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Strong love plot for a man. A real spell on a man during a thunderstorm

Calling on the energy of thunderstorms, we appeal to two elements - fire and water that can help in a love spell.

The strength of thunder and lightning was used in all cultures, from the ancient Greeks to Slavs. Energy thunderstorms are used in various rituals: it clarifies the mind, contributing to the resolution of difficult life situations, helps to gain strength. Thunderstorm love spells are performed independently. Siberian sorcerer Igor Leonidovich Nikolaev, famous presentations in Krasnoyarsk And other magical practices, advises before holding a love rite to fulfill the ritual of accumulation of thunderstorm energy.

Charged clothing

In order to charge the clothing of thunderstorm energy, it follows at the first raskat thunder hang on the balcony clean things that are not required to iron (for example, underwear). After their thunderstorm fence and wet rain, things should dry (also on the street). Need to put them separately from others, in a paper bag or a bag of natural fabric, and wear during magical rituals - for example, love Awriter.

Love men

After waiting for grommets, burn the wax candle and, by contacting the East, try the conspiracy three times:

"As you, thunder, rattling, knock on my heart trembles and the spirit captures, so pounded and fluttered the heart of a man (the name of the property object) for me (your name). He would suffer and rushed, I didn't sleep at night, I didn't see for a long time, I didn't see for a long time, I did not breathe with one air. And how not to ban thunder thunder, my words can not be killed, and (the name of the attitude object) is not removed from me, not to separate. May it be so!"

Love spell on the "thunderstorm stone"

To carry out this attitude, it is necessary to go under the shower by closing the stone in the hand. Then you should drive a stone on the body and with every roller thunder (you need to wait for seven blows) to say a conspiracy:

"Mother Arrow Ground Radiated by the Sea-River Stone, my words Yes, bring me a loved one, the slave of God (the name of the attitude object). Be the words of my strong and model. "

This stone should be taken with you to meet the chosen one.

Love spell

If the chief of the house lives the bird, it is worth collecting in a thunderstorm of rainwater, put in it a spoonful of millet and leave it for a day. After that, millet should be thrown away, and to attribute the bird to the bird in the house of the chosen. Before pouring water into the shell, you need to speak it: "My favorite bird in this house lives. Water-driver, Mother's Mushnik, I will not drink a bird, and my love. How many times the bird is brunette, so much (the name of the attitude object) of love will take. He will drink everything to the bottom - will love me to the end. May it be so".

Most full description In all details - a spell on thunder and rain with a fairly strong and safe magic influence.

Water is an excellent conductor of human energy. And water that falls from heaven is charged with energy higher Forces. When the rain is conspired, the two of these energies occur and the result is a strong action. With this force, you can find your love or return your loved one.

Conspiracy to love is worth only with a strong rain

Charged positive energy

Conducting any conspiracy, a person must prepare to prepare:

  • It is required to configure yourself to a positive result. It is worth mentally representing all the most pleasant moments that were conducted together with a loved one. It is also desirable to experience response feelings.
  • Before the start of the rite, it is necessary to go under the rain and in the smallest details to tell him about his feelings, excitement and lonely state. As soon as the story is completed, it is necessary to watch the rain. If the direction has changed, the power of fall intensified or decreased, this means that the element heard everything and is ready to help.
  • Conspiracy to love should be carried out only with a strong rain. Weak sediment - weak energy. It may not be enough to break through the protective field of the lover.
  • If suddenly, during the ritual, the thunder can be distributed or lightning strikes, then all actions must be stopped immediately. This means that nature refuses to help. In this case, it is necessary to ask for forgiveness from the rain for the desire to take advantage of it.

Return the left feelings of your loved one

Any plot of rain is a very strong spell. Therefore, before it is applied, it is necessary to think about it, and if all this is necessary. If still, without this, it is impossible to do without it, then you can start the rite.

For a conspiracy, it will be necessary to wait for heavy rain. It is desirable that there was no thunderstorm. The window opens, and the hands are exhibited by the rain. After that, the following words are read:

"As the rain comes from the sky, so you (name) will cry for me and get it. As a droplet to the droplet on the glass flows, so my cute does not forget, only to me in a hurry to me, it runs to me. How rain is not to enter into a sieve and do not stop, so I do not separate me with my sweet. Amen".

This spell is repeated three times. It is important to pronounce every word loud and distinctly. At the end it is recommended to wash off rainwater and shut down the window. To enhance the effect, you can stand near the window for a few more minutes and represent your lover.

If the conspiracy is made to return a loved one, then to enhance the effect you need to collect rainwater

If the plot on the rain is made to return the former feelings of his own spouse, then to enhance the effect to collect rainwater. It must be collected during the ritual. This is best suited in the morning from 9 to 10 hours or in the evening from 17 to 18 hours. Water is assembled in any, non-metallic tank. After that, her little girl add her husband to tea, coffee, soup and other hot dishes.

Strong conspiracy

Enough strong ritual For love, so you should not fulfill it without accurate confidence in your feelings.

On a blank paper, write both names. This leaflets stretch to the rain and begin to pronounce the spell:

"Let the rain be raining with their droplets with our separation, will have a strong sadness of my beloved (name). How to merge with rainwater our names on a sheet in one whole, so let our lives contact one! Let my favorite (name) can not live without my name, and this rain will connect us forever! Amen!".

Conspiracy is read until the entire leaflet becomes wet. After holding a rite, paper is dried and hidden well.

This conspiracy to love is the strongest and efficient. It is able to provide long-safe relationships that will be protected by nature from any negative external influences.

Conspiracy on the rain is able to ensure long beneficiary relationships.

Distribution ritual

You can wander your beloved very simple. For this, waiting for a good shower, but without thunderstorms and lightning. Rail to the open window and begin to whisper three times on the rain:

"As a water from the sky, the slave (name) will be free and the heart of it to me, the slave (name) will open. How the water from his head to the legs is willing, so his heart with love to me, the slave (name) will grab. How the water will affect the water, so longing for me, the slave (name) will wake up. The word is strong and the right thing is true. Amen".

If at least a drop of this rain falls on the beloved, then soon he will come and will talk about his feelings. If this water passes, then the next rain and love will definitely overtake him.

Complete the rite correctly

Any conspiracies have magic powerwhich calls for the aid of the Outdoor World. That the spirits are not offended, they are definitely thank. Such an action is also called the sputter for the ritual. Without it, any magic is not completed.

There are various sputters, but the most simple are the following:

  • It is required to go to church and put three candles for health. After that, it is necessary to give nine five-chacts near the church.
  • You can simply come with nine pines to the crossroads and put them on each other in the very center. As soon as they are picking, the spill will be considered executed.

There are also stronger sputters, but for these conspiracies to love will be enough and holding one of these rites.

If a person has never come across the informative rituals before, you should not invent them yourself. After all, any incorrectly conducted magic process can lead to unexpected and even destructive consequences.

What are there any lovers to rain

Rain, as one of the manifestations of the elements, among the magicians is considered the strongest conductor of energy flows aimed at establishing a love relationship between two people. Not in vain. During the rain, many have mental torments caused by undivided feelings. That is why any spell on the rain or love plotMade during a strong shortage very effective.

Lookwear to rain

Rain and magic

According to the ancient Slavs, rainwater - strong magicwhich in the old days the women were sinking in the morning, to return and preserve their youth and beauty. Magic moisture was collected from jets flowing from the roofs, strictly into the tank made of wood and she was stored until the next heavy rain.

Rustic sorcerers used water to remove the negative, the preparation of magical drugs and the treatment of all diseases. To modern magicians from those times a large number of Love conspiracy and love spells using rainwater. Most of these rituals belong to white magic, they carry only purity and positive in themselves, and therefore they do not violate the energy fields of the victims and do not influence the karma affected.

Here is an example of several white love spellors who have reached this day from time immemorial and possessing big powers. But! They will work if there is at least the slightest, mutual sympathy between the performer (by the customer) and being involved.

Ritual under heavy rain

This trigger on the rain can be done not only to draw the attention of your loved one, but also to forever save and strengthen the family relationships.

Do not hurry, reading the ritual to perform it. First, wait for the right moment - the spell must be done during a strong shower and only with a growing moon.

Remember forever, in general, all the love spells are love, cash, career and so on must be made on a growing moon, even if in the description of the rite it is not specified.

To achieve the maximum effect from the ritual, perform it strictly at a certain time:

  • either from 9 to 10 am
  • either from 17 to 18 pm.

If you want to assemble the water of the future, you can use any containers other than metal.

So, choosing a perfect time, you can start:

Open the window and, making sure that there is no one out of people on the street at this time, collect a few falling droplets into my palm, reading a conspiracy at this time:

"As the sky crying during the rain, so you are the slave of God (the name of the beloved) you will suffer and tears to pour on me the only one. As the droplets, one to one slowly flow on the windows, so you will always walk with me, always thinking about me, and wherever you are in a hurry to hurry to hurry. Like the water rain it is impossible to dial and stop and stop and stopped, and you do not solve us with your beloved anyone. Hantaaa.Ulara. "

These words should be pronounced three times in a row, it is definitely loud and intended, so it is better to take them.

Having finished heading the water, beware of what managed to collect in the palm of your hand. Then close the window, and for some time wait near him, watching the rain and presenting you together, happy and in love.

Important! Never pronounce magic spells during thunderstorms and lightning. At these moments, the energy in the air is as concentrated as possible and you, without training, can not manage and the effect of the ritual may be the most unexpected. For example, it would seem the harmless white spell, completely suppress the will of the victims and would give it with all the qualities of man, after a strong black binding. The man will experience:

Remove the consequences of such a witchcraft will be very hard, and without the help of a person with extrasensory abilities it will not work.


This ritual is no less strong than the previous one, therefore, if you are not fully confident in the truth of your feelings, it is better not to experience fate and do not play other people's emotions.

Take the pure landscape sheet and write on it your name and the name of the beloved. Open the window, stretch to the rain paper and say:

"Let the raindrops of the raind of magical melt the separation of our separation forever, and will help me inspire the slave of God (the name of the beloved) sadness is strong! As our names, our names merge gradually together, and our fate let us go away, and until the end of the life we \u200b\u200bwill be one with your beloved! Let the slave of God (...) will not be able to live without mentioning the name of my name, and this rain will always associate us! May it be so. Amen!" .

Read the conspiracy without hurrying so that during this time leaves completely wet in the rain. Holding a rite, the paper is well dried, and hide in an inaccessible place for an extraneous eye.

While paper you have magic work, and your relationship is under reliable protection water Element. If you want to stop the actual action, just destroy it.

Black love spell during thunderstorm

In life, it happens anyone and sometimes a woman in the literal sense is dying from undivided love, and here all the means are good, because the main thing is that the beloved person is always there.

If you have weighted all "for" and "against", familiarized with everyone negative consequences Black binding and still decided to accomplish the intended, stopping you already useless, then let's start magic!

On the night, when a strong thunderstorm outside the window, go out and read the spell:

"I urge you: stars, planets, shining, watches, half chapters, moments and moments, beginning and end, virgin blood and Blood of the woman in labor, the first sigh and the last exhalation, the first blow of the heart and the last blow, the demons of rage, love and jealousy, patience And forgiveness. Help me. Put (sacrifice name) on your knees. Let him be fighting in fever and fear while being away from me. As angels pour tears for sinners. So (...) Let him cry for me. And we will live with him forever. Amen".

Be prepared for the fact that during the reading spell you can see perfume. Do not be afraid and do not pay attention to them. As soon as you finish talking, turn over the right shoulder and go to sleep. It is forbidden to watch the sky in order not to interfere with the perfumes with you, to do your work, about which you and asked them.

If you manage to talk with anyone until the morning (including with you) and look at the floor all this time, consider that the spell turned out, and the heart of your beloved to your end of life will only belong to you.

Note! With black magic jokes are bad, any minor error in holding a ritual and everything can go wrong with the way you planned. And if the white ritual is not a successful ritual, then any appeal in dark forces will not pass for you without a trace.

If your favorite man left you, and you want him true

The power of the elements can be subordinate to any person. The spell on the thunder and the rain allows you to conquer the heart of the object of its attachment, without proving to roll back.

No attributes need. Only self-confidence and willingness to act. It is necessary to watch the weather forecast for several days to approximately understand what day is suitable for the ritual. A strong thunderstorm is desirable: the louder will be thunder and rich rain, the higher the chances of success.

Before the rite should constantly think about his victim. The concentration achieved during this time contributes to a safe result. In suitable weather you need to go outside. It makes no sense to mock: you can hide under the visor of the entrance or even at the stop of public transport. The main thing is that there were no people around. The time of day does not play a role. It should be tightly squeeze fists, remember the appearance of the object of exposure, and pronounce a conspiracy and rain:

"As you, the elements, laid down, like all of you can destroy, like people and beasts you scare how from Heaven you hit the earth, and about (name) Do not forget, love me to make, all the power of a priest, will give me, with me Leave, ways to connect, make them forbid them. Let the thunder rattling louder, but (name) loves me all the stronger, let the thunder stuns, and it always resorts to me, let the rain of the field and the valley glands, and (name) only shoes me, let it rain obstacles Together with thunder to me (name) accompanies. "

You can prove magical words as in full voice and whisper. Having finished reading a conspiracy, it is necessary to return home. Love spell on the thunder and rain will come into force on the same day. Most practitioners ritual succeeds so well that the victim is calling after a few hours later. In any case, the first results will be noticeable no later than four days.

Love spell during rain and thunderstorms

To attract attention to yourself unrequited (for now), you can use those elements that nature itself gives you to help. If the rain and thunderstorm behind the window are taping and enhances the suffering, then they need to use, and do not tear pour.

A warning! Love spell is a magical impact that can lead to irreversible adverse consequences. If your feelings are so great that you can't live without a loved one, then you cannot dissuade you, of course, no one can. But, by performing a magic ritual with the involvement of natural elements (a love spell on the wind belongs to them), do it carefully. It is necessary to ask for a rain of help. It is asked that the response is. Then, perhaps and the consequences of unwanted will not be.

How to ask for a rain about a spell?

Looking at the thunderstorm and water, rushing from the sky, tell your words about your feelings, ask to help. If changes will occur in the water stream, then you are responsible for. Rain can rush stronger or stop. This will answer. If the request will be followed by thunder, lightning, and the thunderstorm will increase, it means that the spell is not worth it. You warn that magic is not for you. Or, in any case, today it is not worth doing. But if the blind sun looks like - this is the most desirable answer. Nature tells you that it is completely ready to become on your side.

How to spell a spell on the rain and thunderstorm

Take a sheet of paper. Write on it the names of your beloved and your own. The sheet needs to take in such a way that raindrops fall on it. While the rain will water your names, you need to represent the face of the beloved and pronounce the following words of the love spell on a thunderstorm:

"The rain, a drop of a drop, wash our separation, Navali on your beloved (name) boredom. How do our names merge in heavenly water in one spot, so let the thoughts and life connect so the best! Let emutic than my favorite (name) will not be able to live, let it be too raining to connect us into the moment! Amen!"

Spoke these words as long as written words do not merge into one spot from the rain droplets. Now the sheet needs to be dried and hide. Do not throw out! It should be stored in a secluded place. Then your relationships can become strong and will be protected by the strength of nature and the lattice on the rain!

love spell and rain

Only black magic!

i spell you, I am creative sky,

stars, planets, luminais,

hours, half an hour, minutes,

moments, beginning and end,

the blood of the virgin and the blood of the female in labor,

first breathing and last exhalation,

the first blow of the heart and his last blow.

Let the demon rage, a demon of love, a demon of jealousy,

the demon of patience, the forgiveness demon will be put on his knees (name).

Fever, fear will come in the body (name),

if I won't stand next to, drag (name) look,

i will not joke, talk, love.

How Angels are crying for a sinful soul,

so let (name) cries about me.

And I will be with him, only with him,

Everywhere and always! Amen.

Pulling of any complexity. Love witchcraft. Work with kolynnikov. I do not work with the sublaws, I do not chase demons.

A real spell on a man during a thunderstorm

If you ask what magical impact It is used most often, you will see that the spell is most often used. And so it was at all times.

Cardiac cases always stood in people in the first place. Lovely Do and independently, and seek help to the MAG.

There is a huge amount of love spell, where absolutely everything is used. And help bright and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below will be a trigger of men during a strong thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this natural phenomenon.

And absolutely optional to have a photo of a man with him, enough, just know his name.

The only complexity of such a love spell for an urban resident is what should be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. Therefore, if you want walking a man in this way, then before thunderstorm Go to the city. The place must be desertless. That the spell is really strong, make it recommended at night.

Making a love spell only on a growing moon. At other times the result will not be or the exact opposite. You must personify a thunderstorm, turning to her as a living being. Must establish some connection with it. Usually people are afraid strong thunderstorm, especially when the lightning is sparkling and thunder. You have this fear must be absolutely absent.

So, go out on the deserted open place During thunderstorms and remove all the clothes from themselves. Stand in the rain, lift your hands up and consult a swirling element for help. Words can be any, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the thunderstorm, as you dream to be yours. Name his name. Ask a thunderstorm about help.

Another option:

It is based on ancient Russian belief that during the thunderstorm demons hide behind the backs of people. If in the first version of the sameness you addressed a personal thunderstorm with a request for help, now you will contact the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you do not have to go beyond the city and Nagishk stand in the rain. It can be done even from the balcony, standing under the visor. The main thing is that you see a thunderstorm. The moon phase must be growing.

So, you become on the balcony during a thunderstorm and read the next spell:

I'll hide you, from a thunderstorm

And you will serve me. "

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is behind your back. It is impossible to turn around. Contact a demon with a request:

"The demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know you're standing behind my back

And protect you from thunder and lightning

Sistor to me a service

Let (the name of the man) will be my and soul and body

Let him come to me

Let we be together

Help me the demon, and I thank you. "

It is necessary to stand for a while, and then go to the room and without talking to go to bed.

The next day, it is necessary to file alms by Troyim. It will be a fee to work.

There is one more easy plotwhich you need to read by turning to the zipper. It can be read through the open window. When lightning sparkles in the sky, pronounce the following words:

"Cut you, fiery arrows

I spell you, Creation of Heaven

Let (name) comes to me

Let him won't be rest if I was not near

Let him think only about me

Let me see only me

Let concern just me alone

I spell you, arrow fiery

Of these three Prikovotovconducted during thunderstormsThe most strong is the first option. So if you want to get a really good result, overcome your fear and do as described.

And do not forget that important condition love Privorot It is that you should not be attempted to see the object.

Love love on rain. Plot for love during the rain

At the moment when it is raining it's time to read a conspiracy spell causing strong love in another person. Still in the old days it was noticed that conspiracies during the rain have great strength and if read a love spell on the rain , he instantly loves one who read love plot on raindrops . If you need to delay your beloved guy or man to yourself, follow the next rite. In the rainy weather, go to the window in your home or apartment and opening the window manifest words of a probitive conspiracy :

So how the rain comes from the sky,

So the slave of God (name) will be launched for me.

Like a drip on the glass runs,

So my dear will not forget about me.

How rain do not assemble in the sieve,

So it's not to divide me with cute and not to separate.

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Cross in tricks three times and closing the window to read our prayer. As soon as the shower will end love spell made on rain Immediately starts to act.

Conspiracy Love Love Men or Guy can be read on any day of passionate week before the onset of Easter. This ancient probimal plot of prayer possessing a strong action is used only if you need to be strongly and forever to wander to yourself the person you love. Before making a guidance rite on personal week It takes at least a day of a strict post, you just need to fast on the day of the attitude. If you are ready to independently make a newsworthy ritual with reading a conspiracy of prayer for love, buy a church candle of any size and color and the name icon of your holy patron and the icon of a person being traveled (it may be calendar).

All rites to the Palm Resurrection: Conspiracy and love spells are of great strength and can change the fate of any person with the help of Verbnaya magic. If you need to get married for your beloved man or boyfriend Read the conspiracy spell on love after which you can get strong family. Conspiracy Prayer B. palm Sunday Ready to love will help quickly and strongly fall in love with the man of whom you love and make him quickly marry you. Before the onset of the Palm Resurrection, I wake up the twigs of the willows who have already fluffy and bring them to her house Read the conspiracy spell on love And in Palm Sunday give the conspiracy will

Strong conspiracy Spell independently made on apple saved quickly and forever gives it to you necessary man strong uzami love. This is a very simple and fast guidance conspiracy made at home on an apple for the transformation of the Lord. With the help of an apple, various magic rites and rituals. In many fairy tales, the magic power of apples is mentioned, it is a molding apple and an apple who take beauty, even in the Bible Eve and Adam were expelled from Eden for the apple. There are many love conspiracies and love spells with this fruit, but the rite with the help of an apple a day apple Savior It is capable of shimmering a person for 1 day. If you need to quickly and forever wander to

Conspiracy to his salty tear is the most strong love Which instantly and forever brightens his beloved person who caused a strong feeling and tears in your heart. At the moment of strong experience, when the "soul rushes into parts" and flows bitter and salty tears, human energy is the most strong and special spell has a lot of power. Prayer Love spell that is later readable at the moment when you have a feeling of love for a person we cried. The words of the conspiracy of the impotera who need to say on their tears

The strongest and popular conspiracy of a person's call to the ambulance will quickly make a loved one to meet with you. This magic challenge is read only on the street and only in the summer. To do it, you need to go out early in the morning, as soon as the sun stands and the dew will still lie on the grass. Come out and walk barefoot for delets Read the conspiracy of the call that is able to call your beloved to myself blowing the feeling of longing and

So that the husband having hated the opponent is read by the conspiracy of Razororka, a husband from his mistress by thirteen new needles. The rite is very strong and capable of quarreling her husband and forever to make her husband and rival returning the wrong wife in his family. For each needle, read once a day powerful plot And relate to the needle to the door of the rival, throwing under the threshold. Conspiracy is made 13 days and if the husband quarrels with his mistress before the end of the rite, be sure to complete the conspiracy to the latter needle. Lapel To forever embroil her husband with a mistress and make it so that the husband hates the mistress read on his own on any day of the week and any convenient for you

Return a husband in the family will help the spell - prayer independently read in the church on the candle. Immediately after reading the conspiracy on the return of her husband, he will return to his wife becoming a loving and caring man. Conspiracy allows you to forget the mistress and even the husband will return to his wife after the divorce. If you decide to independently return your husband to the family with the help of magic, this method of returning your favorite is the most suitable. Memorize the words of the conspiracy of the attorney who will return the feelings and love to your husband and make him return to

Strong conspiracy Love spell on the wind made one of themselves and forever brightened his beloved and quickly units in his heart a strong sense of love. Immediately after the promotional rite and reading a conspiracy, the person on which a love spell was made himself will start to care and will make attention to him and responded with reciprocity. Despite the fact that this conspiracy on the love of a strong action, its fulfillment is simple enough. I don't need to ritual magic subjects, photos and candles, for the love spell you need to wait only windy weather and going out and putting face to the wind to read the words of the magic spell on

A good plot for love needs to be read on Monday at night. From Monday to Tuesday from 20 o'clock in the evening before zeroing the day (onset 24 hours) Take a glass of live water (from the stream, well or lake, river, pond.) And read the conspiracy on it to strong love that will quickly love a man or guy in you:

To the kindness and obedience of her husband, his wife needs to read a conspiracy into humility that will make an obedient person who will not be able to say the words to his wife across. After this conspiracy on the scandalous husband, the husband will stop hitting and yelling to his wife in a conversation voice. Conspiracy need to read on 3 church candles any color. For the ritual you can buy the cheapest candles that only eat in the church and coming home when the husband is not at home burn all the candles at the same time and keeping them in right hand While the candles are burning in their dwelling and read the words of the conspiracy that will make your husband you

Want to come in a dream to your beloved person and dream of this night, it is very easy to do with magic. If before bedtime sitting in bed read the magic words of the spell conspiracy, then in the same night the person who is from you from you will see you in a dream and you will dream of him throughout the night. It was this magical ritual that girls who wanted to see himself with a beloved, who had not seen for a number of reasons for a long time. After reading the next conspiracy, the beloved man seeing you in a dream wants to see him soon. Control of other people's dreams This witchcraft action esoteric was built mostly on visualization with

Dump the rival and make a mistress to sob in love your husband and quarreled with him will help an old conspiracy. Make this simple ritual to be broken down husband and mistress can be independently with love magic and reading. strong conspiracy On the edge of love feelings at the rival and her husband. When your husband will not attend the house, go around your home (apartment) from entrance door Clockwise After completing the full circle and after reading this

A good conspiracy to quickly meet your love and successfully marry a rich bridegroom can do any unmarried girl Or Wow Wow or after a divorce. In order to meet his second half, it is necessary on a weekend, when the church is crowned to approach the gate without entering the inside and wait for the moment when the married couple will come out of the church. At this very moment, turn around three times and worshiping telling the love affair conspiracy of prayer to the ambulance meeting of the future

If the husband brought his rival or simply, his mistress appeared. Wife can independently make a marriage to her husband forever from his other woman who appeared. Make a strong outstanding husband from the rival who once and forever turns him away from his mistress and gives him to his wife you can independently and now plot on how it is done. Going around the cemetery and break any dry branch in the cemetery ground, bring the branch home and put under the threshold or rug (outside). When a husband returns from his mistress, throws through this thread. Now you need to get out of the house and taking this thread to attribute it back to the cemetery, reading a strong lapse on it

It is possible to shock your husband to myself forever. After that, the love Awrittle will not walk with friends and women, and will always hurry home to his wife. Wherever he was and what would not be engaged in, in his head will be longing for his wife and a constant desire to seem to see. Alone to wander the husband to himself will help this probimal conspiracy on a beloved man with whom you are in related or love connections. In any Wednesday in every corner of the room where you sleep with my husband three times cross the same angle and in every corner 1 time out loud, read the text of the privilege of the conspiracy for eternal love

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit!

I ask you, God's slave (name),

Help and protect on this day,

For this hour and at this moment.

My enemies overcome me,

On me, unhappy, attack

Alignment, they have been eaten about.

Lord, help, Lord, bless!

I urge all the land and oak

Puck with me, with God's slave (name).

I will pray God, ask his help.

Lord, help, Lord, defend!

Code, Lord, the court, let them be punished,

I will prize all the names of the saints,

All the great towers of old and young.

Prize all shining: Sun, Sky, Moon

And Bethlehem star.

Be all the testimony of my affairs,

So that no one blame me

Nor the court in court nor anyone on earth

So that no one touched my name.

Let them ride them

Thoughts with bad things turn on the best.

Let them regret me

You cannot condemn strictly.

I am the sun, I am the moon

And as a Bethlehem Star,

Which is impossible not to love

And to condemn any court.

And how people pray for forty saint,

So let the judges be covered

To all words my!

Not forty, not thirty nine,

Not thirty eight, not thirty seven,

Not thirty six, not thirty five,

Not thirty four, not thirty three,

Not thirty two, not thirty one,

Not thirty, not twenty nine,

Not twenty eight, not twenty seven,

Not twenty six, not twenty five,

Not twenty four, not twenty three,

Not twenty two, not twenty one,

Not twenty, not nineteen

Not eighteen and not seventeen

Not sixteen and not fifteen

Not fourteen and not thirteen

No twelve, not eleven,

Not ten, not nine, not eight,

Not seven, not six, not five,

Not four, not three, not two, not one,

Words of mine, my deeds.

Lord, help, Lord, bless.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Present spell on a man during a thunderstorm | Primigrators, conspiracies, prayers: Collection of magical rituals

If you ask what magical impact is used most often, you will see that the spell is most often used. And so it was at all times.

Cardiac cases always stood in people in the first place. The spell is made independently, and seek help to the MAG.

There is a huge amount of love spell, where absolutely everything is used. And the help of light and dark forces, and the energy of natural elements and even the energy of cataclysms. Below will be a trigger of men during a strong thunderstorm. It uses the energy of this natural phenomenon.

And absolutely optional to have a photo of a man with him, enough, just know his name.

The only complexity of such a love spell for an urban resident is what should be done in an open place. In the forest or in the field. Therefore, if you want to shit a man in this way, then before the thunderstorm should go beyond the city. The place must be desertless. That the spell is really strong, make it recommended at night. How is a spell on a thunderstorm:

Making a love spell only on a growing moon. At other times the result will not be or the exact opposite. You must personify a thunderstorm, turning to her as a living being. Must establish some connection with it. Usually, people are afraid of a strong thunderstorm, especially when lightning sparkle and thunder thunder. You have this fear must be absolutely absent.

So, go out on a deserted open place during a thunderstorm and remove all the clothes. Stand in the rain, lift your hands up and consult a swirling element for help. Words can be any, the main thing is that they come from the heart. Tell the thunderstorm, as you dream to be yours. Name his name. Ask a thunderstorm about help.

Another option:

It is based on ancient Russian belief that during the thunderstorm demons hide behind the backs of people. If in the first version of the sameness you addressed a personal thunderstorm with a request for help, now you will contact the demon. The advantage of such a love spell is that you do not have to go beyond the city and Nagishk stand in the rain. It can be done even from the balcony, standing under the visor. The main thing is that you see a thunderstorm. The moon phase must be growing.

So, you become on the balcony during a thunderstorm and read the following spell:

"Come to me

I'll hide you, from a thunderstorm

And you will serve me. "

These words must be repeated three times. Listen to your feelings. You will feel that someone is behind your back. It is impossible to turn around. Contact a demon with a request:

"The demon, I feel your presence

I feel your breath

I know you're standing behind my back

And protect you from thunder and lightning

Sistor to me a service

Let (the name of the man) will be my and soul and body

Let him come to me

Let we be together

Help me the demon, and I thank you. "

It is necessary to stand for a while, and then go to the room and without talking to go to bed.

The next day, it is necessary to file alms by Troyim. It will be a fee to work.

Love spell on zipper

There is another simple conspiracy that you need to read by turning to the zipper. It can be read through the open window. When lightning sparkles in the sky, say the following words:

"Cut you, fiery arrows

I spell you, Creation of Heaven

Let (name) comes to me

Let him won't be rest if I was not near

Let him think only about me

Let me see only me

Let concern just me alone

I spell you, arrow fiery

Of these three love spells, held during a thunderstorm, the most powerful is the first option. So if you want to get a really good result, overcome your fear and do as described.

And do not forget that an important condition of love spell is that you should not attempt to see the object.

Thunderstorm in the views of our ancestors was not a simple natural phenomenon. In the pagan times it saw the manifestation of wrath of the gods that the arrows sworn in the guilty people. In the Christian world, the thunderstorms were considered arrings of Ilya - the Prophet traveling around the sky on a horse and an embarrassing evil, which he amazes with lightning.

And the sophia hoof the horse is and there are thunder blows, which everyone is so afraid. Because of this perception of thunderstorm, the first thunder caused an ambiguous attitude. Fabricating with a stuffy, prey to the wind, everyone experienced strong tension.

The first thunderstorm in the spring was considered a sign of the appearance of the long-awaited Ilya - the Prophet who can drive the evil and release a person from their way. Therefore, hiding from thunderstorms was considered a sin. In parallel with this, the fear of her raskat was insurmountable. After all, the prophet could easily kill a person, followed by the evil, or the one who was united the demon. Ilya did not prevent people, kill the trait was much more important. Therefore, when lightning killed a man, they said that he suffered for the destruction of Darkness forces. Such people were considered to be righteous, honored the sacrificial nature of their death.

The death of women from zipper was another attitude. It was believed that the sinters die in a thunderstorm. Probably, such an opinion is based on the admission that you need to clean up, turn long hair when the first spring thunder threatens. According to believe, in long Voloch May be confused by the evil and hide from Ilya - the Prophet. If the lightning fell into a woman, it means that it was not enough to make her hair well and shelted the demon from the sponge of the prophet's arrows.

Also thunder was an indispensable attribute of spring offensive. Rolls walked land, plants, animals. In the past, people thought that the land would remain frozen until the Thunder would sound in spring.

Studying the first spring thunder, people learned to predict the weather for the spring and summer. As a result, a variety of signs about the first thunderstorms appeared:

  • About a thunderstorm in March said that she foreshadows cold.
  • About the first thunder, combined with the wind from the east, they said that he was carrying early spring without rains, and in the wind from the south hoped for a pleasant warmth.
  • The first spring thunder with the western wind is a sign of rainy spring.
  • The first thunder began to be heard only after the end of the rain - a few days will have heat.
  • When the first thunderstorm accompanies a sharp cooling, it is not necessary to hope for heat in the summer, most likely, it will be cool. It turns around in the evening, if the first April thunder came without rain.
  • If the first thunder was late and thundered only in May - the summer will be very hot.
  • The first thunder in the fall promised warm weather, and then the warm winter.

Sometimes the first spring thunder can become an assistant in identifying features. economic activity of people. Knowing to accept that the first thunderstorm in April suggests that rye and barley is not swarming, it can be focused on other cereals. Remembering that lightning without thunder is in front of the dry summer, it is necessary to sow only those cultures that are drought-resistant.

Knowing to accept that cows after the first thunderstorm in the post begin to give little milk, can adjust their plans and focus on another form of earnings. For example, the April first thunderstorm promises big crop Nuts. This is a good compensation for those who lose on low villas.

The first thunder in early April warns fishermen, that this summer in these places can not catch fish: the fish will not be pending.

The first thunderstorm spawned a lot of superstitions. When grandmother remembers old admission And asks not to look into the mirror during a thunderstorm, probably, you can ignore her words. After all, believe that such an innocent action will lead to nightmarish dreams for the whole year, not worth it. But if you pierce this warning and start just afraid, most likely, you will have to put up with terrible dreams.

The most terrible can be considered to take about a thunderstorm on a bare forest, which promises hunger, sea of \u200b\u200blivestock. Also everyone was afraid that the house and other buildings will light up from the thunderstorm. So that lightning does not hit the house, and the first thunder did not led to the tragedy, various amulets were used, for example, branches consecrated in the church during the Trinity. If the waggies did not help, and the lightning still hit the construction, the fire had to be poured by kvass and sour milk.

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It is known that the first thunder Many signs endow mystical strength. Therefore, when the window thunders for the first time in a year, do the following:

  • Locking to be a healthy back.
  • Ride on the ground, keeping behind the stomach, so that there is a healthy digestive system.
  • Hug a birch to be a healthy chest.
  • They gnaw stone so that they do not hurt your teeth.
  • Beat on the head of the fist, repeating: "Iron head" - that the head is not sick.
  • Kwalk and consider money, press your hand to your pocket with money when the lightning strikes to live in weakness.

Studying what the first thunderstorm means, many have misunderstanding: why they should be worried about the good crop. After all, today products are purchased worldwide, and the crop in a separate area does not affect food security.

However, experts argue that the crop is a symbol of profits, security. Therefore, the crown is a clear lack of material means, which everyone is afraid, as in the past, all wore a bad crop of grain.

Spring first thunder - Signs will tell about its importance

Do you know that the first thunder was very important for our ancestors - the signs of it were an integral part of their culture. Slavs were confident that such a natural phenomenon entails not only the change in weather conditions, but also associated with the health of people.

Due to the fact that our rapids mixed up all the slightest signs of fate, watched what was happening after any natural phenomena, today we know a large number of a wide variety of beliefs related to thunderstorms, rainbow, rain, thunder, fog and other natural phenomena .

To this day, such signs are considered a good forecast for the whole year. Surprisingly, in modern meteorology, those signs that were noticed by our ancestors are really used in modern meteorology. However, in the modern world, such data is necessarily confirmed by the testimony of instruments and statistics.

Thunderstorm in early April or May, especially if it was early, always used as an important reference. Various beliefs associated with such natural phenomena, which concern not only weather changes.

  • It was believed that if the spring thunder is born, while ice is lying, the catch will be very big.
  • If the first thunder is heard from the north side, then this summer will be very cool, if with south, then summer will be hot and arid.
  • If it thunder early in the morning, the weather will be ambiguous in summer (not cold, not hot).
  • If it rare at lunch, then there will be good harvest. If in the evening, summer will be hot, and autumn is cold.
  • When the first thunder is heard, you need to kiss the land, then you will not be afraid of thunder.
  • If you are very much afraid of such a weather phenomenon, then, only hearing the rollers, you need to cross in front of the window three times, put the revealed Gospel in the corner (so that it looks into the east), after that thunder subsides.

An even more important phenomenon than the first thunder was the first thunderstorm. It was believed that if she was in March, or simply to this time still lay the snow, he said that the whole year would be extremely rainy and cold.

Our ancestors were confident that spring began with zipper. After all, this Perun drives his arms with his arms.

  • The appearance of thunderstorms in April was quite normal, but if she was "late", it was believed that all summer would be very dry, hot, nature would be recovered for too long winter.
  • There was also a belief that in fact the frogs cannot squash until the first thunder with a thunderstorm, since they still sleep, but strong sound Empty and wakes them.
  • It was believed that in order to escape from thunderstorms and lightning, it is necessary to keep a black dog in the house, a cat or a rooster. If suddenly, after a thunderstorm, a fire began, then during extinguishing it was necessary to pour fire with a black cow milk, beer or kvass.
  • Surprisingly, it was considered a sin during such a natural phenomenon in the middle of the road.
  • Hid from thunderstorms under the birch, but not under the pine either fir.
  • It was possible to escape from the misfortune, fuming the house with the Chernobor.
  • In addition, our great-grandparents were confident that it was not afraid of thunderstorms and zippers, if during the weather to eat a piece of moldy bread.

A lot will take about thunder associated with human health. It is believed that as soon as you hear the sounds of the first thunder, you need to hit the head three times. At the same time, screaming: "Iron head". After that, you can be sure headache Will bother you all year.

  • In order to avoid pain in the lower back and the spine, it was necessary to climb under the weather during the weather. After that, try to raise it with the help of a loin.
  • Our great-grandparents also had a special way to get rid of dental pain for the whole year. During the first thunder, they took the first pebble and began to gnaw him a little.
  • In order to preserve health, youth and beauty, you must lay out in a water tank silver decorations. After that wash this fluid. However, such a sign is valid only if the thunder once heard at the time when snow was still lying on Earth.
  • To the lips did not crack, it was necessary to kiss the earth only. Also, various superstitions describe this method as a method of combating fears, disorders, negative magical attacks.
  • In order to protect yourself from pain in the stomach throughout the year, it was necessary, having heard the first thunder, capture the belly, fall to the floor and ride it.

From our ancestors we got a large number of diverse adoptions that are a storehouse of knowledge. Relying on them, you can not only predict possible changes in weather, but also improve your health.

Those carefully over the lightning, try to capture this picture in memory, as much as possible, and if one day it happens to be in a difficult situation, close the eyes for a couple of minutes and cause a thunderstorm in memory with maximum accuracy.

You will feel that your mind and body seemed to pierce the energy discharge. You will have the forces to overcome all the difficulties, and you will find a way out of the situation, even seemingly completely dead end.

Thunderstorms can stimulate telepathic and clairvandal abilities, and this miraculous power It is also stored in the rainwater remaining after the thunderstorm. Such water must be assembled into glass or ceramic vessels with fitted lids from the same material - they are isolated its energy.

Especially effective water becomes, if we put a few dried leafy of wormwood into the same vessel, which is also able to strengthen telepathic energy.

The vessel leaves stand under the lunar light for three nights preceding the full moon.

Then in the night of the full moon, when completely dark, out of paper or on Earth, in any way cool and put all the things you want to charge inside.
From harmful people

"Charged" thorough stone - A simple and reliable mascot, which will help to cope with many problems. In particular, with the help of the "thunderstorm" stone, you can make the grumpy neighbor, a spouse or spouse, a harmful chief, in short, any scandalousist.

How to do it? Once in a thunderstorm in nature, pick up as soon as hear the grommet roll, the first stone came from the road.

Crossing the threshold of the apartment, office or another place where you have to constantly contact with your tormentor, say, holding a stone in my right hand:

"Thunder subsides, the thunderstorm will pass, and the (name) is not suitable with evil. Both stone strong and conspiracy strong. Amen".

Then put a stone under your bed or office desk and do not trust 7 days to it.


"Thunder" stone can become a guide to the means. Some complexity is that for this will have to go under the shower. Conducting a stone on his body, with each thunder blow, pronounce the following spell:

"Mother Thunder Street expanded the sea, rivers, bring my beloved person to me. Be my words strong and modeling. "

It is necessary to repeat it seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunder-rolls should be sounded. Stone must be seized on the nearest meeting with the object of your feelings.


For women, there is another, simpler spell (though, and its effect is less reliable).

Hearing thunder, burn the wax candle (not only a church), become a face east and read a plot three times:

"As you, thunder, knock, rather, so the heart trembles, the spirit captures, so pounded and fluttered the heart of a man (name) for me, your woman (his name). He would have rushed, suffered, did not sleep at night if I had not seen a woman (name) for a long time, I did not breathe with the air with me. How not to ban thunder thunder, so my words can not be killed and the person (the name of the man) does not separate from me, do not remove. True! "

Not only a stone - you yourself, or rather, your inner "I" can also charge a thunderstorm. For this, it is not even necessary to leave the dwelling - enough, having heard the first raskats of thunder, go to the balcony or get up at the open window.

Increase the power of talismans

Phone "Thunder" water It will increase the power of any talismans, but it is especially good for items that are used when you are fortunate and sessions of clairvoyance - cards, runes, crystal balls, pendulums.

Lower the fingers into this highly charged drug and moisten it with each item, uttering such words: "Thunder and lightning, wormwood and moon, your forces will soon move into this amulet." Then leave all the items moistened with the drug, under the moonlight, but certainly remove them before sunrise.

Charged thunderstorms

Hearing remote grommet rolls, hang on the street or on the balcony clean wipes, which will not spoil the water and which are not needed to iron (the most underwear is most suitable for this purpose). Dry after the rain they should also outside.

Then they are put in the bags of natural fabric or large paper bags - so that they are completely isolated from other clothes. It is useful to add a pinch of some dry grass with miraculous properties to package.

Such charged clothes should be worn in particularly responsible moments of life: it exacerbates intuition, attaches endurance, protects from energy vampires and weakens the enemies.

From disease

Assembled during a thunderstorm water possesses and healing properties. She, too, should be given to stand up the night under the lunar light, and then at noon to start the rite.

Shipping the table with a clean white tablecloth, burn two wax candles (not church), put water on the table and put it on it twelve times:

"Lord is all-honored and unreal! Water, current from your heaven, Thunder Rutty, Lightning Outdoor, Omoy, the whole body (the name of the patient) from the Network black, from the disease is exhausted! How thunder thundered and duck, like lightning sparkled and went out, so come with (patient's name) Parious pain, and to be him common, in God's case - and bones are yellow, and a white body. True! "

This water must be washed face, hands, chest and feet of the patient - precisely in such a sequence. The patient should stand in the pelvis. Water after washing to collect and pour under the fence after sunset. Such a ritual will help a person quickly get rid of his illness.

From Pretic

If someone is extinct for you, modern magicians advise to spend the next simple rite. Collect rain water at a time when thunder thunder. Speech on this water:

"How thunder subsides, so you (name) feed! How thunder me (his name) does not touch, so you do not touch me! "

It is best for this water to supply the person or mischriding him in drink. If it fails to do this, then just sprinkle the place where he will sit or after him. Sprinkling, say:

"Thunder me (name) does not touch, and you (name) do not touch me!"

Put protection

To put protection against possible trouble and shocks, when the thunder is getting, immediately say:

"My given! Call you to help! Heaven forces to me, grandson (their name), in defense. I am a faithful fire off from all sorts of troubles, from the enemies of visible and invisible, from the sword and fire, from the water and trouble, from the sorcerer and the sorcerer, from the evil eyes and the lighted hour. Your glory is mine! True! "

On scandalous husband

Wait for thunderstorms, the stronger, the better. Press our forehead to the glass and say seven times:

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Resenting, quarrels, kindness and joy return. Amen".

After each reading of the conspiracy, autumn yourself with a procession.

Never be afraid of thunder. If a thunderstorm began, immediately put a broom on the verge of a dwelling (swept part), at the same time presenting a huge shield of blue color. Lightning and every evil will take such a house.

From the Old Testament Times in Slavic magic (as well as in the esoteric traditions of ancient Eldla, Rome and Scandinavia) it was believed that thunder and lightning are independent, thinking entities that are in the authorities of the Supreme Gods.

Rusich, for example, Puranun was considered the Supreme Divine.
The cult of God Perun, was spread in many lands, his main attributes were a thunderstorm, thunder, lightning and arrows.

IN slavic languages, Words "Perun" and "Lightning", "Thunder", were often synonymous, and single-colored. Traces still visible in many modern languages. For example, in the same Slovak, the words "Perun" and "Thunder" have the same language foundation. And in modern Polish - the word "piorun" - means "zipper". The Polish word "Piorunowa" means "sink", "violently attack." In Silesian, the exclamation of "Pieruna!" Or "Jerunie!" In modern Belarusian, the word "stick" also means "thunder", or "lightning".

Slovaks have suffered a lot of folk spells to date, if not to say curses that appeal exactly to Perun. What is interesting, in the rest of the Slavs, including Russians - there are a layer of very similar expressions, but they appeal in them (apparently, already under the influence of the church) not to Perun, but usually, to hell, or to demon, or just - directly To thunder and lightning. Slovakov, apparently, these expressions are preserved at a more priority form. Here are some of the likes of their spells translated into Russian:

"Do you want to get to Perun?"
"What are you on Coy Perun?"
"Perun you beat!"
"Get into it Perun (thunder)!"
"Wake you Perun"!
"Get into you Thunder (Perunov) Arrow"

If necessary, our Magi's ancestors exclaimed: "Bii, Peruna!", And then they pointed out who or what exactly was necessary to beat: the names of opponents of unfriendlies were called, the problems of which were required to get rid of (hunger, morbidity), or prevented requests Bloody raids of nation-enemies (for example, Khazar, Polovtsy).

And today, the signs, removing the damage, in their conspiractions appeal to Ilya-Study, they ask him to send them to the face in the case of healing thunder and zipper ...

Thunderstorm stone

"Charged" thunderstorm stone is a simple and reliable talisman who will help to cope with many problems. In particular, the stone taken in a thunderstorm will help you from the scandalous husband.

How the thunderstorm starts, when the thunder strikes, be fed and lift any stone on the road. Stepping the threshold of the house and keeping the stone in the right hand, say three times:

"Thunder subsides, the thunderstorm will pass,
And the slave (name) is not suitable with evil.
Like a stone strong
So the conspiracy is strong.

Then the stone is put under a married bed for forty days.

The "thunderstorm" stone can become a guide to the means. Some complexity is that for this will have to go under the shower. Conducting a stone on his body, with each thunder blow, pronounce the following spell:

"Mother Thunder Street expanded the sea, rivers, bring my beloved person to me. Be my words strong and modeling. "

It is necessary to repeat it seven times, for which, accordingly, seven thunder-rolls should be sounded. Stone must be seized on the nearest meeting with the object of your feelings.

Love spell in a thunderstorm.

When there is a thunderstorm, love spell on a lightning husband:

"Where are you, lightning,
Where it was losing
There, arrows flew.
Fly, Arrow,
Where am I drove!
Fly, broke, dew
Slave of God (name),
So that the fire,
Fire do not fill
Water, wine
He does not drink
Food, Disformation
Do not heal
I don't talk about
Do not dissuade
Church bell
To repel it
Women's milk
It is not laundering.
How eternally in the sky
Lightning boom,
And forever
Will love me
My husband, the slave of God (name).

Men can also take advantage of a spell in a thunderstorm. To do this, read the following plot:

"How thunder knocks
So would the heart of the rob
Slaves (name) pounded,
Pain gave
When the slave of God (name)
I did not see me for a long time.
Like rain
Pours and cries
So would the slave of God (name)
Cried, sobbing
For me, slave (name).
How can not zipper
Take a hand
So it is impossible to slave (name)
From me to separate, debug.