Repairs Design Furniture

How to make a decorative reservoir in the country. Decorative pond - decent decoration of your cottage. Reservoirs and ponds from the bath do it yourself

The advantages of this construction is a lot. First, it is the cheapest, since it will take only 400-500 rubles to the construction of a reservoir in 5 cubic meters and a few days of time. Even this amount can be significantly reduced if the used film is used. The main thing is that it be a whole, did not let the water, however, it can be folded twice even if there is visible damage.

It will take a long time for its manufacture, however, no more than the construction of any other type of water branch. The necessary form is pulled out, and you can set a variety of geometric shapes - the film will acquire the necessary form in seconds. Next, steps are made, if such are provided, control measurements are carried out by the level (if you, of course, want the perfectly smooth reservoir without any bends of the bottom). It is necessary to trace all forms to be smooth, without straight corners, as well as any depression, otherwise, when much water is scored, it can break the film, filling the resulting spaces.

After you "plan" the whole relief, it is necessary to fill the film, it is necessary to make it evenly so that nowhere will the material be too tightened. To evenly distribute the load, give the form to your future pool, you need to press the material with stones in a circle, and on each tier. Only in this way it will be possible to pull polyethylene correctly. Pour water uniformly. The edges of the black film (you can still take a blue or white material - look good) you just need to wrap and pour the earth so that it does not slip when filling. Next, you can lay out sandstone, wooden track or tile - at the request of the owner.

Ready plastic forms

This kind of artificial reservoirs has become very popular. The cost will be a bit more expensive than the first option, since instead of polyethylene you use high-quality anti-corrosion plastic. The shelf life of such products is unlimited, since the polymer is not amenable to rotting, does not crack, has high strength. Before building an artificial pond with their own hands, you need to dig a big pit, sizes by 15-20% percent more than the garden is a pond, so that it is good to seal it from all sides with bulk materials.

The bottom is concreted necessarily, since any "seed" soles will cause the cracking of the vessel. As a result, water loss will have to constantly fill the missing level. It is very difficult to exit zero over the top line. This is one of the most common problems arising when installing this type of artificial reservoir. Therefore, if you do not know how to make a pond from a plastic form, then it is better to hire a brigade that will do everything under the level, lines plastic, correctly rejects the base. If you pour without measurements of the level over the top line, then you will have a curve pond on the plot, with your own hands without deep excavations you no longer align it. We will have to completely draw a shape from the ground, fill in a new way.

The correct seal is done like this: 15-20 centimeters of sand wake up around the tank are wrapped, poured with water, then 20 centimeters fall asleep and pour with water, so until the top. Be sure to follow the water level in the pool, to top up to the level on which the sealing material is covered. If this does not do this, the pool can sleep inside or raise water, because the material has a high buoyancy.

Tile reservoir lad out

One of the most expensive ways, so if you have not yet decided how to build a pond in your site, it is better to weigh everything for and against. The disadvantage is a big value. On average, 1 cubic meter of finished water bodies will cost you 1000-1600 rubles, depending on the class of materials used. Advantages, of course, a lot, because such a cost should be argued about something.

The first "plus" is an excellent appearance. You get exactly the same pool as you saw in the films on TV - blue glaze, clean transparent water, in which the bottom is excellent. Such an effect is achieved thanks to a special tile, which is placed on the floor, has a bluish shade, the water shall.

Before digging the pond, it is necessary to consider that its depth should be 30-40 centimeters more,what you need, as it will be necessary to pour the foundation, pre-pouring a lot of rubble and sand. The weight of the water will be great, so you can not allow the tile to be deformed under it. This is not only aesthetic look of your pool, but also its tightness.

The construction takes a lot of time. Consider in more detail how to make a pond from tile, what basic mistakes are performed during the work.

  1. Concreting base. The most common newcomer error is the insufficient thickness of the concrete screed. It must be done at least 10 centimeters thick when water column in 150 centimeters. With a depth of an artificial reservoir in 2-2.3 meters, you need a screed for 15 centimeters, and laid on a solid base.
  2. Laying tiles. Material is fixed not at cement, but precisely on glue, which has greater resistance to moisture. Then the tile will not "bounce" from the floor with time.
  3. It is necessary to use only certified products that is not exposed to moisture and does not start to get out over time. Many who are trying to save on materials, therefore, cheap products are bought for outdoor or even internal works. They will not be able to live in a pond for a long time, after a few years they will have to change them.
  4. Lack of high-quality sickness of seams. Even if the tile is placed on a concrete with a thickness of 15 centimeters in a large pond, then it is not a fact that water will not run somewhere. So that this does not happen, all the seams between the tile must be carefully sealed. For this, a special silicone glue is used or a regular mounting sealant. If the pool is small, you can use special glue, which is used for the adhesive of aquariums - an absolutely ecological product. The only minus is a very high cost of material.

If you do everything correctly, take into account these moments in the manufacture of an artificial reservoir at home, it will serve for a very long time. Do not hurry anywhere, give the foundation, glue well to strengthen, stand for several weeks. Only then it will be possible to pour a little water or pour the soil if it is a pond for fish with algae.

Care and Additional Equipment

If you think that by building a reservoir, you can already start having fun - you are deeply mistaken. You will need to take care of the infrastructure of the artificial lake. This is a very complex complex of various technical means that are directed to cleaning, air supply, chemistry processing, water filtration, improving its chemical composition. Let us consider in more detail that the owner of the long-awaited wonderful water source "will fall" to fish and how "fall".

  1. Filter. They can be different. The mechanical filter-urine is most often used, which takes on 2-3 cubes per hour for a reservoir on 5 cubic meters. Full volume should be held in 2-3 hours, then we can assume that the filter is selected correctly. If you want perfectly clean water, then you need a special angular filter, which often costs the pond. But the cleaning quality is also excellent. It will not be green algae, microorganisms.
  2. Ultraviolet lamp. What is it needed for? This is perhaps the main element that should be present in any freshwater environment. The lamp kills microorganisms that affect fish, algae. You can customize its power to destroy different types of bacteria. With it, you can kill single-celled green algae, which are very often a big problem for any aquarium, and in the same way they will cause you extra inconvenience in the pond.
  3. Oxygen system. If you have an increased fish dear, you will need to think about the correct supply of oxygen so that it develops faster, grow more. To do this, you need to install one compressor and 2-3 air sleeves. This is not only useful, it is necessary for the very street "aquarium", but also beautiful. As a substitute for the compressor, a waterfall will be used, which will flow on sandstone down. Water is saturated with air, and when it falls, the bubbles will saturate the pond itself.

The arrangement can be up to 70% of the total cost of the project, so it is better to calculate financial resources immediately so that it does not work out unfinished facilities. Just the capacity with water will bring very little joy, it should be comprehensively equipped.

As nice in a dinner day, spend time on the shores of the picturesque forest lake, enjoying the cool and beautiful views of water vegetation. Knowing how to make a pond in the country with your own hands, you can equip a similar corner and on your own land plot. It is enough to determine the design and clearly perform all stages of the work that contains the instructions below.

Preparatory stage

Water-style selection

Before proceeding directly to the construction, the design of the pond should be chosen in the country - with your own hands by passing a lot of standard sketches and samples, you can create a unique reservoir by adding individuality to it using small design changes or using an additional decor.

Of course, the simplest option is a mini-pond from a tire, which, in spite of everything, will look great on a small summer cottage.

However, if you have enough space, and you are not confused by the price of materials and the cost of constructing services, it is possible to make an excellent decorative reservoir from concrete, which will act as a central element of the landscape design of the entire site.

Catering houses used as temporary housing from block containers after building a capital structure can be converted to a bath, for example.
In connection with this reservoir, it is advisable to place not far from them, so that it is later in the same place to organize and the recreation zone with, organically completing the entire ensemble.

Choosing a style for a reservoir, first of all, you need to take into account the architectural intent, which was used when building a house and breakdown the garden.

Well, when a small bars in the country - with their own hands designed and constructed - combines the following elements:

  • coastline;
  • registration of garden tracks;
  • the appearance of small garden forms and so on.

The most appropriate near the pond looks a gazebo or terrace, while setting up with convenience to contemplate calm water surface.

Let us dwell on some points in more detail:

  1. Stylistics. The peculiarities of the Japanese reservoir are stones of various sizes and shapes and conifers. This style does not receive a large number of multicolored herbs. Chinese pond is issued brighter and lush vegetation. Here there must be trees and classic bridge of convex form. It can also be placed with water with local plants, without various exotic instances. This style is called "Ethno-Garden".

  1. Geometric shape. A strict rectangular or square pond looks good next to the residential house, perfectly combined with its strict forms. In addition, this form is often used in the arrangement of the reservoir in the courtyard. Organic complement the ensemble of flower beds of the same form and strict concrete paths.

Garden paths, regardless of the material used for their manufacture, are well combined with ponds.
It is organically a terrace board, from which the bridge is made through water or concrete slabs, as if soaring over the surface.

Round reservoirs are suitable for designing herbal lushes and neat. In this case, an additional element will serve as pergola, seized by ivy, as well as a separately standing group of low-spirited trees.

It should be noted that a round small armor in the country with your own hands to build the easiest. To do this, you can use a lot of finished forms: from concrete rings for a well to the above-mentioned automotive tires.

Selection of space, size and material

The right choice of the site, where the reservoir will be located - the key to its normal functioning throughout the year. Otherwise, you may encounter so-called blossoms - a stormy reproduction of microscopic green algae, covering the water surface of the non-wellwork drill film.

  • too long illumination leads to excessive development of harmful microorganisms in water;
  • finding in the shade negatively affects the growth of decorative aquatic plants and the behavior of fish inhabiting in the pond.

The optimal option is the lighting for 5-6 hours. Water surface should be opened from the south. It is also inappropriate to equip the pond in the shade of massive trees. The foliage falling from them will constantly clog the reservoir.

The perfect size for this hydraulic structure - 3% of the space of the land plot. However, not every dacket is ready to sacrifice such a number of land for him. In addition, you need to remember that a small country pond is easier to make it easier and cheaper than extensive lake.

As for the depth, the three-speed system is most often used:

  • coastal zone - for aquatic plants;
  • shallow zone - for growing water lishes and water lilies;
  • deep zone - for wintering water inhabitants (if their breeding is supposed).

The maximum required depth is 180 cm. Below this level, the ground is not freezing, which guarantees the presence of water under the layer of ice in the winter period.

The deepest zone may take no more than 1/5 of the entire pond area.
This will be quite enough to winter fish, and its increase will negatively affect the cost of work on the arrangement of the reservoir.

Once you have decided on size and shape, it's time to move to the choice of materials. The most expensive and reliable option is to cast a concrete bowl, reinforced with metal rods or grid. Slightly less cost - the use of a finished plastic capacity, which can be purchased in a construction supermarket.

However, the optimal and cheapest way is the manufacture of a pond with the use of a special film, which consists of a bottom of the future pond.

Independent manufacture

The order of actions to design the decorative hydraulic equipment in the country area is as follows:

  1. As with any other construction, first of all, the sketch of the future structure should be created.. When drawing, you need to follow the selected scale. Reflect the size of the pond, its depth, the width of the shelves to which coastal plants will be planted, as well as the drawing of the future gardening. With this approach, you can avoid alterations and changes in the construction process.
    It is also advisable to provide an accent detail - a tree, stone, bridge, sculpture or island, which will be the highlight of the developed landscape design element.

  1. The contour of the pond is best to choose on the ground. For its outfit, you can use the bean, garden hose or sand. Remember that the opposite edges of the reservoir must be at the same level with each other.
    The bottom also needs to be done smooth. Measurements can be performed using a special laser tool or a conventional long board on which the construction level is placed.

    Work should be done in such a sequence:
    • soil removed until the first deep mark;
    • there is a new line for deepening;
    • drain cuttleg continues until the next level;
    • marked again;
    • a small bucks needed to winter fish.

Earthworks are a rather laborious occupation, especially if the size of the future pond is great. It is best for this purpose to hire an excavator. Otherwise, be prepared that at a certain stage, digging in the area of \u200b\u200bthe bottom will accumulate groundwater, in connection with which it will be necessary to work in a semi-liquid dirt.

To avoid this, you can use a water pump intended for pumping suspensions. Dirt reset is made in auxiliary pit.

If there is no electricity on the household plot, you will help rent a diesel generator for giving.
This unit will provide the necessary electricity not only the pump, but also many other tools that facilitate labor to create a pond.

  1. As soon as the digging is over, it is measured with the help of the beans, given the resulting depth. This magnitude is added about 1 meter per battery. The resulting value is necessary to acquire a film of a suitable size.

Many are wondering where to remove the soil, which was taken out during the coke of the pit.

In this regard, you can advise the following:

  • raise the level of the site, evenly distributed the land in the garden;
  • form an alpine slide out of it;
  • make the basis for lesions by which the stream will flow.
  1. Then the entire bowl of the pond is carefully lined with a waterproof film. In order not to break the coating, the boiler is recommended to be preached with an additional layer of geotextile. Then pebbles and roots will not be able to break the film after the fill of water. Cheaper options are an old linoleum or a rammed layer of fine-grained sand.

Work should be done in a warm, sunny day. Such weather makes the film more flexible, it easily stretches and repeats all the irregularities and decorative bends of the pond.

  1. To secure the film on the edge of the pond rotates a small trench. The edges of the material are descended into it and fall asleep with rubble. Reliable ways do not come up with.
  2. In order to strengthen the edge of the reservoir and prevent the winding of the soil, the edges of the reservoir should be strengthened with concrete blocks or plastic pipes fixed on the pegs. A wild natural stone is great as decor.

  1. The bottom of the pond is decorated with rubble or boulders. Plants are planted into special plastic boxes that are installed in the right places of the reservoir and next to it.

  1. Then water flooded. You should retrieve the testimony of the water meter before and after this process. This will calculate the volume of fluid in the depression, which is useful later when buying equipment and pond care chemicals.
  2. It is best to make a pond with circulation. In this case, the water in it will be constantly updated and not blooming. To do this, the pond is made from which the stream will be flushed. Water upstairs is fed by a submersible pump equipped with a cleaning system. Decorating all elements remains at your discretion.


Carefully reading the material outlined above, you should not have questions about how to build a pond in the country of your own hands. You can learn more about the process of building artificial reservoirs from the video in this article.

Such a luxurious garden decoration can be made with your own hands in various stylistic directions. Also, the pond can be decorated with decorative streams, paths, neat coastline, etc.

Place for water branch

For the pond to have natural lighting, it is better to post it close to the house, from the south or east side, away from the plots, tightly planted with shrubs and fruit trees.

It is advisable to place a reservoir near the water source so that it is easier to fill it after cleaning it.

How to make a fence from plastic bottles with your own hands, as well as how to choose, read.

Shrub to create a living hedge.

Form and size

When choosing the size of the reservoir, you need to focus on the garden area. For example, 6 acres is better to construct a 3x3 m structure with a depth of 80 cm or 2x2 m with a depth of 50 cm.

If the pond is planned to launch fish and other aquatic inhabitants, water spaces will have to expand, otherwise the inhabitants do not survive in close space.

Choosing a form, you need to be based on the personal preferences and stylistic features of the site. It is naturally looking for the design of a drop-shaped or beseband form. For garden sites with elevation drops, designers advise to consider the options for small creeks with streams.

Choosing the Basics for Pond

When the place and sizes of the pond are selected, you need to decide on its basis. To build a pond at the cottage from:

Step-by-step instructions for creating

To create an artificial pond with your own hands, you need to qualitatively perform several stages of work. Before that, you need to prepare the necessary materials:

  • pVC coating;
  • small gravel;
  • rope;
  • stone slabs;
  • round stones;
  • sand;
  • bricks.

To create an artificial reservoir, you need to adhere to step by step instructions:

You can also see how to make a film pond with your own hands on this video:

A small artificial pond can be made from an old bath. It is installed in the pit, pre-closing the drain hole. The inner boards are treated with glue for ceramic tiles with paint. On the perimeter of the capacitance, the chain net is placed, a cement-sand mixture is applied to it, and from above - various decorative elements - stones, tiles, gravel, etc.


When the main part of the work is completed, you can move to the decorative stage.

Stones and water

If there are cobblestone stones, they can be postponed perimeter and bottom.

It is important to remember that only stones without sharp corners can be laid on the bottom, especially if the base is made of film.

Water poured from the hose weak jet. Within 2-3 weeks, the liquid may be muddy - this is a biological process, then water will become transparent and clean.

To maintain these qualities, you can start tadpoles that feed on algae and filter water.

How to plant and care for the Dolphinium in the garden, find out.

Additional decorations

The pond can be equipped with underwater illumination that will look spectacular in the dark.

You can also install mini-spotlights. For this use LED and halogen lamps. To make fountains, you will need special surface and underwater pumps.

Using the backlight in the pond - modern design solution

Living in the pond

If you want to settle the pond fish, create the necessary habitat for them.

The pond without vegetation and livelihood will soon lose its aesthetic appearance.

That is why landscape designers advise you to think in advance who will dwell in the reservoir. For example, at the bottom you can land high species of plants, lotuses, pita, rod.

Before buying fish, you need to clarify the conditions for their habitat. It is important to remember that some species will be entrited with each other and will not be able to survive on one territory.

Pond care in summer and winter time

Summer is a period of active vegetative growth, so you need to follow the plants planted in the pond and next.

It is necessary to remove the graced algae, they can be used in the country area as fertilizers and mulch. Blooming in the water branch of the plant in the summer months feather the means of prolonged action. Weeds growing on the shore regularly remove.

From June to August, you can plant exotic plants: whitefall, lotus, lazihiton, water salad, saber.

It is important not to forget about constant control of water quality.

The pond, in which amphibians and fish are not inhabited, in front of the winter you can dry and hide the garden film.

If there are inhabitants, it includes the anti-icer before the first frosts.

Many country owners, private, country sites dream of the presence of their own pond. As practice shows, a decorative reservoir is quite possible to create with their own hands. In this article, we will talk about the main features of the manufacturer of the pond personally, pay attention to the recommendations of specialists regarding this topic, we define the main criteria for choosing a place for digging a kitty for artificial reservoir.

The main varieties of reservoirs on their plot

Have its own water oasis in the private site in recent years has become a fashion trend. As a rule, each owner is trying to diversify this type of landscape structures with various original ideas. But, before talking about the specific species of artificial reservoirs, we consider what they are at all. The table indicates the main types of water bodies in the country areas:

The main varieties of water bodies
Waterfall It is artificially created by water, the feature of which is considered a falling, nowilling water from top to bottom. Such structures are working at the expense of a specially equipped pumping system. Properly chosen space for the arrangement of the waterfall is a territory with an inclined relief.
Fountain This type of artificial reservoirs are customary to divide into two groups: submersible and stationary. Stationary structures are independent elements of the territory, submersible most often are an additional element of the pond.
Creek Requires a water supply system (for example, a small pond, etc.). Due to overflows, bends, stone obstacles of the stream of their own production looks not only original, beautiful, but also the most naturally naturally, naturally.
Pond This is a reservoir, the principle of which is considered to be overlapping watercourse. Usually predicts on small rivers or during the creation of the dam. The dimensions of such water bodies can vary from the smallest to significant dimensions.
Swamp Original creation on the site is the decorative swamp. On such artificial reservoirs, it is customary to breed attractive, rare waterfowl. To make it possible, the depth of such a water system should be insignificant.

Another criterion, pushing off from which the reservoirs are divided into species, is the purpose of this structure. So, they allocate the following:

  • small;
  • decorative;
  • for swimming;
  • for breeding fishes of reservoirs.

The creation of an artificial water structure on the plot does not require special financial investments. In this case, attention is important to details, rather than specialists, beginners should be familiar with the advice and recommendations of these professionals.

Proper location of the reservoir on the site

Choosing the appropriate territory for the construction of the reservoir with your own hands, should be extremely attentive, in order not to damage the gas system during the coppe. Taking into account all the generally accepted rules, an artificial pond (or another species) should not occupy more than 3% in the area. In order for the design to become not only an ornament, but also practical at any time of the year should take into account the following recommendations:

  • there should be no trees in the territory around the reservoir: the leaves will fall out, it will require frequent cleaning, and durable roots can destroy structures from under the ground;
  • from the aesthetic side, the reservoir should be clearly visible from the house;
  • the correctly selected place implies a convenient approach to water building, the ability to equip any track;
  • it is important and the ingress of sunlight on the reservoir, ideally, it should be covered about 7 hours a day;
  • it should be possible to hide, protect with water from strengths, cold winds.

Basic materials and tools for making a pond with their own hands

For the manufacture of a pond on the site with their own hands, as practice shows, choose a variety of materials. Hard plastic, PVC film, concrete and other building matter initially laid the basis for the time required, and the budget of the process. Often, the owners are used to build a small manpower in the yard in order to build a small manner in the yard. This series includes various fiberglass bowls, old shells and baths, barrels, etc.

To create an artificial reservoir, liquid rubber, butyl rubber film, EPDM membrane, etc. are also used.

To work with different types of materials, we usually require different tools, but still for some works there are a number of an indispensable toolkit:

  • copal shovel;
  • roulette;
  • gloves;
  • bucket;
  • pegs and rope;
  • master OK;
  • a hammer;
  • rake and forks;
  • scissors of different types;
  • copper pipes, Bulgarian, etc.

Pond from hard plastic with their own hands

The basis for creating a pond in the garden can already be a ready-made design of rigid plastic. The advantages of this option can be called at least the time cost of installation work (in comparison with others), the reliability of use at any time of the year, the ability to create a reservoir of any form, etc. At the same time, one of the main deficiencies is the financial cost of high-quality material, since the cheap, not durable material will soon be the cause of scratchfulness and unsuitable pond. Creating a rigid plastic pond can be characterized by several stages.

1. The markup of the selected territory is prepared.

2. Drives the pit, is determined, with a margin of at least 8-10 cm.

3. The tank of hard plastic, the desired shape and size is placed in the finished pit.

4. Using the building level, the horizontal container is checked.

5. The vessel is filled with water. Then, bowl fixes begins with sand, which falls asleep from the side.

If there is already a finished bowl, small sizes, no more than 3-4 days will go to work. Pond from hard plastic with their own hands a good alternative to a row with other options.

PRR from PVC film do it yourself

No less known the creation of private ponds based on various types of construction film, including PVC. The durability of this type of structures directly depends on the strength, thickness and quality of the selected material.

Polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) is the most optimal option for the production of a small pond with your own hands on the plot. It is known in the following characteristics:

  • as a rule, does not contain malicious substances;
  • sold in rolls of various thicknesses and widths;
  • resistant to temperature drops, has good frost-resistant qualities;
  • with a properly selected PVC thickness of the film, the durability of the pond will be more than 10 years.

Choosing PVC material for work should pay attention to the characteristics such as moisture resistance, stability to the soil salts, resistance to ultraviolet, etc.

Reinforced concrete bowl with your own hands

One of the most difficult, technical characteristics, the options for creating a water branch on the site is a concrete structure. First, it is quite time-consuming, temporarily and financially costly. Secondly, this case requires certain construction skills. However, reservoirs from reinforced concrete material are distinguished by durability, durability and reliability. Creating this type of ponds, you can maximize any original ideas and create an aquatic structure of any dimensions.

Using this material in the production of its own pond on the site it is necessary to further take care of:

  • waterproofing design;
  • additional processing of the structure by a frost-resistant means;
  • strengthening the design with reinforcement, etc.

This type of water bodies requires the presence of such building materials as sand, cement, primer for cement, crushed stone, etc.

The main work on the manufacture of a pond with your own hands. Sketch

The main work on the manufacture of the pond with their own hands is based on the finished, created individually sketch. This building document allows you to graphically display all the nuances of the future design and work on it. At home Master, newcomers rely on ready-made drawings and ideas with which the Internet is richer. Builders' specialists write that creating a sketch for the construction of a pond It is important to pay attention to the presence of steps (soil drops) in the reservoir. Detail in the drawing will avoid the huge number of building problems and inaccuracies.

We have already mentioned the main stages of work on the manufacture of a pond, but it is worth considering the preparation of the pit for the laying of a substrate and film.

Drying butt, laying the substrate and films

Physical work, regarding the manufacture of a pond with their own hands, begins with digging a pit. But before proceeding to the spray of the pit, it is necessary to first clean the territory from possible garbage, foliage. Next place the selected area and only then delete the turf. Experts recommend digging from the edge to the center, while constantly adjust the irregularities and observe the edge of the territory marked. Do not forget about the stock of the Earth 10 cm (even such minor errors in the process can be very weighty).

Next, the finished kitty should be equipped with high-quality waterproofing. This is done so that water from the pond does not go into the ground. In construction there are several options, how to form a so-called substrate in the pit:

1. Using various types of stones to put and catch the pit;

2. Apply geotextiles to float sand;

3. Use film.

The most common way listed methods is considered the last.

The pillow inside a PVC film requires special attention, since incorrectly conducted installation works can be the result of damage to the film layer, such as roots of trees, etc.

Putting this material on the bottom of the pit It is important to follow some rules:

  • usually relief of water bodies are characterized by folding, so professionals are advised to make one big fold, and avoid the appearance of many small;
  • in order to secure the film in the pit, it is better to create an additional trench;
  • it is necessary to trace the fact that the film material is stretched in the pit, in this moment it is important that PVC material lay freely, otherwise after filling the pond with water, it can be broken;
  • in order to lay out the film by stones, it is best to use small species. Another point, a good option will be small rounded stones, without ribbed surfaces;
  • the edges of the film are recommended to cut after the recovery stands for more than 2 days.

Pond care with your own hands

In order for the pond to turn into a multifunctional system additionally install filtering systems, pumps and other techniques. Several methods of care for the pond at different times of the year are distinguished:

  • mechanical;
  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • uV.

The mechanical method is to use special filter containers, which are purified by reservoir from small particles. Choosing a system with small nozzles, you can neutralize even the most tiny particles.

The biological method is used to normalize the biological indicators of water in the pond. Its principle of operation is to use filters that can neutralize biological residues, etc.

The chemical method of purification allows to normalize the acidity of water into the pond, saturate with oxygen, etc. However, if fish live in the reservoir, this method can only harm.

The latter method is to apply ultraviolet lamps, the main function of which, in this case, is to disinfection of water. Ultraviolet copes perfectly with malicious viruses and bacteria.

To the above methods, you can add the most elementary physical work that will allow you to keep water clean. From the owners requires careful water purification from leaves, regular water change, cleaning from yals and algae, etc. Specialists recommend breeding a number of waterfowl plants that are considered natural filters. It is not only useful, but also very beautiful.

For more information on how to make a pond on the plot, do it yourself watch the video:

How nice in a hot summer time spend a few hours at a shady pond or lake! Of course, it is great, if there is one in the neighborhood. However, most often we spend free summer days in the country, and not everyone has money for a large country house and landscape designer services. In this case, nothing else remains how to make a pond with your own hands, especially since it is not so difficult.

It all depends on your imagination, the size of the plot and what is available at hand. If you make a little effort and cash, then the country's pond will not only please you, but also cause a burning envy of your neighbors.

Your size and form are primarily dependent on the area of \u200b\u200bthe site allotted under these objectives. But the larger the pond area, the easier it is for him to take care - you need to clean more often. If you plan to start fish and plant a lot of aquatic plants, then a small reservoir will not suit you, because it is very difficult to maintain the right ecobalance.

The best place for the homepoint will be an open part of the site, at the same time protected from a strong wind. It is not worth placing a reservoir on a well-lit place: the location should be so that the sun's rays do not fall into the water for more than 6 hours in a row, otherwise it will bloom, and only frogs will be able to live there. Doubtful perspective, right? At the same time, if the lighting is insufficient, the plants will develop a slowly, and a beautiful corner for rest will not work.

If you decide to equip a small fountain, you will need a pond scheme to properly connect the pump and other equipment. Having attached a little effort, the plan can be sketched yourself. Of course, it will be necessary to think about the proximity of the location of the power supply network.

Do not have your home reservoir under the crowns of trees. First, it will lead to additional pollution of water with foliage foliage, and it will have to clean the pond much more often, and secondly, the roots of the tree can damage the reservoir bed, and it will quickly disperse.

Well, of course, all the idea becomes useless if you cannot enjoy a beautiful view from the window or from the terrace, so, planning to make a pond on the plot with your own hands, do not forget about the aesthetic side of the question.

Rigid-based home pond

If you are a supporter of thorough, durable construction, then you can approach the process with a scope: digging the pitted size and with the help of metal reinforcement and cement to cast a pond concrete bowl. Such a design will definitely cost a lot, but it will last for many years (at least 30). If you are not an adherent of a global approach, you can do the option easier and cheaper.

So, how to make one of the most elementary ways to make a dream to reality, is a ready "bowl", which can be purchased in the store. Perhaps the main disadvantage of this option will be that inventing your original reservoir form will fail, you will have to be content with the proposed assortment.

The most inexpensive solution is the plastic pond of a small size, from 4 to 8 m 2. Of course, there are more molds, but they already belong to the category of pools and are much more expensive. When choosing a container, it is necessary to pay attention to its depth - it should be at least 0.8-1 meters. In the summer, water in such a pond will warm up completely, and all its inhabitants will be comfortable, well, in winter, such a reservoir will not be lazy to the bottom, which is also very important.

If you decide to organize a pond on the plot with your own hands and want to use a ready-made basis for this, then first of all you need to study the materials from which forms are made - there are also several nuances here.

The simplest and cheap option can be the usual plastic container, but it has its drawbacks. First of all, you need to be very neat during transportation and installation - such a tank can crack even with a slight bend. The plastic also has the property of collapse from sunlight, which means that the life of such a product is not too large - 5-10 years.

If you want your reservoir to serve longer, choose forms from special reinforced plastic - they have a much longer life (up to 20 years). Such tanks are more plastic and less susceptible to ultraviolet radiation.

The most qualitative and, of course, expensive are products made of fiberglass on a rubber-based basis. Such a form is resistant to temperature difference, it does not destroy from the effects of sunlight and does not release harmful substances into the water, which is very important for the inhabitants of the reservoir. It will last such a reservoir for more than 30 years, in addition, it can be repaired, which prolongs the time of use practically for an unlimited period.

The construction of fiberglass bath ponds is a simple process, and its result is quite aesthetic, since these forms are of different colors, and on some even applied, imitating stones, sand or fine pebbles. This allows you to beautifully disguise the edges of the reservoir and give it the most natural look.

Build yourself

So, to build a pond on the site with your own hands, first of all you need to decide on the location and form of the reservoir. Defined? We proceed to construction work:

  1. To begin with, placing the contour of the pit. Make it very simple - set the form in the right place and outline its silhouette with the help of a regular bayonet shovel, tightly pressing the cuttings in the edge of the bath.
  2. To the resulting circuit, add about 20 cm to plug the plastic pond sand.
  3. If you have acquired a form with a ledge, then each level needs to be placed and digged separately, from more to a smaller, do not forget to add 10-15 cm on each floor for a sandy substrate.
  4. When the pit will be ready, his edges should be pretty loosen and tamped, choose all the glass, stones and roots of trees. If this is not done, you can damage the form. Then you need to pour and carefully tackle the sand with a layer of at least 10 cm - it will save your pond from drawdown.
  5. Install the plastic form and make sure that it costs exactly, for this you can use the rule. After that, carefully fill the pond with water by approximately a third, trying not to move it from the spot.
  6. The gaps between the edge of the pit and the shape carefully pour sand. It should be monitored so that no emptiness remains. For which periodically water the soil with water, but try so that the pressure is not too strong.

During the week, after installation, regularly water the water of the earth around the pond and slut the sand as needed. After the soil sedimentation stops, it is possible to completely fill with reservoir, to decorate the edges of the pond bowl by stones, tumor and plant decorative plants.

Cottage water from flexible materials

Now let's talk about how to make a pond on the plot, if you buy the finished capacity is not possible or you want to equip a large bizarre form.

The fiscal option in this case will be the use of conventional polyethylene with a thickness of at least 500 microns. However, despite the fact that it costs quite inexpensively, there are quite a few minuses of such a coating. The fact is that polyethylene is a rather subtle material, it is very easy to damage, and under the action of sunlight, it becomes fragile and quickly collapsed. The reservoir on the polyethylene substrate will serve you for a maximum of 2-3 years.

PVC film for the pond - the material is also not too expensive, but much more durable, such a coating can withstand 8-10 years. Polyvinyl chloride coating is the usual and two-layer, in which a woven grid is laid for strength. Of course, PVC has the same disadvantages as polyethylene - destroyed under the action of ultraviolet, it is easily cut and rushes, but, unlike the latter, it can be repaired. For this, special sets are sold. In addition, PVC stretches better, and after filling the pond, most of the folds are stretched with time and straighten.

The most expensive, but at the same time, the highest quality is the coating made of butyl rubber: the service life of such a material is about 50 years, and the sun's sunshine is nipple. In addition, butyluccule is not afraid of low temperatures, so you do not have to merge water from the pond in winter. This is a very flexible and plastic material that can withstand significant loads, so if you decide to equip a spacious reservoir of an unusual form, without him you just do not do.

Location Kotlovan

To equip a pond on the plot with your own hands, you will need:

  • pegs;
  • rope;
  • film coating;
  • geotextile or felt;
  • sand;
  • crushed stone or large pebbles;
  • shovel;
  • special set for repairing film coating;
  • bricks;
  • garden hose for watering;

With the help of twine and pegs, it is necessary to place the desired form of the pit and start up to earthworks. If you plan to break the pond of quite large sizes, you can attract an excavator. During the work, it is necessary to ensure that the ledges and the descent are alternate, it will make the shores of the pond are more stable. It is also necessary to provide terraces (width of at least 30 cm) for planting plants. Descents from one level to another need to be made sufficiently gentle, with an inclination angle to 45˚.

It should be remembered that the depth of the pond should not be less than 80 cm, otherwise the water in it will freeze to the bottom, and its inhabitants will die. Thus, it is necessary to dug the pit, about 15-20 centimeters exceeding the intended sizes of the reservoir. This is necessary in order to be able to plug the terrace and the bottom of the pond with sand, to avoid drawdown and damage to the film. The sand pillow needs to thoroughly align and tamper, pre-removing from the bottom of all pebbles, sharp sticks and roots of plants.

Drainage and waterproofing

When the drainage pillow from the sand is ready, go to the next stage of work. So that the film for the pond remains as long as possible, the geotextile should be used on the sand layer, better in 2 layers. Next, we can weigh the film itself and fix it on the shores with the help of bricks or large stones. Do not try to straighten and decompose all folds - let it make water for you.

Flexible placing in such a way that its end is in the center of the future reservoir, and begin to serve water, following the pressure not too strong. As the pond is filling, the water is partially freeing the edges of the film and straighten it on the slopes of the pit. After the reservoir is filled to the edges, leave it for 1-2 days. During this time, under the severity of water, the film will place and fill all empties.

After it completely sees, you need to trim the extra pieces, leaving at least 40-50 cm for the arrangement of the shores. The edges are fixed with pegs or special metal arms, and after disguised with tilgear, large stones and pebbles. It's time to install the pump, reorganize the hoses from the fountains and do disembarking plants.

Pond over ground in the country

When there are kids in the family, then one of the main problems in the construction of the reservoir: how to make a secure pond. It is best that such a water will be slightly raised above the surface of the soil. First, it greatly facilitates care for it, and secondly, the risk of being significantly reduced that small children or pets are accidentally falling there.

In this case, you can not do without reinforced concrete foundation. Drop the pond in the deepest part of it, form the terraces for plants, as in the previous case. On the shores of the reservoir with a wooden formwork, fill the concrete foundation of the desired height, for strength it can be reinforced with a metal grid. After the foundation is completely dry and disappeared (for this you need at least two days), the formwork can be removed, and the inner walls are placed before smoothness. This will help avoid breaking the film. We put it down the bottom of the pit and fill the bowl of water. At the same time, the edges of the material are fixed so that they are behind the concrete fence. After the pond is filled, we give water to settle, cut off the excessive film, fix it and decorate the edges of the bowl.

Inventory: What will take

Of course, the construction of ponds is not easy, but what you can't do for yourself, because if everything is organized correctly, the result will delight the eye more than one year.

However, it is not enough to build a domestic reservoir - you need to care for him. Here are some technical devices that you will be very useful:

Care rules for country reservoirs

The pond in the garden is definitely very beautiful, but if you do not want to become a happy owner of a personal swamp, in which frogs drink in the evenings, then you need to care for it. First of all, it is necessary to ensure that the water in it does not bloom. Of course, it is best to purchase a special system of cleansing, but this is unfortunately, pleasure is not cheap. However, there is another, more affordable tool: Take a bag of canvas and score it to place such a "surprise" under water, and algae at the bottom of the pond will not remain.

It is also necessary to carefully monitor the purity of the reservoir - regularly remove the garbage from the surface and topping the water as evaporation. If your pond is small, then for the winter period it is recommended to completely dry, and for large reservoirs, complete cleaning is needed at least 2-3 times a year, the water is needed to completely pump out.

From the fact that

And what to do those who do not allow the size of the site even a small reservoir? Do not get upset: a small pond can be equipped in a parisader, adapting a cropped metal barrel or just a large basin for these purposes. Such a minibar can be accommodated even on the balcony of the city apartment, reagreeing the container with brakes with pebbles or mosaic. Of course, the murmur of the fountcher at such a "reservoir" you will not hear, but the coolness and the rainy greenery of aquatic plants are provided to you.