then the frequency of watering can be enlarged twice. The rate of watering is a bucket of warm water for each bush. Pour water is necessary under the root, trying not to get on the foliage. Water should penetrate the soil to a depth of at least 20-30 cm. If watering roses will be shallow roots, surface roots, which are easily damaged.

Rosa in Russia is a magnificent sight, but nature ordered that the dew disappears with the first rays of the sun, otherwise her drops, like a magnifying glass, would strengthen the energy of the sun and burned petals: watering roses needed under root

If there are no one to water roses for a long time (more than a week) soil at the base of the plant should be covered with humid, bevelled grass or tree bark. Such a measure will not only delay moisture from the roots, but will not allow the growth of weeds.

With a lack of moisture, the flowers in the plant can become small, but also to fill roses: it can lead to a reduction in flow to the roots of oxygen. As a result, the plant will yellow leaves. So that this does not happen, after irrigating the soil, do not forget to loosen.

Of course, the correct feeding and watering is important, but this is not limited to the process of care of the garden rose. One of the most unpleasant diseases for garden roses is mildew. Preventive measures will help in advance of the health of the plant. Rose It is necessary to spray directly on the leaves with a solution of ordinary drinking soda at the rate of 40G soda per liter of water. It is necessary to do it from spring 2-3 times a week, as well as early summer.

Plants, like everything alive on Earth, can get sick. These are not random spots and not traces of fertilizer. This is a torpid dew, which is easier to prevent than to treat

TLL - a big nuisance for roses. But you can overcome it. To do this, boil a bucket of water, put into it a piece of grazing household soap and a couple of wormwood branches, after which it is boiled 10-15 minutes. Completed and the recreation solution of roses spray. A week later, the procedure should be repeated. If the wave persistently wants to leave the plant, you will have to use the system poison, for example, Aktar.

The TLL will not appear on roses at all, if you plant a lavender or a nasturtium under them. And from the beetles will help to get rid of calendula and velvets. By the way, the health of roses, like people, will add onions and garlic. In their environment, the plants become fragrant and are sick less.

Spots on the leaves, cracks on the stems and the termination of the development of buds talk about the disease. Affected branches should be removed. Prepare the infusion of horsetails, wormwood and nettle, which and spray a rose.

A few words about trimming roses

The shoots of the plant growing inwards should be trimmed. It stimulates the emergence of young processes and active flowering. Fading flowers need to be removed, then the saved forces of the plant will send to a new blossom wave, which will be more abundant.

Just look at what beauty! But all this magnificence can be raised with their own hands. If someone happens, it will definitely get

Rules trimming a lot and this topic is undoubtedly worth it to be dedicated to her.

Rose is a universal flower that is not only suitable for decorating any events, but also pleases us with your color on weekdays. In the latter case, meaning domestic (garden) roses, which often decorate the territory of private estates. However, the question "How to plant a rose?" continues to worry many gardeners. Is it really possible to grow roses- this is the truth of such a difficult job? Let's figure it out.

Rules for landing "Queen Garden"

"Queen Garden",namely, they called a rose, is a fairly unpretentious plant, which in terms of care is not much different from other colors. Although it still has its own features in cultivation.

How to choose seedlings for landing

When choosing seedlings for the future decoration of their garden, it is better to pay attention to the grafted copies. They are characterized by a more powerful and developed root system, excellent frost resistance, good accessibility and a large number of colors on the bushes. Grafted seedlings are less susceptible to disease.

In the care of such a plant, you will have to spend more time, since the grafted roses require mandatory removal of wild ripples (over time, it can turn a beautiful flower into a regular rose rose, since in most cases all cultural varieties are vaccinated from it). Correspondence plants do not need such actions.

Did you know? In England, Iran and US rose is considered a national flower.

If we proceed from the appearance of seedlings, then you can find samples both with an open and closed root system (placed in containers or with a coma peat on the roots). It is best to give preference to a closed root system: when planting plants, the roots will be less damaging and will go to height faster.

Choosing roses saplings, do not forget to pay attention to their foliage. It should not be sluggish or dry. Plant shoots should also be a fortress and not have cracks or stains. The number of shoots on a good sapling cannot be less than 3.

When buying a plant with an open root system you will have a chance inspect the roots and determine their condition. And in this case there should be no damage.

If the selected seedling does not meet the specified requirements, then roses with such features they will not be able to become a decent decoration of your yard.

Choosing a place for landing, which should be lighting and temperature

Roses love the sun, so when choosing a suitable place to grow in the garden, it is recommended to pay attention to the sunny sections. Being in the shadows, roses stop blossoming, dark spots appear on their leaves and blind shoots are formed. Often, the plant is striking the powdery dew. To avoid this, you need to pick a bright, well-ventilated area, which will be protected from a strong northern wind.

As for the peculiarities of the soil, it should not be clay or soup, and all other options are quite acceptable. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the selected landing place was away from groundwater, which is suitable close to the surface.

Before answering the question "How to plant roses?" It is necessary to find out when it is possible to land. Shrubs are planted 2 times a year: in spring and autumn (before the onset of frosts).It is preferable to autumn fit, because until spring, all plants have time to take care of and blooming earlier than roses that were planted in spring.

In medium latitude, autumn landing is carried out from the middle of September to the middle of October, And if planted seedlings before, then there is a high probability of awakening sleeping kidneys that will immediately die with the onset of cold weather.

Alignment is also considered too late landing, as seedlings may not have time to be rooted and also suffered from frosts. If you "guessed" with the dates of landing, after 10-12 days the seedling will begin to appear new young roots, which before the onset of frosts will have time to adapt and calmly survive the cold winter.

In the spring (if the landing of roses was performed in the fall), such plants begins the rapid formation of the root and overhead part, and bloom comes along with old, perennial bushes. At the same time, the flowers that were planted in the spring, on average bloom 2 weeks later And require more attention to themselves.

Before planting the plant, the soil must be properly prepared, feeding with mineral and organic fertilizers. From organic options, the best solution is manure, and the first feeding of complex mineral fertilizer should be solid, but not more than 15-20 g per bush (a large dose will adhere to the colors).

If spring plant plant is provided, then in the fall, it will be necessary to dig a spacious pit in a depth of 1.2 m and a diameter of half a meter. It is filled with drainage (branches, large crushed stone, ceramzite are suitable, and on top of the mixture of garden land and humus, adding mineral fertilizers along the way. When planting roses in the fall of pits under the bushes prepared in 1-1.5 months.

How to put a rose

Roses landing begins with seeding seedlings and digging the pit at a suitable place. We have already figured out the first point, and as for the second, then the pit in the ground should have such dimensions so that the roots of the roses feel free.If we are talking about fertile soils, the half of the depth and the same width will be quite enough. For clay soil, which must be pre-equipped (humid or compost, mixed with overwhelming and soil), with the same width of the pit, it is necessary to proceed in a depth of 60-70 cm.

Important! Fertilizers should not be in contact with the roots of seedlings, so they are sprinkled with a layer of soil.

Before placing a seedling in the pit, it should be pouring into it and wait until it is absorbed. Then a rose with a closed root system is immediately placed in the soil, and if the roots are open, they will have to be trimmed by a third of the length and dunk in water (or root growth stimulant) for several hours.

Considering the size of the bush of a particular type and the rate of its expanding, when planting plants, it is recommended to observe a certain interval (from 0.5 m to 1 m). However, the distance between the bushes can be determined independently, based on specific purposes. For example, bush roses will look great not only in general, but also in single landings. In Rosary, it is necessary to respect the distance from the meter to one and a half (or 1.2 m) from the neighboring plant.

How to care for a rose in the garden

Typically, roses do not require increased attention, but this does not mean that the right landing and care is not important for these colors.

How to water rose

Care for roses in the garden provides abundant, but inexpressible watering. The land under the bushes should not be reduced, and the first sign that your rose needs water, are faded flowers and leaves of the plant. Usually, about 5 liters of fluid are required on the average rose bush, and 15 liters are required for the plenty plant.

Water used for irrigation should not contain chlorine or be too cold, because for normal life support, it must be pulled by a slightly heated water in the sun. The bigger the bush becomes (roses are constantly growing and formed), the more water will go to watering.

Rules Following Flower

If you are breeding roses, then you probably know that care for them and their cultivation in the garden require periodic application to the fertilizer soil. In this plan It is better to give preference to natural feed - manure. An ideal option is the horse manure having no less than half a year of exposure. Waste livelihoods of chickens or pigs (especially in the fresh form) can only harm plants: due to acid contained in them, young shoots will simply burn. Fresh manure affects poorly on the ground, blocking nitrogen.

In the process of appearance of buds, it is necessary to feed the plant with a solution of calcium nitrate (1 station of 10 liters of water), and during the period of active growth and the development of roses, it is necessary to water it in 10-15 days in 5 times from herbs, a solution of mineral fertilizer, infused cowboat or chicken litter . In order for the plant to better perceive the completed feeder (for example, mineral fertilizers), it must be supplied in a dissolved form immediately after another irrigation. In the second part of July, roses stop feeding. Bushes begin to prepare to the cold.

Did you know? Like people, roses are also able to worry stress. In such a state, they are in the period of severe heat, cold or protracted rains. Help relieveit is possible to them, spraying the plant "Zircon", "epinoma", "ecosle" or sodium humate.

How to trim the rose

Very important for roses is the formation of a bush with a mechanical impact, it is especially important when leaving the plant in the open soil. Pruning is carried out by removing all damaged and weak branches, as well as those that are directed into the thick of the bush. After that, it is more clear how to further form a bush.

Important! Conduct roses before the kidney swells on its branches. If asametwo branches interfere with each other, then leave the one that is more successful. Also, preference is given to younger runs with light bark.

When growing a graft plant, you will inevitably encounter with germination of a plurality of unnecessary shoots at the base of the bush (this happens in spring). These legs have a lot of strength, it means that there are practically no fluffy blossom. therefore you only need to leave the most powerful, strong and high of them, which will be able to give flowers in the summer.All others can be calmly cut.

Trimming roses after flowering is performed at your own desire of the gardener, but during the procedure it is necessary to leave no less than two kidneys on shoots. No need to be afraid to perform this procedure: after the haircut, the rose is more active than a new greens. Care should be taken only with a rose, which no longer restores the shape or soil under it too poor.

With the onset of autumn from the bush, all the faded flowers and damaged shoots are removed. All sections are immediately treated with Garden Warr.

Plant Transplant Method

In some cases, the departure for the plant provides a rose transplant to a new place. However, for a start, it is necessary to make sure that the conditions of cultivation in a new place will not differ from the previous one: the rose will be able to get enough sunlight and will be protected from the wind. If everything is in order, then go to the preparation of the pit, refueling it according to the requirements of the plant.

First of all, remove all the roots of weeds from the selected place. Then leave the pit for a couple of days - the Earth must settle. After that, it will be possible to switch to digging the bush. It is necessary to try to dig a rose with as much excavation kits as possible. This is a rather difficult task, since the earth under rosary is very loose and easily crept. Therefore, before digging, so that the land is better to hold, it should be poured, and it is associated to facilitate work near the bush.

Important! Credit with a large rose bush is quite difficult, so it is better to immediately ask for help.

Prepare a new pit for transplanting a plant, you must follow these steps:
If the Earth turned out to be too loose, and you failed to keep someone, then after digging the plant, look good all the roots - damaged need to be removed.

It happens that the rose "does not notice" the transplant and immediately takes good time in a new place, but most often, especially when transplanting in the spring or summer period, the rose will be recovered for a long time. Roses are quite lively, therefore, care in standard conditions and their transplant is, though time-consuming, but not dangerous for roses.

How to prepare a rose for winter

To prepare a rose to winter begin in the middle of summer, stopping feeding the bushes with nitrogen fertilizers (at this time roses come in potash and phosphoric baits). From the middle of September, they break out the blurred inflorescences, allowing rose to fad to winter. Many gardeners are interested in the question: "Do I need to cut garden flowers in autumn?". This is not a mandatory effect, but in some cases prothesing of shoots allows you to easily cover the plants.

In tea-hybrid species, at the autumn time, the ½ height of the old branches is shortened, while park roses and shraba shock only 1/3 of their heights. Pleet, miniature and soil species do not cut off, trying to cover them along the entire length.

Before the shelter of garden roses, they are cut off all the leaves and inflorescences, since under the snow cover they can become a source of fungal diseases. In addition, pests are often saved on the back of the leaves. To destroy them, before the shelter of plants, a film, bush and soil should be treated with 5% copper sulfate solution. Like the care of roses, plant preparation for winter will not pick you up a lot of time and effort, the main thing is to spend all the events described on time.

How to breed a rose

There are not so many ways to breed roses, However, the desire of the gardeners to have on their site as much as possible of these wonderful colors, makes them thoroughly study each method. Let's look at each of them.


The method of breeding garden roses with cuttings is good because the rooted plants will not give wild shoots. The stalk is part of a strong escape, and cut it next to a sheet kidney. After germing using root formation stimulants, when the roots appear on the cutken, you get a ready-made seedling that can be transferred to the ground.

The reproduction of roses by the drawing method provides for the rooting of two types of stem shoots: owned and semi-breeding and most often used for breeding room or park roses. Basic cuttings are cut when green roses runs are beginning to be treated (at the beginning of the bush flowering), but too weathered instances are not suitable for this role.


The reproduction of roses by seeds occurs infrequently. Firstly, results have to wait long enoughand secondly, n sometimes it is impossible to be completely confident that it will be positive. The germination of seeds during rose reproduction leaves much to be desired.

Did you know?Usually, the seed method of reproduction of colors resorted when the new varieties of roses or hybrids are eliminated. It is practiced fordilutionwild roses, although not all kinds give full seeds.

Ocaling Roses

The ochelation of the rose involves the following actions. On the crust of the plant (as close as possible to the level of soil), it is necessary to make a T-shaped section and insert the kidney of the chosen cultural variety. After that, it is fixed with the film. The branch can use the developed root system of the stock. Operation itself is simple, although it requires a certain experience.

Reproduction with chains

Pleet and shrub roses, which are mainly found in the gardens, spread out the grooves. This method is considered the most appropriate, largely due to the fact that such plants have long and strong stems.

The escape of roses are cut at the bottom (ring cuts of the crust), after which they are inserted into the incision a match or chips. The cut part of the escape is placed in a predetermined shallow groove in the ground and fix there. A free end must be tied to the knuckle in advance. The escape is sprinkled on top (the top must remain outside).

Roses are noble decorative plants that are valued for centuries. They are planted in palace gardens, parks and in household plots, and love for aroma, appearance, elegant beauty, especially valued women. Thanks to numerous advantages, many wish to plant a garden rose. Unfortunately, the advantages that they offer us have their price.

Roses are pretty demanding plants that generously thank the force and funds nested. These are exquisite plants whose wealth tempts each of us to find your favorite variety. In the article below, we will present proven varieties, what a rose, care and cultivation in the garden looks like a healthy, beautiful.

Growing garden roses

There are many varieties of roses in the world. Their classification covers 5 groups that differ from the point of view of decorative parameters:

  • large-flowered;
  • multicolor;
  • parks;
  • soil;
  • pleette.

You can also highlight a group of historical roses and wild.

Photo. Beautiful plenty roses

Photo. Large-flowered roses

Choose a landing place

First of all, you need to know where it is better to plant roses on the site to provide them with the best soil-climatic conditions. More accurately optimal conditions are described in the instructions for the cultivation of a particular variety. Nevertheless, there are general recommendations.

  1. Rose loves solar places. At the same time, it is not necessary that it is covered all day, and was constantly under the scorched rays of the sun, but in the shade, the flowers will not flourish.
  2. The soil must be well permeable, fertile, preferably a sulace.
  3. Plants require some space so that their place of landing is blocked, it will protect them from fungal diseases.
  4. Because of seasonal decorativeness, it is best to combine them with evergreen plants that will represent a presentative green background.

Photo. In a sunny place, roses will abundantly blossom

When is it better to plant roses?

As you know, many plants are best sued during peace. When to plant roses in autumn or spring? This plant is best attached at the bind of October and November, but to the first frosts. Another optimal landing date is the end of March - the beginning of April.

You can purchase ordinary seedlings with a conventional root system and with a lump of substrate, which will not damage the roots when landing. Plants purchased in pots are not so demanding towards landing time as traditional seedlings, they can be planted even in the summer.

How to put roses?

  1. Moisten the root block. At the naked root system, cut the roots, significantly reducing them - up to 20 cm of length.
  2. We prepare the hole - you can add fertile soil.
  3. We plant a plant that evenly distribute the roots, check its vertical location.
  4. Gradually, we spite the plant of the earth, we water, check its location and even water. We repeat the steps several times until the hole is filled.
  5. Fall as a holmik, which contributes to the retention of water within the reach of the roots.

How to trim roses?

Roses are best trimming in the spring, then we can appreciate what damage is caused by winter frosts, if there is damage. In addition, low temperatures are better tolerated under the winter of plants.

Large-flowered and multicolored varieties should be cut at an altitude of 20 cm above the ground, and the remaining varieties are cut as needed - removing the frozen and sick shoots.

How to cut a rose after flowering? You can also trigger after flowering, removing dry flowers, which will cause new flowering.

Photo. Crumpled colors strengthens blossom

Care, Pest and Diseases

Roses require a fertile substrate - therefore they must be fertilized, preferably twice a year - early spring, and once again, when flourishing to ensure abundant flowering. There are many fertilizers for roses on the market, which affect not only abundant flowering, but also on active growth, beautiful green leaves. Healthy plants are less susceptible to disease.

Roses most often amazed with rust leaf and other fungal diseases. They are also often striking the fault. Therefore, at the beginning of the growing season, it is advisable to propagately spray special chemical preparations on them, carefully observe and respond to any changes in the state of plants.

If it is a grafted variety, you need to regularly cut the incentive stroke - a wild rose, which often appears at the soil level, as it can drown in the grafting part.

Growing roses in the garden, video

Rose Preparation for Winter

This plant is sensitive to frost, so in the winter we must take care of it. Before the frosts, the base of the bush should be protected, falling asleep by the bark or other material for insulation. Vaccinated forms on a strain, or plenty roses or big bushes, can be protected with "snappings" from agrofiber and straw. They are not only effective in winter, but also quite attach look.

Rose varieties

There is a huge variety of the variety of these plants. Consider the most popular varieties.

Large-flowered roses

Have the highest decorative qualities. These are single magnificent flowers that bloom on the straight stem. Often the varieties of large-flowered roses have an excellent aroma.

The following large-flowered varieties are also known:

  • white and cream - "Pascal", "Mounte Shasta", "Pat John XXIII";
  • red - "Mr. Lincoln", "Dame de Coeur" (lady of the heart), "Papa Malend";
  • two-color - "Kronenburg", "Neue Revue", "Die Welt";
  • purple - "Blue Moon", "Charles de Gaulle";
  • orange - "Flora Danica", "Ave Maria", Ladi;
  • yellow - "World", "Kazanova", "Landor".

Multicolor roses

Often used in domestic gardens and more and more often in urban greenery. Flowers less large-flowered species in size, but they are more numerous, forming massive clusters on shoots. Flowers often have a pronounced flavor, blooming very abundantly and repeat flowering.

Popular varieties:

The following multi-scale varieties are also known:

  • white and creamy - "SWANY", "SCHNEEWITTCHN";
  • red - "Pushta", "Lili Marlene", "Nina Weibull";
  • orange - "Samba", "Rumba";
  • pink - "Queen of Elizabeth", "Kalinka", Bonica 80;
  • yellow - "Frisia", "All Gold", "Marcelisborg".

Soil roses

As it follows from the name, they quickly cover the soil on escapes. This is a low, very stable group, does not freeze, does not ill, does not require care. Roses are decorative, due to abundant, slightly thinner flowers that look very natural and charming.

Popular varieties are:

The following soil grades are also known:

  • white - "Snow Ballet";
  • red - "Mercury 2000";
  • pink - "Sommervind", "Veden";
  • yellow - "Sommermond".

Caring for soil roses is easier, they are easily growing and require less attention than the varieties of other groups. Plants are resistant to frost, therefore, in contrast to other garden roses, they do not need to protect it from it.

Bushes do not require strong trimming - every year in the spring you should remove only patients and damaged shoots - or delete faded flowers (autumn bush decorate numerous coral fruits). In addition, they are usually more resistant to diseases than other varieties.

Landing. Saplings are planted in spring or autumn into the durable soil, which is added to the manure or compost (4-8 kg / m²). You can also add a fertilizer for roses (recommended by the manufacturer). Most varieties in the garden are planted in an amount of 4 pieces / m², but there are more stronger varieties, which are enough 2 pieces / m² (for example, "Max Count", "Weisse Immensee") and grade weakens that should be planted in an amount 5 -6 pieces / m² (for example, "Beautiful Fairy", "Fairy").

Pleet roses

This group grows faster and stronger. Pleetse varieties require reliable support in the form of a sub-way to which shoots are attached. These varieties often repeat flowering and very fragrant.

Varieties that should be noted:

The following popular plenty varieties are also known:

  • white - "Snow White", "Elf";
  • red - "Flammentanz", "Baikal", "Amadeus", "Dortmund";
  • pink - "New Dawn", "American Pillars";
  • yellow - "Golden Rain", "Goldster".

These varieties relate to a group that requires more time and patience. To get the effect of the blooming wall, sometimes you have to wait 3-4 years or even longer. Plants can climb pergola or tree clinging to spikes, however, sometimes they need help in the form of garter to the support.

Flowers from plenty varieties are usually less than in large-flowered, but new varieties are also characterized by quite large colors. The range recently expanded significantly, so it is easy to find an option in almost any color.

Pleet varieties are less demanding of the soil and relatively resistant to frost, but more vulnerable to pest damage on the leaves and shoots. The planting of the plenty varieties is best carried out with an existing support, type of grid or pergola. They can also be planted in a wooden pot with a grill, in which they will be presented very exquisitely.

It is very important to carry out the right and timely trimming. For varieties blooming once in the season, trimming must be made only after the shoots beat.

Roses Ramblers (Ramblers) with rigid escapes, characterized by smaller colors, cut off every year, removing the opposing shoots and a whole mass of thin long branches growing at the base of the bush. To speed up the growing bush, we can cut only half of the two-year shoots that fill the gaps. Strong trimming in the lower parts of the bush is especially necessary for some varieties (for example, Dorothy Perkins), because the plants are easily attacked by mildew - rose disease, which develops when the leaves remain wet for a long time.

The varieties of plenty roses that repeat the bloom do not require such a strong trimming. It is enough to remove the oldest or too thin shoots thickening the crown, every 2 or 3 years. Frozen stems or disease damaged, each spring should be removed.

Park roses

This is the last group, which is also called cultural rose hips. These varieties have a shape of a bush, are characterized by high resistance and low care requirements. Flowers are very attractive, in groups or single, usually in warm colors. Very often used on open lawns or in urban areas.

In this group, the following varieties are distinguished:

Both parks are also known:

  • white - "White Grootendorst";
  • red - "Grand Hotel", Kordes Brillant;
  • pink - Pink Grothendorst, Rosary Utersen;
  • yellow - "Lichtkönigin Lucia", "Westerland", "Persian Yellow".

Roses are one of the most noble plants. Large requirements for the care and places of landing pays off its beautiful appearance and a pleasant aroma. For centuries, they were used in the gardens, where they became a real decoration of the landscape.

Women who do not like beautiful colors called roses, probably do not exist. They are presented with both young girls and ladies of different ages. Together with these wonderful flowers, they are confessed in love and give on any holidays. From the petals of these beautiful creatures, various skin care products are preparing for various cosmetics. From roses make culinary masterpieces. Rose petals are used in folk medicine.

If there is a desire to grow roses - these beautiful flowers on your site, you should not only have the necessary skills, but also love roses plus to have a great patience for care for them. But roses, experiencing a gardener's love, will certainly thank it with lush flowering and a wonderful aroma filling his garden.

In order for roses to take root on the site and long pleased with her long blossom, you need to know the rules for the care of these popular plants. Therefore, we will consider in detail what to do during the year for the good development of roses bushes, starting with spring.

There are such types of roses as:

  • Parks;
  • Shrub;
  • Pleets;
  • Tea-hybrid;
  • Floribunda;
  • Soil;
  • Canadian.

With such a rich choice, you can plant such and rosary from which the spirit of delight will be captured.

Landing rose bushes is made both in the spring and in the fall, it all depends on the region where the site prepared for rose landing. If the gardener lives in the Krasnodar Territory or the middle lane of Russia, the bushes are planted during September and the first half of October.

These terms are no longer there are no heat and enough time and natural precipitation for the bushes to take root in a new place. If roses bushes are planted on the latitude of the Moscow region and south, the landing is produced in the spring, starting from mid-April, when the sun priges well.

Choosing a place for disembarking bushes, you must take care to the sun during the day. If it is not, then the bloom of roses will not wait.

Stages of work:

  1. When the gardener is determined with the landing site, the pit 50x50 cm is digging. And not a lot of humus and peat is laid.
  2. The seedling is installed in the pit vertically, the roots are straightened in different directions and the earth is sprinkled from all sides. After that, it is necessary to press the earth with hands to leave emptiness, and the sapling firmly sat in the ground.
  3. After all procedures, it is necessary to pour a planted seedling. If at the same time the water blurred the soil, then it should be added. Locked seedlings must be constantly political, the punching of the soil is unacceptable.

Before omitting a rose sapling into a prepared pit, damaged roots are removed, and too long shortening. The place where the vaccination was made is plunged into the soil of 5 cm.

Having planted roses bushes, it is necessary to take into account that over time they will increase their size and therefore, alonging them along the track, it is necessary to retreat from the lined bush at least 70 cm.

Modify a bush in various ways:

  1. Stalling;
  2. Dividing old bush;
  3. Grains;
  4. Vaccination;
  5. Root processions, if Rosa is planted on its own roots.


This way to breed a bush has its advantages. First of all, he will never have a wild row, with which it will be necessary to fight. For a cutlets, half an explosive escape with three kidneys takes. The lower cut is made oblique, at an angle of 45 degrees, the top is made direct to reduce the amount of moisture evaporated from the cutting cut.

The lower cut is processed by any root formulator, a twig is removed with the leaves, and the upper leaves are shortened by half. After that, the cuttings landed into peat or sand, blocking the cutlets of everything for a couple of centimeters and slightly tilting him aside.

Cars with a jar or covered with a package. It is important to create greenhouse wet conditions. To roof it, it is necessary that it is warm, not lower than 25 degrees of heat, the humidity should be almost 100%, the sun's rays should not fall on the young plant.

Such a seedling can even be left to winter in the ground, if he landed in the middle lane of Russia or in the south of our country. But for this, it together with the bank is completely injected into the ground and is covered with a special material.

How to grow rose from cuttings in potatoes

Dividing bush

This species multiplies the plenty roses and parks in the presence of their own root system. For this, the bush is digging and it is divided in such a way that in each separated part there was a root system and a pair of twigs. Then all parts are planted ordinary and care for them is needed as an ordinary seedliness.


This method is well multiplied by soil and plenty varieties. For this, in the spring they take the wrong escape, bend it to the ground, laid in a groove with a depth of 10 cm, pinch. Then you need to fall asleep the earth and pour. The top of such escape should look out of the ground. After the next year, the twig becomes a sapling and can be separated from the maternal bush.


The vaccine is made on a rosehip, grown either from seeds or from a cutlery. For this take a stalk or eyes of the selected variety of roses. Middle grafting time. Take a dive and clean the top, slightly split the vine, inserting a stalk there. Tight leukoplasty attach one to another. If the cutting growth began in time, then the vaccination was succeeded.

But it is best to immediately buy a rose variety in special garden centers. Choosing a sapling need to be three branches for the development of a lush bush. Availability of healthy roots required! Leaves should not be dry.

Roses' care is needed day after day, as the removal of weeds and soil loosening is not only the giving the rosary of a decent species, but also serves as a prerequisite for the cultivation of roses. Swimming start to do in May and continue to loosen the earth around the bush until the end of summer.

Further loosening stops not to provoke the growth of new shoots. Using the soil looser, the root system gets more air and it stimulates the growth of new shoots on the bush. Especially good to do it in the hot summer after watering.

After long rains on the surface of the soil, the crust is formed, it overlaps the access of oxygen to the root plant of the plant. Therefore, at such periods it is necessary to make additional soil loosening so that the bushes can grow normally and develop. But it is necessary to know that loosening around the bush is made to a depth of no more than 10 cm. In order not to damage the small root root of the bush.

Mulching and feeding rose bushes

Mulching the soil around the bush is carried out in order to delay moisture in the soil and get rid of partially from weeds. And if the mulching is carried out with the help of peat or reworked manure, it will also serve as an additional fertilizer for the plant. Peat or other mulching material is folded by a layer of up to ten centimeters. But all this must be done before the start of the dissolution of buds on the bush.

After landing a rose in her first summer, the bush feats three times. So because of the biological features of roses at different times you need various feeding.

Great efficiency gives simultaneous fertilizer with mineral and organic fertilizers. Since the organic feeds the roses bushes, saturating it with nitrogen.

We must not forget that all feeding should be made either after the rain, or after watering. This is done so that the root system does not burn, taking fertilizers on dry land. If the flower desires decided to use dry fertilizers, they will not be poured into the center of the bush.

Fertilizers pour around the bush at a distance of about 20 cm. And after that, it is necessary to pour plants again so that the fertilizers fall into the soil. If on the ground plot is clay, then the feeders are spent less often, and if the sandy soil, the feeding should be carried out more often, since there are almost no organic organics in such soil.

When there comes a long period of flowering, the roses do not need feeding at all.

Roses shrubs, like all plants, need irrigation. If not to water, then the bushes lose the leaves and ahead of time fade or do not dissolve buds. Most of all in water, roses need a period of growing vegetative mass and up to the end of the first flowering.

Watering make warm water in the amount of 10 liters. Under each bush. Water is poured under each bush, in the trench specifically allotted for this, and not to the center of the bush. In hot sunny weather, watering roses bush, it is better not to splash when watering with water on the leaves, as this can provoke the appearance of brown spots on the foliage. It will be a consequence of burns.

Watering makes once a week, and if the degrees are excavated for 35 heat degrees, then on such days, the roses will respond well to the evening sprinkle - it watered in the evening with the help of the hose not only under the bush, but also on the leaves of the bush. But so watered only on hot days when the shadow from the setting sun was formed.

How to grow roses in your garden - the right watering

If the bushes pour daily and a little, then such watering will not help get drunk a plant. Since it has a root system leaving into the depths of the Earth by 2-3 meters.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to water roses with cold water, because at the same time the bushes of roses begin to root, they die with thin roots and after some time the plant begins dehydration.

There are also features in watering at the end of the season. At the beginning of the fall, the watering is reduced, as it is necessary to give time to raise shoots. Therefore, autumn rainfall is quite enough for rose watering. Only in particularly hot September or in the Krasnodar Territory need to do, but only in a half dose - 6 liters. Under the bush once a week. Ridden shoots will be able to transfer wintering in the latitudes of Russia.

In the care of roses, the shelter of them for the winter is also included. Since this is a thermal-loving plant and cooling up to -10 degrees can cause a plant's death. Some advise to trim for the winter did not cause the shoots, and some cut off in the spring just that did not survive the winter and smoked.

It is possible to fall asleep their land, peat or compost on top to cover roses. All this can be diluted with pine sawdust. Employed material is prepared in advance and at the first cooling it is covered by them bushes. The layer of underfloor material should be approximately 35-40 cm. If a plot with pink bushes is located on the latitude of Moscow, then it is covered with loans with loans or fir branches.

All that is cooked for the insulation of roses, should be dry, otherwise it will be covered with ice and to hold the rose shelter for the winter it will be impossible.

The shelter method Lutracil cannot be used on soils with close grounding of groundwater or with swampy soil, because the greenhouse effect will arise and the roses will be wound in winter. In the spring, when the weather is set above zero, the underfloor material is carefully removed, and the remnants of the earth or peat are wash off a bucket of water.

Spring is a time when the bush is intensively developing from the kidneys of the survivors of the long cold months of winter. If the cooling is no longer expected to a minus temperature, then the bushes should be digging from shelter for the winter. It is easy to do if you pour just in the middle of the water bucket of water. Excessive land that covered the bush in winter will leave in different directions around the bush. It is better to do it in cloudy days, so that the branches that were under the cover of snow and the earth are not burned on the spring sun.

At this time, a new increment of branches begins, on which flower kidneys are laid and young leaves grow depending on the variety or light green or red. At the same time, the branches of the stock (ridge) can be exhausted, they should be cut, so that the bush does not turn into a wonderful rose bush into an ordinary rose rose.

How to distinguish a rose hips? He is bright and almost completely straight fast-growing escape, he grows in a couple of days to a height of about a meter, scoring the branches of roses. In order to get rid of him, it should be carefully sopped a bush in the place where this wild escape appeared from the ground and simply cut off with a secateur or acute shovel in the ground. Give a cut to dry a couple of hours and shop this place.

It is also necessary to crop all the blackened shoots. These shoots frozen and sleeping kidney, which will grow in spring and in the summer there is no. Therefore, shoots are cut off to a healthy place on the branch and at the same time the last waiting for the kidney must be located not inside the bush, but outward. This will help avoid the thickening of the bush and correctly form his shape. Pruning can not be done in rainy weather so as not to provoke the rotting of the branches.

After the spring cutting of the branches, the bushes should be contacted either by the infusion of a cowboy, diluted 1 to 10 or full mineral fertilizer. This will help the bustle of the branches and lay the flower kidneys on them, which will delight with their flowering.

To roses do not hurt best to warn the development of the disease. After all, the bush when leaving him is always before his eyes, and noticing the beginning of the disease or a small pest nest, it is necessary to cut this part of the bush, and the remaining branches are treated with the appropriate drug.

Pests and diseases of roses

Even new hybrids that are resistant to most pests are sometimes drawn by various diseases of rose bushes:

  • gray rot;
  • puffy dew;
  • rusty stains on the leaves;
  • cicadas;
  • various types of ticks;
  • leasters and sawers.

Adverse weather conditions can also contribute to the emergence of these diseases. Therefore, inspecting the bushes of roses, with the slightest manifestation of disease or pests, it is necessary to get rid of such a misfortune, otherwise all bushes may suffer.

About - read here.

Rose is beautiful and, without any doubt, is a "queen of flowers." Properly putting and carrying out the necessary care for them, you can enjoy the beauty of your rosary for many, many years.

Just need to learn from compliance with some simple rules for the cultivation of excellent culture. Examine the basics rules of "Five P": landing, feeding, watering, trimming, cover for the winter.

Landing roses

The most important condition for abundant flowering bush is place for landing. Roses are sensitive to light and heat, it means that they need to plant them in places well lit and reliably protected from cold winds. The best place is the southern and southeastern side of the site, because Rosa is enjoying the morning and expensive sun. Shady space are suitable only for.

Planting roses recommend spring. Beautiful-roses are thermal-loving plants, and as soon as the soil warmed up well, and the kidneys did not blush yet, you can start landing roses. Landing in the fall is a risky case, because not every pink bush is able to completely root before the appearance of frosts and often die.

Before the landing, carefully review the roots: all damaged pieces do trust to live fabric, leave the remaining roots no more than 20 cm. Do root shoot on the bush, strong shoots Leave with 6 kidneysMiddle - with three, weak and dried cut completely.

Landing pit for roses should be wide and deepSo that the roots of the bush after landing was spacious. It is very important to pour out the layer of the Earth the place of the eyepiece (vaccinations) on 5-7cm, the soil around the bush is tumped and plenty of water (bucket of water on the bush). Protecting seedlings from the bright spring sun, cover with nonwoven material. Uninstall shoots and remove the shelter when the Earth warms up completely, and the size of the shoots will reach approximately 5 cm.

Soil is preparing in advance: Feats and. From organic - there is a better fertilizer for roses, and the first feeding of complex mineral fertilizer should be solid, but not more than 15-20 g on the bush. Excessive dose will adversely affect roses.

For spring landing of roses, the soil prepare in the fall, everything is quite simple: digging spacious pits to a depth of 1.2 m diameter to half the meter, fill the drainage (branches, large crushed stone, clay), top there is a mixture of the earth of garden and humus, adding mineral fertilizers. With autumn landing pit under the bushes, cook for a month and a half. The best seedlings are plants of the first two years. To stimulate roses growth, when landing needs to trim the tops of the shoots.

In the next video, you can see how to prepare for planting and planting a spring rose purchased in a box. The author will show how to correct the roots of the plant, prepare the landing pit and plant the "queen of flowers".

Taking into account the magnitude of the variety of pink bush and the growth rate is recommended to be observed interval when disembarking from half a meter to one meter. In general, the distance between the bushes is determined individually, pursuing the set target.

Large bush roses Perfectly look in single landings (for example, lawn and in general any free corner of the garden). In Rosary, it is necessary to observe the distance from the meter to one and a half (or 1.2 m) from the adjacent bush.

For miniature bushes roseswhich are planted for creating borders (at the tracks or circumference of flower beds), there is enough distance in sixty-seventy centimeters.

Views plenty roses Love "loneliness", but it must be borne in mind that in this state they are short-lived - the bushes are quickly growing. If you wish, create a "wall" from the plenty roses to plant seedlings are needed at a distance from the meter to two. In the spring, roses are also held, try not to damage the roots and minor root processes.

Fence served by roses

If you purchased seedlings long before landing, the publication will help you to save a new pet.

Rosami care

Roses' care is loosening soil, weeding, feeding, watering, combating diseases and pests, trimming and forming a bush.

To roses normally develop and abundantly bloomed, their need to feed. Roses are very grateful to the timeliness of the feeding. The first feeding is necessary to spend the spring when the kidneys will appear, the second - in the middle of the summer, for abundant flowering. At the end of the summer, feeding does not need to do to avoid the appearance of new shoots that will not cause for wintering.

Today, many sets for feeding are developed, so it is not difficult to choose a suitable fertilizer. Do not "overlapping" the bushes of roses of a large dose of fertilizer, otherwise the reaction of the plant will be unpredictable: from the extension of the green mass until the cessation of flowering or even development. Do not forget after two or three years in early spring to make a certain amount of overworked or manure.

Once a week, roses should be abundantlyThe best in the early morning or evening. It is necessary to constantly loose the soil near the bush, so that it does not overheet around it, since the roots are needed by constant oxygen access.

Crop roses need every spring before the awakening of the kidneys. Fully remove the weak and sick, old and dry stems, be sure to remove the piglet, which appeared below the place where the vaccination was made, otherwise the bush is degenerated into the rosehip.

In practice, various types of trimming are used: weak, when the shooting remains from 8 to 12 kidneys, moderate - with 4-6 kidneys and strong - cropped most of the escape, leaving only 2-3 kidneys. Strong trimming is often required after bad wintering, so that the bush is updated faster. Rose trimming is carried out by a sharp tool in order to avoid mechanical damage to the bark, the wounds need to be lured by the Garden Warr.

Do boutons cut in autumn?

With the onset of cold weather you need to think about shelter bushes roses. Today, some varieties of acclimatized varieties can winter and without shelter. But flowerflowers claim: in the harsh winter, the bushes may die. It is necessary to choose the optimal time for the insulation of roses, and this is the beginning of November, because if it is possible to do it early, that is, the probability of danger for the roots, because they have already begun to fall asleep and it is impossible to revive them.

Many roses lovers allow a big mistake, excessively "kuyu" their roses for the winter from frosts. In this case, roses die due to spontaneous bushes. No need to strengthen roses for the winter with snacks or branches - so roses die in the spring (most often in March).

If you did not find a peat, cover the bushes for the winter just loose ground, as the frosts increase in the hill on the cone (no more than 10-15 cm). In the third decade of March, all adaptations of shelters need to be removed, cut off peat or land, and another week - two can be picked up roses. Discussion of the question of how to insulate roses before the onset of cold weather, you can read in the discussion

Three or four times per season of roses must be sprayed with special means to combat fungal diseases, rust and pests.

Rose varieties

To date, the range of roses has numerous species, shapes, varieties and varieties. Every year it is replenished by about 200 new varieties. For decorative landscaping, roses are grown mainly two groups: park and garden.

Park roses - These are species and varieties that grow, without requiring shelter, or winter with light protection. Special attention deserved roses, roses, cinnamon, red-hearted or gray, rust, brilliant, yellow, spiny (wrinkled) and others. A group of park roses is represented by frost-resistant species - a variety of centipole, damask, white and french.

Garden roses Breeding, with their cultivation, the agricultural engineering is actively used. They are pretty gentle and necessarily require protection in winter. Currently, more than 20 thousand of their varieties are grown. Groups of plenty roses, fleelet, miniature, roses of Cordes, Mokhov have become the greatest popularity.

Rose is a very fragrant flower. And if your rosary is filled with noble bushes, you will constantly admire the continuous flowering of removable, floral waterfalls of the plenty, collect wonderful bouquets of miniature species and inhale the aroma of the most beautiful colors on Earth.

Other interesting and useful articles about roses.