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Nutrient soil for cacti. Substrate for growing cacti. Soil for cacti - what it is

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Denis Davydov 6.02.2014 | 2429.

Finished soils for cacti, sold in flower shops, are not suitable for all kinds, since their main component is peat. From this, most cacti quickly lose their roots. In addition, such substrates are more suitable for growing epiphytic cacti, but not desert and mountain species. That is why earthless mixtures are best prepared by themselves.

For standard and universal earthless mixtures, I would recommend the following components.

Types of soil

Glinisto-nerdy land. It is easy to find on floodplain meadows, in parks and near the reservoirs. It is light brown, heavy by structure, enough moisture, long retains its properties, slowly enhances and is very nutritious in terms of microelement composition.

Sheet land. It can be collected in parks and groves, deciduous forests, in the gardens. It is a pronounced black color, because it is a product of the decomposition of foliage and very rich humus. Easy in its structure, nutritious, good wet and smelves, actually does not fit.

Coarse sand and small gravel. The sand should be washed, do not contain the sludge (small dust particles), have coarse-grained fractions and when lowering in the water, do not give a mud. Such sand can be found on the bells of rivers and reservoirs or in careers. The usual building sand does not fit, it, as a rule, is small in its structure, will "cement" soil, not contributing to her aeration, besides it contains lime that is unacceptable for the cultivation of most plants in general.

Mineral components. The aerations and water permeability of the soil are promoted. In addition to the sand, the most common mineral components are brick crumb, fine-robbed crumbs, vermiculite, perlite and plowed charcoal, which can be collected on the stewed fires. Coal, designed for kebab, does not fit, because It turns out by firing without access of oxygen and contains a lot of not burnt and harmful resins.

Compilation and processing of the mixture

For the preparation of a universal earth mixture for cacti, I use two pieces of the turf and leaf land, three - coarse sand or gravel and one part of the broken brick, crumples and charcoal. To increase the nutritional performance of such a substrate, you can add 1 tbsp. l. Simple superphosphate for 3 l blends. In nitrogen fertilizers, cacti need little. Potash fertilizers can be made as needed together with irrigation water.

For cacti from mountainous locations and arid regions having a replicious root system, the amount of mineral components must be increased to 60-70% of the total mixture.

Thus prepared by the "cactus" earth mixture should be weakly acid, loose, air and water permeable and slightly moistened. When compressed in the hand of a small amount of such a mixture, it should stick together and easily crumble at the slightest pressure.

An important aspect is to disinfection of the prepared mixture. This is achieved by lifting it within an hour in the oven or processing for 15-20 minutes. In the microwave oven with a capacity of 440-600 W. After the soil cools, it can be used for landing and transplanting cacti.

From experience:

  • For some species of cacti, a number of adjustments must be made in the original earth mixture. So, for species with renovoid roots of the soil should be heavier, it adds more clay-turf of the earth or a bit of pure robust clay.
  • For Mexican species growing on limestones in nature, a chalk or marble crumb is introduced into the earthen mixture. Due to the processes occurring in the soil, these components will gradually move into a ram-creative state and thus assimilated with roots of plants. Let me remind you that calcium and magnesium are needed by white-wide species, cactis with crap and strong obstitching to form barriers, bristles and hairs.
  • Epiphytic cacti need more nutritious soil. For them, 1 part of the humidity is added to the earthy mixture or the soil mixture with fewer mineral components is prepared and calcium-magnesium components are absolutely excluded.

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The natural habitat of succulents, which are cacti, are not very favorable. However, this does not mean that when breeding these plants, it is not necessary to pay attention to the choice of soil. It is important to choose the correct composition of the soil, as well as to give it the structure optimal for the development of the root system. These parameters are very demanding of succulents.

The land for cacti should be loose and coarse. In the soil included in a certain proportion of river vermiculitis, etc. This allows you to make soil coarse-grained and loose. It will pass the air and moisture. Features of cooking such a mixture should know every cactusus.

Capacity selection for transplantation

Before you know which earth is suitable for a cactus, you must select the correct transplanting container. In this matter, the plant is considered quite demanding. Even if the soil is selected correctly, but the cactus will be transplanted into the inappropriate capacity, it will develop worse.

A pot may be from any materials other than metal. It is important to choose its shape and size correctly. Having delivered a plant from the old capacity, you should evaluate the size and structure of its root system. If it is more developed from above, it is better to give preference to shallow but wide capacity. If the roots are long and have a pronounced main rod, it is better to choose a deep, but narrow pot.

The size of the container should not be large. It should be a little more than the root system of the cactus. It should also be considered that in the pot there will take a drainage. If the plant is sick, it is better to transplant it to a very small pot. When choosing a container, the type of cactus also takes into account. For example, many kids appear on the mummilia. At the same time, many separate plants can grow in a pot.

Features of the pot

Solving which land is a cactus, it is also necessary to correctly choose the type of capacity. Material for pot can be almost any. Most often, cacti are grown in plastic small containers. For these purposes, even cups for yogurt are suitable.

Also one of the best pots for the pot is clay or ceramics. They can be decorated in various ways. Even conventional coffee cups are suitable for these purposes. Some cactius grow plants in the coconut shell. Many options. It is not recommended to apply metal dishes for similar purposes. She can rust. This negatively affects the growth of the cactus.

If there are many plants, the container can be put on one tray tightly to each other. This facilitates the transfer of the collection, increases the stability of each cup. In plastic moisture tanks, it remains longer. Watering is performed less often. The pot must have drainage holes.

Forbidden components

The landing land of the cactus should not be in its composition organic fertilizers. Such additives are rich in nitrogen. This component negatively affects the development of the plant. Cacti, consuming nitrogen, become friable. Their stem is pulled out. Spines and hairs are weak, the skin will not have time to grow at the same speed as the stem. Wounds, cracks and scars will be formed on the surface. It is a life-threatening plant condition.

Resistance to diseases and other external influences in this case becomes low. Cactus can be subjected to pest attacks, fungal infections. With a large probability, the plant will die. Therefore, it is forbidden to add bird litter, manure or horny sawdust into the soil.

Soil should not contain pests and their larvae, indecomposable organic waste. It is important that it remains loose throughout the scale of the cactus.

Features of soil

Studying which land to transplant cactus, you should consider several possible options. You can prepare the mixture yourself. Universal soils are also available. However, when purchasing them, it is important to pay attention to what kinds of cactus they are intended.

The main requirement to the soil is its high grain. Cactis do not tolerate land looser. Therefore, the soil must be loose due to its special composition.

Also, the land must be nutritious. To do this, it is necessary to enrich the soil with certain components. Experienced flowers argue that it is best for these purposes to use clay and turf soil or leaf humus, which includes large river sand, crushed stone.

How to make a mixture yourself?

The land for cactus at home is prepared in accordance with one of several methods. The first approach implies to mix in equal proportions of leafy land, derm, peat and coarse sand.

If the cactus refers to the flat type (for example, echinopsis), the soil should be more nutritious and porous. In this case, 2 pieces of the turf of the land are mixed with 1 part of the sheet humor, peat, coarse sand.

Representatives of the Ceresis family need very nutritious soil. These cacti are known for their rapid growth and large sizes. For such plants, the mixture is prepared from 1 part of the sheet, delicate land, peat, as well as the ¼ part of humus.

From the finished soil mixture, you can make a soil with improved characteristics. They are suitable for unpretentious species of cacti. For them, they take 2 parts of the finished soil mixture. It adds 2 parts and 1 part of gravel.

Tips for experienced specialists will help to understand what land is needed for cacti. Choosing the correct composition of the mixture, you should also provide high quality of all components. Sheet humus, which is involved in the preparation of the soil, should not contain bitch, twigs and other garbage.

Room cactus can be found on windowsill offices and apartments. This household plant value for unpretentiousness and cute appearance. However, if you want to plant such a succulent kid, you need to know how to choose the right thing for cacti


In fact, there are many recipes for the structure of the Earth for cacti, and you can choose the one that will be suitable for you. However, regardless of what kind of land for cactis you choose, it must meet the following requirements:

  1. The first condition - the land must be loose and passed the water and air well.
  2. The second prerequisite for the substrate is low acidity. The optimal value is pH 4.5-6.

Loading gives leaf land. In addition, you can use a brick crumb or river sand for this, adding them to the soil. It is allowed to use peat (if it is necessary to increase acidity), and if it is required to reduce it, then the lime is perfect.

It's time to find out what land is needed old and young cactus.

Young plants need a more loose substrate, so that the basis should be a sheet soil. But the plants are older perfectly feel in a more dense soil. Consider these moments when making a substrate.

Video "Soil for cacti"

In this video, the expert will share tips on choosing a soil for cacti.

Necessary components

So, the soil for cacti consists of the following main elements:

  1. Sheet land. Used as the main element, very loose and excellent for these kids.
  2. Clay and turf soil. Used to hold water. In addition, the nutrients are slower slower.
  3. Old greenhouse soil. This is a spare option, if the previous two for some reason is not available to you.
  4. Humus. Use it very carefully, in meager quantities. It is allowed to add only to very poor nutrients with the soil.
  5. River sand. It is used to impart looseness, and is part of all major soil mixtures for these plants.
  6. Burned clay. Also used to impart looseness.
  7. Charcoal. Added to the substrate in small pieces. Prevents putrefactive processes.
  8. Brick crumb. It can be used to increase the level of substrate loose.
  9. Peat. Used to increase acidity levels if necessary.
  10. Lime. Used only if it is necessary to reduce the level of acidity.

Features of independent preparation

It is quite simple to make the ground with your own hands, you only need to know which basic elements are part of the mixture for these plants. The only difficulty may be in finding all the ingredients, since not every flower is ready to follow them into specialized stores. However, there is nothing complicated here, because as follows from our previous item, some components can become an excellent alternative if you failed to find the required ingredients.

Also worth paying attention to one nuance: composite parts of the substrate will change slightly if you plant various varieties of the plant. So, we give the main recipes of the soil mixture.

For desert cacti

For these plants, it is necessary to draw up a substrate, taking the following components in equal proportions:

  • cherry and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • coarse sand.

For plain cacti

When composing the soil mixture for equible varieties, it is important to take into account that they need more loose soil than their predecessors. This causes changes in the composition of the soil mixture:

  • cherry and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus;
  • coarse river sand.

The turf will need a little more than the other components - two parts. All other ingredients are necessary for one part.

Family ceremonic

These plants are distinguished by the rapid growth rates and quite large sizes. Because of this, the soil in which they are planted should be more fertile. So, the following elements include the substrate for plants of the Ceremis family:

  • cherry and leaf land;
  • peat;
  • humus.

All ingredients, except for humoring, are taken in equal proportions. The overseas is 1/4 of the part, since even such a small amount with more than enough to ensure the necessary level of fertility.

Soil for unpretentious cacti

These species have the easiest composition of the soil. It should be noted that the humus is not added at all, because they are not particularly selective in the choice of substrate.
So, for the preparation of the soil mixture for unpretentious varieties, you will need the following components:

  • finished soil;
  • coarse sand;
  • gravel.

It is necessary to follow the proportions 2: 2: 1, and then the substrate will be good and nutritious.


Most of all, it is now insulting that in the early cactious youth, no one suggested to me what the best utensils for cacti. I tried everything: plastic, ceramic, metal dishes.
Of course, I prefer plastic pots, and that's why. The surface of the metal dishes the day is very heated, from this gentle suction roots of cacti dry and die (they are literally "roasted", as in a pan). Ceramic dishes absorbs water, which is then evaporated quickly through the walls - and the roots of cacti, stretching to the ceramics behind water, painfully die away.
The case aggravates the situation when cactis provide little space for growth: the pots are tiny, small-rods - roots cannot be developed in such conditions.

In the literature on cacti, some authors write that the pot for cactus should be selected by its roots in the magnitude, while others believe that cacti should grow in small, close pots. And where to grow roots? After all, even if the plant itself is compact, then its roots are usually many times superior to the size of the above-ground part.
It is wrong to think that if we do not see the roots, you can not pay attention to them (as if cactus grows by itself, and the roots live him with his life). But it is the thin roots of the cactus collect moisture and nutrition, allow him to grow.

As often can be seen on the windows, non-dimensional cacti, years of tested in small close pots, not fired in time and dyed - and still not daring, persistent, like tin soldiers ... live cacti!
I came to me "insight" when I arrived in Israel and saw a magnificent huge cacti, growing among the houses in fact without any care. But then I realized how a normal healthy cactus should look like!
For cacti, I choose the dishes 2-3-4 times the magnitude of the plant along with the roots - so that there is a place where to grow full roots, and not "mouse tails" in tiny pots. Of the 30 years of growing cacti, a quarter of a century passed, while I understood it. For 25 years, I tried in vain to grow large beautiful cacti in small pots, and no one suggested me about this important moment.
Now I always plant a few plants immediately into deep and spacious plastic dishes. In this "dormitory" one cactus root develops violently, in the other - asleep; Here they are comfortable next to them, so they are then hypochealed.

The soil

"Terra incognita" - unknown land ... Among the cactusists there is a belief that there is something "magic cactus" land, or the "amazing cactus" soil, or the "unusually miraculous cactus" substrate. And what only people do not invent, and wherever it is not looking for this "cactus" soil! How much is in the light of the cactusists, the same and the recipes of the earth for cacti (even more :)).

I myself, sinful things, quite a few of my life spent in search of such an earth (I was looking for it in the forest, and in the field), but now I know what land is completely not suitable for cacti.
Do not listen if you are called to plant cacti in sand, gravel, gypsum, loose on the look of clay earth and, especially, in clay (this is death for cacti). Their gentle roots in such land do not breathe. The clay holds moisture for a long time, so the roots are discharged and cacti die; And when clay land dries, it cracks and tears the roots. On the form of dry clay land can be crumbly, but in a wet state it sticks out like cement. The same applies to small river sand, which is quickly sticking, compacted and becomes like a crust of concrete. If the plants live in such, with the permission to say, "earth", they are certainly well feeding with all sorts of fertilizers.
Although there is also hotmoculture, and hydroponics, but it is not for beginners.

What kind of soil is needed for cacti?
Remember the three main rules on land for cacti:
1) Earth must be as loose as possible, but it should not be the same bulk like sand.
2) A black nutritious soil is desirable (this is my opinion on the basis of the experience of growing cacti in the south), but without strong organic fertilizers.
3) Earth should be much so that the roots can grow at least 2.3 times.
So what kind of soil is needed for cacti?
This soil should not be very sandy, nor clay, but should always be loose and fertile: in equal shares they take a deciduous land, black fertile land and a peerness (used as an acidifier).
Deciduous land for cacti can not be taken from oak; Earth is not suitable from under coniferous and resinous trees. Black fertile soil are looking for in the field, the land is good with mole coup. You do not need to add sand and gravel to the soil.

After 30 years of care for cactis, I found a great substrate in the store is the usual Dutch earth for flowers; Now I use exactly the same, the easiest and practical way to get the soil for cacti.


So, the Earth was prepared: a mixture of deciduous, field black soil and peat - just equally. You can add a slightly large sand and charcoal to it; We still add pieces of foam rubber. Dranzhik from several pebbles is placed on the bottom of the pot.

Young cactuses need to transplant in the spring annually, adults can be transferred with a lore of the earth in two or three years. Having deep and spacious pots for all cacti, you can less often play transplants. Old plants are very sensitive to transplants, so if they grow in a large dish, then they can not transplanted five or more years.
I will pass the cactus along with the room of the earth, and even if it blooms at this time - it will bloom further. Although there is such an opinion that "it is necessary to shake the land with the roots", or "root and cut" the roots, or do other manipulations - I never do it and I will not do! Why is it once again to injure the plant if it is juicy, healthy and growing?

After the change of cactus, do not water it, wait 3-4 days (and in moderate climate - even 5-10 days). If it is possible, select the eastern or south-eastern side for a transplanted plant as a location, put it on the windowsill, in the zocking greenhouse or onto the balcony and well. After watering, when the plant moves into growth, gradually reduce the shading.


Water is a symbol of life, no living being costs without it. Cacti also love water very much, simply in the process of evolution they could adapt to deprivation: to the unbearable heat and hot stones, to the huge burning sun (to the conditions where many plants could not live).

Yes, adult cacti can do without water for a long time. That is why many people believe that cactuss need to be watered very rarely, or you can not watered at all. It is fundamentally incorrect: in nature, drought is replaced by heavy rains, when the soil reaches the maximum degree of humidity - then the plants begin to grow violently and blossom.
30 years ago, buying the first cactuses, I heard that "it is better to nourish them than to pour." Therefore, in my cactusive youth, I was afraid to pour water when painting cacti - "a drip like a pipette", watered my cacti less and less often than it would be to water them on a warm sum of Ukraine. And what is surprising: at the same time, my cacti somehow lived, slowly grew and even sometimes bloomed (especially the chileans of astrophitumes).
And only in Israel, I began to water cacti abundantly (as soon as the soil was dried), water, water! I did the soil for cacti more fertile, did not "dilute" her sand, clay and other additives, placed cacti in the zocking greenhouse, increased irrigated ... and the results surpassed all my expectations.

... and then I created the earth, and gave her moisture and warmly,
In order for the cacti and other succulents :-)
My cacti began to grow 2-3 times faster; They bloomed those who were not bloody before. Especially rejoiced by good soil and moisture gymnocalysis, notocacts and foreheads. Astrophitumes of Ferocacts, ORTOCERES, Espota and Clayflowers are powerful. And in general, I liked all the plants: my cacti began to grow quickly and buoyally bloom all summer, and some - and winter.

I believe that the question of the necessary watering of cacti each cactusist should determine for its locality. The main thing is that the land of the cacti should not rehabilitate, and the dilapidated layer of the substrate should dry between irrigation. Therefore, I do not fall asleep the root cakes of your cacti gravel or large sand.
We in Israel in the summer there is such a heat that without a bottle to do not go out (I mean water bottle). I and winter watering my cacti, they do not stop growth. But with a moderate wet cold climate, it is impossible to water cacti in winter!

Especially in hot weather, cacti, like everyone else, want to drink; It is necessary to spray them (in the form of "fog") with boiled water. It is undesirable to splash on cacti water jets in the form of thin long "hairs". During the spraying of cacti, the sun should not fall on their stems - a burn may appear.

Often the cause of the death of cacti is an insect pest attack: microscopic wounds appear in places where the cactus skin is gentle (on the roots, root cake or at the point of growth). Through these "gates" in the cactus tissue penetrates rot, actually instantly killing a plant. Many dangerous pests of cacti, such as a torment Cherver and a tinger (red spider), are scary afraid of water. As I live in a hot country, I do not satisfy the wintering of my cactis and continue to water them, then the pests do not come to them.
And I water my cacti straight on the stem (except for the soletroceres of the esposta and cefalotcereus, whose hairs are yellow and stick out of the water), but in the cold climate it is unsafe!

I lived and live in areas where there is a lot of calcium in water, therefore water for watering cacti periodically boil, defending a day and acidify. For the next watering, water is no longer boiling and do not acidify, but I take only the dilated water for better assimilation of the roots of trace elements (since in boiled water, almost all substances are precipitated).
In cold weather, you do not need to water cacti.

Preparing cacti to wintering, you need to cut watering, mumming it with your climate (weather and temperature). In late October - November, if there is no sunny days, watering cacti needs to be stopped at all. Start gradually watered cacti from March (if warm), awakening plants with fog-forming warm spraying - then spring with cacti will be less unpleasant surprises.

Always look after and try to predict what you want and what your cactus loves: he will be nice and useful for it!

It is well known that the main factors ensuring normal growth and flowering cacti are Illumination, temperature mode, watering mode and the composition of the soil mixture. Moreover the soil Often plays hardly by a non-defining role, since it provides not only the power of the plant, but also regulates the temperature, humidity and aeration of the entire underground part of the plant.

So, attempts to grow desert cacti in a temperate climate in the country, the land taken in the courtyard can end the extremely unsuccessful: cool wintering in a dense, slowly grazing the soil leads to a complete deviation of the roots, and reinforcing the root neck. In violation of the mechanical structure of the soil, changes in many physiological processes, which lead to weaken and even the death of the plant occur.

The supply of water roots should always exclude its stagnation in the dishes and excessive moisture content of the earthen coma. Free oxygen access to roots not only contributes to the normal functioning of plant tissues, but also suppresses the development in the soil of pathogenic bacteria.

Cakes, from the point of view of the approach of the soil, are divided into two camps. One constitutes recognizing traditional soil, the other - the defenders of hydroponics. In the camp "Genthofils" there are adherents of sheet lands, chernozem, peat, turf with many transition steps. There are recipes for mixtures for various types of cacti.


The owners of large collections and greenhouses specializing in the cultivation of cacti for sale prefer the so-called chemoculture - A variety of hydroponics, representing the cultivation of cacti in a substrate practically does not contain nutrients, with watering nutritional solutions and a subsequent, almost complete, drying. Is this a surrogate, or is it progress?

Of course, for giant greenhouses serviced by units of workers, this is the only acceptable way. However, the owners of small collections, which is most of the cactius, are encountered on a number of problems. Let's try to analyze what it is due.

The cacti cultivation substrate must meet the following requirements.:

1. Must be moderated cheap and easily mined.

2. Must be permeable, especially in the upper layers. This reduces the losses caused by the rootepling of the roots, and simultaneously prophylaxis against the formation of algae decreases. Such a hoax is unpleasant in appearance and makes it difficult to access air and moisture to roots.

3. Must consists of a material that scares pests and causative agents of diseases.

These requirements, of course, corresponds to pure mineral substrate.

Many years ago, I switched to growing all my cacti in clean sand with a brick crumb, and was pleased with the results, especially in terms of the root system development. However, after three years, he returned all cacti into the soil mixture.

There are several reasons. It is necessary to have no pallets. The pallet should have pots of the same size, otherwise dried over different times, and watering can only be performed simultaneously. Cacti must be about the same size, again for the simultaneous drying of the substrate. Different cactys are located in different phases of development, one needs nitrogen, other potassium, third phosphorus, the fourth is generally desirable to dry! Pallets must be completely filled with pots, otherwise a large amount of nutrient solution is needed. Yes, and the pallets look at the windowsill somehow not so, too functionally.

    The most suitable dishes are plastic.

    The transplant can be performed at any time, but the substrate should be dry. The surfaces of the root with the roots must be removed (at least the main mass).

    For watering to use as soft water as possible. First watering after wintering with clean water!

    The nutrients added must be completely dissolved. The first watering of the nutrient solution is made during the period when the plants are in a state of obvious vegetation. Watering with nutrients alternate with watering pure water. Nutrient solution and water can not be reused. Fluid residue with pallet delete.

    Finished fertilizers are not drawn up precisely in accordance with the requirements of the cacti (compare the chemical stations of several sold). Therefore, it is necessary to have 3-4 species and change them. At the beginning of the vegetation, it is more often used with a relatively high content of nitrogen, before flowering - phosphorus, when preparing for wintering - potassium.

I believe, that:

    Chemoculture is a complex cultivation method, in which a cactusist can allow many irreparable errors. It requires large theoretical knowledge and experience.

Now about growing in the soil mixture.

The composition of the soil mixture There should be two mandatory components: nutritious (sheet humus, clay turf) and tearing (sand small and large, crushed stone, crushed brick).

The large and medium river sand fraction is most often used as a tearful. A good alternative to him is a small granite crumb, ideally suitable for imitation of mountain and stony soils.

For physiologically safe, moisture is often used crushed brick or charcoal.

80% of all types of cacti will grow well in universal cactus mixture: 1 piece of leaf land, 1 piece of turf land, 1 permanent river sand with the addition of broken red brick.

Epiphytic species (Skluberger, Epiffulum, Ripzalis, etc.) require an increase in the content of sheet land, and types having thickened (reprimid) root - Derdy earth.

In addition, almost all cactius practices their, "branded", "Dancing with tambourines". I, for example, add in large quantities exhaust orchid soil (rewinding the pine bark), which has a poorly digestible organic, good moisture intensity and breathability, slightly acidic reaction and has antiseptic properties, properties are ideal for cacti.

Also as a baking powder I add cherry and plum bones, well washed and steamed in the oven. They, too, slowly (5-7 years old) overload, supplying cactus with nutrients and, as part of a high-quality soil mixture, are not covered with mold.

What is a "high-quality soil mixture"?

Initially, the grainy and enough water and breathable soil quickly, sometimes after a few months, loses its permeability, and its lower layers and the surface acquire a fusion structure.

Such a soil has a disgusting smell, which is an unmistakable sign of damage. The damage begins to spread from the lower layers, which are less ventilated and the longest retains moisture.

Causes of damage - excessive watering, water rigidity used for watering and soil overload by organic. A spoiled soil should be replaced by fresh, with the correction of the composition to eliminate the causes of damage.

Description of the main components of the soil

And, in conclusion, a description of the main components of the soil, because novice, and the article is written, mostly for them, it is not clear, "what is it" and "where to take it"?

Sheet landor leaf humus

This is a light, loose land, easy to assimilate plants, with a weakly acidic reaction (pH 5 ... 6). It has a good structure, consists of lumps, they are sufficiently moisture-permeable, which is very important for normal vital activity of plants. Drying leaf humus is much faster than clay land, as it is a little moisture.

Adding a leaf land to the mixture prevents unwanted water in a pot. It turns out from fallen leaves, which lie at the bases of trees and shrubs. Lowering the winter on a wet land, the leaves rot and disintegrate. In the spring you see that most of the fallen leaves seem to disappear.

Best leaf land under lime and maple. The top (not overwhelmed) layer of leaves is removed by rigs, a loose layer (about 1 cm) is scored from the soil. This is a high-quality leaf land.


broken on meadows and pastures, better on old, stripped, perennials, having a good cereal-clover heating. It is impossible to harvest it in low-rise sites and in general in areas with increased acidity.

The turf land is obtained by shaking with a chopped turner with a thickness of at least 8 cm. Surrous land is quite a pyrical, much moisture method is rich in the main nutrients acting for many years.

Coura pine

in chopped form add to soil mixtures as loose and acidifying material. In America and Canada, a number of firms produce substrates for the cultivation of pine bark-based cacti.

Corre must be taken from the fallen old trees, or pick with live matters closer to the base of the trunk. There are big bougie bougie, here they can be counted. Before the wood there is far and the tree does not suffer, and the bark turns out that it is necessary. It is necessary to pay attention to the absence of resin.

Houses of the corner boiled around two hours or soaked for several days. In this form, it is easy to crush in a ride meat grinder with a removed knife and grille. Stored in a slightly wet state.


The best is considered coarse-grained river sand. Career sand is unusable - small, reddish, containing iron compounds and oxides of other metals, harmful to plants, as well as clay and illuminated particles. Small sand in no case can applySince he cements substrate.

Brick crumb

he serves as a regulator of soil moisture and contributes to its porosity. During watering plants, the brick absorbs excess water, and then slowly gives its soil, as it dry.

The brick crumb gives an alkaline reaction, so it is neutralized with weak solutions of acids to completely stop the separation of gases, followed by washing, including from the dust fraction (before the disappearance of muddy water).

Preparation of high-quality land not only useful cactis, but also improves the health of the cactusists (I mean related to the procurement tourism)!

Successes to you and health!

Vladimir Shevlyakov.