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Talismans, conspiracies, charms, amulets. Protective Prayer Archangel Mikhail from Dark Forces. Conspiracy from the sublock

Unfortunately, not everyone in the world wish each other good. For this reason in everyday life There are many negative attacks on each person's biofield. These attacks are carried out both unfriendly, envious and enemies and dark entities from the subtle world. Particularly vulnerable for such invasions, people with thinned as a result of constant stress biopole.

To avoid the consequences of the negative impact on the biofield and reflect the attacks from the outside - the defense is needed. With the help of special conspiractions, you can form an energy barrier through which no evil is able to penetrate. But what protective conspiracies are provided by white magic? Can I protect only yourself or the spell applies to relatives and relatives? Is it possible to protect the house and other movable and real estate from a detrimental impact? What did the Great Bulgarian Justice of Wang told about this?
Answers to each of these questions are looking for in our article.

White Magic: The strongest conspiracies and rituals

In white magic, protective conspiracies and escaper from evil and enemies exist in a huge assortment. Existing spells allow the sorcerer to protect:

  • himself;
  • own children;
  • close relatives and friends;
  • movable and real estate.

Depending on the period of origin, white protective conspiracies are classified as follows:

  • Pagan - Conspuses created and developed in ancient times and aimed at the call of the Higher Forces of Nature. Before holding the pagan ritual, it is recommended to spend a lot of time in nature. Natural reservoirs and springs are especially charged with natural energy;
  • Prayer - conspiracies, designed on the basis of prayer texts of the dominant world religions (Christianity, Judaism and Islam). In such texts, the melody of prayer is preserved, appeal to God or the Great Holy. It is important to take into account that applying conspiracies of this category can only belong to the confession of the rite face. For example, if an Orthodox spell is used, the sorceress must be baptized. Before carrying out a religious rite, it is necessary to keep a week post, attend prayer houses and go through repentance procedure;
  • Mixed (combined) - The result of modern adepts of white magic. Combine elements of prayer and pagan conspiracy. Such spells belongs to the heritage of the Great Vangu.

Attention! A white conspiracy on protection can be considered only a spell, which is not aimed at causing any harm. Must be carried away by black magic. World esoterics are not recommended due to the danger associated with the challenge of the dark forces and the "effect of boomeranga".

Protection for yourself

The easiest way to shall be shaved in our own energy field, for, as they say, there is no better healer for himself than the person himself. Protective plots for themselves are as follows:

Rite to protect a man on weary grass

This sacrament will not only help form protection against negative biofield attacks in the future, but in the event that a curse is already applied on the circulation, it can be eliminated. The only difficulty is for this rite Requires its own garden. Therefore, to read the conspiracy in question can villagers or dacities. For a ritual during a decreasing moon, it is necessary to break all the weeds from the garden, beds or flowerbeds. Collected grass It is divided into 3 parts, each of which is attached to the shape of the cross. For 3 subsequent days, the grass is dried. On the 4th day, the weeds should be burned, saying:

"As the grass dries out, so the black word in the language dies. How dried grass, so dried up the words! "

Conspiracy "Protection on the Obereg"

The rite is made on metal, wooden or stone products. The charm is chosen depending on what the scope of his life wants to protect the sorceress. If this is trading, the figure of the toad, coin, the figure of the Buddha. Love sphere Qualitatively protect rings, semi gems (In accordance with the sign of the zodiac). As an overawe to protect health, it is recommended to select the icon, a wooden ring or a red thread. In order to speak the chosen object to defense, you need 3 nights in a row to keep it under the pillow during sleep. During this time, the oblast object will get used to the owner's energy. On the 4th day you should take the charm in my hands, stroking it and say the following conspiracy:

"[The name of the thing], I will be for you, with you to marvel, the world to show you and there were no unprecedented to tell you. From the burning heat of you, I will be screwed from the eye of the sneakers - so you keep me from the intent dark, from the word evil, from the side of oblique yes from the Bosoy Demon! In the name of the month-Batyushki da Earth-Mother, inseparable to a century - champed and man! ".

The subject conspired in this way should be carried with me and never part with it.

Conspiracy on the defense of an angel

For the rite you need to purchase a figurine of the winged angel. You need to choose it with a soul, which will like it - that and buying. At home, the statuette must be placed on the space well lit by the sun and leave it there for 3 days. On the day of the sacrament, the statuette should be taken in the hands and pronounce the following conspiracy:

"The Angel Lightlocking over the Earth flies - my sinner protects the soul. Angel, angel! From troubles, tell me where to go. If the bottom of the trouble is not leading me there. If you're right enemies - you will lend me from them! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! ".

A conspiracy statuette is placed in the bedroom of the caster - the headboard has his bed. Each time you come out of the house should contact the figure:

"My good angel! You and out of home be with me! I leave my house - I invite your guardian angel with me. "

Conspiracy on dancingj.

This spell does not require a special ritual. The main condition for reading a conspiracy is the absolute confidence of reading in its own protectedness. Spell is read every morning, immediately after awakening.

The text is:

"The Holy Spirit pointed me the road, the dark spirit was alarming.The Lord will defect the Lord, the way will sanctifies the road, the evil-anxiety quit. The Lord is holy, the Lord is strong! Give me the protection of Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Attention - important feature! Making rites for personal protection from dark forces, the sorceress must be in a good mood. Negative, directed into space, can level the effect of light spell or prayer. It should also be responsibly referring to the selection of space for the sacrament. Do not fit for a similar place place with obviously bad energy - cemeteries, hospitals, hospices, former suicide housing and so on. Conspiracy should be lighted in weakly clean room With good ventilation. There should be no extraneous people during the protective rite in the room.

Conspiracy and charms for children

Children are especially the smallest - most vulnerable to negative impact on the energy grid. A child injured at the energy level begins to hurt, becomes restless. In order for this not happened, it is recommended to read conspiracies to protect children not only in practical, but also in preventive purposes.

The strongest children's protective conspira are the following:

  • Bath rite. This sacrament refers to the so-called "whispers" - short pagan conspiractions. Baby boy steamed in a bath sentencing: "Lada-Ladushka, Mother Brave, whites swan, Son Lebuloshka Paris, all troubles evaporated. Leaving the ladushka, good mother, and my child [Name] Wheels - so that the trouble will not happen! ";
  • Conspiracy from evil people. The spell must read the mother, walking the child in the garden, to school, etc. The text of the conspiracy on the protection of the child sounds as follows: "Lord All Bust! Forgive the sorry of the slave of your [my name], in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Mother of God descended to Earth, Virgo is a predistible yes fitting. She looked at my child [the name of the child], yes wrapped it into his hem. And in Podol, the Virgin is silence, grace, and sweet dream. And how to let go of the Virgin of my child, so send him the guardian angel, so that neither the demon, neither the hell, nor a man of angry offended him. And now, and dream of centuries, Amen! ". Considering the conspiracy, the mother should put his chado with a congestion three times, then kiss him in the forehead;
  • Button spell (as a protective overag). To carry out the ritual, the button is thoroughly washed, cleaned and consecrated with the help of church candles (sufficient to hold it half a minute on the flame of the temple candle). Then the goose takes a button to the lips and whispers on it: "Protect my dyatko from the evil of the pitch, from people evil, but from the devils of froths. While you are with him - trouble is not terrible, the evil speech is not terrible, Amen! ". The conspiracy button should be sewed to the child's clothes with strong threads;
  • For sleep coming. If the child sleeps badly, you can read the next protective conspiracy: "The guardian angel is a dream brings, baby [name] in the world of miracles takes. There will be a sweet to sleep sweetly, the dreams are wonderful to see. Nightmar will not dream, not bad! ".

Important! Conspiracies for the protection of the child under 14 may exclusively relatives of the female. Ideally, it should be his mother, but if the mother has a weakened energy field (disease, apathy, bad mood) or it is not strong from nature in magic, a grandmother or aunt's aunt can make a rite. Adult protective conspiracies are read on defense of the child by age of 14 years.

How to protect the house?

In practice, white magic there are a great many conspiracies on the protection of your own home and property. Below are the most effective of them:

  • The simplest conspiracy to protect the house from enemies and evil people. For the rite will need a broom or broom. Throughout the threshold of the house for a repeated spell: "METUU-IMAGE, DISEASES ROCK! The smoothness is for the threshold, enviousness - for the gate, enemies - for the horizon. Amen!". The trash should be selected for the threshold, carefully collect and throw away on the nearest road without entering the house;
  • Conspiracy from thieves (per year). A simple sacrament that will help preserve the valuable things stored at home, and do not start through the threshold of thresholds and intruders. In the period of the growing moon, a white handkerchief made of natural fabric and a thin church candle of red is purchased. At night, the handkerchief is hanging on the balcony or outside the window (provided that the window is open). At dawn, the scarf is removed, the candle is lit. Over the open flame of the candle, a shawl swears three times with crushing movements (the fabric should not fire). At the same time pronounced the following prayer text: "As Jesus Christ marched, our Savior, from Jerusalem - and towards him - 12 months old. "Where do you keep the way?" - Lord written. "We go to the Rus of Epiphany - honest people to protect, from the deserted guard." Lord ordered them: "Go, the people of baptistic protect, thieves cut out." So I'm not, the slave of God [my name] told - so holy God told. That is not written, then the Lord's finger is indicated. Do not go, the thief, on my yard! Do not put legs yes for my threshold! For the Lord with me and the servants of him are correct - 12 months! And now, and confessed, and in the eyelids - Amen! ". At 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, it is necessary to hide all the decorations made of precious metal in this handkerchief;
  • Conspiracy to protection against uninvited guests. Not every person is glad to uninvited guests. To turn out such personalities from the threshold of your home, the sorcerer should read the following: "We are defending the Lord in the Lord, I remove from the uninvited guests. Step, uninvited, go, alien, omnipresent, evil carrying! Here you are not waiting - look for another shelter! In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - Amen! ". After reading the spell is written on a sheet of paper and is placed in a secluded place in the hallway.

Important to remember! Specified protection spells should be read without malicious intent. Otherwise, they can be attributed already to black Magic, inept use of the principles of which can lead to deposits.

From Vangi.

The richest esoteric heritage of the Great Healer Vanga includes protective rites. Self powerful conspiracies and prayers, protection against evil and evil eye, charms from all the troubles from Vanga are presented below:

  • Conspiracy to defense against failure and attracting prosperity reades in clear weather, the sun should not hide behind the clouds. In the process of reading the spell, it is necessary to "hug" sunlight, that is, stand in front of the sun with an open arms. At the same time, a red thread should be tied to the left hand, in the right - clamped native Cross. The text of the conspiracy is Takov : "The sun! As you are if you are illuminated by the Light Earth - and I am good luck to Odari! How your rays bring your rays - and they will protect me from adversity! From now on, and forever - luck follows me! Amen!". After reading the spell, the sorceress should be kneeling, we think prayer-folded hands to the luminaries and say: "Thank you, the sun, for the strength and energy! Thank you, heaven, for protection and grace! ";
  • Conspiracy to protect the house from Vangi. For the sacrament, spring water and homemade broom made of straw and branches will be needed. Water must be boiled and waited for its complete cooling. Then the liquid is poured into transparent dishes, which is put on the floor at the foot of the caster. The sorceress reads conspiracy: "Let the spring driver be clenwritten by impostato, it mocks failure, mocking curse. How the walls are omitted - this will not cross the enemy of my threshold. " Then the brochings should be dipped into harvested water and sprinkle all the angles of its home;
  • Protective wubble from the Great Independent. In the spring it is necessary to cut a few sprigs of rowan. Vanga did not recommend breaking thick fruit branches - it is impossible to harm the tree. For the manufacture of the guard are quite thin rowan twist. Sliced \u200b\u200browan rods should be overwhelmed with a green satin ribbon by type of pigtails. At the end of the work, the design is increasing with three nodes in such a way the bracelet should turn out. Then the amulet for good luck and the protection is left for a while in an unavailable for an extraneous place until the branches are completely dried. The finished charm can be worn in the form of decoration on hand, or attach it to keys or bag - as a key chain. Act protective amulet For 12 months, after which it should be replaced;
  • Prayer-guard (prayer conspiracy) from Vanga. To protect against dark forces, you can use the personal prayer of the Great Independent: "Lord! Only I think in a difficult moment! I do not allow my good luck to leave me at this difficult moment! Let all my goals become achievable - for only thanks to you I can achieve them! Let through the mirror in a different world will leave all the evil directed at me, and here it will not make me any other harm to any other harm! Be defense of mine, Lord! Amen!". When this prayer conspiracy is pronuncified, the caster must choose a permanent talisman for good luck and protection. Best Effect Give precious stones and noble metals. In particular, best protection From the dark forces and energies, Vanga itself recognized silver.

An important nuance! Great Vanga trembled very trembled to candles. In her opinion, the combination of flame and wax - and there is a magical quintessence, attracting positive energy and extinguishing the spell. For this reason, during any ritual to protect human or property, sanctified church candles should be burned. Candles should be an odd amount (except 13).

Home security, family protected, good neighbors - three major components, happy life. When someone is fine, always someone is bad. People who can not indifferently look at someone else's happy life, begin to envy. With its negative energy, they are able to break the family peace, to visit the house and the seven of the evil eye or damage.

Overnight, you can lose everything if you allow the influence of the negative on your life. Conspiracy to protect the house, family, on a good relationship The team and, may have any hostess, which values \u200b\u200bits family peace and well-being.

Read also the ritual conspiracies from the evil eye and damage from ours.

Magic, as a means for prevention

As they say, it is better to spend preventive actionsthan to treat the consequences of the disease. Prayer chargers serve as a shield for the house, and conspiracy can prevent a negative effect on the part. In the aggregate, protective actions serve as a magical dome. A person who is under such protection is reliably protected from negative and unfavorable people.

As a rule, many deny the existence of magic, until incomprehensible things begin to occur in their lives. At work, the relationship with the team has sharply spoiled. At home, constant conflicts and quarrels are manifestations of negative, which was created artificially by the ill-fake man. Wedge, wedge knock - they say in such cases. Conspuses and rites will help to cope with the current situation and return everything "into their circles."

Conspiracies to defense against not good people

This rite will help protect against the enviousness, which is everywhere - colleagues, neighbors, pleasants and even quite unfamiliar people. For a ritual, which is carried out in the walls of the temple, you will need:

  • Candles - 12 pieces;
  • Consecrated water;
  • Cleaning - loaf, distribute on Sunday service. Indicates the body of Christ.

In the temple to buy candles and put them:

  • Virgin;
  • Jesus Christ;
  • Holy Trinity;
  • Nikola Wonderworker;
  • Archangel Mikhail;
  • John the Baptist.

The remaining six to put anyone like the saints. Then to defend Sunday Liturgy, buy a prosfora, eat silently and with awe's reverence, cross and head towards the house. On the street, drink three chips of consecrated water.

On arrival home stand near the iconostasis and read thank you prayer "Our Father", three times. After each reading of prayer, impose a cross and bow. Complete protective ritual Reading a conspiracy:

"Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Give me on the tools of my prayers of my slaves of your (name), cleansing the soul from the sins of the vested and unfamiliar. Let the saints strengthen the power of faith in your wonderful things. Let my soul be always open before you and clean, like a tear. Let my body be healthy, the heart is hot, and the mind is sober. Fight my house, my family and me, from the evil thoughts of the human, black evil eye and a evil look. Always I will be gratitude to you. Yes, famous your name. And now and confessed and forever. Amen".

The second half of the prospects to eat before bed and wash the three sips of water. At the end of the next day, once again read a prayer-spell from enemies.

Creating protective amulets

Ritual with nail

To enhance rituals on the fences of the house and family from evil people, make more separately overlap and protection for entrance doors. It is through the door pass that an unfriendly person falls with his negative energy into the house.

For the first rite you will need nails. Iron has the power of the overama and reliably protect the house from evil. Buy in the store three nails, better when the moon will be in the increasing phase. The purchase to accomplish, with a pre-prepared bill that will not be required. If you do not succeed, then leave it to the seller.

On arrival home, you need to drive nails, on the side of the street, in doorjamb. Drive so that a triangle is formed, one above in the middle and two from the corners. Go home, close the door and impose a plot:

"Three nails-heroes, my house will protect from an evil eye and enemy. One - Evil Evil, the other - unfintellers freezes, and the third everything is unclean towards the side. My words are turnover, but nails strength in a love spell. "

While the door jamb will stand still, the plot of the charm will have its own strength.

Ritual with gypsy needles

For the second rite it is necessary to buy two gypsy needles. Delivery does not take the moon in the growth phase. The needles folded the cross between the cross onto the cross and tied up with a white thread. Read the conspiracy over them:

"Needles cross, enemies prick. Who came with good, he will easily pass, who with evil, he under the cross and falls. "

Amulet hang over the doors from the inside of the house. Every three months the amulet is removed, the needles in alcohol are washed, and the thread burned. Then the rites are re-carried out for constant protection of the house from evil.

Talk on protection

The conspiracy, which is superimposed on the subject of the wardrobe, has a huge force. Which is capable of protecting its owner from trouble. If the work arose a situation of ill-advantage from colleagues. Or the boss saddown with his permanent quirks, then it's time to protect against all troubles. Conspiracy impose on any part of the personal wardrobe, it can be like underwear and outerwear.

In the evening, in complete loneliness, to light the church candle, take into the hands of the thing and say the words of protection:

"The thing is spoken, from evil and brave protection I put. Let her dome from enemies to protect me and the protection will be reliable for me. Cross barely, prayer fixed. "

Protection against evil people at work

When they began to feel that the situation in the working team exacerbates. We are confident that colleagues are jealous and can make any dirt product that can harm the career or the results of the work already done. Then boldly hold a rite to protect your workplace from envious colleagues.

As a rule, after the rite, they simply begin to not be noticed and will completely forget about their evil acts. Well, this method acts on the bosses that does not quietly do work, with their comments and discontent.

When there is no one in the office, draw around his workplace black baptics with a pencil. And say:

"I impose the crosses, I saved the evil. Cross defend, I will get the righteous. The guardian angel will get me back and will protect their wings from the goose and anger. Amen".

Crighten yourself and place the workplace three times. Conduct the rite every time you feel that the situation in the team is heating.

Conspiracy in full moon

If the family came in the family when I don't want to see each other. At the same time, there are constantly scandals, yes, the negative did not get into the walls at home and destroys a happy life. For a rite that will help to establish good and good relations In the family it is necessary to go to the temple and buy 13 candles. At the outlet of the temple, you need to read the words:

"On the threshold of the temple, the divorce leave, the world and joy call into the house. Amen".

Wait for the moon to be complete, stay alone with yourself, burn all the candles from the match and read the seven conspiracy:

"I burn candles and burn all anger. How candles will only store, so peace and joy are created. Return to the house rest and happiness, let it be so, and not otherwise. "

Conspiracy constantly repeat while the house does not come in the house and grace.

Home protection ritual

The threshold of his house from the attack and not lasting guests should be protected by doing the following rite. On opposition entrance door Hang the mirror, it will reflect the entire third-party negative. It must be constantly wiped from dust and accumulated negative, then the house will always be under reliable protection.

The threshold of the house must be washed and clean from the accumulated mud. Take consecrated water, add to it thaparent Soli., wipe this solution, door handles and jamb. From now on, always hold the threshold in the impeccable frequency, then good will feel free to pass through it, and the evil linger in front of him. When rubbing the threshold, read the conspiracy to the house:

"I swell, clean my house from damage and evil eye, and a bad eye. Water was chosen, soaked with salt, so that the threshold of the disease and kilives, the crusts did not stick to the threshold. As salt does not rot, it does not stick to the threshold. The threshold is done. Salt impregnated. God blessed. Amen".

Water which washed the threshold. Pour into the street under the bush or tree.

When it comes to protection, it is not all true to understand what it is. From Grabian and Zabyak Words are unlikely to help.

But the spells spoken in time will push a person on the track where he with such asocial personalities simply will not face.

This happens in all situations. Protective plot helps to behave in this way, to engage in cases where there is no evil, envious people. And if the likes still appear, then the protected person is simply not noticed.

He takes around the one who read it, such a strong wall, it is almost impossible to break through it.

Only over time, its strength is weakening. Therefore, it is recommended to use such rites regularly. They usually read them on the talisman, charm, i.e. Some thing that all the time we carry with you.

Very well runs protective.

Just Note: In the case of a powerful attack of the dark forces, your amulet may break, spoil, get lost. Then another purchase.

And about what disappeared, do not spare. This thing helped you avoid such troubles, from which money is not separated by money.

Protective conspiracy before bed

"Lord, Almighty! Human lord's shower! Gave me the road, but the feature threw the trouble. The Lord with angels with evil will cope. My share of their prayers will be corrected! Damage evil from the way will drive. I will not affect anything bad! Amen!"

These words are simply pronounced every day before bedtime. Keep the mascot in your hands. And when you go to work (to another place), let him be with you.

In full moon

Go to the moon. Think: The Lord gave you not only life, but the whole world, so you felt happiness. Now let's say three times these words:

"The Heavenly Heaven is my head. He is the parent of my shell bodily. He is head and decree. On the defense, give an order. So that evil was going to me, I did not harm me. So that the trait of the goat did not touch me, all the alarms remained behind. So that my angel was covered with wings, so that my victory is carried by the banner! Save the Lord from the enemies, from gossip and shackles! Amen!"

On business

If you need to protect yourself and your case from insidious fraudsters, dishonest people and just fools, then write down the words below, with your own hand on clean paper. Do not fold it.

Place in the workplace so that no one see (you can fasten the table). This plot will protect you.

In order to calm themselves and dehydly aging, which is no longer interested in your opinion, to protect yourself from the cunning of people, read these words. They help them very much if sincerely pronounced loving person. Yes, and kids from their children's school troubles so save.

Important - to believe Higher power (and a little bit).

Protective Conspiracy - Charger

How to dress will begin, so pronounce his text with a whisper. It will help in any danger. He will not allow you to get closer to it.

"The castle of sim his soul and the body closure from the forces of evil, from the people's thin, from the black eye, from the evil punishment, from the Spoda, from the path of the curve, from the line of chrome! So that there was no dark strength, let the Lord lead it to the graves. Let the dead spirits dumb. And evil do not worry me. Amen!"

Especially it is necessary in the first days. Exactly then new team Determined with attitude to your child. It is desirable that it be positive and kind.

Do it from random or.

In addition, words need to be learned. They will be useful in the critical situation. Then you need to change something in the toilet and read the words anew.

For example, remove the ring and dine, the laces tie up and so on.

Conspiracy will help when you "on the carpet" causes an angry chief.

Or, another example, you reported very unpleasant news. But the information is not exact. Someone heard something and on the "kindness of the soul" decided to make you nasty.

Before rushing to understand or suffer from grief, take a consignation. Most often after that it turns out: the news was false.


Many of us are repaid by the support of talismans, amulets or faiths, seeking to protect themselves and their relatives from their troubles or in order to attract good luck, happiness and financial well-being. So, strong prayer Helps to create powerful protectionTherefore, it is releasing us from any adversity.

Our ancestors were confident that with the help of thoughts and phrases facing the Most High and Saints, you can protect yourself, protect your loved ones and envious. And how the prayer is read correctly, and what they happen, you will learn from this publication.

Prayer Prayer for Most High

Prayer appeal to the Lord is one of the most ancient ways of influence on human destiny. Immediately it is worth noting one important thing - prayers can be amended life Path Praying, not another person, as it happens when conducting a guidance act with the help of black magic.

In turn, the prayer of the charm can be used by people who want to protect their relatives and loved ones.

Praying correctly

Pronounce leaving prayers loud or about themselves - a personal matter. Each of us appeals to the Almighty as it seems necessary. And yet, so that the prayer for the champion of the house and the family has worked, such advice should be followed:

  1. Read the prayers of the charts is recommended with clean soul and sincere motives. If you want to protect your family from the troubles, after reading the set of words, you will not succeed. Sincere faith will create a miracle.
  2. Turning to the governors with prayers to protect the house and family, find out about every holy than he helps people, so that you do not come out that you ask to protect children from diseases at the Faist of the Saint, who needs to ask about the rest of the human soul.
  3. Protecting prayers, you need to ask the Almighty not only for yourself, but also for her husband, children and their relatives who also deserve God's grace. So Says Psalm, the Book of Divine. Ask saints to make you wisdom, patience and health, thanks to which you can survive all the troubles and misfortunes that are preset to you by over.
  4. It is not worth reading the prayers of the charms, being in the poor arrangement of the Spirit. So, the prayer conspiracy is pronounced only then, the code man fully opens his soul and the heart to the Lord, getting rid of anger, anger and offshore.
  5. Favoring prayer is read at any time of the day and night. To protect your home and your relatives with the help of prayer appeal to the Almighty, it is not at all necessary to go to church. It is just important to open him and trust, having told about my problems.

Prayers for home protection

Often, the danger threatens not to the person himself, and his house. Black magic is a terrible thing. So, the witches when they want to cause a man evil, resort to the help of damage or the evil eye, taking her to the house with the goal so that the housing was damned and "took" his owner's vitality. But for this, however, it is necessary to upset the sorcerer very much, because the pointing of the damage, the evil eye of the house - complex processes that require considerable investment vital energy and time. In this case, even the strongest prayer conspiracies do not affect. First of all, you should get rid of the curse entrusted to the house. And only after that, with a calm soul, put a prayer shield, which will protect the house itself, and its tenants.

In order not to expose yourself such a danger and not to become a victim of a conspiracy home, you need to put a prayer shield-charm on a home or for each family member separately - Son, daughter, spouse, what you will learn a little later.

There is a huge number of rituals that help protect the house from trouble and evil eyes. All of them are not able to have any other impact on a person who utters a prayer handling, nor on the enemies, from which the "prayer guarding shield" is placed. We offer to your attention the strongest prayerchairs.

Prayer first

Before acting this simple ritual, you need to get a special candle. It follows to the Easter holiday, go to the temple and light it there. At the incident one minute, we take a candle, and go home with her. So, rituals with such candles do not have to spend on days Great EasterThe main thing is to "make" a special candle in this holiday.

When you feel that something bad is happening in your house, you will burn this candle and go through your home with her (apartment) along the clockwise arrow, making 12 circles. During the "bypass", the baptism of each angle of the room and pronounce these words:

"Father Savaof, forgive protection for you. Install the cross of crosses from heaven to the land of the rim. Fences to us along with our house from trouble, ukrai from the unclean eye. House of Christ - the Lord of Pokrov. W. Blessed Virgin Mary I ask very defense. Let all saints of God's servants will be on the protection of my house. Protect us from terrible sickness, all frustrated sacrups. Hear the molts of my compassionate. Do not quit a minute complicated. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Prayer Second

You can also take advantage of the prayer appeal to St. John to protect against enemies and any unclean. To do this, you will need a church candle with which you need to get around the whole home from Lev to the right. At the same time, each corner reads such words:

"I bow to God's ceremony John with prayer requests. The saints of his speakers-Warriors, come to the rescue to us, protect us from trouble, illness and all the discontinuities of unclean. Fence my house from adversity. Do not throw me a minute complicated. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Prayer conspiracies to protect children

Each mother is stirred about his child and does everything so that nothing bad happened to him. You can provide your baby to protect against the negative energy of dark forces and other eyes, using special amulets, saving rites. But the problem is that not only positive energy can accumulate in amulets, these magic subjects Creable to attract more and negative energy, and therefore it is extremely undesirable to use such a thing to protect the child. There is a simpler exit - read prayer prayers every day.

Read prayers every day - charms to protect the child

You can find different points, which are read in different time day.

Morning prayer Obereg

As soon as your child woke up, sit near him and read such prayer words:

"Pretty my son of the Lord (child name) will never know terrible diseases. Let him always bypass all the enemies of the damned and trunks of the dark. Let him be protected by the holy cereals of God in life. Hear the molts of my compassionate. Do not quit a minute complicated. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Evening prayer charm

In the evening, when your child will go to bed, you need to read such conspiracy speeches:

"In the cradle, they put me mumps, then turn on the barrel. Fall asleep native (native) and nothing worried. N. evil spiritsnor the scratched languages \u200b\u200bnor dark forces will not disturb your sweet sweet. In the Most Holy Mother of God, I ask you. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen"

This prayer appeal will help protect the baby's sleep, as well as the sleep of a teenager. Prayer rites of this kind are protected from nightmares, help to sleep well and gain vital energy.

Prayer Weregheg before an important event

This prayerful conspiration is pronounced on the eve significant event In the life of a child. Such prayers are essentials suitable for both newborns and teenagers. Each child needs divine patronage and parent care, so do not forget to read these the strongest prayerchairs.

So, on the eve of a serious test or an important event, sway near the child and do not loudly say such words: "Heavenly Angel, from birth to the child of my child. I ask you to help you. Let all the holy servants and you, the guardian angel, ensure the protection of the child to my. Custodial, an angel, from all diseases of heavy, from all enemies, evil and all the tricks are unclean. Chony, angel, his heaven with his heaven all the extremes of this. From birth and up to today you, an angel, faith and the truth served to me, and not ride now, on this day, in a minute difficult for us. Hear the molts of my compassionate. Help protect Bloodyka my relatives. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Prayer conspiracies from enemies

In almost each of us there are enemies. If in life you all turn out as you want, then surely you already have ill-wishers who will not miss the opportunity to hurt you.

To protect against the negative energy from enemies and not to lose luck, you can apply a prayer appeal to the Lord. Such protection was used by our ancestors as a guard from evil unclean soul of people.

Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary

To protect yourself from enemies and their evil, some people resort to the help of the Blessed Virgin. The mother of our Lord never turns away from the human soul, which needs to protect against evil and asks justice. So, to get the patronage of God's Mother of God, it follows every morning to start with reading such a prayer:

"Oh, the Most Holy Mother of God, I ask you, Hear My Molves. You, Mother Our Heavenly, got up early, prayer for her son, read: "Be, my desired son, under the gaze of our Lord, the Creator of our universe. Let him fly away from everyone from everyone, the evil is unclean defended. His defense will always be next to you. The saints of his servants Let them everywhere watch and do not let in the sorridge. " The guardian angel's prayer appeal to Siere Highness, the Almighty to our all over the world conveyed. Help and I avoid the fate of angry, down and my grace to me. In order to avoid evil and evil in your home. And the Most Holy Mother of God will ask the same, help. Hear a sinful sinner, our glorious glory workers, bring my prayers and convey to the Lord to the Almighty. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

We ask for protection from the enemy in St. John

From ill-wishers can be protected and a prayer appeal to St. John. This option will be used solely to protect against one particular enemy whose name you know. It is important to remember one divine rule, if it is known to you that someone wants to hurt you, you do not need to be angry and harm this person. Contrary to his evil thoughts, the pray for the Lord and his servants, so that warm feelings reigned in his soul, hatred and malice disappeared. This prayer protection-charm does not refer to the rooties of damage and the magical statement of ignition. Do not fear negative consequences, they are missing.

The rite of B. orthodox church. You need the on the eve of the service to confess from the clergy, thereby clearing your soul. After purchasing a candle, and stand all the service, mentally asking for the Lord about protection. As soon as the service is completed, put a candle in the image of Saint John and pronounce such words:

"The Most Holy God's servant is our, John, you pacified the power of enemy, Usmy and the temper, the heart and soul of my enemy (the name of the enemy)."

After reading the prayer, it is necessary to worship the face of this saint nine times.

Coastal conspiracy

If at work you come across envy and bad eye of the enemies, then the slander and evil will protect you good, reliable prayer. Such protection-charm from dark personalities will save you from evil languages \u200b\u200band will not allow the anger to wave your soul.

It takes every morning, before the appearance at work or in an educational institution (if evil tongues are overwhelmed at the institute, etc.), come to the window, they barely be baptized and pronounce in quietly such words:

"Mother of God, our shrine. Everyone you cover your cover, they protect against evil thoughts. From small, to the great, all who believe in your silicone, those get blessings from you. Whatever the soul, you hear it and understand. I ask you, hear and prayhed mine. Pray for the soul of my sinful in front of the Lord, the Father by our Almighty. Rubberies and me from the detrimental all, a fence from enemies and evil languages. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

This prayerful conspiracy is very powerful, it is able to protect against all kinds of negative energy. To increase its strength, you can resort to the help of other facing prayers. These protective prayer appeals are read as much as you like, anywhere and at any time.

Prayers are charging to protect the family

Today you can face such dark magicians who are able not only to poison the life of their own enemies, but also to send a curse on his whole genus. There are many reasons why a dark magician can resort to the help of this terrible gun. However, even such a powerful cocked can be warned.

To protect yourself from a terrible trigger, you need every day, in the morning, read prayer spells. The main condition is not a single living soul during reading the prayer next to you.

Prayer Obereg

Here is one of these prayers, which is suitable for all occasions. It can be read, standing at the face of any saint or just standing near the window at dawn. So, directing thoughts to the Lord, pronounce the following words:

"In the crusher, white fish swims in the oceanushka. As this living nature is difficult without a water, so let them extract enemy every. Let all alive enemies, be able to penetrate the souls of relatives and people close to me. To the life of my family to be protected by you. Who will eat Belo that fishery to eat, it will be a bumpy: it will not be able to live a moment and wander the day. I ask the name of God, do not give my family to anyone. As each scaway is adjacent to the fishing body, from the head and to the tail and my relatives will be healthy and in the right mind and memory. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Seven crosses

The old prayer-protection "Seven Crosses" was used by our ancestors, when they were defended from unclean thoughts of people, black soul. It can be used for all occasions. If you are reading a plot for your own self-defense, then it is necessary to pronounce it three times using your own behalf. And when "seven crosses" is used to protect relatives, then the prayer appeal is read exactly as many times as your relatives you want to protect.

Prayers are charging for all occasions

There is still a mass of other prayer faucenes that help solve this or that situation.

Prayers-wubbles for all occasions - help a person to protect themselves not only from a particular danger, but also protect him from all the misfortunes that are subject to dark forces.

Coast Prayer for Drivers

There is one prayer appeal that will help facilitate the driver's road, and will help save vehicle In order to warn the accident. The preserving life of prayer is pronounced immediately before departure, and it sounds as follows:

"Lord is our Most High, Heavenly Father. I appeal to you with a pierce request. Help overcome the road without difficulties and do not spoil my cars. Remove the fate of my misfortunes and discarded the thoughts of bad. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

Prayer for the fight against any turmoil

The prayer appeal to the Most High, the named "Angel of My Birth", helps in any complex life situation. So, immediately after awakening, neither saying a single word, we read the words of prayer: "My Angel, begone to me and went grace your own. Protect from trouble, diseases and bad luck, enemy of unclean and discontinuities. From the slander of incorrect and words of faded, the ailments of terrible, dangerous poisons, the bells in the dark more often. Protecting from the look of Irodsky and warriors of unclean, malice and anger of furious, animal ripples, starvation with cold. Help protect against poverty and look dark. Save my soul my sinful. And when my vessel will come, the guardian angel is next to me. Get up of my head, make my suffer easier. "

Prayer against anxiety

Many of us often feel the spiritual experiences of their relatives and are close. So, if you feel the alarm for yourself or for your relatives - read the plot "Socialist chaff", and think about who you send protection. This magic shield will protect from the malice, an angry gaze of people with dark thoughts:

"In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I will show and brings forty to God's ministers. I bow to their holy hearts and souls heaven. Looking for forties and mouths and eyes. Oh, the great fathers of the Heaven, the patrons of the sinful souls, the Holy Rightements. How are you Christ God's Son. They did not quit difficult, the faith did not betray him under the torture, I appeal to myself, my gabels. Save and save: from seventy seven diseases, all sorts of terrible pain, the executioner in the night, flame and water. From the death of in vain, the terrible, the authorities were malicious, cunning friends and enemies. From the bottoms of the bottom, slander, damage and evil. Became, you are a faithful, strong, strong and Lord Jesus Christ blessed: in the night, morning, daytime day of day. Let everything come true about what I pray. Amen".

And remember our strength in our faith! Take care of yourself and be happy!

Prayer-charm is a very strong defense. With it, you can protect yourself from various troubles and misfortunes. Such methods are tested by time, and many people helped protect you from enemies and envious. The prayer-guard allows you to protect your own home from an external negative and create a favorable atmosphere in the family, filled with happiness and well-being.

The strongest prayer was overwhelmed by three angels

Prayer-charm of three angels is a very strong tool that protects against a wide variety of everyday problems with which a person may face. This prayer is drawn up simultaneously in the Orthodox and pagan tradition. Prayer handling, reinforced copying word Allows all dysfunctional and dying. Therefore, it is very important that the person who will use the prayer to the Three Angels will be baptized and sincerely believed in God, but at the same time there should be respect for the ancient pagan culture in his soul.

This prayer can be used on any day of the week, except Sunday. You can pray at any time.

Her words sound like this:

"Lord bless. Help, Lord. I sent me the Almighty Lord from the skies of the defenders of three angels, three archangels, loyal guards. The Lord ordered me to take care of me, to defend me from every Lija and missed my dwelling and attack not to let. Commanded the Lord three angels heaven from me the slave of God ( given name) Everything is evident from far from far away. It is ordered to defenders from my slave of God (own name) from the troubles to reliably close the fence from the Earth and to the sky, so that any famously and evil penetrated through it. The fence that will be a reliable protection against enemies and enemies, from the crosses, from the pigeons of different, from stupidity in vain, from the demonic listings, from the evil eye and damage. Keep me three angels, the Lord to me directed from the morning early and to the night late. Do not leave me all day per day. Amen".

If you feel that you are threatened by trouble, but do not know where to expect her to you, then you should use a special prayer-guard from all troubles. So that she worked, followed by an observed post and not to participate in noisy parties. In this case, you will be able to create powerful protection that even the most experienced magician will not be able to break.

Prayer Washer from the evil eye and damage (brief prayer)

Schalz and damage is very strong negative programswhich can harm a person, and if they do not remove them on time, then such impacts can significantly worsen the state of health, and in particularly severe cases even destroy life. It should be understood that the negative impact is not always sent. Unfortunately, there are many envious people around us that constantly exude a negative. They can spread rumors and gossip about you, and, as you know, the gossitude can damage the natural aura of man and weaken his defense.

Protects against the evil eye and damage can be short, but at the same time strong prayer faithwhich contains an appeal to your guardian angel.

The text it may be:

"I, the slave of God (own name) appeal to you, my guardian angel. You have been appointed almighty and allotably girmnom to assistants and defenders. Checkle minister I ask you to protect me from all living victims. Tongi all evil spirits from my life and support me in my endeavors. I do not allow the evil languages \u200b\u200bof enemies and to harm me to harm me, save the calm of my soul, so that I could work hard in the glory of the Lord God of our. Amen".

Soro-Russian Prayer Character (brief prayer)

Soro-Russian prayer charm is a very potent protective equipment. This prayer was created in ancient times, the appeal combines the traditions of the ancient pagan conspiracy of the Orthodox prayer appeals Later times. It is precisely in this that the great strength of the fortiest chart of prayer is. She is able to completely neutralize the strongest negative and put reliable protection from enemies and different troubles that violate the usual life line.

Read this prayer can only baptized people. For those who do not believe in the effectiveness of this fund, it will be simply unsuccessful. It should be remembered that this prayer women should be on the female days of the week, namely, on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. For men, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday are suitable for reading days. It is very important with anyone shall not share with its plans regarding that you plan to use a forty-seated prayer charm.

The best time for reading prayer is considered morning. If you can catch the moment of the appearance of the first rays of the Sun, this will additionally increase the power of circulation, since this period symbolizes the victory of the light above darkness. When reading prayer, take care to exclude any distracting factors. It is very important when promising prayer words for nothing to be distracted.

This prayer should be learned by heart, it is impossible to read it from the leaf. Very important before reading the protective prayer to visit the temple where you need to pray for the forgiveness of your enemies. It is necessary to clean the soul from the negative, so if you have the opportunity, then you need to confess and will take it.

At home should be dressed in light, spacious clothes, install the icon of the Savior, light three church candles.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am a slave of God (own name) in front of the forty sainted fathers and their gracious hearts, worship them with good forty saint souls and eyes. Righteous fathers, you never left the savior of our Jesus Christ, the faith of sacred under any terrible torture never betrayed, hear and my heart plump. I ask you to save me and save. Protect me from seventy seven destructive births and terrible pains, from the cruel executioner in the darkness of the night, from the fire and water, from the death of terrible and in vain, from the cruelty of the authorities, from the cunning of the surrounding people, from the crust and unkind views. I create an overlap myself with a word strong, which will be strong and reliable. The Lord God Jesus is blessed. He will protect me in all the hours of daily daily and forever. Amen".

Work for any person means a lot in life. Therefore, it is necessary to take care to reliably protect against various troubles that may occur in business sphere. Best of all every day before going to work, read prayer appeal to the Angel Guardian. This will eliminate the misunderstanding of colleagues and leadership, which means to create a harmonious environment around him.

The text of this prayer is as follows:

"My patron, Heavenly Guardian Angel, I call you, Slave God (own name) for help. Help me harmonize the world around him. Eliminate any misunderstanding of my colleagues and bosses. Make so that they see if they are my good thoughts and did not drive me from ourselves. Let them understand what is extremely sincere is my heart and pure conscience. Defend me, my guardian angel from the misunderstanding of human and all troubles with this related. Amen".

Prayers are charging for all occasions

Orthodoxy offers a huge amount of prayers for all occasions. And they must be used, as they will help to establish life, and harmonize relations with people from the nearest environment. Prayers of the wubbles can be applied not only for themselves, but also to protect their child. Also useful are prayers that allow them to protect their own dwelling from trouble.

Prayer Charger for the Child (Son, Daughter)

Prayer Obereg is read for a child. She is read at night when the baby falls asleep. It is universal, so it can be used for both the Son and daughter.

The text appeal to the Angel Keeper sounds as follows:

"Heavenly Angel, the defender of my child, the slave of God (the name of the child) you are on the maintenance of our Lord our appointed, wings with his white flashers from him all the troubles and sorrow, enemies from him from him. Hear a maternal Molver and not refuse help. Amen".

Brief prayer charm for family and home

Quite often under the blow negative influences It turns out the house and family. To avoid this, you should put protection for your family with prayer. You can use the help of St. John. Short prayer It will allow to remove the negative and put effective protection.

It is necessary to get around all the rooms at home clockwise with a lit candle, in the process of this, such prayer words should be pricing:

"I appeal, the slave of God (own name) to you the warrior, Saint John. I ask you to bring all your warriors and put them to protect my home around the house, windows and doors. Sawn my house from the troubles and grief, as well as a fence from all sorts of all those who live in it. Amen".

The unbelievable wubble "Seven Crosses" is a very strong prayer that allows you to put a strong defense against a bad eye for the whole family. It is necessary to read in complete privacy and focus. It is important to tune in to the positive and stop blaming someone in your troubles. The time of pronouncing prayer words should be submitted that the protective cocoon closes you.

You need to light seven church candles And to speak seven times such words, constantly autumning with a congestion space around him:

"I, the Slave of God (own name) protection for yourself, I impose my own home and your family in seven crosses. The cross from the Earth to Heaven will reliably protect me, as he is from our Lord, from the son of his Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, from the Blessed Virgin Mary, from my guardian angel. Closed with crosses all the inputs are unclean for discontinuities. Seven reliable locks to the house will supervise, closing it by protecting it from all sorts of trouble, will reign in it peace and comfort. The first castle will protect against trouble; The second - prevents the chance; The third - will save from Gorky tears, the fourth - will save from theft, the fifth - protects from poverty; Sixth - will save from the rhodes of scary, seventh - will provide the overall protection of my space. All the locks put in one unite and the key from him will end. I believe in justice and the mercy of God. Amen".