Repairs Design Furniture

Is it possible to take ventilation to a cold attic. Effective ways to organize ventilation attic in a private house and typical errors. Ventilation of a cold attic of a rapid roof from a professional flooring

Balanced microclimate under the roof is a prerequisite for long-term operation of the construction. Roofing pie abounds with wooden parts for which residual humidity is especially destructive. Increased humidity, if it does not fight with it, can cause the appearance of fungal infections on the roof crate, rotting and collapse of the rafter design.

Competently equipped ventilation attic in a private house will help to get rid of water accumulation in the cercerspace. To solve the problem, the construction market offers aerial devices for attic rooms that contribute to effective air exchange.

During the construction of roofers, as a rule, laid during installation of the roof of 50-60 mm of free clearance under the flooring. The optimal distance is equal to the width of the cutting of the crate. If the roofing materials are solid, such as professional flooring or metal tile, air can be easily accessible inside the building and under the roof. Air flows cooled roof, which is important for bitumen compositions.

For a soft roof, an efficient way is another way - there are small gaps in the crate. Piercing the whole roof, they serve air passage channels. In the complex parts of the roof make point ventilation or install an additional turbine for aeration.

For a cold attic compartment

For the equipment of the attic requires considerable investments of funds and labor costs, so most roofs with skates have a cold type of attic. The air temperature in it is significantly lower than in the residential parts of the construction. Therefore, the spacious intermediate zone makes it easy to solve the ventilation issue.

the roof in this case consists of such elements:

  • Coating layer;
  • External walls (in the case of pitched roofs with frontions);
  • Insulation in the form of overlapping between the walls and space of the attic.

The ventilation of the cold attic is provided with holes on the cornices and the ridge of the roof. Through the cornice there is a flow of air, through the horse - extract. Hearing ventilation windows can be located on opposite rods or stone roofs. Thus, all areas are essential. Regulate the ventilation force with the built-in blinds.

The windows are angry are in the form of quadrangles, triangular and in the form of a semicircle. The bottom of the window is located at an altitude of no more than a meter from overlap on the floor of the compartment, and the top is not exceeding the mark of 1.9 m.

The ventilation window in the attic does not give to accumulate condensate on the roofing cake. It can also be used as an access to the roof for inspecting the elements of the system and chimney. A popular solution is to install soffits with perforations on the cornice part of the roof. Sofita perform two functions - they allow air to be easily flowing under the roof, while they do not give insect to fly into the building.

For warm attic

Traditionally, the attic make it cold, warmly mounted, if they plan to use it in the future, as the residential attic. The main task is to remove vapors and excessive humidity leading to the loss of the properties of the internal insulation. Its solution lies in the arrangement of the roof ventilated.

For solid roofs of sheet metal, roof tiles and slate, the ventilated space is mandatory.

The warm attic in the construction of the building is usually designed for the entire upper floor, which is over residential space. Unlike a cold analogue, the room is sealed, has fencing outside. Stagnating air from the construction stretches outside through the channels on the ridge of the roof. Fresh air purging is through the windows. For the winter they are inspired, protecting from the nondes and icicles.

As an element of the ventilation system, a warm attic appeared in the late 70s. The use of the attic has become relevant, mainly for multi-storey buildings. Warm attic has such advantages compared to cold:

  • Provides the proper temperature level on the ceiling part of the upper residential floor of the building. It is insulated with a rapid roof space;
  • Reduces aerodynamic resistance when air emissions from the ventilation system naturally;
  • Reduces heat loss and risk of water flow.

How to prevent errors when creating ventilation?

There are a number of misconceptions regarding the ventilation of the attic space. It is usually believed that:

  1. It is necessary to ventilate the attic in the summer, in the heat to avoid the roof overheating. In fact, in the winter the ventilation system is not less needed, as water and snow are the cause of fungus and mold, the altitude of ice.
  2. Fucked by air the attic prevents the maintenance of heat in the house. In fact, it does not interfere, it all depends on thermal insulation. At the same time, the high-quality ventilation system does not give cold and wet air to linger in the attic.
  3. The sizes of holes in the attic can be chosen arbitrarily. On the contrary, dimensions are important, since the efficiency of the process is entirely dependent on compliance with the correct proportion. On 500 square meters of the roof, one meter of ventilation holes should have.

According to the recommendations of experts, the owner of the house chooses in advance which type of attic room will be in the construction - warm or cold. For construction, it is important to properly design the ventilation system to achieve efficient air ventilation.

From the author: Hello, dear readers! Having lived a couple of years in a private house, many owners decide to establish ventilation in the attic, first of all, due to the appearance of unpleasant odor and dampness. In the article, we will tell you how to make your own ventilation for a cold attic in a private house.

Reasons for installation

The attic in a private house should be equipped with a ventilation system. This fact is important for the premises at any time of the year.

In the summer, the heat from the hot roof turns into the room and heats it sometimes up to 150 degrees. The main share of heat is distributed at the top, and air conditioning works in reinforced mode. And with his absence, the owners of the house are forced to suffer from stuffiness and heat.

In winter, ventilation helps to remove the accumulable moisture. According to the requirements of technical safety, the temperature in the attic and the street should differ no more than 4 degrees, since sharp temperature differences create favorable conditions for the accumulation of condensate, which subsequently forms icicles. With the onset of thaws, they are melting, and the moisture falls on the floor, which leads to the deformation and destruction of the ceiling construction and the roof, appears on the rafters.

Despite the importance of ventilation, many owners fear it to establish, as they think that the warm air goes through the grilles in the attic, and the room is cooled faster. In fact, the reason lies in poor-quality thermal insulation of the ceiling and walls, besides, through poorly insulated ceiling overlaps in the attic penetrates moisture.

Important: The ventilation of the cold attic of the tent or holm roof is needed, most often, only in the summer.

Ventilation grilles The attic of a private house play an important role for thermoregulation. With a competent installation, they will save on heating, ensure the desired degree of cooling and protect the room from negative external influence. In addition to all the above pluses, the attic ventilation does not allow winter precipitation to accumulate on the roof of the building.

Principle of operation of the ventilation system

The unobstructed circulation of air from the street under roofing space is possible due to the holes, the most effective of which are under the sink and skate. This location allows the use of air-thermal pressure emanating from the ceiling zone.

If the attic ventilation is installed according to all the rules, in the hourly lapse of the time the air flow passes twice under the roof of the room - the movement is sent upward up to the skates with holes from blood.

Tip: In the presence of a warmed roof between the roof and the insulating layer, they leave the gap about 5 cm wide for the free air exchange.

To ensure high-quality exhaust, a combination of installed starting elements and is thinking in the skate. For roofs of tiles, special tiles with air exchange products are used.

There is another way of ventilation attic - installation of ventilation turbines (deflectors) for mechanical traction. This type of installation is recommended for ventilation of a warmed attic room above the attic.

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Important: When installing ventilation, you need to pay attention to the bias of the roof. Skate outstands, falling asleep, can be replaced with pipes exceeding in height of snow cover.

Ventilation window

The most ancient from the famous in the attic - ventilation window. For a good air, sufficiently crimped and skate thinking, as well as auditory windows. The hip roof is assumed in the absence of frontones. In this case, there is no place for ventilation windows, and such attics are ventilated with cornisic and skate products.

It is more difficult to deal with attic ventilation under the attic. In this case, the role of the product is performed in the inter-level space. The mandatory element of such a roof is mechanical instruments of traction. Ventilation output is located in columns.

Hearing windows

Without installation of the system of trunks and purges for air exchange, hearing windows can be equipped in the attic. However, this method is not effective enough, since the air can be stamped in the subcast and superframe.

To improve ventilation and reduce the level of stagnant air, it is recommended to make hearing windows with a size of 60 × 80 cm, placing them in opposite frontones. How to make installation with your own hands, you can find out, watching video .

In theory, it looks like this: on pre-manufactured wooden frames, which are attached to the rafters with special racks, the roofing material is stacked. An ordinary lining will suit the opening of the openings. Then the window box is mounted in the opening. At the same time, the slots between the roof and the frame itself are tightly closed.

Rules for installing ventilation windows:

  • releases are necessary for ventilation, roofs and roofing products;
  • the interconnect distance is not more than 1 m;
  • equal distance of windows from cornice, sides and skate;
  • the window design should not violate the overall concept of the appearance of the structure.

Ventilation products

Production is the holes to ensure the air exchange of a cold or warm attic. They are in the roof and are the only possible way to ventilate the attic room without auditory windows.

Through two types are: cornice or skate. Eaves are located on both sides of the eaves and, in fact, are the slit between the wall and the roof, the width of which is about 2 cm. They are called slotted. Production made in the form of holes are called point. The width and diameter of the thinking should be no more than 2.5 cm, depending on the slope of the skates.

Sking products have a slit form with a width of up to 5 cm or the shape of flugars with intervals not exceeding 8 meters. This type of product is used in tiled coatings, with holes through one row from the skate.

Extensions for the top layer of the roof are made in the form of a roof retractable exit, aerators or a forcep grille. All these elements can be purchased with the rest of the building material.


The roofing aerator today is the most convenient and modern view of the ventilation blood. Aerators provide good air exchange due to removal of excess moisture, steam and stagnant air on a cold attic of a private house, they are installed on the roof rods, replacing the skate analogs.

Aerators are pointing, with mounted fans to provide proper circulation of air, and continuous (skate), representing a plate with holes located along the skate. The latter are covered with roofs. They provide permanent air exchange and are unlikely.

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All types of aerials for the roof are made of:

  • ceramics;
  • metal ceramics;
  • bitumen tiles;
  • flat roof.

Aerators are usually mounted in places with cornisic products. But there are other options for their placement:

  • spot models are installed at a distance not further than 50 cm from the skate;
  • aerators come for a slot to 25 cm on both ends of the skate;
  • aerators are suitable exclusively for a roof with a bias from 15 to 45 degrees;
  • the distance from the wall or chimney is not less than 30cm.

Calculation of ventilation

Before starting the installation of attic ventilation, it is recommended to produce accurate calculations. The warranty of the result can only be given a specialist. But if you still decided to calculate yourself and install, you will undoubtedly help our recommendations and advice.

Owners are often afraid to equip the ventilation of a cold attic in their private homes, guided by the following assumptions.

  • Through the ventilation grids, the attic from the house is warm. There is an opinion that the building will cool faster. But most often the problem lies in poor thermal insulation of walls or ceiling floors. By the way, through poorly insulated ceiling in the attic penetrates wet warm air. What is his danger we will tell in the next chapter;
  • Ventilation of a cold attic of a hip roof or tent is necessary only in the summer. According to many, ventilation grilles and windows in the attic are needed only for ventilating in a slot. In fact, in winter the ceiling of the unheated and uninterrupted attic will turn into a cave, overgrown with ice stalactites;
  • No matter what size ventilation products. The area of \u200b\u200bventilation windows and purges in the attic must be carefully calculated. How to do it right - read on.

Ventilation The attic in a private house is an essential element of thermoregulation. Properly organized, it allows you to save money for heating or cooling of residential space and save safely and preservation of the structure itself. Especially important is the valuation of the attic over the attic.

The attic in a private house needs ventilation both in winter and summer.

So, in the hot season of the year, the hot roof heats the air in the attic to 150 degrees. Most of this warmth is given to the top floor ceiling, air conditioning has to work with an increased load to eliminate excess heat. If there is no air conditioner, the owners are lettered from the bake and stuffiness.

In winter, the air is necessary to remove excess moisture. According to the technical requirements, the difference in temperatures between the street and the attic should be 4 degrees or less. The temperature differences between the residential floor and the street contributes to the accumulation of condensate on the roof rafters. Moisture gradually freezes, creating entire cascades of icicles. In the thaw, they are taped and moisture dripping into the sex of the attic. The supporting structures of the roof and the ceiling are destroyed. Mold develops on wooden rafters.

By the way, the high-quality ventilation of the Cold attic warns the snow and ice clusters on the roof of the house.

What is the valley of the attic

The free air exchange between the underpants space and the street is carried out by gaps and holes. The openings are more efficiently operating and under the sink roof. Located in this way, they use winds and heat outgoing from the ceiling at home.

If the ventilation of a cold attic in a private house is equipped correctly, in one hour the air jesters all the roof from the inside. The movement of the flows is directed from the bottom from the production under the eaves up to the restriction plates with special holes. If the roof is insulated for free air between roofing material and insulation, a gap is left to 5 cm wide.

The best hood is ensured by a combination of produced in a skate and scant elements mounted near the skate. For tiled roofs, tiles are manufactured with products for air exchange.

And another way of ventilation of the attic in private houses is the installation of deflectors (turbines for ventilation) providing mechanical traction. The method is good for ventilation of a warmed attic over the attic.

The small bias of the roof also need to consider when planning a cold attic ventilation. Studders in the skate can be covered with snow, so they are replaced with pipes, the height of which should be above the snow cover.

The most ancient way of ventilation is the ventilation window in the attic. To ensure excellent air exchange in a cold attic, quite quite combinations of blood intake, in a skate and auditory windows.

Ventilation of a cold attic houses with a holm roof is distinguished by the fact that the house has no frontal. Therefore, the ventilation windows in the attic to establish nowhere. Thus, the cold attics under the hollow roofs are ventilated using skate and cornice.

It is more complicated by ventilation attic over the attic. Here, the produced is provided by slits in roofing pie and mechanical means of traction. The withdrawal of ventilation on the attic is hidden in columns.

Ventilation attic through auditory windows

Only auditory windows can be used as ventilation, not equipping the system of blood and trunks. This option is not too effective, as the air can be stated under the windows and above them.

To improve air exchange and reduce the volume of stagnant places, the size of the auditory winds make 60 cm x 80 cm. Mount them in opposite frontones. First, wooden frames attached to racks are made. The roof material is attached to the frame. Better windows, decorated with the same materials as the roof. As a finish of openings around the windows, the lining is well suited. The window box in the opening is installed last. All the gaps between the window frame and the roof should be carefully close.

Rules for placement of ventilation windows:

  • the windows are placed at equal distances from the skate, eaves and sides;
  • there should be a distance of more than one meter between the windows;
  • the window design should harmoniously fit into the general type of structure;
  • in the window you can mount the ventilation grid for the attic, painting it into the tone of the roof.

Roof and roof

Production is the roof holes for ventilation of a cold or warm attic. Throughouts are skate or cornese depending on their location. Eaves are placed on both sides of the eaves and are gaps between the roof and a width of about 2 cm wide. They are called slotted. If produced in the form of holes are made, called point. The smaller the slope slope, the greater the diameter or the width of the production, but not more than 2.5 centimeters.

Sking products are performed in the form of slots up to 5 cm wide or in the form of flugars with gaps up to 8 meters. The skate products are equipped and in roofs with a piece coating, for example, tiled. Special tiles with holes are located through one row from the skate.

Extensions for the top of the roof are manufactured in the form of aerators, a nipce lattice or a retractable roofing exit. Skate aerators and scope outputs can be bought with the roof material.

Production - This is the only way to ventilate the attic without auditory windows.

Ventilation aerators

The roofing aerator is a modern and convenient view of the bloodstream. It is a pipe top covered with a hat. Aerators remove steam, moisture and stagnant air, providing ventilation of a cold attic in a private house. Aerators are installed on the roofs, where the air movement is provided by the temperature difference and pressure, replacing the skate produces. Aerators are continuous and point. Point aerators are equipped with fans and guarantee a good air movement. Externally, they resemble fungi.

Continuous aerators are a plate along the skate with holes. Being covered on top of the roof, they are practically imperceptible and provide intensive air movement due to the large opening area.

Different types of aerators are created specifically for the roof from:

  • bitumen tiles;
  • flat roof;
  • metal ceramics;
  • ceramics.

Aerators are installed only where cornisic products are provided. There are other conditions for their installation:

  • only the roofs are suitable with a slope of 15 - 45 degrees;
  • from chimney or walls withstands the distance of at least 30 cm;
  • aerators look over a slot for 25 cm on both ends of the skate;
  • spot models are not further than 50 cm from the skate.

Calculation of Chertak ventilation

Those who decided to equip ventilation of the attic with their own hands before starting work it is necessary to carry out calculations. To guarantee the best result can only specialist. And for the most brave, we prepared a hint:

The ratio of the area of \u200b\u200bblood pressure to the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic 1: 500.

For 500 square meters. Meters of Square The attic must accounted for 1 square meters. Meter of the ventilation holes. As a last resort, one can be guided by the proportion of 1: 300, for 200 square meters. Meters The attic should have at least 0.4 square meters. meter produced. At the calculations, the area of \u200b\u200btrue ventilation is taken into account, that is, even the width of the lattices is eliminated, the ribs of which violate the movement of air flows.

Exceeding area is also undesirable, as well as disadvantage. Snow and rain can fall into too large holes, because these are the most vulnerable places of the roof that you need to remember.

The exhaust area (skate and scanty lattices) should be 12 to 15% to exceed the area of \u200b\u200bthe tributary (cornice produced).

Cold Creek Ventilation with your own hands

Many owners think about how to make the cheek ventilation, after a few years of life in the house. The shaft smell and dampness in the winter are forced to take up the tools. We will tell about the construction of ventilation of any attic with their own hands.

With a duplex roof, it is easiest to equip the cheek's ventilation with their own hands, doing the outstands in the frontons. FRONTONS, as a rule, are made wooden and it greatly facilitates work. Closed with wood and wind skes on the sides of the roof. All the slots need to be done evenly, providing blowing the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe attic.

There are no cracks in the stone frontones, so you will have to arm a tool and drill two auditory windows. They are closed with lattices and mosquito nets.

When ventilation equipment, the attic do it yourself, the placement of blood products largely depends on the shape of the roof. Various options are offered in the scheme above.

No need to worry about how you can make the attic ventilation, if slate, tile or ondulin is used as roofing material. The waveform shape provides enough emptiness for air passage. And the sheets are laid on the crates with gaps through which the air flows pass. Metal tile, although it has a wave-like form, the condensate collects when the temperature drops, so it is covered with a vapor barrier film.

Competent supply of ventilation in the attic is no less important than its installation. And special attention should be paid to the insulation of pipes.

Insulation of ventilation pipes

Ventilation pipes must be insulated in the attic and above the roof level. This procedure is produced in order to avoid condensate accumulation, which will accumulate on the inner walls and drain down. Since the joints of the ventilation pipes are not made hermetic, moisture will penetrate the supporting structures, will spoil the finish and lead to the gradual destruction of the building. Yes, and the ventilation channels themselves suffer from contact with moisture, if they are made of galvanized pipe.

In winter, Ventcanal's lumen will overweight and literally a standard pipe of 15 cm with a diameter will be completely closed.

The appearance of condensate in Ventkanals is inevitable: people exhale water vapors, wash the dishes, bathe and erase. In this case, moisture is released into the air. The humidity of the warm air of a residential building can reach 100%. Contact with the cool surface of the ventilation mines, water is settled on it.

To prevent this process and conduct insulation of ventilation pipes in the attic. There is a border between the warm air at home and a cold not heated attic.

The cheapest version of the insulation: mineral wool. It does not burn, but when wetting completely loses its qualities. It is easier to mounted corrugation with insulation of minvata.

The foam in the form of special removable "shells" is very easy to install inexpensive. But perfectly burns, highlighting a poisonous smoke, so it is not recommended for residential buildings.

The best materials for insulation of Ventkanalov: Polyurethane foam, foamed polyethylene, polypropylene.

And, under the curtain, several important advice to those who are interested in how to make ventilation attic:

  • All elements of ventilation should be resistant to any weather conditions;
  • We take very carefully to the location of the skate products. They are installed possible closer to the skate;
  • Continuous sophytes are effectively working as cornice. The best materials for them are non-rust aluminum or plastic. The surface of the sofites is covered with a fine grid;
  • When ventilation equipment, a attic without auditory windows, special attention should be paid to the production between rafters. It is important that during the operation they are not clogged with garbage and dust;
  • To calculate the fenation of the attic on the attic attract professional;
  • Install on the attic decorative ventilation windows, giving charm and a special style to your home;
  • Withdrawal ventilation in the attic to equip in all the rules. Mount the supply installation should be in a clean place, not closer than 8 meters from the exhaust pipe.


Of course, the insulation of the attic room is simply necessary so that in winter in the building is cozy and comfortable (more detailed: "). No less important and ventilation attic in a private house, as in the photo. Good ventilation prevents the formation of mold and fungus, increases the service life of the roof.

Ventilation allows you to adjust the heat exchange. In the summer, the roof is heated to a temperature of more than 100 degrees, because of this, it becomes very hot in the house. And in cool weather, condensate is formed in the attic - what to do, they do not know many owners of private houses. Due to the accumulation of condensate on insulated floors, the tree begins to collapse. But in order to not formed, you just need to make good ventilation at.

The ventilation system mixes the temperature of the roof and the external environment, thanks to which it is not formed, huge icicles. This not only contributes to the creation of a comfortable microclimate in the house, but also extends the life of the rafter system.

Myths about ventilation attic

There are widespread myths about ventilation in the attic. You need to know about them not to make mistakes when creating ventilation.

  1. In winter, warm air comes through ventilation. Many believe that the output of ventilation in the attic prevents normal heating. In fact, keep warm in the house prevents not ventilation, but bad thermal insulation. If it was made poorly, the attic and wet air enters the attic room, thereby creating suitable conditions for the formation of condensate and rotting overlaps.
  2. Ventilation is needed only in summer. It is believed that the ventilation system is intended only for venting into the heat. But if in the winter the attic is not to air, the formation of icicles, the appearance of fungus and mold is not avoided.
  3. It does not matter what size the ventilation holes in the attic will be. If the ventilation area is too small, its effectiveness will strive for zero. For every 500 square meters of the area there must be 1 square meter of ventilation holes. With this ratio, the room will be ventilated, but heat leaks will not be in winter.

On a two-tie roof, the ventilation channels are placed in the front. A good solution is a loose fit of the firmware of wooden soles. If you distribute the narrow slits evenly, the attic will be ventilated more efficiently. But if the frontones are made of stone or sewing and fit tightly adjacent, you need to do in the walls of the hole (read also: ""). They must be located on opposite walls. The total area of \u200b\u200bventilation channels is calculated based on the fact that they must occupy 0.2% of the floor area.

You can make products in the attic and more economical way - to install typical ventilation grids. One lattice must be rotated the holes down, and the other is made adjustable. So that insects do not penetrate the attic, install a mosquito net.

For a holm roof, ventilation is created by another technology. The inlet is made in the binder, bottom, and the yield of the skate, from above. If the swing of the soles is made of wood, the bars can be placed loosely, while maintaining the interval between them in several millimeters. If the plastic sewing must be present holes - these panels are called sofits.

Many are interested in how to make ventilation in the attic, if tightly assembled. For such situations, lattices with a grid with a diameter of 5 centimeters are produced. They are usually placed at a distance of 80 centimeters from each other along the length of the wind sink. In order to make holes, you need a drill with a round drill. The top of the top conclusion is made out.

A lot depends on the type of roof. For slate and eurosher, a classic horse is installed, for a flexible roof - a turtle (valve). For ceramic roof, a special valve is needed. A cold attic device under the roof of the metal tile makes it possible to carry out using an ordinary skate. It is not only a profitable replacement valve financially. The horse also allows you to create a ventilation system in a short time.

Sometimes they make an auditory ventilation window in the attic (it can be glazed or put the lattice), but this method of creating ventilation is more complex, and good practical and theoretical preparation is required for the implementation of the intended ventilation.

Ventilation of warm attic

In modern heating systems, natural circulation is practically not used. Ventilation The attic above the attic is simply necessary for a comfortable stay indoors. Thus, rebuilding the attic into the attic, you need to make the roof of the ventilated. For flexible tile and sheet metal create a ventilated area - they are closed on rafters. For metal roofs, it is better to use windproof films. Coupling for a slate roof is not mandatory, since the air should freely circulate to the bottom.

As for the time why condensate accumulates in the attic, then this is due to poor ventilation. This affects the microclimate at home, and also causes the appearance of mold and premature roof destruction.

  • pay attention to holes on the roof range - they must be at the most closely to the ridge;
  • ventilation must be durable and able to withstand any climatic changes;
  • can be installed under cornices Continuous Sofites - they must have a thin shielding grid, while the holes must be plastic or aluminum so that corrosion does not occur;
  • in order to create effective ventilation at which they will not be formed in the attic, it is necessary to install the room inside the room, between the rafters, and the holes must be equipped so that the air should not be clogged or blocked;
  • from the outside of the roof, it is desirable to put the roof for exhausting, it is desirable that the distance between it and the supply system is more than 8 meters;

    Creating effective ventilation in the attic - a difficult matter, but without this comfort in the house should not be expected. Good air ventilation will save on the appearance of mold and extends the roof life.

Modeling the attic in a private house, you need to create good ventilation. Competently installed ventilation of the Cold attic is important to ensure a healthy microclimate under the roof of the dwelling. With insufficient aeration, the construction of the structure is significantly reduced.

Do I need ventilation of a cold attic

No sealing of the house can completely isolate the admission of steam from the dwelling on the attic. By the law of thermodynamics, warm air rises upstairs, and the steam finds an output anyway. Overlapping mainly consist of wood. On wooden surfaces, the natural medium for the development of various destructive microorganisms, mold is formed during the accumulation of moisture. There are unpleasant shaft smells, a feeling of dampness. An unhealthy microclimate of the room as a whole is created.

The temperature differences contribute to the constant condensate and, if there is no ventilation of a cold attic, rapid wear of the structure occurs.

Causes of condensate:

  • lack of good ventilation;
  • impairment of the thermal insulation of the roof;
  • insufficient waterproofing;
  • lack of ventilation channels;
  • marriage in building materials.

Ventilation made according to the technical rules, protects the structure from damage.

Cold attic is a non-residential room under the roof of the structure without decorative decoration. The ventilation issue is important to decide during the period of creating a project of the house, when planning the features of the roof configuration.

Functioning of ventilation - dependence on the selected materials

The main task of venting the cold attic is a permanent air exchange. In order for the setting goal to be implemented optimally, it is necessary to estimate the quality and type of roofing used. Each of them has features.

If slate or ondulin is chosen to lay the roof, the air is easily moved between the wavy bends into the attic territory and also freely comes out.

When creating ventilation of a cold attic of metal tile, it is important to select a vapor barrier film, as condensate is formed. Metal tile is ventured through the skate seal. For a bartal roof, ventilation channels are placed on the front. High-quality ventilation is carried out with a uniform distribution of gaps.

There are nuances and when installing a holm roof. In this case, the inlet should be placed in the submissive, and the output is near the skate. Such a kind of roofing four-page and no frontoths.

When working with flexible tile, you need to install a ventilated horse, for classical "ceramics" - roofing valve.

Using in the hem of the skes of the timber bars, the interval of several millimeters should be observed. When firing, plastic makes holes in the elements. Stitching called Sofit.

Can I remove the ventilation - a cold attic

The right air exchange is necessary to:

  • avoid clusters of vapors that come from home;
  • protect wooden frame attic from moisture effects;
  • counteract the formation of fungus;
  • support the constancy of temperature.

Provided that the attic ventilation is created - a cold attic
From the house, the accumulation of moisture is not to power. A thick layer of condensate is quickly formed on the lavety roofs. Even if the roof was insulated, the condensate cannot be avoided, but in this case the wet would become the walls of the house.

Often the question is: can the ventilation be laundered to a cold attic?

It is possible to derive, but this type of ventilation is an incorrect solution and leads to a violation of the microclimate of the attic space, damage to the wooden structure, gradually rotting, inevitable wear.

  1. Install the necessary ventilation elements to protect products from trash, leaves of branches and insects - ice skating, cornices, ridges, endowes.
  2. Protect ventilation gaps from dust.
  3. Regardless of the features of the roof area of \u200b\u200bventilation channels make 400-500 cm2 / m.
  4. Check did not be narrowed by ventilated channels to avoid condensate due to insufficient air circulation.
  5. Enter auxiliary ventilation structures if the length of the roofing coating is more than 10 meters.
  6. Avoid significant expansion of the gap, since the air exchange under the roof is reduced due to the emerging turbulence.
  7. Ensure the insulation of ventilation in the attic so that the pipelines of the ventilation system are not subjected to temperature differences and could continue to function.