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Conspiracy from damage to the cross. Waper on a native cross

The strongest plot of the cross.

The cross is made of two hair tied crossing the cross. Conspiracy to read four times on bandaged hair, after which they must be wrapped in a piece of paper.

Then this piece of paper shove into the shoe, walk so far, and then burn on the open fire.

And those who live in country housesYou do not need to burn in a stove or fireplace, because the stove (fireplace) is a keeper of home energy. It will be better if it remains clean from the objects spoken from loneliness. Take a saucer and candle. This will be enough.

Words of conspiracy

Cross Cross Cross. The man was born, the cross was watered, and Satan contacted, God became famous. We will be alive, healthy with God's cover. In the name of the Trescent Trinity now and are also confined and forever. Amen.

There are situations where you need to personally meet people who are unpleasant to you and, as you think, can harm you, smooth in a word or affair.

The most efficient and simple defense against someone else's unkind eyes is to separate the person unpleasant to you.

Do this is not really done. It is enough just to imagine that there is an obstacle between you. Imagine a wall, such as thick glass. Your task is to imagine what it is: Matte or brilliant, somewhere on it, the sun is spinning, and a person speaking with you, you hear somehow deafly, like from another room.

In a word, you need to draw this wall in your imagination as real as possible. Imagine the words that the person is unpleasant to you fly away from this wall like balls. They cannot overcome your wall under any circumstances.

The more you present this, the stronger your defense.

If you need to protect against a bad eye, not only yourself, but also other people (loved ones, children), you should present yourself with them within your wall. As soon as the black picture was formed in your head.

Tell the words of this conspiracy

White eye gray eye, ore eyes, black eye! Joyful Ureki, hung Ureki, go to clean fields, in green meadows. In clear fields, in green meadows there is an oak the bellist: the birds are sitting bright on that oak, sing songs. Do not go the songs of the Lord to listen, Jesus Christ himself will come. The Mrs. The Mother of God will take away from me (your name) Ureki, incurred to the stump, in the swamp, in the rotten decks. And now and confessed and forever. Amen.

Protect yourself from the evil eye and an unkind word can be mentally the hell between you and your ill-wisher. So you share yourself and does not give him (she) to do his black business.

Conspiracy transverse trait

And grandmothers in the old days, entering someone else's house, where your ill-wishers may be, just in case, look at some crossbar: beam, cornice, threshold and sentenced this: and how you, the threshold, lie across, so their words across will go, From me we will allocate .nt.

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The most difficult when carrying out this love ritual, it is to find an opportunity to imperceptibly take a native cross of your favorite person to perform magical work, and then return it back, so that you yourself fasten the chain with a cross on his neck and did not cause any suspicion. A positive result of such a love spell is possible only in the case of a clear fulfillment of all recommendations, that is, no changes, even the most insignificant in your opinion, cannot be made in the ritual.

And if you do not feel neither forces, nor confidence, neither opportunity in carrying out such a love spell, then you can choose either another, more suitable for you a lovely vorozhba, or seek professional help to the witch or sorcerer, perfectly owned by love magic . After all, an experienced person always knows his work and will help you quickly, effectively and without consequences to solve your problem.

Ritual - Method of Primitude

To perform the attitude to the native cross on their own, you need to prepare three wax in advance church candles, shallow packaging with holy water and, in fact, the cross himself. When you go to the church for candles and water, be sure to leave a generous donation to the needs of the Church and serve the alms asking for the gate. With this action you make a deposit, and protect yourself from negative consequences holding a love ritual. Therefore, do not forget and do not skimp. This is good to you.

How come home, put the container to the center of the room, close all windows and doors, fill the container with holy water. Around the container, arrange in the form of a triangle and burn candles from one match. Lower the cross of your beloved into the water, go down to your knees, hit your hands into the castle, close your eyes and pronounce about ten minutes such words:

"I am a native cross Conspiring, his beloved to himself and I will give a strong feeling. It will be bored for me, to raise, and his heart is an ardent love to glow. "

Discover your eyes, lower the right hand in the bowl and slightly spray yourself with holy water. Now let the candles in the water and leave everything for an hour. After that, you can remove the cross from the water. From other ritual accessories, you can get rid of any way convenient for you.

And now for three days your task returns his beloved person and fasten the chain with a cross on his neck. As soon as you do this, the imaginary impact is activated, and will work for three years.

Let me remind you that if your chosen one is married, or lives and meets with another woman, do not forget about the obligatory holding of the ritual of the Ostuda or the ragravers to remove the rival on the way.

The ritual is not very difficult, you can spend when certain conditions It is quite easy. But if it does not suit you, look at the other ways in the section about the love spells on my site.

Black magicians, time from time, make special. It is called damage to the cross. This is a very serious blow, which is almost impossible to prevent.

The fact is that the usual damage works in aura on astrally or metal level. That is, the thoughts and emotions of the object are refined.

How to indoor

The damage to the cross penetrates all the subtle fields. It affects fate.

Most often negative impact It is used in order to reset the load of problems from one soul to another.

It's time for a cross is not always ordered by the client.

A black magician can bring it to her own purposes. He constantly pumps, aghes his karma. And then not to suffer, it gives such a cargo to random people or enemies through the cross.

  • The sorcerer goes to the temple. With you, he carries a cross.
  • It costs all the time of service in one place.
  • In the right hand, the cross is unnoticed, and the left is baptized. This can even learn in the church. It will be a spacious robe.

The cross can not be kept in his pocket or clamping the palm. It must absorb the spirit of holiness, but reflect him into hell. To do this, the cross is held in an inverted standing all the time while the service goes.

Then the cross come true.

If the damage was ordered, it is transferred to the victim. As soon as a person touched his hands, fate will make a very steep turn in the negative side.

When the magician holds a rite for himself, he throws a cross on the street in a crowded place. The one who will pick it up and will be a victim of damage. Be careful with such finds!


The sacrifice of the damage seems to fall into a different dimension. Believe me, it is not a figure of speech. So there is really. Fate breaks sharply.

Only at first the man himself does not understand this and, naturally, does not feel. But on a thin plan it is already seen that fate cut off.

Begins notes, terrible, painful. About troubles and misfortunes do not even be mentioned. They will now be constant satellites of the poor.

Scary completely different. You know, each person has its own purpose. One work on the grand projects, to other people to communicate, the third to educate or give birth.

All have a mission. It must be performed. Evasion is considered to sin. A common person This is not thinking about it. Lives yourself as it turns out.

And it is just fine. He is leading from heaven, where it is necessary.

Other thing, if the damage is hooked on the cross. This connection with an angel is instantly breaking. Rather, the heavenly patron remains nearby, but can no longer help.

As if the sacrifice of the damage was in the scaffle. A person is visible and audible, and it is impossible to reach it. By the way, the surrounding also seems so. A person is changing in front of her eyes.

He ceases to be interested in what was previously carried away, and nothing else too. Even outwardly can be seen, as if some cargo firmly took a position on his shoulders and presses, as an additional planet.

The sacrifice visually becomes a sutural, bred, as if lower than the growth.

This person is perceived by others, too differently, hostile, with contempt. His societies avoid, sometimes, frankly ignore.


This type of damage is applied to transfer their trouble to another. This damage is ordered only by a specialist.

Of course, you can find the words of a special spell and repeat the sorcerer's rite described above, if you want strongly.

Just do not do this. You can not live until the end of the rite.

The fate of each person is guarded. If without knowledge and skills to interfere in it, then get full in response. Do not risk. Pulling to a native cross makes a specialist.

Then the negative carrier is transferred to the victim. His not necessarily wear.

Even in the house, the cross will work. To get rid of the negative, the cross should be thrown into the current water, but.

On the golden cross

Also a special rite. The subject is used when the damage is suggested. Very scary and sinful occupation.

Most often, this kid chooses a magician to himself in the disciples. He does this because of his considerations. However, the child should indicate the path that he determined the sorcerer.

For this, a cross of gold is spoken and hang to a child on the neck. From this point on, the fate of the child is predicted. He will also become a black sorcerer if he does not perish.

Unfortunately, the child to save is almost impossible. Only sometimes Higher power Give him the joy of getting rid of terrible fate by unscreacted death.

Parents are grieved immensely, not understanding what the Lord saved the baby. After all, immersed in the darkness of evil witchcraft, the soul can no longer refer to the light.

How to determine

The simplest thing, if you got troubles, start remembering. If you picked up a cross or we were given such, then you will definitely check for the presence of a specialist. And the sooner you do, the more likely that fate can be returned.

It is advisable to ask the loved ones that the trouble happened to whether they did not happen to pick a cross in a crowded place.

They themselves may not suspect the witchcraft attack, but it means that fate will lose forever.

If you can't remember the events from which the though countded, go to the fortuneteller or go to the Village to the village. Unfortunately, it is impossible to diagnose this type of damage.

It's very well done. And about enemies that allegedly brought damage on you yourself, you can not worry.

An ordinary person is not forces. And do not believe those who approve the opposite.

How to remove

Here you also have nothing to please. It is necessary to look for a strong magician, in order to correct such injustice. And this is also not easy.

Not any specialist can work at such a level. Therefore, it is advisable to regularly report to the lead. And better from different. Do not sit Sydney.

With a damage, you should work constantly so that it does not take hold of the soul. Cut the rites themselves, go to the grandmother, until the real magician is detected.

And the more often you will become, the faster the road will open to salvation. Sometimes the magic and itself occurs like in a fairy tale.

Is it possible to wear someone else's cross:
If a foreign cross hit you in my hands, and it doesn't matter how it happened - whether someone had given to you, they were inherited or even just found, then naturally the question arises about the possibility of his wearing. You can wear someone else's cross, people often ask forums and other sites. There is no unambiguous answer to this question, but we will try to highlight the two most common opinions on this account: the opinion of the Church and the opinion of psychics and superstitious people.
What the church thinks
When the priests ask the question of whether it is possible to wear someone else's cross, their response is most often unequivocal - yes, you can. After all, for Orthodox Christians, the cross on the neck is not some kind of magical attribute or something else in this way. The cross on the neck of the Orthodox is a symbol of his faith.
The faith of many in the fact that together with a stranger crosser adopt all the concerns, troubles and even the fate of the former owner, most often founded on the wrong interpretation of the words of the Bible. The Bible says that Jesus called to take all his cross and go behind him. Under the cross in this context, the tests that fell to the share of the believer are understood. A native cross, worn under baptism, not at all.
Also, the clergymen call no pay attention to various superstitions and signs, because everyone knows that the church is completely denied. As many father says: a believer should not be superstitious and fear of anything.
What are the psychics and superstitious people
Their opinion is somewhat different from the opinion of the clergy. Many people believe that they put on someone else's cross, you can adopt other people's parables or trouble. Sometimes in the people you can meet stories about how a person, putting someone else's cross, almost repeated the fate of his former owner. More often you can meet the stories about how with the help of a cross on a person they brought some damage. Believe in this or not - the personal matter of every person.
Psychics recommend not to pick out other people's cross on the road, but especially, at intersections, because damage can be reduced. They also advise not to take crosses as a gift from people who are configured hostile towards you and do not want goodness. If you still raised the found cross or gave you this thing, that is, two options for solving the problem: to attribute the cross to the church and give, or again attribute it to the church, but not to give, but simply sanctify. In no case can not throw a cross, especially if you are baptized man.
If the cross moved by inheritance
Often in many families from generation to generation are transmitted any valuable things or decorations. If you are inherited a native cross, you can wear it. However, again, it is better to pre-condemn it in the church. If you do not go to church, you can simply hold a cross under the running water for some time to wash off from it someone else's energy.
The answer to the question is whether it is possible to wear someone else's bearing or not, everyone has already found it for himself. In any case, if you are given any doubts or fear, just sanctify this subject in the church or give up for donations and nothing terrible will not happen, because a native cross is a symbol of faith in God and a symbol of what you accept his protection. ...
Native cross.
How to talk a native cross for life to be long and happy?
For long I. happy life, Anyone from the newlyweds, on any day after the wedding, should go to the temple and buy an ordinary wooden native cross, to consecrate it there and immediately go home without looking back.

Upon return, you need to light the wax candle and a small container fill with holy water. Take the cross for the lace (chain) right hand, Position it over the water surface and read the conspiracy 7 times:

In my house four corners, and the cross has four end. Some cross in the house lie down, hit away to drive, the goodness of God and rest to guard. May it be so!

Water spray in all corners of each room. Candle must burn completely. Remove the wax to the intersection. Cross hide near icons.
Native cross. \\\\
Conspiracy-charm from damage (on a native cross)
We speak the native cross, and he becomes a very strong faith.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Cross - Baptist, Cross - Saint, Cross - Beauty Church, Peel - The Guardian of the All Universe, Cross - Demons Radiation, Cross - Ulcers. And now and confessed and forever. Amen. I will stand, the slave of God (name), blessing, go, cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate, in a clean field, on the blue Okian-Sea. On the blue Okian-Sea, in the pure field there is a white bubble birch - the mother of the Most Holy Mother of God. I, I, Slave God (name), conquer and pray, worship on all the parties: Major Maty, the Most of the Virgin Mary, help, assumed to me, the servant of God (name), to discharge the parables and proud, wind negotiations, interior fractures, from bone, With a brain, with white veins, from clear eyes, with a rival of heart, from a riveted head, from thirty bones, from Tridently lived, from a single margin of the veins, the wife of God from the Slave of God. Always, now and confessed and forever. Key words, castle thoughts. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Source alla_korn ***
Waper on a native cross
Curlee this charm on a native cross 12 times.
This guard is very strong, it is difficult to kill and remove it,
If such a cross is lowered into water,
It becomes cleansing.

\\ "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Align.
Lord Jesus Christ, God,
Save us with your honest cross
Cross on me Rabi God (name).
The cross and the enemy will be worried
Cross and thief will turn out
Cross and Shoebug the Stone will turn
Cross and runs all Besca strength
Cross and sorcerers barrier.
Cross Cross and all enemies won.
Cross Church Beauty,
Cross martyrs praise
Cross Angels Glory,
Cross shazv demon.
I'll close the cross, approved the cross,
Cross on me God's slave (name).
Cross sanctification
Cross healing,
Cross from all troubles deliverance.
Cross Lord Glory
On me strong guard.
Savorova hand, Christ print.
Bless the Lord.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Protection to a native cross.
Rite - protection for a native crop baby from 1 year to 16 years.

The rite is carried out on a growing moon on Wednesday from 12 to 15 pm.
On the table covered with a white tablecloth to install a semicircle icons:
1. IR. \\ "IS.HR. Altage holder \\"
2. IR. Etc. The Mother of God \\ "Seven Straightened \\" (it is also called - softening evil hearts \\ ")
3. IR. \\ "Archangel Mikhail and Gabriel \\"
4. Each icon on church candle.
5. With the right of themselves, we put a small cup with holy water.
6. In the center of the table we put a silver cross consecrated in the church and pre-smooth in holy water. (Three gases omit in the bowl with holy water and wet put on the middle of the table)
7. Wrong candles from Lev on the right and read prayers:

\\ "Our Father ... \\" - 3 Zraza (I hope everyone knows)

\\ "Seven Stracean \\" - 3 times.

\\" ABOUT, Holy Deva. Maria, Queen Angels, Heaven and Earth, consolation of my. The predicted laddy, the zealous intercession of the whole human race! Miraculous icon Your pray. You have patients with healing, lost correction and permission. Whether I am a mentaire and an intercession in front of the breath of the Most High. To whom to contact me, how not to you a rattle wife of our God. Help me weak. Sorrow sorrow my and sadness, healed and save me. To cleanse my mind from sinful thoughts, I will accept Molubo, from the heart and heart, save and seek and give me the grace of the Holy Spirit. Risa my cut me from any evil. Tool a storm of evil enemy attacks and save me from slander, naval evil people. Hear my voice, I do not open the face of your clear sinful sinning sins in the sea. Having me in the evil deeds of my, turning the right loud, the looked out of my soul. We succeed at the Most High God and the Son of the Savior of our Jesus Christ, the Holy Prayers forgiveness by grave my sins. We have all your hopes on you. Feed me a help hand. Protect me from enemies visible and not visible, from in vain death, and give me before the death of repentance. Get rid of demons per hour of death. You and death rest. Get rid of me from any trouble and attack. If we are covering and consolation from all sorts of circumstances, from hunger, coward, flood, fire, sword, deadly virus and ulcers. Spearing the master of the omnipresent God of our bodily health and peaceful salvation, pious and peaceful living, the fruit of the earth and the blessing with the above on all the good deeds and new undertakings that I could glorify you. Do not prize with my tears, asking you. Protect me from thieves and human persecution, damage, evil eye, curses. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Vernelize the evil to those who brought this attack on me in a triple size. Fencing and guarding my family from all hostile encroachments and discontinuities of Dvolan, from fights and scandals. Take out every anger on me, coming from relatives. Priographs of all my relatives and beloved people with each other. Give them time to repentance. Bless my family on the world, happiness and peace. Strong and approve my house. Relief from imprisonment in the dungeon unhappy my soul, be my merciful intercession in the earthly court. Ascertaining my wise prayers to the throne of the Most High, his mind. Blessed Lady, do not bring my tears and frills, do not forget me all the days of my life, always come with me. Your intercession and climbing of the Lord will be a fade and consolation, protection and help. Yes, I will praise and magnify the predicted and mutual name of yours. Amen\\"

\\ "Archangelm \\" - 3rd

\\ "Holy Angels of God's: Mikhail, Gabriel, Rafail, Uryal, Selphil, Mexi, Varahail!
Slit from the slaves of God (name) with the lightning room with its swords of the Spirit of the Decorative, tempting the slave of God (name).
Oh, the great archrests of God, Mikhail and Gabriel - the winners of the demons! Were and crushing all enemies The slaves of God (name) visible and not visible, and the mind of the Lord of the Altage, and save and save the slave of God (name) Lord from sorry and from any disease, from all the troubles, from deadly ulcers and in vain death. Healing many body diseases and souls slaves of God (name). Bless the slave of God (name) put the beginning of the good, correcting its life. The mind of the Lord God, can save her from hell of hell, from damage to the evil eye, curse, an accident, from all enemies of visible and non-visible and premature death. Now and are confessed and in the eyelids of the ages of Main \\ "

After reading the prayers to drop into a cross on one drop from each candle and read the plot of the cross - 3 times.

\\ "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
Cross - Baptist, Cross - Saint, Cross - Beauty Church, Cross - Guardian of All Universe, Cross - Demons Radiation, Cross Ulcers. And now and confessed and forever. Amen.
I will stand, the slave of God (name) is blessed, I will go to cross, out of doors in the door, from the gate to the gate, in a clean field, on the blue ocean-sea. On the blue ocean - the sea, in the pure field there is a white bubble birch, and the Mother of the Mother of the Mother of God, the Mother of the Mother of God. She, I, Slave God (name) conquer and pray, and ask: - Most Maty Most Holy Mother of God, help, allow me to discount God (name) to discharge the parables and proud, windy negotiations, interior fractures, with bones, with a brain, with white Residents with clear eyes, from the rheetic heart, from the rainy head, from the thirty bones, from Tridently, lived, from a single stall of the veins, the ozo of all the Woman's slaves (name). Blesses the Mother of the Most Holy Mother of God, this is a cross, for the slaves of God (name). The key to my words, my thoughts castle. Always, now and confessed and forever. Amen. Amen. Amen.\\"

After reading the conspiracy icons with candles, we put near the cross in the form of a triangle, until full combustion of the candles. When all the candles are burned - the wub is ready.
Conspiracy: Protection against damage on christenings
It's no secret that the baptism of a person is energetically one of the strongest rites, during which they can not only harm the one who takes the baptism, but also to be at his expense. That is why the people say: "Someone comes to be baptized, and someone comes to it to get to it." That is why, when you go to the church to get a child or join the Lono of the Church, you need to follow some rules to protect yourself from trouble.
Watch that when baptism does not go out and your candle has fallen. If anyone has someone asks a candle with baptism, refuse, as it can end bad for you or your child.
You can not be baptized in a stranger, as well as a cross who got inheritance. The cross should be every one.
It should not be given to the sheet, which you wip away the baby after the baptism rite or yourself. This shortening should be preserved, as it is endowed big powers. If your child someday, God forbid, sick, then you can accelerate his recovery with her help. For this you only need to wipe the baby with a sheet, saying the conspiracy:
Than the slave of God (name) was baptized,
Those and from the kobor to be booed.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and in the eyelids. Amen.
Having done so, you will soon see if the extraordinary strength of the baptismal sheet, since the child after this rite will definitely go to the amendment.
Buying a native cross, do not take delivery from buying, as a last resort, lower it in the donation box (it is usually written "on the temple").
Now in the temples, several people are usually constructed. If among those who take baptism, there are people who bear the same names, then this is considered a bad admission. Better, if you are able to agree on the sacrament personally for you, without the presence of outsiders. You can offer for this service to donate to the temple, and maybe then you will meet.
Pay attention to the fact that in the baptized during baptism the employees do not soap the floor, otherwise they can wash off happiness and health - your or your child.
Near the bastily served alms, even if you are persistently asking for her. If you are ashamed to refuse and give alms, then get ready for the worst, because near the baptized ever just so alms are not asked. Most likely, a person who wanted to treat you or on your child to you.
Make sure that your kums, that is, the godfather's parents of your child, did not drink alcoholic beverages on christening, otherwise your child, becoming an adult, will surely be addicted to alcohol.
When you go to church, remember the next step: the odd number of guests should be present in the church during baptism. And best of all, if, besides you and the godfather, no one else goes into the temple in the temple. Remember that baptism is the sacrament, it means that his witnesses should be as possible less people. Also, do not speak in a row that you are going to baptize the child.
Going to christening, do not wear black clothes, because baptism is a great holiday. So what's the same mourning? In no case, you can not wear trousers, only the skirt is allowed in the temple.
Choosing a name for a child, we should not forget that some names are negative for a person. So, for example, a man, baptized by John, will very often sow a head. (Recompons about John the forerunner who cut off his head.) The name of hell, I think, speaks for itself: nothing good on behalf of, consonant with the word "hell", do not have to wait. The name of Varbara gives a man with a bad character, making it similar to Barbara. If a person is told by Cyril, he will always conflict with others. If you decide to choose a name for your child to sacraticles for your child, remember that in them there are a lot of vintage names, which no one calls children for a long time. Be careful, because if you ever have to treat a child, then you want to make the crossing of the disease on the dead man, risk not finding a suitable grave at the cemetery.
Sometimes the "mortal" damage, and in this case, the zakar advises the patient to cross and change the godname to knock down the enemy's trace. In this case, the sorcerer will read conspiracy, for example, to Galina, not knowing that the victim has long changed the name and now called Tatiana. In this case, damage to a person can no longer be attached, as it simply "will not find". However, I want to warn you that some names cannot be changed in any way, since, first, it is a great sin, and secondly, they are very strong in themselves. The first name is Mary, the name of the Virgin Mary. Second - Anna, Mother's name Blessed Virgin Mary. The third - Olga, the name of the Holy Princess, the first of the rules of Rus taken baptism. If speak about male names, in no case cannot change the name Mikhail, since this is the name of Archangel Mikhail. In general, it is impossible to change the names that the archangels are worn.
Remember times and forever: in no case cannot, in order for the godfather or father to be the same names like a goddle or Kumovyev. Otherwise, it can bring premature death on someone from them.
And last, after the rite of baptism, you must immediately go home, do not drive away or in stores, otherwise the guardian angel, which appeared from you or your child after baptism, will be weak.

The church spell on the cross can be done like a man and a woman. The main thing is that your chosen or chosen one is completely free, that is, they were not married or in a long close relationship with another person.

If there is a rival or rival, be sure to spend the ritual overweight, ostudy or rakears (For information on the topic, see section lapel). And you need to clean the opponent (rival), even if it seems to you that this connection is non-serious and there is no love. Since if people together, it means that there are causes. And these reasons may interfere with action church love spell.

Also, if you have the opportunity, for magical help, of course, it is better to turn to the professional sorcerer or sorcerer. Yet no independent magical practice will give such a long and strong effect compared to what can do for you an experienced master. But if you feel the power and desire to make a magical work with your own hands, then this is also your right. The main thing, do not deviate from the instructions, that is, do not bring any, even the slightest changes in the ritual, as this may entail negative consequences.

The method of love

So, for holding church love spell on the cross you need to purchase in the store new Silver Cross. After that, go to church, take three church candles And approximately liter of holy water. How come home, proceed to the burner.

Pick up the most successful for magic work picture of a loved one. That is, the photo should be the most new, without strangers in the picture. It is important that the attractive object is depicted in full height And the eyes did not cover, for example, sunglasses.

Put a snapshot on the front side to the top. Water break into a convenient transparent bowl. Take the cross and lower it into the holy water. Arrange the candles in the form of a triangle. That is, one candle at the top of the photo, the other two on the edges below. Light them from each other match, starting with the top candle and clockwise. Sit down and look through the bowl in the photo of your loved one and about ten minutes a little heard these words:

"I'll see you, our destinies are tightly tuned. I will conspire the cross, you will wake love in you. "

Place the candles in the same order that they ignited and lower them into the water. Leave everything so on a couple of hours. Then get a cross from the water and wear on the neck, without removing under any circumstances, smoothly week. And then if desired.

Water can be pulled out, throw candles. As a rule, on the eighth-ninth day after holding a church attitude to the cross, the spell begins to work. Of course, this process is gradual, because a perpetary person needs to take his feelings, think about it and only then it will be open for close relationship with you. The power of the disease is designed for a year.

This ritual is easy and easy to make on its own, so to speak, to shim up a loved one at home. But if you do not understand something from my instructions, do not start to work, but ask my advice. You can write on [Email Protected] Or in the comments under the article.