Repairs Design Furniture

Fence and garage at one level. How to locate the garage: distance from the garage to the fence, a neighboring area, roads and other objects. Coordination of the boundaries of the site

The planning of private home ownership must include the choice of location of all buildings in relation to enclosing structures. And from this point of view, it is very important that the standards for the construction of the fence were respected as accurately as possible.

In the article, we will tell about the main documents that regulate the construction of the hedges, and also give examples of the implementation of key provisions in practice.

Legislative settlement of placement fence

For many people, not so long ago, the owners of land plots, the revelation becomes the fact that even being in its own territory, they cannot place buildings as they do. The location of buildings, structures and enclosing structures is sufficiently regulated by the relevant legislative acts.

As a rule, project organizations own a complete list of documents - it is for this reason that the planning issues and solving controversial points should be addressed primarily to them. But even if you do not plan to deal with the construction of yourself, the main connectors on the construction of fences and the construction of buildings should be explored.

The main documents that contain information on restrictions on the construction of fences and fences are:

  • SNIP30 - 02 - 97. These construction rules negotiate the procedure for planning private households in horticultural partnerships and other similar structures. A separate section of the document is almost entirely devoted to distances from adjacent fences to various objects.
  • Standard SP 11 - 106 - 97 Regulates the process of developing project documents for private houses. This set of rules are more complex and in the interpretation there is several controversial moments, but it is necessary to have it at its disposal, and if necessary, to check with it.

Snip on fences is a document, the fulfillment of the requirements of which is very desirable. The reason for this approach lies in the fact that in violation of the requirements you may apply to the lawsuit or neighbors, or the administration of the settlement in which private home ownership is located.

And most often, court decisions are not made in favor of the intruder, and therefore it is better to protect themselves in advance how to demolish the structure or fully reconstruct the fence in the framework of the court decision.

In addition to the requirements that contain SNiP for fences, local regulations also exist. They must be taken into account, but in this case the negotiations will have to be held with the administration of the settlement.

Practical implementation of SNIPOV

Requirements for the fence itself

If you build a fence with your own hands, then the first thing you need to take into account is the rules on the construction of the very fence. Especially since the placement of buildings on the site you need to plan once and for all, but the fence will have to be updated over time - so this information will still need.

So, what should be the fence of a private house?

The rules for the construction of fences say:

  • Outdoor fence (i.e., a fence that is not adjacent) is recommended to make a height of no more than 2 m. Transparency of this design should not be less than 50%.
  • This norm is advisory, therefore, legally prohibited to build a higher and dense fence.
    On the other hand, if any complaint is received in the permissive bodies (for example, a solid high fence prevents the movement of wind and the street is created in the street), you may legally obligate to reduce the height of the design.

When planning the construction of a fence with a height of more than 2 m, it is better to coordinate it in advance with the local administration. As a rule, the issue price is relatively small, but "insured" from possible problems.

  • Related fences should not be made above 1.75 m. Optimal transparency - from 50 to 100%.
  • The fence material should not heat the air of the side of the neighboring area, because when the fence is erected between households, it is necessary to abandon the plating with a metal sheet.
  • Also should not be used by a hollow brick, since it is able to accumulate moisture. This can also be the cause of complaints.

Distances from the fence to objects

The following information that contains a SNIP for the construction of the fence concerns indents from the fence to different buildings:

  • The distance from the residential building to the fencing on the border with neighboring households is at least 3 meters. Theoretically, it is possible to reduce this distance with mutual consent, but in practice, architectural organizations claim similar solutions very rarely.
  • Economic buildings (including the garage) should be placed at least in a meter from a neighboring fence.

In the case of a garage, the main complexity is compliance with the incidence of external hedge, because we will dedicate a separate section.

  • Constructions designed to keep livestock or poultry are placed in 4 m and more of the border of the household.
  • Sanitary buildings (sauna, toilet, etc.) are a potential source of soil pollution by wastewater. The indentation from them to the mid-level line should be within 2,5m- 3.5 m. When using a separate flow, the distance may be minimal - 2.5 m.
  • Green plantings should also be placed according to certain rules. Shrub - no closer than 1 meter to the fence, low-spirited trees - at a distance of 2 m, and high - 4 m or more. Antented is considered from the center of the trunk, because to worry about that over time the distance will decrease due to the growth of the tree, it is not worth it.

Fence and garage

As we noted above, comply with the norm on the garage departure from adjacent the enclosing structures is easy. The distance of 1 meter is enough for maintenance of the outer wall of the building, and in order to make water from the roof to the adjacent area.

Another thing is to place the garage towards the "red line" and travel.

If your site goes to a travel street, then place the garage as we are accustomed (i.e., directly in the same plane with the fence) cannot be. The instruction requires compliance with at least five-meter retreat from the fence placed on the "red line", and three-meter - from the hedge, separating your site from the side passage.

What if you want to place the room for the car along the outside fence line - the way it is shown in the photo?

There is a small trick that allows you to get permission to build a garage with departure directly to the street. To do this, we do not build a fence on the border of the site, but by retreating at least 1 meter deep into the way the situation is created that you can interpret bico, and therefore it is possible that the decision made will be in your favor.

However, the lack of a single document determining the indentation of the economic buildings from travel paths significantly complicates independent planning (see also known what should be). So it will still be better in the architectural organization: save both time, and most likely funds.

Procedure for the construction of the fence

Coordination of the boundaries of the site

Paradoxically, but the process of arranging the hedge is far from the main complexity that expects you. A much more laborious is the coordination procedure, and to prevent errors, we recommend that you read this section very carefully.

The beginning of the construction of the hedge assumes the most complete acquaintance with the entire documentation for the land plot. The key documents here are the land inventory (the cadastral plan attached to it) and the Meeting Plan are important.

After studying the documents, it is necessary to hold a collection of land owners bordering on your. As part of the meeting, you should voice your plans for the construction of residential and non-residential facilities, as well as on the construction of fences. Perhaps suggestions will be made or comments. In the case of compliance with these comments, the requirements of SNiP need to be considered.

Minds, the act of coordination of borders is signed, which contains:

  • Graphic image of the borders of the site.
  • Signatures of the owners of neighboring sections of their statement about the absence of claims to conduct a measure.

The act is drawn up in the cadastral engineer and it is assigned. If disagreements arise about where the fence in the area should be held, geodetic services should be attributed to the implementation of the act.

The cost of geodesic services is very significant, because the issues of coordination of build buildings and fences should be solved with the neighbors "Pulisko".

The process of building the hedge

The construction of the fence itself largely depends on the characteristics of its design. Technology is shown both on video in this article and in other information materials of this website.

At the same time, the total sequence of actions is as follows:

  • If necessary - we appeal to the construction organization, ordering the development of the project of the enclosing structure.
  • The finished project is consistent with the neighbors (we talked above) and in architectural supervision.
  • On their own or with the involvement of specialists, we transfer the plan for the future fence to the area.
  • We do in the soil the nests for installing supporting structures or a trench digging for bookmark the foundation.
  • We establish and concrete the supporting structures (racks made of pipes, concrete or brickwork stands).
  • After concrete works are completed - by mounting the fence sections, install additional items.
  • Lastly, the input group is installed - the gate, gate, etc.

The norms in the construction of the fence should be observed as scrupulously as possible, since their violation can lead to serious negative consequences. And at least a kind of "insurance" from lawsuits can be the coordination of the project in a permits, it is better to focus on SNiP.

The distance from the garage to the fence is also like the location of other objects (houses, greenhouses, shower, toilet, summer kitchen, etc.) during the construction of the site is determined by SNiP 30-02-97 (today there is an updated instruction SP 53.13330.2011).

If you neglect these standards, the risk of conflicts due to improperly installed residential buildings or houses is great. Buildings are not far away from the adjacent border.

Garage construction rules in the garden plot

SNiP determines only the remoteness of the garage from the red border (in this case, from the fence to the mid-line), but does not dictate the recommended parameters of this structure. Moreover, even the standards governed in this document are not mandatory for implementation. However, if the second side (owner of the neighboring site) will be against the too close location of the garage from a residential building or a fence, by a court decision will have to demolish the construction.

Buildings on the plot, including the garage, it is necessary to be placed at least 1 m. From the neighboring fence.

In accordance with the SNiP on the site, you can build the structure of different targets. A garage, respectively, determining the distance between this object and the fence, can be taken as the basis of the providence for host.

Officially, special permits for the construction of the garage are not required if it is being built on a personal property site.

SNiP determines different distances from the host. Bruks to a neighboring residential building or a fence for various cases. The minimum value of this parameter is taken as a basis in cases where there are no other structures on nearby land, i.e. the territory of the neighboring section is free.

If the owner of the adjacent land will once want to build another object near the border, he will have to take into account the fire safety standards, according to which the distance between the buildings at the nearby land located should correspond to 6 m.

But in this situation, you can agree with the owner of the neighboring site, you will need a written permit for the construction of a garage with violation of standard standards.

If one day this site is sold, and the new owner wants to fulfill the zoning of the territory in accordance with the standards and regulations given by the former owner of the site permission will be invalid and the garage will have to be transferred. Otherwise, this decision will still have to be implemented.

Safety regulations

Depending on the type of material that was used when constructing an object, the fire safety class of the finished design will be different. At the same time, the distance between the buildings and the fence varies significantly.

For example, completely wooden houses on the SNIP should be located on distance from each other from 15 m or more. This will ensure the safety of residents during fire on the territory of the neighboring area. However, it is possible to solve the question in a peaceful way and build a structure at a distance of 3 m from the fence, and between objects to remain 6 m.

But this option is implemented only if a number of rules are fulfilled:

  • nearby should be organized a fire shield and a fire extinguisher is installed;
  • the wiring is paired inside the metal cable channel, and the project itself is made in accordance with the PTEEP;
  • electricity is maintained, which means the need to connect wires through the counter at the input of a residential building, and such a measure will avoid unauthorized installation of electrical appliances;
  • heating is not envisaged;
  • safety provides automatic fuses.

According to SP42.13330.2011, paragraph 7.1. The distance from the residential building (from the windows) to the garage in the neighboring plot should be at least 6 m.

Such measures allow us to reduce the risk of fire in the garage, which is also the key to the security of a neighboring area.

How many meters need to retreat?

This information should be signed in SNiP. Typically, the garage is indicated as a host. Building. This means that if animals are not planned inside the object, it is recommended to be the distance between the fence and a garage equal to 1 m.

If your site goes to a travel street, then place the garage directly in the same plane with the fence can not be.

To avoid in the future misunderstandings and problems with the owner of the neighboring land, which is behind the red line of fence, you need to make the most accurate measurements before the construction. This is explained by the fact that even a small protrusion of the design of the garage can be a reason for the proceedings.

Application of SNiP standards

Depending on the tasks that you plan to decide, you need to use one or another section of SNiP.

The norms during the construction of the fence should be observed as accurately as possible, since their violation may lead to serious consequences.

The most relevant are the requirements that are presented to the hedge, as this design is not eternal and requires periodic recovery:

  • part of the fence, which is located on the midwife line between the plots, should be transparent, the permissible height of the deaf design is 0.75 m, and the total height of the fence varies within 1.5-2 m, which is determined by the region;
  • the fencing passing through the midwife between the neighboring grounds of the Earth is allowed to build higher than the values \u200b\u200bdeclared in lowering, but for this it is recommended to obtain a neighbor's resolution, and the hedge portion in the immediate vicinity of the Red Road line can be constructed above 2 m only provided that it is received for this the consent of the local administration;
  • the degree of transparency of the adjacent fence should exceed 50%, and the part of the fence, which is located near the red line of the road, does not have to skip light, respectively, the level of transparency is less than 50% and tends to 0.

On adjacent posts of the Earth, it is enough to retreat 1 m from the hedge to build a fence. However, if the site is located so that on the one hand, there is a road, and on the other - the passage, in these conditions the garage should be placed at a greater distance: 5 m from the roadway, 3 m from the side of the side.

Procedure for the construction of fence

Two main stages can be distinguished: the coordination of the land lines of land, and directly the construction of the structure. When coordinated, the partial plan of the site, as well as the cadastral plan, is considered.

If you plan to make a fence with a height of more than 2 m, then it is better to agree with the local administration in advance. Basically, the cost is relatively small, but "insured" from possible problems.

The ideal solution when planning the construction of a fence between neighboring sites is the collection of owners whose homes are located on the adjacent land. The result is an act of coordination of borders, in which there must be an image of sites with designated zones and buildings, as well as the signature of consonants for the construction of owners.

Before starting the construction of the fence around your home, it is necessary to draw up a project of a future design, to present it to neighbors, to obtain consent in writing.

Then the foundation is prepared in accordance with the parameters of the fence, bearing supports are installed, the intake canvas is attached. The final stage of building a fence around the house is the set of gates and wickets.

Most often, the problem becomes a fence between the plots. Namely, some buildings or plantings are too close to the hedge, which prevents the neighbors. On the other hand, if you build a garage, barn or other object next to your own home, it will also deprive comfort. For this reason, a SNiP is created, which determines the preferred norms and rules for building a garden area on both sides.

Each person acquiring the car, first of all asks for itself: Where is it best to keep it? Open car parking is not the best solution, and closed find it is not always possible. And what about if you live in the city, but a small town, where there are no car parks at all? Of course, in this case, the best solution will be. And it will be better to build a garage with a shopping block.

If there is no possibility to build a garage to the summer sector, then for these purposes you can use the most in a few days.

Wooden garage with shopping block

It is in the garage that the car will have the best protection against any environmental impacts and unclean on the hand of people. As statistics shows, almost 80% of car grows come to the share of those cars that are not in the garages, but in the courtyards. And the risk of its iron horse does not want any owner.

In addition, being in the garage, the car is much less subjected to weather popsicles - snow, rain, wind, and sometimes degrees, can seriously spoil the appearance of the vehicle. If the car is in the garage, this is guaranteed not to happen.Also in the garage, it is protected from the negative impact of the summer sun, due to which the insanity of the cabin is faded, the plastic dashboard dries and cracks.

Many car owners like that a garage equipped with a high-quality observation pit allows inspection and easy repair on its own without visiting a hundred.

Of course, the garage is used not only as a room for the maintenance of a car, but also to store a huge number of other things. In private houses, it can be bicycles, grocery reserves, garden equipment, winter (or summer, depending on the season) rubber and much more.

In some cases, when such things accumulate too much, the owners of garages make a decision to build another hozblock to store them. And the most far-sighted people immediately build a garage and hozblock under one roof.

It saves time and strength, in advance to design two combined buildings and immediately makes it possible to store things as it is convenient for you.

In this case, it is not possible to transfer a large number of things from one room to another. In addition, eating both buildings, one and the same material can be used, so that the aesthetic side only wins.

Where to take a project for building

Of course, before proceeding to the construction of the garage, especially if the Hozblock is also planned, you need to have a project with you. This significantly simplifies the construction process, and also makes it possible to easily and quickly calculate the number of building materials that will be needed for construction.

And the question arises here: where to take projects of garages with a hozblock? Solution options may be several.

The easiest, quick and cheapest is to make a project yourself.

In this case, you will not have to contact the specialists, to expect when they can start working on your project, as well as pay considerable money for their services. The garage and hozblock are built on fairly simple drawings.

Project and Drawing Garage with Hozblock and Shed

The main thing is to clearly take the optimal size and thickness of the walls. On the one hand, the room should be spacious enough so that it was convenient and work in it. On the other - it should not take too much space on the land plot. The effectiveness of thermal insulation depends on the wall thickness. That is, how fast the room will freeze in the winter.

Read also

How to make a roof drain

If nothing comes to mind, you can see numerous photos of garages that are here. Surely seen there options will arrange you or will be inspired to create a project that will suit you.

If you can afford to spend extra money for construction, you can contact the specialists. Yes, you have to wait for some time and lay out a considerable amount for their services. But the resulting project will be calculated to the smallest detail.

The presence, location and size of windows, wall thickness, the optimal area of \u200b\u200bthe premises - all this will be really qualitatively. So, you will not have any problems during the operation of the garage.

An example of the original garage layout with a workshop and a gazebo

Of course, before proceeding to the design, think seriously, what premises you need, and how they should be located. For example, many people like Hozblok with a bath and a garage, where all the buildings are under one roof. On the one hand, it is convenient and saves space.

On the other hand, the sauna is always a source of increased danger, because in most cases it is token with help. Therefore, think seriously: do you want to have a garage in close proximity to the bath?Or would it be better to place them at some distance from each other?

Distance rates from fence during construction

On the Internet, you can find a lot of questions on how to build a fence correctly, is it possible to post a garage near him, which should be the distance from the garage to the fence. Similarities, citizens often fall asleep lawyers and at a personal meeting. For example, Alexey M. from the city of Saratov is interested - at what distance are the garage from the fence? If so, how to warn about this neighbors, what document to show or at least refer to it? The answer to the question of Alexey, as well as the standards for the construction of the main buildings on the site you will find in our today's material.

What do the documents say

Indeed, there are certain sanitary conditions and norms according to which the garage must build, fence, etc. Minimum length to the border of the neighbor's land should be:

  • Three meters, if this is a building.
  • Four meters, if we are talking about the construction, which contains a bird, small cattle.
  • One meter, if other buildings.
  • Four meters, if tall trees, two meters, if the average.
  • One meter, if an ordinary shrub.

Since the garage can be attributed to the category of "other buildings", during construction you will need to retreat only one meter. These norms are provided for by SP 53.13330.2011 by the Code of Rules. This is true if there are no close buildings on the side of the fence at the neighboring area.

If the garage stands back to the fence at a distance of less than a hundred centimeters, it will already be considered a violation. At the same time, the garages can be both separately standing and built-in attached to the garden house, buildings on the site.

Norms of fence

For many people who have not so long ago, they have become the owners of the land plot, it becomes a real discovery that even in its own territory cannot be placed the buildings where it swings. The location of all buildings and even the enclosing structures is regulated by legislative acts.

Returning to the law SNiP 30-02-97 as amended on March 12, 2001, there are certain norms for the construction of the fence. If it is a fence between neighbors, then the plots must have transparent fences (lattice, mesh). This is done with a single goal - to prevent the sections shading.

What should the height of the fence? According to the standards, it is possible to build a fence, the height of which will not exceed 150 centimeters. Of course, neighbors can agree on another height of the fence orally, but it is better to consolidate the agreement with a written contract. It will be legal in case of any matters if it comes to court.

It is worth understanding that the SNiP is not considered the law as such. It recommends specific norms. Please note that the administration of your settlement can publish its own provisions based on these rules. This is done in order to construct climatic, as well as regional features of the territory.

For example, in the Volgograd region to build a fence that will stand on the bope, is allowed by a height of no more than 2.2 m. Its transparency should be at least 50% of the total fence area. If the fence is completely opaque, the maximum height of the fence should not exceed 0.75 m.

Placing the garage relative to the "red line"

It has already been noted that observance of the norms of the indentation from the adjacent fence with the neighbors is not so difficult. One meter is enough for you to serve the external walls of the building. Yes, and the water from the roof of the garage will definitely not flock to the neighbors.

Another thing, if the household site has access to the roadway. Therefore, here to place a garage in one plane with a fence is not allowed. According to the rules, it is necessary to observe at least a five-meter indentation from the fence, which is located on the "red line", or a three-meter from the hedge, if it separates the site from the side.

Of course, this standard is only a recommendation. However, if it is not observed, the consequences may not be very pleasant. But there is a small trick that we will tell you now. It will allow you to get a legal permit for construction with a departure from the garage right outside.

So, all you need is to build a fence not at the border, but by making an indent to deep into at least one meter.

Safety regulations

So, we found out what should be the distance to garages on the gazeper. Are there any standards of fire safety?

It turns out that the fireproof distance between the structures within one garden site is not normalized at all. But if the buildings are located on different garden sites, this rule acts and depends on the material of the carrier and enclosing structures. It all depends on the flammability of materials. If this is a stone structure, the distance should not be less than 6 meters if the concrete building is 8 meters, if the structure is made of reinforced concrete - ten meters.

How the distance between objects is measured

It is worth understanding that one person can make measurements and say that the distance between the garage and the fence is 1.2 meters, while the other can see only 90 centimeters. So that this does not happen, you need to learn to measure the distance correctly. Remember: The distance from the house is always measured by the projection of its parts, which come, as well as the base. If, due to certain circumstances, buildings on the site are at a distance of less than one meter from the neighborhood, it is better to make the roof slot in your direction.

It also happens that the economic building comes into contact with the residential premises in the country area. In this case, you need to observe completely different norms. It will be necessary to make the entrance to each of the rooms at a distance of 7 meters.

Law on six meters

We talked about the fact that the construction of the garage is allowed if it is in one meter from the fence on the site. However, there is a rule of six meters. Its essence is that the distance from your garage to the structure at the neighboring site should be at least six meters. If there are no closely arranged buildings, then there are no obstacles to the construction of the garage.

But why six meters, not four or, let's say, seven? Such a norm is due to the rules of fire safety. If the ignition of one object occurred, the flame can easily go to another building. This is more than relevant for the garage. So you can sum up the following outcome. Measure six meters from the nearest buildings of the neighbors and boldly begin construction.

By the way, do not forget that if you are not sure of the suitability of the Earth for the construction of a garage or anything, it is better to order a geological examination of the land plot. This will make it possible to understand whether it will see the soil in the next few years.