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Juniper horizontal Blue chip. The best varieties of horizontal juniper. Decorative juniper carpet

Juniper - common decorative plant, often found in landscape design. His spreading "paws", sharpening on the ground, or a neat candle in the form of candles, are able to reflect any garden or park. A person has long noticed the beauty of the plant - in verses of the poet of ancient Greece Vergil is found lines mentioning this shrub.

Any description of the juniper contains information that it refers to the family of coniferous evergreen shrubs, and its tree varieties belong to the family of cypress. For his many years of history, he acquired a few more names: Versere and Archa. It is found almost everywhere in countries lying in the northern hemisphere. Some species grow in the eastern regions of Africa.

Juniper - "Ambulance" from many ailments

Not only the beauty and grace of shoots is characterized by this coniferous shrub, the beneficial properties of juniper made it widely used in medicine culture. Its property of purifying air from microorganisms causing various diseases, long-known truth.

One hectare of land, planted by juniper, is able to "disinfect" the air of one city of large dimensions. This is due to the active substances - phytonzidam, which in the course of evolution became real fighters with microscopic mushrooms and bacteria that cause serious health problems.

Juniper berries and medicine

One of the most useful parts of the plant is its berries, similar to microscopic bumps. It is for this similarity that they are still called hitch. The extensive use of juniper berries for the treatment of a plurality of ailments is talking about the high healing properties of these shrubs and trees. It should be cured to heal the ailments associated with the impaired work of the bladder and the kidneys. Skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis can be overcome using cones-berries.

Juniper berries and cooking

In addition to medical use, fruits are often used as seasonings for culinary purposes. After the variety, they are added to meat disasters, it usually concerns game. Many other recipes also do not cost without this ingredient: sauces, soups, territory, marinades for meat. Drinks, such as: Kissel, Kvass, Beer, Jean are also made with the addition of exotic seasoning, which gives a light coniferous aroma and a taking dish-sweet-sweet taste.

On the berries, the use of juniper does not end. Other parts of the plant are also used in human life. For example, from its fragrant branches make no less fragrant oil with a mass of useful properties. It is valued for the fact that it is an effective way against radiculites, polyarthritis and rheumatism. With it, you can cure some unpleasant problems associated with the nervous system, for example, neuralgia.

Preparing a decoction from the branches, it is easy to get rid of allergies, and the decoction of rhizomes treats disease respiratory system, such as bronchitis and tuberculosis. In addition, the root decoction is quite effective in solving certain skin problems.

Wood derived from the plant is widely used for the manufacture of various products such as, for example, both pencils and wooden dishes. By the way, in ancient Russia, milk was poured into support from juniper for long-term storage: it did not connect long in the antibacterial tank.

Blue Chip - American-Canadian variety

Many varieties of this plant are derived today, but the most popular and prevalence enjoys the juniper Blue Chip, which emerged due to the joint work of American and Canadian breeder scientists. Received a variety of names: flat, soil, prostrate. Refers to low shrubs growing in a horizontal direction.

Origin of Blue Chip

Interesting origin of his name. Blue Chip translated from of English language means "first-class security" The fact is that in America the financial company with this name for many years is considered a reliable and authoritative, confidence. Literal translation - "Blue Chip", but for Americans Blue Chip has become synonymous with the words "prestigious, top quality."

Description and variety characteristics

The first, where to start a description of the juniper Blue Chip - his beautiful appearance, thanks to which he received in 2004 in Poland the highest award from decorative connoisseurs garden plants all over the world.

The juniper is ordinary Blue Chip to perennial, evergreen, low-growing, coniferous shrubs of compact dimensions. Washier it will grow no more than 1-1.2 m in diameter. And its height is generally small - about 30-40 cm.

This variety is valued for the beauty of the shaggy branches. In the summer, they are painted in a greenish blue color with a slight gray shade, and closer to autumn they change their color to burgundy and lilac tones. His stems strongly flushed, thick, assembled into a horizontal, lush bush, raised above the ground growing along the soil. The branches are completely covered with a dense green cheese with a bluish tint.

Fruits Juniper Horizontal Blue Chip gives on shoots rarely: they are small, spherical and color coincide with a cheese.

Platology care features

As a rule, the juniper horizontal Blue chip prefers areas well lit by the sun. But can grow in a small shadow. It needs moderate watering, but does not like soil wetlastics. Best primer For this variety - nutritious, weakly acid, drained. Sugar soils are perfect for the plant. In care, it is unpretentious, it will break enough cold.

Blue Chip - Excellent Choice for Landscape Design

Of course, unusually beautiful variety Blue Chip will enjoy any garden. Most often used juniper Blue chip chip in landscape design to create a variety of decorative ensembles. It is used for landing around small garden reservoirs, often part of mixboraders composed of coniferous representatives. In addition, it fits perfectly in almost any mountaineering. On the flower Klumbach It can become a wonderful background that does not only with the beauty of flowers, but also give sophistication and nobility. Putting such an evergreen shrub, you can not only effectively decorate the garden, but also to clean it from many harmful bacteria.

Landing - Basic Rules

After the purchase of the plant, the juniper Blue Chip and the care of it is carried out, which include several non-hard rules. Mostly bushes are sold in pots or containers.
They must be carefully obtained from the tank and scrupulously pour roots with water. Then the appropriate landing place is selected (better, if it is a sunny area or half authentive) and pumps are prepared for landing. Their dimensions should be 1.5-2 times the size of the root.

You can improve the accessibility of the bush and give it more beauty due to adding nutrient soil In pits for landing. High-quality landing of juniper Blue chip in rich required substances The soil will give the power to the plant not only to survive stress in the form of a transplant, but will continue to feed the root system, which cannot but affect the decorativeness of the plant. The soil mixture is prepared on the basis of three components: Dern, sand, peat, taken in equal proportions. It is possible to mix mineral fertilizers for conifers to such a soil, which will be able to significantly help the plant go around faster. If the soil is pressed, not loose and poorly drained, then a 20 cm gravel layer should be filled to organize air access to roots.

The technology on which the landing of the horizontal juniper Blue Chip is simple. The prepared pits are well moistened, the bushes are planted in them. It is impossible to plant a plant, blocking the root neck below the Earth, this piece of shrub should be on the same level with it.

Features of breeding culture

Evergreen shrubs are easy to dilute, using several ways: cuttings, grains, seeds.

The most common one is drawing, but it does not fit for popsy varieties. Such species multiply with the use of tanks.

Before breeding the Juniper Blue Chip, you need to choose the most healthy, young and beautiful shoots. Then the soil for the future plot is prepared, where the molding will be rooted: it is carefully drunk, after which peat and coarse sand is made. Everything neatly mixes and frills.

After that, the selected stem is tilted to the ground and pinch with a bracket made from ordinary wire. In the place where the "stud" was fixed, the soil must regularly water and loose.

A pretty long period of time takes place: six months - a year. Well-rooted sapling transplanted on " permanent place Residences, "using the technology specified above. Lot useful information In the article:

Landing and care for the juniper Blue Chip

Juniper Blue Chip - Dwarf Representative coniferous rocks. It grows in the southern and northern latitudes, well adapts to the harsh climate. In landscape design, it is used for decoration of alpinarias, rocaries, decoration of deciduous fit.

Plant Description

Blue chip - the name of the plant from the Canadian language is translated. It is evergreen perennial With fluttering stem. The needles are dense gray-gray color. The color of the needle changes by season of the year. In the spring, young shoots are gray-green, in the summer of SIZY, and in the winter they acquire purple shades.

Source: Depositphotos.

Juniper Blue Chip can be subjected to forming haircut

Juniper grows slowly, by 10 years of life Crown in diameter grows up to 1.5-2 m. Loves slightly alkaline or acidic soils, not overcoiled, with good drainage.

Botanical description of the plant:

  • height 30 cm;
  • the stem is horizontal, steaming, with raised tips;
  • needle needle, barbed;
  • the fruit is a black-shaped black in diameter of 6 mm.

Motherland Plants - Canada. The conifer is common in China, Mongolia, CIS countries. Transfers frost and snowfall, does not like drought. In landscape design, it is used in the creation of stone compositions, used in urban landscaping, as it adapts to the gas tank.

Landing and care

Place for planting Blue chip is chosen illuminated, with a slight shading at noon. These open sites away from the buildings. Other coniferous or deciduous shrubs can grow nearby. The landing pit is digging three times more than an earthen com with the root system. On average, the depth of the pits is 60 cm, the width is 40 cm. The shrubs are planted from each other at a distance of 1.5-2 m.

Planting and care for a swearing is the implementation of the following events:

  • device drainage layer in the landing pit;
  • preparation of soil for landing from 2 peat parts and 1 part of the earth with sand;
  • popper of the earth of shrub to the root neck;
  • watering to root;
  • soil mulch;
  • making nitrogen fertilizers In the spring, and potash - in autumn.

Blue chip is watered only in a dry period, spend sprinkling in the evening. In the spring plant is cut. Remove not overwhelming branches dried and broken. For winter shelter rOCK sawdust. In strong snowfalls build a support that the shrub did not break the shrub under the severity of snow.

Juniper - unpretentious plant with decorative cheese round year. It grows slowly, so used in house gardening. With proper trimming does not occupy large areas of the Earth. Needle contains essential oils and phytoncides, so clean the air is 10 m around.


Juniper horizontalBlue Chip. Juniperus Horisontalis Blue Chip)

One of the best quenching varieties of juniper. His elegant shooting on earth shoots with slightly raised ends evenly sprawling in different directions, creating a thick carpet. Small silver-blue needles in winter will pleasantly surprise you with a purple tint. Its growth, only 250 - 300 mm with a diameter of the crown to 1.2 - 1.5 m, fragrant and beautiful shrub from the dwarf breed, is able to decorate virtually any landscaped interior. The needles at the blue chip barbed and dense, fruits are almost black and round, diameter from 5 - 6 mm, no more. And although the birthplace of Juniper China, Japan and Mongolia, juniper perfectly feels and breeds almost on all latitudes - from the southern to the northern.

Shrub is also popular with that despite its attractiveness both in shape and color, is powerful generator clean air, Cleans from malicious microbes atmosphere around itself within a radius of at least 10 meters. Juniper Horizontal Blue Chip is an excellent choice for mountaineering, rocaries and stony gardens.

Trunk and shoots: A low, fluttering shrub, characterized by an average growth rate. Reaches aged 10 years 0.2 m high. With a diameter of 1.5 m. Saving creeping on the ground, with easily rising ends.
Needles: Chalk needle, silver blue color.
Soil requirements: The requirements for soil and moisture are low.
Lightness: Lightweight.
Drought resistance: No moisture is demanding.
Frost resistance: Juniper Horizontal Blue Chip Correck.
Landing: When landing, a good drainage is needed.
Purpose: Recommended for rocky gardens.

Landing and care for juniper horizontal Blue chip

Juniper is better to plant on solar places, a small shading is allowed. The distance between plants planked from 0.5 to 2 m. Depending on the size. The landing pit must be 2-3 more of the land coma and depth, for adult plants up to 70 cm. At the bottom of the pit, they make a drainage layer of sand or broken bricks with a thickness of about 20 cm. When landing is important for the root neck is not blocked.

Juniper prefer the soil with a reaction from weakly acid to neutral. Soil mixture is made in a 2: 1 ratio of peat, sand and derdy land respectively. After planting, the plant should be abundantly watering during the week.

In the arid summer it must be water. Juniper poorly carry the dryness of air, so it is desirable to regularly spend sprinkle. Fertilizers make a year in the spring in late April or in May. Young plants need shallow loosening.

For the winter, the plant is sprinkled with a peat of a layer thickness of 10 cm, and young plants are covered with a snack.

Juniper horizontal "Blue Chip"

(Juniperus Horizontalis "Blue Chip")

General characteristics

Slowly growing, low, evergreen, almost flimsy, dwarf shrub. At the age of 10 years, it reaches 0.2 m in height at a diameter of 1.5 m. The needles are dense, short 3-5mm, a need-shaped, barbed, sinage, in the fall often acquires a lilac or brown shade. Crohn is low, with escapes creeping on the ground, the ends of which rise.

Fruits - spherical hibes of almost black color 5-6 mm in diameter.

Optimal conditions cultivation and rules

Soils are not demanding, but does not tolerate stagnant overvailing and soil salinization. It is well tolerates the rank of urban air. When landing a seedling in open sad Mulching is recommended to maintain the normal soil moisture mode. Subsequently, the plant, raging, will protect its root system independently.

Methods of breeding

The varietal forms are breeding with spring cuttings, taken with short side shoots "with a heel" before or at the beginning of the renal awakening; The rooting is first carried out at a temperature of +15 - +18 degrees, then raised to +20 - +23 degrees. 50% of winter cuttings are rooted.
It is possible to reproduce with tanks (rooting occurs during the year), but the typical form of the crown is not preserved.


It is superbly suitable for mountaineering, decoration of walls and borders, as a live carpet, is grown in the urban conditions in containers.

Evergreen plants have always attracted a person's attention to their durability and beauty. Juniper (Juniperus) occupies a special place among the coniferous trees, not only due to its beauty, but also unique properties. The abundance of species and varieties of juniper allows you to choose a tree suitable for any purpose. BUT correct careProtection against diseases, pests will allow you to enjoy its aroma and beauty for many years.

Variety of Junipernikov

Weeping shape of juniper

To date, there are about one hundredmen of juniper, united by common species features. Some of them arose as the result of natural mutations, some were created in the process of targeted selection.

In nature, there are approximately 70 species of juniper (Juniperus), of which it was possible only 15. The following from them are considered the most common in landscape design:

  • juniper ordinary;
  • rocky;
  • virginia;
  • cossack;
  • chinese;
  • middle;
  • scaly;
  • horizontal.

Most of the types of juniper differ in frost resistance, inconspicuous to habitat, care, as well as a pleasant aroma of wood and needles, whose severity, however, varies precisely depending on the species. Trees with scaly cheese smell stronger than needlechart.

The crown shape varies, although most species are amenable to forming crown crowns. Causes and pyramidal crowns are good in group landing. Initially, four forms are distinguished:

  • cone-shaped;
  • pyramidal;
  • wrapped;
  • pretty.

Also, the types of juniper are grouping in several other principles, such as winter hardiness, poisonousness, unpretentiousness.

Representatives of the Cossack juniper are poisonous, the Virgin and rocks are unpretentious. Winter hardiness is peculiar to almost all types, with the exception of some small prompt, among which:

  • inclined;
  • turkestan;
  • red;
  • zeravshansky.

Thanks to external beauty, some species can be attributed to a special group of decorative juniper, this refers to:

  • ordinary;
  • horizontal;
  • middle;
  • scaly juniper.

Choosing a view and variety of juniper for growing on its site, it is important to determine in advance with the goal that it will perform. This will help you choose the most appropriate type of wood, pushing away from his species features.

Ordinary juniper

Representatives of the species Juniper ordinary are distinguished by highly resistant to adverse weather conditions - cold, frost, laptop of water or light. The varieties related to the type Juniperus Communis are extremely decorative, and slow growth allows them to use them for the cultivation of bonsai trees.

Popular varieties belonging to this kind are as follows:

Gold Cone.

Juniper Gold Cone

High wood (up to 4 m height) with a thick cone-shaped crown. Annual increase - about 10 cm in height, 5 cm in girth. There is more actively growing in summer. With the beginning of autumn, a bright golden needle becomes yellow-green, and by winter the color goes into the bronze. Not demanding to the composition of the soil, but does not tolerate its seals, excess moisture. Prefers to grow at sunny places, with a lack of light of the needles, paint green. The first few years need additional care: watering, shelter from the direct sun, binding branches in winter.


Representatives of this variety of juniper can reach 3.5 m of height, 1 m in girth.

Juniper ordinary Hibernica.

The shape of the crown is a narrow-color-shaped, annual increase in indicators - about 10 and 5 cm. Needles needles are rather soft, not spiky, coloring - green with a sizem. Morozonotk, prefers sunny places. To the composition of the soil is not demanding. In the spring, this juniper is recommended to be stolen from the bright sun, and for the winter - to bind branches, to protect against snow.

Green Carpet.

Unlike his fellow, the juniper ordinary of this variety is rather low - only 0.5 m in height, but it can reach one and a half meters in the width. Annual increase is about 5/15 cm accordingly.

juniper Ordinary Green Carpet

The eye is pleased unusual form Crowns - thick, soil. This variety is well suited for decorating the slopes, growing in stony gardens.


Another variety with a column-like crown form. In height and width can reach 4/1 m. The approximate annual increase is 15 and 5 cm for each indicator. This is a rather tight shrub with vertically grievous shoots. The needles on the branches are painted in a beautiful bluish-green shade.

juniper ordinary SUECICA.

The variety of frozostacks is distinguished by slow growth, unpretentious to the conditions of cultivation. Like other varieties, it prefers solar places, with a lack of Light Crohn loses the shape, becomes scattered. This shrub is well amenable to forming and pruning, which allows it to be used in decorative purposes to create various landscape compositions.


right from mountain regions. Very hardy, easily copes with drought, frost. It looks great in rocky gardens and alpine Gorki. The most decorative varieties of juniper rocks:

Juniper Rock Skayroket.

Highly tall trees, up to 7-8 meters in height. The crown shape is a column-like, the width of the adult plant is 1 m. Annual increase in indicators is 15 and 5 cm, respectively. The shoots grow thick, the needles differ with softness, pleasant green. In general, it is not demanding on the conditions, care, but it grows poorly on too saline or overwhelmed soils. Branches for the winter are necessarily tapping to avoid their damage.

Blue Arrow.

High juniper, up to 5 m in height, has a narrow column-like crown (up to 0.7 m in grip).

Juniper Blue Arrow

Annual increase - 10 and 5 cm. Krone is composed of densitive, vertical, rigid branches, decorated with soft-colored skewers of saturated blue. Prefers to sunny places, loose soil, unpretentious to conditions, resistant to cold.


Virgin Virgin Juniper varieties are considered one of the least capricious and demanding detention or conditions of content. These trees are safely growing on any soils, in all weather conditions. For its form of crown and wood quality, virgin juniper is often called the "pencil tree".

Special decorative varieties are distinguished:

Grey Owl.

Spicy low (up to 1.5 m high) shrub. Thick wide crown from gray, silver-green needles. The variety is well trimmed, so the crown shape can be changed as needed. The width of the adult plant is approximately 2 m. Annual increase in height and width is about 10 and 15 cm, respectively. It is categorically not a surplus of water in the soil, light-see.


High wood with soft greenish cheese. The shape of the crown of the pyramidal, height can reach 3 m.


One of the most famous varieties of Virgin juniper.

Attracts the attention of silver-green needle covering numerous shoots forming a cone-shaped crown.


Fast-growing juniper grade with a column-like shape of the crown and soft dark green cheese.

With the onset of autumn, the tree decorate small, but numerous blue fruits.


Along with numerous advantages, among whom inconspiciency in the conditions of cultivation, resistance to adverse weather phenomena, the Cossack juniper has a serious disadvantage. The shoots of it are extremely poisonous, as they contain a sabinth - toxic substance that can enhance bleeding and an abortive effect. It looks good in group landings, rocky gardens.

The following varieties include this type:


M. Cossack Variegata.

Very beautiful shrub surprises with a combination of green and cream shade of scaly needle on the branches. This variety of Cossack juniper does not tolerate excessive soil moisture, grows slowly, frosty, light-chap.

Blue Danube.

Representatives of this variety are dense shrubs with flutter branches.

M. Cossack Blu Danube

The color of scaly needle is green, the autumn is replaced by a silver-bluish tint.


M. Cossack Glauca.

Low, up to 1 meter in height, a plant that surprises an unexpected bronze tint, which acquires its gray-blue needles in winter. The width of the adult plant is up to 2 m, and the annual increase is 3 and 5 cm. Slightly, prefers solar places, and the remaining conditions are not demanding.


The unusual variety of the Cossack juniper, smashes as a carpet on the surface of the Earth. The height and width of the adult plant reaches 0.5 and 2.5 m, respectively, for the year the increase is about 3/5 cm. The throne shape of the crown makes it look like a fluffy green pillow of soft needles.

Chinese juniper

The chapter of the whole juniper is used to create bonsai trees, as they differ in a slow growth rate. Habitat - Japan, China, Korea.

The varieties of this species include:


Dwarf frost-resistant variety of juniper Chinese. The height can reach 2 m, the width of the adult plant is about 80 cm. The shape of the cone crown. The needles are painted in green with blue tint color. In landscape design used as bright accent For compositions, for single landings or formation of alive hedges.


The low (up to 1.5 m in height) shrub with an asymmetric crown shape and bright coloring needles with a light blue tint.

Juniper Chinese Blaauw.

This Chinese juniper variety is characterized by a slow growth rate.

Kuriwao Gold.

The decorative variety of Chinese juniper, attracts the attention as an asymmetric shape of the crown, a combination of dark and bright areas of needles.

Juniper Chinese Kuriwao Gold

Prefers solar places, since the shadow of the needle loses the brightness. In landscape design, it is used differently, as it looks great in single, group landings or stony gardens.

Juniper Middle

This species is a hybrid of ordinary and Cossack juniper. He was called Pfitzerian. Inherited from them extreme resistance to adverse climatic conditions and improper care. Juniper Middle Pfitzerian is distinguished by a wide variety. The most popular its varieties:

Old Gold.

M. Middle OLD GOLD

Very handsome decorative Dutch grade, attracting the attention of soft golden cheese. This is a pretty compact shrub reaching 2 m wide and only 1.5 m high. In landscape design, it is used to decorate wells, creating live elevations.

Gold Star

This variety of Pfitzerian juniper is rightly called the Golden Garden Star.

Juniper Middle Gold Star

His bright golden yellow needles immediately attracts attention. This is a low splashing shrub, height and width reaching 1 and 2 m. Prefers to grow in a sunny place, as growth slows down in the shade. It tolerates frost well, can grow on any soil.

Mint Julep.

Attractive low shrub with elegant arcoid branches forming an empty crown. The scaly needles of a bright green color effectively shall be sizby berries, which gives this variety of juniper special decorativeness. Slightly, used in group landings, to create an alpine slide.

Also, this type includes grades of Pfitzerian Aurea, Pfitzeriana glaucy, etc.

Scaly juniper

The birthplace of juniper of this species is Himalayas and China. He, like other species, is extremely unpretentious to cultivation conditions, grows well on any types of soil, easily carry drought and severe frosts. The decorative varieties of this species are the following:


Pretty similar varieties combined by a beautiful silver-blue touch of needles. These are empty low shrubs, characterized by rapid growth and used to strengthen the slopes.

Prefer sunny places, easily succumb to the formation of crowns, frost-resistant.


The variety is characterized by a large decorativeness due to a spectacular combination of green old needles and bright golden young. The bush is scattered, wide.


Juniper horizontal belongs to soil plants, most often used to decorate slopes and retaining walls. His homeland is North America. Keeping Juniper horizontal belongs the following varieties:

Blue Star

Little shrub, distinguished blue painting needles with easy steel otloblik It prefers acidic soils, it is well tolerating the effects of emissions and gas tank, frost.

Golden Flame.

Shrubs of this variety of juniper horizontal change their painting with age. Adult needles are bright green, the needles on young shoots are distinguished by a golden tint.

M. Horizontal Golden Flame

He needs additional care - in the spring with the shoots of the shrub, remove the dead hive, since he himself does not drop it.

Rules for disemboding juniper

Despite the fact that Juniper is rather unpretentious, when landing it is necessary to follow some rules to get good results. As a rule, juniper is planted closer to the middle of spring or in September. If a seedling with a closed root room was purchased, his landing at a permanent place spend the whole warm season.

Choosing a suitable landing place to consider several conditions:

  • juniper prefers to grow on well-lit places, it does not tolerate shading;
  • it is impossible to plant this plant on the moistened soils, near the groundwater;
  • some species need to protect against wind and drafts;
  • it is important to provide the plant space, it does not tolerate closeness.

The first stage of planting a seedling is the preparation of the landing well. Its dimensions should be significantly larger than the root com. It is also important to observe optimal distance between seedlings (from 0.5 m for dwarf species up to 2-3 meters for high). At the same time, in group landings or hedges, the distance may be less recommended.

Large types of juniper is better to plant in the lungs fertile soilsBut the dwarf varieties will be more suitable soil, containing not many nutrients, otherwise they lose their decorativeness.

At the bottom of the wells, it is defined by a layer of drainage using a clayjit or broken brick. Then add a substrate and put a seedlove. It is important to keep track of not to burst the root neck. It will slow down growth and can provoke a plant's disease. Ideally, the seedling transplant along with an earthen room to minimize the possible damage to the roots.

After disembarking, the pit falls asleep the earth and are abundantly watered with stealing water. Then the nearby circle is mounted using any suitable materials.

Care, fertilizer, wintering

Preparation for winter

As many times mentioned many times, juniper are absolutely not demanding towards care and grow great without outside intervention. In watering, they need only during a long drought and in the first year after landing. Also, all types of juniper do not need fertilizers, and some of them are even contraindicated.

Almost all types of juniper frost resistant, so they do not need a special shelter from the cold for the winter period, except the very first winter after disembarking when the seedling is not enough. For young plants, a snapper or any nonwoven material is used as a shelter. At the end of winter and in early spring Juniper should be protected from bright sun ray, otherwise the needles on shoots will rage.

Trees with a cone-shaped and column-shaped crown need to tie the branches, as they can break under the weight of snow.

Diseases and pests

Like most other plants juniper susceptible to diseases and attacks of pests. The most common disease of this plant is rust.

Rust (Mildew)

Her symptoms are orange growths on the branches and the main trunk. As a rule, they appear at the very beginning of summer. This disease also affects fruit and decorative plants, from which it can spread to juniper, so it is better not to plant them nearby.

To eliminate the disease, it is necessary to remove the affected parts of the plant, and then process them with fungicide. As prevention, various immunostimulants are recommended.

If juniper grows in conditions high humidity And it was exposed to low temperatures, it is possible to develop another fungal disease - spider. His symptoms are yellowing and taking care of the needles, the appearance of black ones on the needles at the end of summer. Most often, this disease amazes plants growing in the shade. The struggle measures are similar to the previous one.

Juniper may be subject to attacks of several insects:

  • Cobbled tick. It manifests itself in a web, entangling the shoots of the plant, and small yellow specks on the needles.
  • Aphid. If they found these insects on the plant, not only juniper himself, but also the colony of ants, which bred it.
  • Shields. Their presence is a markedly naked look - these are round or oval shields up to 2 mm in length. The symptoms of their appearance are drying and friction of the needles, the elimination of the tree bark.

Juniper (Juniperus) is one of the most attractive coniferous plants, not only due to its unpretentiousness and beauty, but also a wonderful aroma of wood and needles. When complying with uncomplicated landing and care rules, you can decorate a plot for many years.


Juniper is a beautiful, drought-resistant, light-loving, long-lived plant. More than seventy of his species are known. Many interesting varieties were derived - juniper is grown both in the middle lane and in the cold regions.

Juniper: species and varieties

Variety juniper

The following types and varieties of juniper are most famous.

Juniper ordinary - this species is distinguished by high frost resistance. It is not demanding for the composition of the soil. Ripening of berries takes 2 years.

Juniper medium stands out against the background of other shrubs prostrated form of the crown. The plant is relatively winter-hardy - it needs shelter only in the first years of life.

Juniper Virginsky in height can reach 30 m. The plant prefers a dry steppe climate.

Juniper horizontal is characterized by excellent adaptability - it feels well both in hot and in a cold climatic zone.

Juniper Daurry is extremely unpretentious - it is equally growing well both in the south-east of Siberia and in the warm regions.

Juniper Cossack is a prostrate or fluttering bush. The plant is characterized by an excellent winter hardiness. It is not afraid and drought.

Juniper Chinese is interesting to its decorativeness - even in nature, the plants of one species differ from each other by external characteristics. This allowed breeders to withdraw a lot of interesting varieties.

Juniper under beds is grown as a soil plant - a flutter shrub in height reaches half a meter.

Juniper Siberian prefers mountain landscapes. It grows slowly, but it pleases with his beauty, not afraid of frosts and droughts.

Juniper rocky is very decorative - even in natural conditions, the plant has a beautiful crown. Interesting and color of needles - it has a husky shade. The plant grows slowly, but it is distinguished by a large life expectancy.

Juniper scaly attracts attention to his beautiful cheese - it is painted in a jam-steel color.

Juniper rocks: varieties

Juniper of this species is represented by the following varieties: Blue Arrow, Globe, Repens, Rathfinder, Skyrocket, Silver King, Wichita.

Juniper Blue Hiven.

Juniper Blue Hezhen is a slow-growing plant. The maximum height is 2.5 m. The plant has a conical dense crown. Needle painted in light blue color. The grade does not impose increased soil requirements.

Juniper ordinary: varieties

The ordinary juniper is represented by the following varieties: in 2, Columnaris, Compressa, Echiniformis, Gold Beach, Gold Cone, Green Carpet, Hibernica, Nornibrookii, Meleer, Oblonga Pendula, Repanda.

Juniper Green Carpet.

Green Carpet grade is a low juniper (even in the ten-year-old age, the plant reaches only 10 cm in height). This variety is ideal for lawns - plants do not need a haircut, nor in special care.

Sort Juniper Chinese

This plant type is presented with varieties: Blue Alps, Columnaris, Columnaris Glauca, Echiniformis, Expansa, Globosa, Ntzii, Mint Julep, Old Gold, Rfitzeriana.

Krowingly Gold - a variety famous for its beauty. The plant forms a spherical crown. The maximum height is 2 m. The needles differ in color - the young has an emerald shade, and the old one is dark green.

Juniper horizontal: varieties

Juniper is poverty (horizontal) are presented with the following varieties: ADPressa, Alpina, Andorra Compact, Argentea, Glacier, Glenmore, RetRaea, RROSTRATA, Wiltonii.

Juniper Andorra Cact.

Andorra Compact - This variety is interesting for the form of the crown (it resembles a lush pillow). In winter, the needles change the color and becomes purple-purple.

Tall juniper: varieties

Tall juniper are represented different species. Accordingly, you can choose quite a lot of varieties with optimal visual characteristics. The most interesting varieties are: Skyrocket, glaucy, Gray Oul (Virgin Juniper), Hisberry, Columnaris (Juniper ordinary).

Fast-growing juniper: varieties

Good growth rates are inherent in the following varieties: Blue Carpet (Scaly Juniper), Tamariscifolia and Mas (Cossack), Pfitzeriana Aurea, Mordigan Gold, Pfitzeriana Compacta (Juniper Medium). Juniper Virginsky is growing rapidly.

Juniper Mordigan Gold

Multigan Gold is an elegant, compact, frost-resistant and drought grade. The needles has a golden shade. The height of the plant reaches the meter, the diameter of the crown does not exceed two meters. This juniper is well tolerates urban conditions.

Juniper edible: varieties

Juniper fruits are not eaten as ordinary berries, but they are used in the preparation of tinctures, marmalands, kvass, jelly, jelly, beer. The aroma of juniper makes smoked meat especially tasty. Poisonous is the juniper Cossack. The fruits of other types can be used. The greatest use of the fruit of the Caucasian juniper.

Juniper Cossack: varieties

Cossack juniper is represented by ARCAIDA, Vlue Danube, Vuffalo, Superifolia, Erecta, Fastigiata, Mas, Rockery Gem, Tamariscifolia.

Juniper Variagrata

Variagates - a variety having a bright milk needle (it is painted in a green or yellowish tint). This juniper grows slowly and forms a grimaceous crown. The greatest height is 1 m. The plant is quite demanding for the composition of the soil. It does not tolerate frost and drought.

Juniper: varieties for the Moscow region

Many types of juniper are grown in the suburbs and middle lane of Russia. Juniper ordinary, horizontal, rock, Cossacks find the greatest distribution.

Juniper Skyroke

Skyrocket variety plants look very beautiful. They have a colonum shape. Scaly or needle needle painted in gray-blue color. The height of the plant reaches 6-8 m. Unlike many other types of juniper, this grade is growing very quickly - the annual increase is about 20 cm.

Siberian Juniper

Many juniper are characterized by good frost resistance, which allows them to grown in harsh climatic conditions. Juniper Siberian, Cossack, solid, Chinese, Virgin, ordinary, scaly, found the greatest spread in Siberia and in the Urals.

Juniper Blue Alps

Excellent recommendations are variety of Blue Alps (Juniper Chinese). The plant is well tolerating frost, has a compact form. Its height on average is 2.5-4 m. The needle-shaped needle is painted in silver color, it is light green on top.

Juniper varieties are diverse. Plants are actively used to landscap in areas - they are very decorative, so in great demand.

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Recently, very fashionable began to create healthy beauty in their homes. The beauty that not only all year round glances the eye, but also has a positive effect on the health of the human body.

And since the essential oils that juniper exudes in the air, have bactericidal properties, it gives it great advantages among other plants for design and interior scenery.

Most often in landscape design use horizontal juniper. (By the way, about the features of the use of juniper in landscape design, read this article).


Horizontal juniper has a large number of varieties, most popular of them:

  • Blue chip;
  • Wiltony;
  • Lime Gloa;
  • Prince of Wales;
  • Akari;
  • Sargent.

Juniper Blue Chip. For those who decided to leave a long memory of themselves, it is a good choice of the type of low-spirited juniper. The life expectancy of this species is two hundred years. Therefore, planting a blue chip should be thought out.

Like any long-lived, it grows for a long time, but confident. Per year it increases long for five - ten centimeters.

The maximum length of its crown is up to two meters. Since it root system It is equal to the length of his crown, then this distance should be considered when planting surrounding trees or shrubs.

Blue chip - bluish coloring, very often used for curb fitting, thanks to its natural beauty. Adult plant Acquires a star shape. Perfectly tolerate frost.

Perhaps you will be interested in an article about

how to plant juniper

Article on horizontal juniper Andorra Variagat and Andorra Compact read here.

Juniper Wiltony. The low-spirited juniper Wiltony is low and has the properties "as if to crawl in different directions." Its branches can grow up to one meter.

The height of the shrub reaches twenty centimeters, and if it cuts the length of its branches, the branches acquire some "curly".

The soil juniper Wiltoni will look good at cascades or alpine slides, it perfectly repeats the bends of the surface. In winter, under the influence of winter cold, it acquires a lilac shade.

Juniper Lime Glow. Little juniper Limeglow is a slow-growing shrub with an incredible coloring, which will delight the eye all year round.

His maximum height It can be twenty-five centimeters, and the length of the diverse crown is up to 1.5 meters in diameter.

In the year he grows for five - eight centimeters. Juniper Lime Glow completely poisonous plant. His palette will not stop surprising pleasantly. During the year, the crown of Limeglow variety, changes from yellow to orange-bronze.

Profession of a specialist: Drop the juniper variety Lime GLOU is not recommended not to cause unwanted diseases.

Juniper Prince Wales. Horizontal juniper Prince Wales (Prince of Wales) fully justifies his name, in the garden it looks majestically and noble.

Shrub has a green color with a barely noticeable bluish tint. He compared with other varieties of juniper, grows very quickly.

The length of the branches can reach 1.5 meters. On alpine hills, rockers or other cascade landing, he will look like a real "prince surrounded by a suit."

Juniper Akari. Juniper Akari is not inferior to other varieties of horizontal juniper.

The color of his leaves in summer is golden, in winter - bronze. His bright palette will delight the eye of both warm summer and cold in winter.

Soil, slow-growing shrub, will be a real highlight of any garden.

Juniper Sarzhen. No less unique in its kind juniper sarzent variety. This species was listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The height of the shrub can reach one meter, and the diameter of its crown is up to three meters.

Due to the fact that his native element of his habitat is a rocky area or coast, it perfectly tolerates Russian frosts. And the hot rays of the sun are nick to him. At the same time, you should not forget to water juniper.

You may also be interested in a variety article.

juniper rocky

An interesting article on the varieties of ordinary juniper read here.

Horizontal juniper is a fairly unpretentious plant. But, like any other plant, he has certain requirements: He loves moderate moisture and light.

At the same time, at half-directed place, he may also feel very good. In the arid periods of the year, the juniper needs to sprinkle his crown - it helps the shrub to keep his color and thereby protects against the drying of the branches.

In winter, of course, it is desirable to cover it with an awning, so that the leaves have not burned the discharged winter sun, and the frost did not destroy the shrub finally. When landing juniper, it is necessary to take into account its origin and requirements of each species. Also, do not forget how any shrub, juniper, needs to be treated from any pest.

See the video in which a specialist explains the peculiarities of the growing horizontal juniper of the variety of Blue Chip:

estimates, average:

Juniper is known for rich varieties of species. Some plants are so similar to each other, which is being stood in question in their belonging to one family. We propose to pay attention to the most popular varieties Juniper.

Juniper is the most winter-hardy representative of coniferous plants, so ideal for growing in regions with an unstable climate. Most often on dumart sites You can meet Juniper ordinary, Virgin and Cossack. They grow well without much care and easily come true, so popular among beginner gardeners. Let's get acquainted with these juniper and their best varieties.

Juniperus Communis

This coniferous plant grows well both in the sun and in the shade. It is resistant to drought and frosts, easily adapts to any types of soil, although prefers sand and limestone.

Juniper ordinary looks great both in single and group landings. It is often grown near roses, heers, Erica and blooming shrubs.

Juniper Virginia (Juniperus Virginiana)

This church height up to 2.5 m perfectly tolerates the forming trimming, although many juniper strut is not recommended, as they can slow down the growth of shoots. Therefore, the Juniper Virginsky is ideal for cultivation as a living hedge and Topiaria. In group landings it looks good in the neighborhood with acacia, birch and others coniferous plants: larch, pine, cypressovik, thuya.

The plant is well tolerating drought and shadow, it is not possible to make the composition of the soil, not afraid of frosts.

Juniperus Cossack (Juniperus Sabina)

This juniper meets in our gardens more often than others. The height of the shrub - up to 1.5 m. When rubbing in his palms, its needles exudes a sharp smell.

Binding juniper Cossacks inedible.

Juniper Cossack branches often spread out on the ground. They quickly root in the soil, so the plant is rapidly spreading to the sides and forms thick thickets (up to 20 m long).

This juniper is also undemanding for the composition of the soil, it is well tolerating drought, a gusty wind and frost, can grow in the shade, but the sun looks more beautiful. It is recommended for growing in small household gardens and mountaineers.

We told you about the most popular types and varieties of juniper, which are used in landscape design most often. But this does not mean that other forms in our latitudes are good. With minimal care, the garden is able to decorate juniper of any varieties.