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Alpine slide with their hands from the priest. Alpine hill do it yourself: step by step photo. How to make a stony slide of big stone

Alpine slide - a reduced copy of the mountainous area. Usually, a cobblestone is installed in the central part of such a flower beds, which are a symbol of the mountain peak. On the slopes are created terraces on which low-level vegetation plant.

In a natural medium, such sites are formed in the place where natural rocks of rocks appear. Under the action of the environment, a fertile layer appears on them, which subsequently grow plants. To recreate this mountain landscape to recreate this mountain landscape.

For such a large-scale structure, as a rocky flower bed is suitable spacious plot. When erecting the alpine slide, you should strive to ensure that the composition of vegetation and cobblestones look naturally.

Video. Alpine Gorki Device

Creating an alpine slide with your own hands

Alpine slide, made by her own hands, will decorate the entire selection area. To decide on the design of your future stony garden, you can explore the photos of the Alpine slide. In order to create such a composition, you must adhere to certain rules and a certain procedure for maintaining work.

Step-by-step instruction of creating an alpine slide with their own hands

To begin with, the location is defined. In order to do this, you need to pay attention to the illumination. For Alpinaria, a plot is suitable, which is as long as possible. sun.. Also, the composition should be well visible from all sides.

  1. Designation contour base (soles) slides and removal of the upper fertile layer to a depth of about 30 cm.
  2. Device drainage system. The lower layer can be made of small gravel, pieces of bricks or, in the extreme case, from the construction trash. After that, the sand layer is thick about five centimeters. The sand layer of the earth is stacked on top of sand. It is possible to do without a drainage system in the event that a slope is selected to arrange an alpine slide with not too dense soil.
  3. At this stage, proceed to location of stones and erection of nucleusgorki. Of all the stones choose the largest and beautiful cobblestone. It will be the main in the lower tier. Stone must stand steadily. For this you can sprinkle soil or gravel. A classic alpine slide at the cottage consists of an odd number of tiers. Between these tiers, the wet soil is laid, which is necessary to ram.

    Tip: laying stones, symmetry should be avoided. Between the stones, you can leave places for planting or grieving stones next to each other. It is also necessary to immediately decide on the supporting stones, which can be inserted when leaving for vegetation. They should be sealing and fixed.

  4. Sprinkle vegetation.

Alpine Slide Plants - Selection Rules

The construction of an alpine slide requires knowledge and certain skills. This is especially true of choosing vegetation. First of all, it is necessary to decide on the color palette of the Alpinaria. After that, you should draw a sketch of the future rocky garden. To trace the color gamut, it is necessary to decorate the slide areas with the corresponding colors. Only after that you can start the choice of the plant to the Alpine slide into the country.

Alpine slide with their own hands. Photo

Well look low coniferous plants. You can also use small shrubswhich in the spring bloom, and in the fall they give fruit.

Coniferous plants that are suitable for gardening alpine slide with their own hands

  • dwarfice. This plant is well tolerate drought;
  • juniper. This unpretentious plant grows in its form resembles a cone. Foliage - green;
  • tuya Grows in the shape of a bush. With good illumination acquires a red-brown color;
  • kiparisovik - Plant with the top of golden color and the base of dark green.

Large plants for alpine slide

For landscaping Alpine slide, do not choose the leaf falls of plants. Since the fallen foliage must be regularly removed to not harm other vegetation. For the slides, the following plants are chosen:

  • cyclist horizontal. This shrub with a thick crown of foliage in the warm season is painted into a dark green color, and the autumn acquires a reddish tint. Plant flowers in small flowers;
  • iberis. A semi-stabilizer who does not lose its attractiveness throughout the season. Flowers collected in the brush of an umbrella shape, painted in white, pink or lilac. Later in their place appear fruits in the form of pods;
  • dryad. Miniature shrub blooming large white flowers. The flowering period falls on July-August. Later, the fruits of an unusual form appear in their place. They look like "fluffy balls."

Alpine Slide Flowers

To build a classic alpine slide, we use low, peeling, "carpets" plants. It is best to give preference to perennials. For landscaping, you can apply the following flowers:

  • short Suitable carnation. This is a short, rich-flowering plant with narrow gray-green-green leaves unpretentiously. Suitable for landscaping outdoor sunny plots;
  • packed rocky - Perennial, the leaves of which are painted in gray-green. A feature of this plant is that his leaves remain green even in winter. In the multi-flowered inflorescences - panicles are small bright yellow leaves;
  • moldo- a perennial plant with a wide color palette of leaves. They can be green, silver, yellowish, pink, burgundy color;
  • camelight - Traditional inhabitants of the Alpinarians. Flowering period - May- August. Five-mending flowers painted in white, pink or yellow.

So that the alpine slide at the cottage every year rejoiced with its beauty, it is necessary to plant bulwing and tuberukovic flowers. For the creation of a contrast background, shorter cultures will be suitable. The perfect framed will be a well-kept lawn.

What should I do if the alpine slide is settled?

Sometimes the Alpine slide, made in violation of the construction technology, can settle. There may be several reasons for this.

  • Unsuccessfully selected plot or absence drainage. Alpinarium is better equipped on a natural elevation or on a plot with a slope. If the slide is located on thin or clay soils, then it is necessary to do a drainage layer. For these purposes, gravel or stones can be used.
  • Incorrectly selected substrate, vegetation and cobblestones. For the alpine slide, it is better to choose the next mixture of the Earth: compost, sand and peat in equal proportions.

How to avoid shrinkage flower

  • consider the slope of the plot and the type of soil;
  • do a drain layer and give the earth in time;
  • for landing, choose vegetation with powerful rhizomes;
  • competently select vegetation, cobblestones and soil substrate;
  • to remove the fallen foliage on time, dig up with wiping plants, weeds to gour out.

Alpine slide from conifers

To create alpinarians, not only traditional "Alpians" can be used, but coniferous plants. For these purposes, pines are perfect, thuja, juniper shooting, barbaris, gray or Japanese spirea, a fir of a conic. In the classic version, one shrubs and trees should not be present. They should grow there in small quantities.

Stones for alpine slides

Natural flat cobblestones are suitable for such rocky gardens of different sizes of the original form. You should also give preference to stones with an inhomogeneous surface, with all sorts of "inclusions", with recesses in which moss can be planted or a small plant. Limestones, boulders, sandstones, granite, shale look well.

Decorating alpine slide with their own hands

Stones and vegetation are used for the alpine slide decor. In order for their competently, it is necessary to follow some recommendations, namely:

  • stop stones start from the bottom row, moving up;
  • for the top of the composition you need to choose the most beautiful cobblestone;
  • for each major stone, it is necessary to make a "foundation" of one to three flat stones;
  • stop stones should be so that their tops are in parallel to each other;
  • multiple stones should be laid so that they can walk on them;
  • after laying each row, the layer of land is laid, which is well seal and spilled by water;
  • at the top of the slide set the most beautiful cobblestone.

Alpinarium and rockery: differences and similarities

Alpinarium and rockery are two different methods of the bedrooms. Roccarius is a flowerbed of stones, most of which stones of one breed occupy. Cobblestones are laid in parallel to each other or in any order. Chaotic placed stones imitate the natural environment. Rokary also has vegetation, but in the form of a background that performs a secondary role. In the Alpine Hill, bright vegetation appears in the foreground.

Alpine slide with their own hands. Video instructions

Video. Alpine slide do it yourself

Alpine slide with their own hands. Video

Alpine slide with a waterfall. Video instruction

Relatively recently B. landscape design On shift, new types of decoration of the site came to shift, chains and gypsum sculptures. alpinaria . They are satisfied in rich estates and in summer cottages, in city gardens and squares, lawn Near the offices and in the territories of restaurants. Competently and tastefully selected stones and plants will create a zone of luxury, aesthetics and peace even on the most modest piece of land near.

Being a peculiar and very time-consuming decoration of the landscape, the mountaineering seems difficult in execution and increasing elements of the decor. However, if you understand the creation technology, then alpine slide at the cottage can be arranged without attracting expensive designers .

A piece of Alps on your cottage

  • Working out the design of the Alpine slides, it must be borne in mind that it is an imitation of rocky natural sites. So, the basis of the composition should be stones and sparing low plants characteristic of high-altitude areas. And the definition of "slide" dictates a general form of a mountaineering - an elevation with mandatory elements: soles, slopes and vertex.
There are several variants of alpinarians who repeat their different areas of the mountainous area:
  • rock Rock - the rag of almost bare large boulders with a minimum of plants in niches and "pockets";
  • mountain slope - a complex high composition of stones of different sizes and with a large variety of quenching and low-speed plants;
  • valley in the mountains - large stones, partially protruding from the soil, surrounded by abundantly blooming decorative plants;
  • gorge - The most difficult in performance, but also the most spectacular view of the mountaineering, which can be placed in a natural hollow, framing the slopes with stones and disembarking representatives of the rock flora.

Separate views are considered rocarium - Garden of stones, which are the main "acting persons", unlike the mountaineering, where the stones serve as a background for plants.

How to make an alpine slide on a small plot?

If you firmly decided that the alpine slide is created with your own hands - step-by-step instructions will give you the opportunity to avoid gross errors and get the desired result.

Before starting work, sketch the mountainaria sketch - it will help you decide what area it will occupy what configuration and how many tiers you will do on it.

You can even approximately estimate how much the alpine slide costs - a scheme made on a scale will help to calculate how many stones you need, what amount of drainage, sand and soil will need to be prepared. It is necessary to make a scheme in binding to the area to use all favorable moments.

By defining the place for the future Alpinaria, do not forget that it will be necessary to watch it - choose the most profitable angles. In addition, think - perhaps you want to spend your free time near him. Then you will need an adjacent smooth area with tracks, location for table and hearth.

Tip! Lached plants for the Alpine slide will need solar heat - it means to orient the slopes are necessary to the south and east.

Very interesting visual effects will result in the use of natural relief irregularities - elements inscribed in the natural landscape will become a great supplement it.

  1. The next step will be transferring your scheme to the site. Marking up with the help of ramp or sleeping the necessary lines with contrasting material - sand, lime. This will allow you to look at the alleged place of the mountaineering from the side. You may decide to slightly change its configuration in accordance with the relief.

  2. On the perimeter of the prepared platform laid the largest boulders. If necessary, they can be broken into the soil - then they will have a more natural look. The inner space is filled with soil, which will become the base for the next tier, as well as the habitat for plants.
  3. Recovering the estimated distance from the first row, invest the next chain of stones, while maintaining the desired configuration of the alpinearia.

    Council ! Placeing large stones, leave the free space between them, which will be filled with soil - plants dropped by plants will need a place for the development of the root system.

  4. After performing the required number of tiers, make up the vertex. To do this, you can put one large stone, or use some small pyramidally folded. This will prevent the blurring of the soil, and also give the completion of the composition.
  5. Tip! Work on the Alpinarium tab is better to start in the fall, then to the spring, the soil, fastened between the stones, will take place, and it will be possible to glue all the voids formed. In addition, before planting plants, you will have the opportunity to make the latest adjustments to stones.

    Tip! The main rule - the mountainaries should look decorative and beautiful even without colors. Stones should be harmonious and balanced to create a stable and extremely natural composition. The less symmetry in it, the more organic it will look like.

From this article you will learn how to build an alpine slide from the subwoofers.

If the plot on your dacha is uneven, and the ground is poor, and with stones, it can be beautifully equipped, besides, without much costs - to make an alpine slide. So where to start?

How to start making alpine slide?

Alpine slide.

First will understand, what is the alpine slide. This is an artificial hill of stones and land, with blooming plants planted on it, which are characteristic of the Alps or Carpathians.

Last time Alpine appeared gorki and other styles:

  • Japanese style, the hill is planted with Far Eastern plants
  • In Mexican - Cactus

Alpine slide can be postponed in different ways:

  • In the form of a stepped mountain slope
  • Terraces
  • Rock
  • Plateau
  • 2 slides separated by the gorge

To make alpine hillIt is important to adhere to the following criteria:

  • Observe tiers (valley, 1, 2, 3 terraces)
  • Availability of stones
  • Plants need to plant down
  • Contrast of plant species

The height of the slide can be from 1 to 3 m, depending on the size of the site where the Alpine slide will be created.

So that the hill happy happy you, and she did not have to disassemble, did not have time to build, you need consider the following factors:

  • If you have a plot in the lowland, and for a long time there are melting waters after winter or shower, when building a alpine slide, you need to lay a thick layer of drainage so that the excess water leaves, and not remained.
  • So that the soil and stones on the hill then did not seek, carefully tamper each fastened layer during the construction of the slide.
  • In order not to sprinkle weeds from below, from under the soil, before building a hill, laying a special geotextile, and then drainage and sand, laying down the stones, and fall asleep soil.
  • From moles and earthkers, which can destroy the slide, save it finely galvanized steel grid, laying it on geotextiles.
  • The alpine slide is laid in such a place so that it can be seen from different sides, it is desirable to not far be a bench or canopy.
  • And if there is a holmik, ravine or a slope on your site, then you can equip the alpine slide with a stream or waterfall.
  • The contrast with the Alpine slide make up the lawn or shrubs, and if not far the fence, then it needs to be hidden by curly plants.
  • If your alpine slide is diverse - to combine the rock, scree, and for example, the terrace, then it will not be bored, and it is always interesting to contemplate.
  • So that the slide is not too motley, no more than 5 plants differ in the color scheme are planted.


For the alpine slide fit sharp stones (sandstone, granite, slate, limestone, dolomite). The slide should not be motley, so we build it out of 1-2 types of stones.

  • Granite, limestone and sandstone lay out in the form of a block and small pebbles, and spend their soil, in the center there must be the largest stone.
  • The clay and sandy slazie is broken down on the tiles, and the slide can be put in the form of a terrace.
  • If the alpine slide is with a pond or a stream, then you can put on their shores the returned pebbles, which can be found on the seashore, rivers.

Alpine slide is the most simple do-it-yourself in the country, garden plot: step-by-step construction, scheme

For the alpine slide is not necessarily a lot of space. The only thing that it is important that the new alpine slide fit into the already existing landscape of your cottage..

To start lay down the alpine slide need to do the following:

  1. The project of the future slide is drawn on paper, and divide it on the ground.
  2. We indicate the place of the future alpine slide by pegs, and we can enhance the cord.
  3. At the site, the slides first we are wearing grass, and then, a bayonet shovel, remove the upper soil layer, with a capacity of 30-40 cm.
  4. The resulting deepening is covered with a fine metal mesh and geotextile so that moles and weeds do not get through.
  5. From above geotextile we fall asleep gravel, pebbles, crushed stone, broken brick (which is), 10 cm in thickness, tamper. It is necessary that excess water leaves, and did not hesitate the roots of the plants.
  6. On top of large particles, smear small (sand), 5 cm in thickness, tamper and water.
  7. We make a soil for the Alpine Gorka: We take the black earth soil, add sand, chips from a tree and pine bark, shallow rubbank, peat, mix everything. It is impossible to feather too hard, otherwise the trees and bushes will grow big on the slide, and it will not be a slide, but the garden.
  8. We embarrass the obtained soil over the entire surface of the slide, and do not align, but on the contrary we simulate the "mountains", "cliffs", "valleys", "paths" in a reduced form.
  9. Now we install stones on the slide, and planted with plants.

How to make and arrange a small mini alpine slide: scheme, description, photo

To create an alpine slide, we start early in the fall. Before spring, when plants, stones and land should be shattered.

Mini Alpine slide will be about 1 m high.

Start doing mini slide:

  1. We celebrate on the ground, with the help of pegs the border of the future slide.
  2. We stretch between stakes twine.
  3. We tear off the grass, and dig up on the entire site, fixed with twine, butt, depth of 30-35 cm, we drag it with a metal mesh with small cells and geotextiles.
  4. We make drainage: we fall asleep by 10 cm bottom of a chubble and small pieces of broken bricks.
  5. On top of the drainage, we smear large sand, with a capacity of 10 cm, we water the water so that there is no emptiness left.
  6. We establish large stones, and the space between them fall asleep rubble, let it stand up for about 1 month.
  7. Install smaller stones.
  8. We prepare the soil for plants. The soil, removed from the pit, is swore, throwing roots, add to it an equal amount of river sand and clay.
  9. All the gaps between the stones fall asleep soil, water from the watering can not wash the ground, and leave for the winter.
  10. Spring plant plant.

How to make and arrange a beautiful floral alpine slide: Scheme, description, photo

For the Alpine slide, unpretentious plants are chosen, which bloom in spring, summer and autumn.

Best choose perennial plants with small flowerassociated with the mountains:

  • EdelweissRight from the Alps, grows up to 20 cm in height. Flowers in summer, in June-July. Este the slopes of the mountains.
  • Cups - Unpretentious bright pink or yellow flower. In the radius where it blooms, no weed will grow. Blossom occurs in the fall from September to October.
  • Molded - The fleshy green leaflets folded into the socket, and resembling roses, and purple flowers, grow under the earth itself, breeded with child sockets. Flowers from July to September.
  • Saxifrage In the spring with its small white flowers literally covers the ground as a rug. Prefers to grow in the shade.
  • Strike or sleep-grass Appears one of the first colors in the spring.
  • Small margaritka Different shades are able to decorate our rocky garden almost the whole summer, as the varieties of these colors set.
  • Early spring will please us primrose Juicy foliage and flowers of different shades, just need to consider that she loves her half.
  • Thrift The alpine begins to bloom from June, the height of the bushes is up to 10 cm.

So that it does not work so that some segment of time there will be no colors, you need to create a diagram with applying all planned plants with an indication of their flowering period.

In addition to flowering plants, miniature trees look beautiful: dwarf pine, spruce and cypress, as well as small shrubs: Barbaris, Juniper, Samshat.

How to make and arrange an unusual alpine slide club?

To plant an unusual alpine flower bed, you need to act as follows:

  1. At the very top of the slide, the coniferous trees and bushes are planted (dwarf pines, ate, juniper, thuja).
  2. Below, between large stones, planting plants with powerful roots (irises, ferns).
  3. Then, in small wells, planted flowers with a weak root system (armey, edelweissy).
  4. In the narrow slits between the stones put the fern, bells, sharply.
  5. So that the soil on the slopes do not crumble, and did not blur, plant the sharpening plants (Moldova, Badyan, Flox).
  6. From above with a sheer wall beautiful will be smeared soapy, labelia, bells.
  7. Near the gray stones, we plant bright flowers (tulips, poppies), near bright stones - nonsense flowers.
  8. We divide some kinds of colors from other small stones.
  9. Curly pyramidal plants look good next to plants with small flat inflorescences.

And so that the Gorka-Flowerba looks good and at night, set the accumulative lanterns between the stones, they accumulate light during the day, and they emit at night.

How to make and arrange without stones, from the tires alpine slide?

Alpine slide in the budget version - a slide of tires. To make a slide of used tires, they will have to paint enamel or machine paint, and then fold the slide, and plant plants.

Another option: Tires do not paint, but put in pebbles, and plant flowers.

You can also make an alpine slide with ponds from old tires.

Construct ponds:

  1. We select a few tires of different sizes.
  2. By the size of the largest Wheel ROOM Kotlovan.
  3. We install the wheel in the pit and concrete bottom.
  4. The top of the wheel is cut by the jigsaw.
  5. Nearby, higher in the level, we set a smaller wheel in size, concreting bottom, and the top cut off the jigsaw.
  6. Walls of future ponds from the inside we are covered with a waterproofing film, we look with stones and pebbles.
  7. We establish the pump so that the water is circulated from one pond to another.
  8. Look around the plants that love moisture.

By the same principle of small tires, cutting them, you can create a stream that flows into the pond.

How to make and make an alpine slide with a pond?

To making a Alpine slide with a pond Next:

  1. Digging the pit, a depth of about 0.5 m.
  2. I fall asleep sand, 0.1 m thick, and tamper.
  3. On the bottom of the geotextile, and on top of it a waterproofing film (butyluchet material). Lifetime of such a film of 20-30 years.
  4. All recovery should be shown by film, and go beyond 30-40 cm.
  5. At the edges of the pond, we put the stones so that the film is not visible anywhere.
  6. Fill the pond with water from the hoses, we can weigh the film in the water. Pond is ready.

How to make and make an alpine slide with a waterfall?

To build an alpine slide with a waterfall, the skill, a novice gardener will not cope with it.

So that the waterfall and pond functioning correctly need to consider the following nuances:

  • Water should not seize in the ground
  • To swing water for a waterfall, we need a pump, and accordingly you need to lay the electrically
  • Plants need to select the appropriate: on the top of dry, on the shores are moisture
  • Pond will need to be cleaned sometimes, and water to merge water

The pit under the pond is digging along with a slide bookmark. The depth of the pond for the alpine slide usually does not exceed 30 cm. The shallow guns are easier to clean, and pebbles are clearly visible in transparent water.

  • You need to dig deeper than that part of the pond, where the pump will be installed, with a capacity of up to 70 W. The pump is installed on a special stand, so it is less entered by sludge, and in order not to be seen - closed with stones.
  • At the same time, we deposit the hill of the electrocabyl, and check its safety.
  • I stretch the hose hose upstairs, and hides it between stones.
  • The track where water will be poured from the waterfall, put the clay slate tiles, in the form of steps.
  • Near the water, the following plants grow well: fern, swimsuit, different mosses, one-year blooming plants in vases. Vasons It is advisable to take the same shade as stones.
  • Waterfall with a pond It is advisable to place from the northeastern side of the site, so it will be in the shade a few hours a day, and water will bloom less.

How to make and arrange an alpine rocker hill from undergrades?

Rocarium is a garden of stones, plants and dwarf trees.

Roccarius is not necessarily an alpine garden, it can be planted on a flat surface and consist of not from alpine plants, but small ordinary.

For the recreation of rocaries there are 3 styles:

  1. Japanese RocariumFor it, minimalism is characterized - a small number of stones with plants or without plants.
  2. European-style roccage - The slide from different stones, it looks like a natural slide of moderate latitudes.
  3. English style rocarium. It is characterized by the presence of a variety of evergreen plants.

It is important to remember that the rocarium cannot be equipped close to the house. In winter, when it will crawl off the roof, it can destroy fragile trees.

If you equip the roccar, and not far away the fence, it needs to be re-organized - to plant the curly plants near it, which will hide the fence.

We begin to lay roccage from the girlfriend:

  1. We place a platform for the future rocarium.
  2. We break all weeds and grass.
  3. Remove the shovel of 20 cm of soil.
  4. For drainage, we fall asleep all the space of a thin layer of rubble and small pieces of broken bricks.
  5. From above drainage, the ground, consisting of a garden land, mixed with a small amount of sand and small rubble.
  6. We take fairly large natural stones of your area on the side of the roads or in a career, it is desirable that the breed is one species, you put them in half into the ground.
  7. Small stones will also be useful, install them on large stones.
  8. First, we plant coniferous shrubs: aquickery ate, a juniper.
  9. Flowering plants need to be chosen to bloom from spring to autumn: snowdrops, crocuses, tulips, phlox and others.
  10. To keep small stones on the spot, planting a stone, MEDODED, SEDUMA.
  11. All plants should be approached by size (small).
  12. Additionally, decorate the distances between plantations, falling asleep with rubble.
  13. Next to the rookarium you can install a gazebo or a beautiful bench to relax and admire the beauty.

How to make a stony slide from a big stone?

For the slide, those types of natural stones that do not destroyAnd of them will not go into the soil of salt and heavy metals. It can be stones that have long been on your site or nearby: sandstone, limestone, granite, basalt, clay and sandy slate. Stones are needed large and small.

If there are no stones nearby, they can be scored in a quarry for the extraction of stone.

Now we decide the stones on the gravel pillow:

  1. Stony slide start to do from below.
  2. First, we set the largest instance of the stone into the deepening. If he swings, put rubble under it.
  3. We put the rest of the stones from the bottom up, some deepen. If the stones have some flaws, you need to hide, turning the stone so that it is not visible. Distances between stones fall asleep soil.
  4. At the top of installing a sharp stone - the top of the mountain.
  5. The stony slide should be a bit of 1 month, it is possible, during this time, the stones and soil will cover, and then the plants can already be planted.

Attention. When laying, the stones do not need to stick to the same distance or size, the stones must be folded in the mess, then the slide will look natural.

What to put on the Alpine Gorka?

On the Alpine slide, shrubs and perennial herbs plant. Plants on the Alpine Hill must be:

  • Unpretentious
  • Shorty
  • Perennial

From miniature trees and low shrubs fit:

  • Mountain and miniature pine
  • Blue spruce
  • Larch
  • Barberry
  • Fir Korean
  • Juniper
  • Kizlin
  • Rhododendron

Perennial Plants and Herbs for Alpine Slide:

  • Highlander
  • Owin
  • Feather grass
  • Heather
  • Fescue
  • Esset evergreen
  • Cuff
  • Grivacy barley
  • Fern
  • Sagebrush
  • Spurge
  • Decorative cabbage
  • Snowdrop
  • Carnation
  • Violet
  • Chamomile

For the alpine slide you need to choose different plantsthat will bloom all the time: from early spring to late autumn.

The most bright colors are placed in the center of the slide.

Behind plants need constantly care: Clean the dried leaves, water, pour the soil if it was washed with rains.

Finger plants need to caution, you can not use nitrogenous fertilizers, otherwise they will go to the rusty growthAnd we have an alpine slide.

Alpine slide with flowers, roses, juniper, moss: photo

  • To create an alpine slide apply and roses, but dwarf varieties: "Hummingbirds", "Maidi", "Rosemary", "Sonnenkind". These varieties are well tolerated winter, resistant to diseases, but they love solar plots, and do not tolerate a lot of moisture.
  • Gentle flowers, what are roses, are well combined with a rough natural stone.
  • Also in the Alpine slides together with roses, juniper looks good.
  • Alpine slide in unusable land

    So, now we know how to equip the Alpine slide on our site.

    Video: Pond with a waterfall - easy and cheap

Alpine Gorka - Stone garden, which can be created with your own hands. To do this, explore the thematic articles on the Internet and view the options for decorating on photo from step by step Description of work. Gorki is also called mountaineering and rockary. They will become an original decorative element on the household plot.

This type landscape design Popular, especially among country cottage owners. They are willing to highlight a large amount for the arrangement of their plot in the courtyard of the house to obtain a corner of untouched nature. It is advisable to invite a landscape designer for this purpose, because it will be able to qualitatively implement all your ideas and wishes into reality.

Those who have no opportunity to pay his work should try to make a beautiful corner of nature on their own. So you reduce costs to a minimum and get the desired result of your work.

The main thing is to properly plan the budget and develop a project where all the stages of the scheduled changes will be displayed. Do not rush and try to think over all the details. Think out all the steps, select a slide style, spend thorough preparation - this will be your guarantee of getting a beautiful mountaineering. Observe the principles and rules for working with plants, learn useful articles on the Internet on this topic, consult with the designer.

Sequence of work on the creation of an alpine slide

You should finally determine the place to accommodate the Alpine slide in the courtyard at home. The main requirements for this space:

  • openness;
  • spaciousness;
  • sunny side. It can be the southern and southwest part of the land.

The place must be chosen carefully so that you spend a lot of time every day. Alpinarium is created to ensure that guests and owners of a country cottage have the opportunity to admire the beauty of nature daily. This is a place to face, relax and restore forces after a heavy working day.

After choice, you should buy construction materials for the arrangement of the Alpine slide. Getting Started with a gaming and laying the drainage layer. The depth of the pit is the average. For a slide area of \u200b\u200b2x2, a depth of 0.8-1 m. Think Stages of labeling drainage layer. His quality will determine the service life of the slide. Therefore, the layer should be uploaded to qualitatively, because its function is to ensure reliable foundation of the design and prevent soil sewage. This will not fail to fail the mountaineering and ensure proper conditions for the growth of colors and plants.

It is possible to obtain the desired drainage effect with the help of clay, rubbish, gravel and construction debris. Do not use wood waste that will start rotting in the first months after the completion of the work. The drainage layer should be covered with sand or gravel shallow fraction, pebbles. The final stage is the laying of fertile soil with a thickness of 30-40 cm and its careful rambling.

What to prepare for the arrangement of the Alpine slide before starting work

Created by your own hands the mountainaries will be aesthetic, provided that careful preparation and proper selection of the site. To do this, choose an open area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth for refining. Purchase bricks, rubble, medium and large stones, pebbles. Ask help from relatives or hire a worker for transporting and laying heavy stones.

Decide on planting plants in the created alpinary. Purchase seeds and seedlings for your collection, taking into account the compatibility of plants among themselves, the period of their flowering, the soil requirements for optimal development and growth. Download photos of implemented projects from the Internet, the style of which suits you. These are designer projects and work of the craftsmen, created with their own hands without help.

Rules for using stones in rockers

The dimensions of the stone elements used are determined by the area area, which was allocated to the creation of rocarium. For spacious territory, large stones should be chosen, and for a small area, tires and medium boulders are the best option. Pay attention to the color and texture of stones. To create a harmonious composition, the stones are chosen to the created ensemble, emphasizing the beauty of the slide and the gorgeous site.

Eclecticism is not the best solution for adjusting rockery in the country cottage. The main requirements are natural and natural beauty. Limit one of the rocks of the stones. Use granite, quartzite, sandstone.

Laying stones and decorative elements is carried out consistently by tiers. The principle used is from greater to the smaller. The base of the mountaineering is large-scale boulders. They are able to provide reliable foundation when creating a composition and embodiment in the reality of the designer ideas of the owner. Place the original decorative element of small size on the top. He will become a bright accent and make the composition completed.

A classic alpine slide consists of 3-5 tiers. These are stones of different size, posted rationally and clearly. Over each layer should be pouring a moistened land. Do not forget to leave the space between stones for the growth of planted plants, their development.

Shape slide is fully your choice. It depends on the fantasy, the selected style, the color gamma and the area of \u200b\u200bthe highlighted area of \u200b\u200bthe Earth. Do not follow the rigid rules on styling stones. The main requirement is a high-quality layout and a reliable foundation of the Alpine slide. So she will have a long time and will delight you daily. Ready mountaineering should look aesthetic even without plants!

Soil falling asleep and plant landing in created mountaineering

The soil mixture for the alpickeeper slide is a special composition for planting plants, their normal growth and development. Buy a mixture in a flower shop or make it yourself. The main thing is that it has all the necessary useful substances and minerals. So planted plants will grow well by making a ride aesthetic and natural.

The optimal composition is 1: 3 (peat and clay soil). Part of the gravel takes part of this composition from the soil and peat. It is important that the Earth is clean, removing the weeds and their seeds from it. So you will prevent the appearance of weeds among planted plants and colors.

Plant landing on the Alpine slide begins with the top. These are beautiful shrubs and trees. Next - go to perennial plants. Initially, the mountaineering was created from high mountain plants. Now these restrictions have lost its meaning and all the plants chosen by you, the treet, flowers will look more aesthetic.


  • perennial plants;
  • shrubs;
  • ferns;
  • cereals, herbs;
  • bulbous plants.

They will complement the composition, making it more aesthetically. The main thing is to take into account the compatibility of the selected plants among themselves. So you will prevent unpleasant consequences and the need to re-plant plants. Compose plants so that your mountainaries look beautiful and winning all year all year. Flowering in different plants began consistently by replacing each other.

To preserve the aestheticness of the Alpine slide in the winter, put coniferous plants. Thuja, pine, juniper are perfect for landing. Categories fantasy by adding therapeutic herbs, leaf fall and evergreen shrubs, bulbous, ferns and flowers - daffodils, nasterns to the composition.

Before planting plants, moisturize the ground for better growth and survival. After disembarking, sink the ground and cover it with a layer of pebbles in small fraction. This will prevent the rapid growth of weeds and maintain the primary form of alpinearia. Peelocks and land around the created alpine slide. Photo examples of such compositions you will find on the Internet on thematic sites with step by step description of the work carried out do it yourself.

Classification of alpine hills for a country cottage

The admiration of the beauty and the thoughtfulness of parts in the mountainaries is amazing. In them, each stone is in the right place, and the flowering of plants lasts the whole year. Alpine slide is an aesthetic decorative element into the courtyard of a country house. There are 7 styles of its design:

  1. Natural rocky surface.
  2. "Mountain slopes" with coniferous trees, sophisticated bends and blocks of a huge sizes.
  3. "Valley in the mountains." This style of performance implies a chaotic placement of stones of different sizes on the territory of the Alpine slide.
  4. "Slope with terrace". Different height of the walls, the use of unusual forms and elements.
  5. "Forest ravine" is a decorative space with natural springs, a waterfall. It can be created artificially.
  6. "Stone wall". Here the stones are located in chaotic order, and the holmik has a small height.
  7. "Rock from the Czech Republic." The stone masonry in it is made by layers of the same stones.
  8. "Lawn in the Alps." This is a combination of wild mountain plants, coniferous trees. They all germinate exclusively in the mountains, therefore, special conditions should be created for their optimal growth and development.

Remember! It is impossible to create aesthetic alpine slide in one day. This is a hard work that will take at least two weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to start training now so that in a short time to enjoy the beauty of the court of a country cottage or cottage. You have to work well, because the Alpine slides created by independently - careful preparation, the presence of the necessary materials and photos with finished projects.

Create an alpinory base in the fall so that the seeds of plants and seedlings of trees in the soil in the spring. In summer, you will enjoy the aesthetic beauty of the created composition.

You have a step-by-step instruction on creating this beautiful landscape composition. If you follow all the advice, your slide will look spectacular and naturally, and plants planted on it will delight abundant blossoms.

So, proceed.

Very important moment. Alpinarium is preferable to place on the natural relief. But if there is no such, it is created independently in a suitable place of the subsidence. But about this in the following sections.

The most important aspects that need to be considered when choosing a place:

  • straight sun rays should fall on the slide;
  • it should be south (as a last resort - south-west) of the site;
  • alpinarium should be noticeable, not hidden from the eyes; After all, what's the point of doing such beauty, if it is not available for contemplation.
Here is described.

And about how to independently arrange an automatic irrigation lawn, read.


Drainage - a set of events aimed at ensuring that the slide does not sang.

How to make drainage for alpine slide:

  • in the selected location, the roame of the pit (the depth of the strainer for the alpinearia with a diameter of 2 m will be 70-80 cm);
  • on the bottom fall asleep sand or crushed stone (you can born brick, construction trash);
  • put the soil;
  • trambe.

From the quality of the trimmer will depend, how much the slide will remain slide, i.e. Does not see the pressure of stones.

To create drainage you use this scheme

Selection and laying of stones

For the alpine slide, boulders of any shape and rock are suitable, it all depends on your preferences and from the availability of materials in your region.

You can also put them on your taste, guided by aesthetic considerations and common sense.

Several tips:

  • if your alpine is small, do not lay huge stones on it; First, it is ugly, secondly, the slide will seek under their weight;
  • stones more place below, smaller - upstairs;
  • choose one breed of stones, it will be natural;
  • do not lay stones too tight to each other, remember the space for plants;
  • put the stones with tiers, there must be at least three.

Specialists say that mountaineering with properly laid stones looks great even with a small amount of plants or without them. And they are absolutely right

Preparation of soil

It can be bought or do it yourself. If your disposal has clean clay soil or you know where to get it, then consider that most of the case has already been done. Also need peat and gravel. Proportions for mixing: 3 parts of the soil on 1 part of peat. Gravel add a little, eye.

Fertile soil you need to fill out the free space between the stones, intended for plant landing.

Two Councils:

  • make sure that there are no weed herbs in the soil, they can strongly spoil the view of the mountaineering;
  • if you are not sure that you can make a good soil yourself, better buy it.

The next stage is plant landing. It is important to choose those of them that are suitable for all the criteria described below.

Plant varieties for various tiers slides

Plants are better to choose different sizes and forms to give a large similarity with wildlife. The choice of plants for mountaineering is better to start with low and sharpening perennials having a decorative foliage. They themselves bloom beautifully, and the mountaineering will decorate.

In order for the plants to grow and please you, you need to carefully treat them.

Plants, poorly carrying shadow and do not require much moisture, should be planted on the sunny side of the slide, and those that are able to grow even in shadow conditions, plant on the north side. Plants that do not carry drought is better to plant on the lower tiers.

For mountaineering, preferably rock rocks, shrubs, dwarf trees can be supplemented with moss. If you want to see other plants that are not related to mountain varieties, such a mountaineering will be called a rocque.

Step-by-step instructions for planting plants

In order for the mountaineering to please you with healthy and blooming plants, and not sluggish and dried sticks, it should be responsible for seating the layers.

Each tier has plants disembarking features, we give detailed instructions for landing each of the tiers.

Plants for top tier

Since it will be the highest part of the slide, not wonderful that there will be the smallest amount of moisture and stronger winds than on other tiers. So, here is not the place "gentle" and requiring moisture plants.

The best option for landing in the upper tier is Edelweiss. Saplings can be bought, but you can grow yourself. For this, at the end of winter, it is necessary to scatter the edelweiss seeds in a specially prepared box and, cover with glass, put on the windowsill on the south side so that the seeds were warm and light.

Edelweiss will become the perfect option for the upper tier Alpinaria

And at the end of spring, when the time already comes to landing seedlings, you need to prepare the soil. Between the stones it is necessary to pour the land mixed with sand and rubble, to create natural natural conditions.

It is not necessary to feed the soil, everything should be natural, otherwise the plant will refuse to grow.

In the same year, there should be no blooming, but the next year the plant will definitely please you with flowers. Every 2 years it will have to replant so that it continues to bloom.

Also, the upper tier can be decorated with Iberis, who will delight with its evergreen color. For the roller, it is better to use that kind of it that reaches up to ten centimeters in height. And in the late spring, he will delight you with his flowers.

Many years of carnations will come to the place, it is more beautiful to look at those that grow up bustards and a large square will be planted and the flowers will delight with their numerous.

The active period of flowering of this plant falls on the spring, and therefore, it is necessary to take care that some other plant intercepts the blossom relay to the middle layer of the alpinearia remained empty in summer.

Cultural outdoor - good choice for medium alpine slide tier

Cultural outdoor, starting his bloom in May, will delight until July with its bright flowers.

The main thing is to regularly and abundantly water the plant, but at the same time prevent the moisture oversupply.

You can also plant the Carpathian bell, which is faster and starts to grow.

However, it is worth watching him attentively, because rapid growth can prevent the rest of the average tier plants. As soon as he starts out of the neighbors, it should be reduced.

You can add this picture with purple, which will delight with its unusual and unusual leaves of silver color. The purity is noticeably allocated among other plants, thanks to its rare color.

More plants for the medium tier. You will see in the photo:

For Lower Yarusa

The lower tier is distinguished by high humidity, and therefore, here the very place for the moisture-loving representatives of the plant world.

An ideal place for Msanka Shilovoid, which will delight you with active blossoms in the midst of summer. Caring for it is not complicated and does not require much time. The main feature of this plant is the need for regular and abundant irrigation. If the plant will be provided with comfortable conditions, it will cover the green carpet of the Nizhny Jar Alpinaria.

So Mshanka Shilovoid looks in the lower tier slides

For the lower tier, it is suitable, perfectly felt in stones and poor soils. It is important to provide a moderate watering. To get seedlings, it is not necessary to plant it in advance in the box, but only in the late spring you need to sow seeds on the hill.

The original decoration of the lower tier, and the slides in general will be Indian Dushey. The feature is that flowering it is compared with strawberry berries.

Spikel liatris in the middle of the summer will delight you with its shaggy inflorescences. Unpretentious in care requires moderate watering, but at the same time drought-resistant.

Photos of these and other plants for the lower tier See here:

Well, the basics of how to make an alpine slide with your own hands, you now know. Now it's only for your fantasy and desire.