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Conspiracies on the laurel sheet. Laurel leaf as a magic agent

The bay leaf is known to man since ancient times and for several millennia is used both in cooking and when conducting different actions of a mystical and magical nature. Methods and techniques The use of a noble laurel leaves during magic rituals and rites are diverse: they are needed to attract love and money, finding good work, protection against evil forces, as well as to cleanse the house and person from the evil eye and damage.

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Many years have passed since the person first met with such a plant as a noble laurel. This evergreen tree or shrub grows sometimes until fifteen meters. The barrel covers a pretty smooth bark of brown color, and smooth fragrant leaves are growing on a fifteen and width to four centimeters on the branches. A very specific and recognizable smell of laurel leaves gives the essential oil consisting of camphor, mircene, pineda, cinell, linalol and other components.

    The smell of the laurel sheet wakes up the imagination, reveals the hidden depths of the subconscious and increases the ability to beginning and clairvading. The most famous in human story Dolphic oracle owes its popularity and fame, including the Holy Lavra. Great predicter Vanga. He advised to use the laurel in rituals to find good work. The laurel sheet is used in cooking in the manufacture of desserts and meat dishes. It is very widely used in various kinds of mystical and magical rites as the necessary ingredient and the most affordable from the incense.

    From the laurel sheet they made a fluid for the ablution of the hands during the meal. Separate laurel leaves can be used as amulets and talismans to enlighten and purify consciousness, for cleaning from malicious energy, to protect against adverse energy impacts, for successful and truthful divination.

      Magic properties of a noble laure

      LAVR is an extremely strong magical plant. His magical properties are known to people from the most ancient times. This sheet is used in various rituals and conspiracies for rites on:

      • love;
      • good luck;
      • attracting money;
      • career;
      • protection against evil.

      Many of the rituals with a laurel list can be performed independently at home.

      White Magic rituals with laurel sheet

      According to the advice of Vangi (Vangeley Pandays Hushterova) and many other predictors and mystics, the bay leaf with proper use in rituals can help achieve the fulfillment of desires.

      Rituals using Laurus Nobilis can be protected from evil or attract wealth and love with this plant. Of course, you need to accurately follow all the recommendations thoroughly follow the instructions when performing any magical action.

      Conspiracy for money

      For this ritual needed:

  1. 1. Large ripe orange. Without flaws and signs of damage.
  2. 2. Dish from any gold or yellow material.
  3. 3. Three laurel leaves, you can dry.
  4. 4. Candle from natural wax.

After sunset, being in full alone indoors, you need to sit at the table, to put the dish. In the center of the dish put an orange, in it to stick three laurel leaves. A little further dishes to put a lit candle and read the words of the conspiracy:

"In the south, there is a crystal island in the south: the grass is growing silver, ruby \u200b\u200bberries. In the middle of crystal, the grass is a silver mountain of gold. On that mountain, golden laurel is growing magic. Around Lavra Magic Blowing Winds Strong. Take the winds From the mountain, silver from the grass. The winds leaf are laurel, silver and gold to the slave name, from Lavra to the laurel under the castle. Mountains Gold Islands Silver are growing right on the dish at the slave name, and the laurel is magical in the word. Key Castle, Word Under threshold. Amen. "

After the ritual, with a candle in the left hand, you should get around the table with a dish clockwise and repay the candle.

Conspiracy for luck

To quickly execute the desire to take a dry laurel leaf: large, whole, without cracks. Then, on the leaf itself, you need to write a desire in a word that is most typical for this dream, after which burn the leaf in the flame candles, saying:

"Fire flammable with smoke fly to the highest forces, tell me in the mountains, so that my desire to come true."

Conspiracy is repeated until the leaflet is completely burning. If the desire was strong, conscious and clear, it will be fulfilled.

Conspiracy on love

To implement this ritual, it is necessary to have the ability to put a bay leaf to the object of your love in shoes, under the insole. Pre-on leaflets for your beloved read:

"As a laurel heads head and dope, so I turn the head (the name of my beloved) head. Bread B slave (the name of his loved one) without me did not eat, the water did not drink, no one was."

For myself, also screw the spell on the same leaflet and put under the insole of their shoes. And the consultation is:

"How I laurel Topchka, so the slave head and head (the name of your loved one): that he will do, everything is just for my word, Amen."

After that, you need three days in a row to wear only this shoes with a legged laurel sheet. Then you need to remove it in your way and stored until you want to release the awesome. Then the sheet is simply burned without any words.

Ritual for promotion in work

This ritual will allow not only faster to climb the career staircase, but it is easier to fulfill their working responsibilities, less conflict with other employees, acquire a fit of customers and not to get tired at work.

First of all, you should choose the perfect laurel leaf. Let both dry, but real: a live leaf is preferable. Then conduct the charging ritual from the sun. You need to first find out the time of sunrise and wait for it. As soon as the sun appears, the leaf take in the hand and show his sun, saying:

"Take a leaf strength, take!"

So keep a sheet on the hand stretched to the luminaries until it gets tired. The stronger the tension, the more power takes the bay leaf. Then the hand change and keep the future mascot in another palm. Thus, it is waiting for a complete sunrise - until his disc will be visible completely. During the ritual, you should not look at the sun, so as not to spoil your eyesight. Ascending luminously visible and through closed eyelids.

After such a charge, it is necessary to wait for the growing moon and conduct a ritual charging amulet from the lunar light. Wait for the moon will be well and clearly visible in the sky, and keep the sheet as well as when charging from the sun, with the only difference that every hand should be tired one time. First right, and then left.

Pretty rested and waiting for noon, the leaf is put on the right palm. At this point in the apartment there should be no people. Palm with a sheet pressed her forehead and read a plot:

"The power of the sun and the moon, the power of the sky and the earth, I spell this sheet. There will be only mine, there will be only my power, everything in my opinion around. Everything according to my word."

These words are repeated with the inner strength, with the return, remembering how difficult it was to charge a sheet from heavenly shining. At this moment, the hand can rejuvenate, but should keep it without tearing off from the forehead until all the necessary words are pronounced three times. The sheet must be placed between two flat items: cardboard sheets, business cards, plastic cards so that it does not accidentally break. Then it can be worn in the wallet. You can attach a leaf into a passport or a notebook. Amulet should be worn with him to work and be sure to leave at home, going on vacation.

To clean your home from negativity

Almost in any dwelling, someone else's negative energy is gradually accumulated. In those rooms through which various people are constantly passing, their auras remain. This adversely affects the overall energy information background. With the help of Laurus Nobilis leaves, you can clean the housing and the workplace from any negative impact. Make it is very simple - it is enough to get a large branch of the laurel sheet.

First you need to go to the farthest angle of the room, set fire to the branch and wave a little to wave, accelerating the fragrant smoke. Then go to the next angle counterclockwise, then to the next, and every angle to fume with the healing smoke of the laurel. By walking all the angles, you should get in the center of the cleaned room and wave a cross-branch - on all sides of the world. It is not necessary to talk at the same time, but if a desire arises, you can wish to wish this house in an arbitrary form from all bad. If necessary, the branch is ignited again and bypass everything in need of cleaning the room.

For housing protection

Cleaning the room, it will be worth it to impose protective spells on it. It is easy to do with the help of the same laurel sheet. To reliably protect the entire object, it is enough to place one leaf over each door in the house, placing them, for example, under the platband board. Once a year it is necessary to check the leaves, and if they changed their color, cracked - this is a signal to the fact that it is necessary to have a cleaning ritual again and update protection.

The wizard lives in each of us. If you still did not know this, then it was possible to open it in yourself. For this, a magic wand will not need, a hat with a tassel, chicken paw and mysterious words that are injected into the thrill of all unreleased. The wizard lives in each of us. If you still did not know this, then it was possible to open it in yourself. For this, a magic wand will not need, a hat with a tassel, chicken paw and mysterious words that are injected into the thrill of all unreleased.

Magic can always be worked out everywhere. All that is needed is a positive attitude and faith in your strength. To fulfill the desire, any subject, any situation can serve as a magnificent tool.

For example, a laurel leaf that is in each house may be a banal aromatic seasoning or dried exhibit in herbarium. But you can arrange a magic rite for the fulfillment of desire with a laurel sheet.

In fact, proven magic rituals are quite a lot. You can always choose something like that. But there is one secret. Lavr has a rich story and he has long been attributed to witchcraft. Therefore, just holding a bay leaf in the hands, you can already be sure that everything will work. It is not necessary to accurately adhere to the conditions and recommendations. Show fantasy, come up with your own ritual, because the main thing in this case is faith.
The only condition that should always be observed in everything: do not harm. The desire should not be directed against anyone, it should not be negative, revenge, ill-witted, bad thoughts. Otherwise, everything will return to Boomerang to its beginning. This is valid not only magic, but all in our lives.

So, the first step is inventing desire. It must be squeezed into the scope of reasonable. Naturally, you can dream of a soul, for example, about the post of king elves. And you will certainly become. But not in this life. So limited to earthly opportunities.
Next, choose a beautiful big bay leaf - he should look impressively and cause respect, because this is an intermediary between you and the Heavenly Office.

Now you need to think more well once again, and write down the desire on the laurel sheet. Some advise to make an inscription of gold or silver color. But if there is no such ink, but to wait for nursing, then any writing handle is suitable.
And so the smallest thing remained - burn the laurel message and light smoke straight to the right instances. You can furnish all the action very solemnly: white candles, music, bowl for burning, and then you will have a sense of satisfaction with yourself and confidence.

However, for the most impatient there is another, no less effective, ritual for a desire with a laurel list. You can say the express method of delivering a dream to the destination. You just need to be perfectly in hand in the hands of a laurel sheet, breathe deeply smell deeply, and in exhale to express our desire aloud.
These simple laurel rituals can be performed anyfit. But experts advise, still wait for a suitable day when nature itself will contribute to the fulfillment of desire.
On the new moon and the growing moon are recommended to make all sorts of acquisitions, and after the full moon, at a decreasing moon, on the contrary - the disposal of anything from anything.
Full moon are very special days of the month. All rituals and rituals acquire power with a plus sign. Full moon began to start a new life, try moving, repair, run new projects and perform money rituals. You can make a desire to the full moon on the bay leaf, but be careful with your desires. They have a property come true.

In the ritual, which is performed in the full moon, the key role is performed by the number 3. For magic act, three sheets of laurel, paper and a red marker should be prepared.
The cherished dream must be written three times on the cooked paper and also three times to express it out loud. Then the sheet of paper should be overloaded three times, put the leaves of the laurel, and fold it again three times so that there is a small batch.
Sachet with leaves hide from prying eyes. Each morning, until the very fulfillment of the mounted, immediately after awakening, you need to repeat your desire three times. To enhance magic, you can also visualize the finished result. When the conceived turns, you need to get a package and burn. While it burns, thank the highest forces for the implementation and assistance.

Fortune telling on a laurel sheet to desire

With a laurel sheet, you can perform one of the most popular fortuneral rituals - on the narrowed. The fortune telling is made to spend at night from Monday to Tuesday. For a rite, you need to stock three laurel leaves and sign them with the names of Anania, Azaria and Misail. These three young men are the heroes of biblical history, the faithful friends of the Prophet Daniel, and in this case you contact them for help.

Put the signed leaves on the window sill in the room where you will sleep, and before bedtime will speak out loud: "From Monday to Tuesday, I look at the windowsill, who dreams of me, let me dream in a dream."
If the fortune telling is done correctly, on this night you will see in a dream of your narrowed.

 So that the money was found and not translated everybody. It is quite easy to make a laurel magnet that will attract income. Here we will come in handy magic number 3. Everything is simple: there are three laurel sheets to sprinkle or grasp orange oil, and the talisman is ready. Now the magic leaves need to be placed in cash - wallet, safe or cherished box. The presence of money magnets must be kept secret. If you wish, they can be updated from time to time to the full moon, but it should not shift from place to place.

 If financial injections are urgently needed (pay debt, pay a loan or buy something), then the laurel sheet will help get the necessary amount. To do this, we prepare a note with the number you need and seven any coins. We also put a note and put in an opaque jar, preferably tin. Then, with a ringing, we throw a coin for a coin into a tin and at the same time say: "coins sparkle, coins ring, more and more of them. Coins come from where I'm not waiting, from now on I don't know more than you need. " Next, lay the three laurel leaves inside and close. Magnet for attracting our amount of money ready. It takes every day to throw any coins in any quantity. In two months they can be used, and the note and the laurel bury in a secret place.

Experts argue that Lavova magic, like any other, works trouble-free while complying with certain conditions:
The desire must be sincere and real, coming from the soul.
It is necessary to formulate it correctly, with all the details.
The desire must be expressed only in the affirmative form, without the use of a "not" particle.
Be sure to visualize the desire as an already fulfilled the fact and rejoice in the result.
Do not sit on the sofa in anticipation of "Sucking Dream". Act, do what is in your power to implement your dreams.

Use these simple rules and your desires will be performed.

We draw your attention to the fact that this website is only informational in nature.

When using a laurel sheet, you must consult with a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications when using laurel sheets: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute form of kidney disease, liver and heart, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-tupest intestine, allergic reaction to the bay leaf, severe degree of diabetes mellitus, etc.

Bay leaf is a popular spice that is customary to add during the preparation of various dishes. The bay leaf has an interesting fragrance, which will give any spicy dish. But it is used not only in the kitchen, but to attract good luck and money. Therefore, many make a conspiracy on the bay leaf, as it brings precisely happiness to people. Is it possible to attract good luck with a laurel sheet?

Bay leaf - His abilities in magic

Back in vintage times, people often used a bay leaf to protect their home. They knew that if he was put in the corners of the house, he would not let in him grief and trouble. It absorbs the poor energy that accumulated a large amount of time. There is no bad energy in the house, first of all, it all depends on the people who live in it. To hold a conspiracy on the bay leaf and drive out all the bad, and the good to attract, you need to take branches and leaves of Lavra. If the sheet is located in the house for seven days, it must be changed on fresh. Bad sheets are usually burned or buried. Conspiracies and rites on the bay leaf for money and good luck are allowed to spend every month because the plant is not able to cause trouble and harm the owners of the house.

There are many rites, legends and conspiracies with the participation of a laurel sheet. One thing reads that it is the Laurel that the house is well seen from the robbers and bad weather conditions. Lavra leaflets can be put in the corners of the housing, as well as to extend it completely. For this, it is put on the pan and put on a small fire. When the container begins to warm up, the laurel will highlight the aroma and cover it completely the entire room.

Also the smell of Lavrov brings peace and relaxation of the human nervous system. The head will only think about good, and man to stay in a wonderful mood. It is advisable to carry the heated container with the plant, after that, the poor energy leaves him, and will improve the health of all households. When the Laurel is completely burning, it is better not to throw it away, but wash off with water, and at the same time think that all the troubles and a bad aura will go with water. The legends insist that such a spice is the spirit of the Greek goddess. Therefore, the plant can tell all their problems and make conspiracies to attract good health, love, happiness, money and good luck.

Rite for love

With the help of conspiracies for love on the bay sheet, it is easy to establish relationships. The ritual will give a family pair love and well-being, enough plant to tie with a red thread. You can not just bind and weave some kind of composition. Then lead it to the entrance to the house. During weaving the composition you need to pronounce these words:

"Laurel leaf, you grew out on the street under sunlight. Give my family confidence and true love. "

Such rites are performed only on the day of the New Year celebration. On this day, the plant is put under the carpet near the door, and each time the full moon is replaced with a fresh sheet. After that, love and mutual understanding will continue to be present in the family.

Ritual so that poverty leave house

To make money to appear in the house, you can hold a plot on the bay leaf in the wallet. For this prepare the container, it can be perfect for a simple glass vessel in which coins will be lowered. During the rite, namely, at the time of lowering coins, they say their desires. For example, "I want to get a premium", "Get a money transfer" or "I will soon find a cash treasure." How many coins, so much and desires. The laurel of the latter is put on the laurel, cover the container and say a special spell.

"Poverty and misfortune financial, drive you from my home and from my life. Money will come in large quantities. My finances will be protected by an excellent plant and constantly increase. The bank is filled with linking coins, and my wallet will be full of money. Let it be that way. "

Capacity with a penny is placed in a secluded dark place.

Then it is always when the profit will appear in the house, you need to add a coin to the hidden container. Also definitely say "Thank you" for the help of such a wonderful piggy bank.

Ritual to attract finances

There is a conspiracy for money with a laurel sheet. With his finance, it will increase and always be in the house and wallet. To hold a rite, not only the desire, but also the rebound items, for example, a comfortable box, so that you can fold the bills of large nominal. Constantly when money will move to the box, it is also necessary to put the laurel. Then the box is covered and pronounced the main words of the conspiracy with the help of a laurel sheet:

"To make money, I put them comfortably in a magic box and order them to be constantly with me. As I said, let it happen. "

Then the box is transferred to a secluded place, and that no one has seen it. If the money accepted precisely from the ritual, then this means that a person visited good luck and he will no longer look for finances for his needs. In addition, the rite can be held another conspiracy for money on the bay leaf. To make money ever lost and always have been, you need to take a large leaf of the plant. Its clutch between the palms, at the same time asking for help in money matters. Then the laurel sheet is lubricated with any essential oil to improve the flavor and put the place where money is usually liable, but at the same time they say these words:

"Covers to bills, income will increase several times."

The plant will begin to attract finances and protect the owners of the house from strong spending. The conspiracy for money using the laurel sheet is also good, if the plant itself is placed in the wallet, so to speak, for good luck. Such actions attract money and improve the mood of the person on their earnings. The bay leaf to attract money will be used very often and almost everyone who needs them, he helps. There are many conspiracies and on different topics.

Ritual for luck

Conspiracy to the bay leaf to attract good luck is not difficult, for this they take a plant and rub it between your fingers. Then begin to breathe its aroma and pronounce their request. You can speak my desire in different ways, for example, shout to the whole voice or whisper, so that no one hear.

The bay leaf is a successful plant and has the spirit of joy and hills. Often people use a conspiracy to attract good luck to a career and love relationship with a laurel sheet. To properly hold the rite, take a candle of large sizes, light tone and ordinary paper with pre-drawn desires. Next, they set fire to it and wax dripped on paper with dreams and so that the desires are in a small wax field. In the circle you need to place a bay leaf, and also remember that conspiracies and rites for good luck on the bay sheet are carried out only in full moon.

Bay leaf: executes wishes, brings good luck, health, love, removes rivals

Other rituals with a laurel list

The bay leaf of conspiracy is carried out very often and not enough. The most effective and popular is:

  • attracting positive energy;
  • treatment of diseases and requests for strong health;
  • on wealth and increasing finance;
  • cleaning housing from negative;
  • attracting love and family well-being.

In order for magic to apply for the whole family, not for one person, it takes from time to time to spend special conspiracies with this plant for money, good luck, love, success and happiness. The rituals themselves are not difficult and die even inexperienced people. The plant laurel leaf has miraculous forces that are directed only in a positive side. Using them, a person gets small, but it's hope for a better life and good changes. Such a plant is used as a fragrant talisman and overag. The bay leaf in the wallet to attract money should be constantly.

In order for a cash conspiracy to the bay leaf, as well as the remaining spells, a hundred percent worked for one hundred percent, you need to follow all the rules and conditions. And only then magic will delight people with their abilities. In addition, it is necessary to believe in what you are doing and wish, and only then the rites will show their strength. You can try to all those who really want to change something in their lives and the life of their loved ones.

In the realities of the modern world, in the cycle of life problems often have to deal with such a problem as a launcher. There are often cases that it is a lack of money is the cause of divorces, conflicts in the family and, as it is neither paradoxically sounds at work. And so that it does not touch you, and there is a magic that helps to gain prosperity.

On weekdays and holidays, we are constantly faced with various trips, all sorts of needs require financial expenses. It seems that money just been, and there are no longer them, but before the next revenues, and in the near future income is not foreseen.

Or there are situations that just suck money from us for needs that you could not foresee - for example, a disease or trouble with a car, the neighbors flooded with you, etc. For this reason you have to take money into debt or take a bank loan that Even more aggravates a distressed position.

Money streaming feature

We want this or not, but the energy of money can affect people both positively and negatively. It is rightly noticed that those families in which wealth is attended, much stronger and happier than those where the lack of material well-being is observed. There is one rule that needs to be remembered - money loves those who truly love them and appreciates, so they need to contact them, respectively. After all, money is not just paper, but first of all the strongest energy that monetary units symbolize.

Try to follow some tips:

I'll call money right

In order to open a channel to attract material wealth to itself, it is necessary to follow some rules, they will help to direct the energy-information flow into your direction. These simple, but effective rules should become not just a habit for you, and pointers on the way to wealth.

Often a complete following rules are enough for financial well-being to return to your home, but there are situations when the question is sharply - how to quickly attract money? Then you have to resort to more efficient measures. High-speed magic to attract money Through the mental efforts, the operator directs the flow of cash energy in the right direction. However, do not forget the law. "If somewhere arrived, it means somewhere as much as the loss."

The bay leaf to attract money is in many rites, as it is a symbol of monetary well-being, good luck and happiness. This ritual should be held at home or directly in the workplace. Choose large and whole (without damage) bay leaf. On his back, the rough side is written by a handle or pencil cherished wish (for example, to get a premium). Then the leaf is burned, and the smoke should be dispelled around the room.

Properly applied white magic of money contributes to attraction of a large amount into your wallet and allows it to stay there for a long time. In a different way, the case is with black magic. Since she a priori carries a negative energy, the energy of destruction is the result may be short-term and negative. The result will be, but with what consequences is unknown. Therefore, it is recommended to use only white sorcery.

Other rituals Magic wealth

Conspiracies for wealth

Magic spells with faith in which we need, and confidence in yourself can have a significant impact on the energy field and bring us the wealth that we ask. Here is some of them:

Full moon

In a glass pot (you can take a jar with a wide neck) pour water and put a piece of paper in it, on which the word "wealth" is written. Raise the pot high in the full moon at the window and say 3 times the word "wealth". Pour water in four corners of the house. Take paper from the pot and cut it into four parts. Place each part in one corner of the house, whispeting the word "wealth".

On the kitchen table put a clay bowl, incense litter and candles are lit. Take the grape cluster, a small piece of bread and put them in a clay bowl.

Then he should be lit with yellow and green candles, while pronounceing the words "you, Mother, who gives birth, you fill in the house, do not leave it." Let candles burn all night.

In the morning, say over the mission of the word "are born everywhere where they give birth." Then take some water in the palm of your hand and pour into a bowl. Take bread and grapes and put them on the window. Say 3 times the words "for us and for the poor." Do not open the door or windows until dawn.

Magic charlatans

In the magic service market, it is often possible to meet declarations of rapid help with a difficulty material situation, offer effective conspiracies for attracting money, etc. Often such ads are a trap of scams who want to lure and rimp to the sticky of gullible citizens. In this case, it is necessary to be vigilant.

Often True Disclaimers and Language do not advertise their services, they do not need it.. Solver about their abilities applies to each person who was provided for effective help. Among other things, they need time to restore their forces, choosing the right location of the moon, etc.

Therefore, they can not put their services massively on the flow. Another characteristic feature of true leaders is that they do not enter the taxi to provide their services. They accept the fact that the person who came for help can give.

As you know, the talent of the magician is present in each person to one degree or another. Try white magic on wealth, and you will be accompanied by luck.

ATTENTION, only today!

Lavra plays a big role in symbols, mythology and religious beliefs of different peoples from ancient times. Numerous references to Him are found in the writings of ancient Roman and ancient Greek historians, for example, theophrass. Such increased attention could not pass without a trace. Therefore, the bay leaf, the folk signs of which are not one millennium, is endowed with many properties. Laurel leaves are known to the majority of us as a seasoning in cooking, which gives dishes more refined taste. This is due to the fact that the homeland tree is considered the Mediterranean, and the area of \u200b\u200bits natural grow is far from the northern latitudes.

Lavra plays a big role in symbols, mythology and religious beliefs of different peoples from ancient times. Numerous references to Him are found in the writings of ancient Roman and ancient Greek historians, for example, theophrass. Such increased attention could not pass without a trace. Therefore, the bay leaf, the folk signs of which are not one millennium, is endowed with many properties.

Laurel leaf: foreman

Perhaps everyone knows: if a person finds a bay leaf in SUP, sign says that a letter comes soon. This superstition is familiar to many since childhood. Of course, there are no precisely statistics that allows us to find out the believability of this rule. However, the fact that this folk wisdom has many centuries, speaks of a certain proportion of reality.

In addition, in the age of modern technologies, when few people have written postal letters, this sign can be regarded differently. The long-awaited email or message in social networks will not wait. Anyway, finding a laurel sheet in a plate with soup suggests that soon it is necessary to wait for the information reported by writing text.

Other signs in everyday life

There are a number of properties that the laurel sheet has in the house, the signs are quite diverse and covered completely different areas of life. As a rule, finding this plant in the residential premises has a beneficial effect on the atmosphere in the family and the well-being of all households.

Having grown a laurel tree near his home, one can expect that it will become a kind of mascot of the whole family, fencing it from diseases and trouble. By the way, it can be planted in the middle lane, the Laurea transfers short-term freezing about -15˚C. Another option is to grow a laurel in a pot. It is well suited for breeding at home.

If in the shoes to the newlyweds before the wedding put along the laurel sheet for the night, the ceremony will pass without unpleasant surprises, and the family life will be happy and long.
If the laurel leaf is strained for the night under the pillow, then the dual-sized plots will have a prophetic character.
Laurel leaf fastened in the jacket Laurel will help avoid damage, evil eye and hostile guests.
The laurel is considered a plant that can help in love strengthen feelings to each other. To do this, they must tear the branch from the tree together and turn it into half.
Wearing with you in the domestic pocket of clothes, a leaf leaf is considered to be faithful from all sorts of accidents and lightning.
If a Laurel is thrown into the fire, then energetic crackling will become a kind sign of the nearest success in affairs and a happy life. If it burns silently and silently - you should prepare for trouble or even a large misfortune.

Bay leaf brings success

Few know that you can use a bay leaf to attract money.

Putting it into a wallet, bag or in a pocket of casual wear, you can count on a sharp rise in affairs, work and business. After all, this is a symbol of winners from time immemorial, attracting the favor of Fortune and these days.

A person who goes to the interview to receive the post of interest is recommended to take a laurel leaves wrapped in a green cloth or a handkerchief of the same color.

With the same purpose, some athletes wear laurel sheets with them, and this kind of ritual originates from the Olympic Games in ancient Greece.

In order to use a bay leaf to attract wealth, it is enough to write a laconic wish on his back side, and then burn a piece of leaf. Similarly, you can proceed with any other desires focused on success.

Another way to help realize conceived ideas is to write them on paper, wrap in a cloth with three laurel leaves and hide into a secluded place, where no one can find them. After the desired to come true, get a bundle and burn.

The very first mention of the laurel sheet in culture can be found in the history of Apollo, belonging to ancient Greek mythology. This sunlight lies loved the beautiful nymph by the name of the define (translated from the ancient Greek language it means "LAVR). However, the girl was not configured to reciprocate. The constant persecution of the fan from Olympus forced her to pray to the gods about its transformation into Lavr. Since then, he became a sacred and favorite plant of Apollo, who from now on constantly wore a laurel wreath. This decoration is still considered a symbol of triumph and victory.

Laurel branches were decorated with the lyra of many musicians, and the wreath of them put on musicians and poets.

Ancient Romans used Laurel in their pagan rituals.

In the time of Ponya, there was a sign, according to which the lightning would never hit the laurel tree. Therefore, the Roman emperor Tiberius during a thunderstorm necessarily put on his head a laurel wreath.

Despite the positive properties that the laurel sheet possesses, the signs associated with it are not always joyful. In the Middle Ages, the view was assessed that if the laurel, growing near the house, began to dramatically dry out and lose the leaves without visible reasons, in the house should soon be waiting for death. This belief was reflected even in the poem of Shakespeare Richard II. One of the characters of this work suggests that he should soon come about the death of the king: "No wonder the Lavr in the district is totable."

The laurel tree was also a symbol of immortality and eternity. This view is associated with the statements that even the dried laurel and its branches can again be filled with life juices after the saturation of moisture. This explains the widespread use of this plant in various funeral ceremonies and rituals, for example, in ancient Britain.

During the non-one millennium, the laurel is closely associated with a variety of superstitions: if a bay leaf hit in a soup, sign on the fading of the tree, all sorts of ways to use to attract good luck and wealth. A variety of signs about the laurel sheet are the result of centuries-old observations on the connection of the laurel with human life and on how to influence it.

We draw your attention to the fact that this website is only informational in nature.

When using a laurel sheet, you must consult with a specialist (doctor).

There are contraindications when using laurel sheets: pregnancy and lactation in women, acute form of kidney disease, liver and heart, ulcerative ulcer of the stomach and 12-tupest intestine, allergic reaction to the bay leaf, severe degree of diabetes mellitus, etc.