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Optimal temperature for plastering walls. Plaster walls in winter plaster for exterior work at minus temperatures

"Nature has no bad weather," I also want to say about construction and repair. To date, there are many technologies and means that will help make repairs at any time of the year, and plaster in winter, not an exception. Next, we will consider such questions as: can it be plastering the wall in winter? What do you need and what rules to stick?

To begin with, consider general information

Before starting work, you need to determine the degree of humidity of the surface on which work will be carried out. Snip (building standards and rules), the surface moisture should not exceed 8%. affected by cooling, so plaster Winningit is heated and insulated, and better, of course, twist them in front of the cold.

Stucco wall in winter, If we are talking about outdoor plaster, you should be full at a temperature not lower than -5 ° C. If the temperature is still below, then the plaster is stirred by additives that will help to work quietly in the cold.

Little secrets: it will also help with small lime quenched; Warning walls with hot water is not allowed because as indicated above, the walls should not be wet, and for their complete drying it will take a lot of time.

Plastering walls in winter requires training

All the cracks need to be processed, regardless of whenever it will take place or inside the building. Doors and attics should be tightly closed and insulated. Windowoffs glare.
I hope you no longer arise the question: can it be plastering in winter?, The answer is so clear - "you can", and below you will learn how it is done.

Plaster dries faster at a temperature of + 4-10 ° C. If the temperature of the ceiling is more than + 30 ° C, it will begin to dry and be covered by cracks. The plaster will begin to fall off in the spring, if it was applied to the walked walls in winter. When the moisture will be collected, and this is an enemy for plaster. So that this problem does not find you surprise, delete it, and the room is warm up to the desired temperature.

Heating and drying

Remember the saying "Hurry, people mock"? So, the fast drying is unlikely to lead to the desired result, the plaster just not easy loses strength and cracks. The plaster with the addition of lime will be dried about 10-15 days, and this is provided that the room will be operated 2-3 times in an hour!

In general, when drying, pay attention to the binder. Well, if it is possible to warm the room with central or furnace heating, well, temporary will also come down. If the room is large, and accordingly the amount of work, then you can resort to water heaters. With the help of them, plaster will dry in 7 days.

Caloritor stops are also a way out of the situation. After drying, it is important to monitor the temperature in the room, it must be + 8 ° C. An important detail, if you resorted to the help of the carrier and in the room there are workers, the carbon monoxide should be removed using a special tube.

Contamination additives

It uses chlorinated water, solutions dissolve in it. What is wonderful, can be plastering with such solutions, even with a temperature of -25 ° C, and even the heating after plastering is not needed. To prepare chlorinated water, you need about 13 hours. Chlorine lime to dilute 100 liters with a warm to + 35 ° C water, and place up to complete dissolution.

We defend it somewhere 1-1.5 hours, sucks merge into the tank and now it will be useful in the preparation of the solution. If this procedure is not conducted, cracks will appear in the plaster, so observe all the nuances.

Now you will not have doubts whether it is possible to plaster in winter, but plaster in winter I did not bring you any trouble, long ago there are ways and secrets that you now know and can apply in practice.

Igor Serba, a member of the editorial board of Sobcor Internet editions "Atmbud. Building Bulletin"

How useful information to be useful for you?

Very often, the construction process or repair of the building has to continue in the cold season. Therefore, the question is whether it is possible to plaster the walls in winter, it becomes very relevant. It is worth noting that it is possible to work almost in any conditions, you only need to properly organize work.
Permissible working conditions
Going to plastering in the winter, you need to follow a number of rules. So, the moisture of the walls should not exceed 8%. Plastering of door and window slopes, niches and other structural elements of the building exposed to rapid cooling should be carried out even before the winter. The temperature of the solution for work should be at least + 8 ° C. Such conditions become possible only when the soluters and bunkers (with machine plastering) are insulated, and the total temperature indoors is at least + 10 ° C.
Features Plastering in Frost
External plastering at temperatures below -5 ° C are permitted only with the use of a solution containing chemical modifiers. Don't even think can it be plastering the walls in winter in frost by conventional solution - He will not freeze, but freezes and just fall off in the thaw. The modified solutions have the ability to harden in the cold, due to which they reach the settlement strength even in winter conditions. You can also use solutions that contain low lime hammer.
The room that needs to be plaster is prepared in advance. It is necessary to cross the gap between the door and window boxes, to shock the slopes in advance. The windows must be glazed, install and close the doors. Attic and inter-storey floors must be insulated.

An ordinary solution indoor in the winter can be placed at an average temperature of at least + 8 ° C. The temperature is measured near the outer wall, about 0.5 meters above the floor level. It is worth noting that the ceiling the room temperature should not exceed + 30 ° C, since the solution will be too fast, because of which he crashes and loses strength.
It is best if central heating works in the room. Then you don't have to think if it is possible to plaster the walls in the winter, because there will be no restrictions for work.
Drying stucco
Different types of plaster need to dry in different ways. For rejection of lime plasters, the minimum carbon dioxide amount is required. The accelerated drying is contraindicated here, since the plaster can become fragile and crack. Lime and lime-gypsum finish should dry about two weeks. At the same time, the premises must be at least twice a day. Cement and cement-lime solutions dry better - approximately a week, and the room is not necessary to air, since the solution is required to be wet air.
Optimal heating for normal hardening any plaster is central. When it is not, you have to arrange temporary.
With a large amount of work, air heaters are best used. With such devices do not have to think whether it is possible to plaster the walls in the winter indoors - They are able to catch up temperature even in the largest halls. With them, plaster will be dried around the week at an average temperature to + 30 ° C. When the wall dries to a moisture content of 8%, it is necessary to install the temperature in + 8 ° C in the room so that the walls are not cooled and not covered with wet stains.
You can still use calorifers. The drying kit is the calorifer itself, the blowing unit with a powerful centrifugal fan, which blows the hot air through pipes, pipes and a second fan that bulk air into the heater.
Special winter solutions
In non-heated rooms and outside at a negative temperature, plaster can be performed with solutions with special chemical additives.
Chlorine water
Very often, mixtures that are mixed on chlorinated water are used for external work. With such solutions, you can plaster at temperatures up to 25 ° frost. At the same time do not have to be founded how to plaster brick walls
With the use of such a solution - the technology remains standard, except that large layers are not recommended.
To prepare the composition you need to heat the water to + 35 ° С, after which a chlorine lime is placed in it (15 kg per 100 liters of water). The composition is mixed until the lime is completely dissolved and is defended in an hour and a half. Next, a solution can be prepared on this mixture.

Solutions using potash do not form a height, and also do not provoke metal corrosion. Therefore, it is precisely such mixtures that are recommended for plastering on net-reinforced elements of structures.
In hidden aqueous solutions, a cement, cement-clay and cement-lime mixture can be made. Cement is better to take low grades, and the volume of added Potasha mainly depends on the current air temperature. If there is no more -5 ° C in the area of \u200b\u200bwork, then a 1% potache from the total volume of the mixture is sufficient. With larger frost, you need to add at least 1.5%. In general, it is important here at least about knowing at what temperature the walls are placed to prepare the optimal solution.
Ammonia water
This is no longer a homemade modifier, but a mixture produced at factories, which on the construction site is only divorced to the desired concentration. It is important to ensure that the temperature of ammonia and ordinary water during dilution does not exceed + 5 ° C, since at large ammonia temperature values \u200b\u200bwill gradually evaporate.
At ammonia concentration in water up to 25%, to obtain a working additive with a value of 6%, 3.15 liters of simple cooled water should be added to one liter of the factory solution. If ammonia water is purchased with a concentration of 15%, then one liter needs to be added only one and a half liters of water.
Store this modifier is needed in hermetically sealed containers. Best of all, glass bottles with well-fitting corks are suitable for this.
Solving than plastering the walls under the tile or other finishing material you need to know that ammonium water can be added to all types of cement and cement-lime-sand solutions, which will allow to prepare walls for lining even in winter. Lime-gypsum and cement-clay mixes are not recommended to embed this additive.
When making concrete surfaces, the use of cement mixture is recommended in a proportion of 1/2 or 1/4 share. For plastering works on slag concrete, brick and wooden surfaces, cement-lime-sand solutions are suitable for 1/1/6 or 1/1/9 proportions.
Lime must be breeding ammonia water with a temperature of at least + 5 ° C. As for the temperature of the heating of the solution, it depends on the air temperature. If the street air has a temperature of less than 15 ° frost, the temperature temperature should be not more than + 2-3 ° C. If on -25 °, the temperature of the mortar mixture should be at least 5 ° heat. Well, how to plaster
walls at home
In an even greater frost, it makes no sense, because no one does.
In principle, it is possible to operate on ammonia additives in frost to -30 ° C, but the plaster in such extreme conditions is performed already in the most extreme cases and is definitely not a common practice.
Winter plaster solutions with ammonia modifier is considered an optimal option, since after freezing the plaster has high strength, its surface film does not begin to peel. After thawing, the layer of the solution flies quickly, remaining smooth, durable and monolithic.
Plastering in winter can be
In general, winter plaster works are not something impossible. Undoubtedly, it is a more costly and complex procedure than the plaster in the summer, but with the right approach, the final quality of the coating will be as high.
As for the performance of work, it is similar to the summer option: how to plaster corners of the walls
In the summer, it is necessary to do this in winter, only with a modified solution or in a heated room.

Features of the temperature modes of applying plaster mixtures. Recommendations for plastering in the winter. Specificity of street plastering work. The consequences of temperature regime disorders.

Plasteur in winter and summer

It is adopted to be carried out in the warm period of the year.

The information below gives a representation in which temperature range can be conducted plastering and how to extend the construction season.

Information is subjective provided under the condition that the solutions contain appropriate modifiers in the necessary proportions.

Features plaster

The proportions and composition of binding substances cause the name of the plastering solution:

  • Gypsum;
  • Lime gypsum;
  • Lime-sand;
  • Lime-cement;
  • Cement-sandy.

The filler uses various types of sand. Special additives guarantee various characteristics of mixtures and a wide range of temperature applied modes.

Separately there are dry, gypsum sheet plaster - drywall (GCL).

At what temperature can be plastering the walls inside the house

The condition of operation of plaster plaster is the temperature range from + 5˚ to + 30˚C.

If the walls of the building in winter are frozen, then plastering inside can only be carried out after pulling out the wall at half the depth.

In winter, in buildings with heating, the air must be warm above + 10˚C indoors, then the use of solutions does not require the addition of non-freezing modifiers.

If the temperature is from + 5˚ to + 8˚C, the mixture must have indicators not lower than + 8˚C.

If the air in the house is above + 23˚C, it is evenly moistened to moisturize the surface being launched.

In the summer of dry, hot time at temperatures above 30˚C and humidity less than 50%, it is necessary to maintain humidity on plastered areas and add special plasticizers.

Is it possible to winter in the unheated room

There are lime-cement, lime plaster mixes, air temperature when working with which from -10˚ to + 25˚C.

When attaching such mixtures, warming up the solution itself and the application surface should be not lower than + 5˚C.

The mixture should be prepared in the heated part of the building, while cooling the day below + 5˚C, and at night

At what temperature can be if no heating

Work on plastering buildings can be conducted at minus temperature. The mixtures are used in the composition of which there is cement and sometimes lime, with the addition of contamination components:

To reduce the labor intensity, it is better to prepare aqueous solutions of the required percentage and pour them into the prepared composition.

It is forbidden to be used as frost-resistant additives, calcium nitrate with urea or sodium nitrite in case of plastered buildings with elevated (above 60%) humidity or operation at temperatures above 40 ° C.

Further information on the preparation and application of plastering mixtures is presented in SP-82-101-98 and in SNiP 3.04.01-87

Stucco wall on the street

Stacking on the street is performed if the temperature is from-30˚ to + 5˚C, taking into account the above requirements and the absence of wind. When using water-based mixtures without frost-resistant additives - not lower than + 5˚C.

Temperature regime inside the house

Installation of sheet plaster plasters can be kept on:

  • Metal crate;
  • Wooden frame;
  • Adhesive pillow.

Mounting on a metal frame is better to lead at a positive temperature to avoid spinning in places of contact with metal.

Installation on the adhesive basis, as well as priming and spitting of seams, it is better to spend better when heating the air inside the building is not lower than + 10˚C.

What will happen if not to observe the temperature regime

When deviating from the temperature regime, briefly and in small limits, the positive walls lose the plane and take wave-like forms. More gross violations of the technology entail the loss of the strength of the layer, decrease the adhesion to the carrier layer, the appearance of cracks, up to the collapse of the layer.

If factory plaster mixes apply - read the factory instruction. Watching inside the house is better to test at a temperature of +10 to + 30˚C. Walking on the street in the range below + 5 ° C must be carried out in windless weather or with the arrangement of protective tambour. When adding contamination modifiers, it is necessary to be neat.

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Performing plaster works in winter

General. Preparation and drying of premises and surfaces

General. In winter, plaster works are performed in compliance with a number of additional requirements. The moisture content of brick or stone walls to be plastered should not exceed 8%. The degree of humidity is determined by the laboratory. Those designs of the building (window and door slopes, niches), which are subjected to rapid cooling, should be finished before the onset of cold weather. If they are separated after the onset of cold weather, they take measures to protect plaster from premature freezing: the plaster is insulated, warming up. Preparation, storage, transportation of plaster solutions should be organized in such a way that the solution delivered to the place of work, at the time of its application had a temperature not lower than + 8 ° C. This can be achieved when the rooms, the bunker, the nominations are insulated and the room temperature is not lower.

10 ° С. Soluctural solutions in open air or in unheated premises must be insulated. The implementation of external plaster works at an air temperature below -5 ° C is permitted by solutions containing chemical additives that give the solutions to hardening in the cold and achieve the necessary strength. It is also allowed to plaster solutions with hammering lime.

Stone and brick walls, folded by freezing method, is allowed to plastering when the laying on the side of the plaster scale declined to a depth of at least half of the wall thickness. The use of hot water to accelerate the warming of escape walls or to delete with them the tax is not allowed. Preparation. The building in general or its premises to be plastered is prepared in advance. First of all, the gaps between the walls, door and window boxes and shutters and window slopes are shuffled. Inserted windows glare. Doors close tightly. Attic and interhesive floors

warm. For specifications, plastering is allowed to perform in winter at a stable average temperature indoor in the outer walls at a height of 0.5 m from the floor level not lower than + 8 ° C. To accelerate the drying of the plaster, the temperature is recommended to be touched to 4-10-1b ° C. At the same time, the temperature of the ceiling must be no higher than + 30 ° C. At a higher temperature, the plaster quickly dries, covered by cracks, loses strength. In rooms, where the temperature is below + 8 ° C, it is forbidden to work, since the plaster dries for a long time and, moreover, it can be trapped in the spring, it can be flawed, since the walls, thawing, isolated moisture and disrupts the grip of plaster with the wall. Wooden, fibrolite, cacisic and solomitic surfaces in these conditions are very saturated with moisture, swell and increase in volume. When drying, they are boxed and rut the plaster. Before plastering from the surfaces, it is necessary to remove score and then warm the room. Heating and drying. Plasters on different binding materials are dried differently. For example, for the normal process of drying and hardening of lime plasters, some carbon dioxide is required. Drying of lime plasters accelerated way does not give good results: the plaster is fragile and strongly cracks. Lime and lime-gypsum plaster are dried on average 10-15 days, checking the room two or three times per hour. Cement and cement-lime plasters are dried for 6-7 days, without conducting the premises, because during their hardening is required wet air. When drying plastering from a complex solution, it is necessary to navigate the main binder. The frozen crude plaster should be warm up immediately, remove detachable places, fix them and then dry. The best heating when drying the thing ^ Turks is central. If there is no central or furnace heating, arrange temporary.

For large volumes of plastering, air heaters are used. These plaster plasters are dried for 6-8 days at air temperature + 30 ° C. As soon as the plaster dries to the necessary humidity (8%), the drying is stopped and the temperature is maintained in the room + 8 ° C so that the walls are not cooled and raw spots did not appear on them. For drying of large plastered surfaces, campauric installations are also used. The installation includes a canoriorifer with a furnace, blowing installation with a centrifugal fan that is injected by hot gases through air ducts (pipes), a pipe kit and an additional fan that bulk air. Air ducts are passed into the building through window or doorways. If there are workers in the room, then only hot air is served in the building, and exhaust carbon monoxide gases are dismissed. Electro-charitor has a cylindrical sheet of sheet steel, in which heating elements are placed on the stands. In the electrocalorifer fan from the electric motor, the air is injected, where it is heated and served out. The TG-150 heat generator is designed for use in zones with air temperature from - 35 ° C. It works on liquid fuel. The burner of infrared radiation I am intended for drying plasters in under construction and repaired buildings under the condition of air exchange at least two times per hour, providing timely removal of combustion products.

Watching solutions with antiorrosal additives

Solutions on chlorinated water. In unheated premises, in rooms with partial heating, as well as in the cold, plaster works are performed by solutions with chemical additives.

For external plaster works, chlorinated solutions are used (solutions shown by chlorinated water). Such solutions can be placed surface at temperatures up to -25 ° C without subsequent heating of plaster. To prepare chlorinated water, water is poured into the boiler, heated to + 35 ° C, then a chlorine lime is put into it (by 100 liters of water 12-15 hours of chlorine lime). The solution is stirred until the lime is completely dissolved. The resulting chlorinated milk is posed by 1-1.5 h for settling, after which the chlorinated water was drained into the expenditure tank and is used to prepare a solution. Chlorinated water should not be heated above + 35 ° C, as chlorine will die and water will lose activity. It is categorically forbidden to use non-chloric chlorinated water, because when you fall into the plaster or muthes, cracks appear in it.

On chlorinated water, you can prepare complex or cement solutions that are plastered by wooden, brick or concrete surfaces. Other types of solutions are not prepared on chlorinated water.

The following compositions of chlorinated solutions are recommended - cement: limestone dough: sand (1: 1: 6) or cement: Mixture of clay with ground slag: sand (1: 1.5: 6). These solid formulations are used to shock brick, slag block and wooden surfaces. Concrete surfaces are placed by cement solutions of composition from 1: 2.5 to 1: 3. The temperature of the chlorinated water for the preparation of solutions should be no lower than + 10 ° C, the temperature of the materials depends on the outdoor temperature (see page 138). The lower the air temperature, the higher the temperature of the solutions should be, and in windy weather, higher than in the quiet. The temperature of the plastering solution is independent of the outer air temperature at the time of applying and grouting at least + 5 ° C. Chlorinated solutions are applied by manual or mechanized methods. Each subsequent layer of the solution must go to the thickened previously applied layer. After grappling, the crossages perform the grout. Insufficiently dried ordinary? Plasters, applied in winter, are covered by Founding, which reduces their strength. The strength of chlorinated plasters in the cold rises. Chlorinated solutions can be painted alkyl and light-resistant mineral paints (earthen), such as mummy, ocra, iron sucrick. Workers prepare chlorinated water or a solution and using chlorinated solution directly on plastering, should undergo safety instructions. To work with these solutions, they must wear tarpaulin workwear, rubberized apron and mittens; It is necessary to go on rubber boots. It is possible to work with chlorinated solutions in a gas mask or respirator.

Watching with chlorinated solutions indoors is not allowed. As an exception, it is allowed to placing the niche under the radiator, provided that the windows are open.

Chlorinated plaster after drying is harmless, as chlorinated solutions are completely sealed on the eighth day, and during this time chlorine from them is disappeared. Solutions with the additive path. Solutions with the addition of potash do not give evils, do not cause corrosion destruction of the metal, so they can be used and when plastering net-reinforced structures. In an aqueous solution, the potash is prepared cement-clay, cement lime and cement solutions. Color solutions are prepared using. alkaliy pigments. For the preparation of the solution use portland cement low marks. The amount of potash is taken depending on the outdoor temperature. For example, at the outdoor temperature of up to -5 ° C, potash take 1% of the mass of the dry mixture, at an outdoor temperature from -5 to - 15 ° C - 1.5%, at temperatures below - 15 ° C - 2% . Potash is added to a dry plaster mix in the form of an aqueous solution. Cement-clay solutions are used as follows: from 1: 0.2: 4 to 1: 0.5: 6 (cement: clay: sand). For the preparation of the solution, the dried clay is mixed with cement and then embed the potash with aqueous solution. Clay can be previously turned into the dough, and then mix with cement and sand.

Cement-lime solutions should contain no more than 20% of the lime from the mass of cement. Prepare them in the usual way. Cement solutions must be low-fat, 1: 3 composition. The potash salt is dissolved in water, which prepared a solution from a cement-step mixture or added this water to thick solutions. It is recommended to use pre-heated solutions to + 5-m0 ° C. The solution should be used within an hour since its preparation. The solution is stored in a warmed container. Prior to the start of plastering, the surface is cleaned of snow, nondes and contamination. Stamps and lighthouses are arranged from a solution that plastered the surface. A spray with plastering in conditions of reduced temperatures. Tours are not applied to the surface, and the creamy solution is prepared and immediately applied to the base layers with a thickness of 10-12 mm. The soil is smoothed, scratched and in its thickened layer apply a cross-section with a thickness of 7-8 mm. The crossbar is moving and rubbed without wetting with water. A worker prepared with a potash additive should be dressed in the same way as working with chlorinated solutions. Solutions on ammonia water. Solutions prepared on ammonia water do not give vigors. Ammonium water is obtained from the factory, in the workplaces in mortar nodes it is bred to the necessary concentration. The temperature of ammonia and ordinary water for its dilution should not exceed + 5 ° C, since at a higher temperature ammonia evaporates. If the ammonium water has a 25% concentration, then to obtain ammonia water of a 6% concentration on each liter, 3.16 liters (rounded 3 l) of ordinary water are added. If the ammonia water of 15% concentration is brought, then 1.5 liters of water are added to 1 liter. Ammonium water delivered from the factory or divorced in the workplace is stored in hermetically closed dishes, it is best in glass bottles with fit plugs. Ammonia water is indulging cement and cement-lime solutions with sand; Lime, lime-gypsum and cement-clay solutions shut ammonia water. When grouting on concrete, it is recommended to use a cement solution of composition 1: 2-1: 4 (cement: sand); For plastering of brick, slag concrete and wooden surfaces - cement-lime-sandy solutions 1: 1: 6-1: 1: 9 (cement: limestone dough: sand). Lime dough is bred ammonia water, the temperature of which should be no lower than + 5 ° C. The temperature on the genus solution depends on the outdoor temperature. If the outdoor temperature is up to - 15 ° C, then the temperature of the solution in the workplace should be + 2-GZ ° C. At the outdoor temperature to -25 ° C, the temperature of the solution should be not lower than + 5 ° C. The execution of plaster works with ammonia water solutions is permissible at air temperature to -30 ° C. To obtain solutions of the specified temperature, the materials are heated in them. After stirring, the temperature of the limestone test and ammonia water should be no higher than + 5 ° C. The solutions must be submitted to workplaces in insulated boxes closed with soft rubber pads, which prevents the implacing ammonia and retains heat. Stucco on ammonia water after freezing has high strength, the surface film does not give peeling.

For those of us who independently engaged in the construction of their own home, one of the main problems - winter work. At what temperature can be plastering on the street? We will find the answer to this question.

The main requirements for plastering works are prescribed in SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings" and SP 82-101-98 "Preparation and use of construction solutions", where it is stipulated, what permissible temperature for plaster.

The air temperature is below + 5 ° C makes it possible to use solutions only with antiorrosal additives - chemical hardeners, giving the opportunity to recruit design strength in minus. As such additives, chlorine water, potash and ammonia water are recommended.

Chlorine water

The solution nodded with chlorine water can be used to -25 ° C. Prepare the additive as follows: a chlorine lime is made in the proportion of 15 kg / 100, heated to 35 ° C / 100. Lime are stirred up to final dissolution. The composition is defended 1-1.5 hours, poured into the closing capacity, use as needed. In chlorine water, cement and complex plaster solutions are prepared, plastering brick, concrete, wood.

Important: Working with chlorine components is necessary in the respirator and complete overalls, including rubberized warmed gloves and boots.


The potash solution is used for cement, cement - clay and cement-lime solutions. The volume of the modifier in the solution is calculated by the temperature of the air environment: 1% of the volume in dry form is added above -5 ° C; at -5 - 15 ° C required 1.5%; If the temperature below is added 2% of the modifier.

A mixture of cement, powder clay and sand is prepared in a ratio of from 1: 0.2: 4 to 1: 0.5: 6. The finished composition is embeded with a water solution of potash.

The proportion for the composition of cement and lime - 4: 1 by weight.

Cement mortar is prepared in a 1: 3 ratio. The mixture is carried out on an aqueous solution of potash salt at a temperature of ≥ + 5 ° C.

Important: The solution is used within an hour, stored in a warmed container. Work in the respirator and complete set of overalls!

Ammonia water

The additive is produced industrially, in the structural conditions it is diluted with water to the desired concentration, at a water temperature and modifier not higher than + 5 ° C to prevent the ammonia evaporation. The finished solution should have a concentration of 6%, for this, a liter of the factory 25% of the composition is added 3, 16 liters of water, 15% is diluted with 1.5 liters of water.

Ammonium water is used as a modifier with cement and cement-limestone plaster.

Important: It is forbidden to use ammonia water as a modifier for compositions with plaster content, clay and purely lime.

When working on concrete, they take a cement mixture of 1: 2 - 1: 4; Brick, slagobetone and wood work cement - lime-sandy mixture 1: 1: 6 - 1: 1: 9.

To dissolve the lime, the temperature of ammonia water should not be lower than + 5 ° C. Depending on the temperature of the medium, the temperature of the solution is changed: at -15 ° C - the solution is +2 - + 3 ° C; at -25 ° C solution ≥ + 5 ° C. To plaster with the compositions modified with ammonia water, it is possible to temperature -30 ° C.

In addition to these three modifiers for winter work, potassium chloride and sodium chloride are also used, but their use can lead to a split after defrosting. The above methods of cooking winter plaster are tested by time, but it is difficult to apply them for small areas of an individual house: the process is intensive, it is difficult to observe the required proportions of solutions.

Modern materials

Agree, with modern technologies, we often use ready-made building mixes: it's easier, faster, more economical. The construction industry is needed by the extension of finishing work for the winter period.

Ready dry building mixes for minus temperatures - response to this request. Foreign and domestic companies produce many plaster compositions for the winter, and the list is regularly replenished. Henkel, Vetonit, Bergauf, Trat, Remix in the product line have mixes for the production of work at temperatures up to -10 ° C. These frost-resistant plaster with different composition combines several positive characteristics:

  1. Durability (manufacturer's warranty for 10 years).
  2. Waterproof.
  3. Temperature mode of use in the range from -50 to + 70 ° C.
  4. High ripening speed.
  5. Elasticity.
  6. Lack of heights.

Negative qualities include the severity of the finishing layer (above the standard), complexity in operation; Small number of surface designs: As a rule, it is a "coroede", "fur coat" and two types of pebble plaster with a grain of small and medium sized. Questions: Is it possible to plaster in winter, at what temperature on the street you can plaster, - not worth it with new products.

Preparation of the Wall

What depends on the durability of winter plaster? When the facade is plastered in winter, high-quality facade wall preparation plays a huge role. The base must be carefully cleansed from the nondes, the residues of the masonry solution and heights, degrease and dry.

It is impossible to use water for cleaning - it will freeze on the cold and turn outwardly. When installing masonry with filling of seams with a solution (not "Punish") on the facade it is necessary to make notches. The prepared surface is ground to increase adhesion, with some of the primer compositions do not require what is the mark in the material passport.

Plastering in winter

Temperature range of water for the location of the plastering mixture from +20 to + 35 ° C. It is forbidden to prepare a solution at temperatures above +15 and below 0. Before preparing the plaster, the mixture is heated to a temperature above zero.

The solutions are quickly collapsing, so the plastering composition of ready-made mixtures is prepared as needed, not allowing cooling below +5. The rules of the mixture and work with plastering compositions may vary in accordance with the manufacturer's technology. The rules prescribed in the instructions for the material should be followed strictly if you want to get high-quality coverage.


To the question: can it be plastering the walls in winter with confidence is responsible - you can. But work in winter requires additional effort and financial costs. If we are talking about the construction industry - yes, work with winter mixtures extends the construction season, especially profitable in the northern regions with a short period of positive temperatures.

If we are talking about the individual developer in the middle lane of Russia - yes, it is easier to find builders brigade to perform a turnkey finish, the cost of work will be somewhat lower. But, if you do not have the skills of the builder, and you want to fulfill the plaster in the winter yourself, think, can better wait for spring or entrust work to professionals?