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When the English is used. Rules for the use of a certain and indefinite article

Continuing to talk about articles, we finally look at a certain article. How to understand that in front of the noucent you need to put the?

By the way, I will start with good news that in English a certain article the one and does not change, nor in numbers or by childbirth, nor other grammatical categories. This will certainly appreciate the studied German - after Der / Die / Das (and at the same time DEM with Den) - to use only one form - The is one pleasure.

Now about when to use it. In the most common form, the rule looks like this: if the noun, about which we tell the interlocutor, it is already known to him (or we think that it is known) - in front of this nouns, Artikl Them. Let's look more for more on the main cases when it happens.

1. With a noun, which has already been mentioned earlier

This is the basic rule. After the first mention with an uncertain article A, the object becomes known, becomes "thereby". And therefore, in any subsequent time it is necessary to use the article the.

I have An Apple and a Banana. The Apple. IS SOUR AND. the Banana. IS Rotten.I have an apple and banana. Apple sour, and the banana spoiled.

2. The interlocutor knows what kind of object is

If the noun has not yet popled up in a conversation, but the interlocutor and without it, should understand what of the multitude of objects is speech, use the. For example, if you, being visiting, ask the owner where the toilet is - most likely, you mean the toilet in his apartment, and not toilet in general: so "Where Is the Bathroom?" It will be absolutely the right use of a certain article.

Dude, Are You Going To the Party.? - You MEAN TONIGHT AT JOHN'S? No. MAN, I CAN'T.Dude, you go online today? Which is John? No, I can not.

3. There is an indication of which object is we talking about

Speaking of the most popular word in English, people have disputes. Some are confident that this is some kind of famous event, for example, "Christmas". Others are confident that we are talking about God (God). But those and others are not right. And you already guessed, what are we talking about? Of course, about the artikle The. By the way, a little less use "a". As you already understood, we will talk about them today. What is it, why are they needed, and, most importantly, when the article A and the English is put in English? Let's deal with together. So, proceed.

The Article.

In itself, the word Article is that part of speech, which is always put in front of the noun. In English, their three: a, an and the. In fact, it all depends on the noun, to which they are attached. That is why we understand how to put articles in English. There are a number of rules here, observing which you will always be able to use this part of speech. In fact, this topic is on the one hand the most beloved, on the other, the most confusing in people who begin to study a foreign language. Many introduces a question into a stupor when Artikl A and The A and The in English puts. However, thanks to our article, you can better understand what we are talking about and will not be able to doubt the choice of this part of speech.

For starters, let's look at how to put articles in English. We have already mentioned that they are used with nouns. But when to consume? The fact is that nouns in English can be only two types:

  • Calculated;
  • Notishable.

In the first case, we are talking about such subjects that we can count with you. These are newspapers, days, children, and so on. The second option refers to more global and sustainable concepts. Such as water, air, oxygen. Agree, we do not recount their piece. When Article A, An, The English depends on what noucent before us. Next, we will tell you in detail about it.

Not unimportant in the case of article is the number of noun. As in Russian, it may be the only and plural. And it affects when the article A, The and An is put. "How?" - you ask. The fact is that with nouns in the multiple number of the calculated type, the or zero article is always used, we will talk about it later. The situation is also the case with an inclultement of this part of speech. When are Articles a and An? Also, together with "The", they are put in front of the nouns of the form calculated, in the singular. A little confusing, isn't it? For you, we made up a small table, to become clear when articles a and the in English are put in English.

Thus, we hope, at the expense of a visual species, it will be easier for you to figure it out when the ARTICLE THEMA is installed in English, and when a. And we are moving on.

Certain article They

Now we would like to tell, in what cases the article is put. But first of all it is worth reminding that this article is defined. This means that we are talking about something specific, defined. Another option of determining when the ARTICLE ARTICLE is put in English is the translating of the phrase into Russian. If in this case, instead you can put an index pronoun, then it is exactly needed in this text. We have already mentioned where the article is put. In front of the noun, both calculated and incarmed, in any number. Below we will tell you in detail about when we are set by the ARTICLE, and when not. So, proceed.

When the nouvenon is set in English:

  1. In the event that the word has already been used in the context. This fact allows you to unmistakably use this article. For example: I Got Correspondence This Morning. The Newspaper Was Useful. That translated means: I received correspondence today in the morning. The newspaper was useful.
  2. This article is also placed in front of the nouns, which are known in the only way. For example: The Sun, The God and so on.
  3. In the case when geographical names are used in the text, the "The" article is used, such as, for example, in the following cases: The Atlantic Ocean, The Comoro Islands.
  4. In the case when it comes to the names of cinemas, hotels, firms and others, a certain article is applied. For example, The Hilton Hotel, The Louvre.
  5. Also, this article is used with adjectives to the highest comparison. That is, we are talking about such expressions as: The Best, The Most Beautiful.
  6. And also mentioning musical instruments and names of well-known dance directions. For example, The Ballet, The Piano.

Artict the Their is not installed:

  1. In the case when nouns are used in the plural and we are talking about something in common. For example: Flowers Bloomed in The Spring. In this case, we are talking about all the flowers, we do not specify, but it means that the ARTICLE TheR is not put.
  2. Not used before the names, as well as in front of the names of its own. For example: Anne Came Home.
  3. Before the name of cities, countries, rivers, lakes, parks and islands. NEW-YORK, SPAIN, RUSSIA.
  4. With the names of various sports, classes, colors, days, months and drinks is not used articles. For example: May, Green, Sunday.
  5. In the event that in the text there is a pronounty Those, That and this, we do not put the. And also before attractive pronouns. This house is beautiful.
  6. There are certain situations when in front of certain words can be found, and not to put this article. It all depends on the specific meaning. For example: I go to school - I Go to School. My mom went to school at the meeting - My Mother Went To the School for a Meeting. That is, in the case when we are talking about visiting a specific school with a certain goal, perhaps the use of article.
  7. Another option exception is the name of the disease. At its discretion, the use of The.

We looked at where the article is put, and where it is "a" - we learn a little lower.

Article "A"

Here we will talk about when the article "A" is installed in English. First of all, it is worth noting that we are talking about two versions. That is, in fact, we will tell about when the article A and AN is put in English. If you are interested, with which it is connected, read further. This happens because some nouns begin with vowels, and, accordingly, it is impossible to use Article A, and we put AN. Very similar to the situation in Russian - about / about. And now let's talk more about when the article "A" is put in English.

  1. It is believed that this article can be translated as "some kind". That is, if you do not know when articles are put, just try to put this translation to the noun. If the sense of the phrase is unchanged, then this is the case when the A / AN article is set.
  2. When the subject is mentioned for the first time, "A" is set. We have already considered the option when the subject was declared several times - put the.
  3. How to replace the word "per". For example: 5 Hours Per Week can be replaced by 5 hours and week.

We have already considered when the article "A" is put in English. Now it's time to talk about those cases when it is better to avoid.

  1. We have already said that this article is not put in front of noun in the plural, as well as before the incomplicted.
  2. Never use it together with pronouns. You yourself choose the use of one or another.
  3. There are also stable expressions in which the use of articles should be just learn. We will talk about them below. There is also exceptions when "A" is not used, despite the rules.

Now we know exactly where they put the and a. We can safely communicate with foreigners, as well as tell others themselves when the article "A" is set in English, and when "AN". But this is still not all information on a given topic. Below we will talk about how articles are put in English, as well as about the most stable expressions that are just learn. Well, proceed.

A little about IS and Are

Let's start with the fact that when the pretext, "The" is not used in English. Another thing is articles "A". It is consumed with the verb IS. This is happening when any profession is mentioned: SHE IS A DOCTOR. In addition, "A" is always used after expressions with "THIS IS", "THAT IS", "IT IS". For example: This is a table.

Thus, we still learned about when the article "A" is put in English. With the verb of the ARE Artikl is not used.

Combinations to learn

How articles are put in English, we figured out a little. However, as we have already stated earlier, there are a number of certain exceptions. We will talk about them for now.

Despite the rules about when putting an article in English, there are special options that you should remember.

Use a or an an an an article:

  • Diseases: A Headache (headache);
  • With professions: A Doctor (Doctor);
  • With the verb to Have: To Have a Look (take a look);
  • In Sustainable Expressions: As A Rule, As A Result, As A Matter of Fact, A Lot Of, A Few, It Is a Pity, To Tell A Lie, To Go for a Walk.

List of sustainable expressions with ARTICLE THAT:

  • By The Way (by the way);
  • On the one hand (on the one hand);
  • In The Past (in the past);
  • To The Right / Left (right / left).
  • with the time indicating: In The Morning, In The End et al.
  • With certain words: Station, Shop, Cinema, Pub, Library, City, Village.

We looked at all the options and exceptions when putting the articles "A" or "The" in English. And finally, we would like to talk about the history of their appearance.

Excursion to history

In fact, no one can definitely call the date of the appearance of articles in English. The fact is that on a period of becoming, people just began to replace the pronoun on artikl. However, it was not possible to understand the origin and reasons for modern linguists.

We wanted to note the fact that even in the 20th century, Artikl was not recognized as an independent part of speech. And it was difficult to foreigners at all. Just think, even the Germans did not always immediately oriented in it. And this is given to the fact that the German language is famous for its confusing system of articles.

Now you not only know when to put articles in English, but also familiar with their history. We hope this will inspire you to continue our acquaintance with this language. And we wish you success in the theory and practice of the knowledge gained.

In any language there are rules, and there are exceptions. The first are subject to the explanation and logic, the second - the cramp. If you learning English Language, and the Russian is your native, you are incredibly lucky! We will have to sharpen less than they would have if you were mastered Russian.

Getting acquainted with such topics in English, like modal verbs or articles, you may not agree with me: the rules are so much that the head goes around. And yet, I will allow himself to insist on my own. The variety of cases of consumption can be reduced to several main points, and in all other cases you need to be able to find the logic of the first. Well, of course, the rest will have to remember. This article discovers the most basic rules for the use of articles and situations where the article is not required at all.

How do you know in english language There are 2 types of articles: uncertain (a / AN.) - for the estimated essence. in units, which in the plural is lowered, and certain(their).

The logic of all the rules of use of articles comes down to several main points.

Indefinite article

    uncertain A / An Article - This is the evolving Staroangalian numerical "One." This fact defines 2 basic rules for using this article.

    • because This is a former numeral a / AN. can be used only with the calculated noun (which we can count):

      a. CAR a. CUP a. Lamp. , A. Bottle aN. Apple.

      Have a Drink. There is. a. Bottle of Wine In The Fridge.

      because This is a numeral "1", we can use a / AN.only with calculated noun in units In MN. Article disappears:

      _ car s., _ cup s., _ lamp. s., _ bottle. s.

      Have a Drink. THERE ARE (SEVERAL) _ bottle. s. Of Wine In The Fridge.

    indefinite article Highlight one subject from a variety of similar, not different from him. You have a minimum of information about him.

    I HAD. a.sandwich for Breakfast.

    There is. a. Book on the table.

Definite article

Like an uncertain, he came from Staroangali, in which he was similarly pronoun than. And if you specify something, then your interlocutor will immediately understand what exactly we are talking about, and any uncertainty disappears. Certain Article is because it is called definite that from the situation is understandable, what kind of person / subject / event you say

Their Sandwich. tHAT I ATE FOR BREAKFAST (Determines which specifically the sandwich was bad) WAS Obviously Bad. I FEEL SICK NOW.

THE BOOK ON THE TABLE (The book lying on the table) is the adventures of Tom Sawyer.

And now about situations when articles do not need

Article is not put if

    If you have calculated nounand you do approval of a general character

    _ Love Is a Wonderful Feeling.

    _ Coffee IS Good for Your Health When Consumed in Moderation.

    Iissen Listen To _ music.

    The word is part of an expression that is an exception and you need to remember

    What Did You. have for Breakfast.?

    It's time to go to bed. now.

but ATTENTION! There are a number of expressions that will be used without articles, then with a certain article, depending on the situation and the meaning you invest. These are expressions containing words pRISON, HOSPITAL, SCHOOL, UNIVERSITY, CHURCH and some others.

If we get into one of these institutions and use them, so to speak, according to their direct appointment, that is, serving the term (Hospital), receiving a general education (School) or learning a specific specialization (University), reading prayers And confessing (Church), then in all expressions with these words it will not be an article. In all other cases, articul needs. Compare:

Table. Consumption of articles with the names of institutions in English

And now a small workshop. Here are a number of combinations with article articles. It is necessary to explain the use of one or another article.

Why we say:

  1. CAN You Turn Off their Light, Please? - Because it is clear that the light should be turned off in the room where there is a speaking
  2. I TOOKA TAXI TO Their Station. Because not just at some station, and the station in this city, and you drive some particular auto- or railway station
  3. Do You Like _ Chinese Food? Chinese food / kitchen - a general concept consisting of an inclulted noun and adjective
  4. I'd Like to Talk To their Manager, Please. - Because the store has one major manager to which you can handle questions, complaints, etc.
  5. The Sun Is. Because there are many different stars, and the sun is one of them.
  6. I OFTEN GO TO their Cinema / Theater. - Probably, it developed historically: before in cities, if there were cinemas or theaters, then so to speak, in a single copy. Therefore, when you say you go to the cinema, I did not have any questions to which one.
  7. I MUST GO TO their bank. - You reach that bank in which you have an account open, and not in any.
  8. I Listen To. _ Classical Music From Time to Time. - Classical music - a general concept consisting of an inclulted noun and adjective
  9. Is there Near Here? - This is the situation in which you do not care, in the separation of which bank to contact. For example, when you abroad, and you need to remove money from the card.
  10. I Work In. theircity Center. - Only one center in the city.
  11. Can You Tell. their Time? - You want to know the time at the moment
  12. _ DOCTORS ARE PAID MORE THAN _ Teachers. - Doctors in general. You can also say: A. DOCTOR IS PAID MORE THAN a. Teacher.
  13. WHO IS. their Best Player in Your Team? There is only one best player. When say O. most-very (excellent degree) - the best, the biggest, the most beautiful, most interesting etc. Always use their.

Once again, I repeat about sustainable combinations with one articles, you can read in any grammar tutorial, all other cases are amenable to the above logic. Language, nevertheless, rather logical thing, and sometimes performing a grammatical test to solve mathematical equations or logical tasks. Therefore, turn on logic, remember exceptions, and the articles are conjugate!

Artikl is a service word showing that the word standing behind him is a noun, and describing some of its signs. Articles allow you to distinguish from other parts of speech. They are performed by other tasks.

There are two articles in English: uncertaina. (aN.) I. certaintheir.

Undefined article in front of the words that begin with a consonant sound, is used in the form a. [ə], for example: a desk [ə'desk], a book [ə'bʊk]; Before words that begin with a vowel sound - in the form aN. [ən], for example: An Animal [ən'ænɪməl], An Eye [ən'aɪ]. The name of the articles itself (without a noun) always sounds [Eɪ].

Definite article their Before words that begin with a consonant sound, pronounced as [ðə], for example: The Table [ðə'teɪbl], The Pen [Ðə'pen]; Before words that begin with a vowel sound, - as [ɪ], for example: The Apple [ɪɪæPL], The ARM [Ðɪɪm]. The name of the very artist is always pronounced as [l.].

When writing and pronunciation of articles, it is important from what sound the word begins, and not with what letter. For example, if the initial letter u. read as [ʌ], then you need to put aN. (An Uncle [ən'ʌŋkl]), but if like, then - a. (A union [ə'ju: Nɪon]).

Another example: if at the beginning of the word letter h. pronounced, then you need to put a. (a hen [ə'hen] chicken), but if not pronounced, then aN. (An Hour [ən'auə] hour).

    Indefinite article
  • has two forms - but and aN.;
  • indicates an incomprehensible / unfamiliar subject.
    Definite article
  • has one form - their;
  • indicates a clear / familiar subject.

Articles never find themselves under stress and merge into speech with the word going beyond them. In the presence of the adjective articles is put in front of him. Compare: An Apple - a Big Green Apple.

Articles consumption

When using articles, it is important to take into account, in which number (the only or multiple) there is a noun and what is its type, namely: a nominal one or its own, calculated or incurred, distrastructure or specific.

In many cases, the use (or absence) of the articles is regulated by grammatical rules, but in some cases is traditional. Such cases need to be memorized.

Indefinite article

Undefined article comes from numeral one. (one). It is usually not translated into Russian, but it would be possible to translate it as "one", "one of" or "some", "some kind of". Therefore, an uncertain article can be consumed only with the calculated nouns and only in the singular. '

    Uncertain article is used:
  1. When the subject, the creature or face is mentioned for the first time, for example: I See A Boy (I see (some) boy).
  2. If the turn is used there is., for example: There IS An Apple in My Pocket (in my pocket / in my pocket (available) apple).
  3. If the turn is used have Something / have Got. Something, for example: I Have (Got) An Orange (I have an orange).
  4. If you are called profession, position, nationality and other human characteristics, for example: I am a Teacher (I am a teacher); HER SON IS A PUPIL (her son is a student).
  5. When you need to specify that this item (creature, person) belongs to a specific group (the group property is expressed by the adjective), for example: Do you know Town? YES, IT IS A NICE SMALL TOWN (Do you know this town? Yes, it is a pretty little town). (In this case, it is not necessary that the subject is mentioned for the first time.)
  6. If you need to specifically emphasize that the subject is only one, for example: Do You Have Pencils? Yes, I Have a Pencil (Do you have pencils? Yes, there is (one)). (Here, too, the subject does not have to be mentioned for the first time.)

Definite article

Certain articles comes from the index pronouns that. (this). It allocates a specific object from the number of similar ("this", "this one", "the same").

    Certain article is used:
  1. If the subject is already mentioned and the speech continues precisely about it, for example: My Friend Has Got A Dog. HE WALKS WHITH THE DOG EVERY DAY (my friend has a dog. He walks with the dog every day). But: My Friend Has Got A Dog. My Sister Also Has a Dog (my friend has a dog. My sister also has a dog).
  2. If the subject or objects refer to a special group, for example: The Flowers in Our Garden Are Very Beautiful (Flowers in our garden are very beautiful). (Here in Our Garden is a special group, so the word Flowers is written with a certain article. In this case, the word can be mentioned for the first time, but the article will be defined.)
  3. If there is a sequence numerical one before the noun, for example: The Second Lesson Is English (second lesson - English). (In this case, it is said about concrete and only: the second lesson can be only one.)
  4. If the noun is adjective to an excellent degree, for example: not is the best pupil in our school (he is the best student in our school). (In this case, it is said about the specific and only one: the best student can be only one.)
  5. If we are talking about a unique phenomenon or object. (Therefore, the Earth and The Sun is usually written. Here the use of a certain article is similar to writing a word with a capital letter in Russian.)
  6. If we are talking about the usual objects of the situation and the surrounding world, for example: Where is My Coat? IT Hangs AT The Door (where is my coat? It hangs at the door). (It is not necessary to be in mind a specific door - just called the usual object of the situation).
  7. If the disturbed noun is used in some private manifestation, for example: I Cannot See Anything in the Darkness! (I do not see anything in this darkness!)

No articles (zero articles)

In the absence of articles, they also say that there is zero artity.

    Article is absent in the following cases.
  1. When the subject (thing, the creature, person) is mentioned for the first time in the plural, for example: I See Boys in the Street (I see on the street (some) boys).
  2. If the turn is used tHERE ARE With nouns in a plural, for example: There Are Apples in My Pocket (I have an apples in my pocket).
  3. If the turn is used have Something / have Got. Something, for example: I Have (Got) Oranges in My Fridge (I have oranges in the refrigerator).
  4. If a profession is called, position, nationality and other characteristics of two or more people, for example: We Are Teachers (We Teachers); Her Sons Are Pupils (her sons - disciples).
  5. When you need to specify that these items belong to a specific group (the group property is expressed by the adjective), for example: Did You Hear These Songs? Yes, These Were Very Nice Songs (Did you hear these songs? Yes, it was very cute songs). (In this case, it is not necessary that the word is called for the first time.)
  6. If the abstract noun is used in the general sense, for example: Darkness Is The Absence of Light (Darkness is the lack of light).
  7. If there is a possessive pronoun in front of the noun, for example: My House is Yellow (my house is yellow).
  8. If there is a denial before noucent no. (not not!), For example: We Have No Bread On the Table (there is no bread on the table).

It's important to know! If in cases of 1-5 are used innumerable nouns (they do not have a plural), then the article is also missing. All these cases are similar to the use of an indefinite article with the calculated nouns in the singular.

Article use with own names

Names Own are usually used without articles, for example: Moscow, New York, Elizabeth, Trafalgar Square, ELBRUS.

    Certain articles are used in the following special cases.
  1. Names of rivers, seas, oceans, for example: The Mississippi - Mississippi (River); The Baltic Sea - the Baltic Sea; The Atlantic Ocean is the Atlantic Ocean.
  2. The names of some states, for example: The Russian Federation - Russian Federation; The Ukraine - Ukraine; The Brazil - Brazil; The USA - USA; The United Kingdom - the United Kingdom.
  3. Some other geographical names (with articles - by tradition), for example: The Caucasus - Caucasus; The Crimea - Crimea; The Hague - Hague (city in the Netherlands).
  4. Names of mountains (mountain systems), for example: The Alps - Alps.
  5. Names of the Parties: The North - North; The South - South; The East - East; The West - West.
  6. Names of newspapers and magazines, for example: The Times - Times.
  7. The names of hotels, for example: The Savoy - Savoy.
  8. The name of the whole family (all family members) by last name, for example: The Krasnovs - Krasnovy (Red Family).
    The following names are used without article.
  1. The names of the continents, for example: America - America; Asia - Asia; Africa - Africa.
  2. Names of most countries, for example: Russia - Russia; India - India; France - France; Great Britain - United Kingdom.
  3. Cities names, for example: London - London; Paris - Paris; MOSCOW - Moscow.
  4. Names of streets and squares, for example: Green Street - Green Street; Red Square - Red Square.
  5. Names of months and days of the week, for example: I'll See You in September / on Sunday (see you in September / on Sunday).
  6. Names and surnames, for example: Jack Black, Ivan Petrov.

Phrase with articles and without article

Combination without article

after School / Work - After School / Work
AT HALF PAST TWO - in half the third
at night - at night
at home - houses; At Work - at work
At School - at school (in class)
At Table - at the table (that is, at lunch, etc.)
By Heart - by heart
by post - by mail
From beginning to End - from beginning to end
from Morning Till Night - From morning to evening
go to bed - go to bed
In Front Of - Ahead
Play Football / Hockey - Play Football / Hockey
to go / com home - go / come home

Combinations with uncertain article

aT a Quarter Past Two - a quarter of the third
Go for a Walk - go for a walk
Have a Good Time - Have time to spend time
Have a look - take a look
IN A LOW / LOUD VOICE - quiet / loud
IT's a Pity! - Sorry!
IT's a Pleasure! - Very nice!
IT's A Shame! - Shame!

Combinations with a certain article

go to the Theater / Cinema - Go to the theater / Cinema
IN THE COUNTRY - OUT THE CITY, in the village
IN THE MORNING / AFTERNOON / EVENING - in the morning / day / evening
ON / TO THE RIGHT / LEFT - Right / Left, left
PLAY THE PIANO / GUITAR - Play a piano / guitar
The Other Day - the other day
What is the time? - What time is it now?

For many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including English, characteristic of the presence of articles. In such grammatical category does not exist, Therefore, to get acquainted with examples will be based on. How to master the use of articles in English, if in our speech they are not used? Let's deal with.

In contact with

What is Articture

Article in expresses the category of certainty / uncertainty of objects and phenomena. It is applied before the calculated (items can be calculated) and incurred (it is impossible to calculate) nouns.

Eating articles in English

Articles are divided by three types: Definite (defined article), indefinite (uncertain.) And zero. Consider more detailed cases of their use.

Certain article They

Definite Article appeared in English from indicate. The pronouns that is this. If you doubt it should be used in speech, try mentally replacing it on that.

If the meaning load does not change, you can confidently put it in the sentence.

In English, Definite Article is used in the following positions:

  1. In front of the noun, previously mentioned or in advance known. He Made An Important Contribution to The Success of the Team. - He made a significant contribution to the success of (defined) team.
  2. With exceptional noun having no analogues: Ex.: The Jupiter - Jupiter (Planet), The Taj Mahal - Taj Mahal (Palace).
  3. With the names of cinemas, museums, galleries, theaters, newspapers / magazines, ships, organizations. Ex .: The Tretyakov Gallery, The La Scala, The Melbourne Age, The Queen Anne's Revenge.
  4. With the names of rivers, seas, groups of islands, chains of mountains, deserts, oceans, countries (in naming there is an indication of the form of reign) and names with of. Ex.: The Mississippi River, The Sahara.
  5. With musical instruments and types of dancing. Ex.: The Guitar - Guitar, The Polka - Polka.
  6. Before generic last names, when it comes to a whole family, and the nationalities ending on -sh, -ch, -se. EXT.: THE CHINESE - Chinese, The Windsors - Family of Windsor.
  7. With titles and posts. Ex.: The Sheik, The Nabob. If after the title or post is a name, then definite article is not put. EX.: Queen Victoria, Queen Elizabeth II.
  8. Before: IT's The Biggest Pizza I'Ve Ever Seen. - This is the biggest pizza, which I have ever seen. The Most Dangerous Places Are Hidden in Jungles. - The most dangerous places are hidden in the jungle.
  9. Article Then in front of the words Morning, Afternoon, Evening. We Usually Watch Serials In The Evening. - Usually we are watching TV shows in the evenings. In The Afternoon I Prefer to Sleep About 2 Hours. - After lunch, I prefer to sleep two hours.
  10. FROM names of historical era / events. Ex .: The Renaissance - Renaissance Epoch.
  11. In front of the ordinal number. And words only / last. The First Love Is Unforgettable. - She was my first love. The Only One Thing Can Prevent Disaster. - Only one thing can prevent a disaster.
  12. With adjective, denoting group of people. The Injured Were Hospitalized. - The wounded were hospitalized.

Attention! If there is a "noun + adjective" design, then the artist will stand before adjective. Ex .: The Fatal Mistake, An Excellent Organization.

Uncertain article in English

A / AN indicates the class class, in other words, summarizes the category, while The saying about a specific subject.

Indefinite article A / AN is formed from numeral one. In dubious situations for you, try to replace it with numen.

one. EX.: I Read a Book. - I read the book.

I Read One Book. - I read one book. In this case, the subject or the person must stand in the singular And be calculated.

We will talk about innumerable nouns later.

Tip! In English, we can use A / AN or One without a semantic difference when we measure the distance, weight, time, etc. She Paid a Thousand Pounds for Her Car. - She paid a thousand pounds for the car. Ind. Article can be replaced by one without loss of meaning. She Paid One Thousand Pounds for Her Car. - She paid one thousand pounds per car.

INDEFINITE ARTICLE is used in English under such conditions:

  1. With the calculated nouns in the unit. including when they are mentioned generally, without highlighting a specific subject. I Would Like To Watch a Film. - I would like to watch a movie (any).
  2. After have (GOT) - have and can GL to be. Ex.: I Have (Got) a parrot. - I have a parrot. He is a Driver of Bus. - He is a bus driver.
  3. Before Mr./mrs./miss/ms. To denote an unknown person. A Miss Anna Has a Flair for Writing Poetry. - Miss Anna (some unknown) is a gift of writing poems.
  4. For human allocation from kind or family. SHE IS A TWEN, AND IT MEANS A LOT. - She is one of the twees, and it means a lot.
  5. To express the price relationship to weight, distance to speed or regularity. EXT.: Two Pounds a kilo - 2 pounds per kg, 60 km An Hour - 60 km / h.
  6. With abstract concepts expressing quality or condition. HE GOT A GOOD EDUCATION. - He got a good education.

Important! An AN shape in English is put in front of vicinities, A - before consonants. I Have Bough An Iron for Tom and Jane. "I bought an iron for Tom and Jane." I Would Like A Glass of Lemonade. - I would like a glass of lemonade.

Zero Article in English

Zero Article is syntactic designs without def./indef. Article. Is the name or a / an article in the following situations? The answer is no.

Zero Article in English is used:

  1. When in front of the face / item is attracted. Primoplation or noun into attracted. Padge. My School Is The Biggest. - My school is the biggest. The INSPECTOR LOOKED AT PASSENGERS 'Tickets. - The controller looked at the tickets of passengers.
  2. If before the noun is un. The numbers stood a certain article A / AN, then in MN. h. It is not at all. He is a good Teacher of History. - He is a good history teacher. We Are Good Teachers of History. - We are good history teachers.
  3. With innumerable noun used uncertain pronouns Some, Any, No. There IS No Milk at Home. - There is no milk at home. I BoughT Some Juice. - I bought juice. Any Vitamins Is Useful for Your Organism. - Any vitamins are useful for the body.
  4. With abstract noun. I Like Rock'n'roll. - I like rock '€ ˜ n'roll. Life Will Be Different in a Few Centuries. - Life will change in a few centuries. He Has No Experience, But He Is Keen To Learn. - He does not have experience at all, but he is capable of learning.

We listed the most significant cases of use of Definite and Indefinite Art. in the analian language. But there are a number of rules when it is set to zero article.

Articles in English

Table of cases when ARTICLES does not use:

a / AN. their
Before the multiple number of external nouns or before the innumerable nouns. WE BOUGHT SOME FLOWERS. - We bought a few colors. We Need Some Milk and Some Flour. - We need some milk and flour. With innumerable noun and calculated land. in MN. h. in aggregate. Fish Lives in Water. - Fish lives in water. It is understood not one fish, but all the fish combined.
If after adjective is not worth the noun. These Dishes Are Wonderful. - These dishes are amazing. With the use of their own. Names. Harry, Raichel, Monika.
With the name of sports, games, classes, days, months, celebrations, flowers and shades, drinks, food and languages. Iisso do Morning Gymnastics. - I often do the morning gymnastics. WE SPEAK GERMAN. - We speak German.
FROM names of countries (Russia), streets (Whitehall Street), Bridge (Brooklyn Bridge), Parks, Parks (Kalujskaya Station), Mountains (Ben Nevis), Individual Islands (Baykal), Continents ( Australia).
With a possessive case

That isher Hotel. - This is her hotel.

Mike's Jacket Was Lost. - Jacket Mike was lost.

With double combinations when the first word is the name of the person. Gatwick Airport, Gagarin Square, Buckingham Palace.
With the names of pubs, restaurants, shops, banks and hotels that received the name of the founder ending with on -S or 's. Lloyds Bank, Harrods, Dave's Pub
With noun, denoting institutions when we mean their target appointment (university, prison, kindergarten, etc.). Martha Went To School. - Martha went to school. She learns there.

HER AUNT WENT TOACHER ABOUT GIRL'S BEHAVIOR. - Her aunt went to school to talk to the teacher about the girl's behavior. She went there as a visitor.

With the word work as a "place of work". Tom is at work. - Tom at work.
With the words belonging to our home and loved ones (Granny, Sister, Home, Parents, etc.). MOM IS AT HOME.
With a combination by + Transport.. She Travelled by Plane. - She traveled on the plane.
With disease names. He Has Chickenpox. - He has a windmill.
With the word Television. I Like Watching Television At Noon. - I like to watch TV after lunch.

Important! In publicist and artistic styles in English, omission of articles is allowed, even if it contradicts the rules of their use. This is due to the need to reduce text.

Types of articles in English

We study English - rules for the use of articles


Most students complain about how difficult it is to master the use of articles in English, because there are many nuances of their use. We listed the most common cases that should help you in practice.