Repairs Design Furniture

Form of visors over the entrance door. How to make a visor over the entrance door. Samples of visors over the entrance doors

A trump card in a private house is a business card of the owner and to his choice should be taken seriously. This part of the construction perfectly protects against precipitation, but this is not the only function. The visor is a decorative element that should be combined with a common house design. Therefore, you should familiarize yourself with the materials from which it is manufactured with the features of installation.


The visor applies to the entrance door as a protective device from rain, snow, icicles or dust. It produces different shapes and sizes: straight, beveled, semicircular, small, large. Small visors are able to cover the owner from the rain during the closure of the doors.

But there are more functional - large visors. Such designs allow you to put the chair near the doors, where you can hide from wind and dust. Large canopies can be rounded shape and stroke not only from above, but also on the side. The last option is relevant to use on large terraces.

Various roof forms over the porch

In order to decide which type of visor to pick up for your home, you need to get acquainted in more detail with their types. The most common visors:

  • Single one.
  • Double.
  • Straight.
  • Dome.
  • Semi-arms.
  • Concave.

Single-carand two-tightoften are used in homes where there is a roof of the same type. Singles have a flow of water on one side. The strength of such a design is slightly smaller than that of two-tight. But a single-table type is characterized by the simplicity of installation.

Straightyou can use for growing colors on them. This allows you to learn the exterior of the building and give it an unusual look.

To save materials, roofs are made above the porch domeforms. This form is relevant for windy places, because it is more streamlined than visors with angles.

Another economical roof option is semi-day. Such a visor can withstand heavy loads during the loss of a large number of snow.

One of the unusual forms is concave. This type transforms the exterior of the building. The special shape of the roof does not allow snow to linger on it.

Visors can be made open or closed. The first option is a canopy above the door, and the second includes another deaf walls on the sides that protect against wind.

By way of installation, there are hinged, support and separate visors. Hingedused in cases where lightweight materials are used as roofing material for the visor: polycarbonate, glass, professional flooring. This type is suitable in cases where the place is limited to install a more cumbersome design, because they are attached only to the wall.

Support visors More stable and capable of withstanding a larger load. For support, a durable material is used, for example, aluminum.

Separately standing visors Multiple functions are performed immediately: a canopy above the entrance door, an additional room. This design is a continuation of the house and often placed under the balcony. But this type of visor is made at the construction stage.

When choosing a visor type, you must be guided by the general design of the building: the shape of the roof of the house, the attack, the type of fencing. The visor must harmoniously fit into the general type of building.

Visors are made from different materials: wood, polycarbonate, professional flooring, plastic. To select the required material, you should familiarize yourself with each of them.

Visor from wood

Wooden bars with moisture protection impregnation are used to produce a wooden visor. If you use a raw tree, then over time it will deteriorate and the visor will collapse.

Wood bars are used to make a frame. Sheets of professional flooring are used as roofing material. The wooden visor is ideal for a building that is fully or partially covered with wood. This type of visor is easily mounted and costs cheaply compared to the rest of the species.


One of the unusual design solutions is forged visors. This is a rather difficult job and requires large labor. This option will no longer have the owner, but it pays off a beautiful appearance.

Fully forged visor will cost expensive.

But if you use a pair of wrought elements on the sides of the design, you can also get an unusual option. Forged elements are perfectly harmonized with any roofing materials. Most harmoniously apply forging with polycarbonate or metal.

From polycarbonate

Often, such material as polycarbonate is ideal in cases where you need to facilitate a visor. This transparent material is distinguished by the ability to evenly distribute sunlight, due to which the normal level of illumination is ensured.

In addition, the material is durable, because bacteria is not formed on it. It is not subject to corrosion. The variety of shades of polycarbonate allows you to choose the necessary material that perfectly fit into the general type of building.

Polycarbonate visor is the most common due to its flexibility and ability to take any form.

If you make a seven-year visor from polycarbonate, then you can cut the materials for the manufacture of the design. Therefore, it should be sought in more detail in the construction of a visor from an open attached type polycarbonate.

Required tools and materials

For the construction of the visor you will need such materials:

  • Polycarbonate.
  • Steel pipes for frame.
  • Primer.
  • Sandpaper.
  • Saws.
  • Anchor bolts.
  • Sealing tape.
  • U-shaped profile.

From the tools for assembling the design takes:

  • Pencil.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Roulette.
  • Screwdriver.
  • Building level.
  • Welding machine.

After preparing all the necessary, you can start the installation of the visor.

How to make a visor over the door with your own hands. Step-by-step instruction

Installation of the visor consists of the following steps:

  • Design.
  • Marking.
  • Assembling the frame and its attachment to the wall of the building.
  • Installations of polycarbonate sheets.

Designlies in the drawing frame of the porch and designation of the location of the visor on the wall. This will help avoid mistakes during installation. The sizes of the visor are calculated. Visor's length is the distance from the building wall, which should be about 800 mm. If necessary, the indicator can be increased. Width - the distance of the door width with a reserve of 500 mm.

The visor should be made of optimal sizes (800 mm long, 1500 mm wide, if the door width is 1000 mm). When building a smaller visor, it is impossible to hide from the rain and wind.

After determining the sizes of the visor, you can start mounting the frame. The design is attached to the wall in the finished form, so it should be collected separately.

The framework of vertical elements that are screwed to the house wall on both sides of the entrance door are. The horizontal is welded to vertical. The size of which is equal to the width of the frame. The horizontal elements are welded arcuate parts, which are located parallel to the wall of the house. Then, to arcs, it is necessary to weld the straight elements - the ribs that will be located perpendicular to the wall.

After welding, you need to check the design to reliability. If some elements are poorly fixed and dangling, they need to be fixed again with welding.

Welding places should be treated with sandpaper, which will make them less noticeable.

Then the holes are drilled on the frame through which it is attached to the wall of the house from above and below. To increase the reliability of the attachment are performed in several places. For this, anchor bolts are used that provide reliable fasteners. For fastening polycarbonate sheets, a U-shaped profile is used on the frame, which is installed on its ends.

The finished frame should be covered with a layer of primer, which will protect it in the further corrosion. After that, the installation of polycarbonate begins.

Polycarbonate sheets should be prepared: cut into the required size and stick to the ends sealing tape.

First, the first sheet is installed and attached at least 40 mm from the edge. If you retreat from this recommendation, the sheet may collapse. The second and subsequent sheets can not be attached to the principle, otherwise it can expand from the temperature difference.

The final stage is seaming seam in the place of the frame of the frame to the wall. After that, a protective film is removed from the polycarbonate.

In order to increase the durability of the design, you should adhere to the advice of professionals:

  • Perform load calculations, which will allow you to take into account not only your own weight of the canopy, but also a layer of snow.
  • Perform anti-corrosion protection.
  • Use high-quality fasteners that will allow securely to secure the design.
  • Correct the sizes of the visor correctly, because insufficient dimensions are poorly protected from rain and wind.

One of the options for installing an unusual color visor with a wrought basis is presented in this video.

A visor for home can be easily made with your own hands. A large selection of various designs allows you to create an unusual canopy, which will be a beautiful decoration of the building. Among the visors of various types, sizes and shades, you can create a unique design, which is not one ten years will delight your owner.

The entrance group is a dominant element of the building facade, so it is important to make a shed above the door. It should not be just aesthetic, but also practically, not to clutter the architectural, harmonize with it and add a highlight to the design of the exterior.

In the article, we will take a review analysis, what are visors and canopies over the entrance, the photo will help to demonstrate the most original and sought-after ideas. We will tell about the materials and give detailed instructions, how to make canopies for doors with your own hands.

Constructive features

Sheds over the entrance door can have different functionality. Small visors provide a comfortable entrance to the house, protect against precipitation, large and medium structures - can perform the role of a terrace or a small arbor, and sometimes these are large-scale structures connecting the wicket with the entrance to the house and serve as an indoor parking lot for the car.

By the type of support design, the canopy in front of the entrance to the house may be:

  • console suspension;
  • console-support;
  • console-beam, far from construction The edge of the canopy relies on the poles;
  • extensions on separate supports.

Canopy over the entrance to the house, photo of the reference design

About size

The size of the visor above the entrance is determined by the size of the porch, optimally, if the canopy closes not only the top platform in front of the door, but also the steps. According to standards, the playground must be deeper by the door web one and a half times, if we consider that the standard door is 900 mm, then the depth of the site in front of it is 900 * 1.5 \u003d 1350 mm, it means that the depth of the canopy must be no less, ideally +300 mm.

So that the rain does not poured the steps on the side, canopy over the entrance door to the house should be wider than the site 200-300 mm on each side. Steps in front of the entrance on average have a width of 800-1200 mm, hence the standard visor width of 1200-1800 mm.

Important: In order to properly design the input group, in addition to the sizes, wind and snow load should be taken into account in the region.

Visors and canopies above the entrance, photo of a practical asymmetric, covered building

Types of canopies above the door

Depending on the shape of the roof of the canopy above the door in front of the entrance there are:

  • dome, spherical - do not have sharp corners, have good aerodynamic characteristics, which is especially relevant in windy regions;
  • semi-alone and arched - the most popular view of canopy over the entrance, the form provides natural stock of precipitation, fit into almost all stylistic solutions of architectural ensembles, combined well with arches and rounded steps, resistant to mechanical loads;
  • single-sided - simple, but practical canopies, do not clutter the facade, it is easy to make with your own hands;
  • double - durable and reliable, provide a good outflow of snow and water from the roof, are usually arranged above the door in a compartment with roofs of the same shape;

Canopy in front of the entrance to the house, photo of the adhesive design with a bartal roof of polycarbonate

  • bent along the type of Pagoda - elegant, easy and beautiful, but such canopies are not recommended to arrange over the entrance in the snow and rainy regions, as the precipitate will accumulate on the roof.

Schemes of canopies above the door with different types of the rafter system

Materials for canopy over the entrance door

Sheds above the entrance door should elaborate with a common structure of the structure. The frame for the visor is made of wood, metal, concrete columns are sometimes arranged for large attacks.


For private houses from a log or bar, it is advisable to build a wooden canopy over the entrance. Nothing can compare with the beauty and perfection of natural material. The frame for small attached visors above the door is made from a bar with a cross section of 40 * 40, 50 * 50, 60 * 60 mm, for the buildings more as a support, the timber 100 * 100, 150 * 150 mm is suitable. Wooden carving, openwork lattices, curly balasins will help to decorate a canopy over the entrance door.

The tree is easily processed by household instruments, no professional skills are required for work. But wooden farms poorly tolerate the negative impact of the environment, humidity, fungi and small insects are reduced to no aesthetics of the construction, and over time they destroy it.

Tip: To extend the service life, wooden canopies above the entrance door must be treated with antiseptics and fire-resistant impregnations, the protective finishing layer must be durable and moisture-resistant, but vapor-permeable, nicely suitable varnishes and colored oil.

Stylish wooden single-table construction from a bar and cutting board above the door


Metal canopies above the door - the largest and most sought-after group of structures:

  • The roof suspended on the iron cables - weightless, almost imperceptibly, does not clutch the facade, does not require the finish finish. A triplex or monolithic polycarbonate is used as a roof, which looks like glass, but several times more stronger.

A glass visor above the door is almost invisible on the facade

  • Welded structures made of metal with an edge of 20-60 mm or a round tube ∅ 20-50 mm, the thickness depends on the size of the construction. For supports use pillars ∅ 50-100 mm.
  • Sheds above the door of stainless steel - beautiful, exquisitely, practical, the material is not subject to corrosion and does not require additional protection against chemical biological impacts, it is possible to attribute the high cost of material to cons. It is difficult to make a visor from stainless steel, a special kind of welding is required.
  • Forged entrance groups are an unconditional exterior decoration, luxury and elegance, elegance and beauty. The price for exclusive products according to individual projects is very high, but you can buy a ready visor on a typical project, or purchase a stamped forging and decorate her a welded visor from metal products.

The finished visor over the door from forged stamping will cost $ 200-300

Metal canopies are a universal view of buildings over the entrance door, suitable for private cottages from different materials and for commercial buildings.

Other species

There is no only metal and wooden door canopies, the views of the visors are numerous, for example, marquises, stationary and retractable are prefabricated aluminum or steel structures with a tentite roof. To large homes above the door often make capital extension on concrete, stone, brick columns under the massive roof.

Combined construction above the door - columns and marquise are successfully combined with each other and make space in front of the house more functional

Roofing materials

The most popular group - visors and canopies above the entrance from polycarbonate, the material is lightweight, practical, durable, well tolerate chemical biological and mechanical loads. A huge color palette allows you to choose a panel with different translucentness, so such structures are relevant both on the solar side of the building and in the shade.

The roof of the milk polycarbonate, which is considered the best protection from the Sun

The roof of galvanized iron and the proflist is inexpensive, reliably, beautiful. Suitable for frames from different materials, the color range allows you to choose sheets under the color of the roof of the main building. The protective coating is durable, but over time burns into the sun, and with the slightest damage to the sheets affects rust.

Double-sided Galvanized Iron Roof

The soft roof and metal tile is relevant for wooden visors and large buildings in front of the house, but sometimes used for metal frames. Under such roof, a solid doomle is required - moisture-resistant plywood, and it is visible from below, so it will be necessary to rinse the ceiling.

At the cottage, visors above the door can be covered with rubberoid, slate, special dranco and even straw, the main thing is that the stylistics of the building correspond to the house.

How to make a canopy over the door do it yourself

Visors and canopies above the entrance do it yourself better to build from wood or metal. We will make a simple single carport over the door from the profile pipe, with an edge of 40 * 40 mm. The slope of the roof is 20 o, roofing - polycarbonate.

Scheme with sizes of a simple canopy over the entrance door

Cut the profile into the size and cook the metal frame according to the scheme, as in the photo above. From the profile 20 * 40 mm we weld the crate to the roofing material. For the decoration of the sides and the front, we will weld standard forged parts that can be bought in a construction store.

Forging will decorate even the simplest product

When the basis is ready, we clean it with abrasive, rinse with solvent, soil and paint.

Installing a frame over the entrance is performed on a long anchor. By contour, evenly at a distance of 300 mm we make holes, and fix the mount. Tin skews so that all metal parts are protected from atmospheric influences. We drag the crate with polycarbonate with a thickness of 6 mm, fastened on the thermoshaba, the external ends are closed by a special profile.

Be sure to look at the learning video, how to make a roof over the front door of the finished brackets.

In our gallery you will find a mass of the original ideas, how to issue an entrance group with your own hands inexpensively and beautifully.

The ingress of ultraviolet rays and precipitation adversely affects the state and operational properties of the entrance door. The visor over the entrance will refresh the design and will become a reliable preventive measure from climate whims.


The absence of a visor over the entrance causes a sense of incoming in the appearance of the facade of the house. In addition to aesthetic attractiveness, a canopy over the entrance door in a private house allows you to achieve full-fledged protection from direct sunlight in the summer, water flows in rainy weather and snow in the cold season.

Types of canopies

  • Modular canopies, characterized by the presence of visors on the sides and several components of the elements. This option is very simply installed.
  • The most attractive in terms of the duration of operation is a monolithic visor over the porch. It is usually a component of the overall design of the house.
  • The sophistication and charm gives the structure for a wrought model. Such a canopy perfectly harmonizes with gothic style.
  • Compact and convenient hanging products in mounting. The optimal solution for the arrangement of the rear courtyard in the country area;
  • Entrance with supports held by special columns.

There are no restrictions on the choice of source materials. The only condition is a harmonious combination with the general design intention of the building and the territory of the site.

Selection of visor

Another important nuance is a choice of form. Most often the choice is made in one of these popular options:

  • Single-table with a frame that is fastened on the facade wall.
  • Cover the porch on both sides of two-tight models.
  • Closing the entire tent entrance pad.
  • Elegantly enveloping all sides and top design original arches.

All canopies above the door are divided according to the method of fastening on support and suspended. The first mounted on special vertical elements, and the second are attached to the surface of the wall by brackets.


It is necessary to carefully approach the creation of a sketch, which will take into account all moments associated with the characteristics of the climate in your area of \u200b\u200bresidence and characteristics of the selected components. In the middle lane of our country, wooden structures are commonly used, easy to decorative processing. Such samples are comfortable to decorate in the front of the original thread.

Wooden canopies

A trump card over the porch of wood begins with the creation of rafters that are made from the pair of beams. Overlapping dimensions determine the angle of attachment of these elements - 60 or 45 degrees.

Next, go to the stage of assembling a standard two-sheet canopy. This uses a method of mounting with a strut system, two beams and a skate. The finished design is attached to predetermined wall areas using brackets.

Hard fix on the sides of the design a few vertical beams on the facade wall as additional reference elements. Before the final fastening, the horizontal position of the cauldron for the porch and vertical of the supports is carefully checked. All these actions are designed for the suspension.

When using individual support brackets do not need. In this case, metal or wooden poles are placed in special impicks. Before starting the installation in the deepening, sand with rubble is falling asleep and filling with cement mortar to the height of the sector covered in the ground. At the top of the supports are connected to the carrier beams, on which rafters are already located.

How to make a visor over the entrance door with the optimal number of rafting elements? For an option with a tree, there will be enough single pair. And the rigidity can be enhanced by the use of additional riglels.

Be sure to provide a device of windscrews and hooks of gutters of the drainage.

With brick masonry

Such an option is used exclusively in the presence of columns. The inner frame is performed from the above components, and the casing consists of plastic or siding. Masonry elements perfectly complement the interior with bright strokes.


The steel visor over the porch is framed by wrought supplements and has the following advantages:

  • high degree of resistance to mechanical stress and long service life;
  • weight parameters are allowed to apply the suspension;
  • compactness and functional diversity.

Types of roofing

A wide selection of modern and traditional materials will help to stay on the most suitable option for your object. It is recommended to use the roof identical with the coated building. Consider the main advantages of the case of visor shelter over the porch and possible flaws.

Professional flooring and metal tile.

Advantages of this choice:

  • relatively low cost;
  • small proportion;
  • good opposition to medium intensity loads and fading;
  • ignition resistance;
  • immunity to biopration;
  • an extensive range of shades and external form.

To decide how to make a visor over the door with your own hands using metal tile, you need to remember about the disadvantages of this material:

  • the manufacture of non-standard structures leads to the formation of a significant amount of waste;
  • increased noise level during precipitation.


Obvious advantages:

  • operational period - up to 50 years;
  • guarantee of environmental purity;
  • immunity to various external factors;
  • good parameters of maintainability, allowing you to replace one element if necessary, and not the whole roof;
  • the perfect absorption of noise;
  • aesthetics.

The minuses of canopies above the door with tiles include:

  • high price;
  • due to the high weight, necessarily the presence of reference elements;
  • a rather complicated installation procedure.


Pleasant material material is different:

  • exceptional ease;
  • ease of processing and installation;
  • good shock viscosity and durability;
  • the ability to freely skip light.

The canopy in front of the entrance to the house from polycarbonate has its own minuses:

  • susceptibility to burning;
  • low maintainability;
  • any damage and dirt is clearly visible on the surface;
  • the cost is high in comparison with other species.


The main components of the components are properly made visor over the porch:

  • External coating - roofing from any source material.
  • Door columns, eyeles and brackets as fastening.
  • The presence of a frame that connects the named components into a single design.


Decide how to make a visor over the door will help information on safety and reliability requirements, performing several basic rules:

  • the protrusion of the roof is 300 mm on the sides and in front;
  • no less than 20 ° - the bias of the roof over the entrance door;
  • the lower part of the door canopy is at a minimum distance from the Earth at 2200 mm;
  • dimensions of at least 1x2 m.

6 steps for proper installation

How to make a canopy over the entrance door with your own hands? It is necessary to adhere to a specific sequence:

  1. Add 60 cm to the measured width of the porch. A sketch is compiled and the length of the skate is determined, taking into account the selected slope.
  2. Pancakes and a wall beam are manufactured, as well as identical to the parameters of the rafyled skate. Wooden elements are connected by self-drawing or bolted compound.
  3. The frame is fixed with special fasteners.
  4. On the rapid part of the canopy over the entrance door in a private house laid a doomlet. For soft components and similar materials, a solid layer is required, and for elements of a large-grade format - from 20 to 40 cm.
  5. According to the supplier instructions, the coating is attached to rafters.
  6. At the bottom of the skate should be attached to the carnage bar of the drain, and the plane of the adjoint is fixed on the wall on the top of the upper part.

The inlet canopy over the porch will be the optimal choice for the maintenance of the door of the house and the real ornament of the facade.

In order not to mock in the rain and not languishing under the sun while opening the entrance doors, you need some kind of protection. Usually make a visor over the porch or only above the door. In some cases, the canopy can close the steps and even a path or part of it. How to make a similar design, from which materials and talk on.

Types and types

If we talk about the structure as a whole, a canopy or a visor over the porch consists of a frame and roofing material (cladding). There may also be support racks that support the outer edge of the canopy. They are an optional element. We need when there is no confidence that the design without additional support can keep the precipitation.

Under the precipitate basically implies snow. In the regions with a large number of snow, it is possible either a visor's slope to make cool - so that the snow is quickly converging, or install additional supports. It can be done both, as usual and come - the stock of reliability / strength soothes and instills confidence.

Materials framework and racks

Frame and trump supports over the entrance door make from:

The most popular material for making a carcass over the porch is a profiled tube. With equal size and thickness of the walls with a round tube (if you compare the diagonal and diameter), the profile has a greater rigidity. At the same time, it is a variety of sections - a square and a rectangle with different sides, it can be bent into the arc, it is easier in welding and fastening to the walls, it is perfectly combined with elements of traditional or cold forging, the durability is the same as other steel products. In general, it is the profiled tube today in Favor.

What makes a ven in the porch make

If we talk about the materials for facing the visor over the porch - here the choice is very wide. Very often a canopy over the entrance to the house makes the same material as the roof. And it is correct, as in this case, it turns out a harmonious design of the house. With this solution, any roofing material applies:

The second option is to use the material that is applied to the fence. In this case, the design of the decoration, and the decor elements must be recognizable. This will create a single ensemble with a plot. Here materials may be such:

  • slate (usually flat, but not fact);
  • professional flooring;
  • polycarbonate;
  • wooden plank.

And the third option to design a visor over the porch is to put the "neutral" style and the material canopy. This can be attributed:

Less frequently used glass. It is necessary to use strengthened views of the Triplex type, and they are not enough that roads are so also weighing solid, so that additional suspensions or powerful support columns are accurately required. And if you consider that a sheet polycarbonate or plastic in appearance is not much different from the glass, it becomes clear why the glass is unpopular.

Forms canopies

Forms of visors over the front door of more than a dozen. The easiest in the manufacture is a single carport. Requires minimal effort and materials, and it can look very good. His minus is that when snowing snow, a snowdrift will turn out to be in front of the door and it will urgently need to be eliminated. The same "illness" suffer from other models with skates tilted forward. These are excellent options for regions with minor winter, but with the hot sun - not quite for our latitudes. Although, if you do not frighten the need for urgent snow cleaning, you can make any of the options.

A little harder to make a double visor (which is a house) and a simple arch. They are good because the snowy snow turns out on the sides of the entrance and, even with its large number, there is no need to urgently remove it. So for regions with a large number of snow, these are the best models.

How to connect the visor over the porch and the wall of the house

One of the most difficult moments - to docile a visor coating above the porch so that water does not flow along the wall. Usually use standard roof docking methods - with the help of a jackhaft. This method is suitable for any roofing material, as well as for sheet metal and wood. It will only be necessary to choose the right color. There are two approaches: in tone with a wall or a tone with a roofing visor. Equipment options, so solve / choose to you.

Under the trap bar in the wall make a stroke (a depth of 5-7 mm). The root edge is inserted into the deepening, they are attached to it, the seam is close in moisture-resistant sealant for outdoor use. Another edge edge lies on the roofing material. When water runs along the wall, it flows on the bar, from it, bypassing the place of the junction, on the roofing material and further in or directly to the ground - who has done.

If you use metal tile, the sellers have a special wall profile. It can also be used with other materials - it is important to choose a color. The regular node includes rubber seals, which are put in a pair of centimeters from the outer edge. In this case, with strong wind, water and garbage do not fall under the bar.

If the visor over the entrance door and the porch makes from polycarbonate, glass or sheet plastic, the method described above is unacceptable - it looks too rude. In this case, there are two options:

There are no other good options. You can only combine both proposed for reliability.

How to fix if the wall is multi-layered

Recently, more and more buildings have multi-layered outer walls - ventilated facades, insulation ... The carrier part of the wall turns out to be a closed pair-triple layers of materials that have enough ability of which is enough. Nothing to attach them to them. All load should have a carriage wall.

Even if the outer layer is a finishing brick, it should not be attached to him. Masonry is usually conducted in Polkirpich. So it only looks durable. The mass of even the smallest and light canopy will not stand, and the support columns do not help.

Therefore, with any multi-layered wall in all finishing / insulation layers, holes are done, the structural elements are attached to the bearing wall.

Single visor: design features

An inclined or straight one-sided visor is the simplest thing that can be. We are rarely direct with us are rare - not too functional, but there are many single-table inclined inclined.

The inclined single visor is based on a rectangular triangle. The straight angle adjacent to the wall, and the length of the sides depends on the desired slope.

In the simplest case, you can cook three identical triangles from the profiled tube (as in the figure above), make holes in them under fasteners (at least three). These three elements can be combined into a single whole with the crate under the roofing material - as in the figure. And you can prigerate the crossbars from the same pipe (but smaller) or stripes, angle. This option is with metal jumpers - more suitable for a visor over a polycarbonate or plastic porch. It is good for a metal sheet - it will be convenient to weld or screw the screws.

There is another option with a changeable angle of inclination. This is a rectangular frame with jumpers of the crates to which the light roofing material is attached. This frame with the help of a used beam fixed on the wall is attached to the entrance (how to do the adjoining we told above).

Depending on the desired angle of inclination, the saws are made. They can be made of metal or wood. Fixed to the frame.

If you wish, this option can be made with an adjustable angle of inclination. Make the fastening of the frame and troops to the wall of mobile (on the hinges, for example), to make several holes in the frame. Rearming the soot into different holes, you can get a different angle of inclination. For doors, this feature is not too relevant - except for glass - to close too bright sun, and for windows it can be useful.

Frame of a double visor

There are at least two ways to assemble a visor with two slots: from two or more (depends on the length of the canopy) triangular rafters or two rectangular frames with the crate, fixed with the riglels. The second option is shown in the figure below, and the first will be a little further.

Canopy house - one of the most popular options

Fashion first

Two quadrangles are collected from the bar or a thick board, which are combined with a skateboard. The angle of inclination of the slopes is set on the skate, fixed by the riglels - the spacer wheel. Since the roofing material is laid from the skate down, the slats of the crates are stuffed in the opposite direction. Under the soft tile requires solid flooring. It may be moisture-resistant plywood or.

Also on Earth brackets are collected - the stops that will transmit the load from the visor to the large area of \u200b\u200bthe wall. Collect the design is better on Earth (without fastening the roofing material). In order to raise and secure the canopy, assistants or services of the manipulator will be required.

Method of the second

The second option is the assembly of individual rafting structures. Maybe this option will seem easier for you - all the row roofs are collected by this principle.

Here, too, a frame from a bar is going and need brackets. But the frame lies in the horizontal plane, leaning on the brackets. Two are collected - three triangles of rafters, which are based on the skate beam, and it rests on the rack, which is fixed on the frame with the second end. It turns out a mini-model of a conventional rafter system.

To improve the appearance, snaps are set near the rack. In the photo from above, they are curved, but this is not necessarily. You can simply do from the bar, stuffing it under the desired angle. Collect the system is also better on Earth - smoothly connect at the height will not work.


If the frame of the visor is from a metal pipe, everything is much easier. The pipe has a greater carrying capacity, so the support and auxiliary elements are much smaller.

Two identical triangles are boiled - according to the size of the future canopy. Connect them with jumpers, the length of which is determined by the "depth" of the visor. So that the facing does not begged, additional crossbars are welded.

The finished design of the canopy is complemented by the brackets - the stops. In the figure above, the visor over the porch has only focus without voids. For regions with a minor winter in winter, this is sufficient, and to keep the solid mass of the snow, you will need a shape or stand. And maybe both (as in the diagram below).

Decorative elements - optional part. There may be an ordinary triangle.

Arched visor over the porch: Production Features

Canopy over the entrance door in the form of the arch can not be called complex in the manufacture. It is more convenient to make this form from the steel pipe, and from the profile, rectangular section. With the help (manually, it is manually, but it is more complicated) make several arches of the same size. They are connected by jumpers, the length of which is determined by the desired size of the roofing part.

Arched construction - the easiest of the options

The first and last arches are connected by horizontal jumpers, the brackets are welded to the latter or, as in the figure above, the usual stops.

You can often see double arches with decorative and not very filling. They are characteristic of large-sized structures. Still, sailboat and snow load turns great and better rebuild, making a safety margin than to do everything in a new one.

Photo idea

Canopy over the porch is not only over the entrance door, but also above the terrace too

Wooden canopy over the entrance in the form of a house - Options with support pillars under Tiled

A trump card over the entrance door is considered the main part of the facade. That is why, besides the protective function, designers recommend paying special attention to its aesthetics, that is, we consider the visor over the entrance doors as an individual decorative element.

Distolio of door visors

In order to carry out a full arrangement of the entrance door, it is important to determine all the items of the design of the door visor design. Of course, the main point should be the security and practicality of this element.

When selecting a visor design for entrance door, professionals advise to consider the following factors:

  • dimensions of the house;
  • features of the selected architectural style;
  • climatic conditions

Tip! For many territories of our country, rigid stationary types of visors who are able to cope with complex climatic conditions are relevant.

In addition to the stationary designs of visors over the entrance doors, you can see folding, retractable models that are called baskets and marquises.

After the visor design is selected to the entrance door, you can move to the selection of its shape. Currently, manufacturers of such decorative elements offer buyers several varieties of similar products:

  • single one;
  • arched;
  • double;
  • straight

Attention! For each shape, the visor is assumed its own fastening option over the entrance door.

Design features

A visor over the entrance door in a rustic cottage performs several functional destinations at once. It can not only protect the entrance from atmospheric precipitation, but also targeted for the location of the car, that is, significant differences in the sizes of visors are allowed.

Manufacturers offer the following type of supporting structure for the entrance door:

  • console-support;
  • suspended console;
  • combined model;
  • framework on durable supports

Features size

When choosing the size of the door visor above the entrance door, it is important to focus on the size of the porch. Professionals advise that so pick it up so that he can close not only the space at the door, but also the steps. There are certain standards, according to which the platform builds above the door should not be more than 1.5 times more dimensions of the door itself.

Tip! The most suitable will be the size of the visor, the overlapping site at the entrance is additionally 30 centimeters, that is, in the case of a standard door, the visor value is 90 centimeters.

Professionals specializing in the manufacture of similar protective structures advise to select visors over the house input about 1.5 meters.

Of course, when selecting the size of such a protective design, you must take into account the maximum wind and snow loads, differing depending on the climatic features of the region.

Forms canopies

To obtain a harmonious type of canopy, installed above the entrance door to a private house, it is important to take into account the shape of the roof. Depending on its design features, you can select:

  • dome or spherical forms of visors. They are distinguished by the absence of sharp corners, the ability to withstand essential aerodynamic loads, so ideally suited for windy regions;
  • semi-alone or arched patterns are made of polycarbonate sheets. Such canopies are suitable for different style solutions, designs are quite resistant to mechanical loads;
  • single trumps of visors are simple and practical. They are suitable for small private houses;
  • the duct species are durable and reliable, atmospheric precipitates do not accumulate on them. Such structures harmoniously look at a house with a similar shape of the roof;
  • the concave visors above the entrance door are distinguished by air, the grace, the polycarbonate is used during their manufacture.

Attention! Went cannons are not suitable for regions with a substantial average atmospheric precipitation.

Materials for the base

When making a door canopy, the wizard uses one material or a combination of several materials. Metal or wooden frames are used as a support for the door visor. We analyze the main characteristics of the materials, select their advantages and disadvantages.

For a private house, elevated from a log or bar, professionals recommend choosing wooden types of canopies. It is difficult to find any artificial material that could be compared with the uniqueness of natural wood.

Tip! For the door visor of small sizes, it is possible to limit the bar, which has a cross section of 40 by 40 or 60 by 60 mm.

Large canopies assume the installation of a durable frame from a bar having a cross section of 100 per 100 or 150 by 150 mm. In the form of additional decorative elements, it is possible to consider the decoration of the frame of openwork lattices, unusual balusters, as well as wooden carvings.

Among the main advantages of the wood can be noted the simplicity of working with this natural material. Among the few problems that can be allocated for wooden canopies, we note their instability to negative atmospheric precipitation, as well as to rotting.

Tip! In order to increase the operational life of the wood, it is necessary to cover the tree with a special impregnation.

Metal structures for visor over the entrance doors are offered by manufacturers in several modifications.

  1. For a monolithic polycarbonate version or triplex, iron cables are used. With their help, you can create an illusion of weightlessness, the input structure will not look clumsy, the effect of its complete weightless is visually created.
  2. Suspended attachments are firmly and reliably held a visor, there is no need to carry out their additional finishing finish.
  3. A practical option is a frame for a visor above the door, which is made of stainless steel. The main advantage of such a model is corrosion resistance.

Attention! A similar type of frame will be expensive, so it's not everyone can afford to afford similar content.

It is much easier and significantly cheaper will be the welded metal design for the visor of the front door, to create which it takes a metal roll of different diameters.

Forged frames - an exclusive option suitable for owners of elite suburban real estate.

Currently, various options for carcases can be used, distinguished by durability and versatility. Such designs are suitable not only for private houses, but also for commercial premises.

Any metal or wooden frame for canopy over the entrance is equipped with roofing coating, has significant differences in the main material. What do professionals recommend as roofing?
Polycarbonate has recently been the most popular materials for finishing the entrance designs above the door.

It has a long service life, good strength. Among the advantages of such a material, it is also necessary to note the ease of installation, a wide color gamut, ease of transportation. Professionals are confident that polycarbonate is suitable for many architectural styles, so when it is used, you can make positive changes in the appearance of the house.

The main advantage of the metallic version of the visor can be considered its long-term operational period and strength, but only during repair preventive work.

Attention! Not every suburban property owner will independently be able to make a metal visor.

The design of the professional flooring has an excellent decorative look. Among the disadvantages of such a material, it is possible to mention the briefness of this material, the instability of it to mechanical damage.

Metal tile is suitable for such houses, the roof of which is also made of metal tile. Among the main minuses of using such material for the manufacture of canopies for entrance doors, professionals consider the substantial weight of the coating.

Wooden canopies are suitable for houses with wooden frame, built from logs or Bruusyev. Currently, manufacturers of such structures use a variety of designs designed for input structures.

Requirements for the visor

In the free sale there are ready visors, you can also make an individual order from professionals. In order for such a design to be beautiful and safe, certain requirements are presented to the visors.

It can advocate the porch parameters more than 0, 5 meters. In this case, the design will reliably protect the entrance from different atmospheric precipitation from entering it.

The constructed canopy should be wind-resistant and durable. When selecting a visor model, it is important to take into account the features of the house.

For double and single visors, professionals prefer to choose branches, metal tile, professional flooring, leaves, slate.

For a porch with a more complex design, polycarbonate or soft tiles are currently used.


Any country property owner perfectly understands how important it is correct to choose the material, form, the size of the attached construction, which will be the protection of the inlet door from atmospheric precipitation. If the plans for the arrangement of a reliable and high-quality canopy above the door, the wizard initially recommended until the door is made to svew rafted the additional crate.

Individual attention is important to devote waterproofing. For example, for a soft roof, rafters are placed by a solid crate, having several separate rails.

Flexible material is decomposed along the rafters, then fixed. At the final stage, the drainage pipe is carried out. When strengthening the visor to a multilayer wall, fixation is carried out by material, which is made of stainless steel.

If you are insecured that you can independently select material for a visor at the entrance door, to build a solid and reliable design, which has a long service life, immediately contact professionals.