Repairs Design Furniture

Interior of the hallway with a mirror in full growth. Mirror for hallway. Best ideas. Illumination for the mirror in the hallway - the best ideas

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the mirror is one of the most important elements. Its functions are also extremely understood, but in addition to creating reflection, the mirror surface is capable or corrected by some drawbacks of its geometry. In order for the mirror for an entrance hall to combine all these functions, and it was a real decoration, it is important to choose the appropriate option and find the right place for it.

№1. Select the type of mirror for the hallway

Mirror for the hallway can be one of the following types:

  • wall-mounted
  • outdoor;
  • element of furniture or finishing.

Wall mirrors - The most common type of mirrors in the hallway. They can be framed in a frame or be without it, can be complemented by a shelf at the bottom or other elements. Wall mirror can be vertical or horizontal. The first option is better, because it allows a person to consider itself in full growth. Additional advantage - the property to make the room is visually slightly higher. The main thing, hang the mirror smoothly, otherwise you can get significant deformations in the reflection: if the upper part will be a little further from the wall than the bottom, then in the reflection of a person will look somewhat slimmer. It is not bad, but misleading.

Unfortunately, there is enough space for a large growth mirror, therefore it is often possible to be content with small variants posted above the bedside tables. As a rule, it is horizontal The canvas that possess their advantages. So, they are able to visually expand the wall on which they are located, and therefore increase the hallway itself.

Outdoor mirrors Be sure to be in the frame and have a rack. They can be easily moved from place to place, change the angle of inclination. This option is often used for spacious hallways, but for the most compact premises it is an excellent option, because at any moment the mirror can be moved.

Interesting option - place mirror in the whole wall: Expansion of the hallway space is guaranteed, and your image can be considered in the smallest detail. This is an excellent option for long and narrow hallwaysBut you will have to regularly care for such a surface so that it does not lose their qualities.

Mirror can be part And at the same time perfectly cope with its tasks. Often the mirror is located on the door of the cabinet, becomes part of the finished design for the hallway. This is a convenient and functional option that will help save place and time to choose from a suitable mirror. If the hall is placed in the hallway, then often its doors make mirrored. In this case, it is important to remember that the mirror doors are less durable than ordinary deaf, so it is not worth it for it.

Another interesting option is to use mirror decoration. This may be alternate with usual, thereby forming an interesting interior, increasing space and serving as a reflective surface, because from individual parts you can form a whole web. The mirror tile is, rather, a decorative reception, since the direct function in this case will not be able to execute the mirror.

№2 Form and size of the mirror

The mirror in the hallway plays not only a purely functional role, but also decorative, and with it you can decorate and allocate this room. The shape of a mirror canvase is of great importance. The most common steel rectangular and square Options, but if you want to achieve an interesting effect, you can stop your choice on the mirror incorrect or non-standard form.

It is also very interesting in the hallway look round mirrors. Once people believed that the mirrors of such a form were protected from the evil eye, the teachings of Feng Shui speaks of their beneficial effect on energy, but if you drop it all, we just get an interesting and unusual solution. With the right approach, the round mirror in general will be similar to the window that does not take place in the hallway.

As for the size of the mirror, it is better, of course that it is full growth. But in modern small parishings, there is not always enough space for a similar option - it is important to correctly evaluate the size of the room in advance to understand how the mirror will definitely fit. Minimum dimensions for the mirror - 30 * 40 cmWhen parameters 40 * 60 cm can already be examined by a belt, and the 60 * 120 can be seen in full growth.

If the hallway is very smallYou can use a horizontal wall mirror or mobile outdoor, which, if necessary, can be removed at all. Also a good option for compact hallways will be ready furniture setwhich includes a wardrobe and a mirror, and all kinds of shelves. You can also use a mirror combined with another element, for example, a shelf for hats, etc.

Number 3. Number of mirrors

The mirror in the hallway does not have to be only one thing - you can create a whole composition of mirrors of different sizes and shape. It is important that they were in one stylist. You can use the mirrors of the same size and place them on different walls in order to be able to consider yourself before going from all sides. This technique allows you to visually expand the boundaries of the hallway. In any case, it is important not to overdo it, because multiple reflections and the effect of the castomicaria will not decorate the room.

№4. Mirror style

If the mirrors in the hallway are several, even different forms and sizes are allowed. The main thing is that they were made in the same framesDue to which the effect of the composition resembling the art gallery is achieved. No matter how cool, the mirror must be harmonized with all the space, supplement it and successfully fit into it.

So, for classic interior Mirrors are suitable in massive wooden or wrought-iron frames, in gold-plated ribs with numerous curls. For interior in style or A mirror is suitable in a plastic or smooth metal frame. Frame from pebbles, shells or bamboo - excellent addition sea style, and the frameless option is suitable for style modern.

№5. Proper backlight of the mirror

Since the hallway is in 99% of cases without natural light, in order to consider itself in the mirror, it must be correctly highlighted. It is desirable that in the hallway there is not only a common, but also local, which would illuminated directly zone near the mirror. The man standing in front of the mirror should be well and evenly lit to correctly appreciate his appearance before entering the street. To do this, you can use:

  • spotlights;
  • symmetric wall bras;
  • floor lamp;
  • rotary lamps (SPOT).

Proper lighting and placement of mirrors and lamps can correct many disadvantages of the hallway. So, in a dark narrow corridor, it is enough to hang a lamp on the opposite wall from the mirror, and due to its reflection it turns out an entrance hall, close to square form, filled with light.

№6. Placing mirrors

Whatever shape and sizes would be a mirror in the hallway, it is important place it so that there is enough space in front of him. This space is intended so that the person can calmly get dressed and consider himself.

It is best to arrange a mirror surface on the wall, perpendicular to the wall with. The location of the mirror is directly opposite the entrance door - not the most successful solution, because immediately in the apartment you will see the loapping reflection in front of you. But there are exceptions: designers allow such placement of the mirror, provided that the hallway is very small and the incoming immediately rises on the wall.

In conclusion

When the mirror size is determined and the place for it is determined, it's time to move to the most interesting process - the choice of the option of the necessary form suitable for the design of the version and the rime-destroyed style. Spaciousness for fantasy is huge, and even from the most tiny hallway you can get a harmonious space due to the correct choice of the size of the mirror and the place for it.

Any interior detail only then looks organically when it performs certain functions. The mirror in the hallway is necessary in order for incoming and leaving the house, people can once again be convinced of the immaculateness of their appearance, and if necessary, could put themselves in order.

For the hallway, the mirror of large sizes usually choose, as a person should see himself in full growth.

Another important feature that this item performs is a change in the perception of space. If your entrance hall has an elongated shape, then the location of two mirrors on long walls harmonizes the space, balancing its dimensions. In addition, this item greatly decorates the room and complements the interior.

Types of mirrors for the hallway

Especially creative will look like a mirror of non-standard form. Today there are many unusual design options and forms of this subject.

It's time to move away from former quadrangular or oval standard frames. Modern fashion provides a large selection of forms:

  • eight;
  • rhombus;
  • cloud;
  • human silhouette;
  • rectangular with beveled edges.

You can make an individual order and realize your desires in terms of design of the mirror interior. If the mirrors are two, and they are located opposite each other, the exclusive solution will be forms in the form of silhouettes of a young man and a girl.

The large size of the hallway allows you to raise fantasies and decorate the walls as quicks, photos, engravings. Separate accents in the form of small mirrors will make the room lighter. Stylish will look like triptych.

Big Mirror for Hallway

A large mirror looks great in the lobby. Such a designer reception visually expands the space. The horizontal volumetric mirror visually lifts the ceiling, and the vertical - expands the room.

Mirrors with shelves

In a large hallway, the furniture can be placed as you like. If the corridor is small, choose the model of the mirror with the shelves. Such an accessory is distinguished by multifunctionality and practicality.

Placing the shelves depends on the model. In a comfortable small hallway, it is more appropriate to place small square or round mirrors with 2-3 shelves. Suitable mirror with racks.

Mirror and style

An important issue is the design of the general view of the hallway. There are several ways to enter a mirror in it. It can be strengthened by the traditional way with the help of self-tapping screws, hang on the rope. The wooden panel as the basis will emphasize the natural nature of the material and will create an atmosphere of restraint and conciseness.

The style of the frame must correspond to the general direction of the interior. Undoubtedly, massive frames with a bulk pattern will not be suitable for minimalism, and the modern is not a meant of ethnic motifs depicted on the frame or the mirror itself.

The classic can be especially exquisite if part of the mirror is a bit, using various techniques. For the Mediterranean version, the framing of seashells or marine pebbles coated with varnish is suitable.

Rarely when the mirror takes up all the walls of the wall. Often it is part of the cabinet or located on the bedside table. It is very convenient because there is everything you need to fix the hairstyle, hang a bag, put gloves.

Accounting for all the nuances of the mirror design in the interior of the hallway will help create a unique and original individual style creating a good mood.

Decor mirrors

The mirror surface is made to decorate various accessories. Near her you can raise photos of relatives or idols, choose a model with an interesting frame, put the mirror with beautiful cords and weaving. After all, the home atmosphere as a whole depends on the proper framing of the mirror.

What mirror hangs in your hallway? Are you satisfied? Write to us! And for those who have not yet decided on, we advise you to view our photographic formation!

Mirrors in the interior of the hallway. Photo

The hallway of small dimensions for modern apartment buildings is rather a rule than an exception. With the design on a small square, we will unfold. The position will save the mirror into the hallway, without which it is simply impossible to present the design of the hallway. It is necessary for finally, leaving the apartment, evaluate the appearance. On the model with the shelf fold the necessary little things. Place your scarves, caps, gloves. But the trummers, puffs, the dressers are quite cumbersome. The mirror in the hallway is not only practical, but also beautiful. It is properly hanging, and it can bring boring ordinary design to stylistically interesting.

Correctly select the mirror for the hallway - a difficult task. Take into account the overall design of the apartment, the area of \u200b\u200ba small hallway, the illumination, the selected color, already existing furniture (shoe shelf, is a trumulous, chest of drawers, a wardrobe).

I doubt about your abilities to issue a design, it is better to choose from ready-made heads. The mounted model with a shelf, a few hooks, clothes hanger, a shoe table and the dock fit most of the interiors.

For the remaining several general rules. How to choose a mirror for an entrance hall:

  • a good solution for a small hallway is a model on the stand. If necessary, it is quickly cleaned. Excellent alternative to Trum;
  • the mirror in the hallway is beautiful, but it's not worth remarking with them. An excessive number of reflections from different angles on a small area is disorienting, oppressively acts on the psyche and scares slightly. One big better than a lot of mini-mirrors;
  • the minimum size of the mirror in the hallway, where you will see the reflection - 25 * 35 cm. Reflection to the waist - at a rate of 45 * 70 cm, full growth - 65 * 130 cm;
  • do you have a window? Hang the mirrors in the hallway on the opposite wall, but not exactly opposite. Direct sunlight spoil the reflective surface, the thing will have to change soon;
  • to the canvase of different forms is selected similar to the style of the frame. The more non-standard form, the easier the frame. And vice versa;
  • mirrors for the hallway visually expand the narrow walls, focus on the color of the walls where they hang, help to visually "align" uneven walls and ceiling. If one wall is very bright, hang it there. The shade will be softer, muffled.


The frame is important, it supports the concept of style, a single design:

  • mirrors in the hallmark style of the baroque with a massive stucco frame are self-sufficient. The rest of the accessories are simple and laconic, not creating excessive pomp;
  • an option with a flat smooth frame is beautifully on the wall covered with paint "Metallic";
  • metal or black plastic frame is indispensable if the design defines the style of avant-garde, minimalism, high-tech;
  • extravagant and spectacular solution for a spacious light hallway - a frame of a mirror canvase;
  • the massive frame from the natural tree visually reduces the surface area by adding a weighing atmosphere;
  • rattan frame, decorated with pearl, smooth pebbles, leather - mirror solution for the hallway of ethnic or ecological style;
  • a simple large wall or built-in cloth without a frame is perfectly suitable for modern style.

High-tech style mirror
Mirrors in volumetric frames in ethno-style

Wall mounted

The wall mirror is attached to the hook on the wall, which is well shown in the photo. The most common form is a rectangle or a circle. Size - from mini to the whole wall. There are options with a frame and without it. Last technology is a matte pattern on the surface of the mirror, made using sandblasting technologies.

Horn on the wall horizontally, it visually expands the wall of the hallway. But the ceiling slightly "drops". The solution looks original. The vertical wall canvas in full growth is suitable for an entrance hall. You can consider yourself before going out.


Outdoor models for the hallway are always framed, a special rack allows you to change the angle of inclination. It takes a construction of quite a lot of space, but it can be moved without any problems and deploy, considering herself from any angle. It is more convenient than several sections of the tremor.

The most common form is a narrow rectangle or strongly elongated. The model is ideal for spacious, well-lit hallway.


Built-in models that can be viewed in the photo selection, carry an increased functional load. Most often is the option "Polystrd to full height as a cabinet door." No less popular canvas, built into the wall panel headset, pressed above the chest, a table or puff. It looks good and telesing, which are collected in a selection of photos. The simplest design - mirrors in the hallway in full growth with a small shelf from above.

They have a large square. Therefore, we must not forget about regular cleaning. Any dirt looks ugly. But a visually expanded entrance hall, filled with light, it is worth spending some time and strength.

With shelf

Mirrors for an entrance hall with a small shelf at the waist level or a little higher allow when leaving the house do not forget about the necessary trifles - keys, gloves, telephone, comb. Most often there is a model in a baguette or a wooden frame, to which a sufficiently durable shelf is attached to withstand the weight of everything that is put on it.

Such mirrors are not released into the hallway. Therefore, silent it, you need to take into account that you will need to move as a couple of steps to consider yourself well. Light is also needed bright. Turn the mirrors for the hallway with the shelf can be vertically, and horizontally. The first option presented in the photo is preferable because you can consider yourself in full growth.

With backlit

The mirrors in the hallway hallway is the most popular solution included in the design of this room. Often, the hallways are designed so that with dimming lighting and darkness it is impossible to fight. Instead of yourself, even approaching closely, you can only see the unclear shadow.

Of course, you can place a couple of sconce or wall lamps next to the trumma or mirror in the hallway, but it is not always possible to carry out electricity, pick up the fittings suitable luminaires of small size and place them so that the light does not blind eyes.

Special lighting in mirrors for the hallway is point sources, light bulbs are bright, but not cutting eyes. They are placed on both sides of it or a little higher than the top corner, which perfectly demonstrate the photo. In addition to the fact that it is convenient to look, even in full growth, this option can visually fix the shape of a long narrow hallway. Hang it on one of the narrow walls, and on the opposite - the lamp.

Decorative mini-mirrors

Mini-mirrors Hallway design provides for rarely. And when it provides, it allocates a purely decorative function. Indeed, consider ourselves in full growth in such a mini version will not work, but this is not a reason to give up a very stylish, elegant and elegant accessory, like a mirror in the photo.

On the wall of a small hallway, you can hang 2-3 mini-mirrors of one shape and size. Accent attention is better on an unusual mini-mirror frame.

On the wall of a large room, it is surprisingly effectively, reminding the exposition of paintings, the compositions of mini-mirrors of different shapes with the same frames resembling panels are viewed. You can hang a mini-mirror not only on hooks, but also on the ropes.

Antique mirrors

Antique mirrors in the hallway, especially with an authentic frame look defiantly elegant. They are just insane money, even with the size of mini. On the whole, it is not even worth talking about the trummers.

Therefore, retro and vintage styles lovers can exit design on the basis of an artificial-based version. A good effect gives a mirror with rare stains of patina. It also gives the setting of the shade of mystery and inexpensively, which perfectly demonstrate the photo examples. Pick up the appropriate tremor or stand under a wall mirror. He doesn't need a frame.

From artificially aged mirror canvase, you can cut the frame for a modern mirror. Vintage will create an old frame if you beat the design of the furniture of a similar style from the same tree breed.

Feng-Shui recommendations are more and more people. With any reflective surfaces, this teaching is paying great attention. It will enhable everything that will affect. Therefore, it is necessary to take care that it is useful, beautiful and carrier charges of positive energy items. Regarding the hallway with a mirror, you can summarize the following:

  • the mirror in the hallway through a hairdryer Shui is recommended to choose in the form of a circle that restores the energy overlooking the opening door. The circle will help to relax and calm down, symbolizing harmony, completion and constancy. Visually a circle is a "window", overlooking another room;
  • the trumpets of Feng Shui does not recommend, since this piece of furniture "breaks" reflection;
  • for a small hallway, when, only by entering, you literally keep up with your nose into the opposite wall, you need to hang on it a large mirror canvas on it, but so that the door does not affect. This not only visually expand the space, having relived you from the sensation of the cell and the impenetrable wall, but also help to gain confidence. Even better, if a living plant, bells or "wind music" can be seen near the door;
  • place it at the most entrance door is undesirable, so as not to "drive" from the house happiness and good luck. The same applies to those hanged directly opposite the door - positive energy simply cannot get inside, reflecting back. This leads to diseases, quarrels, depression, chronic household fatigue;
  • ideal place for the mirror in the hallway - the two remaining walls. On one hang it, on the contrary - a picture with flowers, banknotes, photos of happy moments from the life of the family;
  • it must be in full growth. Define a specific size, measuring the highest family members, and adding another 10-15 cm. Free space over the head of a person means prospects and new features;
  • never hang them against each other. The resulting closed "corridor" hopelessly absorbs everything good and positive.


Prices for mirrors for the feet, differ significantly depending on the region and the store, the availability of discounts, stocks. Another cost is influenced by the country-producer, area, web processing technology, presence or absence of frame, pattern:

  • the average cost of simple wall-mounted models of small size - 2000-3000 rubles;
  • prices for floor mirrors begin from 6500-7000 rubles;
  • the embedded version makes the design more expensive at least 2000-2500 rubles;
  • the minimum cost of the model with the shelf is 3000-3500 rubles;
  • depending on the number of light bulbs, backlight colors, the ability to adjust the brightness varies the price. The easiest option will have to spend 5000-6000 rubles;
  • little mirrors are inexpensive. But they need a lot. Consider both the frame. The canvas itself costs up to 1000 rubles;
  • antiques are simply meaningless. No lower nor upper limit.

The mirror in the hallway along the Feng Shui is the key to the philosophical teaching. It attracts, transmits and distributes the energy of qi. Entering the house, a person passes into it the energy flow, which is later distributed in all rooms. But he will be completely uncomfortable in a close and closed hallway. It is easily converted to negative and with such quality will go through all rooms. Efforts to arrange entry will become in vain, and tenants will pursue fatigue and apathy.

The mirror is a mysterious subject that mightlarously recreate missing space

The mirror is a mysterious subject that may illusively recreate missing space. In order for the energy stream to send to the right direction, some nuances take into account:

  1. You can not take mirrors from loved ones or friends, buy from acquaintances. They have already accumulated enough negative, which will adversely affect not only the dwelling interior, but also the well-being of households
  2. The surface of the mirror must be kept in perfect purity. Dust and pollution break the balance of the house and increase the problems
  3. Engraving and inscriptions should also be absent. Information from the surface of the mirror will be transmitted distorted and incorrectly distribute energy
  4. Surfaces should not have cracks, damage to amalgam and broken frames. Through them will leave energy
  5. Frames must be metallic or wooden. You should refuse mirror tiles, panels. They negatively affect the energy of qi
  6. Fragmented surfaces are impossible. They will be reflected in pieces, disconnect them visually

Registration of the hallway according to the rules of Fen-Shuya

It is impossible to place mirrors opposite windows if they are in this room. There are no them in typical apartments, but in individual buildings such planning of the hallway is possible.

Important!The mirror surface should not hang opposite the front door. Through the entrance will penetrate the hallway energy, which will be reflected and cannot penetrate the room. In a person belonging to the hallway, his mirror reflection will cause discomfort.

An exception is possible in the case when the door cannot be opened completely, a maximum of 80 °. The mirror here will reflect and redistribute incoming streams.

The mirror surface should not hang opposite the entrance door

This can be done only in exceptional cases:

  • with a penny layout of the corridor;
  • when finding the entrance in the end part.

Tip!The best option is to hang the mirror on the wall running at right angles to the entrance. Excellent if it seems the reflection of paintings and colors. If there is a mirror cabinet on the wall opposite to the entrance, then it is better to remove it or rearrange.

You can place mirrors on both sides of the hallway. They will visually increase the slight space, which is required for free energy circulation. But they should not reflect each other. It is permissible to place accessories diagonally to be visible only to the door opened, but without a staircase.

It is best to hang a big reflective surface that a person can see himself completely. So it will feel inner strength, and the space will be filled with energy and light. Otherwise, the circulation of the cycling of Qi in the body will be disturbed, which will cause the disease. That is why very narrow and squeezed between the cabinets mirrors should not be.

Tip!It is desirable that when a person repelled over his head remains a bit of place.

Best hang a big reflective surface so that a person can see himself completely

This will contribute to potential growth. But if in the reflection it does not see the head completely or the bottom of the body, then this can only lead to the disease.

Form and size

The mirror in the hallway along the hair dry shui can have any shape. Choosing, you should be guided only by intuition and your own taste. The optimal option is an oval or round form, but it does not have a significant value.

The mirror in the hallway on the hair dry shui can have any form

Households should be comfortable to look at their reflection. The posture of them should always be straight. Therefore, the size and shape selected preferably convenient for all residents.

In Chinese philosophical teaching, the bug mirror is of particular importance. It is considered a very strong protective agent. It looks in the form of a convex or concave reflective surface covered by a special ring. Bagu attracts any objects with negative energy and with the help of natural forces securely holds them.

In Chinese philosophical teaching, the bug mirror is of particular importance

It protects a person from spiritual and outdoor trouble, but can bring a lot of evil with the wrong handling. It is also called the "shooting" talisman. Negative energy turns into arrows. She is able to hit not only those surrounding, but also the owner. Bug in China does not send even towards the neighbors' windows that cause antipathy.

Mirrors for small-sized hallway

Very often our apartments do not meet the rules for arranging space. The teaching speaks of spacious rooms, including the hallway so that energy flows are distributed freely. This installation on Feng Shui affects financial perspectives. Monetary receipts require an appropriate area of \u200b\u200bspace relevant. Therefore, only small finances can accumulate in a small space.

But even in a small hallway, there must be a mirror

But even in a small hallway, there must be a mirror. Naked walls will create discomfort and tension inside people, psychologically will be crushed at them. The wall in front of the entrance will not allow the power flow into the room, the person will seem that he rests on it.

It is especially important to competently distribute the mirrors in the hallway of a small area, furnished with sharp corners. They will remove the impression of a narrow corridor, will be visually able to double the space, disguise the lack of planning, and high-quality characteristics will make it better.

Especially important to competently distribute the mirrors in the hallway of a small area, furnished with sharp corners

Well put in front of the mirror floor vase, Iquiban, or just a bouquet of any colors. That is why the mirror in the hallway along the Feng Shui is allowed to hang on the entrance, but it should not be reflected in it. Let them reflect the symbols of the teaching of Feng Shui. You can hang over the door bells.

Small mirrors are well compatible with other interior items:

  • hangers;
  • mounted shelves;
  • hard cabinets.

The mirror in the hallway on the hair dry shui can be installed and large. According to philosophical teachings, it contributes to promoting adult family members and has a positive effect on wealth. And the favorable atmosphere will create the nature of the nature, a winter garden or a picture with a landscape.

Mirrors in the interior of the hallway the necessary attribute: we look at it before going out, it decorates the interior, and often plays the main role in the room. The problem of competent, rational today is very popular. After all, the hallway is the room where you get, as well as your guests, stepping on the threshold of the apartment. Therefore, its design should be stylish and modern. Create a proper comfort is just necessary.

Nevertheless, this is not easy to do for several reasons:

  • lack of free space;
  • the need to place a large number of objects;
  • weak natural lighting;
  • uncomfortable layout;
  • family budget deficit.

In most cases, the first and the main problem becomes the lack of space to accommodate all the necessary. In addition, visually dark, close room looks completely unattractive. Stylish, modern, beautifully decorated mirrors may come to the rescue, which can only be placed in the interior.

How to choose a mirror?

Remember that mirrors are not only a decorative attribute used in the modern apartment interior. In addition to decorating an entrance hall, they perform their own direct function, allowing the apartment tenants to bring marafes or put the final bar in the new detailed workshop, immediately before getting out of the house. Choose a mirror for the hallway sometimes it is not easy. The design of the mirrors presented in the modern market is striking imagination. Today, you can find the most different types of structures that differ in size, forms, texture.

Choose a mirror, repulse from a common style, in which your entrance hall is withstanding, as well as from the individual needs of the apartment tenants.

Mirror size

A large vertically mirror will become a real find for those who are not going to rate their image before going out of the house. In addition, this element of the decor is indispensable in the interior of the hallway with a low ceiling. Vertical mirror designs visually pull the room up.

A miniature, elegant mirror in which you can see yourself a maximum of the belt, will also well fit into. Such structures are usually distinguished by an intricate shape, stylish finish. Their design provides for the presence of an original frame, backlighting or other decorative elements. In addition, the mirror can act as a separate element of home furniture.

Often, a wardrobe with mirrored doors, mirrored bedside tables for shoe or tremor is purchased into the hallway.

On sale you can find wall mounted, outdoor, and what is there, even swivel structures. The latter have several significant advantages: they can be tilted, rotated, transfer from one place to another.

Features of design

The design of the mirror in the modern interior is of particular importance. You need to select the decor item in accordance with the style in which the hallway is supplied. It can be country, baroque, rococo, provence.

Mirror shape, can be any:

  • round;
  • oval;
  • square;
  • rectangular;
  • carved;
  • in the form of waves or in the form of several separate bands.

The design can be selected individually, so that it harmoniously looked against the background of wall decoration, the ceiling, harmonized with furniture and other interior items. Mirrors can be framed by beautiful wood frames, metal (forging), plastic or stone.

So, the structures with the adhesive finish will look good in the style approximate to the antiquity (retro), and the mirror with a carved wooden frame as it is impossible to suit the massive chest.

Consider the features of the planning

Mirrors never climb and do not lose the interior. On the contrary, they make it more sophisticated, add some free space and light. With the help of a large mirror of a horizontal or vertical form, you can visually lift the ceiling or expand the room, literally spreading the walls.

If the room is rather dark and closely - put the trumpem so that the rays of light fall on it. Also for this you can use small wall mirrors.

The reflecting surface will illuminate the entire room with a soft pleasant light and will get rid of the need to mount a panel with backlight, an additional lamp.

Another original solution to the problem of low ceilings is the use of a special finish. The mirror tile or panel will help raise the ceiling and create an incredible visual effect, akin to the workshop done by the magician of illusion. Not every only creative and bold nature, preferring extraordinary solutions and experiments can really appreciate the designer's idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer may not be permitted.


The hallway is often devoid of a natural light source. There are no windows overlooking the street, which means the only source of light, there will be a ceiling lamp and additional lamps placed on the walls, a chest of drawers or a table. However, the acquisition of a refill mirror may become a practical and original solution. The design of such a design will delight with its attractiveness and beauty.

So, you will kill two hares at once: place an additional light source in the room, decorate and make the interior.

The backlight will give a special charm and create a fabulous atmosphere. You will be able to make makeup or supplement the image of the last strokes without resorting to the help of the lamp. Your guests will be surprised by hitting the threshold to an unusual and fascinating atmosphere. In addition, this option is applicable to small-sized premises.

Principles of placement

Even the simplest and simple design can be easily supplemented with a large and elegant mirror. Experienced specialists always love to "play" and experiment with such elements. After all, with their help, it is possible to implement the most complex ideas and masterfully convert close dark rooms in a rainbow liner.

If desired, the mirror in the form of panel can be installed completely on the entire wall.

Also, designers are also trying to create a mirror corridor, setting several reflective surfaces one opposite the other. Of course, such a design is not acceptable for everyone, so below we present the most popular versions of vestivities.

Most often, the mirror is placed on the right or left side of the entrance door. So, the tenants of the apartment will be convenient to use this attribute, surrounding before entering the street. This location is quite acceptable. Modern tremor here will fully fulfill the functions entrusted to it and look spectacularly in the interior.

You can set a square or round medium-sized mirror on the chest or miniature table. The main thing is that its height is sufficient, and you did not have to bend, in order to fix the hairstyle or tie a tie.

Arrange the interior and decorate the house with mirrors of various shapes, sizes and species will be able to each. It is not as difficult as it may seem at first glance. After all, the mirror design spoil the design is very difficult, which means it is likely to allow an error when choosing comes down to a minimum. Separately, it is worth noting the cheapness of this method of designing the room, creating unique and stylish solutions.

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