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Love plot on the thing. Conspiracies on things to attract luck in life and love

Conspiracy on the thing of a loved one is in magic. After all, it is very often for the influence of a person's personal belongings that he enjoys constantly.

These rites can be completely different. So, the arrogant young lady on any subject can.

What then a loving woman remains? Yes, to oppose your pure energy to different black "initiatives".

Let's figure out how to effectively fight for your man so that happiness is not to lose, and in joy all my life live.

In what cases is used?

Let's start with who it can do without risking to get a punishment. The fact is that, naturally, anyone can say on the subject.

They will acquire some power, will take away the owner of the thing aside from his divine path. What do you think then will be?

When will the victim become regularly shy away from the tasks that the highest strengths put in front of him? Probably everything is clear that it is unacceptable.

The universe has many mechanisms to punish a height, which considers it can be replaced. Yes, this is a completely different question.

The main thing is that the conspiracy to the thing is beloved should be spoken by a clean soul.

That is, not with the desire to put pressure on it or make something to do or feel. And with the intention of making a person happy.

Such a conspiracy will be supported by the Universe, it is clear that the punishment will not follow (only award).

Now about goaling. Conspiracy on the beloved thing can be read in order to protect a person from danger, to keep a little luck.

Some times read special conspiracies for health, for money, for success and so on. It is important that the intention is good for this particular person.

If a woman reads a conspiracy from selfish considerations (so that there was a number and contained, for example), then the target is not always achieved.

Conspiracy on the thing is loved and what can I achieve

If you understand the previous thought, it becomes clear, from such conspiractions can be both benefit and terrible harm. Words that come from the depth of loving soul are not just affecting the "sacrifice".

They wrap its power of powerful power. They become a good adviser and a shield from negative impact.

The described effect has all the conspiracies that the loving woman says. The intention here is not particularly important. Even if she wants just to save the family, she creates a powerful charm for his man.

And it works in all directions immediately. Success comes to him, career growth, money and other benefits. And the woman just sought to love!

When the conspiracy utters a complete egoist, it will work, as damage. That is, the thing will deprive the man of the natural protection that the Lord is laid.

It will be literally a "black funnel", attracting all sorts of troubles. A woman, at the same time, will also get.

Then you will not know who to run for help.

What things to talk

In fact, this is not particularly important. Magic gives care of any items. Some, simple, work better.

These include those things that cause positive emotions. We also call them "favorites."

For example, a person has three suit, but his soul lies only to one. He is more likely to wear him, belongs to him more careful and so on. For conspiracies, it is such things.

They repeatedly enhance the magic promise accumulated by positive energy.

Examples of conspiracies

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Do not scroll by. Find a couple of minutes for of this information.

The ritual is carried out on any day, with sunlight. You need to take an item, put it between the seven burning candles. Stroger it with your left hand, read:

"Lord Most High! Remove your slave (name) from an evil word, a robber of someone else's, human moloss, shameful suma, shame and dishonor, so that there is always with you together! Amen!"

Pronounce seven times.

The conspiracy on the thing is beloved, so that it was gentle and stopped:

The ritual is carried out on a growing moon (at night).

  1. Take a white thread.
  2. Sewage to the one that needs to be mastered by magical strength, saying:

"The Lord earth created, all united on it, the thread was united. Rivers with seas, water with ships, shores with shores, sat with cities. Thread, where neither throw, everywhere is not interrupted, fate is protected by fate. And to us (names) by turning to be connected, do not break, do not cool, do not part. Just rejoice, yes smile. So that a strong rich man, the Lord, the heart of his strength! Amen!"

To give you more time:

We spend this ritual too on a growing moon. It will take the grass of wormies.

It is triturated between fingers in dust and sprinkle the subject. At the same time, the plot read:

"The fields and meadows walk a horse, the freedom is full. He is not to strive for slavery, women are afraid! Caressing his grandmother, love freedom to thomb! As there is no happiness horse without a wise friend, so slaves (name) Only I am a native girlfriend! He is sad without me! Things with me, soul in a pair! Do not break, not break down, our happiness does not destroy anyone! Amen!"

Conspiracy to the thing,:

The ritual is carried out in the new moon. The thing is put in the headboard and read three times per night (every hour, starting from midnight).

"Black God up to the thresholds! I pray, please, injustice is not allowed, in my love villains N leti! Let the victim are looking for. Among pimpled da freaks, now they have such a fashion! Black God I ask love to protect, so that I never alone! Said firmly, the enemies will go far! Who will remove the moon on the ground, that my love is asset! "

What my favorite money had a lot, but I wanted to share with you:

The ritual is carried out in full moon. On any thing they say these words:

"The water is clean, the sun with light radiant, the lands of power, the old grave, spell, I attract money. So that the merchant is well done, lucky, and the profit is rich. So that I was glad to be every coin, but I did not get smoking! Amen!"

Magic today, as in the oldest times offers a wide variety of rituals and rites, conspiracies to attract such changeful luck to their side. And the conspiracy to the thing to attract good luck is a special place among them - it can be carried out on the lace or coin, ring and water, and so on. It will be discussed below - what rules should be observed when conducting a rite and what are the effective rituals for attracting good luck.


How to talk a thing for good luck - such a question often ask many of us and in this case practitioners of magicians give their advice and recommendations, how to spend the ritual.

Random Rules:

  1. Even a white magic rite can have negative consequences - they should be taken into account and evaluate everything for and against whether you are ready to bear personal responsibility for magic.
  2. If you learn a conspiracy word is difficult - write them on paper, but after holding a ritual instantly burn, poured from the flame of a lit church candle.
  3. It is worth spending a ritual in full, without extraneous noise and laughter, the presence of foreign people and animals.
  4. It is not worth practicing the magic of a pregnant woman - it is not known how magic on the future child will do, even white and performed with good intentions.
  5. Previously before carrying out a ritual, in 3 days, eliminate the use of alcohol and harmful food. In the diet, only healthy products filled with positive energy should be present.
  6. Also a few days before the ritual, you should not argue and scandal. They will negatively affect the energy field and can be reduced to no rite.
  7. And, of course, it is not worth telling anyone about the intention to spend the ritual or its holding on the fact - it is important to keep its decisions and actions to keep in strict mystery.

Taking into account all the listed items - you exactly and clearly spend the ritual, receiving the desired result at the output.

Conspiracy on the lace

Conspiracy conducted on the lace is an effective and efficient, easy in its holding. To attract good luck to your side, take the easiest, white color of the lace and talking in words:

"Rather, good luck come to me - I'm glad to look at me, let the luck burst in my life - never after will turn away"

Such a lace is in shoes that most often exercise and wear yourself for happiness. You can spend a different simple ritual with a lace - just tie it to your left leg and say with this:

"This lace is told - good luck to himself, I bind"

With all its apparent simplicity, he has a considerable magic potential - the main thing to displacing it on the foot of the hour three and after removing, wearing with it as an amulet. Such a talisman will attract good luck and prosperity, health and success on a love field to its owner.

On a coin

If difficult financial times came in your life and with money very tight - you can spend a ritual for a coin. For this, the ritual is worth the new coin, with a nominal value of 5 kopecks. After putting it on your open left palm and raise your hand as high above your head and hold for a few minutes.

According to practitioners Magi - this will allow you to get it with upper, cash flows. After that, drop your hand and say the following above the coin:

"My money, yes to my money, a wallet, yes to full wallets - like a sun in the sky with light, it is golden and the Pyhat is glowing, money bring and joy brings. Words Castle - Step Actions. "

After carrying with you in the wallet, store such a conspiracy coin in the wallet as the undeveloped and after the year - repeat the ritual again. The main condition for its action is wearing in your wallet, along with paper money or in a separate pocket.

Ritual on the ring

For this ritual, the gold ring is taken exclusively - you should buy it yourself by choosing what you like. Although, as an option - you can use a decoration donated on or other holiday, the main thing is that it is new and before you, no one wore him.

Prepare a ring and cut of a woolen fabric that should be white or gray. Light the wax, bought in the church of the candle exclusively from the match and only with his right hand, and put it in front. After put on the table a woolen cut and clog the ring into it - such an improvised envelope should lie between the candle and man, and the ring should not look out of the convolution.

"You're a bird - the tit, that by the sea lived, the nest has my own whine, the finish and I found in it, yes, I ... the name ... brought. I give up to those ring, and you will look around the good people, the doors in my house will open and everything will come true. "

After that, give a candle to burn until the very end, and we will get the ring from the convolution and put on your hand, but a cut of a woolen fabric put in the pillow, under the pillowcase on which you sleep. The ring will attract good luck to you, but wool will help attract the prophetic dreams in a dream.

You can also hold another ritual of the conspiracy of the rings for good luck - it is important that the decoration is comfortable, because you should be constantly. When the night comes, and the clock is happy at midnight, type water from the well, and if there is no such, dial it from under the tap in advance. Put a container with water to the windowsill, put a ring into it - the stars should be reflected in the surface. Look at the water reflection and say:

"How the slave of God will come out ... Name ... At night, yes, not the day, through the door, yes, it's not a window, it will go dear - not a path, yes in a purely field, and not in a swamp. Takes the Golden's Golden with me, full of water - punish her covenant. You are silver things like a complete womb, the hostess take care - good luck to her call, sadness yes, dies "

After Leave for the night and from the morning, delivering the ring out of the water, wear a finger, without wiping the water.

On water

As it is known, water has special, even to say unique energy and is often used in magical rituals. To attract good luck, you can spend the following ritual rite - say such words over the spring water:

"Water you are a pure water - you give me it's enough to get drunk, you let me wash me. So give me a lot of yes three drops of good luck, yes 5 drops of luck, and the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. As that water, we seal the words - not one key is not printed. Yes to be in my opinion

Ritual words should be read three times and for three throats to drink water - so that it is easier to do it, pour not a complete glass, and, for example, half. With reading a conspiracy, an important condition for its effectiveness and action is a thoughtful pronunciation and understanding of what you say and, of course, faith in success.

In your life, we are confronted daily with different situations, both good and not very. White life stripes alternate dark. It happens that dark bands are for a long time in our life and do not rush to leave it, and how I want to protect yourself and your loved ones from the troubles and misfortunes. Make it possible by contacting magical techniques. In such cases, the conspiracy will help. You can talk to anything. With help, it is attracted by good luck and wealth, they are attracted to the beloved and make an overlap from troubles, protect themselves and close to the damage and evil eye. This method is the most effective, since the conspiracted thing, especially the one that is constantly under a person, will attract all the benefits to it, which was conspired.

Good luck to actually attract to any personal item, which, after the rite, should be constantly worn with you. There are many rituals with which you can drag good luck to your side. To do this, you need to use personal belongings that a person will wear with me all the time. Here is some of them:

  • to attract good luck to your life, you can perform such a rite. Take any object of clothing, let it be your favorite, and read the spell 12 times:

"As a whirl, the coat wore him - did not demolish, and you would (the name of the thing) I brought happiness and good luck. May it be so. Amen!"

  • in the new moon take a pin, you can gold, and read a conspiracy on it, which will bring good luck and well-being:

"The moon is born, her strength wakes up and goes to me. As the sky with the moon, it is not forbidden and good to do not refuse. On the heels to walk, I welcome to create. Amen!"

Pins leave for the night on the window so that the light of the young moon fell on it. This mascot, if it is to pin it to clothing, will not only bring good luck, but also protects from any negative impact. If you hold such a rite every full moon, good luck will never leave you;

  • you can attract luck using a lace in a pigtail. The cords conspiring in this way will not only attract good luck to you, but also fulfill your desires. Conspiracy words:

"Mostly luck come, you are looking at me. Let luck in life break, forever come back to me. "

Tie a lace to the ankle of the left leg, say words:

"The lace tie, good luck to himself bind." When tie the lace, you can mentally make a desire, and it will surely come true;

  • you can attract good luck and wealth using a five-book coin. Putting it on the left palm, they say three times the words:

"Money for money, wallets to wallets. As a sunshine, it's golden, so my coin glowed, good luck and joy brought me to give me the wealth of giving. As stated and done. My words are strong, and things tags. May it be so. Amen!"

The coin is constantly carrying with you. A year later, the ritual repeat;

  • you can talk to good luck the Golden Ring. To do this, grind it into a woolen yarn and put on the table. Right-hand take a lit candle and read a plot:

"The tit over the sea lived, the tit of nest is. I found the finger in it and I brought me. I decorate, dressed, good people fit. All the doors will reveal to me, all the secrets will open me, everything will be in my opinion. Amen!"

the ring is all the time worn.

Love plot on the thing is considered a very effective magical agent. This is due to the fact that magical information transmitted in the process of the magic ritual can energy effect on a person for a long time during its touch to the conspiracy.

Rite with a gift

Very often, a gift is used for conspiracies, which in the future is planned to be given to his beloved person. It is usually acquired, as a rule, a unique gift that should be interesting to beloved and it is desirable that it is as often as possible towards him. The rite is carried out as follows:
    There are two candles on the table, and the third is set slightly higher, that is, the likeness of a triangle is created; A purchased gift is stacked between candles; The thing is covered with hands and with closed eyes is visualized by a beloved person; Read the following plot:

    "From distant countries, merchants are going, but they are not the goods of the Overseas are carrying, and the king gifts. And I am a slave of God (own name) I go to you by the slave of God (the name of the beloved) with a gift that I just do not give. But I don't need a jewelry, nor sweet gratitude your gratitude, but only sincere your love is needed. Here for her I am the servant of God (the name of the beloved) a gift and give my gift. And I wish you can never hand over my gift, and he never lost me with him, and never forgot me. Amen".

    Candles are blown on the right left and the words are pronounced:

    "I will not wait for my remuneration for a long time."

    Candles are associated with a chain, if possible gold, and put in a dark place.

The next day, after the ritual, a conspiracy gift should be given. After you feel that the plot began to act, you should wear a chain on the neck and not shoot, and put the candles on a prominent place in the room.

Love conspiracy on the thing using blood is characterized by high efficiency, but they need to use with caution and only if you are completely confident in your own feelings. To do this, at first to pronounce the following conspiracy:

"Beloved, you are mine forever! Sweets for me are you like honey. I give you a gift from the bottom of my heart, and with him I give myself. To get along to us alongside, with the air one breathing, and not to know. Amen".

After a conspiracy, you need to pierce a thin needle a ring finger on my left hand and squeeze a couple of blood droplets:
    One - on the gift thing; The second - on your clothes.
After that, another part of the conspiracy should be pronounced:

"Drop-sister, you know each other, red girls, so never get lost and we will help to stay together. The castle and the key to me by the words and deeds. "

Any conspiracy on the thing begins to act almost immediately and is a very effective magical agent. But, of course, the impact will not be favorable if you strive to bind a person to yourself, who do not have sincere love for you. Therefore, it is recommended to use this method only to enhance attachment, and it will still be better learned to trust each other without magic.

Magic offers various means to attract good luck. Among them are a variety of conspiracies on things, both new and have become familiar.

In this topic:

As a rule, they give a good result, because the conspiracy thing can always be with a person, attract positive energy to it and the desired benefits.


To attract good luck to your life, you can read the magic words to your thing. It can be any wardrobe subject. Over it is pronounced 12 times the text:

"How the squirrel wore - did not demolish, so would you (call the thing) to me good luck, happiness brought. May it be so!"

This clothing is worn in all situations when luck is needed, and it will necessarily help your owner.

The use of pins to protect against the evil eye has already become familiar. But this simple item can be applied to and to attract good luck, only it needs to speak in a special way. For the rite prepare a new pin. It is opened and stuck in a pre-prepared hill on a white plate.

The slide is made of salt, sugar and rice, taking each bulk product in the number of three spoons. Pin in the hill in the hill leave all night. In the morning it can be reached, pinch to clothes and use its magic energy in order to get good luck. And everything that was in a plate is buried in the ground.

Conspiracy on the lace

To attract good luck, you can use the lace in the form of a pigtail, woven from the ropes or threads of three colors. For lace making, you will need red, green, blue parts.

Of these, standard pigtails are wearing, its volume can be any, and the length should correspond to the girth of the ankle. Then above this cord need to read the words of the conspiracy for good luck. Wear a lace on her left leg. Words may be like:

"You're luck, come, you look at me. Let luck in life bursts, forever will return to me. "

It is better to contact this conspiracy in the night of the full moon, in this case the moon will give the subject to an additional force.

Conspiracy on a coin

It is possible to get good luck and the luck in monetary issues with the help of a special conspiracy for good luck. For the ritual only such a coin is suitable, which is in the house for a long time. There are arbitrary words over it, in which to express how much you want to get good luck and be happy. This coin must be worn with you and use it the ability to attract good luck.

Conspiracy on the ring

To attract good luck, a conspiracy ring is often used. For this prepare a ring and wool. Wool can be white or gray. And the ring can be chosen both gold and silver, with a stone or without it.

For the ritual they buy a wax candle, which is lit, putting opposite themselves. The candle put on the table with the right hand, it is also needed to light her right hand. The table is put in yarn, having closed the ring into it. Wool must be between the candle and the person spent the ritual. Ring should not look out of yarn. Then the following words are pronounced above:

"Bird-tit over the sea lived, the bird-blind is nest. Poultry-blindness of the finger in it found, I brought me (name). I decorate, dressed, good people fit. All the doors will reveal to me, all the secrets will open me, everything will be in my desire. "

After reading the conspiracy, you need to sit quietly and wait until the candle does not completely proceed. As soon as it goes out, the ring gets and put on a finger. And the wool is placed inside the pillowcase of the pillow on which you sleep. The ring will attract you good luck, and wool will attract symbolic dreams.

The next ritual for the ring is characterized in that in this case the ring will need to be constantly, so the decoration should be convenient. Before conducting a conspiracy, the ring of the power of church candles is performed. As soon as midnight occurs, the well brings water. A bucket with a ring lowered into it put on the windowsill, the window must be open. For the ritual only the cloudless night is suitable, as the light of the stars should be reflected in the bucket. Looking at the water, they pronounce such words:

"I will come out, the slave of God (name), at night - not the day. Door - not a window, dear - not a path, in the field - not in the swamp. I will take a silver thing with you for the slaves of God (name). Silver thing, midnight water, their mistress take care, good luck to her. Sad sadness distinguish, (name) Went attraction. As stated, so be. Amen".

Conspiracy on water

Water is endowed with special energy, so it is so often applied in magical affairs. In order to attract good luck, you can read magic words over water and drink it. These actions are performed at sunrise. Words are pronounced 3 times.

"Water-driver, you give me to get drunk, you let me wash. So give me, the driver, three drops of good luck, five droplets of luck, and the sea of \u200b\u200bhappiness. The key is closed, wash water, according to my word, let everything come true. Amen".

Water can take a bit, about a glass. Potted water drink slowly, thoughtfully. Representing those benefits that should come after this ritual.

In order for all the conspiracies to certain things, it is necessary to be completely confident in their strength. Only so you can get the desired luck.