Repairs Design Furniture

Hydroponic greens: What and how to do? Hydroponic plant for growing greenery at home Who grown decorative greens on hydroponics

If not talking about hydroponics on an industrial scale, then mostly this method of growing plants is used to always have home fresh vegetables. Especially relevant than the cultivation of greenery - basilica, dill, parsley, tree, salad, celery, fennel. The fact is that these cultures contain many useful and even essential nutrients and vitamins, which are very necessary human organism. It is especially important to use vitamins in the autumn-winter period, when desperately lacks the sun, and the greens in the stores becomes very expensive.

The essence of the flow hydroponics method

The principle of operation of such systems is quite simple. For the system of the system, there will be plastic gutters with a suitable cross section, plastic cups with slots, a tank for a nutrient solution, a pump, timers. Separate requirements are presented to the microclimate.

Plastic gutters have round holes for pots, on one side of the gutter closed with plugs, on the other - have holes.

The advantages of the method include:

  • Efficiency: the solution is consumed economically, the creation of the system will cost inexpensively, there is little electricity;
  • Fertilizers are spent very effective, having a maximum effect;
  • Green grows quickly and saves all its useful properties.

However, there are some inconveniences:

  • Prepare the nutrient solution is needed very carefully;
  • Fertilizers should be the highest quality;
  • Carefully follow the cleanliness of the installation, and also periodically, in a strictly defined time to replace the solution.

It is convenient to have a gutter on the so-called rack installations that are sold in specialized stores, but they can also be collected personally. The main rule that should be observed when assembling such racks is that the angle of inclination of the grooves in the rack should be about 1%.

Substrate for running hydroponics

The most suitable substrate for greenery on the flow hydroponics is peat mixed with perlite. Two types of peat are suitable - horse and transition. And the other should not have a fine grain. Need a peat with medium and large particles. In addition, before mixing peat with perlite, it is lime. It should be borne in mind that in the mixture with perlite peat becomes more alkalic by 0.2 units of pH. Mix substrates in a 2: 1 ratio, that is, 2 parts of the peat, 1 part of the perlite.

Growing seedlings of greenery by flow hydroponics

For the cultivation of seedlings, there will be a small plastic potty 5 centimeters high and reusable cassettes. And the cassettes, and the pot in front of the seeds are thoroughly washed in hot running water and disinfected with a solution of manganese.

The substrate neatly poured into the pot, while you should not try to pour too much substrate, tamper it, since too much density is given to a lack of oxygen incoming to the root system. The substrate is poured easily, so that the pot saves its original shape. The moisture content of the substrate is about 40%, and the weight of the pot is about 40 grams.

Seeds of greenery can be granulated or not granulated, sowing depends on it. For example, one pot sews three seeds of granulated lettuce or four non-granulated seeds. Dill sow 20-30 seeds into one pot, basil - 15-20 seeds.

Immediately after sowing the substrate in pots, it is necessary to pour warm water. After watering, the pot must increase the mass of 10 grams each. Now it's time to place cassettes in the appropriate microclimate. Previously, the period of separation of seeds was associated with a variety of difficulties: it was quite difficult to maintain the optimal temperature, air humidity. Today, fortunately, there are modern propagators in which the microclimate management is automated. By means of timers and other accounting devices, you can set the necessary indicators of humidity, temperature, ensure ventilation and suitable lighting. Temperature for germination should be 22-24 degrees, air humidity - 93-95%.

How many cassettes should be in the ppogatar? Exactly until the seeds are good. Dill sprouts after 2 days, parsley - after 3-4, basil - after 4-5 days. In a word, as soon as about 95% of seeds rose, the cassettes are removed from the propagator, they pull out the pot from them and put them in the flow hydroponics system.

It is necessary to immediately organize the backlight of the plants. The optimal indicator is 10,000 luxury, the light day is about 14 hours. Fixtures that are able to dispel the light stream, covering them more plants than is able to make a separate lamp. If the system is installed in the greenhouse, and the gutter is long enough, then it is convenient to use moving mechanisms. They are not obligatory in GroBox, since the square is Mala. During this period, the temperature is maintained within 18-20 degrees during the day and 16-18 degrees at night, the temperature of the substrate is about 19 degrees, air humidity - 70-75%.

When two real leaves appear, and the roots reach a length of 2-4 centimeters, the microclimate change slightly. The temperature is reduced to 15-17 degrees, the temperature of the nutrient solution in the flow hydroponic system should be about 18 degrees. Air humidity remains the same, but during this period this figure acquires particular importance. If the humidity decreases, then the greens begins to quickly acquire a brown color, which indicates that the calcium stopped correctly. Therefore, behind the humidity must be carefully monitored.

Most green crops are fully prepared after 18-20 days after the appearance of the first leaflets, if all the cultivation rules are followed. In order not to delay the growing of greenery on the flow hydroponic, you can apply the growth stimulator one by two times according to the instructions. Such drugs accelerate the growth of the green part of the plant and contribute to the healthy development of the root system.

A rare hostess did not dream of having a fresh greens always at hand. And if the bedroom flowers are a familiar phenomenon, then dill and salad on the windowsill are not so often you can meet in an ordinary apartment. Nevertheless, there are technologies that make it easier to grow not only beautiful, but also useful plants. This article discusses the method of growing greenery at home.

Fresh greens at any time of the year

Hydroponic is an old, although not too well-known method of bustling growing plants. The name itself speaks of the specifics of the method: translated from Greek it means "working solution".

Did you know? One of the seven wonders, the famous healing gardens of seminimides - the first known use of hydroponics.

When growing with a hydroponic method, the roots of the plant are located in a homogeneous solid substrate of organic or artificial origin. All nutrients greenery draws from a solution where the container is immersed with a substrate. For each type of plants there is a separate solution with a necessary set of batteries.

What will need for growing greenery

To grow dill and other plants on hydroponics, all components of technology should be prepared. It consists of two elements.

Hydroponic installation includes containers for planting plants and a nutrient solution supply system. There are many types of such installations adapted to industrial or individual use.
Equipment for hydroponic cultivation can be bought either to assemble with their own hands. If it is decided to make a design yourself, it will take a double container for this (two separate containers can be replaced), a water tank, a tube, a pump for aquarium and a timer that will control the entire operating system. These items will be enough to improve the cultivation of greenery on the balcony; It will be necessary to maintain optimal temperature and lighting.

Did you know? The development of the idea of \u200b\u200bhydroponics was the aircropon, where the roots of the plants are in the air and from time to time are pollinated by the substrate. Direct water to the roots is not served.

If there is no desire or the ability to assemble a hydroponic installation for growing greenery itself, it can be bought, ordering over the Internet. The principle of operation of factory systems is the same, except that the purchase will look compact and easier to use.

Solution and substrate

When the growing plant is ready, it remains to take care of the solution and substrate. The substrate filling the pots with plants serves to support the roots. Itself is absolutely sterile, that is, it does not contain any nutrients. It is important that the substrate does not affect the influence of moisture and chemicals dissolved in water.
The solution is usually bought in horticultural stores. This is a ready-made liquid that contains all the necessary trace elements for the growth and development of a certain type of greenery. Since each plant requires an individual nutrient medium, the composition of the solution for different species will differ.

Getting ready for landing

Before boarding, it is necessary to determine the place where the hydroponic installation is located. As a rule, it is a windowsill or a balcony. In addition to the power supply (which provides a system), there are sufficient lighting and constant, comfortable temperature for growth. It is necessary to take into account these factors.

Choosing a substrate

As mentioned above, the substrates are divided into organic and artificial. The main property of any of them is resistance to the constant effect of water and chemical elements. They also should not distinguish any substances, since the plant's nutrient medium is strictly calculated in advance. Here are the most common substrates:

Important! The substrate should well spend not only water, but also air. Breathing is needed to roots for vital activity.

Landing seeds

As a rule, hydroponics requires primary germination of seeds. Seeds are germinated in the soil or analog it (for example, in peat), watering in advance with a preparation solution. When it is formed by one or two real leaves, it means that the root system is already sufficiently developed. Such a plant will postpone the landing in the filler without loss.
For transplantation, the crown seedlock is removed from the pot together with the ground and neatly washed roots. Then, holding the plant, fall asleep with a polished root system with a substrate.
It is necessary to plant on this depth so that in the future the roots do not concern the solution - moisture and nutrients will rise up on the peres of the filler in sufficient quantities.

Important! Immediately after the transplantation to the container for the solution poured simple water. Only in a week it is replaced with a solution when the plant is adapted.

Some modern hydroponic systems can do without transplanting and sow seeds immediately into the installation. But all manufacturers of equipment are offered such opportunities.

Preparation of solution

The solution is prepared according to the manufacturer's recommendation, observing the exact dosage. For growing salad and other greenery on hydroponics at home, they take a concentration of 1.25 above average. The solution consists of complex fertilizer and

Hydroponics refers to modern technologies in the field of growing plants without the use of soil. Due to the additional nutrition with special solutions, plant cultures feel great in greenhouse conditions.

The main advantage of its advantage is available for each consumer. It can be located on both industrial scales and at home.

Assembly mechanisms do not require special professional skills. The main thing in this case, competently plan its size and location.

What is the system of hydroponics?

The standard design of the hydroponic installation consists of several rows in which plants are located. Before the start of the construction, it is necessary to prepare the following items and materials:

  • tank. It has a nutrient solution with various types of additives. The tank should be dark color. Depending on the number of plants, the corresponding volume for storing the liquid medium is selected;
  • capacities for each plant. In most cases, conventional pots for flower plants are used. They have a large number of holes for the nutrition of young crops;
  • pump. It regulates the normal supply of nutrient fluid for each vegetation body;
  • substrate. It is used for dense fixation of each plant within the pot. For this, fillers from clay and mineral wool are suitable.

Location of the hydroponic system

To prevent the maximum evaporation of moisture, experienced professionals advise the greenhouses in the back of the yard. There are no drafts and excessive solar lighting.

The room should contain a constant temperature. In case of supercooling, young shoots may die. As heating, heaters or stationary ovens can be used.

Instructions for self-assembly

In fact, assemble a hydroponic installation at home will not be much difficulty. The main thing in this case is to follow the order of actions:

On the surface of the tube, it is necessary to cut holes for each pot. The diameter of each of them should be equal to the size of the upper part of the container with the plant.

The distance between them is about 10 - 15 cm. For each culture, it is necessary to select the corresponding location, based on the diameter of the leaf portion of the crown.

  • in the side part there are several holes for hoses that regulate the supply of the liquid medium;
  • small stones are placed on the bottom of the tank. This is necessary in order to ensure the stability of the design;
  • next occurs in the tank capacity with a nutrient solution. The pump is lowered pumping hoses. In the future, they are able to fill the missing amount of moisture in tanks;
  • the completion step will install the pots with filler. At the end of the process, the water level is checked. For better nutrition, it is recommended to install the nutrient solution in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Gorshkov DNA. As plants grow, they regulate the level of the liquid medium.

For rapid growth of plant crops, it is necessary to take care of additional sources of light. For this, stationary lamps are suitable.

Photo of homemade hydroponics

To obtain all the necessary vitamins, it is important to include salads and fresh greens in the diet. In order not to acquire parsley and dill in stores, you can take advantage of popular technology. Hydroponic plant for growing greenery provides lettuce, celery, onions and other cultures throughout the year.

The essence of the method

The word "hydroponics" suggests that water requires water for the operation of the installation. It is saturated with nutrients and used instead of ordinary soil. Many people think that the hydroponic system is a modern innovative technology, forgetting that the greens were raised in this way in England at the beginning of the twentieth century.

The convenience of this method is that it allows you to forget about regular quenching, the fight against pests and provides plants the necessary conditions for rapid growth and development:

  • water;
  • light to carry out the process of photosynthesis;
  • the optimal level of acidity, preserving all valuable substances in greenery.

As a result, it grows large, juicy, her pests are not affected. Dill, kinza, leaf salad can be cut through 3-5 weeks after landing and quickly get re-crop. Therefore, hydroponics enjoys well-deserved popularity in those who are engaged in the cultivation of greenery for sale.

To enrich water with nutrients, those elements that plants planted on the garden are used from the soil. Installation functions perfectly in automatic mode, so the plants do not need everyday care. The main thing is to change and pour the nutrient solution on time. This is the basic condition necessary for growing seedlings and greens.

Installation selection

There are a large selection of hydroponic systems. There you can choose the installation for large-scale operation and for use in a small apartment.

Modern hydroponic equipment is several types that differ from each other in the way of delivery of water.

  1. With drip irrigation, the nutrient solution goes to the roots of plants along a thin tube, wash them and pours out of special holes.
  2. With the tidal irrigation, the root system is periodically poured with a solution that is removed after a few minutes.
  3. With the capillary irrigation, the roots are in the substrate, which is impregnated with the nutrient fluid.

The problem is that the shop hydroponic installation is expensive. Before you decide on such a solid acquisition, it is advisable to understand the principle of system operation and accurately find out what the result can be calculated. The best option is to make an installation for growing greenery yourself.

At home it is easier to use capillary irrigation. It does not require a difficult expensive automation for it, and the design itself takes little space.

What is needed for home installation

Before proceeding with work, you need to prepare everything you need. You will need a closing water container. Its volume depends on how many plants you will grown. On average, a single root system requires 2-3 liters of nutrient fluid. The container should be dark color, otherwise water under the influence of sunlight will quickly deteriorate and "bloom."

  1. Be sure to purchase a special pump for aquariums. With it, the liquid is enriched with oxygen. So that it approached the hydroponic system better, it is desirable to replace with silicone tubes.
  2. Buy a stone, spraying oxygen bubbles in water. To grow greens, it is recommended to use only a new stone to prevent the liquid to be infected with pathogenic bacteria, which leads to the death of plants.
  3. We will need a pot. Conventional plastic cups or small plastic pots are suitable for seedlings. Make sure that they are no higher than the prepared container for the solution.

When the main components are ready, take care of the substrate. Its selection is quite wide. It may be coconut fiber, mineral wool, perlite, clayjit or any specialized filler purchased in the store.

In the end, it is necessary to choose nutrients. There are already ready-made concentrates for seedlings of vegetables, indoor flowers and greenery on the market. Instead, it is allowed to use complex-type fertilizers.

Instructions for manufacture

First of all, you need to prepare cups for seedlings. They need a hot selection to do small holes on the bottom and grooves on the sides. Then you should remove the cover with water tank, put on it glasses upside down and circulating with a chemical pencil. The distance between the glasses should be at least 10 cm. Cut in the lid of the hole along the circuit circuit and insert the pot there.

  1. In the upper part of the tank, do the holes for the hoses of the aquarium pump. Prepare stones spraying air, according to the instructions and put them inside the tank.
  2. Fill the tank with filtered water more than half and connect the compressor. For convenience, the device is desirable to install next to the hydroponic installation. If the system works without failures, turn it off and take the pots.
  3. Fill them with a substrate, pre-impregnated with water, close the tank with the lid and insert the pots into your place. Their donyshko must be immersed in liquid.
  4. Site into the substrate for 3 seeds of the desired seedlings, cover on top of each pot with an empty plastic cup to create a greenhouse effect, and wait when the seeds are sprouting.
  5. Then, add the nutrient solution into the tank with water, strictly adhering to the manufacturer's instructions, and remove empty glasses with seedlings.

The nutrient solution should be added twice a week. Its concentration must be 15 times less initial. The pump to enrich water oxygen can be left permanently allowed, but it is more convenient to purchase a timer that is used for aquariums and program it on a fifteen-minute inclusion 4 times a day.

Fully changed water in the container is recommended once a month. To make it convenient to do, at the bottom of the tank you can install a special plum valve. The used liquid is not worth it. It is useful to apply for plant irrigation on the garden or colors.

To grow successfully, it is desirable to sow simple unpretentious cultures for the first time. Quickly grow and do not require dill, parsley, green salad, kinza, basil. Vegetables are more demanding. They need a large tank for a nutrient solution, require special backups and artificial lighting.

Before using the container where water is needed, it is desirable to disinfect. The procedure must be carried out using chlorine.

  1. It is required to dilute at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. on 10 liters of water.
  2. Fill the solution into the tank, close it tightly and leave it half an hour.
  3. Drain the liquid, wait until the container is completely dry, and only then fill the tank with liquid for growing.

Rapid growth of plants ensures the maintenance of optimal temperature in tanks with nutrient solution. It should vary within 24-30 degrees. If it is impossible to achieve this in natural conditions, it is required to purchase a device heating water in aquariums.

If the greens are grown in winter, when the light day is too short, you need to use additional lighting. Purchase special phytolamba and turn them on a few hours daily. This will help accelerate the growth of plants and increase yield.

Hydroponics is becoming increasingly popular every day. The simplicity and efficiency of the technology gives her all the chances to oust the traditional cultivation of a young greenery. By building a simple installation with your own hands, you quickly appreciate its advantages. You will definitely want to make a more complex and powerful apparatus to check its excellent opportunities.

Hydroponics ─ A complex of a number of methods of growing plants, without the use of the usual soil and use of the nutrient medium in the form of artificial substrates. Due to the occurrence of such a method, cultures are enriched with the desired amount of beneficial substances, the result of which is a strong root system and intensive growth.


The technology itself implies the room of the root culture system into an aqueous solution enriched with vitamins and minerals. Due to this, the plant almost instantly receives useful trace elements.

The most primitive way of using hydroponics to date is the cultivation of green onions. And if you build the simplest installation, it will be possible to boast a high-quality and rich harvest from the windowsill.

For its manufacture, you will need:

  1. Pallet with culture;
  2. Underwater pump, to provide a plant with a nutrient solution;
  3. Pump for supplying additional air directly into the solution;
  4. Spray;
  5. Tube for reverse return of beneficial substances.

A special feature of such a device is a continuous circuit of the nutrient solution. In the upper zone, a slightly inclined pallet is installed mesh vases with a plant. From a specially selected tank, with the help of a pump, nutrient fluid comes to the roots of the plant. It slowly flows into the pallet, washing the root system of landed culture. Reaching the bottom of the pallet, it flows into the overall tank with nutrient fluid. The pulverizer and the pump for supplying additional air will enrich the solution with the desired amount of oxygen.

Pros and cons

So, consider for the beginning all the advantages of such installation:

  • Such a method of cultivation can be used both on the street and at home. It is important not to forget that each culture needs certain microelements, in proper lighting and properly selected temperature mode.
  • Green grows very intensively and decorative plants.
  • At the exit you can get environmentally friendly products.. Explain it easy. Soil is not, but, it means there is no pathogenic and harmful substances entering the root of culture.
  • The plant is not subjected to disease and practically does not suffer from the appearance of fungus, Again due to the lack of soil.

As it becomes clear from the above positive qualities, that hydroponics ─ an indispensable system for the active and painless vital activity of plants.

But, despite such qualities, the installation became famous and minuses:

  • You need to be the most validated in the area of \u200b\u200bsuch cultivation.. Without the necessary skills and valuable information, it is not necessary to count on a rich harvest.
  • Some of the types of systems require financial costsWhat is good to hit the pocket, and due to the lack of experience in this area, they will be unjustified.

Used substrates

The role of the substrate, for nutrition of plants with useful substances, the following components perform:

  1. Sawdust.This material is beneficial for its low cost, but not at all for long-term storage. Owls are susceptible to winding, and may also contain harmful substances due to the characteristics of individual tree breeds.
  2. Hydrogel. Very comfortable material. Thanks to the ability to retain moisture for a long time, it will provide plants the necessary microclimate.
  3. Mineral wool. Optimal and inexpensive material. The only minus is the inability to skip the required amount of air to the root system of culture.
  4. Coconut fiber. Pretty expensive material, but it fully justifies its price. It is appreciated for numerous chemical and physical characteristics and almost endless use. Ecologically clean.
  5. Ceramzit. It is widely used in hydroponics and won the leading place among the common fillers. Perfectly retains moisture and has lightweight weight.
  6. Gravel. Due to low prices often purchased gardens. But it does not justify himself. It has a heavy weight and is completely unable to keep moisture.

Nutritional compounds

For proper nutritional preparation, you need to study a number of mandatory requirements:

  1. The solution should be in its composition all microelements required by plants;
  2. To obtain a rich harvest, intensive growth and life of culture, the correct ratio of the presence of trace elements in the solution must be respected;
  3. In order to additionally do not engage in unnecessary calculations of the amount of salts in water, purified water is taken to prepare the composition;
  4. The problem of determining the acidity of the composition will arise, it is determined using special devices;
  5. To determine the concentration of the composition, it is necessary to measure the electrical conductivity. For this, electrical appliances are also available. A favorable value will be from 1.5 to 3 MSM.

    In order for the error, there was no place to be, and the plant was provided with the elements necessary for living, the electrical conductivity should be measured every day and as needed to add missing components.

    The solution must be changed 1 time per month;

  6. To facilitate your work and effort, it's easier to purchase a ready-made nutritious composition in a specialized store;
  7. With properly compliance with technology, a vitaminized greens will delight the family very soon.

How to grow greens at home?

Grow green at home on hydroponics installations is easy. If funds allow, it is better to buy a specialized system equipped with all the necessary functions. In budget purposes, the installation can be assembled independently.

Regardless of the choice, grow a vitaminized storehouse in the form of a fragrant greenery provides several rules:

  1. Determine the species of grown greenery.
  2. Choose an artificial substrate based on its quality and advantages. Ideally will suit Cramzit.
  3. Buy special pallets and plastic trays for plant landing.
  4. Sowing seeds.
  5. Correctly choose the desired concentration of the nutrient solution.
  6. Provide a plant with the necessary amount of liquid and constantly monitor its level.

As soon as the plant will germinate, the intensive process of absorption of the nutritional will begin. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the amount of liquid and as needed to add it.

Step-by-step instruction

If it is decided to stop your choice on the purchase of a hydroponic installation, then it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions for its use. The system for growing greenery is relatively inexpensive, but will delight the infinite harvest of various spicy herbs and onions.

So, the automatic installation is purchased, what to do?

  • Step one. To begin with, hydroponics must be collected. Included with all the details there is always an assembly guide, so that this process will be easy to implement.
  • Step two. It is necessary to fill the tank with the water to the desired mark, which is indicated on it.
  • Step Three. Included with the installation always comes a set of nutritional fertilizers necessary for intensive growth of crops. They are spilled in special portion vessels, which makes it easier to calculate the dosage. One small container must be poured into a water tank. As soon as the solution loses its properties and it will need to be changed, the installation indicator will sign up for this.
  • Step fourth. Each temporary vase fill the special, applied to the system, filler. Seed seeds and close the lids (not removed to germination). When visible sprouts appear, temporary pots are removed.
  • Pitch fifth. Greens sprout and gaining strength, and will grow intensively, for 14 days. Then the solution must be changed new, with the addition of a large fertilizer vessel from the set. On the installation to select the green mode. Everything! It remains only to collect an environmentally friendly crop.

If it is decided to purchase a home automatic installation, you need to remember that soil fertilizers are not suitable for it, therefore, for growing greenery, nutritional elements need to be purchased for such systems. They are added at the rate of 1 t. L. on 2 liters of water.

Required lighting is adjustable at the installation itself. There is an automatic shutdown timer.

Hydroponic installations

Earlier, all actions on the assembly of a simple installation at home were considered. But if not only the cultivation of greenery, but also more complex crops, then you need to consider what plants are. Only then to choose a suitable type of system that will provide the plant with the necessary elements and conditions for active growth.

The most common settings:

  • Installation for deep-water plants. The system consists of a tank and pump for water circulation. The root system is completely immersed in the composition with fertilizers, and a special pump enriches it with the necessary amount of oxygen;
  • Fitical installation. It has simplicity in design and use. The nutrient solution reaches the roots capillary path, slowly absorbed into the substrate. The system is perfectly suitable for breeding decorative plants;
  • Installation using the nutrient layer technique.The ideal system for growing greenery and salads. Due to the constant circulation of the nutritional composition, the air comes into contact with the liquid enriching it with oxygen.

If it is intended to study the details of hydroponics, installation methods, species and features of use, you can grow not only greens at home, but also to open a small business that will bring a small but stable income.