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Fir Norman. Growing Caucasian Fir in the garden, landing and care for evergreen tree. Caucasian fir - the highest tree of Russia

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir - a luxurious and rare tree. This is a little-known until recently a tree in last years He got great popularity as a christmas tree called "".

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir in Nature

Natural agricultural area caucasian fir - Mountains of the Eastern Black Sea region: Krasnodar region of Russia, Abkhazia, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Turkey. Fir Nordman is one of the most valuable relic endemic trees of the Caucasus and is protected in protected areas.

IN natural conditionsx in the Caucasus PiCHT grows in mountain ranges at an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, forming pure fir forests and mixed forests with east beak (Fagus Orientalis) and Eastern Fir (Picea Orientalis).

Fir forests are very picturesque. Trees have a cone-shaped crown, starting from the base of the trunk, because the lower branches are almost touching the Earth. Such trees are like huge pyramids. If the fir grows closely to each other, the trees lose the lower branches and the forest is filled with huge massive straight trunks - columns.

In Europe, the first fir of Nordman was in 1840. Currently, the endemics of the Caucasus grow in some countries as Denmark, England, Ukraine and North America.

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir, which is about 100 years old. This tree-giant survived a strong storm, which several high trees threw a few years ago in the park. Fir Nordman only overwhelmed by many branches. Photo 1 Jan. 2018, ForstBotanisk Have, Aarhus, Denmark

Opening of the relic endemic in the Caucasus

Fir is called Caucasian at the place of gravity or fir nordman (Abies Nordmanniana), named Finnish-Russian scientist Alexander Von Nordman, who first described this plant in 1836 in the Caucasus.

The fir branches of annual increases are located floors. If all the flanks are saved, then you can estimate the age of wood, having calculated the number of storey branches. Photo 1 Jan. 2018, Nordman Fir or Caucasian Fir, which is about 100 years old, ForstBotanisk Have, Aarhus, Denmark

Caucasian fir names

Botanical characteristic

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir (Lat. Abies Nordmanniana) - evergreen coniferous plant. The type of fir tree trees belongs to the Pine Family (Pinaceae).

The fir is long (about four centimeters) flat, soft and non-spiker navigating dark green color with two white strips from below.

Trees have a narrow, cone-shaped crown shape with lower branches, descending to the earth itself. Such a form of crown distinguishes the Caucasian Pihi from the fir of white or European fir, which is usually barrel, because The lower branches are falling. Or the Caucasian Fir appeared quite similar to European fir and plants can be converted.

Fir Nordman or Caucasian fir cone-shaped, whose branches relate to the Earth itself. Photo 21 Dec. 2017, Botanic Garden of Aarhus, Denmark

Fruit fir starts at 30 -50 years. Fishing blooms in May, the wind is pollinated. The ripening of seeds occurs in the year of flowering, at the end of September - December (depending on the geographical place of growth). 12-16 cm cones long, 3-3.5 cm wide, are kept on branches on a short leg vertically and scattered in December.

Fir prefer rich soils and grow poorly on poor sandy and heavy soils. Plants prefer high level Air humidity and do not like stagnation of water in the soil. IN favorable conditions Trees can reach 60 - 80 m in height, and the trunk can be more than 1 meter in diameter. Huge Caucasian giants belong to long-livers, in natural conditions can live to 600-700 years.

Nordman fir fir chowers with two whitish strips from below. Photo 16 Nov. 2017, my garden, Denmark

How many needles on the fir of Nordmann?

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir in Denmark

Nordmann's first firs were in Denmark in 1848. Firmers are demanding of air humidity and softness of the winters. Therefore, the climate of Denmark turned out to be suitable for plants. Fir did not fit in the north of Scandinavia (in Sweden, Norway and Finland), where winter is more severe. Adult trees rather wind and frost resistant. Adult trees can carry frost to -30 ° C. But young seedlings are very sensitive to frost.

Caucasian fir in Denmark until the 60s of the last century, Danish fir mainly decorated the parks, private gardens or planted in single copies on forest edges. Trees were especially valued for the beautiful cone-shaped crown shape from the earth itself. Attempts to land fir in forests to obtain wood are taken. It turned out that in the forest it is quite difficult to grow fir, because the growth of small trees is clogged with weeds, the fir is easily affected by insects and eat animals. In addition, the FIR Wood in quality could not compete with other woody rocks.

Fir Nordman or Caucasian Fir in a private garden. Photo 29 dec. 2017, Højbjerg, Denmark

Special commercial interest was caused by fir foods, being among the potential christmas trees. In Denmark, the searches were searched for a fir (Lat. Picea Abies), which was traditionally used as a christmas tree. It turned out that needles fir, in contrast to the needles ate, much tightly hold on branches and for a long time Do not be tremended in heated premises. In addition, the needles in the fir are unlikely, in contrast to the fir, including the blue spruce (Lat. Picea Pungens), which was also considered as a candidate for Christmas tree.

Of all the fir, which was grown in Denmark, the Caucasian Fir turned out to be the most suitable candidate for the role of the perfect Christmas tree. In the 80s, the first industrial landings of the fir of the norm were laid. And at present, Denmark has become one of the main exporter of Caucasian Fir for Christmas, which today is called "Danish Christmas trees".

Caucasian fir grow along the roads. They are grown as christmas trees. Photo 11 Saint. 2018, near Viborg / Viborg, Denmark

Seeds for Danish Christmas Tree

I was surprised by the impeccable similarity of the PICs that are grown on plantations and sold at the Christmas markets. I even had the thoughts that the trees were somehow cloned, so the Danish trees face each other. It turned out that almost all firs that are grown in Denmark have only several progenitor. 90% of all seeds for Danish trees are purchased from certain fiht growing in certain places in Georgia.

Fir are growing in many places of the mountain places of the Eastern Black Sea Caucasus. However, not all fir are suitable for industrial cultivation as "Danish Christmas trees". So for example, Caucasian fir from Turkey have too open a crown, grow rapidly in height and therefore are not suitable for Christmas tree.

Firing firing, which grow Georgia in the Caucasus Reserve of the Ambrolaur region and near the city of Borjomi. These fih have more fluffy branches, trees are not so quickly pulled in height and young seedlings are less susceptible to night frosts in the spring.

The Danish company Hededanmark is engaged in collecting seeds, which entered into an agreement with the local authorities of Georgia. Seeds are gathering with centenary trees at the end of September. The whole process of collecting seeds is removed on the video. Thus, the homogeneous quality of seeds is guaranteed and the number of collected and exported seeds from the reserve is controlled.

All Christmas trees in this market are fir, who have almost some progenitors from the mountain forests of the Caucasus. Photo 10 Dec. 2016. Vibey, Denmark

Fir Caucasian - Beautiful Christmas tree for southern regions Middle strip and subtropics. Where is hot for Siberian fir, there is beautiful for Caucasian. It is good for creating a living hedge in warm climate, you can grow a living fluffy "Christmas tree" at the house, and also come in handy of plant collectors.

Erik Jensen /

Description. Fir Caucasian, or Nordman ( Abies. nordmanniana.) - a magnificent coniferous evergreen tree to 65 m high and thickness of the barrel to 2 m, can live 5 centuries. Krona conical, with the age of openwork-pyramidal, branches from the ground, sprinkled. The tree is very wind resistant at the expense of a deeply developed root system. From the 10th age gives increments of 50-60 cm / year, it grows slowly. The young bark plays paint from yellow-green to the brown-red. Mature gray bark. Since this is the southern kind of fir, the kidneys are not covered with a resin. The needle is shiny, dark green with some blue, so that white tiled strips from the bottom side of the needle look more contrast and effectively. The needles up to 4 cm and thicker and tough than that of Siberian, on escape grows a thick brush pointing up. The tip of the chewing is rounded or slightly dissected, which, together with other signs, makes the Caucasian Fir with a pleasant tactile pet. Like most FIKHT, every hvoube lives for about 10 years.

Hunter /

Just like the Siberian fir, men's spikelets are yellow, sometimes red, women's bumps-strovers purple - during flowering, in May the tree looks festive and exotic. Blooms to 25-30 years. Vertically protruding butter-like cones up to 20 cm long, a width of up to 5 cm, first-green, later light-brown with purple tint and visible pale-yellow crumbling scales - in the fall, it is another tool increases the decorativeness of the plant. In addition, when ripening in October - November, the bumps scattering, cover the entire perimeter of the crown of light brown with amber-red glossy scales and seeds. Seeds are large, up to 12 mm with a wide wing to 25 mm long. At the homeland, the germination of Caucasian fir seeds is usually up to 30%, in Belarusian copies up to 70%. Like all the fir after sinking the bumps, there are rods that can be used as spikes of candle holders for candles. It is the Caucasian Fir who is the most popular New Year tree in Europe. IN landscape design Popular grade "Golden Sprayer" - a lowest splashing brazed shape with a dull top. The needles are 2 times shorter, with a golden-yellow tint.

Martin Ystenes /

Growing conditions, landing and care. Despite the fact that this fir comes from the Caucasus and Asia Minor, it is withstanding frosts up to -33 ° C without frost-fruishing needles, if there is no wind. Besides Western Europe It grows well in the Baltic States, Belarus, Ukraine, in the south of Russia. Adult plant It tolerates the heat in + 40 ° C well, but young pavements should be watered every week. Caucasian fir loves good lighting Throughout the day, at the same time very shadowed, although it is pulled out to light, reducing its fluffiness and decorativeness. At the beginning of the spring, when it is snow and the sun is very active, young pavements may have needles burns. Therefore, it is necessary to just throw some shelter from the south side (agrofiber, burlap, husk, straw, dr.) For 2 weeks.

James Gaither /

The cultivation of Caucasian Fir seeds is no different from other species. After 2-3 monthly stratification, sowing in spring in drawers with a mixture of peat, sand and forest litter in equal parts. Permanent watering and a bright place guarantee success. When purchasing seedlings, choose only the bottled contained, which are completely taken from the pot with the whole room. Because In coniferous plants, an important criterion is the integrity of the root system - on dry roots (only 10 minutes on open air) The mushroom is killed, forming mikuriza for the plant. Without mycorrhiza, the coniferous plant cannot absorb nutrients. Conditioned boys can be planted round yearIf there is no frost, but it is better to still in the spring, to the Mayonymia of the kidneys. Caucasian Fir can be planted both in the perimeter and in the center of the plot, making this beauty the main decoration. If a hedge It will be only from the fir, then the distance between them is better to make 1.5-2 m - aged 15 years, the branches will begin to climb. Under the seedling, the pit is swing wider than 20 cm and deeper by 30 cm. If on the plot clay soils, I need a 20 cm drainage, if sandy is a sublinous layer of 5 cm at the bottom of the pit. Next, to pour soils (garden land, peat, sand in equal parts) into the pit so much so that the seedman inserted with a room had an root neck at the ground level (impossible to plunge). Well, if you add 20% of the forest litter (coniferous opead, drunk stumps, pine crust, heather earth) - There is a lot of mushrooms in it, which contributes to the development of mycorrhiza.

F. D. Richards /

After landing, it is sure to horsten the fir and climb the rolling circle with sawdust, peat, moss, bark, another organic. The rest is only in watering and sprinkling the crown - all fir loves it. It can be possible once a year, at the beginning of the summer, feed the fir with a compost, peat or humus, which stimulates more magnificent growth. Otherwise, no problems with the Caucasian Fir are not - the tree is very lively, is not amazed by pests, and if it does not be covered with water, so as not to be reloaded the roots, then does not suffer fungal infections. And if spraying a cheva weak mortar Microelements (calcium, magnesium, manganese, zinc, etc.), then it will be more thick.

The good neighbors of the Caucasian Fir will be almost all boys, heers, beech and many evergreen deciduous plants.

Therefore, if you live in a climate with soft winter And you want more than greenery on the site all year round so that the hedge pleased the eyes and performed well, and the New Year's "Christmas tree" was the most beautiful on the entire district, put the Caucasian Fir.

Fir Nordman Caucasian - such a name was given to culture in honor of one Russian-Finnish scientist studying the plant, Alexander Von Nordman. It was he who in 1835 discovered such a plant next to Borjomi (in Georgia). The scientist described in detail the plant, noted his attractive appearance and special power. It is important to consider the features of planting the fir Caucasian and care for it.

Place of growing culture

Norman Picht is a type of fir, which reaches a height of up to fifty meters. The total diameter of the tree trunk can reach up to two meters. Crown plants possesses a pyramidal form. Such culture is called the Apollo tree, in honor ancient Greek God Sun.

Another name of the culture is the Trojan horse. There is a legend that when creating a Trojan horse, it was used by the wood of this culture. Currently, the tree is considered very popular with European inhabitants. They use it to decorate the house on Christmas holidays.

In nature, such a culture grows in the territory of the Asia Minor and the Mountains of the Caucasus. Plant can be found in the forests of Denmark.

Culture is characterized by a high life expectancy - up to 7000 years. The needles on the tree is distinguished by light green color, may have a characteristic gloss. Small chevings are directed forward, in length can reach up to four centimeters. Plant bark smooth and painted in grey colour. When growing, it begins to change to a brown shade.

Coupling can reach only 30 millimeters, topped in a dark-green color, and white stripes are located below. On the bumpy shoots of the needles, the comb is located on vegetative - laid, and on the side - rows of chewing, which go throughout the run. On the plant in the conditions of natural grieving of the needle continues to be maintained for thirteen years.

The root system in culture is quite deep. The plant is best grown in loose conditions soil mixture At the same time its growth is accelerated. Special attention to the tree pays the humidity indicator. Fir can withstand strong cold (up to temperature - 25 degrees Celsius). Used in quality decorative culture.

Common varieties

There are the most common varieties of this tree:

Plant Description

Norman fir refers to the group of evergreen cropswhich can be height up to eighty meters (you need to take into account that this is happening only during growing in nature).

If the gardener is going to land into the territory of his plot of fir, it is important for it to consider the following features:

When providing all conditions, culture can continue to grow for 700 years in one place. It should be noted that the growth of the tree occurs regardless of the age of culture.

Anyone who wants to grow a fate of Norman in the country may not be afraid of anything: such a culture is completely unpretentious and can safely grow in any terrain. In the event of having difficulty, the gardener can independently provide culture all the necessary conditions.

Selection of the site and landing

Norman fir is a plant that can take up at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level. In the lowlands, such a plant shows a slow growth that when growing with a decorative purpose will not have much importance. The main feature of the culture (excluding some varieties) - the ability to grow as on the illuminated sunny rays Sections and in the shade. It does not respond to the impact of strong winds, but at the same time it grows best in conditions with high humidity air.

Selection of soil mixes

Caucasian Fir prefers to grow in the nutritional soil, which contains a large number of Minerals and useful components. For plant landing, it is best to use loams, but a good increase in the tree is observed even when it falls into soils with a high acidity rate.

Culture reproduction is allowed to carry out only completely ripened seeds, since vegetative methods show themselves with negative side. Cuttings can not even get satisfied, but with great difficulty. If we talk about seeds, then their full ripening is celebrated at the end of October. Only those seeds can be considered ripening, which are independently flying out of the bump cavity.

Features Plant landing

Since it is possible to multiply the Danish fir only with the help of seeds, then a few months before landing in the soil spend their stratification. For this, the seeds are pre-placed in the tank with the earth inside, then they are put in the refrigerator or in a cold basement.

In the spring time, the seeds are extended in warmth, obtained from seeds sprouts transplanted into large containers. Most often, such a culture is grown in pots for six years and only after that settled in open soil. This happens due to the instability of young fir-tree plants. They can quickly die when exposed to any negative factors.

If you take into account all the conditions, the plant needs to be transplanting in the country area in the form of a seedling purchased in a flower shop or a special nursery. For this, the pit is preliminarily prepared by a depth of 70 and a width of 50 centimeters. To the specified depth, it is necessary to add a layer that includes a drainage layer, the presence of which when planting the plant is considered mandatory (for this it is important to use gravel and crushed stone). For the rapid suggestion of the seedling and its active growth, you need to create a special soil mixture:

  • humus - 15 percent;
  • peat mixture - 43 percent;
  • clay - 30 percent;
  • small sand - 13 percent.

A comprehensive feeding is added to the resulting soil, part of it is poured onto the bottom of the pit as a slide. After that, the rowing of the seedling gently spread over the soil and completely fall asleep on top of the earth. Watering the plant is important only during the landing.

Correct care

Norman fir does not need special care from gardener, but, depending on the peculiarities of the growing flower, it is still important to watch carefully.

When growing a plant, it is important to ensure that it is measured by watering and making fertilizers. They are made most often during the growing season. Watering is allowed to carry out for just planted in the soil seedlings, adult trees are allowed not to water at all, since their rhizomes can independently provide themselves with the desired amount of moisture.

If we talk about the fertilizer of culture, it needs to be started only from the fifth year of growing plants in open soil. It is best for feeding to apply complexes of liquid tools that are important for coniferous rocks.

Caucasian Fir is particularly resistant to cold. Middle-aged plant can normally carry frosts below the temperature of thirty degrees Celsius, and with age, this indicator only becomes more. But young fir seedlings poorly tolerate low temperatures, so it is important to ensure protection with the onset of winter.

Young landings very sharply react to weed grass at the landing site, so the perimeter near the tree it is important to carefully process and eliminate all weeds. In order to longer hold the cleanliness of the soil, it is best to fly regularly, applying heavy sawdust of wood for this.

Possible diseases

If the needle of the tree begins to breathe quickly, and there are a cough drops on it, the plant is sick fell. It is possible to eliminate it using burlap traps that are impregnated with caterpillage glue.

If you correctly care for the fir of normal, it will rejoice at the gardeners for a long time with its smell and beauty. The tree is rarely ill - it is best to prevent this, carefully following its condition.

Nordman Fir - an interesting coniferous plant, which is often used in the design of gardens and summer cottages. The tree has a neat wide crown and highlights essential oilsSuppressing the needle specific aroma. Coniferous culture requires good careOnly then will she delight the owner of the site with a healthy attractive view.

According to the description of the variety, the fir has the following characteristics:

  1. Life expectancy. The tree refers to long-livers. There were copies whose age was 7,000 years.
  2. View of the needles. Needles have light green color and a shiny surface. Small cheops are located on the branch horizontally. The needle length does not exceed 4 cm. The barrel is covered with gray shiny bark. As it ripes it acquires brown tint. In natural habitat conditions, the change of needles occurs every 13 years.
  3. Root system. Plant has powerful deep roots. It is best grows on loose soils. The root tree system is sensitive to changing humidity.
  4. Frost resistance. Fir can withstand strong frosts, it is used as a decorative culture in the regions with a harsh climate.

There are the following varieties of Nordman Fir, having their distinctive features:

  1. Golden Spreader. Dwarf variety Differs in the presence of deepening in the center of the crown. The plant adds slowly. Medium height Adult instance does not exceed 1 m. Outer surface Coupling is painted in a marsh color and has a characteristic shine. The inner part of the needle is distinguished by light yellow color and lack of gloss. The variety is grown in mountaineering.
  2. Jadvig. It has a rapid growth and high height. Outer sides Couplings have dark green, internal - white. Thinks covered with thick cheese form a dense crown.
  3. Pendula. The hybrid is characterized by a slow rising and a wide spreaded crown. Coupling have a rich green color. The plant does not tolerate high humidity and mechanical damage to the trunk. Firdula firdula is cultivated in the arborets and in the country areas.

How to plant a fir?

The order of landing and care for the Caucasian Fir includes the following steps:

  1. Choosing a place. The tree grows well in the mountains, in lowlands its growth slows down, which does not affect decorative qualities. Fir can be grown both on the lit and at the shaded areas. The plant is not afraid of a strong wind, but sensitive to drought.
  2. Child selection. Fir feels comfortable in nutrient soils containing sufficient number Minerals. Sugglinks are suitable for landing, however, the tree can grow on sour soils. Fir sit down next door to Ryabina, Fir, Barbaris, Thay or Juniper.
  3. Seat selection. Fasting young plants having developed root system. When buying seedlings pay attention to the presence of signs of disease.
  4. Preparation of landing pit. The well should have a depth of 90 cm and a width of 60 cm. When digging the pit, the impact of the depth to the drainage arrangement. It is formed from gravel or rubble.
  5. Failure. Sand, peat, clay and humus mix in a ratio of 1: 3: 1: 2. The resulting mixture fertilize with complex feeding. After that, the soil fill half of the pit.
  6. Planting a saplings. The plant is installed in the well, straightening the roots. The ground is falling asleep so that only the root cervix remained above the surface. Formed a rolling circle that is carefully moistened.

Nordmanniana Fir Care Rules

Fir care does not represent special difficulties and implies the implementation of the following events:

  1. Watering. The tree is abundantly watered only in the first year after landing. After the formation of a powerful root system, the plant begins to get moisture from the soil.
  2. Soil processing. To preserve the decorative qualities of fir, the rolling circle is regularly freed from weeds. Reduce the wing frequency helps mulching. The soil is covered with wood sawdust or peat. Over time, the tree itself creates a protective layer of fallen needles.
  3. Podrel. Fertilizers are beginning to make 5 years after landing. The plant needs minerals, so complex liquid feeders are used. They contribute to the period of active formation of cones.
  4. Formation. Fake healthy fir branches do not need. Sanitary haircuts are aimed at removing affected by fungus, dried or damaged shoots. Pruning is performed annually in spring time. Spike places are covered with garden harr.
  5. Processing from pests. This grade fir is resistant to diseases, but when increasing humidity or use of infected seedlings can spread fungal diseases. Conduct with gray rot, spider and rust helps the processing of fungicidal solution. Insect pests are destroyed by spraying insecticides.
  6. Preparation for wintering. Adult plants are resistant to low temperatures, Saplings need to be protected. ROCK Warm foliage, the barrel is closed with a sweetheart.

How multiplies the plant?

The cuttings are rarely rooted, so seeds are used to breed the fir at home. For 2 months, they are kept in freezer. In the spring, the seeds are evisted in containers with nutrient soilwhich is pre-disinfected, calcining in the oven. Fast sprouts are transferred to individual pots, where they grow within 5-7 years. After this time, the seedlings are placed in the ground.

Fir Nordman - delightful decorative plantwhich will greatly decorate your pricework. Fir Nordman or Caucasian first described Finnish-Russian Botanist Alexander von Nordman. The tree received its name in honor of him. Fir Caucasian belongs to the pine family. Danish Christmas tree, which is often found on the screens, when we look at Christmas films, there is nothing but a cultured type of our fir or Abies Nordmanniana.

Description Fir Nordman

Fir Caucasian is conifer tree. Evergreen It can grow up to 60 m and even 80 m in height in vivo.

Let us turn to the detailed description:

Under favorable conditions, the tree can live about 700 years! The increase is not dependent on age.

Main varieties

Tree landing conditions

The tree is unpretentious, so the features of your cottage plot It will not affect her cultivation. Moreover, growing conditions can be improved by artificially.

Choosing a place. Fir Caucasian actively masters areas at a height of about 1200 m above the UR. m. In low locations, it grows not so good, but decorative cultivation it does not matter. The main feature is the ability to grow actively and in the shade, and in places that are well lit. Strong winds are not terrible wood, but the level of air humidity at its place of growth should be high.

The soil. Soil tree prefers nutritious rich in mineral fertilizers. The landing is recommended to be carried out in the sublinks, but also in a more acidic soil there is a good height.

Rules landing

Caucasian Fir breeds exclusively by seeds that are stratified 1.5-2 months before landing. Seeds are placed in the soil, poured pre-in the container, and left in the refrigerator or basement. In the spring, the seeds are germ, and the obtained seedlings are picked in a larger container.

As a rule, the tree is grown in pots of 5-7 years and only after being transplanted into the open soil. This is explained by the instability of young seedlings capable of perishing under adverse conditions.

Next plants can be planted:

  • larch;
  • rowan;
  • barbaris Tunberg;
  • pine;
  • juniper.

Taking into account the above, the fir is better to plant on the seedlings acquired in the nursery. For it, a hole is made 60 cm wide and a depth of 80 cm. To the specified depth, we recommend adding a drainage layer, which is required when landing (gravel or crushed stone is used).

For the successful development of the village, a mixture of such ingredients is prepared:

  • sand - 14%;
  • humus - 14.5%;
  • peat - 42%;
  • clay - 28%.

A comprehensive fertilizer is added to the mixture, and part of it is poured onto the bottom of the pit slur. On this slide, the roots are spread, then everything is completely covered with the soil, only the root neck is left above the surface of the earth. Watering is needed only when landing.


Periodic watering and feeding, carried out only in the growing season. Only young seedlings are poured, adult trees can not watered at all, because their roots are quite capable of providing moisture in sufficient quantities.

Fingering the plant starts from 5-6 years after its landing. Liquid complex preparations for coniferous breeds are recommended as fertilizer.

Young seedlings are extremely sensitive to the neighborhood with weed grass, in connection with which the nearby space is important to keep clean. To maintain this cleanliness itself, regular mulching of the soil around the tree is recommended using heavy wood sawdust.


In general, the trim tree is not required, but if you need to make a tree decoratively, pruning is produced. Cropped with old trees, on which there are many dry branches. So that because of them did not spawn the tree type, the branches are neatly spilled, and the sections are processed.

Pests and diseases

A more detailed description of the problems:

Frequency of firing Nordman begins pretty late. As a rule, it is necessary to wait until the onset of fruiting falls 10-20 years. This process begins faster in hybrid varieties..

It is necessary to take into account that in the event of insufficient moisture of the needles and shoots can succeed, so you choose the grade on the site, the probability of which is highest.