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What flowers put in long pots. What flowers are best suited for landing into the vases: the selection of the best varieties. Conditions for the plant

Indoor flowers appear houses in different reasons and reasons. It is unlikely that there is a house where there is not a single home flower. Flowers in pots are bought in flower shops in the markets, in greenhouses, spread independently, give on holidays.

Some use them for decoration, other, knowing the properties of plants, are used specifically for treatment, to purify air. And the third grows simply for fun, being lovers of flowers.

Homemade flowers can easily transform the view of the interior, revive and decorate it.

Photo Gallery Flowers

The varieties of indoor colors are striking by variety and beauty. The flower catalog includes photos of the most popular domestic flowers. Stock Foto Flowers in pots are immersed in a blooming world.

Home colors differ not only by their external appearance, but different conditions of content and care. After all, so that the flower has long pleased with its beautiful views, you need to know the rules for the care of it.

A description of the appearance of colors, their characteristic features, the conditions of keeping the house can be found under each photo of the plant.

Houseplants shall be divided into different categories:

  • decoratively blooming,
  • decoratively deciduous
  • succulents
  • fruit.

Most indoor plants blooming. They are united in this group one - the beauty of inflorescences. But the flowering period and the duration of flowering are all different. This species include Anthurium, Geranium, Orchid, Clivia, Balzamin, Jasmine, Azalia and others.

Decoratively deciduously affect the beauty of the leaves. Some have non-bright small flowers, while others never bloom. All year round they have a great view, they are not demanding in care.

This group belongs - Ficus, Drazen, Monster, Yucca, Diffenbahia, Croton, Begonia and others.

Succulents have a characteristic feature - a fleshy structure, bristles and hairs that perform a protective function. These plants survive with the absence of moisture. These include: Fleece (money tree), aloe, calangean, cacti, agawa, sofp and others.

Fruit - dwarf varieties of citrus, avocado, pomegranate, coffee tree.

Unpretentious and capricious home flowers

When the question arises what flower to put in a pot, you need to choose a plant not only for the beauty of the appearance, but take into account the conditions of content and the rule of care.

These flowers are not demanding of watering, lighting and humidity. Owners of such unpretentious colors can leave them for a long time and not be afraid of their kind - they will stand. Unpretentious flowers are convenient to have women, a business lady, who lacks time for home.

The violet can grow on all windows, except for the southern (so that the sun has not burned the leaves). The roots of violets are on the surface, so it does not like abundant watering. With an excess of moisture, the roots rot.

Sculp - succulent with spines and small flowers, loves light and rare watering.

Clivia grows where others do not survive. Shaded place for her just right, excess water can destroy.

Spatilium - female flower of happiness. He lives with multiple lighting, costs without water for more than a week. When the leaves dry out, it should be chopped up with cool water, he leaves and grow further.

Chlorophytum is the easiest and unpretentious. It can safely live on the closet in the far corner without light and long irrigation. He is not afraid of temperature drops and drafts.

Drazen does not require frequent watering and spraying, withstands the blackness.

The fat man does not like dark corners and excess moisture. The money tree brings to the house prosperity and abundance.

Yucca - Sunconium, costs meager watering and unpretentious to the soil.

And housewives, people leading a measured lifestyle, lovers of living plants can be grown by whimsical and sophisticated flowers at home.

The group of capricious includes such flowers: Begonia, cyclamen, Gardenia, Camellia, Rose room. Observing the rules for the care of flowers in pots, they will delight the owner for a long time with their beauty.

  • Old inflorescences should be deleted in a timely manner, and then the plant will be plentiful to bloom.
  • So that the plant did not clone in one direction to the light and grew even, you need to turn it around on the floor turnover once a week.
  • If the flowering plant does not bloom for a long time, it must be put in a cool dark place and reduce watering for several weeks.
  • If we sprinkle the land in a pot of black pepper, you can dare a cat from a flower.

Types of pots for plants

For each flower, except for the right care requires a flower pot. And although the pot is just a growth capacity, and the decoration for the room is the flower itself, the choice of this item should be taken seriously.

In the modern market, a huge number of colors pots. They differ from each other with material, color, forms price. The most purchased and in demand are plastic and ceramic.

Plastic flower pots are very comfortable in use: they are lungs, of which it is easy to transplant plants without damaging the root system. These containers are varied in color and form, which allows them to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room.

Pershes from plastic practical, rarely be fighting, as the period of plastics is not limited. Such pots are lungs, they are easy to rearrange from one place to another. But they have a disadvantage - they are easily heated at high temperatures. And the root flower system suffers from overheating of the substrate.

Ceramic flower pots are striking with their beauty. Their main advantage is a porous structure. It gives the root system to breathe freely, evenly distributing moisture on the substrate.

But these pots are heavy, they are hard to move around the room, especially if it is a big plant. They are easily fighting when dropping. The price of ceramic pots is much higher than plastic.

There are pots of different shapes and sizes. It is important to choose the size of the pot correctly, so that the flower is comfortable. There is a "golden" rule when choosing: the height should be 1/4 or 1/3 of the height of the plant.

For large plants and rapidly growing at once a large pot for flowers. And small flowers with a surface root system are planted in a wide and shallow pot.

Very large pots are used for tall plants with a powerful root system. They are usually located on the floor in the house or on the street for decorating the garden.

All flower pots, regardless of material, forms and size, must have a pallet. It helps to avoid releasing the roots and the formation of mold.

If you decide to give a home flower in a pot to someone from acquaintances, go to this weighing. According to popular beliefs, it is impossible to give the curly varieties of plants, palm trees, ivy, hay. These flowers predict the discord in the family, disturb the peace. It is better not to disturb the long-living signs.

Pick the plant in accordance with the life line of man. Pork flowers are a wonderful gift for young, and for people aged. Such a gift serves not only the decoration of the interior, but keeps the warm feelings of the donor.

Stock Foto Flowers in pots

Suspended pots are good, which allows you to breed fragrant flower beds, even in those places where very little space. Correctly selecting plants, you can turn small city balconies in real "hanging gardens". Here are some plants most suitable for this purpose.

(Just 10 photos)

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1. Ladut

An annual plant with a funny name of the "Ladut" looks very decorative. It grows perfectly in the suspended pots, and in the open ground, giving many beautiful colors. Due to the abundant blossom of the lobby is an excellent option for decorating balconies.

2. Sedume Morgana

Even this plant is called Morgan's cramps, monkeys tail and a donkey tail. His long stems covered with fleshy leaves, really resemble tails. When the asshole blooms, at the ends of his "tailings" there are beautiful pink brushes made of small pink flowers. The plant is extremely unpretentious: it loves the sunlight very much, but it feels good in the shade.

3. Chrysanthemums

This beautiful flower grows perfectly in pots, and in the open soil. Autumn on the bushes of chrysanthemum is blooming many colors that are not worse for a very long time.

4. Fountain Grass

Unpretentious and very beautiful fountain grass with moderate watering and good lighting will actively grow all year round.


This unpretentious plant has many species that are actively grown in decorative purposes. All the tradesansans are very hardy, and if they do not create too extreme conditions, they will rejoice long ago surrounding with their motley leaves and small, elegant flowers.

6. Verbena

There are so many species of verbena with beautiful, bright colors that will become a worthy decoration of any flower garden. Verbena grows well in pots. She loves light, but is afraid of direct sunlight. And for long and abundant flowering, she needs the soil constantly wet.

7. Lobelia

Lobelia is white, gentle blue, bright blue and purple colors. With simple care, it grows thick "caps", completely covered with delicate flowers. From the pots, flowering stems Lobelia are fused by a real curtain. In order for this extremely beautiful plant for a long time retained its decorative look, it must be protected from direct sunlight. Otherwise, annual lobels are fighting very quickly.

8. Lavender

Lavender feels good in pots and pleases his owners with delicate flowers and refined aroma. She loves the light very much and does not like tightness. If we provide lavender by sunny rays and sufficient space, then it will be bolshing for a very long time.

9. Reapenitsa

This plant somewhat resembles an unusual rose bluish-white. With his presence, the reure will decorate any garden. The plant prefers halftime and does not endure direct sunlight.

10. Petunia

Petunia is one of the most popular decorative plants. It is abundantly and longfalling with large fragrant flowers and does not require complex care at all. There are many types of petunias, and ampelnaya, which, raging, dried up to the floor with a thick floral curtain, is best suited for suspended pots.

If you decide to row indoor plants, then in front of you, except for the choice of the plant, immediately the choice of flower pot will immediately rise and possibly Cachepo. How to properly pick up the flower pots in size, for which you need CacheP will be discussed in this article.

Immediately after buying a new plant, you will need a transplant of this plant into a new flower pot. Those tanks selling plants are just containers for transportation.

Yes, and the soil must be changed, because instead of the soil desired by this plant in the container is most likely a riding peat. It is very quickly sneaking, it helps and does not hold water. You can often hear: there was a flower in the store, so beautiful, and for some reason I miss. Therefore, in order not to start immediately with errors, buy a flower pot for your favorite.

Almost all indoor plants feel great in small flower pots. Before you go to the store behind the flower pot, decide on the choice of room plant.

If the plant is quite adult and high, for example, like a room maple, Clerodendrum or has large massive leaves, like Montster, some types of fakes, in this case you will need large floral pots. And such indoor plants like peperomy, sensipolia, pelargonium, gloxinia and many, many other small plants with lush foliage feels much better feeling in little flower pots.

When choosing a flower pot, you need to pay attention to its height and diameter. If you choose a flower pot in the height of the plant. It is for this parameter to pay attention to when you choose a pot for alocation or zamiculkas. Your choice will be right if the height of the flower pot make one third or a quarter of the height of the plant. If the plant is high, about 1 meter, the height of the pot for it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

If you choose a diameter when choosing a flower pot, you should know that the wider Crown in a room plant, the wider there should be a pot. For example, a pot of diameter of about 20 cm is suitable for plants with a height of 30 cm to one meter. The perfect flower pot is preserved proportion: the diameter of the pot is 2/3 of its height, it must be remembered when you choose a pot for the cypressian Elevood. When choosing a pot for a high plant with a wide spreaded crown, for example, an adult mitty of an ordinary, pay attention to the diameter of the base: it should be at least one third of the height of the plant.

What material should flower pots should be?

Probably the most environmental - clay and ceramic flower pots. In them, plants are very comfortable, especially homely rose. However, they are rather fragile, with one careless movement, the pot will fall and disassemble. Also, when re-using a clay or ceramic floral pot is needed disinfection, and it is better to soak on a day - two in a disinfectant solution containing chlorine.

If the plant is very large and stands on the floor, then you should not buy a ceramic pot for him, but it is better to use plastic. After all, it is much easier to ceramic, and therefore it will be easier for you to move it.

In addition to the decorative kashpo function, others can be performed: for example, if the air temperature is +25 o C and higher in the room, the excess water from the cope can evaporate themselves, increasing air humidity and thereby keeping the decorative type of plant. Therefore, kashpo can be used to increase air humidity in winter. Between the walls, the pot and kashpo put a good moss. He immediately absorbs excess water after watering, and then gradually evaporate moisture. If you are using porridge to increase moisture, then the diameter of the porridge must be 3-4 cm widely diameter potted.

If the plant is high, with a spreaded crown, then Kashpo needs to pick up quite large and sustainable, with a wide base. For the additional stability of high or curly plants into the space between the walls, the pot and kashpo can be installed with a decorative support, the root system of plants does not suffer from all.

Cachebo is able to completely transform the interior of the room, set a certain tone, as well as collect all the room plants into a single ensemble.

How to choose kashpo?

- classic strict caspo In neutral or pastel colors that can not only emphasize the beauty of plants, but also make you forget about all the tricks, to which we are resorting for prosperous growth and flowering.

- bright original caspoCapably pushing the plants into the background. However, when creating compositions from decorative ill-dimensional plants, bright kashpo is capable of diluting a solid green mass.

- monophonic kashpo In your interior, a certain style will help to avoid colors. But it also needs to be remembered that the strict selection of kashpo in one color can be monotonous and boring.

To decorate the cottage plot of flower beds and flower beds is not difficult if there are enough lawns or untreated blocks of the Earth. But what to do when it is necessary to add a bright flower accent with gray venues covered with tiles, cobbled or concrete paths, steps of the porch? How can I decorate the perimeter of the balcony, the open veranda or gazebo? Excellent output - flowers for vases on the street, which perfectly feel in a limited territory. Gray, dull picture they will quickly turn into a flowering mini-garden.

Containers and vases are convenient because they can be placed in almost any part of the garden or the local area: at the edges of the benches, at the entrance to the house, around the pool, along the tracks. If necessary, there is the possibility of rearrangement of plants, replacing them with others, and for this you do not need to drag the bed or split a new flower.

Various compositions of colors in vases perfectly look in a cascade version: for this, create several levels of the same type or diverse porridges and plant flowers, contrasting in shades or size. Shelves, steps, suspended structures, stands are suitable for design.

Plants living in a limited space are somewhat different from colors designed to land in the ground. The differences relate to the following points:

  • the root color system perfectly feels in a small space;
  • plants differ endurance, well tolerate drought or excessive humidity;
  • as a rule, blooming continues throughout the season - new buds grow on shifters; new buds grow;
  • a bush or hanging plant shape is ideal for disembarking in pots, porridge, vases or containers.

Minimal coloring for flowers is another plus size in favor of street flowers.

Using vases, you can create amazing, original compositions that are relevant both in the open territory of the country area and in a gazebo or on the balcony

Sale of varieties of the best "vase" colors

In the preparation of floral compositions, plants are used, various in color of buds, height, pomp and the type of stem. Two-three types are planted into large pyrors, while the center is higher flowers (focal), along the edges - two times lower (bordering or background), around the circle or perimeter - curly, falling.

If the container is standing near the wall, then higher plants fit along the back wall, low or hanging - closer to the front edge. Consider in more detail what flowers it is better to fall into the rangers, and not on the flower beds.

Focal flowers - central space

Unpretentious, buoyanly blooming Pelargonium, more familiar with everyone like geranium, pleases the rich gamut of shades - from gently pink to deep-burgundy. It is multiplied with seeds and cuttings, but seedlings are coming and growing better. During the summer, it is enough 2-3 times to feed the humats.

Pelargonium easily transfers freezing to -3 ° C, but in the period of cooling Vases with plants, it is better to cover the "agrospan"

Terry and semi-world asters bloom in thick and long. For vases, dwarf and average varieties with a height of 15 to 50 cm are more suitable. The sun is very like, so the containers are better to arrange on the south side.

Astra seeds can be sown in spring, but then they will bloom at the end of August-September, or in October - the flowers will dissolve in June

Annual dahlias have a small height - from 20 to 50 cm, just suitable for creating compositions in vases and containers. They are equally well looking both in group landings and single. When using the dahlias of different shades, you can get a picturesque bush to decorate the porch.

Garden gerbera can become a real decoration of the garden. The climate of the middle strip of Russia is not suitable for year-round cultivation of this flower in the open ground, but for a mobile vase it is perfect for:

If you plan the dahlias in April, then they from July to the most frosts will delight their bright colors

"Background" varieties - to create kaimki

Often, pansies are called a viola or violet. It is gentle, multicolored plants with a height of 15-25 cm. They are great for the framing of higher plants in a large vase or to create a separate composition.

Pansy's pansies bloom throughout the summer. They are curly, so it is equally good for decorating the flower, vases, balconies

White, lilac, purple, burgundy Ageratum serves as a magnificent framing of Astra and Georgin. Higher plants (up to 30 cm) can be used to compile contrasting compositions lined in different cass. Ameratum is not terrible drought, but he does not like shadows.

Ageratum seeds ripen at the end of summer, so they should be collected immediately as only inflorescences will get a brown shade

Iberis blooms in May-June, so by the middle of the summer, you can make other flowers to shift. This is a magnificent plant, so the seeds need to be planted with an interval of 15 cm. Loves the sun, but in the shade it blooms as well. .

More often than other varieties are used by an umbrella iberis, which is great for decorating mountaineering, rocaria, balconies, porch steps and veranda

Gentle white and yellow flowers of Limanandes look like small sun, which light all around and give a wonderful mood. Vase or suspended basket with this neat plant will decorate the porch or balcony. Good Limanhanges as a background for bright focal plants of red or blue.

More information about the varieties of Limnantes and care for it can be obtained from the material:

Limanandese seeds plant in open ground, but earlier flowering can be achieved by preparing seedlings in the spring in the greenhouse

For the design of the vases, the hybrid verbena is also fits up to 30 cm high. Red and blue carnation colors often in the middle have a white spot, why the bush looks like a motley and alive. Short shoots are good for the creation of straight bushes, long - for popsy compositions.

Verbena is great for landing in the range of vases, and with other flowers - pansy eyes, Ageratum - creates classic purple-blue compositions

Falling and curly

Petunia is perhaps the most popular flower for decorating balconies and a veranda. The variety of shades, from snow-white to dense-violet and bright red, allows you to create unthinkable beautiful compositions even without using other plants.

Petunia blooms throughout the warm season with lush caps. So that the plant looks fresh, dry the blondes must be deleted in a timely manner.

Different types of fuchsia are beautiful flowers for vases in the country. Ampel and falling plants create amazing combinations of a red or pink shade. Fuchsia hybrid varieties prefer to decorating balconies and gazes.

The varietal diversity of fuchsia allows you to experiment with different plants in height and color. Very beautiful grade Markus Graham, Sarah Jane, Summer

Bright Vasilkovo-Blue Lobelia Flowers are harmoniously combined with blue or white focal plants. Blue color is the most common, but you can find white, purple and even red varieties that are used to create one-photographic framing.

Lobelia is one of those few colors that remarkably tolerate a transplant even during flowering, while her decorative qualities do not suffer

Solar and positive nasturtium will not only decorate the facade of the house or the road border, but also replenish the first-aid kit, and even protects from pests. The plant is so unpretentious, which is one of the favorite colors that are used for growing in the middle lane and in the north.

The length of the shoots of the nasturtium reaches 2 meters, so it is used to create "blooming" walls, planting in the chest at the top of the house of the house

The scene is suitable not only for vases and containers - it is a soil plant, creating beautiful textiles. Among other species, the scene is distinguished by a pleasant - a gentle plant with fan-like flowers of lilac color.

The scene is growing very quickly, so to give it a neat form it is necessary to trim long shoots and pinch their tops

Caring for flowers and their pest protection

Fortunately, flowers for street and balcony vases do not need painstaking care. For their lush and full blooming is quite timely irrigation and loosening. Occasionally, some varieties are feeding with mineral fertilizers that are sold in the form of solutions or granules.

The web tick and the whiteflink are capable of harm by van plants. To protect against them, Hauksin, lepyocide, cytoksisillin, as well as solutions of garlic and nettle are used.

Love for beautiful, fantasy and hard work is able to create amazing compositions from vagon flowers that will decorate the country area, porch or balcony.

Plants always create a pleasant atmosphere, and there are many people who want to decorate the exterior walls of their home and put the country's countryside. Flowers in Kashpo on the street look very smartly and well suited for these purposes. There are many decorative plants that are suitable for different conditions for growth and development, so you choose which flowers to put in porridge and vases, you need with knowledge of the case.

Pluses of using colors in Kashpo

Suspended pot can be purchased in the store or make it yourself from any container. There are many advantages of using colors in porridge to decorate the country area.

  1. Mobility. They can easily transfer them to another place, decorating different sections of the facade or recreation area. When changing weather conditions or the onset of cold weather, the flowers can be removed and put into the house.
  2. Occupy little space. Suspended kashpo is very compact. Leave the space on the site and do not interfere under the legs.
  3. Serve decoration for a long time. After all, it is usually a lush, colorful plants that bloom until the middle of the autumn are selected for such a planting method.
  4. Save space at the cottage. This is a practical side of growing colors in pots. After all, it is not always on the site there is a lot of excess place to create a flower.
  5. Less susceptible to pest attack. No need for weeding weeds.

Flower compositions for kashpo

Not all the flowers look at the height. Therefore, it is necessary to know which plants can be planted together and form flower compositions of them. For landing in kashpo or vases in the country, they mainly use hanging plants (ampel). But you can plant not only them. In order to land different types of colors in the pot, it is necessary to take into account that they fit the same conditions for growth and care, namely: the need for sunlight, humidity, watering. For example, it is possible to group, sacrifice, sanitation. They all love the half. And in the sunshine perfectly grow together fuchsia, and. In the close side of the vases perfectly get along, Viola and Verbena.

In the middle of Kashpo, it is better to plant low-spirited species with straight stems, and around the perimeter to position the "waterfall" from falling flowers.

The combinations of different types of colors in one veason look advantageously. We just need to choose them in the height and color scheme. You can combine 2 or 3 varieties of plants. In the center of the flower arrangement, you can add a bright spot, for example, to plant high fuchsias, and there are hanging plant types around the plants: ivy, chlorophytum.

With the help of vases and kashpo, you can combine different types of colors and make bright, colorful compositions. It is worth only to show creative fantasy to create personal flower masterpieces.

What you need for growing colors in kashpo

For planting colors in the vases, the land with agroperlite is better suited, which can be purchased specifically for this purpose. After all, flowers in Kashpo on the street are exposed to various weather conditions: rain or drought. Agropierlite has good absorbent properties, thanks to which the soil will not be paved or, on the contrary, to rear. In addition, it will reduce the possibility of the formation of weeds and get the root system.

At the bottom of the pot, pour a small layer of drainage. The distance during landing depends on the type of selected colors. When the caspo is located in the shadow side, seeds can be planted closer to each other, leaving 2 centimeters to the edge. After planting colors in the vases, the top layer can be inspired by pebbles, peat or coniferous bark. Watering plants need every day, and on hot days more often. Does not hurt and spray water. Since, with its development, the flowers stretch to the Sun, it is necessary to change the pot position from time to time.

A shortage of nutrients in a limited space has a detrimental effect on the development of plants, so you need to make fertilizers in the soil regularly. For this, various floral feeders are suitable. And it is also no need to forget to remove dried leaves, giving the space with young shoots.

Choice of colors for cachep

What flowers look at porridge and vases? Here is some of them.

  1. Fuchsia- Very beautiful bright colors. Pretty unpretentious and well combined with other species.
  2. Petunia is a very popular plant for use in Kashpo. It has a huge variety of shades and a lush inflorescence cloud. Lilac, purple and pink varieties less capric.
  3. Ivy is one of the favorite plants of designers and florists. Its leaves and shoots give the spectacular volume of the flower arrangement. To create a greater pomp, you need to form its tops.
  4. Verbena - Beauty with a small root system, perfectly suitable for kashpo.
  5. Viola - her flowers are so reminiscent of flying butterflies. In the center of the inflorescence is yellow eyes with dark cilia around. For this in the people of her and nicknamed pansies.
  6. Velhets - their low-spirited varieties are great for planting in the range of vases. A light-chapter, drought-resistant plant that does not require frequent irrigation, has bactericidal properties. Its smell scares pests.
  7. Nasturtium as no other plant is suitable for wall design, as its shoots reach 2 meters. Just like the velvets, it has the property to scare pests.
  8. Begonia - its hybrid and ampel varieties are great for planting in kashpo and vases. Begonia's inflorescences have similarity with peonies or roses. Buds with luxurious red, orange, yellow and gentle white and pink shades will produce a special impression. Prefers halftime and moderate temperature and humidity.
  9. Lobelia - charming minor buds of cornflower, white, as well as purple flowers. both separately and to create a beautiful framing of the entire flower arrangement. Usually, when it is rushing, it is picked up at a distance of 2 centimeters.
  10. Alyssum - a light-lubricular fragrant plant of a lush mold. It has small flowers. Not afraid of temperature drops. If it periodically cut, it will increase its flowering time.

A strawberry depleted perfectly in Kashpo, only she needs frequent and abundant watering.

Locking flowers in pots and vases on their own dacha - lesson for hardworking. But all efforts pay off by a pleasant view and colorful composition. And the beauty of thoughtfully grown colors brings aesthetic pleasure. Whatever ampel plants you choose, they will help to revive walls or facades of any home.

Unique flower arrangements are so harmoniously combined with nature. Using street pots and vases, you can create a varied landscape design on your dacha. For people who love the creative process, this is a good opportunity to embody your ideas.