Repairs Design Furniture

Houses from OSB panels. Multi-storey house from chipboard (OSP), brick-covered. How much does it like (the middle strip of Russia)? Construction of a house from the OSB panels

Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Perm Territory

On the situation with the residential buildings of the Usolsky-2 microdistrict, Berezniki

09/12/2011 Press release

The Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Welfare Development on August 25, 2011 informed about the discovery of elevated concentrations of formaldehyde in low-rise residential buildings of the Microdistrict "Usolsky-2" of the city of Berezniki Perm Territory.

On August 22 and 23, 2011, the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Perm Territory together with Federal Scientific Center for Medical Property Technologies The health risks management of the population on a specially developed program was organized by air sampling in residential buildings of the neighborhood.

Air samples were studied for the content of formaldehyde, benzene, dimethylbenzene (xylene), hydroxybenzene (phenol) and methylbenzene. According to the results of studies, significant exceeds of the average daily maximum permissible concentration of formaldehyde in all rooms are revealed.

To increase the reliability of the results obtained, laboratory studies were conducted parallel to two analytical methods: a photometric method and method of highly efficient liquid chromatography with ultraviolet detection.

Simultaneously with the testing laboratories of Rospotrebnadzor on August 22 and 23, 2011, the branch "Center of Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements on the Perm Region" of the Tslati under the PFD "was selected for air samples on the content of formaldehyde, phenol, benzene, toluene, xylene.

As a result of the analysis, exceeding the average daily maximum permissible formaldehyde concentration.

Specialists of the Office of Rospotrebnadzor in the Perm Territory and the Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Perm Territory 29 and 30 August 2011 were selected samples of building materials used in the construction of residential buildings and an assessment of the migration of pollutants into the air was made.

As a result of laboratory studies, it was revealed that all studied materials (mineral wool, varieties of cement-chipboard, unidentified types of insulation), in addition to polystyrene foam are the source of selection in the air of the residential premises of formaldehyde and xylene isomers.

The joint application of the studied materials leads to the creation of formaldehyde concentrations in closed residential premises, exceeding a hygienic standard, which is a violation of sanitary standards and rules.

Moreover, calculations of the likely level of migration of formaldehyde in the air of residential premisesconducted by the FBUN Systemic Sanitary and Hygienic Analysis Division "Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Population Risk Management Technologies, confirmed the conclusion that the sharing of the studied materials leads to a violation of hygienic standards.

Rospotrebnadzor held the entire necessary complex of laboratory and analytical studies to assess the actual state of constructed residential buildings and confirm their unsuitability for living.

Source (full text of the document):

In Rospotrebnadzor, they specify that the regional administration and, directly - the State Unitary Enterprise "Department of Capital Construction of the Perm Territory" acted as the Customer.

In accordance with the rules of the right of the city planning code of the Russian Federation, Rospotrebnadzor did not have the opportunity to carry out control and supervisory measures at the construction site.

In general, according to the Urban Planning Code of the Russian Federation, the State Construction Supervision of the two-storey residential buildings is not provided. By law, control the construction of houses should contractor or customer.

Investing Committee of the Perm Territory in March 2012 opened a criminal case on the fact of exceeding the maximum permissible concentration of formaldehydes in the residential buildings of the Usolye-2 neighborhood of the city of Berezniki.

How was the microdistrict "Usolsky-2"

From myself I will add that on duty I have repeatedly had to be at the construction site of the neighborhood.

The construction of the microdistrict was launched in 2007 in a rush order, due to the need to resettle the residents of the city from emergency houses that came to the zone of the intended semitment of the soil, due to the flooding of the mine of the mine Uralkali.

Four organizations from different regions were attracted to the construction, this is "Dormash" (Vologda-http: //, "Radd-Resource" (Rostov), \u200b\u200b"Radoslav" (Pereslavl-Zalessky-http: //, "Construction Energy Company" (Smolensk).

Each organization built pre-fabricated houses in frame performance According to your project and technology. Build two-story, 8 and 12 apartment buildings.

Part of houses was built on a metal frame with filling frame foam. In other houses used wooden frame with a mineral wool insulation filling.

The first houses were commissioned and settled in early 2008. The rest of the houses were canned. Of the 60 houses built, more than 40 houses were empty.

From the moment of settling houses in 2008, residents complained about the impact of some gases in the premises. First they endured - new homes, hoped that it would pass with time. Improvements did not occur. Complained to all instances. The authorities unsubscribed, the conclusions of local laboratories did not believe.

In 2011, empty apartments decided to give orphans and other seizures. Before settlement, they decided to carry out large-scale studies with the involvement of Moscow specialists. Result in press release.

From the already populated houses of the residents had to move. All neighborhood homes are now (November 2012) are empty.

To cover the walls (inside and outside), ceilings, the floors of all without exception, the oriented chipboard (OSP, OSB-3 on the European classification) was mainly used, in smaller - chipboard.

OSB-3 - moisture-proof construction plate used for both internal and external work, intended for operation in conditions of high humidity. It has increased moisture resistance due to the fact that the binder includes carbamyidformaldehyde, phenol formaldehyde or melamine-formaldehyde resin.

It is not clear why the press release among the sources of formaldehyde indicates the "varieties of cement-chipboard". Probably, this is a typo - there must be a "variety of chipboard". CSP does not contain in its composition substances excreasing formaldehyde, Yes, and I have not seen a wide application at the construction site.

Since the high concentration of harmful gases is found both in houses with a mineral wool insulation, and in houses with foamed polystyrene foam (foam), we conclude that the main source of phenol formaldehyde is OSP, OSB-3 slabs, chipboard.

Norms of allocation (emission) formaldehyde from OSP, chipboard

Formaldehyde is highlighted from all wood-containing building materialswhere the woods and adhesives that allocate formaldehyde are used for gluing wood. This, for example, wood-chip plates (chipboard), oriented chips (OSP, OSB), plywood, fiberboard, MDF, glued bar, glued furniture shields, etc.

Formaldehyde resins are chemically not stable. In new products at the initial stage there is a particularly intensive allocation of formaldehyde, Which did not react and remained in the resin. After the free formaldehyde will disappear, there are constant formaldehyde allocations, caused by the decomposition process of the resin.

The amount of gas released at this stage is reduced, but may remain quite large. In the homes of the Usolsky-2 microdistrict and after 5 years, the gas content is higher than the norm.

Resin decomposition intensity and the amount of formaldehyde highlighted is increased with increasing humidity and temperature material.

In Russia, a separate GOST designed specifically for OSB plates until recently was absent. State Standard GOST 10632-2007 "Wood-chip plates. Technical Conditions "included technical conditions that applied to the general purpose of the general purpose of the chipboard and on oriented chipboard OSP, OSB.

In conformity certificates, when importing OSB plates, a number of items for compliance of GOST 10632-2007 were specified.

From July 1, 2015, a new standard for OSB plates was entered into operation: GOST R 56309-2014 Wood construction plates with oriented chips (OSB). Technical conditions.

Norms of formaldehyde emission for chipboard

Norms of emission of formaldehyde from chipboard, (OSP, OSB until 2015) according to the standards of the United States and Canada, on European standards and on Russian GOST 10632-2007 - coincide on labeling, but different in values.

Materials are divided into emission classes depending on the formaldehyde content of 100 grams of absolutely dry material:

Class E1 - not more than 10 (8) mg;

Class E2. - Over 10 (8), but not more than 30 (15) mg.;

The standards of the European standard are indicated in brackets.

In the conditional designation of the stove brand, the formaldehyde emission class should be specified. On the slabs themselves must also be marked with an indication of the emission class.

In most cases, the DSP class, the E2 class, are sold, are sold and used on construction sites.

The E1 emission class chipboard is used to produce furniture.

The EU standards provide for the release of plates of the emission class E0 with a formaldehyde content of less than 6.5 mg per 100 grams of absolutely dry material. Russian GOST 10632-2007 The production of such materials does not regulate.

Formaldehyde emission norms for OSP plates, OSB

July 01, 2015 came into effect standard for OSB plates: GOST R 56309-2014 Wood construction plates with oriented chips (OSB). Technical conditions.

According to a new GOST, depending on the content (discharge) of formaldehyde, the plates are manufactured by the emission classes E0.5, E1 and E2.

Class E0,5 - not more than 4 mg.;

Class E1 - over 4 mgbut not more than 8 mg.;

Class E2. - Over 8. mg., nonone more than 30 mg..

The conditional designation of the plates should include the type designation, the degree of surface treatment, formaldehyde emission class, nominal length, width, thickness in millimeters, designation of this standard. For example, the symbol of the OSP-3 plate, polished, the E1 emission class, dimensions 2500x1250x12 mM..:

OSP-3, W, E1, 2500х1250 12 GOST R 56309-2014

Marking containing the conditional designation of the plate must be applied directly on the stove.

In not binding, the reference application to GOST R 56309-2014 contains recommendations for the use of plates Depending on the formaldehyde emission class. Class E0 and E1 plates are recommended to use: "As structural elements of residential and public buildings, including for public premises, as well as products and structures operated inside residential premises." Class E2: "For production products, operated outside the residential premises«.

In this way, the number of formaldehyde highlighted Depends on the emission class of the applicable plates and from their volume.

In addition, formaldehyde emission increases with an increase in humidity or material temperature. For example, with an increase in the relative humidity of air indoor from 30 to 70%, you can expect an approximately 40% increase in formaldehyde emissions.

The temperature rise for every 5 degrees leads to approximately the doubling of formaldehyde emission in the air. Accordingly, a decrease of 5 degrees will cause a 50% level reduction.

The rate of gas emission from the material is reduced, if the surface of the plates to seal, for example, to cover in several layers of paint or varnish, laminate, crack the surface with a gas-tight film.

The gas concentration in the room is reduced by increasing the multiplicity of air exchange through.

Formaldehyde and phenol in mineral wool

The plates of the insulation from mineral wool are also produced using a binder based on phenol formaldehyde resins. The insulation plates depending on the density contain 3-10% of organic substances - binder resin and hydrophobic additive.

When applying slabs, harmful factors are: dust of mineral fiber and the volatile components of the synthetic binder and hydrophobic additive - pair of phenol, formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrocarbons (GOST 9573-96).

According to independent research, some samples of mineral wool slabs insulation can constantly allocate to 0.02 mg. Formaldehyde. On the square meter of the plate surface per hour. Prior to tests on the emission of harmful substances, the plates should be maintained at least 2 months in a ventilated room.

In stoves insulation can stay free phenolwho has not managed to undergo polymerization in the manufacture.

The so-called "phenolic" stains, sometimes appearing on the facades, their brown color are obliged to the products of oxidation of phenol - quinon, which in a humid environment migrate to the surface.

In addition, mineral wool products serve constant source of smallest dust in the house. Such dust is measured in microns and cannot be destroyed by a vacuum cleaner, while "generously" is settled in the lungs. Acute particles of this dust, falling into the respiratory pathways of a person, remain there, continuing to allocate phenols and formaldehydes.

In order to reduce the toxicity of mineral wool, the advanced enterprises of the industry are used in the production of low-phenolic resins and production technology biological Stone Wati. But insulation, made on highly technological equipment, and costs more.

If you get into the human body, dust bio-solvent wool is derived from the body and is not carcinogen. The half-life of particles of biological dust in the body in the experiments on rats is less than 40 days.

In Russia, issues related to building materials chief Sanitary Doctor of the country Gennady Onishchenko:

"A man moves to a new apartment, he has headaches, jumps down pressure, he cannot find a place for himself. When we start checking, in finishing materials we find many violations of technology - the allocation of the same formaldehydes. It comes to the point that we give prescription everything and rework. But this is when the person complained. And most do not complain, - he noted.

If the elementary technology is broken in their manufacture and violates the regulations for construction, the use of such materials can lead to very serious health consequences, stressed the chief sanitary doctor of Russia.

What is dangerous to excess formaldehyde?

Formaldehyde (from lat. Formica - ant) \u200b\u200b- Aldehyde of formic acid. Colorless gas with sharp odor, well soluble in water and alcohols.

According to the degree of impact on the human body, harmful substances are divided into four classes of danger: 1st - substances are extremely dangerous. For toxicity formaldehyde refers to the 1st Hazard Class (similar to benzapiren, as well as beryllium compounds, mercury, lead, thallium and tellurium).

It is a strong allergen, negatively affects genetic material, reproductive organs, respiratory tract, eyes, skin, central nervous system.

Made into the list of carcinogenic substances GN 1.1.725-98 in the section "Probably carcinogenic for a person", while its carcinogenicity for animals has been proven.

Symptoms of chronic poisoning: skin irritation and mucous membranes of the nose, throat, eye, as well as chronic runny nose, bronchitis, asthma, pallor, decay of forces, unconscious condition, depression, difficulty breathing, headache, convulsions at night.

With acute inhalation poisoning with formaldehyde: conjunctivitis, acute bronchitis, up to the eighth eighth. Gradually grow signs of lesion of the central nervous system (dizziness, feeling of fear, shaky gate, cramps).

In 2003, GN "Maximum permissible concentrations (MPCs) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of settlements" was approved by the standard of extremely permissible concentration (SS PDK) formaldehyde in the air: the maximum one-time with an exposure of 30 minutes. - 0.035 mg / m 3, average daily - 0.003 mg / m 3 . In 2014, the MPC standards were changed up to the increase. Maximum one-time increased to 0.05 mg / m 3 , average daily - up to 0.01 mg / m 3 (three times!). Think about what it were suddenly after 11 years significantly increases the permissible concentration of formaldehyde.What, became less harmful to humans? The answer is obvious. Application in the construction of materials from formaldehyde, has grown all recent times. Building lobby sold new, increased norms of MPC for joy.

Mortal for man dose Formalin (35% aqueous solution of formaldehyde) is 10-50 g..

In this regard, it is appropriate to briefly explain the meaning and the content of the abbreviation of the PDC SS. The full name of the PDC CC is the maximum permissible concentration of the harmful substance in atmospheric air expressed in mg / m 3.

The air of residential premises from the position of hygiene and toxicology is equal to the atmospheric air. Specific values \u200b\u200bof MC PDK are set by air hygiene specialists by long-term toxicological experiments on experimental animals. The duration of such experiments from 1 to 3 years.

In the course of experiments, air is supplied specifically contaminated with steam under study in the seed chamber with experimental animals. Speedly reducing the concentration of substance in air, hygienists and toxicologists determine such a concentration of the substance in the air, which, with long-term exposure, does not have any effect on the body of experimental animals.

The fixed concentration is then divided into the reserve coefficient, and the amount of PDC MS is considered and is approved by the highest sanitary bodies and becomes the law for the country.

Thus, the PDC of the SS of any substance in atmospheric air is such a concentration of the substance in atmospheric air, which, with an indefinitely debt exposure, does not have a noticeable, in the view of researchers and officials, influence on the organism of animals, which means a person? ;-).

When approving the norms of the MPC, the technological capabilities of the materials manufacturers are also taken into account, as well as the requirements of the construction industry and end consumers, that is us with you. The widespread use of relatively inexpensive formaldehyde resins in the manufacture of building materials allows you to build cheaper accommodation and get the maximum profit to builders.

This is a classic example of consumer deception.. The fact is that the chipboard of this enterprise cannot be isolated phenol, since this enterprise uses a carbamide-formaldehyde resin as a binder for the chipboard, which does not contain any phenol molecule. At the same time, during the entire period of operation, the chipboard allocates formaldehyde into the air, as the manufacturer is silent.

In an industrial scale, formaldehyde, which is the basis for the production of formaldehyde resins, is obtained from methanol. A strong effect on the human nervous system is associated with the transformation of formaldehyde in the body into methanol and formic acid.

If you decide to build a house, in the structures of which will be used in large quantities of OSP, chipboard, plywood, insulation, then at the design stage, give the designers to calculate, taking into account all the above factors expected by gas concentration in the air of the residential premises at home and determine the necessary measures to reduce gas content.

At the construction stage, control the work of contractors, the quality of acquired materials. Do not deviate from design solutions.

Stationary formaldehyde gas signal. The display displays the gas concentration. Upon exceeding the MPC of the gas, the alarm contains light and audible signals.

At the end of construction or before buying a finished home check the gas concentration in the rooms with a gas analyzer.

The house is recommended to hang on the wall of the Stationary Formaldehyde gasignator and watch the gas concentration changes over time. As the concentration is affected by temperature changes, air humidity outside and inside the house, the operation of ventilation. In the alarm, there are contacts through which the exhaust fan can be turned on in the case of a gas concentration above the MPC.

But safety of the whole slab chipboard, OSP, Phaneur not to apply in large quantities for the construction of his home And do not buy such houses.

In many European countries, the use of these materials is prohibited in housing construction.

What to see a frame house

To cover the frame walls, floors, overlaps there are safer materials.

For example, the plant for the production of sets of frame-panel houses in the Tambov region (equipment and technologies purchased in Germany) uses for the construction of wall frame, ceilings, only cement-chip (CSP) and dry-fiber, drywall, dry-gas stoves.

The walls of the frame house outside are covered with cement-chipboard CSP plates with subsequent finish of facade paint

CSP plates - wood-slab material, completely impeccable in terms of environmental safety:
1. Chemical safety: CSP plates do not emit any harmful volatile substances into the air.
2. Physical safety: CSP plates are not electrified, not shielded
Natural electromagnetic fields belong to warm materials.
3. Biological safety: CSP plates are not exposed to fungi, wood beetles, homely rodents. Describing the CSP as a biostustic material, it is important to note that this biostostility is achieved not due to the introduction of some special antiseptics into the CSP and not at the expense of surface treatment with an antiseptic. The stove material has highly alkaline properties, which causes their biostostility.
4. Fire safety: Fire classification of CSP plates have the following indicators: G1, D1, B1.

Cement - chipboard produce 8 - 40 thick mm. Release plates with ground surface and not polished.

For the construction of a frame house also use cement-mineral plates "Akva Paul" production of the company "Knauf". The panels are made of cement and light aggregates (clay, perlite) with fiberglass reinforcement.

Abroad, along with those described above, it is wooded - chip materials of chipboard, OSB with the use of a more secure glue that does not produce formaldehyde. But the cost of such materials is noticeably higher.

In Russia, such materials are not produced and not purchased due to the lack of demand.

P.S. One of the readers sent me a link to a German-speaking site, which advertises the construction of frame houses in Germany with the walls of OSB walls. Reader wrote that in Germany, OSB is used and not afraid of formaldehyde.

When I looked not only pictures, but I read the text, I learned that oSB Plate, made using safe adhesive on a different chemical basis. It was emphasized in several sites of the site.

Below in the comments, another reader gave a link to the blog, where he describes the construction of a skeleton house in Canada. The walls of the walls of the house outside and overlaps is made of conventional OSB plates.

But at the same time, done careful sealing of the inner shell at home vapor-gas-tight film. Walls, floor and ceiling covered with plastic wrap with joint sealing.

Sealing is so thorough What the author writes: "It is clear here that even each posting coming from the wall must be sealed. Otherwise, the inspector will not miss. "

Each electric core is wrapped in plastic, which, in turn, is glued to the plastic of steam insulation of the wall.

Indoors on the film of the vapor gas insulation is attached out of gypsum or cardboard plates.

Moreover, in the house is mounted forced supply and exhaust ventilation. In the design of the Canadian frame house harmful Outdoor Outdoor Plates and Heaters are insulated from the air environment.

In the Russian version, this is not paid due attention. The example of the Usolsky 2 microdistrict is far from the only one.

All of the above belongs to the rapidly erected houses from the sip panels.

Dear ppvlad!
1. The board 50 * 200 is taken, it is placed by an electrical plane, soaked with a pinotex under the red tree, say, is processed by the furniture varnish (by the way it is not necessary) that here is unknown?
Next, a step of struts 1 m (step lag for the floor 60 accepts? Yes,) for a one-storey house in the absence of loads of the upper floors, the meter will be enough (as an experiment, made a frame from the 1M * 1m board, screwed a piece of LDSP 16mm acrigneled, the deformation is minimal, Of course, this is not laboratory tests but nevertheless). In the end, no one bothers to take a step of racks 0.6 m. So acceptable.

". Just no and everything" is of course weight, and the main thing is reasoned. In general, while only your negative emotions.

2. In general, speech about the use of LDSP as an finishing facade material and was not:
Pie from the street in the room:
Banner + Ventzor (let it be 5 cm) +200 mm polystyrene + LDSP + frame
Water, in principle, to get on the LDSP from the street can not, but even if she somehow falls, LDSP with processed ends in a bucket with water feels not bad, even after a long period of time, when as an osp is gradually starting to loose and slightly swell.
"It is unacceptable. Point." - This is again weighty, but the arguments will be a deadline, if not to say no at all.
There is an objective reason why LDSP is not used in frame construction. In the classic version of the cake wall cake decorative / finishing properties of the LDSP, not can be used, that's all (if not all, I listen carefully)

The basis of your position: "This can not be, because, it can not be" And I'm trying to hear the arguments, they are not, only your opinion.
3. "I have no idea what such" facade "polystyrene foam you are talking, categorically argue that it is unacceptable to glue it to the base from LDSP for use on the facade. At all. It is directly prohibited in some states with extensive practice of carcass construction. With justifications why ".
Here you argue that there are no idea what material I say, and in Also, I am writing that it is unacceptable) (I'm sorry, I could not resist, hooked for words)
The existence of SIP panels you do not deny, I hope, and this is nothing more than a foam glued to two sheets of OSP. From these panels are built a huge number of houses. Instead, we take LDSP and remove one sheet, and it becomes immediately unacceptable ...
If you refer to something, write to what, the source, the link to anything that confirms your words, and then there is no, because there is no. point.
4. "About banners as an finishing finish, not even laughing - just a hot nonsense. Without justifications. As a self-evident fact." - This is your entire position. Why do you at all then participate in the topic if everything is self-evident fact for you.
Well, your position and your opinion you were outlined, and perhaps it is even correct, but people who read your posts as you will understand that it is right if:
1. You do not refer to any sources
2. You say it is bad, but what you do not explain bad
3. What is "bad" fraught late and why not write.

Again, if I impassably stupid and the idea of \u200b\u200bmy nonsense, then why then generally communicate with me? Unclear.

The frame house is the most acceptable option for those who want to get a good accommodation in the shortest possible time. Most of the inhabitants of any country have a sufficient amount of money for the construction of highly comfort mansions, so inexpensive buildings from chipboard are found everywhere. They are equipped with all livelihood systems, and accommodation in them is no less comfortable than in brick and block cottages. House from OSB, with their own hands built, insulated and equipped, will serve its owner for many years.

Benefits and flaws of the sander

  • cash costs requires less than houses from any other building materials;
  • in the rate of construction, it is comparable except with buildings from sandwich panels, but the main material from which they are manufactured is also OSB;
  • warm;
  • can be built under any project;
  • does not require a powerful foundation;
  • due to the smooth and smooth surface of the OSB plates, the cost of the building is minimal.
  • not so durable, like buildings from brick and stone. But she will serve faithfully for more than 50 years;

OSB stove - universal material.

It is also suitable for the formwork (after dismantling it is in the case again), walls of external and internal, roofs, gender, partitions.

This material has a lot of advantages: durable, dried, durable, moisture resistant, durable. All types of finishing materials are mounted on it as simple as on plasterboard. For the walls of the house from an OSB, a sufficient thickness of the slab will be 9 mm, for floors - at least 12 mm.

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Foundation for home from OSB

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Small-breed monolithic concrete tape

For this building, the optimal choice will be a ribbon foundation. Make it overwhelmed or not, depends on the individual characteristics of the site and climate in the region of residence. If the depth of the primer of the soil does not exceed 80 cm, then it is possible to disarm the MZL (fine-brewed belt foundation). It can be done independently, like the entire frame house, not attracting helpers. Now many examples of how the developer alone builds its accommodation from OSB.

Stages of construction:

  • markup and planning of the construction site;
  • the formation of trenches around the perimeter and lines of non-rigorous walls;
  • alignment and soil seal at the bottom of the trench;
  • waterproofing using rubberoid or water-repellent membranes;
  • dumping sand on a thickness of 5-7 cm, alignment and rambling;
  • sweeping gravel or rubble on a thickness of 15-20 cm, alignment and rambling;
  • mounting formwork;
  • bookmark reinforcing grid;
  • pouring concrete;

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Other types of foundations for houses from OSP Plate

If the soil on the plot is stable, you can make a columnar or columnar-ribbon foundation. The first is good with its economy and simplicity of construction. In the second case, the supports are replicated by the frame - concrete ribbon formed by formwork. The principles of construction of them are the same. As a pillars, you can use both ready-made factory products and made on your own using asbestos-cement pipes or rubberoid, rolled into the tube of the desired diameter.

Increased reliability differs the foundation on screw piles. It is good because each support is screwed into the ground below the point of its freezing. Therefore, the powers for such a basis for the building do not work. For the skeleton, the optimal option will be with a diameter of 89 mm and a length of 2-2.5 m. Supports are installed using a yamobura or a hydrobar based on the excavator, so it is important to provide an entrance for this technique. But there is a technology of self-installing screw piles. It is used by the developers who want to save on renting special equipment.

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Erecting walls from OSB plates

  1. Initially, the lower strapping from the timber section of 15x15 cm is built. It is placed directly on the concrete tape or other supports and attracts to them with metal brackets.
  2. The strapping is marked: the location of door and window openings is determined.
  3. A frame of vertical racks is built. The material serves as a thickness of 2.5-3 cm. In the corners, places intersection of walls, doorways are mounted dual boards. In order to work with the sawn timber to work easier, you can skip it through the reysmaus. It will provide the same thickness and the width of the board and make it a smooth on all sides. All lumber before starting construction should be treated with an antiseptic.
  4. Boards in the frame are mounted ends into the front and outward building. The insulation will be laid between them, so their width should be sufficient (at least 20 cm for the northern regions and 15 - for the southern).
  5. After the frame of the walls of the first floor is built, you need to start either to the installation of the rafter system, or to a similar superstructure for the attic floor. Any developer during construction seeks to make a roof to make a roof so that the sawn timber does not suffer from bad weather. For this reason, the slaughter of the frame is postponed before the construction of the roof.
  6. The attachment of the boards between themselves and to the lower and top strapping is made with the help of metal corners and screws on the tree.

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Installation of the rafting system and covering the roof plates of OSP

  1. According to the project of the house, a rafter farm is built. The main rule of work at this stage: the rafter mounted on one side should be compensated by the opposite. That is, it is impossible to build one side of the farm first, and then take up the opposite.
  2. The rafters are attracted to the beams of overlapping with the help of a bracket, and to the skate - self-drawing.
  3. If the length of the roof skate is obtained more than the length of the rafted, then they will have to get them, split using the adjusting bar, which should have the same width as a rafter board.
  4. Upon completion taken for the frontal device. In order to withstand the vertical, between the rafters stretch the lace, which will serve as a guideline during installation.
  5. Conducting roofs with OSB plates. If in the case of the walls, it is permissible to lay the plates in any direction, horizontal and vertical, the roof is suitable in such a way that the chipboard panels are located their long side along the slopes.
  6. After this stage of work, it is processed to the trim.

Have your own home - the dream of many Russians. But not everyone is decided to implement it, because to buy or build it so expensive. At first sight. But you can do everything with your own hands and at a fairly affordable price. This is exactly what allows modern Finnish technology, gaining popularity in our country. We are talking about a frame house from OSB-plates. Such wooden houses are environmentally friendly, their construction and finishing or placing are as simple as possible. They are ideal for the northern climate, despite the fact that the thickness of their walls is not impressive at all.

Advantages and disadvantages of OSB plates

The feature of the OSB panels is that they are produced, pressing under very high pressure coniferous chip. The needles are one of the best wood building materials, and the skeleton house from OSB-panels acquires many of its positive qualities.

A special role in the production technology plays a cross-stop location of the chip, thanks to which the plates are particularly flexible and durable. After all, the seams are flattened and penetrates each other. If you compare OSB with plywood stoves, then although their smaller thickness is striking, the technology gives them an advantage over the latter in resistance to mechanical exposure.

Interior and external device OSB Plate

When it comes to choosing a material for the construction of the house, especially when the project is going to erect your own hands, obviously, it is of great importance to a clear understanding of all the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

OSB plates, despite the smaller thickness, have greater mechanical stability than plane plates.

Wooden OSB plates have the following advantages:

But, of course, there are no ideal materials in nature, and even the panels for frame construction have a number of shortcomings. But still, there are not so many of them, as the advantages:

Finding out all the pros and cons of the material, you can go to the features of construction with its use. In particular, the peculiarities of the construction of the most important element of any home - foundation.

In the houses from the OSB plates, it is very difficult to arrange a really high-quality sound insulation.

Foundation for home from OSB

Frame houses in which such plates are used are so easy that they do not require a complex foundation. This means that the task regarding the design and erection of them with their own hands becomes much easier.

Both forces and time to create a framework for the structure will significantly save. If you choose exactly what the foundation is used, regardless of which the soil is to build using boronobiling piles.

It is necessary to build it like this:

  1. Drill wells in the ground;
  2. Set the reinforcement, pre-falling asleep with the bottom of the small rubble;
  3. Pour all concrete;
  4. Combine monolithic reinforced concrete woodwork.

    The ventilation gap must be present in the wall slab necessarily

This technology is preferable not just like that - thanks to her, the tree is protected from the negative effects of soil moisture, and indeed, the negative impact of the Earth. In fact, today it is the most common technology, thanks to its versatility, security and low cost.

It is worth noting that before the construction of the foundation you need to analyze the physical characteristics of the soil. This will allow you to choose the necessary type of base for the house more accurately. You can order such an analysis in special laboratories.

Scheme of the Kwwell Fire House

Technology construction of the house

When the foundation is completed, it is time for the construction of the main volume of the building. As noted earlier, it will not be very difficult to do this due to the fact that the lifting machines do not need and other mechanisms, without which it is not necessary for traditional construction.

The foundation must be subjected to good waterproofing. When this is done, the assembly of the house begins. The first step will be laying of support boards around the perimeter of the structure of the structure, which must accurately repeat its configuration, as the project submits it.

Scheme for calculating the distance between lags under the OSB trim

You need to choose the boards so that their thickness corresponds to the width of the OSB plates. It is necessary to connect them using inside the sealant, but for grooves and corners - also self-tapping screws.

Next, durable bars are used as vertical guides. When their thickness is selected, then the same principle is used as with boards - it is equal to the width of the OSB grooves. This will allow the last to enter the flush. Brussia is connected in pairs of self-assembly that needs to be edged both internal and outer sides. The recommended step is 15 cm.

A feature of the skeleton house is that when assembling the corners of the house form panels. One angular plate is included in the groove of the neighboring. There are no more manipulations. When the main volume is ready, it remains only to install an OSB for the roof and floor.

Comparative table of species and features of OSB plates

The latter are already intended for large loads, their thickness is greater. Already on top there are roofing material. And finish is done, for example, the trim.

As vertical guides, it is necessary to use durable wooden bars.

Construction Features using OSB plates

General design features when such panels are applied, reduced to several simple points:

All of them very brightly characterize this technology, which is becoming more and more popular every year.


You can watch a video where specialists tell about how to build a frame house with their own hands.

Any girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge amount on the shop counters. But there is such a pleasure for weekly, and the assortment of the same type.

We suggest to please the child with a gift made by your own hands. This will allow you not only to save money, but also make a house only in your own way.

In addition, it will be a great pastime for the whole family per hour of leisure.

There are many special training programs for the manufacture of doll houses with their own hands. You can use a wide variety of building materials: boards, fane, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on the puppet houses do not do, or make it a removable or opening, so that your child can carry the dolls there, change the situation in the rooms, to be seen.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make a puppet lodge with your own hands!

Puppet houses from plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. A distinctive feature from "fellow" is stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But the manufacture of such a house requires male strength.

If you try, then such a house will not distinguish from the store.

Schemes and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if technical deposits are present, you can try to draw it yourself. On the Internet there are photos of ready-made puppet houses.

For the manufacture of a house we will need:

  • plywood is thickening (from 7 mm.);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • floor self-keeper;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • roulette or ruler;
  • a pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little fantasy and patience.

We proceed to work, before it determined with the size of a doll house (they will depend on the dimensions of the residents):

  • from plywood or laminate, drink the walls of the future at home;
  • drink windows and doors in them;
  • glue the walls among themselves, it is also fashionable to use construction nails or brackets;
  • we make a roof, it can be flat and lowered. To give a real view, you can use corrugated cardboard, and then paint it;
  • we fasten the resulting design with the foundation - sheet, great than the house itself. On an unused plot, you can make a flowerbed, sidewalks, a platform, parking;
  • glue wallpaper and stelim floors;
  • we furnish the house furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made of pieces of fabric, bedspreads, palaces, etc.

Doll houses made of drywall

Many household parents after repair leave the remaining building materials to dust on the balcony in the hope that they will someday be useful. Their hour has come! Of the drywall, a great dollhouse can be obtained.

There is a good house from this material by the fact that it is very easy and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will be necessary to contact him - it will be quite fragile.

The scheme of such a house is no different from the product from plywood or laminate. But to collect such a house is much easier, and the options layout are much more - with the help of partitions, the premises can be divided.

Foam houses

To build such a house we will need:


  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • wands for canapes;
  • line;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • paint;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pinnotes for ceiling

Getting to work:

  • we make a scheme;
  • cut out of the foam wall;
  • we produce doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls with the toothpicks, then squeeze the walls between themselves;
  • for the strength of the roof, we first set the bamboo sticks over the walls, and only then we glue the roof to the walls;
  • from wooden lines or the same foam we make a staircase;
  • for railings, you can also use toothpicks;
  • in addition, at the request of the foam, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace;
  • krasi house;
  • inside, decorate the house as in the previous description.

Dominics from bookshelves and cabinets

The house from the old furniture will not make any difficulty - after all the walls are ready.

It remains only to cut into them windows and doors, and think about what to make a roof, if necessary.

It can be performed from the materials described above. We put the furniture, let's let the cat - with the newsself!

Houses from Cardon

For such a design, we will need:


  • cardboard;
  • templates of house details;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

Build a house:

  • if you have a big piece of cardboard, then you do not cut it, and bend in places according to the scheme, and then glue its components.
  • we establish interroom partitions from cardboard, they will serve not only to distinguish between space, but also fasten the frame design.
  • start repair and setting!

House of boxes

The easiest and fast option. It is enough to choose the desired number of boxes (depending on the number of rooms), fasten them with each other with a stapler, pre-laying them on the side so that the top of the box serves as an outlet.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right moment to make the permutation, to strengthen, etc.

Cut the windows and doors. We proceed in the design of the frame.


House of folders for papers

For it, four folders are needed. We glue them from the inside by wallpaper or printed on the printer with sheets of decor and household appliances in the plane.

Cut in the windows folders, set the folders vertically, fasten them with the clips that each folder are available. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it practically does not occupy space, it can be addressed at all.

With the help of a tight piece of fabric, we make the back wall - it will serve as a foundation. We sew a rectangular base for a house. We make pockets to which the cardboard will then be mounted for floors. To both corners of the pockets are drift.

It remains only to sew pockets with a rectangular basis from one edge so that the testers are from the reverse side. Floors with ribbons and sew the rear walls. We make a house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing to show fantasy! He will be a wonderful gift for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking, etc.

Stock Foto Puppet house do it yourself