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Compatibility of Lviv and Gemini: the perfect harmony of relationships. How to achieve harmony in marriage? Compatibility Women twin and Men Lion in love

The main advantage of the Union is that every partner gets what he needs and like. The man lion will receive adoration, admiration, a lot of beautiful words. And the twins will receive a confident, strong partner capable of broad gestures and unforgettable impressions.

Their much, which binds, to live in a similar rhythm. Lerl's man will be proud of his companion, her eloquence, education, versatile glances. He likes to pay attention to his companion, admired her. True, everything should be moderately not to cause his jealousy.

A female twin will like the activity, the energy of a man of a lion, his organizational abilities, confidence. He knows how to seek goals, create romance, is not limited to home affairs, but constantly strives for action. After all, his element of fire means action.

And his actions are perfectly counted with the mobility of a twin woman. She knows how to adapt well, does not seek leadership in the family, it looks at the situation from different sides, provides a partner with complete freedom that a lion is very important for a man.

In relations between them there will be a lot of activity, communication, useful dating and interesting plans. They like to spend time in the companies of friends to have fun and many impressions. And never get tired of each other.

Thanks to a wide range of women twin, her ideas, a man lion will be able to achieve more. She easily starts the necessary acquaintances, collects useful informationAnd he generous to those who loves and will try to provide her a peaceful life.

Woman twins in love

  • Interesting
  • Sociable
  • Talking
  • Inventive
  • Versatile
  • Optimistic
  • Dynamic
  • Active
  • Cheerful
  • Bodraya
  • Educated

Man lion in love

  • Sure
  • Strong
  • Generous
  • Romantic
  • Optimistic
  • Noble
  • Open
  • Resolute
  • Creative
  • Organizational
  • Ambitious

Woman Twins and Male Lion Compatibility in Love Relations - Cons

There are few minuses in this union. Between them, there are practically no serious problems that can destroy relationships. Unless small misunderstandings. They may occur due to the too freedom-loving independent character of the woman of the twin, its inorganization and impermanence.

Also difficulties may arise due to the authority of the Male Lion, when he has a good mood, he is right hand-made kitten for his beloved. But it is worth the mood to disappear, it can be buried, if something is not by his will and show a commander.

Negative qualities of a woman twin in love

  • Inconstancy
  • Duality
  • Inorganizedness
  • Insincerity
  • Variability
  • Unreliability
  • Impracticality
  • Nervousness

Negative qualities Men Lion in love

  • Pulse
  • Intolerance
  • Self-confidence
  • Arrogance
  • Egoism
  • Egocentrism
  • Rigidity
  • Authoritarianism

Compatibility Women twin and Men Lion in love

Despite possible disagreements, they have every chance of long and strong relationships. They will never be bored with each other, will constantly have mutual attraction.

Here are some negative traits Character can be perceived as positive. For example, the duality of the twin woman in this union is able to even more hold the attention and feelings of a man of a lion. It can be one day cute, kind, charming, and on the other day is cold, discreet, not talkative. The even more will cause interest in the Men Leo. He will not feel confident that she completely belongs to him.

Relationships after the wedding do not freeze between them, but continue with the same love passion, as at the time of courtship and dates, which further strengthens their union. They need each other as air and fire. It is air, he is fire, and without a friend can not exist for a long time.

See also How Woman Twins Loves Lion Life Loves

How to win a man to win a man lion

Woman to conquer a man in the twin woman. He likes beautiful women. And the twins will be attractive and young. Twin Woman has amazing eloquence, versatile interests, knows how to create a beautiful setting, be different, which will undoubtedly attract the attention of the Men Lion.

He likes to receive admiration, compliments, beautiful wordsThat the woman has a twin easily. It is not difficult for her to seduce a man Leo saying admiration, adoration.

Woman twins and man lion in bed

The compatibility of the female twin and Men Lion in bed perfect. He likes the liberated women who can surprise him, charming. And she likes strong mencapable of big actions for her.

Intimate relations between them are filled with warmth and passion and adoration. The twin woman also likes experiments, changes, he also wants to show himself in all its glory and splendor, get admiration even in bed. The woman twins can with the words bring him to heaven and he will be the best partner in her eyes.

It is worth noting that this article contains just a description of the sign of the zodiac, that is, only the position of the Sun in the zodiac sign is described. When, as there are many other planets and aspects of participating in the formation of character, behavior, habits, a person. If you need assistance to an astrologer or you want to learn more detailed information about yourself or a person you are interested in, use astrological services on our website.

Astrological services are developed by professional astrologers. And help you learn more specific and interesting information, taking into account the position of all planets, aspects based on your individual horoscope. Before ordering, you can see an example of the horoscope.

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo Man and Woman Gemini - most full description, Only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

The Union of Men Lion and Women Twins is born after beautiful courting and spectacular attention signs. The magnificent, elegant and proud man lion will do everything to win the heart of the beautiful beloved. This process will remind Knight's tournaments for the attention of the wonderful stranger - our hero will be able to defeat not one opponent to be together with this charming princess. No matter how beautiful the novel began to begin, and without problems, it is not necessary to do without any problems - and they need to talk about them first.

These signs of the zodiac are considered opposite, opposed to each other. Man Lion Siller and Vlassen, he inspires respect for his monolithic majestic figure. Woman twins gentle and fragile, she just needed a patronage satellite life in his life so that he protects it from the troubles and adversity on the way. With a male, the partner lion feels very confident. She ceases to pay a lot of time to empty dreams, gradually gaining practicality and reality. Twins Woman Surrounding their chosen and caress. She will be so sweet and immediately, which will turn his head to Mudrome a man of Lion, forcing him to fulfill more and more important actions. The partner will not even notice that the twin woman does not have such a high sensuality, as he would like to, but it radiates so much tenderness, light, romanticity, that it will hide annoying inaccuracies in the perfect lover. After some period of relationship, the female twins feeling that he had gained enough strength and confidence in life to start her job, career or expand the horizons of his life, he would notice with surprise that the man lion was not thinking to give her the necessary freedom. He will constantly think that his partner is too weak and sunbath to make important decisions, and will think and decide for it - from the best motives. Woman Gemini, in this case, can take the conditions of the game of Leo, staying at the foot of his pedestal. She will admire them, serve him, take care of her beloved, and it will be her life that the generous lion is also odorless with flowers and gifts. In principle, the twin female will not be adequate or enslaved - she will simply be able to have the opportunity to take steps without the permission of His Royal Highness. If you remember that the king makes a retinue, you can guess - the female twins will find the opportunity to fulfill their desires, but it will happen as if her partner himself accepted this decision. With a reasonable approach to each other, the main hopes and the aspirations of both partners on the relationship will be performed, as well as nerves and strength, which is especially important.

Male Leo and Woman Twins can no longer chat together, dream and start in the scam. They love journey, together are engaged in a hobby or sports, read and discuss books. This marriage threatens only one thing - the complete loss of interest to each other. If a man lion will lose the past gloss, and the twin female will become an ordinary untidy and scandalous housewife, their relationship will stop. In order to preserve the Union, both partners must maintain its main intrigue.

He lion, she twins - compatibility with other signs

Compatibility Twins Woman and Leo Man in Love and Marriage

Psychological Compatibility Twins Women and Leo Men in Relations

Beautiful and dynamically developing relationships. And Gemini, and Lions love to receive joy from life, and such an alliance will provide them in full. Sex, romance, joint travels and everything else, without which these purposeful and extremely active partners can not live, but what is the most pleasant, it will all be found in love. Twins women willingly go towards men's lions in their game when they talk about their true royal grandeur, playing and pretending that they accept their boasting for a clean coin. The lion gets the opportunity to demonstrate itself in all its glory, while the twins are not fit in the rays of their royal magnitude. And the other partner perfectly understands all the benefits that such an alliance gives them, and without any problems reach any goals.

Sexual compatibility Twins Women and Lion Men

Intimate relationships in this pair are easy and very natural. Versatile and such living twins women are able to awaken in Lviv-men a truly animal passion, so their sex will always be full of fire and a boiler energy. Twin-women's twins understand that the lions are men - idealists by nature and their imagination, replete with Mercury, help them play out, so that he felt like a real king in bed. It is impossible to even convey, as far as important for a lion, which is most afraid of the insolvency in this area. With twins, women's lions feel perfect lovers, at the same time, opening all the new ones in the twins, they have an unknown parties.

Women's Business Compatibility Gemini and Men Lion

Business relationships in this pair are also quite harmonious, and partners like not only to work, but also relax together. The lion is extremely active in nature, and therefore it will impleate the constant readiness of the twins to change and even their adventures. This union in which partners respect each other personality, the ability to act independently and reluctance to limit the freedom of the other can be almost perfect. Especially if the twin-women will not forget to periodically encourage a lion-man and admire them.

That the twin women need to know about the Lion man

Although this pair is well compatible, you, twins, it should be remembered that a lion-man is very easy to challenge, for example, if it seems that you spend too much time out of the house and do not pay enough attention to him. The royal essence of Lion can not do without constant worship and the first thing that comes to his mind is, of course, treason. You do not even understand what you risks. In fact, the reasons for irritation at Lviv is more than enough - for example, not closed in a bathroom crane or not cooked in time lunch, lost keys - Twins women are so frivolous. However, more often, lion men relate to all similar living things with generosity inherent in royal personnel. Especially since the twins very skillfully use saving flatter

That lion man needs to know about the twin woman

Few of women are able to bring a formidable lion to a pretty purrous kitten's condition as twins can do. For some reason, they exactly know exactly when and what exactly needs to be said, in order for you, the lion, we show your hidden tenderness around the world. Perhaps this happens because the twins women unconsciously try to take a lion-man under their defense and protect his painful pride from everything that could hurt him. Unless this may not flatter a lion, who usually has to fight with the outside world, and even protect those who are near. But it is so tiring. Twins women allow lions-men to relax briefly, not forgetting at the same time to admire his mind and solidity of nature.

Compatibility Twins Women and Leo Men: Chances for the Future

The only danger for this union becomes suggestion. Even lions-men tend to lose their former shine over time, and the twins women can part with their natural originality. Then the partners begin to feel that they are missing something, and it begins to give birth to mutual discontent. As a rule, in such cases, the man's man begins to actively build his own career, the twins-a woman begins to assert themselves in society, personal ambitions make them forget about the partner and the marriage decays. If the twins and lion learns not to pay attention to small weaknesses of each other, and opposite more attention to communicate inside the family, then they have every chance to live a long and very happy joint Life.

How compatible Twins Woman in love relationship with other zodiac signs

How compatible Lion man in love relationships with other signs of the horoscope

Woman twins man lion

Man-lion and female twins attract each other like a magnet. The rapidly started love relationships, captures the cycle of sensations, unknown feelings, sharp impressions. Their life is similar to the carnival, somewhere and the matter is changing scenery, too much variety, noisy pastime. Such a lifestyle is used to lead a twin girl, it is her element, to live and in every way to avoid calm, monotony. Men-lion attracts a festive atmosphere, the flow of the inexhaustible energy of the twins, it bothers his mind.

The man-lion is surrounded by female attention, he is interesting, witty, perfectly knows how to deny, "look into the eyes", cause admiration, says flattering words. Lion attracts her genuine interest in his person, attentiveness, sociability. From nature, a woman - twins cheerful, spectacular, sometimes loud lady. He is absolutely confident in his irresistible, in any case, in her eyes. Any attempts of competitors take it out of his woman are punished with tough knockout for the opponent.

The man-lion in the relationship constantly in the wild voltage, he dreams of treason, flirting, pretense from a woman. He is not inherent suspiciously, but with this girl he can even fall into spyware, checks. Twin Woman Active, Easy, Talented, good soul, in her life there will always be people who she helped climb, dig up from serious situations. In her honor, many thanks, recognition from other people. But on a row, there is no economic activity in it, hard work, she will homework, causing boredom, laziness.

In relations with Lvom, follow your own words. He is a man wounded, malicious, the stuck phrase will get stuck in the heart for a long time, he will not stand it for a long time, will find a more communal partner. Lion has a great perspective to become successful businessman, Organizer. Large luck If the twin woman learn is delicately, not hurt the pride of the lion, but it can very carefully push it, it can give impetus to achievements, new discoveries in the fields of art, business, creative activity.

A twin woman in a mature age will serve as a "homely" catalyst, his triumph, her merit. The intimate side of the couple, reminds the game in the "cat-mouse", it turns it out of its unavailable inaccessibility, she is able to give the highest pleasure to his patron Lero.

Coming to the question of marriage with a reasonable severity, it is quite possible to create a happy family. But everyone will have to come down to many, someone change life position, give up carelessness, and reckless actions, to someone become more wise, patient, weathered? To ensure compatibility with a partner. If the pair reaches arrangement, the fine future and strong love Does not leave them.

Woman twins and male lion compatibility

The compatibility of twin women and men-lion - this marriage union is not only a strong physical attraction, but also a lot of common interests. Immediately after the wedding, boredom disappears and the need for detectives, Validol, Valerian, caffeine and others disappears medicinal products. Everything sniffs. During the period of courtship, twins are blinded to the marriage and generosity of the lion, and the latter impresses lightness and mobility, playfulness and greasibility, wit and eloquence of the first.

True, after the rapid start of living together, it often comes some cooling of feelings, sometimes reaching a crisis, the reason for which, as a rule, are negative features of the nature and the ingredients of the twins, especially their indecision, irritating lion, surface feelings, criticality or endless late . The lions must have completed in advance and be prepared for the fact that their partner from the sign of the twins is very often not at home - then he is at lectures or reports, then at meetings or meetings, then on a business trip or at some business trip, etc. . etc.

Despite all the difficulties, beautiful, bright family life It has every chance to be. Only if life will no longer enhance the wings, turning the lion in the loser with claims, and the twins in a boring housewife, the brightness and heat of passion is ensured by a pair, on long years. Therefore, the secret of a harmonious pair of lion twins - in self-development and personal success of each partner.

Twin female and man-lion shine in any society. Together they strengthen positive features each other. The twin female is sociable, erudite and witty, but it is somewhat lost against the background of royal lion. And the man-lion next to the twin female is truly redeemed: he won bEST WOMAN in the world.

Inside the pair is constantly boiling emotions. Moreover, exceptionally positive. If there are some misunderstandings, they quickly settle down, thanks to the ability of the twin women to go to any compromise, adapt to any situation. The lion does not like scandals and clarify relationships, and the twins can not arrange them. Sometimes "hot" lion his companion of life seems too cold, he would like to see more passionism in it. But optimism, gentle and light character, the ability to flirt and koxes, the twin female compensates for the lack of temperament.

In compatibility, twin lion, thanks to the ability of the lion to earn money, the family most often wealthy. The lion loves a rich house and well-established life. Twins are more frivolous, but in financial matters lion listened. Therefore, they eventually arrange a lively life than it would be done separately.

At first, their relationship with his royal charm, as a rule, it is easy to conquer an inquisitive twig, but soon for him it turns out to be a real surprise that it does not want to fall asleep with its precious freedom. Because of this, their relationship can be like a real hunt: an independent twin woman lives their lives, the man-lion considers it with his property and is trying, by all means to inspire the same thought. In this case, endless conflicts and clarification of relations in their shaky union are inevitable.

Often, this Union turns out to be truly fatal for a lion, because his family ideal is akin to the housework, while the twin female is not too tuned at all, nor for the management of the economy or marriage. A good mutual understanding will be in pairs until the twin female consider her lion to the head of the family and obey him. But the whole problem of compatibility of the signs of the Zodiac Zodiac-lion is that the twin female is smart, erudite, sociable and knows a lot of things. As a result, she grows the pride and it is difficult for her to give the reinforcement of the reign of his spouse.

In addition, she loves independence very much and is well oriented in the outside world. In this case, there may be two options for events. Or the twin girls will fully suppress the guy-lion and as a result will get a slaughtered cat, or under the constant pressure of the lion "understand" the irreversibility of his behavior and begin to "be heard" in front of him: then she will limit themselves "in punishment" in the familiar lifestyle and will try to become an exemplary housewife.

And in that, in another case, the pair is growing displeasure to each other. And it can begin to begin with the resentment of the lion that the "twig" chose a walk with his girlfriends with him. However, if the man-lion and the twin female are already in a mature age, their relationship flows much more peacefully and last for many years.

The compatibility of the twins-lion horoscopes - in order for harmony in their family, the twin woman needs to admire his male-lion. In no case, do not bring up it and do not alter if you do not want it to turn into a slim cat. Appreciate it strengths, cultivate them, the authority of the lion must be continued. From this will benefit, first of all, the twins themselves. After all, much more pleasant to be with a strong and self-respecting man than with an uncertain and timid loser.

Also, you should ensure that no one in your pair does not focusing the other. However, if the lion is pleased with everyone, he will not do this, and if not, he may begin to assert themselves at the expense of a woman. Pay attention to his mood - and he will take care of your internal comfort. Learn to smooth your resentment on you with optimism and jokes.

Horoscope Compatibility Women and Men with Zodiac signs Gemini and Lion

Love compatibility Couple Woman Twins and Leo Man

The situation almost guarantees a pair of long-term and interesting relationships that will enjoy both partners. It is worth noting that the woman is twins, like a man Lion - Egoista. This is a nature that always put only yourself in the first place. The spirit of rivalry can turn into life, which will not be inconvenient.

Twins and Leo compatibility gives all chances to partners to be not only lovers, but also live under one roof. He is not ready to share his leadership with the beloved. It can only be the main thing, and it is not even discussed.

Only in a relationship with him, she will feel that special comfort and protection, when a man is main and can even give teams.

Roman will allow them to enjoy relationships as long as both zodiac signs will want. This realist lion will show the lover that there is and real worldwhich can enjoy.

Dreamy and deeply fantasizing twins often lives in their own world, which was created by her dreams. Male Lion is even ready to change the attitude of the twin female attitude to personal freedom, but provided that it will experience the real feelings of the lion.

Passionate relations - the basis happy marriage?

What spouses will be a woman twins and a man?

Harmony in marriage will allow them not to doubt the correctness of their choice. Durable and successful union to create a family. The husband will share the hospitality of the wife, which should be constantly in communicating and receive new information. Behind's wife is even ready to calm their fervor outside the house, if the husband lion is a friendly owner, which is always happy to guests.

Trust them will allow you to easily solve any conflicts and misunderstandings.

Both signs of the zodiac can make a joke from the scandal. An excellent sense of humor will be the rescue circle that will be needed when the fiery lion will want clarifying relationships.

If children are in marriage, then Mom, twins will not be delighted with new duties for child care. She hardly found time for home affairs. In order for the relationship between partners to be spoiled, the husband lion should understand that the education of Chad does not make his happy wife. You need to think over any help options for it: nanny, grandmothers.

Father Lion will be absolutely happy from the appearance of the heir. It will speak his egoism and self-esteem. He will gladly spend his time on raising the child. It is worth noting that time will not be spent in vain. Father Lion can give the child the best thing that only depends on it.

Can one parent raising a child?

Find out what colleagues will be a woman twins and lion man

Harmony in business relationships is very doubtful. Lev Head is proud and malpamyen. It does not tolerate an empty chatter, which Gemini loves. Twins subordinate must keep the tongue behind the teeth and speak only in the case. In order to earn the attention of the boss - it is necessary to work productively and not attempt to be an upset. For Leo, the main thing is the result of the work.

If the twins are the leader, then the business union with the lion will be more favorable. His worker is full of energy and is ready to start performing any task right now. Gemini will appreciate the willingness of the lion and, perhaps, even will be a salary.

Is the service affair may have a serious continuation?

Can the Woman are hoping by the twin and lion man for compatibility in friendship?

Compatibility horoscope has a strong and long friendship. Both sign of the zodiac adore chat and public life. Versatile interests and big thrust for novelty will give them the soil for endless conversations.

Can friend become a loved one?

What is sexual compatibility, if the woman is twins and the lion man in the same bed?

Sex will give partners unforgettable memories, will bring new impressions and emotions. The proud and self-sufficient lion will turn into a twin toy. And it will be immensely happy. He is ready to relax and have fun. Twins will take leadership in their hands, and his full flight of fantasies will be a reality in bed with Lv. Such compatibility in sex can give all the grounds for living and marriage.

zodiac sign Leo Man and Woman Gemini

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Such women are distinct and impermanence. They are pretty good by themselves, and with them very easy to communicate. Often women - Gemini have creative abilities in several areas, quite easily achieve success in business and relationships. Good luck saves them into hand. In such a woman, there are harmoniously combined two opposite animals that manifest themselves at any time. She is smart, and charming, has a lot of fans and friends. A woman of this sign simply needs freedom. It does not tolerate affection and circumstances, quite easily solves the problems of friends, gives advice. Representatives of this sign are well developed intuition. In everyday life, such a woman will show themselves very mediocre, it is more attracted by humanitarian interests, rather than washing and washing dishes.

A bright representative of the powerful nature and demanding relationship. The man is always ready to help the weak floor, loves to feel the focus. His interests are quite versatile, he will wait for the same from the partner. To the representative of himself strong sign It is necessary to universal recognition and praise. It can achieve a lot if the chosen will keep it and squeeze praise. The man is the lion of the smart and his own way, does not experience special attachment to the spouse. If it stops responding to its requests, and comprehensively satisfy the needs, ready to switch to another object of love. In a career, Lions often achieve success, while often precisely thanks to the right attitude and understanding of the companion.

Compatibility female twins and man lion

Usually such a union is a model of ideality. A more practical man is a lion with pleasure takes on homework, receiving in response from a woman - the twin recognizing that he is the most. Creative person Such a woman allows not to buy on compliments, in which a man is extremely needed. The multi-faceted interests and character of both can turn a joint life into mutual pleasure. The endless curiosity of the woman of this sign perfectly satisfies the man - Leo, feeling at the same time as a teacher and an experienced hero. However, the idyll of such a union may disrupt the intolerance of the lion to the flirting behavior of life companions. On the soil of jealousy between spouses, conflicts often arise, in which a woman will not bother to sarcasm, infringe on the dignity of the lion. If both partners show understanding and loyalty, the bonds of marriage will become strong and durable.

Man lion woman twins compatibility

For her, he is ready to fight with a whole world, but can overcome himself?

Male Leo and Woman Gemini will undoubtedly attract attention. He is representative, domineering and confident; It is charming, intelligent and has to communicate. This pair will accomplish the sights of full envy and admiration. But is the ideal of their union, is there any spiritual and intellectual harmony in it, which both signs seek? Will the man lie in the face of Women twins a companion of life, ready to divide the joy of success and bitterness of defeat with him?

Real life is not love storywhere everything happens on a pre-written plot. But at the beginning of the development of relations with a man lion and a woman, the twins will seem to seem that their dreams about the perfect satellite of life were carried out. She met the most charming man in the world, generous, who knows what is gallantly care for. Restaurants, huge bouquets of flowers - the whole world is ready to throw a man lion to the legs of his lover.

He is fascinated by a female twins: charming, smart, a wonderful interlocutor, knows how to teach himself. In addition, this woman is just guarding him. Gemini, like no other sign, possess the gift of convictions: in their lips, absurd ideas sound reasonably, and the unacted flattery seems true. A man lion with all the passion of his nature rushes into this love ohut. He finally found in the face of Women Gemini Beautiful cut to gemstonewhich is he himself. For the sake of his beloved man lion ready to roll the mountain; Can cross all borders.

Male Leo and Woman Twins, feel spiritual relationship already on the first date and every day they find more and more in each other in each other. The lion sees the tenderness and care of the women of Gemini, she feels indispensable that it is very important for her. They are embarrassed together, they are always surrounded by friends.

Male Leo is a gentle lover who can indulge the whims of his chosen. Twins woman in love affairs manifests inexhaustible fantasy and ingenuity. But in fact, sex for her is only one of the forms of expression of perfect love, and not its basis. Common ideas, topics for conversations, as well as position in society - all this is no less important for the twins. Male Leo and Woman Gemini - Nature Romantic and Sentimental, their union is based on the contact of the souls than in physical proximity.

Most often, the relationship of the man lion and women twins are quite harmonious, and they have every chance of creating a union that will be a model of family happiness. In addition, the lion is not from those who have been thinking for a long time with the proposal of the hand and the heart. Woman twins are likely to agree, she will not be able to disappoint the lion flaming passion. But in fact, the twins will be in confusion, because such concepts as "responsibility", "marriage" scares it. Twins Woman, especially at a young age, does not perceive the marriage seriously, and sometimes it does not want to marry, because of the fear of losing freedom and become an ordinary housewife. Freedom - this is what can be an obstacle to ideal Union Men lion and women twins. The lion is the owner and the egoist, he will not tolerate the thoughts of his beloved be occupied by someone or something other than him, and it does not matter. This is relatives, work or innocent hobby. Male Leo is a terrible jealous, his choices should not play with fire, because in anger the lion can be dangerous. Twins Woman who wants to keep the love of a generous man Lion should convince him that he is the only one in the world for her, and no one comes with him. Woman twins worth forget about flirting.

Despite the proprietary behavior, the man lion will not be able to refrain from communicating with the women you like. This is another way of self-affirmation, because the lion should always be the center of attention, he is born to conquer the hearts. Male Lion Like for women, they flashes the attention of representative and gallant cavalry. But in fact, a man lion, rather, Montogan. The lion begins to look for love on the side, if he feels that it no longer need it, he is no longer a deity for his beloved.

The twins female relate to the inherent egoism. She admires the ability of a man Leo to seek success, besides, he is generous, kind and is able to close his eyes on her pranks and pre-sorts. Gemini woman is subject to frequent change of mood, does not always know how to lead household, Loves to chat, sometimes it is not in moderation. In turn, the lion, like the merciful ruler, generously forgives her small misconduct.

A man lion is not bored with a woman twins, and her crazy amusing him. A woman born under the sign of the twins is rarely satisfied with what has; The desire for change makes it an excessive fussy looking for disadvantages. In his youth, the female twins are unpredictable, love for her - the game.

But with age, she changes, reveals the wealth of her nature, the worm of the woman twins begins to invest in love and family.

The twin female can accept the limitations that dictates the proprietary character of the lion, but provided that her life will not be monotonous. She is unlikely to agree to the role of an ordinary housewife; Communication, travel, change - all this needs to be like air. In general, the twin female rarely misses, as the lightest on the rise, always surrounded by people and has a feature to get involved in all sorts of squabbles and adventures.

The man lion succeeded in society can become a pretty good husband and will not create problems to a woman twins. But the lion loser turns into a home despot. A vulnerable pride can generate Tirana, in all controlling his wife and children. In this case, the twin female will lose patience and, as soon as the right moment comes, the bonds will dissolve the movement of life.

This pair is not uncommon to meet. For such a choice is obvious. Always in the thick of events, ready for all adventures with a mass of ideas. He dilutes the universal boredom and boils friends to adventure. For a Male Lion, such a companion in life is just a fairy tale! In addition, she is beautiful and well-read, can always chat with him about the structure of the universe and the future of humanity.
For a twin woman, beautiful courtship at meetings, romantic dates under the stars, cute picnics in the park will soul. For her, a romantic nature of a man-lion will be a surprise that will conquer her tender heart. In addition, the man-lion is a true getter. And be the head of the family, supporting financial stability, it perceives as proper. Feeling his confidence in himself, the twin female will be the faithful and devoted companion, surrounding it with all his attention and care.

ABOUT! How beautiful is such a couple! Both are so brilliant and bright. Such a proud graceful lion and charismatic charming twins. Gemini can be expelled boredom from the royal life of a lion, dip His Highness in the ocean of fun, joy and joy. This rarely who will not like it. And the ability to speak beautifully nice words will simply turn around the consciousness of the king of the beasts. Lions Pads for sweet speeches, on enthusiastic exclamations in their address - to be the center of attention for them is just necessary! This is where conflicts lie here.


Sensuality on high level with elements of improvisation.


Lions are difficult to put up if all the views are directed to another person, and to attract attention - part of their nature. But these are only flowers. Creepy owners, and, not at the other side of the twins, may be regarded as betrayal. And for the twins such control over the situation, which is used to having lion, will be frightening - the twins will feel the danger of losing their personal freedom.
In such a pair, it will be necessary to work on relationships with both zeal, if there is a desire to link your lives with strong and durable uzami. Lions will have to pacify their pride and stop hiding their real feelings. Gemini should be less windy, remember that next to them is the most worthy satellite. And changing deep and strong feelings for the attention of friends - not at all the right choice.

Compatibility Such a pair can be called perfect. These two are never boring together, they have a lot of common interests, those for conversations. At the beginning of the relationship and immediately after the wedding, lovers do not move away from each other. Lerl likes lightness, playfulness, optimism, resourcefulness, talkativeness of the twins, and the girl of the battle was pushing generosity, luxurious courting of his beloved. Of course, in life is not so smooth, a couple will have to survive a lot of difficulties, to change your character, learn to understand the needs of the second half. But still it is one of the best zodiac couples, which can be able to maintain his union for many years.


Never boring together, they will always come up with how to take themselves. Roman usually proceeds very violently, but over time, feelings calm. Problems begin due to the short twins. The lion can not tolerate indecision, nonpunctuality, constant criticism, subskings, insincerity of feelings, but all this is inherent in the representative of the air element. A man should immediately accept the fact that the spouse will rarely be at home, because she has so many cases: shopping, visiting lectures, meeting with girlfriends, business trips.

If partners succeed at least a little change their character in best side, understand the needs of the second half, the Union will be strong and durable. Everyone must be realized in life, engage in self-development. Otherwise, the twin female will turn into a boring grilling housewife, and the man-lion is in the unhappy life of the loser.

Benefits of marriage for both signs

Lev-man, twins Woman - compatibility of this pair is obvious absolutely for everyone around. These two people look in any society, they complement each other. The lion is proud of his beautiful, erudite, sociable companion, the twins in the society of the royal spouse are in the shade, but it does not interfere at all, because the woman of the air sign and does not seek to be the center of attention.

Thanks positive emotions, the ability to settle conflicts and without need to not find out the relationship of the woman's air makes his great marriage. Gemini-man, Lev-Woman also feel good together, but still they lack the spark that runs between the Lvom-man and the twin-male. A representative of the fiery element sometimes want to see more passion in his partner. Air at times seems too cold, but it is capable of a lack of temperament compensate for optimism, coquette, weakness.

Lev-man, twins - Woman - Compatibility of their excellent and financially. In most cases, the couple lives albeit. The lion is able to earn, and with it even windy twins, accustomed to silence to the left and right, learn from the mind to invest.

Negative sides

The beginning of the relationship does not cause any problems, because the guy immediately distinguishes his beauty from the crowd, fascinates her royal charm, and here they are already a couple. After some time, the lion learns that his beloved incredibly freedom-loving and does not want to radically change his life. A man dreams of marriage, family, cozy houseBut now the restless twin can not change and reincarnate into a caring hostess, she is not very hurry to marry.

Lev-man, twins-women - the compatibility of signs is good, but still in love will have to change their character a little, listen to the partner. The spouse should be the main one in the family, the wife is obliged to take into account his opinion. The problem is that the twins know too much and are able to, so they will not be difficult to shut down the believed lion's belt, insert their five kopecks, and the man does not like it. Because of this, there may be conflicts, discontent with each other.

How to achieve harmony in marriage?

Admiration, adoration, comprehensive attention - this is what the proud and royal lion loves. A woman must be proud of them, express the approval of his actions and actions. If the twins will appreciate and respect the spouse, they will benefit from it. It is much more profitable to be near self-confident men than next to the doubtful loser. But still it is impossible to let the lion of ourselves, humiliate, underestimate. If a man is satisfied with everyone, he will take care of the internal comfort of his spouse. Otherwise, the Lion may begin to assert themselves at the expense of his wife.

Start of relationship

Lev-man, twins - Woman - Compatibility in love is no doubt. The girl knows how to attract attention to him, to surprise the ability to be always different. Lero impresses when there is a beautiful, intelligent and company woman nearby. A man falls asleep in gifts, makes surprises, suits magnificent dates, in return he wants to hear the words of admiration and appreciation. The relations of the "Twin Woman - a man-lion" will always be at the height if the lady does not laugh without tired of admiring the satellite, compare it with famous film heroes, bright personalities. Praise, flattery is everything you need to representative of the fire element.

Is friendship possible between signs possible?

Is there a pair of "Lev-Man - Gemini-Woman" compatibility not love, and another plan? Yes. A strong friendship is often tied between them, which, on the initiative of a representative of the fiery element, can turn into something more. Both love to talk, but they need to speak in front of the audience, and not tell something to each other. The company Lion and Gemini can arrange a real show. The attraction between them is too strong, so representatives of these signs can even throw their partners for the sake of new relations.

Is it possible to co-build a business?

Compatibility and twins (man) are not so productive in business sphereAs the Union "Man-Lion and the Gemini Woman." From this pair, excellent partners are obtained, because they are hardworking, active, together ready to minimize the mountains. Gemini love to solve new tasks, go ahead, and the lion wants to be first everywhere, achieve great success. With such a powerful man, it is not easy to work, but the air sign representatives are perfect. Gemini for nothing palm of championship and lions suits it.

Relationships at work

The optimal option when the fire is the boss, and the air is subordinate. (Woman) and Gemini (Male) in the business sphere is not as interesting and promising, as the relationship of Women twins and a lion-man. Under the strong and clear guidelines of fire, the air will be able to reveal all its potential. The lion is a very generous and gallant head who knows how to thank her subordinates.

If the boss is the twins, then such an alliance is not very favorable. The lion itself is bright, representative, he has many wonderful ideas, so he is in professional Plan grows faster than its head. If a warm relationship was originally formed between them, then such a business union could produce many profitable projects. Lion and twins perfectly complement each other.

Fire and air is a good couple, they are never bored together. Gemini and Leo can be loved by friends, business partners, work colleagues. The compatibility of the pair is excellent in any field of life. Together they achieve large heights.

Beautiful and dynamically developing relationships. And Gemini, and Lions love to receive joy from life, and such an alliance will provide them in full. Sex, romance, joint travels and everything else, without which these purposeful and extremely active partners can not live, but what is the most pleasant, it will all be found in love. Twins women willingly go towards men's lions in their game when they talk about their true royal grandeur, playing and pretending that they accept their boasting for a clean coin. The lion gets the opportunity to demonstrate itself in all its glory, while the twins are not fit in the rays of their royal magnitude. And the other partner perfectly understands all the benefits that such an alliance gives them, and without any problems reach any goals.

Sexual compatibility Twins Women and Lion Men

Intimate relationships in this pair are easy and very natural. Versatile and such living twins women are able to awaken in Lviv-men a truly animal passion, so their sex will always be full of fire and a boiler energy. Twin-women's twins understand that the lions are men - idealists by nature and their imagination, replete with Mercury, help them play out, so that he felt like a real king in bed. It is impossible to even convey, as far as important for a lion, which is most afraid of the insolvency in this area. With twins, women's lions feel perfect lovers, at the same time, opening all the new ones in the twins, they have an unknown parties.

Women's Business Compatibility Gemini and Men Lion

Business relationships in this pair are also quite harmonious, and partners like not only to work, but also relax together. The lion is extremely active in nature, and therefore it will impleate the constant readiness of the twins to change and even their adventures. This union in which partners respect each other personality, the ability to act independently and reluctance to limit the freedom of the other can be almost perfect. Especially if the twin-women will not forget to periodically encourage a lion-man and admire them.

That the twin women need to know about the Lion man

Although this pair is well compatible, you, twins, it should be remembered that a lion-man is very easy to challenge, for example, if it seems that you spend too much time out of the house and do not pay enough attention to him. The royal essence of Lion can not do without constant worship and the first thing that comes to his mind is, of course, treason. You do not even understand what you risks. In fact, the reasons for irritation at Lviv is more than enough - for example, not closed in a bathroom crane or not cooked in time lunch, lost keys - the twins women are so frivolous. However, more often, lion men relate to all similar living things with generosity inherent in royal personnel. Especially since the twins very skillfully use saving flatter

That lion man needs to know about the twin woman

Few of women are able to bring a formidable lion to a pretty purrous kitten's condition as twins can do. For some reason, they exactly know exactly when and what exactly needs to be said, in order for you, the lion, we show your hidden tenderness around the world. Perhaps this happens because the twins women unconsciously try to take a lion-man under their defense and protect his painful pride from everything that could hurt him. Unless this may not flatter a lion, who usually has to fight with the outside world, and even protect those who are near. But it is so tiring. Twins women allow lions-men to relax briefly, not forgetting at the same time to admire his mind and solidity of nature.

Compatibility Twins Women and Leo Men: Chances for the Future

The only danger for this union becomes suggestion. Even lions-men tend to lose their former shine over time, and the twins women can part with their natural originality. Then the partners begin to feel that they are missing something, and it begins to give birth to mutual discontent. As a rule, in such cases, the man's man begins to actively build his own career, the twins-a woman begins to assert themselves in society, personal ambitions make them forget about the partner and the marriage decays. If the twins and lion will learn not to pay attention to small weaknesses of each other, and opposite more attention to communicate inside the family, then they have every chance to live a long and very happy life together.

How compatible Twins Woman in love relationships with other signs of the zodiac