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Low onions. Onions: What is the vegetable? Calorie, Vitamins and Minerals

It is difficult to present the preparation of most dishes, both hot and snacks, without a king of vegetables - onions. This root plant not only gives food more rich aroma and spicy taste, but also brings invaluable benefit for the human body, saturating it with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and protecting it from all kinds of viruses and bacteria. The beneficial properties of Luke are known from the long time, at one time the healers of ancient Greece successfully used this vegetable in the treatment of many ailments.

Substances contained in bows

The onion contains a complex of vitamins (groups B, C, E, RR) and mineral components (fluorine, iron, potassium, iodine, zinc, phosphorus, calcium, sodium), quercetin, sulfur, phytoncides, sugar (inulin, glucose, fructose) , pectic compounds, flavanoids, dietary fiber, saponins, essential oils, tanning substances, antioxidants, organic acids. Thanks to this impressive list of phytonutrients, the onions should be attributed to biologically active products used for healing from many breakdowns in the body.

A sharp taste and a sufficiently sharp smell (up to tears when cutting roofing) is determined by the presence of allicin - essential oils with large sulfurration. Fitoncides (flying essential oils) exhibit powerful antiseptic, antiviral and antimicrobial properties. There is enough single sliced \u200b\u200bbulb on the whole room so that the air indoors can be cleared of most simple, infections, viruses and bacteria, as well as microscopic fungi.

The beneficial properties of the onion onion

The phytoncides of the root kill tuberculosis and diphtheria sticks are killed, detrimental effect on the pathogen of dysentery, streptococci, trichomonas and some other pathogenic microorganisms.

Onions are characterized by the following properties:

  • anti-shine;
  • antihistamine;
  • antiviral;
  • hematopoietic;
  • diuretic;
  • anti-cutting;
  • expectorant
  • tonic;
  • secrets;
  • wound-healing (anti-shoggling);
  • antiseptic.

The inclusion of the onion onions in the daily menu is suitable for:

  1. normalization of digestive processes and increased tone muscles of the gastrointestinal bodies;
  2. strengthening immunity, which is especially relevant during the cold period of the year;
  3. effective protection against colds, the prevention of ARVI (and influenza including);
  4. soft reduction of blood pressure;
  5. reducing the level of dangerous cholesterol in the blood;
  6. prevention of heart diseases, including infarction, atherosclerosis, arrhythmias, heart attacks;
  7. excitation of appetite;
  8. normalization of libido and sexual functions;
  9. lowering blood sugar levels;
  10. blood purification and improvement of its composition;
  11. load removal from the central nervous system;
  12. activation of metabolism;
  13. protection of organism cells from the harmful effects of different radiation, including radioactive;
  14. cleansing the body from carcinogens, slags and toxic compounds;
  15. prevention of cancer (especially prostate cancer, chest);
  16. normalization of sleep;
  17. the prevention of hypovitaminosis, especially in the winter-spring period (onions one of the few roots, retaining their beneficial properties yearly).

Application of Luke in Folk Medicine

Green bow prevents the formation of stones (gallbladder and kidneys) and especially useful for blood formation organs. High zinc content in bow feathers improves the state of the nail plate, hair and skin. Green onions is prevention of prostatitis and is necessary in the diet of men older than 40 years.

Onions contribute to strengthening and expanding vessels, reduces blood coagulation, strengthens the heart muscle. Its regular use normalizes the intestinal microflora, and also suppresses the processes of fermentation and rotting in the gastrointestinal tract.

It is proved that the use of Luke is the prevention of cancer, in particular breast cancer. The plant activates the production of tripeptide and glutathione by the body that performs the functions of antioxidants that excrete carcinogenic compounds from cells that slow down the development of metastasis.


The plant helps to increase the acidity of the gastric juice and acts annoyingly on the digestive organs. In this regard, it is recommended to use onions with patients suffering from ulcerative disease, kidney and liver diseases, gastritis with increased acidity with extreme caution.

A large amount of onions leads to the activation of the nervous system, which can negatively affect the health of the heart or cause the leap of blood pressure. Therefore, the use of Luke-based folk medicine with hypertension and chronic heart diseases is recommended only under the supervision of a doctor, and it is advisable for patients with these diseases to eat onions in small doses and caution.

Luke Folk Recipes

Influenza, cold and runny nose

Inhalation of evaporation of grated or finely chopped onions. Hazardous viruses and bacteria are usually concentrated in the respiratory tract, so this procedure is extremely effective. Deeply inhaling the caustic aroma of the bow should be immediately after cutting, alternately with mouth and nose (at least 10-15 minutes). The procedure should be made from 3 to 7 times per day. This technique is particularly effective at the very beginning of the disease.

Furuncula or Carbunkula

Treat, applying a baked onion with a baked area to the patient. You can prepare a mixture for pulling in pus: baked onions and a shedding soap (2: 1). The bandage should be changed several times a day.

Diseases Gorla

Fresh onion juice in combination with honey, especially lime, forest or crimson, in equal proportions - a proven cure for colds and inflammation of the throat. Take 1 teaspoon (5 ml) 4 times a day. This means helps with atherosclerosis and problems with brain vessels (sclerosis), dosage on the tablespoon three times a day after receiving food.


Put the sick-sliced \u200b\u200brow with a sliced \u200b\u200bonion near the beds. The patient will be able to breathe evaporation, and the room is cleaned of pathogenic viruses.

Baked onion from cough

This agent can be used even to patients with chronic gastritis. Take a bottle from under wine, fill it with a sliced \u200b\u200bonion, close the cork cover, dear the dough and bake in the oven before the formation of a ruddy crust. Then turn off the fire, and leave the bottle to cool in the oven. Remove the dough and use the cooked medicine when the bronchitis in the dosage 2 Article. Spoons after receiving food 4 times a day. Children's dose - teaspoon.


Lukoy husk has useful properties. Infusion from her helps with cramps in the legs. Grooved boiling water to take a teaspoon of crushed raw materials, insist 10 minutes, strain and drink overnight.

First of all, it is important to remember about cheese on Luke that only fresh-purified vegetable can be eaten. The longer the cleaned and cut onion is standing outdoors, the more bacteria it absorbs. After 2-3 days, such a vegetable turns into a real infectious bomb and nothing but harm can no longer bring. So you can only store onion in the husk.

But in the event that it was kept correctly, you should not eat this vegetable kilograms. Especially if there are problems with digestion. The onions (and its green feathers, including) heavily increases the acidity of the stomach and irritates the digestive mucosa. When abuse, it is easy to earn gastritis, and in the future and an ulcer. If these problems are already relevant, then it is necessary to forget about Luke at all and go to more sparing products for the body.

From other negative effects of onions on the digestive system, we can also mention the meteorism and aggravation of chronic liver diseases. It is also not recommended to eat onions with a tendency to form renal stones. Onion juice enhances and significantly speeds up this process.

In addition to the digestive system, the onions very badly affects the work of the heart and respiratory organs. Due to the irritating and exciting impact on the nervous system, it can easily provoke an asthma attack and other allergic reactions.

In this question it is very important to listen to yourself. If for any reason the smell of the bulb causes rejection, disgust, it is not worth raping the body and there is it through force. The sense of disgust is the natural signal of our body that any product is for him alien and unpleasant.

The last harmful quality of raw onions is the ability to increase blood pressure and influence heart rhythms. People with congenital heart disease, vegetative-vascular dystonia, who suffered a heart attack or having problems with arterial pressure at all should reduce the use of onions to a minimum. This will significantly improve the quality of life and help you feel much better.

The onions appeared more than four centuries ago. He came to us from Egypt. Onion is an indispensable vegetable in cooking, as well as a drug in folk medicine. The bow has a peculiar smell, and thanks to the phytoncides, which are contained in it, effective against pathogenic microorganisms. Do not just say "onions - from seven ailment." The onion will improve the taste of dishes and contributes to the absorption of food.

The onion is raised to grow simple, but sometimes, getting a harvest from commercial bulbs takes several years. Grow onions not only for personal consumption, but for sale. The occupation is a profitable, because with the right agrotechnical conditions, collecting and storage, the bow may not lose its freight look until the next harvest is harvested.

Best Luke Sorts for Personal Growing

When choosing a landing grade for landing, its features should be taken into account. It should be a hydraulic grade with high-grade.

Best grade onions

Aleco . The average ripening time, the bulb has a pronounced purple color. Covenancy occurs three months from the moment of landing. Characteristic features of this grade of Luke is a lot of greens and high-yielding. Pros: rich harvest, long-term storage, acuteness of taste.

Golden . The grade of the middle time of the middle time of ripening with rounded golden placled lucavitsa, so and got its name. The bulbs of this variety of different diameters, weighing 50-130 grams.

Timiryazevsky . This variety can be grown in northern latitudes. The bulbs are dense with a flat or rounded shape and a snow-white flesh, weighing 50-70 gr. The husk is yellow-golden.

Best Storage Low

Sturon . It has high quality heads round correct shape. Gives a rich harvest.

Stuttgarter Rizen . Early variety. Ripens 70 days after planting Sevka. The head is round - flap, weighing about 150 grams, sharp sharp pulp.

Orion . The grade gives a rich harvest of round smooth bulbs, weighing about 200 grams. Ripens early, can be grown in the northern regions. It is considered the most common variety of gardeners.

Growing Conditions for Luke

An important quality of this vegetable is its frost resistance. Its seeds can germinate at low temperatures, and the optimal temperature for good development is 15 degrees. Adult onions of some sharp varieties tolerate freezing, and for sweet varieties, frost can be a threat.

It should be remembered that the bow likes nutritious soil with a neutral reaction, as well as abundant sunlight. The neighborhood with weed grass acts on the onion oppressingly. Requires watering during the period of active development.

Plant onion better on an exalted place, and the soil should be nutritious.

Prepare the soil for onions is necessary after cleansing the land plot from last year's landing. The jilt loosening is carried out at a depth of 5 cm. In September, the soil is reappearing along with superphosphate. Since the onions are planted early, the plot must be focused by humus after the snow removal and form a bed.

Luke breeding methods

Two ways are applicable for reproduction of the onion onions: seed and sevovka.

Seed method

This method, counts sowing in the soil of Chernushki - Luke seeds. As a result, the next year will be ready to North. Sevov or acquire, or collect themselves. For this purpose, adult heads are put on the seeds on the seeds, which are already released by the arrows with inflorescences.

After flowering, black seeds are formed, which must be assembled, dry and store in a bag before landing.

Seed seeds sowing, selecting large and healthy instances. For germination, the seeds are soaked in manganese solution and stored in burlap before the appearance of sprouts. Drying seeds categorically impossible to allow. Seize germinated seeds to a depth of 2-4 cm and mulched using a humid or peat.

Perhaps perform winter sowing Chernushka. Seeds are plugged at 2 cm, and then mulched. In the spring, the seeds germinate. Winter way allows you to get segue early.

Split method

Sevov moves, selected heads with a diameter of up to 3 cm.

Then the bulbs are soaked in the growth stimulator for ten hours and disinfected with copper vitrios, diluted with water.

The bulbs are plugged into the soil at 5 cm at temperatures above 10 degrees so as not to sprout the seed arrow. There should be 10 cm between the bulbs, and between the rows about 20 cm. Soil is mounted with peat.

Loos care

The care for the onions is implied:

Watering. It is necessary to water the culture from May and before the beginning of July. Irrigation make once a week. Just this time onions is well evolving. At the end of July, watering should be excluded that the bulbs are not watery.

Luke loosening

Drop the soil is needed at a depth of 2 cm to prevent the occurrence of the peel or its removal. In addition, loosening contributes to the prevention of pests and reproduction of pests, and also reduces the growth of weeds. These procedures enrich the soil with oxygen.

Sungal Luke

Winning the beds needed regularly, because weeds adversely affect the onion culture. You need to remove weeds while they are still small. Otherwise, the crown of the roots of weed plants can move the bulbs and harm the roots, as a result of which the onions stop developing.

Fucking Luka.

The first time onions feed 2 weeks after landing, using a cowhide solution or chicken litter with the addition of urea. The second time feed two weeks later, potash and superphosphate fertilizers. The third time the feeder is carried out when the bulbs reach the greatest size. This time the complex feeders are used.

Diseases and pests of Luca

The onion can be affected by a mass of pests, as well as diseases. The most dangerous illnesses are lesions of flies of flies, storm nematodes, dipping the Donets.

For a good development of bulbs, the health of green features, which damage tobacco trips, onion huts, false malievous dew. It is necessary to protect the harvest and when stored because it can be ruined onion mites and a gray shake rot.

Collection and storage of the bunk

Sleeping of the peeks of the onion bow and the neck of the neck is the first signal to harvesting. This happens in August. The onions are pulling out and leave to sleep, then move to a dry and ventilated place, for complete drying.

A fully dried onion bow should be a thin and dry neck. When the onions die well, it is collected in the boxes and sent for storage. With a different method of storage, the tails are not cut off, and weave from the spindle braids with a woven rope and stored in a suspended state, for example, in the attic or on the beams in the barn.

Before harvesting a long-term vegetable for storage, it must be properly prepared. Before digging, it should be checked for readiness - the husk goes well, the leaves are yellow and dry.

It is uprooted by early in the morning and give it to be searched for several days - dried in the sun. Then it passes cleaning from the ground, and dry 3 days outdoors at a temperature not lower than +25 C.

It can be stored in several ways:

  1. Naval accommodation - vegetables are placed in bulk in well ventilated rooms.
  2. In bags - storage is organized in grids from dense polyethylene. Bags are exhibiting in a horizontal position. In each such grid - it is placed up to 40 kg.
  3. In the container - for the root used for use in the food, the most rational choice of storage is the room in containers by 150-200 kg.
  4. Boxes - well-stored themselves have proven boxes with shoes for 25 kg weighing.
  5. Trays - differ in very good conditioning conditions. In such tanks, a tear vegetable is not spoiled.

It is necessary to make ventilation of the room, which will contain containers with rootapodes. Otherwise, if the air is stale and wet, then the storage duration will decrease sharply. Thus, it is necessary to choose correctly and store so that it brings only benefit to the use of a person for various purposes.

More information can be found from the video:

Two-year or perennial grassy plant onion (AlliUm) is a representative of the Amarillix O Low Family Family. This genus combines approximately 400 species. In nature, such a plant is found in the northern hemisphere, where it prefers to grow in the forests, steppes and in the meadows. Already 4 thousand years ago in China, Iran and the Mediterranean knew about the existence of Luke. On the territory of Russia, this plant fell only at the beginning of the 12th century from the shores of the Danube. "All" is translated from Celtic as "burning", there is an opinion that it was because of this Karl Linney called such a plant onion "Allium". There is also an opinion that the Latin name has happened from the word "halare", which is translated as "smelling". Different types of this plant are cultivated. The top of the glooders is most popular (Allium CEPA), and many more varieties. And also often grown onion Batun, leeks, bow-shallot, onions, twin, etc. The onions are growing and as a decorative plant, for decorating Leeks, landscape designers use the following types: inclined, Aflatan, Dutch, Golyansky, Karatavsky, round-headed , Schubert, Christopa, etc.

All representatives of the genus onions have a large bulb with a spherical flexible shape, which covers the shells of white, purple or pale red color. Burnt sword leaf plates have a linear or removal shape. The height of thick swollen stems reaches 100 cm. Umbrellas consist of small non-sparkling flowers having long flowerwomen. Separate types of inflorescences in the diameter reaches 0.4 m, they are closed in a cover that remains until the flowers start opening. Zajaz happens a three-year either one-minor. Seed shape angular or round. Fruption is observed in August or September. The most popular gobby is onion.

What time to plant

Luca's landing is engaged in springtime in the first decade of May, while the soil must be warm. If it is planted to fall into the ground, the temperature of which is less than 12 degrees, then the plants will short. The main principle of cultivation of this culture should be known: in the first year, seeds are made in spring time, and the onset of the autumn period should be increasing small bulbs, referred to as suggestion, the landing of which is produced for the next year in the spring, and in the fall, full-fledged bulbs are already cleaned. However, to preserve the seaws before the onset of springtime it is very difficult, since it should provide a special temperature regime for this, as well as the optimal humidity. In this regard, some gardeners sow sews to the soil under the winter per year of ripening.

Onions refers to light-affiliated plants. Dry, open and well-lit plots are suitable for landing. The soil must be saturated with an organic matter, and its pH is 6.4-7.9. If the soil is sour, then it can be fixed with lime.

The landing site must be prepared in advance. At autumn time, it is necessary to make its step to a depth of 15 to 20 centimeters, while in the soil you need to make a peaphon-cut compost or overwhelmed manure. It is impossible to make fresh manure into the soil, since the greens begins to actively grow actively, which negatively affects the aging of the bulb. To correct the sour soil, it is necessary to make wood ash, limestone, dolomite flour or ground chalk. In the spring time, before proceeding with the sowing, 10 grams of urea, 60 grams of superphosphate and 20 grams of potassium chloride can be added to the soil, and 20 grams of potassium chloride at the rate of 1 square meter of the site. Fertilizers are closed in the ground with robble. Then you can start planting this culture.

Best onions will grow in those areas where it was grown to the cabbage, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, beans, either Siderats. And on the site where carrots grew up, garlic, onions or cucumbers this culture can be sowed only in 3-5 years.

There are 3 methods of growing onions:

  1. Grow as a two-year plant. With this method, you should pre-grow sew.
  2. Grow as a homing of seeds.
  3. They grow as annual from seeds, but through seedlings.

Below will be described in detail these methods. For 1 year, it is possible to grow this culture from seeds only in the regions with a long summer period, while they are grown by only semi-sweet and sweet varieties. The sowing material in front of the explosion needs preparation, for this it needs to be stratified or placed in a moistened gauze for swelling by 24 hours. After that, seeds produce sowing to the prepared ground, which must be pre-shed with a solution of copper sulphate (on 1 water bucket 1 pt. L. substances). It is necessary to plunge the seeds into the ground by 15 mm, while they are sown according to the 13x1.5 centimeter scheme. Grocery must be very good, using the divider, and then it is covered with a film on top. The shelter needs to be removed after the first seedlings. Shoots need to be thinned, while between rasters should be observed by a distance of 20-30 mm, then the surface of the garden is falling asleep with a layer of mulch (humus). It will be necessary to re-propicate the crops in 20 days, while the distance between the rasts should be increased to 60-80 mm.

Sweet and the seedlings of Luke are growing through the seedlings. After the seed material is subjected to presense, it should be sown in the boxes, and it makes it 50-60 days before the transplantation of rapts in the open soil. The seeds are sown thick, they are burned into the ground by 10 mm, while the width of the rod should be equal to 40-50 mm. Such seedlings differ in unpretentiousness, however, before the raptitian to plant in the open soil, experts advise, to shorten on 1/3 of their root and leaf plates.

If the summer period in your region is not very warm and short, then for 1 year it is not likely to get full-fledged bulWhi from seeds. In this case, you will have to raise onions as a two-year-old plant. For this, during the first year, it will be necessary to grow seeds from seeds, and on the second onions are already growing from it. This method is excellent for growing acute varieties. Seeding seeds in the open soil follows the same as when growing onions from seeds for season 1 (see above). With the onset of the next spring period in the first day of May Days, the sevka is made, blocking it into the ground by 40-50 mm, while there must be a distance from 80 to 100 mm between the bulWhis, and the width of the rod should be about 30 centimeters. Do not forget to prepare a plot before planting (see above). Before starting to land, the Sevka must be sorted over and calibrated. Then it is placed on the sun on the sun for 7 days so that he can warm up well, otherwise the bow will smoke. Before the fallout of the north, it is placed in a solution of copper sulfate (on 1 water bucket of 1 tsp. Substances), where it should stay 10 minutes. If during the growth of Luke you intend to pull the young rabid to cook dishes, then when landing, the distance between the bulbs should be reduced to 50-70 mm, and then it is gradually adjusted to 80-100 mm.

For sowing under the winter, Ovsyuya (small sevok) is well suited, as it has high-resistant to short. In order for you in the spring time, you could cut the fresh green onions very early, for this, under the winter, a small amount of large sevka should be planted. Advantages of landing onion under winter:

  • it is not necessary to store the planting material until spring, and this is good because if the seaws are stored incorrectly, it will dry very quickly;
  • in a spring time, a leek fly may appear, however, the cities of the bow can already grow so much that it cannot harm him;
  • in July, it will be possible to proceed to harvest;
  • on the garden, where the onions rose, in the same season it will still be possible to plant something.

For the centenary sowing, as a rule, frost-resistant varieties are used, for example: Arzamas, Danilovsky, Strigunovsky, Stuttgarten. Plot for sowing should be chosen in the same way as for seeding a bow in spring time. However, there are also some differences, such a plot should be chosen, where snow cover is very early in the spring time, and melting water should not be formed on it. Saving segues at the autumn time October 5-20, under the very frost, but it is not worth it to delay, as the soil should not have time to cool. Before landing the sevok, it must be sorted out, calibrate and warm up in the sun. It is planted in a groove, the depth of which should be about 50 mm, while between the bulbs should be observed a distance of 60-70 mm, the width of the rod should be about 15 centimeters. When the first frosts come, the garden will need to throw a straw or a snapper, the shelter is removed in the spring time, as soon as the snow cover starts to go. Do not hide the plot with onions in the fall too early, as because of this, the bulbs can recycle.

The onion growing in the open source must water in a timely manner. When the garden will have a polita, it is necessary to blame her surface, while all weeds should be removed, which are able to strangle young rashes. It is also necessary to feed this culture on time, and if necessary, to process from harmful insects or diseases, using insecticidal or fungicidal drugs for this.

Ideally, the onions should be watered 1 time in 7 days, with 1 square meter of the site takes 5-10 liters of water. However, it is best to navigate the weather, which is very changeable. So, if drought is worth, then the onions must be watered much more often (almost every day), and if they pour rains, then with irrigation it is necessary to postpone, otherwise, the bulbs can be contracted due to stagnation of water in the soil. It should be remembered that if the onion needs an urgent watering, then his feathers acquire a white-nine shade, and when stagnation is observed in the ground, the green part of the bushes becomes bell. It is necessary to start gradually cutting the watering in July, because at this time the aging of the bulbs begins. However, if there is a strong drought, the plants are watered in the same mode as before.

It has already been said in detail about the fact that in the fall of the plot in the portion in the soil, the organic should be made, while in the spring time, a complex of mineral fertilizers contributes to it. In addition, if the increase in foliage passes relatively slowly, the plants should be filtered by a solution of organic fertilizer (1 tbsp. Urea, bird litter or a cow), 1 square meter of the garden is used for 1 square meter. After a half months, if necessary, re-feeding the same mixture. And after the magnitude of the bulbs will be similar to Walnut, the bow will need to be contacted again by the same fertilizer.


Often, gardeners do not know how and what to carry out the prophylactic treatment of onions from diseases. After the height of his feathers will be equal to 15 centimeters, the plant is sprayed with a solution of copper sulfate (for 1 water bucket 1 tsp. The means), it will protect the culture from fungal diseases. If desired, pumped into a solution of 1 tbsp. l. crushed on the grater of economic soap, in this case it will be fixed on the foliage.

Diseases and pests of Luke with photos

Luke Diseases

Before proceeding to the cultivation of Luke, you need to know what it can hurt, and which of the pests represents the greatest danger. This culture can hit such diseases like: cervical, gray and white rot, jaundice, fusariosis, false mildew (peronosporosis), head, rust, mosaic and trachemicosis.

White rot - its development is observed when growing on sour soil. Therefore, if the soil is in sour, it is necessary to limit it. Also, it is often amazed by those plants that grow in ground with a large nitrogen content. Sick plants need to dig and destroy, and in preventive purposes before booking the harvest, it is necessary to dissolve the bulbs with chalk.

Gray rot is a fungal disease, its active distribution and development is observed in crude and rainy weather. The diseased rabid must be removed from the ground and burn. In preventive purposes, it is recommended to adhere to the rules of agrotechnics of this culture, and in the spring of the plant are treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

Jaundice onions is a viral disease. At the affected plant there is a deformation of flowers, and chlorotic specks appear on its foliage. This disease is incurable, in connection with this, the affected bushes need to dig and burn, while from the rivers and beds it is necessary to remove all weeds immediately after their appearance. And you still need to adhere to the rules of crop rotation.

Pereronosporosis (false torment dew) - the contaminated plants on the stems and the foliage are formed by the oblong stains of the light color, there is a gray raid on their surface. Over time, stains become black. Infected bulbs, stored for storage, very early germinate, and the formation of seeds has not been observed from them. After the crop is assembled, for the extermination of the causative agent of the disease before the onions are removed for storage, the bulbs warm up at a temperature of about 40 degrees. Also in order to prevent prevention do not allow landing.

Fusariosis - in patient plants, the tips of the feathers become yellow, since the lukichki in the field of the Donets there is rotting and dying of the tissues. This disease exhibits the greatest activity when it's hot weather for a long time. Also, this disease can develop due to the fact that the plants settled onto the Lukovoy Fly. For prevention, before proceeding with landing, sowing material must be warm up.

Head - in the infected plant, translucent convex strips of dark gray color are formed, as the disease develops, they are cracking, and the arms of the mushroom come out. Also in plants dry the tips of sheet plates dry. In order to prevent the harvest, it should be stored for 18 hours at a temperature of about 45 degrees. You also need to clean the section from weeding grass on time and not to plant various grades on the same bed on the same bed.

Rust - on the foliage of the affected onion, red-brown faders appear, in which the spores of the fungus are disputes. In order to prevent prevention, to keep the collected harvest, it is heated for 10 hours at a temperature of about 40 degrees. Also should not be allowed to underline the landing, and you still need to dig up and destroy the affected instances.


Trachemicosis - this disease is the consequence of fusariosis. First, the lower part of the bulWhi is getting, and then the rot is gradually covered by it completely, as a result, the plant is dying the roots, and the foliage becomes yellow. All sick plants need to dig and destroy. For prevention, follow the rules of crop rotation and agrotechnology.

The shake rot - the affected plants on the outer scales appear a dense mold of the mold of gray color, with the development of the disease they become black specks. The first symptoms of the disease appear after harvesting, and after about 8 weeks, other signs appear. The lowest resistance to cervical rot from the late grades of the bow. As a rule, plants infection occurs when they are cultivated in adverse conditions. Therefore, for the purpose of prevention, you need to adhere to the rules of agrotechnology of culture, and it is also necessary to warm up the seaws before landing, and the bow before laying on storage, while the temperature should be about 45 degrees.

Mosaic - The foliage becomes a bit of corrugated and flat flaps, on the surface of which there are strips of yellow colors, there is also a wars of inflorescences and a decrease in the number of seeds, as well as the lag in the growth. This viral disease is incurable, so all the necessary prophylactic measures should be taken so that the plant is not infected.

All fungal diseases are easily treated with fungicidal drugs. However, it should be noted that both useful substances and poisons from chemical preparations can be accumulated in the bulbs.

The greatest risk for onions is onion hidden, mole and fly, splash fly, a medical, cabbage, garden and winter scoop and tobacco trips.

To destroy the caterpillars, the onions should be sprayed with a solution of Gomeline (0.5%) or bitialSibacillin (1%). For extermination of tobacco trips, a spraying solution of the accuteral or carbofos (0.15%) is used. You can get rid of the hiddenness using system insecticides. To destroy the larvae of the onion flies in the fall, a deep people of the site should be carried out. It is known that the Lukovaya Fly does not tolerate carrots aroma, in connection with this, when landing, it is recommended to alternate the rows of onions with rows of carrots. To get rid of onion moths, throughout the season, it is necessary to regularly hold a weeping, and after harvesting from the site, you need to remove all plant residues from the site, and you should also adhere to the rules of crop rotation and agrotechnics of culture.

To get rid of the universal bear, you need to use bait. To do this, you need to make a few holes in a depth of 0.5 m in the site, it should be put on horse manure. Next to the pit do not forget to cover with wooden shields. When the bear becomes taken to the manure to get worse, it should be burned with them.

Luke Collection is carried out after the new sheet plates cease to grow, as well as the poe mag of feathers, while the bulbs should be in shape, volume and color characteristic of the grown varieties. As a rule, this time lasts from the second half of August to the first decade of September. For harvesting, you should choose a dry and sunny day. Do not tighten with harvest, as the bulbs can begin to grow again, and they can already be stored.

The bulbs extracted from the soil need to be distributed over the surface of the beds for drying, then remove the filled soil. Before laying a vintage for storage, it is subjected to drying, decomposing in the sun or in a dry and well ventilated room. Some gardeners for drying bulbs use the oven. First, they are dried at a temperature of from 25 to 35 degrees, and then at 42-45 degrees for 10 hours. After that, the bulbs should be subjected to a thorough inspection, while it is necessary to reject those that drove either affected by the disease. Also can not be kept without husks without husks, and still pitched. When the crop will be succeeded, each bulwing should be removed by foliage with sharp scissors, while the length of the remaining neck should reach 40-60 mm. It is best to store a simple yellow bow, because it has a dense shell and is distinguished by unpretentiousness. Growing from the seeds of bulbs is kept worse than those were obtained from Sevka. And it is also necessary to consider that semi-sweet and sweet varieties have an overly thin husk, so they are more susceptible to various diseases and are stored much worse than bitter varieties.

You can store this vegetable in a dry cellar, the temperature in which should be about 0 degrees (can be a bit warmer), but it cannot be stored next to beets, potatoes, carrots and other vegetable crops, which require elevated air humidity. Folding the bulbs in tissue bags, baskets, drawers, mesh or dimensionless stockings. But you need to remember that the bulbs do not start, it should constantly act with dry air, so it is impossible to lay them in a thick layer into any container. The bulbs, stored in the basement or a dry cellar, should be regularly inspected, which will allow to identify the sprouted either by reworked specimens. In order for the harvest of this culture could be kept longer than usual, you need to burn the roots at the bulk.

In the bow of the bow, too, can be stored by choosing a relatively cool place (from 18 to 20 degrees), which should be away from the heating devices, while the brass needs from the bulbies. But in order to do this, during harvesting, it is not necessary to cut off the foliage from the bulbs.

Types and varieties of onions with photos and names

Gorodnikov enjoys the greatest popular onions. He was known to people more than 6 thousand years ago, these vegetables were found mentioned in ancient Egyptian papyrus. The height of this perennial is about 100 cm. The fleshy bulb of the spherical-repetitive shape in the diameter reaches 15 centimeters, the color of its outer scales can be white, yellow or purple. Tubular leaves are painted in green and gray color. A lush umbrella ball inflorescence consists of white-green flowers having long flowerwomen. The swollen hollow arrow in height can reach 150 cm, the shape of the fruit is spherical. Numerous varieties of this species are divided into taste for:

  • gorky and sharp - their composition includes 9-12% sugar;
  • semi-sweet - sugar in them contain from 8 to 9%;
  • sweet - in them sugars 4-8%.

It is noteworthy that in the bitter grades of the sugar, more than sweet, but they also have a lot and essential oils, so they have a more bitter taste. In order to prepare the first either the second dish, take half-mountainous, sharp or bitter varieties, and sweet varieties go on the preparation of desserts and salads. Most popular varieties:

  1. Alisa Craig. Bulbs have high taste quality, and they are well stored, they can be used to prepare various dishes. The top scales are white.
  2. Feng Glood. Large bulbs are covered with light yellow scales, they have a mild taste. They are well stored for a long time, and even suitable for cooking a variety of dishes.
  3. Sturon. Juicy bulbs have the average size, and they are covered with yellow color scales. They are well stored, and they are used to prepare hot dishes.
  4. Stuttgarter. Large sweet bulbs have a saturated yellow color, they are well stored for a long time. Suitable for the preparation of the second and first dishes.
  5. Long Rad Florence. Soft red bulbs have a sweet taste, they are similar to the bow-chalot. They are eaten in fresh form, and more of them prepare sauces. This variety is not suitable for long-term storage.
  6. RED Baron. Large red-colored bulbs have a sharp taste, they are well stored for a long time.

Red onions of Radmate and Furio are very popular from the salad varieties, also Gardsman, having long stems of white color, and the grade for the greenhouses White Lisbon, characterized by high yield. As well as the grade Prince Wales, which is a perennial. Similar to Luc-Battle, he is strong, and its foliage is often used as a Schitt-bow.

Leek, or pearl bow from the Mediterranean

About this Luka, people became known for a very long time during the times of ancient Rome, Greece and Egypt. This twentieth apartment has lancet-eye leaves, on the surface of which is a wax flare. These plates fold along the central alcohol than similar to garlic, but they have a greater value. This plant is very demanding for humidity of soil and care.

This raw species is cultivated in the Middle East and Central Asia. Bulbs can be painted in white, yellow or purple color. This bow is well kept and has multicastness. In France's chefs, it is very popular, because it has a relatively weakly pronounced onion taste, and the most sophisticated sauces are obtained from it. Popular varieties:

This bow is cultivated throughout the European territory. The young plant is applied fresh for the preparation of salads, and mature shoots go to the manufacture of a filling for a cake. Spicy leaflets externally similar to Luke Batuna foliage, but they have a smaller value. This species is distinguished by resistance to frost, pests and diseases.

This species is cultivated in China, where various Asian cuisine is prepared from it, it is particularly well combined with fish and soy sauce. Its flat sheet plates have a strong garlic smell. Blossom is observed for 2-3 years, spectacular honeycomb scenes have a value from 50 to 70 mm, as well as a very pleasant smell.

This species is also grown in China. Salads, side dishes and seasonings are prepared from such a bow. Marinated bulbs are very tasty, and they are served with greasy meat varieties. This species is different from the rest of the fact that it contains much more phytoncides and vitamins.

There are 3 varieties: Luk-Batun Japanese, Chinese and Korean. It is popular in Asian cuisine, where it is used to prepare dishes in the Wok frying pan, is also added to the marinada or in salads with fish or seafood. Such onions Japanese and Korean is characterized by a more gentle taste.

In the wild conditions it is found in Southeast Asia. It is used to prepare the dishes of the Korean national cuisine, and in the fresh form it is added to salads, soups and kimchi.

This perennial plant in nature is found in the territory of the European part of Russia and Siberia. He has a viscous juice similar with mucus, with which its name is connected. Such a bow is very tasty and is distinguished by resistance to frost and disease. Flat juicy leaf plates of linear form have a slightly ground taste. Lukovichki for this species is not formed. This product is considered dietary, and they are consumed in fresh form, and canned food from it.

In addition to these species, the bowls of the regrel, Suvorov, Sing, Giant or Golyansky, Blue, Blue, Kosy, Aflatan, Christopher or Star of Persia, Blood, Child, Yellow, Karatavi, Circular or Drum Chopsticks, Mactean, Praying or Golden, Sicilian, Honey garlic and others.