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The most beautiful dwarf variety of cypress. Cypressian: landing and care at home. Cypressian: Dwarf varieties and high height trees

We continue to acquaint you with an amazing world. coniferous plantsAnd today we present to your attention the cypress. It is often confused with the famous cypress, whose name is more on the hearing, although these are completely different plants. The cypressian can more often meet in flower shops, in the form of a trimmed pyramid, rather than in the garden, but it does not make it less desired for gardeners. Read more about nuances of cultivation of cypressovika read in the article.

Cypressian, or "false cypress" (genus ChamaCyParis), - evergreen monocoa conifer tree Cupressaceae family. The cypressian in nature reaches a height of 70 m. Wood is yellowish, durable and easy, with a pleasant smell. The bark is dark gray or brown-brown, in the form of strips or scales. Crohn is most often cone-shaped, like many coniferous, skeletal branches are located horizontally or lowered downwards, the top is drooping.

The cheerlets of young copies of the needle, pointed, later become scratched, there are opposite cross-cross, they are lined up on each other as a tile. Young shoots fighters, drooping.

Cypressian is a monocotable plant. Men's cishets oval, small, and women's round. When the cones ripen, they become woody, their thyroid scales are closely adjacent to each other, and during the ripening seeds are spread.

Unlike a cypress cypress cypress, up to 12 mm in diameter, rounded, are formed from 6-12 scales, there are no more than two seeds under each flake, and not a poetish, like a cypress. Seeds usually ripen in the first year, they are small, with narrow side wings.

The kiparisovik is represented by family species, of which in natural conditions three species grow in North America and four in East Asia. More than two hundred varieties and cylinder forms are known, which differ in size (tall, medium, dwarf), the crown shape (cone-shaped, column-shaped, molding, stretched, griming), shades of needles (dark green, silver, golden, white-motley). In some decorative shapes Needle juvenile needles retained for a long time.

Features of growing cypressovika

With the description of individual varieties can be found in special directories and choose a plant to taste with the conditions in your garden.

At the homeland of cypressovikov, the period of cold weather is small, so they are characterized by a small period of winter peace. If in conditions of moderate climate they will begin development under winter thaws, then young shoots may suffer from subsequent frosts. In areas with such unstable weather conditions, the cypressian is best grown in tubs in unheated loggias, where the air temperature in the winter does not fall below +5 ° C.

In the room they are usually grown by the cypressions of the pea and lavson. If the area and the height of the room is large enough, then these plants can with regular spraying with water and lighting from the north or west. large sizes. For cultivation of cypress small rooms Use the Bonsai technique.

In the room they are usually grown by the cypressions of the pea and lavson.

Since the cypressives are very sensitive to changing the conditions of illumination, then when growing in the room, chubs or containers are necessary to rotate 5-10 degrees once a month so that the branches develop evenly in different directions.

If climatic conditions allow you to grow the cypressian in the garden, it should be planted in the warst and wet places - on the southern or western slope, not far from the spring, reservoir, but not in stock where cold air accumulates, and away from the tracks, since it Plant sensitive to air basement. It is advisable to plant a cypressian in a half, however, the shapes with yellow cheese prefer illuminated places.


Place and soil. It is possible to plant a cypressian in the spring, but the landing site is better cooking since the autumn. Most suitable suglinted soilmaintaining moisture. If the soil is lime, you need to add a riding peat into it, bringing the pH to 5.

Landing. From the fall, it is necessary to drain the pit with a broken brick or sand layer at least 20 cm, and be filled with half a mixture of garden land, humidia, peat and sand (3: 3: 2: 1). So as the roots of the cypressive are growing in a horizontal plane, plan it on Distance from each other at least 1 m, and better up to 2 m, to a depth of 0.7-1 m, placing the root neck at the ground level. To climb the ground around the plant and tear it to the support. The pillar of the cypressive is also carried out in the spring, but when preparing the pits take into account that the plant will have an extensive horizontal root system.

Watering. Watering the plants you need weekly from the calculation of 8-10 liters per plant, in the drought more often and more abundant. Irrigate the crown of young plants daily, older - weekly. Young plants in the heat should be shaded. If the priority circles are closed with sawdust, peat or bark, then watering plants only after drying the upper layer of the soil. If the priority circles are not closed, then after each watering it is necessary to remove weeds and deeply, up to 20 cm, loose the soil.

Fertilizers. Summer cypressives feed mineral fertilizers, spreading them in water for watering or making even into the soil. Thus, the fertilizer of the Kemira for conifers (100-150 g) scatter by solo Circle Before watering and close in the ground. From the mid-summer, feeding stops, otherwise the plant may not have time to prepare for winter. Young plants can be fed only 2 months after landing, reducing twice the rate of consumption indicated for adult plants on the package.

Wintering. It is advisable for the winter to stream the cypressian with a sweetheaval, burlap, acrylic, Loutrasil or kraft paper, especially the first 3-4 years. Such a coating will protect the plant not only from frost, but also from sun burns In winter and early spring.

In the spring of the plant inspect, remove dry branches and frozen ends of shoots. In the event of the emergence of wounds on the trunk, which happens with a sharp change of frosts and thaws, damaged places are treated with a garden boiler, a plot with a detached crust is borne. Remove unnecessary shoots, remembering that it is possible to remove no more than a third of the green mass. In the fall, a third of the increase in the current year is cut, so that Krone becomes thicker.

Cypressian in the garden can perform the role assigned to most conifers, becoming decorated stony Gorons, parquets, alive hedges or alleys.

When the cypressov is not suitable for growing conditions?

If the cypressive is grown in adverse conditions or with a violation of the rules of care, this can be noted on the appearance of the plant.

1. The appearance of brown coloring the tips of the chewing about the lack of moisture in the soil or air. Usually watering and spraying the crown with water eliminate this symptom.

2. If the soil is poorly drained, the roots can be installed. Such a plant needs to dig up, trim the rotting roots and transplant to another place, ensuring drainage.

3. The needles turn yellow (if it is not a natural color of this form) with a lack of moisture, when growing on poor soil, in the soil with an excess of calcium or a lack of magnesium. If the change in the color of the needles is associated with a disadvantage of moisture, then with regular watering and spraying normal coloring will be restored. In the case of excess calcium, the soil should be acidified by adding peat. The affected parts of the plant must be removed. To clarify the reasons associated with a disadvantage or excess minerals, the soil is surrendered to the analysis.

Diseases and pests

In contrast to non-infectious diseases, infectious diseases are transmitted from the plant to the plant and manifest themselves on the plants of the site not at the same time.

One of the most dangerous cypress disease is Phytoophluorous rot roots. The first signs of this disease is the fading of certain shoots, and there are no traces of rot on the root cerv. The plant gradually becomes matte gray and dying. Roots rot, starting with the tips, and gradually all root system Acquires a brown color.

Methods of struggle. To prevent infection of healthy trees, patients should be deleted and destroyed outside the site. The remaining plants are watered with solutions of fungicides, Ridomil Gold, Aelle and other authorized.

From the pests, the cypressovik can settle the Tly, Cherweans, shields, a tower mole and ticks. The populated tool shoots yellow and dry.

Methods of struggle. If the settling is weak, the aphids can be flushed with soapy solution, pollinate tobacco dust. With high numbers, the drugs are used antitle, accuters, actar, decis, phytodeter.

If the plant is desiccated on the one hand, inspect the trunk. If the inlet openings are noticeable on the trunk, and under the crust of the cores, it is necessary to remove and destroy the plant. Carefully inspect the neighboring plants.

They have the form of a bumps on shoots. The shields feed on the juice of the plant, the supply of leaves is disturbed, the cypressive dries, the needle is poppy. With a low intensity of the settlement, you can remove these insects using a toothbrush, and then wipe the woven tampon, moistened in kerosene. Insects are choking under kerosene film. You can also immediately moisten the brush with a solution of insecticide. Keep in mind that even one surviving insect will begin to multiply quickly, and a few days later, all the tree will be twisted again.

Methods of struggle. The shields die after spraying the cypressovka by non-recreational or similar to the drugs, but several treatments may need. If the tree is very populated by pest, it should be destroyed until other plants were affected.

Tower Mountain Larkers Eat down from the inside. End of shoots will rage and fall, in their foundation there are moves.

Methods of struggle. Brown shoots should be trimmed and deleted. With a strong settling, the plant is treated with insecticides from mid-May to mid-June.

Cobed tick Mounts on the underside of the needles, the fattened surface of the cobweb. The top side of the needles is covered with yellowish spots, the needle is premature. Female ticks winters in groups of several dozen copies in plant residues.

Methods of struggle. The populated parts of the plants need to be removed. With a weak settlement to treat plants green soap or mineral oil, with strong - authorized acaricides (Akarin, Apollo, Union, Nissoran, Omaith). Repeat processing several times with an interval of 5-7 days.

The cypressian in the garden can perform the role allocated for most conifers, becoming a decoration of rocky slides, parquets, alive hedges or alleys. The cypressive will make up the company with roses and bright perennials, as well as other coniferous coniferous people. The main thing is to choose a variety, comply with the rules of landing, care and protect against a small amount of pests. Good luck!

The material was prepared by the online store Greenmarket for the Journal "Neskuchny Garden" №11, 2016

Speakers a typical representative from the family. In nature is found in the mountains near the Mediterranean Sea in the East.

  • This is one of the varieties of cypresses, which is capable of having an empty or pyramidal crown.
  • The maximum tree height is capable of reaching 30 meters.
  • The barrel in thickness is up to 1 meter. But to such sizes, the tree grows over many years, it takes no less than half of the century.

The bark is a little reddish, small leaflets are collected in the branches of a dark green shade. They are tight pressed to the shoots. The fruits are bumps with large scales. Maximum length 35 mm. When the fruit ripens, the scales are separated, they get slightly yellowish.

Goldkrest Willma

This cypressive refers to the family of cypress. Looks like a Christmas tree with narrow leaves, but in a miniature size. Soothes have a light green, almost yellow tint. Because of this, the plant is called "Golden". The trunk of the plant is very slim.

Scaly small leaflets exuded a lemon faint smell. The variety was obtained on Misty Albion Islands specifically for cultivation in room conditions. In the future, he received the fame of the most popular plant for the office.

Representatives of this species are quite different from other conifers. is different:

  1. high drought resistance;
  2. inconspicuous to soil;
  3. high shades;
  4. slow growth;
  5. life expectancy.

Adult representatives should be regularly cut in the spring.

Also look and learn more about Goldcrest Cypress in this video:

Siberian juniper

Another name is. Comes from the genus Juniper and family of cypress. Separate scientists belong to this view to the ordinary juniper. It was first described in 1787. Cultivated since 1879.

Grows in natural conditions:

  • Inner Mongolia.
  • Japan.
  • Korea.
  • In the Far East of Russia.
  • In Siberia.
  • Himalayas.
  • In the east.
  • In the central part of Asia.
  • in the east of Europe.
  • North America.

Cypressive so useful plants. When growing at home, they disinfect air and clean it.

"Dwells" on the rocks, in highlands, stony slopes, empty meadows.

It is a two-walled or monodomal conifer plant, a low shrub that reaches up to 1 meter in height. Differs high endurance. Grows very slowly - about 0.5 cm per year. It has dense branches.


This is a decorative plant. Grows in the form of a small treet or shrub. The genus of cypressov has 7 species, they are all evergreens. Homeland Plants stands:

  • China.
  • Japan.
  • North America.

The height reaches up to 3 meters, has an incredible cone-shaped form of coniferous crown slightly bluish or green shade. Every year, the plant grows by 4-6 cm.

IN Middle lane Russia Cypress Elvudi can be raised not only indoors, but also on the street. Differs unpretentious in care.

You can learn more about Elvudi in this video:


He performs the only species whose homeland is the south-western part of America. Such a tree is distinguished by a medium size (height up to 15-20 meters). Krone has a conical form, a smooth bark, reddish-brown. Over time, it becomes fibrous with flat scallops.

Foliage scaly, bluish-green or grayish, sometimes silver. Located in pairs is the opposite, tightly clasping 4-graded branches. When rubbing is distinguished by an unpleasant aroma.

The cones reach 2.5 cm, the form is almost spherical. Tint - dark red-brown. On each shelter 6-8 thyroid wood scales. The cones are growing in the fall in the second season, but remain in the tree for many years.

In antiquity, cypress was a symbol of sadness and grief. But with the arrival of Christianity of the symbols of the plant changed: Kiparis became a symbol eternal life.


It acts a type of evergreen coniferous high shrubs or low trees from the kind of cypressov collections of the cypress family. Comes from North America and Asia. There grows on wet soils in the valleys of coastal mountains. "Lives" at an altitude of up to 1.5 km above sea level. From America, the plant was exported in 1854, and from the moment he was grown in Europe. Able to live up to 6 hundred years.

Is tall tree, reaching 50-60 m. Crown is a narrow cone, expanding the book. The top is narrowed, often inclined on the side. In the presence of good conditions Branches tend to the surface of the earth. And with poor care or dense irregular landing, the krone is taken off at the bottom and dries.

It is considered the largest tree of this kind.

The barrel in diameter is able to reach up to 1.8 meters. The bark is brown-reddish, thick, it is distinguished by cracking on rounded plates. The root is shallow, there is a system in the upper horizon of soil.


Kiparisa is grown in parks and gardens as decorative plants and alive hedges. For this purpose, evergreen cypress is often used. Small sizes Some species allow them to grow them in room conditions.

Soots and housing of some species are used to obtain aromatic oils, which are used in aromatic therapy due to the antiseptic, antimorph, antispasmodic, tonic and other useful qualities.

Cypressian is one of the representatives of evergreen coniferous plants, which belong to the family of cypress. Many gardeners are misleading the external similarity of this plant with the nearest relative. As a result, confusion arises, and the cypressive can just die due to improper care. To distinguish this plant from others, you need to know how surely it looks. Never seen a cypressist? The photo in this case will be the first assistant.

Description Kiparisovika

It is worth noting that this plant refers to light-chapter. Its branches are flat, and the fruit is small. They contain only a few seeds. The cereal crown is usually a cone-shaped, which is reversible or open branches. Cypressian growing in nature can reach 70 meters in height. Concerning decorative varieties, their size depend on the species.

Kiparisovik (landing and care forces everyone) grows perfectly in darkened places, and on the sun. If you put this plant in a lowland, where the cold is felt, it can affect his condition and growth. Soil for planting cypressovka should be well drained, wet and rich. The plant does not tolerate clay and lime at all. If you observe simple rules, you can grow a real tree. Cypressian poorly tolerates drought. That is why when it is cultivated, it is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and humidity of the air indoors. If the plants are planted into the open ground, then there should be a small distance equal to one meter between them, since they have a fairly well developed root system.

Kiparisovik: species

On the this moment Total 7 varieties of this plant are known. However, each has many varieties and decorative forms. Here is some of them.

The largest representative of this kind is the Formozsky cypressovik. The tree in height can reach 60 meters and above, and the barrel in diameter is often 6 meters.

At least up to 25 meters, cypressovik Tuchoid is growing. Its trunk is covered with a red-brown bark with a conical and narrow form. The needles are usually dark, bluish green.

Place for landing and lighting

Cypressian room is best to sit in a small pot, which can be put on the windowsill. Since this is a light-loving plant, it is worth choosing a place for it in the southern part of the house. In the warm period, the tree should be taken out to the street.

Of course, the cypressian can be planted in a pre-satellite place. However, over time, the plant begins to stretch and eventually loses the form. With weak lighting in winter Kiparisovka's needle starts green. This applies not to all types. Those plants that stand out among the rest of their painting needles, only with sufficient lights retain the original color. However, when re-free sun ray Cypressian can get a burn. The needles quickly begins to yellow and crumble. As a result, the cypressive dries out.

So as not to ruin the plant, it is better to put it in cold period On the windowsill, placing closer to the window. This will allow to give a tree required amount Light and a little coolness. With an offensive warm days The cypressive is better removed from the south window sill and rearranged on the north window. In summer, the plant can be taken to the balcony or in the garden. However, it is better to put it in a slightly darkened place.

Polishing rules

It is possible to water only in the warm period growing on the street cypressovik. Landing and care require compliance certain rules. It is in the warm season that an active growth is observed. Watering must necessarily be abundant. This is especially important in arid periods.

To keep moisture longer, you can use mulching. For this, the fallen needle is ideal or peat. Stop them costs about the trunk of plants. This method is very relevant with very hot weather.

If the cypressian is grown at home, then watering in the winter it should be significantly reduced, while any water stagnation should be avoided.

What should be the temperature

Any type of cypressive is needed fresh and cool air. In winter optimal temperature For this plant ranges from 10 to 15 ° C. In summertime, the cypressive strongly suffers from the heat, so it is best to endure on the street. To reduce the temperature in the room, you can resort to regular spraying of the plant.

Air humidity

Cypress home is very demanding in care. One of the main rules successful cultivation - sufficiently high air humidity. Otherwise, the plant will just perish. If there is very dry air in the room, then the cypress will begin to dry out and quickly crumble. Spray plant can be searched several times a day. Use for these purposes is better cool outstanding and soft water. In order for the air longer than the wet, it is possible to add sphagnum pots between Cachepo and walls. In addition, a container with a plant can be placed on a pallet with a clay, which should be predetermined.

There is another good achievement method. optimal conditions For cypressovka. To reduce the temperature, as well as moisten the air in the summer, you can put a little snow in the pot with a plant. Of course, it is not so easy to get it on hot days. So snow can be replaced ordinary icewhich will be delayed in freezer Each hostess. Cypressian (landing and care should be carried out on time) is a very capricious plant. If you do not support the optimal conditions for him, it will just perish.

Whether to feed

Cypressian at home must be necessary to feed. It is best to do it since May and ending with August. For feeding, mineral fertilizers are ideal for decorative plants. Of course, use better liquid substances. As for dosage, it should only pour half of the recommended dose. Also for feeding you can use a fertilizer that is intended for Bonsayev.

Transplantation Plants

The cypressovik is very bad to transplancing at any age. Therefore, it is worth conducting such procedures extremely as necessary. At the same time, experts recommend not to transplant the plant, but to draw a transshipment into a slightly larger pot. With roots, you need to move to a new container and the earth. Dimensions The pot in this case also matter. Which capacity to translate the cypressics? Plant landing should be carried out in a pot, the diameter of which is only a few centimeters more than the previous one. Many believe that a large container for cypressovka will be perfect. However, this is not so. The plant will simply be unable to cope with large volumes of soil. As a result, the moisture after irrigation will begin to stifter, which will lead to the rotor rot.

Planting cypressovika

To grow this plant it is worth using a certain composition of the soil. For its manufacture, you should take one part of the sand, two parts sheet land and four pieces of turf. It is worth adding a little red crushed brick to such a mixture. The soil must be nutritious enough and, of course, to skip moisture well. At the bottom of the pot, it is necessary to pour a red chopped brick as a drainage or clayzite. After landing or transplanting the cypressovik should put in the shadow. This will help the plant better to move stress. You can also often spray the crown and apply the root formation stimulator. In addition, watering should be limited. It can be resumed only after the shoots take a normal form. Feed the plant is only a month after landing or transplant.

How the cypressive breeding is multiplied

This plant can be raised from the seed. However, this is a very painstaking and long process. It is best to use for reproduction with a glass or cuttings. This method is much more efficient. In the summer it is worth cutting from the tops of young shoots the desired number of cuttings. Their length should be from 10 to 12 centimeters. The bottom of the cuttings must be released from the needles. So that all the sliced \u200b\u200btwigs let the roots, they should be placed in a light substrate. Capacities with cuttings should be put in a mini-greenhouse. This will allow maintenance of the necessary air humidity, as well as a certain temperature. So you can quickly stretch the cypress. Care behind cuttings is also important. Otherwise, their root system will be very weak.

Cypress cuttings are perfectly rooted in open soil. In this case, they are recommended to cover cropped plastic bottles. Summer cuttings need regular watering. Bottles need to be left until spring. When the first needles appear on young seedlings, plastic containers with them can be removed. It is at this time that can transplant plants in a pot.

There is another way of breeding a cypress. It is suitable if the plant is in the open soil. In the spring, some shoots located at the bottom and very close to the ground can be bent and shop. Before this, the bark on the branch is worth a little cloud and handle the wound with a corps. To the escape did not rose, it costs a little apart. For this you can use any cargo, for example, a stone. In the spring, escape should be well rooted. It can be carefully cut off and transplant.

Other concerns

How to protect from frost cypressik? Landing and care require special attention, as any defects can destroy the plant. To protect the cypressive from frosts, in the middle of autumn it stands around his trunk to pour a little mulch, and then cover all the sweetheart. If the air temperature is hard to decline, then the branches of the fir should be covered by the tree itself. Such a shelter will protect the cypressive from the cold. You can remove your paws in mid-April.

With the onset of spring, all dry branches from the tree are worth removing. If necessary, you can even spend decorative trimming. In the same period, after an abundant irrigation, all places should be treated, where the bark was crackling, Garden Warr.

Pests and diseases

How to determine how the cypressive fell ill? Photos of the affected plant in this case can be very helpful. It should be remembered that for the tree under the conditions of a closed room, a web tick is very dangerous. If you comply with all the rules of cultivation of cypressovik, maintain the necessary humidity and enough low temperaturesThis pest is not dangerous.

If the plant does not pour, then its resistance to disease is only enhanced. It affects the health of the cypressovka not only the oversupply of moisture, but also incorrectly selected soil, fertilizer of high concentration and lack of drainage. In this case, the root system is very suffering primarily. Burns may appear from the spring bright sun on the needles. Therefore, you need to take care of the cypress. How to care for this plant is described above. If you comply with all the rules, the tree will grow extraordinarily beautiful.

Cypressian "Top Point" - a fairly popular plant in landscape designBut this miniature tree feels good on the home window sill. The main thing is to create the necessary conditions.

Visually, the cypressovik - a low shrub in the "adult" condition achieved in a height of only 1.5 m. The "Top Point" spreads the twigs to the width of approximately half the meter and the annual increase in 6 ... 7 cm gives the annual increase in 6 ... 7 cm.

On specialized bazaars and in stores it can be found under different names. It can be:

  • WhiteCedar Falsecypress;
  • Atlantic White Cedar;
  • dwarf Atlantic White Cedar;

Cypressian "Top Point" - a long-lived plant and will decorate a plot for longer than 60 years.

This cypressive is distinguished by a dense - colon-shaped or conical - crown. If you touch your hand, it will be soft to the touch. It is noteworthy that its color depends on the time of year: in the spring it will have a beautiful blue shade with a special silver tint, in summer the cypressive becomes bluish-green, but in the fall, the plant "repainted" into amazing copper-bronze color.

Features of cultivation

To "Top Point" could show itself in all its glory, you need to follow certain rules:

  • to disemboditate, it is best to choose solar plots, since the plant does not endure even short shading;
  • the soil ideally should be with an acidic reaction, but neutral sections are suitable;
  • when landing, it is desirable to organize a drainage layer;
  • the plant loves watering, but in its growth, a slight drying of the soil will not affect;
  • shrub must be fed annually.

Cypressian can be planted on sites located within the city. Air gas supply problem for decorative plant will not become.

To create a beautiful crown - especially if the "Top Point" is grown as a soliter (solitary plant) - you can use the forming trimming.

"Top Point" on home window sill

If a garden plot No, you can grow a cypressian in a container. The basic principles of "homemade" buds from those already listed are no different.

Wintering - Possible options

Growing on the cypressive sections when the temperature decreases, go to sleep. Plants wake up, as it should be, in spring. "Top Point", grown in a container, in principle, in winter holidays does not need. But since the lack sunlight Negatively affects its growth, then it is desirable a plant, though, for the winter period to "sleep."

  1. If there is a balcony, then the cypress can winter on it. But the plant needs insulation, because with severe frosts the root system is warranty freezing. So that the Christmas tree did not die, you need to build a heated box. The temperature inside it should be laid from the range -5 ... + 5. This is enough enough to stop the photosynthesis process. Then the bush will not need a bush in the light, and will permeate without any problems.
  1. As an option, the third frame can be installed on the home window sill. The barrier will protect the cypressive from the heat of batteries, and the plant will not suffer from dryness and too high air temperature. But in this case it will be necessary to provide high-quality backlight.

Important! If the cypressive "fell asleep", it is impossible to wake it, what is called "until spring". The alternation of heat and cold badly affects the coastal state.

If the plant fell ill - the signal will become dull needles - it is necessary to spray it with "epic" or "zircon".