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Industrial technology for growing carrots. Growing carrots outdoors for business Growing carrots outdoors as a business

Growing vegetables and fruits is a profitable business with minimum investment. Before embarking on this type of earnings, you need to decide on the idea. You can indulge in, for example, carrots, potatoes, or fresh herbs. In today's article, we will dwell in more detail on the cultivation of such healthy vegetable like a carrot.

Carrots are a healthy and vitamin vegetable that is in great demand in the market. Therefore, growing carrots as a business is a fairly profitable business area.

Before you start your own business, you should determine the advantages and disadvantages this method earnings.

Pros of growing carrots as a business

  • small financial investments. A significant plus that will surely interest many beginners and make them think about this kind of entrepreneurship. Growing carrots can be safely attributed to the low-budget business.
  • Fast payback. Planted carrot seeds will bring you profit in a few months. This is very beneficial for beginners and people who want to see a quick result of their work.

Cons of a Vegetable Growing Business

In addition to the obvious advantages of this area of ​​business, of course, there are pitfalls that hinder development.

  • Vegetable farming is not a business for everyone. In this area, the emphasis is on physical labor, so if you are used to working mentally, then most likely this way of earning will not interest you.
  • To succeed in vegetable growing, you need to have basic knowledge and skills in the field of cultivation. In addition, you need to love your job and do it well. Only then can you really make good money.

Growing carrots business plan

Successful and experienced entrepreneurs always follow a plan. Planned and organized work will help you to short time achieve the desired result.

In the business plan, you should note such items as the profitability of the idea (level of competition and relevance), roughly calculate the amount of investment, determine the approximate payback period and profit from the business.

Particular attention should be paid to competition, the amount of possible profit and business success will directly depend on it. Therefore, on initial stage When choosing an idea, consider this factor.

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Business registration

If you are planning to start growing carrots at home on small area, it is better to register as individual entrepreneur or, in general, at the initial stage, try to grow vegetables for yourself in order to understand the essence of the process.

Commercial cultivation of carrots is already subject to legal registration. To do this, you should establish your own peasant or farm enterprise and choose the appropriate taxation regime.

Carrot care and cultivation

First of all, you need to rent a plot of land with fertile soil for growing vegetables. For a resident of a rural area, this will not be difficult, as a rule, everyone already has a free land area. If you need a large plot, then you should find landlords and choose a suitable place for a future vegetable farm.

Technology for growing carrots

First you need to choose a variety. It's best to try to sow different varieties, in order to further determine which of them is most suitable for a given area.

Carrots are a light-loving subculture, so you need to choose a suitable plot for growing it. Not less than important factors Soil structure is a factor that influences yield. The land should be high in organic fertilizers.

Preparation of the area for growing carrots begins in the fall. The site is dug up, fertilizer (compost) is applied. In the spring, the land is dug up again and fertilized as needed (it all depends on the degree of soil fertility).

Seed preparation

As noted earlier, you need to choose the right variety for growing. After that, the finished seeds must be washed hot water(about 50 degrees) in order to wash off all the essential oils that may interfere with germination. Then you should leave the seeds to germinate for 2-3 days. Be sure to dry them out a bit before sowing.

Sowing carrots

First of all, beds of the required length are made, which are watered with warm water, and only after that you can proceed to the direct sowing process.

Carrot care

The care process consists in weeding, protecting seedlings from pests and weeds. For this, special chemicals that effectively deal with these problems.


For harvesting you need to hire a team of workers. The number of people depends on the area. As a rule, seasonal employees receive wages daily, it depends on the amount of harvested per day. Payment also depends on the region and the average cost of these services, competition and other factors.

Business costs

  • Land lease. The price will depend on the region, soil fertility, and, of course, on the size of the area;
  • Equipment for growing carrots. You need to purchase a walk-behind tractor and a hiller for it, with its help you can make convenient combs for planting carrots, a digger (it’s easier to harvest). Equipment can be purchased second-hand or at the initial stage, rented. In the future, with success in business and making a profit, you can buy your own equipment;
  • Paying workers. The cost of transporting finished products to the point of sale. You can either rent a transport or buy your own car, it all depends on the material possibilities.

Sales of products

Carrots are a sought-after product, so many bases are engaged in taking this vegetable. Thus, you are looking for a distribution channel, focusing on price, and choose the most suitable option.

Delivery of products abroad. This implementation option is the most profitable, but requires considerable effort. It is quite difficult to find profitable customers and conclude contracts for the supply of products. But if desired, everything is possible, and as a marketing option, this method is quite appropriate.

Delivery of vegetables to supermarkets, restaurants, sanatoriums. A fairly profitable implementation method that will bring you stable income. All you need is to conclude contracts for the supply of products with large retail outlets.


Your income will depend on the volume of carrot cultivation, distribution channel and price. Therefore, analyze the competition in your area before starting a business in the agricultural sector.

It can be concluded that this is a profitable way of earning money for residents of rural areas. We wish you success.

Growing carrots as a business is a profitable business related to the vegetable industry. At the same time, you will not need large investments at the stage of organizing an enterprise.

  • Pros and Cons of a Carrot Growing Business
  • Step by Step Plan to Start a Carrot Growing Business
  • We are looking for employees
  • We select the land
  • What equipment is needed to grow carrots
  • We buy raw materials
  • Preparation of documents required for the legal cultivation of carrots
  • Choice of tax regime
  • Carrot cultivation technology for sale
  • How much money do you need to start a business?
  • How much can you earn growing carrots?

Carrots are a root vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is in great demand among the population.

Pros and Cons of a Carrot Growing Business

It is not difficult to be engaged in the production and sale of carrots. This business has its advantages:

  • High demand. Russian citizens are accustomed to eating carrots almost every day, adding it to dishes.
  • Small start-up capital.
  • Unpretentiousness of the root crop. Producers collect large crops even with unstable weather conditions.

This area has not been without disadvantages that prevent decent earning. The main ones include:

  • Physical exercise. This business requires from the entrepreneur not only mental skills, but also labor activity.
  • Learning the basics of growing root crops. Without knowledge about vegetable growing, it is impossible to grow high-quality fruits. The training will take time (at least a month).

To take a high position in the market, you need to treat the cultivation of carrots with all your heart.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Carrot Growing Business

We are looking for employees

Growing vegetables alone will not work because of the large amount of work. For the first time, it is not necessary to hire outside employees. You can ask for help from relatives, acquaintances, of course, for a fee.

Also, in order to save money, you can involve schoolchildren or students who have a rest on summer holidays. You have the right to set your own wages. It can be part of the harvest or money. For example, 5 thousand rubles. per employee per month. On average, three people will be enough.

Since you will be engaged only in administrative duties, and the workers will take over all the “dirty” work, then 45 thousand rubles. three summer months will not go in vain. Employees must prepare the soil, sow, water, protect the crop and harvest it.

We select the land

To grow carrots, you do not need a room, but a land plot is required. If you have a dacha, then you have the right to engage in the production of root crops on it, provided that there is enough space for planting a large number seeds.

A better option is to rent land plot. Of course, the price depends on your regional location. In megacities, there is a problem with free land for planting, so the rent will be quite high. In the provinces and former collective farms, things are different. The average cost of land for rent is 5 thousand rubles. per month. for 50 acres.

To take land for temporary use, contact agricultural enterprises or municipal authorities (administration).

It is important to know what was previously grown on this site. Carrots will be born if cereals, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions grew there. It is even better when nothing has been planted on this site for several years.

Choose the place where you fall Sun rays because carrots love the light.

What equipment is needed to grow carrots

Most of the money will be spent on buying a car if you do not have one. It must be roomy enough to carry employees to the place of work. For these purposes, a minivan, pickup truck or jeep is suitable. Do not forget that the production will be located in places where there are no paved roads, so cars vehicle must overcome impassable places.

Main technological equipment:

  • Motoblock. It is necessary in order to cultivate the soil.
  • Hiller. It is needed for the formation of pits.
  • seeder. With the help of it, seeds are quickly planted in separate pits.
  • Digger. Workers use it when harvesting.

All this equipment will cost about 50 thousand rubles, not counting the vehicle, the price of which is from 100 thousand rubles.

You will need to transport the harvested crop to the vegetable base, to the store, to the buyer, to the basement. From 50 acres, it will be possible to collect about 30 tons of carrots, depending on its varietal affiliation. A truck is suitable for transportation. It is not necessary to buy it. You can rent or order several transportations.

We buy raw materials

Seeds are used as a material for growing carrots. Before planting, they must be processed. To do this, they are disinfected, then soaked and germinated. Seed preparation has great advantages: after it, carrots grow much faster (tops sprout within two weeks instead of a month).

You can do this process yourself or hire a retiree who will gladly take on this job. You can agree on a symbolic payment, expressed in cash or food products.

For 50 acres, approximately 1.5 kg of raw materials will be required. Seeds are sold at different prices, depending on the variety. They vary in the range of 500-2500 thousand rubles. per kg.

Preparation of documents required for the legal cultivation of carrots

The organization of almost any area of ​​agricultural business has its own nuances that are very different this species activities from other commercial projects. For example, most of the villagers who know perfectly how to work the land, but are not versed in legal issues, start their business by selling agricultural products, without registration, etc. They sell the surplus of grown products, which is an absolutely legal activity. But when it comes to large volumes, no one will believe that you "accidentally" grew "extra" 10-50 tons of carrots.

To organize and develop your business for growing carrots, in the form of a farm, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm (peasant farm), with copies of the documents of its participants;
  • a copy of the passport of the head of the future farm (it will be checked against the original!);
  • documents confirming the place of registration of all participants in the agricultural project;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Within five working days, after the provision of the above papers, you will be issued documents on the registration of the farm, as well as taxpayer certificates and confirmation that you are registered with Rosstat.

In addition to the above documents, you no additional licenses or permits required. But, as a rule, at the initial stage of creating a farm, many issues have to be resolved with representatives of local authorities.

Choice of tax regime

When preparing documents for a future farm, do not forget to choose the right code for your activity and the optimal taxation regime. For a farm that plans to grow carrots, from all codes of the all-Russian classifier OKVED 1.13 is best suited, and the optimal taxation system, in this case, is the ESHN (single agricultural tax).

This regime allows farmers to pay as little as 6% of their profits twice a year.

Carrot cultivation technology for sale

Stages Process description
Variety selection Before planting, you need to decide on the variety of carrots. To find the best option, plant several varieties.
Land preparation She must be fertilized. Therefore, in the fall, they begin to cultivate the soil. It is dug up, laid on top of the compost. In the spring, the earth is again dug up and fertilized.
Seed preparation First they are washed in hot water, the temperature of which is 50 degrees. This is necessary in order for the layers of essential oils to come off them. After that, the seeds germinate for three days. Be sure to dry them completely before planting.
Sowing Before planting carrots, beds are made on the site, they are watered with water (preferably warm). After that, the seeds are planted in holes.
Care To collect good harvest, beds are weeded, sprayed with chemicals from carrot flies and pests, weeds are destroyed, sprinkled with ash, dust (tobacco), watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, and onions are planted nearby.
Harvesting This stage takes place in late summer - early autumn. This cannot be done alone, so business owners hire additional employees to help collect all the carrots in a small amount of time (within seven days).

How much money do you need to start a business?

You can highlight the main costs associated with the organization and development of the enterprise, which should be included in the business plan for growing carrots.

How much can you earn growing carrots?

To calculate the average level of profit in this industry, we take the average values. For example, you have collected and sold 20 tons of carrots for 20 rubles. per kg. You can help out 400 thousand rubles. If among the root crops there are poor-quality ones, they can be processed and made into Korean carrots or juice. So, you can earn another 100 thousand rubles. But these 500 thousand rubles. you will be able to get only after the hard way of finding customers.

There is an easier option. To do this, you can sell the goods to the retailer. But the price for it will not exceed 12 rubles. per kg. As a result, you will receive about 220 thousand rubles.

Carrots are always in high demand, so you will always find customers. Main distribution channels:

  • wholesale bases;
  • retailers;
  • Groceries;
  • sanatoriums;
  • restaurants;
  • supermarkets.

A more profitable option is to deliver goods abroad. But this is very difficult to implement.

Your revenue directly depends on the number of grown carrots, the price per kilogram and the place of sale. You should not enter this business without analyzing the market and competition in your area. In any case, the sale of carrots is profitable, especially for rural residents.

Healthy, high-quality carrots can only be obtained by following the principles of an integrated production organization that strictly reflects all aspects of carrot cultivation. Strict control over the condition of the soil, selection of varieties, care of crops, control of weeds, pests and diseases - all these activities are basically the preservation of quality products.

Growing carrots

Carrots are one of the few crops that can be eaten fresh. all year round. It was known to the ancient Greeks under the name "Daukos". In addition, carrots have long been used in traditional medicine as a medicine. Carrots surpass many vegetables in the content of vitamins and a number of other substances useful for our body. In terms of the content of carotene (protein A), it is slightly inferior only to sweet pepper and surpasses all other vegetables. Carrots also contain vitamins B1, B2, C, PP, K, folic acid, essential oils, calcium salts, phosphorus, iodine, and iron.

Carrot juice is an excellent remedy for anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys and other diseases. Sometimes carrot juice is used in home cosmetics, as it is noted that it gives the skin of the face freshness and velvety.

Biological features of carrots

By modern classification cultivated and wild carrots are combined into one species Daucus carota, which includes 10 varieties. Cultivated carrots are a biennial plant. In the first year, a rosette of leaves and a root crop are formed in it, in the second year - a flowering stem and seeds.

Carrot is a relatively cold-resistant plant, easily tolerates frosts down to -3 ... -50C. The minimum temperature for seed germination is +4…+60С, optimal +18…+210С, for leaf growth +23..250С. Carrots are demanding on light.

In shading conditions, the yield is reduced. Carrots are quite sensitive to uniform and optimal moisture during all periods of their development. It is most demanding for moisture in the period from sowing to emergence of seedlings and during intensive growth of the root crop. Carrots are sensitive to increased salt concentration and lack of oxygen in the soil.

Soils, precursors and place in crop rotation. The most suitable for carrots are sandy and loamy, peaty soils that are not prone to crusting.

Soil loosening assist good growth plants and the formation of root crops, in addition, their collection is facilitated. Carrots are a good predecessor for others vegetable crops. In a vegetable crop rotation, carrots are the best predecessor for early cabbage and potatoes, zucchini. For carrots, a good predecessor is mid-ripening cabbage, tomato, cucumber, onion, that is, crops that free the site early to prepare it for sowing in the fall.

Soil preparation for planting carrots

The soil under sowing must be carefully cultivated, the surface of the field leveled.

Spring cultivation.

Cultivation of the soil in the spring depends on the timing of sowing.

When sowing early:

Early spring harrowing in one or two tracks. Further cultivation of the soil depends on the degree of weediness of the field and soil compaction;

If the soil has been completely prepared since autumn and is not clogged, harrowing is limited to one;

With severe weed infestation and cold spring, pre-sowing cultivation is carried out to the depth of seed sowing;

carrot fertilizer

Carrots are very sensitive to high doses of organic fertilizers. It is impossible to apply fresh manure directly under the carrots, since the tops of the tops grow strongly, the root crops branch and their taste deteriorates, the crops are affected by the carrot fly.

The timing of sowing depends on the variety and purpose of production. Three types of carrot sowing are distinguished by time: winter, spring and summer. Podzimny sowing is carried out 10 - 20 days before the onset of frost, completely fettering the earth.

Early spring sowing is carried out in order to use carrots in summer for early bunched goods. Sowing is carried out as soon as field work can be carried out, trying to use the moisture reserve in the soil. The most common sowing period for autumn and winter use is the first half and until May 25th. It is very important to prevent the soil from drying out after sowing, especially with wetted or bubbling seeds - the germination of seeds in dry soil leads to the death of seedlings.

Crop care.

Carrots during the growing season consists in timely and high-quality inter-row cultivation, weed control, diseases and pests, as well as irrigation. For the destruction of weeds on crops of carrots, herbicides (ground) are used.

Irrigation methods and irrigation technique, irrigation mode of carrots

Carrot is a relatively drought-resistant crop, but in the south, in the zone of unstable moisture, high and stable yields can only be obtained with irrigation.

Water consumption of carrots with optimal water supply is 4000 - 5500 m3 / ha. The beginning of the irrigation season is determined by weather conditions, most often watering starts from the end of April - the beginning of May and ends 2-3 weeks before harvest, in order to avoid cracking of root crops and improve conditions for mechanized harvesting. On drip irrigation, irrigation is carried out regularly in accordance with the phase of plant development.

Protection from diseases and pests. The carrot, especially its succulent root, is a very good object for both diseases and pests. More than it both during cultivation and storage.

Carrot fly.

The front sight is 3-5 mm long. Antennae and legs are yellow. Larva 6-7 mm long, light yellow, shiny. In late April - early May, the years of the spring generation of the fly begin. At the end of May, larvae emerge from the eggs and penetrate the roots of young plants, gnawing them. The second generation comes out in August and, in the same way as the first, damages carrot crops.

Control measures:

Stefesin, 2.5% a.e. – 0.3 l/ha – waiting period after treatment 20 days. Volaton, 50% a.e. – 2 l/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days

Alternariosis. Alternariosis plants are damaged in the second half of the growing season. Disease development is facilitated by warm, humid weather. During storage, the fungus causes dry rot of root crops, - on the surface in different places dark or grayish, slightly depressed dry spots are formed.

Control measures: Copper oxychloride, 90% w.p. – 2.4 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days. Ridomi Gold, 68% w.p. – 2.5 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 30 days.

Powdery mildew. Leaves are usually affected, and in case of severe infection, cuttings are also affected.

Control measures: Byleton, s.p. - 0.3-0.6 kg/ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days; Karatan, Ph.D. - 0.5 -1 l / ha - waiting period after treatment 20 days.

Gray rot. The disease occurs on root crops during storage everywhere. In damp cool weather, gray rot affects different parts of root crops and all above-ground parts of the plant. The disease is especially harmful in the years after a cool, wet summer or autumn, when the root crops do not have time to ripen well.

Gray rot manifests itself in the form of a gray fluffy coating covering diseased areas.

Varieties and hybrids.

Carrots are distinguished by a wide variety of root forms, the length of the growing season, nutrient content and storage capacity. According to the shape of the root crop, varieties and hybrids of carrots are divided into three main varieties - Nantes, Chantanet and Flake.

Collection and storage.

Most often, carrots are harvested by hand. Bunch carrots are removed from the leaf and tied into bunches. Carrots of late ripening are harvested in a semi-mechanized way - they are dug up with a bracket, and then they are harvested by hand. Carrot roots are stored in vegetable stores and cellars in bulk, in stacks, pyramids, boxes and plastic bags, as well as in pits and trenches. At the same time, the temperature is maintained within the range of 1 - 20 C and relative humidity of 90 - 95%.

If carrots are stored in a vegetable store, they often get wet and rot on top. Therefore, vegetable stores should be systematically ventilated or root crops should be covered with burlap and mats. To store carrots in boxes, wet sand (2–3 cm) is poured onto the bottom, root crops are laid on it in several layers and sprinkled with sand. Carrots are well stored in plastic bags weighing 20 - 25 kg.

The bags are not tied up so that carbon dioxide is not concentrated in them and the relative humidity of the air does not increase. Carrots can be stored in narrow (up to 1.5 m) low piles, but this method of storage depends on weather conditions.

Storage of carrots in heaps.

The experience of Canadian farmers has shown that carrots can be stored in heaps with a mound height of up to 4.9 meters without damaging the fruit.

Benefits of storing carrots in heaps:

Easily filled or emptied with a forklift, conveyor or water stream.

More effective ventilation, because the air moves under the shoulder and provides a uniform flow around each root crop.

Easily exposed to moisture due to the "injection" of water in the air stream.

The cooling front moves in one direction.

Disadvantages of storing carrots in heaps.

The percentage of damaged fruits is increasing.

It is difficult or almost impossible to extract diseased fruits from the collar.

To ensure good ventilation, the fruit must be free of haulm residues or debris.

The external walls of the vault must have increased strength in order to withstand the lateral pressure of the collar.

Cooling carrots with a refrigerator. Carrots should be cooled immediately after harvesting to a temperature of 00 C. Ideal Attitude cooling time should be 7/8 within 1 - 2 days.

Cooling carrots with cold air. There are two traditional storage systems in widespread use. First: with air conditioning installed, air ducts and fans providing a circular movement of cooled air.


Easy to equip, maintain and operate.

Provides adequate air temperature control.

Provides immediate crop cooling warm days, which stretches in time the period of implementation of carrots.


Dries out the air, causing the carrots to wilt.

It is difficult to add moisture to the air.

The second is similar to the first, but the air flow here passes through a “water barrier”, which ensures uniform humidification of the air flow.


High cooling reserve.

Enhanced airflow for effective cooling of carrots.

Supports high level relative humidity.

Facilitates the distribution of cold air throughout the storage.


Significantly more expensive than the first type.

Requires additional premises for equipment placement.

Maintains the temperature in the storage at least 0.5 0 С.

The best predecessors carrots are cucumber, early cabbage, potatoes, tomatoes, onions, annual grasses, layer rotation, and in field crop rotation - winter crops for black fallow. It is not recommended to place carrots after sunflower, which has common diseases with it.

Soil preparation depends on the predecessor. After early release of the field of predecessors, the soil is cultivated by the type of semi-fallow. First, peeling of LDH-10 is carried out. LDG-15 to a depth of 6-8 cm, after two weeks, autumn plowing is carried out with plows with skimmers PLN-6-35, PLN-5-35, PLN-4-35 to a depth of 27-30 cm. Thin soils - to the depth of the arable layer with simultaneous deepening. After early autumn plowing, cultivation or disking with harrowing BDT-3 + BZSS-1.0 is carried out, under which glyphos, zero, glialka (4-8 kg/ha) are applied to control rhizomatous weeds. The layout of the field is carried out by planners P-2.8, P-4, PA-3. V winter time they carry out snow retention, early harrowing is carried out in two tracks with heavy tooth harrows (BZTS -1.0) or medium ones (BZSS - 1.0).

Carrots are responsive to organic and mineral fertilizers. To obtain a root crop of 40-50 t / ha, VNIIO recommends applying up to 30 tons of humus or compost, depending on the cultivation of the soil, mineral fertilizers: on podzolic soils - nitrogen up to 90 kg / ha phosphorus and potassium, each up to 100 kg / ha; on alkaline and typical chernozems - nitrogen up to 90 kg/ha, phosphorus up to 100 kg/ha, potassium up to 90 kg/ha. The preparation and application of mineral fertilizers is carried out by machines ISU, PE-0.8 G, SZU-20, RUM-8, and organic fertilizers - ROU-8.

Organic and 2/3 of phosphate-potassium fertilizers are applied as the main fertilizer in the fall, and 1/3 of phosphorus-potassium and nitrogen fertilizers are applied in the spring and during top dressing. All operations must be carried out in the best agrotechnical terms with the smallest gap between soil preparation and sowing. Before sowing, the seeds are calibrated on seed-cleaning machines OBC-10, K-231, PSS-2.5, disinfected with hot water (temperature 48 ° C) for 20 minutes, divided by specific gravity in a 3-5% sodium chloride solution, bubbled for 18-20 hours. After bubbling, to accelerate growth and increase yield, the seeds are placed in a combined solution containing 1% crystallon and trace elements (0.1% manganese sulfate and 0.05% zinc sulfate, boric acid, ammonium molybdenum and copper sulphate). Keep the seeds in solution for a day at a temperature of 18-22°C.

1 liter of solution is consumed per 1 kg. Immediately before sowing, the seeds are dried in the sun in a thin layer, then disinfected with TMTD (6-8 g/kg of seeds). In ensuring normal plant density of 0.8 - I million / ha, the sowing time and the depth of seed placement play an important role. Optimal timing sowing for early production at a soil temperature of 4-5 RS and a moisture content of 70-80% HB, and for long-term storage, carrots are sown 2-3 weeks later. The seeding rate is 4-6 kg, the depth of seeding on light soils is up to 3 cm, on heavy soils - 1.5-2 cm. -5.4 or precision seeders SUPO-6A, SUPO-9A. On a flat surface, they are sown in an ordinary way with a row spacing of 45 cm and a belt - according to the scheme 40 + 40 + 60 cm, 55 + 55 + 70 cm, 8 + 62 cm; on ridges - 5 + 27 + 5 + 27 + 76 cm, 32 + 32 + 76 cm, 45 + 45 + 90 cm, on ridges with row spacing of 60 cm. ringed (ringed-toothed) rollers KKN-2.8.

Caring for crops of carrots consists in the fight against weeds, pests and diseases, loosening between rows and in rows, watering and top dressing.
After sowing, 3-4 days before germination, to destroy the crust and kill weeds, pre-emergence harrowing is carried out across the crops with mesh (BSO-4) or rotary (BRU-0.7) harrows. In this case, not only the crust and weeds are destroyed, but also the crops are thinned,

To control weeds on carrot crops, herbicides are used: prometrin (gezagard) - 2-3 kg / ha (4 months before harvesting), racer - 2-3 l / ha, stomp - 3-6 l / ha, targa - 1 -2 l/ha, targa-super - I -2 l/ha. centurion - 0.2-0.4 l / ha. The preparation, application and incorporation of herbicides is carried out by a system of machines: APR "Temp", OH-400-1. POU, KPS-4 + ZBZSS or FPU-4.2 or KFO-5.4. The consumption of the working solution of herbicides is 400-500 l/ha. Herbicides are more effective when applied to moist soil.
The first inter-row tillage is carried out 7-10 days after sowing (when rows are marked) to a depth of 6-8 cm with a protective zone of 8-10 cm, the subsequent ones - by 10-12 cm with a protective zone of 10-12 cm.

Thickened crops, when 1-2 true leaves are formed, are thinned out across the rows with medium or light harrows. In one pass, the harrows destroy 20-25% of seedlings. Harrowing is carried out in the afternoon to reduce plant damage. With sparse shoots, harrowing is excluded. The distance between plants in a row for varieties of the Nantes type should be 2-3 cm, for other varieties 3-4 cm. The density of standing is 0.8 - 1 million plants per 1 ha. Carrots respond well to fertilizing. The first top dressing is carried out after thinning at the rate of 30-50 kg/ha of ammonium nitrate, 50 kg/ha of superphosphate and potassium chloride; in the second top dressing - at the beginning of the formation of root crops, up to 100 kg / ha of potassium chloride are applied.

For the destruction of weeds and the incorporation of herbicides, cultivators are used - KRN-4.2, KOR-4.2, KGF-2.8, FPU-5.4, KOR-5.4. The number of inter-row treatments depends on the weediness of the fields, the mechanical composition of the soil and ranges from 2 to 4.
To obtain stable yields of carrots, it is necessary (in the active layer of 30-50 cm) to maintain soil moisture of 70-80% HB. In dry weather, carrot crops are watered 3-4 times with an irrigation rate of 300-400 m7ha. Watering is stopped 2-3 weeks before harvesting to avoid cracking of root crops.

Root harvesters MMT-1, EM-P are currently used for harvesting carrots with a technological track of 1.4 m. The machines extract root crops from the soil, load them into a nearby 2PTS-4 transport or into containers, which are sent to the PSK-6 or LSK-20 sorting lines to separate foreign impurities and non-standard root crops. Standard root crops are loaded into containers or boxes and sent to the consumer or for storage. V last years more promising harvesters with a tractor track of 1.8 m are used for harvesting root crops - the MUK-1.8 combine. In farms with small cultivated areas of carrots, beet lifters SNU-ZR, NSSh-2M, PM-4, etc. are used, with which root crops are dug up, and then they are manually selected, cut and immediately sorted, rejecting non-standard, atypical root crops.

For beam products, carrots are harvested selectively, when the root crops reach a diameter of 1.5 cm.
According to GOST, standard carrot roots must be fresh, unfaded, whole, intact, unugly, with a shape and color characteristic of the variety, with a diameter of 2.5-6 cm (beam carrots not less than 1.5 cm), the length of the remaining leaf petioles is not more than 2 cm .
Depending on the variety, agricultural technology and growing area, the average carrot yield ranges from 20 to 40 t/ha, and advanced farms receive up to 50-70 t/ha.
Our production experiments (1981-1985) on the introduction of industrial technology for growing carrots of the Shantene 2461 variety at the Kruglinsky state farm in the Michurinsky district of the Tambov region showed that under our conditions it is possible to consistently obtain a carrot root crop of 40 t / ha.

Read more about this topic on this website:

carrot photo

Carrots are a labour-intensive crop, productivity 30-100 t/ha. With the use of a complex of care machines, labor costs can be reduced several times.

Soil cultivation. The best soils for carrots are floodplain, black earth, medium and light mechanical composition. Predecessors - early ripe cabbage, cucumber and potatoes. autumn processing begins with soil peeling to a depth of 6-8 cm. If necessary, after peeling, the field surface is leveled with a planner (P-4). Plowing is carried out to a depth of 25-28 cm with a plow with skimmers (PLN-5-35) in autumn.

Spring tillage. The field is harrowed with a BZTS-10 harrow with an early vein, with a soil moisture content of 70-80% and physical ripeness. On irrigated soils, moderately supplied with nutrients, N - 80-120, P - 40-80, K - 60-180 kg of a.i. ha 1 ha, and on non-irrigated - 20-30% less. Fertilizers are pre-mixed using an ISU-4 mixer-loader. For transportation and application of fertilizers, the RMG-4 spreader is used; RUM-5.

Soils with a density of more than 1.2-1.4 g / cm3 are milled or plowed to a depth of 18-20 cm without dumps, but with skimmers, then the plowed field is cultivated to a depth of 10-12 cm with a unit from a disc harrow BDT-3.0, toothed harrow ZBZTS-1.0 and smooth roller ZKVG-1.4. On light soils, plowing is replaced by loosening to a depth of 14-16 cm with a combined ripper-leveller RVC-3.6 with crushing of lumps and rolling.

Plants in rows spaced about 6-8 cm apart have more colored phloem.

The length of the root crop is determined from the head (without leaves) to the place where the root diameter is 1 cm. The size of the root crop head can be small, medium and large. The most valuable varieties with a small head, and, consequently, with a small leaf rosette. Leaves in this case have high productivity. Root crops with the largest head are selected for seed plants.

Varieties. The following varieties are suitable for harvesting with a combine: Shantene 2461 - lying, resistant to mechanical damage, vegetation period 115-125 days; Nantskaya 4 - high taste qualities and satisfactory keeping quality, Losinoostrovskaya 13. The tops of these varieties are 55-60 cm long, have the shape of a cone and are convenient for machine harvesting.

Sowing is carried out in April-May with calibrated seeds (0.8 mm fraction). In the south, summer sowing of carrots is carried out for winter storage. On medium fertile soils, the seeding rate is 4-6 kg/ha.

Seeds are sown to a depth of 2-3 cm. For combine harvesting, the sowing pattern is 20 × 50; 45 × 45 cm or three-line 40 × 40 × 60 cm. Seeders SON-2.8A, SKON-4.2 and SO-5.6 are used with broad-band single-line sowing with a row spacing of 45 cm. ". Under irrigation conditions, after sowing, the field is rolled with smooth or ringed rollers across the rows.

Crop care. To reduce weediness and improve germination during the formation of a soil crust, three to four days before germination, harrowing is carried out across the rows with a BSO-4 mesh harrow.

With industrial cultivation technology, seedling thinners USMP-2.8A, USMP-5.4A or harrows across seedlings (in rows of 3-5 cm) are used to thin out inputs.

See chapter 3 for chemical and biological protection.

Crops are treated with sprayers OP-1600-2 and OH-400.

To control bark and weeds after irrigation, 3-5 inter-row treatments are carried out with KRN-4.2, KOR-4.2 cultivators or KGF-2.8 and FPU-4.2 milling cultivators; cultivator KF-5.4. The first treatment is carried out after the emergence of seedlings to a depth of 5-8 cm with a cultivator with hollow paws and spherical protective discs; subsequent - when weeds or soil crust appear. The depth of processing is increased to 10 cm, the protective zone - up to 12 cm. If necessary, mechanized processing is combined with manual weeding in rows.

Irrigation. Carrots need to be irrigated when soil moisture is below 70% HB. Irrigation is carried out with DDA-100MA units at a rate of 300-450 m3/ha in 7-8 days six to eight times during the growing season. 20-25 days before harvesting, watering is stopped if the humidity does not fall below 50-60% HB.

Harvest. Harvesting of carrots is carried out with a root-pulling machine (MMT-1) or ME-45 (Eurotechnika). They are harvested before frost, as the frozen tops lose their strength, which leads to losses and clogging of the working parts of the harvesting machine. Harvesting is carried out in the third decade of September when the soil temperature drops to +80C.

Carrot tops are used for animal feed (30-40% of biomass). For picking up tops, an E-062/1 pick-up loader with a 2-PTS-4 transport trailer and an MTZ tractor is used. The yield of root crops is 30-100 t/ha.

From the harvester, the carrots go to the stationary sorting station PSK-6 or the LKS-20 line. The root crops enter the bunker, from where they continue in a uniform flow to the loading elevator and the conveyor-sorter, where the soil admixture is separated. The remaining mass enters the transport and sorting surface, where the carrots are separated into fractions. Large carrots, as well as impurities, fall on the sorting tables, where non-standard and damaged root crops are manually separated and placed on the SL 80-12 unloading conveyors, from which they enter the general fine fraction flow. Earth clods and plant residues are separated. Commercial carrots are packed in bags or containers with polyethylene liners.

Carrots are a well-known and indispensable root crop, the demand for which exists throughout the year. Therefore, it is not surprising that many agricultural producers consider this plant as a source of stable income.

Carrots are a profitable crop to grow!

Why carrots are attractive to the producer?

  • keeps a trade dress all the year round;
  • there is a possibility of wholesale realization;
  • wide sales opportunities - shops, markets, catering establishments;
  • you can not be afraid of saving leftovers in storage;
  • low cost of cultivation and low storage costs.

Depending on the variety and growing conditions, the average crop yield is 500 c/ha at 100% profitability. It is more profitable to realize the harvest in late autumn and in early spring. In April, for example, the price of a vegetable is 4 times higher than in summer.

An undoubted plus is the fact that carrots are cold-resistant. Seeds are able to germinate already at +4, and seedlings tolerate frosts down to -5. The culture is better than others adapted to air drought, and the variety of varieties and hybrids makes it possible to obtain excellent marketable products not only on light sandy soils, but also on loams and peat bogs, as well as on heavy chernozems. Carrots can be a good precursor to many vegetables.

What is needed for a "carrot" business?

  1. Land plot. It doesn't have to be hundreds of hectares. Modern technologies allow you to get up to 1 ton of vegetables from a hundred, so a share, a personal plot or a rented allotment is suitable.
  2. Equipment. The need for this or that inventory dictates the landing area. In one case, this will be enough for a walk-behind tractor, in another, a cultivator and precision seeders, a harvester for harvesting are needed.
  3. Seeds. Depending on your desires, soil climate and consumer demand in your region, you can choose the appropriate ripening period, taste characteristics, carrot seeds of a suitable variety type. The range of seeds is very wide, it is not difficult to choose the right variety or hybrid. Domestic seed producers can please the farmer with low prices, but foreign ones differ more high quality and germination percentage.
  4. Fertilizers and plant protection products. What kind of fertilizers, it is difficult to say. It all depends on how depleted the soil is, what kind of crop was the predecessor, the ph of the soil on which you plan to grow carrots.
  5. Storage for finished products and reliable distribution partners.
  6. Staff. Even if you plan to plant seeds, cultivate, harvest crops with the help of machinery, you will need people to guard, and also to sort and ship the harvested products. The larger the crop area, the more workers you will need. The good news is that it's seasonal.

How to grow a large crop of carrots?

Assume a household purchased carrot seeds good variety but the harvest was not good. Why? The trick is that the quantity and quality of harvested root crops depends not only on the seed, but also on the cultivation technology.

The "correct" area! Carrots do not tolerate shading, so they choose well-lit areas throughout the day, the slope is oriented from north to south.

Soil preparation. The best predecessors will be legumes and potatoes for one simple reason - these plants "clean" the field from weeds. The soil should be moderately loose and moist, but most importantly, leveled.

Compliance with sowing dates:

  • beam products - before winter until the soil freezes;
  • for early production - with the first opportunity to enter the field;
  • for storage - from mid-spring to early June;
  • repeated sowing - in the southern regions, in the presence of drip irrigation.

Variety selection. It depends on the chosen production strategy, hybrid or variety, pelleted or dressed. For industrial cultivation the following are recommended:

  • "Amsterdamskaya" - high consumer qualities;
  • "Red Core" - succeeds on heavy soils;
  • "Talisman" - productive variety;
  • "Leander" - for storage and processing.

Hybrids, as a rule, are more tolerant to flowering and specific phytopathogens, more stress-resistant. In any case, each variety or hybrid has its own recommendations for growing, the main thing is not to make a mistake with the quality. Carrot seeds contain a large amount of essential oils, which causes slow germination. In order for the seedlings to be friendly, pelleted seeds of a year ago are needed. The best quality can only be guaranteed by a large proven supplier.

Fertilizers. It is important to take into account the high sensitivity of the root crop to organic matter. On a site fertilized with fresh manure, carrots should be the second, and preferably the third crop. A good top dressing can be phosphorus and potash fertilizers. And if the vegetable is planned to be stored for storage, the dose of potash fertilizers is increased.

Some features of growing

For all its unpretentiousness, the “royal” vegetable turns out to be extremely demanding on some factors.

The degree of soil moisture: "adult" root crops are not afraid of heat, but in the initial phases of plant growth, moisture is simply necessary. Watering should be plentiful, but avoid flooding. During the period of root formation, carrots are watered no more than once a week, and watering is stopped two weeks before harvest.

Neighborhood with weeds: carrots are exactly the crop that absolutely does not tolerate the neighborhood of weeds. You can destroy them manually or using selective herbicides.

Pests: Compared to other root crops, carrots are less affected by diseases and pests than others. Its main enemies are the carrot fly and the wireworm. You can get rid of them with the help of specially designed insecticides. But if you don’t have a very large sowing area and you are an ardent supporter of folk methods of treatment, then you can try some grandmother’s methods. Who knows, maybe they will help you, the main thing here is to control the result and prevent the pest population from increasing to the extent that it is already difficult to cope with the lesion even with professional insecticides. Here are some popular methods:

  • watering with a weak solution of potassium permanganate (1 g per 5 l of water);
  • watering with a solution of ammonia alcohol (50g per 10l of water).

The vegetable is rich in trace elements and vitamins, every person knows about its benefits. Carrots are eaten daily, in various dishes, both raw and processed, in every home and in every family. You can even sell small carrots that used to be fed. This idea belongs to Michael Yurosheko, and it became so successful that a special variety of Baby carrots appeared.

Good luck to you, and great harvests!

Growing carrots as a business is a profitable business related to the vegetable industry. At the same time, you will not need large investments at the stage of organizing an enterprise.

  • Step by Step Plan to Start a Carrot Growing Business
  • We are looking for employees
  • We select the land
  • We buy raw materials
  • Choice of tax regime

Carrots are a root vegetable that contains a large amount of vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, it is in great demand among the population.

Pros and Cons of a Carrot Growing Business

It is not difficult to be engaged in the production and sale of carrots. This business has its advantages:

  • High demand. Russian citizens are accustomed to eating carrots almost every day, adding it to dishes.
  • Small start-up capital.
  • Unpretentiousness of the root crop. Producers collect large crops even with unstable weather conditions.

This area has not been without disadvantages that prevent decent earning. The main ones include:

  • Physical exercise. This business requires from the entrepreneur not only mental skills, but also labor activity.
  • Learning the basics of growing root crops. Without knowledge about vegetable growing, it is impossible to grow high-quality fruits. The training will take time (at least a month).

To take a high position in the market, you need to treat the cultivation of carrots with all your heart.

Step by Step Plan to Start a Carrot Growing Business Looking for Employees

Growing vegetables alone will not work because of the large amount of work. For the first time, it is not necessary to hire outside employees. You can ask for help from relatives, acquaintances, of course, for a fee.

Also, in order to save money, you can involve schoolchildren or students who are on vacation during the summer holidays. You have the right to set your own wages. It can be part of the harvest or money. For example, 5 thousand rubles. per employee per month. On average, three people will be enough.

Since you will be engaged only in administrative duties, and the workers will take over all the “dirty” work, then 45 thousand rubles. three summer months will not go in vain. Employees must prepare the soil, sow, water, protect the crop and harvest it.

We select the land

To grow carrots, you do not need a room, but a land plot is required. If you have a dacha, then you have the right to engage in the production of root crops on it, provided that there is enough space for planting a large number of seeds.

A better option is to rent a plot of land. Of course, the price depends on your regional location. In megacities, there is a problem with free land for planting, so the rent will be quite high. In the provinces and former collective farms, things are different. The average cost of land for rent is 5 thousand rubles. per month. for 50 acres.

To take land for temporary use, contact agricultural enterprises or municipal authorities (administration).

It is important to know what was previously grown on this site. Carrots will be born if cereals, potatoes, cabbage, tomatoes, onions grew there. It is even better when nothing has been planted on this site for several years.

Choose a place where the sun's rays fall, as carrots love the light.

What equipment is needed to grow carrots

Most of the money will be spent on buying a car if you do not have one. It must be roomy enough to carry employees to the place of work. For these purposes, a minivan, pickup truck or jeep is suitable. Do not forget that the production will be located in places where there are no paved roads, so the vehicle must overcome impassable places.

Main technological equipment:

  • Motoblock. It is necessary in order to cultivate the soil.
  • Hiller. It is needed for the formation of pits.
  • seeder. With the help of it, seeds are quickly planted in separate pits.
  • Digger. Workers use it when harvesting.

All this equipment will cost about 50 thousand rubles, not counting the vehicle, the price of which is from 100 thousand rubles.

You will need to transport the harvested crop to the vegetable base, to the store, to the buyer, to the basement. From 50 acres, it will be possible to collect about 30 tons of carrots, depending on its varietal affiliation. A truck is suitable for transportation. It is not necessary to buy it. You can rent or order several transportations.

We buy raw materials

Seeds are used as a material for growing carrots. Before planting, they must be processed. To do this, they are disinfected, then soaked and germinated. Seed preparation has great advantages: after it, carrots grow much faster (tops sprout within two weeks instead of a month).

You can do this process yourself or hire a retiree who will gladly take on this job. You can agree on a symbolic payment, expressed in cash or food products.

For 50 acres, approximately 1.5 kg of raw materials will be required. Seeds are sold at different prices, depending on the variety. They vary in the range of 500-2500 thousand rubles. per kg.

Preparation of documents required for the legal cultivation of carrots

The organization of almost any area of ​​agricultural business has its own nuances that greatly distinguish this type of activity from other commercial projects. For example, most of the villagers who know perfectly how to work the land, but are not versed in legal issues, start their business by selling agricultural products, without registration, etc. They sell the surplus of grown products, which is an absolutely legal activity. But when it comes to large volumes, no one will believe that you "accidentally" grew "extra" 10-50 tons of carrots.

To organize and develop your business for growing carrots, in the form of a farm, you need to prepare the following documents:

  • application in the prescribed form;
  • an agreement on the creation of a peasant farm (peasant farm), with copies of the documents of its participants;
  • a copy of the passport of the head of the future farm (it will be checked against the original!);
  • documents confirming the place of registration of all participants in the agricultural project;
  • receipt for payment of state duty.

Within five working days, after the provision of the above papers, you will be issued documents on the registration of the farm, as well as taxpayer certificates and confirmation that you are registered with Rosstat.

In addition to the above documents, you no additional licenses or permits required. But, as a rule, at the initial stage of creating a farm, many issues have to be resolved with representatives of local authorities.

Choice of tax regime

When preparing documents for a future farm, do not forget to choose the right code for your activity and the optimal taxation regime. For a farm that plans to grow carrots, of all the codes of the all-Russian classifier, OKVED 1.13 is best suited, and the optimal taxation system, in this case, is the Unified Agricultural Tax.

This regime allows farmers to pay as little as 6% of their profits twice a year.

Carrot cultivation technology for sale

Stages Process description
Variety selection Before planting, you need to decide on the variety of carrots. To find the best option, plant several varieties.
Land preparation She must be fertilized. Therefore, in the fall, they begin to cultivate the soil. It is dug up, laid on top of the compost. In the spring, the earth is again dug up and fertilized.
Seed preparation First, they are washed in hot water, the temperature of which is 50 degrees. This is necessary in order for the layers of essential oils to come off them. After that, the seeds germinate for three days. Be sure to dry them completely before planting.
Sowing Before planting carrots, beds are made on the site, they are watered with water (preferably warm). After that, the seeds are planted in holes.
Care To reap a good harvest, the beds are weeded, sprayed with chemicals from carrot flies and pests, weeds are destroyed, sprinkled with ash, dust (tobacco), watered with a solution of potassium permanganate, and onions are planted nearby.
Harvesting This stage takes place in late summer - early autumn. This cannot be done alone, so business owners hire additional employees to help collect all the carrots in a small amount of time (within seven days).

How much money do you need to start a business?

You can highlight the main costs associated with the organization and development of the enterprise, which should be included in the business plan for growing carrots.

How much can you earn growing carrots?

To calculate the average level of profit in this industry, we take the average values. For example, you have collected and sold 20 tons of carrots for 20 rubles. per kg. You can help out 400 thousand rubles. If among the root crops there are poor-quality ones, they can be processed and made into Korean carrots or juice. So, you can earn another 100 thousand rubles. But these 500 thousand rubles. you will be able to get only after the hard way of finding customers.

There is an easier option. To do this, you can sell the goods to the retailer. But the price for it will not exceed 12 rubles. per kg. As a result, you will receive about 220 thousand rubles.

Carrots are always in high demand, so you will always find customers. Main distribution channels:

  • wholesale bases;
  • retailers;
  • Groceries;
  • sanatoriums;
  • restaurants;
  • supermarkets.

A more profitable option is to deliver goods abroad. But this is very difficult to implement.

Your revenue directly depends on the number of grown carrots, the price per kilogram and the place of sale. You should not enter this business without analyzing the market and competition in your area. In any case, the sale of carrots is profitable, especially for rural residents.

It will be about how you can earn extra money for the season the amount of about 130 thousand rubles without large capital investments.

So it's about growing all of us famous culture- carrots. As you know, carrots can be grown not only on summer cottages in six acres, where, at best, one or two small beds are allocated to this crop (and why is there more of it and so much grows from this area that it will last the whole family for a year - high yields are the main strong point in growing carrots), you can grow carrots and in the fields, sowing hectares of land with this crop, collecting tens of tons of crops. But this is not suitable for us, because it is a big capital investment! So, the area that can be cultivated by two or three people and from which it is possible to harvest in one season and, most importantly, to sell the crop before the onset of cold weather (we don’t have a vegetable store) is 0.5 hectares or 50 acres of land. From this plot of land, you can collect up to 20 tons of carrots, of which 5 tons will be substandard (curve, broken) and 15 tons of selected vegetables. At a price of 10 rubles per kilogram, we have an income of 15 * 10 \u003d 150 thousand rubles, plus if you sell substandard goods, another 15-20 thousand.

What do we need:

1. A plot of land of 50 acres, if there is good, no, you can rent it outside the city, renting land for agricultural land costs a penny and half a hectare will cost 400 rubles, or even less, as agreed with the chairman of the local agricultural enterprise

2. Working hands (2-3 people - for example, you and your relatives)

3. Motoblock - depending on the degree of development of the land, its lightness, etc., you will need a motoblock costing from 15 to 30 thousand rubles (the lighter the land, the cheaper we choose the tool). We also need nozzles for the walk-behind tractor
- a hiller for making combs into which we will sow seeds costs about 900 rubles
- a digger with which we will dig a crop of 800 rubles

4. manual seeder exact seeding we will sow carrots in combs with it costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles

5. Seeds of carrots about 2 kilograms (preferably in granules, this will create an opportunity to comply with the seeding rate and the distance between the fruits will be sufficient for the growth of fruiting bodies to marketable sizes) it is better to buy seeds in such quantities at wholesale bases - cheaper

6. Fertilizers - optional, if the soil has not been used for a long time and, as they say, rested, then fertilizers can not be applied. In any case, their cost will not exceed 1 thousand rudders for a given area.

7. Plant protection products against weeds and hand sprayer. At the stage of germination and the beginning of growth, weeds pose a serious threat to your crop, weeding such an area with your hands is out of the realm of fantasy, so there is only one way out - the use of herbicides. It will take about 2 kg, which ones will tell you in any gardening store, respectively, you will need a manual sprayer, all together it will come out no more than 1.5 - 2 thousand rubles

8. Polyethylene nets about 500 pieces for packing the harvested crop about 5 rubles per piece, total 5 * 500 = 2500 rubles

9. A car (your own or hire) or another vehicle on which you can bring a walk-behind tractor and other equipment and transport carrots to a vegetable base (sales must be agreed in advance)

Now the technology itself: We plow the ground with a motor cultivator to a depth of about 20 cm so that there are no large lumps, attach a hiller to the walk-behind tractor and cut the ridges, the distance between the ridges is 30-50 cm. and we make sowing in the ridges. We are waiting for shoots and spraying from weeds. After 80-100 days, you can harvest, we hook a digger on a walk-behind tractor and dig up the crop, then we collect the fruits while sorting marketable carrots and substandard ones. We pack the crop into nets and take it for sale.

That's all. The costs will not exceed 40 thousand rubles, and if you buy a walk-behind tractor (next year the equipment will remain and the costs will be much less), the proceeds from the sale of the entire crop will be 150 - 170 thousand rubles, our net profit is 110 - 130 thousand. If you make it all personal subsidiary farm then you don't have to pay taxes. But in agriculture as in any other business, there are risks, for example, a drought or, on the contrary, a very rainy summer will greatly affect the harvest and can upset your plans.

But in any activity, who does not risk, you know what, so go for it, the choice is yours ... By the way, more interesting business ideas that can be implemented at home can be found in this article -