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How to install hot water meter. How to install a meter on water in the apartment with your own hands - schemes, video instructions for steps. Writing and sealing

The advantages of installing the water meter are obvious. This is not only a significant economy of finance, since it does not have to overpay for unused cubic meters, but also the ability to control costs and calculate the approximate cost of upcoming utility payments. Installation will not take much time and effort, the main thing is to know how to register counters for water.

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This procedure can be divided into several stages:

  1. Calling a specialist to compile a list of necessary component equipment.
  2. Acquisition or selection of meters master.
  3. The installation process itself and connect to central communications.
  4. Registration and registration of package of documents.

Consider each stage in more detail. After all, it is very important to comply with the correct order of registration of water counters.

Preparatory work

If you decide to put a meter on the water, you need to contact the district application Des. (an organization that is engaged in municipal orders) managing company (HSEK) or another organization that has the right to hold similar work. Literally in a few days (it all depends on the number of applications) you will come to you, who analyzes the state of the water supply system and determine the equipment package and the type of counter that is suitable for you.

A specialist can offer to purchase everything you need. But you have the right to refuse and make a choice on your own, guided by the recommendations and the necessary characteristics. So you can save and buy a more qualitative counter.

How to choose a water meter?

Before you buy a counter, you should figure out their classification, properties and purpose. It should be remembered that counters for cold and hot water are different! They differ in materials used for system elements, although the principle of operation is the same. For cold water, the measuring device is designed for a temperature not higher than 40 degrees. For hot - 150 degrees. There are universal counters.

By type of food, devices are divided into energy-dependent (operate from the power grid) and non-volatile (do not need a power source).

According to the principle of operation, the counters are divided into 4 groups:

  1. Electromagnetic - The magnetic field is induced in proportion to the speed of the passing fluid.
  2. Vortex - Detail is placed in the aqueous stream, which displays the flow rate. The counter registers the frequency of these vortices.
  3. Ultrasound - Ultrasonic oscillations that appear when the flow of water flow is recorded by an acoustic system of the meter.
  4. Tachometric - A rotating turbine is placed in the stream, which is associated with the mechanical counting of the counter.

The device may be household and industrial. In the apartments, electromagnetic or tachometric devices are most often installed.

Buy the counter is necessary only in reliable places that have a license for their activities. Check out all documents to match the serial numbers and there was a vehicle.

Installation of appliances for water consumption

Naturally, this important step is better to entrust the specialist. But if you think that we can handle yourself, or just want to know all the subtleties of the upcoming works, here is an approximate sense of action:

  • From the "risers" (central water supply pipes), which most often pass through the bathroom, two smaller pipes depart - the taps on which the valves are overlapping water;
  • the wizard after the valve cuts the pipe in order to install the mounting node;
  • the node consists of 7-12 components (coarse water purification filters, check valves, counters, inserts, etc.);
  • the system is connected.

Registration order

When everything is installed and listed, the most responsible moment will come - to collect and attribute documents to where you must register water meters. The company that has conducted a setup is obliged to provide you with a complete package of documents. Based on, they are designed to register the act of receiving instruments of commissioning.

Next, these documents need to go to a single information and settlement center ( ERC.) And enter into an agreement according to which you undertake to pay water supply services. Registration of water meters in ERC usually passes not long, time depends only on the number of available visitors.

That's all, now you can only pay for the amount of water that consume, and not according to standards.

Documents for registration of water meters:

  • contract with a service organization for installation of instruments;
  • act of acceptance of work done;
  • an act of commissioning commission (3 copies);
  • passports for counters with hot and cold water (the serial number and readings are specified at the time of installation).

During registration, the following information is entered:

  • year making appliances;
  • serial number of counters;
  • installation date;
  • starting indicators.

If you are concerned about how to register water meters installed on your own, the answer is simple. Also appeal to a des / one or another organization that does it. You will come to you, check, if you installed everything correctly, sesso the counter and give the necessary documents to register.

After long disputes and heavy thought, you still decide to put water meters in Moscow. You came to mind the crazy thoughts that in today's conditions, when the water networks do not work very well, the installation of meters is not the best thing?

You were told that when wearing water pipes, it is difficult for you to install an IPU purely physically. This operation will be expensive and will not bring the benefit to your family budget. Or you have long heated water and you have to shed it until it comes to the desired temperature. At this time, the consumption will be hurt and have to pay.

However, practice shows that such fabrications do not have a not the slightest foundation. Who says that never read real rules. Their conclusions are built on speculation. You must make a decision thoroughly analyzing the situation.

Before adopting a law on mandatory, the Russian government used the calculations that were conducted by experts. Those, in turn, relied on the global experience, where for a very long time they have been used by the aggregates to save the resource and money.

Received the Russian experience of installing devices. Only after that, the light saw the federal law, which by its items spoke of the installation of meters on a mandatory basis. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev independently urged the population in the need of this service.

Legal act forced instruments in apartments. Otherwise, impressive financial sanctions were imposed. Naturally, no one was going to walk with a rifle to you in the apartment. Just for the lack of such measuring elements, the legal mechanism was included.

By law, it followed that the lack of water meters leads to the fact that the rising coefficient for water consumption begins to operate in the ratio of your apartment. The progressive scale forced tenants to install, but not with their own hands, water appliances. Rules began to work.

There was a question how to install a water meter. There is no difficulty in this. There are a lot of companies that offer this service. You can just choose the desired one, but this should not be mistaken.

What company to choose to install water meters in Moscow?

The company must act according to the rules. It will work as masters that not only cause trust, but also will qualitatively install IPU. You can determine the quality of work yourself because you will receive documents to settlement instances, putting counters for accounting.

The city center of accounting and resource savings has a special certificate, which issues the federal service to its agents for accreditation of installation and verification of water meters in Moscow. Install is only part of the ownership and operation of the named equipment. It is necessary to serve it.

And this is a calibration procedure that is carried out after a certain period of operation of the installed device. GTSUIER company leads to two schemes:

  1. You negotiate with the operator and make an order for checking water meters. A master comes to the house and removes the meter, placing a temporary adapter in his place. The mechanism will be turned in the metrological service. After this process, the master conducts installation, placing the device back.
  2. The modern and most common way is to check water meters at home. It passes without removing the unit using special equipment. After that, documents are issued to your hands about the works that you relate to the settlement organization.

For hot calibration is carried out once every four years. Coldly set the period for two years later due to the impact on them less high temperatures. After installation, you will have time to decide on the organization for verification. I.e, what is the cost of installing water meters better, that they will serve them.

What documents are given when installing water meters?

  • the first, of course, is a passport of the water aggregate. It is possible to install on it, both the release date, and the calibration intervals of the device. Without it, it is impossible to carry out any work on the service of the counter. There are also certificates;
  • you will be passed to the act of work carried out, where they will indicate which, in fact, in your apartment and took place;
  • you have an act of entering the measuring device into operation. The seal number is also indicated. You will be discharged in three copies. The first will remain with you, the second - the master who occupied the installation of a water meter, and the third you will give in the Criminal Code;
  • you will have paper that you do not need to transmit anywhere. It just confirms your rights if you set a malfunction. It is referred to as a contract for the installation of this equipment.

Some additional agreements may be issued, which are more emphasized by your legal foundations of ownership and operation of instrumentation, and it is not done with their own hands.

Reading time: 9 minutes

The reforms in the housing and communal services is evidenced by the ubiquitous use of metering devices - meters on gas, electricity, water. Since the selection of the device remains for the consumer of services, it is worth finding out how to choose the optimal model and how to install a water meter in the apartment.

The purpose of the installation of the counter

Almost the fourth of the amount of monthly costs for utilities falls on the payment of hot and cold water supply. In the absence of a water meter in the apartment, payment is made on average water flow rate per day per person: 190 l cold and 130 liters of hot water.

This rule significantly exceeds the volume used by consumers, so the owners of the apartments are interested in whether to put the counter to the water. The calculation of the regulatory consumption is made according to the number of registered in the apartment, and their age is completely not taken into account and then they actually live at this address.

As a rule, 2 accounts are installed in the apartment: on hot and cold water. To approximately calculate the cost of cold water and drainage in the metropolitan family of 3 people without a meter and with its installation is easy:

Without counterWithout counterAccording to the meterAccording to the meter
Standard - 6,935 m3 / person
Tariff "Cold Water" - 35.4 rubles.
Regulation for drainage: 11.68 m3 / person;
Tariff: 25,12 rubles.
The average consumption of cold water in the meter for a family of three: from 6 m3 to 9 m3.Average testimonies: 18 m3.
Cold water: 6,935 m3 x 3 people \u003d 20,805 x 35.4 \u003d 736.50 rubles / month.Watering: 11.68 m3 x 3 \u003d 35.04 x 25,12 \u003d 808.80 rubles / month.Min. The amount for cold water 6x 35.4 \u003d 212 rubles / month.
Max. The amount for cold water 9x35,4 \u003d 318, 6 rubles / month.
Average water consumption fee:
18x25,12 \u003d 452,16

When calculating normatives, the amount of water used is divided by the number of registered residents, regardless of the number of residents in the house. Housing can be much more, so someone has to pay for other people's expenses from their own pocket. That is why, by installing the counter, the owner or the employer of the apartment will only pay for the actually used water.

Legal regulation of the installation of meters

The legislation that regulates the installation of water metering devices has been developed in accordance with the federal energy reserves. Based on established norms, each resident can control water consumption, save resources and reduce utility bills.

Legislative acts also negotiate whether to put meters for water in the apartment in 2019.

The installation of hot and cold water accounting devices regulate the following regulatory documents:

  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354 on the provision of utilities to owners and users of premises in apartment buildings and residential buildings
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated November 14, 2014 No. 1190 on the rules for determining the amount of fee for utilities made by the employers of residential premises in the hostels in the housing foundation of organizations engaged in educational activities, under the employment contracts in the hostel;
  • Law of 23.11.2009 No. 261 "On Energy Saving and to Enhance Energy Efficiency and Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation";
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 No. 306 "On the establishment and determination of regulations for the consumption of utilities and regulations for the consumption of utility resources in order to maintain a common property in an apartment building";
  • Law of the Russian Federation of July 12, 2011 No. 416 "On Water Supply and Water Control".

After reading these laws, you can understand whether the counter must be installed in a communal apartment.

The water meter is a device that allows you to reduce the amount of payments. If the neighbors manage to agree, they can choose one of two payment methods:

  • by the number of prescribed;
  • by the number of rooms living in the rooms.

In the presence of a water meer, residents do not have to pay utilities:

  • during the absence of water supply;
  • when conducting preventive and repair work;
  • in case of emergency situations.

How to choose a water meter

Choosing the apartment meters of water, the operational characteristics of the instruments and the features of their installation should be taken into account. All counts are divided according to the principle of action into several groups:

  • tachometric - equipped with an impeller rotating under the action of water;
  • vortex - register the frequency of the vortices of water flow;
  • electromagnetic - fix the speed passing through the meter of the liquid, inducing the magnetic field;
  • volumetric devices - consider even the weakest flow of water;
  • ultrasound - analyze the acoustic effect.

Tachometric counters and electromagnetic devices are considered optimal for residential premises. Tachometric counters and electromagnetic devices are considered optimal for residential premises.

Meeting procedure counter

Calculating savings on paying utility bills when installing an individual water meter and having decided to purchase a counter, the consumer needs to contact the local department of the Vodokanal. There it will be reported to what the technical requirements must be the device, and will explain how to put the counter to the water.

Acquire equipment preferably in a specialized store. Since water meters for cold and hot water have a different design and equipment, technical documentation is attached to them indicating the serial number of the model and the mark of the passage of the primary verification.

There are no direct instructions on the need to prepare design documentation of the water meter. In the legislation, it is not mentioned at all, whether the project is needed to install or can be mounted independently. And yet all the technical conditions imposed by the controlling organization should be observed and buy a device that meets the characteristics and metrological requirements established by law.

The undoubted advantage for the water meter is:

  • accuracy of measurements;
  • quick disassembly for calibration;
  • long service life.

Many consumers do not know where to start and what is the installation order. Unlike other accounts, water meters can be installed both using specialists and independently.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2011 No. 354, only the instruments of the accounting type of the established type are allowed to use and the estimated verification.

Before installation, the water meter needs to be counted in the service of measuring instruments of the Vodokanal. In the Passport of the Waterometer, an employee puts the institution stamp, fill the desired graphs and strikes the stigma counter, which should be maintained throughout the entire intermediate period.

The legislation of the Russian Federation does not contain a time frame, during which the device must be installed, so before carrying out installation work, it is not in a hurry to think about where the device is better to mount.

Usually, the place for the meter is getting closer to the input of the pipeline into the room. In practice, in apartment buildings most often, individual water meters are installed in the bathrooms, less often in the bathrooms. However, the main condition is to comply with all installation requirements.

In order for the communal enterprise to transfer to the fulfillment of the calculations on a new meter, and not on the established standards, the consumer must immediately appeal to the water voltage to enter the equipment.

The employee feels the device and make an act. It is this document that is considered the basis for the transition to pay for water according to the meter testimony.

Often housing owners are interested in who should establish individual water metering devices in a privatized apartment. According to paragraph 3 of Art. 15 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On Energy Saving and Enhance Energy Efficiency", the installation of accounting devices is carried out at the expense of residential owners.

Since the owners of privatized apartments are citizens, buying and installation issues they are engaged.

The manufacturers of water meters promise that the cost of buying and installing will pay off after several months later, and with the right approach and saving resources this period will be shrinking.

Mounting rules for the device

Representatives of the Vodokanal Severed the device and allow its operation if the consumer will take into account the basic rules for the installation of water meters in the apartment:

  1. Explore the state of the pipeline and replace the elements that have come into disrete.
  2. Selects the installation location and check the completeness of the instrument: Cape nuts, coarse filter, check valve and meter.
  3. With an independent installation, the next set of tools is spoken: keys, iron for the formation of compounds and scissors for cutting plastic pipes.

This is the most simple water meter connection scheme in a residential building or apartment. At the end of the installation work, the system performance is inspected and the representative of the Vodokanal is invited.

Preliminary events

Even before buying a metering device, the owner of the apartment must prepare a package of documents for transfer to a resource-supply organization:

  • statement, copies of passport pages;
  • a document confirming the right of ownership;
  • object plan;
  • the consent of all residents of municipal housing, because water meters in a communal service without the consent of owners are not established;
  • types of meter;
  • evidence of verification;
  • contract for the installation of the device and its maintenance.

Since the water meter is installed directly on the pipes, before assembly, you need to check their technical condition. Unstable pressure and air traffic jams in central water supply systems will negatively affect the operation of the equipment and will lead to the rapid wear of its moving parts.

It is strictly not recommended to install accounting devices for the old pipeline. Before connecting the water meter in the apartment, experts advise to update communications, replacing metal pipes on products from modern materials, depending on:

  • water quality;
  • pressure in the water supply system;
  • type used connecting and shut-off valves.

Self installation counter

If the consumer is confident in his abilities, you can install the water meter personally. Before starting work, it is necessary to carefully examine the technical documentation attached to the device, and then start up. It should be considered:

If the water meters have already been installed, but consumers want to transfer water meters in the apartment with their own hands, you need to use equipment with a diameter up to 15 mm.

The water meter is mounted with a horizontal dial upward, in an accessible place to remove the place. In addition, it is impossible to allow the device to be under mechanical exposure to other equipment.

How to choose a contractor for mounting counter

Legislatively not established, who can establish a water meter in the apartment, but since the contractor in this case is responsible for the correctness of the work and suitability of water meters to exploitation, the organization should develop a scheme of installation in accordance with the requirements of the controlling authorities.

There are many companies that offer a water meter installation service. Choose who establishes the counter, you need from the number of firms with a license and equipped with the necessary equipment.

The Contractor must confirm the documenor of all the work and ensure the elimination of the effects of incorrect installation.

Water meter filling and documentation

The use of non-sealing consumption counters of water consumption is prohibited by law of the Russian Federation No. 102 of 26.06.2008 "On providing uniform measurement tools", so immediately after installation, it is necessary to contact the meter to fill the meter in writing.

This procedure is necessary in order to prevent outsiders interference with the operation of the device. It is described in more detail in the video presented.

The specialist checks the installation of the installation, the lack of damage and documentation for the water meter, after which it issues an act of commissioning.

In accordance with Art. 20 of the Law of the Russian Federation No. 416 of 12/07/2011 "On Water Supply and Water Control", with primary installation of equipment and repair work, sealing is free.

Registration of water meter

After mounting and sealing the counter must be registered. For this, the consumer has submitted documents within 14 days to the management company or in a single information and registration center so that the following equipment information includes:

  • initial meter data;
  • serial numbers and year of production;
  • date of installation of the water meter.

Only after registering and receiving the appropriate act, the use of the meter is considered legal.

Who pays for the installation of meters

Low-income citizens are interested in how to put meters on the water in the apartment for free. The answer to this question is contained in a number of regulatory acts: housing is ensured by the accounting devices at the expense of owners.

In apartments belonging to municipalities and provided under a social hiring agreement, equipping water meters is performed free on the basis of the responsibilities of the parties prescribed in the contract. The standard version of this document does not oblige the employer to pay for the installation of accounting devices, so the installation is paid from the municipality.

In a communal apartment, each owner and the employer has its own personal account, everyone is led by a separate farm and pay utility services separately. Therefore, problems with how in a communal apartment put a meter on water, does not occur. It is enough just to obtain the consent of all owners / employers of housing and contact the resource-supplying organization.

The legislation also highlights the categories of persons using benefits when installing water metering devices:

  • went participants, rear and rehabilitated workers;
  • poor;
  • disabled 1, 2 groups;
  • widow participants of the Second World War.

Cost of installation

The installation price of water meters includes the cost of purchasing a water meter and its installation. The cost of the device depends on:

  • modifications
  • configuration
  • technical characteristics
  • manufacturer.

Installation of equipment can also be performed in different ways: on its own or with the involvement of organizations. The cost of the contractor depends, in particular, on what pipes the device is mounted.

To count the total amount of expenses, you need to know all the listed aspects.

Possible faults counter

About the malfunction of the water meter indicates the lack of reaction to water consumption or constant movement of numbers on the scoreboard at a time when no one opens the crane.

There are several common reasons for which the meter broke:

  • low pressure level of water or blockage in pipes;
  • incorrect installation or depressurization of the device;
  • the temperature of the water to which the device is not designed.

In all cases, the testimony of the water meter is incorrect. Making calculations on their basis is impossible.

As practice shows, most often the consumer is interested in what to do if the hot water meter does not change the testimony. This happens due to the exceedable temperature standards when hot water is supplied.

You can prevent such a malfunction using a periodic check of the maximum temperature threshold. It should not exceed 90 ° C.

How to remove and transmit readings

On the board of the water meter is 8 digits. Red figures denote liters, black - cubes. It is Cuba to calculate water consumption, therefore, when removing the testimony, only the numerical values \u200b\u200bof the black color should be taken into account.

The frequency of reading the readings of the water meter is 1 time per month. As a rule, the exact date is indicated in the contract for utilities.

The obtained data is multiplied by the tariff for water payment. The amount obtained is indicated in the receipt.

Transfer testimony to water can be in various ways:

  • by phone;
  • via SMS;
  • through a mobile application;
  • on the site of urban services.

How often do you need to perform verification

The duty of the consumer includes controlling the correctness of the water meter and transfer it to verification on time. During testing, the efficiency of the device and its accuracy is confirmed.

The intermediate interval established by law is 6 years for the device for taking cold water and 4 years - for hot.

In order not to miss the deadlines and correctly arrange documents, read the material


Experts lead many tips on how to save accounts for utility bills. The most effective of them is the purchase of a waterometer for hot and cold water. To independently regulate water consumption and pay only to the cubic meters used, you need to install meters in your own or municipal apartment, even if not privatized. Manufacturers offer a large assortment of equipment, so it is easy to choose a reliable device, and he will pay off pretty quickly.

What to do if the water meter broke: video

Lawyer. Member of the Law Chamber of St. Petersburg. Work experience for more than 10 years. He graduated from St. Petersburg State University. Specializing in civil, family, housing, land law.

Installing meters to water is a relevant issue. According to the law, in each house there must be such a flow meter. You can perform such work in two ways: hire a firm that specializes on this, or do everything with your own hands. The first option arranges little, as the services of professionals are not suiced. As for the second option, not every owner knows how to properly install counters for water.

What a flow meter to choose

Installation of a water meter begins with the choice of the device. The market presents an extensive range of such products. The optimal option is the turbine mechanical instruments. They cost inexpensively and have good reliability. As for modern electronic flow meters, they though they look cool, but they often fail. As a result, you will have to replace the water meter, which will entail cash and temporary costs.

Cold and hot water meters have some constructive differences. This is noticeable by their belts. So, the "hot" water meter has a brown belt, and "cold" - blue. The flow meter with the red belt is suitable for both hot and cold water. The problem is that it is an order of magnitude more expensive than his "brother." If you put the flow meter with a blue belt on hot water, then the inspector will not be able to take it into operation.

It is better to buy ordinary flat flowmeters. They have appropriate certificates. Therefore, there will be no problems with acceptance. When buying it is worth checking if all the items used during installation are included. Unfair sellers on the market open the kit and sell parts separately from the main product. Therefore, it is better to carry out the purchase in special stores. The complete set consists of:

  • filter;
  • attachment with nipples - 2 pcs.;
  • precipitant nuts;
  • check valve;
  • gaskets.

When purchasing a water meter, it is worth checking if there is a passport included. It is printed by typographical way and fastened by the factory stamp. The serial number of the product and the passport number must be identical. If instead of the passport there is an open paper, then when checking will need to pay extra.

Cranes: why and what better

Hot cold water meters are often equipped with special locking cranes. There is a special hole on the crane, which is used in sealing. If a plastic pipeline with welded joints is arranged in an apartment or house, then the water meter is installed without a seal. Of course, the last word remains for the inspector of the city vocabular.

When buying is also worth checking the type of crane. If it is silicon, then there may be problems in the future. The fact is that such products are subjected to sudden destruction of corrosion. It is dangerous in that the destruction of this element will lead to leakage, and there will be no water to overlap than. Therefore, it is better to purchase a water meter with a metal-plastic shut-off valve, which is capable of listening throughout the long period.


During the installation of the water meter with their own hands, it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • If in the apartment where the installation of the flow meter will be carried out, there is a fire drainage, then you will need even valve. It is installed on the rubbish pipe and seve. For all standards, firefighters must be performed. Therefore, you need to prevent them in advance about the installation of the water meter. Of course, if necessary, work can be carried out on your own.
  • There are problems with DHW, which are made on a two-pipe scheme. Such systems are extremely rare. It will be necessary to additionally mount the bypass valve on the circulation pipe. In other cases, cold water counters will constantly work, and to have cubic meters of water, which are not used in reality.
  • The temperature regime is important to the room where the counter is set. Temperature should be no lower than 5 degrees of heat. This is especially true for private houses when the instruments are installed on the street or in the basement. At low temperatures, the flow meter of hot water can fail.
Water meter installation scheme in a multi-storey building with pressure reducer.

These nuances must be taken into account before entering the installation. Otherwise, problems may result in the malfunction of the device or to errors in measuring the water consumed.

The pressure reducer serves to reduce the pressure to the nominal at 5th atmospheres.

Check and sealing

Independent installation of water meters begins with their check. There is no need to require the seller the device with all zeros and checking. The initial readings are recorded when taking the counter into operation. As for performance, everything is quite simple here. If as a result of the verification it turns out that the counter is faulty, then the owner is issued an examination. If there is such a document, it can easily change the device. Exceptions are cases when the product was bought from hands without issuing any documents.

When buying a water meter, it is very important that there was a passport to the counter. It is necessary to look at the date of manufacture of the meter of water because it is this date that can be specified as an inspection. For cold water meters check after 6 years. For hot after 4 years.

Checking counters is carried out in the service of instrumentation. It is possible to find it in the HESCE or in the Vodokanal. You can also use the services of specialized firms. Regardless of this, the check is carried out for free, which complies with the law. All the information you are interested in will provide an HEKA engineer.

Counters for checking with the factory passport, which was complete with the device. At the end of the verification, the passport is stamp from the relevant service. The service is required to check any device, even if there are no relevant documents on it. This is indicated in legislation.

Interestingly: if the device is "left", then it will be necessary to pay extra for conducting a check, as a result of which the relevant documents will be issued.

The measuring instrument control service must specify the time when the instrument is sealing. If, as a result of the transportation of the device, the seal will be damaged, then the engineer may refuse to accept the meter into operation. When the check is carried out, you can proceed to solve the issue of how to install meters for water.

Where to install the counter

Before starting to work, you must select the place of installation of the water meter. It is better to do that, as close as possible to the input of the pipeline into the closed room. The fact is that if in front of the flow meter is the possibility of connecting to the pipeline, the inspector may refuse sealing. This is due to the fact that there is a big risk that water will be consumed without taking into account. It is better to solve the question with a specialized organization. This problem will fall on their shoulders. But if the connection of water meters is carried out independently, it will have to think to think carefully where it is better to do.

As practice shows, there are many schemes for installing cold water meters. So, the inspector may take it into operation if it is installed near the consumer or half the meter from it. If there is no possibility, then the water meter is mounted in the wrong place. Before taking some decisions, you need to consult with specialists, how to put a water meter.

Interesting: In some cases, the water supply can be incorrectly laid, as a result, it will not be given to install the device in the place. Such nuances are best coordinated with the engineer of the HEAK, which serves the house.

Connecting the water meter with your own hands in private homes is controlled more seriously. So, the device must be at least 20 cm from the wall where the pipe comes out. If we are talking about a private house, there is some features here. Thus, the plumbing well, located on the territory, should be in the capital construction with a metal lid, which fits tightly. A seal is also put on it to prevent embedding in the pipeline and consumption of water to bypass the counter. If you need access to the well, you will need to perform a filling. So detail how to install the meter on the water can you find out the video below?

Mounting order

Proper installation of water meters is performed according to a specific scheme. There should be no water intake devices before the shut-off crane. If the pipeline is made of metal pipes, then the first and last joints are isolated by waterproofing. Other uses conventional seals. Installation is carried out in such a sequence:

  • Shut-off ball type shout. If necessary, it allows you to overlap the water supply to consumers placed in this room. When it comes to a welded plastic water supply, then the flow meter can be transferred several backwards.
  • Mesh filter. With it, the collection of shallow suspension is performed. This allows you to protect the water meter from the occurrence of a blockage. For specifications, this element is installed in a plumbing, both urban apartments and country houses.
  • Counter. The name speaks for itself. The main thing is to correct the water meter.
  • Check valve. It is provided for by the technical conditions and prevents the inverse absorption of the water meter.

Special attention is paid to installing the filter. If the flow meter is installed on a horizontal pipeline, the filter nozzle is located down. In the vertical water supply, it should hang around the sideways. This permits to prevent the occurrence of a water meter break when filter cleansing. To perform mounting works, you will need an adjustable key and a packle, to seal threaded connections. Now, probably, everything is clear how to install the water meter itself.

Installation scheme of a water meter in a low water pressure apartment.

It is important to know that the check valve must be installed to avoid the pressure difference in the plumbing and overflow water from the cold hot or vice versa.

There are models of meters in which the check valve is already provided. But he is so miniature that it is better to install a full-fledged check valve.


After the flow meter is installed, it is necessary to check the pipeline for leakage. If they are not, then you need to immediately contact the water voltage and find out when an inspector comes to seal the instrument. Until that moment until a seal stand, the water appears in the old tariff. Water meter seizing scheme looks very simple.

Inspector on sealing is given only three working days. For the procedure, you will need an act of checking the water meter and technical passport. There is no need to provide any documents that the installation carried out relevant specialists. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry if this work was carried out independently.

Important: the inspector does not have the right to demand from the consumer so that the installation of the water meter was carried out by specialists.

When sealing, the inspector constitutes an act of entering the flow meter into operation, which indicates the initial readings. At the end of the procedure, the Vodokanal employee provides a service contract. It needs to be carefully learned, since there are cases of fraud. Thus, a subscription fee for maintenance can be spent in it, as well as information that the consumer is obliged to periodically provide the water meter to check at its own expense.

Some nuances

Weighing everything in and against, you decided to install water meters in your apartment or in your organization. What do you need to know?

Do not trust this responsible event with random people, do not buy counters of "from the hands" on the street, market or just at acquaintances, do not install them. This will lead to a number of problems starting from a poor quality device and most importantly, the lack of a guarantee for the water meter. Once drafted to save on the installation of the water meter, you will inevitably pass this process once again from the beginning to the end when you have to perform the meter verification, since the installation, maintenance, and the meter itself for taking into account the water consumption of the organization and sending you an account It is necessary to submit licenses, certificates for the installation of water meters and a passport to the device itself. Only in the presence of the entire package of documents, the readings of your counter will be recognized as correct, and the installation of the water meter will not deliver you trouble in the future.

By installing water meters, you will need to read the meter readings monthly, the testimony itself is sent to ECC (a single information and settlement center). The readings are read from the indicator device, compared with previously removed, the difference is calculated, and this difference is considered an indicator of the water consumed by you. Indicator devices are two types: roller and shooter. According to your indicators, you will be charged in accordance with the established tariff for this service, and is expelled in the form of a receipt.

You can apply for the installation of hot and cold water metering instruments both online on the company's website, which has tolerance to this type of work and by calling the company's phone numbers. The installers will arrive at any time convenient for you. You do not need to sit and wait a whole day, most importantly, to agree on the time of work.

It is worth noting that the use of accounting devices in residential apartments allows you to save up to three thousand rubles for the entire consumption period during the year, but in enterprises, savings will be several times more than the same period of time. Legal entities are particularly beneficial to install industrial metering devices with a large size and greater bandwidth. Organizations performing all types of installation, calibration and maintenance of water meters, work with both individuals and legal entities. Payment is possible both in cash and by bank transfer. The devices have antimagnetic protection, dimensions installed for these types of instruments and are included in the list of all individual instruments for accounting for the amount of resources used.

The installation rules for water meters are needed to maintain individual accounting of resource consumption and pay only for the water used.

Otherwise, there is a chance that you have to pay for the water that neighbors use, because generalical records are carried out using averages.

Procedure for the installation of water meters

Control the drainage and pay only to the cubic meters used is an important part of the budget planning. Installing apartment meters can specialists from HFA, third-party company or owners themselves.

It is important to understand sequencing:

  1. When buying a meter, it is important to verify its series and number and pick up all the documents attached to the instrument of accounting.
  2. Make a disconnection of rising water, hot and cold, with a service company that works in this house. It is necessary to assign a day and time and pay for the procedure.
  3. Install the counter and turn on the water.
  4. Be sure to check in the representative of the Vodokanal. For this, the specialist will come to seal.
  5. You should collect documents on the meter, the act of the employee and contact the Vodokanal for registration.

After consideration, the paper begins to accrue the payment exclusively on the meter. Its data must be inserted into the receipt regularly, not forgetting to indicate exact indicators.

Put counters for water - or through the company

Many users fear on the installation independently. There is a prejudice that such a procedure is illegal.

However, in fact, only residents decide, to fulfill their work with their own hands or contact professionals.

In the first case, you need to have some tools and deal with the water supply system, but this is saving money. When choosing a second option, the user is waiting for cash costs, but it will retain its own strength and time.

Installing water meters with your own hands

Replacement or installation of meters can occur by residents. Change the device is much easier, and with the initial installation there may be some problems.

The most important thing is to make documents correctly and make installation with special attention.

There is one suitable place to install, it immediately after the riser, on the first direct section of the pipe. This applies to hot and cold water.

It will take to make the installation of three elements: counter, crane and coarse filter. After completing the circuit, the layout is set.

All modern elements have a thread and establish them is not difficult. The main thing is to know that the crane will need to be opened, access should be provided; The filter must be directed downward, and the meter is obliged to see well.

What firm to entrust the installation of the water meter in the apartment

The right to replace or install the meter have only those firms that have a license. The easiest way to take a list of companies in DEZ and choose a suitable.

However, not all are presented in this list, so you can also find specialists using the Internet.

The correct solution for each tenant may be its own. Some prefer to independently acquire a counter and all parts and save funds. Others have no time for hiking in plumbing shops.

Connect the device will qualitatively be able to any company that has experience, license and technical means for the implementation of installation. It remains to choose from the general list those companies that possess all this.

Water metering devices

There are several possibilities to install the water metering device.

Simple scheme

Sequential installation of all necessary items.

Crane, filter and meter.

Scheme with check valve

In a simple scheme, a check valve is added to stabilize the meter readings.

Scheme with shut-off valves

A shut-off valve is installed for convenience, it is always possible to turn off the water supply to replace the counter.

Scheme with pressure reducer

Accurate pressure adjustment allows you to get the correct readings, regardless of water supply.

Category issues and answers

When installing counters with your own hands, most users have questions. Reply to the most common.

  • How to register water meters installed independently?

To pay for the obtained indicators, it is necessary to call a representative of the Vodokanal to seal counters. Then, with the collected documents, head to Vodokanal and further make indicators from the instrument of accounting to the receipt.

  • Is it possible to put the meters for water for free?

Plumbing works have their price. Depending on the choice of the company, it can be different. You can produce this procedure for free, paying for registration.

  • How to split the water meter?

Only a representative of the Vodokanal is eligible to seal, for this you need to call it, show the installation and all documents on the meter.