Repairs Design Furniture

Features of reproduction of ivy cuttings and gag. Landing and care for garden ivy. Proper landing and care for a young culture

Creating a living hedge is not only a time-consuming, but also a fascinating process. This element is very actively used in landscape design for many decades and still remains popular.

To get a good result, you need: first, correctly pick up plants; secondly, competently hold the landing; Thirdly, timely and skillfully implement the formation.

Not from all plants can be formalized by a fast-growing long-term alive hedge, which is relevant for both external fence and internal landscaping.

If it is planned to create something overhaul, none for one season, then it is worth considering the choice of plants and the selection of varieties. For hedge, it is better to plant frost-resistant, drought-resistant and undemanding kinds of fertility. It should also be taken into account the possibility of damage to diseases and pests. The less attention will require an attachment, the better. Frosted twigs that dropped dried specimens, chlorotic and eaten leaves with caterpillars - strongly reduce decorativeness. To eliminate such problems, it will take time and a lot of skills.

However, even if the most unpretentious and adapted types and varieties are selected, for a quick result, it will be necessary to ensure optimal growth conditions. The planting material for the hedge is taken at the age of 2-3 years (the exception is coniferous, slowly growing in the first years of life). More adult plants have bulk root system And painfully belong to transfers, and from annual seedlings, the acquisition of a full hedge will require more time. The most real term for which the green hedge can be formed, subject to the use of high-quality planting material - 2 years. And this applies only to fast-growing species giving a good increase.

For rapid growth, plants need a supply of nutrients in the soil and a sufficient amount of water, so the landing is carried out into the fertilous soil and in the first years provide regular watering, especially in dry periods. If the cottage is located in the area of \u200b\u200bclose occurring groundwater, For most plants, good drainage will be needed in the form of a rubble layer or broken bricks at the bottom of the landing pit or trench.

In order to eliminate the risk of freezing young seedlings, in the first 2-3 years, it is necessary to conduct a shelter for the winter with nonwoven material or a mulching layer of dry leaves, needle or facothy. For fence fruit trees, it is undesirable to use rowan, since she has a common disease and pests with an apple tree, and such plantings can turn into agencies.

Plants for quick and durable results

For fast creation Eco-seed can be used low (height of about 1 meter) and the average (height 2-3 meters) shrubs, evergreen conifers, letters of lianas and even trees. It should be understood that if you use coniferous, then in any case, such a quick result, as with shrubs, will not be.

Green fence from Tui

These species are ideal for homogeneous plantings and multi-tiered compositions as a background for low shrubs. Planting material coniferous plants It takes at the age of 5, it is preferable to acquire seedlings with a closed root system.

Below are represented best options For fast-growing hedges with basic characteristics.

Decorative shrubs

Bubble Calinolistics

Forms lush cron With splash branches. Height reaches 3 meters. Large and carved leaves, depending on the variety, can have lemon or purple color, brownish or purple shade.

Negatively reacts to the content in the soil of lime and does not tolerate the convergence (drainage is needed on heavy soils). The light-loving, frost-resistant, but in the harsh winters it is possible to frozen the tips of young shoots, resistant to gaspace and dust.

Natural plant type - spreaded fountain bush. Immediately after landing, the top is cut, in the first years, the side shoots are shortening for several centimeters to produce a powerful fluffy bush.

Deren white

It has an empty crown. Height exceeds 2.5 meters. In addition to decorative leaves with bright border, attractive in spring fluffy inflorescences of white or creamy color.

Grows on any soils. Growing in Siberia, he perfectly withstands the whims of nature, but poorly tolerates drought, shadowed. Pruning starts next year after landing and spend it twice for the season to maintain proper form. Without trimming the bushes, the bottom is broken and looked slightly.

Forzing egg-shaped

Risky shrub with early blossom: Yellow flowers bloom earlier leaves and densely cover shoots.

Prefers light air-permeable and limestone soils. It has good winter hardiness and drought resistance, light-headed. Adult plants are cut after flowering to developed kidneys.


Direct shrub high up to 2 meters high with large spherical inflorescences. Demanding of fertility and moisturizing soil. Light and heat-loving, in the northern regions is required shelter. In the forming trimming does not need.

Fruit shrubs


Very decorative round yearIt has long spines, is represented by dwarf and tall shapes. Unpretentious. You can choose a variety for various conditions Growing. Easily succumb to any formation. Pruning is carried out after flowering and at the end of summer.


It has a compact bush up to 2 meters high with spiny shoots. In the spring period, it is beautiful with numerous white flowers, in summer - dark green, purple or bright red leaves, and in the late autumn - blue berries - "balls". Grows on any soils. Frostotel, it is well tolerating the shading. The bush is obtained dense and neat and without frequent trimming.


Spiny bush is medium in size, very attractive during flowering period. Does not tolerate water and close grounding of groundwater. Great grows in different climatic zones. Forming trimming is carried out annually in the fall after leaffall.


Tall spiny shrub with abundant blossom. Any soils are suitable, including poor and heavy clay. Frost-resistant and shadowed. Without trimming does not lose decorativeness. Scoop can be formed any height. In practice, an impassable solid wall is created by the splicing of the side branches of neighboring bushes.

Curly Liana

Devichi grapes

Liana with large beautiful leaves. It is undemanded to the types of soil, but in the first years it speaks well to feeding and fertilizer. Frost-resistant, rarely amazed with diseases and pests, shadowed.

The formation consists in tapping and the direction of Lian. Fast growth requires mandatory trimming already in the first year after landing to remove sticking and growing shoots. It is also necessary to periodically sprinkle with a composing growing roots.

Ivy garden

Evergreen Liana. Prefers fertilous and moisture soils. Does not like the sun, young plants need to be stolen for the winter. Autumn trimming of "knocking" and dry elements is required, as well as shortening of shoots to obtain a lush hedge.


A shutty plant with long and bright blooms is suitable for creating hedges with a height of 1 to 2 - 3 meters (depending on the variety). Prefer a well-drained loam. Light and moisture, in the middle lane requires shelter.

Pruning depends on the varietal group. In some cases, it is used under the first developed kidney under the first developed kidney, in others - the autumn trimming of a young increase at a distance of about 30 cm from the old wood.

Hop ordinary

Powerful liana with bright green leaves is attractive in its flowering and fruit formation. Unpretentious and very aggressive, light-headed. Requires strong support and regular restraining pricing spreading.


Iva purple

Low (up to 1.5 meters) a bush with a rounded crown and silver leaves. It is undemanding for fertility, it is well tolerating the overjoyment. Svetigubiv, drought resistant, has a good winter hardiness. With the formative spring trimming You can create low hedges of any form.

Iva Ostroland

Reaches a height of about 8 meters. Even poor soils are suitable for it. Well adapts to the conditions of cultivation. The haircut of adult plants spend at the beginning and at the end of the season.

White acacia

It is valued with elegant leaves and snow-white inflorescences with a pleasant aroma. Grows on poor and saline soils. Drought-resistant, heat and light, does not tolerate harsh winters. Pruning is carried out to limit the growth and activation of branching, without regular care, it turns into thickets and gives a numerous piglet.

What to choose from all variety? A matter of taste. Decorative shrubs will not only be a barrier or zoning means, but also a spectacular decoration of the garden.

Fruit-growing fast-growing shrubs for living hedges will not only decorate, but will benefit in the form of healing berries. However, with such cultivation with frequent haircuts, you should not wait for large yields. If you want to cook the jam from hawthorn or barbaris for the whole family, it is better to plant a separate bush and care for it accordingly.

SAMI fast-growing elevation It turns out from Lian (grapes, hops), while in a short time you can form a high and dense ecosabar. But for vertical growth of Liana require support that should be quite strong to withstand the weight of powerful shoots growing over the years. Rapid growth requires regular and proper trimmingSo that the plant does not blame everything around.

For durable plantings, trees are fitted. Iva and White Acacia give a very good annual increase and quickly achieve necessary height. The hedge of them does not have to be high - with the help of trimming, it is easy to change the natural look of the plant.

Rules landing

In order for the hedge to be sufficiently dense and the plants did not oppress each other, it is necessary to withstand the recommended landing scheme. It is more convenient to plant a depth of 0.5 and 0.6 m wide. Saplings are aligned by twine - it is important to create smooth wall. Curly plants are located in 0.25 m, for low shrubs, an interval of 0.5 and 1 m is applied, for tall shrubs, the distance is increased to 1.5 m.

For most species favorable spring landingBut the autumn is allowed, provided that the seedlings are rooted before frosts. Many representatives need a garter to the support, so stakes with the twine should be prepared in advance.

Put the trench with a fertile mixture of compost, sand and peat. For shrubs, a stimulating trimming after landing is needed, which allows you to get a highly branched lush bustard. Liana (with the exception of the virgin grapes) in the first year is not cut off, giving them to develop the root system and increase the green mass. In the first year, plants need a good watering and mulching by humus or compost.

Sazhaya fast growing plants, you need to take into account the two of their shortage: the need for frequent haircut and strong development Jumps. Over the years, such a hedge can behave as an invader in the country area. High powerful fences can shade small areas that need to be considered when choosing plants.

For those who are inclined to extravagance, an excellent solution for registration of cottages or country house will be combined hedges from different species or from several contrast varieties of one species.

The fencing of the site not only protects the personal space, but is a full-fledged exterior item that can be favorable. So, a lively elevation is especially beautiful, which, as a rule, is formed from shrubs, curly plants and small trees. Properly selected varieties of plants will be decorated with a loft for one year, while performing an important function.

Approximate deadlines for the formation of the hedge

Almost always a living hedge creates immediately from several species of plantations. This is necessary to create volume, as well as to create a formed fence. There are many varieties of plants that are used as a fencing of the site, almost always these fast-growing shrubs that are easily entrained, and their growth rate allows for a limited period to create a real green fence.

Plants are extremely important to select about the same in growth in order to avoid uneven pulling and expanding on the planned area. Plus, only many years of plant species should be preferred, even two-year copies are not suitable for use as a fence.

It is believed that at least 2 years it is necessary to create a high-quality and beautiful vibrant hedge up to two meters high. At the same time, it is necessary to regularly cut the bushes so that they do not bother on neighboring sitesAnd also water, feed and handle plants from all kinds of pests and diseases.

Fast-growing shrubs

The use of perennial fast-growing shrubs is an optimal solution for creating a living hedge. As a rule, they are easy to care, very quickly grow, which is convenient for the formation of a fence. Many prefer plants with spines, which allows you to protect your local area from strangers and wild animals. At the same time, you can use fruiting plants - so you will receive not only a live fence, but you can collect fruits. Plants need to be chosen depending on the living conditions - soil, climate, geographic location. More information About the selection of plants for many years of living hedge read.

Many gardeners combine shrubs so that it turned out a thick live fence. Here are the most popular fast-growing shrubs.


This plant is known for unpretentious to watering and sunny weather, due to which the shrub can be grown almost throughout the middle lane. Kizil has a beautiful form of leaves and fruits once a year, and the berries of the plant are used both in cooking and folk medicine.

The average height of the shrub is from 2 to 5 meters. It blooms in early springAnd then abundant leaves bloom. To shape the hedge from the dog is best in the fall, 3 weeks before the first frosts. At the same time, only two-year plants are best suited for use as a fence.


This small shrub in height is great for living hedges in urban conditions. It has a lush arcuate crown with a saturated color leaves, which depends on the variety. The bubble can grow in the shade, however, its color will be dim. Shrub reaches 2-3 meters high, but is distinguished by the density of fence and winter, and also has stability to most diseases and pests.

The best plant feels in an acid or neutral soil.


Barbaris is good for practically in any soil, resistant to unfavorable weather conditions. . However, it is necessary to control the moisture of the soil, as Barbaris dies with the wet water.


Because of the large barns on the branches, a practically impassable fence is obtained from the bush, the height of which can be controlled by a variety of plants - there are low and high hybrids. Barbaris looks particularly beautiful during flowering, and the shrub fruit can be used for home billets. Read more about the formation of a live bleeding from Barbaris.


This is a compact shrub, no more than 3 meters high. When creating a living hedge, it is necessary to constantly cut extra shoots, as they have a property to quickly grow across the area. The leaves have a dense structure, and together with dense branches create an impassable fence. The hedge from the Tern will be particularly beautiful in spring - during flowering.

In addition to aesthetic qualities, the shrub has a pleasant almond aroma, and the fruits of the plant can be used to prepare homemade cosmetics and drugs.

Curly plants

As stated, to create a living hedge you need to use only perennial plants. However, there is a single exception - the curly plants that are not used as a fence, but exclusively in decorative purposes, for example, to decorate the wall. It is recommended to land off the plants to get a thick blooming surface. Among the annual plants the following cultures are common - decorative beans, sweet pea, Wild cucumber, Ipomea, Nasturtium and others. In addition to annual plants, you can use perennial shrubs.

Pleet roses

This decorative plant is excellent suitable for framing a small fence, or can be done. From the plenty, or you can create a dense fence due to the strong weave of the vines of the plant. Spines will be good protection against wild animals.

Pleet roses

The shrub is not suitable for wet soil, as the rose dies with the wet water, so it is best suited for disembarking in areas with dry ground. In the first half of the autumn, the hedge of the floating rose is recommended in the first half of autumn, and after a year and a half you can begin the formation of the appearance by tapping the plants' shoots.


This beautiful shrub is suitable for disembarking on open spaces in regions with middle climate and dry summer. Clematis are poorly transferred to the wet climate, so it is important to monitor the state of the soil and not to water without necessity. For abundant flowering Shrub should be cut regularly, and the plant blooms almost the entire warm period. More information regarding the cultivation of Clematis from seeds read.



The tree can often be found as a hedge in urban conditions. The plant is unpretentious to the soil, and is also well experiencing a frosty winter. It is advisable to land down young trees to achieve the weave of the trunks. The height of the living hedge of the aspen can be adjusted with trimming, otherwise the tree will quickly give a lot of stroke, which will flood the entire area.

Maple field

Maple, unlike other decorative trees, it is best to react to a foliage haircut, which allows you to give a hedge almost any form. The height of trees reaches 4 meters, which can be adjusted with timely trimming. Twice a year you need to remove old branches to achieve a thick green crown of young leaves.

Maple looks good all summer and most of the autumn.

Landing and care

If you decide to create a live fence on your site, first of all, you need to place the territory. To do this, you can pull the trench to the half-meter in the depth, which plants are planted at a certain interval, depending on the type and variety (this method it is recommended to plant curly plants and small shrubs). The second method is plant landing in separate wells, which is best suited for large shrubs and trees.

Planting Sazedans

Regardless of the planting method, you need to add fertilizers to the soil. All the rest of the departure (features of watering, trimming, feeding) completely depends on the choice of plants for living hedges. You can begin to form a crown for the second year, when large twigs and a strong crown appear. However, some varieties are not recommended to cut the first two years to give the plant to form, for example, it concerns trees and large shrubs.


The video describes the very best plants to create a living hedge.


Hedgewhich is increasingly used as an alternative to the traditional fever - a great way to not only protect the territory priceworkbut also add it landscape design, as well as with it, you can hide the flaws of the wall, hide something from prying eyes. The choice of plants for the green fence should be based not only on your preferences, but also on natural conditions, which is very important for the formation of healthy and strong shoots. See more examples of bright decorative shrubs.

Live hedges are one of the most practical and convenient options Fencing site. Especially if you choose evergreen and fast-growing perennials. These plants require care only at first, until they fix it, but further care It lies in the periodic haircut and watering into the arid seasons. It is very important not only to competently pick up such plants, but also to plant them correctly, otherwise to form a beautiful and durable fence is unlikely to succeed.

Curly types of perennials are the most fast-growing. In just one season, they grow up a few meters, forming a solid carpet from the leaves. Unfortunately, not all of the evergreen Lian carry frosts, so for regions with cold winters, the choice of such plants is small. Most often on dumart sites Using Barwin, Bearing and Ivy.

Barwinka refers to evergreen curly semi-stakes, and can be used to create a living ingredion up to 1.5 m high. The stalks and leaves of the plant are distinguished by amazing vitality, they are not afraid of frosts, and always retain the fresh look. Barwinka flowers are quite large, most often blue and blue, although there are other shades. Barwinka is greatly developing on poor soils, it can grow both in the sun and in the shade, tolerates drought well. If the stalking stalks cut and stick into the wet soil, they will definitely root.

Recommended plant is recommended early autumn - Until mid-September. To create a hedge, it will necessarily need a robust trellis of the appropriate height, because without supporting Barwin will be shaved along the ground. To achieve the greatest decorativeness, the soil must be thoroughly explode and focus with the organichea. Best of all Barwinka grows on loyal and well-drained soils. Optimal distance between plants from 20 to 30 cm.

In the first year, plantings should be hiding for the winter, because the rapid stems and roots can freeze. In the future, such measures will not be needed. Barwinka moves good trimming, but for better bunning shoots, it is recommended to quit. Once every three years you can make feeding organic fertilizers, Pour leafy land.

The bearing lot has many varieties, among which there are curly. Especially popular is the varieties of Becklert Thoutuna (Blondie, Harlequin, Sports), characterized by decorative flowering of leaves. Plant loves fertile loose soil And abundant irrigation, but reacts poorly to stagnation. Motion varieties need to be planted at sunny places, because they become dark green in the shade, but it is better to have a variety with white and yellow leaves in a half-way, since they burn in the sun.

It should be noted that the bearer refers to poisonous plantsAnd if there are children in the family, it is better to find another perennial for hedge. When disembarking, be sure to use protective gloves, and at the end of the landing work you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap.

Beavenki Becklett is pre-roasted under the film for 1.5-2 months, and only then planted at a permanent place. The distance between the seedlings is about 20 cm. For the formation of the hedge, the supports must be installed, along which the growing shoots are directed. In summer, plants are fed by mineral fertilizers twice a month. The bearer does not very well tolerate frosts, so it is recommended to cover it with a snack or dry foliage, especially in the first years. Forming and sanitary trimming is carried out in early spring.

This evergreen perennial has many advantages over other curly plants:

  • well tolerate cold and withstands short frosts, without losing fresh;
  • all its varieties are characterized by high decorativeness, due to the form and color of the leaves;
  • ivy height height can reach 3 meters;
  • quickly grow up;
  • great combined with all garden plants.

What looks like ivy - photo

In order for the live fence did not lose its decorativeness, Ivy must regularly water and periodically perform complex feeding, starting with early spring. It is impossible to dry out the soil and stagnation of water, and should also accurately adhere to the dosage of fertilizers, since the overaction of nutrients reduces the attractiveness of the Lian.

Forming trimming is carried out in the fall, then the old or damaged shoots are also removed. In regions with frosty winters, it is recommended to cover ivy dry foliage. Self decorative varieties They are distinguished by increased sensitivity to cold, and therefore are more suitable for southern regions. Spank ivy with cuttings, which before landing at a permanent place rooted in containers. When planting rooted cuttings, 30-50 cm are left between plants, and the soil is mounted.

Like a bearing, Ivy is poisonous, and at the contact of the skin with a plant there may be edema, itching and redness. True, the sensitivity to this poison is manifested not all. Nevertheless, planting plants and carrying the trimmed in gloves, and the clothes to which the shoots could touch, after completion of the work, it is recommended to wash.

Coniferous plants

Decorative conifers grow much slower than curly perennials, but among them you can allocate several Fast-growing species:

  • ela Serbian;
  • thuya Brabant;
  • fir Arizona and balsamic;
  • lavson cypressov;
  • cuprestsociparis Lylanda.

All these types of conifers are very decorative, stable cold, not too demanding to the soil and are well amenable to formation. Live hedges of coniferous plants look great at any time of the year, perfectly combined with any garden styles and plants. When choosing varieties, one feature should be taken into account: robbery with a blue and golden shade of needles need to plant on sunny places, and dark green feel better in half.

It is not recommended to plant coniferous plants on clay heavy soils, as well as in lowlands, where water is stared. The optimal soil for them is a mixture of a delicate earth with peat and sand in equal proportions. When planting seedlings, it is very important not to destroy the earthen com, otherwise the survival rate may decrease. The distance between the plants depends on the type of alive hedge. When creating formed fencing, this gap is 20-50 cm, and for freely growing hedges, seedlings are distributed in 30-70 cm increments, depending on the characteristics of the variety. As a rule, coniferous hedges always make one-row so that the plants are not shaded each other. With a lack of illumination, the lower branches are broken, and the living fence does not look so impressive.

Livestore from coniferous (Cypress Liland or CupresComparis)

Best time For the landing of conifers - this is the end of August-September. Seedlings from containers can be transplanted in summer by choosing a cloudy day. In the heat of the plant, it is necessary to donate, it will help them quickly acclimatize and root.

During the occurrence of young shoots, plantings are needed regular watering and periodic crown spraying. Abundant moisturizing in the summer increases the stability of seedlings to frost. With the onset of cold weather surveillance Circles It should be closed, and plants should be covered with a sweetheart or straw.

Deflecting evergreen perennials

Among hardwood there are also evergreen species that retain decorativeness all year round. These plants quickly grow and easily succumb to the forming haircut, which allows short time Create a neat alive hedge on the site.

Evergreen Barbaris

Barberry bushes are very strong and hardy, with competent haircut form impassable live wall. Among the evergreen varieties, the most fast-growing are self-colutual, fine-rigous and Barbaris Juliana. The plant is wonderful both for molded and freely growing hedges, it looks spectacular in single-row planting and in compositions with other shrubs.

Evergreen species of Barbaris are recommended to plant in a half, unlike leaf falls, which are more like sunny places. The soil can be any, but on nutritional and water-permeable soils, the decorativeness of the bushes is much higher. The landing is made in spring and autumn, the seedlings must necessarily be with a closer land or in the container. Do not purchase planting material With small, poorly scorched roots, as well as seedlings whose roots are bare or amazed by diseases. A strong beautiful hedge of such plants will never work, you will only spend time, effort and your money.

When landing the root com, it is necessary to have a closure with a soil line, and the ground around the bustle should be well sealing, pour and inspired. In the regions with cold winters, Barbaris is recommended to cover the nonwoven material with the onset of the first frosts. Sanitary trimming is performed in early spring, forming - in summer.

Lavirovnya refers to evergreen perennials, although the leaves can be reset in the cold regions. It knows a lot of her varieties, but only the laurels of the drug grows quickly. All other species are slow-growing, so less inquired in private gardening. The decorative plant gives numerous white flowers collected in the brush up to 12 cm long.

Lavirovnya makes a good shadow, withstands frost to -25 degrees, grows on limestone, samp, humid and carbonate soils and loam. At the same time, the plant reacts poorly to lack of moisture: it grows worse, stops blossoming and fron. When landing between seedlings leave 50-70 cm, the root circle must be mounted. Forming trimming is performed for the next year, at the end of summer, in the future, the bushes should be twice a year.


Sugit - Decorative Gardening

For living ingredients, the Samshat is considered the most optimal option. This plant can be given any form, it perfectly tolerates the cold, the shadow, undemandingly to the composition of the soil and moisture. True, most of the species of the Samshat cannot be called fast-growing, especially dwarf varieties. If you do not want to wait long, while the hedge is formed, choose tall plants.

When landing, the seedlings are placed in a row with a step of 15 cm, it is abundantly water and immediately cut off the shoots by two thirds of the length. The soil must be closed or coated with black agrofiber. The best time to disemboditate is spring. In mid-June, bushes should be filled with mineral fertilizers. In the first year, it is not necessary to cut the samshet, but it is already possible to form a hedge. Adult bush cut once a month since April and ending in September. After pruning the plants, it is imperative and fed, which contributes to the formation of a thick dense crown.

Video - Live hedge fast-growing long-term evergreen

In natural conditions, evergreen garden ivy can be found in the southern regions of Russia. Thickets of this perennial Liana are able to climb the steep mountainside, the tops of trees, artificial structures. In lowlands, they quickly grow and rip the ground with a solid carpet, even on the most nondescript, poor nutrients.

Plant shoots can reach a 30-meter length. The roots of the skews are departed from the stem, Allowing liane is firmly attached in the slightest deepening of the vertical surface. In total, there are 15 species and more than 1000 ivy varieties. The leaves of various varieties are distinguished by form, sizes and painting.

Special decorativeness is the white binding of sheet plates, brighter or dark compared to the basic background of the inclusion. The surface of the sheet is smooth, glossy, dense to the touch. Garden Ivy flowering period - September and October. Salado-yellow inflorescences are shaped umbrellas. The fruits are rounded, iscin-black, size with a small pea, contain poisonous substances.

Is it possible to grow ivy in the country?

Bright decorative greens Garden ivy can decorate the fence, gazebo, the walls of the house at the cottage or the preservation site. In the garden, the plant is harmoniously combined with decorative shrubs, roses, grows well among conifers and deciduous trees. With proper landing and care, young seedlings will be able to overweight not only in the southern, but also located north of the regions. Selecting the varieties with different shape and coloring leaves, with the help of periodic haircuts of the bushes, it is possible to effectively arrange the territory of the site.

There are 15 types of ivy, for gardening of the cottage, the most cold-resistant of them are used, capable of withstanding the harsh conditions of the winters in our latitudes. These include:

  • P. ordinary is characterized by slow growth and frost resistance. Leaves of plants are small, gear with palpid housing.
  • P. Kolkhidsky - growing rapidly, forming long shoots and densely the fat walls of any closely located structures. The leaves of the plant change their shape, coloring and magnitude as agreed, often their diameter is about 20 cm.
  • P. Crimean - occurs in the Crimea, more demanding on weather conditions. The specimens growing next to the trees climb on the tops, whining their trunks and gradually fucked with them.

Plant landing rules

The best period for landing ivy is spring - over the summer and autumn plant will grow up, crept, will create a powerful root system. To this end, it is better to use young two or three-year-old shoots, cutting cuttings from them. They are rooted under the film or lowering the jar with water. At the bottom of the landing pits, a drainage layer of broken bricks, sand or ceramzit is placed in a depth of 30-50 cm. I am pouring on it nourishing substrateWell transmitting water and air. It may include compost cherry earth, humus, peat.

As a place to land ivy, it is recommended to choose sublime, not blown by the wind, plots. Freezing of seedlings can be facilitated by the location in the shade and excessive moisture content of the soil. Peppercuts in the absence of sufficient solar insolation lose the brightness and originality of their coloring, after some time their foliage becomes green. The distance between adjacent seedlings should be about 50 cm. This will facilitate the care of them, in particular, pruning, and will provide each plant with a sufficient amount of nutrients.

In the early years after planning, shoots should be stolen by winter, leaving the leaves open. With excessive warming of the bushes, they may spoil them.

Ivy's care after landing

The first time of landing evergreen ivy should be regularly watering, avoiding the moisture and stagnation of moisture. In subsequent years, the plants are watered during the absence of rains, preventing the drying of the soil. Excess moisture in the shadow, excess moisture in the Earth is harmful, it is necessary to give the earth to dry after sediments or rare irrigation.

For good Development ivy root system The surface layer of the soil should be loosened after moistening so that the dense crust is not formed, which prevents the air flow to the roots. Swimming should be shallow and neat, it will exclude damage to the stems of the stems of the apparent roots.

Effectively protects the soil from drying into arid periods, Plays in rainy weather and freezing at the first autumn cooling mulching. Any porous mulch can be used as a mulch. organic material - peat, sawdust, dry leaves and tops, compost. It is applied with thin layers, so as not to fall asleep the shoulders and foliage.

In the spring and in the first half of the summer, evergreen ivy feed the complex fertilizer with a high content of nitrogen to stimulate the growth of new shoots and the formation of lush greenery. Since July, phosphorus and potassium should be present in the fake. These elements will ensure the aging of young sprouts and will increase the winter hardiness of the bushes.


Paging of growing shoots and haircut of the bush contribute to the emergence of many side sprouts. The plant becomes very magnificent, densely covering the earth or the tears standing next to the support. To trimming dry, weak, damaged by frosts of branches, it is recommended to start at the end of the spring saxation - in the first half of June. Next time, extra and dried offs are cut out in the fall.

Lubrication of sections of the garden Wair will preize their defeat by causative agents of diseases and insects.

Preparation for winter

In areas middle strip There is a likelihood of freezing ivy under action low temperatures. Saving soil coating from this danger allows the soil coating with a thick layer of mulch, and after falling out of snow - a snow cover of about 30 cm. The scourge, weighing vertical structures, experienced gardeners are covered with burlap, spunbond, polyethylene film. With the arrival of warming, the upper layer of shelter is removed that high temperature in combination with high humidity damaged shoots.

Compliance with the rules of landing and care garden Ivy Allows you to achieve good height And the wonderful species cultivated at the cottage of the species of this plant. With their help, you can create original objects of the landscape landscape on your site, decorate the walls of buildings or get a beautiful live elevation.

Evergreen hedge, made of ivy, will be worthy garden decoration. The cultivation of this culture will not deliver the trouble: care is required to be minimal. Most varieties can be planted in open ground. Deciding to acquire ivy, it is important to know how correctly its landing is performed, watering is organized, which are the subtleties of the reproduction methods of this plant.

Description of the varieties and varieties of evergreen ivy

Biologists know many varieties of this perennial Plant, ripping the carpet of the mountain and plain. Ivy has a large number of Long roots with which he clings for everything that comes across. His leaves are saturated dark greenThere are copper species. To determine which ivy is better to start for your site, you can, examined the photo.

Evergreen ivy gardeners plant on their sites, near houses, arbors. More often there are the following cold-resistant varieties of plants.

Proper landing and care for a young culture

Ivy is not demanding and not capricious. He peers shadow perfectly, loves sun rays, is afraid of low temperatures and high humidity. If the winter in the frost leave it without shelter, culture can die.

So that the young plant successfully overlooked in the open soil, it is planted on an exalted area where the wind does not walk, there are no drafts. While Ivy is not strengthened, it grows slowly. It follows the landing in the early spring so that the culture for the summer period has grown enough and gained strength for wintering.

Lached ivy as follows:

  • prepare a well-humidized substrate, airtight, rich in organic fertilizers;
  • eat pit, which will be a little more in the depth than the main root of ivy;
  • drainage at home;
  • to plant culture, falling asleep with a substrate, pour.

After planting Ivy in the open soil, the first time should be controlled by the state of the top layer of the soil. It is important that air flowed into the ground, moisture penetrated. It is necessary for this correct care and periodic neat loosening of the Earth can be mulched by any organic porous nature.

Attention! During the cultivation, the soil should be loosened after the rains, in order to prevent the formation of a dense land, which prevents the penetration of moisture and air to the root system.

Water ivy growing in the open soil, too often do not. If it rains is not a frequent phenomenon in a particular region, then watering follows in the summer 1-2 times a week, in the fall in the soil of additional moisture reduced.

For the winter evergreen ivy, landed on the street, should be covered. For this, gardeners advise to use polyethylene film, burlap. In the spring, when the snow melted, it is not necessary to immediately take the fertilizer and be taken to trim the frostite and weak shoots. Prothesing is recommended in June, when the juice run is over.

Plant reproduction methods required fertilizers

Dilute ivy is very simple. Gardeners are recommended to do this spring or early summer. For reproduction, the top branches are chosen, which began to be unreserved. If you take a young escape, then its rooting and subsequent growth will occur longer, while not always the plant is coming.

Planting Ivy

Slicing cuttings for breeding (approximately 10 cm long), it is necessary that healthy nodes exist on each process. First, they are planted into the greenhouses, using a very loose moistened soil, or for a while they are lowered into the water until the root will grow. After you can transplant to the permanent location in the open soil. Each stalk after reproduction sits at a distance of a meter from a neighboring plant.

You can multiply ivy with a whole escape. To do this, you need to perform several actions:

  • take such an escape of Ivy, which grows at least eight leaves and put it, slightly indulging, on the sand so that all the leaflets remain on the surface;
  • during the cultivation to moisten, not allow sand drying;
  • after 7-10 days, air roots in the sand turn into underground;
  • gently remove ivy and cut the escape so that every cutlets had his sheet;
  • put planting sprout in open sad or in a pot, do not forget about fertilizers.

To ivy the garden pleased his owner, every two weeks in spring and several times during the summer it is necessary to feed the plant. It is better to do this after watering. For feeding, gardeners advise the use of a cowber connected to water, or mineral fertilizers for decorative plantswhich can be purchased in a specialized store.

How to recognize diseases and notice pests. Combination with other plants

Ivy is considered unpretentious plantBut it may be sick or be a captive pest at any moment. It is important to make timely to recognize that the plant needs help, and take all measures to cure it.

Council. If Ivy attacked the pests or attacked the disease, it is necessary to inspect the number of growing crops.

  • If the leaflets began to turn yellow and fall - the cause should be sought in soil dryness. Having received sufficient irrigation, very soon I will acquire a new foliage.
  • If the stalks are losing green leaves and quickly bald, I do not like the ivy. Usually such a phenomenon may occur in a hot summer, in the fall. Therefore, gardener is recommended daily to organize water procedures every day.
  • Bad sign, if the motley and bright green leaves suddenly blocked. The root cause - the plant gets little light. You can solve the problem only with landing for a new, more illuminated place.

Ivy perfectly decorate hedges

This plant is often planted from the fence, near the house, around the arbors. Photos of buildings overgrown with ivy can be seen in magazines. Ivy, if, as it increases, send branches on supports, will become decent decoration Pricework. It is not afraid of any next to growing neighbors, but not all plants are combined with ivy and can get along with it on one territory.

Comfortable next door to ivy will be coniferous, deciduous trees, decorative shrubs. Landscape designers serve the idea of \u200b\u200ba combination and recommend this clasp plant to plant in the garden with roses. Dark or motley wast greens will beautifully emphasize the foot of the queen.

Ivy garden, when it grows and gaining strength, becomes very beautiful. Calling such a plant, you should be ready that to give a neat aesthetic form, the plant must be regularly cut. Especially if it stretches up the supports, the walls of the house, hedge. Otherwise, to care for the plant is simply. Correctly choosing a place in the site by organizing watering, timely feeding and taking into practice the reproduction of the plant, after the season you can become the owner of an incredibly beautiful ivy of gardening.

Gardening Garden Ivy: Video

Ivy garden: photo